1275348 (1) 玫、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明是關於將以抽出形式連結的竿體相 連結構造。詳細來說,是關於一種釣竿,是作 在收容狀態或是延伸狀態,都可將特定的竿體 結加以固定,能使釣竿全體的長度變化來進行 【先前技術】 以往的抽出形式的釣竿,複數的筒狀的竿 的竿體依序插入到竿根側的竿體內。在進行釣 序將各竿體朝前側抽出嵌合固定作爲一支竿體 方面,在收容時可將前側的竿體依序收容在竿 內而成爲小型化的狀態。 而在以往的抽出形式的釣竿中,也有作成 的長度變化來進行釣魚的構造。這種釣竿,例 有:在前側端部內周面具有嵌合母部的主竿、 側端部外周面具有第一嵌合公部且在長軸方向 外周面具有第二嵌合公部的主上竿。 在這種釣竿中,在連結於主竿的前側的主 到前側的狀態(以下稱作「延伸狀態」),使 第一嵌合公部嵌合,而在將主上竿插入到主 (以下_作「收谷狀態」)’是可使嵌合母部 公部嵌裝在一起(參照專利文獻1 )。 主竿與主上竿不管是在「延伸狀態」或 互連結時的 成:不管是 彼此相互連 釣魚。 體可從前側 魚時,是依 使用。另一 根側的竿體 使竿體全體 如,是具備 以及在竿根 中央附近的 上竿被抽出 嵌合母部與 竿內的狀態 與第二嵌合 是「收容狀 (2) 1275348 態」都可相互嵌合固定,可因應狀況使釣竿全體的長度變 化來進行釣魚。 【專利文獻1】 日本特開2000— 262189號公報(第1〜第2欄,第1 圖、第2圖) 【發明內容】 〔發明欲解決的課題〕 在這種以往的釣竿中,收容於主竿內的主上竿的軸方 向長度,會成爲「延伸狀態」與「收容狀態」的長度的差 (以下稱作「伸縮長度」)。也就是說,主竿的軸方向長 度會影響伸縮長度。 一般來說,在主竿其前側的周面是配置有可自由裝卸 地女裝捲線器的捲線器座’在千根側朗部設置有讓釣魚者 握持的握把部分,所以其軸方向長度會被限制爲某種程度 的長度。由於限制了主竿的軸方向長度,所以伸縮長度的 設計自由度也會降低。 本發明的課題,是要提供可調整釣竿全體的長度,且 可進行順暢的釣魚操作的釣竿’可提高其伸縮長度的自由 度的竿體彼此的連結構造。 〔用以解決課題的手段〕 第1發明的連結構造,是具備有:在竿根側端部具有 第一竿體保持手段的主竿、於主竿內可自由出入地被連結 -6 - (3) 1275348 在主竿的前側’在竿根側端部具有第二竿體保持手段的主 上竿 '以及於主上竿內可自由出入地被連結在主上竿的前 側的主上前竿。 這三支竿體’是在:將主上前竿、主上竿依序完全抽 出於主竿的前側的延伸狀態、以及將主上前竿、主上竿依 序完全收容於主竿的內部的收容狀態的兩狀態,可相互固 定連結,各狀態的具體方式如下述: 首先’在延伸狀態,主上竿被抽出於主竿的前側,主 上竿的竿根側端部外周面與主竿的前側內周面是嵌裝在一 起。並且’主上前竿的竿根側端部外周面與主上竿的前側 端部內周面嵌裝在一起。會分別限制著位於前側的竿體的 防脫落部,並且將相互的竿體連結固定在一起。 另一方面’將主上前竿從前側收容到主上竿內,當主 上前竿的竿根側端部到達主上竿的竿根側端部時,主上前 竿的竿根側端部會被主上竿的第二竿體保持手段保持著。 被保持在第二竿體保持手段的主上前竿與主上竿,再從前 側被收容到主竿內。當主上竿的竿根側端部到達主竿的竿 根側端部時,主上竿的竿根側端部會被主竿的第一竿體保 持手段保持著(收容狀態)。 在該竿體的連結構造中,不管是延伸狀態或是收容狀 態都可將竿體相互固定連結在一起。特別是,藉由中介著 主上千’不會限制主竿的軸方向長度的伸縮長度,自由度 可提局。 第2發明的連結構造,是針對第〗發明的構造,第二 -7- (4) 1275348 竿體保持手段,是可裝卸地被安裝在主上竿的竿根側端部 的底栓部。該底栓部,具有收容凹部,爲了用來收容保持 主上前竿的竿根側端部而在前側開口,且爲了限制主上前 竿通過竿根側而封閉住竿根側。 在進行主上前竿朝向主上竿的收容操作時,主上前竿 的竿根側端部會從底栓部的開口被收容保持在其收容凹 部。收容凹部在竿根側是封閉著的,讓主上前竿不會通過 底栓部而突出到竿根側。而伴隨著主上前竿的收容,主上 竿也一定會被收容在主竿內。 第3發明的連結構造,是針對第1或2發明的構造, 第一竿體保持手段是可自由裝卸地安裝在主竿的竿根側端 部的尾栓部。該尾栓部具有用來收容保持主上竿的竿根側 端部而開口於前側的收容凹部。 在主上竿對主竿進行收容操作時,主上竿的竿根側端 部會從尾栓部的開口被收容保持在其收容凹部。 第4發明的連結構造,是針對第1〜3發明的任何構 造’主上竿的軸方向長度是較主竿的軸方向長度更短,主 ±前竿的軸方向長度是較主竿的軸方向長度更長。 藉由設定這種竿體的軸方向長度,在收容狀態可將主 上竿完全收容在主竿內。 【貫施方式】 〔第一實施方式〕 以下針對本發明的第一實施方式參照圖面加以說明。 -8- (5) 1275348 採用本發明的一個實施方式的釣竿,如第1圖所示, 是具有:在周面具有可自由裝卸地安裝捲線器R的捲線器 座6的主竿1、依序以抽出形式連結在主竿1的前側的主 上竿2、主上前竿3、中竿4、以及前頭細竿5。這些主竿 1〜前頭細竿5是由將合成樹脂浸漬在碳纖維或玻璃纖維 等的預浸漬材料所形成的前端較細的筒狀構件,主上竿2 〜則頭細干5可從前側依序插入到竿根側的竿體的內部而 可自由出入。 當將這些主上竿2〜前頭細竿5朝前側抽出時,各個 竿體,是以位於前側的竿體的竿根側端部外周面與位於竿 根側的竿體的前側端部內周面來相互嵌裝,可防止朝向前 側的脫落且可相互連結固定。特別是主上前竿3〜主竿 1,如後述,不管是延伸狀態或是收容狀態,都可相互連 結固定。 在主上前竿3的前側的周面,形成有用來將來自於捲 線器R的釣線L導入到竿體內部的釣線導入口 7,安裝著 釣線導引部8在軸方向覆蓋著該釣線導入口 7。從該釣線 導入口 7所導入的釣線L會插通於主上前竿3〜前頭細竿 5內部的釣線通路。而且會從安裝於前頭細竿5的前側端 部的頂導座9被導出到外部。 在該實施方式中,雖然竿體的支數爲五支,而竿體的 數量可以任意設定,並沒有加以限定。 接下來,針對主竿1〜主上前竿3的連結構造,詳細 加以說明。 -9- (6) 1275348 如第2圖〜第4圖所示,主竿1〜主上前竿3是分別 實施了一定的前端較細的錐桿處理的筒狀體。在三支竿體 中,主上前竿3具有最長的軸方向長度。主上竿2最短, 是較主竿1的軸方向長度更短。例如舉出一個例子,主竿 1的軸方向長度爲50〜70cm的話,主上竿2的軸方向長 度則爲20〜30cm左右,主上前竿3則爲1〇〇〜140cm左 右的軸方向長度。 在該主竿1的竿根側端部是可自由裝卸地安裝著尾栓 部10。該尾栓部10是以嵌裝方式·螺合方式等習知的方 法來安裝於主竿1。在用螺合方式時,在主竿1的竿根側 端部內周面形成螺紋溝槽也可以。該尾栓部1 〇,是其前 側的一部分被插入到主竿1的竿根側端部內的栓部,其內 部是成爲了朝向前側開口的收容凹部。主上竿2的竿根側 端部是從前側插入嵌裝到該收容凹部內(參照第2圖)。 這種尾栓部1 0全體是由橡膠材料所構成。並且也可 以用硬質合成樹脂來形成尾栓部1 0。收容凹部也可以在 其內周面形成複數的朝內直徑方向突出的嵌裝突起部。藉 由設置這種嵌裝突起部,也可防止與主上竿2的固定。 