1247938 玖、發明說明 (發明說明應敘明:發明所屬之技術領域、先前技術、內容、實施方式及圖式簡單說明) 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係與彩色液晶顯示裝置之組成有關,更詳而言 之是指一種具有補償反射色度的半反射式液晶顯示器結構 及其製法。 5 【先前技術】 請參閱第一圖所示之習用彩色液晶顯示器結構,其係 於一上玻璃基板1與一下玻璃基板2之間設置有一液晶層 3、一保護層4、一遽光層5與一反射層6,該反射層6由 10 複數個全反射區6a與複數個開口 6b構成;前述結構於應 用時,係於該下玻璃基板2外側設置一背光源7,據此以 構成一半反射型液晶顯示裝置,另,其可視不同產品需求 而選擇於上、下面各貼附一偏光板(圖未示)使用。 該半反射型液晶顯示裝置之顯示晝面在反射模式下, 15 由於光線會二次經過該濾光層5,因此,當該濾光層5完 全以色飽和度較低的彩色樹脂材料製成時,雖可藉由降低 光阻方式來提高光穿透率,卻也將犧牲色飽和度;反之, 在濾光層5完全以色飽和度較高的彩色樹脂材料製成時, 雖提昇了色飽和度,卻因光阻增加而造成射出的光線亮度 20 不足;同樣的情形,亦發生在以該背光源7所產生的光線 一次穿過該濾光層5時的穿透模式。 而為改善上述缺失,遂有以六色法製得的改良結構產 生,如第二圖所示,其仍維持有上玻璃基板1、下玻璃基 板2、液晶層3、保護層4與反射層6等單元,所不同處在 3續次頁(發明說明頁不敷使用時,請註記並使用續頁) -4- 1247938 _ • 發明說明if頁 於:其濾光層8的製作係先以色飽和度較低的彩色樹脂材 料覆設於各全反射區6a上形成反射所需之一第一濾光膜 8a,接著再以色飽和度較高的彩色樹脂材料填設於各開口 6b中形成穿透所需之一第二濾光膜8b;藉由該第一濾光膜 5 8a與第二濾光膜8b各別具有不同光阻的特性,以維持顯示 畫面在反射模式下具有較佳的光穿透率,並在穿透模式下 以較佳的色彩鮮豔度呈現。 然而,由於該第一濾光膜8a與第二濾光膜8b係為平 行排列的不同薄膜結構,且其等幅寬設計上僅為原本的一 10 半,因此,在製作上存有因幅寬過小致對位不易的缺點, 以及為維持該濾光層8表面的平整,致該第一濾光膜8a膜 厚受限的缺點,其導致降低生產良率及難以量產。 有鑒於此,本案發明人乃經詳思細索,並積多年從事 相關行業之研究開發經驗,終而有本發明之產生。 15 【發明内容】 即,本發明之主要目的在於提供一種具有補償反射色 度的半反射式液晶顯示器結構及其製法,其濾光層結構採 上、下兩層彩色濾光膜疊置而成,具對位容易並可增加生 20 產良率。 又,本發明之次要目的在於提供一種具有補償反射色 度的半反射式液晶顯示器結構及其製法,其濾光層結構非 混色式設計,可提高色彩鮮豔度與明亮度。 緣以達成上述之目的,本發明所提供之一種具有補償 -5- 1247938 _ ' 發明說明/續頁 反射色度的半反射式液晶顯示器製法,係先於一下玻璃基 板上形成有一下層彩色濾光膜,於該下層彩色濾光膜上再 設置有一反射所需的反射膜,以及,於反射膜上設有一上 層彩色濾光膜,之後,視需求而決定是否於該上層彩色濾 5 光膜頂面設置一保護層,爾後步驟係於該上層彩色濾光膜 上方設置一下透明電極與一上玻璃基板,該上玻璃基板並 形成有一上透明電極,最後,於該上、下透明電極之間導 入液晶,如此即完成具有補償反射色度的液晶顯示器之製 作。 10 【實施方式】 以下,茲列舉本發明之較佳實施例,並配合下列圖示 詳細說明於后,其中: 第一圖為習用液晶顯示器結構之示意圖。 15 第二圖為另一習用液晶顯示器結構之示意圖。 第三圖為本發明一較佳實施例之製作步驟方塊圖。 第四圖為本發明上述較佳實施例之製作流程圖。 第五圖為本發明上述較佳實施例之液晶顯示器結構示 意圖。 20 第六圖為本發明另一較佳實施例之製作流程圖。 第七圖為本發明上述另一較佳實施例之液晶顯示器結 構示意圖。 第八圖為本發明之液晶顯示器不具保護層暨反射膜具 開口結構之示意圖。 -6- 1247938 發明說明$賣頁 第九圖為本發明之液晶顯示器不具保護層暨反射膜呈 完全覆設之示意圖。 第十圖為本發明再一較佳實施例之液晶顯示器結構示 意圖。 5 請參閱第三、四圖所示之本發明用以製作具有補償反 射色度半反射式液晶顯示器10—較佳實施例製法,其包含 下列步驟: 步驟a : 10 先設置一下玻璃基板12,第四圖(A)參照。 步驟b,形成下層彩色濾光膜14 : 第四圖(B)〜(D)參照,係以微影曝光、顯影與烘焙 等製作程序,重複對先後塗佈於該下玻璃基板12上 的紅色感材14卜綠色感材142及藍色感材143各別 15 執行,據以形成所需具有紅、綠、藍三原色的彩色 薄膜,且該彩色薄膜厚度介於300nm至3000nm之 間;又,前述各色感材係選用色飽和度較高的彩色 樹脂材料所製成。 步驟c,設置反射膜16 : 20 第四圖(E)參照,係於該下層彩色濾光膜14上形 成有一反射所需之薄膜,該薄膜可為金、銀、銅、 銘、ίε等金屬合金或為非金屬多層膜材料構成,且 該薄膜經微影、蝕刻技術製得厚度介於10nm至 lOOOnm之間並具有複數個全反射區161與複數個開 -7- 1247938 _ ' 發明說明ϋ頁 口 162的圖形化薄膜,該反射膜16的開口率 (Aperture Ratio)範圍介於5%至80%之間。 步驟d,形成上層彩色濾光膜18 : 第四圖(F)〜(H)參照,以與步驟b相同的製作程 5 序,於該反射膜16上形成有厚度介於300nm至 3000nm之間的彩色薄膜,必須說明的是,在製作該 上層彩色濾光膜18時,係使用色飽和度較該下層彩 色濾光膜14為低的紅色感材181、綠色感材182與 藍色感材183樹脂材料所製得;另外,該上層彩色 10 濾光膜18與該下層彩色濾光膜14係共同構成一彩 色的遽光層20。 步驟e,設置保護層22 : 第四圖(I)參照,以樹脂材料塗佈於該上層彩色濾 光膜18上,藉以獲得平滑表面。 15 步驟f : 於該保護層22表面上形成有一下透明電極 24(transparent electrode),第四圖(J)參照。 步驟g : 設置一上玻璃基板26,以及於該上玻璃基板26 20 下方形成有一上透明電極28,第四圖(K)參照。 步驟h,導入液晶(liquid crystal): 第四圖(L)參照,於該上透明電極28與該下透明 電極24之間導入液晶分子材料,並形成一液晶層 30,該液晶層30的相位差值△nd介於100nm至 -8- 1247938 _____ _ 發明說明If頁 900nm之間,以STN-LCD為例,其液晶層之相位差 值Δίκΐ介於700nm至900nm之間為佳。 經以上製作程序所製得之液晶顯示器10結構如第五圖 所示,該液晶顯示器10結構特徵在於:將該用以產生穿透 5 色彩的濾光層20以上、下兩層各具不同色飽和度的彩色濾 光膜疊置而成,且該上層彩色濾光膜18與該下層彩色濾光 膜14之各色感材係採對應的垂直排列設計,並非一般的混 色式設計;本發明之液晶顯示器10於實際應用時,會於該 下玻璃基板12外側設置一背光源32,另,本發明之液晶 10 顯示器10可依產品類別需求而選擇是否於該上玻璃基板 26與該下玻璃基板12外面各再貼附一偏光板。 以下復對本發明之液晶顯示器10於反射模式與穿透模 式下之作用說明: 請配合第五圖,當位於該上玻璃基板26外側的前光源 15 光線進入該液晶顯示器10時,光線在通過該上層彩色濾光 膜18後遇該全反射區161將產生折射並再次通過該上層彩 色濾光膜18,由於該上層彩色濾光膜18係以色飽和度較 低的彩色樹脂材料製成,故於反射模式下所反射出的光線 亮度充足;而在穿透模式下,因該背光源32的光線於通過 20 該下層彩色濾光膜14後,再從各該開口 162部位直接射 出,,雖然在射出過程中光線仍會經過該上層彩色濾光膜 18,但是由於該下層彩色濾光膜14係以色飽和度較高的彩 色樹脂材料製成,以及該上層彩色濾光膜18與該下層彩色 濾光膜14之各色感材係採上下對應設計,因此,在穿透模 -9- 1247938 發明說明#賣頁 式下所射出的光線得以較佳的色彩鮮豔度呈現。 以本發明之液晶顯示器10做成的產品(如: STN-LCD),在反射模式與穿透模式的相互搭配下,最終顯 示晝面將呈現高色彩鮮豔度與高明亮度。 5 茲將本發明液晶顯示器10製法與結構所帶來的優點整 理如後·· 1. 本發明之濾光層20結構在製作上採上、下兩層濾光 膜疊置而成,改善習用以六色法製得的彩色濾光膜呈平行 排列結構而在曝光對位上存有誤差問題的缺失,故,本發 10 明製法可增加生產良率。 2. 本發明製法不會造成彩色濾光層20表面不平整,且 該濾光層20結構非混色式設計,可提供較高的色彩鮮豔度 與明亮度。 3. 構成該濾光層20之一的上層彩色濾光膜18的膜厚係 15 可依實際需求而被單獨設計以提高反射率。 又,請再參閱第六、七圖所示之本發明另一較佳實施 例製法及其液晶顯示器40結構,從第六圖(A)至(L)所揭示 可知,其製作步驟與前述實施例之步驟約同,所不同處僅 在於反射膜的製作:在第六圖(E)中所揭示的反射膜42係 20 以膜厚介於5nm至200nm之間的薄膜完全覆設於該下層彩 色濾光膜14頂面而形成,且該反射膜42可供光線穿透與 產生反射效果;如第七圖所示之液晶顯示器40於反射模式 與穿透模式下之情形,其與前述實施例之液晶顯示器10同 樣可達成提供較高的色彩鮮豔度與明亮度之效果。 -10- 1247938 ' 發明說明$賣頁 另外一提的是,本發明之液晶顯示器在製作過程中, 可適時將該保護層設置步驟省略,藉以應用於不同型態的 產品(如:TN型LCD)使用,如第八圖所示的液晶顯示器 50,其結構自上而下為上玻璃基板51、上透明電極52、液 5 晶層53、下透明電極54、上層彩色濾光膜55、具有複數 個全反射區561與複數個開口 562的反射膜56、下層彩色 濾光膜57與下玻璃基板58。又如第九圖所示之液晶顯示 器60,其與該液晶顯示器50不同的地方在於反射膜62改 以可供光線穿透與產生反射效果的薄膜設置。 10 再者,本發明之技術亦可應用於TFT-LCD產品使用, 如第十圖所示,該TFT液晶顯示器70結構包括上基板7卜 上透明電極72、液晶層73、下透明電極74、上層彩色濾 光膜75、反射膜76、下層彩色濾光膜77、薄膜電晶體78、 下基板79與導通區80,該TFT液晶顯示器70螢幕同樣可 15 獲得較佳的色彩鮮豔度與明亮度呈現,必須說明的是,該 TFT液晶顯示器70的液晶層73相位差值Δικί介於100nm 至400nm之間為佳。 綜上所述,本發明於同類產品中實具有其進步實用 性,且使用上方便,又,本發明於申請前並無相同物品見 20 於刊物或公開使用,是以,本發明實已具備發明專利要件, 爰依法提出申請。 唯,以上所述者,僅為本發明之較佳可行實施例而已, 故舉凡應用本發明說明書及申請專利範圍所為之等效結構 變化,理應包含在本發明之專利範圍内。 12479381247938 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明 发明More specifically, it refers to a structure of a semi-reflective liquid crystal display having a compensated reflection chromaticity and a method of fabricating the same. 5 [Prior Art] Please refer to the conventional color liquid crystal display structure shown in the first figure, which is provided with a liquid crystal layer 3, a protective layer 4 and a phosphor layer 5 between an upper glass substrate 1 and a lower glass substrate 2. And a reflective layer 6, the reflective layer 6 is composed of a plurality of total reflection regions 6a and a plurality of openings 6b; in the application, a backlight 7 is disposed outside the lower glass substrate 2, thereby forming a half The reflective liquid crystal display device is further selected to be attached to a polarizing plate (not shown) on the upper and lower sides according to different product requirements. The display surface of the semi-reflective liquid crystal display device is in the reflective mode, 15 because the light passes through the filter layer 5 twice, so when the filter layer 5 is completely made of a color resin material having a lower color saturation At the same time, although the light transmittance can be improved by lowering the photoresist pattern, the color saturation is also sacrificed; on the contrary, when the filter layer 5 is completely made of a color resin material having a high color saturation, the lift is improved. The saturation of the color, but the brightness of the emitted light is insufficient due to the increase of the photoresist; in the same case, the penetration mode when the light generated by the backlight 7 passes through the filter layer 5 once. In order to improve the above-mentioned defects, the improved structure produced by the six-color method is produced. As shown in the second figure, the upper glass substrate 1, the lower glass substrate 2, the liquid crystal layer 3, the protective layer 4 and the reflective layer 6 are maintained. Units, the difference is in the 3 continuation page (please note and use the continuation page when the invention page is not available) -4- 1247938 _ • Invention description if page: The color filter 8 is produced first a color resin material having a lower saturation is applied to each of the total reflection regions 6a to form a first filter film 8a required for reflection, and then a color resin material having a higher color saturation is filled in each of the openings 6b. Passing one of the required second filter films 8b; the first filter film 58a and the second filter film 8b each have different photoresist characteristics to maintain the display screen in a reflective mode. The light transmittance is presented in a better color vividness in the penetration mode. However, since the first filter film 8a and the second filter film 8b are different film structures arranged in parallel, and the width of the first filter is only a half of the original design, there is a factor in the production. The disadvantage of being less than the small alignment is difficult, and the film thickness of the first filter film 8a is limited in order to maintain the smoothness of the surface of the filter layer 8, which results in a decrease in production yield and difficulty in mass production. In view of this, the inventor of this case has been carefully researched and accumulated years of experience in research and development in related industries, and finally has the invention. [Explanation] That is, the main object of the present invention is to provide a structure of a semi-reflective liquid crystal display having compensated reflection chromaticity and a method for manufacturing the same, wherein the filter layer structure is formed by stacking upper and lower layers of color filter films. It is easy to match and can increase the yield of 20 births. Further, a secondary object of the present invention is to provide a structure of a semi-reflective liquid crystal display having a compensated reflection chromaticity and a method of manufacturing the same, wherein the filter layer structure is a non-mixed color design, which can improve color vividness and brightness. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a method for manufacturing a semi-reflective liquid crystal display having a compensation of -5 - 1247938 _ ' invention description / continuous reflection chromaticity, which is formed by forming a color filter on the glass substrate. a film, a reflective film required for reflection is disposed on the lower color filter film, and an upper color filter film is disposed on the reflective film, and then, depending on the demand, whether or not the upper color filter 5 film top is determined a protective layer is disposed on the surface, and then the transparent electrode and an upper glass substrate are disposed above the upper color filter film, and the upper glass substrate is formed with an upper transparent electrode, and finally, is introduced between the upper and lower transparent electrodes. Liquid crystal, thus completing the fabrication of a liquid crystal display with compensated reflection chromaticity. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the following drawings, in which: FIG. 1 is a schematic view showing the structure of a conventional liquid crystal display. 15 The second figure is a schematic diagram of another conventional liquid crystal display structure. The third figure is a block diagram of the manufacturing steps of a preferred embodiment of the present invention. The fourth figure is a flow chart of the fabrication of the above preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 5 is a block diagram showing the structure of a liquid crystal display device according to the above preferred embodiment of the present invention. 20 is a flow chart showing the fabrication of another preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 7 is a block diagram showing the structure of a liquid crystal display according to another preferred embodiment of the present invention. The eighth figure is a schematic view of the liquid crystal display of the present invention having no protective layer and reflective film opening structure. -6- 1247938 Description of the Invention $Selling Page The ninth drawing is a schematic view showing the liquid crystal display of the present invention having no protective layer and a reflective film completely covered. Figure 11 is a block diagram showing the structure of a liquid crystal display according to still another preferred embodiment of the present invention. 5 Referring to the third and fourth embodiments of the present invention for fabricating a semi-reflective liquid crystal display 10 having a compensated reflection chromaticity - a preferred embodiment, comprising the steps of: Step a: 10 first setting a glass substrate 12, The fourth figure (A) is referred to. Step b, forming the lower color filter film 14: The fourth drawing (B) to (D) refer to the process of lithography exposure, development and baking, and repeating the red color applied to the lower glass substrate 12 in sequence. The sensing material 14 and the blue sensing material 142 and the blue sensing material 143 are respectively performed 15 to form a color film having three primary colors of red, green and blue, and the color film has a thickness of between 300 nm and 3000 nm; Each of the color sensing materials described above is made of a color resin material having a high color saturation. Step c, providing a reflective film 16: 20. Referring to the fourth (E) reference, a film required for reflection is formed on the lower color filter film 14, and the film may be metal such as gold, silver, copper, ore, ίε. The alloy is composed of a non-metal multilayer film material, and the film is lithographically and etched to have a thickness between 10 nm and 100 nm and has a plurality of total reflection regions 161 and a plurality of openings -7- 1247938 _ ' The patterned film of the page opening 162 has an aperture ratio ranging from 5% to 80%. Step d, forming an upper color filter film 18: Fourth (F) to (H) reference, in the same manufacturing process as step b, a thickness of between 300 nm and 3000 nm is formed on the reflective film 16. In the color film, it is necessary to use a red color 181, a green material 182, and a blue material which are lower in color saturation than the lower color filter film 14 when the upper color filter film 18 is formed. The 183 resin material is obtained; in addition, the upper color 10 filter film 18 and the lower color filter film 14 together form a color calender layer 20. Step e, providing a protective layer 22: Referring to Figure 4 (I), a resin material is applied to the upper color filter film 18 to obtain a smooth surface. 15 Step f: A transparent electrode 24 (transparent electrode) is formed on the surface of the protective layer 22, and reference is made to the fourth figure (J). Step g: An upper glass substrate 26 is disposed, and an upper transparent electrode 28 is formed under the upper glass substrate 26 20, and the fourth figure (K) is referred to. Step h, introducing liquid crystal: Referring to FIG. 4(L), liquid crystal molecular material is introduced between the upper transparent electrode 28 and the lower transparent electrode 24, and a liquid crystal layer 30 is formed. The phase of the liquid crystal layer 30 The difference Δnd is between 100 nm and -8 - 1247938 __ _ Description of the invention. If the page is 900 nm, the STN-LCD is exemplified, and the phase difference Δίκ 液晶 of the liquid crystal layer is preferably between 700 nm and 900 nm. The structure of the liquid crystal display 10 obtained by the above manufacturing process is as shown in the fifth figure. The liquid crystal display 10 is characterized in that the filter layer 20 for generating 5 colors is formed, and the lower two layers have different colors. The saturation color filter film is stacked, and the upper color filter film 18 and the lower color filter film 14 are respectively arranged in a vertical arrangement design, which is not a general color mixing design; the present invention In the actual application, the liquid crystal display 10 is provided with a backlight 32 outside the lower glass substrate 12. In addition, the liquid crystal 10 display 10 of the present invention can select whether the upper glass substrate 26 and the lower glass substrate are selected according to product requirements. A polarizing plate is attached to each of the 12 layers. The following is a description of the action of the liquid crystal display 10 of the present invention in the reflection mode and the penetration mode: Please cooperate with the fifth figure, when the light from the front light source 15 located outside the upper glass substrate 26 enters the liquid crystal display 10, the light passes through the After the upper color filter film 18 is refracted and passes through the upper color filter film 18 again, since the upper color filter film 18 is made of a color resin material having a lower color saturation, The brightness of the light reflected in the reflection mode is sufficient; and in the penetration mode, since the light of the backlight 32 passes through the lower color filter film 20, it is directly emitted from each of the openings 162, although The light still passes through the upper color filter film 18 during the ejection process, but the lower color filter film 14 is made of a color resin material having a higher color saturation, and the upper color filter film 18 and the lower layer. The color sensing materials of the color filter film 14 are designed to be up and down, and therefore, the light emitted by the penetrating mode is better in color rendering. . The product made of the liquid crystal display 10 of the present invention (e.g., STN-LCD), in combination with the reflection mode and the penetration mode, finally shows that the kneading surface will exhibit high color vividness and high brightness. 5 The advantages of the manufacturing method and structure of the liquid crystal display device 10 of the present invention are as follows: 1. The structure of the filter layer 20 of the present invention is formed by stacking upper and lower layers of filter film on the production, improving the conventional use. The color filter film prepared by the six-color method has a parallel arrangement structure and there is a lack of error in the exposure alignment. Therefore, the production method can increase the production yield. 2. The method of the present invention does not cause the surface of the color filter layer 20 to be uneven, and the filter layer 20 has a non-hybrid color structure, which can provide high color vividness and brightness. 3. The film thickness system 15 of the upper color filter film 18 constituting one of the filter layers 20 can be individually designed to improve the reflectance according to actual needs. Moreover, please refer to the manufacturing method of another preferred embodiment of the present invention shown in FIG. 6 and FIG. 7 and the structure of the liquid crystal display 40 thereof. As disclosed in the sixth (A) to (L), the manufacturing steps and the foregoing implementation are also known. The steps of the example are about the same, except that the reflection film is produced only: the reflection film 42 of the film shown in FIG. 6(E) is completely covered with the film having a film thickness of 5 nm to 200 nm. The top surface of the filter film 14 is formed, and the reflective film 42 is permeable to light and produces a reflective effect; as in the case of the reflective mode and the penetrating mode of the liquid crystal display 40 shown in FIG. 7, it is the same as the foregoing embodiment. The liquid crystal display 10 can also achieve the effect of providing high color vividness and brightness. -10- 1247938 'Explanation of the Invention>> The selling page is additionally mentioned that, in the manufacturing process of the liquid crystal display of the present invention, the protective layer setting step can be omitted in time to be applied to different types of products (for example, TN type LCD) The use of the liquid crystal display 50 as shown in the eighth embodiment has a structure from top to bottom of the upper glass substrate 51, the upper transparent electrode 52, the liquid 5 crystal layer 53, the lower transparent electrode 54, and the upper color filter film 55, The plurality of total reflection regions 561 and the plurality of openings 562 of the reflection film 56, the lower layer color filter film 57 and the lower glass substrate 58. Further, as shown in Fig. 9, the liquid crystal display 60 is different from the liquid crystal display 50 in that the reflective film 62 is provided with a film which is provided for light penetration and a reflection effect. Further, the technology of the present invention can also be applied to the TFT-LCD product. As shown in FIG. 10, the TFT liquid crystal display 70 structure includes an upper substrate 7 with a transparent electrode 72, a liquid crystal layer 73, and a lower transparent electrode 74. The upper color filter film 75, the reflective film 76, the lower color filter film 77, the thin film transistor 78, the lower substrate 79 and the conductive region 80, the TFT liquid crystal display 70 screen can also obtain better color vividness and brightness. It should be noted that the liquid crystal layer 73 of the TFT liquid crystal display 70 preferably has a phase difference Δικί between 100 nm and 400 nm. In summary, the present invention has practical and practical use in the same kind of products, and is convenient to use. Moreover, the present invention does not have the same items before the application, see 20 publications or public use, so that the present invention has The invention patent requirements, 提出 apply in accordance with the law. It is to be understood that the above-described embodiments are merely preferred embodiments of the present invention, and the equivalent structural changes of the present invention and the scope of the claims are intended to be included in the scope of the present invention. 1247938
發明說明MM 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖為習用液晶顯示器結構之示意圖。 第二圖為另一習用液晶顯示器結構之示意圖。 第三圖為本發明一較佳實施例之製作步驟方塊圖。 5 第四圖為本發明上述較佳實施例之製作流程圖。 第五圖為本發明上述較佳實施例之液晶顯示器結構示 意圖。 第六圖為本發明另一較佳實施例之製作流程圖。 第七圖為本發明上述另一較佳實施例之液晶顯示器結 10 構示意圖。 第八圖為本發明之液晶顯示器不具保護層暨反射膜具 開口結構之示意圖。 第九圖為本發明之液晶顯示器不具保護層暨反射膜呈 完全覆設之示意圖。 15 第十圖為本發明再一較佳實施例之液晶顯示器結構示 意圖。 【圖式符號說明】 10 液晶顯不 12 下玻璃基板 14 下層彩色濾光膜 141 紅色感材 142 綠色感材 143 藍色感材 16 反射膜 161 全反射區 162 開口 18 上層彩色濾光膜 181 紅色感材 20 -12- 1247938 10 15 182 綠色感材 183 藍色感材 20 濾光層 22 保護層 24 下透明電極 26 上玻璃基板 28 上透明電極 30 液晶層 32 背光源 40 液晶顯不恭 42 反射膜 50 液晶顯不 51 上玻璃基板 52 上透明電極 53 液晶層 54 下透明電極 55 上層彩色濾光膜 56 反射膜 561 全反射區 562 開口 57 下層彩色濾光膜 58 下玻璃基板 60 液晶顯不1§ 62 反射膜 70 TFT液晶顯示器 71 上基板 72 上透明電極 73 液晶層 74 下透明電極 75 上層彩色濾光膜 76 反射膜 77 下層彩色濾光膜 78 薄膜電晶體 79 下基板 80 導通區 發明說明續頁 20 -13-BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS MM [Simple description of the drawing] The first figure is a schematic diagram of the structure of a conventional liquid crystal display. The second figure is a schematic diagram of another conventional liquid crystal display structure. The third figure is a block diagram of the manufacturing steps of a preferred embodiment of the present invention. 5 is a flow chart showing the fabrication of the above preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 5 is a block diagram showing the structure of a liquid crystal display device according to the above preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 6 is a flow chart showing the fabrication of another preferred embodiment of the present invention. Figure 7 is a block diagram showing the structure of a liquid crystal display device according to another preferred embodiment of the present invention. The eighth figure is a schematic view of the liquid crystal display of the present invention having no protective layer and reflective film opening structure. The ninth figure is a schematic view showing that the liquid crystal display of the present invention has no protective layer and the reflective film is completely covered. 15 is a schematic view showing the structure of a liquid crystal display according to still another preferred embodiment of the present invention. [Illustration of the symbol] 10 LCD display 12 Glass substrate 14 Lower color filter 141 Red material 142 Green material 143 Blue material 16 Reflective film 161 Total reflection area 162 Opening 18 Upper color filter 181 Red Sensing material 20 -12- 1247938 10 15 182 Green material 183 Blue material 20 Filter layer 22 Protective layer 24 Lower transparent electrode 26 Upper glass substrate 28 Transparent electrode 30 Liquid crystal layer 32 Backlight 40 LCD disrespect 42 Reflection Film 50 Liquid crystal display 51 Upper glass substrate 52 Upper transparent electrode 53 Liquid crystal layer 54 Lower transparent electrode 55 Upper color filter film 56 Reflecting film 561 Total reflection area 562 Opening 57 Lower color filter film 58 Lower glass substrate 60 Liquid crystal display § 62 Reflective film 70 TFT liquid crystal display 71 Upper substrate 72 Upper transparent electrode 73 Liquid crystal layer 74 Lower transparent electrode 75 Upper color filter film 76 Reflective film 77 Lower color filter film 78 Thin film transistor 79 Lower substrate 80 Conduction area Invention description Continued Page 20 -13-