201247117 四、指定代表圖: (一) 本案指定代表圖為:第(一)圖。 (二) 本代表圖之元件符號簡單說明: 1.. 便於套體脫除之辅助體 10.. 板體 11..穿套部 12.. 承接部 20..連接件 五、本案若有化學式時,請揭示最能顯示發明特徵的化學式: 六、發明說明: 201247117 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係錢於-種便於套體脫除之辅助體,_ 於設於套體内並供被套合财設,且可以輔助使用者輕易、曰快速 地將套體自被套合體脫除。 、、 【先前技術】 按;日常生种吾人常會於物品或人體上套設套體,以達保 護或其它侧侧’例如吾人在進行絲、清潔工作時,通常會 穿戴由防水材題成的手套魄護雙手及防污,為了達到有效防 水的效果,通常會制錢水的高分子聚合物㈣如娜來製造 而該習用手套至少有如下所述之缺失: 1.當使用者穿_手套做事時,由於該手套内表面為平滑的表 面’與皮膚接觸會呈現面的接觸,且容易產生真空吸附作用與 過於服貼的情形,而引發使用者產生緊端不適之感,當工作時 間較久而崎時或是碰到水,由於手料水也不易自内向外排 出,容易堆積在該手套内,使該手套更加黏附於使用者的手部 皮膚上,並會阻隔熱氣之流通散發,讓使用者產生手部又濕又 熱又黏的不舒服感’而影響其工作的情緒與效率,此外,手套 沾黏的情形也不利於手套的脫除,導致在脫下手套時,必需慢 慢的又脫又拉,才能順利地脫下手套。 2.該手套通常是單-尺寸’對於手掌較大的使用者來講,剛戴時 就會比較緊,手流汗或是碰到水會更緊、更難脫下,無法像戴 201247117 手套時·-樣順利的脫下手套。 因此如何讓手套可輕易、快速地自使用者的手部脫除,實為 曰常生活中的一大課題。 故本發明人有鑑於現有套體(如手套)使用上之缺失,乃積極 潛心研發思考’並秉持多年從事該項產品研究、開發之實務經驗, 經由無數次之實際設計及實驗,致有本發明之產生。 【發明内容】 本發明之目的,係在提供一種可辅助使用者輕易、快速地將 套體自被套合體脫除之便於套體脫除之辅助體。 為達上述之目的,本發明構造上係包含有數板體,板體間形 成活動連接,板體内侧表面形成一可供被套合體穿設之穿套部, 板體外侧表面則形成一可與套體内表部貼合之承接部;以使便於 套體脫除之輔助體可設於套體中,使套體一部份未與被套合體接 觸,且藉手部同時握持套體及該便於套體脫除之辅助體並施以移 除力’而可將套體自被套合體脫除。 以下僅藉由具體實施例,且佐以圖式作詳細之說明,俾使貴 審查委員能對於本發明之各項功能、特點,有更進一步之了解與 認識。 【實施方式】 請參閱第一圖、第二圖所示,本發明便於套體脫除之輔助體 較佳構造實施例係包含有二具有彈性之板體10、二連接件20,板 體10二端部藉連接件20而形成活動狀連接,以使本發明可設於 201247117 套體中,且使二板體1〇相對應面構成可開啟或關之穿口,以供 被套合體穿套,而使套體一部份未與被套合體接觸,進而辅助使 用者可輕易、快速地將套體自被套合體脫除。下文將詳細說明。 板體10為彈性材料,以具有預定之彈性變形力,板體10成 ^下相疊置扁平狀,而板體1G内側表面(即相對應面)形成一穿套 P 板體10外側表面則形成一承接部12。 連接件20為可彈性撓曲之薄刻體如膠帶。 板體10之二端部±下板面上可塗黏性物以具雜性或連接件 20 —表面具有黏性’以使板體10二端部、連接件20間兮藉由連 接件20而黏接,進而使板體1〇間形成活動狀連接。 响參閱第三圖、第四圖所示,於本說明書中僅以本發明便於 套體脫除之辅助體i輔助一習用之手套3〇(套體)作為較佳實施 例,若有將本發明便於紐脫除之辅助體i應用到其它套體如機 子、保險套等之細實施例,也應屬於本案之專利細中,在此 謹先陳明。 圖中本發明便於套體脫除之辅助體1係可設於手套30開口 内’以辅助使用者將手套30自手部(被套合體)脫除。 於本實施例手套30為乳膠手套而使其開口具有 餐’所以使用者可利用手套3G之收縮彈力作用,使便於套體脫除 之辅助體1可以輕易地裝入手套3〇開口内,且使承接部12、手套 30開口之内表部形成緊貼固定狀;另外也可將承接部12、手套3〇 201247117 開口之内表部加⑽合、熱祕合或絲其它相關之結合加工技 術手段’以使便於套體脫除之辅助體卜手套2〇穩固結合,此也 應包含於本案之專利範圍中。 而本發明因板體10成上下相疊置扁平狀,可減少所佔空間’ 可便於收藏、庫存。 請參閱第五圖所示,使用者可以手部握持施壓於手套30、便 於套體脫除之辅助體i貼合處左右二側(即板體1G二端間活動狀 連接處),以使板體10可依二端連接處為基準形成相對向外之弧 形彈性樓開狀’而使各穿套部11共同形成狀似圓形管之穿口,因 該穿口係大於人體手部握拳狀,所以人體手部可先形成握拳狀以 通過穿套部11後並穿設於手套3〇中,進而使手套3〇可輕易地穿 戴於手部。 請參閱六圖所示,當使用者手部不再握持施壓於手套3〇、便 於套體脫除之辅助體1貼合處左右二側,則板體1〇藉由彈力作用 而相對朝内回復至接觸到人體手腕表面,此時便於套體脫除之輔 助體卜人體手掌部可相互卡抵,以使便於套舰除之輔助體】 定位於人體手腕處,而不會滑脫到人體手掌部,避免造成手部穿 戴手套30使用時之干擾。 請參閱七圖、第八圖所示,當使用者不要穿戴手套3〇時可 再以手部歸賴於手套3G、便於套舰除之獅體丨貼合處左 右二側,而使穿套部11再形成狀似圓形管穿口,由於便於套體脫 除之輔助體1使手套3G -部份與手部外表隔開,所以此時手部同 201247117 時握持手套30及便於套體脫除之輔助體丨並施以移除力,即可輕 易、快速地將手套30自手部脫除。 於第七圖中係顯示人體手部通過穿套部η時形成握拳狀。 請參閱第九圖、第十圖所示,當使用者將本發明自手部脫除 後’雖然手套30會因材料彈性收縮作用及脫除之動作而有部份捲 縮於便於套體脫除之辅助體i巾,但可以只直接用手直接拉出手 套30,或用手握住手套30、便於套體脫除之輔助體丨貼合處並藉 由甩動直接甩出手套30。 請參閱第第十-圖所示,本發明便於套體脫除之輔助體i第 -構k實施例係於板體1〇之二端部增設有二個三角狀缺口 ,而 連接件2G亦設有-姆應於缺π 13之· 21,以使缺口 13可以 露出;據此,請參閱第十二圖所示,當便於套體脫除之輔助體i 裝入手套30開口内時,使板體1〇沒有完全裝入,且因手套3〇具 有收縮彈f生,而使手套開口之緣邊可以自動收縮陷人缺口 中’以防止便於套體脫除之輔助體丨滑脫,進而使便於套雜除 之輔助體1、手套.20穩固地結合。 請參閱第十三圖、第十四圖所示,本發明便於套體脫除之辅 助體1第三構造實施_由四健有雜之板體丨晴由四個連接 件20之連接而組成’且亦可使板體1〇間形成活動狀連接當於 上下方向施壓在便於套體脫除之辅助體丨時,板體1()形成二個為 -組之上下相疊置好狀’也可減少所佔空間,可便於收藏、庫 存;據此’請參閱第十五圖所示’使用者可施壓在本發明便於套 201247117 舰除之辅助體1,歧板體1Q形縫置扁平狀,再彻手套即 之收縮彈力_,令便於套體脫除之_體Γ第三構造實施例可 以輕易地裝入手套30開口内,且使承接部12、手套3()開口之内 表部形成緊貼固定狀。 請參閱第十六騎示’本拥便於套體着之獅體丨第三 構造實施例裝人手套3G開口後,可藉手部向内施壓於其中二個板 體10,使其中二個板體10成為相對應垂直狀,而另外二個板體 10則於上下嫩二端連接處為基準軸相對向外之弧形彈性刺 狀,而使各細10間可構成-縱大小之穿口,崎人體手部可 輕易、便捷地通過便於套體脫除之辅助體卜進而便於手套洲穿 戴於手部以及自手部脫除。 以上為本案所舉之實施例,僅為便於說明而設,當不能以此 限制本案之意義,即大凡依所财請專圍所為之各觀換設 計,均應包含在本案之專利範圍中。 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖係本發明之立體分解圖。 第二圖係本發明之剖視圖。 第一圖係本發明、手套之立體分解圖。 第四圖係本發明與手套結合之立體圖。 第五圖係本發明供手部穿人之使關立體圖及剖面放大圖。 第八圖係本發明卡抵於手部之使關立體圖及剖面放大圖。 第七圖係本發明可使手套快速地自手部脫除之使用例立體圖 8 201247117 ()及剖面放大圖;圖中顯示於手套二侧施壓使本發明 變形。 第圖係本發明可使手套快速地自手部脫除之使用例立體圖 (二)。 第九圖係手套部份捲縮於本發明中之上視圖。 第十圖係手套可由本發财拉域甩出之上視圖。 第十-圖係本發明第二構造實施例立體分解圖。 第十圖係本發明第二構造實施例與手套結合之立體圖。 第十三圖係本_第三構造實補謂分解圖。 十圖係本發明第二構造實施例於上下方向受壓形成疊置 扁平狀之剖視圖。 第十五圖係本發明第三構造實施例、手套之立體分解圖。 第十六_本發明第三構造實施顺於手套,*各板體間構成 —穿口以便人體手部通過之使用例剖面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 I.便於套體脫除之辅助體 仞..板體 12·.承接部 20..連接件 30. ·手套 穿套部 13..缺口 21·.開孔 七、申請專利範圍:201247117 IV. Designated representative map: (1) The representative representative of the case is: (1). (2) The symbol of the symbol of the representative figure is simple: 1. The auxiliary body for facilitating the removal of the casing 10. The plate body 11.. The wearing part 12: The receiving part 20.. The connecting piece 5. If there is a chemical formula in this case Please disclose the chemical formula that best shows the characteristics of the invention: VI. Description of the invention: 201247117 [Technical field of the invention] The present invention is an auxiliary body for facilitating the removal of the sleeve, _ is disposed in the sleeve and is provided It is quilted and can assist the user to remove the sleeve from the quilt easily and quickly. , [Previous technology] Press; daily breeding, we often set the cover on the article or the human body to protect or other side sides. For example, when I carry out silk and cleaning work, I usually wear the waterproof material. Gloves protect hands and anti-fouling, in order to achieve effective waterproofing effect, usually high-molecular polymer (4) made of water, such as Nalai, and the conventional gloves have at least the following defects: 1. When the user wears _ When the glove is working, since the inner surface of the glove is a smooth surface, it will have surface contact when it comes into contact with the skin, and it is easy to cause vacuum adsorption and over-conformity, which causes the user to feel the tight end discomfort when working time. It is difficult to accumulate water from the inside and outside when it is too long, and it is easy to accumulate in the glove, which makes the glove stick to the skin of the user's hand and will prevent the circulation of the heat insulation. To make the user feel wet and hot and sticky, which affects the mood and efficiency of the work. In addition, the glove is not suitable for the removal of the glove, resulting in Under gloves when necessary slowly turn off and pulled in order to successfully take off gloves. 2. The glove is usually single-size. For a user with a large palm, it will be tight when worn. If the hand sweats or touches the water, it will be tighter and more difficult to take off. It is not like wearing 201247117 gloves. When the sample was taken off smoothly. Therefore, how to make the gloves can be easily and quickly removed from the user's hand is a major problem in the daily life. Therefore, in view of the lack of use of the existing kits (such as gloves), the inventors have actively engaged in research and development and have been practicing the research and development of the product for many years. Through numerous practical designs and experiments, The invention was produced. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to provide an auxiliary body which can assist the user to easily and quickly remove the sleeve from the ferrule and facilitate the removal of the sleeve. In order to achieve the above object, the present invention comprises a plurality of plates, wherein the plate body forms a movable connection, and the inner surface of the plate body forms a sleeve portion which can be worn by the sleeve body, and the outer surface of the plate body forms a sleeve. The receiving portion of the surface of the body is attached; the auxiliary body for facilitating the removal of the sleeve can be disposed in the sleeve, so that a part of the sleeve