1295359 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係陳-種全熱交缝置,酬係關於_翻於室内 空氣品質改善並具有全熱交換功能的全熱交換裝置。 【先前技術】 在實際的日常生活中,爲了保證室内的空氣質量,常需要安 裝空調系統,尤歧人員比較集中的場所,如會堂、大型超市、 辦公大樓等,以便及時祕室_污祕及污濁空氣排出室外, 並同時將t外_輕氣(職)補充至_,翻人_康標準的 需求。 然而,將室内外的空氣直接進行替換將帶來大量的能量損 失,如以夏季爲例,大量地用室外溫度很高的新風(熱風)替換室内 經過空調處理的冷空氣時産生的能量損失是很大的。 爲同時解決上述室内空氣污染及節約能源問題,將全熱交換 裝置應將空娜統上日益受到魏,全熱交換裝置除可達成引 進室外新鮮空氣以稀釋室内污染並排除室内污濁空氣外,並在上 述兩股空氣的對流之間同時執行顯熱(溫度)及潛熱(濕度)的全熱交 換,疋空調系統中有效控制室内空氣品質,維護健康舒適及節能 的好方法。 目别常用的全熱交換裝置主要有轉輪式和交流式兩種型式, 其中父流式全熱交換裝置的全熱交換濾芯是固定於機殼内,爲固 定的狀態,因此又稱爲靜置式或固定式全熱交換裝置。第一圖所 不即爲靜置式全熱交換裝置的工作原理,其全熱交換濾芯1是以 一透濕而不透氣之濕熱交換機能紙材,如纖維紙基材等作爲隔板 2 ’隔板2之間再設置具有多個氣流入口 3的波浪形板4,並且在 室内側1與室外側Π這些波浪形板4呈錯開交叉排列,從而在全 熱父換濾芯1上形成互不相通的兩股室内室外氣流通道,即爲圖 12953591295359 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention pertains] The present invention relates to a full-heat-interchange device in which the heat-intersecting device is improved in the indoor air quality and has a full heat exchange function. [Prior Art] In the actual daily life, in order to ensure the indoor air quality, it is often necessary to install an air-conditioning system, such as a meeting place, a large supermarket, an office building, etc., so that the secret room _ The dirty air is discharged outside, and at the same time, the external _ light gas (job) is added to _, turning over the demand of the standard. However, direct replacement of indoor and outdoor air will bring a lot of energy loss. For example, in summer, the energy loss caused by replacing a large amount of fresh air (hot air) with high outdoor temperature in the indoor air conditioner is used. very big. In order to solve the above-mentioned indoor air pollution and energy conservation problems, the total heat exchange device should be increasingly affected by the air, and the whole heat exchange device can achieve the introduction of outdoor fresh air to dilute indoor pollution and eliminate indoor dirty air. Simultaneously performing sensible heat (temperature) and latent heat (humidity) full heat exchange between the convection of the above two airs, and effectively controlling indoor air quality in the air conditioning system, maintaining a healthy and comfortable and energy saving method. The commonly used full heat exchange device mainly has two types of rotary type and alternating current type, wherein the full heat exchange filter element of the parent flow type full heat exchange device is fixed in the casing and is in a fixed state, so it is also called static. Set or fixed full heat exchange unit. The first figure is not the working principle of the static heat exchange device. The full heat exchange filter 1 is a moisture-permeable and non-breathable wet heat switch paper, such as a fiber paper substrate. A wavy plate 4 having a plurality of airflow inlets 3 is further disposed between the plates 2, and the wavy plates 4 are arranged in a staggered arrangement at the indoor side 1 and the outdoor side, so that the all-heat-replacement filter element 1 is not connected to each other. Two indoor and outdoor airflow channels, namely Figure 1295359
不中的室内排氣通道E_E及室外進氣通道F_F ,保證兩股氣流不會 混合在'^起。 在通過風機引導排氣與進氣兩股氣流分別通過該全熱交換濾 芯1進行室内外空氣交換時,該兩股氣流由於溫度差的存在而在 交互通過時作熱量傳遞,而同時由於該隔板2對水氣具有滲透性, 因此也可達到濕氣質傳效果,從而在排氣與進氣兩股氣流之間作 溫度與濕度的交換’達到省能及排污的效果。這種既能傳遞能量, 又能傳遞濕度的熱交換過程則爲全熱交換。 然而’欲發揮全熱交換的諸多優點,在全熱交換裝置的設計 上’仍有以下有待克服的缺點及改善的空間: (1)熱交換效率有待提升。由於潛熱與顯熱交換是藉由進氣與 排氣的兩股氣流通過由隔板分隔形成的多層呈十字交叉的通道完 成,其交換效率完全由通道隔板間的機能紙材決定,但機能紙材 是以親水性強的特性爲主要訴求,對於熱傳的提升往往無法兼 顧,顯熱交換的效率仍有很大的改善空間。 -(2)進入波浪形板氣流入口的氣流流量不均勻。由於自風機吹 入的風向和進入全熱交換濾芯中細小通道的風向往往不在直線 上,而是呈一定角度,且在進入由濾芯與機殼構成的流道末端爲 一正對主氣流的機殼端板,受到直接衝擊該端板的二次氣流和進 入的主氣流交互作用以及轉向效應,使得其間的流場十分混亂, 導致進入濾芯的大部分氣流流量僅匯聚於少部分波浪形氣流入口 上,上述入口間不均勻的風量分佈對整體的交換效率十分不利。 【發明内容】 本創作之主要目的在於提供一種改善室内空氣品質全熱交換 裝置,以使其熱交換效率得到進一步提升。 本創作之另一目的在於提供一種改善室内空氣品質全熱交換 裝置,以使進入全熱交換濾芯的各風道的風量更加均勻。 1295359 本創作之全熱交換裝置包括一全熱交換濾芯、一熱導管熱交 換范及至少一風機,其中該風機提供自室内排出污濁空氣及自室 外引入新鮮空氣的兩股氣流;該全熱交換濾芯上對應上述兩股氣 流设有父錯排布且互不相通的排氣通道與進氣通道,以使氣流通 過時進行全熱交換;該熱導管熱交換器包括至少一支熱導管及設 於該熱導官上的多數個鰭片,該熱導管熱交換器被分成兩段並分 別對應上述全熱交換濾芯的排氣通道與進氣通道,以使上述兩股 氣流分別經由該熱導管熱交換器的兩段時加強顯熱交換。 作為本創作之進一步改進,上述風機、一熱導管熱交換器及 全熱父換濾芯係設置在一機殼内並對應分隔形成風機室、熱傳增 強室及全熱交換室,而該熱傳增強室位於風機室與全熱交換室之 間,以使上述兩股氣流在進入全熱交換濾芯之前,分別經由該熱 導管熱交換器的兩端以加強顯熱交換。 作為本創作之另一改進,上述風機、一熱導管熱交換器及全 熱父換濾芯係設置在一機殼内並分隔形成風機室與全熱交換室, 其牛熱導管熱交換器及全熱交換濾芯一併設置在全熱交換室内, 且該熱導官熱交換器復蓋于全熱交換濾芯之任意相鄰面上,以使 上述兩股氣流在進入全熱交換濾芯之前或之後,經由該熱導管熱 交換器以加強顯熱交換。 與習知技術相比,本創作全熱交換裝置設置具有熱導管及鰭 片的熱導管熱交換器,使分別由室外將新鮮空氣引入 室内以及由 室内將污濁空氣排出室外的兩股風量的顯熱交換效率增加,同時 使進入全熱交換遽芯各風道的風量分佈更均勻,提升全熱交換整 體效率,從而解決室内空氣污染問題並同時節約能源。 【實施方式】 第二圖與第三圖爲本發明全熱交換裝置第一個實施例的立體 示意圖,基本構成包括由—機殼5分隔而成的一風機室1Q、一熱 1295359 傳增強f 20以及-全熱交換室3G,上述三室(卿,3G)共用該機殼 5之一室内側ί壁面8與一室外側n壁面9。 /風機室10設置兩固定於機殼5的風機n,該兩風機u呈對 減置且對應機殼的壁面8、9上分別設有減的排風如B及 新風進口(未標示)。風機u ±還可設置導風罩以規範風的方向。 該風機室10與該熱傳增強室20之間設有一隔板19,該隔板上 設有兩個開口分別對應於風機11的兩個出風口。 熱傳增強室20以隔板19與隔板23分別和風機室1〇及全熱 父換室30相鄰,該熱傳增強室20中設置一熱導管熱交換器21。 第四圖爲第二圖中熱導管熱交換器的立體示意圖,該熱導管熱交 換器21由至少一支熱導管24及設於該熱導管24兩端的多數個藉 片25所組成,其中熱導管24内裝有工作液體並于管内設有便於 液體回流的毛細結構,該鱗管熱錢器21的巾部設有隔板% 以分成兩段,該隔板26和隔板19及隔板23密接而將熱傳增強室 2〇分隔爲兩個不互通氣流的空間,且該熱導管熱交換器2ι跨越室 内外兩側,爲使該熱導管熱交換器21便於安裝及抽換,可於其週 邊力^外框部27以維持該熱導管熱交換H 21之整體性;經過該 熱導官熱交換器21的兩股氣流是通過隔板23上的兩個開口 29&、 29b進入全熱交換室3〇。 當由室外將新鮮空氣引入室内以及由室内將污 =的兩f風量賴鮮管敵觀21時,溫度較高_股氣流使 得熱導管24内的工作液體蒸發並流向熱導管24的另一端,而在 另一端溫度較低的氣流_下,熱導管24 _蒸汽冷凝成液態並 借助其内的毛細結構快速再次返回至原處進行下一次循環工作, 如此便加快冷熱兩股氣流之間的熱能傳遞。因此,設置該熱傳增 強室20之本發明,使得冷熱兩股氣流在進入全熱交換濾芯丨之十 子父錯氣流通道E_E及F_F之前,先進行高效能的顯熱交換,以 1295359 彌補機能紙,具低熱料_缺點,錢峨風I進人通道前先 通過該熱Vs 24兩端的多數個_片25,具有流場整流的功能,使 通過駿分佈均⑽,賴提升全熱交_體鱗的功效。 王熱又換至30以隔板23和熱傳增強室2〇相鄰,主要構成包 t端連接於機殼5内外壁面8、9之支撐部6,該支撐部6的〆 端1截面呈張肖狀的失持部7,以便翻支撐並密切接觸全熱交 換濾〜1之四個邊角,使氣流通過全熱交換濾芯1周邊的四個通 運時’除經過其中的排氣與進氣通道e_e、f_f之外,否則無法進 行熱與質的傳輸;全缺換請的下半部分⑽壁面上分別設有 排風出口 31及新風出口 32,當然,在本發明中,當風機打的配 置關係或轉動方向等發生改變而導致排氣與進氣之氣流方向改變 時,上述排馳口 13a亦可當作引入新鮮空氣的新風出π,同理, 上述排風出口 31及新風出σ 32亦可相應作為狀新鮮空氣的新 風進口及排出/亏濁空氣的排風進口。設置該全熱交換室%之本發 明,使分別自室内侧1的排風進口 13a導引室内廢氣通過全熱交 換濾芯1之排氣通道E_E,將處理後的廢氣經排風出口 31排放到 至外,並同時自室外側π的新風進口導引新鮮空氣通過和廢氣排 放呈十字交又之進氣通道F_F,將處理後的新鮮空氣經新風出口 32輸入室内,達到高效能全熱交換的目的。 在第二圖與第三圖中的排風進口 13a、新風進口、排風出口 31 及新風出口 32可分別設置一濾網部(圖未示)以排除自室外引入的 新鮮空氣及自室内排出的污濁空氣中所含的浮游微粒及灰塵,防 止全熱父換濾芯1中波浪形氣流入口 3阻塞而影響全熱交換效率 及衫響空氣品質,進一步提升全熱交換性能。 第五圖爲本發明全熱交換裝置第二實施例的立體示意圖,基 本構成包括由一機殼5分隔而成的一風機室10以及一全熱交換室 3〇 ’其中該全熱交換室3〇與前述之熱傳增強室2〇合併,且風機室 10 1295359 10與王熱父換至30以隔板33相鄰,並藉風機室10中的室内側排風 進口 13a及室外側新風進口將排氣與進氣兩股氣流分別經由設於隔 板33上的室内側風口 i4a及室外側風口 14b進入該全熱交換室3〇;其 中風機室10及全熱交換室30和第一實施例的功能與結構相同;唯 設置于全熱交換室30中的熱導管熱交換器34呈一屋頂瓦片狀覆蓋 于王熱父換濾'芯1之相鄰A面39a及B面39b上,第六圖爲第五圖中熱 導管熱交換器34的立體示意圖,該熱導管式熱交換器34主要由至 少一支熱導管35及設於該熱導管35兩端的多數個鰭片36所組成, 其中該熱導管熱交換器34的中隔板37和隔板33、機殼5密接而將熱 傳增強室20(即全熱交換室30的上半部)分隔爲兩個不輯氣_ _ 空間,該熱導管35兩端加裝有辅助固定部38以維持該熱導管熱交 換器34之整體性,上述中隔板37的下端亦可進一步設置分叉的夾 持部7。設置該熱傳增強室2〇之本發明,使分別由室外將新鮮空氣 引入室内以及由室内將污濁空氣排出室外的兩股風量在進入全熱 交換濾芯1之十字交錯氣流通道Ε·Ε及F_F之前,先經過該熱導管熱 父換器34進行咼效能的顯熱交換,以彌補機能紙材具低熱傳導性 的缺點,且該兩股風量進入通道前先通過該熱導管35兩端的多數 個鰭片36,具有流場整流的功能,使通過通道的風量分佈均勻化, 達到提升全熱交換整體效率的功效。 第七圖爲第五圖中熱導管熱交換器另一實施例的立體示意 圖,與第六圖唯一不同處在於該熱導管熱交換器4〇的多個鰭片41 兀件的鬲度與該熱傳增強室2〇的高度相近,使得分別由室内側風 口 14a及由室外側風口 14b引入該全熱交換室3〇的兩股氣流在進入 全熱父換濾Λ^Ι之十字交錯通道時的流量分佈更均勻;當然,第六 圖與第七圖所示的熱導管熱交換器34與4〇亦可運用前述第五圖的 安裝方法,設置于全熱交換濾芯丨的相鄰]8面3%及(:面39(:上,及/ 或設置于全熱交換濾芯1的相鄰C面39c及D面39d上,及/或設置于 π 1295359 ’同樣達到提升全熱交換 全熱父換濾芯1的相鄰D面39d及A面39a上 整體效率的功效。 綜上所述,本發明確已符合發明專利之要件,遂依法提出專 利申請'惟,以上所述者僅為本發明之較佳實施例,自不能以此 限制本案之巾料概圍。舉凡熟悉本案技藝之人士援依本發明 之精神所作之等效修飾或變化,皆應涵蓋於以下申請專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係全熱交換裝置中的全熱交換濾芯的構造示意圖。 第二圖係本發明全熱交換裝置第一個實施例的立體示意圖。The indoor exhaust passage E_E and the outdoor intake passage F_F are not in use, ensuring that the two air flows are not mixed. When the exhaust gas and the intake air are respectively guided by the fan to exchange indoor and outdoor air through the total heat exchange filter 1, respectively, the two air flows are transferred as heat due to the existence of a temperature difference, and at the same time The plate 2 is permeable to water and gas, so that the moisture mass transfer effect can also be achieved, so that the exchange of temperature and humidity between the exhaust gas and the intake air flow can achieve the effect of energy saving and sewage discharge. This heat exchange process, which transfers both energy and humidity, is a full heat exchange. However, in order to exert the advantages of full heat exchange, there are still the following shortcomings and improvements in the design of the total heat exchange device: (1) The heat exchange efficiency needs to be improved. Since the latent heat and the sensible heat exchange are completed by the two-way intersecting passage formed by the partitions by the two air currents of the intake and exhaust, the exchange efficiency is completely determined by the functional paper between the passage partitions, but the function is The paper is mainly characterized by strong hydrophilicity, and the improvement of heat transfer is often impossible to balance. The efficiency of sensible heat exchange still has much room for improvement. - (2) The flow of air entering the wavy plate airflow inlet is not uniform. Because the wind direction blown by the fan and the wind direction entering the small passage in the full heat exchange filter element are often not in a straight line, but at an angle, and entering the end of the flow path formed by the filter element and the casing is a machine facing the main air flow. The shell end plate is subjected to the secondary air flow directly impacting the end plate and the incoming main air flow interaction and steering effect, so that the flow field between them is very chaotic, and most of the air flow entering the filter element only converges on a small part of the wavy air flow inlet. In the above, the uneven air volume distribution between the above-mentioned inlets is very disadvantageous to the overall exchange efficiency. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The main object of the present invention is to provide a total heat exchange device for improving indoor air quality, so that the heat exchange efficiency is further improved. Another object of the present invention is to provide a total heat exchange device for improving indoor air quality so that the air volume of each air passage entering the total heat exchange filter element is more uniform. 1295359 The full heat exchange device of the present invention comprises a full heat exchange filter element, a heat pipe heat exchange fan and at least one fan, wherein the fan provides two air flows for discharging dirty air from the room and introducing fresh air from the outside; the total heat exchange The filter element corresponding to the two air flows is provided with a parent-displacement and mutually non-communicating exhaust passage and an intake passage for performing full heat exchange when the airflow passes; the heat conduit heat exchanger includes at least one heat conduit and a plurality of fins on the heat guide, the heat pipe heat exchanger is divided into two sections and respectively corresponding to the exhaust passage and the intake passage of the total heat exchange filter, so that the two air flows respectively pass through the heat conduit The sensible heat exchange is enhanced in two sections of the heat exchanger. As a further improvement of the present invention, the fan, a heat pipe heat exchanger and the full heat parent filter element are disposed in a casing and correspondingly partitioned to form a fan chamber, a heat transfer enhancement chamber and a total heat exchange chamber, and the heat transfer The reinforced chamber is located between the fan chamber and the full heat exchange chamber such that the two streams are passed through the ends of the heat pipe heat exchanger to enhance sensible heat exchange before entering the full heat exchange filter. As another improvement of the present invention, the fan, a heat pipe heat exchanger and the full heat parent filter are disposed in a casing and are separated to form a fan chamber and a full heat exchange chamber, and the bovine heat pipe heat exchanger and the whole The heat exchange filter element is disposed in the total heat exchange chamber, and the heat guide heat exchanger is covered on any adjacent surface of the total heat exchange filter element, so that the two air flows are before or after entering the total heat exchange filter element. The heat exchanger heat exchanger is used to enhance sensible heat exchange. Compared with the prior art, the present full heat exchange device is provided with a heat pipe heat exchanger having a heat pipe and a fin, so that two air volumes are separately introduced into the room from the outdoor and the dirty air is discharged from the room. The heat exchange efficiency is increased, and the air volume distribution of the air passages entering the total heat exchange core is more uniform, and the overall efficiency of the total heat exchange is improved, thereby solving indoor air pollution problems and simultaneously saving energy. [Embodiment] The second and third figures are schematic perspective views of a first embodiment of a full heat exchange device according to the present invention. The basic structure includes a fan chamber 1Q separated by a casing 5, and a heat 1295359 transmits enhanced 20 and - the total heat exchange chamber 3G, the above three chambers (Qing, 3G) share an indoor side wall surface 8 and an outdoor side n wall surface 9 of the casing 5. The fan chamber 10 is provided with two fans n fixed to the casing 5, and the two fans u are paired and provided with reduced exhaust air such as B and fresh air inlet (not labeled) on the wall faces 8, 9 of the corresponding casing. The fan u ± can also be equipped with an air hood to regulate the direction of the wind. A partition 19 is disposed between the fan chamber 10 and the heat transfer enhancement chamber 20, and the partition is provided with two openings corresponding to the two air outlets of the fan 11, respectively. The heat transfer enhancement chamber 20 is adjacent to the fan chamber 1 and the full heat parent chamber 30 with a partition 19 and a partition 23, and a heat pipe heat exchanger 21 is disposed in the heat transfer enhancement chamber 20. The fourth figure is a perspective view of the heat pipe heat exchanger in