201239166 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於:在建築鋼骨構造物之大厚度及大口徑 的樑柱接合部中,係在內隔板的周邊端部的一部分設有突 '起,在該突起的整個外周設有斜錐面,將設置了具有斜錐 _ 面的突起之內隔板與鋼樑,透過鋼管柱貫通孔利用熔焊方 式予以直接結合在一起的方法。 【先前技術】 在以往的技術中,建築鋼骨構造物的樑柱接合部,接 合部係如第1圖所示般地,大多是在由薄鋼板所製作的隔 板1與短角形鋼管2之間實施熔焊6而形成骰子狀立方體, 再將這個骰子狀立方體與Η形鋼樑凸緣4進行熔焊7接合, 然後,再將該骰子狀立方體與角形鋼管柱5進行熔焊接合 而構成的。這種以往的技術,係如第2圖所示,骰子狀立 方體的角形鋼管2與隔板1之間的熔焊6,以及骰子狀立方 體的隔板1與Η形鋼凸緣4之間的熔焊7都是使用背面抵靠板 10來實施單側熔焊。這種將隔板1與鋼樑凸緣4接合在一起 的以往的熔焊方法,係先對於凸緣4的接合預定端部進行 斜錐面加工之後,再製作背面抵靠板1 〇,以及進行用來安 裝背面抵靠板10的前置性熔焊8,然後才實施正式熔焊7。 又,隔板1與角形鋼管柱2或5的熔焊也是先對於角形鋼管 柱2或5的接合預定端部實施斜錐面加工之後,才執行背面 抵靠板10的製作以及用來安裝背面抵靠板1 〇所需的前置性 -5- 201239166 熔焊8,然後才實施隔板〗與角形鋼管柱2或5的正式熔焊6 〇 在於柱表面板是超過25mm的厚板的樑柱接合部中, 係如第4圖的柱橫剖面圖所示般地,經常採用以電熱熔渣 焊法來將鋼管柱5A與隔板1A予以熔焊接合的方法。就現 狀而言,這種方法是最有效率的。如果鋼管柱的厚度是 2 5 mm以下的情況下,經常採用以輥軋方式或衝壓方式所 製成的角形鋼管,而且通常並不使用電熱熔渣焊法,而是 使用二氧化碳電弧熔焊法。 日本公開特許公報08- 1 5 8476所揭示的將內隔板與鋼 樑接合在一起的方法的特徵,是在角形鋼管柱開設螺栓貫 通孔’在於Η鋼構造接榫部的內部安裝內隔板,對於這個 內隔板進行母螺紋加工,將高張力螺栓先穿過安裝在已安 裝在鋼樑端部的端板的螺栓孔之後,旋入到這個母螺紋, 並且從端板側利用螺帽來將高張力螺栓鎖緊,而將鋼樑予 以固定接合。此外,也揭示出:在鋼管柱面或鋼管角部設 置隙縫,而將隔板或金屬配件插入到鋼管柱內的方法。 〔先前技術文獻〕 〔專利文獻〕 [專利文獻1 ]日本公開特許公報0 8 - 1 5 8 4 7 6號 [專利文獻2 ]日本公開特許公報〇 7 - 2 2 9 2 4 3號 [專利文獻3]日本公開特許公報2002-1 4692 1號 [專利文獻4]日本公開特許公報平3-228938號 [專利文獻5]日本公開特許公報2007-002658號 ⑧ -6 - 201239166 [專利文獻6]日本公開特許公報平4-28 9348號 [專利文獻7]日本公開特許公報2005-264710號 【發明內容】 〔本發明所欲解決之問題〕 以往的建築鋼骨樑柱接合部,幾乎都是製作成第1圖 所示的骰子狀立方體,再以第1圖以及第2圖所示的方式, 將隔板1、角形鋼管2、背面抵靠板1 0、引弧板之類的許多 構件,利用熔焊6在角形鋼管2的周圍來進行整個周圍的熔 焊,因此熔焊量很多。所以不僅是零件的製作成本很高, 並且骰子狀立方體製作之後,從角形鋼管柱凸伸出來的隔 板很容易彎折而產生所謂的「折傘現象」,進而會產生很 容易導致隔板1與鋼樑凸緣4之間的接合部對不準的問題。 是以,如果隔板從鋼管柱凸伸出去的話,就必須將外壁做 在該隔板的外部,不僅在建設上的相關配合會變差,而且 居住空間也會變小。此外,也會產生隔板的使用材料增加 之類的問題。再者,爲了將背面抵靠板1〇安裝在角形鋼管 2的端部內周,而進行的前置性熔焊8的工作也是很耗費人 力和成本。此外,角形鋼管2與隔板1的熔焊6係在整個周 圍都實施的,因爲熔焊量很多所以熔焊殘留應力變大,不 僅如此,一旦使用了背面抵靠板10的話’在構件4與5之間 會產生缺口而發生應力集中現象,其結果將使得強度減弱 又,如第2圖所示般地,以往雖然是採用扇形缺口 1 1 201239166 ,但是因爲有隔板1的存在,所以該扇形缺口 11的加工變 得很耗費人力和時間。即使將扇形缺口 1 1予以省略,也因 爲隔板1的板厚大於鋼樑凸緣4的板厚,所以會有難以施作 鋼樑凸緣4的斜錐面加工之問題。 此外,一般而言,熔焊熱影響部係具有很容易脆化的 性質,以往,兩個熔焊部很靠近的情況下,兩個熔焊部所 產生的熱影響部會互相重疊而更加地促進脆化,爲了不要 發生這種問題,一般的做法是將兩個熔焊部儘量地遠離而 使其熱影響部不要互相重疊。尤其是當兩個熔焊部所產生 的熔焊熱影響互相重疊的部分露出在外表面的話,更是成 爲問題。如第2圖所示般地,鋼管柱5與隔板1的熔焊部6靠 近於鋼樑4與隔板1的熔焊部7,如果被兩個熔焊部所包圍 之共通的熔焊熱影響部位於外表面的話,該熱影響部會產 生:較之其只受到單一個熱影響部的影響時更容易脆化的 現象。因爲會有這種現象,會引發:樑柱接合部的脆性破 壞強度、疲勞強度以及塑性變形性能降低之問題。 以往,建築鋼骨的組裝,係在工場內先將短樑安裝在 骰子狀立方體來製作面板區(亦即樑柱接合區),將該面 板區利用熔焊而連結到鋼管柱,通常是製作成建築物之三 個樓層的長度,在建設現場將附設了面板區的鋼管柱直立 起來,將短樑之間利用長樑以螺栓來接合而予以連結在一 起。這種以往的工法,附設了短樑的鋼管柱,雖然短樑只 是一公尺程度的短樑而已,但是因爲是從與鋼管柱正交的 2〜4個方向凸伸出去,所以從工場運送到現場爲止的運送 ⑧ -8 - 201239166 效率很差,而且在建設現場將鋼樑彼此之間使用許多螺栓 來進行接合時所耗費的人力和時間以及費用都遠大於使用 熔焊的方式,這是其問題之一。 另一方面,第3圖所示的內隔板方式的樑柱接合部, 必須將位於遠離角形鋼管柱的端部之位置處的內隔板1A, 在無法將內部看得很清楚的狀態下,熔焊接合在角形鋼管 內側面,在這種情況下,不僅很難進行內側面的熔焊施工 ,並且很難將高度的位置與角形鋼管柱5的外側的Η形鋼樑 凸緣的高度互相對準,因此存在著:應力不容易從鋼樑凸 緣傳遞到內隔板,因而很容易導致樑柱接合部的強度下降 之問題。當然,這種內隔板方式,因爲是將該內隔板熔焊 在角形鋼管內側面,因此必須將角形鋼管在內隔板的旁邊 加以切斷。此外,在該切斷作業之後,還必須重新進行對 準靠合熔焊的作業,這些工作都是非常地耗時費事。 又,以往的做法,係採用:先從隔板與角形鋼管的短 管來製作骰子狀立方體的小組裝工程;然後再將Η形鋼樑 安裝到這個骰子狀立方體的中組裝工程;然後再於這個骰 子狀立方體上已經安裝了 Η形鋼樑之後的結構體身上,安 裝上角形鋼管柱的大組裝工程。這種以往的方法,必須先 將角形鋼管柱就每一個樓層予以切斷之後,再進行熔焊接 合起來,因此係存在著:複雜且在製作上非常耗時費事的 問題。 又,日本公開特許公報08-158476號所揭示的技術, 因爲螺栓孔係貫通過角形鋼管柱,因此角形鋼管的強度會 -9 - 201239166 降低,而且爲了彌補這種強度的降低,必須使用具有相當 的厚度的角形鋼管柱。角形鋼管柱必須先就每一個樓層予 以切斷之後,再重新熔焊接合在一起。此外,根據這種方 法,必須使用非常大的端板。 日本公開特許公報07-229243號所揭示的技術,係將 內隔板利用電熱熔渣焊法接合於4面箱形鋼管柱的方法、 在鋼管柱上設置了鋼管柱軸方向的隙縫之後,將該隙縫與 內隔板在縱方向上予以熔焊的方法。這些施工方法都是使 用設置在鋼管柱內部的內隔板,在電熱熔渣焊法中,即使 採用了背面抵靠板,也會使得內隔板從鋼管柱內側面以及 背面抵靠板大幅地後退。這種內隔板,在其端部並不具有 突起。這種電熱熔渣焊法,係利用500〜1000 KJ/cm的大 輸入熱能來進行的,不僅鋼管柱以及隔板的韌性和延性將 會大幅地降低,而且夾置在鋼樑凸緣與隔板之間的柱鋼管 板,也會接受到來自板厚方向的熔焊殘留應力和來自構造 的應力,而會有很容易引起裂縫的問題。 日本公開特許公報2002-1 46921號所揭示的技術,係 在鋼管柱的4個面設置細長的四邊形隙縫,將內隔板端部 與隙縫熔焊成一體化,而形成剖面爲T字形的熔焊部之方 法。這種情況下,在內隔板的外周部並未形成有突起。這 是因爲無法在封閉的鋼管柱內,將具有突起的內隔板插入 到鋼管柱內的緣故。這種情況下,是在整個隙縫內都實施 熔焊,所以如果鋼管柱厚度或內隔板的板厚很大的話,會 有導致熔焊量激增之問題。 ⑧ -10- 201239166 日本公開特許公報平3 -22 893 8號所揭示的技術,係在 角形鋼管柱的角部設置橫向隙縫,使用背面抵靠板來將水 平補強板的緣端部予以熔焊固定到橫向隙縫內的方法。就 這種構造而言,係如其申請專利說明書的第2圖所示般地 ,必須將水平補強板予以分割,鋼管柱內部係呈空洞,因 此其所存在的缺點是:無法讓來自鋼樑軸方向的剪力利用 該水平補強板來予以充分地承受。此外,另一個問題則是 很難將背面抵靠板安裝到密閉的長鋼管柱內。 日本公開特許公報2007-0026 58號所揭示的技術,是 在角形鋼管柱面,設置環繞整個周圍的橫向隙縫,也就是 細溝槽,在該細溝槽的內側也就是角形鋼管柱的內部,設 置內隔板的方法。這種方法,角形鋼管柱與內隔板之間的 熔焊係環繞這個周圍,因此,鋼管柱厚度(板厚)與鋼樑 凸緣厚度(疼厚)愈增大的話,細溝槽的剖面積變得愈大 ,會有熔焊量變得太過於龐大之問題,也會有熔焊效率降 低的問題。因爲是在鋼管柱的整個內周都進行熔焊,所以 會產生在柱軸方向上的熔焊収縮,切斷後的鋼管柱軸桿之 間的撓曲和方向也必須正確地加以修正。 日本公開特許公報平4-289348號所揭示的技術,其所 適用的鋼管柱是角形鋼管,並未想到是4面箱形鋼管。這 個方法,係在角形鋼管柱面上的每一個柱面,開設四個朝 縱方向,亦即,在柱軸方向上的縱向隙縫之貫通孔,不使 用隔板而是將金屬配件分割成4個,在金屬配件的端面安 裝有突條部,將該突條部插入到縱向隙縫之中,進行熔焊 -11 - 201239166 將其與鋼管柱熔焊在一起的方法。這種方法係存有下列的 問題。亦即, (1 )如果單單只是縱向隙縫的話,隙縫的端部的熔 焊部將會變的很尖銳’熔焊時很容易形成缺陷。 (2)不僅縱向隙縫的個數很多,螺絲固定孔的數目 也需要很多,因此開孔的成本很高。 (3 )複雜的形狀的金屬配件係分割型的金屬配件, 針對於一個樑柱接合部需要用到8個金屬配件。因此,其 成本高於隔板這種單片式的隔板。 (4 )必須使用到金屬配件的固定螺絲,安裝螺絲用 的貫通孔對於鋼管柱而言,係構成剖面缺損,在進行鎖螺 絲固定時,對於雨水等必須考慮到防止雨水浸入的問題。 (5 )金屬配件本體是對於樑軸方向呈45°的斜面材, 很難以獲得對抗樑軸方向的荷重之充分的耐力。 (6 )因爲具有許多金屬配件、螺絲、許多的開孔等 ,零件數很多,形狀複雜,組裝困難,成本較之隔板方式 更高。很難適用在板厚超過25mm的厚板鋼管柱。 曰本公開特許公報2005-2647 1 0號所揭示的技術,其 所適用的鋼管柱是角形鋼管,並未想定爲4面箱形。是在 角形鋼管柱面,局部性地設置貫通鋼管柱的橫向隙縫,亦 即溝槽,並且將內隔板設在該溝槽的內側也就是角形鋼管 柱內部的方法。這種方法,角形鋼管柱與內隔板之間的熔 焊雖然只是局部性的熔焊,但是,欲進行熔焊的對象也就 是鋼管柱厚度(板厚)與鋼樑凸緣厚度(板厚)愈增加的 -12- 201239166 話,溝槽的剖面積也就變得愈大,會有熔焊量飛躍性地變 大之問題,也有熔焊效率降低的問題存在。 〔目的〕 本發明之目的係在於提供:一種鋼骨構造物製作方法 ,不必將鋼管柱針對每一個樓層予以切斷,可防止大口徑 大厚度的建築鋼骨構造物之樑柱接合部的橫跨型隔板的熱 變形以及熱變形脆化,可防止因內隔板與樑凸緣之間的熔 焊所導致的焊接裂縫,並且將鋼管柱與隔板的熔焊斜錐面 加工予以單純化而可減少熔焊量以提升熔焊效率,安裝具 備在整個周圍附斜錐面的突起之隔板,以減少鋼管柱的製 作成本,可以省略扇形缺口加工和背面抵靠板,讓樑端的 熔焊更省力化,並且可緩和應力集中,進而更爲提升接榫 部的強度以及塑性變形性能。 〔用以解決課題之手段〕 針對於這些課題進行了各種的硏究。其結果,將第1 圖以及第2圖所示的這種構件1和2所構成的骰子狀立方體2 ,將其隔板1從鋼管柱突伸出來的部分予消除,而改成例 如:本說明書第4圖所示的這種在鋼管柱表面板5F上設置 貫穿的溝槽27,然後將內隔板1A與該溝槽27予以熔焊的方 法係在日本公開特許公報2 007-00265 8號中也曾經被提示 出來。但是,根據這種方法,針對於厚板的鋼管柱與內隔 板必須利用到很大的熔焊部。因此,本發明人找到了一種 -13- 201239166 創見,就是:將4面箱形鋼管柱不必針對於每一個樓層予 以切斷,而在於與鋼樑位置相當的柱面上開設了較之鋼樑 凸緣橫剖面形狀稍微大一點的長度(鋼管柱徑的4/5以上 )的貫通孔,並且將具有在外周部爲斜錐面的突起之內隔 板1在於鋼管柱5與內隔板1之間的熔焊部6進行貫通孔熔焊 ,而只要將鋼樑4在該貫通孔熔焊部來進行熔焊接合的話 ,即可以解決。 但是,在被封閉的角形鋼管柱內並無法將具有突起的 內隔板插入,所以如果是由4片鋼板經由熔焊來組裝製作 而成的4面箱形鋼管柱(4面盒形柱)的話,則是可以在進 行熔焊組裝之前,將具有突起的內隔板插入到局部性的長 度的橫方向貫通孔,將4個面的鋼板組裝之後,再將鋼管 柱進行柱軸方向的縱縫熔焊之後,再將內隔板與鋼管柱貫 通孔進行熔焊。 在本發明中的「內隔板」的定義,係將:在貫通孔以 外的場所,隔板的外形的四個角落是較之鋼管柱內徑更小 的隔板稱爲內隔板。因此,在本發明中,在這種內隔板端 部的直線部(邊)具有突起者,但是被插入在鋼管柱貫通 孔者也稱爲內隔板。 因此’請求項1的發明的建築鋼骨構造物,係針對於 熔焊組裝剖面爲四角形的4面箱形(4面盒形)鋼管柱的情 況,係由下列的構成要素所組成的。 本發明的第1種構成方式,係在該4面箱形鋼管柱之至 少用來安裝鋼樑凸緣之鋼管柱面之板厚爲25 mm以上的鋼 -14- 201239166 板,亦即在表面板上,在熔焊組裝成剖面爲四角形的4面 箱形(4面盒形)鋼管柱之前,在水平方向上開設貫通孔 ,該貫通孔的長度是鋼管柱徑的4/5以下的長度而且是鋼 樑凸緣寬度以上的長度,形狀是圓形、橢圓形或啞鈴形狀 〇 將鋼管柱面的板厚度選定爲25mm以上的理由,是因 爲若是25mm以下的板厚度的話,利用一般的二氧化碳電 弧熔焊法難以進行熔焊。將貫通孔端部的外側面形狀做成 第6圖所示的端部爲圓弧的長孔或如第7圖所示的啞鈴狀的 理由,是因爲可以使該端部的滲透熔焊更容易,而且在開 設貫通孔時,可以利用鑽機先將兩端開孔之後,再利用氣 炬切斷之類的手段,可以很容易將兩個端部的鑽孔之間的 連結部分予以切斷。 尤其是將貫通孔的端部開設成圓弧狀之更大的鑽孔的 話,可以很容易將兩個鑽孔之間的連結部分予以切斷。 製作成貫通孔的理由,是爲了將隔板與鋼管柱,從鋼 管柱的外側面針對於鋼管柱表面板的整個厚度都進行熔焊 接合的緣故,而且不容易承受到表面板的板厚方向的力量 ,可以防止鋼管柱表面板的焊接裂縫的緣故。 將貫通孔長度選定爲鋼管柱徑的4/5以下的長度的理 由,是因爲如果是比這個長度更長的話,在於貫通孔之鋼 管柱的徑方向上的端部處,會有背面抵靠板抵靠在柱縱接 頭而與貫通孔互相衝突,此外,熔焊量也會增大而降低效 果之緣故。又,將貫通孔的長度選定爲鋼樑凸緣寬度以上 -15- 201239166 的長度的理由,是爲了確保鋼樑凸緣剖面積而將鋼樑的應 力確實地傳遞到內隔板的緣故。 本發明的第2種構成方式,係在與鋼管柱內壁靠近的 單板式的內隔板的外周端面設有突起,在該突起的整個周 圍都設置向外的斜錐面,在組裝4面箱形鋼管柱之前,將 該具有斜錐面的突起的一部分或全部,插入到該貫通孔內 〇 設置這種具有斜錐面的突起的理由,是因爲與未設有 突起的情況相較,可以減少該貫通孔內的空間,因而可以 減少柱鋼管與隔板之間的熔焊量之緣故。具有斜錐面的突 起的斜錐面,與不具有斜錐面的情況相比較,係可以很容 易實施隔板的突起與貫通孔之間的滲透熔焊而結合在一起 。此外,這個突起的斜錐面,在進行鋼管柱組裝時,可以 讓突起很容易插入到貫通孔內。該突起之插入到該貫通孔 的部分的橫剖面積,爲了要插入到該貫通孔內,通常是設 定成較之該貫通孔的橫剖面更小的剖面積。又,這個貫通 孔的長度,通常爲了讓熔焊量最小化起見,通常係選定爲 較之該突起底部的長度更大0〜10mm的程度》 本發明的第3種構成方式,係將該4面箱形鋼管柱藉由 4片鋼板以熔焊組裝來製作,該鋼管柱的熔焊組裝,係將 背面抵靠板安裝在鋼管柱的內側面的長軸方向上,然後從 鋼管柱的外側面進行熔焊接合。 本發明的第4種構成方式,係至少從該4面箱形鋼管柱 的外側面來將該貫通孔與隔板進行熔焊,藉此,使得較之 -16- 201239166 Η形鋼樑凸緣的板厚更大板厚的內隔板與4面箱形柱貫通孔 之間的滲透熔焊部之縱剖面形狀以及橫剖面形狀成爲W字 形狀。該貫通孔內的剖面的滲透熔焊部的形狀,因爲是具 有向外的斜錐面的隔板突起的緣故,係形成中央部往上隆 起的W字形狀。 本發明的第5種構成方式,係將包含了該貫通孔與具 有突起的隔板的熔焊部之角形鋼管柱與Η形鋼樑凸緣進行 熔焊接合。在該貫通孔與具有突起的隔板的熔焊部上,安 裝Η形鋼樑凸緣,熔焊的多餘堆積量則是覆蓋到鋼管柱的 母材爲止。 本發明的第6種構成方式,該4面箱形鋼管柱係由4片 鋼板所構成的,再將該4面箱形鋼管柱組裝來製作的,所 以至少必須從外部來進行熔焊,在該鋼管柱的組裝結束之 前,內部並尙未密閉,內部的至少一部分,鋼管內部也可 以進行熔焊,將內隔板插入到柱內部時,鋼管柱與隔板的 接頭,係可以從內側面來進行熔焊。 若將內隔板的外周端部突起的斜錐面設成較大的話, 隨著斜錐面延伸到鋼管柱內部,在與不具有斜錐面的情況 相較之下,從鋼管柱內側面進行的熔焊,只要很少的熔焊 量就可達成。 不管隔板外周端部突起的斜錐面的大小如何,只要將 內隔板與鋼管柱內側面予以熔焊的話,內隔板與鋼管柱內 側面之間的熔焊剖面積增加,並且內隔板與鋼管柱內側面 之間的應力集中可以減少,因而可以提升內隔板與鋼管柱 -17- 201239166 的接合部的強度。 若將本案的請求項1的發明中的構成要件與先前技術 文獻(1〜7 )進行比較的結果加以彙整的話,係如下表所 示。表中的符號,X是表示與本發明的構成要件不一致的 情況;△是表示先前技術文獻中並未記載本發明的構成要 件的情況;〇是表示與本發明的構成要件一致的情況。 --------_____^先前技術文獻編號 本發明的構成要件 ''''~~~〜----〜_________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 鋼管柱是4面箱形鋼管 X 〇 X X X X X b 鋼管柱並不是就每一個樓層來切斷 X 〇 X 〇 X 〇 〇 c 貫通孔長度=鋼樑凸緣寬度〜鋼管柱徑4/5 X X Δ X X X X d 貫通孔的平面形狀:長孔或啞鈴形狀 X X X X X X 〇 e 貫通孔的方向是橫方向 X X 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 f 是否使用單板的內隔板 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 X 〇 g 在內隔板的端部具有突起 〇 X X 〇 X 〇 X h 對於內隔板端部的突起實施向外的 整個外周斜錐面加工 X X X X X X X i 在組裝鋼管柱之前先將內隔板組裝到鋼管柱內 X 〇 X X 〇 X X j 從鋼管柱面的外側面進行熔焊 X X 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 k 鋼管柱與隔板的接頭也可以從內側面來進行熔焊 X △ X X X X X 1 內隔板的板厚是鋼樑凸緣的板厚以上 Δ △ Δ Λ Δ Δ 〇 m 內隔板的板厚是貫通孔短徑寬度以上 Δ △ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ n 滲透熔焊部的形狀是呈W字形狀 X X X 〇 X 〇 X P 鋼管柱熔焊是15〜40KJ/cm的小輸入熱能 X X Δ Δ Δ Δ 〇 q 鋼管柱表面板的厚度是25mm以上 Δ 〇 Δ △ Δ Δ Δ 本發明係以先前技術文獻2作爲對象,爲了解決其問 題點加以改良而開發完成的。先前技術文獻2與本案的發 明的構成要件進行比較的話,係未包含或未記載出本案的 構成要件中的 c、d、e、g、h、i、j、k、1、m、π、p。此 外,其他的任何一個先前技術文獻,與本案的發明的構成 -18- 201239166 要件進行比較的話,一致的構成要件也都是一半以下。尤 其是「對於內隔板端部的突起實施向外的整個外周斜錐面 加工」以及「鋼管柱與隔板的接頭也可以從內側面進行熔 焊」的這種構成要件,係本案的發明所獨具的構成要件。 此外,即使各別的構成要件係已知的構成要件,將這 麼多數的構成要件組合在一起的情況下的複合性的構成方 式,係可以發揮該當業者所不容易想到的新穎性。尤其是 針對於本發明的對象的厚度爲25mm以上的4面箱形鋼管柱 ,係如前述的表所示,可發揮許多的新穎性。 本案的請求項1的發明係以鋼板厚度爲25mm以上的4 面箱形(盒形)鋼管柱作爲對象,其新穎性所在,主要是 在於下列各點。 (1 )在組裝4面箱形鋼管柱時,係將設有朝鋼管柱外 側面開放的在整個外周具有斜錐面的突起之內隔板,在鋼 管柱組裝之前,予以預先組裝到鋼管柱內。 (2 )將箱形鋼管柱面上的貫通孔與內隔板的突起部 周突。對 部或 外該面之 端孔 個;錐內 向長 整孔斜在 方是 的通的部 橫狀 上貫外角 的形 面的向的 孔面 柱設有柱。通平 管開具管業貫的 鋼地周鋼作個孔 形性外含焊一這通 箱部個包熔 g 貫 在局整施的柱 , 是向在實孔管此 不方係必通 因 並平,不貫形。 孔水上,的 S 形 通和板下周 W 弧 貫向隔況外^圓 該方內情的^ 橢 , 橫在種面)r或 。 焊朝設這柱3)形狀 熔是係,個-弧形 行而部此整 圓鈴 進,起因於 是 ® -19- 201239166 (4)箱形鋼管柱的貫通孔之橫方向長度係鋼樑凸緣 的寬度以上,通常是鋼管柱徑的1/2程度,但最大是鋼管 柱徑的4 / 5的長度。 (5 )在隔板端部的突起係實施:兩側面以及兩端部 具有向外的斜度之整個外周斜錐面加工,因此突起的整個 外周都可以很容易從鋼管柱外部來進行完全滲透熔焊。該 突起的兩端部如果不形成有具備向外的斜度之斜錐面的話 ,在貫通孔端部以及底部之滲透熔焊會變得不良而會造成 很大的問題。雖然以往的熔焊係在熔焊線方向上具有斜錐 面,但是,本案發明的特徵是在於:在突起的長軸熔焊線 方向與其直角方向上,亦即將突起的整個外周予以加工成 向外的斜錐面。想要在鋼管柱的鋼板厚度爲2 5 mm以上的 貫通孔與隔板端部長軸方向上的突起端部之間,毫無缺陷 地將熔焊焊料滲透融合在一起,是極端地困難,爲了解決 這種困難而將隔板端部突起之長軸方向的端部製作成向外 的斜錐面,對於將熔焊焊料滲透融合到整個鋼管柱貫通孔 的底部而言,是非常的重要的做法,這種做法在其他的文 獻中都完全未提及。 (6)在箱形鋼管柱中,不需要採用類似電熱熔渣焊 法的這種高達5 00〜1000 KJ/cm的大輸入熱能,本發明的 方法係只要以一般的二氧化碳氣體熔焊,使用一般爲15〜 40KJ/cm的低輸入熱能,以較之電熱熔渣焊法大約減少 75%的熔焊量以及1/10以下的熔焊輸入熱能,就能夠以10 倍以上的熔焊速度來進行高效率的施工。而且本發明的方 ⑧ •20- 201239166 法也不會有發生焊接裂縫的虞慮。 (7)在設有整個外周具有斜錐面的突起的內隔板與 該鋼管柱貫通孔的熔焊部上’重曼地將Η形鋼樑予以熔焊 接合’將內隔板與角形鋼管柱與鋼樑凸緣的熔焊部利用多 層熔焊予以一體化。 同時地具有這種新穎性的本案的發明,如果對於4面 箱形鋼管柱使用以往既有的角形鋼管柱製作方式的話,尤 其是在於施工效率面上會有各種的障礙,特別是在熔焊量 與熔焊輸入熱能方面係具有障礙,因此並不是可以從以往 的發明即可易於思及的。尤其是,大幅地減少熔焊量而且 只要利用小輸入熱能即可確保高效率性的這一點,是無法 易於思及的。本發明中的「如何才能夠將容易熔焊且包含 兩端部在內之設置了整個外周都具有斜錐面的突起的隔板 (非分割型的單片式隔板),很簡單地組裝到預定的內徑 的厚鋼板鋼管柱內?」的這種觀點,係在其他的專利申請 案中都未曾見到的。 本案的請求項2的發明,其構成方式係如第1 7圖所示 般地,將內隔板的板厚度選定爲大於鋼樑凸緣的板厚度以 及貫通孔的短徑寬度,並且將貫通孔之鋼管柱軸方向的寬 度(亦即,短徑寬度)選定爲鋼樑凸緣板厚度以下,並且 至少將鋼樑凸緣的安裝側的鋼管柱的內平面與隔板予以熔 焊以及從鋼管柱的外側面將貫通孔與隔板予以熔焊。將隔 板的板厚度選定爲大於鋼樑凸緣的板厚度的理由,是因爲 其必須具有可承受來自鋼樑凸緣的力量的耐力,而且即使 -21 - 201239166 鋼樑凸緣與內隔板之間有所偏移錯位,也可以使得鋼樑凸 緣保持收納在隔板的平面內。從鋼管柱的外側面來實施將 貫通孔與隔板予以熔焊的作法是不可或缺的,但是將貫通 孔的寬度選定爲小於鋼樑凸緣的板厚度的理由,則是爲了 要減少貫通孔的熔焊量之緣故。將貫通孔的寬度選定爲較 之鋼樑凸緣的板厚度更小的話,就無法確保鋼樑凸緣的板 厚度份量的剖面積,因此,將其所不足的份量,至少係在 組裝鋼管柱之前,從鋼管柱的內側面,將鋼樑凸緣之安裝 側的鋼管柱的內平面與隔板予以熔焊,因而可以彌補不足 量的鋼樑凸緣的板厚度份量的剖面積。一般的作法是讓從 內側面施作的熔焊與從外側面施作的熔焊連接在一起而形 成完全滲透熔焊。通常係將內側的熔焊先利用打底熔焊來 施作,然後才實施外側的熔焊,但是也可以將從外側施作 的熔焊的第1層利用大電流來讓其充分地滲透進去,進而 滲透到達內側的熔焊部。只要能夠確認到貫通孔與隔板的 熔焊接頭的安全性的話,也是可以採用:從內側面施作的 熔焊與從外側面施作的熔焊並未連接在一起之不完全滲透 熔焊。 本案的請求項3的發明,其構成方式係針對於請求項1 或2所述的發明中,在鋼樑凸緣與隔板的熔焊部中之寬度 較窄的這一側,安裝補強板,並且至少係將補強板之鋼樑 軸方向端部與鋼樑凸緣以及隔板進行完全滲透熔焊。這種 方法之目的是:爲了要彌補當鋼樑端腹板與鋼管柱之間的 熔焊部在於鋼管柱的內部係呈空洞時,鋼樑端腹板無法承 ⑧ -22- 201239166 擔撓曲應力之理由;爲了緩和鋼樑凸緣端部側面的應力集 中之理由;或者爲了補強鋼樑凸緣端部來減少鋼樑身高之 理由。將補強板安裝在鋼樑凸緣與隔板的熔焊部中之寬度 較窄的這一側的理由,是因爲考慮到從熔焊部寬度較大的 這一側可比較容易進行超音波探傷檢查的緣故。 〔發明之效果〕 根據請求項1所述的發明,對象是剖面呈四角形的4面 箱形(4面盒形)鋼管柱,其特徵係在於:將具有在突起 的整個外周都形成有向外的斜錐面的突起之單板式內隔板 ,組裝到預先設在鋼管柱面上的貫通孔內》如果是沖壓成 型角形鋼管柱或是輥軋鋼板角形鋼管柱的話,就無法預先 在鋼管柱內,組裝入整個周圍具有突起的內隔板。因此, 以這種方式將具有斜錐面的突起組裝在預先設在鋼管柱面 上的貫通孔內的話,即可大幅地減少溶焊量。與鋼管柱表 面板的板厚度在25mm以上時,一般所常用的電熱溶渣焊 法比較之下,熔焊部的剖面積大約只有1 /2而已,溶焊長 度就鋼管柱面的單一面而言,僅只是鋼樑凸緣的寬度而已 ,因此鋼管柱的周方向的熔焊長度,平均而言,大約只有 1/2而已。因此,在這種情況下,熔焊量只需約1/4即可。 換言之,根據該一體化以及無須將角形鋼管柱予以切斷的 整支連貫式鋼管柱,因爲不必實施鋼管柱的切斷作業,並 且鋼管柱的熔焊量較之電熱熔渣焊法減少75%的程度,所 以可提升熔焊效率。