201241418 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 [0001] 本發明涉及一種檢測裝置,尤指一種適用於檢測工件的 孔軸線垂直距離的檢測裝置。 【先前彳支術】 [0002] 工件通常會採用衝孔、鑄造及注塑及機加等工藝生成複 數通孔。有些工件上沿第一軸線設複數第一通孔及沿垂 直第一軸線的第二軸線設複數第二通孔。第一與第二軸 線之間的垂直距離需滿足一定的尺寸要求。習知的測量 方法一般使用三次元檢測或於檢測室中投影進行檢測該 距離。但此兩種檢測方法檢測成本高、效率低,且不能 滿足大批量生產檢測的需求。 【發明内容】 [0003] 鑒於以上内容,有必要提供一種成本低且檢測效率高的 檢測裝置。 [0004] 一種檢測裝置,用於檢測工件上的兩相互垂直的第一軸 線與第二軸線之間的垂直距離是否合格,該工件沿該第 一軸線設兩第一通孔,沿該第二轴線設一第二通孔,該 檢測裝置包括一支撐架、沿該第一轴線方向相對地裝設 於該支撐架的一第一、第二定位件及一沿該第二軸線的 方向活動地裝設於該支撐架的測量件,該第一定位件可 卡置於該工件的一第一通孔,該第二定位件可相對滑動 地卡置於該工件的另一第一通孔,該第一、第二定位件 的中心軸與該測量件的中心軸之間的距離等於該工件的 第一、第二軸線之間的垂直距離,當該工件的第一、第 100113478 表單編號A0101 第4頁/共19頁 1002022532-0 201241418 二軸線之間的距離合格時,該測量件可穿過該工件的第 二通孔,當該工件上的第一、第二軸線之間的距離不合 格時,該測量件無法穿過該工件的第二通孔。 [0005] 相較習知技術,本發明檢測裝置透過判斷測量件是否可 插入該工件的第二通孔内來檢測工件的兩軸線的垂直距 離是否合格,操作快速準確,且該檢測裝置製造成本及 工件的檢測成本都很低。 【實施方式】 〇 [0006] 請一併參閱圖1、2、4及5,本發明檢測裝置用於檢測一 工件300。該工件300包括一連接板及垂直設置於該連接 板的兩端的兩第一板體320,該連接板的一側延伸形成一 位於連接板的斜下側且平行該連接板的一第二板體。該 兩第一板體320沿水平軸線X分別設一通孔322。第二板體 340沿豎直軸線Z設一第二通孔342。轴線Z與軸線X的垂 直距離W的標準值為L,允許誤差值為a,即該距離的合 格範圍為[±8 ;工件300的第二通孔342的直徑的標準值 〇 為D。本發明檢測裝置用於檢測軸線X與轴線Z之間的距離 W是否合格,其包括一支撐架2〇、一第一定位件4〇、一第 二定位件60及一測量件8〇。 [0007]該支撐架20包括—呈長方形的支撐板22及分別安裝於支 樓板22的四角的支樓螺检29,每一支樓螺检⑽一端突 言史-可接觸地面或支標面的支擇部,另一端設有螺紋以 與—鎖緊料时可調節該«板22的水平度。該支樓 板22的頂部沿一長側邊相間隔地凸設-第-固定塊24及 U定塊26。該第_固定塊24及第:固定塊咖平 100113478 表單編號A0101 第5頁/共ig頁 ' 1002022532-0 201241418 行該支撐板22的方向相對地各開設一縱截面呈長圓形的 定位孔242、262。該支撐架20於第一固定塊24及第二固 定塊26的一侧設一第二定位孔28,該第二定位孔28呈階 梯狀且橫截面呈長圓形,包括一位於上部的大孔282及一 位於下部且與大孔282相連通的小孔284,該大孔282與 小孔284之間形成一支撐面286。將定位孔242,246的中 心線與該第二定位孔28的中心線之間的距離設置為L。 [0008] 該第一定位件40包括一連接桿42、一墊片45及一限位螺 絲47。該連接桿42的一端沿軸向外延伸一直徑漸趨變小 的圓錐形的定位部44。該連接桿42的另一端沿軸向設一 螺孔422。該定位部44可伸入該工件300的其中一通孔 322 内。 [0009] 該第二定位件60包括一連接桿62、一墊片65、一鎖固螺 母67、一螺絲69及一彈性件90。該連接桿62—端沿轴向 向外延伸一直徑漸趨變小的圓錐形的定位部64。該連接 桿62的另一端沿軸向設一螺孔622。該定位部64可伸入工 件300的另一通孔322内。 [0010] 該測量件80包括一圓柱狀的本體802、設置於該本體802 一端的圓柱狀的測量部804及設置於該本體802另一端的 卡槽808。該測量件80的卡槽808可卡入一卡環806。使 該本體802的直徑等於支撐架20的第二定位孔28的小孔 284的直徑。將該測量部804的直徑設置為D-2a。 [0011] 請一併參閱圖3及圖4,組裝該檢測裝置時,將該第一定 位件40的連接桿42插入該第一固定塊24的定位孔242内 100113478 表單編號A0101 第6頁/共19頁 1002022532-0 201241418 ,使該定位部44止擋於該第一固定塊24的内側。將該限 位螺絲47穿過該墊片45鎖入該連接桿42的螺孔422内, 使》玄塾片4 5止檔於該第一固定塊2 4的外側。由於該定位 孔242的縱截面為長圓形可調節該第一定位件4〇與該支撐 架20的支撐板22之間的距離。將該彈性件90套設於該第 二定位件60的連接桿62上,將該連接桿62插入該第二固 定塊26的定位孔262内,並使彈性件90位於第二固定塊 26的内側與定位部64之間。將該鎖固螺母67螺接於該螺 絲6 9上,使該螺絲6 9穿過該墊片6 5鎖入該連接桿6 2的螺 孔622内。此時,該墊片65止擋於該第二固定塊26的外側 。同樣地,由於該定位孔262的縱載面為長圓形可調節該 第二定位件60與該支撐架2〇的支撐板22之間的距離。將 該測量件80的本體802設有卡槽8〇8的一端自該支撐板22 的頂部插入該第二定位孔28,使測量部804收容於大孔 282内。將該卡環8〇6卡置於該測量件8〇的卡槽8〇8,以 防止測量件80脫離該支撐板22❶此時,該測量件80的測 量部804的底部接觸該第二定位孔28的支撐面286,且該 本體802可於該第二定位孔28左右及上下滑動。此時,該 第一定位件40與第二定位件6〇的中心轴與該測量件8〇的 t心軸之間的距離等於該工件3 〇〇的軸線z與轴線χ的距離 W的標準值L。 [0012]清一併參考圖4至圖6,測量時,向外拉螺絲69使該第二 定位件60沿該第二固定塊26的定位孔262的中心線向外滑 動,該彈性件90發生彈性形變。將工件3〇〇放入該支撐架 20的第一固定塊24與第二固定塊26之間。使該第一定位 100113478 表單編號Α0101 第7頁/共19頁 1002022532-0 201241418 件40的定位部44插入該工件300的一通孔322内,並使該 工件300的第二通孔342正對該第二定位孔28。鬆釋該螺 絲69,該彈性件90恢復形變使該第二定位件60的定位部 64插入另一通孔322内。此時,該工件300被固定於第一 定位件40與第二定位件60之間,不能左右移動。調節該 第一、第二定位件40、60的高度,使該工件300的第二板 體緊貼於該支撐板22的頂面。向上推該測量件80。如果 該測量部804能順利地穿過該工件300的第二通孔342, 則工件300合格;如果該測量部804不能穿過該第二通孔 342,則工件300不合格。 [0013] 综上所述,本發明符合發明專利要件,爰依法提出專利 申請。惟,以上所述者僅為本發明之較佳實施例,舉凡 熟悉本案技藝之人士,於爰依本發明精神所作之等效修 飾或變化,皆應涵蓋於以下之申請專利範圍内。 【圖式簡單說明】 [0014] 圖1係本發明檢測裝置的較佳實施方式與一工件的立體分 解圖。 [0015] 圖2係圖1的檢測裝置的立體組裝圖。 [0016] 圖3係圖1的檢測裝置與工件的立體組裝圖。 [0017] 圖4至圖6分別為圖3於不同使用狀態下的局部剖視圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 [0018] 支撐架:20 [0019] 支撐板:22 100113478 表單編號A0101 第8頁/共19頁 1002022532-0 201241418 [0020] 第一固定塊:24 [0021] 第二固定塊:26 [0022] 定位孔:242、262 [0023] 第二定位孔:28 [0024] 大孔:282 [0025] 小孔:284 [0026] 〇 支撐面:286 [0027] 支撐螺栓:29 [0028] 第一定位件:4 0 [0029] 連接桿:42、62 [0030] 定位部:44、64 [0031] 墊片:45、65 [0032] 〇 限位螺絲:47 [0033] 螺孔:422、622 [0034] 第二定位件:60 [0035] 鎖固螺母:6 7 [0036] 螺絲:69 [0037] 測量件:80 [0038] 本體:802 100113478 表單編號A0101 第9頁/共19頁 1002022532-0 201241418 測量部:804 卡環:806 卡槽:808 彈性件:90 工件:300 第一板體:320 通孔:322 第二板體:340 第二通孔:342 [0039] [0040] [0041] [0042] [0043] [0044] [0045] [0046] [0047] 1002022532-0 100113478 表單編號A0101 第10頁/共19頁201241418 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] [0001] The present invention relates to a detecting device, and more particularly to a detecting device suitable for detecting the vertical distance of a hole axis of a workpiece. [Previous 彳 术 】 [0002] The workpiece is usually created by punching, casting, injection molding and machining to create a plurality of through holes. Some of the workpieces are provided with a plurality of first through holes along the first axis and a plurality of second through holes along the second axis of the vertical first axis. The vertical distance between the first and second axes must meet certain dimensional requirements. Conventional measurement methods typically use a three-dimensional detection or projection in a detection chamber to detect the distance. However, the two detection methods are costly and inefficient, and cannot meet the requirements of mass production testing. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0003] In view of the above, it is necessary to provide a detecting device which is low in cost and high in detection efficiency. [0004] A detecting device for detecting whether a vertical distance between two mutually perpendicular first axes and a second axis on a workpiece is acceptable, and the workpiece is provided with two first through holes along the first axis along the second a second through hole is disposed in the axis, the detecting device includes a support frame, a first and second positioning members oppositely mounted on the support frame along the first axis direction, and a direction along the second axis The first positioning member is movably mounted on a first through hole of the workpiece, and the second positioning member is relatively slidably engaged in another first pass of the workpiece. a hole, a distance between a central axis of the first and second positioning members and a central axis of the measuring member is equal to a vertical distance between the first and second axes of the workpiece, when the first and the 100113478 forms of the workpiece No. A0101 Page 4 / Total 19 pages 1002022532-0 201241418 When the distance between the two axes is acceptable, the measuring member can pass through the second through hole of the workpiece when the first and second axes on the workpiece are When the distance is unqualified, the measuring piece cannot pass through the workpiece. Through-hole. [0005] Compared with the prior art, the detecting device of the present invention detects whether the vertical