A7 432903 B7 五、發明說明(f ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本發明關係一種在一真空室内利用電磁交變埸而產生 罨漿之裝置,其間在真空室内至少有一捍狀導體插入於 由絕緣材料製成之管件,且絕緣管之内徑比導體之直徑 大,絕緣管至少有一端固定於真空室壁上而Μ外表面與 其枏對密合,而旦導體至少有一端聯接至產生電磁交變 場之源頭。 經濟部智慧財產局貝工消费合作社印製 —棟習知產生電漿之裝置(DE 195 03 205)可Κ在一 界定之操作範圍内(程序範圍、氣賄壓力、微波電路) 產生供表面處理和镀層技術用之電漿。此種習知裝置主 要由一裝於真空室内之圓苘玻璃管和一存在於其中之金 鼷導性管所構成,其間在玻璃管內部為大氣壓力所支配 ,微波功能是在兩側Μ兩個輸入線路和兩個由内専線和 外導線構成之金雇同岫導線,穿過真空操作室壁而引入 。在真空操作室内同袖導線所短少之外導線是用一俚電 漿放射器代替,其為在充份的引發條件(氣體壓力)下 猙由微波功能引發而予保持,其間徹波功能可以由兩傾 金颳同軸電路構成而經由真空操作室内之玻璃管發出。 電漿從外面包圍圓筒形玻璃管,並與内電路共同構成一 傾具有高度穩定層面之同袖電路。Κ固定之雙面输入的 撤波功力,真空掸作室的氣體壓力可以被校準,使電漿 明顯均匀而沿裝置發射,其間在真空操作室内部無同釉 電路之外線路。 另一在處理室中用微波激勵法局部產生電漿之已知裝 置(DE 41 36 297),其為Μ —可嵌入壁中之凸緣或壁之 -3 * 本紙張尺度適用中回國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 〇3 A7 B7 五、發明說明(> ) <請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本身分隔成為一内部和一外部,在外部設一微波產生裝 置,其微波經過一個微波圍入裝置而被専引至内部,其 間微波園人裝置備有一個由絕緣材料構成之波導,通遇 凸緣向外引導,進行於一由金靥製成之内導線,在其中 微波從微波激勵裝置被圍入於内導線之中。 最後,曾有提出在一真空室中利用電磁交變埸產生電 漿之裝置(DE 197 22 272,2),在其中有一捍狀導體, 穿過真空室而在一絕緣材料構成之管件之内,且絕緣管 内徑大於専體直徑,絕緣管兩端保持於真空室之壁中, 並對向壁上Μ外表面密合,且在兩端之導體各與一懾電 磁交變場之第一產生源聯结,其間各稈狀導體分別在穿 過兩壁指向中間部位之範圍内與遠離管件而由導電性物 質構成之塊件連接,該兩管件緊接於絕緣管,且接合一 個電磁交變場之第二產生源,於由絕緣管與各管件所形 成之環狀圓筒形空間。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 本發明之課題,是針對有問題之技藝,削作一種裝置 ,缠合用於避免因出現微波界限場而在隔離層之中發生 浮動◊此種裝置除須Κ特別適宜之價格而產製外,尤須 锻免為求保護微波送波器免於反射效應而用價格昂貴之 單向電路結構;亦即天線之構成,每一天線除固有的幅 射特性之外,更應具有發射高頻波之性質,使不在應用 畤(例如電漿)再接受反射的效應。 此項課題藉由本發明而獲解決,其為使伸人於具空室 範_之桿吠導賭部位成螺旋狀,所繞長度部份約當一波 -4 - 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) A7 432903 _B7_ 五、發明說明(々) ' 長λ,與10° <α <15°之鉅距角。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 在一較佳具艚例中,由絕緣材料所成之管,其內之桿 狀導體穿興空室,絕緣管之内徑大於導體直徑,且絕緣 管之兩端被固定於壁上而其外表面被密封,導體連接於 一電磁交變場之產生滬,其間伸入於真空室範圍之稈狀 専體部份,形狀揉旋吠,且此兩部份之旋捲長度大約相 當於波長λ和10° 之角度。在另一改變之具體 例中,在絕緣材料所成之管内,桿狀導體通過真空室, 絕緣管内徑大於専體半徑,而絕緣管以其一端固定於真 空室壁上,且Μ其對表面密封於壁上,其每一導體以其 一端於電磁交變場之產生源上,桿狀導體伸入真空室範 阐内之部份成為螺旋狀,且此兩部份之螺旋捲長度大約 相當於一波長λ和10° <α<15°之螺距角。 本發明可有各_實_可行性,其中三種Μ附圖來說明。 _式之簡單說明 第〗画裝置之剖面,有一揉旋和一封合於真空室側之 絕緣管。 第2廳單獨表示典型之螺旋。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 第2a圖鏍旋之展開。 第3圖表示第1圖裝置在TiM態運作中之電漿雲。 第3a閬表示第1圖裝置在T〇狀態蓮作中之電漿雲。 第4蹰說明在一具賻例中之電漿雲,有兩饀相對設置 之螺旋,各被封於絕緣管中。 第5圖說明在與第4圖相似裝置中之電漿雲,但有一 -5- 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格<210 X 297公釐) 4329 0 3 a7 _B7_ 五、發明說明(4 ) ' 共同包容兩個螺旋的絕緣管。 <請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 第〗圖中所示之裝置關係一個螺旋天線,在11狀態 中埋作,其間有圓形狀化的微波輻射從螺旋開放端沿中 軸放射,並激發電漿放電而予保持。 微波功能是從微波產生器用一直角中空導體10輸人, Μ有適當m抗之元件11, 12傳至同袖電路4 。天線螺旋 2是用同輪電路4之内導體聯接,並將同軸電路之横向 電磁波轉變成為圓形狀化波,穿過一真空密封但可透過 微波之管5 ,放射於真空室3之内。真空室3之金靨導 電壁6在其中作為回向波之反射屏。 所述型式之許多裝置可K在一個相同的電漿處理室中 發出微波功能(第4圓),其在K微波技術解除耦合於已 預定相對而設之裝置中,各緬單一的天線具有相對的繞 捲方向(螺旋性)。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 確言之;裝置在一邊的裝置如具有石旋性,則裝設於 另一邊之裝置必須為左旋性。在理想狀況下,右螺旋形 天猓(螺旋天線)之左圓形吠化撤波射線不被吸收,反之 亦然。_形狀化微波射線在金鼷導電性平坦表面上反射 而改變其各別之狀化方向。 每兩個相對存在而根據本發明之裝置,可被安置於一 假共用的真空密封而撤波可K穿透的管内,如第5圖所 示,其間兩個裝置具有相對之螺旋性。 根撺本發明裝置,於前進方向射出之微波功能產生電 漿放電,從波動力學親點,因而製成對微波射線有吸收 -6 - 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS>A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 43290 3 A? _B7 五、發明說明(Γ ) <請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 忡的介電質,在其中微波感受到強烈的遏抑。為求減輕 此棟逷抑,並因而改變電漿的幾何形狀(特別是:在長 的方向延伸),其較佳者可以在兩届裝置中間創造一蹈 無電漿的聯合通道。若能適當選擇操作因數,在兩個根 據本發明相對設立之裝置之間將產生一個封閉的電漿柱 ,完全無駐波場現象。 發射微波所用之螺旋桿狀天線(亦稱為「螺旋」)是被 構成而使被運作於所諝1'1模式中。第2圖表示一個大 約有第4圈的螺旋天線,所用微波功能經由同軸電路予 以供應。「螺旋」的射出特性首要取決於媒圈直徑D對 所胞用微波之波長λ 〇之比例,次為鏍圈之螺距角ct而 決定。「螺旋天線」依據此等參數之選擇而在極端狀態 中Μ兩種不同的模式發射,其顯示深入而充份發射特性 如第3矚所示。 T i祺式: 旋捲長®L2C/c〇s(a),相當於接近波長λ〇而 】0° <15° 者。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 在呔運作狀況中,螺旋天線以一種強烈顧示的主要最 大限度和小的次要最大限度,集中於螺旋中軸發射而無 螺旋尾(尾大)。Μ至少4圈之螺旋天線而言,所發射者 擁有欏為圓筒之搔化,天線之螺旋性之旋轉方向感被固 定。此棟螺旋天線被稱為Kraus-線圈(單絲,軸向摸式 TiRi)。詳見於「天線」•第2版,John D. Kraus, McGraw-Hill Book Company,第7章。可用之天線繞法 -7- 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) 4329 0 3 a? _B7_ 五、發明說明(k ) ' 依螺旋幾何形吠而定,如線圈直徑、線圈螺距角和總長 度等,並貝可Μ達到15dB之量•然而幾乎與管吠金屬専 電衬科之直徑W及其特有的電阻無關(參考HEmerson ,间家無線電天文台,天線 要,第4 第64-68頁 ,1995, AARL印行)。 T 〇横式: 旋捲長度L = C/ cos(ot),遠小於波長λ〇而10fl <α< 15° 者。 在此運作狀況中,螺旋Κ密集之分佈發射,其最大限 度接近與螺旋中袖垂直而發生,所Μ為徑向,近似於直 的桿狀天線。此種運作吠況是根據公開公告DE 41 36 297 或專利公告DE 195 03 205之裝置之基礎。To模式對本 發明之吠況並無肋益。 T 2 、T 3….等横式: 旋捲長度L = C/ cos(c()遠大於波長λ 〇而10° <α<15° 者。 <請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作杜印製 -8 一 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS>A4規格(210 X 297公釐) ^329 0 3 A7 _B7 五、發明說明(7 ) 符號之說明 經濟部智慧財產局員工消费合作社印製 2 嫘 旋 3 真 空 室 4 稈 狀 導 體 5 絕 緣 管 6 室 壁 8 產 生 源 9 產 生 源 10 直 角 中 空 導 體 11 有 適 當 姐 抗 之 元 件 12 有 適 當 阻 抗 之 元 件 13 螺 旋 14 絕 燦 管 15 桿 狀 導 體 16 m 緣 管 (請先閱讀背面之注意ί項再填寫本頁) •i-rOJ· .線 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐)A7 432903 B7 V. Description of the invention (f) (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) The present invention relates to a device that uses electromagnetic alternating chirp to generate slurry in a vacuum chamber, with at least one guard in the vacuum chamber. The conductor is inserted into a pipe made of insulating material, and the inner diameter of the insulating pipe is larger than the diameter of the conductor. At least one end of the insulating pipe is fixed on the wall of the vacuum chamber and the outer surface of the M is closely matched with the 枏. One end is connected to the source that generates the electromagnetic alternating field. Printed by the Shelley Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economics—the conventional device for generating plasma (DE 195 03 205) can be produced within a defined operating range (procedure range, air pressure, microwave circuit) for surface treatment And coating technology for plasma. This conventional device is mainly composed of a round glass tube installed in a vacuum chamber and a gold conductive tube existing therein. The glass tube is dominated by atmospheric pressure, and the microwave function is two on both sides. An input line and two gold-conducting parallel wires composed of inner and outer wires are introduced through the wall of the vacuum operating chamber. In the vacuum operating room, except for the short sleeve wire, the wire is replaced by a plasma emitter, which is maintained by the microwave function under sufficient triggering conditions (gas pressure), and the wave-cutting function can be changed by The two tilted gold scraper coaxial circuit is composed and sent out through the glass tube in the vacuum operation room. The plasma surrounds the cylindrical glass tube from the outside, and together with the inner circuit, forms a sleeve circuit with a highly stable layer. The fixed-sided input of the wave-removal power and the vacuum pressure of the vacuum operating chamber can be calibrated so that the plasma is significantly uniform and emitted along the device. There is no circuit outside the same glaze circuit inside the vacuum operating chamber. Another known device (DE 41 36 297) for locally generating plasma in the processing chamber by microwave excitation method, which is M — flange that can be embedded in the wall or -3 of the wall. (CNS) A4 specifications (210 X 297 mm) 〇3 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention (>) < Please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) It is separated into an interior and an exterior, and the exterior is designed A microwave generating device whose microwaves are guided to the inside through a microwave enclosing device. In the meantime, the microwave gardener device is provided with a waveguide made of an insulating material, which is guided outward by the flange, and is carried out in a system made of gold. Into the inner conductor, in which microwaves are enclosed in the inner conductor from the microwave excitation device. Finally, there has been proposed a device (DE 197 22 272, 2) for generating plasma in a vacuum chamber by using electromagnetic alternating radon (DE 197 22 272, 2), in which a guard-like conductor passes through the vacuum chamber and is inside a pipe made of an insulating material. And the inner diameter of the insulating tube is larger than the diameter of the carcass, the two ends of the insulating tube are kept in the wall of the vacuum chamber, and the outer surface of the opposite wall is tightly sealed, and the conductors at both ends are each the first to deter electromagnetic alternating field A source connection is generated, in which each stalk-like conductor is respectively connected to a block made of a conductive substance away from the pipe within a range that passes through the two walls and points to the middle, and the two pipes are closely connected to the insulating pipe and are connected to an electromagnetic wave. The second generation source of the variable field is a ring-shaped cylindrical space formed by an insulating tube and various pipe fittings. The problem of printing the present invention by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs is to reduce the problematic technique by making a device entangled to avoid floating in the isolation layer due to the occurrence of microwave boundary fields. KK is produced at a particularly suitable price, and it is particularly necessary to avoid expensive unidirectional circuit structures in order to protect the microwave transmitter from reflection effects; that is, the composition of the antenna, each antenna except its inherent radiation characteristics In addition, it should have the property of transmitting high-frequency waves, so that it will not accept the effect of reflection when it is not applied to chirp (such as plasma). This problem is solved by the present invention. In order to make people stretch in a spiral shape, the length of the length is about a wave -4-This paper size applies Chinese national standards (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) A7 432903 _B7_ V. Description of the invention (々) 'Long λ, with a large angle of 10 ° < α < 15 °. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) In a preferred example, a tube made of insulating material, the rod-shaped conductor inside it passes through the empty chamber, and the inner diameter of the insulating tube is greater than the diameter of the conductor. The two ends of the insulation tube are fixed to the wall and the outer surface is sealed. The conductor is connected to the generation of an electromagnetic alternating field, and the stalk-shaped carcass part that extends into the vacuum chamber area. And the spiral length of these two parts is approximately equal to the angle of the wavelength λ and 10 °. In another specific example, in a tube made of insulating material, a rod-shaped conductor passes through a vacuum chamber, the inner diameter of the insulating tube is larger than the radius of the carcass, and the insulating tube is fixed to the wall of the vacuum chamber with one end, and the opposite surface of the tube Sealed on the wall, each of its conductors is at one end