442842 A7 B7五、發明説明(1) 經满部中央標準扃兵工消费合作社印焚 發明之領域 本發明係關於一種系統,供處理工業排出流體,諸如在半 導體製造.光電處理等所產生之排出氣體。此種系統可Μ 各種方式包括一氧化器,氣體洗滌,微粒固體去除,及供處 理排出氣體之其他單元搡作。 相關技藝之說明 在處理工業流體廢物流時,人們曾整合種種單元操作及 對應之個別處理装置,供處理來自上游處理設施之排出物 例如,市上現有各種整合式熱糸統,供處理半導體製造排 出物及光電處理排出氣體。此等整合系統一般目標為供配 合C\/D,金藤蝕刻,蝕刻及雜子植入工具使用。商用整合式 系統包括Delatech控制分解氧化器(Controlled Decomposition Oxidizer,簡稱 CDO), Dunnsch icht Anlagen Systerae(簡稱DAS)逸出系統,及 Edwards熱處理 單元(Therma 丨 Processing Unit,簡稱 TPU)*3 每一此等商 用系統係由整合一供氧化分解排出氣體之熱 處理單元,與一供溫度控制來自熱氧化區段之廢氣之濕 驟冷,及一供去除在氧化過程所形成之酸性氣體及微粒之 濕洗滌糸統組合所構成。 在De丨atech CD0,熱系統包含一電加熱之管,其可任選與 一以火焰為基礎之可插人氫注射系統(Hyd「〇Sen Injection System ,簡稱HIS)組合,供破壊來自排出氣流, 特別難以去除之化合物。在上述DAS逸出系統,熱氧化器為 以火焰為基礎,使用02作為氧化劑及甲烷或氫作為燃料。 n - . I - »i - rr—— i— Γ t. I- - ! I - —a - i l·.^ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X2W公釐) 4 ϊ 442842 Α7 Β7 經濟部中央標準局另τ,消贽合作社印t 五、發明説明( 2) I 1 I 在 TPU ,熱氧化器包含- 火焰為基礎之表面燃燒單元, 其 1 1 I 使 用 空 氣 或0 2作 為氧化 劑及甲烷 作 為 m />»«* 料 〇 i 1 除 了 此 等整 合 式商用 系統外, 也 有 各 種 商 用 獨 之 單 — 請 先 1 1 1 單 元 操 作 系铳 ,供處理排出氣流, 包 括 :a )未加熱物理吸附 讀 背 1¾ 1 ί 填 床 乾 洗滌 器 ,b)未加熱化學吸附填霣床乾洗滌器, C ) 加 < ί 1 Γ 熱 化 學 反 應填 實 床乾洗 滌器,d) 加 熱 催 化 反 應 填 實 床 洗 滌 事 項 1 I 器 ,e)濕洗滌器, 及f )以 火焰為基 礎 之 熱 處 理 單 元 〇 依 經 歷 寫 本 装 處 理 之 氣 流之 性 質而定 ,每一此 等 單 元 操 作 技 術 均 適 合 某 頁 V- 1 1 些 應 用 0 1 i 通 常 » 每一 此 等各別 技術均係 依 據 組 供 特 定 排 出 流 成 1 1 份 之 特 殊 去除 機 構。 a)需要去 除 之 排 出 流 成 份 在 去 除 機 1 訂 構 路 徑 為 足夠 相 似,因 而一單一 去 除 技 術 便 可 消 除 所 m 切 1 I 之 氣 霄· 體 時 .或 b) 對特定 去除機構 無 反 應 之 特 定 次 組 氣 體 流 1 1 I 成 份 物 質 ,其 特 性為致 使氣流成 份 物 質 可 予 Μ 排 出 而 不 消 1 1 除 時 ,肽等技術可提供優異之消除 Ϊ 1 有 時 候 ,上述以獨立單一單元操作為基礎之系統, 其 最 後 1 使 用 者 可 選擇 將 二或更 多此等各 種 處 理 單 元 組 合 >1 便 提 1 1 供 一 處 理 順序 .供通過糸統之每- -類別之各種氣體 〕 儘 管 ί 1 I 如 此 ,此種整合式設備途徑之執行, 對 於 a 取 後 使 用 者 明 顯 較 1 1 之 原 始 設 備製 造 廠商為 不方便, 由 於 原 始 設 備 製 造 廠 商 可 ! 1 首 先 在 一 單一 小 型處理 异.統提供 各 種 操 作 處 理 單 元 之 整 合 1 1 0 對照而言, 最 後使用 者必須實 際 修 改 組 件 獨 立 單 元 供 整 1 I 合 式 總 成 及操 作 〇 1 1 1 另 外 ,雖然在某些應用,此等原 始 設 埔 製 造 廠 商 整 合 之 排 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) 5 442842 A7 B7 經M-部中央標準局Μ工消f合作社印聚 五、發明説明( 3) 1 1 1 出 氣 流 處 理 糸 統 可 明 顯 具 有優 於 單 — 單 元 操 作 % 統 之 優 點 I 1 1 ,但- -般為, 可 例 如 實 施 氣 化,驟冷, 及 洗 滌 之 單 元 操 作 之 此 1 I 等 整 合 式 系 統 有 各 種 缺 失 ,包括: 徽 itkl. 粒 堵 塞 在 各 別 區 段 μ 及 請 先 閲 1 1 f 氧 化 器 區 段 之 入 Ρ 部 位 ,在氧化區段產生微粒, 在 洗 m 器 區 讀 背 1 1 段 之 酸 性 氣 體 洗 滌 不 良 r 供酸 性 氣 聰 11 及 徽 粒 洗 滌 之 高 水 消 之 注 1 意 1 J 耗 t 及 來 白 洗 滌 器 區 段 之飽 和 廢 氣 之 凝 結 導 致 具 有 酸 類 事 項 1 I 再 之 含 水 合 物 之 收 集 及 集 中 ΰ 入口堵塞可η 起 因 於 若 干 來 填 寫 本 裝 源 i 包 括 :(a ) 作 為 氧 化 器 區段 之 燃 燒 產 物 之 水 蒸 汽 尚 後 遷 頁 I I 移 ,導致Μ - -種非均勻或均勻方式與進入之水敏感氣體, 諸 1 1 j 如 BC 1 3或 WF6 之 水 解 反 應 i (b) 進 人 之 熱 敏 感 氣 體 之 熱 衰 變 1 1 ;及 U)進入之氣體由於系統中過渡點之凝结 此 等 入 口 1 訂 堵 塞 問 題 可 能 需 要 包 括 有 柱塞 機 構 或 其 他 固 體 去 除 裝 置 r I 1 以 使 人 □ 保 持 frtr m. 固 體 積 聚 妖 » Ο、、 而 此 等 機 械 安 置 使 系 統 增 加 1 1 相 當 多 費 用 及 勞 力 0 在其他情彤, 人 D 堵 塞 問 題 可 能 為 系 i 1 I 統 性 ,並需要定期預防性雄修, Η 使 入 □ 保 持 無 固 體 積 聚 〇 1 然 而 .此種維修需要系統停機, 並 在 製 造 設 施 損 失 生 產 力 〇 i 使 用 氣 體 排 出 物 處 理 系 統之 現 有 整 合 點 1 也 可 能 在 工 廠 1 I 設 施 在 處 理 來 白 其 濕 洗 滌處 理 之 廢 水 時 經 歷 困 難 問 題 〇 1 I 若 干 工 廠 處 理 η 此 等 使 用 點糸 统 所 產 生 之 廢 水 中 之 氟 (F-) 1 1 物 質 ,或更通常為, 在 處 理 自氣 體 排 出 物 處 理 統 本 身 所 產 1 1 生 之 廢 水 時 ,可能具有困難。 1 1 處 理 設 施 整 合 系 統 可 利 用之 給 水 品 質 不 良 時 » 水 洗 m 器 1 I 及 驟 冷 部 份 也 可 具 有 堵 塞 問題 ,在美國西南部, 此 為 一 般 狀 1 1 I 況 〇 在很多地區, 不 易 有 可供 利 用 之 水 ,高水成本, 及 排 放 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) 6 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(4) 廢水之高棄置成本也係重大問題。在有些情形.此等因素 必要在處理設施使用高品質去雜子水,Μ防止堵塞問題。 雖然有效防止洗滌器及驟冷填塞,但此種解決辦法涉及業 主與高品質去離子水之實際成本關聯之很高成本。 在洗滌操作時,在洗滌塔之酸性氣體之不良洗滌,可能由 於處理通過此等糸統之小流率。處理此等小流率之洗滌塔 ,其直徑為對應小,其荏與使用習知大直徑C填實組合時,可 能専致 c填實元件直徑至過高之柱直徑,及在洗滌塔導致 大壁效應。此種洗滌塔因此需要較大水流量.其復可能導 致溝道效應,溢流及遲滞,而處理氣體袋未經處理通過洗滌 器糸统。由於此等系统之不良洗滌,在此等系統下游之管 道常見有腐蝕,其係由於來自洗滌器之未經處理廢氣之凝 結。鹵化物氣體在排出流中予Μ處理,來自洗滌塔之廢氣 將由於洗滌器之不良洗滌性能而含有未洗滌之鹵素内容物 。 未洗滌之鹵素内容物可能専致肜成在VLE露點狀況所凝 结之高度濃縮酸類之池,並實際高於預期之酸/水溫合。 發明之概述 經濟部中央標羋局β工消費合作社印繁 - I —ΐ I ^^1 ' - I H'· I ^^1 ^^1 I_ --- - - --1 ^_Ψ Λτν-° (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本貢) 本發明係關於一種整合式排出氣體處理糸统,有設施供 使用點處理工業氣體排出物,例如在製造半導體材料及装 置時所產生者。 在一方面,本發明之整合式排出氣體處理糸統予Κ構形 為包括有些或所有下列系統組件.例如在一單元式外殼作 為一種輕巧使用點裝置: (i) 一預處理單元,供酸性氣體及微粒去除(例如一(預) 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(210X297公釐) 7 442842 A7 經满部中央標苹局負工消资合作社印^ B7五、發明説明(5 ) 洗滌器); (i i ) 一電熱氧化器或其他氧化器單元; (in)—氧化器排氣驟冷單元; (iv) —酸性氣體洗滌器單元; (v) 氣體流動誘導裝置,諸如一主動原動流動裝置(鼓風 機,風扇,泵等)或被動流動裝置(排放器,噴射器,吸氣噴嘴 等);M及 (vi) 關聯之控制装置,其可例如包括流入氣體溫度控制 裝置(例如包括一熱追蹤前级管道,熱交換器,或其他装置, 供保證適當熱氣體流動特徴通過整合系統),電源装置(涌 流保護,不斷電(UPS)連接或專用UPS組件等),以及其他處 理控制元件及分總成,供在系統中,在其操作時,監視及選 擇性調整處理c狀況(溫度,歷力,流動速率,及組成)。 本發明之整合式排出氣體處理系統可利用一預洗滌器, 氧化器,及洗滌器總成.與一人口結構組合,供自一上游處 理設砲引導一流體流至總成,或否則為供一處理氣流自一 上游氣流源流動至處理系統内之下游軌跡。 在一種簧施例.此種人口结構包含第一及第二大致垂直 設置之流動通道區段,成彼此串聯耦合關係,一大致垂直流 動通道通過其界定成此種串聯耦合醏偽,含微粒固體流體 流可自含微粒固體流體之上游來源流動至一設置為對入口 结構成潦體流接受關係之下游流體處理糸統。 第一流動通道區段為入口結構之上區段,並包括一内可 透氣壁,其可由一種多孔金屬或多孔陶瓷,或其他適當構造 ^^^1 -1 ^^^^1 1 sm I \p/ {請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本i ) 本紙張尺度適用中國囤家標準(CNS ) A4规格(2丨0X 297公釐) 8 442842 Α7 Β7 經濟部中央標準局另Η消贽合作社印狀442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (1) Field of invention invention covered by the Ministry of Central Standards Ordnance Industry Cooperatives The present invention relates to a system for processing industrial exhaust fluids, such as those produced in semiconductor manufacturing, photoelectric processing, etc. gas. This system can operate in a variety of ways including an oxidizer, gas scrubbing, particulate solids removal, and other units for processing exhaust gases. Explanation of Related Techniques When processing industrial fluid waste streams, people have integrated various unit operations and corresponding individual processing devices for processing effluents from upstream processing facilities. For example, there are various integrated thermal systems on the market for semiconductor manufacturing. Effluent and photoelectric treatment exhaust gas. These integrated systems are generally targeted for use with C \ / D, gold cane etching, etching, and heterodyne implant tools. Commercial integrated systems include Delatech Controlled Decomposition Oxidizer (CDO), Dunnsch icht Anlagen Systerae (DAS) escape system, and Edwards Thermal Processing Unit (Therma 丨 Processing Unit, TPU) * 3 each of these The commercial system consists of a heat treatment unit for oxidative decomposition of exhaust gas, a wet quench for temperature control of exhaust gas from the thermal oxidation section, and a wet scrub for removal of acid gases and particulates formed during the oxidation process. System combination. In De 丨 atech CD0, the thermal system includes an electrically heated tube, which can optionally be combined with a flame-based plug-in hydrogen injection system (Hyd "〇Sen Injection System, HIS for short), for breaking through from the exhaust air flow. Compounds that are particularly difficult to remove. In the above DAS escape system, the thermal oxidizer is based on a flame, using 02 as an oxidant and methane or hydrogen as a fuel. N-. I-»i-rr—— i- Γ t. I--! I-—a-il ·. ^ (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) This paper size applies to Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X2W mm) 4 ϊ 442842 Α7 Β7 Ministry of Economy The Central Bureau of Standards has another τ, the cooperative cooperative printed t. 5. Description of the invention (2) I 1 I In TPU, the thermal oxidizer contains-a flame-based surface combustion unit, whose 1 1 I uses air or 0 2 as an oxidant and methane As m / > »« * Material 〇i 1 In addition to these integrated commercial systems, there are also a variety of commercial singles-please first 1 1 1 unit operating system for processing exhaust airflow, including: a) Heating physical adsorption read back 1¾ 1 packed bed dry scrubber, b) unheated chemisorption packed bed dry scrubber, C) plus < ί 1 Γ thermochemical reaction packed bed dry scrubber, d) heating catalytic reaction Compaction bed washing matters 1 I, e) Wet scrubber, and f) Flame-based heat treatment unit 0 Depending on the nature of the airflow that undergoes the writing process, each of these unit operation techniques is suitable for a certain page V -1 1 Some applications 0 1 i Normally »Each of these individual technologies is based on a special removal mechanism that provides a specific discharge stream to 1 1 part. A) The components of the discharge stream that need to be removed in the remover 1 are structured as follows: It is sufficiently similar that a single removal technique can eliminate all the air and body hours cut by 1 I, or b) a specific sub-group gas stream 1 1 I component that does not respond to a specific removal mechanism, and its characteristics are such that the gas flow component Substance can be discharged No need to eliminate 1 1. Peptide and other technologies can provide excellent elimination. 1 Sometimes the last 1 of the above-mentioned systems based on independent single unit operation can choose to combine two or more of these various processing units. ≫ 1 Note 1 1 for a processing sequence. For each type of gas that passes through the system] Although ί 1 I is so, the implementation of this integrated equipment approach for the user after a is significantly more than the original 1 1 The equipment manufacturer is inconvenient, because the original equipment manufacturer can! 1 First, a single small processing unit is provided. The system provides the integration of various operation and processing units 1 1 0 In contrast, the end user must actually modify the component independent unit for the whole 1 I Combined Assembly and Operation 〇1 1 1 In addition, although in some applications, these original design manufacturers integrated the row 1 1 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297 mm) 5 442842 A7 B7 via M-Part Standards Bureau, Industrial Cooperatives, Cooperatives, Cooperatives, Fifth, Invention Description (3) 1 1 1 The air flow treatment system can obviously have advantages over the single-unit operation% system I 1 1, but-generally, it can be implemented, for example The 1 I and other integrated systems of gasification, quenching, and washing unit operations have various shortcomings, including: ititkl. The particles are clogged in the respective sections μ and please read 1 1 f in the oxidizer section. At the part, particles are generated in the oxidation section, and the acidic gas in the scrubber section is read poorly. The acidic gas is not cleaned for the acidic gas. The high water consumption of the acidic gas is 11 and the grain is washed. Condensation of saturated exhaust gas in the reactor section leads to acid matters 1 I The collection and concentration of hydrates. The blockage of the inlet can be caused by a number of sources. This includes: (a) combustion as an oxidizer section The water vapor of the material is still moved to page II, resulting in M-a non-uniform or uniform way and the water-sensitive gas entering the water, such as the hydrolysis reaction of 1 1 j such as BC 1 3 or WF6 i (b) thermal sensitivity of entering The thermal decay of the gas 1 1; and U) the gas entering the system due to the condensation of the transition point in the system. Such a blockage problem may need to include a plunger mechanism or other solid removal device r I 1 to keep people □ frtr m. Solid accumulation demon »〇, and these mechanical placements increase the system 1 1 considerable cost and labor 0 In other situations, the problem of the blockage of person D may be a system of i 1 I and requires regular preventive repairs, Η Keep the entrance □ free of solid accumulation. However, this type of maintenance requires system downtime and lost productivity at the manufacturing facility. Existing integration point 1 using gas effluent treatment systems may also be in the factory. Experience in washing wastewater treatment Difficult problems 〇1 I Several factories treat η Fluorine (F-) 1 1 in the waste water produced by these point-of-use systems, or more often, in the treatment of 1 1 waste water produced by the gas effluent treatment system itself Can be difficult. 1 1 When the quality of the feedwater is poor when the integrated system of the treatment facility can be used »The water scrubber 1 I and the quenching part may also have clogging problems. In the southwestern United States, this is a general 1 1 I. In many areas, it is not easy to have Available water, high cost of water, and discharge 1 1 This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) 6 442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (4) The high cost of waste water disposal is also significant problem. In some cases, these factors necessitate the use of high-quality deionized water in the treatment facility to prevent clogging problems. Although effective in preventing scrubbers and quench packers, this solution involves a high cost associated with the actual cost of high quality deionized water for the owner. During the scrubbing operation, the poor scrubbing of the acid gas in the scrubber may be due to the small flow rate that passes through these systems. The diameter of the washing towers that handle these small flow rates is correspondingly small. When combined with the conventional large diameter C packing, the diameter of the c packing element may be too high, and the large diameter of the column may be caused in the washing tower. effect. This type of scrubber therefore requires a large water flow. It may cause channeling effects, overflow and lag, while the treated gas bag passes through the scrubber system without treatment. Due to the poor washing of these systems, the pipes downstream of these systems are often corroded due to the condensation of untreated exhaust gas from the scrubber. The halide gas is treated in the exhaust stream, and the exhaust gas from the washing tower will contain unwashed halogen contents due to the poor washing performance of the scrubber. Unwashed halogen content may cause pools of highly concentrated acids to condense under VLE dew point conditions, and actually be higher than expected acid / water temperatures. Summary of Inventions -Industry and Trade Cooperatives of the Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs-I —ΐ I ^^ 1 '-I H' · I ^^ 1 ^^ 1 I_ -------1 ^ _Ψ Λτν- ° (Please read the notes on the back before filling in this tribute.) The present invention relates to an integrated exhaust gas treatment system, which has facilities for processing industrial gas effluents, such as those generated during the manufacture of semiconductor materials and devices. In one aspect, the integrated exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention is configured to include some or all of the following system components. For example, a unitary housing as a lightweight point-of-use device: (i) a pretreatment unit for acid Removal of gases and particulates (such as one (pre)) This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X297 mm) 7 442842 A7 Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards and Consumers ’Cooperatives ^ B7 V. Description of the invention ( 5) scrubber); (ii) an electro-oxidizer or other oxidizer unit; (in) —oxidizer exhaust quench unit; (iv) —acid gas scrubber unit; (v) gas flow induction device such as An active motive flow device (blower, fan, pump, etc.) or a passive flow device (ejector, ejector, suction nozzle, etc.); M and (vi) associated control devices, which may include, for example, an inflow gas temperature control device ( Examples include a heat-tracing foreline pipe, heat exchanger, or other device to ensure proper hot gas flow through the integrated system), power supply unit (surge protection, continuous power (U PS) connection or dedicated UPS components, etc.), and other processing control components and sub-assemblies for use in the system, during its operation, monitor and selectively adjust the processing c conditions (temperature, history, flow rate, and composition) . The integrated exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention can utilize a pre-washer, oxidizer, and scrubber assembly. Combined with a population structure for directing a fluid flow to the assembly from an upstream processing facility, or otherwise for A processing airflow flows from an upstream airflow source to a downstream trajectory within the processing system. In a spring embodiment, this population structure includes first and second substantially vertical flow channel sections, which are coupled in series with each other. A generally vertical flow channel is defined by this series coupling pseudo, containing particulate solids. The fluid flow can flow from an upstream source of particulate-containing solid fluid to a downstream fluid processing system configured to accept a mass flow into the inlet structure. The first flow channel section is an upper section of the inlet structure and includes an inner gas-permeable wall, which may be made of a porous metal or ceramic, or other suitable structure ^^^ 1 -1 ^^^^ 1 1 sm I \ p / {Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this i) This paper size is applicable to China Store Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2 丨 0X 297 mm) 8 442842 Α7 Β7 The Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs also eliminates the cooperative Print
五、發明説明( Θ) I I | 材 料 形 成 ,包封流動通道之第- -上部< > 可 透 氣 內 壁 有 一 内 I I I 表 面 界 限 流 動通 道 之上 部 〇 I I 請 I 可 透 氣 壁 被一 外 壁包 封 式 圍 镜 r 對 可 透 氣 内 壁 成 間 開 關 先 閲 I I 係 〇 外壁在特性上為不多孔, 但 設 有 一 低 壓 氣 體 流 動 D ύ 讀 背 δ I I I 藉 此 種 配 置 ,在 各 別内 可 透 氣 壁 與 外 包 封 壁 之 間 形 成 一 内 之 注 I 意 I 部 環 狀 容 積 0 事 項 I I 再 I 低 壓 氣 體 流動 □ 復可 對 —· 低 壓 氣 體 來 源 耦 合 成 流 動 關 係 寫 本 ,供例如藉適當閥及控制裝置, 使 此 氣 體 預 定 之 低 速 率 流 ΐ I | 入 内 部 環 狀 容積 1 供低 壓 氣 體 陳 後 内 部 環 狀 容 積 流 入 流 I I I 動 通 道 0 一 高壓 力 氣體 流 動 Ρ 也 可 任 選 予 Μ 提 供 在 第 — 流 I I 動 通 道 區 段 之外 壁 ,對- -高壓氣體來源耦合成流動關係, 供 I 訂 此 氣 體 斷 壤 流入 内 部環 狀 容 積 9 此 高 壓 氣 體 流 動 用 以 對 内 I I 可 透 氣 壁 清 潔可 能 已沉 積 在 其 内 表 面 (在第- -流動通道區 I I 段 界 限 流 動 通道 )之任何微粒 ) 高 壓 氣 體 可 同 樣 藉 適 當 閥 I I [ 及 控 制 装 置 以希 望 之壓 力 可 控 制 式 流 動 0 I r 第 二 流 動 通道 區 段予 以 串 聯 耦 合 至 第 一 流 動 通 道 區 段 * I I 供 含 微 粒 固 體流 體 自第 — 流 動 通 道 區 段 向 下 流 人 第 二 流 動 I 通 道 區 段 0 第二流動通道包括- -外壁, 其 中 有 — 液 體 注 射 I I □ ,其可與- -液體來源, 諸 如 水 或 其 他 處 理 液 體 耦 合 〇 外 壁 I I | 可 諸 如 藉 第 一及 第 二流 動 通 道 區 段 之 各 別 外 壁 上 之 可 配 合 I I 凸 緣 與 第 — 流動 通 道區 段 耦 合 〇 第 二 流 動 通 道 包 括 一 内 堰 I I 壁 ,對外壁成間開關係, 以 在 其 間 界 定 一 內 部 環 狀 容 積 • 而 I I 内 堰 壁 向 第 一流 動 通道 區 段 之 内 可 透 氣 壁 延 伸 t 但 停 止 在 I I 不 到 此 可 透 氣壁 » Μ在 第 一 及 第 二 流 au, 動 通 道 區 段 之 此 各 別 E I 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) A4規格(210χπ7公釐) -9 - 442842 A7 B7 經济部中央標羋局貝工消资合作社印緊 五、發明説明( 7) 1 1 | 内 壁 之 間 提 供 一 間隙,界定- -溢流堰。 液 體流入 第 二 流 動 1 1 1 通 道 區 段 之 外 壁 與其内 壁間 之内部環狀容 積時, 導 人 之 液 1 I 讀 1 I 體 溢 出 溢 流 堰 3 及第二 流動 通道區段內壁 之内表 面 向 下 流 先 閱 1 I 動 〇 此種液體沿内壁之流動用以自壁 洗除任何微粒固體, 讀 背 面 1 f I •並 抑 制 固 體 沉 積 或形成 在内 壁之内壁表面 〇 之 注 1 意 I 第 — 及 第 二 流 動通道 區段 之彼此凸緣狀 連接, 可 包 括 - 事 項 1 ! 再 1. 1 快 速 釋 放 夾 總 成 ,K適 應容 易拆卸入口結 構之各 別 第 — 及 填 寫 本 泉 第 二 流 動 通 道 區 段。 頁 1 I 而 且 1 入 P 结 構之第 一流 動通道區段可 接合至 一 最 上 入 I I P 结 構 快 速 分 開 入口區 段, 其同樣可容易 拆卸供 清 潔 及 维 1 1 I 修 g 的 〇 1 訂 在 另 一 方 面 ,本發明偽闞於一種排出 氣體處理糸統, 包 含 1 I 預 洗 滌 器 ,供自排出氣體去除酸性氣 體及微粒, 一 氧 化 器 1 | ,供氧化處理排出氣流中之可氧化組份 ,及 一随後 之 水 洗 滌 1 1 器 ,供在其氧化處理後洗滌排出氣流。 在此種預洗滌/ 氧 化 1 r /洗滌糸铳, 可 採 用一氣 體/液體介面结 構. 在此氣體/液 體 1 I 介 面 结 構 接 受 如 氧化器 所排 放之熱,充 滿微粒,含 侵 蝕 性 組 1 1 份 之 氣 流 時 ,其抗固體沉積 ,堵塞及腐 蝕 >此氣體/ 液 體 介 1 | 面 結 構 包 含 : 1 I — 第 一 垂 直 延 伸入口 流動 通道構件, 在 其内界 定 一 第 一 1 ! 氣 體 流 流 動 路 徑 ,此入口流動通道構件 有- -上入口 1 供 引 1 1 導 氣 流 至 氣 流 流 動路徑 ,及- -下出口端 ,供 在氣流 流 動 通 過 1 1 人 P 流 動 通 道 構 件内之 氣流 流動路徑後, 自其排 放 氣 流 » 1 I 一 第 二 流 動 通 道構件 ,外接第一流動 通道構件, 並 對 其 成 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家梯準(CNS } Λ4規格(210X 297公釐) -10 - 442842 A7 B7 經濟部中央標丰局兵工消费合作社印製 五、發明説明( 8) 1 1 | 向 外 間 開 關 係 ,以在其間界定- -環狀容積 > 此 第 二 流 動 通 1 1 1 道 構 件 向 下 延 伸 至 一 在 第 一 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 下 出 P 端 下 面 i [ 之 下 出 P 端 y 此 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 有 —* 上 可 透 液 賭 AS 部 份 位 請 先 閱 讀 背 1 1 I 於 第 一 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 下 出 Ρ 端 上 面 » 及 一 下 不 透 疲 體 部 1 i 1 份 界 定 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 氣 流 流 動 路 徑 * * 之 注 意 1 1 外 壁 構 件 包 封 式 外 接 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 i 並 與 其 界 定 事 項 1 I 再 J J —- 包 封 之 内 部 環 狀 容 積 ;Μ及 填 寫 本 +衣 t —1 在 此 外 壁 構 件 之 液 體 流 動 入 □ » 供 將 液 Mm 腊 導 人 外 壁 構 頁 1 | 件 與 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 間 之 包 封 內 部 環 狀 容 積 t i I 從 而 經 由 外 壁 構 件 上 之 液 體 流 動 人 Ρ 導 入 之 液 體 進 入 包 1 1 I 封 之 内 部 環 狀 容 積 r 並 滲 漏 式 流 動 通 ΐΜ. 趙 上 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 1 訂 件 之 可 透 液 體 部 份 t 供 隨 後 沿 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 不 透 疲 1 1 體 部 份 之 内 表 面 同 下 潦 動 Μ 在 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 不 透 1 I 液 體 部 份 之 此 内 表 面 提 供 一 向 下 流 動 液 體 薄 膜 1 VX 阻 止 微 1 I Ifkju 粒 固 體 沉 積 及 積 聚 在 其 上 1 而 流 動 通 過 第 一 流 動 通 道 構 件 1 y 之 氣 流 在 其 下 出 D 端 排 放 9 供 流 動 通 過 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 1 I 之 流 動 路 徑 ,及隨後自氣體/疲體介 面 結 構 排 放 〇 1 1 藉 此 種 配 置 ,防止氣流直接接觸结構之下部上之壁 f 氣 I I 流 流 動 路 徑 被 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 内 壁 表 面 界 限 於 其 上 〇 1 I 來 自 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 ”滲漏溢流堰” 上 部 之 降 落 水 薄 膜 1 1 狙 止 微 粒 固 體 積 聚 在 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 内 壁 表 面 〇 在 此 1 1 等 壁 表 面 上 之 原 動 液 體 流 傳 送 接 觸 水 薄 膜 之 氣 流 中 之 徽 粒 1 1 ,向下烘自氣體/液體介面結構排放 ύ 另外, 防 止 氣 流 中 之 1 1 侵 蝕 性 物 質 接 觸 壁 P 其 受 到 介 面 結 構 之 下 部 上 之 降 落 水 薄 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) AA規格(2丨OX 297公釐) -11 - 442842 A7 B7 @濟部中央標枣局员-x消费合作社印取 五、發明説明( 9) 1 1 1 膜 保 護 ΰ 1 1 1 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 上 可 透 液 體 部 份 可 為 適 當 多 孔 構 造 1 I ,並可包含- -多孔燒結金屬壁或- -多孔陶瓷壁, 有 孔 大 小 可 請 先 閱 1 1 例 如 約 在 0 .5 徽 米 至 30 微 米 之 範 圍 ,或甚至更大孔直徑 5 讀 背 1 1 ! 本 發 明 又 -~~» 方 面 係 醞 於 —. 種 供 處 理 排 出 氣 流 之 系 統 > 之 注 1 I 意 [ 其 中 該 系 統 包 含 一 預 洗 滌 器 單 元 « -氧化器/ 驟 冷 m 元 1 及 事 項 1 I 再 1 洗 滌 器 單 元 ,其中預洗滌器單元利用- -上游氣體/ 液 體 接 % 本 取 觸 塔 ,其中水自塔之上部向下流動, 並 在 塔 之 下 部 * 並 接 觸 ! 1 導 入 之 氣 體 1 並 且 其 中 排 出 氣 流 經 由 —· 包 含 第 _· 管 狀 通 道 1 ! | 之 入 P 结 構 被 引 導 其 大 致 水 平 對 準 * 並 相 對 於 一 有 一 防 1 1 護 氣 趙 Ρ 供 引 導 防 護 氣 體 至 其 內 之 外 外 接 管 狀 構 件 同 心 設 ί 訂 置 〇 接 受 排 出 氣 體 之 内 管 狀 構 件 終 止 在 外 管 狀 構 件 内 0 外 1 ! 管 狀 構 件 大 致 水 平 延 伸 進 入 預 洗 滌 塔 之 下 部 而 外 管 狀 構 1 I 件 有 一 對 角 切 開 開 Ρ 端 配 置 在 預 洗 滌 塔 之 下 部 〇 外 管 狀 構 1 1 1 之 對 角 切 開 端 予 以 設 置 為 致 使 其 最 大 長 度 周 邊 部 份 設 置 I 為 在 直 徑 覆 蓋 外 ζΒ£τ 管 狀 構 件 之 最 短 長 度 周 邊 部 份 • 因 而 氣 流 1 1 i 内 管 狀 構 件 排 放 進 入 外 管 狀 件 之 内 部 容 積 雷 及 白 外 管 狀 1 ! 件 之 對 角 切 開 開 Ρ 端 排 放 進 入 預 洗 滌 塔 之 下 部 〇 藉 外 管 狀 1 1 構 件 之 最 大 長 度 周 邊 部 份 位 於 外 管 狀 構 件 之 最 小 長 度 周 邊 1 [ I 部 份 上 面 1 外 管 狀 構 件 便 設 置 為 防 止 預 洗 m 塔 中 之 下 落 液 1 i iri 頒 進 入 此 管 狀 構 件 0 而且, 對 角 切 開 端 之 此 種 配 置 允 許 導 1 1 人 至 預 洗 滌 塔 之 氣 體 流 動 流 變 成 在 其 進 人 點 開 展 進 人 塔 内 1 I ,供與其中之下落液體接觸 1 I 在 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 可 採 用 r 如 在 下 文 更 完 全 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) —12 — 442842 A7 B7 經濟部中央樣準局贝X消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(10) 1 1 1 說 明 之 各 種 其 他 入 P 結 構 ΰ 1 1 | 本 發 明 之 另 外 諸 多 方 面 可 Μ 各 種 方 式 包 括 下 列 特 色 : ! 1 1 . 在 單 元 式 箱 構 形 提 供 — 總 體 整 合 式 氣 體 排 出 流 處 理 請 先 閱 1 1 1 系 統 ,包括- -未堵塞人口, 預 洗 滌 器 ,氧化器, 濕 /乾介面, m 讀 背 I 1 冷 ,後洗滌器及原動装置 y 之 注 1 1 意 1 I 2 . 使 用 一 預 處 理 子 系 統 供 氟 化 a 吸 收 0 此 種 預 處 理 子 % 事 項 1 I 再 1 統 去 除 激 粒 先 質 9 而 非 試 圖 除 去 在 氧 化 過 程 所 形 成 之 微 粒 寫 本 袈 子 ,而藉Κ在本質上予以利用如- -微粒預去除系统 ) 頁 'w· 1 | 3 . 提 供 一 切 □ /孔注射型濕/ 乾 介 面 或 多 孔 型 介 面 * 其 可 1 ! 實 際 減 少 水 使 用 ,並使得不必要系統調平 ) i 1 4. 提 供 — 外 殼 及 管 熱 交 換 器 型 氧 化 器 使 用 輻 射 通 量 在 1 訂 外 殼 側 面 作 為 一 種 工 作 ”流體” 0 1 I 5 . 在 水 洗 滌 器 提 供 過 冷 卻 (連同在下文更完全說明之其 1 I 他 特 色 )產生- -種無凝结或最少凝結設計及增強之蓄熱, 熱 i 1 I 遷 移 酸 性 及 微 粒 洗 滌 另外, 可 採 用 一 噴 射 器 供 流 體 排 放 1 1 Μ 使 得 排 出 氣 體 處 理 統 對 處 理 糸 統 之 廢 氣 管 線 為 »τ 不 可 i 見 ” r 或 如 果 必 要 1 可 採 用 此 等 排 放 裝 置 增 加 在 上 游 處 理 ! 1 單 元 (例如, 半 導 體 製 造 工 具 )之抽吸( 1 1 6 . 使 用 一 除 霧 網 在 洗 滌 器 柱 作 為 •一 種 填 實 元 件 〇 此 除 霧 1 1 網 可 實 際 在 小 直 徑 之 洗 滌 器 柱 減 低 壁 效 應 0 在 洗 滌 器 柱 之 1 I 質 量 轉 移 及 熱 轉 移 因 此 可 與 具 有 標 準 商 用 随 意 垓 實 之 洗 滌 1 1 器 柱 性 能 相 比 或 更 佳 > 並 且 含 除 m 網 之 洗 m 器 柱 達 成 相 對 1 I 低 壓 降 0 在 洗 滌 器 柱 上 面 之 空 隙 部 份 也 可 予 以 m 性 設 計 為 1 I I 構 成 洗 滌 器 柱 作 為 —· 種 良 好 之 微 粒 收 集 器 随 意 填 實 不 具 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2iOX 297公釐} 442842 經濟部中央榡;r局月工消費合作社印策 A7 B7 五、發明説明(η) 有同樣撓性及不易允許含除霧網之洗滌器柱所可達成之變 通性。 7. 在氧化器使用熱轉移加強插片,以改装排出氣流處理 系統適合在系統之總體操作需要不同熱通量之應用。 8. 飽和Η20 /廢氣流自排出氣體處理条莸中之氧化器單元 之驟冷再循環至氧化器單元之入口,提供一供氧化全氟化 碳(P PC)之低成本氫來源。 9. 可採甩添加化學品至預洗滌器,K改變將行予Μ洗滌 之材料之特徵。一例證性實例為添加ΝΗ3至六氟化鎢排出 物,Μ形成鎢酸銨.藉Κ產生一種具有升高可溶性之材料, 供其洗滌去除。 1 0 .利用一蒸發管反應器設計供氧化器單元,Κ消除反應 物/產物画體在氧化步驟之壁積聚。 Π.在自氣化器單元接受熱排出流之驟冷單元使用雙流 體霧化嗔嘴,俾使驟冷單元體積為最小,或在驟冷單元替代 性使用其他小滴霧化装置.諸如超轚波噴嘴或壓電嗔嘴。 12.本發明之氣體排出物處理系铳與特定半導體製造處 理工具整合。 13 .利用廢氣引導(入口)装置,以避免堵塞,如例如藉配 置在下文所更完全說明之抗堵塞入口结構。 14. 在氧化器單元之變通性,Κ利用電或Κ火焰為基礎( 甲烷,丙烷,氫,丁烷)之氧化,及/或使用空氣或02之硅力。 15. 使用濕洗滌器或乾洗滌器作為預洗滌及後洗滌裝置。 1 6 .使用一流體化床熱氧化器單元。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS > Α4現格(2丨ΟΧ29?公釐) —1 4 - ^^1 n 1^^—» n^—. ! -I— —I— *—^^1 HI'^—f I n^i —,· 、vs (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 42 8 42 ®濟部中央橾枣局另工消贤合作社印奴 A7 B7五、發明説明(12) 1 7 .在排出氣流處理糸統使用一非P F C破壊P F C再循環/回 收單元。 18.提供一採用插片之無堵塞氧化器單元,供破壞氣體滾 動流層狀邊界層。 自隨後之揭示將會完全明白其他諸多方面,特色及實施 例。 附圖之簡要說明 圖1-3為一根據本發明一種®施例之氣體排出物處理系 統,其示意流程圖之連縝區段,在圖3中Μ短剌線圖示示根 據本發明另一實腌例之氣體排出物處理系統,其流程圖之 一種變化。 圖4為根據本發明另一實施例之氣體排出拗處理系统之 示意流程圖。 圖5為本發明之另一排出氣體處理糸统簧施例之示意流 程圈。 圖6為一輿圖9流程圖中所例示者相似之處理系統之示意 流程圖,示其根據本發明另一方面之修改。 圖7,8及9為根據本發明另外諸方面之各別示意流程圖。 圖10為一根據本發明另一實施例之氣體排出物處理系統 之示意流程圖,,示與預洗滌塔闞聯之氣體/液體介面入口 结構。 圖11為根據本發明之另一氣體排出物處理系統之示意圖 ,略示為包含在一箱包骰内。圖12為一根據本發明另一實 陁例之氣體排出物處理糸統之示意圖,示其各棰任選輔肋 本紙張尺度適用t國國家標隼(CNS ) Λ4規格(210X297公釐) -n - I - I -1 -I ^^^1 1- - n^i li. {請先聞讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -15 - 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(13 ) 1 I \ 特 色 〇 1 1 | 圖 13為 — 根 據 本 發 明 例 證 性 實 施 例 之 防 堵 塞 人 Ρ 结 構 之 /—^ 1 示 意 ΠΒΊ 画 1 請 先 1 1 閱 | 圖 14為 一 根 據 本 發 明 替 代 性 實 廊 例 之 防 堵 塞 人 Ρ 结 構 之 讀 背 I 面 1 示 意 圖 t 之 注 1 意 I 圖 15為 — 根 據 本 發 明 另 --- 替 代 性 實 施 例 之 防 培 塞 入 P 结 事 項 1 I 再 1 構 之 示 意 圖 t 本 裝 圖 1 6為 根 據 本 發 明 又 —*- 替 代 性 實 施 例 之 防 堵 塞 入 P 结 頁 W· i I 構 之 示 意 圖 1 1 圖 17為 一 根 據 本 發 明 例 證 性 實 施 例 之 氣 體 /液體介面结 1 1 構 之 示 意 剖 面 正 視 圖 量 1 訂 圖 1 8為 ΓΞΊ 画 17 之 装 置 之 頂 視 平 面 圖 示 —- 切 同 進 給 配 置 供 1 | 液 體 傳 至 IBQ 圖 17 中 所 示 介 面 结 構 之 包 封 内 部 環 狀 容 積 » I I 較 佳 管 施 例 之 詳 细 說 明 1 1 Γ 本 發 明 之 巨 的 為 提 供 種 改 良 之 氣 體 排 出 物 處 理 系 統 1 I f 其 可 用 K 處 理 種 種 白 對 應 不 同 性 質 工 業 處 理 所 産 生 之 排 出 I 1 氣 流 0 i 1 在 方 面 1 本 發 明 擬 想 一 種 供 氧 化 處 理 白 此 排 出 物 之 上 I 1 游 處 理 單 元 所 所 產 生 之 排 出 氣 流 之 系 統 其 中 實 施 氣 化 及 1 1 洗 滌 處 理 Μ 消 除 排 出 氣 流 中 之 危 險 或 否 則 為 不 希 望 之 物 1 1 質 0 1 1 在 — 特 定 方 面 ) 此 種 排 出 氣 流 處 理 統 可 包 含 氧 fb 及 洗 1 1 滌 單 元 操 作 * 其 中 Ά 統 予 構 造 及 設 置 為 使 氣 流 中 之 画 體 1 1 I 微 粒 之 不 利 效 應 最 小 ,諸如可能首先自上游處埋所產生, 或 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS > A4规格(210X297公釐) -16 - 442842 A7 B7 經濟部中央標-合社印k——! 五、發明説明( 14) 1 1 其 可 能 在 原 處 在 排 出 物 處 理 系 統 所 產 生 » 例 如 由 於 氧 化 處 1 1 1 理 排 出 氣 流 ,導致微粒反應產物 1 讀 1 本 發 明 另 係 顒 於 排 出 氣 體 處 理 糸 統 ,其中採用氣體/液 體 先 閱 1 I 介 面 結 構 ,使流體動力.