1312528 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於—種光源及其電極之製造方法,特別是 關於-種螢切及其電極之製造方法。 【先前技術】1312528 IX. Description of the Invention: TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a light source and an electrode thereof, and more particularly to a method for producing a firefly and an electrode thereof. [Prior Art]
Ik著電子科技的進步,尤其在日常生活中隨身電子產 的盛行,對於輕薄短小、耗電量低的顯示器之需求係日 益增加。其中,液晶顯示器(Liquid crystal Display, LCD) 以其耗電量低、發熱量少、重量輕、以及非輻射性等等優 '* 、早已被使用於各式各樣的電子產品中,並且已逐漸地 取代傳統的陰極射線管顯示器(c〇ld Cath〇de Tube Di叩lay, CRT Display )。 一般而s,液晶顯示器係主要包含一液晶面板、以及 一背光模組。其中’液晶面板係具有兩基板、以及一夾設 於兩基板間的液晶層;而背光模組係可將來自一光源的光 線均勻地分佈在液晶面板之表面。 傳統上主要係以螢光燈(Fluorescent Lamp )作背光模 組中之光源。其中,螢光燈又可分為冷陰極螢光燈(c〇ld Cathode FlUOrescent Lamp,CCFL )、以及熱陰極螢光燈(H〇t Cathode Fluorescent Lamp ) 〇冷陰極螢光燈係以冷陰極電 極來代替會發熱之熱陰極電極(例如:鎢絲),由於冷陰 極榮光燈可低溫啟動’再加上高效和長壽之特點,故使得 冷陰極螢光燈成為液晶顯示器中主要之背光源。 5 1312528 請參照圖1 ’習知技術之冷陰極螢光燈10係包含一破 璃管11,玻璃管11内之二端各設有一電極12、玻璃管11 之内壁則均勻塗佈著螢光層(phosphor layer) 13。玻璃管 11内係充填有水銀蒸氣及混合鈍氣(例如:氙、氬之混合 氣體),作為放電介質(Discharge Medium )。 通電時,電極12連接外部電源而釋出電子,電子經 電場加速碰撞玻璃管11内部之放電介質,使得放電介質 處於激態,然後釋出紫外光以回到基態。其中,放電介質 所釋放之紫外光則會被玻璃管内部之螢光層13吸收,而 發出可見光。 請同時參照圖1及圖2,各個電極12係由一外導線 121、一内導線122、一融熔的玻璃珠123以及一杯狀導體 124所組成。其中,外導線121與内導線122之一端銲接, 杯狀導體124則與内導線122之另一端銲接。内電極12 即是藉由與原來套設在内導線122上之玻璃珠燒結後,再 利用玻璃珠與玻璃管11之内壁燒結。 然而,若内導線122與融熔的玻璃珠123之接著強度 不足時,容易因為二種材料之熱膨脹係數不同,當冷陰極 螢光燈10經反覆點滅後,易使得内導線122與融熔的玻 璃珠123之間產生細微的裂縫。一旦裂缝產生,則於製程 中拿取燈管時的些許外力碰撞,則會使得裂缝加大,甚至 造成冷陰極螢光燈10的漏氣,進而影響冷陰極螢光燈10 之良率。 故,為了增加電極12與玻璃管11之接著強度,習知 6 1312528 技術係利用氧化鉬來作為内導線122之材料,因為氧化鉬 係與玻璃具有較佳的接著強度。於製造電極12時,係先 利用火焰(Burner )將一根根原本材質為鉬金屬的内導線 122於有氧的環境下,加熱氧化(酸化)成氧化鉬,套上 , 玻璃珠後,再次利用火焰將一根根之内導線122與玻璃珠 燒結。然而,習知技術之電極製造方法,只將燈管一根根 的經過火焰來加熱燒結内導線122與玻璃珠,如此一來, 即不但增加了操作的時間,也使得製程成本增加。 | 因此,如何提供一種可以解決習知電極製造方法中, 只能將燈管一根根的經過火焰來加熱燒結内導線與玻璃 珠之問題之「螢光燈及其電極之製造方法」。 【發明内容】 有鑑於上述課題,本發明之目的為提供一種能解決習 知電極製造方法中,只能將燈管一根根的經過火焰來加熱 燒結内導線與玻璃珠之問題之螢光燈及其電極之製造方 ’ 法。 . 緣是,為達上述目的,依本發明之螢光燈之製造方 法,包含一電極製造程序、一充填放電介質程序以及一電 極與玻璃管燒結程序。其中,電極製造程序係包含連接一 外導線於一内導線之一端,利用火焰氧化内導線,套置一 玻璃珠於内導線上,以及利用電氣爐將玻璃珠與内導線燒 結。充填放電介質程序係將一放電介質充填入一玻璃管 中。電極與玻璃管燒結程序係燒結玻璃珠於玻璃管之内 7 1312528 壁。 為達上述目的,依本發明之螢光燈電極之製造方法, 包含連接—外導線於—内導線之1,湘火焰氧化内導 線,套置一玻璃珠於内導線上,以及於一電氣爐中燒結玻 -璃珠及内導線。 • 承上所述,因依本發明之螢光燈及其電極之製造方 法,係利用電氣爐將玻璃珠與内導線燒結,電氣爐中係為 高溫無氧環境,且加熱時,係聚集複數根未燒結的電極, 鲁&無氧的環境下,使得複數電極之㈣線與玻璃珠燒結在 一起。與習知技術巾’利火焰-根根將内導線及玻璃珠燒 結的方式相比,本發明利用電氣爐來燒結内導線及玻璃珠 之方式,由於可大量進行燒結,故可減少内導線與玻璃珠 加熱燒結操作的時間,進而降低製程的成本。 【實施方式】 以下將參照相關圖式,說明依本發明較佳實施例之螢 -光燈及其電極之製造方法。其中,本發明之螢光燈係以冷 陰極螢光燈(Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp, CCFL )來作 為本發明之較佳實施例,但是本發明之螢光燈不限制用於 冷陰極螢光燈。 首先,請先參照圖3至圖6,以說明本發明較佳實施 例之螢光燈管製造方法。 如圖3所示,螢光燈之製造方法包含一電極製造程序 P10、一充填放電介質程序p3〇以及一電極與玻璃管燒結 8 1312528 程序P50。 凊同時參照圓4及圖5,電極製造程序pi〇係包含下 列步驟:連接一外導線221於一内導線222之一端(si〇)、 利用火焰氧化内導線222 (S20)、套置一玻璃珠B於内導 . 線222上(S30)以及利用電氣爐H分別將玻璃珠B與内 導線222堤結(§4〇 )。 於步驟Sl〇中,係將外導線221與内導線222之—端 222a連接在一起,連接的方式可為銲接、融合、壓合或嵌 • 合,以將外導線221與内導線222電性連接。其中,内導 線222之材質係為銷或鶏,而外導線221係具有—複合材 質,複合材質可為鎳鐵合金_銅,或為錳鎳合金。 於步驟S2〇巾,係利用高溫火焰(Burner)來氧化(酸 化)内導線222’使内導線222之金屬材質(翻或鶴) 為金屬氧化物(氧化翻或氧化鶴),以提高内導線222血 玻璃珠之接著強度。 〃 於步驟S30中,係將玻璃珠B由外導線221穿入並套 _ .置於内導線222上。 》步驟S4G中’係利用電氣爐H將玻璃珠b與内導線 • 222 =結’其中,電氣爐11中係為高溫無氧環境,但可充 填有氫氣、氣氣等氣體。須注意者,於電氣^中加熱時, 係聚集複數根内導線222與玻璃殊B未燒結的電極22,於 無氧的裱境下,使得内導線222與玻璃珠8燒結。燒結完 成後’即可完成螢光燈電極Μ之製作。與習知技術相比, 即可減少内導線222與玻璃珠B加熱燒結操作的時間,進 9 1312528 而降低製程的成本。 