on the source of the electromagnetic alternating field, and the part of the rod-shaped conductor protruding into the vacuum chamber becomes spiral, and the spiral coil length of these two parts is about the same. At a wavelength λ and a pitch angle of 10 ° < α < 15 °. The present invention may have various practicalities, of which three M drawings are used to illustrate. A simple explanation of the formula: The section of the drawing device has a kneading and an insulating tube closed on the side of the vacuum chamber. Hall 2 alone represents a typical spiral. Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Figure 2a. Fig. 3 shows the plasma cloud of the device of Fig. 1 in the TiM state operation. Figure 3a 阆 shows the plasma cloud of the device in Figure 1 in the lotus state of To. Section 4 illustrates a plasma cloud in one example, which has two spirals facing each other, each sealed in an insulating tube. Figure 5 illustrates the plasma cloud in a device similar to Figure 4, but there is a -5- paper size that applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification < 210 X 297 mm) 4329 0 3 a7 _B7_ V. Invention Explanation (4) 'The two spiral insulation tubes are commonly contained. < Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) The device shown in the figure below is a spiral antenna embedded in the 11 state, with microwave radiation in a circular shape radiating from the open end of the spiral along the central axis, And stimulate the plasma discharge to maintain. The microwave function is input from the microwave generator with a right-angled hollow conductor 10, and the elements 11 and 12 with appropriate m reactance are transmitted to the same sleeve circuit 4. The antenna spiral 2 is connected with the inner conductor of the same-wheel circuit 4 and transforms the transverse electromagnetic wave of the coaxial circuit into a circular shape wave, passes through a vacuum-sealed tube 5 that can pass through the microwave, and radiates into the vacuum chamber 3. The metal conductive wall 6 of the vacuum chamber 3 serves as a reflection screen of the return wave therein. Many devices of the type described can emit microwave functions in the same plasma processing chamber (circle 4), which is decoupled from devices that have been pre-positioned in the K microwave technology. Each single antenna has a relative Winding direction (spiral). Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economics. To be sure; if the device on one side is stone-rotating, the device on the other side must be left-handing. Under ideal conditions, the left circular barking wave of the right helical antenna (helical antenna) is not absorbed, and vice versa. _ Shaped microwave rays are reflected on the conductive flat surface of gold tincture to change their respective orientation directions. Every two devices which are opposite to each other and according to the present invention can be placed in a pseudo-shared vacuum-sealed tube with K wave penetration, as shown in Figure 5, in which the two devices have relative helicity. Based on the device of the present invention, a plasma discharge is generated by the microwave function emitted in the forward direction, and it is made from the point of wave dynamics. Therefore, it is made to absorb microwave rays. 297 mm) 43290 3 A? _B7 V. Description of the invention (Γ) < Please read the notes on the back before filling in this page) 忡 dielectrics, in which microwaves are strongly suppressed. In order to alleviate this frustration, and thus change the geometry of the plasma (especially: extending in the long direction), the better one can create a plasma-free joint channel between the two installations. If the operating factor can be appropriately selected, a closed plasma column will be generated between two devices relatively set up according to the present invention, and there will be no standing wave field phenomenon. The helical rod antenna (also called "spiral") used to transmit microwaves is constructed to operate in the 1'1 mode. Figure 2 shows a helical antenna with approximately 4 turns. The microwave function is supplied via a coaxial circuit. The emission characteristic of the "spiral" depends firstly on the ratio of the diameter D of the media circle to the wavelength λ 0 of the microwave used by the cell, and the second is the pitch angle ct of the loop. The "helical antenna" emits in two different modes of M in the extreme state according to the selection of these parameters. It shows deep and full emission characteristics as shown in the third note. Ti formula: Rotary roll length L2C / c0s (a), which is equivalent to a wavelength close to λ0 and】 0 ° < 15 °. Printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In the state of operation, helical antennas focus on the central axis of the helical emission without a helical tail (large tail) with a strong maximum and small secondary maximum. For a helical antenna with at least 4 turns, the transmitter has a cylindrical shape, and the antenna's sense of rotation is fixed. This helical antenna is called Kraus-coil (monofilament, TiRi). See "Antenna" 2nd Edition, John D. Kraus, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Chapter 7. Available antenna winding method-7- This paper size applies Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) 4329 0 3 a? _B7_ V. Description of the invention (k) 'It depends on the spiral geometry, such as Coil diameter, coil pitch angle, total length, etc., can reach 15dB. However, it has almost nothing to do with the diameter W of the metal lining and its special resistance (see HEmerson, Jiajia Radio Observatory, antenna 4 p.64-68, 1995, printed by AARL). T 〇 Horizontal: L = C / cos (ot), which is much shorter than the wavelength λ〇 and 10fl < α < 15 °. In this operating condition, the maximum distribution of the spiral K is close to perpendicular to the spiral middle sleeve, and it occurs radially, similar to a straight rod antenna. This operation is the basis of the device according to the published publication DE 41 36 297 or the patent publication DE 195 03 205. The To mode is not conducive to the barking conditions of the present invention. T 2 、 T 3… .and other horizontal formulas: The length of the coil L = C / cos (c () is far greater than the wavelength λ 〇 and 10 ° < α < 15 °. Please read the precautions on the back before filling (This page) Du Yin printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau staff of the Ministry of Economic Affairs -8 A paper size applies to the Chinese national standard (CNS > A4 specification (210 X 297 mm) ^ 329 0 3 A7 _B7 V. Description of the invention (7) symbol Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, printed by the Consumer Cooperatives 2 Good offices 3 Vacuum chambers 4 Stem conductors 5 Insulating tubes 6 Room walls 8 Sources 9 Sources 10 Right-angle hollow conductors 11 Components with proper impedance 12 Components with proper impedance Element 13 Spiral 14 Insect tube 15 Rod-shaped conductor 16 m edge tube (please read the note on the back before filling this page) • i-rOJ ·. The paper size of this paper applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm)