J329546 九、發明說明: -' 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及一種模組化滑軌及滑座結構,係一種獨立 • 於加工機鎊體外’又有別於習用線轨之模組化滑軌及滑座 妹構’使加工機之製造更為快速、簡易及降低加工機之製 造成本者。 【先前技術】 :般的習知加工機,簡單的先以第一及二圖所示,皆 2盥二=多動之'月座,以輔助工件物加工的功能,是以皆 硬執1線Γ时之滑軌裝置及傳動結構,而滑軌又細分有 加工出滑軌,H是是雜和床身是—_鑄造件然後 有直線滾轉軌、直線h承座加導執’通轉滚動導軌’其中 硬執的代表根式,而第導執、滾針導執等,如第—圖所示為 由第1可線軌的代表模式。 呈現多維運動,一般會美 硬軌係與鑄造件一體,為 11,在基部12上則會土座10上加工有第一鳩尾塊滑執 合,形成ζ軸方向的二工有第-鳩尾槽滑執13與之砌 二鳩尾塊滑軌14,相 :部12上更另加工有一第 一第二鸠尾槽滑執16與:^^15料件上’也加工有 方向的位移功能,而為使 ° ^座15具有Υ軸 是以;須在盥平么19i σ y具有X輛方向的位移, 鳩尾槽滑執;7,口方搵貼合之鞍座15上,再增設-第三 18相石切合。下方的第三麟塊滑執 工 由此可知’幾乎財輯件物,最少都需要加 5 1329546 或兩個鳩尾槽、塊,如此大型且頗重的鑄造物,在搬運上 就是一個另人頭痛且有潛在危險的問題,更何況要加工如 此巨大的鑄造件,加工機本身也相當巨大,而引進該種加 工機設備也非一般中小型加工廠能力所及,而鑄造件在 ' 上、下置放在加工機台上,也需使用天車懸吊,有些地方 也無法一次加工完成,須二次加工,所以硬執的製造成本 也相對昂貴,工序上也更為複雜,精度上更是一大考驗。 請再參閱第二及三圖所示,為一般加工機使用線執的 • 實施例,由圖示可知,為達到加工機X、Y、Z軸三維運 動,皆會在構成加工機四大鑄體件,即基座20、鞍座21 及立柱22與主軸頭23等鑄體件,及加工平台24,螺固 有複數組線軌裝置30,而該線執裝置30主要包含有導執 31及内裝有複數滾珠之滑座32,並將其安裝在相對應之 基座20、鞍座21、立柱22、主軸頭23及加工平台24之 間,並結合傳動馬達25及導螺桿26與螺帽套27,形成 加工機的三維運動形態。 φ 雖然,線軌裝置30的運用,_實改善了硬執的一些 加工問題,使鑄體件在加工過程更為簡易及快速,加工工 序及精度的要求也確實較容易達成,然而;由於導執31 為一頗長之細條狀,無法懸空承受載重,必須依附在鑄體 件上,所以只要有導執31置設之處,導執31下都必須要 有鑄體件加以支撐,並需設有基準面之凹槽33供導軌31 貼靠,所以鑄體件依然需維持使用硬執時一樣的龐大,也 依然必須將鑄體件吊上大型加工機,以加工凹槽33供導 執31貼靠螺固,與硬軌模式比較,只有在加工凹槽33比 1329546 加工鸠尾槽、塊簡易,精度也較容易掌握而已,其它部份 並未任何改變。 【發明内容】 本發明係為了改善先前技術之諸多缺失,也為改善硬 軌及線軌模式加工難度及精度問題,另發明出一種模組化 滑軌及滑座結構,使其得以適用於一般中小型加工機,尤 其是在加工機的組裝上及結構設計能更為簡化,而在加工 鑄體件的要求及工序也能降低,並且更能減少鑄體件的體 積與重量,對現今原物料成本的高漲,加工機製造成本也 極速的增加,而本發明則可減少原物料(金屬材料)的用 量,使製造成本大為下降。 如何達到上述的目的,則在於本發明係改變傳統加工 機對滑軌的舊有觀念束缚,若要歸類滑軌形態,本發明依 滑執與滑座的作動而言,則依然還是屬硬軌形態,但跟傳 統習用之鑄體件一體式的硬軌又自不同,本發明硬執係獨 立於鑄體件外,且本身即具備鑄體件功能,如此即可減除 大型鑄體件的設計及其材料。本發明的滑軌截面積為一長 方形形態,以短邊為滑軌與滑座之作動滑移面,在特徵 上;長邊邊長數倍於短邊邊長,以此獲得足夠的承載強 度,也因此滑執將兼具有橫樑的功能,是以可直接廢除鑄 體件的設計,直接由立柱提供一可供滑執置放之承座面即 "5J* 〇 而本發明滑執模組化的結構,係在已完成平面精度加 工後之兩滑執,其頭、尾兩端緣,在大或長端面處設有數 個可穿設螺絲之階級穿孔,相對應該穿孔之滑執内側,各 7 1329546 以一間隔塊將滑軌隔離一適當間距,並以螺絲將該間隔塊 與兩滑執螺固定成一中空之方形狀,由於兩間隔塊係一起 同時與滑座接受加工機械加工,所以兩間隔塊在尺寸及平 行精度將可被確保,而兩滑軌的平行精度將可輕易取得, 滑座將可順利的滑移在兩滑執之間。 另滑座約略為一凸字(或τ字)狀,在與滑軌相對應 邊,一體延伸有一階級狀凸緣,其凸緣底面貼靠在滑軌上 短邊面上,使滑座得以橫跨在滑執上位移,而在滑座底端 • 另螺固一平板與凸緣相對應,該平板凸出滑座部份,則貼 靠在滑執下短邊面上,使滑座穩固的在兩滑軌中間移動; 而在間隔塊上另設有復數穿孔,並以其中一穿孔中心為基 準,在間隔塊上螺固有定位束套,該定位束套並設有一穿 孔,該穿孔中心與間隔塊穿孔中心在同一軸線上,定位束 套穿孔可作為培林座或束固驅動器之用,該培林座上之培 林係供滾珠導螺桿穿設固定,而滑座上則螺固有一螺帽 座,使其與導螺桿相互作用,以驅動滑座滑動位移者。 Φ 由於本發明的模組化滑軌及滑座結構,促使在加工機 製造上更為簡便,只須在加工機方型鑄體件基座相對應的 兩側緣,設有一凸起承座,並進行基準平面之精密加工, 另在與凸起承座成適當夾角之凹形(U形)立柱,其兩凸 出端面亦進行基準平面之精密加工,由於各欲加工之承座 或端面皆為同一加工方向,是以鑄體件不會如傳統因為有 不同加工平面,而需多次的上下加工機械的加工平台,況 且該加工工序,僅是單純之基準平面及鑽孔攻牙,在加工 上相當簡易,且加工難度不高,所以加工成本將有效降J329546 IX. INSTRUCTIONS: - 'Technical field of invention> The present invention relates to a modular slide rail and a slide structure, which is an independent and modularized machine tool. The slide rails and the sliders make the manufacture of the processing machine faster, easier and reduce the manufacturing cost of the processing machine. [Prior Art]: The conventional processing machine is simple, as shown in the first and second figures, both of which are 2盥2=multi-moving 'moon seat, to assist the workpiece processing function. The slide rail device and the transmission structure are arranged in the line, and the slide rail is subdivided into the processed slide rail, the H is the miscellaneous and the bed is - the casting part and then the linear rolling rail, the straight line h socket and the guide 'turning The rolling guide 'in which the hard-core represents the root type, and the guide, the needle guide, etc., as shown in the first figure, is the representative mode of the first line rail. The multi-dimensional movement is presented, generally the solid hard rail system is integrated with the casting piece, and 11 is formed. On the base portion 12, the first tail piece is slid and pressed on the soil seat 10, and the second working and the first tail groove are formed in the direction of the y-axis. Sliding 13 and the two-tailed block slide rail 14, phase: the portion 12 is further processed with a first second dovetail slipper 16 and: ^^15 on the piece of material also processed with a directional displacement function, and In order to make the seat 15 have a Υ axis, it must have a displacement in the X direction of the 19i σ y, and the tail groove is slipped; 7. The saddle is fitted to the saddle 15 and then added - third 18 phase stone is cut. The third squad slapper underneath knows that 'almost for the money, at least 5 1329546 or two dovetails and blocks are needed. Such a large and heavy casting is a headache in handling. And there are potentially dangerous problems, not to mention the processing of such huge castings, the processing machine itself is quite large, and the introduction of this kind of processing equipment is not the ability of small and medium-sized processing plants, and the castings are on the top and bottom. Placed on the processing machine, it also needs to be suspended by the crane. In some places, it can't be processed at one time. It needs secondary processing, so the manufacturing cost of hard handling is relatively expensive, the process is more complicated, and the precision is even more. A big test. Please refer to the second and third figures. For the general processing machine, the embodiment of the line is used. As shown in the figure, in order to achieve the three-dimensional movement of the X, Y and Z axes of the processing machine, it will constitute the four casting machines. The body member, that is, the base member 20, the saddle 21 and the cast member 22 and the spindle head 23, and the processing platform 24, the threaded complex array of rail devices 30, and the line device 30 mainly includes a guide 31 and A slide 32 of a plurality of balls is mounted and mounted between the corresponding base 20, the saddle 21, the column 22, the spindle head 23 and the processing platform 24, and combined with the drive motor 25 and the lead screw 26 and the screw The cap 27 forms a three-dimensional motion of the processing machine. φ Although the use of the track device 30 has improved some of the processing problems of the hard handle, the casting process is easier and faster in the process, and the processing steps and precision requirements are indeed easier to achieve, however; The 31 is a long thin strip that cannot be suspended and bears the load. It must be attached to the casting. Therefore, as long as there is a guide 31, the castings must be supported by the castings. The groove 33 of the reference surface is provided for the guide rail 31 to abut, so the casting body still needs to be as large as the hard-wearing, and the casting body must still be hung on the large processing machine to process the groove 33 for guiding. 31 is close to the screw thread. Compared with the hard rail mode, only the machining groove 33 is more than the 1329546 processing of the tail groove, the block is simple, the precision is easier to grasp, and the other parts are not changed. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is to improve the defects of the prior art, and to improve the difficulty and precision of hard rail and line mode processing, and to invent a modular slide rail and slide structure, which is suitable for general use. Small and medium-sized processing machines, especially in the assembly and structural design of the processing machine, can be simplified, and the requirements and processes for processing the casting parts can be reduced, and the volume and weight of the casting parts can be reduced. The material cost is high, and the processing machine manufacturing cost is also extremely increased. However, the present invention can reduce the amount of raw materials (metal materials), and the manufacturing cost is greatly reduced. How to achieve the above purpose is that the present invention changes the old concept of the traditional processing machine to the slide rail. If the slide rail shape is to be classified, the present invention is still hard in terms of the operation of the slide and the slide. The rail shape, but different from the traditional custom casting body, the hard rail is different from the casting body. The hardening system of the invention is independent of the casting body, and has the function of the casting body itself, so that the large casting body can be reduced. Design and its materials. The sliding rail cross-sectional area of the invention is a rectangular shape, and the short side is the sliding surface of the sliding rail and the sliding seat, and the characteristic is long; the long side is several times longer than the short side, thereby obtaining sufficient bearing strength. Therefore, the sliding handle will have the function of the beam, so that the design of the casting body can be directly abolished, and the bearing surface of the sliding column can be directly provided by the column, that is, the "5J* 〇" The modular structure is the two slidings after the plane precision machining has been completed. The head and tail end edges are provided with several class piercings for threading at the large or long end faces. On the inner side, each of the 1 1329546 is separated by a spacer block by a suitable spacing, and the spacer block and the two sliding snails are fixed by screws into a hollow square shape, and the two spacer blocks are simultaneously processed and processed with the sliding seat. Therefore, the size and parallel accuracy of the two spacers will be ensured, and the parallel accuracy of the two slides will be easily obtained, and the slide will smoothly slide between the two slides. The other sliding seat is approximately a convex (or τ-shaped) shape, and a flange is integrally extended on the side corresponding to the sliding rail, and the bottom surface of the flange abuts against the short side surface of the sliding rail, so that the sliding seat can be Displaces across the slide, and at the bottom end of the slide. • Another flat plate corresponds to the flange. The flat plate protrudes from the slide portion and abuts against the short side of the slide to make the slide. Steady moving between the two slide rails; and a plurality of perforations are additionally arranged on the spacer block, and the sleeve is inherently positioned on the spacer block with a perforation center, and the positioning sleeve is provided with a perforation The center and the perforation center of the spacer block are on the same axis, and the positioning sleeve piercing can be used as a Palin seat or a beam-fixing driver. The Palin seat on the Palin seat is fixed by the ball lead screw, and the sliding seat is screwed. There is a nut holder that interacts with the lead screw to drive the slide to slide the displacement. Φ Due to the modular slide rail and the slide structure of the invention, the manufacture of the processing machine is facilitated, and only a corresponding bearing seat is provided on the opposite side edges of the base of the square casting body of the processing machine. And the precision machining of the reference plane, and the concave (U-shaped) column at a proper angle with the convex socket, the two convex end faces are also precisely processed by the reference plane, due to the socket or end face to be processed All of them are in the same processing direction, so that the casting parts are not traditionally processed because of different processing planes, and the machining platform of the upper and lower processing machines is required. Moreover, the processing steps are only simple reference planes and drilling and tapping. It is quite simple in processing and the processing difficulty is not high, so the processing cost will be effectively reduced.
L S 8 1329546 低,且由於滑執兼具有橫樑之功能,鑄體件結構將因此改 變,只須形成方型框架結構,中間可為鏤空方式,在立柱 部份也可為凹型立柱即可,橫樑部份將直接由滑執取代, 如此將可很大程度的減少鑄體件材料的使用,重量上也將 被輕量化,對降低製造成本有相當明顯的功效。 另外,如何將本發明結構固定在機台,也是本發明重 點之一,利用加工機鑄體件在加工基準平面,以作為安置 本發明結構的同時,直接在該基準平面處銑設複數鍵槽, φ 該鍵槽將與卡固裝置的定位件底部鍵槽相對應,使定位件 在鑄體件的加工過程中,即已被靠著精密的加工機械運算 之加工過程,而事先被定義在鑄體件基準平面之適當位 置,在固定其中定位件位置後,本發明之模組化滑軌及滑 座結構,即可以靠邊的方式,將整組結構貼靠在該定位 件,另定位件上端則可螺設一迫壓件,該迫壓件一端可凸 伸出定位件並可迫壓在滑執,使滑執得以被穩固定位在鑄 體件之基準平面上,而定位件亦設有一螺栓以作為微調 Φ 者。是以本發明的滑執與滑座間之模組化結構設計,將可 使加工機的製造及組裝更為簡易、快速及多樣化,也更能 有效的降低加工機之製造成本,實具『新穎性』、『進步性』 及產業的『實用性』。 為了明瞭本發明之目的、技術内容與優點,茲舉較佳 實施例並配合圖式詳細說明如下。 【實施方式】 本發明關於一種模組化滑執及滑座結構40,如第四〜 八圖所示,其主要包含有表面經過精密加工的兩滑執41、 9 1329546 兩間隔塊42、滑座50、卡固裝置60及驅動器70及滾珠 導螺桿71,其中; 該滑執41截面積為一方形狀,長邊邊長數倍於短邊 邊長,頭、尾兩側緣,設有穿孔411供螺絲412穿設,螺 絲412可用以將間隔塊42螺固在兩滑軌41的頭、尾兩端 内側,使滑執41與間隔塊42組合成尤如一方形框架體結 構。 一滑座50 ;係作為螺固主軸51或加工平台52之載 • 具,其結構上近似一凸字(T字)狀,也就是在其與滑執41 相對應邊之上緣,突出有一階級狀凸緣53,並藉由凸緣 53在已經過精密加工之底面54,直接貼靠在滑執41上短 邊面,也可在底面54及滑執41的上短邊面之間,置入一 材質硬度小於滑執41之抽換式襯片55,以保護滑執41 不置磨損,該襯片55為耐磨材料,且可由穿過凸緣53上 之螺孔57的螺絲56,鎖固在凸緣53底部與滑執41之上 短邊面之間,而在滑座50階級凸緣53的相對應底部,另 φ 螺固有一炎板56,其有兩邊長度延伸出滑座50外徑,且 作用在滑執41的下短邊面上,使滑座50得以藉由上方之 凸緣53及下方之夾板56,在兩間隔塊42間的滑軌41上 位移,而滑座50另固設有一螺帽72,該螺帽72受滾珠 導螺桿71作動,使滑座50得以隨滾珠導螺桿71旋轉而 移動;而在滑座50上可依需要,螺固一主轴51或一加工 平台52者。 兩間隔塊42,其相作用於滑執41長邊的端面,各設 有數螺紋孔(圖面未示),該螺紋孔係作為穿過滑軌41穿 1329546 孔411之螺絲412所螺設,以促使間隔塊42得以固定在 兩滑軌41之間,並形成一穩固的方形框架結構,而在間 隔塊42大的端面上另設有穿孔421,其週緣又設有數螺 孔422以供螺絲螺固一定位束套43,該束套43在對應於 該穿孔421處,亦同時設有一對應的貫穿孔43卜以作為 置設支撐滚珠導螺桿71之培林44,及夾設驅動器70使 其心軸聯結並驅動滾珠導螺桿71與滑座50上之螺帽72 作動,帶動滑座50在滑執41上位移,另在該定位束套 • 43從一端面破開有一長槽432至貫穿孔431,使貫穿孔 431可受外力作用適當變形,並配合迫緊螺絲433微調, 使束套43貫穿孔431具有束緊及鬆脫功能者。 另請參閱第四及五圖所示,為使滑軌41組件能穩固 精密的定位在加工機台,提供加工機X、Y軸移動功能, 特在加工機基座80及其立柱81上,設有供滑軌41置放 之基準平面82、83及定位鍵槽821、831,該定位鍵槽821、 831藉由一定位鍵84而與卡固裝置60的定位件61底端 φ 的定位槽611相石切合。 數卡固裝置60,係作為滑軌41組件固定在加工機台 上之定位裝置,主要有一如凸字形之定位件61及迫壓件 62,該定位件61底端為一精密加工過之基準端面,並在 端面上開設有一定位鍵槽611,並藉由一定位鍵84與加 工機台上之基準平面82、83定位鍵槽相彻合,使定位件 61得以精準穩固的,以螺栓612螺固在加工機台的基準 平面82、83上,並為滑執41所貼靠者,而在定位件61 上端面,亦為精密加工之平面,且設有兩個及以上之螺紋 1329546 孔613,供穿過迫壓件62穿孔621之螺栓622螺鎖,而 將迫壓件62螺固其上,且該迫壓件622延伸凸出於定位 件61之一端623,可迫壓在滑軌41的上短邊面,使滑執 41得以穩固在基準平面82、83上,另為達到微調目的, 在定位件61與滑軌41相對應作用面,設有一貫穿之螺紋 孔614,以供一微調螺栓615螺入並頂抵在滑執41之長 邊面,並可隨著較正的誤差量而作為適當的微調之用。 請參閱第六圖所示,在加工機基座80上的卡固裝置 φ 60,亦可單純由為一長條塊體之迫壓件62”、鎖固螺絲 622”及基準平面82上之螺紋孔822組合而成,該迫壓件 62”兩端直接橫跨在兩滑軌41上短邊面上,同時以兩螺栓 622”穿過該迫壓件62”所預設之穿孔621”後,直接螺固在 基準平面82上之螺紋孔822,使迫壓件62”將滑軌41迫 壓固定在基準平面82上,而螺栓622”除提供迫壓力量 外,其露空外徑洽可抵於滑執41内侧之長邊端面,使滑 軌41得以具有貼靠之基準,在基座80上的滑執41固定 φ 後,在以其為基準,調整立柱81上另一滑執41組件以達 到兩組滑軌41組件成一垂直角度者。 由於本發明模組化滑執及滑座結構的特殊設計,使的 滑軌41本身兼具有橫樑之功能,是以在加工機之鑄體件 的結構,可完全簡化,如基座80可僅為一方型中空框架 型態,除了框體鑄件外,中間部份直接去除成鏤空方式, 而立柱81也可成一凹字型態,如此將可大為節少鑄件材 料,重量將大為降低,鑄體件的結構也趨向簡易,而鑄體 件的基準面加工也更為簡單,在精度上更可能有效掌握, 1329546 在組裝上也更為快速,且本發明可適用於相當多種之加工 機械,實具『新穎性』及『進步性』,援依法提出專利權 之申請。 惟以上所述,僅為本發明之較佳實施例而已,當不能 以此限定本發明之實施範圍,即凡依本發明申請專利範圍 及說明書内容所作之簡單變化及修飾,皆仍屬本發明專利 之涵蓋範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為一習用使用硬軌模式之加工機立體分解示意圖。 第二圖為另一習用使用線執模式之加工機結構示意圖。 第三圖為習用線軌模式之局部放大示意圖。 第四圖為本發明使用在加工機態樣之立體示意圖。 第五圖為本發明滑座及滑軌及卡固裝置固定在立柱上之 剖面示意圖。 第六圖為本發明在基座上以另一種卡固裝置固定之剖面 示意圖。 第七圖為本發明滑座凸緣與襯片及滑執之結構關係示意 圖。 第八圖為本發明基座上之滑軌為另一種卡固裝置固定之 立體示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 40模組化滑執及滑座結構 41滑軌 411 ( 421、621、621,,)穿孔 412 ( 56)螺絲 42間隔塊LS 8 1329546 is low, and due to the function of the sliding and the beam, the structure of the casting body will be changed. It is only necessary to form a square frame structure, the hollowing manner in the middle, and the concave column in the column part. The beam part will be directly replaced by the slippery, which will greatly reduce the use of the casting material and the weight will be lighter, which has a considerable effect on reducing the manufacturing cost. In addition, how to fix the structure of the invention on the machine platform is also one of the key points of the present invention. The machining body casting part is used to machine the reference plane to arrange the structure of the invention, and the plurality of key grooves are directly milled at the reference plane. φ The keyway will correspond to the bottom keyway of the positioning part of the securing device, so that the positioning part is defined in the casting part before the machining process of the casting part, that is, by the processing of the precise machining machine. The appropriate position of the reference plane, after fixing the position of the positioning member therein, the modular sliding rail and the sliding seat structure of the present invention can be placed on the positioning member by the side, and the upper end of the positioning member can be The screw is provided with a pressing member, and one end of the pressing member can protrude from the positioning member and can be pressed against the sliding, so that the sliding handle can be stably fixed on the reference plane of the casting body, and the positioning member is also provided with a bolt as a Fine tune Φ. The modular structure design between the sliding handle and the sliding seat of the invention can make the manufacturing and assembly of the processing machine easier, faster and more diversified, and can also reduce the manufacturing cost of the processing machine more effectively. "Newness", "progressiveness" and the "practicality" of the industry. In order to clarify the objects, technical contents and advantages of the present invention, the preferred embodiments are described in detail below with reference to the drawings. [Embodiment] The present invention relates to a modular sliding and sliding seat structure 40, as shown in the fourth to eighth figures, which mainly comprises two sliding surfaces 41, 9 1329546, two spaced blocks 42 and sliding surfaces. The seat 50, the fixing device 60 and the driver 70 and the ball guiding screw 71, wherein the sliding portion 41 has a cross-sectional area of one shape, the long side is several times longer than the short side, and the front and rear sides are provided with perforations. 411 is provided for the screw 412. The screw 412 can be used to screw the spacer block 42 to the inner side of the head and the tail of the two slide rails 41, so that the slide 41 and the spacer block 42 are combined into a square frame structure. a sliding seat 50; as a carrier of the screw-solid spindle 51 or the processing platform 52, the structure is approximately a embossed (T-shaped) shape, that is, at the upper edge of the edge corresponding to the sliding 41, one protruding The step-like flange 53 is directly abutted against the short side surface of the slide 41 by the flange 53 on the bottom surface 54 which has been precisely machined, or between the bottom surface 54 and the upper short side of the slide 41. A removable lining 55 having a material hardness smaller than that of the slide 41 is placed to protect the slid 41 from wear. The lining 55 is a wear resistant material and can be passed through a screw 56 passing through a screw hole 57 in the flange 53. Locked between the bottom of the flange 53 and the short side surface of the sliding 41, and at the corresponding bottom of the sliding flange 50 of the sliding seat 50, another φ screw inherently an inflamed plate 56 having a length of both sides extending out of the sliding seat 50 outer diameter, and acting on the lower short side surface of the slide 41, so that the slide 50 can be displaced on the slide rail 41 between the two spacer blocks 42 by the upper flange 53 and the lower clamp 56, and slide The seat 50 is additionally provided with a nut 72. The nut 72 is actuated by the ball lead screw 71 to move the slider 50 with the rotation of the ball lead screw 71; and on the slide 50 A spindle 51 or a processing platform 52 is screwed as needed. The two spacer blocks 42 are disposed on the end faces of the long sides of the slides 41, and each of them is provided with a plurality of threaded holes (not shown) which are screwed as screws 412 which pass through the slide rails 41 through the holes 411 of the 1329546. In order to prevent the spacer block 42 from being fixed between the two slide rails 41, and forming a stable square frame structure, a through hole 421 is further provided on the large end surface of the spacer block 42, and a plurality of screw holes 422 are provided on the periphery thereof for the screw. A screw sleeve 43 is disposed, and the sleeve 43 is correspondingly disposed at the hole 421, and a corresponding through hole 43 is also provided as a lining 44 for arranging the ball guide screw 71, and the driver 70 is disposed. The mandrel is coupled to drive the ball lead screw 71 and the nut 72 on the sliding seat 50 to actuate, the sliding block 50 is displaced on the sliding handle 41, and the positioning sleeve 43 is broken from an end surface by a long slot 432 to The through hole 431 allows the through hole 431 to be appropriately deformed by an external force, and is finely adjusted with the tightening screw 433, so that the sleeve 43 through hole 431 has a tightening and loosening function. Please also refer to the fourth and fifth figures. In order to make the components of the slide rail 41 securely and accurately positioned on the processing machine, the X and Y axis movement functions of the processing machine are provided, especially on the processing machine base 80 and its column 81. The reference planes 82 and 83 for the slide rails 41 and the positioning keyways 821 and 831 are provided. The positioning key grooves 821 and 831 are aligned with the positioning holes 611 of the bottom end φ of the positioning member 61 of the fastening device 60 by a positioning key 84. The stone is in line. The plurality of fastening devices 60 are positioning devices fixed on the processing machine as the components of the sliding rail 41, and mainly have a positioning member 61 and a pressing member 62, and the bottom end of the positioning member 61 is a precision processed benchmark. The end surface has a positioning key groove 611 on the end surface, and is aligned with the reference planes 82 and 83 on the processing machine by a positioning key 84, so that the positioning member 61 is accurately and stably fixed by the bolt 612. On the reference planes 82, 83 of the processing machine, and the slider 41 is abutted, and the upper end surface of the positioning member 61 is also a plane for precision machining, and two or more threads 1329546 holes 613 are provided. The bolt 622 is threaded through the through hole 621 of the pressing member 62, and the pressing member 62 is screwed thereon, and the pressing member 622 extends from one end 623 of the positioning member 61 to be pressed against the sliding rail 41. The upper short side surface enables the sliding handle 41 to be stabilized on the reference planes 82, 83, and for the purpose of fine adjustment, a corresponding threaded hole 614 is provided in the corresponding acting surface of the positioning member 61 and the sliding rail 41 for one The fine adjustment bolt 615 is screwed into and abuts against the long side of the slide 41, and can be compared with The error amount as appropriate trimming purposes. Referring to FIG. 6 , the securing device φ 60 on the base 80 of the processing machine may also be simply a pressing member 62′′ of a long block, a locking screw 622 ′′ and a reference plane 82 . The threaded holes 822 are combined, and the two ends of the pressing member 62" directly straddle the short side faces of the two sliding rails 41, and the two holes 622" pass through the through holes 621 preset by the pressing member 62"" Thereafter, the threaded hole 822 is directly screwed on the reference plane 82, so that the pressing member 62" presses the sliding rail 41 against the reference plane 82, and the bolt 622" provides an exposed outer diameter in addition to the amount of forced pressure. The long side end face of the inner side of the slipper 41 can be abutted so that the slide rail 41 can have a reference to the abutment. After the slipper 41 on the base 80 is fixed by φ, the slide is adjusted to be another slide on the post 81. The 41 components are implemented to achieve a vertical angle between the two sets of slide rails 41. Due to the special design of the modular sliding handle and the sliding seat structure of the present invention, the sliding rail 41 itself has the function of the beam, and the structure of the casting body in the processing machine can be completely simplified, such as the base 80 Only one type of hollow frame type, except for the frame casting, the middle part is directly removed into a hollowing manner, and the column 81 can also be formed into a concave shape, which will greatly reduce the casting material and the weight will be greatly reduced. The structure of the casting body tends to be simple, and the base surface of the casting body is also simpler to process, and it is more likely to be effectively grasped in accuracy. 1329546 is also faster in assembly, and the invention can be applied to a considerable variety of processing. Machinery, which has "newness" and "progressiveness", and applies for patent rights in accordance with the law. However, the above is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and the scope of the present invention is not limited thereto, that is, the simple changes and modifications made by the scope of the present application and the contents of the specification are still the present invention. Within the scope of the patent. [Simple description of the drawing] The first figure is a schematic exploded view of a processing machine using a hard-rail mode. The second figure is a schematic diagram of another conventional processing machine using the wire handling mode. The third figure is a partial enlarged schematic view of the conventional rail mode. The fourth figure is a schematic perspective view of the invention used in the processing machine. The fifth figure is a schematic cross-sectional view of the slide seat and the slide rail and the fastening device fixed on the column. Figure 6 is a schematic cross-sectional view of the present invention secured to the base by another securing means. The seventh figure is a schematic view showing the structural relationship between the flange of the slider and the lining and the sliding of the present invention. The eighth figure is a perspective view of the slide rail on the base of the present invention being fixed by another fastening device. [Main component symbol description] 40 modular slide and slide structure 41 slide rail 411 (421, 621, 621,,) perforation 412 (56) screw 42 spacer block
13 1329546 422 ( 57)螺孔 43定位束套 431貫穿孔 432長槽 433迫緊螺絲 44培林 50滑座 51螺固主軸 52加工平台 53凸緣 54底面 55襯片 60卡固裝置 61定位件 611定位槽 612 ( 622、622”)螺栓 613 (614、822)螺紋孔 615微調螺栓 62 ( 62”)迫壓件 623端 70驅動器 72螺帽 71滾珠導螺桿 80基座 81立柱 82 ( 83 )基準平面 84定位鍵 821 ( 831 )定位鍵槽 [s 1413 1329546 422 ( 57) screw hole 43 positioning sleeve 431 through hole 432 long groove 433 tightening screw 44 Palin 50 sliding seat 51 screwing spindle 52 processing platform 53 flange 54 bottom surface 55 lining 60 fixing device 61 positioning member 611 positioning groove 612 (622, 622") bolt 613 (614, 822) threaded hole 615 fine adjustment bolt 62 (62") pressing member 623 end 70 driver 72 nut 71 ball lead screw 80 base 81 column 82 (83) Reference plane 84 positioning key 821 (831) positioning keyway [s 14