distance of the two axes of the workpiece is qualified by determining whether the measuring member can be inserted into the second through hole of the workpiece, the operation is fast and accurate, and the manufacturing cost of the detecting device is And the inspection cost of the workpiece is very low. [Embodiment] 0006 [0006] Referring to Figures 1, 2, 4 and 5 together, the detecting device of the present invention is used to detect a workpiece 300. The workpiece 300 includes a connecting plate and two first plates 320 vertically disposed at two ends of the connecting plate. One side of the connecting plate extends to form a second plate parallel to the oblique side of the connecting plate and parallel to the connecting plate. body. The two first plates 320 are respectively provided with a through hole 322 along the horizontal axis X. The second plate body 340 defines a second through hole 342 along the vertical axis Z. The standard value of the vertical distance W between the axis Z and the axis X is L, and the allowable error value is a, that is, the range of the distance is [±8; the standard value 〇 of the diameter of the second through hole 342 of the workpiece 300 is D. The detecting device of the present invention is for detecting whether the distance W between the axis X and the axis Z is acceptable, and includes a support frame 2, a first positioning member 4A, a second positioning member 60 and a measuring member 8A. [0007] The support frame 20 includes a rectangular support plate 22 and a four-corner pivot check 29 respectively installed on the branch floor 22, and each of the towers has a threaded end (10) with a history - contact with the ground or the standard surface The other part is provided with a thread to adjust the level of the plate 22 when the material is locked. The top of the branch panel 22 is convexly spaced apart along a long side - a first fixing block 24 and a U fixing block 26. The _ fixed block 24 and the: fixed block slab 100113478 Form No. A0101 Page 5 / ig page '1002022532-0 201241418 Rows of the support plate 22 oppositely open a longitudinal hole with a longitudinal section 242, 262. A second positioning hole 28 is disposed on one side of the first fixing block 24 and the second fixing block 26, and the second positioning hole 28 is stepped and has an oblong cross section, including a large upper portion. The hole 282 and a small hole 284 at the lower portion and communicating with the large hole 282 form a support surface 286 between the large hole 282 and the small hole 284. The distance between the center line of the positioning holes 242, 246 and the center line of the second positioning hole 28 is set to L. The first positioning member 40 includes a connecting rod 42, a spacer 45 and a limiting screw 47. One end of the connecting rod 42 extends outward in the axial direction with a conical positioning portion 44 whose diameter gradually decreases. The other end of the connecting rod 42 is provided with a screw hole 422 in the axial direction. The positioning portion 44 can extend into one of the through holes 322 of the workpiece 300. The second positioning member 60 includes a connecting rod 62, a spacer 65, a locking nut 67, a screw 69 and an elastic member 90. The connecting rod 62 has an end portion extending axially outwardly and a conical positioning portion 64 having a gradually decreasing diameter. The other end of the connecting rod 62 is provided with a screw hole 622 in the axial direction. The positioning portion 64 can extend into the other through hole 322 of the workpiece 300. [0010] The measuring member 80 includes a cylindrical body 802, a cylindrical measuring portion 804 disposed at one end of the body 802, and a card slot 808 disposed at the other end of the body 802. The card slot 808 of the measuring member 80 can be snapped into a snap ring 806. The diameter of the body 802 is made equal to the diameter of the small hole 284 of the second positioning hole 28 of the support frame 20. The diameter of the measuring portion 804 is set to D-2a. [0011] Referring to FIG. 3 and FIG. 4 together, when the detecting device is assembled, the connecting rod 42 of the first positioning member 40 is inserted into the positioning hole 242 of the first fixing block 24. 100113478 Form No. A0101 Page 6/ A total of 19 pages 1002022532-0 201241418, the positioning portion 44 is stopped inside the first fixing block 24. The limiting screw 47 is locked into the screw hole 422 of the connecting rod 42 through the spacer 45, so that the "Xuanxuan piece 45" is stopped outside the first fixing block 24. Since the longitudinal section of the positioning hole 242 is oblong, the distance between the first positioning member 4's and the support plate 22 of the support frame 20 can be adjusted. The elastic member 90 is sleeved on the connecting rod 62 of the second positioning member 60, the connecting rod 62 is inserted into the positioning hole 262 of the second fixing block 26, and the elastic member 90 is located at the second fixing block 26. Between the inner side and the positioning portion 64. The locking nut 67 is screwed onto the screw 69, and the screw 6 9 is inserted into the screw hole 622 of the connecting rod 6 2 through the spacer 65. At this time, the spacer 65 stops at the outer side of the second fixing block 26. Similarly, since the longitudinal loading surface of the positioning hole 262 is oblong, the distance between the second positioning member 60 and the support plate 22 of the support frame 2 is adjusted. One end of the main body 802 of the measuring member 80 having the card slot 8〇8 is inserted into the second positioning hole 28 from the top of the supporting plate 22, and the measuring portion 804 is received in the large hole 282. The snap ring 8〇6 is placed in the card slot 8〇8 of the measuring member 8〇 to prevent the measuring member 80 from coming off the supporting plate 22. At this time, the bottom of the measuring portion 804 of the measuring member 80 contacts the second positioning. The support surface 286 of the hole 28, and the body 802 can slide to the left and right of the second positioning hole 28 and up and down. At this time, the distance between the central axis of the first positioning member 40 and the second positioning member 6〇 and the t-mandrel of the measuring member 8〇 is equal to the distance W between the axis z of the workpiece 3〇〇 and the axis χ. The standard value is L. Referring to FIG. 4 to FIG. 6 , when measuring, the outwardly pulling screw 69 causes the second positioning member 60 to slide outward along the center line of the positioning hole 262 of the second fixing block 26 , and the elastic member 90 . Elastic deformation occurs. The workpiece 3 is placed between the first fixed block 24 and the second fixed block 26 of the support frame 20. The positioning portion 44 of the first positioning 100113478 form number Α0101, page 7/19 pages 1002022532-0 201241418 is inserted into a through hole 322 of the workpiece 300, and the second through hole 342 of the workpiece 300 is directly Second positioning hole 28. The screw 69 is released, and the elastic member 90 is restored to deform so that the positioning portion 64 of the second positioning member 60 is inserted into the other through hole 322. At this time, the workpiece 300 is fixed between the first positioning member 40 and the second positioning member 60, and cannot be moved left and right. The heights of the first and second positioning members 40, 60 are adjusted such that the second plate of the workpiece 300 abuts against the top surface of the support plate 22. The measuring member 80 is pushed up. If the measuring portion 804 can smoothly pass through the second through hole 342 of the workpiece 300, the workpiece 300 passes; if the measuring portion 804 cannot pass through the second through hole 342, the workpiece 300 fails. [0013] In summary, the present invention complies with the requirements of the invention patent, and submits a patent application according to law. However, the above description is only the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and equivalent modifications or variations made by those skilled in the art will be included in the following claims. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0014] FIG. 1 is a perspective exploded view of a preferred embodiment of a detecting device of the present invention and a workpiece. 2 is an assembled, isometric view of the detecting device of FIG. 1. 3 is a perspective assembled view of the detecting device and the workpiece of FIG. 1. 4 to FIG. 6 are partial cross-sectional views of FIG. 3 in different use states, respectively. [Main component symbol description] [0018] Support frame: 20 [0019] Support plate: 22 100113478 Form number A0101 Page 8 / Total 19 pages 1002022532-0 201241418 [0020] First fixed block: 24 [0021] Second fixed Block: 26 [0022] Positioning holes: 242, 262 [0023] Second positioning holes: 28 [0024] Large holes: 282 [0025] Small holes: 284 [0026] 〇 Support surface: 286 [0027] Support bolts: 29 [0028] First positioning member: 4 0 [0029] Connecting rod: 42, 62 [0030] Positioning portion: 44, 64 [0031] Spacer: 45, 65 [0032] 〇 Limiting screw: 47 [0033] Screw Hole: 422, 622 [0034] Second locating member: 60 [0035] Locking nut: 6 7 [0036] Screw: 69 [0037] Measuring member: 80 [0038] Body: 802 100113478 Form No. A0101 Page 9 / Total 19 pages 1002022532-0 201241418 Measurement department: 804 Retaining ring: 806 Card slot: 808 Elastic: 90 Workpiece: 300 First plate: 320 Through hole: 322 Second plate: 340 Second through hole: 342 [0039 [0040] [0044] [0046] [0047] 1002022532-0 100113478 Form No. A0101 Page 10 of 19