518363 A7 ___—_B7_____ 五、發明說明(/ ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本發明是關於可再生的燃料及化石燃料、生物體、廢 料或污泥中產生燃料、合成及還原氣體的方法和裝置,特 別是用於根據專利DE 44 04 673而產生之熱解產物,在這 情況當中,假如應用到熱解產物,此熱解產物在送入反應 器中之前,就分爲最大可能程度之固體及氣體產物,如低 溫碳化氣體和木炭,而分別送到反應器中。 根據本發明的裝置,乃應用於能量產生、化學工業、 及冶金上,以供能源引擎、合成方法、礦石還原及生鐵製 造之高效率燃料-合成-及還原氣體產生。 存在有相當大數目的氣化法,其可分爲三大類:固定 床式氣化、流體床式氣化、噴流式(entrained flow)之氣化方 式。用於本文中之氣化裝置,特別是根據本發明中分類之 噴流式之氣化方式的裝置,針對能量問題及氣化劑需求, 必須有許多的妥協。牽涉到礦物成份熔化的噴流式氣化器 大邰分是單一步驟操作,亦即所有參與氣化反應之介質都 會被送到單一反應室中。這會導致所有介質的溫虔超過可 燃物中礦物成份之熔渣熔化溫度。這種情況出現在反應器 之反應器壁同時包含一防火磚內襯,及披覆一冷卻幕者。 在披覆一冷卻幕之反應器的情況中,如GSP噴流式反應器 之典型例子(見參考文獻[1,2]),氣化氣體有一實質部份可 偵測的熱乃釋放到冷卻牆。再者,不論有沒有冷卻的反應 ^器壁,在並列式流動反應器中將氣化氣體以水急冷到水汽 飽和溫度,大量熱能被減少到低的放射本領(exergy)程度。 在反應器包含一冷卻的內部反應器壁的情形中,及在並列 ___4___ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 518363 A7 __B7_____ 五、發明說明(,) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 式流動反應器中氣化氣體以朝上方向離開反應器而液體熔 渣則以朝下方向的情形中,熔渣的排放必須藉由額外的熱 或甚至是一額外的燃燒器來保持流動。這些措施導致高氧 需求、氣化氣體的熱値(calorific value)降低,以及因此導致 整個氣化的低能量效率。假如沒有注意到這些’當熔渣流 動不能維持時,氣化器之功能就受到干擾。 在噴流式反應器中用氧氣作爲氣化劑當中,特別是反 應物存在非常短的停滯時間。爲了避免萬一燃料短少而造 成氧氣穿過,很需要實質的量測和監視。 以分離熱解提供燃料之噴流式反應器的缺點是:熱解 產物在進入反應器之前先冷卻,以及除了熱損失之外,在 氣體處理和處理液體產物方面需要一筆高花費。 -線 本發明所要達成之目標在於:提出一種方法和反應器 ’此方法和目前技術相比,是在一較低平均溫度下操作, 與一較高效率放射本領,所產生的氣化氣體不含碳氫化合 物和氯化碳氫化合物(戴奧辛類、呋喃類),而適合使用在 發電之燃料氣體,以及在鐵礦還原的相同加熱階段中之合 成氣體或還原氣體。 根據本發明申請專利範圍第1項之整合達到本目標。 更進一步之申請專利範圍則代表本發明之實施例。達成的 解決方式是:反應器被建構成基本上物理性熱能可維持一 局溫度水準,僅有最微量的熱能損失,且可充份利用去增 加化學結合的熱能。基於這個目的,首先燃料及/或氣體 在燃燒溫度下,分別於燃燒器入口及燃燒腔室入口處旋轉 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(<:卿八4規格㈣χ 297公爱) 518363 A7 五、發明說明(j ) ,而造成熱熔渣液滴被拋向壁,沿著壁流下來到燃燒腔室 底部之熔渣槽。於此期間,燃燒腔室之壁是維持在一層固 化熔渣寧化物形成其上的溫度水準,而進一步形成的熔澄 順著流下,而(反彈的)氣化氣體則流經其外部。 燃燒腔室底部包含一中心孔洞,不含熔渣液滴的氣體 由此流出,出來成爲一浸入的噴射流,且進入噴流式氣化 器。由壁流下之熔渣是收集在環繞孔洞周圍之槽內,其最 好配備徑向排放通道,而流向平行於噴流式氣化器中的氣 體。本文中之氣體出口形成一管道,而使得氣化氣體爲層 狀。由此可以得到兩件事情:一方面,流下來的熔渣加速 流向在氣化器腳端的水槽中,另一方面,朝向下方逸入氣 化器之氣體是維持在一相對較長之噴射狀’因此後者本身 在水槽之上會因爲壓縮效應而速度減慢下來’而且朝向上 方偏折(反彈),以便然後平行於沿著氣化器壁的浸入噴射 流而升起。在還原的狀況下,粉碎狀含碳之燃料被吹入下 降的氣體噴射流中,其往下時先被帶入,然後進入襯套似 的上升氣體部分,而此裝置之尺寸和流速是適合粉碎狀燃 料的實質氣化。 爲了避免上升氣體部分和出去之噴射流做逆向混合’ 可以在環繞氣體出口提供一耐熱的鋼或陶瓷襯套,而透過 此氣體出口,粉碎狀燃料可藉由噴槍GanCe)來傳送。 ^ 上升氣體例如經由導引機構到達一中間腔室,其介於 此裝置的外套筒與燃燒腔室的襯套之間,而在那裡造成一 熱平衡,並經由氣化氣體出口離開此裝置° (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂- *線. 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 518363 A7 _ B7_______ 五、發明說明(4 ) 此裝置提供有熱保護內襯,且最好被冷卻。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 形成之氣體是商品質且可直接使用。 在上升氣體進入熱平衡管道之前,例如在不穩定操作 情形的例子下,管道可以藉由噴射水或冷的氣體而快速冷 卻下來。 藉由附圖,本發明可參考一實際操作例子來詳細說明 Ο 基於此目的,採用一種結合燃料燃燒器1,其吸收來 自低溫碳化過程之每噸木材爲約1160公斤的氣態產物(溫 度爲400-600°C),包含蒸氣相成份,例如在低溫碳化產物 通道4之入口噴嘴的焦油、油、水、和灰塵,將這些經由 渦流機構33而導入燃燒腔室9。提供結合燃料燃燒器管子 的低溫碳化產物通道,在傳輸殘餘焦炭、灰及反應器之添 加物時,可使其成爲一渦漩、加熱、以及把燃燒腔室9中 要熔化之礦物成份拋向燃燒腔室內壁成爲一液相。爲了以 低化學配比(substoichiometric)燃燒成一超過灰熔化溫度的 氣化劑,結合燃料燃燒器1更進一步提供以氧氣7(每噸木 材爲約390公斤)或空氣3(每噸木材爲約1580公斤)的管道 ,藉由渦漩機構33而以相同方向引進到燃燒腔室9,作爲 低溫碳化產物,以便隨著低溫碳化產物快速轉化爲氣化劑 ,並將剩餘焦炭、灰、及可能的聚集物之礦物成份熔化。 °爲了避免將熱能引進到一非冷卻之結構組件,在結合燃料 燃燒器中同時安裝需要用來起始及加熱之點火燃料供給2 、點火空氣供給5、及點火機構和點火控制6,而這些元件 _____7_ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 518363 A7 _______B7_ 五、發明說明(彡) 是由在固定式氣化操作中其他流動的介質所保護的。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 使用已知的粉碎狀碳燃料之渦漩燃燒器是同樣可能的。 燃燒腔室9是在剩餘焦炭、灰、及聚集物之礦物成份 溶化溫度之上而於1350-1500°C的溫度下操作。燃燒腔室9 的壁是導熱的,由於熱能被向外抽離而可使得熔渣於1100-1250°C溫度下固化於其上形成一保護層,同時由於在燃燒 腔室9之溫度而使液體熔渣由熔渣固體流下來。反應器腔 室之底部10是設計成一熔渣收集槽,內建有排放通道12 ,而可使得熔渣浴Π可以形成,則由於熔渣與氣化劑11 直接接觸,且由於與氣化劑11爲共同流動,以確保熔渣隨 時流動,即使流經氣體出口 34亦然。在燃燒腔室9氣化條 件下低化學配比之下產生的氣化劑11,作爲一吸熱、噴流 式氣化器14之氣化劑,這是因爲其CCh與H2O之含量已設 定爲高標準(空氣氣化:10體積%(:〇2,11體積%出〇;氧氣 氣化:19體積%C〇2,40體積%沁〇)。由氣化劑η所引進 之可偵測的熱能,是使用在符合粉碎狀燃料與氣化劑之吸 熱氣化反應的需求。基於這個理由,爲了粉碎狀燃料反應 器提供以噴槍15,17。氣化劑11進入此一吸熱、噴流式 氣化器14形成一浸沒噴射16的形狀,會使得攜入之熔渣 液滴18加速,而被帶入水槽19中,在那裡固化形成一防 止洗脫(elution-pro〇f)之顆粒。爲了介質排放和爲了蒸發水 >氣之儲備,提供熔渣排放機構22、水供給21、和水溢流器 20。它們和水槽19 一起形成此吸熱、噴流式反應器14之 '較低端。 ___ 8____ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公爱) 518363 A7 ---___B7_____ 五、發明說明(t ) 假如在氣體出Q 34底下提供一由防熱鋼或陶瓷所製成 之夾套36 ’粉碎狀燃料噴槍15通過它,則浸沒噴射可進 一步穩寒’並可避免與像袖套般平行牆壁上升之反射氣體 逆向混合。額外的噴槍17可以位於這下面。 藉由提供無氧之氣化劑Η、在吸熱、噴流式反應器14 中要氣化的粉碎狀燃料、以及超過500。(:之高氣化溫度, 本設計確保不會發生氧氣穿入冷的反應器區域。 熱補償管道26 ’假如需要的話其中可提供一導向機構 24 ’而此熱補償管道26作爲由於吸熱氣化方法而在吸熱氣 化器中冷卻到800-900°c的氣化氣體23暖化之用。它們引 進一擾流渦漩到氣化氣流23中,來增加由燃燒腔室9壁之 傳導熱的抽取’此使得燃燒腔室內壁之溫度比熔渣熔化溫 度來得低,而導致形成一固化熔渣之保護層。另外,藉由 提供冷卻劑供給和排放機構28、29之冷卻機構27,來加 強燃燒腔室壁之冷卻效果。爲了降低應該介於500到 1200°C之氣化溫度,提供一用來快速冷卻氣化氣體之機構 30,快速冷卻噴嘴31就裝在其上。氣化氣體離開反應器, 是經由提供有防火內襯之氣化器出口 25且其溫度在700-900〇C。 多階段反應器之更進一步細節,允許反應器有實質上 更寬廣之應用領域。藉由取代剩餘的焦碳、灰、和粉碎狀 。燃料的噴槍8、15、17,結合燃料燃燒器的部件,以及快 速冷卻噴嘴31,因此提供的設施是要熔化可能被污染之外 來的礦物質、和礦石,並要氣化外來之細小顆粒燃料,及 __________-__9______ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) ~ " (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ^-rSJ. 線- 518363 A7 __B7___ 五、發明說明(1 ) 使用本身燃料氣體或外面供應的氣體,以便儲存或用例如 水、水汽、或冷的氣體等不同方式做快速冷卻。 同時也提供一收集來自燃燒腔室9之液滴形式熔渣之 槽,其形成了吸熱、噴流式氣化器14之較低端而非水槽 19 爲了化學及熱保護,反應器提供以防火內襯32。然而 ,它也可以一耐熱、耐腐蝕材料及外圍熱絕緣而抵抗壓力 達lOMpa來設計。 爲了安全而避免燃燒腔室9穿入吸熱、噴流式氣化器 14,熱補償管道25的底端部份設計成圓錐形。 參考文獻: 〔1〕CARL/FRITZ · NOELL-轉化方法” EF publishers for Energy and Environment Technique GmbH 1994. 〔2〕LUCAS等人·在壓力下噴流雲中碳氣化方法的 比較” Chemische Technik 1988,issue 7,pages 277-282. 參考數字列表 1. 結合燃料燃燒器 2. 不可燃物質 3. 燃燒空氣 4. 低溫碳化產物 5. 點火空氣 ° 6.監視 7. 氧氣 8. 殘餘焦炭+灰 ________ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂: -·線 518363 A7 _ B7 五、發明說明(S ) 9. 燃燒腔室 (請先閱讀背面之注意事領再填寫本頁) 10. 反應腔室 11. 氣化劑 12. 熔渣槽 13. 熔渣浴 14. 吸熱、噴流式氣化器 15. 粉碎狀燃料噴槍 16. 浸沒噴射 17. 粉碎狀燃料噴槍 18. 熔渣液滴 19. 水槽 20. 水溢流 21. 水供給 22. 熔渣排放 23. 上游 24. 導引機構 25. 氣化氣體出口 26. 熱補償管道 27. 冷卻機構 28. 冷卻劑入口 29. 冷卻劑出口 ^ 30.快速冷卻 31. 快速冷卻噴嘴 32. 熱保護性內襯 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 518363 A7 _B7_ 五、發明說明(j ) 33. 渦流機構 34. 氣體出口 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 35. 襯套 圖式簡單說明 圖1顯示根據本發明燃燒器之剖面圖。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐)518363 A7 ___—_ B7_____ 5. Description of the invention (/) (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) This invention is about renewable fuels and fossil fuels, biomass, waste or sludge, Method and device for reducing gas, in particular for pyrolysis products produced according to patent DE 44 04 673, in which case, if applied to pyrolysis products, the pyrolysis products are separated before being fed into the reactor. For the maximum possible solid and gaseous products, such as low-temperature carbonized gas and charcoal, they are sent to the reactor respectively. The device according to the present invention is used in energy generation, chemical industry, and metallurgy for energy engines, synthesis methods, ore reduction, and high-efficiency fuel-synthesis and pig-iron production of pig iron. There are a considerable number of gasification methods, which can be divided into three major categories: fixed-bed gasification, fluid-bed gasification, and entrained flow gasification. For the gasification device used herein, especially the jet-type gasification device according to the classification of the present invention, there must be many compromises in terms of energy issues and gasifier requirements. The jet gasifier involving the melting of mineral components is a single step operation, that is, all media involved in the gasification reaction will be sent to a single reaction chamber. This causes the warmth of all media to exceed the melting temperature of the slag of the mineral constituents in the combustibles. This occurs when the reactor wall contains both a fire brick lining and a cooling screen. In the case of a reactor covered with a cooling curtain, such as the typical example of a GSP jet reactor (see references [1,2]), a substantial part of the detectable heat of the gasification gas is released to the cooling wall . Moreover, regardless of whether the reactor wall is cooled or not, in a side-by-side flow reactor, the gasification gas is quenched with water to a water vapor saturation temperature, and a large amount of thermal energy is reduced to a low exergy level. In the case where the reactor contains a cooled internal reactor wall, and in parallel ___4___ This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) 518363 A7 __B7_____ V. Description of the invention (,) ( (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) In the case of gasification gas leaving the reactor in an upward direction and liquid slag in a downward direction in a flow reactor, the discharge of slag must be conducted by additional heat Or even an extra burner to keep it flowing. These measures result in a high oxygen demand, a reduction in the calorific value of the gasification gas, and therefore a low energy efficiency of the entire gasification. If these are not noticed, when the slag flow cannot be maintained, the function of the gasifier is disturbed. In the use of oxygen as a gasifying agent in a jet flow reactor, especially the reactants have a very short dead time. In order to prevent oxygen from passing in case of fuel shortage, substantial measurement and monitoring is needed. Disadvantages of jet reactors that are fueled by separation pyrolysis are that the pyrolysis products are cooled before entering the reactor, and in addition to heat loss, a high cost is required in terms of gas treatment and treatment of liquid products. -The objective of the present invention is to propose a method and a reactor. 'This method is operated at a lower average temperature than the current technology. Compared with a higher efficiency radiation ability, the gasification gas produced is not Contains hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons (dioxins, furans), and is suitable for use in fuel gas for power generation, and synthesis or reduction gas in the same heating stage of iron ore reduction. The integration according to item 1 of the patent application scope of the present invention achieves this goal. Further patent application scopes represent embodiments of the invention. The solution is as follows: the reactor is constructed so that the physical thermal energy can maintain a level of temperature, with only a minimal amount of thermal energy loss, and it can be fully utilized to increase the chemically combined thermal energy. For this purpose, firstly, the fuel and / or gas are rotated at the burner inlet and the combustion chamber inlet at the combustion temperature. The paper size applies Chinese national standards (<: Qing Ba 4 Specification ㈣χ 297 公 爱) 518363 A7 5 Description of the invention (j), which causes the hot slag droplets to be thrown to the wall, and flows down the wall to the slag tank at the bottom of the combustion chamber. During this period, the wall of the combustion chamber was maintained at a temperature level on which a solidified slag ningate formed, while the further formed smelt flowed down, and the (rebound) gasification gas flowed through its exterior. The bottom of the combustion chamber contains a central hole, from which the gas containing no slag droplets flows out, emerges as an immersed jet stream, and enters the jet stream gasifier. The slag flowing down the wall is collected in a groove surrounding the hole, and it is preferably equipped with a radial discharge channel, and flows in a direction parallel to the gas in the jet gasifier. The gas outlet in this paper forms a pipe, so that the gasification gas is layered. Two things can be obtained from this: on the one hand, the slag flowing down accelerates to the water tank at the foot of the gasifier, and on the other hand, the gas that escapes downward into the gasifier is maintained in a relatively long spray state. 'So the latter itself slows down above the water tank due to the compression effect' and deflects (rebounds) upwards, so that it then rises parallel to the submerged jet flow along the wall of the gasifier. In the reduced state, the pulverized carbon-containing fuel is blown into the descending gas jet, which is first brought in, and then enters the rising gas portion like a bushing. The size and flow rate of this device are suitable The substantial gasification of the pulverized fuel. In order to avoid reverse mixing of the rising gas part and the outgoing jet stream, a heat-resistant steel or ceramic bushing can be provided around the gas outlet, and through this gas outlet, the pulverized fuel can be conveyed by the spray gun GanCe). ^ The rising gas reaches a middle chamber, for example, via a guide mechanism, which is between the outer sleeve of the device and the bushing of the combustion chamber, where a thermal equilibrium is created and leaves the device via the gasification gas outlet ° (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Order-* line. This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm) 518363 A7 _ B7_______ 5. Description of the invention (4) This device A thermally protected liner is provided and is preferably cooled. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) The formed gas is of good quality and can be used directly. Before rising gas enters the thermal equilibrium pipe, such as in the case of unstable operation, the pipe can be quickly cooled down by spraying water or cold gas. With reference to the drawings, the present invention can be explained in detail with reference to an actual operation example. For this purpose, a combined fuel burner 1 is adopted, which absorbs about 1160 kg of gaseous products (temperature 400) per ton of wood from the low-temperature carbonization process. -600 ° C), containing vapor-phase components such as tar, oil, water, and dust at the inlet nozzle of the low-temperature carbonization product channel 4, and these are introduced into the combustion chamber 9 via the vortex mechanism 33. Provides a low-temperature carbonized product channel combined with the fuel burner tube. When transferring residual coke, ash and reactor additives, it can be made to vortex, heat, and throw the mineral components to be melted in the combustion chamber 9 toward The inner wall of the combustion chamber becomes a liquid phase. In order to burn at a low chemical ratio (substoichiometric) to a vaporizer exceeding the ash melting temperature, the combined fuel burner 1 is further provided with oxygen 7 (about 390 kg per ton of wood) or air 3 (about 1580 per ton of wood) Kg) pipe, introduced into the combustion chamber 9 in the same direction by the vortex mechanism 33, as a low-temperature carbonization product, so that as the low-temperature carbonization product is quickly converted into a gasifier, and the remaining coke, ash, and possibly The mineral component of the aggregate melts. ° In order to avoid introducing thermal energy to a non-cooled structural component, a combined fuel burner is installed with the ignition fuel supply 2, the ignition air supply 5, and the ignition mechanism and ignition control 6 required for initiation and heating, and these Components _____7_ This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm) 518363 A7 _______B7_ V. Description of the invention (彡) is protected by other flowing media during stationary gasification operations. (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page.) It is also possible to use a known vortex burner of pulverized carbon fuel. The combustion chamber 9 is operated at a temperature of 1350-1500 ° C above the melting temperature of the mineral components of the remaining coke, ash, and aggregates. The wall of the combustion chamber 9 is thermally conductive. Because the thermal energy is extracted away, the slag can be solidified at a temperature of 1100-1250 ° C to form a protective layer. At the same time, due to the temperature of the combustion chamber 9, the Liquid slag flows down from the slag solids. The bottom 10 of the reactor chamber is designed as a slag collection tank with a built-in discharge channel 12 so that a slag bath Π can be formed. Because the slag is in direct contact with the gasifier 11 and because it is in contact with the gasifier 11 is a common flow to ensure that the slag flows at all times, even through the gas outlet 34. The gasifier 11 produced under the low chemical ratio under the gasification condition of the combustion chamber 9 is used as a gasifier of the endothermic, jet gasifier 14 because the content of CCh and H2O has been set high Standard (air gasification: 10% by volume (: 02, 11% by volume; oxygen gasification: 19% by volume, C02, 40% by volume). Detectable introduced by the gasification agent η Thermal energy is used to meet the requirements of the endothermic gasification reaction of pulverized fuel and gasification agent. For this reason, spray guns 15 and 17 are provided for the pulverized fuel reactor. Gasifier 11 enters this endothermic, jet-flow gas. The carburetor 14 is formed into the shape of an immersion jet 16 which will accelerate the carried slag droplets 18 and be brought into the water tank 19 where it solidifies to form an elution-prof particle. The medium is discharged and in order to evaporate water > gas reserves, a slag discharge mechanism 22, a water supply 21, and a water overflow 20 are provided. Together with the water tank 19, they form the 'lower end' of this endothermic, jet flow reactor 14. ___ 8____ This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 public love) 518363 A7 ---___ B7_____ 5. Description of the invention (t) If a jacket 36 'crushed fuel spray gun 15 made of heat-resistant steel or ceramic is provided under the gas outlet Q 34, immersion injection It can be further stabilized and can avoid reverse mixing with the reflecting gas rising parallel to the wall like a sleeve. An additional spray gun 17 can be located below this. By providing an oxygen-free gasification agent, the heat-absorbing, jet-flow reactor 14 The pulverized fuel to be gasified, and more than 500. (: high gasification temperature, this design ensures that oxygen does not penetrate into the cold reactor area. Thermal compensation pipe 26 'If required, a guide mechanism can be provided in it 24 'And this heat compensation pipe 26 is used to warm the gasification gas 23 cooled to 800-900 ° C in the endothermic gasifier due to the endothermic gasification method. They introduce a spoiler vortex to the gasification gas flow 23 In order to increase the extraction of the conductive heat from the 9 walls of the combustion chamber, the temperature of the inner wall of the combustion chamber is lower than the melting temperature of the slag, which results in the formation of a protective layer of solidified slag. In addition, by providing a coolant The cooling mechanism 27 of the feeding and discharging mechanisms 28 and 29 enhances the cooling effect of the combustion chamber wall. In order to reduce the gasification temperature which should be between 500 and 1200 ° C, a mechanism 30 for rapidly cooling the gasification gas is provided. The fast cooling nozzle 31 is installed on it. The gasification gas leaves the reactor through the gasifier outlet 25 provided with a fireproof lining and its temperature is 700-900 ° C. Further details of the multi-stage reactor allow The reactor has a substantially wider field of application. By replacing the remaining coke, ash, and pulverized form. Fuel spray guns 8, 15, 17, combined with fuel burner components, and rapid cooling nozzles 31, thus providing The facility is to melt foreign minerals and ores that may be contaminated, and to gasify foreign fine particles of fuel, and __________-__ 9______ This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) ~ " (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) ^ -rSJ. Line-518363 A7 __B7___ V. Description of the invention (1) Use the fuel gas itself or the gas supplied from outside for storage or Use different methods such as water, water vapor, or cold gas for rapid cooling. Also provided is a trough for collecting slag in the form of droplets from the combustion chamber 9, which forms the lower end of the endothermic, jet gasifier 14 instead of the water tank 19. For chemical and thermal protection, the reactor is provided with a fireproof inner Lining 32. However, it can also be designed with a heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant material and peripheral thermal insulation to withstand pressures up to lOMpa. For the sake of safety, the combustion chamber 9 is prevented from penetrating into the heat-absorbing, jet-type gasifier 14, and the bottom end portion of the heat compensation pipe 25 is designed to be conical. References: [1] CARL / FRITZ · NOELL-conversion method "EF publishers for Energy and Environment Technique GmbH 1994. [2] LUCAS et al. Comparison of carbon gasification methods in jet clouds under pressure" Chemische Technik 1988, issue 7, pages 277-282. List of reference numbers 1. Combined fuel burner 2. Non-combustible material 3. Combustion air 4. Low temperature carbonized product 5. Ignition air ° 6. Monitoring 7. Oxygen 8. Residual coke + ash ________ This Paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) Order:-· line 518363 A7 _ B7 V. Description of invention (S) 9. Burning Chamber (please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 10. Reaction chamber 11. Gasifier 12. Slag bath 13. Slag bath 14. Heat absorption, jet gasifier 15. Shredded fuel Spray gun 16. Immersion spray 17. Pulverized fuel spray gun 18. Slag droplets 19. Water tank 20. Water overflow 21. Water supply 22. Slag discharge 23. Upstream 24. Guiding mechanism 25. Gasification gas outlet 26. Heat compensation pipe 27. Cooling mechanism 28. Coolant inlet 29. Coolant outlet ^ 30. Quick cooling 31. Quick cooling nozzle 32. Thermal protective lining This paper is sized for China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm) 518363 A7 _B7_ V. Description of the invention (j ) 33. Vortex mechanism 34. Gas outlet (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) 35. Brief description of the bushings Figure 1 shows a cross-sectional view of a burner according to the invention. This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm)