1284496 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領威】 本發明係有關於一種可置換散熱風扇之工作系統,尤 指一種透過防呆裝置,而於產熱元件在停止工作之情況下 5更換散熱風扇之工作系統。 【先前技術】 按,一般個人電腦需藉由一組電源供應器(P〇wer supply)來供應電力來源,而像一些伺服器或大型電腦的電 1〇源供應,則需要採用多組電源供應器同時供應電力來源, 以達到較穩定的電源供應。再者,不管是應用於個人電腦、 或伺服器、大型電腦或資料儲存系統的電源供應器 為產熱問通而需配合散熱風扇來進行散熱。 惟,目前市面上所使用之電源供應器,多將散熱風扇 15 20 於電源供應器,且依據使用經驗,散熱風扇的使用壽 〒遠低於電源供應器,而造成即使電源供應器仍為可使用 狀况,但因著散熱風扇的損壞,而必須更換整组電源供應 器之缺失。 、、 又,若將此散熱風扇設計為可抽換式,則會發生於抽 之電源供麻仍在運作產熱,但此時又無法進行散熱 毀兄因此實務上電源供應器可能發生因溫升過高而燒 針對内建於電源供應器之散熱風扇,,般僅能 、电"、么應益來進行散熱,而無法對整個計算機系統進 5 1284496 行散熱,亦即僅 除計算機系統本;咖的散熱_^ 上,㈣結切知,目前f知之㈣供絲在實際使用 j、:…、有不便與缺失存在,而待加以改善者。 來本發明人有感上述缺失之可改善,且依據多年 心爭匕方面之相關經驗,悉心觀察且研究之,並配合學 ,之運用,而提出一種設計合理且有效改善上述缺失之本 發明。 10【發明内容】 本發明所要解決的技術問題,主要在於若將工作系統 之散熱風扇改為抽換式時,於散熱風扇損壞之抽換期間, 可忐發生工作系統因溫升過高而燒毁之缺失。 為了解決上述技術問題,本發明係提供一種可置換散 15熱風扇之工作系統,其係透過一防呆裝置,而僅可於工作 _ 系統停止工作情況下更換散熱風扇,亦即本發明可於安全 的狀態下,更換損壞的散熱風扇,並即省習知需更換整組 ; 電源供應器之費用。 7 #者,本㈣-可選擇的特色係為透過於殼體周圍之 • 20開孔設計,使㈣熱風扇不僅 < 解決電源供應器的散熱問 題,同時亦可排除整個系統所產生的&、Μ達到多功能散 熱之優點0 、、根據本發明之其中^種方案,提供一種工作系统,係 包括:-殼體;-工作裝置’其設置於該殼體内;-散熱 6 1284496 ; 裝置,其設置於該殼體内,係用以對該工作裝置散熱,該 , 散熱裝置之一端係設置有一拉柄,使該散熱裝置可藉以由 該殼體内抽離;以及一防呆裝置,其樞接於該殼體上,用 以於該工作系統電性連接插置於一計算機系統内時,抵住 -5該散熱裝置,使該散熱裝置不致被抽離,並於解除該防呆 • 裝置之抵住作用時,可確保該工作裝置係呈停止運作之狀 態。 • 根據本發明之另一種可選擇之方案,提供一種工作系 統,係包括:一殼體、一工作裝置、一散熱裝置、及一防 10呆裝置。其中,該工作裝置與散熱裝置係設置於該殼體内, 且該散熱裝置係設置有至少一散熱風扇,用以對該工作裝 置提供散熱作用;以及,該防呆裝置係樞接於該殼體上, 且該防呆裝置係具有一手柄部及一相對於該計算機系統卡 扣部之卡槽部;其中,當該工作系統電性連接插置於一計 15算機系統内時,該手柄部係抵住該散熱裝置,使該散熱裝 _ 置無法被抽離,而當欲抽離該散熱裝置時,須先扳動該手 柄部以解除該抵住作用,並於扳動該手柄部時,使該工作 : 系統脫離該計算機系統,令該工作系統停止運作。 : 根據本發明之再一種可選擇之方案,提供一種工作系 20統’係包括:一殼體;一防呆裝置,係樞接於該殼體上, 該防呆裝置係具有一可扳動之手柄部;一工作裝置,係設 置於該殼體内,於一端面設置有一電源線轉接頭,該電源 線轉接頭係位於該手柄部活動區域内,用以插設一電源 線’以供應外部電力至該工作裝置;以及一散熱裝置,係 7 1284496 該散_係設置有至少-散熱風扇, 供散熱作用;其中,當該工作系統電 f置,°算齡、㈣時’該手柄部餘住該散熱 解”裝置無法被抽離’而當欲扳動該手柄部以 ,係須先拔除該電源線騎該工作系統 ^了能更進-步瞭解本發明為達成預定目的所採取之 鲁 術手段及功效,請茶閱以下有關本發明之詳細說明與 附®,相信本發明之目的、特徵與特點,當可由此得一深 10入且具體之瞭解,然而所附圖式僅提供參考與說明用,並 非用來對本發明加以限制者。 【實施方式】 請參閱第一圖至第二圖所示,其分別為本發明工作系 15統之其中一實施例之立體組合圖、及該工作系統電性連接 鲁 地插置於一計算機系統内之分解示意圖。由圖中可知,計 算機系統2係具有一用以容置工作系統1之放置槽2 〇 : 〇,該放置槽2 0 0之後方係設有電路板(圖中未示)與 - 連接器(圖中未示),而工作糸統1之後方亦設有相對應之 病 20連接器1 a,使該工作系統1可透過該等連接器1 a,以 電性連接地插置於一計算機系統2内。 該工作系統1係包括··一殼體1 〇、一工作裝置1 1、 一散熱裝置1 2、及一防呆裝置1 3。其中,該工作系統 1係可為一電源供應系統、或一易產生過多熱量之系統, 8 1284496 •该工作裝置i1係可為一用於供應電力來源至該計算機系 - 統2之電源供應裝置、或任何可供應資源至計算機系統2 之裝置。 ~ 再者,本實施例中該殼體i 〇係具有彼此相通之一第 ‘5 一谷置空間1〇〇及一第二容置空間ιοί。該工作裝置 .11係設置且固定於該第一容置空間1 ο 〇内,該散熱裝 置1 2係$又置於该弟一容置空間1 0 1内,其中該散熱裝 _ 置1 2係可有複數個散熱風扇1 2 〇,該等散熱風扇12~ .〇係透過二容置空間1〇〇、101之間相通的通道吸收 10该工作裝置1 1所產生的熱氣,而排放至外界,以第一圖 所示之實施例中,該散熱風扇i 2 〇係為二個鼓風扇 (blower)。然而,該等散熱風扇i 2 〇所設置的地方係非 用以限定本發明,舉凡於該第二容置空間i 〇丄内的任何 地方,皆可設置散熱風扇。另外,在其它的實施例中,工 is作裝置1 1與散熱裝置1 2間的配置關係亦可依照實際設 計進行相應的變更。例如:殼體1 〇内部並沒有明顯需分 •為二容置空間,以及散熱裝置1 2與工作裝置1 1係分別 設置於殼體内之前後。 此外,該殼體10係設置有一對卡扣孔1〇 3,該散 • 2〇熱裝置1 21係設置有與該對卡扣孔1 〇 3配合之一對卡扣 體1 2 1,藉由該對卡扣孔1 〇 3與該對卡扣體1 2工的 配合,使得該散熱裝置1 2可卡固於該殼體1 〇之第二容 置空間1 〇 1内。另外,該散熱裝置1 2之一末端係設置 有一拉柄1 2 2,當使用者壓按該對卡扣體1 2 1以使該 9 1284496 :卡扣體1 2 1脫離該對卡扣孔! 〇 3時,可藉由該 ' 22將該散熱裝置12抽離該第二容置空間丄〇 、 便使用者更換散熱風扇1 2 0。 ’以方 另外,該防呆裝置1 3之一末端係設有一卡桦 •5 〇,該防呆裝置13之另一末端係設有手柄部二= .卡槽部1 3 0係與該計算機系統2之放置槽2 〇 〇的卡扣/ 部2 1 0相配合。再者,該殼體2 〇係設有一對第一樞= | 。卩1 0 4,該防呆裝置1 3係設有與該對第―樞接部工〇 4相互樞接之-對第二樞接部i 3 2,藉由該對第一框 ίο部1 0 4與該對第二樞接部! 3 2之配合,使得該防 置1 3柩接於該殼體1 〇上。 、 請配合參閱第三圖至第六圖所示。 乂當工作系統1置於計算機系統2,首先卡扣部2工〇 係進入卡槽1 3 〇内(如第四圖所示),而後藉由向上板動 15手柄部1 3 1 ’藉由卡槽! 3 〇與卡扣部2丄〇間的作 >用’即可使工作系統1向内推移置於計算機系統2内,並 使後方之連接器相互電性連接,請參閱第三圖,此時防呆 裝置1 3之手柄部1 3 1係抵住該散熱裝置丄2使其無法 被拔出。於此貫施例中,爲加強該抵住作用,手柄部1 3 2〇 1上係設有擋止部1 3 4。 當欲自计异機系統中將抽離工作系統1,使用者扳動 该防呆裝置13之手柄部13 1 (如第五圖之旋轉箭頭所 示),即可使該工作系統i脫離該計算機系統2 一預定之移 位距離L,使切斷與計算機系統間之電性連接而停止運轉 1284496 (如第六圖所示)。 =於欲抽離更換散綠置丨2時,須先 二=Γ:抵住作用,因此,如前所述者,藉由該 元脉r 3的使用者係可在安全的況態下(產熱 2運轉之狀態),更換損壞的散熱風扇。 …、 散熱孔ιοί實0的周圍係設置有複數個 们η。 使4賴風扇12(3係可透過該等散熱 至外凡#以吸收該計算機系統2所產生的熱氣,而排放 卜^然而該等散熱孔1Q2所㈣的位置係非用於限 二X明’舉凡該殼體i Q的任何地方皆可開設散熱孔1 U ^ 〇 :苓閱第七圖所示,其係本實施例工作系統之立體散 二不=圖。由圖中可知,藉由上述該等散熱孔1 0 2與二 谷置空間之間相通的設計,以傳送設置於該第一容置空間 15 2 〇 〇之工作裝置1 1所產生的熱氣,及該計算機系統2 # 額外所產生的熱氣(如第七圖所示,從外部流進二容置空 間1 Ο 1之箭頭)至第二容置空間1 〇 1内,然後再透過 : 该散熱裝置12之散熱風扇1 2 〇排放至外界(如第七圖 : 所不’流出第二容置空間1 0 1之箭頭)。然而,該等散熱 2〇孔1 0 2所開設的地方及該等散熱風1 2 〇所設置的地方 係可隨使用者所需,而任意設計。 此外’請參閱第八圖所示,其係本發明工作系統之另 一實施例之立體示意圖。由圖中可知,該工作裝置係具有 一電源線轉接頭1 1 0。該電源線轉接頭1 1 0係設置於 1284496 • 與該防呆裝置1 3同一端面,用於與一電源線(圖未示) 配合,以供應該工作裝置1 1之電力來源。由於該電源線 轉接頭1 1 〇係位於該手柄部1 3 1之活動區域内,亦 即’該手柄部1 3 1會受到該電源線的限制,而無法下壓。 ‘ 5藉此,當手柄部^3丄欲往下扳動以解除抵住散熱裝置工 • 2的作用時,首先必須先拔除5玄電源線,因而使得該工作 系統1停工(shut down),然後才能扳動該防呆裝置1 3, • 使可再進一步抽離該散熱裝置1 2。因此,該電源線轉接 頭1 1 0與該防呆裝置1 3間的配置設計實亦為一種防止 10該工作系統1在還未停止工作下更換該散熱裝置1 2,而 造成該工作系統損壞之防呆措失。 15 20 綜上所述,本發明係透過一防呆裝置1 3的設計,而 可於斷電情況下更換散熱風1 2 0,亦即本發明可於安全 的狀態下,更換損壞的散熱風扇,以節省習知需更換整組 電源供應器之費用。再者,本發明透過於該殼體丄〇周圍 之開孔設計,使得該等散熱風扇1 20不僅可排除工作系 源供應器)所產生的熱,同時亦可排除整個計算 H先2所產生的熱,以翻多功能散熱之優點。 惟,以上所述,僅為本發 詳細說明與圖式,惟本=取仏之㈣體貫施例之 以限制本發明,本發特徵並不侷限於此,並非用 圍為準,凡合於本發c應以下述之申請專利範 之實施例,皆應包含於本:專利,之精神與其類似變化 藝者在本發明之領域内,之麟中,任何熟悉該項技 可輕易思及之變化或修飾皆可涵 12 1284496 盖在以下本案之專利範圍。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本發明工作系統之其中一實施例之立體組合圖; 5第二圖係本發明工作系統電性連接地插置於一計算機系統 内之分解示意圖; 第三圖係本發明工作系統電性連接地插置於一計算機系統 内之組合示意圖; 第四圖係本發明工作系統脫離一計算機系統之立體示意 10 圖, 第五圖係本發明工作系統之手柄部扳動前之側視示意圖; 第六圖係本發明工作系統之手柄部扳動後之側視示意圖; 第七圖係本發明工作系統之立體散熱示意圖;以及 第八圖係本發明工作系統之另一實施例之立體示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 15 工作系統 1 殼體 10 第一容置空間 10 0 第二容置空間 1 0 1 20 散熱孔 1 0 2 +才口孑L 10 3 第一樞接部 10 4 工作裝置 11 電源線轉接頭 110 散熱裝置 12 散熱風扇 12 0 13 1284496 卡扣體 拉柄 防呆裝置 13 卡槽部 手柄部 第二枢接部 擋止部 計算機系統 2 卡扣部1284496 IX. Description of the Invention: [Technical Leading Technology of the Invention] The present invention relates to a working system for a replaceable cooling fan, and more particularly to a heat-dissipating device, and the heat-dissipating component is replaced when the heat-generating component is stopped. The working system of the fan. [Prior Art] Press, a typical personal computer needs to supply power sources through a set of power supplies. For some servers or large computers, multiple sets of power supplies are required. The device also supplies power sources to achieve a more stable power supply. Furthermore, whether it is applied to a personal computer, or a power supply for a server, a large computer, or a data storage system, it is necessary to use a cooling fan for heat dissipation. However, the power supply currently used on the market mostly uses a cooling fan 15 20 in the power supply, and depending on the experience, the use of the cooling fan is much lower than that of the power supply, and even if the power supply is still available Usage, but due to damage to the cooling fan, the entire set of power supplies must be replaced. And, if the cooling fan is designed to be replaceable, it will occur in the power supply for pumping, and the heat is still in operation. However, at this time, it is impossible to dissipate heat. Therefore, the power supply may be in a temperature condition. When it is raised too high, it burns the cooling fan built into the power supply. It can only be used to dissipate heat. It cannot heat the entire computer system, that is, only the computer system. This; the heat dissipation of the coffee _^, (4) knots know, the current f knows (four) the supply of silk in the actual use of j, : ..., inconvenience and lack of existence, and to be improved. The present inventors have felt that the above-mentioned deficiencies can be improved, and based on the relevant experience of many years of enthusiasm, carefully observed and studied, and in conjunction with the use of learning, a present invention which is reasonable in design and effective in improving the above-mentioned defects is proposed. 10 [Summary of the Invention] The technical problem to be solved by the present invention is mainly that when the cooling fan of the working system is changed to the replacement type, during the replacement of the cooling fan damage, the working system may be burnt due to excessive temperature rise. The lack of destruction. In order to solve the above technical problem, the present invention provides a working system capable of replacing a 15 heat fan, which is through a foolproof device, and can only replace the heat dissipation fan when the work_system stops working, that is, the present invention can be In a safe state, replace the damaged cooling fan, and it is customary to replace the entire group; the cost of the power supply. 7 #者,本(四)-The optional feature is the 20-hole design around the casing, so that (4) the hot fan not only solves the heat dissipation problem of the power supply, but also eliminates the & The utility model has the advantages of multi-functional heat dissipation. According to the solution of the present invention, a working system is provided, which comprises: - a casing; - a working device 'which is disposed in the casing; - a heat dissipation 6 1284496; The device is disposed in the housing for dissipating heat to the working device, wherein one end of the heat dissipating device is provided with a pulling handle, so that the heat dissipating device can be pulled away from the housing; and a foolproof device The pivoting device is pivotally connected to the housing for preventing the heat sink from being pulled away when the working system is electrically connected into a computer system, so as to release the defense When the device is in place, it ensures that the work device is in a state of being stopped. • According to another alternative of the present invention, a working system is provided comprising: a housing, a working device, a heat sink, and a protection device. The working device and the heat dissipating device are disposed in the casing, and the heat dissipating device is provided with at least one cooling fan for providing heat dissipation to the working device; and the dampening device is pivotally connected to the casing Body-mounted, and the foolproof device has a handle portion and a card slot portion relative to the locking portion of the computer system; wherein when the working system is electrically connected to the computer system, The handle portion is against the heat dissipating device, so that the heat dissipating device cannot be pulled away, and when the heat dissipating device is to be pulled out, the handle portion must be firstly pulled to release the resisting action, and the handle is pulled At the time of the department, the work was taken: the system was removed from the computer system and the working system was stopped. According to still another alternative of the present invention, a working system 20 includes: a housing; a foolproof device pivotally connected to the housing, the foolproof device having a movable a handle portion; a working device is disposed in the housing, and a power cord adapter is disposed on one end surface, and the power cord adapter is located in the active area of the handle portion for inserting a power cord To supply external power to the working device; and a heat dissipating device, the system is provided with at least a cooling fan for heat dissipation; wherein, when the working system is electrically set, the age is calculated, (4) The handle portion retains the heat dissipation solution "cannot be pulled away" and when the handle portion is to be pulled, it is necessary to first remove the power cord to ride the working system, and it is possible to further understand the present invention for the purpose of achieving the intended purpose. The following is a detailed description of the invention and the accompanying ®, and it is believed that the objects, features and characteristics of the present invention can be obtained from the following detailed description. For reference and explanation only The present invention is not limited to the present invention. [Embodiment] Please refer to the first to second figures, which are respectively a three-dimensional combination diagram of one embodiment of the working system of the present invention, and the working system. The schematic diagram of the electrical connection is inserted into a computer system. As can be seen from the figure, the computer system 2 has a placement slot 2 for accommodating the working system 1 〇: 〇, the placement slot is 2 0 0 A circuit board (not shown) and a connector (not shown) are provided, and a corresponding disease 20 connector 1 a is also provided behind the working system 1 to enable the working system 1 to pass through the The connector 1 a is electrically connected to a computer system 2. The working system 1 includes a housing 1 , a working device 1 1 , a heat sink 12 , and a foolproof device The device 1 3, wherein the working system 1 can be a power supply system, or a system that generates excessive heat, 8 1284496 • the working device i1 can be used to supply power sources to the computer system 2 Power supply, or any resource available The device of the machine system 2. In this embodiment, the housing i has one of the '5th valley space 1' and a second housing space ιοί. And disposed in the first accommodating space 1 ο ,, the heat dissipating device 1 2 is placed in the accommodating space 1 0 1 , wherein the heat dissipating device 1 2 can have a plurality of heat dissipating The fan 1 2 〇, the cooling fan 12 〇 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 101 101 101 101 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收 吸收In the illustrated embodiment, the cooling fan i 2 is a two blower. However, the heat dissipating fan i 2 is not provided to limit the present invention. A cooling fan can be placed anywhere in the space i. Further, in other embodiments, the arrangement relationship between the device 1 1 and the heat sink 12 can be changed in accordance with the actual design. For example, there is no obvious need to divide the inside of the casing 1 into two spaces, and the heat dissipating device 12 and the working device 1 1 are respectively disposed in front of the casing. In addition, the housing 10 is provided with a pair of snap holes 1〇3, and the heat dissipation device 1 21 is provided with one of the pair of snap holes 1 〇3 to the buckle body 1 2 1, The heat dissipation device 12 can be engaged in the second accommodating space 1 〇1 of the housing 1 by the cooperation of the pair of latching holes 1 〇3 and the pair of latching bodies 1 . In addition, one end of the heat dissipating device 12 is provided with a handle 1 2 2, when the user presses the pair of latch bodies 1 2 1 to disengage the 9 1284496 : the latch body 1 2 1 from the pair of snap holes ! At 〇3, the heat sink 12 can be pulled away from the second accommodating space by the '22, and the user can replace the heat sink fan 120. In addition, one end of the foolproof device 1 3 is provided with a card birch • 5 〇, and the other end of the foolproof device 13 is provided with a handle portion 2 =. The card slot portion 1 30 is associated with the computer The locking/part 2 1 0 of the slot 2 of the system 2 is matched. Furthermore, the housing 2 is provided with a pair of first pivots.卩1 0 4, the foolproof device 13 is provided with a pair of second pivoting portions i 3 2 that are pivotally connected to the pair of first pivoting workpieces 4, by the pair of first frame portions 1 0 4 and the pair of second pivots! The cooperation of 3 2 causes the guard 13 to be attached to the casing 1 . Please refer to the third to sixth figures. When the working system 1 is placed in the computer system 2, first the buckle portion 2 is inserted into the card slot 13 (as shown in the fourth figure), and then by the upward movement 15 handle portion 1 3 1 'by Card slot! 3 〇 卡 卡 卡 卡 卡 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 用 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作 工作The handle portion 1 3 1 of the foolproof device 1 3 is held against the heat sink 2 so that it cannot be pulled out. In this embodiment, in order to enhance the abutting action, the handle portion 1 3 2〇 1 is provided with a stopper portion 134. When the user wants to withdraw from the working system 1 and the user pulls the handle portion 13 1 of the foolproof device 13 (as indicated by the rotating arrow in the fifth figure), the working system i can be disengaged from the working system i. The computer system 2 has a predetermined shift distance L that shuts off electrical connection between the computer system and stops operation 1284496 (as shown in Figure 6). = When you want to remove the green cover 更换 2, you must first two = Γ: to resist the effect, therefore, as mentioned above, the user of the element r 3 can be in a safe state ( In the state of heat production 2, replace the damaged cooling fan. ..., the ventilator ιοί real 0 is provided with a plurality of η around it. The 4 fans 4 (the system can transmit the heat generated by the computer system 2 to absorb the heat generated by the computer system 2, and the position of the heat dissipation holes 1Q2 (4) is not limited to the limit. 'Everywhere, the housing i Q can be provided with a heat dissipation hole 1 U ^ 〇: as shown in the seventh figure, which is the three-dimensional diagram of the working system of the embodiment. It can be seen from the figure The heat dissipation holes 102 and the two valley spaces are designed to communicate with each other to transfer the hot air generated by the working device 11 disposed in the first accommodation space 15 2 , and the computer system 2 # additional The generated hot gas (as shown in the seventh figure, the arrow that flows from the outside into the two accommodating spaces 1 Ο 1) into the second accommodating space 1 〇1, and then passes through: the cooling fan 12 of the heat sink 12 〇 Emission to the outside world (as shown in Figure 7: Do not 'flow out the arrow of the second accommodating space 1 0 1). However, the place where the heat dissipation 2 1 hole 102 is opened and the heat dissipation wind 1 2 〇 The set location can be arbitrarily designed according to the user's needs. In addition, please refer to the eighth figure, which is the hair A perspective view of another embodiment of the working system. As can be seen from the figure, the working device has a power cord adapter 1 110. The power cord adapter 1 10 is set at 1284496 • with the foolproof device The same end face is used for cooperating with a power cord (not shown) to supply the power source of the working device 11. Since the power cord adapter 1 1 is located in the active area of the handle portion 1 3 1 Inside, that is, 'the handle portion 133 is limited by the power cord, and cannot be pressed down. '5, by this, when the handle portion ^3 is intended to be pulled down to release the heat sink device 2 When acting, firstly, the 5 power supply line must be removed first, so that the working system 1 is shut down, and then the foolproof device 13 can be pulled, so that the heat sink device 12 can be further pulled away. Therefore, The configuration between the power cord adapter 110 and the foolproof device 13 is also a kind of prevention 10 that the working system 1 replaces the heat sink 12 when it has not stopped working, thereby causing damage to the working system. Preventing and damaging. 15 20 In summary, the present invention is through an The design of the device 13 can replace the heat dissipation air 120 in the case of power failure, that is, the invention can replace the damaged heat dissipation fan in a safe state, so as to save the cost of replacing the entire power supply. Furthermore, the present invention is designed such that the cooling fan 1 20 can not only exclude the heat generated by the working system source supply through the opening around the casing, but also eliminates the entire calculation of the first two. The heat generated is used to turn the heat of the multi-function. However, the above description is only for the detailed description and the drawings of the present invention, but the present invention is not limited thereto, and the present invention is not limited thereto. The present invention should be included in the following patents, and the spirit of the patent should be included in the patent, and the spirit of the artist is in the field of the invention. Any one familiar with the technology can easily think of it. Changes or modifications can be covered by the following patents in this case. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first drawing is a perspective view of one embodiment of the working system of the present invention; 5 is a schematic exploded view of the working system of the present invention electrically inserted into a computer system; The figure is a schematic diagram of the combination of the working system of the present invention electrically inserted into a computer system; the fourth figure is a perspective view of the working system of the present invention from a computer system 10, and the fifth figure is the handle of the working system of the present invention FIG. 6 is a side view showing the handle portion of the working system of the present invention after being pulled; FIG. 7 is a schematic view showing the three-dimensional heat dissipation of the working system of the present invention; and the eighth drawing is the working system of the present invention. A perspective view of another embodiment. [Main component symbol description] 15 Working system 1 Housing 10 First housing space 10 0 Second housing space 1 0 1 20 Cooling hole 1 0 2 + Port 10 L 10 3 First pivoting part 10 4 Working device 11 Power cord adapter 110 Heat sink 12 Cooling fan 12 0 13 1284496 Buckle body pull handle foolproof device 13 Card slot handle 2nd pivot joint stop computer system 2 Buckle
移位距離 LShift distance L