201236570 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本申請案係以日本專利申請案20 1 0-270697爲基礎及 依據巴黎條約主張其優先權之申請案。因此本申請案包含 該曰本專利申請案中揭示之全部事項。 本發明係有關適用於主要在製造糕點、麵包領域中, 使用作爲起泡性水包油型乳化物之起泡性水包油型乳化物 原料之油脂組成物。進而係有關使用該油脂組成物之起泡 性水包油型乳化物。 【先前技術】 根據日本乳及乳製品成分規格規定,乳油(Cream ) 係乳油中之油脂1 〇〇%爲乳脂肪,其風味、口中溶解性之 優異程度有如無法以其他物品取代般美味。但另一方面, 卻有著於輸送中容易引起稱爲絮凝(flocculation)之急劇 的黏度上升與固化,及使乳油起泡時泡沫維持的時間短而 不易運用,進而價格高昂等問題。目前市售物並非1 00% 爲乳脂肪之新鮮乳油,而是爲了保持風味及改良作業性, 組合了乳脂肪及植物性油脂稱爲調和乳油(compound cream )類,以及重視保存性、保形性及成本之僅使用植 物性油脂製成之純植物性乳油類等各式各樣的起泡性水包 油型乳化物。 純植物性乳油類使用作爲起泡性水包油型乳化物之植 物性油脂可舉出含有大量的碳原子數12的飽和脂肪酸之 -5- 201236570 月桂酸的椰子油、棕櫚核油等月桂系油脂、棕櫚油、菜籽 油、黃豆油等含有大量碳原子數16以上的脂肪酸的植物 油脂、該等植物油脂的氫化油、分餾油及該等之混合油等 。使用月桂系油脂所得之水包油型乳化物口中溶解性極佳 ,但相反地,存在乳化易變爲不安定,進行起泡作業時泡 沫維持的時間短、起泡後之乳油表面容易產生不平整等問 題。而另一方面,由於倂用月桂系油脂和棕櫚油、菜籽油 、黃豆油等含有大量碳原子數16以上的脂肪酸的植物油 脂的氫化油所得之水包油型乳化物,其口中溶解性、乳化 穩定性、形狀保持性的平衡性良好,亦可容易獲得起泡狀 態下之冷凍解凍耐性,自以往即廣泛流通(例如參見專利 文獻1〜3 )。 然而近年來,有學說指出氫化油中所含之反式脂肪酸 自營養學而言對健康不佳。且由於在美國含有一定標準以 上反式脂肪酸的食品上有標示義務等背景下,社會開始尋 求低減反式脂肪酸的含油脂食品》因此,有關使用於起泡 性水包油型乳化物之油脂,也開始要求降低含有反式脂肪 酸的植物油脂的氫化油。 贲質上作爲不含反式脂肪酸的起泡性水包油型乳化物 ,已提案有倂用月桂系油脂與棕櫚油的中熔點分餾油之類 型等(例如,參見專利文獻4、5 )。但倂用月桂系油脂與 棕櫚油的中熔點分餾油所得之起泡性水包油型乳化物,必 須特別注意油脂摻合之平衡。另外,由於在使油脂結晶析 出之冷卻•熟成步驟中些微的變化,對於乳化安定性等品 -6 - 201236570 質有極大的影響,而必須進行嚴格的步驟管理。另一方面 ,正嘗試進行藉由使用月桂系油脂作爲原料油之轉酯油之 品質改善(例如參見專利文獻6),但卻無法充分發揮月 桂系油脂優異的口中溶解性。 因此,目前正期望開發於製造上無需特別的步驟管理 ,可充分降低反式脂肪酸含量,充分發揮月桂系油脂之優 異的口中溶解性,並具高乳化安定性、起泡性、保形性等 良好的起泡特性,於起泡狀態之冷凍解凍耐性佳之起泡性 水包油型乳化物。 先前技術文獻 專利文件 專利文件1 :特開平2-1 00646號公報 專利文件2 :特開平2_308766號公報 專利文件3 :特開平1 1 -92 1 4號公報 專利文件4 :特開平5-2 1 98 8 7號公報 專利文件5 :特開平8 - 7 0 8 0 7號公報 專利文件6:特開平6-141808號公報 【發明內容】 〔發明欲解決之課題〕 本發明之目的係提供適用於主要在製造糕點、麵包領 域中’使用作爲起泡性水包油型乳化物之起泡性水包油型 乳化物原料之油脂組成物。進而本發明之另一個目的係藉 由使用該油脂組成物,提供於製造上無需特別的步驟管理 201236570 ,可充分降低反式脂肪酸含量,充分發揮月桂系油脂之優 異的口中溶解性,並具高乳化安定性、起泡性、保形性等 良好的起泡特性,於起泡狀態之冷凍解凍耐性佳之起泡性 水包油型乳化物。 〔解決課題之手段〕 本發明團隊爲解決上述課題,專心檢討後發現藉由以 特定量摻合具有以特定含量之特定種類之三酸甘油酯之混 合油脂,與具有特定之H LB値,且結合之脂肪酸之特定 量以上爲飽和脂肪酸之山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯,可解決上述課 題,遂完成本發明。 亦即,根據本發明之一實施方式, 本發明係可提供一種起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組 成物, 其係由含有構成三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸殘基之碳數合計 爲36〜38之第1三酸甘油酯,與構成三酸甘油酯之脂肪 酸殘基之碳數合計爲50〜52之第2三酸甘油酯之混合油 脂, 及H LB値爲3.5以上6.5以下,且結合之脂肪酸的8〇 質量%以上爲飽和脂肪酸之山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯所成, 相對於該混合油脂之全量,第1三酸甘油酯含量爲20 質量%以上3 5質fi %以下’第2三酸甘油酯含量爲8質量 %以上44質量%以下’且相對於結合於該混合油脂中全體 三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸之全量,飽和脂肪酸之含量爲60質 201236570 量%以上, 相對於該油脂組成物之全量,該山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯之 含量爲0.01質量%以上2質量%以下。 另外,根據本發明其他之實施方式,本發明係提供 使上述之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物含於油相 中而構成之起泡性水包油型乳化物,以及含其所構成之 食品。 〔發明的效果〕 藉由使用本發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成 物,可提供充分降低反式脂肪酸含量,充分發揮月桂系油 脂之優異的口中溶解性,具高乳化安定性、起泡性、保形 性等良好的起泡特性,於起泡狀態之冷凍解凍耐性佳之起 泡性水包油型乳化物。另外,由於藉由使用本發明之起泡 性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物,可縮短製造時之熟成步 驟,提高製造效率組成物。 定義 本發明中,油脂中之三酸甘油酯,係指1分子之甘油 上有3分子之脂肪酸以酯鍵結方式結合之構造。三酸甘油 酯之第1、2、3位置係表示脂肪酸結合位置。三酸甘油酯 之構成脂肪酸之簡稱係使用如下所述者。X :碳數1 6〜24 之飽和脂肪酸,U:碳數16〜24之不飽和脂肪酸。 三酸甘油酯組成之分析係可使用氣相柱狀色層分析法 -9 - 201236570 (AOCS Ce5-86基準)以及銀離子管柱-HPLC法(J. High Resol. Chromatogr·,18,1 05- 1 07 ( 1 995 )基準)。油脂之 構成脂肪酸之分析係可使用氣相柱狀色層分析法(AOCS Celf-96基準)。碘價係根據基本油脂分析試驗法(2. 3. 4. 1-1 996 ),依威治氏(Wijs)法進行測定之値。 本發明中飽和脂肪酸X碳數爲16〜24,以16〜22 較佳,16〜20爲更佳,16〜18爲最佳。另外,三酸甘油 酯分子結合有2個或3個飽和脂肪酸X時,飽和脂肪酸X 可爲同一種飽和脂肪酸,亦可爲相異之飽和脂肪酸。具 體而言飽和脂肪酸X可舉出例如肉宣蔻酸(16)、硬酯酸 (18)、花生酸(20)、山俞酸(22)以及掏焦油酸(24 )。上述之數値係代表脂肪酸之碳數。 本發明中不飽和脂肪酸U碳數爲16〜24,以16〜22 較佳,16〜20爲更佳,16〜18爲最佳。另外,三酸甘油 酯分子結合有2個或3個不飽和脂肪酸U時,不飽和脂肪 酸U可爲同一種飽和脂肪酸,亦可爲相異之飽和脂肪酸。 具體而言不飽和脂肪酸U可舉出例如棕櫚油酸(16: 1) 、油酸(18:1)、亞油酸(18:2)、亞麻酸(18:3) 。上述之數値係代表脂肪酸之碳數與雙鍵數之組合。 I.起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物 本發明中,油脂組成物係由含混合油脂與山梨糖醇脂 肪酸酯所成。油脂組成物,可進而含有香料、食品用乳化 劑等油溶性成分。食品用乳化劑係山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯以外 -10 - 201236570 之乳化劑’可舉出例如甘油脂肪酸酯、蔗糖脂肪酸酯、聚 甘油脂肪酸酯以及卵磷脂等。 1.混合油脂 混合油脂具有第1三酸甘油酯與第2三酸甘油酯。混 合油脂可進而含有第3三酸甘油酯。混合油脂之含量相對 於油脂組成物之全量爲5 0質量%以上9 9.9 9質量%以下, 70質量%以上99.99質量%以下更佳,90質量%以上99.99 質量%以下最佳。 第1三酸甘油酯 第1三酸甘油酯之構成三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸殘基之碳 數合計爲36〜38。第1三酸甘油酯之含量相對於混合油脂 全量爲20質量%以上35質量%以下,23質量%以上35質 量%以下更佳,25質量%以上33質量%以下最佳。且第1 三酸甘油酯可爲單一種類之三酸甘油酯,亦可含有複數種 之三酸甘油酯。含複數種之三酸甘油酯時,其合計之含量 可爲前述之範圍。當第1三酸甘油酯之含量合於前述範圍 時,可使起泡性水包油型乳化物之口中溶解性變佳。 第2三酸甘油酯 第2三酸甘油酯之構成三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸殘基之碳 數合計爲50〜52。第2三酸甘油酯之含量相對於混合油脂 全量爲8質量%以上44質量%以下,8質量%以上38質量 -11 - 201236570 %以下更佳,1 0質量%以上3 3質量%以下最佳。且第2三 酸甘油酯可爲單一種類之三酸甘油酯,亦可含有複數種之 三酸甘油酯。含複數種之三酸甘油酯時,其合計之含量可 爲前述之範圍。當第2三酸甘油酯之含量合於前述範圍時 ,可使起泡性水包油型乳化物之安定性與起泡性變佳。 第3三酸甘油酯 第3三酸甘油酯爲第1及第2三酸甘油酯以外者即可 ,且並未特別限定構成構成三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸殘基之碳 數。第3三酸甘油酯之含量相對於混合油脂全量爲〇質量 %以上70質量%以下,5質量%以上60質量%以下更佳, 1 〇質量%以上5 0質量%以下最佳。且第3三酸甘油酯可爲 單一種類之三酸甘油酯,亦可含有複數種之三酸甘油酯。 含複數種之三酸甘油酯時,其合計之含量可爲前述之範圍 飽和脂肪酸含量 本發明中,混合油脂中之飽和脂肪酸含量,相對於結 合於混合油脂中全體三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸之全量爲60質 量%以上,以70質量%以上90質量%以下更佳,73質量% 以上85質量%以下最佳。飽和脂肪酸之含量合於前述範圍 時,可使起泡性水包油型乳化物之起泡作業性變佳。 反式脂肪酸含量 -12- 201236570 根據本發明適當的實施方式,混合油脂中之反式脂肪 酸含量,相對於混合油脂中構成全體三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸 之全量爲5質量%以下,3質量%以下更佳,2質量%以下 最佳。反式脂肪酸之含量合於前述範圍時,於營養學之觀 點爲佳。 XXX型三酸甘油酯含量 根據本發明適當的實施方式,混合油脂中碳數爲16〜 24之飽和脂肪酸X所結合之XXX型之三酸甘油酯含量, 相對於混合油脂全量爲1質量%以上1 5質量%以下,2質 量%以上1 0質量%以下爲佳,2質量%以上8質量%以下更 佳,進而3質量%以上6質量%以下更佳。XXX型之三酸 甘油酯含量於前述範圍時,不會損及起泡性水包油型乳化 物之口中溶解性,可使乳化安定性良好。 根據其他適當的實施方式,混合油脂係混合第1油脂 與第2油脂而成,亦可進而摻混第3油脂。 第1油脂 第1油脂係其中相對於結合於第1油脂中全體三酸甘 油酯之脂肪酸之全量,含有月桂酸爲30質量%以上’更佳 爲35質量%以上,最佳係4〇質量%以上60質量%以下。 月桂酸之含量合於前述範圍時’可充分發揮月桂系油脂優 異的口中溶解性。另外,相對於混合油脂之全量’第1油 脂含量爲55質量%以上95質量%以下’ 60質量%以上95 -13- 201236570 質量%以下亦佳,65質量%以上90質量%以下更佳。第j 油脂係食用性油脂(動植物油脂)以及其加氫以及/或分 餾後所得之加工油脂,可舉出例如棕櫚核油、椰子油以及 該等加氫後所得之加工油脂。第1油脂可單獨使用單一種 類的油脂,亦可倂用複數種類的油脂。倂用時其合計含量 合於上述範圍即可。 第2油脂 第2油脂係其中相對於第2油脂中三酸甘油酯之全量 ,含有碳數爲16〜24之飽和脂肪酸X,與碳數爲16〜24 之不飽和脂肪酸U結合之X2U型三酸甘油酯(XUX型與 XX U型之合計)爲30質量%以上,更佳爲40質量%以上 ,最佳係50質量%以上60質量%以下》飽和脂肪酸X碳 數以16〜18者爲佳,不飽和脂肪酸U碳數以16〜18者爲 佳。另外,根據適合之實施方式,X2U型三酸甘油酯於 X2U 型中,XUX 型/ X2U 型 20.5,以 XUX 型/ X2U 型 2 0.7更佳。當含合於上述範圍之具特定碳數之X2U型三酸 甘油酯時,可改善起泡性水包油型乳化物之安定性與起泡 性。另外,相對於混合油脂之全量,第2油脂含量爲5質 量%以上4 5質量%以下’ 5質量%以上4 0質量%以下亦佳 ,1 0質量%以上3 5質量%以下更佳。第2油脂係食用性油 脂(動植物油脂)以及該等經施以選自加氫、分餾以及轉 酯之一種以上之處理而得之加工油脂,可舉出例如分餾棕 櫚油後所得之中熔點部分。另外根據其他實施方式’第2 -14- 201236570 油脂碘價以32以上48以下者爲佳。且第2油脂可單獨使 用單一種類的油脂,亦可倂用複數種類的油脂。倂用時其 合計含量合於上述範圍即可。 第3油脂 第3油脂係可爲第1油脂與第2油脂以外者,且並未 特別限定第3油脂中結合於三酸甘油酯之脂肪酸之碳數。 相對於混合油脂之全量,第3油脂之含量係1 0質量%以下 ,以5質量%以下爲佳,3質量%以下更佳。第3油脂係食 用性油脂(動植物油脂)以及其加氫以及/或分餾後所得 之加工油脂,可舉出例如菜籽油、玉米油、大豆油、米油 、魚油、紅花油、橄欖油、芝麻油、棉籽油、乳脂以及牛 油等。且第3油脂可單獨使用單一種類的油脂,亦可倂用 複數種類的油脂。倂用時其合計含量合於上述範圍即可。 2.山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 本發明中山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯係使用HLB値爲3.5以上 6.5以下,3 · 7以上6 · 0以下爲佳,更佳爲4 · 0以上5 · 5以 下者。另外於山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯中,結合之脂肪酸以80 質量%以上爲飽和脂肪酸爲佳,85質量%以上更佳,90質 量%以上最佳。進而山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯含量,相對於油脂 組成物全量’ 0.01質量%以上2質量%以下、更佳爲〇·〇2 質量%以上1.0質量%以下、〇.05質量%以上0.5質量%以 下更佳、更佳爲0 · 0 7質量%以上〇. 5質量%以下、〇. 1質量 -15- 201236570 %以上0.5質量%以下最佳。藉由依前述含量將山梨糖醇脂 肪酸酯加入油脂組成物中,可提高起泡性水包油型乳化物 之乳化安定性,亦可提高起泡性及保形性等起泡特性。進 而藉由使山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯之含量爲0.07質量%以上,可 更加縮短熟成時間。另外,藉由使HLB値爲3.5以上6.5 以下,且結合脂肪酸之8 0質量%以上爲飽和脂肪酸,可降 低山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯之添加量,並可更加縮短熟成時間。 根據本發明合適之實施方式,用於山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 之飽和脂肪酸可舉出月桂酸、肉宣蔻酸、棕櫚酸、硬酯酸 以及山俞酸等,以1種以上選自硬酯酸、棕櫚酸以及山俞 酸所成群者爲佳,更佳係1種以上選自硬酯酸及棕櫚酸所 成群者。可單獨使用該等脂肪酸,亦可混合。脂肪酸使用 硬酯酸以及棕櫚酸時,可更加縮短熟成時間。 3 ·起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物之特性 本發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物,具有 於液相與固相進行相轉換(溶解•凝固)時產生熱力驅替 (吸熱•放熱)之特徵,使用熱分析儀(Differential Scanning C a 1 o r i m e t er,Μ E T T L E R T O L E D Ο 公司 D S C 1 ) 裝置進行測定時,以具有特定之轉移熱曲線(DSC曲線) 爲佳。根據適合之實施方式,油脂組成物自溶解狀態(例 如60t,更佳爲6〇t以上80°C以下)以-5°C /分鐘之冷 卻速度進行冷卻時,至冷卻到達5 °C時之發熱量,相對於 整體之發熱量以60%以上爲佳,70%以上更佳。冷卻到達 -16- 201236570 5 °C時之發熱量爲前述程度時’於製造起泡性水包油型乳 化物時,可縮短冷卻所需時間,且可縮短熟成步驟,並改 善成本問題。 根據其他合適之實施方式’自溶解狀態以_5°C/分鐘 之冷卻速度進行冷卻’到達5 °C時’起泡性水包油型乳化 物用油脂組成物之DSC曲線中’發熱量最高峰溫度爲7 °C ,更佳爲8°C以上15°C以下,9°C以上14°C以下最佳。發 熱量最高峰溫度爲前述範圍時,於製造起泡性水包油型乳 化物時,可縮短冷卻所需時間,且可縮短熟成步驟,並改 善成本問題。 II.起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物之製造方法 根據本發明適合之實施方式,起泡性水包油型乳化物 用油脂組成物係可藉由溶解上述之混合油脂,及將山梨糖 醇脂肪酸酯與因應需要之油溶性成分以周知之方法使其均 勻分散、溶解而製造。另外,根據其他適當的實施方式, 本發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物,可藉由溶 解第1油脂與第2油脂並混合,及將山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯以 周知之方法使其均句分散、溶解而製造。較佳係亦可進而 混合第3油脂與因應需要之油溶性成分。另外,相對於起 泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物之全量,混合之山梨糖 醇脂肪酸酯以〇 . 〇 1質量%以上2質量%以下,0.0 2質量% 以上1 · 〇質量%以下更佳,更佳爲0 · 〇 5質量%以上〇 . 5質 量%以下,又更佳爲〇.〇7質量%以上0.5質量%以下,進 -17- 201236570 而0.1質量%以上0.5質量%以下最佳。特別是使山梨糖醇 脂肪酸酯之含量爲0.07質量%以上,可調整起泡性水包油 型乳化物用油脂組成物具有特定之D S C曲線。 III.起泡性水包油型乳化物 根據本發明適合之實施方式,起泡性水包油型乳化物 係將上述之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物含於油相 中。起泡性水包油型乳化物係含有起泡性水包油型乳化物 用油脂組成物、水、進而其他成分。其他成分係例如一般 使用於起泡性水包油型乳化物之食品、乳化劑、香料、蛋 白質(乳固形份)、增黏多醣類、抗氧化劑以及色素等》 起泡性水包油型乳化物中之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂 組成物之摻合量以20質量%以上55質量%以下、較佳爲 25質量%以上50質量%以下、30質量%以上45質量%以 下更佳。水之摻合量以40質量%以上70質量%以下、較 佳爲35質量%以上65質量%以下、30質量%以上60質量 %以下最佳。其他成分之摻合量以0.1質量%以上25質量 %以下、較佳爲〇·1質量%以上1 5質量%以下、0.1質量% 以上10質量%以下更佳" 用途 本發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物可使用於各種用途。 各種用途可舉出例如起泡乳油、咖啡用奶精以及調理用的 食用乳油等。使用本發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物之食品 -18- 201236570 ’可舉出例如使用起泡乳油之冷式甜點及和洋生菓子等。 IV.起泡性水包油型乳化物之製造方法 本發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物之製造方法,可使用 周知之方法。其中一例係溶解本發明之起泡性水包油型乳 化物用油脂組成物後,再調製將油溶性之其他成分溶解或 分散之油相。另一方面亦調製將水溶性之其他成分溶解或 分散之水相。混合分別調製之油相與水相,藉由將預先乳 化完成之乳化物均質化處理而可製造。另外亦可因應需要 進行殺菌處理。均質化處理可於進行殺菌處理之前均質, 亦可於進行殺菌處理後之後均質,或組合前均質與後均質 之二段均質。於均質化處理後,亦再採取冷卻、熟成之步 驟。於本發明之製造方法中,藉由使用使上述山梨糖醇脂 肪酸酯合於上述範圍內並含於油相中之起泡性水包油型乳 化物,可縮短製造步驟中之冷卻(熟成步驟)。 使本發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物含有乳脂時,可藉 由調製牛脂及牛油、調和油脂等含有乳脂之油相,再與水 相混合後進行乳化而製造。另外,使新鮮乳油(僅由乳脂 肪製成之乳油)與水相摻合,進而藉由將該水相與含有本 發明之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物之油相進行乳 化而可進行製造。進而,亦可將本發明之起泡性水包油型 乳化物與新鮮乳油混合而進行製造。 【實施方式】 -19- 201236570 〔實施例〕 以下藉贲施例進而詳細說明本發明,但本發明未被解 釋爲限定於下述實施例之內容。 I.起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物之製造 依表1所示之摻合將油脂原料與山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯, 使用均質機(Primix公司製)進行混合,製造起泡性水包 油型乳化物用油脂組成物。 用於製造油脂組成物之油脂原料及山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 係如下所述。 第1油脂 •棕櫚核油(The Nisshin OilliO Group股份有限公司公司 內製造品,總碳數36〜38爲37%,總碳數50〜52爲6% ,月桂酸47質量%,X2U型三酸甘油酯0質量%,反式脂 肪酸〇 · 1質量% ) •棕櫚核微氫化油(The Nisshin OilliO Group股份有限公 司公司內製造品,總碳數3 6〜3 8爲3 7 %,總碳數5 0〜5 2 爲6%,月桂酸45質量%,X2U型三酸甘油酯〇質量。/〇, 反式脂肪酸4.7質量%,碘價10) •椰子極度硬化油(The Nisshin OilliO Group股份有限公 司公司內製造品,總碳數36〜38爲35%,總碳數50〜52 爲4%,月桂酸47質量%,X2U型三酸甘油酯〇質量%, 反式脂肪酸〇.〇質量%) -20- 201236570 •棕櫚極度硬化油(The Nisshin OilliO Group股份有限公 司公司內製造品,總碳數3 6〜3 8爲3 7 %,總碳數5 0〜5 2 爲6%,月桂酸47質量%,X2U型三酸甘油酯0質量%, 反式脂肪酸〇·〇質量%) 第2油脂 •棕櫚中熔點部(The Nisshin OilliO Group股份有限公司 公司內製造品,總碳數3 6〜3 8爲1 %,總碳數5 0〜5 2爲 89%,月桂酸0.2質量%,X2U型三酸甘油酯68質量%, 反式脂肪酸0.5質量%,碘價45) 第3油脂 •菜籽油(The Nisshin OilliO Group股份有限公司公司內 製造品,總碳數3 6〜3 8爲0 · 6 %,總碳數5 0〜5 2爲1 2.7 % ,反式脂肪酸1.5質量% ) 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 • S3 20 YN (商品名:POEM S-320 YN,理硏維他命股份有 限公司製,HLB値:4.2,結合脂肪酸:硬酯酸與棕櫚酸 之合計爲90質量%以上) • S3 00V (商品名:SORUMANN S-3 00V,理硏維他命股份 有限公司製,HLB値:5.3,結合脂肪酸:硬酯酸與棕櫚 酸之合計爲90質量%以上) • S60V (商品名:POEM S-60V,理硏維他命股份有限公 -21 - 201236570 司製,HLB値:5.1,結合脂肪酸:硬酯酸與棕櫚酸之合 計爲90質量%以上) • O80V (商品名:POEM 0-80V,理硏維他命股份有限公 司製,HLB値:4.9,結合脂肪酸:油酸主體之不飽和脂 肪酸85質fi %以上) • B150(商品名:POEM B-150,理硏維他命股份有限公 司製,HLB値:2.5,結合脂肪酸:山俞酸主體之飽和脂 肪酸90質量%以上) • S65V (商品名:POEM S-65V,理硏維他命股份有限公 司製,HLB値:3.0,結合脂肪酸:硬酯酸與棕櫚酸之合 計爲90質fi %以上) 上述製造之油脂組合物之摻合(質量%)示於表1» -22- 201236570 [表1] 油脂組成物掺合 例1 例2 例3 例4 (比較) 例5 (比較) 例6 (比較) 棕櫊核油 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 棕撋核微氫化油' 30 30 30 30 30 30 椰子極度硬化油 棕榈核棰度硬化油 棕撋中熔點部 20 20 20 20 20 20 菜籽油 1 2 2 2 2 2 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (S320YN)(HLB®:4. 2) 0.1 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (S300VMHLB値:5· 3) 0.1 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (S60VMHLB値:5· 1) 0.1 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (O80V) (HLB®[:4. 9) 0.1 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (B150MHLB値:2· 5) 0.1 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (S65VMHLB値:3. 0) 0.1 合計 100 100 100 100 100 100 II.起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物之分析 針對例1〜6之起泡性水包油型乳化物用油脂組成物 ,分別進行下述分析。 1.三酸甘油酯量 針對油脂組成物中混合油脂所含之三酸甘油酯,可使 用氣相柱狀色層分析法(AOCS Ce5-86基準,測定裝置: Agilent Technologies 6890),測定構成三酸甘油酯之脂 肪酸殘基之碳數合計(1)總碳數36〜38之三酸甘油酯量 、(2)總碳數50〜52之三酸甘油酯量、(3) XXX型三 酸甘油酯量。 -23- 201236570 2.飽和脂肪酸含量 油脂組成物中混合油脂所含之飽和脂肪酸量之脂肪酸 組成,可使用氣相柱狀色層分析法(AOCS Celf-96基準, 測定裝置:HEWLETT PACKARD HP6890 )測定。 3. 反式脂肪酸含量 油脂組成物中混合油脂所含之反式脂肪酸量之脂肪酸 組成,可使用氣相柱狀色層分析法(AOCS Celf-96基準, 測定裝置:HEWLETT PACKARD HP6890)測定。 4. 相轉移時產生之熱力驅替(DSC曲線)之測定 將油脂組成物自60°C以-5°C/分鐘之冷卻速度冷卻達 5 °C,且相轉移時產生之熱力驅替依熱分析儀(DSC )裝 置(METTLER TOLEDO公司DSC 1 )進行測定,得DSC 曲線。自DSC曲線計算(1)發熱量之最高峰溫度、(2 )到達5°C時之發熱量/整體之發熱量(%)。 例〗〜6之油脂組成物分析結果示於表2。另外,例1 〜6之DSC曲線示於圖1。 -24- 201236570 [表2] 分析結果 例1 例2 例3 例4 (比較) 例5 (比較) 例6 (比較〉 總碳數36〜38 29 29 29 29 29 29 繡破數50~52 22 22 22 22 22 22 飽和脂肪酸量% 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 反式脂肪酸量% 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 最离峰溫度°C 9.6 9.2 8.8 -1.0 -2.2 -1.7 到達51C時之發熱g/整體之麵量% 77.7 77.6 75.6 28.9 29.1 29.2 XXX型三酸甘油随% 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 III.山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯添加量之檢討 與例1之油脂組成物之混合油脂相同摻合中,製造使 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯(S320YN )之摻合量(質量% )自 0.1 %變更爲〇. 2 %、0.3 %及0.5 %之油脂組成物。油脂組成 物之摻合示於表3。針對該等油脂組成物,相轉移時產生 之熱力驅替依熱分析儀(DSC)裝置(METTLER TOLEDO 公司DSC 1 )進行測定,得DSC曲線。結果示於圖2。且 爲了作爲對照,於表3及圖2中合倂記入例1之摻合· DSC曲線。圖2中斜線部分係到達5°C時之發熱量。得知 當山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯之添加量爲〇· 1質量%,到達5 °C時 之發熱量/整體之發熱量(%)爲70%以上。 -25- 201236570 [表3] 油脂組成物掺合 例7 例8 例9 例1 棕撋核油 47.5 47.7 47.8 47.9 棕櫊核微氫化油 30 30 30 30 椰子極度硬化油 棕櫊核極度硬化油 棕櫊中熔點部 20 20 20 20 菜籽油 2 2 2 2 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (S320YN) 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 合計 100 100 100 100 例7〜9之油脂組成物分析結果示於表4。且爲了參照 ,於表4中倂記例1之油脂組成物之分析結果。 [表4] 分析結果 例7 例8 例9 例1 總碳數36〜38 29 29 29 29 總碳數50〜52 22 22 22 22 飽和脂肪酸量% 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 反式脂肪醆量% 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 最高峰酿ΐ 9.2 10.1 9.2 9.6 到達5t時之發熱量/整體之發熱量% 78.7 78.9 78.1 77.7 XXX型三酸甘油酷量% 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 IV.油脂原料摻合比之檢討 製造不改變山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯(S3 20YN) 0.3質量% 之摻合量,將油脂原料的摻合比(第1油脂與第2油脂之 混合比)改變爲 100: 〇、80: 20、60: 40、40: 60、20:201236570 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field to Which the Invention Is Applicable] This application is based on Japanese Patent Application No. 20 1 0-270697 and claims based on the Paris Treaty. This application therefore contains all of the matters disclosed in this patent application. The present invention relates to a fat or oil composition which is suitable for use as a foamable oil-in-water emulsion material which is mainly used in a foaming oil-in-water emulsion mainly in the production of cakes and breads. Further, it is a foamable oil-in-water emulsion using the oil and fat composition. [Prior Art] According to the Japanese milk and dairy product specifications, 1% by weight of the oil in the cream is creamy fat, and the flavor and the solubility in the mouth are as good as those which cannot be replaced by other items. On the other hand, however, there is a problem that the viscosity rises and solidifies, which is called flocculation, and the foam is maintained for a short period of time when the foam is foamed, which is difficult to apply and which is expensive. At present, the commercial product is not 100% milk emulsified milk, but to maintain flavor and improve workability. It combines milk fat and vegetable oil called compound cream, and attaches importance to preservation and conformality. A wide range of foamable oil-in-water emulsions, such as pure vegetable emulsifiable concentrates made from vegetable oils, are used for their properties and costs. For the plant-based fats and oils which are used as the foaming oil-in-water emulsion, the laurics such as coconut oil and palm kernel oil containing a large amount of saturated fatty acids having 12 carbon atoms and 12-201236570 lauric acid are mentioned. A vegetable fat or oil containing a large amount of fatty acids having 16 or more carbon atoms, such as fats and oils, palm oil, rapeseed oil, and soybean oil, a hydrogenated oil of such vegetable fats and oils, a fractionated oil, and the like. The oil-in-water emulsion obtained by using the lauric oil is excellent in solubility in the mouth, but conversely, the emulsification tends to become unstable, the foam is maintained for a short period of time during the foaming operation, and the surface of the emulsifiable foam is likely to be generated after foaming. Leveling and other issues. On the other hand, in the mouth, the oil-in-water emulsion obtained from the hydrogenated oil of vegetable oil containing a large amount of fatty acids having 16 or more carbon atoms such as palm oil, palm oil, rapeseed oil, or soybean oil is used. In addition, the balance between the emulsion stability and the shape retention property is good, and the freeze-thaw resistance in the foaming state can be easily obtained, and it is widely distributed from the past (see, for example, Patent Documents 1 to 3). However, in recent years, there have been studies that the trans fatty acids contained in hydrogenated oils are not healthy enough for self-nutrition. And in the context of the labeling obligation on foods containing certain levels of trans-fatty acids in the United States, society has begun to seek for oil-and-fat foods with low-reduction of trans-fatty acids. Therefore, regarding the oils used in foaming oil-in-water emulsions, Hydrogenated oils of vegetable oils containing trans fatty acids have also been demanded. In the enamel, a foamable oil-in-water emulsion containing no trans fatty acid has been proposed, and a medium-melting-point fractionated oil of lauric oil and palm oil has been proposed (for example, see Patent Documents 4 and 5). However, the foamable oil-in-water emulsion obtained from the medium melting point fractionated oil of lauric oil and palm oil must pay special attention to the balance of fat blending. In addition, due to slight changes in the cooling and ripening steps of crystallizing fats and oils, it has a great influence on the quality of emulsification stability, such as -6 - 201236570, and strict step management is required. On the other hand, attempts have been made to improve the quality of the transesterified oil using the lauric oil as the raw material oil (see, for example, Patent Document 6), but the in-oral solubility which is excellent in the lauric oil is not sufficiently exhibited. Therefore, it is expected to be developed without special step management in manufacturing, and the trans fatty acid content can be sufficiently reduced, and the excellent oral solubility of the lauric oil can be fully utilized, and the emulsification stability, foaming property, shape retention property, etc. can be exhibited. A foaming oil-in-water emulsion with good foaming properties and good freeze-thaw resistance in a foaming state. PRIOR ART DOCUMENT Patent Document Patent Document 1: Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2-1 00646 Patent Document 2: Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. Hei No. Hei No. Hei No. Hei. 98 8 7 pp. Patent Document 5: Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei No. Hei No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. It is mainly used in the manufacture of cakes and breads to use a fat or oil composition of a foamable oil-in-water emulsion material as a foamable oil-in-water emulsion. Further, another object of the present invention is to provide the oil-and-fat composition, and to provide a step-by-step management of 201236570, which can sufficiently reduce the trans fatty acid content and give full play to the excellent oral solubility of the lauric oil and the like. A foaming oil-in-water emulsion having good foaming properties such as emulsification stability, foaming property, and shape retention property, and excellent freeze-thaw resistance in a foaming state. [Means for Solving the Problem] In order to solve the above problems, the present inventors have found that by blending a specific amount of a triglyceride having a specific content of a specific amount of triglyceride, and having a specific H LB , The above-mentioned problem can be solved by the specific amount of the fatty acid to be combined, which is a sorbitol fatty acid ester of a saturated fatty acid, and the present invention has been completed. That is, according to an embodiment of the present invention, the present invention provides a fat or oil composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion, which is a total of 36 carbon atoms containing fatty acid residues constituting the triglyceride. a first triglyceride of ~38, a mixed fat of a second triglyceride having a carbon number of 50 to 52 in total of a fatty acid residue constituting the triglyceride, and H LB値 being 3.5 or more and 6.5 or less, and 8% by mass or more of the fatty acid to be combined is a sorbitan fatty acid ester of a saturated fatty acid, and the content of the first triglyceride is 20% by mass or more and 35% by mass or less based on the total amount of the mixed fat or oil. 2 The content of the triglyceride is 8% by mass or more and 44% by mass or less and the content of the saturated fatty acid is 60% by mass of 201236570% or more based on the total amount of the fatty acid of all the triglycerides incorporated in the mixed fat or oil. The content of the sorbitan fatty acid ester is 0.01% by mass or more and 2% by mass or less based on the total amount of the oil and fat composition. According to still another embodiment of the present invention, the present invention provides a foamable oil-in-water emulsion comprising the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion, which is contained in an oil phase, and The food it constitutes. [Effects of the Invention] By using the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention, it is possible to provide a sufficient reduction of the trans fatty acid content, and to exhibit the excellent oral solubility of the lauric oil and the like, and to have high emulsification stability. Good foaming properties such as properties, foaming properties, shape retention properties, and foaming oil-in-water emulsions which are excellent in freeze-thaw resistance in a foaming state. Further, by using the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention, the ripening step at the time of production can be shortened, and the production efficiency composition can be improved. Definitions In the present invention, triglyceride in fats and oils refers to a structure in which three molecules of fatty acids on one molecule of glycerol are bonded by ester bonding. The first, second, and third positions of the triglyceride indicate the fatty acid binding position. The abbreviations of constituent fatty acids of triglycerides are as follows. X: a saturated fatty acid having a carbon number of 16 to 24, and U: an unsaturated fatty acid having a carbon number of 16 to 24. The analysis of the composition of triglyceride can be carried out using gas phase column chromatography -9 - 201236570 (AOCS Ce5-86 standard) and silver ion column-HPLC method (J. High Resol. Chromatogr·, 18, 105 - 1 07 (1 995) benchmark). The analysis of the constituent fatty acids of fats and oils can be carried out by gas phase column chromatography (AOCS Celf-96 standard). The iodine value is determined according to the basic oil analysis test method (2. 3. 4. 1-1 996) and the Wijs method. In the present invention, the saturated fatty acid X has a carbon number of 16 to 24, preferably 16 to 22, more preferably 16 to 20, and most preferably 16 to 18. Further, when the triglyceride molecule is combined with two or three saturated fatty acids X, the saturated fatty acid X may be the same saturated fatty acid or a different saturated fatty acid. Specifically, the saturated fatty acid X may, for example, be a meat-producing acid (16), a stearic acid (18), arachidonic acid (20), behenic acid (22), and anthraquinone oleic acid (24). The above numbers represent the carbon number of the fatty acid. In the present invention, the unsaturated fatty acid U has a carbon number of 16 to 24, preferably 16 to 22, more preferably 16 to 20, and most preferably 16 to 18. Further, when the triglyceride molecule is combined with two or three unsaturated fatty acids U, the unsaturated fatty acid U may be the same saturated fatty acid or a different saturated fatty acid. Specific examples of the unsaturated fatty acid U include palmitoleic acid (16:1), oleic acid (18:1), linoleic acid (18:2), and linolenic acid (18:3). The above number is a combination of the carbon number of the fatty acid and the number of double bonds. I. Fatty oil composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion In the present invention, the oil and fat composition is composed of a mixed fat and oil and a sorbitol fatty acid ester. The oil and fat composition may further contain an oil-soluble component such as a fragrance or an emulsifier for food. The emulsifier for foods is other than the sorbitan fatty acid ester. The emulsifier of -10 - 201236570 is exemplified by glycerin fatty acid ester, sucrose fatty acid ester, polyglycerin fatty acid ester, and lecithin. 1. Mixed fats and oils The mixed fats and oils have a first triglyceride and a second triglyceride. The mixed fat may further contain a third triglyceride. The content of the mixed fats and oils is preferably 50% by mass or more and 99.99% by mass or less based on the total amount of the oil and fat composition, more preferably 70% by mass or more and 99.99% by mass or less, and most preferably 90% by mass or more and 99.99% by mass or less. The first triglyceride The triglyceride of the triglyceride constitutes a total of 36 to 38 carbon atoms of the fatty acid residue of the triglyceride. The content of the first triglyceride is preferably 20% by mass or more and 35% by mass or less based on the total amount of the mixed fats and oils, more preferably 23% by mass or more and 355% by mass or less, and most preferably 25% by mass or more and 33% by mass or less. Further, the first triglyceride may be a single type of triglyceride, and may also contain a plurality of triglycerides. When a plurality of triglycerides are contained, the total content thereof may be in the above range. When the content of the first triglyceride is in the above range, the solubility in the mouth of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion can be improved. The second triglyceride The second carbon triglyceride constitutes a fatty acid residue of the triglyceride having a total carbon number of 50 to 52. The content of the second triglyceride is 8% by mass or more and 44% by mass or less based on the total amount of the mixed fats and oils, 8% by mass or more, 38% by mass or more - 201236570% or less, more preferably 10% by mass or more and 3% by mass or less. . Further, the second triglyceride may be a single type of triglyceride or a plurality of triglycerides. When a plurality of triglycerides are contained, the total content thereof may be in the above range. When the content of the second triglyceride is in the above range, the stability and foaming property of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion can be improved. The third triglyceride may be other than the first and second triglycerides, and the carbon number of the fatty acid residue constituting the triglyceride is not particularly limited. The content of the third triglyceride is preferably from 7% by mass to 70% by mass based on the total amount of the mixed fats and oils, more preferably from 5% by mass to 60% by mass, and most preferably from 1% by mass to 50% by mass. Further, the third triglyceride may be a single type of triglyceride, and may also contain a plurality of triglycerides. When a plurality of triglycerides are contained, the total content may be the above range of saturated fatty acid content. In the present invention, the saturated fatty acid content in the mixed fat and oil is relative to the total amount of the fatty acid of the entire triglyceride incorporated in the mixed fat and oil. It is 60% by mass or more, more preferably 70% by mass or more and 90% by mass or less, and most preferably 73% by mass or more and 85% by mass or less. When the content of the saturated fatty acid is in the above range, the foaming workability of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion can be improved. Trans fatty acid content -12 - 201236570 According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the trans fatty acid content in the mixed fat or oil is 5% by mass or less and 3% by mass or less based on the total amount of the fatty acid constituting the entire triglyceride in the mixed fat or oil. More preferably, 2% by mass or less is optimal. When the content of the trans fatty acid is in the above range, it is preferable from the viewpoint of nutrition. XXX type triglyceride content According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the content of the XXX type triglyceride combined with the saturated fatty acid X having a carbon number of 16 to 24 in the mixed fat and oil is 1% by mass or more based on the total amount of the mixed fats and oils. 15% by mass or less, preferably 2% by mass or more and 10% by mass or less, more preferably 2% by mass or more and 8% by mass or less, and still more preferably 3% by mass or more and 6% by mass or less. When the content of the XXX type triglyceride is in the above range, the solubility in the mouth of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion is not impaired, and the emulsion stability can be improved. According to another appropriate embodiment, the mixed fats and oils are obtained by mixing the first fats and the oils and the second fats and oils, and the third fats and oils may be further blended. In the first oil and fat first fat, the total amount of the fatty acid to be added to the entire triglyceride in the first fat or oil is 30% by mass or more, more preferably 35% by mass or more, and most preferably 4% by mass. The above 60% by mass or less. When the content of lauric acid is in the above range, the solubility in the mouth of the lauric oil can be sufficiently exhibited. In addition, the total oil amount of the mixed fats and oils is 55 mass% or more and 95 mass% or less '60 mass% or more, 95 -13 to 201236570 mass% or less, and more preferably 65 mass% or more and 90 mass% or less. The j-th oil-based edible fats and oils (animals and oils) and the processed fats and oils obtained by hydrogenation and/or fractionation thereof include, for example, palm kernel oil, coconut oil, and processed fats and oils obtained by the hydrogenation. The first grease may be used alone or in combination with a plurality of types of grease. When the total amount is used, the total content may be within the above range. The second fat or oil second oil is a X2U type three in which a saturated fatty acid X having a carbon number of 16 to 24 and a saturated fatty acid U having a carbon number of 16 to 24 are combined with respect to the total amount of the triglyceride in the second fat or oil. The acid glyceride (total of the XUX type and the XX U type) is 30% by mass or more, more preferably 40% by mass or more, and most preferably 50% by mass or more and 60% by mass or less. The saturated fatty acid X carbon number is 16 to 18 Preferably, the unsaturated carbon fatty acid U carbon number is preferably 16 to 18. Further, according to a suitable embodiment, the X2U type triglyceride is in the X2U type, the XUX type / X2U type 20.5, and the XUX type / X2U type 2 0.7 is more preferable. When the X2U type triglyceride having a specific carbon number in the above range is contained, the stability and foaming property of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion can be improved. In addition, the second oil and fat content is preferably 5% by mass or more and 45% by mass or less based on the total amount of the mixed fats and oils. 5% by mass or more and 40% by mass or less, more preferably 10% by mass or more and 5% by mass or less. The second oil-based edible fats and oils (animals and oils) and the processed fats and oils obtained by the treatment of one or more selected from the group consisting of hydrogenation, fractionation, and transesterification include, for example, a melting point portion obtained by fractionating palm oil. . Further, according to other embodiments, the iodine value of the oil is preferably 32 or more and 48 or less. Further, the second grease may be used alone or in combination with a plurality of types of grease. When the total amount is used, the total content may be within the above range. The third fats and oils may be other than the first fats and oils and the second fats and oils, and the carbon number of the fatty acids bonded to the triglycerides in the third fats and oils is not particularly limited. The content of the third oil and fat is 10% by mass or less, preferably 5% by mass or less, and more preferably 3% by mass or less based on the total amount of the mixed fats and oils. The third oil-based edible fats and oils (animals and vegetables) and the processed fats and oils obtained after hydrogenation and/or fractionation include, for example, rapeseed oil, corn oil, soybean oil, rice oil, fish oil, safflower oil, olive oil, Sesame oil, cottonseed oil, milk fat and butter. Further, the third grease may be used alone or in combination with a plurality of types of grease. When the total amount is used, the total content may be in the above range. 2. Sorbitol fatty acid ester In the present invention, the sorbitol fatty acid ester is used in an HLB 3.5 of 3.5 or more and 6.5 or less, preferably 3 · 7 or more and 6 · 0 or less, more preferably 4 · 0 or more and 5 · 5 or less. . Further, in the sorbitan fatty acid ester, the fatty acid to be combined is preferably 80% by mass or more, more preferably 85% by mass or more, and most preferably 90% by mass or more. Further, the sorbitol fatty acid ester content is 0.01% by mass or more and 2% by mass or less based on the total amount of the oil and fat composition, more preferably 〇·〇2% by mass or more and 1.0% by mass or less, and 〇5.05% by mass or more and 0.5% by mass or less. More preferably, it is preferably 0. 0 7 mass% or more 5. 5 mass% or less, 〇. 1 mass -15-201236570% or more and 0.5 mass% or less. By adding the sorbitol fatty acid ester to the oil and fat composition in the above-mentioned content, the emulsion stability of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion can be improved, and the foaming properties such as foaming property and shape retention property can be improved. Further, by making the content of the sorbitol fatty acid ester 0.07 mass% or more, the ripening time can be further shortened. In addition, by setting HLB 3.5 to 3.5 or more and 6.5 or less, and 80% by mass or more of the combined fatty acid is a saturated fatty acid, the addition amount of the sorbitol fatty acid ester can be lowered, and the ripening time can be further shortened. According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the saturated fatty acid used for the sorbitol fatty acid ester may, for example, be lauric acid, ornithanoic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid or behenic acid, or more than one or more selected from the group consisting of hard esters. A group of acid, palmitic acid, and salicylic acid is preferred, and more preferably one or more selected from the group consisting of stearic acid and palmitic acid. These fatty acids may be used singly or in combination. When fatty acid is used as a fatty acid and palmitic acid, the ripening time can be further shortened. 3. Characteristics of the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion The oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention has a phase transition (dissolution/solidification) in a liquid phase and a solid phase. It is characterized by thermal displacement (endothermic/exothermic). It is better to have a specific transfer heat curve (DSC curve) when using a thermal analyzer (Differential Scanning C a 1 orimet er, Μ ETTLERTOLED Ο DSC 1 ) device. . According to a preferred embodiment, the fat or oil composition is cooled from a dissolved state (for example, 60 t, more preferably 6 Torr to 80 ° C) at a cooling rate of -5 ° C /min until the cooling reaches 5 ° C. The calorific value is preferably 60% or more with respect to the total calorific value, and more preferably 70% or more. Cooling reaches -16- 201236570 When the calorific value at 5 °C is as described above, when the foamable oil-in-water emulsion is produced, the time required for cooling can be shortened, the ripening step can be shortened, and the cost problem can be improved. According to other suitable embodiments, the 'self-dissolving state is cooled at a cooling rate of _5 ° C / min. 'When reaching 5 ° C, the DSC curve of the oil composition for the foamable oil-in-water emulsion is the most calorific value. The peak temperature is 7 ° C, more preferably 8 ° C or more and 15 ° C or less, and 9 ° C or more and 14 ° C or less is optimal. When the maximum peak temperature of the calorific value is within the above range, when the foamable oil-in-water type emulsion is produced, the time required for cooling can be shortened, the ripening step can be shortened, and the cost problem can be improved. II. Method for Producing a Fatty Oil Composition for a Foaming Oil-In-Water Emulsion According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion can dissolve the above-mentioned mixed fat and oil, and The sorbitol fatty acid ester and the oil-soluble component as needed are uniformly dispersed and dissolved by a known method. Further, according to another suitable embodiment, the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention can be prepared by dissolving and mixing the first fat and the second fat and oil, and sorbitan fatty acid ester. The method is to make the uniform sentence dispersed and dissolved to be manufactured. It is preferable to further mix the third fat and oil with the oil-soluble component as needed. Further, the sorbitan fatty acid ester is 〇1% by mass or more and 2% by mass or less, and 0.02% by mass or more based on the total amount of the oil-and-fat composition for the foamable oil-in-water emulsion. % or less is more preferably, more preferably 0 · 〇 5 mass% or more 5. 5 mass% or less, and more preferably 〇. 〇 7 mass% or more and 0.5 mass% or less, -17-201236570 and 0.1 mass% or more 0.5 mass % is best below. In particular, the content of the sorbitan fatty acid ester is 0.07% by mass or more, and the oil composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion can be adjusted to have a specific D S C curve. III. Foaming Oil-In-Water Emulsion According to a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the foamable oil-in-water emulsion contains the above-mentioned oil-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion in an oil phase. . The foamable oil-in-water emulsion contains a fat or oil composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion, water, and other components. Other components are, for example, foods, emulsifiers, perfumes, proteins (milk solids), polysaccharide-promoting polysaccharides, antioxidants, and pigments which are generally used in foamable oil-in-water emulsions. Foaming oil-in-water type The blending amount of the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion in an emulsion is 20% by mass or more and 55% by mass or less, preferably 25% by mass or more and 50% by mass or less, and 30% by mass or more and 45% by mass or less. The following is better. The blending amount of water is preferably 40% by mass or more and 70% by mass or less, more preferably 35% by mass or more and 65% by mass or less, and more preferably 30% by mass or more and 60% by mass or less. The blending amount of the other components is 0.1% by mass or more and 25% by mass or less, preferably 〇·1% by mass or more and 15% by mass or less, more preferably 0.1% by mass or more and 10% by mass or less, and the foaming property of the present invention is used. Oil-in-water emulsions can be used in a variety of applications. Examples of the use include foaming emulsifiable concentrate, coffee creamer, and edible emulsifiable concentrate for conditioning. The food of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention -18-201236570' can be exemplified by a cold type dessert using a foaming emulsifiable concentrate, and an anthocyanin. IV. Method for producing a foamable oil-in-water emulsion The method for producing a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention can be carried out by a known method. In one of the examples, the oil composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention is dissolved, and then an oil phase in which other components of oil solubility are dissolved or dispersed is prepared. On the other hand, an aqueous phase in which other components of water solubility are dissolved or dispersed is also prepared. The separately prepared oil phase and aqueous phase can be produced by homogenizing the emulsion obtained by pre-emulsification. It can also be sterilized as needed. The homogenization treatment may be homogenized before the sterilization treatment, or may be homogenized after the sterilization treatment, or the two homogenizations of the homogenization and the post-homogenization before the combination. After the homogenization treatment, the steps of cooling and ripening are also taken. In the production method of the present invention, by using a foamable oil-in-water emulsion in which the above sorbitol fatty acid ester is contained in the above range and contained in an oil phase, cooling in the production step can be shortened (maturation) step). When the foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention contains milk fat, it can be produced by emulsification by mixing an oil phase containing a cream such as tallow, butter, or a fat or oil, and then mixing with water. Further, a fresh emulsifiable concentrate (an emulsifiable concentrate made only of milk fat) is blended with an aqueous phase, and the aqueous phase is further subjected to an oil phase containing the oil-and-fat composition for a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention. It can be produced by emulsification. Further, the foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the present invention may be produced by mixing with a fresh emulsifiable concentrate. [Embodiment] -19-201236570 [Examples] Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail by way of examples, but the present invention is not construed as being limited to the following examples. I. Preparation of the oil-and-fat composition for the foaming oil-in-water emulsion The blending of the oil and fat raw material and the sorbitol fatty acid ester was carried out by using a homogenizer (manufactured by Primix) to prepare foaming according to the blending shown in Table 1. A grease composition for an oil-in-water emulsion. The fat or oil raw material and sorbitol fatty acid ester used for the production of the oil and fat composition are as follows. The first oil and palm oil (the product manufactured by The Nisshin OilliO Group Co., Ltd., total carbon number 36 to 38 is 37%, total carbon number 50 to 52 is 6%, lauric acid is 47% by mass, X2U type triacid Glyceride 0% by mass, trans fatty acid 〇·1% by mass) • Palm nucleus microhydrogenated oil (manufactured by The Nisshin OilliO Group Co., Ltd., total carbon number 3 6 to 38 is 37%, total carbon number 5 0~5 2 is 6%, lauric acid 45% by mass, X2U type triglyceride 〇 quality. /〇, trans fatty acid 4.7 mass%, iodine price 10) • Coconut extremely hardened oil (The Nisshin OilliO Group limited stock) The company's products manufactured by the company have a total carbon number of 36 to 38 of 35%, a total carbon number of 50 to 52 of 4%, lauric acid of 47% by mass, X2U type triglyceride, 〇% by mass, and trans fatty acids 〇.〇% by mass. ) -20- 201236570 • Palm Extreme Hardening Oil (The Nisshin OilliO Group Co., Ltd. manufactured in the company, total carbon number 3 6~3 8 is 37%, total carbon number 5 0~5 2 is 6%, lauric acid 47% by mass, X2U type triglyceride 0% by mass, trans fatty acid 〇·〇% by mass) 2nd oil • Palm Point (the product manufactured by The Nisshin OilliO Group Co., Ltd., total carbon number 3 6~3 8 is 1%, total carbon number 5 0~5 2 is 89%, lauric acid 0.2% by mass, X2U type triglyceride Ester 68% by mass, trans fatty acid 0.5% by mass, iodine value 45) 3rd oil and rapeseed oil (the product manufactured by The Nisshin OilliO Group Co., Ltd., total carbon number 3 6 to 3 8 is 0 · 6 %, Total carbon number 5 0~5 2 is 1 2.7 %, trans fatty acid 1.5% by mass) Sorbitol fatty acid ester • S3 20 YN (trade name: POEM S-320 YN, manufactured by Lithium Vitamin Co., Ltd., HLB値: 4.2, combined fatty acid: the total of stearic acid and palmitic acid is 90% by mass or more) • S3 00V (trade name: SORUMANN S-3 00V, manufactured by Lithium Vitamin Co., Ltd., HLB値: 5.3, combined with fatty acid: hard The total of ester acid and palmitic acid is 90% by mass or more. • S60V (trade name: POEM S-60V, Lithium Vitamin Co., Ltd. - 201236570, HLB: 5.1, combined with fatty acids: stearic acid and palm The total amount of acid is 90% by mass or more) • O80V (trade name: POEM 0-80V, theory) Hesheng Co., Ltd., HLB値: 4.9, combined with fatty acids: oleic acid main unsaturated fatty acid 85 quality fi% or more) • B150 (trade name: POEM B-150, Lithium Vitamin Co., Ltd., HLB値: 2.5, combined fatty acid: more than 90% by mass of saturated fatty acid of salicylic acid) • S65V (trade name: POEM S-65V, manufactured by Lithium Vitamin Co., Ltd., HLB値: 3.0, combined with fatty acids: stearic acid and palmitic acid The total of the above-mentioned fat-and-fat composition blends (% by mass) is shown in Table 1»-22-201236570 [Table 1] Grease composition blending example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 (Comparative Example 5 (Comparative) Example 6 (Comparative) Palm kernel oil 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 47.9 Palm kernel microhydrogenated oil ' 30 30 30 30 30 30 Coconut Extremely hardened oil Palm kernel toughness Hardened oil palm 撋 Melting point 20 20 20 20 20 20 Rapeseed oil 1 2 2 2 2 2 Sorbitol fatty acid ester (S320YN) (HLB®:4.2) 0.1 Sorbitol fatty acid ester (S300VMHLB値:5·3) 0.1 Sorbitol Fatty acid ester (S60VMHLB値:5·1) 0.1 Yamanashi Sugar alcohol fatty acid ester (O80V) (HLB®[:4.9] 0.1 sorbitol fatty acid ester (B150MHLB値:2·5) 0.1 Sorbitol fatty acid ester (S65VMHLB値:3.0) 0.1 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 II. Analysis of the oil-and-fat composition for the foamable oil-in-water emulsion The oil and fat composition for the foamable oil-in-water emulsion of Examples 1 to 6 was subjected to the following analysis. 1. Amount of triglyceride The triglyceride contained in the mixed fat of the oil and fat composition can be determined by gas phase column chromatography (AOCS Ce5-86 standard, measuring device: Agilent Technologies 6890). The total number of carbon atoms of the fatty acid residue of the acid glyceride is (1) the amount of triglyceride having a total carbon number of 36 to 38, (2) the amount of triglyceride having a total carbon number of 50 to 52, and (3) the tricarboxylic acid of XXX type. The amount of glycerides. -23- 201236570 2. Saturated fatty acid content The fatty acid composition of the saturated fatty acid contained in the mixed fat and oil composition can be determined by gas phase column chromatography (AOCS Celf-96 standard, measuring device: HEWLETT PACKARD HP6890). . 3. Trans fatty acid content The fatty acid composition of the trans fatty acid contained in the mixed fat and oil composition can be measured by gas column color chromatography (AOCS Celf-96 standard, measuring device: HEWLETT PACKARD HP6890). 4. Determination of thermal displacement (DSC curve) generated during phase transfer The oil composition is cooled from 5 ° C at a cooling rate of -5 ° C / min from 60 ° C, and the thermal displacement generated during phase transfer A thermal analyzer (DSC) apparatus (METTLER TOLEDO DSC 1) was measured to obtain a DSC curve. From the DSC curve, (1) the highest peak temperature of the calorific value, (2) the calorific value at the time of reaching 5 ° C / the total calorific value (%). The analysis results of the oil composition of Examples ~6 are shown in Table 2. In addition, the DSC curves of Examples 1 to 6 are shown in Fig. 1. -24- 201236570 [Table 2] Analysis Results Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 (Comparative) Example 5 (Comparative) Example 6 (Comparative) Total carbon number 36~38 29 29 29 29 29 29 Embroidery number 50~52 22 22 22 22 22 22 % of saturated fatty acids 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 % of trans fatty acids 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Maximum off-peak temperature °C 9.6 9.2 8.8 -1.0 -2.2 -1.7 Heat generation at 51C / overall Surface area % 77.7 77.6 75.6 28.9 29.1 29.2 Type XXX triglyceride with % 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 III. Review of the amount of sorbitol fatty acid ester added in the same blending with the oil and fat composition of Example 1 The blending amount (% by mass) of the sorbitan fatty acid ester (S320YN) was changed from 0.1% to 2%, 0.3%, and 0.5% of the oil and fat composition. The blending of the oil and fat composition is shown in Table 3. These oil and fat compositions, the thermal displacement generated by phase transfer, were measured by a DSC apparatus (DSC 1 of METTLER TOLEDO Co., Ltd.) to obtain a DSC curve. The results are shown in Fig. 2. For comparison, in Table 3 And in Figure 2, the blending and DSC curves of Example 1 are recorded. The shaded portion of Figure 2 reaches 5 The calorific value at ° C. It is known that when the addition amount of the sorbitol fatty acid ester is 〇·1 mass%, the calorific value/total calorific value (%) at the time of reaching 5 ° C is 70% or more. 201236570 [Table 3] Oil and fat composition blending example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Example 1 Palm kernel oil 47.5 47.7 47.8 47.9 Palm kernel microhydrogenated oil 30 30 30 30 Coconut extremely hardened oil palm nucleus Extremely hardened oil palm 櫊 melting point 20 20 20 20 Rapeseed oil 2 2 2 2 Sorbitol fatty acid ester (S320YN) 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 Total 100 100 100 100 The analysis results of the oil and fat compositions of Examples 7 to 9 are shown in Table 4. For reference, Table 4 shows the analysis results of the oil and fat composition of Example 1. [Table 4] Analysis Results Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Example 1 Total carbon number 36 to 38 29 29 29 29 Total carbon number 50 to 52 22 22 22 22 Saturated Fatty acid % 77.3 77.3 77.3 77.3 Trans fat % % 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 Maximum peak ΐ 9.2 10.1 9.2 9.6 Heat generation at 5t / overall heat % 78.7 78.9 78.1 77.7 XXX type triglyceride% 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 IV. Oil and fat raw material blend ratio review and manufacture does not change sorbitol fatty acid (S3 20YN) The blending amount of 0.3% by mass is changed to the blend ratio of the fat or oil raw material (mixing ratio of the first fat to the second fat) to 100: 〇, 80: 20, 60: 40, 40: 60, 20 :
8 0之油脂組成物。油脂組成物之摻合示於表5。針對該等 油脂組成物,相轉移時產生之熱力驅替依熱分析儀(DSC -26- 201236570 )裝置(METTLER TOLEDO公司 DSC 1)進行測定,得 D S C曲線。結果示於圖3。於圖3中斜線部分係到達5 °C 時之發熱量。得知當第1油脂之摻合量爲整體之60質量% 以上時,發熱量之最高峰溫度爲7 °C以上。 [表5] 油脂組成物接合 例10 (比較) 例11 例12 例13 (比較) 例14 (比較) 第1 :第2油脂 100:0 80:20 60:40 40:60 20:80 棕撋核油 74.7 59.7 44.7 29.7 14.7 棕櫚核微氫化油 椰子棰度硬化油 棕撋核棰度硬化油 25 20 15 10 5 棕櫊中熔貼部 0 20 40 60 80 菜籽油 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (S320YN) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 合計 100 100 100 100 100 例1 0〜1 4之油脂組成物分析結果示於表6。 [表6] 分析結果 例10 (比較) 例11 例12 例13 (比較) 例14 (比較) 總碳數36〜38 36 29 22 15 8 總碳數50~52 6 23 39 56 72 飽和脂肪酸量% 85.5 79.5 73.2 67 60,1 反式脂肪酸置% 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 最髙峰溫度°c 15 12.2 8.3 2.0 3.2 到達時之發熱fi/整體之雜量% 84.7 80 64.6 20.7 21 XXX型三酸甘油酯量% 4.8 4.3 3.7 3.2 2.6 V. XXX型三酸甘油酯含量之檢討 製造不改變山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯(S3 2 0YN) 0.3質量% -27- 201236570 之摻合量’使XXX型三酸甘油酯含量改變之油脂組成物 。油脂組成物之摻合示於表7。針對該等油脂組成物,相 轉移時產生之熱力驅替依熱分析儀(DSC)裝置( METTLER TOLEDO公司DSC 1 )進行測定,得DSC曲線 。結果示於圖4。且爲作爲參照,於表7與圖4中,倂記 例1 1的摻合· DSC曲線。圖4中斜線部分係到達5 °C時 之發熱量。 [表7] 油脂組成物播合 例15 例11 例16 例17 例18 例19 例20 例21 棕檷核油 54.7 59.7 62.7 64.7 66.7 69.7 74.7 20 棕櫊核微氫化油 椰子棰度硬化油 棕櫊核棰度硬化油 25 20 17 15 13 10 5 59.7 棕捆中熔黏部 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Z0 菜籽油 山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯 (S320YN) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 合計 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 例15〜21之油脂組成物分析結果示於表8。且爲作爲 參照,於表8中’倂記例1 1之油脂組成物之分析結果。 [表8] 分析結果 例15 例11 例16 例17 例18 例19 例20 例21 鐮破斂36~38 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 28 總碳數50~52 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 24 .飽和脂肪酸置% 81 79.5 79.3 79.2 78.8 78.3 77.4 87.4 反式脂肪酸·% 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 最高峰溫度°C 13.1 12.2 10.4 9.8 8.8 7.3 5.8 18.3 到達時之雜fi/S®之 發熱量% 80 80 79.8 79.4 77.7 73.4 S8.6 84.1 XXX型二酸甘油酷量% 5 2 4.2 3.7 3.3 3 2.4 1.5 11.5 -28 - 201236570 V.起泡性水包油型乳化物之製造 於例11之油脂組成物中溶解油溶性乳化劑(卵磷脂 、P-100) ’使其分散後調製油相。同時於水中溶解脫脂 乳粉、磷酸鈉、橡膠製劑以及水溶性之乳化劑(s -1 1 7 0 ) ,使其分散後調製水相。其次,於水相中加入油相,調整 溫度至60°C〜70°C ’同時使用均質機進行預先乳化,再於 預先乳化後於6.0MPa之壓力下進行均質化。之後,進行 8 5 °C ’ 1 5分鐘之批次殺菌,再冷卻至約1 〇 °c。其後,於5 °C冷藏庫進行約1 8小時之熟成,得例2 2之起泡性水包油 型乳化物。且例2 2之摻合的合計準備量3 kg,最終獲得 2.5kg之起泡性水包油型乳化物。 用於起泡性水包油型乳化物製造之各種乳化劑係如下 所述。 •卵磷脂:大豆卵磷脂(商品名:卵磷脂 DX,The Nisshin OilliO Group股份有限公司製) • P-100:飽和脂肪酸單甘油醋(商品名:emulsifier P-100,理硏維他命股份有限公司製) • S-1170:蔗糖脂肪酸酯(商品名:RYOTO Sugar Ester S-l 170,三菱化學食品股份有限公司,HLB値:1 1,結合 脂肪酸:硬酯酸70質量%) 上述製造之起泡性水包油型乳化物之摻合(質量% ) 示於表9。 -29- 201236570 [表9] 起泡乳油掺合 例22 油脂組成物種類 例11 油脂組成物 31.7 卵磷脂 0.3 P-100 0.01 脫脂粉乳 4.8 S-1170 0.07 磷酸鈉 0.22 橡朦製劑 0.06 水 餘置 合計 100 VII.起泡性水包油型乳化物之分析•評價 針對例2 2之起泡性水包油型乳化物,分別進行下述 分析·評價。 1.黏度 使用200ml燒杯計量200g之起泡性水包油型乳化物 ’調整品溫爲l〇°C»使用B型黏度計(東機產業股份有 限公司,ΒΜΠ型式,轉盤編號NO. 2),使其以60rpm進 行旋轉時測定黏度。 2.乳化安定性 使用100ml燒杯計量60g之起泡性水包油型乳化物, 調整品溫爲20°C。以Three-OneMotor (新東科學股份有 限公司,使用於前端附有搅拌翼推進器R之揽拌棒),並 以1 60rpm進行概泮,測定起泡性水包油型乳化物至凝固 -30- 201236570 •增黏(亦即絮凝)的時間。起泡性水包油型乳化物至凝 固·增黏爲止之時間愈長,代表乳化安定性愈高。 3. 起泡時間 計量500g之起泡性水包油型乳化物,調整品溫爲5〜 l〇°C。加入35g砂糖,使用Hobart攪拌機(Hobart Japan 公司製造),以中速2(約120rpm )進行起泡至8分發之 後,再以手打進行起泡至1 0分發。計測進行起泡至1 0分 發所需時間。 4. 比重 測量將經起泡至1 0分發之起泡性水包油型乳化物塡 裝至規定容器之起泡性水包油型乳化物之重量,並以下式 計算比重。 比重=進行起泡後之起泡性水包油型乳化物之重量( g) /容器之體積(ml) 5. 膨脹率 測量將經起泡至1 〇分發之起泡性水包油型乳化物塡 裝至規定容器之起泡性水包油型乳化物之重量,並以下式 計算膨脹率。 膨脹率=(容器之體積(ml)-進行起泡後之起泡性 水包油型乳化物之重量(g ))/進行起泡後之起泡性水 包油型乳化物之重量(g) xl 00 -31 - 201236570 6.硬度 將經起泡至1 〇分發之起泡性水包油型乳化物沒有空 隙地塡裝至規定容器內。使用流變儀(Rheometer,SUN 科學股份有限公司製,CR-5 00DX型)上設置直徑2 cm圓 盤型之活塞,以測定速度60 mm/分鐘之條件,測定使起 泡性水包油型乳化物自最上方至35mm進入時加諸於活塞 之荷重(N)。 7. 口中溶解性 食用經起泡至1 〇分發之起泡性水包油型乳化物,並 依據下述評價標準進行評價。 評價標準 評價◎:極佳 評價〇:佳 評價△:普通 評價X :不良 8. 保形性 將經起泡至10分發之起泡性水包油型乳化物,裝入 有花型擠花嘴之擠花袋中並擠出花型,觀察靜置時形狀的 變化。靜置條件係(1 )於5 °C下靜置24小時,(2 )於_ 1 8 °C下靜置24小時(解凍後觀察),並針對此二狀況進 行評價。 -32- 201236570 評價標準 評價◎:極佳。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物未發生 變形。 評價〇:佳。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物幾乎未發 生變形。 評價△:普通。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物些許發 生變形。 評價X:不良。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物發生變 形。 9.離水 將經起泡至1 0分發之起泡性水包油型乳化物,裝入 有花型擠花嘴之擠花袋中並擠出花型,觀察靜置時離水狀 態。靜置條件係(1 )於5 °C下靜置24小時,(2 )於-1 8 °C下靜置24小時(解凍後觀察)’並針對此二狀況進行 評價。 評價標準 評價◎:極佳。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物未發生 離水。 評價〇:佳。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物幾乎未發 生離水。 評價△:普通。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物些許發 生離水。 評價X :不良。靜置後起泡性水包油型乳化物發生離 -33- 201236570 水。 例22之起泡性水包油型乳化物之分析•評價結果示 於表1 〇。且使用例1 0之油脂組成物,製造與例2 2相同之 起泡性水包油型乳化物時,由於例1 0之油脂組成物中未 含有第2油脂,即使含有山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯,亦無法獲得 良好的乳化安定性及起泡性。 [表 10] 分析•評價結果 例22 黏度 165 乳化安定性 20分以上 起泡時間 7分37秒 比重 0.44 膨脹率 125 硬度 57 口中溶解性 ◎ 保形性(1) ◎ 離水(1) ◎ 保形性(2) ◎ 離水(2) ◎ 【圖式簡單說明】 〔圖1〕使山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯之種類改變後之油脂組 成物的DSC曲線圖。 〔圖2〕使山梨糖醇脂肪酸酯之添加量改變後之油脂 組成物的DSC曲線圖》 〔圖3〕使第1油脂與第2油脂混合比改變後之油脂 組成物的D S C曲線圖。 〔圖4〕使XXX型三酸甘油酯之含量改變後之油脂組 -34- 201236570 成物的D S C曲線圖80% oil composition. The blending of the oil and fat compositions is shown in Table 5. For these oil and fat compositions, the thermal displacement generated during phase transfer was measured by a heat analyzer (DSC -26-201236570) apparatus (METTLER TOLEDO DSC 1) to obtain a D S C curve. The results are shown in Figure 3. In Figure 3, the shaded portion is the amount of heat that reaches 5 °C. When the blending amount of the first fat or oil is 60% by mass or more of the whole, the peak temperature of the calorific value is 7 ° C or more. [Table 5] Grease composition bonding example 10 (comparative) Example 11 Example 12 Example 13 (Comparative) Example 14 (Comparative) 1st: 2nd grease 100:0 80:20 60:40 40:60 20:80 Palm Nuclear oil 74.7 59.7 44.7 29.7 14.7 Palm kernel micro hydrogenated oil coconut twist hardened oil palm kernel nucleus hardness hardening oil 25 20 15 10 5 Brown 櫊 熔 0 0 20 40 60 80 Rapeseed oil sorbitol fatty acid ester ( S320YN) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Total 100 100 100 100 100 The analysis results of the oil and fat compositions of Examples 1 0 to 1 4 are shown in Table 6. [Table 6] Analysis Results Example 10 (Comparative) Example 11 Example 12 Example 13 (Comparative) Example 14 (Comparative) Total carbon number 36 to 38 36 29 22 15 8 Total carbon number 50 to 52 6 23 39 56 72 Amount of saturated fatty acid % 85.5 79.5 73.2 67 60,1 trans fatty acid set % 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 peak temperature °c 15 12.2 8.3 2.0 3.2 heat generation on arrival fi / overall miscellaneous % 84.7 80 64.6 20.7 21 XXX type triglyceride Esters Amount 4.8 4.3 3.7 3.2 2.6 V. XXX type triglyceride content review does not change sorbitol fatty acid ester (S3 2 0YN) 0.3% by mass -27- 201236570 blending amount 'M XXX triacid An oil composition having a changed glyceride content. The blending of the oil and fat compositions is shown in Table 7. For these oil and fat compositions, a thermal displacement generated by phase transfer was measured by a DSC apparatus (METTLER TOLEDO DSC 1 ) to obtain a DSC curve. The results are shown in Figure 4. For reference, in Table 7 and Fig. 4, the blending DSC curve of Example 1 is shown. The shaded portion in Fig. 4 is the amount of heat generated at 5 °C. [Table 7] Oil and fat composition sowing example 15 Example 11 Example 16 Example 17 Example 18 Example 19 Case 20 Case 21 Palm kernel oil 54.7 59.7 62.7 64.7 66.7 69.7 74.7 20 Palm kernel micro hydrogenated oil coconut toughened oil palm Nuclear hardening oil 25 20 17 15 13 10 5 59.7 Melt joints in brown bales 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Z0 Rapeseed oil sorbitol fatty acid ester (S320YN) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 The analysis results of the oil and fat compositions of Examples 15 to 21 are shown in Table 8. Further, for reference, in Table 8, the analysis results of the oil and fat composition of Example 1 1 were carried out. [Table 8] Analysis Results Example 15 Example 11 Case 16 Case 17 Case 18 Case 19 Case 20 Case 21 镰 敛 36 36 36 36 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 28 Total carbon number 50~52 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 24 . Saturated fatty acid set % 81 79.5 79.3 79.2 78.8 78.3 77.4 87.4 Trans fatty acid · % 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 The highest peak temperature °C 13.1 12.2 10.4 9.8 8.8 7.3 5.8 18.3 The heat of the hybrid fi/S® at the time of arrival % 80 80 79.8 79.4 77.7 73.4 S8.6 84.1 Type XXX diacid glycerol%% 5 2 4.2 3.7 3.3 3 2.4 1.5 11.5 -28 - 201236570 V. Foaming oil-in-water emulsion manufactured in Example 11 The oil-soluble emulsifier (lecithin, P-100) was dissolved in the composition to disperse the oil phase. At the same time, the degreased milk powder, sodium phosphate, rubber preparation and water-soluble emulsifier (s -1 1 7 0 ) are dissolved in water to disperse the water phase. Next, an oil phase was added to the aqueous phase, and the temperature was adjusted to 60 ° C to 70 ° C ′ while pre-emulsification was carried out using a homogenizer, followed by pre-emulsification and homogenization under a pressure of 6.0 MPa. Thereafter, the batch was sterilized at 85 ° C for 15 minutes and then cooled to about 1 ° C. Thereafter, the mixture was aged at about 5 ° C for about 18 hours to obtain a foamable oil-in-water emulsion of Example 22. Further, the total preparation amount of the blend of Example 2 2 was 3 kg, and finally 2.5 kg of a foamable oil-in-water emulsion was obtained. The various emulsifiers used in the manufacture of foamable oil-in-water emulsions are as follows. • Lecithin: Soy lecithin (trade name: Lecithin DX, manufactured by The Nisshin OilliO Group Co., Ltd.) • P-100: Saturated fatty acid monoglycerin (trade name: emulsifier P-100, manufactured by Polyurethane Co., Ltd.) • S-1170: Sucrose fatty acid ester (trade name: RYOTO Sugar Ester Sl 170, Mitsubishi Chemical Food Co., Ltd., HLB®: 1, 1, combined fatty acid: 70% by weight of stearic acid) The blending (% by mass) of the oil-in-water emulsion is shown in Table 9. -29- 201236570 [Table 9] Foaming EC blending example 22 Grease composition type Example 11 Grease composition 31.7 Lecithin 0.3 P-100 0.01 Skim milk 4.8 S-1170 0.07 Sodium phosphate 0.22 Rubber preparation 0.06 Water remaining total 100 VII. Analysis of the foaming oil-in-water emulsion The evaluation and evaluation of the foaming oil-in-water emulsion of Example 2 2 were carried out, respectively. 1. Viscosity Using a 200ml beaker to measure 200g of foaming oil-in-water emulsion 'Adjust the product temperature l〇°C» Use B-type viscometer (Dongji Industry Co., Ltd., ΒΜΠ type, turntable No. 2) The viscosity was measured when it was rotated at 60 rpm. 2. Emulsification stability 60 g of a foamable oil-in-water emulsion was measured using a 100 ml beaker, and the temperature was adjusted to 20 °C. The foaming oil-in-water emulsion was measured to Three-One Motor (New East Science Co., Ltd., used in the front end with a stirring wing propeller R), and was measured at 1 60 rpm to determine the foaming oil-in-water emulsion to solidify -30. - 201236570 • Time to increase adhesion (ie flocculation). The longer the foaming oil-in-water emulsion reaches the time of solidification and viscosity enhancement, the higher the emulsion stability. 3. Foaming time 500g of foaming oil-in-water emulsion is measured, and the temperature is adjusted to 5~l〇°C. 35 g of granulated sugar was added, and foaming was carried out at a medium speed of 2 (about 120 rpm) to 8 distribution using a Hobart mixer (manufactured by Hobart Japan Co., Ltd.), and then foaming was carried out by hand to 10% distribution. The time required for foaming to 10 minutes was measured. 4. Specific Gravity The weight of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion that has been foamed to 10% distributed to the foaming oil-in-water emulsion of the specified container is measured, and the specific gravity is calculated by the following formula. Specific Gravity = Weight of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion after foaming (g) / Volume of the container (ml) 5. Measurement of the expansion ratio Foaming oil-in-water emulsified by foaming to 1 〇 The weight of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion of the predetermined container was measured, and the expansion ratio was calculated by the following formula. Expansion ratio = (volume of the container (ml) - weight of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion after foaming (g)) / weight of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion after foaming (g ) xl 00 -31 - 201236570 6. Hardness The foamed oil-in-water emulsion that has been foamed to 1 〇 is dispensed into the specified container without any gap. A piston of a diameter of 2 cm was placed on a rheometer (Rheometer, manufactured by SUN Scientific Co., Ltd., CR-5 00DX type), and the foaming oil-in-water type was measured at a measuring speed of 60 mm/min. The load applied to the piston (N) when the emulsion enters from the top to 35 mm. 7. Dissolution in the mouth The foamed oil-in-water emulsion which was foamed to 1 〇 was used and evaluated according to the following evaluation criteria. Evaluation criteria evaluation ◎: Excellent evaluation 〇: Good evaluation △: Ordinary evaluation X: Poor 8. Conformability The foaming oil-in-water emulsion which is foamed to 10 is distributed into a flower-shaped squeezing nozzle The flower pattern is squeezed out in the flower bag, and the shape change at the time of standing is observed. The static conditions were (1) allowed to stand at 5 ° C for 24 hours, (2) at _ 18 ° C for 24 hours (observed after thawing), and evaluated for the two conditions. -32- 201236570 Evaluation Criteria Evaluation ◎: Excellent. The foamable oil-in-water emulsion did not deform after standing. Evaluation 〇: Good. The foamable oil-in-water emulsion was almost not deformed after standing. Evaluation △: ordinary. After standing, the foaming oil-in-water emulsion deformed slightly. Evaluation X: Bad. The foamable oil-in-water emulsion deformed after standing. 9. Dissociation Water A foaming oil-in-water emulsion which was foamed to 10% was placed in a squeeze bag with a flower-shaped squeeze nozzle and the pattern was extruded, and the water-off state was observed while standing. The static conditions were (1) allowed to stand at 5 ° C for 24 hours, and (2) at -1 8 ° C for 24 hours (observed after thawing)' and evaluated for the two conditions. Evaluation criteria Evaluation ◎: Excellent. The foaming oil-in-water emulsion did not leave the water after standing. Evaluation 〇: Good. The foaming oil-in-water emulsion after standing was hardly released from water. Evaluation △: ordinary. After standing, the foaming oil-in-water emulsion slightly evolved from water. Evaluation X: Bad. After standing, the foaming oil-in-water emulsion occurred from -33 to 201236570 water. The analysis and evaluation results of the foamable oil-in-water emulsion of Example 22 are shown in Table 1. Further, when the oil-and-fat composition of Example 10 was used to produce a foamable oil-in-water emulsion similar to that of Example 2, the oil composition of Example 10 did not contain the second fat, and even the sorbitol fatty acid was contained. The ester also failed to obtain good emulsion stability and foaming properties. [Table 10] Analysis and evaluation results Example 22 Viscosity 165 Emulsification stability 20 minutes or more Foaming time 7 minutes 37 seconds Specific gravity 0.44 Expansion ratio 125 Hardness 57 Dissolution in mouth ◎ Conformability (1) ◎ Water separation (1) ◎ Conformal (2) ◎ Water removal (2) ◎ [Simplified description of the drawings] [Fig. 1] A DSC graph of the oil and fat composition obtained by changing the type of sorbitol fatty acid ester. [Fig. 2] A DSC graph of the oil and fat composition obtained by changing the amount of addition of the sorbitol fatty acid ester. Fig. 3 is a D S C graph of the oil and fat composition obtained by changing the mixing ratio of the first fat and the second fat. [Fig. 4] D S C graph of the oil group after changing the content of XXX type triglyceride -34- 201236570