the second figure. The heat pipe heat exchanger 21 is composed of at least one heat pipe 24 and a plurality of borrowing pieces 25 disposed at both ends of the heat pipe 24, wherein the heat is The conduit 24 is provided with a working liquid and a capillary structure for recirculating the liquid is provided in the tube. The towel portion of the scale hot money device 21 is provided with a partition % to be divided into two sections, the partition 26 and the partition 19 and the partition 23 The heat transfer enhancement chamber 2 is separated into two spaces that do not communicate with each other, and the heat pipe heat exchanger 2 ι spans both indoor and outdoor sides, so that the heat pipe heat exchanger 21 can be easily installed and replaced. The peripheral portion 27 is configured to maintain the integrity of the heat pipe heat exchange H 21; the two air flows passing through the heat guide heat exchanger 21 are passed through the two openings 29 & 29b on the partition 23 The heat exchange chamber is 3 〇. When fresh air is introduced into the room from the outside and the air is smothered by the indoors, the higher temperature _ airflow causes the working liquid in the heat pipe 24 to evaporate and flow to the other end of the heat pipe 24, At the other end of the lower temperature airflow, the heat pipe 24_vapor condenses into a liquid state and quickly returns to the original place for the next cycle operation by means of the capillary structure therein, thereby accelerating the heat energy between the hot and cold air streams. transfer. Therefore, the present invention is provided with the heat transfer enhancement chamber 20, so that the hot and cold air currents are subjected to high-efficiency sensible heat exchange before entering the total heat exchange filter cartridges, and the 1295359 is used to compensate for the function. Paper, with low heat _ shortcomings, Qian Hurricane I enter the channel before passing through the majority of the heat Vs 24 _ piece 25, with the function of flow field rectification, so that the distribution through the Jun (10), Lai enhance the full heat _ The effect of body scales. The heat of the king is changed to 30, and the partition 23 and the heat transfer enhancement chamber 2 are adjacent to each other, and mainly constitute a support portion 6 which is connected to the inner and outer wall faces 8, 9 of the casing 5 at the end of the package, and the cross section of the end portion 1 of the support portion 6 is a short-shaped disengagement portion 7 so as to be turned over and in close contact with the four corners of the full heat exchange filter ~1, so that the airflow passes through the four ports around the total heat exchange filter 1 'except the exhaust and intake passages passing through it In addition to e_e and f_f, heat and mass transfer cannot be performed; the lower half (10) of the entire missing switch is provided with an exhaust outlet 31 and a fresh air outlet 32, respectively. Of course, in the present invention, when the fan is configured When the relationship or the direction of rotation changes, and the direction of the airflow of the exhaust gas and the intake air changes, the above-mentioned discharge port 13a can also be regarded as a fresh air π that introduces fresh air. Similarly, the exhaust air outlet 31 and the fresh air outlet σ 32 It can also be used as a fresh air inlet for fresh air and an exhaust air outlet for exhaust/deficient air. The invention of the total heat exchange chamber % is provided such that the exhaust air inlet 13a from the indoor side 1 respectively guides the indoor exhaust gas through the exhaust passage E_E of the total heat exchange filter element 1, and discharges the treated exhaust gas to the exhaust air outlet 31 to In addition, at the same time, the fresh air inlet from the outdoor side π guides the fresh air through the intake passage F_F which intersects with the exhaust gas discharge, and the treated fresh air is input into the room through the fresh air outlet 32 to achieve the purpose of high-efficiency total heat exchange. In the second and third figures, the exhaust inlet 13a, the fresh air inlet, the exhaust outlet 31 and the fresh air outlet 32 may respectively be provided with a screen portion (not shown) to exclude fresh air introduced from the outside and discharged from the room. The floating particles and dust contained in the dirty air prevent the wavy airflow inlet 3 in the heat-retaining filter element 1 from being blocked, thereby affecting the total heat exchange efficiency and the air quality of the shirt, and further improving the total heat exchange performance. Figure 5 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of the full heat exchange device of the present invention. The basic structure includes a fan chamber 10 separated by a casing 5 and a full heat exchange chamber 3', wherein the total heat exchange chamber 3 〇 merged with the aforementioned heat transfer enhancement chamber 2〇, and the fan chamber 10 1295359 10 and Wang hot father change to 30 adjacent to the partition 33, and the indoor side exhaust inlet 13a and the outdoor side fresh air inlet in the fan chamber 10 The exhaust gas and the intake air flow respectively enter the total heat exchange chamber 3 through the indoor side air inlet i4a and the outdoor side air outlet 14b provided on the partition 33; wherein the fan chamber 10 and the total heat exchange chamber 30 and the first implementation The function and structure of the example are the same; only the heat pipe heat exchanger 34 disposed in the total heat exchange chamber 30 is covered in a roof tile shape on the adjacent A face 39a and B face 39b of the king heat filter filter core 1 6 is a perspective view of the heat pipe heat exchanger 34 in the fifth diagram. The heat pipe heat exchanger 34 is mainly composed of at least one heat pipe 35 and a plurality of fins 36 disposed at both ends of the heat pipe 35. a composition in which the middle partition plate 37 of the heat pipe heat exchanger 34 is in close contact with the partition plate 33 and the casing 5 The heat transfer enhancement chamber 20 (i.e., the upper half of the total heat exchange chamber 30) is partitioned into two non-combustion__ spaces, and an auxiliary fixing portion 38 is attached to both ends of the heat conduit 35 to maintain the heat exchanger heat exchange. For the integrity of the device 34, the lower end of the intermediate partition plate 37 may further be provided with a bifurcated clamping portion 7. The present invention is provided with the heat transfer enhancement chamber 2, so that two air volumes respectively introducing fresh air into the room from the outside and exhausting the dirty air from the room are in the cross-interlaced air passages Ε·Ε and F_F entering the total heat exchange filter element 1 Previously, the heat pipe heat exchanger 34 is used to perform the sensible heat exchange of the enthalpy efficiency to compensate for the short thermal conductivity of the functional paper material, and the two air volumes pass through the majority of the ends of the heat pipe 35 before entering the channel. The fins 36 have the function of flow field rectification, so that the air volume distribution through the channels is uniformized, thereby achieving the effect of improving the overall efficiency of the total heat exchange. 7 is a perspective view of another embodiment of the heat pipe heat exchanger of the fifth figure, and the only difference from the sixth figure is the twist of the plurality of fins 41 of the heat pipe heat exchanger 4〇 and the The heights of the heat transfer enhancement chambers 2 are similar, so that the two air flows introduced into the total heat exchange chamber 3 by the indoor side air outlets 14a and the outdoor side air outlets 14b, respectively, enter the cross-interlacing passage of the full heat father filter The flow distribution is more uniform; of course, the heat pipe heat exchangers 34 and 4 shown in the sixth and seventh figures can also be arranged adjacent to the full heat exchange filter cartridge by using the mounting method of the fifth embodiment. 3% and (: face 39 (: upper, and / or placed on the adjacent C face 39c and D face 39d of the total heat exchange filter 1, and / or set at π 1295359 ' also achieve the full heat exchange full heat The effect of the overall efficiency of the father changing the adjacent D face 39d and the A face 39a of the filter element 1. In summary, the present invention has indeed met the requirements of the invention patent, and the patent application is filed according to law. The preferred embodiment of the invention can not limit the scope of the towel in this case. Equivalent modifications or variations made by those skilled in the art in light of the spirit of the present invention are intended to be included in the scope of the following claims. [Simplified Schematic] The first figure is a schematic diagram of the construction of a total heat exchange filter in a full heat exchange device. The second drawing is a perspective view of a first embodiment of the full heat exchange device of the present invention.
第二圖係第二圖組裝後的部分剖視圖。 第四圖係第二圖中熱導管熱交換器的立體示意圖。 第五圖係本發明全熱交換裝置第二個實施例的立體示意圖。 第圖係第五圖中熱導管熱交換器的立體示意圖。 第七圖係第五圖中熱導管熱交換器另一實施例的立體示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 全熱交換濾芯 氣流入口 機殼 夹持部 風機室 排風進口 熱傳增強室 熱導管式熱交換器 鰭片 隔板 外框部 排風出口 輔助固定部The second drawing is a partial cross-sectional view of the assembled second drawing. The fourth figure is a perspective view of the heat pipe heat exchanger in the second figure. Figure 5 is a perspective view of a second embodiment of the full heat exchange device of the present invention. The figure is a perspective view of the heat pipe heat exchanger in the fifth figure. Figure 7 is a perspective view of another embodiment of the heat pipe heat exchanger of the fifth figure. [Main component symbol description] Full heat exchange filter Airflow inlet Enclosure Grip chamber Fan exhaust inlet Heat transfer enhancement chamber Heat pipe heat exchanger Fin Substrate Outer frame Exhaust outlet Auxiliary fixing
1 隔板 2 3 波浪形板 4 5 支撐部 6 7 壁面 8'9 10 風機 11 13a 風口 14a、14b 20 21、34、40 熱導管 24、35 25、36 19、23、26 、33、37 27 全熱交換室 30 31 新風出口 32 38 121 partition 2 3 wavy plate 4 5 support 6 7 wall 8'9 10 fan 11 13a tuyere 14a, 14b 20 21, 34, 40 heat pipe 24, 35 25, 36 19, 23, 26, 33, 37 27 Full heat exchange room 30 31 fresh air outlet 32 38 12