is not in contact with the sleeve, and the sleeve is held by the hand at the same time The sleeve can be removed from the ferrule by facilitating the removal of the auxiliary body and applying a removal force. In the following, the detailed description of the present invention will be made by the detailed description of the present invention, and the members of the present invention will be able to understand and understand the functions and features of the present invention. [Embodiment] Please refer to the first figure and the second figure. The preferred embodiment of the present invention for facilitating the removal of the sleeve body comprises two elastic plates 10 and two connecting members 20, and the plate body 10 The two ends form a movable connection by the connecting member 20, so that the present invention can be disposed in the 201247117 casing, and the corresponding faces of the two plates 1 构成 can be opened or closed to allow the casing to be worn. Therefore, a part of the sleeve is not in contact with the ferrule, thereby assisting the user to easily and quickly remove the sleeve from the ferrule. This will be explained in detail below. The plate body 10 is made of an elastic material to have a predetermined elastic deformation force, and the plate body 10 is stacked in a flat shape, and the inner surface of the plate body 1G (ie, the corresponding surface) forms a sleeve P. The outer surface of the plate body 10 is A receiving portion 12 is formed. The connector 20 is a thin body that is elastically deflectable such as a tape. The two ends of the plate body 10 can be coated with an adhesive to make the adhesive or the connecting member 20 - the surface has a viscosity - so that the two ends of the plate body 10 and the connecting member 20 are connected by the connecting member 20 The bonding, in turn, causes the plate body 1 to form an active connection. Referring to the third and fourth figures, in the present specification, only the auxiliary body i for facilitating the removal of the sleeve of the present invention is used as a preferred embodiment, and if The invention is convenient for the application of the auxiliary body i to the other embodiments such as the machine, the condom, etc., and should also belong to the patent details of the case. In the figure, the auxiliary body 1 of the present invention which facilitates the removal of the sleeve can be disposed in the opening of the glove 30 to assist the user in removing the glove 30 from the hand (the sleeve). In the embodiment, the glove 30 is a latex glove and has an opening for the meal. Therefore, the user can use the contraction elastic force of the glove 3G, so that the auxiliary body 1 for facilitating the removal of the sleeve can be easily loaded into the opening of the glove, and The inner surface of the opening portion of the receiving portion 12 and the glove 30 is formed in close contact with each other; and the combined processing technology of the inner surface portion of the opening portion 12, the glove 3〇201247117 opening, the heat sealing or the wire may be combined. The means 'supplemented with the auxiliary body glove 2 for facilitating the removal of the sleeve body, and this should also be included in the patent scope of the present invention. On the other hand, in the present invention, since the plate body 10 is stacked vertically and vertically, the space occupied can be reduced, which facilitates collection and inventory. Referring to the fifth figure, the user can hold the hand and the pressure on the glove 30 to facilitate the removal of the cover body, and the left and right sides of the attachment body i (ie, the movable connection between the two ends of the plate body 1G). In order to make the plate body 10 form an outwardly curved arc-shaped elastic floor opening on the basis of the two-end joint, the respective sleeve portions 11 are formed into a shape like a circular tube, because the opening is larger than the human body. The hand grips the fist, so the human hand can be formed into a fist shape to pass through the sleeve portion 11 and then be placed in the glove 3, so that the glove 3 can be easily worn on the hand. Please refer to the six figures. When the user's hand is no longer holding the left and right sides of the attachment of the auxiliary body 1 which is pressed against the glove 3 to facilitate the removal of the sleeve body, the plate body 1 is opposed by the elastic force. Recovering inwardly to reach the surface of the human wrist, at this time, the auxiliary body for the removal of the cover body can be mutually offset, so that the auxiliary body of the easy-to-catch is located at the wrist of the human body without slipping off Go to the palm of the human body to avoid interference when the hand wears the glove 30. Please refer to the seven figures and the eighth figure. When the user does not wear gloves 3 可, the hand can be relied on the glove 3G, which is convenient for the lion body 丨 丨 左右 左右 左右 左右The portion 11 is shaped like a circular tube through hole. Since the auxiliary body 1 for facilitating the removal of the sleeve separates the glove 3G-portion from the hand surface, the hand is held with the glove 30 and the easy cover at the time of 201247117. The glove 30 can be easily and quickly removed from the hand by removing the auxiliary body and applying a removal force. In the seventh figure, it is shown that the human hand forms a grip when passing through the sleeve η. Referring to the ninth and tenth figures, when the user removes the invention from the hand, the glove 30 is partially crimped to facilitate the sleeve removal due to the elastic contraction and removal action of the material. In addition to the auxiliary body i towel, the glove 30 can be directly pulled out directly by hand, or the glove 30 can be held by hand, the auxiliary body 丨 fitting which is convenient for the cover body to be removed, and the glove 30 can be directly pulled out by the swaying. Referring to the tenth-figure, the embodiment of the first embodiment of the auxiliary body i for facilitating the removal of the sleeve is provided with two triangular notches at the two ends of the plate body, and the connecting member 2G is also The yoke should be in the absence of π 13 of 21 so that the notch 13 can be exposed; accordingly, as shown in Fig. 12, when the auxiliary body i for facilitating the removal of the casing is inserted into the opening of the glove 30, The plate body 1〇 is not completely loaded, and because the glove 3〇 has a contraction elastic force, the edge of the glove opening can be automatically contracted into the indentation gap to prevent the auxiliary body from slipping off the sleeve body. Further, the auxiliary body 1 and the glove 20 which are easy to be removed are firmly combined. Referring to the thirteenth and fourteenth drawings, the third embodiment of the auxiliary body 1 for facilitating the removal of the sleeve body is composed of four joint members 20 connected by four healthy and complicated boards. 'Also, the plate body 1 can be formed into a movable connection. When the upper and lower directions are pressed in the auxiliary body for facilitating the removal of the casing, the plate body 1 () is formed into two groups - the upper and lower layers are superposed. 