特性之不利效應最小, 及 使 微 粒 固 體 讀 背 面 1 1 f 積 聚 最 少 ,並抑制固體在系統積聚所難免之培塞 ) 之 注 1 意 I 在 另 — 方 面 ,本發明擬想- -種整合式熱處理系統, 其 與 市 事 項 1 1 再 1 上 其 他 整 合 式 熱 處 理 不 相 上 下 並 優 於 此 等 系 統 〇 此 種 整 合 填 % 本 衣 式 氣 ΜΛ 腹 處 理 系 統 將 前 端 熱 處 理 與 排 氣 調 節 組 合 t 並 提 供 最 頁 s 1 I 後 使 用 者 之 低 業 主 成 本 〇 1 1 I 本 發 明 之 整 合 式 排 出 氣 流 處 理 % 統 可 利 用 一 電 為 基 礎 之 1 1 熱 氧 化 處 理 單 元 〇 雖 狀 本 發 明 在 本 案 隨 後 之 說 明 係 主 要 計 1 訂 對 採 用 一 種 電 埶 處 理 單 元 之 排 出 氣 流 處 理 % 統 » 但 請 予 認 1 I 知 t 本 發 明 之 處 理 系 统 可 代 之 為 予 構 形 為 包 括 其 他 熱 處 1 | 理 組 件 ,例如以火焰為基礎之處理, 流 體 化 床 處 理 > 等 離 子 1 1 | 處 理 等 0 1 t 提 供 一 種 撓 性 單 元 操 作 為 基 礎 之 模 組 式 平 台 » 本 發 明 1 1 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 统 可 藉 容 易 改 裝 以 週 合 各 種 排 出 物 氣 I [ 流 ,洌如半導體製造工具射出物, 並 可 容 易 不 費 太 多 工 夫 修 1 I 改 為 包 括 有 其 他 單 元 操 作 處 理 0 1 1 r 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 流 處 理 系 統 在 其 各 棰 實 施 例 提 供 優 於 先 1 1 前 技 藝 處 理 統 之 顯 著 儍 點 1 包 栝 抗 成 份 排 出 氣 體 處 理 輩 1 1 元 及 關 聯 流 動 管 道 及 溝 道 内 之 堵 塞 .由於有效率之氣體/疲 1 1 體 介 面 结 構 而 增 強 耐 腐 蝕 性 » 延 萇 在 需 要 維 修 前 之 生 產 中 1 I 操 作 時 間 1 採 用 洗 滌 處 理 時 之 低 水 使 用 速 率 > 優 越 Ζ 洗 滌 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標车(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -17 - 12B42 A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局月Μ消費合作杜印" 五、發明説明( 15) I ! | 效 率 ,Μ排出物可洗滌物質之重量計, 去 除 水 準 大 於 99 .99¾ 1 1 1 ,Μ及減低鹵素物質諸如H C 1 ,C 12及 HF低 於 TLV水準, 危 險 物 1 I 請 1 質 之 氧 化 破 m 低 於 TL V水 準 1 在 氧 化 器 單 元 下 游 之 處 理 管 先 閱 1 I 線 消 除 酸 類 之 侵 蝕 性 凝 結 % 成 份 處 理 箪 元 在 排 出 氣 體 處 理 讀 背 1 1 I % 統 之 撓 性 配 置 S Μ 及 能 癌 週 應 來 白 上 游 處 理 設 施 之 多 數 排 之 责 1 出 氣 體 來 源 〇 事 項 1 1 再 1 考 慮 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 % 統 中 之 氧 化 器 單 元 » 氧 化 填 寫 本 器 可 利 用 —. 電 源 ,供電熱氧化排出物氣體物質, 或 氣 化 器 可 頁 1 I 利 用 燃 料 諸 如 Μ 及 甲 1^7 m 〇 如 果 統 設 置 為 寅 施 在 氧 化 處 理 1 1 1 時 破 壊 全 氟 化 碳 9 系 統 可 設 置 為 利 用 蒸 汽 作 為 一 種 基 來 1 1 源 ,供完成破壞全氟化碳 5 氣 化 器 供 此 種 氧 化 處 理 之 媒 質 1 訂 可 包 含 空 氣 ,氧, 或 其 他 含 氧 氣 體 0 在 來 自 氧 化 器 並 供 洗 滌 1 1 巨 的 之 熱 排 出 氣 流 驟 冷 時 ,可採用水供氣體接觸, 藉 Μ 化 器 1 1 噴 霧 噴 嘴 或 其 他 適 當 分 散 器 予 以 分 散 供 此 種 接 觸 » 其 使 在 1 1 J 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 操 作 時 小 滴 體 積 及 水 消 耗 m 小 〇 在 處 理 1 t · 來 氧 化 器 含 有 顯 著 量 之 二 氧 化 矽 微 粒 流 時 • 可 能 宜 於 利 1 1 用 一 種 苛 性 溶 液 作 為 驟 冷 媒 質 ) Μ 完 成 去 除 二 氣 化 矽 徽 粒。 1 1 相 對 於 先 刖 技 藝 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 » 就 抗 堵 塞 性 及 附 1 I 腐 蝕 性 ,水使用最少, 以 及 在 處 理 % 統 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 單 元 1 1 1 Μ 一 種 輕 巧 ,有效率之形體配置之變通性而言, 本 發 明 之 系 1 1 統 達 成 各 種 優 點 ύ 1 1 在 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 可 採 用 — 預 處 理 單 元 Μ 1 | 在 來 白 處 理 流 之 微 粒 及 酸 性 到 達 加 熱 氧 化 室 之 前 及 在 其 為 1 I 在 低 溫 時 將 其 除 去 ,I 音以簡化下游設備之負載需求 5 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(21〇x297公釐) 18 - A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局只工消费合作社印繁 五、發明説明( 1G) ! 1 J 雖 狀 /itk 先 前 技 藝 系 統 可 能 堵 塞 及 需 要 導 人 特 殊 不 填 塞 m 構 1 1 1 ,本發明之糸統實際依賴固有之流體動態特性, 首 先 防 止 1 I 請 1 1 系 統 填 塞 〇 閱 I I 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 流 處 理 统 可 設 置 在 一 有 適 當 小 鼸 印 之 讀 背 1 1 輕 巧 單 元 式 箱 » 因 而 使 箱 在 處 理 設 施 所 需 要 地 板 空 間 面 意 1 1 積 最 小 最 小 〇 事 項 1 I 再 1 1 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 利 用 -* 氧 化 單 元 供 氧 化 排 出 填 寫 本 氣 流 中 之 物 質 時 ,氧化器媒質較佳為清潔之乾空氣, 不 過 可 頁 1 1 採 用 氧 或 富 含 氣 空 氣 供 此 g 的 9 以 及 適 當 特 性 之 任 何 其 他 f 1 I 含 氧 氣 體 〇 可 利 用 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 統 供 處 理 產 生 1 I 排 出 氣 體 之 單 —_ 上 游 處 理 單 元 t 或 代 之 為 可 存 在 有 許 多 排 1 訂 出 物 氣 體 來 源 1 來 白 其 之 成 份 排 出 氣 流 整 合 為 一 運 送 至 本 [ 1 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 Ά 統 之 總 流 供 消 除 此 氣 流 之 危 險 或 ! 1 否 則 為 不 希 望 有 之 組 份 1 Μ 產 生 一 耗 盡 此 等 組 份 所 之 最 後 1 I 排 出 物 ύ 1 在 有 情 況 t 如 果 排 出 氣 流 之 組 成 由 於 實 施 不 同 之 排 出 1 1 氣 體 產 生 處 理 而 随 時 間 變 化 r 可 能 宜 於 >λ 一 種 時 間 變 化 模 1 式 操 作 〇 例如, 在半導體製造, 在_化學蒸敷(ch e m ί C a 1 ! 1 v a P 〇 r C e p 0 S it 1 0 η ,簡稱CVD)之情肜 在 沉 積 步 m 可 能 產 1 1 I 生 矽 院 射 出 物 1 及 在 此 種 C V D操作後, 可 清 m C V D反應器, 導 1 1 致 產 生 N F 3氣態組份 ,由於自C V D步 驟 所 所 產 生 之 矽 烷 將 會 1 1 與 來 CVD反應器清潔步驟之HF3強 烈 反 應 此 等 氣 態 祖 份 1 1 無 法 混 八 a 供 單 元 式 處 理 * 並 因 此 在 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 需 要 1 I 單 獨 之 處 理 0 1 1 本紙張尺度遠用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(2】0X 297公釐) ~ 19 一 442842 A7 B7 經濟部中央標隼局負Η消費合作社印奴 五、發明説明(17) 1 ! I 在 本 發 明 之 一 般 作 法 » 排 出 氣 體 處 理 糸 統 可 利 用 一 預 處 1 I 1 理 單 元 ,使排出氣體在其中與水接觸, Μ 在 氧 化 處 理 排 出 榭 1 I 流 之 上 游 實 施 —· 初 步 洗 滌 步 驟 ύ 此 種 預 處 理 因 此 可 能 渉 及 請 先 1 1 閲 1 以 水 洗 滌 > 或 則 此 預 處 理 單 元 可 採 用 — 種 化 學 中 和 混 合 物 讀 背 1 供 與 排 出 氣 流 接 觸 t 及 可 同 樣 使 用 水 或 — 種 化 學 中 和 Μ 合 1 | 意 [ 物 洗 m 來 g 氣 化 單 元 之 排 出 物 0 因之, 在 廣 義 實 胞 本 發 明 事 項 1 1 再 ! 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 所 擬 想 之 洗 滌 單 元 操 作 可 如 Κ 處 填 寫 本 % 理 之 特 定 氣 流 所 適 合 ,利用任何適當之洗滌媒質 >或則, 可 頁 '—-· 1 [ 實 施 洗 滌 作 為 一 種 乾 洗 滌 操 作 t 1 ! I 而 非 濕 洗 滌 〇 供此種目的, 市 上 容 易 買 到 並 可 探 用 種 種 1 1 氣 體 乾 洗 滌 器 材 料 * 在 廣 義 實 SS 本 發 明 及 該 項 技 藝 之 技 巧 1 訂 VX 内 供 此 巨 的 0 實 際 上 本 發 明 所 採 用 之 洗 m 器 單 元 可 為 任 1 I 何 適 當 型 式 » 並 可 構 造 為 在 其 操 作 時 使 固 nm 體 堵 塞 問 題 最 小 〇 1 [ 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 因 此 可 在 形 體 及 成 份 處 理 單 1 1 j 元 廣 為 變 化 ύ 此 等 成 份 處 理 單 元 可 包 括 可 為 不 同 型 式 之 1 氧 化 器 ,諸如- -熱氧化器, 催' 化 氧 化 器 ,火焰氧化器, 蒸 發 氧 i 1 化 器 ,或其他處理單元. 供 完 成 氧 化 排 出 氣 流 組 成 中 可 氧 1 i 化 組 份 〇 1 I 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 也 可 包 含 一 預 處 理 單 元 ,如曾述及, 其 1 i 中 使 來 i 上 游 設 施 之 排 出 氣 流 與 . 種 含 水 媒 質 或 化 學 中 和 1 1 組 成 » 或 代 之 為 與 一 種 乾 洗 滌 器 組 成 接 觸 9 Μ 在 随 後 之 氣 1 1 化 及 洗 滌 處 理 前 完 成 初 始 消 除 排 出 氣 流 中 之 有 些 組 份 0 氣 1 1 化 單 元 可 予 以 構 ϋ 及 設 置 為 排 放 熱 排 出 氣 體 至 一 驟 冷 區 » 1 I 如 在 下 文 更 完 全 說 明 ,其可與- -主洗滌單元構成整體. 從 而 1 1 本紙依尺度適用中®國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -20 - 442842 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印^ A7 B7五、發明説明(18) 使來自氧化器單元之排出氣體之溫度明顯減低,供有效率 之隨後處理。單元可使用一原動流體裝置,一主動装置諸 如泵,風扇,壓縮機,輪機等,或一被動原動流體驅動器,諸 如排放器,抽風機,或類似者。 本發明之排出氣體處理系统,配合使用供洗滌之含水媒 質,可另採用各種中和處理,供自其去除酸性組份,或否則 為供達成希望之p Η水準,供自排出氣流處理系統排放水之 目的0 作為另一變型,本發明之排出氣體處理系統可另包含一 濕靜電沉澱器,供在處理排出氣流時之水溝/羽狀水注控制。 以下說明本發明之排出氣體處理系統,其設計及構造之 各棰方面。 氧化器單元可設有適當溫度控制及热追蹤,供氧化單元 之溫度控制操作。 排出氣體預處理單元可予以設置為茌氣流進人氧化單元 前自氣流除去儘可能多酸性氣體及微粒,藉Μ減少在下游 設備之負載需要。如曾述及,此種預處理單元可包含一濕 洗滌單元或代之為包含一乾洗滌單元,或濕及乾洗滌總成 之組合,包含成份濕及乾洗滌單元。可能有用之濕洗滌糸 统包括溻旋風器,ίΙ填實塔,及濕噴霧塔。此等濕塔可在下 游流動或上游流動體系操作。 排出氣體處理系統之預處理單元可洌如包含一濕嗅霧塔 ,其利用一氮輔助霧化噴嘴Μ在塔之上部引導霧化洗滌水 。 如果希望化學品添加,可使用諸如具有適當化學儲存及 本ϋ尺度適用中國國家標率(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐) ' ~ 2 1 — (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 442842 A7 B7 經漪部中央標準局只工消f合竹社印絮 五、發明説明 ( 19) I 1 計 量 * Μ 線 上 液 體 為 基礎 靜態之混 合 器 之 裝 置 實 施 化 學 混 1 1 1 合 0 有 利 為 探 用 氮 輔 肋水 孩化Κ使 排 出 氣 體 處 理 統 之 水 I | 消 耗 最 少 9 並 防 止 排 出氣 體成份在 氧 化 單 元 之 上 游 與 空 氣 讀 先 閱 1 I 反 應 0 來 § 此 等 濕 處 理單 元操作之 液 體 可 予 排 放 至 常 讀 背 1 1 I 用 容 納 儲 槽 ,其可如在下文所更完全說明, 予 K 設 計 作 為 洗 1 | m 器 /驟冷塔之整體部份 >作為另- -種變化, 可 藉 — 噴 霧 進 事 項 1 t 再 1 1 給 文 丘 里 ( v e n t u r i) 噴嘴 濕噴霧操 作 替 代 預 處 理 步 m » Μ 填 寫 本 完 成 酸 性 氣 體 吸 收 及 微粒 去除。 頁 i I 因 此 ,本發明在提供氧化單元之濕洗滌單元上游時, 洗 滌 1 1 1 排 出 氣 流 組 份 (其 為 在存 在於氣化 單 元 之 狀 況 下 之 微 粒 形 I 1 成 劑 ) ,藉以在氧化單元提供控制微粒形成之能力 ) 1 訂 如 在 上 文 所 指 出 之 氧化 翬元可構 造 為 具 有 任 何 適 當 構 形 1 I 0 例 如 ,氧化單元可藉一電熱氧化器, 利 用 在 加 熱 器 表 面 1 I 與 加 熱 管 之 間 有 大 間 隙之 包繞蛤骰 形 電 輻 射 加 熱 器 構 成 〇 1 1 I 在 一 種 特 定 實 施 例 ,氧化單元可包含- -單- -垂直加熱管, 1 / · 排 出 氣 體 予 Μ 引 導 通 過一 噴菝器, 並 且 排 出 領 體 予 Μ 遮 蓋 i 1 在 氮 護 套 中 ,以抑制反應,直到排 出 氣 體 實 際 在 氧 化 室 内 1 i 〇 一 經 在 氧 化 室 内 ,可注射空氣或其他氧化器媒質, Η 與 遮 1 1 蓋 之 排 出 氣 流 同 軸 流 動。 排出氣體 引 導 裝 置 宜 構 造 為 密 切 1 1 i 模 擬 等 運 動 層 狀 流 動 ,Μ防止循環區, ,\Μ m 流 ,停滯區, 及 在 操 1 1 作 氧 化 on 単 元 時 可 能 導 致微 粒積聚之 其 他 異 常 流 動 特 性 0 1 1 在 此 氧 化 單 元 之 加 熱管 可藉適當 熱 控 制 裝 置 予 Μ 選 擇 性 1 1 控 制 f Μ 達 成 希 望 之 操作 溫度體系 ύ 雖 狀 可 能 需 要 最 小 溫 1 i 度 狀 況 Μ 在 氧 化 單 元 達成 點燃及破 壊 可 氣 化 組 份 » 但 過 高 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -22 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(20) 之溫度也可能促進微粒聚结及積聚在管壁表面。因之,加 熱管氧化單元可利用熱轉移加強管插H,促進流體流動過 渡至流動通過氧化簞元之排出氣流中之擾動,K防止微粒 聚结在管側壁。 或則,氧化輩元可包含一束熱交換管,以適應較高氣流流 動速度,並藉K抑制微粒聚结在管之壁表面。在此等熱交 換管束,可如以上配合氧化單元之單一垂直加熱管構形所 說明,採用熱轉移加強插片。 作為又一替代性實施例,氧化單元可包含一多排扭曲管, 其適應高氣流速度及長停留時間,同時經由提供連績之螺 旋氣體流動路徑,使氣流中微粒之擾動聚结最大。此種配 置可增加微粒大小達到隨後容易自氣體流動流去除固體。 ^濟部中央撐羋局貝工消贽合作社印^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 供氧化單元之構造材科包括任何適當構造材料,具有適 當考慮予Μ處理之排出氣流之特定化學組成。適當材料可 包括高溫抗氧化合金,相對於HF及HC1具有良好之抵抗性特 徵。氧化單元可在一種減低之環境操作,Κ避免破壞全氟 化碳組份,並可採用適當合金作為構造材料,以經得起此等 減低狀況。在此一方面,本發明之排出氣體處理糸統可利 用一供回收排出氣流之全氟化碳組份之單元,供使其或其 他配鹿再循環。 作為另一種變化,氧化單元可構造為有一電點火加熱器, 供空氣或其他氧化器媒質加熱至高溫,Μ供與排出氣流混 合。在有些情況,此種配置可在與氧化器媒質接觸及混合 時提供自行點燃排出氣流中之可氧化組份,並且這可增加 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標芈(。\5)八4規格(2!0\ 297公釐) ~ -23 - Α7 Β7 經濟部中央標準局另工消费合作社印^ 4- 五、發明説明( 2 ί) 1 1 氧 化 單 元 之 總 體 氧化效率。 1 1 I 作 為 又 一 種 變 化,氧化單 元 可 構 造 作 為 一 種 蒸 發 氧 化 單 1 j 請 1 7X1 〇 先 1 閱 I 氧 化 單 元 產 生 一種在升高 溫 度 之 氧 化 排 出 氣 流 0 此 熱 流 讀 背 | | 因 此 經 歷 驟 冷 或 冷卻,以減 低 溫 度 供 排 出 氣 體 處 理 統 之 注 1 1 意 1 | 之 隨 後 處 理 及 最 後排放。 章 1 ί 再 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系統可因此 包 含 一 在 氧 化 單 元 下 游 之 驟 冷 4 本 袈 單 元 〇 驟冷單元可例如包含- -單- -垂直管, 有 — 空 氣 輔 助 頁 '«•w- 1 I 水 孩 化 噴 嘴 • 供 使水或其他 现 m 冷 媒 質 與 來 氧 化 單 元 之 埶 1 1 1 排 出 氣 體 接 觸 0 在驟冷區段可提供- -溢流堰介面结構, 1 1 提 供 — 明確界定之熱/冷介面 ) 驟 冷 單 元 可 種 適 當 合 1 訂 金 ,諸如- -種露點抗腐鈾合金構成 >實例包括A 16ΧΝ » 1 | Ca Γ P e η t e r 2 0 » Ha C-22及HaB合金 >驟冷單元宜予Μ構造為 [ I 使 對 排 出 氣 體 處 理系統之其 他 處 理 單 元 之 不 利 熱 效 i>«g m 最 小 Cr 1 1 I 驟 冷 單 元 可 代 之為包含一 多 管 同 向 流 動 降 落 m m 酸 吸 收 1 柱 ,有一 -外殼側面冷卻水供給, Μ 完 成 熱 轉 移 〇 1 1 氧 化 單 元 及 驟 冷單元可予 VX 對 準 在 一 單 — 垂 直 取 向 i 以 1 I 提 供 一 單 元 式 線 性氣體流動 路 徑 > 其 使 異 常 流 動 特 性 及 微 I | 粒 稹 聚 最 小 〇 1 1 作 為 又 一 替 代 性赏施例, 驟 冷 單 元 可 由 J~ 嗔 霧 進 給 文 丘 f 1 里 驟 冷 裝 置 構 成 ,Μ供驟冷及微粒去除目的 5 1 1 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣體處理系 統 可 利 用 -* 在 氧 化 單 元 下 游 之 1 1 洗 滌 器 0 此種洗滌器可包含- -單- -垂直填S塔, 有 . 液 體 \ 1 I 注 射 岐 管 進 入 P填實之柱上面, 及 _. 除 霧 器 m Η 或 在 其 上 之 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(210X297公釐) 24 ^42842 A7 B7 經濟部中央標羋局只工消费合作社印來 五、發明説明(22) 1 i 其 他 除 m 裝 置 ύ 洗滌器可予Μ進給液體姶水, 其 可 予 Μ 冷 1 1 I 卻 或 相 對 於 自 氧 化 單 元 排 放 之 排 出 氣 體 在 適 當 溫 度 並 任 1 1 選 在 洗 滌 器 上 游 經 歷 驟 冷 或 初 步 冷 卻 0 洗 滌 器 因 此 可 包 括 請 先 Μ 1 1 I 有 — 冷 卻 器 其 可 位 於 緊 鄰 洗 m 塔 及 預 冷 卻 洗 m 水 或 其 他 讀 背 i I 含 水 洗 滌 媒 質 0 代 替 使 用 除 孬 器 墊 片 或 相 U 機 械 裝 置 供 使 ΤΕ3 1 殘 留 薄 霧 (小體積水滴) BS 阪 少 或 將 其 消 除 1 實 際 上 本 發 明 之 意 事 項 I 1 再 洗 滌 器 單 元 可 予 以 構 造 為 使 氣 流 經 歷 與 較 大 小 滴 水 ”擊倒” 填 本 裝 唄 霧 接 胸 ,Μ自氣流除去薄霧驵份, 而 藉 Μ 在 流 體 動 力 上 使 頁 1 I 此 種 薄 m 組 份 最 少 或 將 其 實 際 消 除 〇 1 i 在 洗 滌 使 用 冷 卻 水 宜 於 使 排 出 氣 流 冷 卻 至 低 於 環 境 溫 度 1 1 ,藉Μ減少蒸汽之數量低於盛行環境相對濕度狀況, 例 如 在 i 訂 半 m 體 製 造 操 作 之 環 境 » 排 出 氣 流 得 g 半 導 體 製 造 工 具 時 1 I 0 使用冷卻水也宜於引導- -種蓄熱效應, Η 加 強 在 填 實 柱 \ ! I 之 酸 性 吸 收 及 微 粒 吸 收 0 1 1 一 種 替 代 性 實 施 例 洗 滌 器 單 元 包 含 一 降 落 薄 膜 酸 吸 收 柱 1 ,有冷卻水進給吸收柱之外毅側面 >藉此種洗滌器單元, 來 1 g 預 處 理 單 元 (驟冷器)及 洗 滌 器 單 元 之 液 體 可 予 引 m 1 1 I 以 排 放 至 一 在 洗 滌 器 柱 底 部 之 常 用 儲 槽 〇 以此方式, 來 g 1 I | 排 出 氣 體 處 理 糸 統 所 使 用 之 液 體 流 便 行 整 合 並 且 此 儲 槽 I i 可 予 以 設 置 為 供 其 重 力 進 給 操 作 0 1 1 或 則 i 來 自 排 出 氣 體 處 理 糸 统 中 之 成 份 處 理 單 元 之 洗 m 1 1 液 體 及 其 他 液 體 流 可 藉 適 當 抽 吸 裝 置 ,諸如, 離 心 泵 1 鏽 動 1 I 泵 ,空氣驅動泵, 進 竣 m 排 放 器 » 或 其 他 適 當 液 體 原 動 驅 動 1 1 I 器 裝 置 予 JW 加 壓 或 i 系 統 排 放 0 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準⑽)娜(2™楚) 442842 A7 B7 經漪部中央標苹局兵工消f合竹社印來 五、發明説明(23) 1 1 I 在 一 種 填 實 柱 形 洗 滌 器 ,可採用- -除菝器1 > 洗 滌 器 柱 和 1 1 | 排 出 氣 體 處 理 Ά 統 之 其 他 姐 件 一 m ,可由任何適當材科, 諸 1 I 如 金 屬 合 金 ,或塗裝結構鋼或其他金臑所形成, 有 相 對 於 在 請 閱 1 1 I 其 中 予 Μ 處 理 之 流 體 流 中 之 侵 蝕 性 物 質 具 有 適 當 抵 抗 特 性 讀 背 之 注 1 1 之 塗 層 0 1 意 I 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 統 可 予 Μ 構 造 為 提 供 或 不 提 供 拳 項 1 I 1 1 供 所 使 用 液 體 流 之 循 環 0 如曾述及, 洗 滌 器 單 元 可 包 含 一 本 装 乾 洗 滌 器 1 並 且 其 在 有 些 情 況 可 能 以 —* 乾 洗 滌 器 卡 匣 單 元 頁 ί I 替 代 洗 滌 器 單 元 及 驟 冷 器 單 元 〇 洗 m 器 也 可 設 有 一 任 選 之 1 i 化 學 預 處 理 單 元 * Μ 允 許 使 用 濕 或 乾 化 學 注 射 至 洗 滌 器 單 1 ί 元 0 1 訂 可 採 用 一 排 放 器 提 供 原 動 力 1 以 抽 出 排 出 氣 流 通 過 排 出 1 1 氣 體 處 理 系 統 0 此 種 排 放 器 較 佳 為 一 種 抗 腐 蝕 及 抗 填 塞 設 I I 計 ,利用清潔, 乾 空 氣 或 其 他 排 泄 流 體 1 有 —· 調 變 閥 及 控 制 1 I 1 器 Μ 希 望 之 壓 力 水 準 提 供 適 當 入 P 壓 力 至 排 出 氣 體 處 理 1 統 ύ 也 可 採 用 排 放 器 ,Μ在處理糸統採用水洗滌器時. 供 1 1 給 加 熱 之 乾 空 氣 流 至 來 自 其 之 蒸 汽 飽 和 廢 氣 流 0 此 種 提 供 1 I 加 熱 乾 空 氣 因 此 用 Η 降 低 排 出 氣 流 之 相 對 濕 度 低 於 環 境 飽 1 Ϊ 和 狀 況 0 排 放 器 可 利 用 空 氣 ,氮或其他適當排泄媒質 I 1 排 放 器 也 可 與 一 適 當 過 m 模 組 耦 合 , 允 許 ΐ,Μ, as m 排 放 器 1 1 排 放 ,供截留微粒子在此排放氣體中 1 1 可 利 用 本 發 明 之 排 出 氣 體 處 理 統 供 處 理 來 § 各 種 上 游 1 I 處 理 設 施 之 排 出 氣 流 〇 例如, 在 排 出 氣 體 處 理 系 統 中 所 處 1 i I 理 之 排 出 氣 體 可 能 包 含 來 自 半 専 體 製 造 工 廠 之鎢CVD工具 1 1 本紙乐尺度適坷中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210x 297公釐) -26 - 442842 A7 B7五、發明説明(2Ί) 清 後 隨 上 t: C 其 在 積 沉 轉 將Μ 理 處Μ 予 中 其 在 圓 晶 物 出 hF 之 量 過 去 除 極 電 之 成 總 具Η 及 件 元 座 支 壁 室 ΓΠΤ 以 具Η 潔 學 化 種 各 生 產 能 可 時 作 操 施 設 造 SP trjv 體 導 半 在 。 知 物察 積予 沉請 鎢 造 構 之 統 系 JU 理 處 體 氣 出 hF 0 之 明 發 本 且 並 配具,Η 之 施 設 ΤΤ>Η 理 處 游 上 自 理 處 成 完 。 以體 , 氣 化之 變放 為排 物大所 出可作 排作操 及操·造 用及製 作置及 洌 施 實圖 明程 發流 本意 種 示 1 之 據段 根區 1 續 為連 -3之 Ί1 ο _il , 統 圖系 附理 照 處 參物 請出 現排 體 圖 在 氣 供 之 中 處 物 出 bu— 0 體 氣 供 例 施 實 一 另 。 明化 發變 本種 據 一 根之 一 圖 示程 亍流 π其 圖,ί 線統 剷系 短理 揭 之晰 後明 隨、求 在M 略 示 % 討 閥 於 置 装 制 控 肋 輔 及 表 儀 色 特 出 凸 之 明 發 本 論 省中 式圖 方諸 WE 在 各其 Μ , 曾 儀巧 ,技 之 藝 系 技 閥項 知該 β在 予施 請實。 。 義施 。廣實 之及 明形 發構 本>i 在予 可式 置方 装種 制各 控 Μ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 式 形 之 示 例 略 概 之 的 目 此 及 供,ί内 圼表坟 道 管 經濟部中央標车局兵工消免合作社印繁 器 換 交 熱 水 卻 冷1 為 色 特 段 4 區1 1 道 圖通 之換 圖¾ 程 熱 流 一 含 動 流 6 11 線 管 0 其 T*T\ 過 通 水 卻 冷 包 線 中 管 其在 , 並 1δ排放。 管線16予Μ接合至其中包含閥26之排放管線24。管線16 及18可予Μ適當絕緣,以使冷卻器之有效性最大。管媒30 中之水流動通過冷卻器12 ,並傅至岐管管線3 2 ,水自其分為 二部份,在管線3jl中之一部份予汕動通過系統,另一部份 在管線36搏至噴孩頭38,供引専至排出氣流預處理柱40。 -< 二____________ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) -27 - ^42842 Α7 Β7 經沪部中央標準局只工消贽合作社印製 五、發明説明 排出氣體在管線62予以引導,並傳至預處理柱40。 管線 62可藉熱追蹤64沿其長度予以絕緣,並且絕緣熱追蹤特性 之分支管線66可傳至圖2中所示流程麵之次一區段。 •管線42為供處理系統之氧管線,管線44為清潔乾空氣管 線,及管線4δ為氮供給管線,其可如圖所示分支至氮進給 管線47,供引導氮至在管線36流動至預處理柱40之水。 排出氣流予以在管線62引導至柱入口區段50,並可藉自 分支管線48添加氮予Μ增強如果及(原文如此)至希望之程 度。排出氣流在柱40予以預處理,Κ在管線60產生底部沉 澱物,其予以傳至圖3中之流程圖之部份。柱在其上端52 在管線δδ產生塔頂流出物,其予Μ傳至圖2中之反應器90。 塔頂流出物之一部份可在管線56予Κ再循環至柱,並可如 圖所示藉管線58容納另外之回流。 在圖2中,糸統116包含在其上端自管線46接受氮之氧化 反應器90 ,而管線42中之氧及自管線 44來自分支導管108 之_任選清潔乾空氣予Μ合併,Μ在管線110提供含氧氣體傳 至反應器之上端。 管線34中之水在岐管94分開進人分支管線96,傳至圖3中 所示系統之區段120,及進入分支管線98,其中流體流可藉 來自管線44之分支管線97之清潔乾空氣予以增強,及傳至 氧化反應器90上之噴嘴102。 清潔乾空氣之其餘部份在管 線112流動至處理糸統之圖3部份。 氧化反應器也予Μ設置為接受經由在反應器容器之中間 部份之人口 92來自管腺100之水。反懕器之特色為一反應 (請先閏讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 訂 本紙張尺度適用中國®家標準(CNS > Λ4規格(210Χ 297公釐) -28 - 44284 2 經漪部中央標革局貞工消贽合作社印^ A7 B7五、發明説明(;?H) 器加熱器δ8,包含一在其中之熱交換通道86,與電力線路80 之分支線路82及84耦合,加熱器88藉其予Κ啟動,以提供反 應器之電姐加熱,供在管線6S中引導至氧化反應器之排出 氣流之熱氧化。氧化反應器可如圖所示.設有循環管線106 ,使其上及下端互相連接。來自反應器之排出物在管線104 流動至處理系統之圖3部份。 圖3包含處理条統之部份120,並包括洗滌器124 ,界定一 供以水洗滌之内部容積128,其在管線96引導至噴嘴126。 排出氣流在管線104引導至洗滌器。洗滌器底部沉殺物在 管線132與在管線60來自排出氣流預處理之液體接合,自糸 统排放,並傳至廢水處理或此液體之其他最後使用處置。 洗滌塔頂流出物在管線130傳至排放器144,其予Μ供給 來自管線1 1 2之清潔乾空氣,以產生處理系統排出物,其如 圖所略示在管線146流動至排氣150。排出物可藉對其添加 來自管線66之旁流蒸氣予以增強,並且此管線66可如前述 予Μ熱追蹤及絕緣。 圖3在短W線圖示中示一種修改,其中泵136予以配置為 使液體底部沉澱物在管線132再循環,通過入口泵管線138 至排故液體管線134,再循環液體自其與洗滌水在管線96中 接合,Μ藉在其中處理再循環液體而加強洗滌操作。處理 液體然後在其中含閥142之管媒140自系統排放。 圖4為一根據本發明另一實施例之氣體排出物處理系統 之示意流程圖。在此系統,氣體排出流在管線160, 162,164 .及166予W引導,並予Μ接合,以在管孃184形成合併之排 本紙張X度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X 297公釐) }n I 1v 穿 、-& (锖先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本Va;) -29 - 442842 A7 B7 經濟部中央樣準局月工消费合作社印鬈 五、發明説明(27) 出物氣流,其然後予以傳至包含熱交換通道180接合至管線 178之熱交換器182, Μ完成整合流之熱交換。熱交換之排 出氣流然後可在管線2 1 2傳至排出氣流預處理柱2 1 0。或則 ,如果希望,排出氣流之一部份或全部可自處理系統繞過, 並在管線1δ6流動至排氣256。 冷卻水熱交換器174在管線168接受冷卻水進給,並在回 流管線172排放回流冷卻水。在管線170中之水通過冷卻器 ,並在管線224與在分支管線222來自主氮進給管線216之氮 接合,及在預處理柱2 1 0經由噴嘴 2 2 6排放。另外之氮可在 管線 220自主氮進給管線216引導至預處理柱210。 清潔乾空氣在管線176引導至系統,並且其一部份可在管 線240連同管線216中之氮在其上端傳至反懕器198。 氧在 管線214引導至反應器。反應器接受在管線2 30來自預處理 柱210之塔頂流出物。電力線路218如圖所示提供能童至反 應器1 9 8之電阻加熱器2 0 0。 在其上端含有氧化反應器198之容器之驟冷部份,接受在 入口 20S來自管線202之水,並且水及清潔乾空氣之混合物 在管線204引導至在容器之驟冷部份之噴嘴206。容器之驟 冷部份與洗滌器194相通。洗滌器在其上端接受在嘍嘴196 來自管媒1 9 2之水。 來自洗滌器之塔頂流出氣體在管孃2 5 0傳至在管線250之 排放器252,排放器接受在管線259來自管線240之清if乾空 氣。管線254中之排泄流然後與來自管線186之任何旁流排 出氣體接合,並在管線258流動至處理系統之排氣256。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -5 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4规格(210X 297公釐) 30 - 442842 A7 ___ B7_____ 五、發明説明(28) 在管線236中來自排出氣流預處理柱210之底部沉殺物及 來目洗滌器194之底部沉殺物在管線238中予Μ接合,並可 傳至駿液體排放或其他處理。 圖5為本發明之另一排出氣體處理系統賁施例之示意流 程圈。管線312中之排出氣流連同管線310中之氛予Μ引導 至預處理柱308,並且管線302中之水經由噴嘴306予以引導 。至噴嘴306之水流可藉來自管線304之再循環液體予以增 強。 管線314中之預處理柱塔頂流出物予以傳至氧化反應器 334,其也在管線330接受氧.及在管線328接受氮。包含反 應器334之容器裝有電姐邡熱器332,並且驟冷水在管線32 4 引導至一容器333之下驟冷部份。水或空氣/水混合物在噴 嘴322自管線320注射在容器333之驟冷部份,如果希望,藉 來自管線318之再循環液體予以增強ΰ 經濟部中央梂準局只工消费合作社印y -- :,· II - I I - i I I H I 二-I In —^ϋ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 洗滌器336在管線356排放洗滌氣體,而洗滌水予Μ在管 線344流動,並藉來自容器338在管線341藉泵342所抽吸之 處理化學品340予Μ接合,Κ形成在管線346流動之洗滌液 體,及與管媒348中之再循環疲體接含,Μ提供洗滌媒質在 唄嘴350引導至洗滌器336。來自洗滌器之底部沉澱物在管 線304流動至廢水熱交換器352,並與管線354中之泠卻水熱 父換。 圖6為一與_9流程圖中所例示者相IW之處理糸統之示意 流程圄,示其根據本發明另一方面之修改。在此圈6货施 例,洗滌器4 0 0在管線4 0 2排放洗滌塔頂流出物 > 及在管線 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS > Λ4規格(210X297公釐) 31 五、發明説明(29) Α7 Β7 經消部中央標羋局只工消費合作社印裝 404排放底部沉澱物。底部沉澱物疲體之一部份可予以在 管線408再循環,在熱父換器414藉管線410中之冷卻水熱交 換,及使用作為供洗滌液髖之組成,包含在管媒430所引導, 並在熱交換器416藉流動通過主管線41〇之管線412及418之 冷卻水予以熱交換之水°所產生之洗滌液體另藉添加來自 容器420藉泵426自管線42 4抽吸至管線428,及與來自管線 430之洗滌液體接合,並在管線40 6傳至在洗滌器400上之噴 嘴之液體處理化學品422予Μ增強。 圖7,8及9為根據本發明另外諸方面之各別示意流程圖。 在圖7中,蒸氣在管線442連同管線440中之水或水/氮混 合物予Μ引導至預處理柱438,蒸氣在其中與來自管線446 之液體接觸,Μ產生塔頂流出物在管線443傳至氧化反應 器450。反應器在管線454接受氧及在管線452接受氮。包 含反應器450之容器之下部為一在管線448接受再循環驟冷 液體之驟冷區段,連同在管媒458中之空氣及管線456中之 水,供在驟冷區段在噴嘴460引専。 洗凝器464係予構造如先前所說明,並在管線478接受來 自再循環管線472,在管線46δ得自預處理柱之底部沉澱物 之洗滌液體,並且洗滌器底部沉澱物如圖示在管線470與其 合併。在管線472中之再循環液體可在熱交換器472藉管媒 476中之冷卻水予以熱交換。 管線478中之洗滌液體可藉對其添加來自管線494之化學 液體予Μ增強。供此目的之化學液體像由在管線482引導 至混合容器4 8 0 9之水及在管線4 8 4引導至容器4 8 0之乾化學 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 装_ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS > Α4規格(2ΪΟΧ297公釐〉 '32- 經濟部中央標苹局兵工消资合作社印^ 442842 A7 B7五、發明説明(30) 品所作成。或則,或另外,容器486中之液體化學品可在管 線48 8藉泵490抽吸至管線49 2 ,液體化學品可在其中以在此 管線所引導之水予Μ稀釋。K此方式.圖7中所示之系統便 適合在本發明處理系統之既定最後使用應用,可依必要或 希望利用在洗滌疲體之濕或乾化學添加。 在圖δ中,排出氣流在管線498連同水或水/氮混合物在管 線496予Μ引導至預處理柱500。此流體之一部份可在管線 504予Ji(轉尚,與來自管線506之再循環液體合併,並傳至在 預處理容器之噴嘴。 在預處理柱500,排出氣流與液體接觸,以產生塔頂流出 物在管線5 0 2傳至反應器5 1 0。 反應器在管線5 1 6接受氧及 在管線518接受氮。含有反應器450之容器之下部為在管 線5 08之驟冷區段再循環驟冷液體,以及在接受管線512及 51 4之水。 洗滌器520構造如先前所說明,並且在管線540在其在熱 交換器538藉管線530中之冷卻水熱交換後接受洗滌液體。 洗滌器底部沉澱物在管線524與來自管線526之預處理柱底 部沉澱物合併,並且合併之流可在管線529傳至排出物廢液 體處理或其他理置,而合併之底部沉澱物液體之一部份在 管線506予Μ再循環。洗滌排出氣體塔頂流出物予以在管 線5 2 2自洗滌器排放。 在画9中,排出氣流在管線5 46連同管線544中之水或水/ 氮温合物引専至預處理柱542,排出氣體流在其中與來自管 線548之液體接觸,以在管線550產生塔頂流出物傳至反懕 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS > Α4規格(210Χ 297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -33 - 442842 A7 B7 1 ~ ~— — . ____ 五、發明説明(3t) 器560。反應器在管線562接受氧及在管線564接受氮。含 有反應器560之容器之下部為一在管線558接受再循環驟冷 液題之驟冷區段, 連同在管線5 56之空氣及在管線554之 水供在躲冷區段在内部配置在其中之噴嘴引専。 洗滌器556構造如先前所說明,並接受在管媒582來自再 循環管線560,在管線552得自預處理柱底部之洗滌液體,並 且洗滌器底部沉澱物如圖示在管線558與其合併《管媒560 中之再循環液體可在熱交換器564藉管線568中之冷卻水予 Μ熱交換。 管線568中之冷卻水之一部份予以在管線57〇抽出,並傳 至熱交換器580,供與在管線572所引導之水熱交換。可在 泵578之作用下,可在管線576自儲槽574添加化學添加劑, Μ增強管線572中之洗滌水,供隨後與來自管線560之再循 環液體合併,如在管線582與化學品/水溶液混合,並且隨後 在洗滌器556之上端引導至唄嘴。因此實施排出氣流之洗 躲.Μ產生洗滌塔頂流出物在管線5 6 2自洗滌器排放。 經"部中央標卑局,奴工消费合作社印裝 1HH n —Bn Λ ^^^^1 i^l— n^i -., (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 圖10為一根據本發明又一實施例之排出氣體處理糸統之 示意圖,利用一預處理單元,一氧化單元,及一洗滌器,其 中洗滌器及氧化單元經由一驟冷室予Μ耦合。 上游處理單元602在管線604排放排出氣流,其進人排出 氣體處理系統之入口 606。入口 606予以接合為與一有一開 口排放端610之内管狀構件608氣體流動相通。 管狀構件 608同心設置在外管狀構件618, Μ在其間提烘一内部瓌狀 〆 fi 容積612。外管狀構件618設有一由管狀延伸部份622所界 本紙張尺度適用中囡國家標奉(〇阳)汽4規格(2]0>< 297公釐) 一 3 4 _ 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(32) 定之氣體入口 620,來自供給容器624之氣體適當流動至在 管線6 2 6之管狀延伸部份6 2 2 , Μ供流動通過内及外管狀構 件間之内部環狀容積612,因而在内管狀構件之開口排放端 610排放排出氣流在自氣體供給6 24所供給之氣體受到防護。 供調變來自氣體供給624之氣體流動之目的,管線626可 包含一流動控制閥或其他流動控制装置,供完成至管狀延 伸部份622之預定氣體流動速率。 人口结構之外管狀構件618有一對角切開排放端630,其 予Μ設置為致使外圓柱形構件618之最大長度周逢部份在 此管狀構件之最小長度周邊部份上面。以此方式,最大長 度周邊部份用作一”外伸”结構,以允許排出氣流流動之開 展,在來自氣體供給6 2 4之保護氣體中受到防護.而此受到 防護排出氣流不在預處理塔63 4過早與下落液體632接觸。 預處理塔634構造為如疆所略示,有一下集水槽儲槽636 備供在導管638收集及排放來自塔之洗滌液體。塔予以構 造為有一上部640,其中提供一噴霧噴嘴642,進給來自導管 644自液體供給646及耦合至導管644之管線648所供給之預 ^—^1 ^—^1 ^^^1 - - i^i —I ικ- - - ^^^1 ^^^1 ^^^1 i^n I -.- \ r {請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部中央標準局兵工消伶合作社印^ 置 装 他 其 或 閥 制 控 動 流 當 。 適34 含 Γ 1 塔 包 Η至 可 8 動 64流 線體 管 液 。 滌 體洗 液預 滌變 洗調 施 設 rm - 理 處 游 上 自 來 此 因 部ie _1液 』縣 63洗 塔預 入 之 進放 構排 結所 α 入 過 通 I 0 弓 破 淀 氣 出 tl·. 0 之 份 組 性 酸 之 體 氣 及 粒 微 去 64除 嘴 , 嗔滌 洗 噴預 自被 觸此 接因 流流 逆氣 且出 並排 端 上 之 片 後 墊 然 器物 霧合 除 混 過體 通氣 出 排 之 0 除 63而 塔 ’ 過 水 通 之 後帶 然 夾 體 去 氣除 出 其 排 自 滌 W 洗 2 預65 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X 297公釐) -35 Μ滴部中央標羋局κ K消贽合竹社印$! 442842 A7 B7五、發明説明(H) 在導管65 4傳至人口單元666,導管654在其中相對於一較大 同心導管668同心設置,與通過管線674自氣體來源672接受 防護氣體之封閉空間6 7 0相通。外導管6 6 S復被一封閉空間 6 7 6所外接,此空間接受氧化劑媒質.諸如空氣或來自藉管 線680接合至封閉空間676之氧化劑媒質供給67 8之其他含 氣氣體。管線674及680中可包含流動控制閥或其他流勖控 制裝置,供調變各別氣體之流動。藉此入口结構666 ,排出 物氣流進人導管654,在氮或來自供給源672之其他惰性氣 體受到防護,並且顒流引導至氧化器單元6 8 2 .而氧化器媒 質自封閉空間6 7 6得自供給源6 7 8。 氧化單元682可為一多區氧化反應室,氣體流動通道6S4 在其中界定氣體流動路徑686,被加熱器6U所外接。加熱 器68δ可為一電熱翬元,或包含任何其他適當加熱装置,從 而氣體流動路徑686中之氣體被加熱至適當高溫,以完成氣 流中之可氧化組份之氧化。 _氧化排出氣流然後如在下文所更詳细說明,在導管684傳 至一滲漏溢流堰氣體/液體介面结構690。滚漏溢流堰氣體 /液體介面结構經由液體進給管線6 9 4接受來自疲體供給源 692之液體。滲漏溢流堰氣體/液體介面作用保護在驟冷室 69S附近之下壁導管684,因而此等内壁表面導管684與在氧 化單元682所處理之排出氣流中之熱侵蝕性反應產物隔離 。 同時,滲漏溢流堰氣體/液體介面结構在介面结構690下 面之導管684之此等内壁表面供給一降落水薄膜,Μ防止夾 帶微粒Μ及積聚及聚結在導管684之内壁表面。_ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ 297公釐)~~ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ,va -36 - -442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(34 在驟冷室696,驟冷空氣自驟冷空氣供給源698流動通過 管線 700至驟冷室,同時驟冷水自水供紿源702流動通過管 線704至混合室706,所產生之空氣/水流自其在驟冷室696 藉唄嘴70S排放,K完成驟冷排出氣流之冷卻。 驟冷之排出氣體然後流入洗滌器單元710,自其下部712 至其上部714,通過填實床716及除霧器墊片71δ, Μ產生已 處理之排出氣流.其在排放器722之作用下,在塔頂流出物 導管720自洗滌器單元排放,供最後在排放管線724自排出 物處理系統排放。 洗滌器單元7 1 0上有一噴霧唄嘴7 2 6 ,由進給導管7 2 8供給 來自供給儲槽7 3 0之洗滌媒質。洗滌媒質可為水或其他含 水媒質,任選包括化學輔佐劑供加強洗滌器單元之洗滌效 能。 經消部中央榡準局只工消費合作社印製 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 驟冷室有一下集水槽部份750,供在其中收集驟冷疲體及 洗滌液體.並在排放導管752流動至槽754,其也在管線638 接受來自預處理單元之底部沉澱物液體。來自排出物處理 条統中之處理單元之此種”底部沉澱物液體”,可諸如藉在 處理槽756添加適當酸或基本反應_在槽754予Μ處理,有 口 753,760及762供此目的,從而可添加一棰或多種處理化 學品,在其後,最後已處理之液體可在排放導管7 6 4自系統 排放。 圖11為一根據本發明另一茛施例之處理系統之示意圖, 略示為安置在一箱800内。 圓1 1之排出氣流處理糸統.其特色為一排出氣流入口導 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) Α4規格(ZlOX297公釐) 37 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(3¾ 管802接受來自排出物進給管媒804之排出物.自一上游處 理單元806,諸如半導體製造設施運送排出氣流。入口専管 802與一氣體罩蓋結構810相通,其包含一圓柱肜堅S12,有 一人口 814在管線81S接受來自儲權816之氣體。壁812與内 部可透氣壁 820界定一内部環狀容積822,來自儲槽316之 氣體引導自其流動通過可透氣壁820, 並罩蓋自人口導管 802所引導之排出氣體流動流。排出氣體流動流然後向下 流動通過預處理單元8 26之第一分支824。預處理單元之第 一分支824設有一噴霧噴嘴828連接至一進給導管830,其復 接合至空氣及水之適當來源(未示)。以此種方式,向下流 動排出氣流便與空氣/水噴菝接觸,Μ預處理氣體並減低其 酸度,Μ及夾帶來自在含水相自噴嘴828所引導之排出氣流 中之微粒。所產生之疲體然後收集在預處理單元之下U形 部份832 ,並藉導管834流動至藉岐管導管842與洗滌器單元 之集水槽840相通之集水槽836(在下文更完全說明)。。 經濟部中央標皁局貝工消资合作社印災 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 排出氣流在預處理單元之第一分支與空氣/7Κ噴霧接觸 後,然後向上流動通過此單元之第二分支844,排出氣流在 其中與來自噴嘴84 6向下降落之水噴霧逆流接觸,該噴嘴藉 導管848耦合至一液體例如水或其他洗滌媒質之適當來源( 未示)。自預處理單元826,預處理排出氣流在導管850傳至 熱氧化單元852,包含排出氣體流動管854,排出氣流流動 通過其内部容積856,同時予以加熱至足夠溫度,以氧化及 破壞氣流之有害可氧化組份。氧化排出氣流然後如在下文 更完全說明,自熱氧化單元8 5 2排放至滲漏溢流堰氣體/液 本紙張尺度適用中國國準(CNS ) Λ4規格(210X 297公楚} -38 - 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明( 體介面结構860,排出氣流然後在導管862流動,其構成一裝 有進給口 864之驟冷室,供引導驟冷媒質,諸如水或空氣/水 噴孬至洗滌塔870。洗滌塔有一下部872包括一底郜沉澱物 儲槽874,其排放積聚之液體通過排放管876至集水槽840, 液體可自其經由岐管842及闞聯排放管予Κ排放。洗滌塔 870在其上部設有一洗滌器媒質噴蓀噴嘴878,經由進給導 管S80與洗滌媒質之適當來源耦合(未示),其可包含水或其 他含水或洗滌媒質。洗滌塔適當包含Μ上之噴嘴878,—除 籙器或其他液體卸除裝置(未示),供減低洗滌氣體之水分 或液體内容物。洗滌氣體升高至洗滌塔之上端890,並在塔 頂流出物導管892通過排出物處理糸統箱800外部之管線 8 9 4排放。 藉圖11中所示之配置,排出氣流接受一在熱氣化器單元 上游雙態洗滌處理,後随自熱氧化單元排放之排出氣流之 下游洗滌。 熱氧化器單元可為任何適當型式,例如在溫度達200(TF 或更高提供排出氣流之升高溫度處理。 經消部中央標準局只工消资合作.杜印來 {讀先閱讀背面之注意事1再填寫本頁) 在一單一單元式箱提供氣化單元及預處理(亦即預氧化 處理)洗滌及後氧化洗滌軍元,便提供一輕巧之裝置形體, 有一小腳印,適應排出氣流處理条統方便配置在一半導體 製造,或其他處理設施內,由本發明之条統予以處理之排出 氣流位於其中。 如曾述及,本發明之排出氣流處理系統中之洗滌單元可 由其他1或乾洗滌器或其他處理單元替代,供自排出氣流 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(2;0X297公釐) ~ -39 - 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(37) 去除微粒及酸性組份,Μ及其他可溶性或否則洗滌去除之 組份。 理 處 游90 上線 1 管 自在 來其 理 , 處 供圖 一 竄 為示 2 -1 之 圖統 条 箱 入 進 理 處 之 體 氣 出 kur0 之 元 單 jt 理 處 在 並 内 元 線 管 在 後 然 流 氣 之 理 理 處處 Μ 所 予05 單 氣 理元除 處單去 在理藉 。處流 體化氣 固氧出 粒至排 徽動供 除流 , 去11況 :s ί 份 化ai管 Η组 S&後® 0 0 ^ ^ Ψ ΐ 氣^ 供 在 流 氣 出kl·0 化 純 而 份 組 化 氧 可 之 望 希 不91 或線 害 管 有在 之後 流然 元 單 滌 洗 至 動 流 流 氣 理 處 已 之 9 為 後線可 最管器 生在動 體 氣 出 UF0 之 η 氧 產 Μ 體 氣 理 處 滌 洗 供 - 驅 一 下體或 動流 , 推動等 之原機 21J 縮 9 及 β 器述, 動曾機 驅如輪 體 。 ’ 流 放 動排扇 原统風 在 糸 如 其理諸 ,處 , 物 出 bh 0 0 置 裝 主 泵 ^—^1 ^^^1 ^^^1 ^^^1 ^^^1 ^^^1 I(請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 機 風 抽 器 放 tt,0 如 諸 含 包 另 可 統¾ 理 處 物 出 置排 装12 動圖 被 者 類 或 元 單 冷 驟 氧 其 在 供 卻 冷 物 出 J-F 理 - 處滌 化洗 氣效 使有 及之 , 7 熱91 潛元 之 翬 流器 氣滌 出洗 排在 取供 ,¾度 後溫 理當 處適 化g_ 經^部中央標羋扃只工消费合作社印於 元 單 除 去 粒 微 及 份 組 性 酸 吸 氫 化 氟 供 1 含 。 包统 當 系 適 子 可理 05處 \ly 預 之 份 組 將 此 除 去 於 用 專 孔少 入 最 - 多 3 之 ί 用 C 或 元自使 S ^ ^ 理丨之 ί 注 ®Li:ls 5¾ / 步 各口理 之切處 中一 各 統如之 系諸统 理 — 糸 構 @ ΐ ® 面 出、物 排'/!出 乾_ / tiw 元 單 理 處 b /ir 氧置 裝V. Description of the invention (Θ) I I | Material formation, encapsulating the first--upper part of the flow channel < > The breathable inner wall has an inner III surface bounding the upper part of the flow channel. II. I The breathable wall is enclosed by an outer wall. Peripheral r is opened and closed on the breathable inner wall. II. The outer wall is characteristically. Non-porous, but with a low-pressure gas flow D amma read back δ III With this configuration, an internal note is formed between the breathable wall and the outer sealing wall in each section. I Note I Partial volume 0 Items II Re I Low-pressure gas flow □ It is possible to couple the low-pressure gas source into a flow relationship writing, for example, by appropriate valves and control devices, to make this gas flow at a predetermined low rate. I | into the internal annular volume 1 for low-pressure gas aging inside Annular volume inflow III moving channel 0 A high pressure gas flow P can also be optionally provided to M in the first flow II moving channel section The outer wall is coupled to a high-pressure gas source in a flow relationship for I to order this gas to break into the internal annular volume. 9 This high-pressure gas flow is used to clean the inside. II. Breathable walls may have been deposited on its inner surface (in the first- -Any particle in the flow channel zone (boundary flow channel II) any high pressure gas) can also be controlled to flow in the desired pressure by the appropriate valve II [and the control device 0 I r the second flow channel section is coupled in series to the first flow Channel section * II for particulate-containing solid fluid flowing down from the first flow channel section to the second flow I channel section 0 The second flow channel includes--the outer wall, of which-liquid injection II □, which can be used with-- Liquid source, such as water or other processing fluids coupled. Outer wall II | May be coupled to the first-flow channel section by mating II flanges on the respective outer walls of the first and second flow channel sections 〇 The second flow channel includes an inner weir II wall, which is spaced apart from the outer wall to define an internal annular volume therebetween, and the II inner weir wall extends to the breathable wall within the first flow channel section but stops Less than II in this breathable wall »Μ in the first and second stream au, the respective EI of the moving channel section This paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210xπ7 mm) -9-442842 A7 B7 Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Beigong Consumer Cooperatives V. Description of the Invention (7) 1 1 | A gap is provided between the inner walls, defining an overflow weir. When the liquid flows into the internal annular volume between the outer wall and the inner wall of the second flow channel 1 1, the inductive liquid 1 I read 1 I overflows the overflow weir 3 and the inner surface of the inner wall of the second flow channel segment Downward reading 1 I. The flow of this liquid along the inner wall is used to wash away any particulate solids from the wall. Read the back 1 f I • and inhibit solids from depositing or forming on the inner wall surface of the inner wall. Note 1 I— And the second flow channel section are flange-connected to each other and may include-Item 1! Again 1. 1 Quickly release the clip assembly, K should be able to easily disassemble the individual sections of the entrance structure — and fill in the second flow channel section of the spring. Page 1 I And the first flow channel section of the 1-into P structure can be joined to a top-in IIP structure to quickly separate the inlet section, which can also be easily disassembled for cleaning and maintenance. In one aspect, the present invention is based on an exhaust gas treatment system, including a 1 I pre-washer for removing acid gases and particulates from the exhaust gas, an oxidizer 1 | for oxidation treatment of oxidizable components in the exhaust gas stream, and A subsequent water washes the 11 device for washing and exhausting the air stream after its oxidation treatment. In this pre-washing / oxidizing 1 r / washing tank, a gas / liquid interface structure can be used. When the gas / liquid 1 I interface structure receives the heat emitted by the oxidizer and is filled with particulates, containing 1 part of the gas stream of the corrosive group, its resistance to solid deposition, blockage and corrosion> This gas / liquid interface 1 | surface The structure includes: 1 I — a first vertically extending inlet flow channel member defining a first 1! Gas flow flow path therein, this inlet flow channel member has--upper inlet 1 for directing 1 1 airflow to the airflow flow path And--the lower outlet end for discharging airflow from the airflow path after the airflow has passed through the airflow path of the 1 1P flow channel member »1 I a second flow channel member, externally connected to the first flow channel member, and Its content is 1 1 This paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 size (210X 297 mm) -10-442842 A7 B7 Printed by the Central Standards Bureau Bureau of Military Industry and Consumer Cooperatives of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention (8) 1 1 Open a relationship outward to define in between--toroidal volume > this The two flow passages 1 1 1 member extends downward to a bottom of the first flow channel member below the P end i [the bottom of the P end y. This second flow channel member has-* the upper part of the liquid-permeable gambling AS Please read the back 1 1 I above the P end under the first flow channel member »and the impermeable body part 1 i 1 to define the air flow path of the second flow channel member * * Note 1 1 Outer wall member Encapsulated externally connected second flow channel member i and its defined matters 1 I JJ —- Encapsulated internal annular volume; M and fill in this + clothing t — 1 liquid flowing in the outer wall member □ »for the liquid The Mm wax guides the outer wall structure 1 | the enclosed internal annular volume ti I between the piece and the second flow channel member, so that the liquid introduced by the liquid flowing person P on the outer wall member enters the interior of the package 1 1 I seal Circumferential volume r and leaky flow through ΐΜ. The upper part of the second flow channel structure 1 is permeable to the liquid permeable part t for the subsequent impervious 1 1 along the second flow channel component. The inner surface of the body portion is moved downwards in the second flow channel component. The inner surface of the 1 I liquid portion provides a downward flowing liquid film 1 VX to prevent micro 1 I Ifkju solids from depositing and accumulating on it 1 and the air flow flowing through the first flow channel member 1 y under the D end. Discharge 9 is a flow path for flowing through the second flow channel member 1 I and subsequently discharged from the gas / tired interface structure. 0 1 1 This configuration prevents the air flow from directly contacting the wall on the lower part of the structure. It is bounded by the inner wall surface of the second flow channel member. The upper part of the "leakage weir" from the second flow channel member is a falling water film 1 1 to prevent the accumulation of particulate solids in the second flow. The inner wall surface of the channel member. On this 1 1 equal wall surface, the original liquid flow conveys the emblem particles 1 1 in the air flow contacting the water film, and is baked downward from the gas / liquid interface structure. Also, prevent 1 1 in the air flow. Aggressive substance contact wall P It is subject to falling water on the lower part of the interface structure 1 This paper size is applicable to Chinese National Standard (CNS) AA specifications (2 丨 OX 297 mm) -11-442842 A7 B7 @ 济 部 中心 标 Jud Bureau member-x Consumer Cooperative Co., Ltd. 5. Description of invention (9) 1 1 1 Membrane protection ΰ 1 1 1 The liquid permeable part above the second flow channel member may be a proper porous structure 1 I and may include--porous Sintered metal wall or --- porous ceramic wall, please refer to 1 1 for the pore size. For example, about 0. The range from 5 millimeters to 30 micrometers, or even larger hole diameter. 5 Read back 1 1! The present invention is also-~~ »from the aspects. A system for treating exhaust gas stream > Note 1 I [where the system includes a pre-washer unit «-oxidizer / quench m unit 1 and matters 1 I and 1 scrubber unit, wherein the pre-washer unit uses --Upstream gas / liquid contact% This tower is contacted, in which water flows downward from the upper part of the tower, and is in contact with the lower part of the tower * and contacts! 1! | 入 P structure is guided to be approximately horizontally aligned * and is protected against a 1 1 gas shield Zhao P Provides shielding gas to the inside and outside of the tubular member concentrically. Ordered to accept the exhaust gas The tubular member terminates inside the outer tubular member 0 and outer 1! The tubular member extends approximately horizontally into the lower part of the pre-washing tower and the outer tubular member 1 has a diagonal cut open and the P end is arranged in the pre-wash The lower part of the polyester tower. The diagonal cut end of the outer tubular structure 1 1 1 is set so that the maximum length of the peripheral portion is set to I. The diameter covers the shortest peripheral portion of the tubular member ζB £ τ. Therefore, the airflow 1 1 i is inside The tubular member is discharged into the internal volume of the outer tubular member and the white outer tubular member 1 is cut diagonally and the P end is discharged into the lower part of the pre-washing tower. By the maximum length of the outer tubular member, the peripheral portion is located in the outer tubular member. The minimum length of the perimeter 1 [Part I above 1 The outer tubular member is set to prevent pre-washing of falling liquid in the tower 1 i iri is awarded to enter this tubular member 0 Moreover, the configuration of the diagonal cut end allows 1 1 person to lead to the The gas flow of the scrubbing tower becomes 1 I at the entry point to enter the tower for contact with the falling liquid 1 I. In the exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention You can use r as more complete below 1 1 This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297mm) —12 — 442842 A7 B7 (10) Various other structures of P described by 1 1 1 ΰ 1 1 | Many other aspects of the present invention can be achieved in various ways including the following features:! 1 1. Provided in the unit box configuration — overall integrated gas effluent treatment, please read 1 1 1 system, including--unblocked population, pre-washer, oxidizer, wet / dry interface, m read back I 1 cold, after Scrubber and motive device Note 1 1 Meaning 1 I 2. Use a pre-treatment subsystem for fluorination a to absorb 0 such pre-treatments% Matter 1 I then 1 to remove the exciton precursor 9 instead of trying to remove the microparticles that form during the oxidation process. It can be used such as--particle pre-removal system) page 'w · 1 | 3. Provide all kinds of □ / hole injection type wet / dry interface or multi-hole type interface * It can 1! Actually reduce water use and make unnecessary system leveling) i 1 4. Provide-The outer shell and tube heat exchanger type oxidizer uses the radiant flux on the side of the outer shell as a working "fluid" 0 1 I 5. Supercooling provided in the water scrubber (along with other 1 I other features described more fully below) produces-a kind of non-condensing or least condensing design and enhanced heat storage, thermal i 1 I migration acidity and particulate washing. In addition, a The ejector for the fluid discharge 1 1 Μ makes the exhaust gas treatment system to the exhaust gas line of the treatment system »τ invisible i see" r "or if necessary 1 you can use these discharge devices to increase upstream processing! 1 unit (for example, semiconductor manufacturing Tool) suction (1 1 6. Use a defogging net in the scrubber column as a filling element. This defogging 1 1 net can actually reduce the wall effect in the scrubber column with a small diameter. 0 in the scrubber column. I mass transfer and thermal transfer can be related to With standard commercial random washing 1 1 column performance is better or better > and the washing column with m-removing net achieves relative 1 I low pressure drop 0 the gap part above the washing column can also be m The design is 1 II, which constitutes the scrubber column. As a good particle collector, it can be filled freely without 1 1 This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (2iOX 297 mm) 442842 Central Ministry of Economic Affairs; bureau of r Monthly Consumer Cooperatives Co., Ltd. A7 B7 V. Description of the Invention (η) The same flexibility and the flexibility that can not be achieved with a scrubber column containing a demister net. 7. The use of heat transfer reinforced inserts in the oxidizer to retrofit the exhaust gas treatment system is suitable for applications where different overall heat fluxes are required for the overall system operation. 8. The saturated Η20 / exhaust gas stream is recirculated from the oxidizer unit in the exhaust gas treatment bar to the inlet of the oxidizer unit to provide a low-cost source of hydrogen for oxidizing perfluorocarbon (P PC). 9. Chemicals can be added to the pre-washer, and K changes the characteristics of the materials to be washed by M. An illustrative example is the addition of NΗ3 to a tungsten hexafluoride effluent, and M forms ammonium tungstate. By K produces a material with increased solubility for washing and removal. 1 0. An evaporator reactor design was used for the oxidizer unit to eliminate the accumulation of reactant / product paint on the wall of the oxidation step. Π. Use a dual-fluid atomizing nozzle in the quench unit that receives the hot exhaust stream from the self-gasifier unit to minimize the volume of the quench unit, or use other droplet atomization devices instead in the quench unit. Such as an ultra-wave nozzle or a piezoelectric nozzle. 12. The gas effluent treatment system of the present invention is integrated with a specific semiconductor manufacturing processing tool. 13. Exhaust gas directing (inlet) devices are used to avoid blockages, such as anti-blocking inlet structures configured more fully as described below, for example. 14. In the flexibility of the oxidizer unit, K utilizes electricity or K-flame based oxidation (methane, propane, hydrogen, butane), and / or uses air or a silicon force of 02. 15. A wet scrubber or a dry scrubber is used as a pre-washing and post-washing device. 1 6. A fluidized bed thermal oxidizer unit was used. This paper size applies the Chinese national standard (CNS > Α4 is now (2 丨 〇Χ29? Mm) —1 4-^^ 1 n 1 ^^ — »n ^ —. ! -I— —I— * — ^^ 1 HI '^ — f I n ^ i —, ·, vs (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) 42 8 42 Gongxiaoxian Cooperatives Innu A7 B7 V. Invention Description (12) 1 7. A non-PFC breaker PFC recycling / recovery unit is used in the exhaust gas treatment system. 18. A non-blocking oxidizer unit using inserts is provided for disrupting the laminar boundary layer of gas tumble flow. Many other aspects, features and embodiments will be fully understood from the subsequent disclosure. Brief Description of the Drawings Figures 1-3 are a gas effluent treatment system according to a ® embodiment of the present invention, the schematic diagram of the continuous flow section of which is shown in FIG. A variation of the flow chart of a gaseous effluent treatment system of a real pickled example. Fig. 4 is a schematic flow chart of a gas discharge radon treatment system according to another embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 5 is a schematic flow diagram of another embodiment of an exhaust gas treatment system spring according to the present invention. Fig. 6 is a schematic flowchart of a processing system similar to that exemplified in the flowchart of Fig. 9 showing a modification according to another aspect of the present invention. Figures 7, 8 and 9 are respective schematic flowcharts according to other aspects of the invention. Fig. 10 is a schematic flowchart of a gas effluent treatment system according to another embodiment of the present invention, showing a gas / liquid interface inlet structure coupled with a pre-washing tower. FIG. 11 is a schematic diagram of another gas effluent processing system according to the present invention, which is shown as being contained in a suitcase dice. FIG. 12 is a schematic diagram of a gas effluent treatment system according to another embodiment of the present invention, showing that each of its optional auxiliary rib paper sizes is applicable to the national standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X297 mm)- n-I-I -1 -I ^^^ 1 1--n ^ i li. {Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) -15-442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the Invention (13) 1 I \ Features 〇1 1 | Figure 13 is-Anti-blocking person according to the exemplary embodiment of the present invention / — ^ 1 Schematic Π B 结构 Drawing 1 Please read 1 1 first | Figure 14 is a back view of an anti-blocking person P structure according to the alternative practical example of the present invention. For — according to another embodiment of the present invention, the anti-plugging of the alternative embodiment is shown in FIG. 1 I is a schematic diagram of the structure t. FIG. 16 is according to the present invention. Schematic diagram of the P-joint W · i I structure 1 1 FIG. 17 is a schematic view of an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. Gas / liquid interface junction 1 1 Schematic cross-sectional front view 1 Order Figure 1 8 is the top plan view of the device of ΓΞΊ Drawing 17 —- Same feed configuration for 1 | Liquid transfer to IBQ shown in Figure 17 Enveloping internal annular volume of the interface structure »II Detailed description of preferred tube embodiments 1 1 Γ The giant of the present invention provides an improved gas effluent treatment system 1 I f, which can be used to treat all kinds of white corresponding to different properties Exhaust gas I 1 generated by industrial processes 0 i 1 In aspect 1, the present invention contemplates a system for oxidizing the exhaust gas stream generated by a processing unit I 1 above the effluent, wherein gasification and 1 1 washing are performed. Treatment M Eliminates hazards or otherwise undesirable in the exhaust air stream 1 1 mass 0 1 1 in-specific aspects) where this exhaust air stream is The system can include oxygen fb and washing 1 1 cleaning unit operation * where Ά The system is pre-structured and set to minimize the adverse effects of the painting body 1 1 I particles in the air stream, such as may be generated first from the upstream burial, or 1 1 Paper size applies to Chinese national standard (CNS > A4 size (210X297mm) -16-442842 A7 B7 Central Standard of Ministry of Economic Affairs-Union Press K-! 5. Description of the invention (14) 1 1 It may be discharged in the original place Produced by the physical treatment system »For example, the oxidation reaction stream 1 1 1 causes the exhaust gas flow to cause particulate reaction products. 1 Read 1 The present invention is also related to the exhaust gas treatment system, which uses a gas / liquid first read 1 I interface structure to make the fluid power. Characteristics have the least adverse effects, and minimize the accumulation of particulate solids on the back side 1 1 f, and suppress the inevitable plugging of solids in the system.) Note 1 In other aspects, the present invention contemplates an integrated heat treatment The system is comparable to and better than other integrated heat treatment systems on the market. 1 This integration is better than this system. This integration fills%. The gas-based gas treatment system combines front-end heat treatment with exhaust gas adjustment and provides the most Pages 1 I Low cost of ownership after the user 〇 1 1 I The integrated exhaust gas flow treatment of the present invention can use an electricity-based 1 1 thermal oxidation treatment unit 〇 Although the present invention is mainly explained in the subsequent description of this case Calculate 1% of the exhaust airflow treatment using an electric treatment unit »But please acknowledge 1 I know t The treatment system of the present invention can be replaced by Including other thermal processing 1 | management components, such as flame-based processing, fluidized bed processing > plasma 1 1 | processing, etc. 0 1 t Provide a modular platform based on flexible unit operation »This invention 1 1 The exhaust gas treatment system can be easily modified to combine various exhaust gas streams, such as the ejections from semiconductor manufacturing tools, and can be easily repaired without much effort. 1 I changed to include other unit operation processes. 0 1 1 r The exhaust gas flow treatment system of the present invention provides significant stupidity in the various embodiments of the present invention, which is superior to that of the prior art processing system 1 including the anti-component exhaust gas treatment system 11 yuan and the blockage of the associated flow pipes and channels. Enhanced corrosion resistance due to efficient gas / fat 1 1 interface structure »extended production in need of maintenance 1 I operating time 1 low water usage rate when using washing treatment > superior Z washing 1 1 paper Standards are applicable to China National Standard Vehicle (CNS) A4 specifications (210X 297 mm) -17-12B42 A7 B7 Month of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Consumer Cooperation Du Yin " V. Description of the invention (15) I! | Efficiency, M emission Removal level is greater than 99, based on the weight of the washable substance. 99¾ 1 1 1, M and halogen-reducing substances such as HC 1, C 12 and HF are below TLV level. Dangerous materials 1 I Please oxidize oxidative breakdown m below 1 TL V level 1 Read the treatment tube downstream of the oxidizer unit. 1 I line eliminates the erosive condensation of acids. The component processing unit reads out the exhaust gas treatment. 1 1 I% The system's flexible configuration S Μ and the majority of the discharge of the upstream processing facilities should be responsible. 1 The gas source 〇Matter 1 1 Re 1 Consider the oxidizer unit in the exhaust gas treatment% system of the present invention »Oxidation Fill this device can be used-. Power supply, power supply, thermal oxidation effluent, gaseous material, or gasifier can be used. Page 1 I Use fuels such as M and A 1 ^ 7 m 〇 If the system is set to Yin Shi during the oxidation treatment 1 1 1 perfluorocarbon 9 system can be It is set to use steam as a source of 1 1 to complete the destruction of the perfluorocarbon. 5 The gasifier is the medium for this oxidation treatment. 1 It may contain air, oxygen, or other oxygen-containing gases. When washing the 1 1 large hot exhaust air stream, it can be contacted with water for gas, and dispersed by the spray nozzle or other appropriate disperser for this contact »It makes the 1 1 J exhaust gas treatment system The droplet volume and water consumption m are small during operation. When treating 1 t · The oxidizer contains a significant amount of silica dioxide particle stream. · It may be advantageous to use a caustic solution as a quenching medium. Siliconized grain . 1 1 Exhaust gas treatment system compared to the previous technology »With regard to anti-blocking and 1 I Corrosiveness, the least water use, and the exhaust gas treatment unit in the treatment of the system 1 1 1 Μ A lightweight and efficient physical configuration In terms of flexibility, the system 11 of the present invention achieves various advantages. 1 1 In the exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention, the pretreatment unit M 1 can be used-before the particles and acidity of the white treatment stream reach the heating oxidation chamber. And when it is 1 I, it is removed at low temperature, I tone is used to simplify the load demand of downstream equipment 5 1 1 This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (21 × 297 mm) 18-A7 B7 Ministry of Economic Affairs The Central Standards Bureau only works with consumer cooperatives. 5. Description of the invention (1G)! 1 J Although the state / itk The previous art system may be clogged and needs to be introduced without special packing structure 1 1 1. The system of the present invention actually depends on the inherent Fluid dynamics First, prevent 1 I, please 1 1 system filling. II. The exhaust air treatment system of the present invention can be installed on a read back with appropriate small marks. 1 1 lightweight unit box »so that the box needs the floor in the processing facility. The space aspect 1 1 The minimum product is the smallest. The item 1 I 1 1 1 The exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention utilizes-* oxidation unit for oxidation and discharge of the substances filled in the gas stream. The oxidizer medium is preferably clean dry air, but Page 1 1 Use oxygen or gas-enriched air for this g 9 and any other f 1 I oxygen-containing gas with appropriate characteristics. The exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention can be used to produce 1 I exhaust gas. — _ Upstream The processing unit t or there may be many rows 1 of the order gas source 1 to exhaust its components The air flow is integrated into a total flow delivered to the exhaust gas treatment system of the invention [1] to eliminate the danger of this air flow or! 1 Otherwise it is an undesired component 1 Μ produces a final 1 that exhausts these components. I Exhaust matter 1 If there is a situation t If the composition of the exhaust gas stream changes over time due to the implementation of different exhaust gas treatments 1 1 r may be suitable for > λ A time-varying mode 1 operation. For example, in semiconductor manufacturing, _Chemical vapor deposition (ch em ί C a 1! 1 va P 〇r C ep 0 S it 1 0 η, abbreviated as CVD), in the deposition step m may produce 1 1 I raw silicon compound ejection 1 and here After this CVD operation, the m CVD reactor can be cleaned, leading to the generation of NF 3 gaseous components. Since the silane generated from the CVD step will strongly react with these gaseous phases with the HF 3 from the CVD reactor cleaning step. Ancestors 1 1 cannot be mixed for a unit processing * And therefore 1 1 separate treatment is required in the exhaust gas treatment system. 0 1 1 The paper size is far from the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (2) 0X 297 mm. ~ 19 442842 A7 B7 Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs Ninth Consumer Cooperative Indus V. Description of the invention (17) 1! I General practice in the present invention »The exhaust gas treatment system can use a pre-treatment 1 I 1 processing unit to contact the exhaust gas with water in it. Oxidation treatment is carried out upstream of the I 1 stream — · preliminary washing steps This type of pretreatment may therefore involve the first 1 1 reading 1 washing with water> or the pretreatment unit can be used-a chemical neutralization mixture read The back 1 provides contact with the exhaust gas stream and can also use water or — chemically neutralize M combined 1 | iteratively [matter wash m to g gasification unit effluent 0 Therefore, in the broad sense of the invention, the present invention Matter 1 1 re! The operation of the washing unit envisaged by the exhaust gas treatment system can be adapted to the specific airflow of the current management at K, using any suitable washing medium > or, you can page '—- · 1 [ Implementing washing as a dry washing operation t 1! I instead of wet washing. For this purpose, a variety of 1 1 gas dry scrubber materials are readily available on the market and can be explored. Tip 1 Order this huge 0 in VX. In fact, the washing unit used in the present invention can be any 1 I any suitable type »and can be configured to minimize the problem of solid nm blockage during its operation. [The present invention The exhaust gas treatment system can therefore vary widely in shape and composition processing list. These component processing units can include different types of oxidizers. - - thermal oxidizer, catalyst 'of oxidation, flame oxidizer, i 1 of evaporated oxygen, or other processing units. Oxygen-exhaust gas flow components can be used to complete the oxygenated 1 i component 〇 1 I exhaust gas treatment system can also include a pre-treatment unit, as mentioned above, in 1 i to the i upstream gas facilities and the exhaust gas flow. An aqueous medium or chemically neutralized 1 1 composition »Or replaced with a dry scrubber composition 9 Μ Complete the initial elimination of some components in the exhaust gas stream before the subsequent gas 1 1 gasification and washing treatment 0 gas 1 1 The chemical unit can be constructed and set to discharge hot exhaust gas to a quench zone »1 I As explained more fully below, it can be integrated with the main washing unit. Therefore 1 1 This paper is in accordance with the standard ® National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) -20-442842 Printed by the Sheller Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ^ A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (18) The temperature of the exhaust gas from the unit is significantly reduced for efficient subsequent processing. The unit may use a prime mover fluid device, an active device such as a pump, fan, compressor, turbine, etc., or a passive prime mover driver such as a discharger, exhaust fan, or the like. The exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention, in conjunction with the use of an aqueous medium for washing, may additionally adopt various neutralization treatments for removing acidic components therefrom, or otherwise for the desired pΗ level to be discharged from the exhaust gas treatment system The purpose of water 0 As another variation, the exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention may further include a wet electrostatic precipitator for gutter / feather water injection control when processing exhaust gas flow. Various aspects of the design and construction of the exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention will be described below. The oxidizer unit can be provided with appropriate temperature control and thermal tracking for temperature control operation of the oxidizer unit. The exhaust gas pretreatment unit can be set as a radon gas before entering the oxidation unit to remove as much acidic gas and particles as possible from the gas stream, thereby reducing the load requirements on downstream equipment. As mentioned, such a pretreatment unit may include a wet washing unit or, instead, a dry washing unit, or a combination of a wet and dry washing assembly, including an ingredient wet and dry washing unit. Possible wet scrubbing systems include cyclones, compaction towers, and wet spray towers. These wet towers can be operated in downstream or upstream flow systems. The pretreatment unit of the exhaust gas treatment system may include a wet scented mist tower, which uses a nitrogen-assisted atomizing nozzle M to guide the atomized washing water above the tower. If you want to add chemicals, you can use, for example, appropriate chemical storage and applicable Chinese National Standards (CNS) A4 specifications (210X297 mm) for this standard. '~ 2 1 — (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) 442842 A7 B7 The Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs only eliminates the printing of Hezhusha V. Description of the invention (19) I 1 Metering * Μ Online liquid-based static mixer device for chemical mixing 1 1 1 in 0 Explore the use of nitrogen-assisted water to make the exhaust gas treatment water I | consume a minimum of 9 and prevent the exhaust gas components from upstream of the oxidation unit and the air. Read 1 I reaction 0 to § liquids operated by these wet processing units It can be discharged to the regular reading back 1 1 I storage tank, which can be explained more fully below, and K is designed as an integral part of washing 1 | m vessel / quenching tower > as another--a change , Can be borrowed — spray into the matter 1 t then 1 1 to venturi (ventu r i) Nozzle wet spray operation instead of pre-treatment step m »Μ Fill in this book to complete acidic gas absorption and particulate removal. Therefore, when the present invention provides an upstream of the wet washing unit of the oxidation unit, the present invention cleans 1 1 1 exhaust gas component (which is a particulate I 1 agent in the state existing in the gasification unit), thereby oxidizing The unit provides the ability to control particle formation) 1 The oxidizing element as specified above may be configured to have any suitable configuration 1 I 0 For example, the oxidizing unit may use an electrothermal oxidizer to utilize the heater surface 1 I and A clam-shaped electric radiant heater with a large gap between the heating tubes is formed. In a specific embodiment, the oxidation unit may include a--single--vertical heating tube, and the exhaust gas is guided to the M through A nozzle, and discharge the collar to cover M 1 in a nitrogen jacket to suppress the reaction until the exhaust gas is actually in the oxidation chamber 1 i 〇 once in the oxidation chamber, air or other oxidizer media can be injected, Η Coaxial flow with the exhaust air from the cover 1 1 cover. The exhaust gas guiding device should be structured to closely simulate 1 1 i simulation of layered flows such as motion, M to prevent circulation,, \ M m flow, stagnation area, and other abnormal flows that may cause particle accumulation when operating 1 1 for oxidation on units Characteristics 0 1 1 The heating tube in this oxidation unit can be given Μ by appropriate thermal control device. Selective 1 1 Control f Μ to achieve the desired operating temperature system. Although it may require a minimum temperature of 1 ℃, the condition Μ achieves ignition and Broken gasifiable components »but too high 1 1 This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) -22 442842 A7 B7 5. The temperature of the invention (20) may also promote particle agglomeration And accumulate on the surface of the tube wall. Therefore, the heating tube oxidation unit can use heat transfer to strengthen the tube insertion H, to promote the fluid flow to the disturbance in the exhaust gas flow flowing through the oxidation element, K to prevent particles from agglomerating on the side wall of the tube. Alternatively, the oxidizing element may include a bundle of heat exchange tubes to accommodate higher air flow velocities, and K may be used to prevent particles from agglomerating on the wall surface of the tube. These heat exchange tube bundles can be reinforced by heat transfer as described above with the single vertical heating tube configuration of the oxidation unit. As yet another alternative embodiment, the oxidation unit may include a plurality of rows of twisted tubes, which are adapted to high airflow velocities and long residence times, while maximizing the agglomeration of particles in the airflow by providing a continuous spiral gas flow path. This configuration increases the particle size for subsequent easy removal of solids from the gas flow. ^ Printed by the Central Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Industry of the People's Republic of China. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page.) The Structural Materials Section for the oxidation unit includes any suitable structural materials with proper consideration of the exhaust gas flow to be treated by M. Specific chemical composition. Suitable materials may include high temperature oxidation resistant alloys with good resistance characteristics to HF and HC1. The oxidation unit can be operated in a reduced environment, K avoids damaging the perfluorocarbon component, and an appropriate alloy can be used as a construction material to withstand these reductions. In this aspect, the exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention can utilize a unit for recovering the perfluorocarbon component of the exhaust gas stream for recycling it or other deer. As another variation, the oxidation unit may be configured with an electric ignition heater for heating air or other oxidizer media to a high temperature, and M for mixing with the exhaust gas stream. In some cases, this configuration can provide self-ignition of oxidizable components in the exhaust gas flow when contacting and mixing with the oxidizer medium, and this can increase the size of this paper and apply the Chinese national standard (. \ 5) 8 (4 2! 0 \ 297 mm) ~ -23-Α7 Β7 Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and a separate consumer cooperative ^ 4- 5. Description of the invention (2) 1 1 The overall oxidation efficiency of the oxidation unit. 1 1 I As another variation, the oxidation unit can be constructed as an evaporative oxidation unit 1 j Please 1 7X1 〇 First 1 I The oxidation unit generates an oxidizing exhaust gas stream at an elevated temperature. 0 This heat flow is read back | | Or cool down to reduce the temperature for the exhaust gas treatment system. Note 1 1 Note 1 | Subsequent treatment and final discharge. Chapter 1 The re-exhaust gas treatment system may therefore include a quench 4 downstream of the oxidation unit. The quench unit may, for example, contain--single--vertical pipes, with-air assisted sheet '«• w- 1 I Water spray nozzle • Provides contact between water or other existing refrigerant and the oxidation unit 1 1 1 Exhaust gas 0 Available in the quenching section--Weir interface structure, 1 1 Provide-clearly defined heat / Cold interface) The quench unit can be properly combined with a deposit, such as--a dew point anticorrosive uranium alloy composition &examples; A 16 × Ν »1 | Ca Γ P e η ter 2 0» Ha C-22 and HaB alloy & gt The quenching unit should be structured as [I to make the thermal effect unfavorable to other processing units of the exhaust gas processing system i> «gm minimum Cr 1 1 I The quenching unit can be replaced by a multi-pipe co-current flow drop mm Acid absorption 1 column, there is a cooling water supply on the side of the shell, Μ completes heat transfer. 1 1 Oxidation unit and quench unit can align VX in a single unit—vertical orientation i provides a unitary linear gas flow path with 1 I> which minimizes abnormal flow characteristics and micro I | As an alternative embodiment, the quenching unit may be composed of a quenching device in J 1 嗔 mist feed Wenqiu f 1, M for quenching and particulate removal purposes 5 1 1 The exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention can be used-* in oxidation Unit downstream 1 1 scrubber 0 This scrubber can contain--single--vertical filling S tower, there is. The liquid \ 1 I injection shoots into the P-filled column, and _. Demister m m or above 1 1 This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X297 mm) 24 ^ 42842 A7 B7 Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Consumer Cooperatives only (22) 1 i Other m-removing device The scrubber can feed M liquid water, which can cool M 1 1 I or relative to the exhaust gas discharged from the self-oxidation unit at a suitable temperature and choose 1 1 for washing The scrubber upstream undergoes quenching or preliminary cooling. 0 The scrubber may therefore include the first M 1 1 I Yes — the cooler may be located next to the wash tower and pre-cooled wash water or other read back I I aqueous wash media 0 instead of using except The gasket or phase U mechanism is used to make TE3 1 residual mist (small volume of water droplets) BS Han Shao or eliminate it 1 In fact, the meaning of the present invention I 1 The re-washer unit can be configured to allow the air flow to pass through and Larger drop of water "knocked down Fill the chest with the mist, remove the mist from the air stream, and use the fluid to minimize the amount of this thin m component or actually eliminate it. 1 i It is suitable to use cooling water in washing. Allow the exhaust airflow to cool below the ambient temperature 1 1 and reduce the amount of steam by the relative humidity conditions prevailing in the environment, such as in the environment of a semi-manufactured manufacturing operation »Exhaust airflow when semiconductor manufacturing tools 1 I 0 use Cooling water is also suitable to guide-a kind of heat storage effect, Η strengthen the acid absorption and particle absorption in the packing column 0 1 1 An alternative embodiment the scrubber unit includes a falling film acid absorption column 1 with cooling water The side of the feed absorption column > With this scrubber unit, 1 g of liquid from the pretreatment unit (quencher) and scrubber unit can be introduced to m 1 1 I to be discharged to the bottom of the scrubber column Often Storage tank 〇 In this way, the liquid flow used in g 1 I | exhaust gas processing system is integrated and this storage tank I i can be set for its gravity feed operation 0 1 1 or i from exhaust gas The washing of the components of the processing system in the processing unit m 1 1 liquid and other liquid streams can be obtained by suitable suction devices, such as centrifugal pumps 1 rusted 1 I pumps, air-driven pumps, dischargers »or other suitable liquids Motive drive 1 1 I device for JW pressurization or i system emission 0 1 1 This paper size applies the Chinese national standard ⑽) Na (2 ™ Chu) 442842 A7 B7 Ministry of Economy and Technology, Central Standards Bureau, Ordnance Industry, Hezhu Society Yin Lai V. Description of the invention (23) 1 1 I In a packing column scrubber, you can use--scrubber 1 > scrubber column and 1 1 | other components of the exhaust gas treatment system 1 m, Can be made of any suitable material, such as 1 I metal alloy, or painted Structural steel or other gold alloys are formed, and have the appropriate resistance characteristics relative to the corrosive substances in the fluid stream treated in the 1 1 I reading. Note 1 1 Coating 0 1 Note 1 of the present invention The exhaust gas treatment system may be configured to provide or not provide a punch 1 I 1 1 for circulation of the liquid stream used 0 As mentioned, the scrubber unit may include a dry scrubber 1 and it may be possible in some cases Replace the scrubber unit and the quencher unit with — * dry scrubber cartridge unit page I. The scrubber can also be equipped with an optional 1 i chemical pretreatment unit * Μ allows the use of wet or dry chemical injection into the scrubber Single 1 ί yuan 0 1 order can use a discharger to provide motive power 1 to extract the exhaust air flow through the exhaust 1 1 gas treatment System 0 This type of discharger is preferably an anti-corrosion and anti-stuffing device II design, using clean, dry air or other drainage fluids 1 Yes-· Modulating valve and control 1 I 1 Device M The desired pressure level provides the appropriate inlet P The pressure to exhaust gas treatment system 1 can also use a discharger, when the treatment system uses a water scrubber. Supply 1 1 for heating the dry air to the steam-saturated exhaust gas stream 0. This supply 1 I for heating the dry air so use Η to reduce the relative humidity of the exhaust airflow below ambient saturation 1 Ϊ and condition 0. The exhauster can use air, Nitrogen or other suitable excretion medium I 1 emitter can also be coupled with an appropriate m-transmission module, allowing the ΐ, Μ, as m emitter 1 1 to be discharged for trapped particulates in this exhaust gas 1 1 can be utilized by the exhaust of the present invention The gas treatment system is provided for processing § exhaust gas from various upstream 1 I processing facilities. For example, the 1 i I physical exhaust gas located in the exhaust gas processing system may include tungsten CVD tools from a semi-carcass manufacturing plant. Standards are in accordance with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210x 297 mm) -26-442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (2Ί) Follow-up after clearing t: C It will be transferred to M for the accumulation Amount of hF in the wafer Removal of electrically Η into an overall and with the seat support member wall element having Η cleaning chamber ΓΠΤ to learn of each species can be operated production facility may be made when SP trjv guide body in half. The system of knowledge acquisition and accumulation of Shen Tung Wong's system is the judging process of the HF 0 system, and it is equipped with the equipment. The installation of the TT > management office is completed. The body, gasification and transformation can be used as a row, and can be used for operation and operation, use and production, and implementation of the map. The process of the flow of the original intention. The root zone 1 is continued to be -3. Ί1 ο _il, all the pictures are attached to the reference, please show the row diagram in the air supply, and bu—0. Minghua Development Co., Ltd. according to one of these diagrams shows Cheng Yiliu's diagram, and the line system shovel is short. After the clarification is revealed, follow the instructions in M. Please indicate% in M. The valve is installed on the control rib and the meter. Seite's outstanding Mingfa published the provincial and Chinese style maps of the WE in each of their respective M, Zeng Yiqiao, the skill of the art department knows that the β is being applied. . Yoshi. Guang Shizhi and Ming Xing hair configuration > i in the yike style square installation seed control system (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) The outline of the example of the form and provide, ί Inner pit table grave road management Ministry of Economic Affairs Central Standard Vehicle Bureau Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Central Bureau of Standards and Vehicles Bureau of the military to eliminate the printing press to exchange hot water but cold 1 for the color special section 4 zone 1 1 Road to the picture change ¾ Cheng heat flow with dynamic flow line 6 11 Tube 0 has its T * T \ passing through the water, but it is in the cold envelope and is discharged at 1δ. Line 16 is coupled to a discharge line 24 containing a valve 26 therein. Lines 16 and 18 may be properly insulated to maximize the effectiveness of the cooler. The water in the pipe medium 30 flows through the cooler 12 and passes to the manifold pipe 3 2. The water is divided into two parts. One part of the pipe 3jl is passed to the Shantong Passing System, and the other part is pipe 36. To the spray head 38, it is guided to the exhaust air pretreatment column 40. - < 2. ____________ This paper size applies to Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) -27-^ 42842 Α7 Β7 Printed by the Central Bureau of Standardization of the Ministry of Shanghai, and only printed by the cooperative. V. Description of the invention Exhaust gas in the pipeline 62 is guided and passed to the pretreatment column 40. The pipeline 62 can be insulated along its length by heat tracing 64, and the branch pipeline 66 of the insulation heat tracing characteristic can be passed to the next section of the process surface shown in FIG. • Line 42 is the oxygen line for the processing system, line 44 is the clean dry air line, and line 4δ is the nitrogen supply line, which can be branched to the nitrogen feed line 47 as shown in the figure for guiding nitrogen to flow in line 36 to Water for pretreatment column 40. The exhaust gas stream is directed to the column inlet section 50 in line 62, and can be enhanced by adding nitrogen from branch line 48 to M, if so (original) to the desired degree. The exhaust gas stream is pre-treated in column 40, and K produces a bottom sediment in line 60, which is passed to the part of the flowchart in FIG. The column at its upper end 52 produces a column effluent at line δδ, which is passed to reactor 90 in FIG. 2. A portion of the effluent at the top of the column can be recirculated to the column at line 56 and additional flow can be accommodated by line 58 as shown in the figure. In FIG. 2, system 116 includes an oxidation reactor 90 that receives nitrogen from line 46 at its upper end, and oxygen from line 42 and from line 44 from branch conduit 108 optionally clean dry air to be combined, where Line 110 provides an oxygen-containing gas to the upper end of the reactor. The water in line 34 separates into branch line 96 at manifold 94, passes to section 120 of the system shown in FIG. 3, and enters branch line 98, where the fluid flow can be cleaned and dried by branch line 97 from line 44 The air is enhanced and passed to a nozzle 102 on the oxidation reactor 90. The rest of the clean dry air flows on line 112 to the processing system's Figure 3 section. The oxidation reactor is also configured to receive water from the tube gland 100 through a population 92 in the middle portion of the reactor vessel. The characteristic of the reactor is a response (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) The size of the paper is applicable to the Chinese standard (CNS > Λ4 specification (210 × 297 mm) -28-44284 2 Jing Yi Printed by the Ministry of Standards and Leather Industry of the People's Republic of China. A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (; H) The heater δ8, which includes a heat exchange channel 86 therein, is coupled to the branch lines 82 and 84 of the power line 80, The heater 88 is activated by it to provide electric heating of the reactor for thermal oxidation of the exhaust gas flow guided to the oxidation reactor in line 6S. The oxidation reactor can be shown in the figure. A circulation line 106 is provided, The upper and lower ends are connected to each other. The effluent from the reactor flows in line 104 to the part of the processing system. Figure 3 contains part 120 of the processing system and includes a scrubber 124, defining a water supply for washing The internal volume 128 is directed to the nozzle 126 at line 96. The exhaust air is directed to the scrubber at line 104. The sinker at the bottom of the scrubber joins at line 132 with the liquid from the exhaust air pretreatment at line 60 and is discharged from the system. And passed to wastewater treatment or Disposal of other final use of liquids. The effluent from the top of the washing tower is passed to the discharger 144 at line 130, which supplies clean dry air from line 1 12 to produce a treatment system effluent, which is schematically shown in the line as shown in the figure 146 flows to the exhaust 150. The effluent can be enhanced by adding by-pass steam from line 66, and this line 66 can be thermally tracked and insulated as previously described. Figure 3 shows a modification in the short W-line diagram The pump 136 is configured to recirculate the bottom sediment of the liquid in the line 132, through the inlet pump line 138 to the troubleshooting liquid line 134, and the recirculated liquid is combined with the washing water in the line 96, and the M is processed therein and reprocessed. The liquid is circulated to enhance the washing operation. The treated liquid is then discharged from the system by the pipe medium 140 containing the valve 142. Figure 4 is a schematic flowchart of a gas effluent treatment system according to another embodiment of the present invention. In this system, the gas The exhaust flow is guided at lines 160, 162, 164, and 166, and is joined to M to form a combined row of paper at tube nipple 184. The X degree applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm)} n I 1v wear,-& (锖 Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this Va;) -29-442842 A7 B7 Printed by the Central Industry Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Monthly Consumer Cooperatives 5.Invention description (27) Outflow It is then passed to a heat exchanger 182 containing a heat exchange channel 180 joined to a line 178, which completes the heat exchange of the integrated stream. The heat exchanged exhaust gas can then be passed to the exhaust gas pretreatment column 2 1 0 in line 2 1 2 Or, if desired, part or all of the exhaust gas flow can be bypassed from the treatment system and flow to the exhaust gas 256 in line 1δ6. The cooling water heat exchanger 174 receives the cooling water feed in the line 168 and discharges the return cooling water in the return line 172. The water in line 170 passes through the cooler and joins in line 224 with the nitrogen from main nitrogen feed line 216 in branch line 222 and is discharged through pretreatment column 2 10 through nozzle 2 2 6. Additional nitrogen may be directed from the main nitrogen feed line 216 to the pretreatment column 210 at line 220. The clean dry air is directed to the system at line 176, and a portion of it can be passed at line 240 along with nitrogen in line 216 to the reactor 198 at its upper end. Oxygen is directed to the reactor at line 214. The reactor receives overhead effluent from the pretreatment column 210 at lines 2-30. The power line 218 provides a resistance heater 200 that can reach the reactor 198 as shown. The quench portion of the container containing the oxidation reactor 198 at its upper end receives water from line 202 at the inlet 20S, and a mixture of water and clean dry air is directed at line 204 to a nozzle 206 in the quench portion of the container. The quench portion of the container communicates with the scrubber 194. The scrubber receives at its upper end the water from the pipe medium 192 at the mouthpiece 196. The effluent gas from the top of the scrubber is transmitted to the discharger 252 in the line 250 at the pipe 250, and the discharger receives the dry air from the line 240 in the line 259. The effluent stream in line 254 is then joined with any by-pass exhaust gas from line 186 and flows in line 258 to the exhaust 256 of the processing system. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) -5 This paper size is applicable to Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 size (210X 297mm) 30-442842 A7 ___ B7_____ 5. Description of the invention (28) In pipeline 236 The bottom sinker from the exhaust air pretreatment column 210 and the bottom sinker of the camel scrubber 194 are joined in line 238, and can be passed to the liquid discharge or other processing. Fig. 5 is a schematic flow diagram of another embodiment of an exhaust gas treatment system according to the present invention. The exhaust gas flow in line 312 is guided to the pretreatment column 308 along with the atmosphere in line 310, and the water in line 302 is directed through a nozzle 306. The water flow to the nozzle 306 can be enhanced by recirculating liquid from the line 304. The effluent from the top of the pretreatment column in line 314 is passed to oxidation reactor 334, which also receives oxygen at line 330 and nitrogen at line 328. The container containing the reactor 334 was equipped with an electric heater 332, and quench water was led to the quench portion of a container 333 in line 32 4. Water or air / water mixture is injected at the nozzle 322 from the line 320 to the quench portion of the container 333. If desired, it can be enhanced by recirculating liquid from the line 318. The Central Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs only works with consumer cooperatives. :, · II-II-i IIHI II-I In — ^ ϋ (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) The scrubber 336 discharges the scrubbing gas at line 356, and the washing water flows to line 344, and The processing chemicals 340 pumped by the pump 342 from the container 338 in the line 341 and the pump 342 are connected to the M, and the K forms the washing liquid flowing in the line 346, and is connected with the recirculation fatigue in the pipe medium 348, and the M provides the washing medium. The pout 350 leads to the scrubber 336. The sediment from the bottom of the scrubber flows on the pipe line 304 to the waste water heat exchanger 352, and is exchanged with the hydrothermal heat exchanger in the line 354. Fig. 6 is a schematic flow chart of the processing system of the phase IW exemplified in the flow chart shown in _9, showing a modification according to another aspect of the present invention. In this case, the 6-cargo example, the scrubber 4 0 discharges the effluent from the top of the washing tower at line 4 2 and the paper size of the pipeline applies the Chinese national standard (CNS > Λ4 specification (210X297 mm) 31 5 、 Explanation of the invention (29) Α7 Β7 The bottom deposit is printed 404 by the Consumers' Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Consumers. A part of the bottom deposit can be recirculated in line 408, and the heat exchanger 414 The cooling water in line 410 is used for heat exchange, and it is used as a composition for washing liquid for hips, which is guided by pipe medium 430, and is used in heat exchanger 416 by cooling water flowing through lines 412 and 418 of main line 41 °. The washing liquid produced by the heat-exchanged water ° is additionally added from the container 420 and pumped from the line 42 4 to the line 428 by the pump 426, and is connected with the washing liquid from the line 430, and is transferred to the scrubber 400 at the line 406. The liquid treatment chemicals 422 on the nozzle are enhanced by M. Figures 7, 8 and 9 are separate schematic flow diagrams according to other aspects of the present invention. In Figure 7, steam or water in line 442 together with line 440 / Nitrogen mixture pre-M directed to pretreatment column 4 38. The vapor is in contact with the liquid from line 446, and M produces an overhead effluent that passes to line 443 to the oxidation reactor 450. The reactor receives oxygen at line 454 and nitrogen at line 452. The container containing reactor 450 The lower part is a quenching section that receives the recirculated quenching liquid in line 448, together with the air in the pipe medium 458 and the water in the line 456, and is used to guide the nozzle in the quenching section 460. The condenser 464 series The pre-configuration is as previously described, and it receives the washing liquid from the recirculation line 472 at line 478 from the bottom sediment of the pretreatment column at line 46δ, and the bottom sediment of the scrubber is merged with it as shown in line 470. The recirculated liquid in line 472 can be heat-exchanged in the heat exchanger 472 by the cooling water in the pipe medium 476. The washing liquid in line 478 can be enhanced by adding a chemical liquid from line 494 to it. For this purpose The chemical liquid is like the water that is led to the mixing container 4 8 0 9 in line 482 and the dry chemistry that is led to the container 4 8 0 in line 4 8 4 (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). Be applicable National Standard (CNS > Α4 Specification (2Ϊ〇 × 297mm) '32-Printed by the Central Standard Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Printed by the Military Industry Consumer Cooperatives ^ 842842 A7 B7 V. Description of the Invention (30) Product made. Or else, or otherwise The liquid chemical in the container 486 can be pumped to the line 49 2 by the pump 490 at the line 48 8, and the liquid chemical can be diluted therein with the water guided by the line. K this way. As shown in FIG. 7 The system is suitable for the intended end-use application of the treatment system of the present invention, and wet or dry chemical additions to wash tired bodies can be used as necessary or desired. In Figure δ, the exhaust gas stream is directed to the pretreatment column 500 in line 498 along with water or a water / nitrogen mixture at line 496 to M. A portion of this fluid can be transferred to Ji (transform, merge with the recirculated liquid from line 506, and pass to the nozzle in the pretreatment vessel. At the pretreatment column 500, the exhaust gas stream contacts the liquid to produce The effluent from the top of the column is passed to the reactor 5 1 0 in line 5 0. The reactor receives oxygen in line 5 1 6 and nitrogen in line 518. The lower part of the vessel containing the reactor 450 is the quench zone in line 5 08 The section recycles the quench liquid and receives water at lines 512 and 514. The scrubber 520 is constructed as previously described and is subjected to washing after line 540 has heat exchanged with its cooling water in heat exchanger 538 and line 530 Liquid. The sediment at the bottom of the scrubber is merged with the sediment at the bottom of the pretreatment column from line 526 at line 524, and the combined stream can be passed at line 529 to the effluent waste liquid treatment or other treatment, and the combined bottom sediment A portion of the liquid is recirculated at line 506. The effluent from the top of the scrubbing exhaust gas is discharged from the scrubber at line 5 2 2. In Figure 9, the exhaust gas flow is at line 5 46 along with water or water in line 544. / Nitrogen temperature compounds To the pretreatment column 542, the exhaust gas stream is in contact with the liquid from the line 548, so that the effluent at the top of the tower is generated at the line 550 and transmitted to the reactor. The paper size is applicable to Chinese national standards (CNS > A4 size (210 × 297 mm) ) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) -33-442842 A7 B7 1 ~ ~ — —. ____ 5. Description of the invention (3t) reactor 560. The reactor receives oxygen at line 562 and nitrogen at line 564 The lower part of the container containing the reactor 560 is a quenching section that receives the recirculated quenching solution in line 558, together with the air in line 5 56 and the water in line 554. The nozzles are drawn in. The scrubber 556 is constructed as described previously and accepts the washing liquid from the bottom of the pretreatment column at line 552 from the recirculation line 560, and at line 552, and the sediment at the bottom of the scrubber is shown in the figure. The line 558 is merged with it. The recirculated liquid in the pipe medium 560 can be heat exchanged by the cooling water in line 568 in the heat exchanger 564. A part of the cooling water in the line 568 is drawn out in line 57 and transmitted To heat exchanger 580, for heat exchange with the water guided by line 572. Under the action of pump 578, chemical additives can be added from line 576 to storage tank 574, and the washing water in line 572 is enhanced for subsequent exchange with water from line 560. The recirculated liquids are combined, such as mixed with the chemical / water solution at line 582, and then led to the pout at the upper end of the scrubber 556. Therefore, a washout of the exhaust air stream is performed. The generated effluent from the top of the wash tower is at line 5 6 2 Discharge of scrubbers. Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Labor and Labor, 1HH n —Bn Λ ^^^^ 1 i ^ l— n ^ i-. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this (Page) FIG. 10 is a schematic diagram of an exhaust gas treatment system according to another embodiment of the present invention. A pretreatment unit, an oxidation unit, and a scrubber are used, wherein the scrubber and the oxidation unit are passed through a quenching chamber. coupling. The upstream processing unit 602 discharges exhaust gas at line 604, which enters the inlet 606 of the exhaust gas processing system. The inlet 606 is joined for gas flow communication with an inner tubular member 608 having an open discharge end 610. The tubular member 608 is concentrically disposed on the outer tubular member 618, and an internal 瓌 -shaped 〆fi volume 612 is raised therebetween. The outer tubular member 618 is provided with a tubular extension 622 bounded by the paper size applicable to the national standard (0 Yang) steam 4 specifications (2) 0 > < 297 mm) 1 3 4 _ 442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (32) The gas inlet 620 is set, and the gas from the supply container 624 flows appropriately to the tubular extension 6 2 2 in the pipeline 6 2 6. The gas flows through the inner annular volume 612 between the inner and outer tubular members, so that the exhaust gas discharged from the open discharge end 610 of the inner tubular member is shielded from the gas supplied from the gas supply 6 24. For the purpose of modulating the gas flow from the gas supply 624, the line 626 may include a flow control valve or other flow control device for completing a predetermined gas flow rate to the tubular extension 622. Outside the population structure, the tubular member 618 has a diagonal cut-out discharge end 630, which is arranged such that the largest length peripheral portion of the outer cylindrical member 618 is above the smallest length peripheral portion of the tubular member. In this way, the maximum length of the perimeter is used as an "extended" structure to allow the exhaust gas flow to develop and be shielded from the protective gas from the gas supply 6 2 4. This protected exhaust gas flow is not in the pretreatment tower. 63 4 Premature contact with falling liquid 632. The pretreatment tower 634 is constructed as shown in the figure, and has a sump storage tank 636 for collecting and discharging the washing liquid from the tower in a duct 638. The tower is constructed with an upper portion 640, which is provided with a spray nozzle 642, which feeds the pre-supply from the liquid supply 646 from the conduit 644 and the line 648 coupled to the conduit 644. ^-^ 1 ^-^ 1 ^^^ 1-- i ^ i —I ικ---^^^ 1 ^^^ 1 ^^^ 1 i ^ n I -.- \ r {Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Military Engineer, Central Standards Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs Consumer Cooperative Co., Ltd. ^ install other or valve control flow. Shi 34 contains Γ 1 tower package to 8 moving 64 streamline pipe fluid. Dishwashing liquid pre-washing and changing facilities rm-The management department swims up here since the Ministry of _1 liquid "County 63 washing tower pre-entry into the structure of the discharge structure α into the pass I 0 bow break the lake gas out tl · . 0 part of the acidic body gas and grains to remove the mouth, clean the spray before being touched because of this flow and back to the air and out of the side by side of the tablets, and then the utensils are misted to remove the mixed body Ventilation out of the exhaustion 0 except 63 and the tower 'after passing through the water to remove the exhaustion to remove its discharge from the polyester W washing 2 pre 65 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210X 297 mm)- 35 Μ Drop Department Central Standards Bureau κ K Eliminated by the Bamboo Society $ 442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (H) At the catheter 65 4 is transmitted to the population unit 666, and the catheter 654 is in contrast to a larger concentric catheter 668 Concentrically arranged, it communicates with the enclosed space 670 receiving the shielding gas from the gas source 672 through the line 674. The outer conduit 6 6 S is externally enclosed by a closed space 6 7 6 which receives the oxidant medium. Such as air or other oxidant gas supplied from the oxidant medium connected to the closed space 676 via the pipe line 680 supplies 67 8. Lines 674 and 680 may include flow control valves or other flow control devices for modulating the flow of the respective gases. With this inlet structure 666, the effluent flows into the human duct 654, is protected from nitrogen or other inert gases from the supply source 672, and the effluent is directed to the oxidizer unit 6 8 2. The oxidizer medium is from the enclosed space 6 7 6 Obtained from supply source 6 7 8. The oxidation unit 682 may be a multi-zone oxidation reaction chamber, and the gas flow channel 6S4 defines a gas flow path 686 therein and is externally connected by the heater 6U. The heater 68δ may be an electric heating unit, or include any other suitable heating device, so that the gas in the gas flow path 686 is heated to an appropriate high temperature to complete the oxidation of the oxidizable component in the gas flow. The oxidized exhaust gas stream is then passed to a leaking weir gas / liquid interface structure 690 at conduit 684 as explained in more detail below. The roll-over weir gas / liquid interface structure receives liquid from the tired source 692 via a liquid feed line 6 9 4. The leaky weir gas / liquid interface protects the lower wall ducts 684 near the quench chamber 69S, so that these inner wall surface ducts 684 are isolated from the thermally aggressive reaction products in the exhaust gas stream processed by the oxidation unit 682. At the same time, the leaky weir gas / liquid interface structure provides a falling water film on these inner wall surfaces of the duct 684 under the interface structure 690 to prevent the particles M from being trapped and accumulating and agglomerating on the inner wall surface of the duct 684. _ This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 × 297 mm) ~~ (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page), va -36--442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (34 in Quenching chamber 696, quenching air flows from quenching air supply source 698 through line 700 to the quenching chamber, while quenching water flows from water supply source 702 through line 704 to mixing chamber 706, and the generated air / water flow from it In the quenching chamber 696, the nozzle 70S is discharged, and K completes the cooling of the quenching exhaust gas stream. The quenched exhaust gas then flows into the scrubber unit 710, from its lower portion 712 to its upper portion 714, through the packing bed 716 and the demister The gasket 71δ, M generates a treated exhaust gas stream. It is discharged from the scrubber unit at the top of the tower effluent duct 720 under the action of the exhauster 722, and is finally discharged from the exhaust treatment system at the exhaust line 724. The scrubber unit There is a spray nozzle 7 2 6 on 7 1 0, and the feeding medium 7 2 8 is supplied with the washing medium from the supply tank 7 3 0. The washing medium may be water or other aqueous medium, and optionally includes a chemical auxiliary adjuvant for enhanced washing The washing performance of the filter unit. Printed by the Central Government Procurement Bureau only for consumer cooperatives (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page). The quenching chamber has a sink section 750 for collecting quenching tired bodies and washing liquid. The conduit 752 flows to the tank 754, which also receives the bottom sediment liquid from the pretreatment unit in line 638. Such "bottom sediment liquid" from the processing unit in the effluent treatment system may be borrowed, for example, from the treatment tank 756 Add the appropriate acid or basic reaction_M treatment in tank 754, there are ports 753,760 and 762 for this purpose, so that one or more treatment chemicals can be added, after which the last treated liquid can be discharged in the discharge duct 7 6 4 It is discharged from the system. Fig. 11 is a schematic diagram of a processing system according to another embodiment of the present invention, which is shown as being arranged in a box 800. The exhaust air treatment system of circle 1 1 is characterized by an exhaust air inlet guide This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (ZlOX297 mm) 37 442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (3¾ tube 802 accepts the effluent from the effluent feed pipe medium 804. From an upstream processing unit 80 6, such as semiconductor manufacturing facilities to transport exhaust air. The inlet tube 802 is in communication with a gas cover structure 810, which contains a cylindrical tube S12, and a population 814 receives gas from the reserve 816 on the pipeline 81S. The wall 812 and the interior are breathable The wall 820 defines an internal annular volume 822, from which the gas from the storage tank 316 is directed to flow through the breathable wall 820 and covers the exhaust gas flow guided by the population duct 802. The exhaust gas flow then flows down through The first branch 824 of the pre-processing unit 826. The first branch 824 of the pretreatment unit is provided with a spray nozzle 828 connected to a feed duct 830, which is coupled to a suitable source of air and water (not shown). In this way, the downward exhaust gas flow comes into contact with the air / water jet, M pre-treats the gas and reduces its acidity, and M and entrains the particulates from the exhaust gas stream guided by the aqueous phase from the nozzle 828. The generated fatigue body is then collected in the U-shaped portion 832 under the pretreatment unit, and flows through the pipe 834 to the water collecting tank 836 (which is explained more fully below) through the manifold pipe 842 and the water collecting tank 840 of the scrubber unit. . . Disaster printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative of Central Standard Soap Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) The exhaust air flows in the first branch of the pretreatment unit and comes in contact with air / 7K spray, and then flows upward through this unit The second branch 844, in which the exhaust air stream is in counter-current contact with a spray of falling water from a nozzle 84, which is coupled to a suitable source (not shown) of a liquid such as water or other washing medium via a conduit 848. From the pre-treatment unit 826, the pre-treatment exhaust gas is transmitted to the thermal oxidation unit 852 in the duct 850, and includes an exhaust gas flow pipe 854. The exhaust gas flows through its internal volume 856 and is heated to a sufficient temperature to oxidize and destroy the harmfulness of the air flow. Oxidizable component. The oxidizing exhaust gas stream is then explained more fully below, and the self-thermal oxidation unit 8 5 2 discharges to the leaking weir gas / liquid. The paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X 297 Gongchu) -38-442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (Interface structure 860, exhaust air flow and then flow in the duct 862, which constitutes a quenching chamber equipped with an inlet 864 for guiding quenching medium, such as water or air / water spray to washing Tower 870. The washing tower has a lower portion 872 including a bottom sediment storage tank 874, which discharges the accumulated liquid through a discharge pipe 876 to a water collecting tank 840, and the liquid can be discharged to K through the manifold 842 and the coupling discharge pipe. The tower 870 is provided with a scrubber medium spray nozzle 878 on the upper part thereof, which is coupled to a suitable source of the washing medium (not shown) via the feeding duct S80, which may contain water or other aqueous or washing media. The washing tower suitably contains Nozzle 878—a decanter or other liquid removal device (not shown) for reducing the moisture or liquid content of the scrubbing gas. The scrubbing gas rises to the upper end 890 of the scrubbing tower and is discharged through the effluent duct 892 at the top of the tower. Treatment line 8 9 4 is discharged outside the system box 800. With the configuration shown in Figure 11, the exhaust gas stream is subjected to a two-state washing process upstream of the thermal gasifier unit, and then washed downstream with the exhaust gas stream discharged from the thermal oxidation unit. The thermal oxidizer unit can be of any suitable type, for example, to provide an elevated temperature treatment of the exhaust airflow at a temperature of 200 (TF or higher). The Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Consumers only works with consumers and cooperation. Du Yinlai {Read First Read Back Note 1) Please fill in this page again.) Provide a gasification unit and pre-treatment (ie, pre-oxidation) washing and post-oxidation washing military unit in a single unit box, then provide a lightweight device shape, with a small footprint to adapt The exhaust air treatment strip is conveniently arranged in a semiconductor manufacturing or other processing facility, in which the exhaust air flow processed by the present invention is located. As mentioned, the washing unit in the exhaust air flow treatment system of the present invention may be other 1 Or dry scrubber or other processing unit for self-exhaust airflow. The paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (2; 0X297mm) ~ -39-442 842 A7 B7 V. Explanation of the invention (37) Remove particulates and acidic components, M and other soluble or otherwise washed and removed components. Management and Processing You 90 On-line 1 The tube is free from reason, and the photos are shown as a channel 2- Figure 1 shows the system of entering the box, entering the body, and exiting kur0. The order of jt is located in the inner part, and the internal line is managed by the principle of the subsequent flow. The given order is 05, and the order is removed in the order. The solidified gas from the fluidized gas is discharged to the dynamic supply and removal of the exhaust emblem, to go to the 11th situation: s 化 part of the ai tube Η group S & after ® 0 0 ^ ^ Ψ ΐ gas ^ for the flow of gas out of kl · 0 The composition of oxygen can be hopelessly 91 or the wire damage tube has been cleaned up to 9 points after the current flow gasification is the final line. The cleaning and cleaning of the gas producing part of the MU body-drive the body or the current, push the original machine 21J, 9 and β device, and move the machine like a wheel body. 'The original wind of the exhaust fan is in the same place as it is, bh 0 0 The main pump is installed ^ — ^ 1 ^^^ 1 ^^^ 1 ^^^ 1 ^^^ 1 I ( Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page.) The air extractor can be placed in tt, 0. If the package is included, it can be integrated. However, the cold product out of the JF treatment-cleaning and gas cleaning effect makes it possible, 7 hot 91 latent element of the gas scrubber cleaning and cleaning row to take the supply, after ¾ degree, the temperature is appropriately adapted g_ 部 部 中心 标芈 扃 Only workers' cooperatives printed in Yuandan remove particles and fractions of acidic hydrogen fluoride for supply. Including all the aptamers can be treated at 05 places \ ly The pre-set group removes this by using the special holes to enter the most-3 more. Use C or Yuanzi to make S ^ ^ Management 丨 of the Note ® Li: ls 5¾ / Step by step in every aspect of the system — 糸 结构 @ ΐ ® Face out, row of things' /! 出 干 _ / tiw Yuandanli b / ir oxygen installation
濕在 用 使 使以 當 , 適 可 P 面 介 型 h 氧 為 作 器 換 交 熱 管 及或出 骰置讲 外裝使 一 熱 Μ 含加 包當 可適 3 I 1 何 %1? 任 用 利 可 其 虽 通 射 幅 用 採 可 面 側 殺 器 換度 交3β 熱 .Ϊ Ϊ當 , 適 如 至 例熱 ο 加 法 體 方 氣 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標率(CNS ) Λ4規格(210Χ 297公釐) -40 - 4 4284 2 A7 B7 五、發明説明(3S) 置 裝 換 交 熱 有 括 ο 份 J 組7ql 化91 氧元 可單 之滌 首 效 之 ίι 理 處 滌 洗 強 加 中洗及 其化结 化氧凝 氧後制 供限 以洗 體之 氣統 卻 糸 冷理 供處 物 出 Η» 在 用 利 腌 實 柱 器 桶 洗 在 可 作 操 滌 頂 塔 之 柱 供 提 可 〇 水 之 中 流 氣 出 排空 滌 -洗¾ 走作 帶積 止容 防部 網内 霧物 除出 1 流 體 固 粒 微 除 去 流 氣 出 tr 8 強 加 供 積 容 採 -可等 統碳 系 化 ,氟 改全 修 , 1 烴 另氟 之氛 統含 系收 理回 處 供 流7, 氣92 出元 排單 之收 明回 發 碳 本化 為鹵 作一 用 麵濟部中央標準局努工消贽合作社印取 此種氛/碳氟化合物回收翬元 (CRU)可予Μ構造及操作如 Glenn M, Ton等人,1995年2月27日之待決美國専利申請案 08/395 , 162號, "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONCENTRATION AND RECOVERY OF HALOCARBONS FROM EFFLUENT GAS STREAMS' 及 Glenn M.Ton等人,1995年 6月 7日之美國專利申請案08/474, 517號,” PROCESS 卩OR REMOVEING AND RECOVERING HALOCARBONS FROM EFFLUEKT PROCESS STREAMS”中所揭示,其揭示經予全部參考併入本 案。鹵化碳回收單元927因此可在處理簞元905之氣流洗滌 或其他預氧化處理後,在管線925接受來自管線911之排出 氣堪。回收之鹵化碳然後在管線929自CRD單元927排放,並 珂依希望予K再循環或否則利用。作為另一替代性莨施例 ,鹵化碳可在排出氣流氧化處理之下游予Μ回收。 氧化處理單元913可如指出,包含一熱交換器.並且此種 熱交換器可如M a r k R . Η 〇 i s t等人名義1 9 9 6年2月1 5日所提 出之美國専利申請案08/6 0 2 , 1 3 4號. ” p〇 ΙΝΐ-ΟΡ-liSE 本紙張尺度通用中國國家標準(〇阳>厶4規梢^(210父297公釐) ~ ' ' -41 - — -^^1 - 1 ^^1 —^1 ^^1 L Αΰΐ. I -- I 1^1 (讀先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 442842 A 7 B7 經泸部中央標隼局兵工消费合作社印絮 五、發明説明(33) CATALYTIC OXIDATION APPARATUS AND METHOD OF TREATMENT OF VOC-COHTAINIHG GAS STREAMS”中所更完全 說明,在其熱轉移通道利用熱轉移加強插片,其揭示經予全 部參考併入本案。 作為圖12中所略示之排出氣體處理系統之另一修改,如 果希望破壞而非回收全氟化碳,來自躱冷單元923之飽和水 /廢氣流可在管線931予以再循環至入口氧化簞元之913,Μ 提供一低成本氫來源供氧化全氟化碳。 預氧化翬元905可包含一預洗滌器,化學品可予Μ引導至 此預洗滌器,Μ改變予以洗滌之材料之特徴,例如,添加氨 至六氟化鎢排出物,Μ產生鋳酸銨。鎢酸銨具有良好之可 溶性特激供其之洗滌去除。 氧化單元91 3可包含一運送管反應器,Κ在fc步驟消除反 懕物/產物固體之壁積聚。 驟冷單元923可利用霧化噴嘴,其採用例如水及空氣或其 他氣體之多数流體輸入,以減低驟冷單元體積。此種驟冷 單元可代之為包含ϋ化裝置,諸如超聲波噴嘴,噴霧器,或 石油1唄嘴,Κ完成驟冷操作。 氧化單元9 1 3可利用電熱氧化,或可否則通過以火焰為基 礎之氧化,以及藉任何其他適當氧化設備及方法影響氧化 。 以火焰為基礎之氧化單元可利用任何適當燃料,例如甲 烷.丙烷,氫,丁烷等,並且在氣化單元所採用之氧化媒質. 通常可包含空氣,氧,富含氧空氣,戎任何其他含氣媒質。 在此處埋步驟之廣義實施範圍Κ内,氧化單元也可包含一 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本页)Wet in use, use the appropriate, skoko P interface type h oxygen as a device to change the heat pipe and / or put the dice to make a hot M with an extra bag when applicable 3 I 1 what% 1? Although it can transmit 3β heat by using a side-face killer, it can be used for the radiation. Ϊ Ϊ, appropriate to the normal heat ο addition body style This paper scale applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210 × 297 mm) ) -40-4 4284 2 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (3S) The installation and exchange of heat include ο part J group 7ql chemistry 91 The first effect of oxygen can be cleaned, and the washing is forced to force the washing and chemical conversion. After condensing oxygen and condensing oxygen, the supply system is limited to washing the body, but the cold supply is provided. »Wash in a barrel with a pickled solid column in the water that can be used as a column in the top of the tower. Gas flow out, emptying, washing-washing, ¾ removal of mist in the network of the capacity-capacity-prevention ministry network, 1 fluid solid particles, micro-removal of gas flow, tr 8 imposed for volume-capacity mining-can be uniform carbon system, fluorine repair and full repair, 1 Hydrocarbon and fluorine are contained in the system and are returned to the supply stream. 7, gas 92 yuan The receipt of the list will return the carbon to halogen for one use. The Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Nonggong Consumer Cooperative printed this type of atmosphere / fluorocarbon recovery unit (CRU). It can be constructed and operated by M such as Glenn M. , Ton et al., Pending U.S. patent applications 08/395, 162, February 27, 1995, " METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONCENTRATION AND RECOVERY OF HALOCARBONS FROM EFFLUENT GAS STREAMS 'and Glenn M. Ton et al., 1995 U.S. Patent Application No. 08/474, 517 dated June 7, 2014, "PROCESS 卩 OR REMOVEING AND RECOVERING HALOCARBONS FROM EFFLUEKT PROCESS STREAMS", the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The halogenated carbon recovery unit 927 can therefore receive the exhaust gas from the line 911 at the line 925 after the gas stream washing of the processing unit 905 or other pre-oxidation treatment. The recovered carbon halide is then discharged from the CRD unit 927 in line 929, and Keyi wishes to recycle or otherwise utilize K. As another alternative embodiment, the halogenated carbon can be recovered downstream of the exhaust gas stream oxidation treatment. The oxidation treatment unit 913 may, as indicated, include a heat exchanger, and such a heat exchanger may be in the name of Mark R. istist et al. / 6 0 2, 1 3 4 No. ”p〇ΙΝΐ-ΟΡ-liSE This paper standard is common Chinese national standard (〇 阳 > 厶 4 gauge ^ (210 father 297 mm) ~ '--41--- ^^ 1-1 ^^ 1 — ^ 1 ^^ 1 L Αΰΐ. I-I 1 ^ 1 (Read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) 442842 A 7 B7 Military Department Central Ministry of Standards and Technology Consumption Cooperative Newsletter V. Invention Description (33) CATALYTIC OXIDATION APPARATUS AND METHOD OF TREATMENT OF VOC-COHTAINIHG GAS STREAMS "is more fully explained in its heat transfer channel using thermal transfer to strengthen the inserts, and its disclosure is fully referenced and referred to As another modification of the exhaust gas treatment system shown in Figure 12, if it is desired to destroy rather than recover the perfluorocarbon, the saturated water / exhaust gas stream from the grate cooling unit 923 can be recycled to line 931 to The 913, M inlet oxidized tritium provides a low-cost source of hydrogen for the oxidation of perfluorocarbons. 905 may include a pre-washer. Chemicals can be directed to this pre-washer. M changes the characteristics of the material to be washed, for example, by adding ammonia to the tungsten hexafluoride effluent, M produces ammonium phosphonate. Ammonium tungstate has Good soluble special stimulus for its washing and removal. Oxidation unit 91 3 may include a transport tube reactor, K in fc step to eliminate the accumulation of reaction products / product solids. Quench unit 923 can use atomizing nozzle, which uses Most fluids, such as water and air or other gases, are input to reduce the volume of the quench unit. This quench unit may instead include a quenching device such as an ultrasonic nozzle, a sprayer, or a petroleum nozzle, and K completes the quench operation. The oxidizing unit 9 1 3 can be electro-oxidized, or it can otherwise be affected by flame-based oxidation and by any other suitable oxidizing equipment and methods. The flame-based oxidizing unit can utilize any suitable fuel, such as methane. Propane, hydrogen, butane, etc., and the oxidizing medium used in the gasification unit. Usually can include air, oxygen, oxygen-enriched air, and any other gas containing Quality. In Κ step within the broad scope of underground here, the oxidation unit may also comprise a (Read Notes on the back and then fill the page)
•1T 紙張尺度適用十國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(21CTX297公釐) 4 2 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(40) 流體化床熱氧化器單元。 如曾述及,預氧化處理單元9 0 5及後氧化處理單元9 1 7可 包含任何適當型式之洗滌器,濕及乾洗滌器,Μ及任何其他 適當預氧化及後氧化處理装置。 因此將會看出,本發明之排出氣流處理条統適合Μ各種 成份處理組件構形予Μ體現,並且此處理單元可予Μ軽巧 體現於一單元式箱或外殼,供使用在一處理設施,諸如半導 體製造工廠。 通常,本發明之處理系統擬想使用氣體/液體及氣髎/氣 體介面结構,供以一氣體或液體外接層或護套”罩蓋”排出 氣流。可能希望此棰防護排出氣流,Μ例如保護氣體流動 通道之包容壁,Κ防無此種氣流防護時將會發生之固體積 聚及沉積,Κ及夾帶,特別是在防護液體薄膜,來自氣流之 有害驵份之徽粒及可溶化之情形。 因之,介面结構之例證性型式在下文予以說明.表示此途 徑之特定结構特色及實施例。 經濟部中央標羋局员工消费合作社印來 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 圖13為一根據本發明例證性實施例之防堵塞人口结構之 示意圖。 人口结構在函13中示為可連接至處理管道,供耦合入口 結構,有一氣流源予以引専至此入口結構。此上游管道可 為Μ習知方式予以適當熱追蹤,如圖所示自上游氣流源,例 如一半導體製造工具,至在入口結構之入口凸緣。此熱追 蹤之目的為在管道增加足夠能量至氣流.Μ防止此氣流之 組份在入口结構凝結或昇-華。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X 297公釐) 43 A42B42 A7 B7 五、發明説明(41.) 圖13中所示之入口结構1060包含一入口區段1007,包括 一人口凸緣1016。人口凸緣與上環吠區段1008之凸緣1013 可配合式貼合,其在其上端終止在此凸緣。入口區段可與 —上游含微粒固體及/或微粒固體形成流產生設施1090耦 合,例如作為一半導體製造工具。 環狀區段1008包含一内多孔壁1006,其為在特性上可透 氣之適當孔隙度,及一外固體壁1009在其間界定一環狀内 部容積1020。 内多孔壁1006之内表面因此在上環狀區段 1008限定流動通道1066。外固體壁1009在其上及下端相對 於内壁1006藉端壁1040及1042予以包封,Μ包封環狀内部 容積。 外壁1009設有一氣體人口 1022, —氣體進給管線 1024予以接合至此氣體人口。氣體進給管線1024在其外端 連接至一氣體來源1004。一止回閥101 4配置在氣體進給管 線1024, W適應氣體流入環狀内部容積1020。 進給管線 1 0 2 4也可設有其他流動控制装置(未示),供在系統操作時, 自來源4 Μ希望之量及在一希望之流動速率,選擇性進給氣 體至環狀内部容積1020内。 經濟部中央標準局只工消贤合作社印狀 ^—^1 ^^^^1 - - - - 111 m ^^^^1 I n·—* 一 ' (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 可包括一供加熱氣體進給管線1024之裝置,Μ升高透氣 多孔壁1006之溫度。供加熱氣體進給管線1024之装置可包 括一電砠加熱器,流追蹤管编,加熱外套,或精於此項技藝 者所知,並可用於轉移熱能量至氣體進給管線1024之内部 通道之任何其他加熱糸妩,Μ增加氣體之溫度。供例示目 的.在圖13實施例所採用之加熱裝置係由加熱線圈1023所 構成。 一熱外套也可與加熱装置合作,以升高氣體管線 本紙乐尺度適3中國國家樣準(CNS ) Α4^格(210X297公釐) -44- 4428^2 Α7 87 經濟部中央桴準局货工消费合作社印製 五、發明説明(42) 1 02 4之内部溫I。 上環狀區段1 0 08也可設有一任遘之高壓氣體注射口 1050 ,復接合至高壓氣體供給源1005,高壓氣體進給管線1052接 合至此氣體注射口 1050。氣體進給管線示為在其中有一流 動控制閥1051,其可予Μ接合至流動控制裝置(未示),供根 據預定之順序操作流動控制閥1051。 高壓氣體進姶管媒 1052可代之為相對於高壓氣體注射口 1050配置成任何適當 角度,例如成一斜向角度。 如果固體積聚發生在可透氣壁之内壁表面,儘管在管線 1024引導至環狀内部容積1020之較低壓力氣體之固定通量 (或”流過’’),任選之高壓氣體注射口 1050及高壓氣體進給 管線1 052也具有優點。可包括一供加熱高壓氣體進給管線 1 052之装置,Μ升高氣體之溫度。 供加熱氣體進給管線 1052之裝置可包括一電阻加熱器,流追蹤管線,加熱外套, 或精於此項技藝者所知,並可用於轉移熱能量至氣體進給 f線1052之内部通道之任何其他加熱系統,以增加氣體之 溫度。供例示之目的,画13實施例中所採用之加熱裝置係 藉加熱線圈1 0 5 4所構成。一熱外套也可與加熱装置合作, K升高氣體管線1 052之内部溫度。 上環狀區段1008在其下端终止在一凸緣1026,其配合及 貼e下環狀區段1030之凸緣1028。凸緣1026及1028可藉提 供一密封装置,諸如圖13中所示之0 -形環1010予Μ密封。 下環狀區段1030包括一外壁1012,在凸緣1028终止在其 上端。外壁為一外套構件,其在其下端藉端壁1044接合至 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐) -4 5 — ^^1 I - —^^1 ^^^1 1--1- ml n^i I ——r (請先聞讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 4 42842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(43) 内堰壁1011, K在外壁1012與内堰壁1011之間形成一環狀 内部容攢1032。 内堰壁1011如圖所示垂直向上延伸,但终 止在一上端1046與上環狀區段1008之内多孔壁1006之下端 成間開關偽,Μ便其間形成一間隙1036,界定一供下環狀區 段1 〇 3 0之溢流堰。 下環狀區段1030之外壁1012設有一水入口 1048, —接合 至水供給1003之水進給管線1080可接合至此人口,其中有 液體流動控制閥1081可與其他潦動控制装置操作耦合,供 保持液體至下環狀區段1030之希望流動速率◊水入口 1048 可予以在徑向或在切向固接至下環狀區段1030。一較佳實 施例將水入口 1 048置為在切向固接至下環狀區段1030 ,因 而引導至下環狀區段之水動虽射滾不導向固定壁,而是在 下環狀區段設定上溢流水之切囪旋流,藉Μ使其本身消散 0 切向水引導然後如動量干擾至水薄膜之頂部高度時,使 溢流過下環狀區段之水薄膜之水準最佳。 經^‘部中央榡苹局負工消贫合作社印^ —延伸氣流傳送管1070可用Μ在入口结構之特定位置引 導含微粒固體及/或微粒成肜固體氣流,傳送管i 0 7 0予以耦 +合.為與上游來源1 090成氣體流動接受關係,並且導引氣流 及將其排出至一在内部氣體流動通道1066内之適當位置, 以使在入口结構内最少形成固體。傳送管1070被外固體壁 1 009所外接,入口 1〇〇7修改為適應傳送管1 07 0。 傳送管 1070可予以加熱,以反抗流動通過管1070之氣流之凝结。 在圖13中所示之入口结構,管1070被内多孔壁1006所外 _声壁1006同軸。傳送管1070之外表面及多孔壁 本紙張尺度過财國ϋ雜率(CNS) Λ4規格(21[)χ 297公釐) 4 6 - ---------I / II (讀先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經消部中央標準局只X,消费合竹社印裝 A7 B7五、發明説明(44) 1006之内表面在其間界定一環狀容積。氣體傳送管1070包 括一第一端1072,與氣流來源1090耦合成氣體流動接受關 係,及一第二端1074排出氣體流動通道1066内之氣體流。 第二端1074可將包含於上環狀區段1008内或包含於下環狀 區段1030内之氣體流動通道1066中氣流排出。在圖示之實 施例,管1070在一約在堰壁上端1046下面二分之一吋之點 將氣流排出,不過依氣流,處理使用,及狀況而定.管1070 可延伸更低於堰壁上端1 046,或可終止在堰壁上端1 0 46上 面。 傳送管1070可例如Μ約二分之一至四吋内直徑之不锈_ 構造而成。精於此項技藝者將會認知,管1070可Κ各種材 科,各種大小,各種剖面,及各種構肜構成。傳送管1 0 70相 對於多孔壁10 06及溢流堰1011置位所造成之共環狀流動型 ,用Μ在處理氣體出口傳送管及進入部位66時,使處理氣體 與來自溢流堰10 11之水蒸汽之混合最小。因此使退出傳送 管1 0 7 0之處理氣體與來自溢流堰1 0 11之水蒸汽間之成形固 體反懕顯著為最小,直到致使溢流堰1 0 1 1之作用可沖洗進 入下游消除裝置之任何固體之足夠下游點。 為確定在本發明之範圍以内,既定入口設計之抗堵塞效 率 , 一種適當之評定技術為在三氯矽烷之流動速率 l-5Slpm,在氮載體氣體之平均流動速率,在若干分鐘後監 視特定人口结構之固體累積量及位置,以確定設計之適合 性及任何入口結構參數變化之效應。可能希望較畏之觀察 期間,以監視固體增長之性質。依氣體流,處理使用,及狀 用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 一 4 7 一 442842 經消部中央標卑局貝工消费合作社印5;1 A7 B7五、發明説明(45) 況而定,其也可能有利於在氣體傳送管及在氣體傳送管外 部與多孔壁内部間之環狀區段保持層狀軸向氣流流動,Μ 保證適當之罩蓋排出流及入口之包容堊。 傳送管1 0 7 0也可予Κ加熱,Κ減少凝结氣體。固體藉流 動通過管之氣體之凝結而形成在管1070之壁上。供加熟管 1070之適當裝置可包括電阻加熱器,流追蹤管線,加熱外套 等,此種加熱系統予Μ構造及設置為供轉移熱能量至傳送 管1070之内部通道,以反抗凝结。供例示目的,加熱装置示 為包含加熱線圈1076。 一熱外套也可與加熱裝置合作,以 使傳送管1 0 7 0之内部溫度升高。一熱外套可用Μ使側壁溫 度升高,Μ防止可凝結處理氣體在管中凝結。 在其下端,下環狀區段1 030可予以適當接合至水洗滌器 1 0 1 3之外殼。水洗滌器可Κ習知方式構成,供進行洗滌消 除處理流之微粒及可溶性驵份。或則,入口结構1 0 6 0可予 Κ耦合至任何其他處理設備,供處置或處理通過入口結構, 自入口端至其排放端之氣體流。 因此,藉入口结構1060提供一氣體流動路徑1066,流人液 氣體可通過其在圖13中在箭頭"1001”所示之方商流動至在 圖1 3中在箭頭Μ 0 0 2 ”所示方向之排放端。 在操作時,含微粒固體之氣體藉一上游來源,諸如一半導 體製造工具(未示),藉適當連接管道予以引導,其如曾在上 文述及,可予以熱追蹦,Κ在入口结構抑制氣流組份之有害 昇華或凝结。流在箭頭” 1 ”所示之流動方向進人入口结構 1060,並通過人口區段1007(或如果安裝,通過傳送管1070) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁)• 1T paper size applies to the ten national standards (CNS) A4 specifications (21CTX297 mm) 4 2 442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (40) Fluidized bed thermal oxidizer unit. As mentioned, the pre-oxidation treatment unit 9 05 and the post-oxidation treatment unit 9 1 7 may include any suitable type of scrubber, wet and dry scrubber, M and any other appropriate pre-oxidation and post-oxidation treatment device. Therefore, it will be seen that the exhaust gas flow treatment system of the present invention is suitable for the configuration of various component processing components to be embodied in M, and the processing unit can be embodied in a unit box or casing for use in a processing facility. , Such as semiconductor manufacturing plants. Generally, the treatment system of the present invention contemplates the use of a gas / liquid and a gas / liquid interface structure to provide a gas or liquid outer layer or sheath "hood" to exhaust airflow. It may be desirable to protect the exhaust airflow, such as the containment wall of the gas flow channel, and K to prevent the accumulation and deposition of solids that would occur without such airflow protection, and K and entrainment, especially in the protection of liquid films, which is harmful from air The portion of the emblem and the dissolving condition. Therefore, the exemplified version of the interface structure is described below. It represents the specific structural features and embodiments of this path. Printed by the Employees' Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page). Figure 13 is a schematic diagram of the anti-blocking population structure according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. The population structure is shown in the letter 13 as being connectable to the processing pipeline for coupling to the inlet structure, to which a source of airflow is directed. This upstream pipe can be appropriately thermally tracked in a conventional manner from M, as shown, from an upstream airflow source, such as a semiconductor manufacturing tool, to the entrance flange at the entrance structure. The purpose of this heat tracing is to add sufficient energy to the airflow in the pipeline to prevent the components of this airflow from condensing or sublimating in the inlet structure. This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) 43 A42B42 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (41.) The entrance structure 1060 shown in FIG. 13 includes an entrance section 1007, including a population projection缘 1016. The population flange fits with the flange 1013 of the upper ring bark section 1008, which terminates at this flange at its upper end. The inlet section may be coupled to upstream particulate-containing solids and / or particulate-solids-forming flow generating facilities 1090, for example, as a semiconductor manufacturing tool. The annular section 1008 includes an inner porous wall 1006, which is an appropriate porosity that is permeable to properties, and an outer solid wall 1009 defining an annular inner volume 1020 therebetween. The inner surface of the inner porous wall 1006 thus defines a flow channel 1066 in the upper annular section 1008. The outer solid wall 1009 is enclosed at its upper and lower ends with respect to the inner wall 1006 by the end walls 1040 and 1042, and M envelopes the annular internal volume. The outer wall 1009 is provided with a gas population 1022, and a gas feed line 1024 is connected to the gas population. A gas feed line 1024 is connected at its outer end to a gas source 1004. A non-return valve 101 4 is arranged on the gas feed pipe line 1024, W to accommodate gas flowing into the annular internal volume 1020. The feed line 1 0 2 4 can also be provided with other flow control devices (not shown) for selectively feeding gas to the interior of the ring from a desired amount of source 4 M and a desired flow rate during system operation. Within the volume of 1020. Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, only a copy of Xiaoxian Cooperative ^ — ^ 1 ^^^^ 1----111 m ^^^^ 1 I n · — * 一 '(Please read the notes on the back before filling in this Page) may include a device for heating gas feed line 1024, which raises the temperature of the breathable porous wall 1006. The device for heating the gas feed line 1024 may include an electric heater, a flow tracking tube braid, a heating jacket, or a person skilled in the art, and may be used to transfer thermal energy to the internal passage of the gas feed line 1024 Any other heating process, M increases the temperature of the gas. For the purpose of illustration. The heating device used in the embodiment of Fig. 13 is composed of a heating coil 1023. A hot jacket can also cooperate with the heating device to raise the gas pipeline. The paper scale is suitable for China National Standards (CNS) Α4 ^ grid (210X297 mm) -44- 4428 ^ 2 Α7 87 Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed by the Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives V. Description of the Invention (42) 1 02 4 Internal temperature I. The upper ring section 1 08 can also be provided with any high-pressure gas injection port 1050, which is connected to the high-pressure gas supply source 1005, and the high-pressure gas feed line 1052 is connected to this gas injection port 1050. The gas feed line is shown with a pilot control valve 1051 therein, which can be coupled to a flow control device (not shown) for operating the flow control valve 1051 in a predetermined sequence. The high-pressure gas inlet pipe medium 1052 may instead be arranged at any suitable angle with respect to the high-pressure gas injection port 1050, for example, at an oblique angle. If solid accumulation occurs on the inner wall surface of the gas-permeable wall, despite the fixed flux (or "flow through") of the lower pressure gas guided in line 1024 to the annular internal volume 1020, the optional high pressure gas injection port 1050 and The high-pressure gas feed line 1 052 also has advantages. It may include a device for heating the high-pressure gas feed line 1 052, which raises the temperature of the gas. The device for heating the gas feed line 1052 may include a resistance heater. Track the pipeline, heat the jacket, or any other heating system known to those skilled in the art and can be used to transfer thermal energy to the internal passage of the gas feed f-line 1052 to increase the temperature of the gas. For illustration purposes, draw The heating device used in the 13th embodiment is constituted by a heating coil 1 0 54. A thermal jacket can also cooperate with the heating device to increase the internal temperature of the gas line 1 052. The upper ring section 1008 is at its lower end Terminating on a flange 1026, it fits and attaches the flange 1028 of the lower ring section 1030. The flanges 1026 and 1028 can be sealed by providing a sealing device such as the 0-ring 1010 shown in FIG. . The ring section 1030 includes an outer wall 1012, which terminates at the upper end at the flange 1028. The outer wall is an outer jacket member that is joined to the paper standard by its end wall 1044 to this paper. The size of the paper is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297). (Centi) -4 5 — ^^ 1 I-— ^^ 1 ^^^ 1 1--1- ml n ^ i I ——r (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) 4 42842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (43) The inner weir wall 1011, K forms a ring-shaped internal container 1032 between the outer wall 1012 and the inner weir wall 1011. The inner weir wall 1011 extends vertically upward as shown in the figure, but terminates at an upper end 1046 It is switched on and off with the lower end of the inner porous wall 1006 in the upper annular section 1008, and M forms a gap 1036 therebetween, defining an overflow weir for the lower annular section 1030. The lower annular section 1030 The outer wall 1012 is provided with a water inlet 1048, a water feed line 1080 connected to the water supply 1003 can be connected to this population, among which a liquid flow control valve 1081 can be operatively coupled with other automatic control devices for maintaining liquid to the lower ring Desired flow rate in section 1030. Water inlet 1048 can be secured to the lower ring in the radial or tangential direction. 1030. A preferred embodiment sets the water inlet 1 048 to be tangentially fixed to the lower annular section 1030, so the water moving to the lower annular section is not guided to the fixed wall, but It is to set the turbulent swirl of the overflow water in the lower ring section, dissipate it by 0, guide it with tangential water, and then, if the momentum interferes with the top height of the water film, make the overflow overflow the water in the lower ring section. The film has the best level. By the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Central Government Bureau of Work and Poverty Alleviation Cooperatives, the Extending Air Transporting Pipe 1070 can be used to guide particulate-containing solids and / or particulate-forming solids at a specific position in the inlet structure. The transporting pipe i 0 7 0 is coupled It is in a gas flow acceptance relationship with the upstream source 1 090, and directs and discharges the air flow to an appropriate position in the internal gas flow channel 1066, so as to minimize the formation of solids in the inlet structure. The transfer tube 1070 is externally connected by the outer solid wall 1 009, and the inlet 1007 is modified to fit the transfer tube 1070. The transfer tube 1070 may be heated to resist the condensation of the airflow flowing through the tube 1070. In the inlet structure shown in FIG. 13, the tube 1070 is coaxial with the outer porous wall 1006 and the acoustic wall 1006. Outer surface and porous wall of conveying tube 1070 The paper size exceeds the impurity ratio (CNS) Λ4 specification (21 [) x 297 mm) 4 6---------- I / II (read first Read the notes on the back and fill in this page) The Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Consumers only X, printed by the consumer Hezhu company A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (44) The inner surface of 1006 defines an annular volume in between. The gas transfer tube 1070 includes a first end 1072, coupled to a gas flow source 1090 to form a gas flow receiving relationship, and a second end 1074 discharges the gas flow in the gas flow channel 1066. The second end 1074 may discharge the gas flow in the gas flow channel 1066 contained in the upper annular section 1008 or contained in the lower annular section 1030. In the illustrated embodiment, the pipe 1070 discharges the airflow at a point about one-half inch below the upper end 1046 of the weir wall, but it depends on the air flow, processing use, and conditions. The pipe 1070 can extend even lower than the upper end of the weir wall. 1 046, or may terminate above the upper end of the weir wall 1 0 46. The transfer tube 1070 can be constructed, for example, from about one-half to four inches of stainless steel. Those skilled in this art will recognize that the tube 1070 can be composed of various materials, various sizes, various sections, and various structures. The conveying pipe 1 0 70 is a co-circular flow type caused by the positioning of the porous wall 10 06 and the overflow weir 1011. When the processing gas outlet conveying pipe and the inlet 66 are processed with M, the processing gas and the overflow weir 10 are caused. The water vapor mixture of 11 is the smallest. Therefore, the formation of solids between the processing gas exiting the transfer pipe 1 0 0 and the water vapor from the overflow weir 1 0 11 is significantly minimized until the effect of the overflow weir 1 0 1 1 can be flushed into the downstream elimination device. A sufficient downstream point for any solid. In order to determine the anti-clogging efficiency of a given inlet design within the scope of the present invention, a suitable evaluation technique is to monitor the specific population at a flow rate of l-5Slpm at trichlorosilane and the average flow rate of the nitrogen carrier gas after several minutes. The solids accumulation and position of the structure to determine the suitability of the design and the effect of any changes in the entrance structural parameters. It may be desirable to monitor the nature of solid growth during a more observing period. According to the gas flow, processing and use, China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) One 4 7 One 442842 Consumption cooperative seal 5; 1 A7 B7 V. Description of invention (45) Depending on the situation, it may also be beneficial to maintain laminar axial airflow in the gas transfer pipe and in the annular section between the outside of the gas transfer pipe and the inside of the porous wall Flow, M. Ensure proper containment of the effluent and the containment chalk at the inlet. The transfer tube 1070 can also be preheated by K, which reduces condensed gas. The solid is formed on the wall of the tube 1070 by the condensation of the gas passing through the tube. Appropriate devices for the heating tube 1070 may include resistance heaters, flow tracking lines, heating jackets, etc. This heating system is constructed and arranged to transfer thermal energy to the internal channels of the transfer tube 1070 to resist condensation. For illustrative purposes, the heating device is shown as including a heating coil 1076. A thermal jacket can also cooperate with the heating device to raise the internal temperature of the transfer tube 1070. A thermal jacket can be used to raise the temperature of the sidewalls to prevent the condensable processing gas from condensing in the tube. At its lower end, the lower ring section 1 030 can be suitably joined to the housing of the water scrubber 1 0 1 3. The water scrubber can be constructed in a conventional manner for washing to remove particles and soluble fractions from the treatment stream. Alternatively, the inlet structure 1060 may be coupled to any other processing equipment for disposal or treatment of the gas flow through the inlet structure from the inlet end to its discharge end. Therefore, by using the inlet structure 1060 to provide a gas flow path 1066, the flowing liquid gas can flow through the square quotient shown by the arrow " 1001 "in Fig. 13 to the place shown by the arrow M 0 0 2 in Fig. 13 The direction of the discharge end. In operation, the gas containing particulate solids is guided by an upstream source, such as a semiconductor manufacturing tool (not shown), by appropriate connection pipes, which, as mentioned above, can be hot-tracked, and K is at the entrance structure Suppresses harmful sublimation or condensation of airflow components. The flow enters the entrance structure 1060 in the flow direction shown by the arrow "1" and passes through the population section 1007 (or if installed, through the transfer pipe 1070) (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page)
*1T 本紙張尺度適用中國國家榡準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) 4 8 - A42B42 A7 __B7_ 五、發明説明(4Γ*) 並且進入上環狀區段100S。氣體諸如氮,或其他氣體.自來 源4流動通過連接至口 1022之氣體進給管線1024,並 進入環狀内部容積1020。 引専之氣體自環狀内部容積 1020流動通過可透氣壁1006,進人内部氣體流動通道1066 。含微粒或微粒形成氣體因此在來自氣體進給管線1024之 氣體流入環狀內部容積1020及通過可透氣壁1006時,流動 通過内部氣體流動通道1066,並進入水洗桶器1013。 以此方式,來自來源1 004之氣體使環狀内部容積1 0 2 0加 壓。此壓力保證氣體之穩定流動通過多孔壁,進入内部氣 體流動通道1066。 此種低流動速率,氣體之g定流動通過 可透氣壁使氣流中之微粒保持流動通過内部氣體流動通道 1066,離開入口結構之内壁表面。而且,隨氣體流動流存在 内部流動通道10S6之任何氣體同樣保持離開入口结構之內 壁表面。 如果希望,氣體進給管線1024可予Μ熱追蹤。如果流動 通過入口结構之氣流含有可能凝结或昇華及沉積在入口结 構之壁之物質,便可能望有此種熱追蹤。 經浒部中央標準局负工消贤合作社卬5i 同時,可通過高壓氣體注射口 1050,使來自高壓氣體供給 源1005之高壓氣體可定期流動通過高壓氣體進給管線1052 至環狀内部容積1020。為烘此目的.管線1052中可有一流 動控制閥(未示),適應高壓氣體之脈動引導。Κ此方式,在 規定或預定之間隔將高壓氣體注射進入環狀內部容積,俾 使累潰在可透氣壁1006之內表面之任何微粒破裂。脈動 引導高壓氣體之持績期間及時間順序,在該頃技藝之技巧 本紙乐尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(21〇Χ:297公釐) -4 9 11-- II- —i^^i -- 1 ^々 . - - ^^^^1 一OJ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) A7 B7 經濟部中央標準局K工消费合作杜印袈 五、發明説明 (47) 1 1 1 Μ 内 可 容 易 確定 ,而無需過度之寅驗, 以 達 成 所 希 望 之 壁 洗 1 1 | 刷 效 [ft»* 應 ,其將會防止固體積聚在可透氣壁表面 >如果需要, 1 I m 合 腋 務 半 導體 製造 工具 之 水 洗 m 器 採 用 入 □ 结 構 時 可 請 先 1 1 I 在 工 具 分 批 循環 時中 斷此 高 壓 注 射 俾 藉 適 當 整 合 操 作 連 讀 背 1 1 结 至 工 具 控 制糸 統之 控制 裝 置 1 消 除 在 工 具 排 氣 0 之 壓 力 1 意 I 波 動 〇 為 供 此目 的,- -控制閥, 諸 如 — 螺 線 管 閥 可 與 控 制 工 事 項 1 | 1 1 具 總 成 之 裝 置適 當耦 合ύ 禽 本 在 圖 示 之 人口 结構 實腌 例 凸 緣 10 2 6 及 1028 可 予 Μ 彼 此 頁 V_ 1 I 夾 緊 t VX yt 許上 環狀 區段 1008 下 環 狀 區 段 1 030 快 速 分 開 1 1 〇 為供此目的, 可採 用一 抉 速 分 開 夾 0 可 由 適 當 材 料 諸 如 1 1 一 種 耐 腐 蝕 ,高溫彈性體材料, 在 凸 緣 1 02 6 及 1028 之 間 形 成 1 訂 密 封 墊 片 1010 〇 此彈性體墊片另外作用如- -熱阻擋層. 1 1 使 熱 g 上 環 狀區 段至 入口 結 構 之 下 環 狀 區 段 之 轉 移 最 小 * 1 I 項 在 本 發 明之 熱追 蹤實 例 特 別 重 要 之 特 色 〇 1 i 入 P 结 構 之上 環狀 區段 之 可 透 氣 壁 1 00 6 可 由 任 何 適 當 可 1 透 氣 材 科 ,例如陶瓷, 金臑 及 金 屬 合 金 ,及塑膠形成 > 作 為 1 一 特 定 實 例 ,壁可由- -種Η as t e 1 1 〇 y 27 6材 料 形 成 〇 上 環 狀 1 I 區 段 之 外 壁 1 00 9可同 樣由 任 何 適 當 材 料 形 成 I 並 可 例 如 為 1 1 | —. 薄 壁 不 m 鋼管 0 1 1 人 P 结 構 之下 環狀 區段 1 030 可 由 任 何 適 當 材 料 諸 如 一 聚 1 1 氯 乙 烯 塑 膠 形成 。自 水供 給 源 1003 ,通過管線1 0 5 0 , 將 水 注 1 1 射 至 外 壁 1012 及 内堰 壁10 11 間 之 環 狀 内 部 容 積 10 32 0 較 佳 1 I 為 ,水予以切向注射, Κ允 許 在 環 狀 内 部 容 積 1 032 内 之 水 1 1 I 角 動 量 導 使 水在 堰壁 10 11 之 頂 端 1046 並 在 人 P 结 構 之 内 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Λ4規格(2Ϊ0Χ297公釐) —50 4^8 4 2 A7 B7 經济部中央標準扃肩工消费合作社印狀 五、發明説明 (48) 1 1 1 部 流 動 通 道 1 0 6 6 沿 内 部 堰 壁 之 表 面 向 下 螺 旋 ύ 沿 堰 壁 10 11 ! ! | 之 内 表 面 向 下 之 此 種 水 流 動 用 Μ 將 任 何 激 粒 沿 流 動 通 道 I | 1066 向 下 洗 除 至 入 Ρ 结 構 下 面 之 水 洗 m 器 1014 〇 如 曾 述 及 請 先 1 I ,例如下游處理單元為燃燒洗滌器時, 下 環 狀 區 段 1 0 30 為 一 讀 背 1 1 可 予 Μ 省 略 之 任 選 結 構 特 色 〇 I i 意 1 I 自 上 游 處 理 單 元 及 入 α 结 構 下 游 之 洗 滌 器 單 元 t 將 排 氣 事 項 1 I 再 1 1. 管 壓 力 放 出 .可藉Μ容易確定通過入口结構之壓降 S 壓 降 本 可 藉 —* Ph 〇 t 〇 h e 1 i C 計 或 其 他 適 當 Μ 力 感 -IfW 計 予 感 測 * 並 頁 1 I 且 此 壓 降 謓 數 可 予 Μ 發 出 至 適 當 監 視 及 控 制 設 備 3 Μ 監 視 1 1 在 洗 滌 器 入 □ 之 堵 塞 〇 I 1 使 用 根 據 本 發 明 之 入 □ 结 構 » 可 在 水 洗 滌 器 與 來 半 等 1 訂 體 製 造 操 作 之 工 具 廢 氣 流 之 間 提 供 一 介 面 » 其 在 正 常 處 理 1 I 操 作 不 重 復 培 塞 0 本 發 明 之 入 □ 结 構 提 供 — 有 二 輔 肋 處 理 1 1 I 流 之 介 面 » 穩 定 之 低 流 動 清 洗 流 及 — 高 壓 力 脈 動 流 〇 低 1 1 流 動 清 洗 流 造 成 一 惰 性 氣 體 例 如 氮 之 淨 通 量 » 離 開 上 環 狀 1 區 段 之 内 表 面 向 中 央 流 動 通 道 1066 之 中 心 線 〇 高 壓 氣 gaa 潖 流 1 動 流 對 固 體 堵 塞 提 供 一 種 自 行 清 潔 能 力 〇 高 壓 氣 體 流 Jit. 動 用 1 i Μ 消 除 累 積 在 中 央 流 動 通 道 1066 之 入 P 結 構 上 環 狀 區 段 內 1 I 表 面 之 任 何 微 粒 0 1 1 氣 體 ,夾帶之微粒, 及 先 前 沉 積 之 微 粒 狀 後 在 人 P 结 構 之 1 1 下 環 狀 區 段 ,在内壁表面被導引進入溢流, 以 向 下 沖 洗 進 人 1 1 在 人 □ 结 構 下 游 之 水 洗 滌 器 0 Μ此方式, —, 在 上 環 狀 區 段 1 I 之 可 透 氣 壁 與 入 α 结 構 之 下 環 狀 區 段 之 堰 壁 間 之 直 接 介 面 1 1 I .提供- -種高度有效率之入口形體, 其 在 操 作 時 有 效 使 微 粒 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210 X 297公釐) -51 — 442842 A7 經濟部中央標率局貞工消費合竹社印來 B7五、發明説明(49) 固體之累積最少。 本發明之人口结構有若干優點。在應用於半導體製造設 施,及供在半導體處理設施處理來自工具之廢氣排出物之 水洗滌器處理糸統時,來自半導體工具之排氣可予以連薄 加熱,在水洗滌器入口结構自工具排氣口一直至水介面。 在入口管線之熱追蹤可用Μ將能量傳導至管道中,藉以使 管線加熱,其藉強制對流將能量轉移至流動氣流。處理氣 體司藉使氣體流動至上環狀區段之熱追蹤氣體流動管線, 以及藉進給脈動高壓氣體至入口结構之上環狀區段內部環 狀容積之熱追蹓高壓氣體流動管線予Μ加熱,一直向下至 入口结構之下環狀區段之溢流堰聖。已加熱氣體之此種流 動將會使流動通過入口结構之中央流動通道之處理氣體保 持在一由上游處理單元流動至入口结構之氣流中之任何微 粒形成氣體之蒸汽壓力所確定之溫度,其否則將會凝結或 昇華及沉積在入口結構之壁。 本發明之入口结構,其另一優點為此结構可容易拆卸。 萬一入口結構在操作時堵塞,只要將夾或使入口结構之凸 緣彼此固持之其他固著元件去除,结構便容易分開。上環 狀區段因此可藉去除使各別凸緣固持在定位之夾,並使進 給上環狀區段之各別氣體進給管線分開予Κ更換。 本發明之入口结構,其又一優點為其在特性上為自行清 潔。在自上游處理單元流動至入口結構之氣流中所夾帶, 或在入口結構由化學反應所形成之微粒,可容易在入口结 構之上環狀區段,藉注射進人内部環狀容積内之脈動高壓 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ 297公釐) {請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -52- A7 B7 經濟部中央標卑局負工消费合作社印 五、發明説明 (50 ) 1 1 氣 體 ,自人口结構之可透氣壁予Κ清潔 > 其 時 自 入 P 结 構 I 1 [ 上 環 狀 區 段 之 内 壁 表 面 移 除 之 微 粒 然 後 被 導 引 至 堰 壁 之 溢 1 I 流 部 份 ,徽粒固體在此處被冲洗至下游洗滌器 > 高 壓 氣 體 請 先 閱 I 1 I 壓 力 脈 動 之 壓 力 ,持績期間及週期可容易予K設定, K 適 應 讀 背 1 盛 行 之 系 統 徽 粒 集 中 狀 況 及 此 等 固 體 之 特 性 〇 脈 動 高 壓 氣 冬 i 意 ! 體 注 射 之 有 效 性 將 依 微 粒 固 體 之 特 性 而 定 0 本 發 明 之 入 P 事 項 [ 1 再 1 結 構 在 性 質 上 因 此 為 g 行 清 潔 t 而 不 使 用 代 表 先 前 技 蓊 流 填 寫 本 —衣 體 處 理 系 統 之 所 i田 D丹 行 清 潔 裝 置 之 刮 板 或 柱 塞 裝 置 0 頁 1 1 入 0 结 構 上 環 狀 區 段 之 多 孔 壁 元 件 * 其 材 科 規 格 依 來 自 1 1 I 上 游 處 理 單 元 之 進 入 處 理 .窗 體 而 定 〇 如 果 氣 流 包 括 酸 性 組 1 I 份 ,此等氣體將會在水洗滌器被吸收, 並 且 將 會 存 在 於 在 人 1 訂 結 構 之 下 環 狀 區 段 循 環 至 溢 流 堰 壁 之 水 ΰ 有 溢 流 堰 壁 1 | 水 可 能 將 會 飛 濺 在 入 □ 結 構 上 環 狀 區 段 之 多 孔 内 壁 〇 多 孔 1 1 壁 在 此 情 形 宜 選 自 抗 腐 蝕 構 造 材 料 ύ 供 此 S 的 之 一 種 較 佳 1 1 1 金 羼 材 料 為 Ha S t el 1 0 y 27610 1 其 在 低 溫 水 合 酸 狀 況 下 呈 現 1 優 異 耐 腐 蝕 性 〇 I 本 發 明 之 入 □ 結 構 9 其 另 一 優 點 為 其 仕 水 洗 滌 器 上 採 1 | 用 如 在 本 栗 例 所 證 性 說 明 之 入 P 結 構 時 T 使 自 水 洗 滌 器 之 1 I 頂 部 進 入 處 理 管 道 之 蒸 汽 回 流 BT 取 少 〇 意在解釋此谩點, 請 1 1 予 察 知 ,微粒可存在於有些半専體工具之廢氣流, 如 來 自 處 1 1 理 工 具 之 夾 帶 微 粒 或 如 在 氣 流 之 流 動 路 徑 Η 内 之 化 學 反 1 1 air Μ 之 反 應 物 〇 1 | 本 發 明 使 先 前 所 說 明 之 R i c h a r d s ο η 環 狀 皇 1 主 或 將 其 ,| II ----- 1 J 消 除 〇 由 於 氣 體 在 入 P m 構 上 環 狀 區 段 之 內 表 面 多 孔 壁 之 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐} -53 - 442842 經濟部中央標準局员工消资合作社印^ A7 B7五、發明説明(51 ) 穩定外流,在上環狀區段内壁表面時,靜態邊界層狀況無法 產生。有流動氣體之淨通量來自可透氣壁,其作用”推”使 處理氣體流動離開界限入口结構中央流動通道之壁,並避 免靜態邊界狀況之存在,藉Μ遊免Richardson環狀效應。 因之,如果由於流動流中之化學反應而形成微粒,如此形 成之微粒找不到壁聚結在其上。微粒將代之為隨氣流流入 水洗滌器。夾帶之微粒情形也是如此ΰ微粒一經達到人口 頂部,其將會變成夾帶在氣體流動流中,因為其將不會有壁 以收集在其上。 對抗產生Richardson環狀效應之狀況,本發明之入口结 構上環狀區段上之多孔壁藉以用作一種對蒸汽向後轉移至 處理糸統之廢氣管線之有效阻擋層。任何向後轉移將會由 於上述互相擴散機構而非常慢。此因素將大為增加洗滌器 故障之平均時間,由於藉本發明之入口结構,洗滌器進口及 廢氣管線將不會常常堵塞。使用傳送管70時,由於藉流動 通過多孔壁6之氣體之作用而形成環狀氣體遮蓋,而使蒸汽 之回流最小或消除。 雖然本發明入口结構之上環狀區段之多孔壁構件經予在 本案說明為以一種金屬材料構成,但請予察知,此可透氣壁 可Μ任何適當構造材料形成。例如,多孔壁可將一種多孔 陶瓷,塑膠(例如多孔聚乙烯,聚丙烯,聚四氟乙烯等),或能 經得起在使用本發明之人口结構時所可能存在之侵蝕性大 氣,溫度極端,及輸入壓力之其他材科形成.. _雖然本發明業經在本案在圖1 3中所例示之實施例說明為 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) Α4規格(210X 297公釐) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -54 - 4428^2 經濟部中央標準局負-χ消贫合竹社印來 A7 B7五、發明説明(52) 包含各別個別之上及下環狀區段,其例如藉凸緣及關聯快 速分開夾或其他互相連接裝置予Μ彼此耦合,但請予察知, 此入口结構可如在本發明之既定最後使用應用所可能希望 或必要,予Μ形成作為一種單元式或整合式結構,並且下環 狀區段對上環狀區段為任選區段,並且在有些情形可不必 要。 現請參照圖14,圖示一防堵塞人口结構之另一莨施例。 入口 1100可代之為包括錐形側緣105,被固體外壁 1110所 外接。傳送管1112之外衷面及錐形側緣1105之内表面在其 間界定一環狀氣體流動通道1115»维形側緣Κ 一種惰性氣 體及/或液邐環繞含微粒固體及/或固體形成氣體流。惰性 氣體通過進給管線1120進入入口结構。向下及向外張開之 錐形側緣有一漸進式減少之剖面積,其導致惰性氣體之速 度增加及壓力減少。锥形側緣1105予Μ設計為產生惰性氣 體速度等於自傳送管 Π 1 2排出之氣流之速度。氣流與惰 性氣體間流動速度之匹配有利造成共層狀流動,Μ防止氣 流中之擾動,並且在二流動流間之介面防止混雜。入口之 效率因此藉在操作時使微粒固體之累積最小而增強ύ 向下及向外張開錐形側緣可也有利用Κ引導液體進入入 口結構。维形側緣之外壁1110及下端(底部周邊)係成彼此 橫向間開闞係,以在其間界定一液體流動通道1 U 5。 噴霧 嗔嘴1125可在入口内在周圍波此間開,以使液體分散。錐 形側緣將液體導向壁表面1130。如果液體例如為水,在壁 表面1 1 3 0將會形成水之薄薄膜,Μ將微粒固體沖洗至下游 本纸張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ 297公釐) ' -55 - (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) dd2842 A7 M"-部中央標嗥局只工消费合作社印來 B7五、發明説明(53) 洗滌器。维形側緣之材料規格係依在流動通過傳送管1Π2 之惰性氣體及氣流而定。如果氣流包括酸性組份,此等氣 體將會存在於循環至噴菝噴嘴1125之水。錐形側緣在此情 形宜自抗腐蝕材料製成。如參照圖13實施例所討論,傳送 管,惰性氣體,及/或水可予K加熱,以減少凝结。 圖15例示一防堵塞入口结構1200之另一實砲例。外固體 壁1205及多孔内壁1210在其間界定一環狀内部容積。延伸 之氣流傳送管1212可用以在入口结構之特定希望位置引導 含微粒固體及/或微粒成形固體氣流。傳送管1212予以耦 合為與一上游來源成氣體流動接受關係,並將氣流導引及 排出至入口结構内之適當位置。内多孔壁1210之面對肉部 表面外接傳送管1212之面對外部表面。外壁1205在其上端 被端箬1 2 1 5所包封。 外壁設有一水入口 1225,其可予Μ接合至一水供給源。 端蓋1215設有一氣體入口 1230, Μ釉向引導罩蓋惰性氣體 進人入口结構。端蓋1215可代之為包括一多孔分散器结構 ,Κ軸向分散惰性氣體進入入口結構。一氣體腔或儲槽可 任選含有惰性氣體,例如氮,供導人入口。 在此實施例,水 予Μ擠壓通過多孔内壁1210, Μ形成一薄液體薄膜,Κ冲洗 微粒通過人口结構。多孔壁1210可Μ任何適當材料,例如 陶瓷.金屬,金屬合金,或一種塑膠諸如聚氯乙烯形成。如 在上文所討論,傳送管,惰性氣體,及/或水可予Κ加熱,Μ 減少或濟除凝結。 _作為圖1 5中所示特定考構j另__二替代性霣施例,可以一 本纸張尺度適用中國®家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公~" (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁〕 一 5 6 ^ 經濟部中央標準局Κ工消费合作社印來 442842 五、發明説明(54) 參照圖13所示型式之溢流堰代替多孔内壁1210。堰壁可例 如予Μ構造為有一上端,對上端蓋1 2 1 5成間開關係,俾在其 間形成一界定溢流堰之間隙。 圖16示一防堵塞人口结構1300之另一實施例。上環吠區 段1305包括上内多孔壁1310及外上固體壁1315,在其間界 定一上環狀内部室1320。延伸之氣流傳送管1322被上多孔 壁1310所外接,並且示為位於與多孔壁1310同軸。氣體傳 送管之外表面及上多孔壁之内表面在其間界定一環狀容積 。傳送管1322予以耦合為與一上游氣體來源成氣體流動接 受關係。上固體壁1315包括一人口 1325, Μ引導適當流體 進入上内室1 320。 下環狀區段1330包括下内多孔壁1335及外下固體壁1340 ,在其間界定一下環狀内室1345。 下固體壁包括一入口 1350,Μ引導流體進人下室1345。在操作時,圖16之入口结 構允許惰性氣體透過上多孔壁1310及水擠壓通過下多孔壁 1 3 3 5。惰性氣體之流動使氣流中之微粒保持離開入口结構 之内壁表面。下内多孔壁1335之内表面上之薄水薄膜洗除 來自人口结構之任何微粒。 圖16示傅送管1322在一過渡部位 1355上面,在上區段 1305及下區段1330之間將氣流排出。過渡部位1355可為一 鄰接式接合上環狀區段1305及下環狀區段1330之部位。過 渡部位1355也可包括一使上區段1305及下區段1330與外接 氣體傳送管1322分開之部位。請予瞭解,傳送管可代之為 在過渡部位1355下面延伸,並進入下區段。 不論傳送管 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ 297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ,-° 疒 ~ 57 - 在42 8厶2 Α7 Β7 五、發明説明(5Γ>) 1322是否在上區段内排出氣體流,在過渡部位内排出,或在 下區段内排出,將依上在氣體流,處理使用,及狀況而定。 如在上文所討論,傳送管,惰性氣體,及/或水可予Μ加熱, Μ減少或消除凝结。 画17為根據本發明一種實施例之氣體/液體介面结構 1 41 0之示意剖面正視圖。 氣體/液體介面结構1410包括由一圓柱形细長壁1414所 界定之第一垂直延伸入口流動通道構件1412。 圓柱形壁 1414外接一在人口流動通道構件1412内之包封之流動通道 1418。 在圓柱形壁1414之上端提供一徑向向外延伸凸緣 1416,供將氣體/疲體介面結構接合至關聯之處理流動管道 ,導管,儀表等。 第一人口流動通道構件1412因此在其上端有一人口 1420 ,並在其下端有一對應出口 1 42 2,因而開口入口及出口端Κ 內部容積界定一包括流動通道1418之流動路徑,來自一上 游處理單元1458之氣體可通過其流動,如在圖17中所钶示 在管線1460之情形。 第一人口流動通道構件1412之長度可顯著短於圖13中所 例示,並且此流動通道構件之出口 1422末端可終止在结構 之内部環狀容積1430,恰好在頂壁1438下面。或則,此流動 通道構件之出口 1422末端可較之圖13中所例示,在第二流 動通道構件1424内终止在一較低垂直點。 第一入口流動通道構件1412之垂直向下程度因此在實施 本發明時可予以改變,並且特定長及尺寸特徵可容易確 —5 8 ~ 本紙張尺度適用中國國家棉隼(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐) (讀先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(5B) 定,而無需過度之實驗,κ選擇一種在使用本發明入口结構 之特定應用達成希望操作特性之形體及配置。 ^ 上游處理單元1458可例如包含一半専體製造工具及關聯 之排出氣體處理装置。此排出物處理装置復可包含一氧化 器,供氧化排出氣體中之可氧化組份。適當氧化器為廣為 不同之型式,並可例如由一熱氧化單元,一電熱氧化器等所 構成。 上游處理單元1 45 8包含氣體產生裝置及氣體處理裝置供 半導體製造操作時,引導至第一入口流動通道構件1412之 人口 1420之氣流可為在升高之溫度,並可含有實際濃度,例 如成次微米大小微粒形式之微粒固體。 經濟部中央標準局另工消费合作社印來 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 介面結構1410另包含一第二流動通道構件24,其外接第 一流動通道構件1412,並如圖所示,對其成間開關係,以在 其間界定一環狀容積1430。第二流動通道構件1424向下延 伸至一在第一流動通道搆件1412之下端下面之下端1468, 因而第一流動通道構件之開口出口 1422對第二流動通道 1424之開口下端1 468成垂直間開闞係。如所討論,第一流 動通道構件之出口 1422之位置可在本發明之廣義賈施予以 廣為垂直改變ύ 第二流動通埴構件1424包含一上可透液體部份 1426及 一其餘不透液體部份1428,如圖示自可透液體部份1426向 下延伸。上可透液體部份1426及下不透液體部份1428可 Μ任何適當方式形成.如例如藉接合一上多孔圓柱形分段 1426至一在最初為單獨之下固體壁圓柱肜分段1428,各別 本紙乐尺度適用中國國家標率(CNS ) Α4規格(210Χ 297公釐) -59 - B7 4· 經满部中央標卑局負工消f合作社印災 4- 五、發明説明(三7) 1 1 1 部 份 藉 硬焊,焊接, 熔 接,機械緊固件固著, 或 Κ 任 何 其 他 適 ! ! | 當 方 式 ,藉適當接合裝置及方法予Κ彼此接合 ) 1 I 或 則 ,第二流 動 通 道構件 1 424 可 自一 單 元 式 圓 柱 形 管 狀 請 先 1 1 閱 I 構 件 彤 成,藉諸如噴水切削, 蝕刻,燒结, 微 電 加 工 之 處 理 > 讀 背 t 或 藉 Μ 可將孔隙 度 或 可透氣 性特徵 傳至 此 管 狀 構 件 上 部 之 之 注 意 1 任 何 其 他適當技 術 ,使其上部在特性上為可透液體 較 佳 事 I 再 1 1 為 ,第二流動通道構件K在最初為分開之上及下部所形成, 填 本 其 予 以 接合在一 起 t 並且其 中上部 係藉 種 多 孔 燒 结 金 屬 頁 1 I 材 科 , -種多孔塑膠材料,一 種多孔 陶瓷 材 料 r 或 其 他 多 孔 1 1 材 料 所 構成,其中孔隙度為足夠大小特性, Μ 如 在 下 文 更 詳 1 i 细 說 明 ,允許疲體透過。 1 訂 氣 體 /液體介面结構1 4 1 0另包含- -外壁構件1 4 3 4 , 包 封 式 1 I 外 接 第 二流動通 道 構 件,並 與其界 定一 包 封 之 内 部 環 狀 容 1 | 積 1470 。 外壁 構 件 1434 包 含一圓 柱形 側 壁 1436 i —. 頂 壁 1 I 1 1 438 及 一底端壁 14 40 ,其共同包封内部環狀容積1 47 0· 側 1 壁 1 4 3 6設有一液 體 引 導口 1 4 4 2。該 口可 Μ 任 何 適 當 方 式 提 1 供 ,但在圖示之實施例,係由 管狀口 延伸 部 份 1 4 4 4 所 構 成 0 1 或 則 ,該口可僅只為- -在側壁,或其 他液 體 入 □ 结 構 之 孔 P 1 I 或 開 Ρ ,從而可 將 液 體自一 外液體 供給 源 専 入 内 部 環 狀 容 1 1 積 1470 0 1 1 在 圖 7質施例 液體入 口 1442與其 中 含 有 流 動 控 制 閥 1 1 1448 之 液體引導 管 線 1 446 耦 合。疲體人口管線 i 4 4 6 予 kk 1 1 連 接 至 液體供給 儲 槽 1 450 〇 1 t 圖 18為圖17之 裝 置 之頂視 平面圖 ,示 切 向 進 給 配 置 供 液 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS } Λ4規格(210X 297公釐) ^ 6 0 一 442842 A7 經濟部中央標卒局只工消贽合作‘社印" B7五、發明説明(58) 體傳至圖18中所示介面结構之包封内部環狀容積1470。圖 18示管狀口延伸部份1 444設置為切向相交,並與外壁構件 之圓柱形側壁接合。K此種方式所引導之液體繞上多孔圓 柱形分段(可透疲體上部份1426),在周圍高度均勻分布,因 而滲漏通過多孔圓柱形分段所產生之液體薄膜在周圍對應 均勻,Μ如在下文更完全說明,罩蓋内壁表面1 47 2。 在管線1 446之液體流動控制閥1 448可予以耦合至適當控 制器/計時器裝置,包括一中央處理單元(CPU),微處理器, 流動控制面板,及/或輔助監視及控制裝置,以提供預定或 否則為選定之疲體流動自儲槽1 4 5 0通過管線 1 446至液體 入口 1442。 如此導引之液體填滿內部環狀容積1470,並且 此液體可在任何適當處理狀況予Μ引導。 為供處理氣流諸如來自半導體製造操作之熱充滿微粒排 出氣流,在内部環狀容積1470之液體可為水或其他含水媒 質。 由於第二流動通道構件1 4 2 4之上可透液體部份 1 426之 可透液體特性,來自内部環狀容積1470之液體透過第二流 動通道構件之上部1426,並在此上部之内壁表面1432示為 液體小滴1 4 5 4。 \ 此排出之液體小滴由於重力效應而降落及與其他液體小 滴聚結,並且聚集在第二流動通道構件之下不透液體部份 之内壁表面1472,形成一向下流動液體薄膜1456。 自第二 流動通道構件之下開口端1468排放之液體薄膜中之液體可 予Μ導引至通當收集及處理装置(未示),例如供其在一下 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) Λ4規格(210X297公釐) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -61 - 4428 4 2 A7 B7 經濟部中央標4'-局負工消費合作社印黧 五、發明説明 (59) 1 1 I 游 處 理 單 元 1 4 6 4之共處理, 氣 流 在 管 線 1462 中 白 第 二 流 動 1 i I 通 道 構 件 之 氣 體 流 動 通 道 1452 流 動 至 此 處 理 單 元 0 1 I 下 游 處 理 單 元 1 464 可 為 一 水 洗 滌 器 ,反懕室, 或 其 他 處 理 請 先 1 1 ! 裝 置 或 處 理 區 r 在 管 線 1 462 來 自 通 道 1 45 2 之 氣 流 流 動 在 其 讀 背 1 1 中 經 歷 進 一 步 處 理 操 作 1 最 後 之 排 出 氣 體 在 管 線 1466 自 下 ikj 5 1 意 1 I 游 處 理 單 元 排 放 0 事 1 I 1 1 氣 體 /液體介面結構1 410因此構造為在第- -及第二流動 填 本 通 道 構 件 之 間 * 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 上 可 透 液 體 部 份 1426 頁 ! | 提 供 _- 内 部 環 狀 容 積 1430 1 因 而 滲 漏 通 過 可 透 液 體 上 部 之 1 1 液 體 可 聚 结 及 產 生 降 落 之 液 體 薄 膜 1456 〇 藉此種配置, § 1 1 流 動 通 道 1 4 1 8 流 動 至 流 動 通 道 1 452 之 氣 體 遭 遇 第 二 流 動 1 訂 通 道 構 件 下 部 内 壁 表 面 1472 « 其 Μ —* 保 護 液 體 薄 膜 1456 1 1 予 以 遮 蓋 ύ 因之, 第 一 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 下 開 P 端 1 422 所 1 1 1 排 放 之 氣 體 中 之 任 何 侵 蝕 性 物 質 將 會 相 對 於 内 壁 表 面 被 1 i 緩 衝 " > Μ 在 第 二 流 動 通 道 搆 件 之 此 內 壁 表 面 使 腐 蝕 及 不 利 1 反 應 效 應 最 小 0 1 1 而 且 引 導 液 體 至 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 及 外 壁 構 件 1 4 3 4 間 t I 之 内 部 環 狀 容 積 1470 1 II >1 提 供 —* 液 體 儲 槽 "外套” 結 構 0 1 1 I 液 體 藉 其 提 供 至 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 多 孔 上 部 份 供 透 過 1 I ,並且液體向下” 滲 漏 •r Μ 在 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 内 壁 表 面 1 1 肜 成 一 保 護 薄 膜 ϋ 1 I 在 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 内 表 面 1 47 2 上 之 此 降 落 薄 膜 也 用 1 j Μ 將 任 何 微 粒 氣 流 夾 帶 及 傳 送 離 開 ,在無此液體薄膜時, 1 l I 其 可 能 沉 積 及 聚 集 在 第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 内 壁 表 面 0 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS ) A4規格(210X 297公釐) -62 - 442842 A7 B7 經濟部中央榡羋局K工消費合作社印" 五、發明説明 (⑶) 1 1 1 因 之 1 降落之 液 體 薄膜對於第 二 流 動 通 道 構 件 之 内 壁 表 1 1 1 面 提 供 —. 種保護 切 能 ,Μ及提供- -種夾帶媒質, 其 將 微 粒 固 1 | 體 及 任 何 其他氣 相 組 份傳送離開 « 否 則 在 積 聚 在 流 動 通 道 請 先 閲 1 I 構 件 之 内 部壁表 面 時 ,其將會有害 讀 背 1¾ 1 1 1 作 為 圖 17中所 例 示 之此结構之 另 — 優 點 * 使 用 _. 上 可 透 之 注 1 | 意 I 液 體 部 份 1426,用Μ相對於提烘- -諸如液體溢流堰之结構, 事 項 1 I 再 1 [ 其 中 來 i 内部環 狀 容 積1470之液 體 將 僅 只 溢 流 過 壁 1 426 之 填 寫 本 上 端 ,並在壁之薄膜, 在第二流動 通 道 構 件 之 全 内 表 面 長 度 1 | 向 下 流 動 ,而使液體使用最少。 本 發 明 之 壤 漏 溢 流 堰 结 構 1 i 1 使 操 作 所 需要之 液 體 保持在很低 水 準 0 1 1 本 發 明 之滲漏 溢 流 堰结構優於 m 單 之 液 體 溢 流 堰 結 構 之 1 訂 另 —, 優 點 .為後者需要與垂直精確對準, 以 便 溢 流 堰 如 設 計 1 1 有 效 率 工 作,而 滲 漏 溢流堰結構 能 耐 與 正 常 (垂直) 取 向 之 1 I 偏 差 ,而不喪失或損害操作設計效率 1 1 | 換 言 之 ,本發明之滲漏溢流堰结構, 其 特 徵 為 使 溢 流 堰 水 1 产上 添 加 速 率 與結構 之 水 準,Μ及與 可 透 液 體 堰 壁 之 t3\ m 小 濕 溜 I i 速 率 解 除 耦合(由於無需建立及保持界限液體庫存虽供開 1 1 始 疲 HJI Μ 自 溢流堰 排 出 ,如在習知溢流结構之情形) 0 1 I 作 為 圖 17中所 例 示 型式之氣體 /液體介面结構之- -種例 1 1 I 證 性 賁 例 ,可在 處 理 來自半導體 製 造 操 作 之 排 出 氣 體 之 熱 1 1 氧 化 器 單 元下游 採 用 此種结構, 因 而 在 管 線 1 460 進 入 介 面 1 1 结 構 1410 之氣流 為 在 升高之溫度 並 充 滿 微 粒 » 諸 如 二 氧 化 i 1 矽 ί微粒金屬,及 類 U 者,如次微 米 大 小 微 粒 或 甚 至 較 大 固 1 I 體 ,Μ及侵蝕性固體 1 1 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標率(CNS } A4規格(2丨OX 297公釐) -63 - 經满部中央標準局tw工消资合作社印1i 442842 A7 B7 五、發明説明(61) 在此簧施例,第二流動通道構件之上部1426可由一厚度 約為1/16时,平均孔大小約為2微米之燒结金靨壁構成。第 一流動通道構件1412之長度可約為44S吋,有一直徑約為 2.5时。對應之第二流動通道構件1424可對應有一長度約 為1 3 . 5吋,有一直徑約為4 . 5时。外壁構件1 4 3 4可有一垂直 長度約為5 . 5时,有一直徑约為6吋。 在此系統,可採用水作為來自儲槽1450之液體媒質,其予 Μ導入内部環狀容積1470,供使此液體摻漏通過至第二流 勤通道構件之上可透液體部份1426之内表面1432。在此系 統使用水可約為0 . 1 - 0 . 3加侖/分鐘操作。 產業可應用性 可採用本發明之排出氣流處理糸统,供處理工業排出流 體.諸如在半導體製造,光電處理,及其他排出氣體產生操 作所產生之排出氣體,其中排出物經歷供其純化之處理,自 其抽取有用之氣流組份,自升高溫度之排出流熱交換回收 熱,及/或使最後排出物為希望特性之其他處理。排出氣流 處理系統可適當整合在一種輕巧單元式裝置構形。 在半導體製造排出氣流之情形,排出物處理宜包括氧化 有害流組份,氣體洗滌,及微粒固體去除。 本發明之排出物處理系妩可採用入口结構,其構造及設 置為供使入口效應,諸如微粒固體沉積,氣流變質及不利之 流體動力流動效應最小。 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標隼(CNS ) Α4規格(210X297公釐} (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) I V-* 1T This paper size applies to China National Standards (CNS) A4 (210X 297 mm) 4 8-A42B42 A7 __B7_ 5. Description of the invention (4Γ *) and enter the upper ring section 100S. Gases such as nitrogen, or other gases. Tap 4 flows through a gas feed line 1024 connected to port 1022, and enters a ring-shaped internal volume 1020. The induced gas flows from the annular internal volume 1020 through the breathable wall 1006 and enters the internal gas flow channel 1066. Particulate or particulate-forming gas therefore flows when the gas from the gas feed line 1024 flows into the annular internal volume 1020 and passes through the gas-permeable wall 1006, flows through the internal gas flow channel 1066, and enters the water washer 1013. In this way, the gas from source 1 004 pressurizes the ring-shaped internal volume 10 20. This pressure ensures a stable flow of gas through the porous wall and into the internal gas flow channel 1066. With such a low flow rate, the g of the gas flows through the breathable wall to keep the particles in the air flow flowing through the internal gas flow channel 1066, leaving the inner wall surface of the inlet structure. Moreover, any gas that exists in the internal flow channel 10S6 with the gas flow also remains away from the inner wall surface of the inlet structure. If desired, the gas feed line 1024 can be thermally tracked. Such thermal tracking may be expected if the airflow flowing through the inlet structure contains materials that may condense or sublimate and deposit on the walls of the inlet structure. At the same time, through the high-pressure gas injection port 1050, the high-pressure gas from the high-pressure gas supply source 1005 can periodically flow through the high-pressure gas feed line 1052 to the ring-shaped internal volume 1020 through the high-pressure gas injection port 1050. For this purpose. A pipeline control valve (not shown) may be provided in the line 1052 to adapt to the pulsation guidance of the high-pressure gas. In this way, high-pressure gas is injected into the annular internal volume at a prescribed or predetermined interval, so that any particles accumulated on the inner surface of the gas-permeable wall 1006 are broken. The duration and time sequence of the pulsation-guided high-pressure gas. In this technique, the paper music scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (21〇 ×: 297 mm) -4 9 11-- II- —i ^ ^ i-1 ^ 々. --^^^^ 1 One OJ (Please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) A7 B7 K-Industry Consumer Cooperation of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Du Yin 袈 5. Description of the invention (47) 1 1 1 M OK without undue experimentation to achieve the desired wall wash 1 1 | Brush effect [ft »* response, which will prevent solids from accumulating on the surface of the breathable wall> If necessary, 1 I m When the washing machine for manufacturing tools adopts the structure, please firstly 1 1 I Interrupt this high pressure injection when the tool is cycled in batches, and read the back through the appropriate integration operation 1 1 The control device connected to the tool control system 1 Eliminate the problem in the tool Exhaust 0 Pressure 1 Meaning I Fluctuation 0 For this purpose,-control valves, such as-solenoid valves can be properly coupled with control work items 1 | 1 1 Assembly assembly Structural solid pickled flanges 10 2 6 and 1028 May be used for each other V_ 1 I clamping t VX yt upper ring section 1008 lower ring section 1 030 fast separation 1 1 〇 For this purpose, a clip speed can be used to separate the clips 0. Suitable materials such as 1 1 a Corrosion-resistant, high-temperature elastomer material, which forms a seal gasket 1010 between the flanges 10 02 6 and 1028. This elastomer gasket also functions as a heat barrier. 1 1 Minimize the transition from the ring section on the thermal g to the ring section below the entrance structure * 1 The item I is particularly important in the thermal tracking example of the present invention. 0 i The ring section above the P structure The breathable wall 1 00 6 may be formed from any suitable breathable material, such as ceramics, gold tins and metal alloys, and plastics. ≫ As a specific example, the wall may be made of-Η as te 1 1 〇y 27 6 material The outer wall 1 0 09 forming the ring-shaped 1 I section on the 0 may also be formed of I from any suitable material and may be, for example, 1 1 | —. Thin-walled steel pipe 0 1 1 The ring section 1 030 under the P structure can be formed of any suitable material such as a poly 1 1 1 vinyl chloride plastic. From the water supply source 1003, a water jet 1 1 is injected into the annular internal volume 1032 0 between the outer wall 1012 and the inner weir wall 10 11 through a line 1050, preferably 1I. Water is injected tangentially, κ Water 1 1 I in the ring-shaped internal volume 1 Angular momentum is allowed to lead the water to the top 1046 of the weir wall 10 11 and within the P structure of the person 1 1 This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (2Ϊ0 × 297 Mm) —50 4 ^ 8 4 2 A7 B7 Printed by the Central Standard of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Consumers ’Cooperative Cooperative V. Description of the invention (48) 1 1 1 Flow channel 1 0 6 6 Spiral downward along the surface of the internal weir wall This water flow down the inner surface of the weir wall 10 11!! | Use M to wash down any exciter particles along the flow channel I | 1066 to the water washing device 1014 below the P structure. As mentioned, please First 1 I, for example, when the downstream processing unit is a combustion scrubber, the lower ring section 1 0 30 is a read back 1 1 can be omitted optional optional Feature square intended I i I 1 from the upstream processing unit and the travel of the α structure of the scrubber unit the exhaust gas matters t 1 1 I 1 again. Pipe pressure is released. The pressure drop S through the inlet structure can be easily determined by M. The pressure drop can be borrowed— * Ph 〇t 〇he 1 i C meter or other appropriate M force sense-IfW meter to sense * * 1 1 and the number of this pressure drop May be issued to appropriate monitoring and control equipment 3 Μ Surveillance 1 1 Blockage at the inlet of the scrubber 〇 1 1 Use of the inlet according to the present invention Structure »Can be used in water scrubbers and semi-manufactured 1 fixture manufacturing operations Provide an interface between exhaust gas streams »It is normally processed 1 I operation is not repeated plugging 0 The structure of the present invention □ Structure provided-with two auxiliary ribs 1 1 I flow interface» Stable low-flow cleaning flow and-high pressure Pulsating flow 〇Low 1 1 The flowing cleaning flow causes a net flux of an inert gas such as nitrogen »leaving the inner surface of the upper ring 1 section to the centerline of the central flow channel 1066 〇 high pressure gas gaa flow 1 dynamic flow pair Plugging member providing one kind of self-cleaning ability billion rows high pressure gas stream Jit. Use 1 i Μ to eliminate any particles accumulated in the 1 I surface of the ring structure on the central flow channel 1066. Any particles 0 1 1 gas, entrained particles, and previously deposited particles in the human P structure 1 1 The lower annular section is guided into the overflow on the inner wall surface to flush down into the person 1 1 The water scrubber 0 Μ downstream of the human □ structure This way, the upper annular section 1 I Direct interface 1 1 I between the ventilating wall and the weir wall in the annular section under the α structure. Provides-a highly efficient entry form, which is effective in making particles 1 1 in paper size in accordance with Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 X 297 mm) -51 — 442842 A7 Central Standards Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs Zhengong Consumption Hezhu Club printed B7 V. Invention Description (49) The accumulation of solids is the least. The population structure of the present invention has several advantages. When applied to semiconductor manufacturing facilities and water scrubber treatment systems for processing semiconductor waste gas effluent from tools, the exhaust gas from semiconductor tools can be thinly heated, and it is self-draining at the inlet structure of the water scrubber. The air port goes all the way to the water interface. Heat tracing at the inlet pipeline may conduct energy into the pipeline to heat the pipeline, which transfers energy to the flowing gas stream by forced convection. The process gas division heats the high-pressure gas flow line to heat the heat-tracing gas flow line by flowing gas to the upper ring section, and the heat-tracing high-pressure gas flow line by feeding pulsating high-pressure gas to the ring volume inside the ring section above the inlet structure. , Going down to the overflow weir of the annular section below the entrance structure. This flow of heated gas will keep the process gas flowing through the central flow channel of the inlet structure at a temperature determined by the vapor pressure of any particulate-forming gas in the gas stream flowing from the upstream processing unit to the inlet structure, which otherwise Will condense or sublimate and deposit on the walls of the entrance structure. Another advantage of the inlet structure of the present invention is that the structure can be easily disassembled. In the event that the inlet structure is blocked during operation, the structure can be easily separated as long as the clips or other fixing elements that hold the flanges of the inlet structure to each other are removed. The upper ring section can thus be removed by removing the clamps that hold the respective flanges in place, and separate the respective gas feed lines feeding the upper ring section for K replacement. Another advantage of the inlet structure of the present invention is that it is self-cleaning in characteristics. The particles entrained in the air flow flowing from the upstream processing unit to the inlet structure, or formed by chemical reactions in the inlet structure, can be easily looped above the inlet structure and injected into the pulsation in the internal annular volume of the person. The high-pressure paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Α4 specification (210 × 297 mm) {Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) -52- A7 B7 Printed by the Consumer Goods Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Description of the invention (50) 1 1 gas is cleaned from the breathable wall of the population structure. At this time, the particles removed from the inner wall surface of the upper ring section of the P structure I 1 [are then guided to the weir wall. Over 1 I flow part, the solids of the pellets are flushed here to the downstream scrubber > High pressure gas please read the pressure of I 1 I pressure pulsation first, the period and period of performance can be easily set to K, K adapts to read back 1 The prevalence of microparticle concentration in these systems and the characteristics of these solids The effectiveness of the injection will depend on the characteristics of the particulate solids. The matter of the invention [1 and 1] The structure is therefore g clean in nature, without using this to represent the previous technology flow. The scraper or plunger device of the Tianda Danhang cleaning device. 0 Page 1 1 Into the porous wall element of the annular section in the structure * The material specifications are based on the entry processing from the 1 1 I upstream processing unit. Depending on the form, if the gas stream contains 1 part of the acid group, these gases will be absorbed in the water scrubber and will exist in the water circulating in the ring section to the overflow weir wall under the structure of the person 1 ΰ There is an overflow weir wall 1 | Water may splash on the porous inner wall of the annular section on the structure. 0 The porous 1 1 wall in this case should be selected from the anticorrosive construction material. 1 1 1 The material of gold tin is Ha S t el 1 0 y 27610 1 It exhibits 1 excellent corrosion resistance under low temperature hydrated acid condition I The structure of the present invention 9 Another advantage is that it is used in water scrubbers 1 | Use T to reduce the steam reflux BT from the top of the 1 I of the water scrubber into the processing pipe when using the P structure as empirically explained in this example. The intention is to explain this point. Please note 1 1 Particles may be present in the exhaust stream of some semi-corporeal tools, such as from 1 1 Entrained particles of a mechanical tool or chemical reactants such as in the flow path 气流 of a gas stream 1 1 air Μ reactant 〇1 | The present invention makes the previously described Richards ο η ring emperor 1 master or put it, | II ----- 1 J Eliminated 〇 As the gas enters the porous surface of the inner surface of the annular section of the P m structure 1 1 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297 mm) -53 -442842 Printed by the Consumers' Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs ^ A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (51) Stable outflow, when the inner wall surface of the upper ring section, the state of the static boundary layer cannot be generated. The net flux of flowing gas comes from Breathable wall, its function "pushes" the process gas away from the wall of the central flow channel of the boundary inlet structure, and avoids the existence of static boundary conditions, and avoids the Richardson ring effect by M swim. Therefore, if due to the chemical reaction in the flow The particles are formed, and the particles thus formed cannot find a wall to agglomerate thereon. The particles will instead flow into the water scrubber with the airflow. The same is true of entrained particles. Once the particles reach the top of the population, they will become entrained in the gas flow because they will not have walls to collect on them. Against the condition of the Richardson ring effect, the porous wall in the ring section of the inlet structure of the present invention is used as an effective barrier layer for the steam to be transferred back to the exhaust line of the treatment system. Any backward transfer will be very slow due to the interdiffusion mechanism described above. This factor will greatly increase the mean time to failure of the scrubber. Due to the inlet structure of the present invention, the scrubber inlet and the exhaust gas line will not often be blocked. When the transfer pipe 70 is used, a loop-shaped gas shield is formed by the action of the gas flowing through the porous wall 6, thereby minimizing or eliminating the backflow of steam. Although the porous wall member of the annular section above the inlet structure of the present invention has been described in this case as being constructed of a metallic material, please be aware that the breathable wall may be formed of any suitable construction material. For example, the porous wall can be a porous ceramic, plastic (such as porous polyethylene, polypropylene, polytetrafluoroethylene, etc.) or can withstand the aggressive atmosphere and temperature extremes that may exist when using the population structure of the present invention , And the formation of other materials under pressure. . _Although the present invention has been illustrated in the example illustrated in Figure 13 in this case, the Chinese paper standard (CNS) Α4 specification (210X 297 mm) is applied to the paper size (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page ) -54-4428 ^ 2 The Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the People's Republic of China-x Poverty Alleviation Co., Ltd. printed A7 B7 V. Invention Description (52) Contains individual upper and lower ring sections, such as by flanges and Associated quick release clips or other interconnecting devices are coupled to each other, but please be aware that this entry structure may be formed as a unitary or integrated structure as may be desirable or necessary in the intended final use application of the present invention, And the lower ring segment is optional to the upper ring segment, and may be unnecessary in some cases. Please refer to FIG. 14, which illustrates another embodiment of an anti-clogging population structure. The entrance 1100 may instead include a tapered side edge 105 and is circumscribed by a solid outer wall 1110. The outer surface of the conveying tube 1112 and the inner surface of the conical side edge 1105 define an annular gas flow channel 1115 therebetween. The dimensional side edge κ an inert gas and / or a liquid radon surrounds a particulate-containing solid and / or solid to form a gas flow. Inert gas enters the inlet structure through a feed line 1120. The tapered side edges that open downward and outward have a progressively reduced cross-sectional area, which results in an increase in the speed of the inert gas and a decrease in pressure. The tapered side edge 1105 is designed to produce an inert gas at a speed equal to the speed of the air flow discharged from the transfer tube Π 12. The matching of the flow velocity between the gas flow and the inert gas is favorable for co-layered flow, M prevents disturbances in the gas flow, and prevents the interface between the two flow flows from mixing. The efficiency of the inlet is therefore enhanced by minimizing the accumulation of particulate solids during operation. Opening the tapered sides downwards and outwards can also use K to guide the liquid into the inlet structure. The outer wall 1110 and the lower end (periphery of the bottom) of the two-dimensional side edge are connected to each other in a horizontally split manner to define a liquid flow channel 1 U 5 therebetween. Spray The pout 1125 can be spread around in the entrance to disperse the liquid. The tapered side edges direct liquid to the wall surface 1130. If the liquid is, for example, water, a thin film of water will be formed on the wall surface 1 1 3 0, and M will wash the particulate solids to the downstream. This paper applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 × 297 mm). 55-(Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) dd2842 A7 M "-Printed by B7 of the Central Bureau of Standards and Labor Cooperatives only. V. Description of the Invention (53) Scrubber. The material specifications of the two-dimensional side edge depend on the inert gas and gas flow flowing through the transfer tube 1Π2. If the gas stream contains acidic components, these gases will be present in the water circulating to the jet nozzle 1125. The tapered side edge should in this case be made of a corrosion resistant material. As discussed with reference to the embodiment of Fig. 13, the transfer tube, inert gas, and / or water may be heated to reduce condensation. FIG. 15 illustrates another example of an anti-clogging inlet structure 1200. The outer solid wall 1205 and the porous inner wall 1210 define an annular inner volume therebetween. The extended airflow transfer tube 1212 can be used to direct a particulate-containing solid and / or particulate-forming solids gas stream at a particular desired location on the inlet structure. The transfer tube 1212 is coupled into a gas flow receiving relationship with an upstream source, and directs and discharges the gas flow to a suitable location within the inlet structure. The surface of the inner porous wall 1210 facing the meat portion circumscribes the outer surface of the transfer tube 1212. The outer wall 1205 is enclosed at its upper end by a terminal 1 1 2 1 5. The outer wall is provided with a water inlet 1225, which can be connected to a water supply source. The end cover 1215 is provided with a gas inlet 1230, and the M glaze guides the inert gas into the inlet structure into the inlet structure. The end cap 1215 may instead include a porous diffuser structure, and the K-axis disperses inert gas into the inlet structure. A gas chamber or tank may optionally contain an inert gas, such as nitrogen, for introduction into the inlet. In this embodiment, water and M are squeezed through the porous inner wall 1210, M forms a thin liquid film, and K rinses the particles through the population structure. The porous wall 1210 may be any suitable material, such as ceramics. Metal, metal alloy, or a plastic such as polyvinyl chloride. As discussed above, the transfer tube, inert gas, and / or water may be heated by K to reduce or eliminate condensation. _ As a specific test structure shown in Figure 1 and 5__ Two alternatives, one paper size can be applied to China® Home Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210X 297 male ~ " (Please read the back first) Please pay attention to this page before filling in this page.] 5 6 ^ Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, K. Co., Ltd. Consumer Cooperative, 442,842. 5. Description of the invention (54) Refer to the overflow weir of the type shown in Figure 13 instead of the porous inner wall 1210. The weir wall can be I M is structured to have an upper end, and an open relationship is formed between the upper end caps 1 2 and 15 to form a gap defining an overflow weir therebetween. Fig. 16 shows another embodiment of an anti-blocking population structure 1300. The upper ring bark section 1305 includes an upper inner porous wall 1310 and an outer upper solid wall 1315 defining an upper annular inner chamber 1320 therebetween. An extended airflow transfer pipe 1322 is circumscribed by the upper porous wall 1310 and is shown coaxially with the porous wall 1310. Gas The outer surface of the transfer tube and the inner surface of the upper porous wall define an annular volume therebetween. The transfer tube 1322 is coupled to accept a gas flow with an upstream gas source. The upper solid wall 1315 includes a population 1325, which guides the appropriate fluid. enter Inner chamber 1 320. The lower annular section 1330 includes a lower inner porous wall 1335 and an outer lower solid wall 1340, defining an annular inner chamber 1345 therebetween. The lower solid wall includes an inlet 1350, and M guides fluid into the lower chamber 1345. In operation, the inlet structure of Figure 16 allows inert gas to pass through the upper porous wall 1310 and water to squeeze through the lower porous wall 1 3 3 5. The flow of the inert gas keeps the particles in the air stream away from the inner wall surface of the inlet structure. A thin water film on the inner surface of the perforated wall 1335 removes any particles from the population structure. Figure 16 shows that the feed tube 1322 is above a transition site 1355 and discharges airflow between the upper section 1305 and the lower section 1330. The transition portion 1355 may be a portion that adjoins the upper ring section 1305 and the lower ring section 1330. The transition section 1355 may also include a section that separates the upper section 1305 and the lower section 1330 from the external gas transfer pipe 1322. Please understand that the transfer tube can be extended below the transition portion 1355 and enter the lower section. Regardless of the paper size of the transfer tube, the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 × 297 mm) applies (please first Read the notes on the back and fill in this page again),-° 疒 ~ 57-at 42 8 厶 2 Α7 Β7 V. Description of the invention (5Γ >) 1322 Whether to discharge the gas flow in the upper section, the discharge in the transition site, or The discharge in the lower section will depend on the gas flow, processing use, and conditions. As discussed above, the transfer tube, inert gas, and / or water can be heated to reduce or eliminate condensation. M 17 is a schematic cross-sectional front view of a gas / liquid interface structure 1 410 according to an embodiment of the present invention. The gas / liquid interface structure 1410 includes a first vertically extending inlet flow channel member 1412 defined by a cylindrical elongated wall 1414. The cylindrical wall 1414 circumscribes an enclosed flow channel 1418 within the population flow channel member 1412. A radially outwardly extending flange 1416 is provided at the upper end of the cylindrical wall 1414 for joining the gas / tired interface structure to the associated process flow pipes, conduits, meters, etc. The first population flow channel member 1412 therefore has a population 1420 at its upper end and a corresponding outlet 1 42 2 at its lower end, so the opening inlet and outlet end K internal volume defines a flow path including the flow channel 1418 from an upstream processing unit The gas of 1458 may flow through it, as shown in the case of line 1460 in FIG. 17. The length of the first population flow channel member 1412 may be significantly shorter than that exemplified in FIG. 13, and the end of the outlet 1422 of this flow channel member may terminate in the internal annular volume 1430 of the structure, just below the top wall 1438. Alternatively, the end of the outlet 1422 of the flow channel member may terminate at a lower vertical point within the second flow channel member 1424 than illustrated in FIG. 13. The vertical downward degree of the first inlet flow channel member 1412 can therefore be changed during the implementation of the present invention, and the specific length and size characteristics can be easily determined-5 8 ~ This paper size applies to the Chinese National Cotton Liner (CNS) Α4 specification (210X297 (Mm) (Read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) 442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (5B) without undue experimentation, κ choose a specific application using the entrance structure of the present invention to achieve the desired operating characteristics Shape and configuration. ^ The upstream processing unit 1458 may, for example, contain half of the carcass manufacturing tools and associated exhaust gas processing equipment. The effluent treatment apparatus may include an oxidizer for oxidizing oxidizable components in the exhaust gas. Suitable oxidizers are of widely different types, and may be constituted, for example, by a thermal oxidation unit, an electrothermal oxidizer, and the like. The upstream processing unit 1 45 8 includes a gas generating device and a gas processing device for semiconductor manufacturing operations. The airflow of the population 1420 directed to the first inlet flow channel member 1412 may be at an elevated temperature and may contain actual concentrations, such as Particulate solids in the form of sub-micron particles. Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, a separate consumer cooperative (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page). The interface structure 1410 also includes a second flow channel member 24, which is connected to the first flow channel member 1412, as shown in the figure. As shown, they are separated to define an annular volume 1430 therebetween. The second flow channel member 1424 extends downward to a lower end 1468 below the lower end of the first flow channel member 1412, so the opening outlet 1422 of the first flow channel member is perpendicular to the lower end 1 468 of the second flow channel 1424. Kailuan Department. As discussed, the position of the outlet 1422 of the first flow channel member can be changed vertically in the broad sense of the present invention. The second flow channel member 1424 includes an upper liquid-permeable portion 1426 and a remaining liquid-impermeable portion. Portion 1428 extends downward from the liquid permeable portion 1426 as shown. The upper liquid-permeable portion 1426 and the lower liquid-impermeable portion 1428 can be formed in any suitable manner. For example, by joining an upper porous cylindrical section 1426 to a solid wall cylindrical section 1428 that was originally separate, the respective paper scales apply the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 × 297 mm)- 59-B7 4 · The work of the Central Bureau of Standards and Labor was eliminated by the co-operative cooperatives. 4- V. Description of the invention (3 7) 1 1 1 Partially by brazing, welding, welding, mechanical fasteners, or K Any other suitable method! | In the proper way, by appropriate joining devices and methods to join each other) 1 I or, the second flow channel member 1 424 can be formed from a unitary cylindrical tube, please read 1 1 Notes such as water jet cutting, etching, sintering, micro-electro-machining > Note t or by M. Porosity or permeability characteristics can be transmitted to the upper part of this tubular member. Note 1 Any other suitable technique It is better that the liquid is permeable in characteristics. Then I 1 1 is that the second flow channel member K is initially The upper part and the lower part are formed, and they are joined together, and the upper part is made of a porous sintered metal sheet, a material family, a porous plastic material, a porous ceramic material, or other porous 1 1 materials. The composition, in which the porosity is a sufficient size characteristic, Μ is explained in more detail below 1 i, allowing the tired body to penetrate. 1 Ordering gas / liquid interface structure 1 4 1 0 Including--outer wall member 1 4 3 4, encapsulation type 1 I is externally connected to the second flow channel structure, and defines an enclosed inner ring shape 1 | product 1470. The outer wall member 1434 includes a cylindrical side wall 1436 i-. The top wall 1 I 1 1 438 and the bottom end wall 14 40 collectively enclose the internal annular volume 1 47 0 · The side 1 wall 1 4 3 6 is provided with a liquid guide port 1 4 4 2. The mouth can be provided in any suitable way, but in the illustrated embodiment, it is formed by a tubular mouth extension 1 4 4 4 or otherwise, the mouth can be only--on the side wall, or other liquid Into the structure's hole P 1 I or open P, so that liquid can be poured into the inner ring volume from an external liquid supply source 1 1 product 1470 0 1 1 In the example of Figure 7 the liquid inlet 1442 and the flow control valve are contained therein. 1 1 1448 coupling of liquid guide line 1 446. The tired population pipeline i 4 4 6 yo kk 1 1 connected to the liquid supply tank 1 450 〇1 t Figure 18 is a top plan view of the device of Figure 17, showing the tangential feed configuration for the liquid supply 1 1 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X 297 mm) ^ 6 0 442 842 A7 Central Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Economic Affairs only eliminates cooperation and cooperation 'Social Seal' B7 V. Description of Invention (58) The encapsulating internal annular volume 1470 of the interface structure is shown in Fig. 18. The tubular mouth extension 1 444 is arranged to intersect tangentially and join the cylindrical side wall of the outer wall member. K The liquid guided in this way is wound on a porous cylinder Shaped segment (permeability of the upper part of the fatigue body 1426), which is highly evenly distributed around the periphery, so the liquid film leaking through the porous cylindrical segment is correspondingly uniform around the periphery. As explained more fully below, the inner wall of the cover Surface 1 47 2. Liquid flow control valve 1 448 in line 1 446 may be coupled to a suitable controller / timer device, including a central processing unit (CPU), microprocessor, flow control panel, and / or auxiliary monitoring And a control device to provide a predetermined or otherwise selected fatigue flow from the storage tank 1450 through line 1 446 to the liquid inlet 1442. The liquid thus guided fills the internal annular volume 1470, and this liquid can be used at any Appropriate processing conditions are guided by M. In order for the processing gas stream, such as heat from semiconductor manufacturing operations, to be filled with particulate exhaust gas, the liquid in the internal annular volume 1470 may be water or other aqueous media. Since the second flow channel member 1 4 2 4 The liquid-permeable property of the upper liquid-permeable portion 1 426, the liquid from the inner annular volume 1470 passes through the upper portion 1426 of the second flow channel member, and the inner wall surface 1432 of this upper portion is shown as a liquid droplet 1 4 5 4. \ The discharged liquid droplets fall and coalesce with other liquid droplets due to the effect of gravity, and gather on the inner wall surface 1472 of the liquid-impermeable portion under the second flow channel member to form a downward flowing liquid film 1456. Since The liquid in the liquid film discharged from the open end 1468 under the second flow channel member can be guided to the Tongdang collection and processing device (not shown), for example, for This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) Λ4 specification (210X297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) -61-4428 4 2 A7 B7 Central Ministry of Economic Affairs 4'-office consumption Cooperative cooperative seal V. Description of invention (59) 1 1 I Co-processing of swim processing unit 1 4 6 4 The air flow flows in the pipeline 1462 and second flow 1 i I The gas flow channel 1452 of the channel member flows to this processing unit 0 1 I The downstream processing unit 1 464 can be a water scrubber, reaction chamber, or other processing, please first 1 1! Device or processing area r in line 1 462 flow from channel 1 45 2 in its read back 1 1 goes further Processing operation 1 The last exhaust gas is in line 1466 from bottom to ikj 5 1 to 1 1 to be discharged from the processing unit 0 to the matter 1 I 1 1 The gas / liquid interface structure 1 410 is therefore structured to be used in Between the channel members * the liquid permeable part above the second flow channel member page 1426! | Provide _- internal annular volume 1430 1 thus leaking through the upper part of the liquid permeable 1 1 The liquid can coalesce and produce a falling liquid Thin film 1456 〇With this configuration, § 1 1 flow channel 1 4 1 8 gas flowing to flow channel 1 452 encounters the second flow 1 order the inner wall surface of the lower part of the channel member 1472 «its M — * protective liquid film 1456 1 1 to cover Therefore, any corrosive substances in the gas discharged from the 1 end 1 P 1 under the first flow channel member will be buffered by 1 i relative to the inner wall surface " > Μ in the second flow channel structure The inner wall surface of this piece minimizes the corrosion and adverse effects. 1 The reaction effect is minimized. 0 1 1 and the liquid is guided to the second flow channel member and the outer wall member. The internal annular volume of 1 4 3 4 t 1 1 1 > 1 Provide— * Liquid storage tank " coating "structure 0 1 1 I The liquid is supplied to the porous upper part of the second flow channel member for transmission through 1 I, and the liquid" leaks down "r Μ in the second The inner wall surface 1 1 of the flow channel member is formed into a protective film 1 1 This falling film on the inner surface 1 47 2 of the second flow channel member is also used to entrain and transport any particulate airflow away from the surface, in the absence of this liquid When filming, 1 l I may deposit and accumulate on the inner wall surface of the second flow channel member. 0 1 1 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X 297 mm) -62-442842 A7 B7 Central Printed by the K-Kong Consumer Cooperative Co., Ltd. V. Description of the Invention (3) 1 1 1 Because of this, the falling liquid film is provided on the inner wall of the second flow channel member 1 1 1-. This kind of protective cutting energy, M and provides-a kind of entrained medium, which transfers the solid particles 1 | body and any other gaseous components away from «Otherwise, when it accumulates in the flow channel, please read 1 I the internal wall surface of the component first. Will be harmful to read back 1¾ 1 1 1 As another addition to this structure illustrated in Figure 17-advantages * use _. Permeable Note 1 | Italian I liquid part 1426, compared with lifting and drying-such as the structure of a liquid overflow weir, Matter 1 I re 1 [where the liquid in the internal annular volume 1470 will only overflow The upper end of the wall 1 426 is filled in, and the film on the wall flows down the entire inner surface length 1 | of the second flow channel member, so as to minimize the use of liquid. The soil overflow weir structure 1 i 1 of the present invention keeps the liquid required for operation at a very low level 0 1 1 The leakage overflow weir structure of the present invention is superior to the liquid overflow weir structure 1 of the m order. , Advantages. For the latter, precise alignment with the vertical is required in order for the overflow weir to work efficiently as designed 1 1 while the leakage weir structure can withstand 1 I deviations from normal (vertical) orientation without losing or compromising operational design efficiency 1 1 In other words, the seepage overflow weir structure of the present invention is characterized in that the addition rate and structure level of the overflow weir water 1 are produced, and the rate of t3 \ m small wet slip I i with the liquid-permeable weir wall is released. Coupling (because there is no need to establish and maintain the limit of liquid inventory, although it is available for opening 1 1) HJI Μ is discharged from the overflow weir, as in the case of the conventional overflow structure. 0 1 I as the gas / liquid interface of the type illustrated in Figure 17 Structure--Case 1 1 I Evidential example, this structure can be used downstream of the 1 1 oxidizer unit processing the heat from the exhaust gas from the semiconductor manufacturing operation, so the gas flow in line 1 460 into the interface 1 1 structure 1410 For increasing temperatures and filling with particles »such as dioxide i 1 Silicon, particulate metal, and U-like particles, such as sub-micron-sized particles or even larger solid 1 I bodies, M and aggressive solids 1 1 This paper size applies to China's national standard (CNS} A4 specification (2 丨 OX 297) (%) -63-Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards, tw Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives, 1i 442842 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (61) In this spring embodiment, the upper part 1426 of the second flow channel member may have a thickness of about 1/16 At this time, the average pore size is composed of a sintered gold tincture wall of about 2 microns. The length of the first flow channel member 1412 may be about 44S inches and a diameter of about 2. 5 o'clock. The corresponding second flow channel member 1424 may correspond to a length of about 1 3. 5 inches with a diameter of about 4. 5 o'clock. The outer wall members 1 4 3 4 may have a vertical length of about 5. At 5 o'clock, there is a diameter of about 6 inches. In this system, water can be used as the liquid medium from the storage tank 1450, which is introduced into the internal annular volume 1470 for the liquid to leak into the liquid-permeable portion 1426 above the second flow path member. Surface 1432. The water used in this system can be about 0. 1-0. 3 gallons / minute operation. Industrial applicability The exhaust gas treatment system of the present invention can be used for processing industrial exhaust fluids. Exhaust gases such as those produced in semiconductor manufacturing, optoelectronic processing, and other exhaust gas generation operations, where the effluent undergoes a process for purification, extracts useful airflow components from it, and recovers heat from the elevated temperature exhaust stream heat exchange , And / or other treatments that make the final discharge the desired characteristics. The exhaust air treatment system can be properly integrated in a lightweight unitized device configuration. In the case of semiconductor manufacturing effluent gas streams, effluent treatment should include oxidation of harmful stream components, gas scrubbing, and particulate solids removal. The effluent treatment system of the present invention may employ an inlet structure, which is structured and arranged to minimize inlet effects such as particulate solid deposition, air flow deterioration, and adverse hydrodynamic flow effects. This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) Α4 specification (210X297 mm) (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) I V-
-II -64 --II -64-