可以省略掉:電熱熔渣焊法中所採用 -23- 201239166 的設在內隔板的端部兩側的具有大斜錐面部之可耐大輸入 熱能的側面背面抵靠板。而且在電熱熔渣焊法中,必須執 行熔焊起始部和熔焊終端部的開孔作業、引弧板的安裝和 去除作業,而且熔焊輸入熱能爲500〜1 000 KJ/cm,相對 地,根據本發明的方法,係使用二氧化碳氣體熔焊,只需 要15〜45 KJ/cm(通常爲15〜40 KJ/cm)之很低的輸入熱 能,所以不必再擔心被夾置在隔板與鋼樑凸緣之間的鋼管 柱凸緣的延性和韌性的惡化、以及焊接裂縫之類的龜裂現 象。又,以往的橫跨型隔板方式的話,在隔板的上下兩處 必須進行整個周圍的熔焊,而且施加在隔板上的熔焊額外 堆焊高度必須要達到鋼板厚度的1 /4,因此與橫跨型隔板 方式比較的話,本發明只需要以單一條熔焊線進行大約一 半的熔焊長度即可,熔焊量減低至約1 /4。 根據本案的請求項1所述的發明,不必就每一個樓層 來將鋼管柱予以切斷。不必將鋼管柱切斷的做法,與針對 每一個樓層來將鋼管柱予以切斷的做法比較之下,不必再 將每一層的鋼管柱又進行大組裝,不會產生鋼管柱的切斷 長度上和熔焊變形上的問題,因此在鋼管柱的長度上、還 有鋼樑的方向上的組裝精度更爲良好》 根據本案的請求項1所述的發明,隔板並未較之鋼管 柱的外側面更向外突伸出去,所以不會產生所謂的「橫跨 型隔板的外緣彎曲成傘狀之折傘現象」,在安裝建築物外 牆時的互相配合度更爲良好,而且因爲不再有隔板的向外 突伸出去的部分,因此這個部分的長度可被轉換爲建築物 -24- 201239166 室內空間增加的長度,這也是其所帶來的效果之一。至少 是將鋼管柱長管構件熔焊部與鋼樑端熔焊部予以各別地熔 焊之後,再將兩者連結成一體化,如此一來,可以防止傳 統方式之鋼管柱與隔板間的熔焊、以及隔板與鋼樑端的熔 焊所導致的隔板突伸部的熱變形脆化。隔板的使用材料也 比傳統方法減少20〜50%的程度,可節省資源。又,內隔 板與角形鋼管柱之間的熔焊、以及包含了該貫通孔熔焊部 之角形鋼管柱樑端的熔焊也是各別地進行熔焊之後,再將 兩者連結成一體化,如此一來,鋼管柱與鋼樑之間的應力 的傳遞更爲順暢。再者,可以藉由貫通孔的熔焊位置很明 確地確認出內隔板的位置,所以不會有內隔板與鋼樑凸緣 之間發生位置偏離的問題。又,因爲內隔板並未貫穿角形 鋼管柱,所以也不會有發生內隔板的焊接裂縫之問題。 根據本案的請求項1所述的發明,相對於日本公開特 許公報第2002- 14692 1號所揭示的發明,雖然它也是開設 有隙縫,但是在4面箱形的這種厚鋼板所組成的鋼管柱中 ,隙縫內的橫剖面很大,隔板端部不具有突起,所以其所 需要的熔焊量是本發明的2倍。根據本發明,係在隔板端 部具有突起,該突起的整個外周形成有向外的斜錐面,將 隔板端部的突起插入到貫通孔內進行滲透熔焊,因此在鋼 管柱的貫通孔與隔板之間的滲透熔焊部的形狀係呈W字形 狀,所以本發明的貫通孔的橫剖面積較之單純的貫通孔更 小,熔焊量也變得更小。此外,在整個周圍具有向外的斜 錐面的突起,針對於該突起的長軸方向的兩端部所實施的 -25- 201239166 斜錐面加工,不僅可以防止該斜錐面底部的缺陷,也可以 使得鋼管柱貫通孔的熔焊施工更爲容易,進而使得其熔焊 量與電熱熔渣焊法相比較,可以帶來能夠減少約75%的熔 焊量之很大的效果。 根據本案的請求項2所述的發明,隔板的板厚度當然 是採用鋼樑凸緣的板厚度以上的厚度,但是因爲是將貫通 孔的寬度選定爲鋼樑凸緣的鋼板厚度以下,而且至少是執 行鋼樑凸緣的安裝側的鋼管柱的內平面與隔板之間的熔焊 ,以及從鋼管柱的外側面來執行貫通孔與隔板之間的熔焊 ’區分鋼管柱的內外側面來進行熔焊,所以其優點是:整 體的熔焊量是較之只從鋼管柱外部的單一側來進行熔焊的 情況更少。 根據本案的請求項3所述的發明,只要將補強板安裝 在隔板與鋼樑凸緣之熔焊部的焊珠寬度較窄的一側的鋼樑 端部的話,即可將鋼樑端的腹板所無法負擔彎曲強度的分 量予以補強,並且也可以積極地強化鋼樑端部,所以可增 加對抗鋼樑端部被破壞的安全性,視情況的不同,有時候 亦可縮小鋼樑的尺寸來減少鋼骨的重量。鋼骨重量減少的 話,不僅降低成本,亦可減少二氧化碳氣體的排放量,對 於環保也有助益。此外,將補強板安裝在鋼樑凸緣的熔焊 部之焊珠寬度較窄的這一側的樑端部的做法,係可以較之 將補強板安裝在焊珠寬度較寬的這一側的情況,更容易實 施超音波探傷檢查之類的檢查工作。 -26- 201239166 【實施方式】 〔實施例1〕 在本案的請求項1所述的發明中,第11圖〜第14圖係 顯示本發明的實施方式的狀況。第11圖係顯示將4面箱形 鋼管柱予以組裝之前之4面箱形用鋼板的準備狀況的說明 圖’是預先將貫通孔開設於鋼管柱鋼板上。第12圖係顯示 將隔板組裝在4面箱型鋼管用鋼板的兩面之中的初期組裝 狀況,設在隔板端部的整個周圍具有斜錐面的突起在插入 貫通孔時’對於隔板的定位具有幫助。第1 3圖係顯示將隔 板組裝到4面箱形鋼管用鋼板的三面之中的中間組裝狀況 :第1 4圖係顯示將隔板組裝到4面箱形鋼管用鋼板的四面 之中的中間組裝狀況,然後,將附斜錐面的鋼管角部熔焊 於鋼管柱軸方向上的話,除了貫通孔的熔焊工作之外,鋼 管算是已經完成了,只要將貫通孔與附設有在整個周圍具 有斜錐面的突起的內隔板進行熔焊的話,就完成了箱形鋼 管柱。 第8圖雖然係顯示將該具有斜錐面的突起部1 B的形狀 ,製作成四角錐、橢圓錐或將這些的突起的頂部製作成平 坦的形狀,爲其特徵的鋼骨構造物製作方法,但是第8圖 係顯示將突起部1B的前端製作成平坦的四角錐的形狀的例 子。第8圖(A)係顯示將四角錐的根部寬度選定成與隔板 1 A的寬度相同寬度的情況;第8圖(B)係顯示將四角錐的 根部寬度選定成小於隔板1A的寬度的情況。第8圖(A) 的情況,係如第1 0圖(A )所示般地,在進行鋼管柱凸緣 -27- 201239166 5F與隔板1A的熔焊時,必須使用背面抵靠板i〇以防止滲透 熔焊掉落下去。第8圖(Β )的情況,則因爲具有肩部所以 不需要使用背面抵靠板。此外,四角錐、橢圓錐的傾斜角 度,亦即在四角錐、橢圓錐上的斜錐面的角度0 ,標準是 35° ’但是也可以採用這個角度以外的角度。這個突起部 係在整個外周都具有一定的角度,也就是說,在整個外周 都具有斜錐面。在本發明中,係如第9圖所示般地,即使 在突起部的長軸方向的端部,也具有向外的傾斜也就是斜 錐面,即使是在這個端部,在進行熔焊時亦可確保充分的 滲透熔焊。 在本發明中,一般而言,在內隔板的外周端部係形成 有並未設置突起的部分,也就是與鋼管柱的內側面平行的 部分,而可以將內隔板穩定地設置在鋼管柱的內側面。這 個內隔板的外周端部之並未設置突起的部分與鋼管柱的內 側面之間,通常係預留了 0.5〜4mm的間隙。這是爲了讓貫 通孔底部與突起部的滲透熔焊容易進行,並且是爲了讓內 隔板在插入到鋼管柱的內側面時保有餘裕而比較容易插入 。此外,這個貫通孔的長度,通常,爲了使熔焊量最小化 起見,乃該長度設定成較之該突起的的底部長度更加大0 〜1 0 m m的程度。 〔實施例2〕 在本案的請求項1所述的發明中,從鋼管柱的外側面 穩定地進行熔焊的目的’係如第1 0圖(A )之—例所示般 ⑧ -28- 201239166 地,係可以將背面抵靠板1 0設置在貫通孔的內側部分。此 外,只要事先將這個背面抵靠板10安裝好的話,亦可作爲 將隔板1Α設置到貫通孔時的導引構件或檔止構件。 〔實施例3〕 本發明雖然是針對於角形鋼管來說明的,但是亦可適 應在圓形鋼管身上。例如:只要將圓形鋼管的圓周加以分 割而組裝成角形鋼管的話,亦可與角形鋼管的情況同樣的 適用。這種情況下,圓形鋼管的外周熔焊是至少在熔焊接 頭的軸方向上分割成兩半,內隔板的平面形狀係圓形,鋼 樑端部的平面形狀係成圓弧形。 〔實施例4〕 在本案的請求項1〜3所述的發明中,係如第20圖所示 般地,在進行內隔板1 Α與鋼管柱5的溶焊的情況下,或者 重疊在該熔焊部22的上方來進行Η形鋼樑凸緣4的完全滲透 熔焊的情況下,在該內隔板之預定接合處的端部兩面14或 在該Η形鋼樑之接合端部的背面14,預先實施了堆焊的方 法也是有效。預先在隔板1Α的端部側面實施了堆焊的話, 可以期待隔板端部的板厚度增加後的效果,因此可選用鋼 板厚度較薄的隔板,這也是其效果之一。亦即,在內隔板 1Α的端部兩面都實施了堆焊的情況,與並未實施堆焊的情 況相較,可以將內隔板1Α的鋼板厚度減少10〜20mm的程 度。 -29- 201239166 〔實施例5〕 在本案的請求項1〜3所述的發明中,係如第21圖所示 般地,將鋼樑凸緣端部熔焊到鋼管柱之後’連接於該鋼樑 凸緣端部接頭熔焊部’在鋼樑凸緣的側面進行堆焊21的話 ,可緩和鋼樑端部的應力集中係數,係爲可提升鋼樑端部 的剛性之方法。這種堆焊的尺寸係以鋼管凸緣的厚度的程 度,亦即,長度爲20〜200mm、高度爲3〜10mm較爲適當 。爲了緩和應力集中,最好先從鋼樑端開始進行堆焊,然 後逐漸地加大堆焊的高度爲宜。 〔實施例6〕 在本案的請求項1〜3所述的發明中,所提出的技術方 案係如第15圖以及第19圖所示般地,在鋼樑凸緣的端部4 並不設置背面抵靠板以及扇形缺口,而是以將鋼樑凸緣的 端部4重疊在鋼管柱5與隔板1A的熔焊部22上,進行完全滲 透熔焊的做法,作爲其特徵的鋼骨構造物之製作方法。 〔實施例7〕 本案的請求項3所述的發明,是在第1 6圖中,將補強 板之在鋼樑軸方向上的兩端部予以實施斜錐面加工,將該 兩個端部分別在鋼管柱側以及在鋼樑凸緣側進行完全滲透 熔焊。這種完全滲透熔焊係具有可將鋼樑凸緣之鋼樑軸方 向上的應力予以分攤到補強板的功能。並且可增加鋼樑端 ⑧ -30- 201239166 部的剖面係數。又,補強板28的寬度,是從將隔板與鋼樑 凸緣在工場內進行熔焊的情況下的鋼樑的側端往內側後退 約1 0mm以上,在以無托架方式保持朝下的姿勢進行現場 熔焊的情況下,對於隔板與鋼樑凸緣進行熔焊時之從鋼樑 的側端往外側擴展約1 〇mm以上。如此一來,鋼樑凸緣4與 補強板28的塡角熔焊,可以很容易進行並且鋼樑端部的角 部也不會被熔化掉。這種塡角熔焊主要是爲了防止補強板 受到挫屈。安裝了補強板的情況下的隔板的板厚度,係增 加了補強板的板厚度,而且補強板28必須在隔板1 A的同一 面內。 〔實施例8〕 在本案的請求項1〜3所述的發明所提出的鋼骨構造物 製作方法,其特徵爲:在與該鋼樑軸成直列的方向上的隔 板與鋼管柱凸緣側面的熔焊部的縱剖面積的和,係直列方 向上的鋼樑凸緣與橫剖面積的和之,3 ( =1·73 2 1 )以上。 〔實施例9〕 本案的請求項1〜3所述的發明’係如第1 8圖所示般地 ,係顯示出:角形鋼管柱5並不針對建築物的每一個樓層 來將鋼管柱予以切斷,而是製作成將2〜4個樓層份的長度 連貫在一起的連貫柱,在該角形鋼管5之鋼樑凸緣安裝位 置,開設相當於鋼樑凸緣剖面形狀或更大的貫通孔,在該 貫通孔位置27將內隔板1Α設置在角形鋼管柱5的內部,再 -31 - 201239166 藉由從角形鋼管柱5的外側面進行貫通孔的熔焊2 2,而將 角形鋼管柱5與內隔板1 A予以熔焊接合,然後,將包含有 該貫通孔熔焊部22的角形鋼管柱5與Η形鋼樑凸緣4進行熔 焊接合17,而製作成鋼骨構造物的方法。熔焊部17係可以 使用背面抵靠板10來進行熔焊,或者亦可不使用背面抵靠 板或引弧板來進行熔焊。如第1 8圖所示般地,內隔板的形 狀雖然是採用截角方式將4角形的角部予以切掉的形狀的 ,但也可以是採用配合了角形鋼管柱的內側面的形狀。該 隔板的鋼板厚度,爲了使得鋼樑凸緣與內隔板的中心不要 發生錯開,而且從鋼管柱的外側面來實施貫通溝熔焊的時 候,爲了使熔焊金屬不要掉落到鋼管柱的內側面起見,該 隔板的鋼板厚度通常是較之鋼樑凸緣更大5〜15mm的程度 。又,如第8圖所示般地,在內隔板1A的板厚中央位置設 置了突起1B,將開設在鋼管柱面的貫通孔24當作導引件, 對於將該內隔板往角形鋼管柱5的內部插入時或予以固定 時都有助益。又,貫通孔的熔焊22,即使鋼樑是只有單一 個方向而已,爲了要承受從鋼樑所加諸的應力,通常是就 箱形鋼管柱5的4個面都進行貫通孔的熔焊22。在對於鋼管 柱5只架設一支鋼樑的情況下,至少在安裝鋼樑的鋼管柱 面上必須開設有貫通孔,在於與安裝鋼樑的柱面相對向這 一側的柱面上,係可以將熔焊予以省略,在安裝有鋼樑的 柱面的側面側的柱面,並不是利用貫通孔,而是可以在鋼 管柱的內側面與隔板之間予以實施塡角熔焊或部分滲透熔 焊。 •32- 201239166 〔實施例1 ο〕 本案的請求項1的實施例的鋼骨構造物製作方法,係 可以如第8圖的下側隔板1 Α所示般地,將隔板的板厚度選 定爲大於該具有斜錐面的突起部的根部的寬度以及貫通孔 的寬度,在該具有斜錐面的突起部的根部設有肩部,再以 第10圖(B)或第15圖上部所示的方式,在進行鋼管柱與 隔板的熔焊時,不讓熔焊金屬掉落下來,這種情況下,是 如第10圖(A)、第15圖下部或第20圖所示的這種方式, 對於內隔板不需要使用背面抵靠板或者實施堆焊。 〔實施例1 1〕 本案的請求項1〜3所述的發明,係如第20圖所示般地 ,用來取代在內隔板1 A的端部兩面進行堆焊14的做法,係 可以採用如第1 5圖的上側內隔板以及第1 6圖所示的方式’ 在內隔板1 A的端部兩面將背面抵靠板1 〇利用前置性熔焊8 預先安裝上去的方法,也是可以穩定地進行內隔板1 A與角 形鋼管柱5的貫通孔熔焊的好方法,是本發明的應用例之 —。這種情況下,使用了這種背面抵靠板1 〇的情況’是較 之不使用背面抵靠板1 0的情況,不必將內隔板的厚度加大 ,即可穩定地進行貫通孔的熔焊22。 〔實施例1 2〕 本案的請求項1〜3所述的發明中’在4面箱形的熔焊 -33- 201239166 縱接頭,係將縱接頭用的背面抵靠板如第12圖〜第14圖所 示般地,不貫通過隔板貫通而且在隔板間也未設置背面抵 靠板;但是也可以如第22圖所示般地,貫通過內隔板而且 將背面抵靠板設置於熔焊縱接頭3 7的背面。這種情況下, 內隔板的角部必須將背面抵靠板的份予以切掉。將背面抵 靠板10貫穿過隔板1 A的做法,在進行4面箱形的組裝之縱 接頭熔焊3 7的施工係可一氣呵成地順暢的進行。此外,背 面抵靠板10不貫穿過隔板1 A的做法,則是具有可使得鋼樑 凸緣接合的部分之溝槽貫通孔27更靠近鋼管柱側面之優點 〔產業上的可利用性〕 一般而言,對於厚度超過25mm的厚鋼板的箱形鋼管 柱的熔焊’因爲其熔焊量很多,現在的主流是採用大輸入 熱能的電熱熔渣焊法。但是,這種方法,會產生因大輸入 熱能而導致母材劣化、龜裂之類的問題;還有在熔焊的開 始部(始端部)和結束部(終端部)的步驟安排以及事後 的整理工作都很耗費時間。然而,根據本發明,因爲熔焊 輸入熱能很低所以材質劣化很少,熔焊量可以減少7 5 %, 在開始部(始端部)和結束部(終端部)的步驟安排以及 事後的整理工作幾乎都沒有,因此很有效率,利用價値很 大0 【圖式簡單說明】 -34- 201239166 第1圖係以往的建築鋼骨樑柱接合部的立體圖之一例 〇 第2圖係以往的建築鋼骨樑柱接合部之角形鋼管、隔 板、樑凸緣接合部的剖面圖。 第3圖係顯示被裝塡在角形鋼管柱內部的內隔板的施 工狀況的剖面圖。 第4圖係實施以往的電熱熔渣焊法的4面箱形鋼管的橫 剖面圖。 第5圖係實施以往的電熱熔渣焊法的4面箱形鋼管的縱 剖面圖。 第6圖係在4面箱形鋼管的面板上開設了與鋼樑凸緣剖 面形狀相似之端部爲圓弧形的貫通孔的外觀圖。 第7圖係在4面箱形鋼管的面板上開設了與鋼樑凸緣剖 面形狀相似的啞鈴狀的貫通孔的外觀圖。 第8圖係設在內隔板端部之具有斜錐面的突起的說明 圖。第8圖(A)係顯示突起的根部寬度與隔板厚度同等的 情況;第8圖(B)是顯示突起的根部寬度小於隔板厚度而 在突起根部周圍具有平坦部的情況。 第9圖係將內隔板端部插入到鋼管柱凸緣貫通孔內而 將內隔板裝設在4面箱形鋼管內的狀態下的貫通孔中央剖 面圖。 第10圖係設在內隔板端部的具有斜錐面的突起的裝設 狀態的說明圖。第1 〇圖(A )係顯示突起的根部寬度與隔 板厚度同等的情況;第1 〇圖(B )係顯示突起的根部寬度 -35- 201239166 小於隔板厚度而在突起根部周圍具有平坦部的情況。 第1 1圖係組裝前的4面箱形用鋼板的準備狀況的說明 圖,預先在鋼管柱鋼板上開設了貫通孔。 第1 2圖係顯示將隔板組裝到4面箱形用鋼板的其中兩 面之中的初期組裝狀況;安裝在隔板端部的突起係有助於 隔板的定位。 第1 3圖係顯示將隔板組裝到4面箱形用鋼板的其中三 面之中的中間組裝狀況。 第1 4圖係顯示將隔板組裝到4面箱形用鋼板的四面之 中的中間組裝狀況。 第1 5圖係顯示將隔板組裝到4面箱形鋼管柱的一部分 貫通孔,將整個外周設有突起的隔板與鋼管柱加以熔焊, 進而在該熔焊部上,將已經實施了堆積熔焊的鋼樑端對準 之後,重疊地進行鋼樑凸緣的熔焊的狀況圖。 第1 6圖係將內隔板與角形鋼管柱在貫通孔進行熔焊, 讓補強板完全滲透熔焊在於鋼樑凸緣的內側,重疊在貫通 孔熔焊部進行熔焊,將鋼樑腹板進行塡角熔焊到角形鋼管 柱上之剖面圖。 第17圖係顯示將貫通孔的寬度設成鋼樑凸緣板厚度以 下,至少將鋼樑凸緣安裝側之在鋼管柱的內平面與隔板以 及鋼管柱的外側面與隔板予以熔焊之剖面圖。 第1 8圖係顯示將內隔板與角形鋼管柱在貫通孔進行熔 焊,將鋼樑凸緣重疊在貫通孔熔焊部進行熔焊’將鋼樑腹 板進行塡角熔焊到角形鋼管柱上的橫剖面上面圖。 ⑧ -36- 201239166 第19圖係顯示在內隔板與鋼樑凸緣直接連結的樑柱接 合部,於鋼樑凸緣的背面實施堆焊的情況的縱剖面圖。 第20圖係顯示在內隔板與鋼樑凸緣直接連結的樑柱接 合部,在內隔板的端部兩面以及鋼樑凸緣的背面進行接頭 熔焊之前,預先實施了堆焊的情況之縱剖面圖。 第2 1圖係顯示在樑端部側面實施了堆焊的情況下的樑 柱接合部。 第22圖係顯示4面箱形的熔焊縱接頭的背面抵靠板貫 穿隔板角部的情況的圖。 第23圖係顯示鋼管柱貫通孔與設在內隔板端面外周部 的突起部之間的滲透熔焊部的形狀的剖面示意圖。第23圖 (A)係顯示突起部縱剖面的滲透熔焊部的形狀。第23圖 (B )係顯示突起部橫剖面的滲透熔焊部的形狀。 【主要元件符號說明】 1’·建築鋼骨樑柱接合部的隔板 1A:建築鋼骨樑柱接合部的內隔板 1B:設在內隔板端部的突起 1C:設在內隔板端部的突起部之斜錐面 2 :隔板間之角形鋼管或4面箱形鋼管的短管;由1和2 所構成的構件稱爲骰子狀立方體 3 : Η形鋼樑 4 : Η形鋼樑凸緣 5 :角形鋼管或4面箱形鋼管所構成的鋼管柱 -37- 201239166 5A : 4面箱形鋼管 5B : 4面箱形鋼管用鋼板 5F :鋼管柱凸緣或表面板 6 :角形鋼管或4面箱形鋼管與隔板的熔焊部 7 :鋼樑凸緣與隔板的熔焊部 8:前置性焊接部或組裝熔焊部 9 : Η形鋼樑腹板 1 〇 ·_背面抵靠板 1 1 :扇形缺口 13:凸緣或角形鋼管或4面箱形鋼管之類的構件 1 4 :實施在構件背面或表面或側面的堆焊或從構件背 面實施的打底熔焊 15 : L形斜錐面 1 5Α : I斜錐面 1 6 :對方構件 1 7 :接頭熔焊部 18:構件13的板厚或肉厚 19:構件16與13的熔焊部的實質厚度 20 :凸緣側面、上面或背面的堆焊 21 :鋼樑應力集中部 22 :角形鋼管或4面箱形鋼管所成的鋼管柱與安裝內 隔板的貫通孔或溝槽熔焊部 23 :角形鋼管或4面箱形鋼管與Η形鋼樑腹板之間的熔 焊部 -38- 201239166 24:開設在內隔板的中央的貫通孔 27:在角形鋼管或4面箱形鋼管面上配合鋼樑凸緣形 R而開設的貫通孔(溝槽) 28 :補強板 28L :補強板的長度 29:夾置於內隔板與樑凸緣的熔焊部之間的鋼管柱凸 ^ (或表面板) 3 G :貫通孔的寬度(間隙) 3 1 :貫通孔之變窄的寬度(間隙) 32 ’·箱形鋼管貫通孔(溝槽)的熔焊部 33:鋼管柱內側面與內隔板的溶焊部 34 :鋼樑端與鋼管柱的熔焊部 35:補強板與鋼樑凸緣的完全滲透熔焊部 36:補強板與鋼管柱熔焊部的完全滲透熔焊部 37 ’·鋼管柱縱接頭 -39-201239166 VI. Description of the invention: TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to: In the large thickness of the steel structure of the building and the large-diameter beam-column joint, a part of the peripheral end of the inner partition is provided, a tapered surface is provided on the entire circumference of the protrusion, The inner partition and the steel beam with the protrusion of the inclined cone _ face will be set. A method of directly joining together through a through-hole of a steel pipe column by means of fusion welding. [Prior Art] In the prior art, Beam-column joint of building steel structure, The joint is as shown in Figure 1, In many cases, a welder 6 is formed between the partition plate 1 made of a thin steel plate and the short-angled steel pipe 2 to form a braid-shaped cube. Then, the braid-shaped cube is welded and welded to the flange 4 of the 钢-shaped steel beam, then, The hazelnut-shaped cube is further welded and welded to the angled steel pipe column 5. This past technology, As shown in Figure 2, Fusion welding between the angled steel pipe 2 of the braid-shaped cube and the partition 1, The weld 7 between the separator 1 of the braid-shaped cube and the flange 4 of the beak-shaped steel is subjected to one-side welding using the backing abutment plate 10. This conventional fusion welding method in which the separator 1 and the steel beam flange 4 are joined together, After the tapered end surface is processed for the predetermined end portion of the flange 4, Then make the back plate 1 〇, And performing a pre-weld welding 8 for mounting the back abutment plate 10, Then the formal fusion welding 7 is carried out. also, The welding of the partition plate 1 and the angled steel pipe column 2 or 5 is also performed after the tapered tapered surface is processed for the predetermined end portion of the angular steel pipe column 2 or 5. The backing of the abutment plate 10 and the front-end property required to mount the back abutment plate 1 are performed. -5 - 201239166 Welding 8, Then the partition welding and the formal welding of the angled steel pipe column 2 or 5 are carried out 6 在于 in the beam-column joint where the column surface plate is a thick plate exceeding 25 mm, As shown in the cross-sectional view of the column of Figure 4, A method of welding and welding the steel pipe column 5A and the separator 1A by electrothermal slag welding is often employed. As far as the present situation is concerned, This method is the most efficient. If the thickness of the steel pipe column is 2 5 mm or less, Angled steel pipes made by rolling or stamping are often used. And usually does not use electrothermal slag welding, Instead, carbon dioxide arc welding is used. A feature of a method of joining an inner baffle to a steel beam disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 08-158-8476, The bolted through hole is opened in the angled steel pipe column, and the inner partition plate is installed inside the joint portion of the steel structure. For the inner partition, the female thread is machined. Pass the high tension bolts through the bolt holes installed in the end plates that have been installed at the ends of the steel beams. Screw into this female thread, And use a nut to lock the high tension bolt from the end plate side, The steel beams are fixedly joined. In addition, Also revealed: a slit is formed in the cylindrical surface of the steel pipe or at the corner of the steel pipe. A method of inserting a partition or metal fitting into a steel pipe column. [Prior Art Document] [Patent Document 1] [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 0 8 - 1 5 8 4 7 6 [Patent Document 2] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 7 - 2 2 9 2 4 No. 3 [Patent Literature Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. [Patent Document 7] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2005-264710 [Draft of the Invention] [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] Conventional steel beam-pillar joints, Almost all of them are made into the braided cube shown in Figure 1. In the manner shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, Separator 1, Angled steel tube 2 Back against the board 10, Many components such as arc runners, The entire circumference is welded by the welding 6 around the angled steel pipe 2, Therefore, the amount of fusion welding is large. So not only is the production cost of the parts high, And after the braided cube is made, The partition protruding from the angled steel pipe column is easily bent to produce a so-called "folding umbrella phenomenon". Further, there arises a problem that the joint between the partition plate 1 and the steel beam flange 4 is easily misaligned. Yes, If the partition protrudes from the steel pipe column, It is necessary to make the outer wall outside the partition, Not only will the related cooperation in construction deteriorate, And the living space will be smaller. In addition, There are also problems such as an increase in the use of the separator. Furthermore, In order to mount the back abutting plate 1〇 on the inner circumference of the end portion of the angled steel pipe 2, The work of the pre-weld welding 8 is also very labor intensive and costly. In addition, The welding of the angled steel pipe 2 and the separator 1 is carried out throughout the entire circumference, Because of the large amount of fusion welding, the residual stress of fusion welding becomes large. Not only that, Once the back abutment plate 10 is used, a gap is formed between the members 4 and 5, and stress concentration occurs. The result will be weaker strength, As shown in Figure 2, In the past, although a fan-shaped gap was adopted, 1 1 201239166 But because of the presence of the partition 1, Therefore, the processing of the sector notch 11 becomes laborious and time consuming. Even if the fan-shaped notch 1 1 is omitted, Also, because the thickness of the partition 1 is larger than the thickness of the steel beam flange 4, Therefore, there is a problem that it is difficult to apply the tapered surface of the steel beam flange 4. In addition, In general, The heat-affected part of the fusion welding has a very easy embrittlement property. in the past, In the case where the two welds are very close, The heat-affected portions generated by the two welded portions overlap each other to promote embrittlement. In order not to have this problem, The general practice is to keep the two welded parts as far as possible so that the heat affected parts do not overlap each other. In particular, when the portions of the welding heat generated by the two welded portions that overlap each other are exposed on the outer surface, It is a problem. As shown in Figure 2, The steel pipe column 5 and the welded portion 6 of the separator 1 are adjacent to the welded portion 7 of the steel beam 4 and the separator 1, If the common heat-affected heat-affected portion surrounded by the two welded portions is located on the outer surface, The heat affected department will produce: It is more susceptible to embrittlement than when it is only affected by a single heat affected part. Because there is such a phenomenon, Will trigger: Brittleness breaking strength of beam-column joints, The problem of fatigue strength and plastic deformation performance is reduced. in the past, Assembly of steel plates, In the workshop, the short beam is first installed on the scorpion cube to make the panel area (that is, the beam-column joint area). The panel area is joined to the steel pipe column by fusion welding. Usually the length of the three floors of the building is made. At the construction site, the steel pipe column with the panel area is erected. The short beams are joined together by bolts using long beams. This past method of work, Steel pipe column with short beams attached Although the short beam is only a short beam of one meter, But because it protrudes from the 2 to 4 directions orthogonal to the steel pipe column, Therefore, transportation from the factory to the site 8 -8 - 201239166 Very poor efficiency, Moreover, the labor and time and cost of using steel bolts to join each other at the construction site are much greater than the use of fusion welding. This is one of its problems. on the other hand, The beam-column joint of the inner partition type shown in Fig. 3, The inner partition 1A located at a position away from the end of the angled steel pipe column must be In a state where the inside cannot be seen clearly, Fusion welding is attached to the inner side of the angled steel pipe. under these circumstances, Not only is it difficult to weld the inner side, And it is difficult to align the height position with the height of the flange of the 钢-shaped steel beam on the outer side of the angled steel pipe column 5, So there is: The stress is not easily transmitted from the flange of the steel beam to the inner partition. Therefore, it is easy to cause a problem that the strength of the beam-column joint portion is lowered. of course, This internal partition method, Because the inner partition is welded to the inner side of the angled steel pipe, Therefore, the angled steel pipe must be cut off next to the inner partition. In addition, After the cutting operation, It is also necessary to re-do the work on the welding. These jobs are very time consuming and laborious. also, Past practices, The system uses: First, a small assembly project of the braided cube is made from the short tube of the partition plate and the angled steel pipe; Then attach the Η-shaped steel beam to the assembly work of this scorpion cube; Then on the structure of the 骰-shaped cube after the Η-shaped steel beam has been installed, Installation of large-scale assembly of upper steel pipe columns. This past method, The angled steel pipe column must be cut off after each floor. Then weld together, So there are: Complex and time-consuming and laborious to produce. also, The technique disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 08-158476, Because the bolt holes pass through the angled steel pipe column, Therefore, the strength of the angled steel pipe will decrease -9 - 201239166, And to make up for this reduction in strength, Angled steel pipe columns of comparable thickness must be used. The angled steel pipe column must be cut off first for each floor. Then re-melt the weld together. In addition, According to this method, Very large end plates must be used. The technique disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 07-229243, A method of joining an inner baffle to a 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe column by electrothermal slag welding, After the steel pipe column is provided with a slit in the direction of the axial direction of the steel pipe column, A method of welding the slit to the inner partition in the longitudinal direction. These construction methods use internal partitions placed inside the steel pipe column. In the electrothermal slag welding method, Even with the back abutment plate, It also causes the inner baffle to largely retreat from the inner side of the steel tubular column and the back abutment plate. This inner partition, There are no protrusions at the ends. This electrothermal slag welding method, Using large input heat energy of 500~1000 KJ/cm, Not only the toughness and ductility of steel pipe columns and partitions will be greatly reduced, And a column steel tube sandwiched between the flange of the steel beam and the partition, Welding residual stresses from the thickness direction and stress from the structure are also accepted. There will be problems that can easily cause cracks. The technique disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2002-1 46921, A slender quadrilateral slit is provided on the four sides of the steel pipe column. The end of the inner baffle is welded to the slot for integration. A method of forming a welded portion having a T-shaped cross section is formed. In this situation, No protrusion is formed on the outer peripheral portion of the inner partition. This is because it cannot be inside a closed steel pipe column. The inner partition having the projections is inserted into the steel pipe column. In this situation, It is welded in the entire gap, So if the thickness of the steel pipe column or the thickness of the inner partition is large, There will be problems that cause a surge in the amount of fusion welding. 8 -10- 201239166 Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei 3-22 893 No. 8, A transverse slit is provided at the corner of the angled steel pipe column. A method of welding the edge of the horizontal reinforcing plate to the transverse slit by using the back abutment plate. In terms of this configuration, As shown in Figure 2 of the patent application form, The horizontal reinforcement plate must be split. The inside of the steel pipe column is hollow. Therefore, its shortcomings are: The shear force from the axial direction of the steel beam cannot be fully withstood by the horizontal reinforcing plate. In addition, Another problem is that it is difficult to install the back abutment plate into a closed long steel tubular column. The technique disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2007-002658, Yes on the angled steel tube cylinder, Set the horizontal gap around the entire circumference, That is, the fine grooves, On the inside of the narrow groove is also the inside of the angled steel pipe column, The method of setting the inner partition. This method, A welding system between the angled steel pipe column and the inner partition surrounds the circumference. therefore, If the thickness of the steel pipe column (thickness) and the thickness of the steel flange (health) are increased, The larger the sectional area of the fine groove becomes, There will be a problem that the amount of fusion welding becomes too large, There will also be problems with reduced welding efficiency. Because it is welded over the entire inner circumference of the steel pipe column, Therefore, there is a fusion shrinkage in the direction of the column axis. The deflection and direction between the cut steel pipe shafts must also be corrected correctly. The technique disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei-4-289348, The steel pipe column to which it is applied is an angled steel pipe. I did not expect to be a 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe. this way, Attached to each cylinder on the cylinder of the angled steel pipe, Open four vertical directions, that is, a through hole in the longitudinal slit in the direction of the column axis, Instead of using a partition, divide the metal fitting into four pieces. A rib is mounted on the end face of the metal fitting, Inserting the ridge portion into the longitudinal slit, Weld welding -11 - 201239166 The method of welding it together with a steel pipe column. This method has the following problems. that is, (1) If it is only a longitudinal slit, The welded portion of the end of the slit will become sharp. It is easy to form defects during welding. (2) not only the number of longitudinal slits, The number of screw fixing holes also needs a lot. Therefore, the cost of opening is high. (3) Metal parts with complicated shapes are divided metal parts, Eight metal fittings are required for one beam-column joint. therefore, The cost is higher than the monolithic separator of the separator. (4) The fixing screws of the metal fittings must be used. Through hole for mounting screws, for steel pipe columns, Department constitutes a profile defect, When the lock screw is fixed, For rainwater, etc., it is necessary to consider the problem of preventing rainwater from entering. (5) The metal fitting body is a 45° inclined surface material for the beam axis direction. It is difficult to obtain sufficient endurance against the load in the direction of the beam axis. (6) because it has many metal fittings, Screw, Many openings, etc. There are a lot of parts, Complex shape, Difficult to assemble, The cost is higher than the partition method. It is difficult to apply to thick steel pipe columns with a thickness of more than 25mm. The technique disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2005-2647 No. 10, The steel pipe column to which it is applied is an angled steel pipe. I did not want to be a 4-sided box shape. Is on the angled steel tube cylinder, Locally providing a transverse slit through the steel pipe column, That is, the groove, And the method of providing the inner partition inside the groove, that is, the inside of the angled steel pipe column. This method, Although the welding between the angled steel pipe column and the inner partition is only a partial fusion welding, but, The object to be welded is the increasing thickness of the steel pipe column (thickness) and the thickness of the steel beam flange (thickness) -12- 201239166, The cross-sectional area of the groove becomes larger, There will be a problem that the amount of fusion welding is greatly increased. There is also a problem of reduced welding efficiency. [Objective] The object of the present invention is to provide: Method for manufacturing steel bone structure, It is not necessary to cut the steel pipe column for each floor. It can prevent thermal deformation and thermal deformation embrittlement of the cross-shaped baffle of the beam-column joint of the large-diameter building steel structure. It can prevent welding cracks caused by fusion between the inner baffle and the flange of the beam. The single-purification of the welded tapered surface of the steel pipe column and the separator can reduce the welding amount to improve the welding efficiency. Install a baffle with a raised bevel on the entire circumference. To reduce the cost of manufacturing steel pipe columns, The scalloping process and the back abutment plate can be omitted. Make the welding of the beam end more labor-saving, And can alleviate stress concentration, In turn, the strength and plastic deformation properties of the joint are further improved. [Means for Solving the Problem] Various researches have been conducted on these topics. the result, a braid-shaped cube 2 composed of the members 1 and 2 shown in Figs. 1 and 2, The portion of the partition 1 protruding from the steel pipe column is eliminated. And changed to an example such as: The groove 27 penetrating through the steel pipe column surface plate 5F is shown in Fig. 4 of the present specification. Then, the method of welding the inner partition 1A and the groove 27 is also disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 007-00265. but, According to this method, The steel pipe column and the inner partition plate for the thick plate must utilize a large welded portion. therefore, The inventors have found a -13-201239166 Transcend, Is: It is not necessary to cut the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column for each floor. On the other hand, the cylindrical surface corresponding to the position of the steel beam has a through hole having a slightly larger cross-sectional shape of the steel beam flange (4/5 or more of the steel pipe diameter). Further, the inner partitioning plate 1 having the projection having the tapered surface at the outer peripheral portion is welded through the through hole in the welded portion 6 between the steel pipe column 5 and the inner partition plate 1, As long as the steel beam 4 is welded at the through-hole welding portion, That can be solved. but, It is not possible to insert an inner partition having a projection in a closed angled steel tubular column, Therefore, if it is a four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column (four-sided box-shaped column) which is assembled by welding four steel plates, It can be before welding assembly, Inserting the inner partition having the protrusion into the lateral through hole of the local length, After assembling the four-sided steel plate, After the steel pipe column is welded to the longitudinal seam in the direction of the column axis, Then, the inner partition plate and the steel pipe column through hole are welded. The definition of "internal separator" in the present invention, Department will: In a place other than the through hole, The four corners of the shape of the partition are smaller than the inner diameter of the steel pipe column. therefore, In the present invention, The straight portion (edge) at the end of the inner partition has a protrusion, However, it is also called an inner partition when it is inserted into a through-hole of a steel pipe column. Therefore, the construction steel structure of the invention of claim 1 is It is a case of welding a 4-sided box-shaped (4-sided box-shaped) steel pipe column having a quadrangular shape. It consists of the following components. The first configuration of the present invention, It is a steel-14-201239166 board with a thickness of 25 mm or more for the steel pipe cylinder surface of the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column. That is, on the surface plate, Before welding and assembling a 4-sided box-shaped (4-sided box-shaped) steel pipe column with a quadrangular cross section, Opening a through hole in the horizontal direction, The length of the through hole is a length of 4/5 or less of the steel pipe diameter and is a length equal to or larger than the flange width of the steel beam. The shape is round, Elliptical or dumbbell shape 〇 The reason why the thickness of the steel tube cylinder is selected to be 25 mm or more, Because it is the thickness of the plate below 25mm, It is difficult to perform fusion welding by a general carbon dioxide arc welding method. The shape of the outer side surface of the end portion of the through hole is made into a long hole having an arc portion at the end shown in Fig. 6 or a dumbbell shape as shown in Fig. 7, Because it is possible to make the penetration welding of the end easier. And when opening the through hole, You can use the rig to open the holes at both ends first. Reusing the means of torch cutting, It is easy to cut the joint between the drill holes at the two ends. In particular, if the end of the through hole is opened in a circular arc shape, It is easy to cut the joint between the two drill holes. The reason for making a through hole, Is to make the partition and the steel pipe column, From the outer side of the steel pipe column, the entire thickness of the steel pipe column surface plate is welded and joined, And it is not easy to withstand the force of the thickness direction of the surface plate, It can prevent the welding crack of the surface plate of the steel pipe column. The reason why the length of the through hole is selected to be 4/5 or less of the diameter of the steel pipe is determined. Because if it is longer than this length, At the end of the steel pipe string of the through hole in the radial direction, There will be a back abutment plate that abuts against the column longitudinal joint and collides with the through hole, In addition, The amount of fusion welding will also increase and the effect will be reduced. also, The reason why the length of the through hole is selected to be longer than the flange width of the steel beam -15- 201239166, It is to ensure the stress of the steel beam is reliably transmitted to the inner partition in order to ensure the sectional area of the steel beam flange. A second configuration of the present invention, A protrusion is provided on an outer peripheral end surface of the single-plate inner partition adjacent to the inner wall of the steel pipe column, An outward tapered surface is provided around the circumference of the protrusion, Before assembling the 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe column, Part or all of the protrusion having a tapered surface, Inserted into the through hole 〇 The reason for setting such a protrusion having a tapered surface is Because it is compared with the case where there is no protrusion, The space in the through hole can be reduced, Therefore, the amount of fusion welding between the column steel pipe and the separator can be reduced. a raised tapered surface with a tapered surface, Compared with the case without a tapered surface, It is easy to combine the protrusions of the separator and the penetration welding between the through holes. In addition, This raised beveled surface, When assembling steel pipe columns, The protrusion can be easily inserted into the through hole. a cross-sectional area of a portion of the protrusion that is inserted into the through hole, In order to be inserted into the through hole, Usually, it is set to a smaller cross-sectional area than the cross section of the through hole. also, The length of this through hole, Usually in order to minimize the amount of fusion welding, Generally, it is selected to be larger than the length of the bottom of the protrusion by 0 to 10 mm. The third constitution of the present invention, The four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column is produced by welding and welding four steel plates. Welding assembly of the steel pipe column, Attaching the back abutment plate to the long axis direction of the inner side of the steel pipe column, Then, fusion welding is performed from the outer side of the steel pipe column. A fourth configuration of the present invention, The through hole and the separator are welded at least from the outer side surface of the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column. With this, The longitudinal cross-sectional shape and cross-sectional shape of the permeated welded portion between the inner plate and the four-sided box-shaped through-hole of the flange of the flange of the steel beam of the -16-201239166 shape. The shape of the penetration welded portion of the cross section in the through hole, Because it is a baffle protrusion with an outwardly tapered surface, It forms a W-shaped shape in which the central portion rises upward. The fifth configuration of the present invention, The angled steel pipe column including the through hole and the welded portion of the partition having the protrusion is welded and welded to the flange of the 钢-shaped steel beam. On the welded portion of the through hole and the partition having the protrusion, Install the flange of the steel beam, The excess amount of fusion welding is covered by the base metal of the steel pipe column. The sixth configuration of the present invention, The 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe column is composed of 4 steel plates. The four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column is assembled and assembled. Therefore, at least welding must be performed from the outside. Before the assembly of the steel pipe column is completed, The interior is not sealed, At least part of the interior, The inside of the steel pipe can also be welded. When inserting the inner partition into the inside of the column, a joint of a steel pipe column and a partition, The welding can be performed from the inner side. If the inclined surface of the outer peripheral end of the inner partition is raised to be large, As the tapered surface extends into the interior of the steel tubular column, In contrast to the case without a tapered face, Welding from the inner side of the steel pipe column, This can be achieved with very little welding. Regardless of the size of the tapered surface of the protrusion at the outer peripheral end of the spacer, As long as the inner baffle is welded to the inner side of the steel pipe column, The welded cross-sectional area between the inner baffle and the inner side of the steel pipe column increases. And the stress concentration between the inner partition and the inner side of the steel pipe column can be reduced. Therefore, the strength of the joint between the inner partition and the steel pipe column -17-201239166 can be improved. If the constituent elements of the invention of claim 1 of the present invention are compared with the results of the prior art documents (1 to 7), It is shown in the table below. The symbols in the table, X is a case indicating that it is inconsistent with the constituent elements of the present invention; Δ is a case where the constituent elements of the present invention are not described in the prior art documents; 〇 is a case in which it conforms to the constituent elements of the present invention. --------_____^Previous Technical Literature No. The constituent elements of the present invention ''''~~~~----~_________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a Steel pipe column is a 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe X 〇XXXXX b Steel pipe column is not cut off for each floor. X 〇X 〇X 〇〇c Through hole length = steel beam flange width ~ steel pipe diameter 4/5 XX Δ XXXX d Plane shape of through hole: Long hole or dumbbell shape XXXXXX 〇e The direction of the through hole is the horizontal direction XX 〇〇〇〇〇f Whether the inner plate of the veneer is used 〇〇〇〇〇X 〇g has a protrusion at the end of the inner baffle 〇 〇 X 〇X h The entire outer peripheral tapered surface is machined for the protrusion at the end of the inner baffle. XXXXXXX i The inner baffle is assembled into the steel pipe column before assembling the steel pipe column X 〇 XX 〇 XX j From the cylindrical surface of the steel pipe The outer side is welded XX 〇〇〇〇〇k The joint between the steel pipe column and the partition plate can also be welded from the inner side X △ XXXXX 1 The thickness of the inner partition plate is more than the thickness of the steel beam flange Δ Δ Δ Λ Δ Δ 〇m The thickness of the inner separator is the short diameter of the through hole Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ n The shape of the osmosis weld is W shape XXX 〇X 〇 XP The steel pipe column is welded 15~40KJ /cm small input heat energy XX Δ Δ Δ Δ 〇q The thickness of the steel pipe column surface plate is 25 mm or more Δ 〇 Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ The present invention is based on the prior art document 2 Developed to solve the problem and improve it. When the prior art document 2 is compared with the constituent elements of the invention of the present case, Does not contain or record the c in the constituent elements of the case. d, e, g, h, i, j, k, 1, m, π, p. In addition, Any other prior technical literature, In comparison with the composition of the invention of this case -18- 201239166, The same constituent elements are also less than half. In particular, "the entire outer peripheral tapered surface is processed for the projections at the end of the inner partition" and the "the joint of the steel tubular column and the partition can be welded from the inner side". It is a unique component of the invention of this case. In addition, Even if the individual constituent elements are known constituent elements, a composite composition in the case where a large number of constituent elements are combined, The system can exert the novelty that the practitioner does not easily think of. In particular, a 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe column having a thickness of 25 mm or more for the object of the present invention, As shown in the table above, Can play a lot of novelty. The invention of claim 1 of the present invention is directed to a four-sided box-shaped (box-shaped) steel pipe column having a steel plate thickness of 25 mm or more. Its novelty, Mainly in the following points. (1) When assembling a 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe column, The inner partition of the protrusion having a tapered surface on the entire outer circumference, which is open to the outer side of the steel pipe column, is provided. Before the steel pipe string is assembled, It is pre-assembled into the steel pipe column. (2) The through hole on the cylindrical surface of the box-shaped steel pipe is protruded from the protruding portion of the inner partition plate. The end hole of the opposite or outer face; The inside of the cone is long and the hole is inclined at the side of the square. The horizontal surface of the outer surface of the outer surface is provided with a column. The flat pipe is used to open the steel pipe of the pipe industry. The shape of the outer steel is welded, and the pipe is melted. It is in the real hole, this is not the only factor, and Not conforming. Hole in the water, The S-shaped pass and the lower W-plate of the next week are outside the circle. Cross the seed) r or . The welding is set to the shape of the column 3) a curved line and the whole round The cause is that ® -19- 201239166 (4) The length of the through hole of the box-shaped steel pipe column is more than the width of the flange of the steel beam. Usually 1/2 of the diameter of the steel pipe, But the maximum is 4 / 5 of the length of the steel pipe. (5) The projections at the end of the partition are: The entire circumference and the two end portions have an outward slope and the entire outer peripheral tapered surface is processed. Therefore, the entire outer periphery of the projection can be easily subjected to complete penetration welding from the outside of the steel pipe column. If the both ends of the protrusion are not formed with a tapered surface having an outward slope, The penetration welding at the end of the through hole and the bottom becomes poor and causes a big problem. Although the conventional fusion welding system has a tapered surface in the direction of the welding line, but, The invention is characterized by: In the direction of the long-axis weld line of the protrusion and its right angle direction, It is also to process the entire periphery of the protrusion into an outwardly tapered surface. It is desired that between the through hole of the steel pipe column having a thickness of 25 mm or more and the protruding end of the partition end in the direction of the longitudinal axis, Fusion welds are fused together without defects, Is extremely difficult, In order to solve such a difficulty, the end portion of the longitudinal end of the partition end projection is formed as an outward tapered surface. For the penetration of the fusion solder into the bottom of the through hole of the entire steel pipe column, Is very important practice, This practice is not mentioned at all in other papers. (6) in the box-shaped steel pipe column, It is not necessary to use such a large input heat energy of up to 500 00~1000 KJ/cm like electrothermal slag welding. The method of the present invention is only required to be welded by a general carbon dioxide gas. Use low input heat energy of 15~40KJ/cm, Approximately 75% reduction in the amount of fusion welding and less than 1/10 of the fusion input heat energy compared to electrothermal slag welding. High-efficiency construction can be performed at a welding speed of 10 times or more. Moreover, the method of the invention 8 8-20-201239166 does not have the concern of welding cracks. (7) The inner baffle having the entire outer circumference having the inclined tapered surface and the welded portion of the through-hole of the steel pipe column are 'heavy-welded together' to form the inner baffle and the angled steel pipe The welded portion of the column and the steel beam flange is integrated by multi-layer welding. At the same time, the invention of the present invention having such novelty, If you use the conventional angled steel pipe column for the 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe column, In particular, there are various obstacles in the construction efficiency. In particular, there are obstacles in terms of the amount of fusion welding and the heat input to the fusion welding. Therefore, it is not easy to think from the previous invention. especially, Significantly reduce the amount of fusion welding and ensure high efficiency by using small input heat energy. It is impossible to think about it. In the present invention, "how to make a separator (a non-divided single-piece separator) having a projection having a tapered surface over the entire periphery, which is easy to weld and includes both end portions, Very simple assembly into a thick steel plate steel pipe with a predetermined inner diameter? This view, It has not been seen in other patent applications. The invention of claim 2 of the present case, The configuration is as shown in Fig. 17. The thickness of the inner partition plate is selected to be larger than the thickness of the steel beam flange and the short diameter of the through hole. And the width of the axial direction of the steel pipe column of the through hole (that is, The short diameter width is selected to be less than the thickness of the steel flange plate. Further, at least the inner surface of the steel pipe column on the mounting side of the steel beam flange is welded to the partition plate, and the through hole and the partition plate are welded from the outer side surface of the steel pipe column. The reason why the thickness of the partition plate is selected to be larger than the thickness of the steel beam flange is Because it must have the endurance to withstand the forces from the steel beam flanges, And even if the -21 - 201239166 steel beam flange and the inner partition are offset, It is also possible to keep the flange of the steel beam in the plane of the partition. It is indispensable to carry out the welding of the through hole and the partition from the outer side of the steel pipe column. However, the reason why the width of the through hole is selected to be smaller than the thickness of the steel beam flange is This is to reduce the amount of fusion of the through holes. If the width of the through hole is selected to be smaller than the thickness of the steel beam flange, It is impossible to ensure the sectional area of the thickness of the steel beam flange. therefore, The amount of the deficiency, At least before assembling the steel pipe column, From the inside of the steel pipe column, Welding the inner surface of the steel pipe column on the mounting side of the steel beam flange with the partition plate, Therefore, it is possible to compensate for the sectional area of the sheet thickness of the insufficient steel beam flange. It is common practice to join the fusion weld applied from the inner side to the fusion weld applied from the outer side to form a fully permeable weld. Usually, the inner welding is first applied by bottom welding. Then the outer welding is performed, However, it is also possible to use a large current to penetrate the first layer of the welded layer applied from the outside to allow it to sufficiently penetrate. Further, it penetrates the welded portion that reaches the inside. As long as the safety of the welded joint of the through hole and the separator can be confirmed, It can also be used: The fusion welding applied from the inner side and the welding performed from the outer side are not completely infiltrated and welded. The invention of claim 3 of the present case, The configuration is directed to the invention described in claim 1 or 2, On the side of the narrower width of the welded portion of the steel beam flange and the partition, Install the reinforcing plate, And at least the steel beam flange end and the partition of the reinforcing plate are completely permeable welded. The purpose of this method is to: In order to make up for the weld between the steel web end web and the steel pipe column, the inside of the steel pipe column is hollow. The steel beam end web can not bear the reason of the bending stress of 8 -22- 201239166; Reasons for mitigating the stress concentration on the side of the flange end of the steel beam; Or the reason for reducing the height of the steel beam in order to reinforce the flange end of the steel beam. The reason why the reinforcing plate is mounted on the side of the narrower width of the welded portion of the steel beam flange and the partition plate, This is because it is considered that the ultrasonic flaw detection can be easily performed from the side where the width of the welded portion is large. [Effects of the Invention] According to the invention described in claim 1, The object is a 4-sided box-shaped (4-sided box-shaped) steel pipe column with a quadrangular cross section. Its characteristics are: a single-plate inner partition having protrusions having an outward tapered surface formed on the entire outer circumference of the protrusion, Assembled into the through-holes pre-set on the cylindrical surface of the steel pipe. If it is stamped into an angled steel pipe column or a rolled steel plate angled steel pipe column, Can't be in advance in the steel pipe column, The inner partition having the protrusions around the entire circumference is assembled. therefore, If the projection having the tapered surface is assembled in the through hole previously provided on the cylindrical surface of the steel pipe in this manner, The amount of flux can be greatly reduced. When the thickness of the plate with the steel pipe column is 25mm or more, Generally used in the electrothermal slag welding method, The cross-section area of the welded part is only about 1 /2. The length of the weld is in the case of a single face of the cylindrical surface of the steel pipe, It’s just the width of the steel beam flange. Therefore, the circumferential welding length of the steel pipe column, averagely, It's only about 1/2. therefore, under these circumstances, The welding amount is only about 1/4. In other words, According to the integration and the entire continuous steel pipe column without cutting the angled steel pipe column, Because it is not necessary to carry out the cutting operation of the steel pipe column, And the welding amount of the steel pipe column is reduced by 75% compared with the electric heating slag welding method. Therefore, the welding efficiency can be improved. Can be omitted: In the electrothermal slag welding method, -23-201239166 is provided on both sides of the end portion of the inner baffle plate having a large tapered surface portion which is resistant to large input heat energy. And in the electric slag welding method, It is necessary to perform the opening operation of the fusion welding start portion and the welding end portion, Installation and removal of the arc runner, And the welding input heat energy is 500~1 000 KJ/cm, relatively, According to the method of the present invention, Using carbon dioxide gas welding, Only a very low input heat of 15 to 45 KJ/cm (usually 15 to 40 KJ/cm) is required. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the deterioration of the ductility and toughness of the steel pipe column flange sandwiched between the partition plate and the steel beam flange. And cracks such as weld cracks. also, In the case of the conventional straddle type partition, The entire circumference must be welded at the top and bottom of the partition. Moreover, the additional welding height applied to the separator must reach 1/4 of the thickness of the steel plate. Therefore, when compared with the cross-type partition, The invention only needs to perform about one-half of the welding length with a single welding wire. The amount of fusion welding is reduced to approximately 1/4. According to the invention described in claim 1 of the present application, It is not necessary to cut the steel pipe column for each floor. It is not necessary to cut the steel pipe column, In contrast to the practice of cutting the steel pipe column for each floor, It is no longer necessary to assemble the steel pipe columns of each layer again. There is no problem with the length of the steel pipe column and the welding deformation. Therefore, on the length of the steel pipe column, The assembly accuracy in the direction of the steel beam is also better. According to the invention described in claim 1 of the present invention, The partition does not protrude more outward than the outer side of the steel tubular column. Therefore, there is no such thing as a phenomenon in which the outer edge of the cross-shaped partition is bent into an umbrella shape. The degree of cooperation between the exterior walls of the building is better. And because there is no longer a portion of the partition that protrudes outward, Therefore the length of this part can be converted to the length of the building -24- 201239166 indoor space, This is also one of the effects it brings. At least after the welded portion of the long steel pipe member of the steel pipe column and the welded portion of the steel beam end are separately welded, Then connect the two together, As a result, It can prevent fusion welding between the steel pipe column and the partition plate in the conventional manner. And the thermal deformation embrittlement of the baffle protrusion caused by the fusion of the baffle and the steel beam end. The material used for the separator is also reduced by 20 to 50% compared with the conventional method. Save resources. also, Fusion welding between the inner partition and the angled steel pipe column, And the welding of the angled steel tubular beam end including the through-hole welding portion is also separately welded. Then connect the two into one, As a result, The transmission of stress between the steel pipe column and the steel beam is smoother. Furthermore, The position of the inner partition can be clearly confirmed by the welding position of the through hole. Therefore, there is no problem of positional deviation between the inner partition and the flange of the steel beam. also, Because the inner partition does not penetrate the angled steel pipe column, Therefore, there is no problem of welding cracks in the inner partition. According to the invention described in claim 1 of the present application, In contrast to the invention disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2002- 14692, Although it is also opened with slits, But in a steel pipe column composed of such a thick steel plate of a four-sided box shape, The cross section in the slot is large, The end of the partition does not have a protrusion, Therefore, the amount of fusion welding required is twice that of the present invention. According to the present invention, Attached to the end of the partition with protrusions, An entire tapered surface of the protrusion is formed with an outward tapered surface. Inserting the protrusion at the end of the spacer into the through hole for penetration welding Therefore, the shape of the penetration welded portion between the through hole of the steel pipe column and the partition plate is W-shaped. Therefore, the cross-sectional area of the through hole of the present invention is smaller than that of the simple through hole. The amount of fusion welding has also become smaller. In addition, a protrusion having an outwardly inclined tapered surface around the entire circumference, -25- 201239166 oblique taper processing for both ends of the projection in the long axis direction, Not only can it prevent defects at the bottom of the tapered surface, It is also possible to make the welding of the steel pipe column through holes easier. Further, the amount of fusion welding is compared with the electrothermal slag welding method. It can bring about a large effect of reducing the amount of welding by about 75%. According to the invention described in claim 2 of the present application, The thickness of the separator plate is of course the thickness of the plate thickness of the steel beam flange. However, since the width of the through hole is selected to be less than the thickness of the steel plate flange, And at least the fusion welding between the inner surface of the steel pipe column on the mounting side of the steel beam flange and the partition plate, And performing welding between the through hole and the partition from the outer side surface of the steel pipe column, and distinguishing the inner and outer sides of the steel pipe column for welding, So its advantages are: The overall weld amount is less than that of welding from a single side of the outside of the steel pipe column. According to the invention described in claim 3 of the present application, As long as the reinforcing plate is installed at the end of the steel beam on the side of the weld bead of the welded portion of the partition plate and the steel beam flange, It is possible to reinforce the component of the steel beam end that cannot bear the bending strength. And can also actively strengthen the end of the steel beam, Therefore, it is possible to increase the safety against the destruction of the end of the steel beam. Depending on the situation, Sometimes the size of the steel beam can be reduced to reduce the weight of the steel. If the weight of the steel is reduced, Not only reduce costs, Can also reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, It is also helpful for environmental protection. In addition, The method of installing the reinforcing plate on the beam end of the side of the welded portion of the steel beam flange which has a narrow bead width, It can be compared with the case where the reinforcing plate is mounted on the side of the wide width of the bead. It is easier to perform inspections such as ultrasonic flaw detection. -26-201239166 [Embodiment] [Embodiment 1] In the invention described in claim 1 of the present invention, 11 to 14 show the state of the embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 11 is a view showing the state of preparation of the four-sided box-shaped steel sheet before assembling the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column. Fig. is a view in which the through hole is opened on the steel pipe steel plate in advance. Fig. 12 is a view showing the initial assembly state in which the separator is assembled on both sides of the steel sheet for the 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe, The projection having the tapered surface provided over the entire periphery of the end of the spacer facilitates the positioning of the spacer when inserted into the through hole. Fig. 1 3 shows the intermediate assembly state of assembling the partition plate to the three sides of the steel plate for the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe: Fig. 14 shows the intermediate assembly state in which the partition plate is assembled to the four sides of the steel plate