219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部屮央標準局员工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(I ) (發明之領域) 本發明有關於膨鬆化(expand)煙草原料等之農産物 、食品之膨鬆化裝置。更詳細的說,本發明偽以使用二氣 化碩為膨鬆化助劑(expanding agent)之膨鬆化裝置中 ,可連缠的膨鬆化處理,又將該膨鬆化助劑不放出於外部 ,在条統内循環地可使用之膨鬆化裝置。 (先前技術) 以往對於香煙原料,換言之從煙草葉之切絲來製造香 煙時,實施使該香煙原料之組織之膨鬆化。 按香煙原料之膨鬆化係將氣體狀或液體狀之膨鬆化助 劑(expanding agent),例如有機溶媒,二氧化碳等使 之液化或加壓成高壓之狀態,而其此中放置香煙原料,將 煙草葉之組織中含漬上述膨鬆化助劑,減壓後予以加熱, 使所含浸之膨鬆化助劑膨脹以資膨脹上述原料之組織。經 如此膨脹之香煙原料(煙草切絲)將增加其體積,製造香 煙時之香煙原料可以較少,又可賦予輕的吸煙感。經上述 膨鬆化之香煙原料傜直接或與未經膨鬆化之香煙原料混合 之後用於製造香煙。 實施上述膨鬆化處之膨鬆化裝置係有:在於含浸容器 内收容規定量之香煙原料之後,將高壓之膨鬆化助劑供給 於該含浸容器内,然後取出該香煙原料以便之膨脹之分批 式。 以及,對於供給有高壓膨鬆化助劑之含浸容器内連續 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝< 訂1 線· 本紙張尺度逍用中國B家樣準(CNS) T4規格(2〗0X297公釐) -3 - 81. 5. 20,000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明0 ) 的供給香煙原料,使之含浸膨鬆化助劑,然後連缠的取出 該含浸有膨鬆化助劑之香煙原料之連缠式者。 前者之分批式者,雖然構造簡單,但是效率低,同時 有大量之膨鬆化助劑散逸於大氣中之缺點。又後者之連缠 式之裝置係雖然有效率,又不浪費膨鬆化助劑有可回收再 度利用之利點。惟此種連缠式之裝置時,卽必須備有閥裝 置以便,一面使香煙原料昇壓,一面連缠的供給於含浸容 器内,又使含浸容器内一面減壓一面取出香煙原料。同時 由於介著上述閥裝置而空氣混入於含浸容器内由而降低膨 鬆化之效率,故有去除混入之空氣及回收介著閥裝置而被 排出之膨鬆化助劑之必要。 最近,做為這種膨鬆化助劑而使用對於環境較少影逛 之二氣化碩為多。惟使用二氣化碩使用之含浸容器於香煙 材料需要賦加很大之壓力,上述閥裝置等之性能也會被要 求更高度者。 又最近這種膨鬆化裝置更形大規模的裝置,所使用之 二氣化碩之量也很龐大。所以為了防止對環境之不良影饗 及節減消耗之二氧化磺之量,由而儘可能地回收二氣化碩 而減少排出於外部之量,又有效率的去除混入於含浸容器 内之空氣等等要求均很殷切。 又如前面所述,被使用於香煙原料之膨鬆化之二氣化 碩將被壓縮後經再度使用,惟壓縮二氣化磺時需要能源, 此種能源之節減也會被要求。又在此循之二氣化碩中也會 混入空氣,為分離所混入之空氣也必需有大規模之設備及 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) ••裝· 訂_ 線- 本紙張尺度逍用中《國家樣毕(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公*) -4 - 81. 5 . 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局貝工消费合作社印製 五、發明説明G ) 能源。所以也需要盡可能的減少混入於此循環之二氣化碳 之空氣量。 又上述膨鬆化裝置並非抵使用於上述香煙原料之膨鬆 化,例如也可用於蔬菜等農産物之乾燥處理時膨鬆野菜以 便製造容易調理之乾燥蔬菜之裝置。 (發明之概要) 本發明像為滿足上述要求之,提供一種使用二氧化磺 等之膨鬆化助劑而實施膨鬆化例如香煙原料之裝置中,得 使這些香煙原料地連缠的膨鬆化,又盡可能的防止在此二 氣化碩中有空氣之混入,又有效率的去除所混入之空氣, 同時盡可能地減少運轉此膨鬆化肋劑所需之能源為目的。 為了達成上述之目的,本發明之膨鬆化裝置係具備有 含浸容器(i m P r e g m a t i n g v e s s e 1 ),在該含浸容器内供 給膨鬆化助劑(例如加壓成高壓之二氣化碩)。介著轉閥 將香煙原料連續的供給於該含浸容器。在該含浸容器内含 浸了二氣化磺之香煙原料係介著轉閥連绩的被取出,在於 低壓高溫之環境内所含浸之二氧化碩膨脹,該香煙原料之 組織膨脹而被膨鬆化。 上述轉閥俱令香煙原料之環境氣體(例如二氣化碩) 之壓力一面昇壓或減壓,一面連缠地移送香煙原料者。這 些轉閥係例如在昇壓端及減壓端分別串聯的配置二段。並 且例如含浸容器内之壓力為30氣壓時,以一般之轉閥來 各昇壓或減壓·1 5氣壓。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 冬紙張尺度遑用中a Β家《準(CHS)甲4規格(210x297公*) -5 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 219891 Λ 6 _Β_6 五、發明説明笋) 本案説明書中之第1發明時,供給於上述含浸容器或 轉閥之二氣化碩將被回收後再度供使用。被回收之二氣化 硪中混入有從外部進入之空氣,該混入之空氣將予以分離 切除。因而循環於該裝置内之二氣化碩内之空氣僳被維持 於不致於降低膨鬆化效率之範圍。 從上述回收之二氣化磺中分離空氣之裝置,將使用 P S Α裝置。( pressure swing absorption apparatus )在此裝置中使用改變壓力時會改變二氧化碩之吸著量之 吸著劑,例如活性磺、沸石等。此等吸著劑係選擇性的吸 著二氣化碩,例如約2氣壓的供給二氣化碩與空氣之混合 氣體以資分離所混入之空氣。所吸著之二氣化碩像減壓至 真空附近或可脱離回收,係使用複數之吸著塔交互地實施 此種操作就非常有效率。 又本案之第二發明為,在上述昇壓端之轉閥之上游設 置氣密容器,香煙原料傜介著該氣密容器供給於轉閥。 又減壓端之轉閥之下游端也設置氣密察器,由減壓端 之轉閥所排出之香煙原料係介著該氣密容器至膨脹過程。 在上述氣密容器内供給二氣化磺,這些氣密容器内之空氣 僳由二氧化碩所置換,由而可防止介著轉閥有空氣混入於 二氧化碩之循環糸統。 又,第三發明中,上述轉閥係在昇壓端及減壓端分別 設二段,因此通過靠近含浸容器之轉閥之二氣化碩係中壓 ,由離含浸容器遠之轉閥所排出之二氧化硪係低壓。且這 些中壓及低壓之二氣化碩係以不同之条統來回收,分別以 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再蜞寫本頁) 裝· 訂_ 線. 本紙張又度遑用中Η國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210X297公*) -6 - 81. 5. 20,000(Η) ^19891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明6 ) 不同之加壓機來昇壓至高壓回流至含浸容器,所以昇壓該 回收之二氣化碩所需之能源較少。 圖式之簡單說明 第1圖係第1實施例之膨鬆化設備之整體概略圖。 第2圖係第1轉閥與氣密容器之縱斷面圖。 第3圖係第4轉閥與氣密容器之縱斷面圖。 第4圖第傜氣密容器之變形例縱斷面圖。 第5圖偽回收分離裝置之概略圖。 第6圖係別之狀態之回收分離裝置之概略圖。 第7係液化形分離裝置之特性線圖\ 第8圖俗吸著形分離裝置之特性線圖。 第9圖係第2實施例之膨鬆化設備之整體概略圖。 第1 0圖傜第3實施例之膨鬆化設備之整駢概略圖。 第1 1圖僳第4實施例之膨鬆化設備之整體概略圖。 (實施例) 下面參照附圖説明本發明之實施例。這些實施例都是 使用二氣化磺為膨化助劑之連績式香煙原料之膨鬆化裝置 Ο 第1圖〜第6圖顯示本發明之第1實施例。 首先說明此膨鬆助劑之概略,第1圖顯示本香煙原料 之膨鬆化裝置之整體之概略。圖中之標號21係預含浸容 器,22係含浸容器,預含浸容器21内以規定之約15 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填窝本頁) 裝- 訂_ 線. 本紙張尺度逍用中1 S家樣準(CNS)甲4規格(210X297公¢) -7 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局员工消费合作社印製 五、發明説明后) 氣壓程度之壓力而保持有二氣化硪。上述含浸容器22内 供給約30氣壓壓力之二氧化碩。於是該含浸容器21内 俗實質的充滿有氣體狀之二氣化碩。 香煙原料傜首先連缠地供給於上述預含浸容器21内 ,由預含浸容器2 1内而再連續地供給於含浸容器2 2内 。於是於含浸容器22内將二氣化磺含浸於香煙原料之葉 組織内。 經含浸有二氣化碩之香煙原料僳連缠的供給於加熱裝 置23,在加熱裝置23内而與過熱蒸氣接觸,所含浸之 二氣化碩膨脹之後,使香煙原料之組織膨脹而被膨鬆化。 下面說明上述膨鬆化助劑之各部份。香煙原料係在移 送管3 1内隨同空氣一齊移送而來。而藉切線分離器3 2 (tangential separator)使之與空氣分離後,介著氣障 閥3 3、34 (air locker valve)而供給於後述之氣密 容器35内。氣密容器35内之壓力傜大致為大氣壓。 供給於該氣密容器3 5内之香煙原料係介著昇壓端之 第1轉閥3 6連績的供給於上述預含浸容器2 1内。介著 該第1轉閥3 6而移送中,香煙原料之環境由上述氣密容 器35内之大氣壓而被昇壓至上述預含浸容器21内之約 1 5氣壓。該預含浸容器2 1内設有螺旋37,香煙原料 像由螺旋3 7所移送。 預含浸容器21内之香煙原料係再介著昇壓端之第2 轉閥4 1送至含浸容器2 2。當香煙原料之介著第2轉閥 4 1送來之中,香煙原料之環境偽由上述預含浸容器2 1 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝. 訂- 線. 本紙張尺度逍用中國B家《準(CNS) T4規格(210x297公釐) -8 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局员工消费合作社印製 五、發明説明(7 ) 内之15氣壓而昇壓至含浸容器22内之30氣壓。 供給於含浸容器2 2内之香煙原料俗藉設置於含浸容 器22内之螺旋42所移送。又使含浸容器22内維持約 30氣壓之高壓地供給二氣化碩。於是二氣化碩將被含浸 於香煙原料内。 由含浸容器22内排出之香煙原料像介著減壓端之第 3轉閥4 3移送至氣密容器44。該氣密容器44内偽被 維持於約15氣壓之二氣化碩之環境,香煙原料通過上述 第3轉閥43時,該環境氣體之壓力偽由上述之含浸容器 22内之30氣壓減壓至上述氣密容器44内之15氣壓 0 又由氣密容器44所排出之香煙原料偽介著減壓端之 第4轉閥45送至氣密容器46。氣密容器46内維持於 大氣壓之二氧化磺之璟境。而當香煙原料通過上述第4轉 閥45時,由上述氣密容器44内之15氣壓減至上述氣 密容器4 6内之約大氣壓之壓力。 送至氣密容器46内之香煙原料傜又經氣障閥47而 連缠地供給於加熱裝置之風送管5 1内。上述風送管5 1 内流通有空氣及過熱蒸氣之混合氣體。混合氣體傺由加熱 器52加熱至規定之溫度,由風扇53以規定之流速流通 於風送管5 1内。由而被供給於風送管5 1内之香煙原料 係接觸於上述混合氣而被加張所含浸之二氧化磺膨脹,使 香煙原料組織膨脹而膨鬆化。經膨鬆化處理之香煙原料係 以切線分離器來分離,介著氣障閥5 5而被排出。又上述 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 裝· 訂· 線. 各紙張尺度逍用中B國家樣準(CNS)甲4規格(210X297公*) -9 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局员工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明鈐) 氣障閥47係用於防止風送管51内之混合氣之流入於氣 密容器4 6内者。 上述第1〜第4轉閥36、 41、 43、 45僳具有 大致相同之構造。下面以第2圖顯示第1轉閥36之構造 為例來說明。 圖中標號1係轉閥之外殼,在外殼1上形成有供給口 2及排出口 3。又在外殼1内以氣密地迴轉自如地收容有 迴轉體4。在上述迴轉體4之外周形成有多數之口袋5。 又上述外殼1形成有多數之昇壓端口 6及減壓端口 7。該 昇壓端口6之高壓最終段之口僳,由二氣化磺供給管9而 連接於預含浸容器21,供給高壓之二氧化碩。又,減壓 端口 7之低壓最終段之口上,連接有二氣化磺回收舌1 〇 a,以資回收成為低壓之二氣化碩。又其他舁壓端口 6與 減壓端口7僳以連通管8來分別連通。 上述供給口2内像例如設為大氣壓之壓力環境,又上 述排出口3内為中壓之二氣化硪環境。於是介著漏斗等而 投入於上述供給口2内之香煙原料係收容於上述迴轉體4 之各口袋5内,由迴轉體4之迴轉而依序蓮至排出口 3。 由於上述排出口3内係中壓之二氣化磺環境,所以對 於該排出口3而排出3内部之香煙原料之口袋5偽中壓之 二氣化碩環境。該口袋5之依序面對於減壓端口 7之間, 該口袋5内之高壓之二氣化碩係依序放壓至上述減壓端口 7,例如每次被減壓5氣壓程度,由於這些減壓端口7係 介著連通管8而連通於昇壓端口 6,所以由各減壓端口 7 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度逍用中a B家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210x29»«:) -10 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央橾準局貝工消费合作杜印製 五、發明説明没) 所排出之二氣化碩係供給於各昇壓端口 6。所以收容有香 煙原料之口袋5之逐漸對向於昇壓端口 6之間,例如每一 口各昇壓5氣壓,於是對向於最終段之昇壓端口6時像被 舁壓至與排出口3内之同壓力,然後對向於上述排出口3 ,而將收容之香煙原料排出於排出口3内。 又空之口袋5之對向於最終段之減壓端口 7時,殘留 於該口袋5内之低壓之二氣化碳即由該減壓端口7而介著 二氧化碩回收管10 a被回收,該口袋5内之壓力恢復為 大氣壓。 上述排出管3内設有噴嘴壁12,形成有連通於該噴 嘴壁12與排出口 3内面之間之間隙之噴出口 1 1。由該 噴出口 1 1供给高壓之二氣化碩。由噴嘴壁12與排出口 3内面間之間隙對於排出收容之香煙原料之空之口袋5内 所噴出之高壓二氧化碩之噴流去除殘留於該口袋5内之香 煙原料。 又上述者為一面昇壓一面連缠地供給香煙原料之昇壓 端之轉閥。惟一面減壓一面排出原料之減壓端之轉閥之構 造也是相同,抵不過量昇壓及減壓之作用相反而已。 第3圖中顯示例如上述第4轉閥4 5及氣密容器4 6 部份之構造。 該第4轉閥45俗一面減壓一面移送原料,所以與上 述第1轉閥3 6相比其對於昇壓端口 6與減壓端口 7之迴 轉體4之迴轉方向係相反方向。所以收容由供給口2所供 給之香煙原料之口袋5偽一面依序對向於減壓端口7,— (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝· 訂 線· 本紙張尺度逍用中國B家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210X297公龙) -11 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 經濟部中央標準局员工消費合作社印製 219891 五、發明説明(10) 面將逐漸的將香煙原料移送至排出口3,在其間口袋5之 壓力傜在各段各減5氣壓。 下面說明上述膨鬆化助劑之二氣化碩之供給及回收条 統。 圖中之標號6 1係氣體保持器(gas nolder),由二氣 化硝供給源62對於它給二氣化碩。氣體保持器61内之 二氧化碩即由壓縮機69壓縮為例如30氣壓之高壓,介 著為去除二氣化碩中之水分之除濕器6 0,熱交換器6 3 ,閥64將該高壓之二氣化碩供給於上述含浸容器22内 。又該高壓二氣化碩係介著閥65、 66送至第1及第2 轉閥36、4 1之噴出口,噴出於這些轉閥之口袋内以資 去除殘留之香煙原料。 又由上述第2轉閥41之最後段之減壓端之口所排出 之二氧化碩偽送至上述預含浸容器2 1内,又由第3轉閥 4 3之最後段之減壓端之口排出之二氧化硝偽送至氣密容 器44,預含浸容器21與氣密容器44内之壓力即由壓 力控制閥120調整為例如15氣壓,為保持壓力所剩之 二氧化磺即被減壓至大氣壓而予以回收。 由這些機器最後回收之低壓之二氯化碩偽回收至上述 之氣體保持器6 1 ,而後如上述地予以供給。又標號6 7 僳冷凍機,用於冷卻上述循環之二氣化碩。 又本膨鬆化裝置上,為防止從外部對於循環之二氣化 碩内混入空氣起見,在於上述昇壓端之第1轉閥36之上 游,及減壓端之第4轉閥45之下游分別設有氣密容器 Λ 6 Β6 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) ..裝- 訂 線· 本紙張尺度边用中國B家《準(CNS) T4規格(2丨0X297公釐) 81. 5 . 20.000(H) -12 - 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部屮央標準局貝工消贽合作社印製 五、發明説明(11) 3 5、4 6 〇 第2圖顯示昇壓端之第1轉閥3 6及氣密容器3 5之 部份。在轉閥3 6之供給口連接有上述之氣密容器3 5。 氣密容器35俗呈倒立圓錐形,為滑槽之用。在氣密容器 3 5之上面設有香煙原料之投入口 7 1。介箸上述轉閥 33、 34而由投入口71連缠的可投入香煙原料。 又在氣密容器3 5之上面形成有二氣化碩之旁通口 7 2及二氧化磺之排氣口 7 3。而上述旁通口 7 2係介著旁 通管1 0 a連通於上述轉閥3 6之最後段之減壓端之口 7 。又上述排氣口73偽介著配管74而連通於上述氣體保 持器6 1。 具有如上述構造者,其轉閥36之迴轉體4之口袋5 轉到對向於最後段之減壓端口7時,殘留於口袋5之壓力 將噴出於口7内。該口7像介著旁通管10a及旁通口 72而連通於上述氣密容器35内,因此該壓力將放出於 上述氣密容器35内。所以口袋5之内部壓力將成為相等 於氣密容器35之内部之壓力,故接著口袋5對向於供給 口 2時沒有剩餘之壓力逆噴於供給口 2 ,因此不會阻礙原 料之順暢之流通。 又每當口袋5對向於最後段之減壓端口 7時,介著旁 通管10a及旁通口72對於上述容器35内供給二氣化 碩。雖然在氣密容器35内隨同投入之香煙原料,空氣也 會進入,但是如上所述對於上述氣密容器35内供· 给有二 氣化碩,所以氣密容器35内成為大致為二氧化硪之環境 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填窝本頁) -·裝· 訂_ 線< 本紙張尺度逍用中國B家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210父297公货) 81. 5. 20.000(H) -13 - 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局貝工消t合作社印製 五、發明説明(12 ) 氣。所以含在投入之香煙原料之空氣係由二氣化磺所置換 ,斯後該香煙原料偽介著轉閥3 6送至上述預含浸容器 2 1内,所以可以防止空氣之進入於預含浸容器2 1等之 内部。 再者,殘留於口袋5内之香煙原料係,在口袋5之對 向於最後段之減壓端之口7時,隨同所噴出之二氣化硪一 齊送至氣密容器35内,在氣密容器35内而與二氣化磺 分離後隨同投入之香煙原料一齊介著轉閥3 6送至預含浸 容器2 1。所以香煙原料不會有損失,又不必設置過濾器 構成阻塞之構件。 