201237902 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 【0001】 本發明係關於在f狀基材兩面形成活性物質層以製造電極之 電極製造裝置、使用該電極製造裝置之電極製造方法、<式 腦記憶媒體。 【先前技術】 [0002] 近年來,活用其小型而輕量,且能量密度高,更可重複充放 電之特性,鐘離子電容器(LiC:Lithium Ion Capacitor)、電雔声雷交 f D〇uble Uyer C叩acitor)及鐘離子θ電池 等電化學元件之需要正急速擴大。 鐘離子電池其能量密度相對較大,故可利用於行動電話 領域。且電雙層電容11可急速充放電,故可作為 記憶體備用小型電源湘之。且作為電動車用 mr子電容器其能量密度、輸出密度皆高故受^目 之金匕元件電極時可在係例如作為基材之綱 2 f ϊ ί塗佈包含活性物質或溶媒之活性物質合劑後,使談 例:乾燥而形成活性物質層。製造相關電極時,可使^ ϊί5: 用來塗佈活刪合劑= 其乾燥m獻t別於金屬箱表面塗佈活性物質合劑並使 【先前技術文獻】 201237902 【專利文獻】 【0005】 【專利文獻丨】特開2010-186782號公報 【.發明内容】 <發明所欲解決之課題> 【0006】 直上送利之方法製造電極時,大致朝錯 有該活性物質合劑朝錯直下方,亦即上游側合劑之ΐ : 下,無法於金屬箱表面均一塗佈活性 ^。。相關情形 【0007】 ⑷ 發之質ί劑乾燥時,自該活性物質合劑蒸 I L 朝氣直上方流動。因大致朝錯直上方運送会;,故 ^於金屬fg上部,亦即下游側蒸發之溶著声 ^Τ_ί法於金屬絲面適當形成活性物質Ϊ 及捲= 方運送金輕,即會將塗佈裝置、乾燥機 燥機及捲輪筒且費事。 _雜此#佈裝置、乾 【0009】 電極\本發明之目的在於提供—種電極製造裝置、 <解決課題之手段> 【_】 开μ 的ΐ發明係—種電極製造裝置,於帶狀基材兩面 ^ ·谈病、二以^造電極’其特徵在於包含:釋出部,釋出基 邻射播縣由·&部釋ώ之基材;塗佈部,設在該釋出 轉該捲取部之間,於基材兩岭佈雜物質合劑;及乾 201237902 ,使由該塗佈部所塗佈之該活性物 ϊίίί向係水平方向,且基材短邊方罐直方向二: 【0011】 r:本====== 之活==乾燥。如此 3劑時’該活性物質合劑i會流i基材運送方向 ^之劑:且使基社的活_合劑乾燥^ 地於基材表面形成活性物質層:=i i2iSS:=送基材’故基材ί度可-定且低,易ί 層。 、 匕可於基材表面咼效率地形成活性物質 【0012】 筒,直方向之方向配置之釋出輕 【00131 麵為直方向之方向配置之捲取輥筒。 =熱機構與基材之間匕=、,== 【0014】 向排Π部複數棒狀加熱器,配置成沿基材長邊方 器而與基材表輯向4 Λ^反雜’配置成隔著該棒狀加熱 線;供氣口,形成^相澈土^則反射來自轉狀加熱器之紅外 ;鄰之該反射板間,對該反射板與基材之間 201237902 =乾祕域供給空氣;及減口,形成於其他相鄰之該反射板間, ^該乾燥區域内之空氣排氣;且該複數棒狀加熱器、該複數反射 板、該供氣口及該排氣口分別設於基材兩侧。 【0017】 該棒狀加熱器亦可包含: 内筒’於外周部設有發熱體;及 外筒,設置成包圍該内筒; 且在該外筒與該内筒之間形成有空氣流通之流通通道, 於該外筒形成有朝該基材表面噴出該流通通道内空氣之噴出 【0021】 該塗佈部亦可包含形成有對基材表面喷吐活性物質合 饰口之塗佈頭,該塗佈頭配置於基材兩侧。 ” 【0022】 該塗佈部亦可包含: 滾子,抵接基材表面,於該基材塗佈活性物質合劍. 噴嘴,對該滚子表面供給活性物質合劑及 且該滾子及該喷嘴分別配置於基材兩侧。 活鱗細著滾子表面之 【0023】 独離子電容ϋ '電雙層電容器或鐘離子電池。 依另一觀點本發明係一種電極製造方法,在釋出部盥 4運Ϊ帶狀基材,並同時於絲材兩面形成活性物質層 电極,其特徵在於包含: 版k 塗佈步驟,在塗佈部塗佈活性物質合劑於基材兩面.及 質合使於該塗佈步驟所塗佈之該活性物 201237902 且針對以基材長邊方向為水平方向,且 方向ίο:送中之基材進繼佈步驟與“以奴 該乾燥部亦可包含: 加熱機構,設在基材兩側,藉由以紅外杆 活性物質合劑乾燥;及 κ進仃輻射加熱使該 ^麟,供給,俾在該加顯顯 向流通,以使該活性物質合劑乾燥; 直方 且在該乾燥步驟中,藉由以來自該 ^加熱,肖咖峨編㈣ 加熱,使該活性物質合劑乾燥。 孔選仃之對〜 [0026] 、 該乾燥部亦可包含: 外線複數雜加熱H,配置絲基邊方向排成―列,照射紅 細並if反射板,配置成隔著該棒狀加熱11而絲材表面對向, 月土材侧反射來自該棒狀加熱器之紅外線; 供氣口,形成於相鄰之該反射板間,對該反射 之乾燥區域供給空氣;及 矸又間 皮排氣口,形成於其他相鄰之該反射板間,使該乾燥區域内之 '氣排载!, 且該複數棒狀加熱器、該複數反射板、該供氣口及該排氣口 分別設於基材兩側, 在該乾燥步驟中,藉由以來自該複數棒狀加熱器及該複數反 射板之紅外線進行之輻射加熱,與以在該乾燥區域内自該供氣口 朝該排氣口流通之空氣進行之對流加熱,使該活性物質合劑乾燥。 【0029】 該棒狀加熱器亦可包含: 内筒’於外周部設有發熱體;及 外筒’設置成包圍該内筒; 201237902 通道ίϊίϊ餘步驟中’對在該外筒與該内筒之間所形成之流通 口朝自於該補卿成之喷出 【0033】 基材質2自配置在基材兩側的塗佈頭塗佈口對 【0034】 該塗佈部亦可包含: 材表面’於該基材塗佈活性物質合劑;及 賀胃,對該滾子表面供給活性物質合劑; 且該滾子及該喷嘴分別配置於基材兩側, ί驟中’附著有由該喷嘴供給之活性物質合劑之該 濃子抵接紐表面,塗佈活祕冑合騎紐表面。 本發明中,所謂滾子紐基材表面偏旨附著滾子表面之 活性物質合劑抵接基材表面。 疋 【0035】 =電極亦可轉子電容H、電雙層電容器或娜 【0036】 依另一觀點按照本發明可提供一種電腦可讀取之記憶媒 ^ ’儲存有為藉自電轉錢置實摘電極製造方法而在控制該 毛極製造裝置之控制部電腦上動作之程式。 <發明之效果> 【0038】 依本發明可提供一種電極製造裝置、電極製造方法及電腦記 憶媒體,製造電極時可於帶狀基材表面適當且高效率地形成活 物質層。 【實施方式】 【0040】 201237902 電極施縣。s 1係顯示依本實施形態之 置1«概略之俯ί圖形電極製造裝 造雜子餘ϋ之』。林⑼祕之電極製造裝置1製 【0041】 =製造裝置丨中,如圖3 材之金屬fl Μ兩面形成活性物f 5狀基 Μ兩面之活性物㈣F。=電極Ε。對向形成金屬箱 方向)中央部形賴性物質層3中之Ζ 及圖4中之Υ方向)形成複數該活性;^ 之長邊方向(圖3 【0042】 例如集Ϊ體;作為,,製造正極時, 為金屬箔Μ可使用銅箔。/ 面,製造負極時,例如作 【0043】 且為形成活性物質層F,如诒 性物質合劑。混合例如作為活性Μ表面塗佈漿狀活 克力類黏結劑、作為分散劑 性碳、作為黏結劑之聲 料之乙炔黑等導電性碳作J導電辅助村 正極時之正極活性物質合劑。太而A添加水,揉合產生製造 釋放鋰離子之活性物質之非曰 ,,混合例如作為可儲存、 與作為導電輔助材料之乙炔:等二^為黏結劑之聚偏二良乙、歸 層以度等料:同雷但金福及活性物質 離子電容H之正極亦可製造麵 ;^轉造裝置1可製造鯉 稱 正極與負極為電極;E說明之。电合态之負極。以下, 【0045】 電極製造裝置1如圖1簡2所示包含: 10 201237902 =出,筒10 ’係釋出金屬洛Μ之釋出部; 11,於金屬落Μ兩面塗怖活性物質合劑; 質層F ^ 12,使金屬箱Μ上的活性物質合劑乾燥而形成活性物 ,取輥筒13 ’係捲取金屬g Μ之捲取部。 序配_ 2 +之自上游雛 在釋出輥符^盘^部11、乾燥部12、捲取輕筒13。又, 此輸ϋ與捲取輕筒13之間設有驅動機構(未經圖亍),蕤由 =__自_鋪1G驗侧M, 【0046】 ^出輥筒10其轴向沿係錯直方向 置。於釋出輊筒ln挫站士土占 、口甲之/方向)之方向配 鉛直軸有,未處理之金屬賴’釋出輥筒10可以 箔Μ縣吊之$ Μ二’為沿其長邊方向拉扯金屬箱Μ而將金屬 以^,自釋出釋出金屬m 叫肝孟屬 可以鉛直向之方向配置。捲取輥筒13 取輥筒13捲取。 / / ,物質層?之金屬箔Μ由捲 【0048】 釋出ΐίΠίΙ輕筒1G與捲取簡13配置於相同高度。又,配窨 釋出輥疴10與捲取輥筒13,俾以金 ^又又配置 向(圖1及圖2中之γ方向),且全屬$ M M之長邊方向係水平方 1中之z方向)之方向運之短邊方向係錯直方_ 【0049】 塗佈部11包含於金屬箔Μ表面涂此、… 2〇。配置塗佈頭2G與在釋出輥筒1Q =取=質合劑之塗佈頭 金屬箔Μ兩側對向。 及捲取輥筒13之間運送中之 【0050】 201237902 主佈頭20如圖5所示大致呈沿錯直方向(圖5中之z方向 Ϊ之形狀。形成塗佈頭2G俾較例如金屬 M之短邊方向 ^。在塗佈頭2G與金翻M對向之面形成喷吐活性物質合 狹縫狀塗佈口 21。形成塗佈口 21俾沿錯直方向(圖5中之 ,伸。且形成塗佈口 21於可對金屬Μ ς ^ ==佈_連接連通物質 【⑽質合劑供給源22對塗佈頭20供給活性物質^。 執使:示包含藉由以紅外線進行之輻射加 it與在釋出報筒ω與捲取輥筒13之間運送中之金屬= 射紅外線之棒狀加熱器Μ ί 圖i及圖2中之γ方向)排成一列。棒狀加 向之長声° 中之2方向)延伸,俾較金屬fg Μ短邊方 照射°亦1奉狀加熱1131可雜屬㈣Μ短邊方向整體 埶體含鋅器31具有設有於陶究製外筒内部作為發 【οΞί】 之紅外叙反射姆經圖示)。 屬箱之對流加熱使金 上方供給空氣之絲部_朝錯直 兩側之乾燥區域d、d下方,且械於金屬箱M 氣部33 4供氣部料接連f M f邊方向岐複數供 ⑼内部儲存有空以: i所㈣供氣機構32供給之空氣在乾燥區域圖 【0053】 201237902 r,以製造裳置1 ’如圖1所示設有控制部50。抑制邱 係例如電腦’具有程式儲存(未經 ^ ^ 有電極製造裝置1中用來電極^處二^存,$ j亦可記錄於例如電腦可讀取之硬碟_、軟碟又二 賴讀蚊織舰H,自該 【0054】 依本實施形態之電極製造裝置丨如以 於在裝置1巾輯行,錄製造餘e之處理 部於塗佈 活性物質合劑s,於金㈣M _ 共給 30、3〇之紅外線進行輕射加熱屬^= Μ兩侧之加熱機構 S乾燥。此時,加熱機構3〇之棒吏 ,面之活性物質合劑 2〇〇°C。且藉由以自吸氣機構32對形成;^屬定,如 域D、D麟給之㉝進行触加熱t ^之乾燥區 亦即水可槪_^ΐ;;, 發之溶媒, 部。如此使金屬龍兩面之活性物^至乾舰域D外 兩面形成既定膜厚之活性物質層A s乾紐,於該金屬箔M 【0057】 、日 13 201237902 13,=捲:二^層F之金翻M運送至捲取輥筒 結束,以製造如此1極製造裝置1中,之處理 【_】 依以上實施形態,於塗佈部11沿金屬笮Μ +人/ 平方向之方向運送金相Μ,故塗佈;J向係水 運送方向之上游侧或下游侧流動 【0059】 編„ 12 + ’藉由以來自加熱機構30之紅外線進行之輕 :“由供氣機構32供給,於乾燥區域D内流通之空氣進 加熱,使金屬H M上的活性物質合劑 ^ =外線進行之糖加熱與奶氣進行之職加熱之2 ^法:故可適當地使該活性物f合劑s乾燥。且使用以紅外線進 仃之輻射加熱時,可不取決於棒狀加熱器31與金屬箔M之 =離將紅外線之輻射熱熱導之。因此,可不受金翻M之^ 傾斜影響,適當加熱活性物質合劑S。且沿金屬n Μ短邊方向係 ^直方向之方向運送金屬Μ,蒸發之水沿錯直方向順暢地流 動。且由供氣機構32供給之空氣於乾燥區域D内朝鉛直上方流 通,故可使蒸發之水更順暢地流動。因此,蒸發之水亦不再= 金屬箔Μ表面。 丹付者 【0060】 如以上依本實施形態,於塗佈部11可適當地塗佈活性物質合 劑S,且於乾燥部12可適當地使活性物質合劑s乾燥,故可於& 屬箔Μ表面適當地形成活性物質層F。 、一 【0061】 且在釋出輥筒10與捲取輥筒13乏間沿長邊方向係水平方向 之方向運送金屬箔Μ,故金屬箔Μ高度可一定且低,易於維修^ 201237902 =賊置1。因此,可於金職Μ表面高鱗地軸活性物質 【0062] 以上實施形態之電極製造裝置1中 _10,但釋出部構成秘定於本實施形=釋出 =之構成可採取各種構成。地,作為 ,但捲取部之構成不限定於本實施形能入昆Λ 之構成可採取各種構成。 ^…、要技取金屬箱Μ 【0063】 且於以上實施形態之塗佈部11雖 涂 η之構成祕定於本實施形態,只要是可於;^ μ 佈部 性物質合劑s之構成可採取各種構成。 ,自Μ表面塗佈活 【0064】 :對:如 辦本實施形態 ,亦可分別於 【0065】 性物SC塗佈部11亦可以喷墨方式對金職M表面塗佈活 【0066】 且例如圖7所示,塗佈部π亦可包含: 該金ί Σ ί及抵接金屬落M表面以塗佈聚狀活性物質合劑s於 喷f im,對滾子1〇〇表面供給活性物質s。 何及喷嘴1G1 ’俾與在釋出輥筒1G與捲取輥 同1*3之間運迗中的金屬箔M兩側對向。 %槪 【0067】 且滾子⑽以與形成於4 二直二轉度 15 201237902 ==長度延伸,配置於可對金屬搭M短邊 錄 物質合劑S之位置。 τ六。Μ…,。沽f生 【0068】 噴嘴1〇1亦與滚子100相同沿錯直方向延伸。且於 滚子1〇〇側之-面設有沿鉛直方向 啥n =劑s之喷吐Π(未經圖示)。形成喷吐口至^== 體供給雜物質合劑s之長度並形成喷吐口於 整_給活性物質合劑S之位置。又,噴嘴10了盥’圖:⑻ 連接連通活性物質合劑供給源(未經圖示 【0069】 相關情形下,於塗佈部U,由喑喈 活性物質合劑s,並同時令附著有滚子100表面供給 抵接金屬賴表面。=====S之滾子獅 質合劑S轉印至金屬箱Μ表面,於於^^00,之活性物 合劑s。 、金屬泊Μ表面塗佈活性物質 【0070】 依本貫施形態,由滾子1〇〇& 表面時’可藉由調整該滾子觸1表 ^劑S於金屬落Μ =二調整活性物質合劑S之膜厚。可::一Μ表面之距 屬鑌Μ表面塗佈活性物質合劑s。 更句之膜厚於金 【0071】 以上實施形態之乾燥部12中a 32,但乾燥部u之構成不限定於本^D,、機構30與供氣機構 Μ質合劑s乾燥之構成, 例如以上實施形態中,供痛 方供給空氣,但亦可朝錯直下方對域D朝錯直上 部33 _成在金翻Μ ’可分別 又’峨麟 201237902 下方流通。相關情形下於乾燥部12自活性 ,直下方順暢地流動,故該蒸發之水不之= 面。因此,於乾燥部12可適當使活性物質合劑焊/ 表 【0073】 a 且例如圖8所示,乾燥部12亦可包含: v 士狀加熱器2〇0 ’配置成沿金屬荡M長邊方向(圖8中之 Y方向)排成一列,照射紅外線;及 甲之 複數反射板201 ’配置成隔著棒狀加熱器2〇〇而盥 表面對向’朝金屬羯Μ側反射來自棒狀加熱器2〇〇之红外線。 配置此等棒狀加熱器200及反射板2〇1於在釋出親筒1〇 取親筒13之間運送中之金屬羯μ兩侧。 〃 【0074】 棒狀加熱器200沿鉛直方向延伸,俾較金屬箔Μ短邊方向 度長。亦即,棒狀加熱器200可對金屬箔Μ短邊方向整體照^紅 外線。且棒狀加熱器200包含設有於陶瓷製外筒内部作為發、熱體 具有鎳克鉻線之鎳克鉻線加熱器之構成。 ” 【0075】 反射板201在與對向之金屬箔Μ相反之一側凸出而彎曲。且 反射板201沿鉛直方向延伸,俾包覆棒狀加熱器2〇〇。又,以反射 板201反射自棒狀加熱器200朝與金屬落Μ相反之一側放射之紅 外線,朝金屬箔Μ放射之。 '‘ 【0076】 於相鄰之反射板201、201間形成對在反射板2〇1與金屬箔]y[ 之間形成之乾知£域D供給空氣之供氣口 202。且於其他相鄰之 反射板201、201間形成使乾燥區域D内空氣排氣之排氣口 2〇3。 此荨供氣口 202與排氣口 203沿金屬f| Μ之長邊方向交互配置。 又,自供氣口 202對乾燥區域D内供給之空氣沿金屬箔Μ表面流 動後,自鄰接供氣口 202之排氣口 203排氣。亦即,於乾燥區域 D内產生自供氣口 202朝排氣口 203 —方向之氣流。又,伴隨著 17 201237902 反射板201配置於金屬箔M兩側,供氣口 2〇2及排氣口 2〇3亦带 成於金屬羯Μ兩侧。 【0077】 #於各供氣口 202分別設有用來對該供氣口 202供給空氣之供 給管210。供給管21〇連通空氣供給源211。於空氣供給源2ιι内、 部儲存有空氣,例如乾燥空氣等。又,於排氣口 203設有例如真 空栗圖 1示),藉由該真空泵使乾燥區域D内之空氣排氣。 相關情形下,於乾燥部12巾,藉由以來自配置於金屬 侧之複數棒狀加熱器200及複數反射板2〇1之紅外線進行射 加熱,與以於形成在金屬箔河兩側之乾燥區域D、D内自^口 隱σ 2G3後氣進行之對流加熱,使金職兩^的活 2〇or質口日齊il乾燥。又,此時棒狀加熱器200之溫度設定於例如 、士通之。Λ Γ乾燥區域〇内產生,自供氣口 202朝排氣口 203 二Γ生物質合劑s蒸發之水可朝排氣口 2G3順暢地 之水可*再附者於金屬M M而將水去除。如此使金 ==物之=_ _,於錄_ _成既定 【0079】 以空加熱與 棒狀加熱器200及反射板2m |金屬時,可不取決於 射熱熱導之。因此,可不由金屬^距離將紅外線輻 加熱活性物質合劑s。且乾燥部 之„傾斜:緣響’適當 供氣口 202流通至排氣口 2〇3 j生於乾燥區域D内自 使金屬賴上的活性物質合劑s乾。藉由此氣流,可將 出’故該蒸發之水不會再附著金騎之水自排氣口 2〇3排 使金屬、落Μ上的活性物質合劑S / 。因此,可更適當地 當形成活性物質層F。 你。因此,可在金屬箔Μ上適 201237902 【_】 且配置反射板201俾隔著著棒狀加熱器200與金屬箔μ表面 對向,故可以反射板201反射自棒狀加熱器2〇〇 ^盥屬 反之一侧放射之紅外線,使其朝金屬親放射。因此金屬可自完^ 用紅2=8 Τ高效率地使金屬箱Μ上的活性物質合劑S乾5, 且反射板201於與金屬箔M相反之一側凸出而彎曲,故可使 未自排氣口 203排氣之極微量空氣順暢地流通至供氣口 2〇2側。 ίη’ t氣可再與由供氣口 2〇2供給之空氣匯流,流往排氣口 士 於乾燥區域D内自供氣口 202流通至排氣口 203之氣 :不θ紊亂,可維持一方向氣流。且可於乾燥區域D内 射加熱對未由排氣口 2〇3排氣之極微量空氣加熱,故可卜 效率地使金屬箔]V[上的活性物質合劑§乾燥。 。 【0082】 ’、 =上實郷財,亦可衫驗驗棒狀加絲·内部。 如圖9及圖1〇所示,棒狀加熱器2〇〇包含: 溫:;=:筒221。於内筒220外周部呈螺旋狀設有 ί 線加熱器拉。沿錯直方向設置此鎳克鉻 ㈣邊方向紐長。又,如上述外筒 ^呂喊_ 22g具耐紐,其材㈣例如陶兗或氧 【0083】 供氣筒220之間形成空氣流通之流通通道跡由 i、氣β 31供給在流通通道230内流诵之处洛 ,熱請之軸向兩端部。且以1 3 供給管233。於空氣供給源232之内部儲存有為常二i 23C之空氣,例如紐线。 崎I马吊酿之 【0084】 卜筒形成有朝金屬箱M表面喷出流通通道23G空氣之 複數喷出鳴。形成複數如口 234沿外筒221之^方 19 201237902 中之z方向)排成一列。此等喷出口 234如圖u所示朝排氣口 2〇3 侧。且此等喷出口 234形成於朝金屬箔M表面傾斜喷出流通通道 230内空氣之位置。 【_5】 ,關情形下,於乾燥部12由供氣部231對流通通道230供給 之空氣於該流通通道230内流通。此時,流通通道23〇内之空氣 由鎳克鉻線加熱器222加熱。棒狀加熱器2〇〇之溫度如上述設定 為巧如200 C,故流通通道230内之空氣經加熱至高於23eC且在 200°C以下。又’經加熱之空氣自喷出口 234朝乾燥區域D喷出。 如此自棒狀加熱器200朝乾燥區域D内金屬箔%表面喷出之空氣 於金屬箔Μ表面附近流動,與自供氣口 2〇2朝排氣口 2〇3流動之 氣流匯流’由排氣口 203排氣。 【0086】 又,於乾燥部12,除以來自複數棒狀加熱器2〇〇及複數反射 板201之紅外線進行之輻射加熱,與以於乾燥區域d内自供氣口 202流通至排氣口 203之空氣進行之對流加熱外,更藉由以自上述 棒狀加熱H 2GG噴出之空氣進行之對流加熱使金屬箱M上的活性 物質合劑S乾燥。 【0087】 HA形態’藉由錄克絡線加熱器222 S自棒狀加熱器200 朝乾祕域D喷出之空氣加熱,故可縮短雜师合劑s之乾燥 時間。因此’亦可縮短乾燥部12之長度,可縮小電極製造裝置^ 此流通通道23G内之空氣時可利用為使活性 ΛΐΓϊ置之鎳克鉻線加熱器222’不需另外設置加熱 =合^=貫施形態’可更高效率地使金射請上的活性 【0088】 且於外筒221噴出口 234朝排氣口 2G3側形成,故自該 喷frii目對於自供氣口 202朝排氣口2〇3流動之氣访 不狀。如此,自喷出口 234喷出之空氣即可不使自供氣口 2〇: 20 ⑧ 201237902 朝排氣口 203流通之氣流紊亂而維持一方向之氣流,並同時與該 氣流匯流。因此,可使金屬箔Μ上的活性物質合劑s適當乾燥。 【0089】 以上實施形悲中,如圖12及圖13所示於棒狀加熱器2〇〇流 通通道230内部,亦可設置連接外筒221與内筒22〇,支持該内筒 220之支持構件240。沿内筒220周方向等間隔配置複數支持構件 240。且沿内筒220之軸向,亦即長邊方向(圖12中之ζ方向)等間 隔配置複數紐構件240。藉由如此配置支持構件24Q擾拌流通通 道230内之氣流。 【0090】 且支持構件24〇具熱導性,其材質係例如Sic。因此,可經由 支持1件24】0傳遞自鎳克鉻線加熱器222產生之熱至外筒。 姑叮Ϊ 持構件240攪拌流通通道230内之氣流 加熱器222之熱傳遞至外筒221,加熱該外筒221 加熱流通=内230内之级,且亦可加熱乾燥區域〇内之空氣 態,可更有效率地使金屬羯M上的活性罐 【0092】 Μ之長邊方向形成複數活性 層F之電極Ε時本發明之電 以上實施形態中,雖沿著金屬箔 物質層F,但於形成具有一活性物質 極製造裝置1亦有用。 、 【0093】 且以上實施形態中,雖以電極製造奘 成活性物質層F ’但亦可為形成電極Ε ^彳找他、^^ Μ兩和 箔Μ之衝壓或裁切等。錄製錢置 例如金 筒13之間亦可連續進行此等其他處理。、釋出輥❸G與捲取 21 【0094】 201237902[Technical Field] [0001] The present invention relates to an electrode manufacturing apparatus for forming an electrode on both surfaces of an f-shaped substrate to manufacture an electrode, and an electrode manufacturing method using the electrode manufacturing apparatus, < Brain memory media. [Prior Art] [0002] In recent years, it has been used in a small and lightweight manner, and has high energy density and rechargeability. LiC: Lithium Ion Capacitor, electric squeaking f 〇uble The need for electrochemical components such as Uyer C叩acitor) and clock ion θ cells is rapidly expanding. The ion battery has a relatively high energy density and can be used in the field of mobile phones. Moreover, the electric double-layer capacitor 11 can be rapidly charged and discharged, so it can be used as a backup small power source for memory. Moreover, as the mr sub-capacitor for electric vehicles, the energy density and the output density are both high, so that the electrode of the element can be coated with an active material or a mixture of active materials or a solvent, for example, as a substrate. After that, let's talk about drying: to form an active material layer. When manufacturing the relevant electrode, it can be used to apply the active-removal agent = its drying m is applied to the surface of the metal box to coat the active material mixture and [previous technical literature] 201237902 [patent literature] [0005] [Patent Document] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2010-186782. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION <Problems to be Solved by the Invention> [0006] When an electrode is produced by a method of straight-forward delivery, the active material mixture is substantially in the wrong direction. That is, the 上游 of the upstream side mixture: underneath, it is impossible to uniformly apply the activity to the surface of the metal box. . Related Situations [0007] (4) When the quality of the agent is dry, steam from the active material mixture I L flows straight above the gas. Because it is transported to the upper side of the metal directly, the upper part of the metal fg, that is, the evaporation of the downstream side, the sound of the liquid is appropriately formed on the surface of the wire, and the volume is rolled. The cloth device, the dryer dryer and the reel are troublesome. _ 杂 杂 杂 杂 [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 The two sides of the substrate are: · the disease, the second electrode is characterized by: the release portion, the release base is adjacent to the substrate of the radioactive release of the county; the coating part is set in the release Between the winding portions, the substrate mixture on the substrate; and the dry 201237902, the active material coated by the coating portion is horizontally oriented, and the short side of the substrate is straight Direction 2: [0011] r: This ====== live == dry. When the three doses are used, the active material mixture i will flow into the substrate transport direction: and the active material of the base will be dried to form an active material layer on the surface of the substrate: = i i2iSS: = send substrate Therefore, the substrate can be set to a low level and easy to use.匕 咼 咼 咼 于 于 于 于 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 【 00 00 = between the thermal mechanism and the substrate 、 =,, == [0014] The plurality of rod heaters are arranged to the sputum portion, and are arranged along the long side of the substrate to be aligned with the substrate. Separating the rod-shaped heating wire; the gas supply port, forming a phase of the crystal, reflecting the infrared from the rotating heater; between the reflecting plates, between the reflecting plate and the substrate 201237902 = dry secret domain Supplying air; and reducing the opening, formed between the other adjacent reflecting plates, the air in the drying area is exhausted; and the plurality of rod heaters, the plurality of reflecting plates, the gas supply port and the exhaust port They are located on both sides of the substrate. [0017] The rod heater may further include: an inner cylinder 'having a heating element at an outer peripheral portion; and an outer cylinder disposed to surround the inner cylinder; and an air circulation is formed between the outer cylinder and the inner cylinder a discharge passage is formed in the outer cylinder to discharge air in the circulation passage toward the surface of the substrate. [0021] The coating portion may further include a coating head formed with a discharge opening for the active material on the surface of the substrate. The coating head is disposed on both sides of the substrate. [0022] The coating portion may further include: a roller that abuts against the surface of the substrate, and applies an active material to the substrate. The nozzle supplies an active material mixture to the surface of the roller, and the roller and the roller The nozzles are respectively arranged on both sides of the substrate. The live scale is thin on the surface of the roller [0023] The ion capacitor ϋ 'Electrical double layer capacitor or the clock ion battery. According to another aspect, the invention is an electrode manufacturing method in the release part盥4 transporting the strip substrate and simultaneously forming an active material layer electrode on both sides of the wire, comprising: a plate k coating step, applying the active material mixture to both sides of the substrate in the coating portion, and combining The active material 201237902 coated in the coating step is applied to the substrate in the direction in which the longitudinal direction of the substrate is horizontal, and the direction is ίο: the substrate is fed in the step of being fed, and the drying portion may also include: The heating mechanism is disposed on both sides of the substrate, and is dried by the infrared rod active material mixture; and the κ is heated by the radiant heating to supply the lining, and the enthalpy is circulated in the directional flow to dry the active material mixture; Straight and in the drying step, by ^ From the heated coffee Shaw eds Bauer (iv) heating the dried mixture of the active substance. The pair of pores is selected to be [0026], and the drying section may further include: an outer plurality of mixed heats H, arranged in a row in the direction of the base of the filaments, and irradiated with a red and if reflecting plate, and arranged to be heated by the rods. The surface of the wire is opposite, the side of the moon material reflects the infrared rays from the rod heater; the gas supply port is formed between the adjacent reflecting plates, and the air is supplied to the dry area of the reflection; The gas port is formed between the other adjacent reflectors to make the gas discharge in the dry area! And the plurality of rod heaters, the plurality of reflecting plates, the gas supply port and the exhaust port are respectively disposed on two sides of the substrate, in the drying step, by using the plurality of rod heaters and the plurality Radiation heating by the infrared rays of the reflector is performed by convection heating with air flowing from the gas supply port to the exhaust port in the drying zone to dry the active material mixture. [0029] The rod heater may further include: an inner cylinder 'having a heating element at an outer peripheral portion; and an outer cylinder ' disposed to surround the inner cylinder; 201237902 a channel ϊ ϊ ϊ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' The flow port formed between the two is sprayed out from the make-up [0033]. The base material 2 is applied to the coating head coating port on both sides of the substrate. [0034] The coating portion may also include: a surface of the substrate is coated with an active material mixture; and a stomach, an active material mixture is supplied to the surface of the roller; and the roller and the nozzle are respectively disposed on both sides of the substrate, and the nozzle is attached The concentrated portion of the active material mixture supplied is applied to the surface of the new surface to coat the surface of the riding surface. In the present invention, the surface of the roller substrate is biased against the surface of the substrate by the active material mixture adhering to the surface of the roller.疋【0035】=Electrode can also be a rotor capacitor H, an electric double layer capacitor or a nano [0036] According to another aspect, according to the present invention, a computer readable memory medium can be provided. The electrode manufacturing method is a program that operates on a computer that controls the control unit of the bristle manufacturing apparatus. <Effects of the Invention> According to the present invention, an electrode manufacturing apparatus, an electrode manufacturing method, and a computer memory medium can be provided, and when an electrode is produced, a living material layer can be appropriately and efficiently formed on the surface of a belt-shaped substrate. [Embodiment] [0040] 201237902 Electrode Shi County. The s 1 system is shown in the first embodiment of the present invention. Lin (9) secret electrode manufacturing device 1 system [0041] = in the manufacturing device, as shown in Figure 3, the metal fl Μ on both sides of the active material f 5-form Μ two sides of the active (four) F. = electrode Ε. In the direction of the metal box, the 中央 in the central portion of the shaped material layer 3 and the Υ direction in FIG. 4) form a plurality of such activities; the long side direction of FIG. 2 (FIG. 3 [0042], for example, a collection body; When manufacturing the positive electrode, a copper foil may be used for the metal foil. When the negative electrode is produced, for example, [0043] and the active material layer F, such as an inert material mixture, may be formed. Conductive carbon, such as dispersant carbon, acetylene black, which is a dispersing agent carbon, and a conductive material such as acetylene black as a binder, is used as a positive electrode active material mixture in the case of J conductive auxiliary village positive electrode. Too A adds water and combines to produce and release lithium. The ionic active substance is mixed, for example, as a acetylene which can be stored and used as a conductive auxiliary material, etc., as a binder, a polypyramidine, a layered layer, etc.: the same as the Raytheon and the activity The positive electrode of the material ion capacitor H can also be used to manufacture the surface; the conversion device 1 can manufacture the nickname positive electrode and the negative electrode as electrodes; E. The negative electrode in the electrical state. Hereinafter, [0045] The electrode manufacturing device 1 is as shown in FIG. The illustration contains: 10 201237902 = Out, tube 10 'releases the release of metal Luojing; 11, coated with active material mixture on both sides of the metal; the layer F ^ 12, the active material mixture on the metal box is dried to form an active, take the roller 13 'The take-up part of the metal g Μ is taken. The sequence _ 2 + from the upstream chick in the release roll symbol ^ disk ^ part 11, the drying part 12, the take-up light tube 13. Again, this transfer and take-up There is a driving mechanism between the light cylinders 13 (not shown), and the _1_ self-sampling 1G inspection side M, [0046] ^ the roller 10 is axially arranged in the wrong direction.轾 ln ln 站 站 士 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 The metal box is used to release the metal from the metal, and the metal m is released from the metal. The take-up reel 13 takes the roll 13 and takes it up. / / , material layer? The metal foil is rolled up by the [0048] release ΐίΠίΙ light cylinder 1G and the winding simple 13 are arranged at the same height. Further, the squeezing release roller 10 and the take-up reel 13 are arranged in a gold (also in the γ direction in FIGS. 1 and 2), and the long-side direction of the MM is horizontally 1 The direction of the z-direction is the wrong direction of the short-side direction. [0049] The coating portion 11 is coated on the surface of the metal foil, and is coated with... The coating head 2G is disposed opposite to the coating head of the release roll 1Q = take = the coating agent. [0050] 201237902 The main cloth head 20 is substantially in the wrong direction as shown in FIG. 5 (the shape of the z direction in FIG. 5). The coating head 2G is formed, for example, metal M. In the short side direction, the ejection active material and the slit-like coating opening 21 are formed on the surface of the coating head 2G and the gold turning M. The coating opening 21 is formed in the staggered direction (in FIG. And forming the coating port 21 to the metal Μ = ^ == cloth _ connection connecting material [(10) the medicinal agent supply source 22 to the coating head 20 to supply the active material ^. Enforcement: the inclusion of radiation by infrared rays is included It is arranged in a row with the metal in the transport between the release cylinder ω and the take-up reel 13 = the rod heater of the infrared ray ί, the γ direction in Fig. i and Fig. 2 2 directions in the sound °), 俾 俾 金属 金属 金属 金属 金属 金属 金属 金属 金属 金属 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 113 Send [οΞί]'s infrared narration reflected by the illustration). The convection heating of the box causes the wire portion of the air supplied to the upper side of the gold to be below the dry areas d and d on both sides of the wrong straight line, and is attached to the metal box M gas portion 33 4 and the gas supply part is connected to the direction of the f M f side. (9) The internal storage is free to: i (4) The air supplied from the air supply mechanism 32 is in the dry area [0053] 201237902 r, to manufacture the skirt 1' as shown in Fig. 1. The control unit 50 is provided. Suppressing Qiu system such as computer 'with program storage (not ^ ^ used in the electrode manufacturing device 1 for the electrode ^ two memory, $ j can also be recorded in a computer-readable hard disk _, floppy disk and second Reading the mosquito-weaving ship H, from [0054] The electrode manufacturing apparatus according to the present embodiment, for example, is used in the apparatus 1 to print the processing part of the manufacturing e-coating active material mixture s, in the gold (four) M _ The infrared radiation of 30, 3 红外线 infrared light is heated by the heating mechanism S on both sides of the = 。. At this time, the heating mechanism 3 吏 吏 吏, the surface active material mixture 2 〇〇 ° C. The suction mechanism 32 is formed; ^ is determined, such as the domain D, D Lin gives 33 the heating zone t ^ the drying zone is also water 槪 _ ^ ΐ;;, the solvent, the part. Thus the metal dragon two sides The active material ^ to the outer surface of the dry ship domain D forms an active material layer A s dry button with a predetermined film thickness, in the metal foil M [0057], day 13 201237902 13, = volume: two layers F gold transfer M transport The process of manufacturing the first-pole manufacturing apparatus 1 to the end of the winding roller is performed [_] according to the above embodiment, and the coating portion 11 is along the metal crucible + / The metallographic direction is transported in the direction of the flat direction, so the coating is carried out; the upstream side or the downstream side of the J-direction water transport direction flows [0059] „12 + 'by the light from the infrared rays from the heating mechanism 30: “by The gas supply means 32 supplies the air flowing in the drying zone D to heat, and the active material mixture on the metal HM is heated by the external heating and the heating by the milk gas. Therefore, the air can be appropriately heated. The active material f mixture s is dried, and when heated by irradiation with infrared rays, it does not depend on the heat of the rod-shaped heater 31 and the metal foil M from the radiation of the infrared rays. Therefore, it is not necessary to turn over the gold. In the influence of the inclination, the active material mixture S is appropriately heated, and the metal crucible is transported in the direction perpendicular to the short direction of the metal n Μ, and the evaporated water flows smoothly in the wrong direction. The air supplied from the air supply mechanism 32 is dried. The area D flows vertically upwards, so that the evaporated water can flow more smoothly. Therefore, the evaporated water is no longer = the surface of the metal foil. Danpayer [0060] As in the above embodiment, in the coating section 11 can be properly coated The active material mixture S can be appropriately dried in the drying unit 12, so that the active material layer F can be appropriately formed on the surface of the foil crucible. [0061] The coiling roller 13 is transported in the direction of the horizontal direction in the direction of the horizontal direction, so that the height of the metal foil can be fixed and low, and it is easy to maintain ^ 201237902 = thief set 1. Therefore, it can be scaled on the surface of the gold plaque Ground-Axis Active Material [0062] In the electrode manufacturing apparatus 1 of the above-described embodiment, _10 is used, but the configuration of the releasing portion is determined in the present embodiment. The configuration of the present invention can be variously configured. However, the configuration of the winding portion is adopted. The configuration that is not limited to this embodiment can be adopted in various configurations. ^..., the metal case is to be taken Μ [0063] The composition of the coating portion 11 of the above embodiment, which is coated with η, is secretly defined in the present embodiment, and may be configured as follows: Take a variety of components. Self-drying surface coating activity [0064]: Yes: According to this embodiment, the physical object SC coating unit 11 may also apply an inkjet method to the gold surface M surface [0066] and For example, as shown in FIG. 7, the coating portion π may further include: the gold Σ 及 抵 and the surface of the metal falling M to apply the polyactive active material mixture s to spray the im, to supply the active material to the surface of the roller 1 s. The nozzle 1G1' 对 is opposed to both sides of the metal foil M in the transport between the discharge roller 1G and the take-up roller and 1*3. % 槪 [0067] The roller (10) is extended to a length of 15 201237902 == formed on the length of the second, and the position of the material mixture S can be placed on the short side of the metal. τ six. Oh...,.喷嘴f生 【0068】 The nozzle 1〇1 also extends in the wrong direction as the roller 100. On the side of the roller 1 side, there is a jet 沿n = agent s in the vertical direction (not shown). The ejection opening is formed to the length of the body supply impurity mixture s and the ejection opening is formed at the position of the active material mixture S. Further, the nozzle 10 is 盥': (8) connected to the active material mixture supply source (not shown [0069] In the relevant case, in the coating portion U, the active material mixture s is attached, and at the same time, the roller is attached. 100 surface supply abuts against the metal surface. =====S Roller lion mixture S is transferred to the surface of the metal box, on ^^00, the active mixture s., metal mooring surface coating activity Substance [0070] According to the embodiment, the thickness of the active material mixture S can be adjusted by the roller 1 〇〇 & surface can be adjusted by adjusting the roller touch 1 to the metal drop 二. :: The distance from the surface of the crucible is the surface coating active material mixture s. The thickness of the film is thicker than gold [0071] In the drying section 12 of the above embodiment, a 32, but the composition of the drying section u is not limited to this D, the mechanism 30 and the air supply mechanism Μ 合 s 干燥 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 'It can be separately circulated under Kirin 201237902. Under the relevant circumstances, it is self-active in the drying section 12, flowing smoothly under the straight section. Therefore, the water to be evaporated is not in the surface. Therefore, the active material mixture can be appropriately welded to the drying unit 12, and as shown in FIG. 8, for example, the drying unit 12 can also include: v. 〇0' is arranged in a row along the longitudinal direction of the metal M (in the Y direction in Fig. 8) to illuminate the infrared rays; and the plurality of reflecting plates 201' of the plurality A are arranged to be separated by a rod heater 2 Infrared rays from the rod heater 2〇〇 are reflected toward the side of the metal crucible. The rod heaters 200 and the reflectors 2〇 are arranged to be transported between the release cylinders 13 and the pros and cons 13 Metal 羯μ sides. 〃 [0074] The rod heater 200 extends in the vertical direction, and the 俾 is longer than the short side of the metal foil 。. That is, the rod heater 200 can align the short side of the metal foil ^ Infrared rays, and the rod heater 200 includes a nickel chrome wire heater provided as a hair and heat body having a nickel chrome wire inside the ceramic outer cylinder. [0075] The reflector 201 is in opposition metal One side of the foil crucible is convex and curved, and the reflecting plate 201 extends in the vertical direction, and the crucible is covered with a rod shape. Further, the reflector 201 reflects the infrared rays radiated from the rod heater 200 toward the side opposite to the metal drop, and radiates toward the metal foil. '' [0076] adjacent to the reflector Between 201 and 201, a gas supply port 202 for supplying air between the reflecting plate 2〇1 and the metal foil]y is formed, and is formed between the other adjacent reflecting plates 201 and 201 to be dried. The air exhaust port 2〇3 in the region D. The air supply port 202 and the exhaust port 203 are alternately arranged along the longitudinal direction of the metal f| 。. Further, the air supplied from the air supply port 202 to the dry region D After flowing along the surface of the metal foil weir, it is exhausted from the exhaust port 203 of the adjacent gas supply port 202. That is, a flow of air from the air supply port 202 toward the exhaust port 203 is generated in the dry region D. Further, along with 17 201237902, the reflecting plate 201 is disposed on both sides of the metal foil M, and the air supply port 2〇2 and the exhaust port 2〇3 are also provided on both sides of the metal crucible. [0077] # Each gas supply port 202 is provided with a supply pipe 210 for supplying air to the gas supply port 202, respectively. The supply pipe 21 is connected to the air supply source 211. Air, such as dry air, is stored in the air supply source 2 ι. Further, for example, a vacuum pump 203 is provided, for example, a vacuum pump, and the air in the dry region D is exhausted by the vacuum pump. In the case of the drying unit 12, the lens is heated by the infrared rays from the plurality of rod heaters 200 and the plurality of reflecting plates 2〇1 arranged on the metal side, and dried on both sides of the metal foil river. In the regions D and D, the convection heating is performed after the gas is hidden in the sigma 2G3, so that the two 〇 or the mouth of the gold ^ is dry. Further, at this time, the temperature of the rod heater 200 is set to, for example, Shitong. Λ ΓThe dry area is generated in the crucible, and the water evaporating from the gas supply port 202 toward the exhaust port 203 can be smoothly discharged to the exhaust port 2G3. Thus, the gold == the object = _ _, the record _ _ is set to [0079] When the air is heated and the rod heater 200 and the reflector 2m | metal, it does not depend on the thermal thermal conduction. Therefore, the active material mixture s can be heated by the infrared radiation without the distance of the metal. And the slanting of the drying section: the appropriate gas supply port 202 flows to the exhaust port 2〇3j, which is produced in the dry area D, and the active material mixture s is dried on the metal lining. 'Therefore, the water that evaporates will not adhere to the water of the gold rider from the exhaust port 2〇3 row to make the active substance mixture S / on the metal and the falling bowl. Therefore, it is more appropriate to form the active material layer F. Therefore, the metal foil can be placed on the metal foil 2012 201237902 [_] and the reflecting plate 201 is disposed opposite to the metal foil μ surface via the rod heater 200, so that the reflecting plate 201 can be reflected from the rod heater 2 〇〇 ^ The opposite side of the genus emits infrared rays, so that it radiates toward the metal. Therefore, the metal can be used to effectively dry the active material mixture S on the metal box by red 2=8 ,, and the reflecting plate 201 is The opposite side of the metal foil M is convex and curved, so that a very small amount of air that has not been exhausted from the exhaust port 203 can be smoothly circulated to the side of the air supply port 2〇2. ίηt gas can be re-connected to the air supply port 2〇2 supply air confluence, flowing to the exhaust port in the dry area D from the air supply port 202 to the exhaust port 203 Gas: no θ disorder, can maintain airflow in one direction, and can be heated in the dry area D to heat a very small amount of air that is not exhausted by the exhaust port 2〇3, so the metal foil]V[ The active substance mixture § dry. [0082] ', = on the real money, can also check the rod shape wire · internal. As shown in Figure 9 and Figure 1 棒, the rod heater 2〇〇 contains: Temperature:; =: cylinder 221. The outer circumference of the inner cylinder 220 is spirally provided with a ф line heater to pull. The nickel chrome (four) side direction is set in the wrong direction. Also, as the above outer tube ^ 吕 _ 22g with Nike, its material (4) such as pottery or oxygen [0083] The flow path of air circulation between the air supply cylinder 220 is supplied by i, gas β 31 in the circulation channel 230, the axis of the heat The tube is supplied to the both ends of the tube 233. The air supply source 232 stores the air of the constant two i 23C, for example, a no-line. [Isaki I horse hanging brewing [0084] The bubbling cylinder is formed with a metal box The M surface is sprayed out of the flow passage 23G, and the plurality of air is ejected. The plural is formed such that the mouth 234 is aligned along the outer cylinder 221 (the z direction in the 201219902). These discharge ports 234 are directed toward the exhaust port 2〇3 as shown in Fig. u. These discharge ports 234 are formed at positions where the air in the flow passage 230 is obliquely ejected toward the surface of the metal foil M. [_5] In this case, the air supplied to the circulation passage 230 by the air supply unit 231 in the drying unit 12 flows through the circulation passage 230. At this time, the air in the circulation passage 23 is heated by the nickel chrome line heater 222. The temperature of the device 2 is set to 200 C as described above, so that the air in the circulation passage 230 is heated to above 23 eC and below 200 °C. Further, the heated air is ejected from the discharge port 234 toward the dry area D. Thus, the air ejected from the rod-shaped heater 200 toward the surface of the metal foil % in the dry region D flows near the surface of the metal foil crucible, and merges with the airflow flowing from the air supply port 2〇2 toward the exhaust port 2〇3. 203 exhaust. Further, the drying unit 12 is radiantly heated by the infrared rays from the plurality of rod heaters 2 and the plurality of reflecting plates 201, and flows from the air supply port 202 to the exhaust port 203 in the drying region d. In addition to the convection heating by the air, the active material mixture S on the metal tank M is dried by convection heating by the air ejected from the rod-shaped heating H 2GG. [0087] The HA form is heated by the air discharged from the rod heater 200 toward the dry domain D by the phono heater 222 S, so that the drying time of the mixer s can be shortened. Therefore, the length of the drying portion 12 can be shortened, and the electrode in the flow path 23G can be reduced. The nickel chrome wire heater 222' that can be used for the active enthalpy can be used without additional heating. The continuous form "can more efficiently make the activity on the gold shot [0088] and is formed on the side of the exhaust port 2G3 at the discharge port 234 of the outer cylinder 221, so the self-supply port 202 is directed toward the exhaust port 2 from the spray fri 〇3 The flow of gas is not in the same breath. Thus, the air ejected from the discharge port 234 can prevent the air flow flowing toward the exhaust port 203 from being disturbed by the air supply port 2 〇: 20 8 201237902, and maintain the air flow in one direction and simultaneously merge with the air flow. Therefore, the active material mixture s on the metal foil can be appropriately dried. [0089] In the above embodiment, as shown in FIG. 12 and FIG. 13 , inside the rod heater 2 〇〇 the circulation passage 230 , the connection outer cylinder 221 and the inner cylinder 22 亦可 may be provided to support the inner cylinder 220 . Member 240. A plurality of support members 240 are disposed at equal intervals in the circumferential direction of the inner cylinder 220. Further, a plurality of button members 240 are disposed along the axial direction of the inner cylinder 220, that is, in the longitudinal direction (the direction in Fig. 12). The airflow in the circulation passage 230 is disturbed by the support member 24Q thus configured. [0090] The support member 24 is thermally conductive, and its material is, for example, Sic. Therefore, the heat generated from the nickel chrome wire heater 222 can be transferred to the outer cylinder via the support of one piece 24]. The heat of the airflow heater 222 in the agitation holding passage 230 of the member holding member 240 is transmitted to the outer cylinder 221, and the outer cylinder 221 is heated to be heated to the level within the inner 230, and the air state in the drying region is also heated. When the active tank of the metal crucible M is more efficiently formed into the electrode of the plurality of active layers F in the longitudinal direction of the crucible M, the electric field of the present invention is along the metal foil material layer F, but It is also useful to form the device 1 having an active material electrode. Further, in the above embodiment, the active material layer F' is formed of an electrode, but it is also possible to form an electrode 彳^, find it, press it, or cut it. Recording money, for example, can be continuously performed between the cylinders 13. Release of roll ❸G and take-up 21 [0094] 201237902
之情形,但電S說,於製造鋰離子電容器_ E 電極時亦可使用"本發電容器之電極或用於鋰離子電池之 造之電極種1 °撕断,對應所製 可。 ",M之材%或活性物質合劑8之材料等即 [0095] 者’於申請專利麵所記載 疋熟悉該技藝 或修正例,關於此等者當然亦屬^各種變更例 【圖式簡單說明】 【0039】 視圖 圖1係顯示依本實施形態之電極製造裝置構成概略之概略側 實製造裝置構成概略之俯視圖。 ,於電極製造裝置所製造之電極側視圖。 圖,於電極製造裝置所製造之電極俯視圖。 m係顯示塗佈頭構成概略之立體圖。 圖6係顯示乾燥部構成概略之侧視圖。 示f另—實施形態之塗佈部構成概略之俯視圖。 ^ 9 2二實施形態之乾燥部構成概略之俯視圖。 圖lotL 一實施雜之棒狀加熱器構成概略之說明圖。 圖 〇係顯示依另-實施雜之棒狀加絲構紐略之橫剖面 ^ 示依另—實施形態之乾燥部構成概略之俯視圖。 明圖 。2係顯示依另—實施形態之棒狀加熱如部構成概略之說 U係顯示依另-實施形態之棒狀加熱輯成概略之橫剖面 圖 圖 201237902 【主要元件符號說明】 【0096】 D. ..乾燥區域 E. ..電極 F. ..活性物質層 H. ..記憶媒體 M...金屬箔 I. ..電極製造裝置 10.. .釋出幸昆筒 11.. .塗佈部 12.. .乾燥部 13.. .捲取輥筒 20.. .塗佈頭 21.. .塗佈口 22.. .活性物質合劑供給源 23.. .供給管 30.. .加熱機構 3l·、200…棒狀加熱器 32.. .供氣機構 33、 231...供氣部 34、 211、232...空氣供給源 35、 210、233...供給管 50.. .控制部 100.. .滾子 101.. .喷嘴 201.. .反射板 202.. .供氣口 203.. .排氣口 220.. .内筒 201237902 221.. .外筒 222.. .鎳克鉻線加熱器 230.. .流通通道 234.. .喷出口 240.. .支持構件 24 ⑧In the case of the electric S, it is also possible to use the electrode of the present invention or the electrode for the lithium ion battery to be 1 ° tear-off when manufacturing the lithium ion capacitor _ E electrode. "M material% or active material mixture 8 material, etc. [0095] Those who are described in the patent application are familiar with the art or the modified example, and of course these are also various modifications [simplified drawings] [0039] Fig. 1 is a plan view showing a schematic configuration of a schematic manufacturing apparatus of an electrode manufacturing apparatus according to the present embodiment. A side view of the electrode fabricated in the electrode manufacturing apparatus. Fig. is a plan view of an electrode fabricated in an electrode manufacturing apparatus. The m system shows a schematic perspective view of the coating head. Fig. 6 is a side view showing a schematic configuration of a drying unit. In addition, the coating part of the embodiment is a schematic plan view. ^ 9 2 2 is a schematic plan view of a dry portion of the embodiment. Fig. 1L is a schematic view showing a schematic configuration of a rod-shaped heater. The figure shows the cross section of the stick-shaped wire structure according to another embodiment. The plan view of the dry part of the embodiment is shown. Ming map. 2 shows the outline of the rod-shaped heating according to another embodiment. The U-system shows a schematic cross-sectional view of the rod-shaped heating according to another embodiment. 201237902 [Explanation of main component symbols] [0096] D. ..Drying area E. .. electrode F. .. active material layer H. .. memory medium M... metal foil I. .. electrode manufacturing device 10.. release the lucky cylinder 11.. coating Section 12.. Drying section 13.. Rolling roller 20.. Coating head 21.. Coating port 22: Active material mixture supply source 23.. Supply tube 30.. Heating mechanism 3l·, 200... rod heater 32.. air supply mechanism 33, 231... air supply unit 34, 211, 232... air supply source 35, 210, 233... supply tube 50.. Control unit 100.. Roller 101.. nozzle No. 201.. Reflector 202.. Air supply port 203.. Exhaust port 220.. . Inner tube 201237902 221.. . Outer tube 222.. Nickel chrome line heater 230.. Flow passage 234.. Spray outlet 240.. Support member 24 8