如圖4所示’電極製造程序P10更可包含下列二個步 驟·去除内導線另一端的氧化物(S50)以及銲接一金屬 導體至内導線之另一端(s60)。 於步驟S5〇中’係將内導線222另一端222b之氧化 物去除,去除的方法可選自於切除、水洗酸洗及於高溫還 原氣體中反應所組成之群組至少其中之一。其中,於高溫 還原氣體中反應去除氧化物,可於電氣爐中進行,利用氫 氣等還原氣體,來還原内導線另一端222b之氧化物。要 進行還原步驟,是因為於步驟S20以火焰氧化内導線2D 時,造成内導線222二端均有氧化物(氧化鉬、氧化鎢)。 若要於内導線之另-端222b上連接上-金屬導體,則需 要進行内導線222氧化物的去除,以增加電流 於步驟⑽中,係將金屬導體224輝接=Uf±222 之另一端222b,銲接的方式可為阻抗熔接或是雷射炫接。 另外’設置金屬導體224之目的在於增加電極二2放出電 子的表面積,而金屬導體224之材質係為鎳、鶴、翻、銳 或其合金。 須注意者’銲接一金屬導體至内導線之另一端(S6〇) 步驟,可放在步驟S10或步驟S40之前或後進行,或穿插 於S10至步驟S40之間都可以。而去除内導線另一端之氧 化物(S50)步驟則於步驟S60進行前執行具有較好的效 果,當然步驟S50及步驟S60也可以分開進行。 另外’當然也有可能金屬導體224係先與内導線222 1312528 一體成型,例如採用粉末冶金的方式。如此一來,即不需 要再進行銲接金屬導體224的動作。 再請參照圖4並同時參照圖6,充填放電介質程序P30 係將一放電介質充填入玻璃管21中。其中,玻璃管21之 内壁中係已設置有一螢光層23,以吸收紫外光而放出可見 光。 本實施例中,充填放電介質前需先將電極22放入玻 璃管21中。其中,玻璃管21係可具有一頸部211,故當 電極22由玻璃管21之開口 212進入玻璃管21内時,可 藉由頸部211與電極22之玻璃珠B卡合,進而協助電極 22之定位。 放入電極22後可利用高溫來燒結玻璃管21之一端, 以將玻璃管21之一端封閉。然後,開始抽氣以降低玻璃 管21内之壓力,待管内到達一定真空度後,再進行放電 介質的充填。其中,放電介質係可為惰性氣體(例如:氬、 氖)、或汞(Hg)或其混合氣體。待充填放電介質後,係 將玻璃管21之另一端也燒結,進而將放電介質密封於玻 璃管21中。 另外,汞蒸氣之形成方式,係可於玻璃管21的二端 燒結前先分別置入一汞條Hg,待玻璃管21之二端均燒結 後,再利用高周波激發,使汞蒸氣散佈於玻璃管21中。 再請參照圖4及圖6所示,電極與玻璃管燒結程序P50 係係燒結玻璃珠B於玻璃管21之内壁。由於玻璃管21之 頸部211係與電極22之玻璃珠B卡合,故有利於燒結的 11 1312528 遙二利用间挪火^將玻璃珠B與玻璃管21之頸部221 可封閉玻璃管21之另—端。其中,電極22與玻 二燒結之方式係可為雷射銲接(―以或阻 *ί/1» 接。 待電極22與破璃管Z1燒結後,即可去除多餘的玻 璃,而完成螢光燈管20的製作。 著喷參、、圖7以說明本發明較佳實施例之螢光燈 官電極之製造方法。 於-3之^方法係包含下列步驟:連接—外導線221 :二Ϊ 222之一端(S1 〇 )、利用火焰氧化内導線222 =)=置一破璃珠導線如上⑽w及利 木〜^將破壤珠”内導線222燒結(S40)。 極製電極之製造方法係與上述實施例中之電 述。 財彳目_步軌膽雜,於此不再贅 係 利用、dt玻燈及其電極之製造方法’ 氧環境,且加熱時,係^線燒結,電氣爐中係為高溫無 的環境下,使得複數電^複數根未燒結㈣極,於無氧 與習知技射,料㉟之内導線與玻璃珠燒結在一起。 式相比,本發明利用^根根將内導線及玻璃珠燒結的方 式,由於可大量進行^爐來燒結内導線及玻璃珠之方 燒結操作的時間,進:’故可減少㈣線與朗珠加熱 、…進而降低製程的成本。 上所述僅為舉她,而非為限制性者。任何未脫離 12 1312528 本發明之精神與範疇,而對其進行之等效修改或變更,均 應包含於後附之申請專利範圍中。 【圖式簡單說明】 . 圖1係為習知螢光燈之一示意圖; 圖2係為螢光燈之電極之一示意圖; 圖3係為本發明螢光燈之製造方法之一流程示意圖; 圖4係為本發明螢光燈之製造方法之另一流程示意 ,圖; 圖5係為本發明螢光燈及其電極之製造過程之一部份 不意圖, 圖6係為本發明螢光燈之製造過程之一部份示意圖; 以及 圖7係為本發明螢光燈之電極之製造方法之一流程示 意圖。 ^ 元件符號說明: 10 冷陰極螢光燈 11 玻璃管 12 電極 121 外導線 122 内導線 123 融溶的玻璃珠 124 杯狀導體 13 1312528 13 榮光層 20 螢光燈 21 玻璃管 211 頸部 212 開口 22 電極 221 外導線 222 内導線 222a —端 222b另一端 224 金屬導體 23 螢光層 B 玻璃珠 Η 電氣爐 Hg 汞條 P10 電極製造程序 ’ _ P30 充填放電介質程序 P50 電極與玻璃管燒結程序 S10 連接一外導線於一内導線之一端 S20 利用火焰氧化内導線 S30 套置一玻璃珠於内導線上 S40 利用電氣爐分別將玻璃珠與内導線燒結 S50 去除内導線另一端的氧化物 S60 銲接一金屬導體至内導線之另一端Ik is advancing with electronic technology, especially in the daily life of electronic products, and the demand for light, short, low-power displays is increasing. Among them, liquid crystal display (LCD) has been used in a wide variety of electronic products because of its low power consumption, low heat generation, light weight, and non-radiation. Gradually replace the traditional cathode ray tube display (c〇ld Cath〇de Tube Di叩lay, CRT Display). Generally, the liquid crystal display mainly comprises a liquid crystal panel and a backlight module. The liquid crystal panel has two substrates and a liquid crystal layer interposed between the two substrates; and the backlight module uniformly distributes light from a light source on the surface of the liquid crystal panel. Traditionally, a fluorescent lamp (Fluorescent Lamp) has been used as a light source in a backlight module. Among them, the fluorescent lamp can be further divided into a cold cathode fluorescent lamp (c〇ld Cathode FlUOrescent Lamp, CCFL), and a hot cathode fluorescent lamp (H〇t Cathode Fluorescent Lamp), a cold cathode fluorescent lamp with a cold cathode electrode. Instead of a hot cathode electrode that can generate heat (for example, tungsten wire), cold cathode fluorescent lamps can be used as a main backlight in liquid crystal displays because of their low temperature start-up characteristics, coupled with high efficiency and longevity. 5 1312528 Please refer to FIG. 1 'The cold cathode fluorescent lamp 10 of the prior art comprises a glass tube 11 , and an electrode 12 is disposed at each end of the glass tube 11 , and the inner wall of the glass tube 11 is uniformly coated with fluorescent light. Phosphor layer 13. The glass tube 11 is filled with mercury vapor and a mixed inert gas (for example, a mixed gas of helium and argon) as a discharge medium. When energized, the electrode 12 is connected to an external power source to release electrons, and the electrons are accelerated by the electric field to collide with the discharge medium inside the glass tube 11, so that the discharge medium is in an excited state, and then the ultraviolet light is released to return to the ground state. Among them, the ultraviolet light released by the discharge medium is absorbed by the fluorescent layer 13 inside the glass tube to emit visible light. Referring to FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 simultaneously, each of the electrodes 12 is composed of an outer lead 121, an inner lead 122, a molten glass bead 123, and a cup-shaped conductor 124. The outer lead 121 is welded to one end of the inner lead 122, and the cup conductor 124 is welded to the other end of the inner lead 122. The inner electrode 12 is sintered by sintering the glass beads originally placed on the inner lead 122 and then using the glass beads and the inner wall of the glass tube 11. However, if the strength of the inner wire 122 and the molten glass bead 123 is insufficient, it is easy to cause the inner wire 122 to melt and melt after the cold cathode fluorescent lamp 10 is repeatedly turned off because the thermal expansion coefficients of the two materials are different. Fine cracks are created between the glass beads 123. Once the crack is generated, a slight external force collision when the lamp is taken during the process causes the crack to increase, and even causes the air leak of the cold cathode fluorescent lamp 10, thereby affecting the yield of the cold cathode fluorescent lamp 10. Therefore, in order to increase the bonding strength between the electrode 12 and the glass tube 11, the conventional 6 1312528 technique utilizes molybdenum oxide as the material of the inner conductor 122 because the molybdenum oxide has a good bonding strength with glass. When manufacturing the electrode 12, the inner conductor 122 originally made of molybdenum metal is first oxidized (acidified) into molybdenum oxide by a flame (Burner), and the glass beads are placed again. The inner wire 122 of one root is sintered with the glass beads by a flame. However, in the electrode manufacturing method of the prior art, only the root of the lamp is heated by the flame to heat the inner wire 122 and the glass bead, so that not only the operation time is increased, but also the process cost is increased. Therefore, it is possible to provide a "method of manufacturing a fluorescent lamp and an electrode thereof" which can solve the problem that the conventional electrode manufacturing method can only heat the sintered inner wire and the glass bead by a flame. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In view of the above problems, an object of the present invention is to provide a fluorescent lamp capable of solving the problem of heating a sintered inner wire and a glass bead through a flame in a conventional electrode manufacturing method. And its electrode manufacturer's method. In order to achieve the above object, a method of manufacturing a fluorescent lamp according to the present invention comprises an electrode manufacturing process, a filling discharge medium program, and an electrode and glass tube sintering process. Wherein, the electrode manufacturing process comprises connecting an outer wire to one end of an inner wire, oxidizing the inner wire by flame, arranging a glass bead on the inner wire, and sintering the glass bead and the inner wire by using an electric furnace. The filling discharge medium program fills a discharge medium into a glass tube. The electrode and glass tube sintering procedure is to sinter the glass beads within the glass tube 7 1312528 wall. In order to achieve the above object, a method for manufacturing a fluorescent lamp electrode according to the present invention comprises a connection-external wire on the inner wire 1, a Xiang flame oxidation inner wire, a glass bead on the inner wire, and an electric furnace. Medium sintered glass-glass beads and inner conductors. • According to the above, the method for manufacturing the fluorescent lamp and the electrode thereof according to the present invention is to use an electric furnace to sinter the glass beads and the inner conductor, and the electric furnace is in a high temperature and oxygen-free environment, and when heated, the system is aggregated. The unsintered electrode of the root, in the anaerobic environment, causes the (four) wires of the plurality of electrodes to be sintered together with the glass beads. Compared with the conventional technique, the method of sintering the inner wire and the glass bead by using the electric furnace, the method of using the electric furnace to sinter the inner wire and the glass bead can reduce the inner wire and the wire by a large amount of sintering. The glass beads heat the time of the sintering operation, thereby reducing the cost of the process. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, a method of manufacturing a fluorescent lamp and an electrode thereof according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. Among them, the fluorescent lamp of the present invention is a Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL) as a preferred embodiment of the present invention, but the fluorescent lamp of the present invention is not limited to use in a cold cathode fluorescent lamp. First, please refer to Figs. 3 to 6 to explain a method of manufacturing a fluorescent tube according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention. As shown in Fig. 3, the manufacturing method of the fluorescent lamp comprises an electrode manufacturing program P10, a filling discharge medium program p3, and an electrode and glass tube sintering 8 1312528 program P50. Referring to both the circle 4 and FIG. 5, the electrode manufacturing process pi〇 comprises the steps of: connecting an outer wire 221 to one end of an inner wire 222 (si〇), oxidizing the inner wire 222 (S20), and arranging a glass. The bead B is on the inner conductor 222 (S30) and the electric furnace H is used to respectively sew the glass bead B and the inner conductor 222 (§4〇). In the step S1, the outer lead 221 and the end 222a of the inner lead 222 are connected together by welding, fusion, pressing or embedding to electrically connect the outer lead 221 and the inner lead 222. connection. The material of the inner wire 222 is a pin or a crucible, and the outer wire 221 has a composite material, and the composite material may be a nickel-iron alloy copper or a manganese-nickel alloy. In step S2, the inner wire 222' is oxidized (acidified) by a high temperature flame (Burner) to make the metal material (turned or crane) of the inner wire 222 a metal oxide (oxidized or oxidized crane) to improve the inner wire. 222 blood glass beads followed by strength.步骤 In step S30, the glass beads B are inserted through the outer lead 221 and placed on the inner lead 222. In the step S4G, the glass bead b and the inner wire are used in the electric furnace H. 222 = junction. The electric furnace 11 is a high-temperature oxygen-free environment, but may be filled with a gas such as hydrogen or gas. It should be noted that when heating in the electric device, the plurality of inner wires 222 and the glass unbaked electrode 22 are aggregated, and the inner wires 222 and the glass beads 8 are sintered in an oxygen-free environment. After the sintering is completed, the production of the fluorescent lamp electrode can be completed. Compared with the prior art, the time for heating and sintering of the inner wire 222 and the glass bead B can be reduced, and the cost of the process is reduced by entering 13 1312528. As shown in Fig. 4, the electrode manufacturing process P10 further includes the following two steps: removing the oxide at the other end of the inner wire (S50) and soldering a metal conductor to the other end of the inner wire (s60). In step S5, the oxidation of the other end 222b of the inner lead 222 is removed, and the removal may be selected from at least one of the group consisting of excision, washing and pickling, and reaction in a high temperature reducing gas. Among them, the oxide is removed by reaction in a high-temperature reducing gas, and it can be carried out in an electric furnace, and a reducing gas such as hydrogen gas is used to reduce the oxide of the other end 222b of the inner wire. The reduction step is carried out because when the inner wire 2D is oxidized by the flame in the step S20, the inner wire 222 has oxides (molybdenum oxide, tungsten oxide) at both ends. To connect the upper-metal conductor to the other end 222b of the inner conductor, the removal of the inner conductor 222 oxide is required to increase the current in step (10), and the metal conductor 224 is fused to the other end of Uf±222. 222b, the welding method can be impedance welding or laser splicing. Further, the purpose of providing the metal conductor 224 is to increase the surface area of the electrode 2 to emit electrons, and the material of the metal conductor 224 is nickel, crane, turn, sharp or alloy thereof. It should be noted that the step of soldering a metal conductor to the other end of the inner conductor (S6〇) may be performed before or after step S10 or step S40, or may be interspersed between S10 and step S40. The step of removing the oxide (S50) at the other end of the inner lead is preferably performed before the step S60. Of course, the step S50 and the step S60 can also be performed separately. In addition, it is of course also possible for the metal conductor 224 to be integrally formed with the inner conductor 222 1312528, for example by powder metallurgy. In this way, the action of welding the metal conductor 224 is not required. Referring to FIG. 4 and referring to FIG. 6, the filling discharge medium program P30 charges a discharge medium into the glass tube 21. Wherein, a fluorescent layer 23 is disposed in the inner wall of the glass tube 21 to absorb ultraviolet light to emit visible light. In this embodiment, the electrode 22 is first placed in the glass tube 21 before filling the discharge medium. The glass tube 21 can have a neck 211. When the electrode 22 enters the glass tube 21 from the opening 212 of the glass tube 21, the neck 211 can be engaged with the glass bead B of the electrode 22 to assist the electrode. Positioning of 22. After the electrode 22 is placed, one end of the glass tube 21 can be sintered with a high temperature to close one end of the glass tube 21. Then, the pumping is started to lower the pressure in the glass tube 21, and after the tube reaches a certain degree of vacuum, the discharge medium is filled. The discharge medium may be an inert gas (for example, argon, helium), or mercury (Hg) or a mixed gas thereof. After the discharge medium is to be filled, the other end of the glass tube 21 is also sintered, and the discharge medium is sealed in the glass tube 21. In addition, the mercury vapor is formed by separately inserting a mercury strip Hg before the two ends of the glass tube 21 are sintered. After both ends of the glass tube 21 are sintered, high-frequency excitation is used to spread the mercury vapor to the glass. In tube 21. Referring to FIGS. 4 and 6, the electrode and glass tube sintering program P50 is a sintered glass bead B on the inner wall of the glass tube 21. Since the neck 211 of the glass tube 21 is engaged with the glass bead B of the electrode 22, it is advantageous for the sintered 11 1312528 to be used to close the glass tube 21 by using the glass ball B and the neck 221 of the glass tube 21 . The other end. Wherein, the electrode 22 and the glass frit sintering method can be laser welding (" or resistance * ί / 1» connection. After the electrode 22 and the glass tube Z1 are sintered, the excess glass can be removed, and the fluorescence is completed. The manufacture of the lamp tube 20, and the method for manufacturing the fluorescent lamp electrode of the preferred embodiment of the present invention. The method of the method includes the following steps: connection-external wire 221: One end of 222 (S1 〇), use flame to oxidize inner wire 222 =) = set a broken glass wire as above (10) w and Limu ~ ^ will break the inner wire 222 of the broken bead" (S40). The manufacturing method of the electrode is The above description of the embodiment. The financial order _ step rail bile, this is no longer the use of the system, the dt glass lamp and its electrode manufacturing method 'oxygen environment, and when heated, the line is sintered, in the electric furnace In the environment where the temperature is high, the plurality of electrodes are not sintered (four) poles, and the wires are sintered together with the glass beads in the material of the anaerobic and conventional techniques. The invention utilizes the roots. The method of sintering the inner wire and the glass bead can be performed by sintering the inner wire and the glass The time of the bead sintering operation, in the following: 'Therefore, the (four) line and the languzhu heating, ... and thus the cost of the process can be reduced. The above description is only for her, not for the limitation. Any invention is not detached 12 1312528 The spirit and scope of the invention, and equivalent modifications or alterations thereof, shall be included in the scope of the appended patent application. [Simplified illustration of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of a conventional fluorescent lamp; FIG. 3 is a schematic flow chart of a method for manufacturing a fluorescent lamp of the present invention; FIG. 4 is another schematic flow chart of a method for manufacturing a fluorescent lamp of the present invention; FIG. It is not intended to be part of the manufacturing process of the fluorescent lamp and the electrode thereof, and FIG. 6 is a schematic view of a part of the manufacturing process of the fluorescent lamp of the present invention; and FIG. 7 is an electrode of the fluorescent lamp of the present invention. Schematic diagram of one of the manufacturing methods. ^ Component symbol description: 10 Cold cathode fluorescent lamp 11 Glass tube 12 Electrode 121 External wire 122 Inner wire 123 Melted glass beads 124 Cup conductor 13 1312528 13 Glory layer 20 Fluorescent lamp 21 Glass tube 211 Port 212 Opening 22 Electrode 221 Outer Conductor 222 Inner Conductor 222a - End 222b Other End 224 Metal Conductor 23 Fluorescent Layer B Glass Beads Electrical Furnace Hg Mercury Strip P10 Electrode Manufacturing Procedure ' _ P30 Filling Discharge Medium Procedure P50 Electrode and Glass Tube Sintering The program S10 connects an external wire to one end of the inner wire S20. The flame is oxidized to the inner wire S30, and a glass bead is placed on the inner wire. S40 is used to respectively sinter the glass bead and the inner wire with an electric furnace. S50 is removed to remove the oxide S60 at the other end of the inner wire. Solder a metal conductor to the other end of the inner conductor