第3圖顯示減壓端之第4轉閥4 5與氣密容器4 6之 部份。該氣密容器64係呈倒立圓錐形,具有滑槽之作用 。在該氣密容器46之上面形成有投入口81,連通於上 述第4轉閥45之排出口 3。又在氣密容器46之上部形 成有旁通口82及排氣口83,旁通口82偽介著旁通管 1 Ob連通於最後段之減壓端口 7。排氣口 8 3偽介著配 管84而連通於氣體保持器61。 第3圖之氣密容器4 6係與第2圖所示之氣密容器 3 5 —樣具有防止空氣及水蒸氣等之進入於二氣化碩之循 環条統内之作用。按雖然投入於氣密容器46内之香煙原 料内並不含有空氣,惟由於氣障閥47之内部洩浸等緣故 而氣密容器46内也有風送管51内之空氣或水蒸氣多多 少少進入之可能,惟在這種情形下,由於供給於氣密容器 4 6之二氣化碩來置換侵入於此氣密容器4 6内之空氣或 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 裝· 本紙張尺度逍用中國B家樣毕(CNS)甲4規格(210X297公;¢) -14 - 81. 5 . 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局员工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明啓3) 水蒸氣,因此空氣或水蒸氣不致於進入於比氣密容器46 之上流也。 再者,在上述之香煙原料之膨鬆化裝置中,設有膨鬆 化助劑(二氣化磺)之回收,以及有效率的維持糸統内之 二氧化碩之濃度用之裝置。下面說該裝置。 如上所述,上述之第1轉閥36與氣密容器35,及 第4轉閥45與氣密容器46部份中,氣密容器35、 46内供給二氣化碩以便與從外部侵入之空氣置換。由這 些氣密容器3 5、4 6所排出之二氣化碩中混入有空氣, 所以如果從這些氣密容器3 5、4 6内回收之二氣化磺就 這樣的退回至氣體保持器61時,膨鬆化裝置之二氧化碩 循環糸統内中逐漸積蓄空氣由而使該設備之效率降低。 為防止此種不適宜之情形雖然可以採取將自氣密容器 35、 46之二氣化磺廢棄於外部,惟如此時需要從二氧 化磺供給源62補給大量之二氧化碩,因此成本不合宜, 又二氣化碩排出於大氣並不是好事,此種不合宜之情形偽 隨著膨鬆化助劑之趨為大規模愈顯著。 本發明之膨鬆化助劑偽為了改善上述之不合宜之情形 ,設有有效率的回收二氣化碩,而分離混入之空氣,有效 率的控制条統内之二氧化碩之濃度用之回收分離裝置。 第1圖,第5圖及第6圖顯示該回收分離裝置91。 在為從上述氣密容器35、 46之排氣口73、 83 所排出之二氣化碩之回收配管74、 84之中途分別設置 切換閥7 5、8 5 ,由這些之上游側分岐分別設有回收配 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 裝- 訂- 本紙張尺度逍用中國B家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公龙) -15 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局貞工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(14) 管92、93。且這些回收配管92、93係連通於上述 回收分離裝置91。所以閉合上述切換閥75、 85時, 由上述氣密容器35、 46所排出之含有空氣之二氧化碳 即不會送至氣體保持器61,送至上述回收分離裝置。 該回收分離裝置9 1傈吸著式之二氧化磺分離裝置( 上述之PSA)。即如第5圖及第6圖所示,設有多數之 二値吸著塔94a、 94b。這些吸著塔94a、 94b 填充有活性炭或沸石等之吸著劑。這些吸著劑係從空氣與 二氧化碩之混合氣體中選擇的吸著二氣化硪,同時壓力愈 高該吸著量愈大,壓力愈低吸著量愈少。 又在此裝置上設有加壓泵9 5及抽吸泵9 6。這些泵 係分別介著閥98a、 98b、 99a、 99b而連結於 上述吸著塔94a、 94b之一端部,又這些吸著塔94 a、 94b之另一端偽分別介著閥97a、 97b連接有 排氣管1 0 1。 回收分離装置俗如第5圖所示,例如先開一方之吸著 塔94a之閥98a、 97a,藉加壓泵95而將來自上 述之氣密容器35、 46之二氣化碩與空氣之混合氣體供 給之一方之吸著塔94 a,使之吸著二氧化硪,分離了二 氣化碩之剩餘之空氣等氣餅係從排氣管1 0 1而排出於外 部。又該時另一方之吸箸塔94b之閥98b、 97b被 閉合同時啓閥9 9 b ,藉抽吸泵9 6將另一方吸著塔94 b之内部排氣於低壓。於是另一方之吸著塔94b内之吸 著劑所吸著之二氧化磺將被放出被回收回流至上述膨鬆化 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 裝. 訂_ 本紙張尺度逍用中國困家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公龙) -16 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 經濟部屮央標準局员工消費合作社印製 219891 Λ 6 _____Β6 五、發明説明啟5 ) 設備之条統内。 接著如第6圖所示,使之與上述之閥之開閉狀態相反 ,令一方之吸著塔94b内之壓力為低壓,放出所吸著之 二氧化磺而予以回收,又以另一方之吸著塔94b來吸著 二氣化碩。下面反複上述動作,交互地吸著塔94a、 94b實施吸著及再生以分離二氧化碩來回收。又此循環 之間隔係以例如9 0秒〜1 8 ◦秒以比較短之週期來反複 實施。 依此樣之回收分離裝置91時可以回收混合有空氣之 二氣化碩有效率的分離去除空氣而祗將二氣化碩回流至膨 鬆化設備之糸統,所以不會浪費的將二氧化碩放出於外部 ,又可正確的控制条統内之二氣化碩之濃度。 又本回收分離裝置91係藉吸箸來分離二氣化磺,所 以回收之氣體之二氣化磺之濃度低時也可以有效率的使之 分離,又隨應性良好,可以安定的控制該膨鬆化裝置之二 氧化硪之循環条統内之二氧化硪濃度。 在第7圖顯示習用之液化式之二氣化磺分離裝置。即 壓縮混合氣體,使二氣化碩液化而分離之形式之持性之一 例。由第7圖可明瞭,在習用之液化形之裝置時,如處理 氣體中之空氣濃度高時,二氧化碩之分離效率極端的低, 實質上該二氣化磺係無法分離回收。又以液化式之裝置時 裝置之起動或蓮轉條件之變更等需很長之時間,無法追隨 於二氣化碩循環糸統内之二氧化碩之濃度之變化。因此条 統内之二氧化硪濃度將成為不安定。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本紙張尺度逍用中β國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210X297公龙) -17 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) Λ 6 Β6 219891 五、發明説明(16 ) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 相對的,上述回收分離裝置91之二氧化硪分離效率 傜如第8圖所示之一例,在二氧化碩之濃度低時也可以維 持極高之分離效率。又該回收分離裝置91係如所上述極 短之循環來蓮轉,所以該起動及蓮轉條件之變更為非常敏 速。所以很迅速的回應於膨鬆化裝置之二氧化磺之循環糸 統内之二氧化磺濃度之變化,由而正確且確實地控制該二 氣化碩循環条統内之二氧化碩濃度。 又為有效率的實施依回收分離裝罝91之二氧化碩之 分離回收,將上述氣密容器35、46等之氣密容器構成 為如第4圖所示狀也可以。該者僳具備有如上述一般之氣 密容器106,在其上部形成有投入口 102。又在該氣 密容器106之上部裝設有旋風式分離器103 ( 經濟部屮央標準局员工消费合作社印製 cyclone separator)。來自轉閥最後段之減壓端之口之 二氣化碩像介著旁通管1 0 9送至該旋風式分離器1 0 3 ,使之與含有二氧化磺之香煙原料分離。分離了香煙原料 傜介著配管1 07回收於氣體保持器6 1。被分離之香煙 原料像,與少量之二氧化磺一齊,介著轉閥105從供給 口 1 〇4而送至氣密容器1 0 1内。該香煙原料傺隨同從 投入口102所投入之香煙原料一齊送向下游。由送至氣 密容器106之二氧化磺而從外部進入之空氣將置換。而 與空氣混合之二氣化碩即由回收口110介著回收配管 1 0 8送至上述之回收分離裝置。 使用如上述之氣密容器時,來自轉閥之二氧化磺之大 部份將由氣體保持器61所回收,與空氣混合而送至回收 本紙張尺度逍用中國B家樣準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公;ft) -18 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局A工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(17) 分離裝置91之二氣化磺之量會變少。因此可以減輕回收 分離裝置之負荷。又此時送至回收分離裝置之混合氣體之 二氧化碩之濃度將降低,惟如前面所述,該吸著形之回收 分離裝置91時,二氣化碩濃度低之下仍能有效率的分離 ,因此沒有妨礙。 再者,膨鬆化助劑条統内之空氣濃度低愈低愈佳,例 如需控制至5容積百分率以下之必要。該控制方法為,以 空氣濃度1 0 0來測定供給於含浸容器2 2之膨鬆化助劑 中之空氣濃度,而使該值得滿足規定空氣濃度地,藉設置 於來自氣密容器35、46之回收配管74、84之流量 控制閥75、 85自動地控制該閥開度以調節供給於回收 分離裝置91之回收氣體量,而實施空氣濃度之控制。 又來氣密容器35、 46之回收氣體之全量供給處理 於回收分離装置91之後仍然無法滿足空氣濃度之規定量 時,可將來自預含浸容器21,氣密容器44之回收氣體 之一部份或全部地供給於回收分離裝置91來反應。 上述第1實施例中,該一面昇壓或減壓一面連缠移送 香煙原料之閥裝置偽以轉閥為例加以說明,惟亦使用球閥 來執行。 第9圖顯示使用球閥之第2實施例之膨鬆化裝置。又 除了上述之點外,該第2實施例具有與第1實施例相同之 構造,故第9圖中之對應於第1實施例偽標上同一標號, 省略其說明。 第9圖中,標號36a偽第1之球閥,41 a偽第2 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 本紙張尺度逍用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公龙) -19 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 經濟部中央標準局β工消#合作社印製 219891 Λ6 __B6__ 五、發明説明(18) 球閥,43a係第3球閥,45a係第4球閥。又標號 35、35a、44、46傜氣密容器。上述各球閥像藉 迴轉之球體來移送香煙原料者,沒有如上述之轉閥之形成 有昇壓端口或減壓端口。 因此在上述之各氣密容器35、35a,介著配管 121、131、141,閥 123、133、143 供 給二氣化碩,由而將這些内部維持於二氧化碩之環境。又 對於最下游之氣密容器内即由第4球閥45 a而隨同香煙 原料供給二氣化磺,而將其内部維持於二氧化碩之環境。 從氣密容器3 5 a、44所排出之二;氣化碩中並沒有 混入空氣所以該二氣化碩俗介著配管132、 142,閥 134、 144而直接由氣體保持器61所回收。由最上 游之氣密器3 5及最下游之氣密容器4 6所排出之二氣化 碩中混入有空氣,所以這些二氣化碩傜介著配管122、 152,暌124、154而送至如上述之回收分離裝置 Ο 再者將上述回收之二氧化磺壓縮到高壓之壓力需要消 耗能源。為了減少該壓縮回收之所需能源。以第10圖所 示之第3實施例一般構成二氣化碩之回收条統亦可以。第 3實施例係將回收之二氣化碩分為低壓及中壓之二糸統來 回收者,該第3實施例之香煙原料膨鬆化条統之構成係與 第1實施例之裝置相同,故省略其說明。 下面說明該第3實施例之二氣化碩之供給及回收糸統 。(第1 ◦圖) (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 訂- 線· 本紙張尺度遑用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公*) 一 20 - 81. 5. 20,000(H) Λ 6 Β6 219891 五、發明説明(19) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 由上述供給条統及排出条統所回收之二氣化碩供給源 僳,最終的被昇壓至稍高於含浸壓(約30氣壓)之壓力 後送至高壓氣槽1 6 1。該高壓氣槽1 6 1内之二氣化碳 係介著熱交換器6 3閥64而供給於上述含浸容器2 2内 。又該高壓之二氣化碩係介著閥65、 66送至第1及第 2轉閥36、4 1之噴出口,噴出於這些轉閥之口袋内以 資去除殘留之香煙原料。’ 訂- 又由上述第2轉閥41之最後段之減壓端之口所排出 之二氣化碩偽送至上述之預含浸容器2 1内,又由第3轉 閥4 3之最後段之減壓端口所排出之二氧化碩偽送至氣密 容器44内。預含浸容器21及氣密容器44内之壓力係 由壓力調整閥1 93而被調整於例如1 5氣壓,為保持壓 力所多餘之二氣化硪即予以回收。 由上述香煙原料之供給条統及排出条統所回收之二氣 化碩係個別地由低回收条統及中壓回收条統之二値糸統來 回收,最後回收於上述高壓氣槽。 經濟部中央標準局员工消費合作社印製 首先說明上述之低壓回收条統之構成。上述供給条統 之末端部之氣密容器3 5内係例如被雒持調整於約大氣壓 之低壓,而由氣密容器35内所回收之二氣化碩係低壓者 。再者在氣密容器35内,混入有含入於所送入之香煙原 料内之空氣。又香煙原料之排出糸統之末端部之氣密容器 46内亦被維持及調整於約大氣壓之低壓。同時由氣密容 器46所回收之二氣化磺中,含有由外部進入之空氣及水 分。 本紙張尺度逍用中a Η家揉準(CNS)甲4規格(210X297公*) -21 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部屮央標準局员工消t合作社印製 五、發明説明¢0) 由這些氣密容器3 5、4 6所回收之低壓二氣化碩偽 被匯集於低壓回收配管171,匯集於低壓回收配管 171之二氣化碩係介著低壓分離配管172,藉由泵 173而送至上述分離裝置91。 以這個吸著裝置91而被分離了空氣之二氣化碩即以 泵176介著低壓回收配管177送至低壓氣槽178。 該低壓氣槽1 7 8係以低壓而儲存二氣化硪。 再者,與上述之低壓回收配管1 7 1另設有低壓旁通 配管181。 該低壓旁通配管181傜介著閥182、 183而連 接於上述低壓回收配管171,又介著泵184而連接於 上述低壓氣槽178。所以開啓這些閥182、 183而 回收之低壓之二氣化碩將旁通送至上述低壓氣槽178。 於是回收至低壓氣槽1 7 8之二氧化碩僳由中壓加壓 機1 85由低壓昇壓至約5〜1 5氣壓之中壓送至後述之 中壓回收条統之中壓氣槽1 94。又對於低壓氣槽1 78 中從二氣化碩之供給源6 2補給新的二氣化磺,由而對於 該膨鬆化裝置之二氧化碩之循環条統内實施新的二氣化碩 〇 接著,對於上述之中壓回收条統加以說明。上述之預 含浸容器2 1及氣密容器44内傜由壓力調整閥1 93維 持於約15氣壓,由此所回收之二氣化碩係中壓之壓力者 。又所回收之二氣化碩中並不含有空氣等之不純物。由這 些預含浸容器21及氣密容器44所回收之二氧化碩將匯 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) .·裝. 訂. 線< 本紙張尺度逍用中a B家橾準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公*) -22 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局员工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明¢1) 集於中懕回收配管19 1,介著中壓配管192、193 送至中壓氣槽194内。該中壓氣槽即以約5〜15中壓 之壓力儲存二氣化磺。 又從這些中壓配管192、 193之中途分岐,設有 中壓旁通配管196,中壓旁通配管196僳連接於上述 之低壓氣槽1 78。而中壓旁通配管1 96之中途設有閥 1 97。所以開啓閥1 97就可以將中壓之二氣化磺之金 部或一部份不送中壓氣槽194而轉送至上述低壓氣槽 1 7 8 〇 本第3實施例者,傺以中壓回收糸統回收中壓之二氣 化碩,所以該中壓回收糸統之高壓加壓機195係祗將二 氧化磺由中壓昇壓至高壓就足。因此加壓機之容量小,又 消耗電力亦子。又本實施例中傜將低壓回收条統所回收之 低壓之二氣化碩加壓至中壓而供給於中壓氣槽194,所 以中壓氣槽係構成加壓機之缓衝槽之作用,這些加壓機之 蓮轉管理變為容易。 又在本實施例中,祗將混入有空氣等之低壓二氣化碩 送至分離裝置9 1而分離所混入之空氣等。因此很小的分 離裝置91之容量就可以。 再者,具有本二糸統之二氣化碩之裝置並侷限於上述 第3實施例。例如第11圖中顯示本發明之第4實施例。 本實施例中設有將回收於低壓氣槽178之二氧化碩 由低壓一直昇壓至高壓之高壓加壓機1 8 5 a ,而將低壓 氣槽1 78之二氣化磺直接送至高壓氣槽1 6 1。又中壓 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -線< 本紙張尺度逍用中困B家樣準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公釐) -23 - 81. 5. 20.000(H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 五、發明説明¢2) 氣槽194内之中壓之二氣化硝即與第1實施例一樣,由 中ΙΕ昇至高壓之第2高壓加壓機1 9 5 a而予以昇壓送至 高壓氣槽161。 又第4實施例俱除了上述之點以外即與上述第3實施 例相同之構成,因此,在第11圖中與第3實施例所對應 之部份檫上相同之檫號而省略其說明。 本第4實施例時,第1及第2高壓加壓機185a、 195 a偽並聯的予以配置,所以可以獨立地蓮轉,因此 加壓機之蓮轉管理很容易。 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再塡窝本頁) 裝· 訂· -線· 經濟部屮央標準局员工消費合作社印製 本紙張尺度遑用中國覼家樣準(CNS)甲4規格(210x297公;¢) -24 - 81. 5. 20,000(H)219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs V. Description of the Invention (I) (Field of Invention) The present invention relates to an expansion device for expanding agricultural products such as tobacco raw materials and food. In more detail, the present invention assumes that the two gasification masters are used as the expansion agent in the expansion device (expansion agent), can be intertwined with the expansion treatment, and the expansion agent is not released Externally, a bulking device that can be used cyclically within the system. (Prior art) In the past, when cigarette materials were manufactured from cut tobacco leaves, cigarettes were manufactured by bulking the structure of the cigarette materials. According to the bulking of cigarette raw materials, gaseous or liquid expanding agents (such as organic solvents, carbon dioxide, etc.) are used to liquefy or pressurize them to a high-pressure state, and the cigarette raw materials are placed in this The tissue of the tobacco leaf is stained with the above-mentioned bulking aid, heated under reduced pressure, and the impregnated bulking aid is expanded to expand the tissue of the raw material. The cigarette raw material (tobacco shreds) expanded in this way will increase its volume, and the cigarette raw material used in the manufacture of cigarettes can be less, and it can give a light smoking feeling. The above-mentioned bulky cigarette raw material 傜 is used directly or mixed with non-bulking cigarette raw material for manufacturing cigarettes. The bulking device that implements the bulking above is: after containing a predetermined amount of cigarette raw materials in the impregnation container, the high-pressure bulking aid is supplied into the impregnation container, and then the cigarette raw materials are taken out for expansion Batch type. And, for the impregnating container supplied with high-pressure bulking aid continuously (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) < Set 1 line · This paper standard is easy to use China B Home Sample Standard (CNS) T4 specification (2〗 0X297 mm) -3-81. 5. 20,000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Beige, Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed by the consumer cooperative V. Description of invention 0) Supply cigarette raw materials, impregnating them with bulking aids, and then take out the entangled type of cigarette raw materials impregnated with bulking aids. The former batch type, although simple in structure, has low efficiency, and at the same time has the disadvantage of a large amount of bulking aids dissipating in the atmosphere. In addition, the latter entanglement type device is efficient, and does not waste the bulking aid. It has the advantage of being recyclable. However, in such a tandem type device, a valve device must be provided so that the cigarette raw materials are pressurized while being continuously supplied into the impregnating container, while the impregnating container is decompressed while taking out the cigarette raw materials. At the same time, the air is mixed into the impregnation container through the valve device to reduce the expansion efficiency, so it is necessary to remove the mixed air and recover the expansion aid discharged through the valve device. Recently, as such bulking aids, the second one is that it has less influence on the environment and is more abundant. However, the use of the impregnation container used by the second gasification master to apply a large pressure to the cigarette material, the performance of the above valve device, etc. will also be required to be more advanced. Recently, this bulking device has become a larger-scale device, and the amount of the second gasification device used is also very large. Therefore, in order to prevent adverse effects on the environment and reduce the amount of sulphur dioxide consumed, the gas is recovered as much as possible to reduce the amount discharged to the outside, and the air mixed in the impregnation container is effectively removed. The requirements are very earnest. As mentioned above, the second gasification master used in the cigarette raw material will be compressed and then used again. However, energy is required to compress the two gasification sulfonate, and such energy reduction will also be required. In the second part of this cycle, air will also be mixed in the gasification master. To separate the mixed air, it is necessary to have large-scale equipment and (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) •• install · order_ line -This paper is used in the "National Samples (CNS) A4 specification (210x297 g *) -4-81.5 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Description of invention G) Energy. Therefore, it is also necessary to reduce the amount of air mixed with the gasification carbon in the second cycle as much as possible. In addition, the bulking device is not compatible with the bulking of the above-mentioned cigarette raw materials. For example, it can also be used as a device for bulking wild vegetables during the drying process of agricultural products such as vegetables to produce dried vegetables that can be easily conditioned. (Summary of the invention) In order to satisfy the above requirements, the present invention provides a device for bulking, for example, cigarette raw materials, using bulking aids such as sulphur dioxide, to obtain bulky entanglement of these cigarette raw materials In order to prevent the mixing of air in the two gasification masters as much as possible, and to efficiently remove the mixed air, and at the same time reduce the energy required for the operation of the bulking rib agent as much as possible. In order to achieve the above object, the bulking device of the present invention is provided with an impregnation container (i m P r e g m a t i n g v e s s e 1), and a bulking aid (for example, a second gasification master pressurized to a high pressure) is supplied in the impregnation container. The impregnation container is continuously supplied with cigarette raw materials via a rotary valve. The cigarette raw material impregnated with digasification sulfonate in the impregnation container was taken out through the rotary valve successively, and the oxidized monoxide impregnated in the environment of low pressure and high temperature expanded. . The above-mentioned rotary valve all makes the pressure of the environmental gas of the cigarette raw material (for example, two gasification masters) increase or decrease pressure while transferring the cigarette raw materials continuously. These rotary valves are, for example, arranged in two stages in series at the boost end and the decompression end. In addition, when the pressure in the impregnation vessel is 30 atm, for example, a general rotary valve is used to increase or decrease the pressure to 15 atm. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) Winter Paper Standard Use A 揈 家 《華 (CHS) A4 Specification (210x297 Gong *) -5-81. 5. 20.000 (H) Central Standard of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 219891 Λ 6 _Β_6 printed by the Bureau Cooperative Consumer Co., Ltd. V. Description of invention) In the first invention in the specification of this case, the second gasification master supplied to the above-mentioned impregnation container or rotary valve will be recovered and used again. The recovered gasification gas is mixed with air entering from outside, and the mixed air will be separated and cut off. Therefore, the air circulation in the second gasification main body circulating in the device is maintained within a range that does not reduce the bulking efficiency. The PS A device will be used as the device for separating air from the second recovered gasification sulphur. (Pressure swing absorption apparatus) In this device, when the pressure is changed, the sorption agent that changes the adsorption amount of the SiO2, such as active sulfon, zeolite, etc., is used. These sorbents selectively adsorb the two-gasification master, for example, about 2 atmospheres of gas is supplied to the mixed gas of the two-gasification master to separate the mixed air. The adsorbed gasification master image is decompressed to near the vacuum or can be separated from the recovery. It is very efficient to perform this operation interactively using a plurality of adsorption towers. A second invention of the present invention is that an airtight container is provided upstream of the rotary valve at the pressure-increasing end, and cigarette raw materials are supplied to the rotary valve through the airtight container. An air-tight detector is also provided at the downstream end of the rotary valve at the decompression end, and the cigarette raw materials discharged from the rotary valve at the decompression end are interposed through the airtight container to the expansion process. Sulfur dioxide gas is supplied in the above-mentioned airtight container, and the air in these airtight containers is replaced by the dioxide, thereby preventing air from being mixed in the circulation system of the dioxide through the rotary valve. Furthermore, in the third invention, the rotary valve is provided with two stages at the pressure-increasing end and the pressure-reducing end, respectively. The discharged nitrous oxide is low pressure. And these two medium-pressure and low-pressure two gasification masters are recovered in different ways, respectively (please read the precautions on the back and then write this page). Packing and ordering _ line. This paper is used again. National Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210X297 g *) -6-81. 5. 20,000 (Η) ^ 19891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Description of invention 6) Different pressure The machine pressurizes to high pressure to return to the impregnating container, so the energy required for boosting the recovered second gasification master is less. Brief Description of the Drawings Figure 1 is an overall schematic view of the bulking equipment of the first embodiment. Figure 2 is a longitudinal sectional view of the first rotary valve and the airtight container. Figure 3 is a longitudinal sectional view of the fourth rotary valve and the airtight container. Fig. 4 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of a modified example of the air-tight container in No.1. Figure 5 is a schematic diagram of a pseudo-recovery separation device. Fig. 6 is a schematic diagram of the recovery and separation device in another state. The characteristic diagram of the 7th series liquefied separation device \ The 8th diagram of the characteristic diagram of the sorption type separation device. Fig. 9 is an overall schematic view of the bulking equipment of the second embodiment. Fig. 10 is a schematic diagram of the whole shape of the bulking equipment of the third embodiment of Weng. Fig. 11 is an overall schematic view of the bulking equipment of the fourth embodiment. (Embodiment) Hereinafter, an embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. These examples are all continuous-type cigarette raw material expansion devices using two gasification sulfonates as expansion aids. FIG. 1 to FIG. 6 show the first embodiment of the present invention. First, the outline of the bulking aid will be described. FIG. 1 shows the outline of the entire bulking device of the cigarette material. The reference number 21 in the picture refers to the pre-impregnation container, 22 refers to the impregnation container, and the pre-impregnation container 21 has a prescribed amount of about 15 (please read the precautions on the back before filling the nest page). Medium 1 S home sample standard (CNS) Grade A specification (210X297 g) -7-81. 5. 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. After the description of the invention) Pressure level Pressure to maintain the two gasification. Into the impregnation vessel 22, approximately 30 atmospheres of pressure is supplied. Thus, the impregnating container 21 is filled with a gaseous second gasification master. The cigarette raw material is first supplied in a continuous manner into the aforementioned pre-impregnation container 21, and then continuously supplied into the impregnation container 22 from the pre-impregnation container 21. In this way, in the impregnation container 22, the two gasification sulfonates are impregnated into the leaf tissue of the cigarette material. The cigarette raw materials impregnated with the two gasification masters are supplied to the heating device 23 in contact with the superheated steam. After the impregnated two gasification masters expand, the tissue of the cigarette raw materials expands and is expanded. Loosen. Next, each part of the above bulking aid will be described. The cigarette raw materials are transferred together with the air in the transfer pipe 31. After being separated from the air by a tangential separator 3 2 (tangential separator), it is supplied to an airtight container 35 described later via an air barrier valve 3 3, 34 (air locker valve). The pressure in the airtight container 35 is approximately atmospheric pressure. The cigarette raw material supplied into the airtight container 35 is continuously supplied into the pre-impregnation container 21 through the first rotary valve 36 at the pressure-increasing end. During the transfer through the first rotary valve 36, the environment of the cigarette raw material is increased from the atmospheric pressure in the airtight container 35 to about 15 atmospheres in the pre-impregnation container 21. The pre-impregnation container 21 is provided with a screw 37, and the cigarette raw material image is transferred by the screw 37. The cigarette raw material in the pre-impregnation container 21 is sent to the impregnation container 22 via the second rotary valve 4 1 at the boosting end. When the cigarette raw material is sent through the second rotary valve 4 1, the environment of the cigarette raw material is presumed by the above-mentioned pre-impregnated container 2 1 (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). Order-line. This paper Scale Xiao uses China ’s B standard (CNS) T4 specifications (210x297 mm) -8-81. 5. 20.000 (H) Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the employee consumer cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy V. Invention description (7) The pressure is increased from 15 atm to 30 atm in the impregnation vessel 22. The cigarette raw materials supplied into the impregnation container 22 are generally transferred by the screw 42 provided in the impregnation container 22. The impregnation vessel 22 is supplied with a high pressure of about 30 atmospheres to supply two gasification masters. So the two gasification masters will be impregnated in the cigarette raw materials. The cigarette raw material discharged from the impregnation container 22 is transferred to the airtight container 44 through the third rotary valve 43 at the decompression end. The inside of the airtight container 44 is pseudo-maintained at a pressure of about 15 atm. When the cigarette raw material passes through the third rotary valve 43, the pressure of the ambient gas is reduced by 30 atmospheric pressure in the impregnation container 22. The 15 air pressure in the airtight container 44 and the cigarette material discharged from the airtight container 44 are sent to the airtight container 46 via the fourth rotary valve 45 at the decompression end. The airtight container 46 is maintained at the atmospheric pressure of sulfur dioxide. On the other hand, when the cigarette raw material passes through the fourth rotary valve 45, the pressure in the airtight container 44 is reduced to about atmospheric pressure in the airtight container 46. The cigarette raw material sent into the airtight container 46 is continuously supplied through the gas barrier valve 47 into the air supply pipe 51 of the heating device. A mixed gas of air and superheated steam flows through the air duct 5 1. The mixed gas is heated by the heater 52 to a predetermined temperature, and the fan 53 circulates in the air duct 51 at a predetermined flow rate. As a result, the cigarette raw material supplied into the air duct 51 is expanded by the expanded sulfur dioxide impregnated in contact with the mixed gas, and the tissue of the cigarette raw material expands and becomes bulky. The bulky cigarette raw materials are separated by a tangential separator and discharged through the gas barrier valve 55. Also the above (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) Binding, Ordering and Threading. Each paper size is easy to use in China National Standard (CNS) Grade 4 (210X297) * -9-81. 5. 20.000 (H) Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of Invention (Ga) The gas barrier valve 47 is used to prevent the mixed gas in the air duct 51 from flowing into the airtight container 46. The first to fourth rotary valves 36, 41, 43, and 45 have substantially the same structure. In the following, the structure of the first rotary valve 36 shown in Fig. 2 will be described as an example. In the figure, reference numeral 1 is a casing of a rotary valve, and a supply port 2 and a discharge port 3 are formed in the casing 1. In the housing 1, a revolving body 4 is housed so as to be airtightly rotatable. A large number of pockets 5 are formed on the outer periphery of the above-mentioned rotating body 4. In addition, the housing 1 is formed with a plurality of pressure-increasing ports 6 and pressure-reducing ports 7. The mouth of the high-pressure final stage of the pressure-increasing port 6 is connected to the pre-impregnation vessel 21 through a sulfonating gas supply pipe 9 to supply high-pressure SiO 2. In addition, the second low-pressure final stage of the decompression port 7 is connected with a second gasification sulphur recovery tongue 10a, which is recovered as a low-pressure second gasification master. The other pressure port 6 and the decompression port 7 are communicated with a communication tube 8 respectively. The inside of the supply port 2 is, for example, a pressure environment of atmospheric pressure, and the inside of the discharge port 3 is a medium-pressure two-gasification environment. Thus, the cigarette raw materials introduced into the supply port 2 via a funnel or the like are housed in the pockets 5 of the rotating body 4, and the rotating body 4 rotates to sequentially discharge to the discharge port 3. Since the inside of the discharge port 3 is a medium-pressure second gasification sulphur environment, the pocket 5 of the cigarette raw material inside the discharge port 3 is pseudo-medium-pressure two-gasification environment. The sequential face of the pocket 5 is between the decompression ports 7, and the high-pressure two gasification masters in the pocket 5 are sequentially depressurized to the decompression port 7, for example, each time the pressure is reduced by 5 atmospheres. The pressure-reducing port 7 is connected to the pressure-increasing port 6 through the communication tube 8. Therefore, each pressure-reducing port 7 (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page). ) A 4 specifications (210x29 »« :) -10-81. 5. 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Ministry of Economic Affairs, Central Bureau of Industry and Fisheries Cooperative Printed by DuPont V. Description of Invention No. 2) Gasification The master is supplied to each boost port 6. Therefore, the pocket 5 containing the cigarette raw material gradually faces between the pressure-increasing ports 6, for example, each port is pressurized by 5 air pressure, so when it is opposed to the final stage of the pressure-increasing port 6, it seems to be pressed into the discharge port 3 At the same pressure, then facing the above-mentioned discharge port 3, the contained cigarette raw materials are discharged into the discharge port 3. When the empty pocket 5 is opposed to the decompression port 7 of the final stage, the low-pressure gasified carbon 2 remaining in the pocket 5 is recovered from the decompression port 7 through the SiO 2 recovery pipe 10 a The pressure in the pocket 5 returns to atmospheric pressure. A nozzle wall 12 is provided in the discharge pipe 3, and a discharge port 11 communicating with the gap between the nozzle wall 12 and the inner surface of the discharge port 3 is formed. The second high-pressure gasification master is supplied from the injection port 11. The gap between the nozzle wall 12 and the inner surface of the discharge port 3 removes the cigarette raw material remaining in the pocket 5 from the jet of high-pressure dioxide emitted from the empty pocket 5 in which the contained cigarette raw material is discharged. The above-mentioned is a rotary valve for supplying the raw material of cigarettes at a pressure-increasing end while being pressure-increased. The structure of the rotary valve at the decompression end that discharges the raw materials on the same side of the pressure reduction side is also the same, but the effect of the volume increase and pressure reduction is reversed. FIG. 3 shows, for example, the structure of the fourth rotary valve 45 and the airtight container 4 6 described above. Since the fourth rotary valve 45 transfers raw materials while decompressing, the direction of rotation of the rotary body 4 of the pressure-increasing port 6 and the pressure-reducing port 7 is opposite to that of the first rotary valve 36 described above. Therefore, the pocket 5 containing the cigarette raw material supplied by the supply port 2 is opposite to the decompression port 7 in sequence, — (please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page). China B Standard (CNS) Grade A 4 (210X297 male dragon) -11-81. 5. 20.000 (H) Printed by the Consumer Standardization Bureau of the Central Bureau of Economic Affairs of the Ministry of Economy 219891 V. Description of invention (10) The cigarette will gradually be changed The raw materials are transferred to the discharge port 3, during which the pressure of the pocket 5 is reduced by 5 at each stage. The following describes the supply and recovery system of the above-mentioned bulking aid No. 2 gasification master. The reference numeral 6 1 in the figure is a gas nolder, and the second gasification nitrate supply source 62 supplies it to the second gasification master. The dioxide in the gas holder 61 is compressed by the compressor 69 to a high pressure of, for example, 30 atmospheres, and the high pressure is removed through the dehumidifier 60, the heat exchanger 6 3, and the valve 64 to remove the moisture in the second gasification. The second gasification master is supplied into the impregnation container 22 described above. The high-pressure two-gasification system is sent to the outlets of the first and second rotary valves 36 and 41 through valves 65 and 66, and is sprayed into the pockets of these rotary valves to remove the remaining cigarette raw materials. The oxidized silicon dioxide discharged from the outlet of the decompression end of the last stage of the second rotary valve 41 is sent to the pre-impregnation vessel 21, and from the decompression end of the final stage of the third rotary valve 43 The nitrous oxide discharged from the port is sent to the airtight container 44, and the pressure in the pre-impregnation container 21 and the airtight container 44 is adjusted by the pressure control valve 120 to, for example, 15 atmospheres, and the remaining sulfur dioxide to maintain the pressure is reduced. Press to atmospheric pressure to recover. The low-pressure dichloromethane finally recovered by these machines is pseudo-recovered to the above-mentioned gas holder 61, and then supplied as described above. It is also labeled as 6 7 Su-freezer, which is used to cool the second cycle of gasification. In addition, in the bulking device, in order to prevent the external mixing of air into the second gasification tank of the circulation, it is located upstream of the first rotary valve 36 at the above-mentioned pressure-increasing end and the fourth rotary valve 45 at the pressure-reducing end The downstream are equipped with airtight containers Λ 6 Β6 (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page): Binding-Threading · This paper uses the Chinese standard "CNS" T4 specifications (2 丨 0X297 Mm) 81. 5 20.000 (H) -12-219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Beigong Xiaozhi Cooperative of the Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs V. Description of the invention (11) 3 5, 4 6 〇 Figure 2 shows the boost Part of the first rotary valve 36 and the airtight container 35. The above-mentioned airtight container 35 is connected to the supply port of the rotary valve 36. The airtight container 35 is generally inverted conical, and is used for a chute. On top of the airtight container 35, a cigarette raw material inlet 71 is provided. Through the rotary valves 33 and 34, the cigarette raw material can be introduced through the input port 71 intertwined. On the upper side of the airtight container 35, a bypass port 7 2 for the second gasification and a exhaust port 7 3 for the sulfur dioxide are formed. The bypass port 7 2 is a port 7 communicating with the decompression end of the last stage of the rotary valve 36 through the bypass pipe 10a. The exhaust port 73 is connected to the gas holder 61 via the pipe 74. With the structure as described above, when the pocket 5 of the rotary body 4 of the rotary valve 36 is turned to the decompression port 7 opposite to the last stage, the pressure remaining in the pocket 5 will be ejected into the port 7. The port 7 communicates with the airtight container 35 through the bypass tube 10a and the bypass port 72, so the pressure is released into the airtight container 35. Therefore, the internal pressure of the pocket 5 will become equal to the internal pressure of the airtight container 35, so when the pocket 5 is opposed to the supply port 2, no remaining pressure is sprayed back to the supply port 2, so it will not hinder the smooth flow of raw materials . Whenever the pocket 5 faces the decompression port 7 of the last stage, the second gasification master is supplied into the container 35 through the bypass pipe 10a and the bypass port 72. Although the cigarette raw materials introduced into the airtight container 35 will also enter the air, as mentioned above, there are two gasification and supply to the airtight container 35, so the airtight container 35 becomes roughly Environment (please read the precautions on the back before filling the nest page)-· install · order _ line < The size of this paper is free to use the Chinese B standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210 father 297 public goods) 81. 5. 20.000 (H) -13-219891 Λ 6 Β6 printed by the Beigongxiaot cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Fifth, invention description (12) gas. Therefore, the air contained in the input cigarette raw material is replaced by two gasification sulfonates, and then the cigarette raw material is sent to the pre-impregnation container 21 through the rotary valve 36, so that the entry of air into the pre-impregnation container can be prevented 2 1st class interior. In addition, the cigarette raw materials remaining in the pocket 5 are sent to the airtight container 35 together with the two gasification nozzles that are sprayed out when the pocket 5 is opposed to the port 7 at the decompression end of the last stage. After being separated from the two gasification sulfonates in the tight container 35, the cigarette raw materials that are input together are sent to the pre-impregnation container 21 through the rotary valve 36. Therefore, there is no loss of cigarette raw materials, and there is no need to provide a filter to constitute a blocking member. Figure 3 shows the part of the fourth rotary valve 45 and the airtight container 46 at the decompression end. The airtight container 64 is inverted conical and has the function of a chute. An inlet 81 is formed on the upper surface of the airtight container 46 and communicates with the outlet 3 of the fourth rotary valve 45 described above. A bypass port 82 and an exhaust port 83 are formed on the upper part of the airtight container 46, and the bypass port 82 communicates with the decompression port 7 of the last stage via the bypass tube 1 Ob. The exhaust port 83 communicates with the gas holder 61 via the piping 84. The airtight container 4 6 in FIG. 3 is the same as the airtight container 3 5 shown in FIG. 2 to prevent air and water vapor from entering the circulation system of the second gasification master. Although the cigarette raw materials put into the airtight container 46 do not contain air, the air or water vapor in the air duct 51 is more or less in the airtight container 46 due to the internal leakage of the gas barrier valve 47. It is possible to enter, but in this case, due to the gasification of the airtight container 4 6 bis to replace the air invading the airtight container 46 or (please read the precautions on the back before writing the book Pages) This paper size is used in China B Family Sample (CNS) Grade A (210X297); -14-81. 5. 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Employees Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (5) Description of the invention: 3) Water vapor, so air or water vapor will not enter above the airtight container 46. Furthermore, the above-mentioned bulking device for cigarette raw materials is equipped with a device for recovering the bulking aid (disulfurized sulfide) and for efficiently maintaining the concentration of monoxide in the system. The device is described below. As described above, in the first rotary valve 36 and the airtight container 35, and the fourth rotary valve 45 and the airtight container 46, two gasification masters are supplied in the airtight containers 35 and 46 to invade from the outside Air replacement. The two gasification masters discharged from these airtight containers 3 5, 4 6 are mixed with air, so if the second gasification sulphur recovered from these airtight containers 35, 4 6 is returned to the gas holder 61 At this time, the air in the bulk dioxide circulation system of the bulking device gradually accumulated air, thereby reducing the efficiency of the equipment. In order to prevent this unsuitable situation, although it is possible to discard the gasification sulfide from the airtight container 35, 46 to the outside, but in this case, it is necessary to supply a large amount of SiO2 from the sulphur dioxide supply source 62, so the cost is not appropriate It is not a good thing that the second gasification master is discharged into the atmosphere. This unsuitable situation is more and more significant as the bulking aid tends to become large-scale. In order to improve the above-mentioned unsuitable situation, the bulking aid of the present invention is provided with an efficient recovery of the second gasification master, and the mixed air is separated to effectively control the concentration of the second dioxide master in the system. Recycling separation device. Fig. 1, Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show the recovery and separation device 91. Switching valves 75, 85 are provided in the middle of the recovery pipes 74, 84 of the second gasification masters discharged from the exhaust ports 73, 83 of the airtight containers 35, 46, respectively. There are recycling accessories (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page). Binding-Ordering-This paper scale uses the Chinese B Family Standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210x297 male dragon) -15-81. 5. 20.000 ( H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Zhengong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs V. Invention Instructions (14) Tubes 92 and 93. The recovery pipes 92 and 93 are connected to the recovery and separation device 91 described above. Therefore, when the switching valves 75 and 85 are closed, the carbon dioxide containing air discharged from the airtight containers 35 and 46 is not sent to the gas holder 61 and sent to the recovery and separation device. The recovery separation device 91 is a suction-type sulfur dioxide separation device (PSA described above). That is, as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, a plurality of second suction towers 94a, 94b are provided. These sorption towers 94a and 94b are filled with sorbent such as activated carbon or zeolite. These sorbents are selected from the mixed gas of air and monoxide to adsorb the two gasification sieve. At the same time, the higher the pressure, the larger the adsorption amount, and the lower the pressure, the less the adsorption amount. The device is also provided with a pressurizing pump 95 and a suction pump 96. These pumps are connected to one end of the above-mentioned suction towers 94a, 94b via valves 98a, 98b, 99a, 99b, respectively, and the other ends of these suction towers 94a, 94b are pseudo-connected via valves 97a, 97b, respectively. Exhaust pipe 1 0 1. The recovery and separation device is as shown in FIG. 5, for example, the valves 98a and 97a of the suction tower 94a are opened first, and the gas from the above-mentioned airtight containers 35 and 46 is converted into air and air by the pressure pump 95. The mixed gas is supplied to the suction tower 94a on one side, so that it absorbs the SiO2, and the remaining air and other gas cakes of the second gasification master are separated from the exhaust pipe 101 and discharged to the outside. At this time, the valves 98b and 97b of the other suction hopper 94b are closed and the valve 9 9b is opened, and the inside of the other suction tower 94 b is exhausted to a low pressure by the suction pump 96. Therefore, the sulfur dioxide adsorbed by the adsorbent in the adsorption tower 94b of the other party will be released and recycled to the above bulking (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page). Standards used Chinese Standards (CNS) A 4 specifications (210x297 male dragon) -16-81. 5. 20.000 (H) Printed by the Staff Consumer Cooperative of the Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 219891 Λ 6 _____ Β6 V. Description of Invention 5 ) Within the equipment. Next, as shown in Figure 6, make it opposite to the above-mentioned valve opening and closing state, make the pressure in the suction tower 94b on one side to be low pressure, release the absorbed sulfur dioxide and recover it, and then suck on the other side He sucked Erqi Huashuo along tower 94b. Next, the above-mentioned operations are repeated, and the adsorption towers 94a and 94b are alternately adsorbed and regenerated to separate and recover the dioxide. The interval of this cycle is repeated for a relatively short period of, for example, 90 seconds to 18 seconds. In this way, when the separation device 91 is recovered, the second gasification mixed with air can be recovered and efficiently separated to remove the air and only the two gasification master can be returned to the system of the bulking equipment, so it will not waste the dioxide. Shuofang is from the outside, and it can correctly control the concentration of the second gasification master in the system. In addition, the recovery and separation device 91 separates the two gasification sulfonates by suction dust, so the concentration of the second gasification gas of the recovered gas can also be efficiently separated when the concentration of the second gasification sulfide is low, and the conformability is good. The concentration of nitrous oxide in the circulatory system of the nitrous oxide in the leavening device. Figure 7 shows the conventional liquefaction type two gasification sulfonate separation device. That is, an example of the persistence of the form of compressing the mixed gas to liquefy and separate the two gases. It can be seen from Figure 7 that in the conventional liquefaction type device, such as when the air concentration in the processing gas is high, the separation efficiency of the monoxide dioxide is extremely low, and the sulfonate system cannot be separated and recovered. In the case of a liquefaction type device, it takes a long time to start the device or change the lotus rotation conditions, and it cannot follow the change in the concentration of the second oxide in the second gasification cycle system. Therefore, the concentration of SO2 in the system will become unstable. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) This paper standard is used in the beta national standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210X297 male dragon) -17-81. 5. 20.000 (H) Λ 6 Β6 219891 V. Description of the invention (16) (Please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) On the contrary, the separation efficiency of the above-mentioned recovery and separation device 91 is as shown in Figure 8 as an example. It can also maintain extremely high separation efficiency. In addition, the recovery and separation device 91 rotates in a very short cycle as described above, so the starting and changing of the rotation conditions are very sensitive. Therefore, it responds very quickly to the change of the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the circulation system of the sulfur dioxide of the leavening device, so as to accurately and surely control the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the circulation system of the second gasification. In order to efficiently carry out the separation and recovery according to the recovery and separation equipment 91 and the dioxide, the airtight containers such as the above airtight containers 35 and 46 may be constructed as shown in Fig. 4. This person is provided with a general airtight container 106 as described above, and an inlet 102 is formed in the upper part. On top of the airtight container 106, a cyclone-type separator 103 (cyclone separator printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs) is installed. The two gasification master images from the port at the decompression end of the last stage of the rotary valve are sent to the cyclone separator 1 0 3 through the bypass pipe 1 0 9 to separate them from the cigarette raw material containing sulfur dioxide. The cigarette raw material was separated, and it was recovered in the gas holder 61 through the pipe 10 07. The separated cigarette raw material image, together with a small amount of sulphur dioxide, is sent from the supply port 104 to the airtight container 101 via the rotary valve 105. The cigarette raw material Ye is sent downstream along with the cigarette raw material input from the input port 102. The air entering from the outside by the sulfur dioxide sent to the airtight container 106 will be replaced. The second gasification master mixed with air is sent to the above-mentioned recovery and separation device through the recovery port 110 through the recovery piping 108. When using a gas-tight container as described above, most of the sulphur dioxide from the rotary valve will be recovered by the gas holder 61, mixed with air and sent to the recovery of this paper standard. China B Jia Si (CNS) A4 Specifications (210x297 g; ft) -18-81. 5. 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Central Standards Bureau, A Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives V. Description of the invention (17) The amount of gasification sulfide of separation device 91 bis Will become less. Therefore, the load of the recovery and separation device can be reduced. At this time, the concentration of the mixed gas sent to the recovery and separation device will be reduced. However, as mentioned above, when the adsorption-type recovery and separation device 91 is used, the concentration of the second gasification can still be effectively lower Separation, so there is no hindrance. Furthermore, the lower the air concentration in the bulking aid system, the lower the better. For example, it is necessary to control it to below 5 volume percent. The control method is to measure the air concentration in the bulking aid supplied to the impregnation container 22 at an air concentration of 100, and to make the value satisfy the specified air concentration, by setting it from the airtight containers 35, 46 The flow control valves 75, 85 of the recovery pipes 74, 84 automatically control the valve opening degree to adjust the amount of recovered gas supplied to the recovery separation device 91, and control the air concentration. When the full amount of the recovered gas from the airtight containers 35 and 46 is supplied and processed and cannot meet the required amount of air concentration after the recovery and separation device 91, part of the recovered gas from the pre-impregnation container 21 and the airtight container 44 Or, they are all supplied to the recovery and separation device 91 for reaction. In the above-mentioned first embodiment, the valve device for transferring cigarette raw materials while increasing pressure or reducing pressure is explained by taking a rotary valve as an example, but it is also performed using a ball valve. Figure 9 shows a bulking device of a second embodiment using a ball valve. Except for the above points, the second embodiment has the same structure as the first embodiment. Therefore, the corresponding reference numerals in FIG. 9 corresponding to the first embodiment are pseudo-marked, and their descriptions are omitted. In Figure 9, the 36a pseudo-first ball valve, 41 a pseudo-second valve (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page). This paper standard uses the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210x297 male dragon) ) -19-81. 5. 20.000 (H) Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs β 工 消 # Cooperative Society 219891 Λ6 __B6__ V. Description of the invention (18) Ball valve, 43a is the third ball valve, 45a is the fourth ball valve. Also labeled 35,35a, 44,46 傜 airtight container. Each of the ball valves described above transfers cigarette raw materials by means of a revolving ball, and there is no pressure-increasing port or pressure-reducing port formed as in the above-mentioned rotary valve. Therefore, in each of the above-mentioned airtight containers 35, 35a, the pipes 121, 131, 141, and the valves 123, 133, 143 are supplied to the second gas master, thereby maintaining these insides in the environment of the second master. In the airtight container at the most downstream, the fourth ball valve 45a is used to supply the two gaseous sulfonates along with the cigarette raw materials, and the inside is maintained in the environment of the monoxide dioxide. The second one is discharged from the airtight container 35a, 44; air is not mixed in the gasification master, so the two gasification masters are directly recovered by the gas holder 61 through the pipes 132, 142, valves 134, 144. The two gasification masters discharged from the most upstream airtighter 35 and the most downstream airtight container 4 6 are mixed with air, so these two gasification masters are sent through the pipes 122, 152, 124, 154 To the above-mentioned recovery and separation device Ο Furthermore, compressing the recovered sulfur dioxide to a high pressure requires energy consumption. In order to reduce the energy required for this compression recovery. The third embodiment shown in FIG. 10 may generally constitute the recovery system of the second gasification master. The third embodiment divides the recovered second gasification master into a low-pressure and medium-pressure two-line system for recovery. The composition of the cigarette raw material bulking system of this third embodiment is the same as the device of the first embodiment , So its description is omitted. The supply and recovery system of the second gasification master in the third embodiment will be described below. (Picture 1 ◦) (Please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) Order-Line · This paper uses the Chinese National Standard (CNS) Grade 4 (210x297) * 20-81. 5. 20,000 (H) Λ 6 Β6 219891 V. Description of the invention (19) (Please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) The supply source of the two gasification masters recovered by the above supply system and discharge system is the final. After being boosted to a pressure slightly higher than the impregnation pressure (about 30 atmospheres), it is sent to the high-pressure gas tank 161. The second vaporized carbon in the high-pressure gas tank 161 is supplied to the impregnation vessel 2 2 through the heat exchanger 63 valve 64. The high-pressure second gasification system is sent to the outlets of the first and second rotary valves 36 and 41 through the valves 65 and 66, and is sprayed out of the pockets of these rotary valves to remove the remaining cigarette raw materials. 'Order-the second gasification master which is discharged from the outlet of the decompression end of the last stage of the second rotary valve 41 is sent to the pre-impregnation container 2 1 and the third stage of the rotary valve 4 3 The SiO 2 discharged from the decompression port is sent to the airtight container 44 pseudo. The pressure in the pre-impregnating container 21 and the airtight container 44 is adjusted to, for example, 15 atmospheres by the pressure regulating valve 193, and the two remaining vaporized oils to maintain the pressure are recovered. The two gasification masters recovered from the supply and discharge systems of the above-mentioned cigarette raw materials are individually recovered from the low recovery system and the second pressure recovery system of the medium pressure recovery system, and finally recovered in the high-pressure gas tank. Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs First, the composition of the above-mentioned low-voltage recycling system is explained. The inside of the airtight container 35 at the end of the supply system is, for example, held at a low pressure of about atmospheric pressure, and the two gasification masters recovered from the airtight container 35 are low pressure. Furthermore, in the airtight container 35, the air contained in the cigarette material fed is mixed. In addition, the airtight container 46 at the end of the cigarette material is discharged and maintained at a low pressure of about atmospheric pressure. At the same time, the second gasification sulfide recovered by the airtight container 46 contains air and water entering from outside. The size of this paper is for use in a standard (CNS) A 4 specification (210X297 g *) -21-81. 5. 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the employees ’cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs , Description of the invention ¢ 0) The low-pressure two-gasification masterpieces recovered by these airtight containers 35, 46 are collected in the low-pressure recovery piping 171, and the two-gasification masterpieces collected in the low-pressure recovery piping 171 are interposed through the low-pressure separation piping 172, sent to the separation device 91 by the pump 173. The second degassed air separated by this suction device 91 is sent to the low-pressure air tank 178 by the pump 176 through the low-pressure recovery pipe 177. The low-pressure gas tank 178 stores the second gasification tank at low pressure. Furthermore, a low-pressure bypass pipe 181 is provided in addition to the aforementioned low-pressure recovery pipe 171. The low-pressure bypass piping 181 is connected to the low-pressure recovery piping 171 via the valves 182 and 183, and is connected to the low-pressure gas tank 178 via the pump 184. Therefore, by opening these valves 182 and 183, the recovered low-pressure gasification master will bypass the low-pressure gas tank 178. Thus, the SiO 2 recovered to the low-pressure gas tank 1 7 8 is boosted from the low-pressure press 1 85 from low pressure to about 5 to 15 atmospheres, and the medium pressure is sent to the medium-pressure gas tank 1 of the medium-pressure recovery system described later. 94. In addition, the low-pressure gas tank 1 78 is supplied with a new two-gasification sulfonate from the second gasification supply source 6 2, and the new two-gasification master is implemented in the circulation system of the bulking device's second gasification 〇 Next, the above-mentioned medium-pressure recovery system will be described. The above-mentioned pre-impregnation vessel 21 and the airtight vessel 44 are maintained at a pressure of about 15 atm by the pressure regulating valve 193, and thus the second gasification system has a medium pressure. The second gasification master recovered does not contain impurities such as air. The SiO 2 recovered from these pre-impregnated containers 21 and air-tight containers 44 will be collected (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). < The standard for this paper is for a B Family Standard (CNS) Grade 4 (210x297 g *) -22-81. 5. 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 Printed by the Employees Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 2. Description of the invention ¢ 1) Collected in Zhongki recovery piping 191, and sent to medium-pressure gas tank 194 through medium-pressure piping 192, 193. The medium-pressure gas tank stores two gasification sulfonates at a pressure of about 5 to 15 medium pressure. From the middle of these intermediate pressure pipes 192 and 193, an intermediate pressure bypass pipe 196 is provided. The intermediate pressure bypass pipe 196 is connected to the aforementioned low-pressure gas tank 178. On the other hand, a valve 1 97 is provided in the middle of the bypass bypass pipe 1 96. Therefore, by opening the valve 1 97, the gold part or part of the medium-pressure gasification sulfide can be transferred to the low-pressure gas tank 1 7 8 without sending the medium-pressure gas tank 194. In the third embodiment, the medium pressure The recovery system recovers the medium-pressure second gasification master, so the high-pressure press 195 of the medium-pressure recovery system only boosts the sulfur dioxide from medium pressure to high pressure. Therefore, the capacity of the press is small, and it consumes electricity. Furthermore, in this embodiment, Tong pressurizes the second low-pressure gasification master recovered by the low-pressure recovery system to medium pressure and supplies it to the medium-pressure gas tank 194. The lotus management of the press becomes easy. In this embodiment, only the low-pressure two-gasification mixed with air or the like is sent to the separation device 91 to separate the mixed air or the like. Therefore, a small capacity of the separating device 91 is sufficient. In addition, the device having the second gasification master of the two systems is not limited to the third embodiment described above. For example, Fig. 11 shows a fourth embodiment of the present invention. In this embodiment, there is a high-pressure pressurizer 1 8 5 a that pressurizes the SiO 2 recovered in the low-pressure gas tank 178 from low pressure to high pressure, and the gasification sulfide of the low-pressure gas tank 1 78 is directly sent to the high-pressure gas. Slot 1 6 1. And medium pressure (please read the notes on the back before filling this page)-line < The size of this paper is easy to use, and the B-like standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210x297 mm) -23-81. 5. 20.000 (H) 219891 Λ 6 Β6 5. Description of invention ¢ 2) In the air tank 194 The middle-pressure second gasification nitrate is the same as the first embodiment, and the second high-pressure pressurizer 195a, which is raised from the middle IE to high pressure, is boosted and sent to the high-pressure gas tank 161. The fourth embodiment has the same structure as the third embodiment except for the above points. Therefore, the parts corresponding to the third embodiment in FIG. 11 are given the same sassafras and their description is omitted. In the fourth embodiment, since the first and second high-pressure presses 185a and 195a are arranged in pseudo-parallel, the lotus rotation can be performed independently, so the lotus rotation management of the press is easy. (Please read the precautions on the back before you go to this page) Binding · Order ·-Line · Printed by the Staff Consumer Cooperative of the Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs. Male; ¢) -24-81. 5. 20,000 (H)