如上述,主竿1與主上竿2是以所謂的抽出形式連 結’當主上竿2被抽出到主竿1的前側時,主竿1的前側 端部內周面與主上竿2的竿根側端部外周面是嵌裝在一起 (參照第3、4圖)。 在主上竿2的竿根側端部是可自由裝卸地安裝著底栓 部1 1。該底栓部1 1也是與尾栓部1 0同樣地藉由嵌裝方 -10- (7) 1275348 式、螺合方式等習知的方法被安裝於主上竿2。在用螺合 方式時,在主上竿2的竿根側端部內周面形成螺紋溝槽這 方面是與尾栓部1 0 —樣。該底栓部1 1也是將其前側的一 部分插入到主上竿2的前側端部內的栓部,其內部,是朝 向前側開口的收容凹部。底栓部1 1的竿根側端面是封閉 著,是考慮到讓插入到收容凹部內的主上前竿3不會插穿 底栓部1 1。 底栓部1 1,如第5圖所示,也可以在其竿根側端面 形成複數的通氣孔1 1 a。藉由從這種通氣孔1 1 a收容凹部 朝軸方向貫穿形成,則能讓主上前竿3朝向主上竿2的收 容、以及主上竿2〜主上前竿3的抽出操作很順暢。而針 對該底栓部1 1,如第5圖所示,也可以在收容凹部的內 周面形成複數的嵌裝突起部1 1 a。 如上述,主上竿2與主上前竿3是以所謂的抽出形式 連結著,當主上前竿3被朝向主上竿2的前側抽出時,主 上竿2的前側端部內周面與主上前竿3的竿根側端部外周 面會嵌裝在一起(參照第4圖)。 在該主上前竿3的預定的周面,也可以安裝能自由裝 卸的輔助環S (參照第2圖)。也就是說,用來塡住在主 上則竿3完全收容於主竿1的狀態的在主竿1的前側端部 所產生的間隙,且爲了使主上前竿3與主竿1的嵌裝更穩 疋’也可以在主上前竿3的預定的軸方向位置的周面安裝 橡膠製的環部等構造。該輔助環S是以黏接方式或是螺合 方式等習知的方法來將其固定於主上前竿3的周面。輔助 -11 - (8) 1275348 環S之所以作成裝卸式構造,是爲了將主上前竿3能從主 竿1的竿根側卸下。並且,在主上前竿3的其他位置的周 面(相當於在主上前竿3完全被收容到主竿2內時的主上 竿2的則側端邰的位置),安裝同樣的輔助環S,或者在 主上竿2的周面實施焊縫隆起部處理也可以。 該主竿丨、主上竿2、主上前竿3,不管是在:將主 上前竿3及主上竿2完全抽出到主竿1的前側的延伸狀態 (參照第4圖)、以及將主上竿2與主上前竿3完全收容 到主竿1的內部的收容狀態(參照第2圖)的兩種狀態, 都可將竿體相互固定連結。 也就是說’在第4圖所示的延伸狀態,依序被抽出到 主竿1的前側的主上竿2、主上前竿3,會以個別的前側 端部外周面、竿根側端部內周面嵌裝固定來防止其脫落, 並且讓相互的竿體連結固定。 當從延伸狀態將主上前竿3收容到主上竿2內時,主 上前竿3的竿根側端部到達主上竿2的竿根側端部的底栓 部1 1,主上前竿3的竿根側端部會被保持在主上竿2的 底栓部11的收容凹部(參照第3圖)。底栓部1 1的收容 凹部並沒有朝軸方向貫穿,將主上前竿3再向竿根側壓入 的話,則主上竿2會與主上前竿3 —起被插入到主竿1 內。主上竿2的竿根側端部到達主竿1的竿根側端部的 話,主上竿2的竿根側端部會被保持在主竿的尾栓部10 (收容狀態)。 如上述,在主竿1〜主上前竿3,不管是在延伸狀態 -12- (9) 1275348 或是收容狀態,都可將竿體相互固定連結。而可一邊調整 釣竿全體的長度,一邊因應釣魚狀況來進行釣魚。藉由中 介有主上竿2,讓主竿1的軸方向長度不會限制伸縮長 度,藉由適當地設定主上竿2的軸方向長度,而可表現出 任意的伸縮長度。 . 〔其他實施方式〕 也可採用第6圖所示的尾栓部20與底栓部2 1,以尾 栓部20與底栓部21來進行主竿1與主上竿2的相互的嵌 裝。 該尾栓部2 0,是螺合於主竿1的竿根側的形式的構 造。與上述實施方式同樣地在內部具有開口於前側的收容 凹部20a。另一方面,底栓部21也是螺合於主上竿2的 竿根側的形式的構造。與上述實施方式同樣地具有在前側 開口的收容凹部2 1 a,並且設置有朝竿根側突出的嵌合公 部2 1 b。嵌合公部2 1 b是朝向竿根側且稍微實施了前端較 細的錐桿處理的柱狀部分,該嵌合公部2 1 b是被收容嵌裝 在尾栓部20的收容凹部20a。 而爲了調整底栓部21的嵌合公部21b與尾栓部20的 收容凹部20a的嵌裝程度,與上述實施方式同樣地,也可 以將嵌合突起形成在收容凹部2 0 a內。 〔發明效果〕 在本發明的釣竿中,可以調整釣竿全體的長度配合狀 -13- (10) 1275348 況來進行釣魚操作。此時,也不會限制主竿的伸縮長度。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是採用本發明的第一實施方式的釣竿的全體 圖。 第2圖是第1圖的主竿1〜主上前竿3的收容狀態的 顯示圖。 第3圖是達到第1圖的主竿1〜主上前竿3的收容狀 態的顯示圖。 第4圖是第1圖的主竿1〜主上前竿3的延伸狀態的 顯示圖。 第5圖是底栓部1 1的變形例的顯示圖。 第6圖是變形例的尾栓部20與底栓部2 1的顯示圖。 【圖號說明】 1 :主竿 2 :主上竿 3 :主上前竿 10、20 :尾栓部 1 1、21 :底栓部 -14-1275348 (1) EMBODIMENT AND EMBODIMENT OF THE INVENTION [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a corpus caller phase connecting structure that is connected in an extracted form. Specifically, it relates to a fishing rod which is fixed in a storage state or in an extended state, and can fix a specific carcass knot, and can change the length of the entire fishing rod. [Prior Art] A conventional fishing rod in the form of a withdrawal, A plurality of cylindrical corpus callosum bodies are sequentially inserted into the iliac crest of the root side. In the case of the fishing process, the carcass is pulled out and fitted to the front side as a carcass, and the carcass of the front side can be sequentially accommodated in the crotch during storage to be miniaturized. In the conventional fishing rod of the drawn type, there is also a structure in which the length of the cut is changed to perform fishing. Such a fishing rod is exemplified by a main cymbal having a fitting female portion on the inner peripheral surface of the front side end portion, a main body having a first fitting merging portion on the outer peripheral surface of the side end portion, and a second fitting merging portion on the outer peripheral surface in the longitudinal direction. Captain. In the fishing rod, the first fitting male portion is fitted in the state of the front side to the front side (hereinafter referred to as "extended state") connected to the front side, and the main upper jaw is inserted into the main (hereinafter In the case of "the "receiving state"), the male part of the fitting mother is fitted together (see Patent Document 1). The main and the main squad are either in the "extended state" or the interconnection: whether they are fishing with each other. The body can be used from the front side of the fish. The other side of the body is such that the entire body is provided with a state in which the upper part near the center of the root is drawn out of the fitting mother part and the inside of the body, and the second fitting is "contained shape (2) 1275348 state" They can be fitted and fixed to each other, and fishing can be performed by changing the length of the entire fishing rod according to the situation. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2000-262189 (First to Second Columns, First FIG. 2 and FIG. 2) [Explanation] [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] In such a conventional fishing rod, it is housed in The length of the main axis in the main cymbal in the axial direction is the difference between the lengths of the "extended state" and the "accommodating state" (hereinafter referred to as "stretching length"). In other words, the length of the main axis in the axial direction affects the length of the telescopic length. In general, the reel seat on the front side of the main cymbal is a reel seat that is detachably attached to the women's reel. 'The thousand-side ram is provided with a grip portion for the angler to hold, so the axial direction The length will be limited to a certain length. Since the length of the main shaft in the axial direction is limited, the degree of freedom in designing the telescopic length is also lowered. An object of the present invention is to provide a structure in which the length of the entire fishing rod can be adjusted, and the fishing rod can be smoothly operated, and the width of the telescopic length can be increased. [Means for Solving the Problem] The connection structure according to the first aspect of the invention includes a main body having a first body holding means at the end portion of the root side, and is detachably connected to the main body -6 - ( 3) 1275348 On the front side of the main raft, the main upper sill of the second scorpion holding means at the stalk root end and the main sill of the front side of the main upper sill that is freely accessible in the main upper sill . The three corpses are: the main anterior squat, the main squatting is completely drawn out of the front side of the main squat, and the main squatting and the main squatting are completely contained inside the main scorpion. The two states of the accommodating state can be fixedly coupled to each other, and the specific manner of each state is as follows: First, in the extended state, the main upper jaw is drawn out of the front side of the main raft, and the outer peripheral surface of the main rafter side end side and the main The inner peripheral surface of the front side of the crucible is fitted together. Further, the outer peripheral surface of the root end side of the main upper front side is fitted to the inner peripheral surface of the front side end of the main upper jaw. The anti-shedding portions of the carcass on the front side are respectively restricted, and the mutual carcass is fixed and fixed together. On the other hand, the main upper front sill is received from the front side into the main upper sill, and when the sacral root end of the main anterior iliac crest reaches the iliac crest side end of the main upper iliac crest, the iliac crest side end of the main anterior iliac crest The ministry will be maintained by the second carcass of the Lord. It is held in the main front and front of the second carcass holding means, and is then housed in the main car from the front side. When the root end portion of the main upper jaw reaches the root end portion of the main jaw, the root side end portion of the main upper jaw is held by the first cartridge retaining means of the main jaw (accommodating state). In the connection structure of the cartridge, the cartridges can be fixedly coupled to each other regardless of the extended state or the accommodated state. In particular, the degree of freedom can be improved by intervening in the length of the main axis, which does not limit the length of the main axis in the axial direction. The connection structure of the second invention is the structure of the first invention, and the second -7-(4) 1275348 carcass holding means is a bottom plug portion that is detachably attached to the root end portion of the main upper jaw. The bottom plug portion has a housing recessed portion that is opened at the front side for accommodating the root end portion of the main upper front sill, and is configured to close the ridge root side by restricting the main anterior iliac crest through the root side. When the main upper front side is moved toward the main upper jaw, the root side end portion of the main upper front side is received and held in the receiving recess from the opening of the bottom plug portion. The accommodating recess is closed on the root side of the raft, so that the main anterior iliac crest does not protrude to the iliac crest side through the pedicle. With the containment of the Lord, the Lord will be accommodated in the Lord. The connection structure according to the third aspect of the invention is the structure of the first or second aspect of the invention, wherein the first body holding means is a tail plug portion that is detachably attached to the root end portion of the main jaw. The tail plug portion has a housing recess for receiving the root end portion of the main upper jaw and opening to the front side. When the main cymbal is accommodating the main cymbal, the crotch side end portion of the main upper cymbal is housed and held in the accommodating concave portion from the opening of the stern portion. The connection structure according to the fourth aspect of the invention is the structure of the first to third inventions. The axial length of the main upper jaw is shorter than the axial length of the main crucible, and the length of the main ± frontal axis is longer than the main crucible. The direction length is longer. By setting the axial length of the carcass, the main upper jaw can be completely accommodated in the main casing in the accommodating state. [First Embodiment] [First Embodiment] Hereinafter, a first embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. -8- (5) 1275348 A fishing rod according to an embodiment of the present invention, as shown in Fig. 1, has a main body 1 having a reel holder 6 that is detachably attached to the circumferential surface. The sequence is connected to the main upper side 2, the main upper front side 3, the middle middle 4, and the front fine head 5 on the front side of the main crucible 1. These main ridges 1 to 1 are fine cylindrical members which are formed by impregnating a synthetic resin with a prepreg such as carbon fiber or glass fiber, and the main upper 竿 2 〜 head fine dry 5 can be circulated from the front side. The sequence is inserted into the inside of the corpus callosum and is free to enter and exit. When the main upper jaws 2 to the front fines 5 are pulled out toward the front side, each of the trunks is an outer peripheral surface of the root side of the front side and a front side of the front side of the body located on the root side. The two are fitted to each other to prevent the front side from coming off and being fixed to each other. In particular, the main front 竿 3 to the main 竿 1, as will be described later, can be connected to each other regardless of the extended state or the accommodating state. On the circumferential surface of the front side of the main front cymbal 3, a fishline introduction port 7 for introducing the fishing line L from the reel R into the inside of the cymbal body is formed, and the fishing line guide 8 is attached to the axial direction. This fishing line is introduced into the port 7. The fishline L introduced from the fishline guide inlet 7 is inserted into the fishline passage inside the main front sill 3 to the front squat 5 . Further, it is led out to the outside from the top guide 9 attached to the front end of the front fine head 5. In this embodiment, although the number of the corpses is five, and the number of the corpses can be arbitrarily set, it is not limited. Next, the connection structure of the main 竿 1 to the main upper 竿 3 will be described in detail. -9- (6) 1275348 As shown in Fig. 2 to Fig. 4, the main cymbal 1 to the main upper cymbal 3 are cylindrical bodies which are respectively subjected to a tapered rod with a fixed tip. Among the three bodies, the main upper front 3 has the longest axial length. The main upper 竿 2 is the shortest, which is shorter than the axial length of the main 竿 1 . For example, if the length of the main cymbal 1 in the axial direction is 50 to 70 cm, the axial length of the main upper cymbal 2 is about 20 to 30 cm, and the main anterior iliac crest 3 is about 1 〇〇 to 140 cm. length. The tail plug portion 10 is detachably attached to the root end portion of the main cymbal 1. The tail plug portion 10 is attached to the main cymbal 1 by a conventional method such as a fitting method or a screwing method. In the case of the screwing type, a thread groove may be formed on the inner peripheral surface of the root end side of the main jaw 1. The tail plug portion 1 is a plug portion into which a part of the front side is inserted into the root end portion of the main jaw 1, and an inner portion thereof is a housing recess that is opened toward the front side. The root end portion of the main upper jaw 2 is inserted into the housing recess from the front side (see Fig. 2). The entire tail plug portion 10 is made of a rubber material. Further, the tail plug portion 10 may be formed of a hard synthetic resin. The housing recess may have a plurality of fitting projections projecting in the inner diameter direction on the inner peripheral surface thereof. By providing such a fitting projection, the fixing to the main upper jaw 2 can also be prevented. As described above, the main cymbal 1 and the main upper cymbal 2 are connected in a so-called extraction form. When the main upper cymbal 2 is drawn out to the front side of the main cymbal 1, the inner peripheral surface of the front side end of the main cymbal 1 and the cymbal of the main upper cymbal 2 The outer peripheral surface of the root side end is fitted together (see Figs. 3 and 4). The bottom plug portion 1 is detachably attached to the root end portion of the main upper jaw 2. Similarly to the tail plug portion 10, the bottom plug portion 1 1 is attached to the main upper jaw 2 by a conventional method such as a fitting type 10- (7) 1275348 type or a screwing method. In the case of the screwing type, the thread groove is formed in the inner peripheral surface of the root end side of the main upper jaw 2 in the same manner as the tail plug portion 10. The bottom plug portion 1 1 is also a plug portion in which a portion of the front side thereof is inserted into the front end portion of the main upper jaw 2, and the inside thereof is a receiving recess portion that opens toward the front side. The root end side end surface of the bottom plug portion 1 1 is closed, and it is considered that the main upper front sill 3 inserted into the accommodating recess portion is not inserted through the bottom plug portion 11. As shown in Fig. 5, the bottom plug portion 1 may have a plurality of vent holes 1 1 a formed on the root end side end surface thereof. By forming the recessed portion from the vent hole 1 1 a in the axial direction, the main upper front sill 3 can be accommodated toward the main upper cymbal 2, and the main upper cymbal 2 to the main upper cymbal 3 can be smoothly extracted. . Further, as shown in Fig. 5, the bottom plug portion 1 can be formed with a plurality of fitting projections 1 1 a on the inner peripheral surface of the housing recess. As described above, the main upper jaw 2 and the main upper front jaw 3 are coupled in a so-called withdrawal manner, and when the main upper front jaw 3 is drawn toward the front side of the main upper jaw 2, the inner peripheral surface of the front side end of the main upper jaw 2 is The outer peripheral surface of the root end side of the main front sill 3 is fitted together (see Fig. 4). Auxiliary ring S (see Fig. 2) that can be detachably attached can be attached to the predetermined circumferential surface of the main upper front sill 3. In other words, the gap generated at the front end of the main cymbal 1 in the state in which the 竿3 is completely accommodated in the main cymbal 1 is held in the main body, and the main upper cymbal 3 and the main cymbal 1 are embedded. It is also possible to mount a rubber ring portion or the like on the circumferential surface of the predetermined axial direction position of the main front sill 3 in the main sill. The auxiliary ring S is fixed to the circumferential surface of the main upper front sill 3 by a conventional method such as a bonding method or a screwing method. Auxiliary -11 - (8) 1275348 The ring S is constructed in a detachable structure so that the main upper front sill 3 can be detached from the tamper side of the main cymbal 1. In addition, the same surface is attached to the other side of the main front sill 3 (corresponding to the position of the side end 主 of the main upper 竿 2 when the main front 竿 3 is completely accommodated in the main cymbal 2). The ring S may be subjected to a weld ridge treatment on the circumferential surface of the main upper cymbal 2. The main squat, the main squat 2, the main squat 3, whether it is: the main upper squat 3 and the main upper squat 2 are completely drawn out to the front side of the main squat 1 (refer to Fig. 4), and The carcass can be fixedly coupled to each other in two states in which the main upper cymbal 2 and the main upper cymbal 3 are completely housed in the inside of the main cymbal 1 (see FIG. 2). That is to say, in the extended state shown in Fig. 4, the main upper jaw 2, the main upper front sill 3, which are sequentially drawn to the front side of the main cymbal 1, will have an individual outer peripheral end outer peripheral surface and a sacral root side end. The inner peripheral surface of the part is fixedly fitted to prevent it from coming off, and the mutual body is fixed and fixed. When the main upper front jaw 3 is housed in the main upper jaw 2 from the extended state, the root side end portion of the main upper front jaw 3 reaches the bottom plug portion 1 of the main upper jaw 2 end portion of the main upper jaw 2 The root end portion of the front jaw 3 is held by the housing recess of the bottom plug portion 11 of the main upper jaw 2 (see Fig. 3). When the receiving recess of the bottom plug portion 1 1 does not penetrate in the axial direction, and the main upper front sill 3 is pressed further toward the root side, the main upper cymbal 2 is inserted into the main cymbal 1 together with the main upper sill 3 Inside. When the root end portion of the main upper jaw 2 reaches the root end portion of the main jaw 1, the root end portion of the main upper jaw 2 is held by the tail plug portion 10 of the main jaw (in the accommodated state). As described above, in the main 竿1 to the main upper 竿3, the corpses can be fixedly coupled to each other regardless of the extended state -12-(9) 1275348 or the accommodating state. It is possible to adjust the length of the entire fishing rod while fishing for fishing. By having the main upper jaw 2 in the middle, the length of the main shaft 1 in the axial direction is not limited to the length of the telescopic length, and the length of the axial direction of the main upper jaw 2 can be appropriately set to exhibit an arbitrary telescopic length. [Other Embodiments] The tail plug portion 20 and the bottom plug portion 2 1 shown in Fig. 6 can also be used. The tail plug portion 20 and the bottom plug portion 21 are used to embed the main jaw 1 and the main upper jaw 2. Installed. The tail plug portion 20 is a structure that is screwed to the root side of the main jaw 1. Similarly to the above-described embodiment, the housing recess 20a that opens to the front side is provided inside. On the other hand, the bottom plug portion 21 is also configured to be screwed to the root side of the main upper jaw 2. Similarly to the above-described embodiment, the housing recess 2 1 a that is open at the front side is provided, and the fitting portion 2 1 b that protrudes toward the root side is provided. The fitting male portion 2 1 b is a columnar portion that is slightly tapered toward the root side and is tapered. The fitting male portion 2 1 b is accommodated in the receiving recess 20a fitted to the tail plug portion 20 . Further, in order to adjust the fitting degree of the fitting male portion 21b of the bottom plug portion 21 and the housing recess portion 20a of the tail plug portion 20, the fitting projection may be formed in the housing recess 20a as in the above embodiment. [Effect of the Invention] In the fishing rod of the present invention, the fishing operation can be performed by adjusting the length of the entire fishing rod -13-(10) 1275348. At this time, the length of the main frame is not limited. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a general view of a fishing rod according to a first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a view showing a state in which the main 竿 1 to the main upper 竿 3 of the first drawing are stored. Fig. 3 is a view showing the state of accommodation in the main 竿 1 to the main upper 竿 3 of Fig. 1 . Fig. 4 is a view showing a state in which the main 竿 1 to the main upper 竿 3 of Fig. 1 are extended. Fig. 5 is a view showing a modification of the bottom plug portion 1 1. Fig. 6 is a view showing the tail plug portion 20 and the bottom plug portion 21 of the modification. [Description of the figure] 1 : Main 竿 2 : Main 竿 3 : Main upper 竿 10, 20 : Tail part 1 1 , 21 : Bottom tying part -14-