for the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe. then, If the corner of the steel pipe with the inclined taper is welded to the axial direction of the steel pipe column, In addition to the fusion welding work of the through holes, The steel pipe is already completed, As long as the through hole is welded to the inner partition plate provided with a projection having a tapered surface around the entire circumference, The box steel column is completed. Figure 8 shows the shape of the protrusion 1 B having the tapered surface, Made into a quadrangular cone, Elliptical cones or the tops of these protrusions are made into a flat shape, a method of making a steel bone structure characterized by However, Fig. 8 shows an example in which the tip end of the projection 1B is formed into a flat quadrangular pyramid shape. Fig. 8(A) shows a case where the root width of the quadrangular pyramid is selected to be the same width as the width of the spacer 1A; Fig. 8(B) shows a case where the width of the root of the quadrangular pyramid is selected to be smaller than the width of the spacer 1A. In the case of Figure 8 (A), As shown in Figure 10 (A), When welding the steel pipe column flange -27- 201239166 5F to the separator 1A, The back abutment plate must be used to prevent the penetration weld from falling. In the case of Figure 8, (Β), Because there is a shoulder, there is no need to use the back abutment plate. In addition, Square pyramid, The angle of inclination of the elliptical cone, That is, in the quadrangular pyramid, The angle 0 of the inclined cone on the elliptical cone, The standard is 35°' but angles other than this angle can also be used. This protrusion has a certain angle throughout the periphery. That is, It has a tapered surface throughout the periphery. In the present invention, As shown in Figure 9, Even at the end of the projection in the long axis direction, It also has an outward slope, which is a tapered surface. Even at this end, Adequate penetration welding can also be ensured during fusion welding. In the present invention, In general, A portion where the protrusion is not provided is formed at the outer peripheral end portion of the inner partition plate, That is, the part parallel to the inner side of the steel pipe column, Instead, the inner partition can be stably placed on the inner side of the steel pipe column. The portion of the outer peripheral end of the inner partition which is not provided with the projection and the inner side of the steel pipe column, Usually 0 is reserved. 5~4mm gap. This is to facilitate the penetration welding of the bottom portion of the through hole and the projection, and to facilitate the insertion of the inner partition when it is inserted into the inner side surface of the steel pipe column. Further, the length of the through hole is generally set to be larger than the length of the bottom of the protrusion by 0 to 10 m in order to minimize the amount of fusion welding. [Embodiment 2] In the invention of claim 1 of the present invention, the purpose of stably welding from the outer surface of the steel pipe column is as shown in Fig. 10(A) - 8-28- In the case of 201239166, the back abutting plate 10 can be disposed in the inner portion of the through hole. Further, as long as the back surface abutment plate 10 is attached in advance, it may be used as a guide member or a stopper member when the partition plate 1 is placed in the through hole. [Embodiment 3] Although the invention has been described with respect to an angled steel pipe, it can also be applied to a circular steel pipe. For example, if the circumference of a circular steel pipe is divided and assembled into an angular steel pipe, the same applies to the case of an angular steel pipe. In this case, the outer peripheral welding of the circular steel pipe is divided into two halves at least in the axial direction of the welded joint, the planar shape of the inner partition is circular, and the planar shape of the end portion of the steel beam is formed into a circular arc shape. [Embodiment 4] In the invention described in claims 1 to 3 of the present invention, as shown in Fig. 20, in the case where the inner separator 1 is welded to the steel pipe column 5, or overlapped In the case where the weld portion 22 is above the complete penetration welding of the dome-shaped steel beam flange 4, the end surfaces 14 at the predetermined joint of the inner partition or the joint end of the dome-shaped steel beam On the back side 14, the method of pre-welding is also effective. When the surfacing is performed on the side surface of the end portion of the separator 1Α in advance, the effect of increasing the thickness of the end portion of the separator can be expected. Therefore, a separator having a thin steel plate thickness can be selected, which is one of the effects. That is, in the case where the surfacing is performed on both sides of the end portion of the inner partition 1 ,, the thickness of the inner steel sheet 1 Α can be reduced by 10 to 20 mm as compared with the case where the surfacing is not performed. -29-201239166 [Embodiment 5] In the invention described in claims 1 to 3 of the present invention, as shown in Fig. 21, after welding the flange end of the steel beam to the steel pipe column, it is connected to the When the steel beam flange end joint welded portion 'surfacing 21 on the side of the steel beam flange can alleviate the stress concentration factor at the end of the steel beam, it is a method for improving the rigidity of the end portion of the steel beam. The size of such a weld overlay is such that the thickness of the steel pipe flange is such that the length is 20 to 200 mm and the height is 3 to 10 mm. In order to alleviate the stress concentration, it is best to start the surfacing from the steel beam end, and then gradually increase the height of the surfacing. [Embodiment 6] In the invention described in claims 1 to 3 of the present invention, the proposed technical solution is not provided at the end portion 4 of the steel beam flange as shown in Figs. 15 and 19. The back abutting plate and the scalloped notch, but the steel pipe 5 is characterized by superimposing the end portion 4 of the steel beam flange on the welded portion 22 of the steel pipe column 5 and the partition plate 1A. The method of making the structure. [Embodiment 7] In the invention of claim 3, in the sixth drawing, the both ends of the reinforcing plate in the axial direction of the steel beam are subjected to oblique taper processing, and the two end portions are processed. Do not perform complete penetration welding on the side of the steel pipe column and on the flange side of the steel beam. This fully infiltrated welding system has the function of approximating the stress in the axial direction of the steel beam flange to the reinforcing plate. And the section coefficient of the steel beam end 8 -30- 201239166 can be increased. Moreover, the width of the reinforcing plate 28 is retracted from the side end of the steel beam when the partition plate and the steel beam flange are welded in the factory, about 10 mm or more, and is kept downward without the bracket. In the case of field welding, when the separator and the steel beam flange are welded, the side end of the steel beam extends outward by about 1 〇 mm or more. As a result, the steel beam flange 4 and the reinforcing plate 28 are welded at the corners of the reinforcing plate 28, and the corners of the end portions of the steel beam are not melted. This corner welding is mainly to prevent the reinforcing plate from being frustrated. The thickness of the separator in the case where the reinforcing plate is attached is increased by the thickness of the reinforcing plate, and the reinforcing plate 28 must be in the same plane of the partition 1A. [Embodiment 8] The method for producing a steel skeleton according to the invention of claims 1 to 3 of the present invention, characterized in that the partition plate and the steel pipe column flange are arranged in a direction in line with the steel beam axis. The sum of the longitudinal cross-sectional areas of the side welded portions is the sum of the steel beam flanges and the cross-sectional area in the in-line direction, 3 (==1·73 2 1 ) or more. [Embodiment 9] The invention described in claims 1 to 3 of the present invention, as shown in Fig. 18, shows that the angled steel pipe column 5 does not apply the steel pipe column to each floor of the building. Cut, but made a continuous column that connects the lengths of 2 to 4 floor parts together, and the steel beam flange mounting position of the angled steel pipe 5 is opened to correspond to the cross-sectional shape of the steel beam flange or larger. The hole, the inner partition plate 1 is disposed inside the angled steel pipe column 5 at the through hole position 27, and the angled steel pipe is welded by the through hole from the outer side surface of the angled steel pipe column 5 at -31 - 201239166 The column 5 and the inner partition plate 1 A are welded and welded, and then the angular steel pipe column 5 including the through-hole welded portion 22 is welded and welded to the flange-shaped steel beam flange 4 to form a steel bone structure. The method of things. The welded portion 17 can be welded using the back abutment plate 10 or can be welded without using a back abutment plate or an arc runner. As shown in Fig. 18, the shape of the inner partition plate is a shape in which the corners of the four-corner shape are cut by a truncated angle, but a shape in which the inner side surface of the angled steel pipe column is fitted may be employed. The thickness of the steel plate of the partition plate is such that the center of the steel beam flange and the inner partition plate are not staggered, and when the through-hole welding is performed from the outer side surface of the steel pipe column, the molten metal is not dropped to the steel pipe column. For the inner side, the thickness of the steel plate of the partition is usually 5 to 15 mm larger than that of the steel beam flange. Further, as shown in Fig. 8, a projection 1B is provided at the center of the thickness of the inner partition plate 1A, and the through hole 24 opened in the cylindrical surface of the steel pipe is used as a guide member, and the inner partition plate is angled. It is helpful to insert the inside of the steel pipe column 5 or to fix it. Further, in the fusion welding of the through holes 22, even if the steel beam is only in one direction, in order to withstand the stress applied from the steel beam, the through holes are usually welded to the four faces of the box-shaped steel pipe column 5. twenty two. In the case where only one steel beam is placed on the steel pipe column 5, at least the through hole is required to be provided on the cylindrical surface of the steel pipe on which the steel beam is mounted, and is located on the cylinder surface opposite to the cylindrical surface on which the steel beam is mounted. The welding can be omitted. The cylindrical surface on the side of the cylindrical surface on which the steel beam is attached is not a through hole, but can be welded or partially welded between the inner side surface of the steel pipe column and the partition. Infiltration welding. 32-201239166 [Embodiment 1] The method for producing a steel skeleton structure according to the embodiment of claim 1 of the present invention is to provide the thickness of the separator as shown in the lower partition 1 Α of Fig. 8. The width of the root portion larger than the protruding portion having the inclined tapered surface and the width of the through hole are selected, and the shoulder portion is provided at the root portion of the protruding portion having the inclined tapered surface, and then the upper portion of FIG. 10(B) or FIG. In the manner shown, the welding metal is not allowed to fall during the welding of the steel pipe column and the partition plate. In this case, as shown in Fig. 10 (A), Fig. 15 lower part or Fig. 20 In this way, it is not necessary to use the back abutment plate or carry out the surfacing for the inner partition. [Embodiment 1 1] The invention described in claims 1 to 3 of the present invention is a method for surfacing 14 on both ends of the inner separator 1 A as shown in Fig. 20 A method of preliminarily mounting the back surface abutting plate 1 前 by the pre-weld welding 8 on both ends of the inner partition plate 1 A by using the upper inner partition plate as shown in Fig. 15 and the method shown in Fig. 6 It is also a good method for stably welding the through-holes of the inner partition plate 1 A and the angled steel pipe column 5, and is an application example of the present invention. In this case, the case where the back abutting plate 1 is used is a case where the backing plate 10 is not used, and the through hole can be stably performed without increasing the thickness of the inner partition. Fusion welding 22. [Embodiment 1 2] In the invention described in claims 1 to 3 of the present invention, 'the four-sided box-shaped welded-33-201239166 vertical joint is a back-butting plate for the vertical joint, as shown in Fig. 12 to As shown in Fig. 14, the back plate is not penetrated through the partition and the back abutment plate is not provided between the partitions; however, as shown in Fig. 22, the inner partition may be passed through and the back abutment plate may be provided. On the back of the welded longitudinal joint 3 7 . In this case, the corners of the inner partition must be cut off from the back of the panel. By inserting the back abutment plate 10 through the partition plate 1 A, the construction of the longitudinal joint welding 37 of the four-sided box-shaped assembly can be smoothly performed in one go. Further, the fact that the back abutment plate 10 does not penetrate the partition plate 1A is advantageous in that the groove through-hole 27 of the portion where the steel beam flange is joined is closer to the side of the steel pipe column (industrial availability) In general, for the welding of box-shaped steel pipe columns of thick steel plates with a thickness exceeding 25 mm, because of the large amount of welding, the current mainstream is electrothermal slag welding using large input heat. However, this method causes problems such as deterioration of the base material and cracking due to large input heat energy; and the arrangement of the start portion (starting end portion) and the end portion (terminal portion) of the fusion welding and the afterthought It takes a lot of time to organize the work. However, according to the present invention, since the welding input heat energy is low, the material deterioration is small, the amount of fusion welding can be reduced by 75 %, and the arrangement of the start portion (starting end portion) and the end portion (terminal portion) and the finishing work afterwards. Almost none, so it is very efficient, and the price is very large. [Simplified illustration] -34- 201239166 Fig. 1 is an example of a perspective view of a conventional steel beam-column joint. Figure 2 is a previous construction steel. A cross-sectional view of the angled steel pipe, the partition, and the flange flange joint of the bone beam-column joint. Fig. 3 is a cross-sectional view showing the construction condition of the inner partition mounted inside the angled steel pipe column. Fig. 4 is a cross-sectional view showing a four-sided box-shaped steel pipe subjected to the conventional electrothermal slag welding method. Fig. 5 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a four-sided box-shaped steel pipe subjected to the conventional electrothermal slag welding method. Fig. 6 is an external view showing a through hole having a circular arc-shaped end portion similar to the shape of the flange of the steel beam flange on the panel of the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe. Fig. 7 is an external view showing a dumbbell-shaped through hole having a shape similar to that of a steel beam flange in a panel of a four-sided box-shaped steel pipe. Fig. 8 is an explanatory view showing a projection having a tapered surface at the end of the inner partition. Fig. 8(A) shows a case where the root width of the projection is equal to the thickness of the spacer, and Fig. 8(B) shows a case where the root width of the projection is smaller than the thickness of the spacer and has a flat portion around the root of the projection. Fig. 9 is a central cross-sectional view showing a through hole in a state in which the inner partition end is inserted into the through-hole of the steel pipe column flange and the inner partition is installed in the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe. Fig. 10 is an explanatory view showing an installation state of a projection having a tapered surface at the end of the inner partition. Fig. 1(A) shows the case where the root width of the protrusion is equal to the thickness of the spacer; the first figure (B) shows that the root width of the protrusion -35 - 201239166 is smaller than the thickness of the spacer and has a flat portion around the root of the protrusion Case. Fig. 1 is a view showing the preparation state of the four-sided box-shaped steel sheet before assembly. A through hole is formed in the steel column steel plate in advance. Fig. 1 is a view showing an initial assembly state in which the partition plate is assembled to both sides of the four-sided box-shaped steel sheet; the projections attached to the end portions of the partition plate contribute to the positioning of the partition plate. Fig. 13 shows the intermediate assembly state in which the partition plate is assembled to the three sides of the four-sided box-shaped steel sheet. Fig. 14 shows the intermediate assembly state in which the partition plate is assembled to the four sides of the four-sided box-shaped steel sheet. Fig. 15 shows a part of the through hole in which the partition plate is assembled to the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe column, and the entire outer peripheral peripherally provided partition plate and the steel pipe column are welded, and further, the welded portion is already implemented. After the stacked and welded steel beam ends are aligned, the welding of the steel beam flanges is superimposed. In the first 16th figure, the inner partition plate and the angled steel pipe column are welded in the through hole, and the reinforcing plate is completely penetrated and welded on the inner side of the steel beam flange, and is superposed on the through hole welding portion for welding, and the steel beam belly is welded. The section of the plate is welded to the angled steel pipe column. Figure 17 shows that the width of the through hole is set to be less than the thickness of the flange of the steel beam, and at least the inner surface of the steel pipe column and the partition and the outer side of the steel pipe column and the partition are welded to the flange side of the steel beam. Sectional view. Figure 18 shows that the inner baffle and the angled steel pipe column are welded in the through hole, and the steel girder flange is overlapped in the through hole welding portion for welding. The steel girder web is corner welded to the angled steel pipe. The cross section on the column is shown above. 8 -36- 201239166 Fig. 19 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a state in which the welding is performed on the back side of the steel beam flange by the beam-column joint where the inner partition and the steel beam flange are directly connected. Figure 20 shows the pre-welding of the beam-column joints where the inner baffle and the steel girder flange are directly joined, before the joint welding of the inner side of the inner baffle and the back of the steel girder flange. Longitudinal section view. Fig. 2 shows a beam-column joint portion in the case where the surfacing is performed on the side of the beam end portion. Fig. 22 is a view showing a state in which the back surface of the four-sided box-shaped welded longitudinal joint abuts against the corner of the partition. Fig. 23 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing the shape of the penetration welded portion between the through-hole of the steel pipe column and the projection provided on the outer peripheral portion of the end surface of the inner partition. Fig. 23 (A) shows the shape of the penetration welded portion in the longitudinal section of the projection. Fig. 23 (B) shows the shape of the penetration welded portion of the cross section of the projection. [Explanation of main component symbols] 1'·Separator 1A of construction steel beam-column joints: Inner partition 1B of construction steel beam-pillar joints: Projection 1C provided at the end of inner partition: Set to inner partition The tapered surface of the protrusion of the end portion: an angular steel tube between the partition plates or a short tube of a four-sided box-shaped steel tube; a member composed of 1 and 2 is called a braided cube 3: a braided steel beam 4: a dome Steel beam flange 5: Steel pipe column made of angled steel pipe or 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe -37- 201239166 5A : 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe 5B: Steel plate for 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe 5F: Steel pipe column flange or surface plate 6 : The welded portion of the angled steel pipe or the four-sided box-shaped steel pipe and the partition plate 7: the welded portion of the steel beam flange and the partition plate 8: the front-end welded portion or the assembled welded portion 9: the 钢-shaped steel beam web 1 〇 · Back abutment plate 1 1 : Sector notch 13 : Flange or angled steel pipe or 4 - face box - shaped steel pipe or the like 1 4 : Surfacing on the back or surface or side of the component or bottoming from the back of the component Fusion welding 15: L-shaped tapered surface 1 5Α : I inclined tapered surface 1 6 : counterpart member 17: joint welded portion 18: thickness or thickness of member 13 19: substantiality of welded portion of members 16 and 13 Degree 20: Surfacing 21 on the side, upper or back side of the flange: Steel beam stress concentration portion 22: Steel pipe column formed by an angled steel pipe or a 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe and a through hole or groove welded portion 23 to which the inner partition plate is attached : Welded portion between angled steel pipe or 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe and Η-shaped steel beam web-38- 201239166 24: Through hole 27 in the center of inner partition: in angled steel pipe or 4-sided box-shaped steel pipe Through hole (groove) provided with the flange shape R of the steel beam 28: reinforcing plate 28L: length of the reinforcing plate 29: steel pipe column clamped between the inner partition plate and the welded portion of the beam flange (or surface plate) 3 G : width of the through hole (gap) 3 1 : narrow width (gap) of the through hole 32 '·welded portion of the through hole (groove) of the box-shaped steel pipe: inner side of the steel pipe column Welded portion 34 with inner baffle: welded portion of steel beam end and steel pipe column 35: fully permeable welded portion 36 of reinforcing plate and steel beam flange: complete penetration welding of reinforcing plate and steel pipe column welded portion Department 37 '·Steel tube column longitudinal joint -39-