'It can also reduce the occupied space, which is convenient for collection and inventory; according to this, please refer to the picture shown in the fifteenth figure. 'Users can apply pressure in the present invention. Easy to install 201247117 Ship's auxiliary body 1, 1Q-shaped seam of the plate body The flat shape, and then the glove is contracted elastic _, so that the sleeve can be easily removed. The third structural embodiment can be easily loaded into the opening of the glove 30, and the receiving portion 12 and the glove 3 () are opened. The inner surface portion is formed in close contact with the fixing. Please refer to the 16th riding show, the 3rd construction example of the lion body 本 装 装 装 装 装 装 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 The plate body 10 has a corresponding vertical shape, and the other two plate bodies 10 have an arc-shaped elastic thorn shape with respect to the outward direction of the reference axis at the joint of the upper and lower ends, so that each thin 10 can be formed into a longitudinal size. Mouth, Saki human hand can easily and conveniently remove the auxiliary body by the cover body, so that the glove can be worn on the hand and removed from the hand. The above examples of the case are for convenience of explanation. When the meaning of the case cannot be restricted, the design of each case should be included in the patent scope of the case. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The first figure is a perspective exploded view of the present invention. The second drawing is a cross-sectional view of the present invention. The first figure is a perspective exploded view of the present invention and gloves. The fourth figure is a perspective view of the present invention in combination with a glove. The fifth figure is a perspective view and a cross-sectional enlarged view of the hand-held person in the present invention. The eighth figure is a perspective view and an enlarged cross-sectional view of the card of the present invention. Figure 7 is a perspective view of a use case in which the glove can be quickly removed from the hand of the present invention. 8 201247117 () and a cross-sectional enlarged view; the figure shows that the two sides of the glove are pressed to deform the present invention. The figure is a perspective view of the use case in which the glove can be quickly removed from the hand of the present invention (2). The ninth figure is a partial view of the glove crimped in the present invention. The tenth figure of the glove can be extracted from the top view of the present. Tenth-drawing is a perspective exploded view of a second structural embodiment of the present invention. The tenth drawing is a perspective view of a second structural embodiment of the present invention in combination with a glove. The thirteenth figure is a decomposition diagram of the _ third structure real complement. Fig. 10 is a cross-sectional view showing a second embodiment of the present invention which is pressed in the up and down direction to form a stacked flat shape. The fifteenth figure is a perspective exploded view of the third structural embodiment of the present invention and the glove. Sixteenth - The third structure of the present invention is implemented in accordance with the glove, and the cross-section of the use case is formed between the respective plates to allow the human hand to pass through. [Description of main component symbols] I. Auxiliary body for easy removal of the cover body.. Plate body 12·. Receiving part 20.. Connector 30. · Glove wearing sleeve part 13.. Notch 21·. Opening hole 7. Application Patent scope: