201229260 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係有關於成膜裝置。 ' 【先前技術】 ' 現在,有機EL顯示面板之製造裝置中的搬送方式, 由於基板尺寸爲譬如第4代之半切(half-cut)尺寸以下 ,且重力導致玻璃基板所產生的撓曲甚小不會造成問題, 因此倒裝(face down)的水平搬送成爲主流。 話雖如此,將來基板尺寸變大(變成第4代以上)的 趨勢極爲顯著,在該場合中,水平搬送則存在:由於基板 的撓曲,以致基板與遮罩之間的校準產生問題的疑慮。 有鑑於此,爲了減輕因重力以致基板產生的撓曲,則 考慮採用「以垂直狀態(直立狀態)搬送基板」的垂直搬 送方式。 然而,傳統上採用垂直搬送之有機EL顯示面板的製 造裝置中,就「以垂直狀態,對基板(基板托架)與遮罩 (遮罩托架)進行校準」的校準驅動機構而言,是採用譬 如與專利文獻1所揭示之水平搬送所使用的裝置相同「校 準用的驅動部被配置在與基板·遮罩面形成直角之方向」 的校準驅動機構,由於該驅動機構朝腔室外側(垂直於搬 送方向與水平方向的方向)大幅地突出,故需要大量的設 置空間而不受到期待。 〔專利文獻1〕日本特許第3 7 8 9 8 5 7號公報 201229260 【發明內容】 〔發明欲解決之課題〕 本發明是有鑒於上述的現 明提供一種:藉由將校準驅動 並設置於作爲剛體的腔室,既 空間,即使是第4代以上的^ 有絕佳實用性的成膜裝置。 〔解決課題之手段〕 參考圖面說明本發明的要 本發明的成膜裝置,是「 附著於在真空槽1內保持成]1 膜的成膜裝置,其特徵爲:具 動機構使「將前述遮罩3安裝 對於前述基板2而調整移動, 板2之間的校準而使前述遮罩 置,該校準驅動機構是由上部 動機構所構成,且前述上部側 體12與前述校準框4之間的 密狀態封閉前述上部貫穿孔7 縮管34、35,而設在前述真空 是由「被設在前述真空槽1的 1之上部側」的上部側固定基 狀所硏發而成的發明,本發 機構形成上下2個分割部, 能確保校準精度又能實現省 型基板也能充分對應,且具 可隔著遮罩3,使成膜材料 :立狀態之基板2」而執行成 備校準驅動機構,該校準驅 成直立狀態」的校準框4相 並執行前述遮罩3與前述基 3對前述基板2形成適當位 側驅動機構、或者下部側驅 連結體8及前述下部側連結 連結部,是透過「分別以氣 及前述下部貫穿孔1 1」的伸 槽1內;該上部側驅動機構 外部’且被固定於該真空槽 座部5、和「相對於該上部 -6- 201229260 側固定基座部5,可在遮罩表面朝平行的X方向及Y方向 移動」的上部側移動基座部6、及「其中一端在前述遮罩 表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上,自由旋轉地由前述上部側 移動基座部6所支承,另一端則通過設在前述真空槽1上 部的上部貫穿孔7,而連結於前述真空槽1內之前述校準 框4上部」的上部側連結體8所構成;該下部側驅動機構 是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部,且被固定於該真空槽 1之下部側」的下部側固定基座部9、和「相對於該下部 側固定基座部9,可在遮罩表面移動於平行的X方向及Υ 方向」的下部側移動基座部10'及「其中一端在前述遮罩 表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上,自由旋轉地由前述下部側 移動基座部所支承,另一端則通過設於前述真空槽1 下部的下部貫穿孔1 1,而連結於前述真空槽1內的前述校 準框4之下部」的下部側連結體1 2所構成。 此外,本發明的成膜裝置,是「隔著遮罩3,使成膜 材料附著於在真空槽1內保持成直立狀態之基板2」而執 行成膜的成膜裝置,其特徵爲:具備校準驅動機構,該校 準驅動機構使「將前述遮罩3安裝成直立狀態」的校準框 4相對於前述基板2而調整移動,並執行前述遮罩3與前 述基板2之間的校準而使前述遮罩3對前述基板2形成適 當位置,該校準驅動機構是由上部側驅動機構、及下部側 驅動機構所構成’且前述上部側連結體8及前述下部側連 結體12與前述校準框4之間的連結部,是透過「分別以 氣密狀態封閉前述上部貫穿孔7及前述下部貫穿孔1 1」的 201229260 伸縮管34、35,而設在前述真空槽1內;該上部側驅動機 構是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部,且被固定於該真空 槽1之上部側」的上部側固定基座部5、和「相對於該上 部側固定基座部5,可在遮罩表面朝平行的X方.向及Y方 向移動」的上部側移動基座部6、及「其中一端在前述遮 罩表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上,自由旋轉地由前述上部 側移動基座部6所支承,另一端則通過設在前述真空槽1 上部的上部貫穿孔7,而連結於前述真空槽1內之前述校 準框4上部」的上部側連結體8所構成;該下部側驅動機 構是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部,且被固定於該真空 槽1之下部側」的下部側固定基座部9、和「相對於該下 部側固定基座部9,可在遮罩表面移動於平行的X方向及 Y方向」的下部側移動基座部1〇、及「其中一端在前述遮 罩表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上,自由旋轉地由前述下部 側移動基座部1 〇所支承,另一端則通過設於前述真空槽1 下部的下部貫穿孔11,而連結於前述真空槽1內的前述校 準框4之下部」的下部側連結體12所構成。 此外,本發明的成膜裝置,是「隔著遮罩3,使成膜 材料附著於在真空槽1內保持成直立狀態之基板2」而執 行成膜的成膜裝置,其特徵爲:具備校準驅動機構,該校 準驅動機構使「將前述遮罩3安裝成直立狀態」的校準框 4相對於前述基板2而調整移動,並執行前述遮罩3與前 述基板2之間的校準而使前述遮罩3對前述基板2形成適 當位置,該校準驅動機構是由上部側驅動機構、或者下部 -8- 201229260 側驅動機構所構成’在前述上部側驅動機構或者前述下部 側驅動機構,設有X方向用驅動裝置或γ方向用驅動裝 置、或者上述的雙方’藉由利用該X方向用驅動裝置及γ 方向用驅動裝置,使前述上部側移動基座部6或者前述下 部側移動基座部1 〇,相對於上部側固定基座部5或者下部 側固定基座部9而朝X方向及Y方向移動,而構成可透 過前述上部側連結體8或者前述下部側連結體〗2使前述 校準框4朝X、Y及0方向調整移動,且前述上部側連結 體8及前述下部側連結體12與前述校準框4之間的連結 部,是透過「分別以氣密狀態封閉前述上部貫穿孔7及前 述下部貫穿孔11」的伸縮管34、35,而設在前述真空槽1 內;該上部側驅動機構是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部 ,且被固定於該真空槽1之上部側」的上部側固定基座部 5、和「相對於該上部側固定基座部5,可在遮罩表面朝平 行的X方向及Y方向移動」的上部側移動基座部6、及「 其中一端在前述遮罩表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上,自由 旋轉地由前述上部側移動基座部6所支承,另一端則通過 設在前述真空槽1上部的上部貫穿孔7,而連結於前述真 空槽1內之前述校準框4上部」的上部側連結體8所構成 ;該下部側驅動機構是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部, 且被固定於該真空槽1之下部側」的下部側固定基座部9 、和「相對於該下部側固定基座部9,可在遮罩表面移動 於平行的X方向及Y方向」的下部側移動基座部10、及 「其中一端在前述遮罩表面上之旋轉方向的Θ方向上,自 -9- 201229260 由旋轉地由前述下部側移動基座部ίο所支承,另一 通過設於前述真空槽1下部的下部貫穿孔11,而連結 述真空槽1內的前述校準框4之下部」的下部側連結 所構成。 此外,本發明的成膜裝置,是「隔著遮罩3,使 材料附著於在真空槽1內保持成直立狀態之基板2」 行成膜的成膜裝置,其特徵爲:具備校準驅動機構, 準驅動機構使「將前述遮罩3安裝成直立狀態」的校 4相對於前述基板2而調整移動,並執行前述遮罩3 述基板2之間的校準而使前述遮罩3對前述基板2形 當位置’該校準驅動機構是由上部側驅動機構、及下 驅動機構所構成,在前述上部側驅動機構及前述下部 動機構,分別設有X方向用驅動裝置或Y方向用驅 置、或者上述的雙方,藉由利用該X方向用驅動裝置 方向用驅動裝置’使前述上部側移動基座部6及前述 側移動基座部1 〇 ’相對於上部側固定基座部5及下部 定基座部9而朝X方向及γ方向移動,而構成可透 述上部側連結體8或者前述下部側連結體丨2使前述 框4朝X、Y及0方向調整移動,且前述上部側連結 及前述下部側連結體1 2與前述校準框4之間的連結 是透過「分別以氣密狀態封閉前述上部貫穿孔7及前 部貫穿孔Π」的伸縮管34、35,而設在前述真空槽 :該上部側驅動機構是由「被設在前述真空槽丨的外 且被固定於該真空槽1之上部側」的上部側固定基座 端則 於前 ϋ 12 成膜 而執 該校 準框 與前 成適 部側 側驅 動裝 及Υ 下部 側固 過前 校準 體8 部, 述下 1內 部, 部5 -10- 201229260 、和「相對於該上部側固定基座部5,可在遮罩表面朝平 行的X方向及Y方向移動」的上部側移動基座部6、及「 其中一端在前述遮罩表面上之旋轉方向的Θ方向上’自由 旋轉地由前述上部側移動基座部6所支承,另一端則通過 設在前述真空槽1上部的上部貫穿孔7,而連結於前述真 空槽1內之前述校準框4上部」的上部側連結體8所構成 :該下部側驅動機構是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部’ 且被固定於該真空槽1之下部側」的下部側固定基座部9 、和「相對於該下部側固定基座部9,可在遮罩表面移動 於平行的X方向及Y方向」的下部側移動基座部1 〇、及 「其中一端在前述遮罩表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上,自 由旋轉地由前述下部側移動基座部1 〇所支承,另一端則 通過設於前述真空槽1下部的下部貫穿孔11,而連結於前 述真空槽1內的前述校準框4之下部」的下部側連結體12 所構成。 此外,請求項4所記載的成膜裝置,其特徵爲:設在 「使前述下部側移動基座部10,移動於與前述遮罩表面平 行之上下方向,也就是指Y方向」之前述下部側驅動機構 的前述Y方向用驅動裝置,係構成可使前述各下部側移動 基座部10各自獨立移動,且在前述上部側驅動機構並未 設置前述Y方向用驅動裝置。 此外,請求項4或5所記載的成膜裝置,其特徵爲: 前述上部側移動基座部6,是透過「相對於前述上部側固 定基座部5,將前述上部側移動基座部6導引至X方向及 -11 - 201229260 γ方向」的直接傳動導引部而連結於前述上部側固定基座 部5,前述上部側連結體8,是透過「相對於前述各上部 側移動基座部6,將前述上部側連結體導引至Θ方向」的 轉動導引部而連結於前述各上部側移動基座部6 ’前述下 部側移動基座部1 〇,是透過「相對於前述下部側固定基座 部9,將前述下部側移動基座部10導引至X方向及Υ方 向」的直接傳動導引部而連結於前述下部側固定基座部9 ,前述下部側連結體1 2,是透過「相對於前述各下部側移 動基座部1〇,將前述下部側連結體12導引至0方向」的 轉動導引部而連結於前述各下部側移動基座部1 〇。 〔發明效果〕 由於本發明形成上述的構造,既能確保校準精度又能 實現省空間’而成爲:即使是第4代以上的大型基板,也 能充分的對應且具有絕佳實用性的成膜裝置。 【實施方式】 根據圖面顯示本發明的作用’簡單地說明被認爲適合 的本發明實施形態。 在由真空槽1所形成的成膜室(腔室)內以直立狀態 搬送的基板2與遮罩3之間的校準,是以下述的方式執行 :使上部側移動基座部6或下部側移動基座部1 〇分別相 對於上下的各固定基座部5、9移動,並透過被設在該各 移動基座部6、1 0的上部側連結體8或下部側連結體1 2, -12- 201229260 使校準框4及「被安裝成與該校準框4 一體移動」的遮罩 3,相對於基板2而朝X、γ及^方向調整移動。 在本案中,本發明是利用以下的方式執行遮罩3與基 板2之間的校準:在真空槽丨(腔室)的外部,採用可驅 動上部側移動基座部6或下部側移動基座部1〇的驅動裝 置,使該上部側移動基座部6或下部側移動基座部1 〇,相 對於「配置於上部側或下部側的上部側驅動機構或下部側 驅動機構」的上部側固定基座部5或下部側固定基座部6 而移動’因此不會如同習知技術般,使校準驅動機構突出 於「垂直於搬送方向與水平方向」的方向,真空槽1的上 方、下方或者雙方變得可配置成小型化(compact ),便 可使平面配置(layout )上的設置空間盡可能地縮小。 此外’由於將各固定基座部5、9設於剛體的腔室, 故也能充分確保校準精度。此外,可增大中央的空間部分 ,而使基板冷卻機構、遮罩冷卻機構或者遮罩吸附機構等 的設置變得更容易。不僅如此,使遮罩3的保持力矩變小 ,可減少對校準精度的影響,而成爲可對應於基板尺寸大 型化的裝置。因此,可使驅動機構更加小型化,此外,由 於可縮短該驅動機構與「各連結體8、12之校準框4的連 結部」之間的距離,而可成爲更精密的校準調整移動。 此外,可將「用來促使上下的各移動基座部6、1 0移 動」的驅動裝置,分割並分別設置於真空槽1的上部及下 部,舉例來說,可形成:將促使「保持特定間隔所設置」 的一對(2個)下部側移動基座部1 〇相對於下部側固定基 -13- 201229260 座部9而移動於X方向的滾珠螺桿裝置(1軸)、及移動 於Y方向的滾珠螺桿裝置(各個移動基座部,共2軸)設 於下部側,並將「促使上部側移動基座部6相對於上部側 固定基座部5而移動於X方向」的滾珠螺桿機構(1軸) 設於上部側(由於各上部側移動基座部6及下部側移動基 座部1 0,由上部側連結體8及下部側連結體1 2所連結, 因此連動而產生移動)。 據此,可藉由調整設定「各驅動裝置令各移動基座部 所產生的移動量」,而自由地使校準框4朝X、Y及0方 向調整移動,不僅如此,可減少上部側的驅動裝置,而更 穩定地將校準驅動機構設於真空槽。 甚至,由於僅有各連結體8、12與校準框4之間的連 結部被設在真空槽1內(真空側),而校準驅動機構的摩 擦接觸部位全都被設在真空槽1的外部(大氣側),故可 使真空槽1的內部保持成更清淨的環境,而使所形成的薄 膜成爲更高品質的膜。 因此,本發明成爲:既可保持校準精度又能實現省空 間,即使是第4代以上的大型基板也能充分對應’又具有 絕佳的實用性。 〔實施例〕 根據圖面,說明本發明之具體的實施例。 本實施例,是將本發明應用於具備「在豎立成垂直之 垂直直立狀態下’朝水平方向搬送基板及遮罩(縱型搬送 -14- 201229260 )j之搬送機構的成膜裝置(真空蒸鑛裝置)的成膜室。 亦即,本實施例是「可隔著遮罩3,使成膜材料附著 於在真空槽1內保持成直立狀態之基板2」而執行成膜的 成膜裝置,並具備「使將前述遮罩3安裝成直立狀態的校 準框4,相對於前述基板2而調整移動,且執行前述遮罩 3與前述基板2間之校準,使前述遮罩3對前述基板2形 成適當位置」的校準驅動機構,該校準驅動機構是由上部 側驅動機構與下部側驅動機構所構成,且前述上部側連結 體8及前述下部側連結體1 2與前述校準框4之間的連結 部,是透過「分別以氣密狀態封閉前述上部貫穿孔7及前 述下部貫穿孔11」的伸縮管34、35,而設在前述真空槽1 內;該上部側驅動機構是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部 ,且被固定於該真空槽1之上部側」的上部側固定基座部 5、和「相對於該上部側固定基座部5,可在遮罩表面朝平 行的X方向及Y方向移動」的上部側移動基座部6、及「 其中一端在前述遮罩表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上,自由 旋轉地由前述上部側移動基座部6所支承,另一端則通過 設在前述真空槽1上部的上部貫穿孔7,而連結於前述真 空槽1內之前述校準框4上部」的上部側連結體8所構成 :該下部側驅動機構是由「被設在前述真空槽1的外部’ 且被固定於該真空槽1之下部側」的下部側固定基座部9 、和「相對於該下部側固定基座部9,可在遮罩表面移動 於平行的X方向及Y方向」的下部側移動基座部1 〇、及 「其中一端在前述遮罩表面上之旋轉方向的0方向上’自 -15- 201229260 由旋轉地由前述下部側移動基座部1 0所支承’另 通過設於前述真空槽1下部的下部貫穿孔I1’而連 述真空槽1內的前述校準框4之下部」的下部側連 所構成。 具體地說明各個部分。 真空槽1 (成膜室),爲了與搬入側及搬出側 保持氣密狀態’而透過閘閥連結成一直線狀’且是 當減壓機構的構件。 此外,將成膜材料的蒸發源配置成面向基板2 在成膜之際,使基板2與遮罩3在已校準於適當位 態下重合(重疊),而設有校準驅動機構。 在本實施例中,如第1圖所示,玻璃基板2被 基板托架41,遮罩3被安裝於框狀的遮罩框架(圖 )’該遮罩框架被安裝於框狀的遮罩托架42 (在基 爲第5代、第5.5代的場合中)。 而亦可根據基板尺寸(譬如第6代的場合), 遮罩3安裝於遮罩框架的組合(不具遮罩托架的組] 如第1〜4圖所示,在遮罩托架42的上部設有 視角略呈U字型」的上部導引體43。 被設在真空槽1之內部上面側的導引滾子40' 接於該上部導引體43的內部。此外,嵌入孔37被 部導引體43的底面,藉由嵌入後述的定位銷36, 可於校準時固定遮罩3。 在遮罩托架42的下部設有圓棒狀的下部導引體 一端則 結於前 結體12 的各室 具有適 ,爲了 置的狀 安裝於 示省略 板尺寸 採用將 刍)。 「剖面 ‘ 44抵 設在上 而構成 -16- 45 ° 201229260 藉由該下部導引體45,遮罩3 —邊被「被設於真空槽 1之內部下面側」的搬送滾子46(V滾子)導引並一邊被 搬送。更具體地說,搬送滾子46被豎立設於真空槽1的 底面。在下部導引體45的底面設有嵌入孔39,藉由嵌入 後述的定位銷38,而構成可於校準時固定遮罩3。 此外,在基板托架4 1也同樣設有:可供導引滾子47 抵接,且剖面視角略呈U字型的上部導引體48;及一邊 被搬送滾子49 (V滾子)所導引並一邊形成搬送的下部導 引體50。在該上部導引體48的底面及下部導引體50的底 面,設有可供基板托架鎖銷嵌入的嵌入孔。 此外,在基板托架41鉗緊固定基板2之鉗緊固定面 的相反側(背面),形成有用來設置板體51的凹部,該 板體51具備:用來冷卻基板托架41的冷卻板;及用來使 遮罩3 (鐵鎳合金(invar)之類的磁性材料所形成)與基 板2緊密貼合的磁性板。 此外,在基板2的表面側角部及遮罩3的背面側角部 (對角位置的一對角部),分別設有校準標誌。 該校準標誌構成:可通過設於基板托架41及板體51 的校準標誌辨識用孔52、53,被「由CCD攝影機、透鏡 及照明裝置所構成」的校準攝影機5 4所是辨識。校準是 以來自於該校準攝影機54的映像作爲基礎’執行對校準 驅動機構的控制。 針對校準驅動機構進行詳細說明。 前述上部側移動基座部6,是透過「相對於前述上部 -17- 201229260 側固定基座部5,將前述上部側移動基座部6導引至X方 向及Y方向」的直接傳動(direct acting)導引部而連結 於前述上部側固定基座部5,前述上部側連結體8,是透 過「相對於前述各上部側移動基座部6,將前述上部側連 結體導引至0方向」的轉動導引部而連結至前述各上部側 移動基座部6,前述下部側移動基座部10,是透過「相對 於前述下部側固定基座部9,將前述下部側移動基座部1 0 導引至X方向及Y方向」的直接傳動導引部而連結於前 述下部側固定基座部5,前述下部側連結體12,是透過「 相對於前述各下部側移動基座部1 0,將前述下部側連結體 12導引至0方向」的轉動導引部而連結於前述各下部側移 動基座部1 〇。 在本實施例中,是將上部側固定基座部5在真空槽1 (腔室)的上壁面外側設成固定狀態。 如第6、7圖所示,在與該上部側固定基座部5之遮 罩表面平行的安裝面,隔著「將剖面視角呈C字型的導引 塊16嵌入延伸設置於X方向(左右方向)的軌道15所構 成」的2個LMCLinear Motion)導引,設有板狀的上部 側X方向移動基座14,在與該上部側X方向移動基座14 之遮罩表面平行的安裝面,隔著「將導引塊19嵌入延伸 設置於Y方向(上下方向)的軌道18所構成」的2個LM 導引具,設有板狀的上部側Y方向移動基座17,進而構 成上部側移動基座部6。 上部側X方向移動基座14面向上部側固定基座部5 -18- 201229260 之前述安裝面的面’被設定成「平行於遮罩表面」的面, 在該面安裝固定有導引塊的安裝平坦面。此外,上部 側Y方向移動基座17面向上部側X方向移動基座14之 前述安裝面的面’被設定成「平行於遮罩表面」的面,在 該面安裝固定有導引塊19的安裝平坦面。 下部側也同樣地,將下部側固定基座部9在真空槽1 的下壁面外側設成固定狀態。 在平行於該下部側固定基座部9之遮罩表面的安裝面 ,隔著「將導引塊22嵌入延伸設置於Y方向的軌道2 1所 構成」的2個LM導引具,設有板狀的下部側Y方向移動 基座20,在平行於該下部側Y方向移動基座20之遮罩表 面的安裝面,隔著「將導引塊25嵌入延伸設置於X方向 的軌道24所構成」的2個LM導引具,設有板狀的下部 側X方向移動基座23,進而構成下部側移動基座部10。 下部側Y方向移動基座20面向下部側固定基座部9 之前述安裝面的面,被設定成「平行於遮罩表面」的面, 並在該面安裝固定有導引塊22的安裝平坦面。此外,下 部側X方向移動基座23面向下部側Y方向移動基座20 之前述安裝面的面,被設定成「平行於遮罩表面」的面, 並在該面安裝固定有導引塊25的安裝平坦面。 而在本實施例中,雖然考慮了平衡的因素,而「在上 下的驅動機構,將X方向移動基座與Y方向移動基座的 上下配置關係」設成相反,但也能使其一致。 此外,上部側移動基座部6及下部側移動基座部1 0 -19- 201229260 是分別設成左右各一對(各2個)。 安 滾 :L 27 10 可 之 的 架 的 應 體 校 貫 引 校 所 面 旋 滾 在平行於上述各上部側移動基座部6之遮罩表面的 裝面,隔著「相對於內輪,將外輪設成可迴旋」的交叉 子軸承1 3,分別設有上部側連結體8之「由剖面視角呈 字型的板材所形成」之1個基部27的垂直面,該基部 在各上部側移動基座部6設成架設狀態。 在下部側也同樣地,在平行於各下部側移動基座部 之遮罩表面的安裝面,隔著「相對於內輪,將外輪設成 迴旋」的交叉滾子軸承2 6,分別設有下部側連結體1 2 「由剖面視角呈L字型的板材所形成」之1個基部29 垂直面,並將該基部29在各下部側移動基座部6設成 設狀態。 在與「設在上部側移動基座部6之上部側連結體8 基部27之前述垂直面」直交之水平面的左右端部(對 於交叉滾子軸承13的位置),分別豎立設置有連結筒 2 8 ’該連結筒體2 8連結於「以直立狀態安裝遮罩3」的 準框4。 該各連結筒體28的前端部,通過真空槽1的上部 穿孔7被導入真空槽1內,在該前端部設有遮罩搬送導 用(位於遮罩定位的固定位置)的導引滾子44,並將與 準框4連結的水平板體3 〇連結成架設狀態。如第5圖 示,該導引滾子44是由:抵接於上部導引體43之內底 的滾子體70、和抵接於內側面的滾子體71、和可自由 轉地保持上述滾子體70、71的滾子保持體72、及「將 -20- 201229260 子保持體72支承成相對於水平板體30的表面而自由接觸 /分離」的一對滑動襯套73所構成。此外’該滾子保持體 72是由彈簧等的彈推機構’朝「從水平板體3 0分離」的 方向彈推。 此外,在水平板體30設有「在前端具有可嵌入遮罩3 的嵌入孔37之嵌入部」的定位銷36。該定位銷36被設於 導引滾子44的滑動襯套73間,此外,其前端部被設成: 可從「被設於導引滾子44之滾子保持體72中央部」的插 通孔突出。此外,定位銷36前端的嵌入部,一般是構成 不會從滾子體70、71突出,在滾子保持體72對抗彈推機 構的彈推力而被朝上頂起的場合中,從滾子體70、71突 出(露出),而構成可嵌入上部導引體43的嵌入孔37。 因此,由後述的定位銷38將遮罩3(遮罩托架42) 朝上方頂起,一旦由上部導引體43透過滾子體70將滾子 保持體72朝上頂起,將使定位銷36前端的嵌入部露出, 而形成嵌入上部導引體43的嵌入孔37。 此外’設有金屬製的伸縮管34( bellows)覆蓋該連 結筒體28。伸縮管34的其中一端被配置於上部貫穿孔7 的周緣部,另一端則被配置於水平板體3 0的上面側,藉 此’上部貫穿孔7以氣密狀態被封閉。 下部側’在與「設於下部側移動基座部1 0的下部側 連結體12之基部29的前述垂直面」直交之水平面的左右 端部(對應於交叉滾子軸承26的位置),分別豎立設置 有連結筒體3 1 ’該連結筒體3 1連結於「以直立狀態安裝 -21 - 201229260 遮罩3」的校準框4。 該各連結筒體31的前端部通過真空槽1的下部貫穿 孔11被導入真空槽1內,且在該前端部,與校準框4連 結的水平板體3 3被連結成架設狀態。 該連結筒體31的前端部被設成:貫穿水平板體33 ( 在可不具隙間地保持氣密的狀態下)並朝上方突出,且在 該連結筒體31內設置「可在不具隙間地保持氣密的狀態 下,從連結筒體31的前端突出」的筒狀體60,在該筒狀 體60的內部,定位銷38被設成:可藉由偏心凸輪機構等 適當的伸縮驅動機構6 1,而從前端自由地伸出/縮回。此 外,定位銷38的突出量被設定成:嵌入至嵌入孔39後, 至少使遮罩托架42的下部導引體50從搬送滾子46分離 地朝上頂起,並藉由遮罩托架42的上部導引體43,透過 滾子體70頂起滾子保持體72,進而可使定位銷36前端的 嵌入部露出的程度。 而定位銷38的外周面與筒狀體60的前端內周面構成 :可在保持氣密的狀態下伸縮滑動。 因此,可藉由以下的方式,將遮罩3定位固定於上部 側連結體8及下部側連結體1 2,進而可將遮罩3與校準框 4固定成一體:使該定位銷38從筒狀體60的前端突出後 嵌入遮罩3的嵌入孔39,並頂起遮罩3(遮罩托架42) ’ 利用上部導引體43頂起滾子保持體72,使已露出之定位 銷36前端的嵌入部嵌入至嵌入孔37。 此外,設有金屬製的伸縮管35覆蓋該連結筒體31。 -22- 201229260 伸縮管3 5的其中一端被配置於下部貫穿孔11的周緣部 另一端則被配置於水平板體3 3的下面側,藉此能以氣 狀態封閉下部貫穿孔1 1。 此外,校準框4的上下端部分別被連結於水平板體 、33。因此,校準框4與各連結體8、12形成一體移動 亦即,校準框4,受到左右移動基座部6、〗0移動的影 ,而與朝X、Y及0之各方向移動的各連結體8、12 — 朝X、Y及0之各方向移動。在校準框4設有遮罩冷卻 的冷卻機構。 針對「促使各移動基座部6、1 0移動」的驅動機構 行詳細說明。 在本實施例中,在上部側驅動機構及下部側驅動機 ,分別設有X方向用驅動裝置、或Υ方向用驅動裝置 或者上述的雙方,藉由利用該X方向用驅動裝置及Υ 向用驅動裝置,使前述上部側移動基座部6及前述下部 移動基座部1 〇 ’相對於上部側固定基座部5及下部側固 基座部9而朝X方向及Υ方向移動,進而構成:可透 前述上部側連結體8及前述下部側連結體1 2,使前述校 框4朝X、Υ及0方向調整移動。 具體地說,就X方向用驅動裝置及γ方向用驅動 置而言,是採用眾所皆知的滾珠螺桿裝置。滾珠螺桿裝 是由以下所構成:自由正反旋轉的馬達5 5 ;和由馬達 所轉動的滾珠螺桿5 6 (固定部);及旋鎖於滾珠螺桿 ,並藉由該滾珠螺桿56的轉動而沿著滾珠螺桿56的軸 密 30 〇 響 起 用 進 構 方 側 定 過 準 裝 置 55 56 方 -23- 201229260 向移動的螺帽57(移動部)。 在本實施例中,如第6圖所示,將馬達55及滾珠 桿56固定於下部側固定基座部9(的安裝面)的左右端 ,並將該滾珠螺桿56固定在延伸於前述Y方向的軌道 之間,而與該軌道21形成平行,在「設於下部側固定 座部9之左右端部的下部側移動基座部10」的下部側 方向移動基座20面向下部側固定基座部9的面,安裝 與前述滾珠螺桿56形成旋鎖的螺帽57,而構成可朝Y 向驅動。 此外,在「設於右端部之下部側移動基座部1〇」的 部側Y方向移動基座20,馬達55及滾珠螺桿56被固 成:該滾珠螺桿56在朝前述X方向延伸設置的軌道24 間,與該軌道2 4形成平行;在下部側X方向移動基座 面向下部側Y方向移動基座20的面’安裝有與前述滾 螺桿56形成旋鎖的螺帽57,而構成可朝X方向驅動。 此外,在上部側固定基座部5(的安裝面)的一端 (右端部),馬達55及滾珠螺桿50被固定成:該滾珠 桿56在朝前述X方向延伸設置的軌道15之間’與該軌 15形成平行;在上部側固定基座部5之設於右端部的上 側移動基座部6的上部側X方向移動基座1 4面向上部 固定基座部5的面,分別設有與前述滾珠螺桿5 6形成 鎖的螺帽5 7,而構成可朝X方向驅動。 因此,由於上部側連結體8及下部側連結體1 2 ’與 準框4 一體地移動,藉由調整各移動基座因上述4個滾 螺 部 2 1 基 Y 有 方 下 疋 之 23 珠 部 螺 道 部 側 旋 校 珠 -24- 201229260 螺桿裝置(以下,將下部側X方向用驅動裝置稱爲A,將 下部左側Y方向用驅動裝置稱爲B,將下部右側Y方向 用驅動裝置稱爲C,將上部側X方向驅動用裝置稱爲D) 所產生的移動量,可使上部側連結體8及下部側連結體i 2 與校準框4自由地朝Χ、γ及0方向移動。. 舉例來說,如第7圖所示,由Α將下部側X方向移動 基座23送往左方向,由D將上部側X方向移動基座14 送往右方向,由B將左側的下部側Y方向移動基座20送 往上方向,由C將右側的下部側Y方向移動基座20送往 下方向’藉此也能透過交叉滾子軸承促使校準框4(遮罩 3 )旋轉|藉由分別獨立控制由A〜D所作用的進給方向 及進給量,可根據校準標誌而精密地執行遮罩3對基板2 的校準。 此外,在本實施例中,由於必須利用下部側驅動機構 來支承校準框4及遮罩3的質量,因此設有「藉由供給與 負荷相當的氣壓來抵銷質量,進而降低Y軸之驅動負荷」 的平衡氣壓缸62。而與下部側驅動機構之間的結合部,是 透過LM導引具63形成結合,不會對校準動作造成限制 〇 此外,在本實施例中,基板2的鎖定機構、及遮罩3 的往復移動機構,是採下述的方式構成。 如第3、4圖所示,基板2的鎖定機構是由以下所構 成··促使基板2 (基板托架4 1)上升的偏心凸輪3 2 ;和嵌 入「利用偏心凸輪3 2而上升的基板托架4 1之下部導引體 -25- 201229260 50的底面」之嵌入孔的基板托架鎖銷(與偏心凸輪32 — 起相對於遮罩3產生往復移動);及當基板托架41已上 升之際,嵌入「設於上部導引體48之底面」的V字溝之 導引滾子47的錐狀滾子體。 此外,相對於遮罩3的往復移動機構,如第3、4圖 所示,是由以下所構成:用來支承偏心凸輪32的支承體 66;和用來支承導引滾子47的支承體69;和將上述支承 體66、69支承成可相對於真空槽1,而朝遮罩3的面方向 、與垂直於水平方向的方向自由滑動的LM導引具67;及 促使上述支承體66、69滑動移動的滑動移動機構75。該 滑動移動機構75是由以下所構成:伺服馬達;和由該伺 服馬達所驅動的滾珠螺桿組;和藉由該滾珠螺桿組而沿著 LM導引具76朝遮罩3的面方向、及垂直於水平方向的方 向移動的移動基座78;及用來連結該移動基座78與支承 體66、69的連結部74。 在圖面中,圖號64是促使偏心凸輪32旋轉的旋轉軸 ,65是驅動旋轉軸64的驅動馬達,68是當利用往復移動 機構將基板2按壓於遮罩3時,用來防止過度的緊密貼合 的彈簧,77爲伸縮管。 說明根據以上構造之本實施例所執行的校準動作。 利用搬送機構(搬送滾子及導引滾子)分別將遮罩3 及基板2搬送至成膜室。而在本實施例中,將上述的搬送 滾子及導引滾子,在搬送方向、和垂直於水平方向的方向 上,2列並設成遮罩搬送用及基板搬送用。當然也可以並 -26- 201229260 設成3列以上。 被搬送至成膜室的遮罩3及基板2,是藉由「利用臂 等對遮罩3及基板2進行機械性暫時定位」的預先校準機 構,而調整移動至「定位銷3 6、3 8及基板托架鎖銷分別 可嵌入至嵌入孔」的位置。 使定位銷36、38嵌入經預先校準之遮罩3的嵌入孔 37、39,而將遮罩3(遮罩托架42)固定於各連結體8、 12 ° 此外,針對基板2,是促使基板托架鎖銷上升的同時 ,藉由搬送滾子中之部分的偏心凸輪32的旋轉令基板托 架41上升,而使基板2移動至校準位置(遮罩3與基板2 的校準標誌形成一定程度之重疊的位置)(第3圖),並 在該校準位置使基板托架鎖銷嵌入至嵌入孔,而將基板2 固定於真空槽1。 使基板2移動至量測位置後,將由CCD攝影機所取 得之校準標誌的位置資訊做爲基準,在驅動控制裝置內算 出遮罩托架42的位置補正量,並根據該位置補正量算出 校準框4及遮罩3的移動量(由各X方向用驅動裝置及γ 方向用驅動裝置所驅動的進給量),再將該算出的移動量 作爲基準,驅動各驅動裝置而執行校準(遮罩3對基板2 的校準)。 校準結束後,利用往復移動機構移動而使基板2接近 遮罩3(第4圖),使基板2與遮罩3緊密貼合並將具備 「冷卻板及磁性板」的板體51設於基板托架41的凹部, -27- 201229260 在該狀態下利用CCD攝影機取得校準標誌的位置資訊, 並由驅動控制裝置來判定校準是否已進入基準尺寸內,倘 若校準標誌的偏移量在基準尺寸內,便直接開始成膜,倘 若未進入達基準尺寸內,則算出前述位置補正量及前述移 動量並反覆執行校準直到成爲基準尺寸內爲止。 雖然在本實施例中,是藉由移動遮罩3側來執行校準 ,但亦可移動基板2側來執行校準。此外,雖然在本實施 例中,是分別在真空槽1的上下設置上部側驅動機構及下 部側驅動機構的構造,但也可以是僅設置「具備X方向用 驅動裝置及Y方向用驅動裝置」之上部側驅動機構、或者 下部側驅動機構的構造。 由於本實施例是以上述的說明所構成,在由真空槽1 所形成的成膜室(腔室)內以直立狀態所搬送之基板2與 遮罩3之間的校準,是採以下的方式執行:使上部側移動 基座部6及下部側移動基座部10分別相對於上下的各固 定基座部5、9而移動,並透過設於該上下之各移動基座 部6、1 0的上部側連結體8及下部側連結體1 2,使校準框 4、及「安裝成與該校準框4 一體移動」的遮罩3,相對於 基板2朝X、Y及(9方向調整移動;因此不會如同習知技 術般,使校準驅動機構朝搬送方向、及垂直於水平方向的 方向突出,可在真空槽1的上下緊緻地分割配置,而盡可 能地更進一步縮小平面配置上的設置空間。 此外,由於將各固定基座部5、9設在本身爲剛體的 腔室,故能充分確保校準精度。此外,可增大中央的空間 -28- 201229260 部分,而使遮罩冷卻機構和基板吸附機構等的設置變得更 容易。甚至,使遮罩3的保持力矩變小’可降地對校準精 度的影響,而成爲可對應基板尺寸之大型化的裝置°因此 ,將驅動機構分割成上下,可更進一步小型化’此外’由 於可縮短該驅動機構、與「各連結體8、12之校準框4的 連結部」之間的距離,而能更精密地校準調整移動。 此外,可將「用來促使上下之各移動基座部6、10移 動j的驅動裝置,分別分割設置於真空槽1的上部及下部 ,在下部側設置:使保持特定間隔所設置的一對(2個) 下部側移動基座部10,相對於下部側固定基座部9朝X 方向移動的滾珠螺桿裝置(1軸)、及朝Y方向移動的滾 珠螺桿裝置(分別設於各移動基座部,計2軸);在上部 側設置:使上部側移動基座部6相對於上部側固定基座部 5而朝X方向移動的滾珠螺桿機構(1軸):並藉由調整 設定「由各驅動裝置使各移動基座部產生的移動量」,可 使校準框4自由地朝X、Y及0方向調整移動,不僅如此 ,可減少上部側的驅動裝置,而更穩定地將校準驅動機構 設於真空槽。 不僅如此,由於僅有各連結體8、1 2與校準框4之間 的連結部被配置於真空槽1內(真空側),而校準驅動機 構的摩擦接觸部位皆被設於真空槽1的外部(大氣側), 故真空槽1的內部能更進一步保持清淨的環境,使所形成 的薄膜成爲更高品質的膜。 據此,本實施例可成爲:既能確保校準精度又能實現 -29- 201229260 省空間,即使是第四世代以上的大型基板也能充分對應, 而具有絕佳實用性的成膜裝置。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖:爲本實施例之重要部位的槪略說明立體圖。 第2圖:爲本實施例之重要部位的槪略說明前視圖。 第3圖:爲本實施例之重要部位的槪略說明剖面圖。 第4圖:爲本實施例之重要部位的槪略說明剖面圖。 第5圖:本實施例之導引滾子的放大槪略說明圖。 第6圖:爲本實施例之上部側驅動機構及下部側驅動 機構的槪略說明圖。 第7圖:爲顯示本實施例之校準操作例的槪略說明圖 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :真空槽 2 :基板 3 :遮罩 4 :校準框 5 :上部側固定基座部 6 :上部側移動基座部 7 :上部貫穿孔 8 :上部側連結體 9 :下部側固定基座部 -30- 201229260 1 〇 :下部側移動基座部 1 1 :下部貫穿孔 1 2 :下部側連結體 1 3 :交叉滾子軸承 1 4 :上部側X方向移動基座 1 5 :軌道 16 :導引塊 1 7 :上部側Υ方向移動基座 18 :軌道 19 :導引塊 2 0 :下部側Υ方向移動基座 21 :軌道 22 :導引塊 2 3 :下部側X方向移動基座 24 :軌道 25 :導引塊 2 6 :交叉滾子軸承 27 :基部 2 8 :連結筒體 2 9 :基部 3 〇 :水平板體 3 1 :連結筒體 3 2 :偏心凸輪 3 3 :水平板體 -31 201229260 3 4 :伸縮管 3 5 :伸縮管 3 6 :定位銷 3 7 :嵌入孔 3 8 :定位銷 3 9 :嵌入孔 40 :導引滾子 41 :基板托架 42 :遮罩托架 43 :上部導引體 44 :導引滾子 45 :下部導引體 4 6 :搬送滾子 47 :導引滾子 48 :上部導引體 49 :搬送滾子 50 :下部導引體 5 1 :板體 5 2 :校準標誌辨識用孔 5 3 :校準標誌辨識用孔 54 :校準攝影機 5 5 :馬達 5 6 :滾珠螺桿 5 7 :螺帽 -32 201229260 60 :筒狀體 6 1 :伸縮驅動機構 62 :平衡氣壓缸 63 : LM導引具 64 :旋轉軸 66 :驅動馬達 67 : LM導引具 6 8 :彈簧 69 :支承體 70 :滾子體 71 :滾子體 72 :滾子保持體 73 :滑動襯套 74 :連結部 75 :滑動移動機構 76 : LM導引具 7 7 :伸縮管 7 8 :移動基座 -33201229260 VI. Description of the Invention: TECHNICAL FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a film forming apparatus. ' [Prior Art] ' Now, the transfer method in the manufacturing apparatus of the organic EL display panel is such that the substrate size is, for example, less than the half-cut size of the fourth generation, and gravity causes the deflection of the glass substrate to be small. There is no problem, so the horizontal down of the face down becomes the mainstream. Having said that, the trend of increasing the size of the substrate in the future (becoming the fourth generation or higher) is extremely remarkable. In this case, the horizontal conveyance has a problem that the alignment between the substrate and the mask causes a problem due to the deflection of the substrate. . In view of this, in order to reduce the deflection caused by the gravity due to gravity, a vertical transfer method of "transporting the substrate in a vertical state (upright state)" is considered. However, in the manufacturing apparatus of the organic EL display panel which is conventionally used for vertical conveyance, the calibration drive mechanism for "aligning the substrate (substrate holder) and the mask (mask holder) in a vertical state is In the same manner as the device used for horizontal transport disclosed in Patent Document 1, the calibration drive mechanism in which the drive unit for calibration is disposed at a right angle to the substrate and the mask surface is used, and the drive mechanism faces the outside of the chamber ( Since the direction perpendicular to the conveyance direction and the horizontal direction is largely protruded, a large amount of installation space is required without being expected. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Patent No. 3 7 9 9 8 7 No. 201229260 [Disclosed Summary] The present invention has been made in view of the above-described circumstances, by providing a calibration drive and providing The rigid body chamber has a space, even for the fourth generation or higher, which has excellent practical film forming equipment. [Means for Solving the Problem] The film forming apparatus according to the present invention is a film forming apparatus which is attached to a film which is held in the vacuum chamber 1 and is characterized in that the moving mechanism is The mask 3 is mounted and moved to the substrate 2, and the mask is placed in alignment with the panel 2. The calibration driving mechanism is constituted by an upper moving mechanism, and the upper side body 12 and the calibration frame 4 are In the dense state between the first through-holes 7 and the constricted tubes 34 and 35, the vacuum is formed by the upper side fixed base of the "upper side of the vacuum chamber 1". The present invention has two upper and lower divided portions, which can ensure the calibration accuracy and can also fully support the provincial substrate, and can be formed by the mask 3 and the film forming material: the substrate 2 in the vertical state. The calibration drive mechanism is configured to drive the alignment frame 4 in the upright state, and the mask 3 and the base 3 are formed on the substrate 2 to form the appropriate side drive mechanism, or the lower side drive link 8 and the lower side link. Ministry "in the groove 1 of the gas and the lower through hole 1 1 respectively"; the upper side drive mechanism is externally 'fixed to the vacuum groove seat portion 5, and "relative to the upper portion -6-201229260 side fixed base The portion 5 is movable on the upper side of the mask surface in the X direction and the Y direction, and the base portion 6 is rotatably rotated in the 0 direction of the rotation direction of the mask surface. The upper side moving base unit 6 is supported, and the other end is connected to the upper side connecting body 8 of the upper portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1 through the upper through hole 7 provided in the upper portion of the vacuum chamber 1. The lower side drive mechanism is a lower side fixed base portion 9 that is provided outside the vacuum chamber 1 and is fixed to the lower side of the vacuum chamber 1, and "relative to the lower side fixed base" The portion 9 is movable in the lower X-direction and the 方向 direction of the mask surface, and the base portion 10' and the "one end of the base portion 10" are rotatably rotated in the direction of the rotation of the mask surface. Supported by the lower side moving base portion, The other end is constituted by a lower side connecting body 1 2 which is connected to the lower portion of the lower side of the vacuum chamber 1 and is connected to the lower portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1. In addition, the film forming apparatus of the present invention is a film forming apparatus that performs film formation by adhering a film forming material to a substrate 2 that is held in an upright state in the vacuum chamber 1 via a mask 3, and is characterized in that: a calibration drive mechanism that adjusts movement of the calibration frame 4 that "installs the mask 3 in an upright state" with respect to the substrate 2, and performs calibration between the mask 3 and the substrate 2 to cause the aforementioned The mask 3 is formed at an appropriate position on the substrate 2, and the calibration drive mechanism is constituted by an upper side drive mechanism and a lower side drive mechanism, and the upper side link body 8 and the lower side link body 12 and the calibration frame 4 are The connection portion between the two is provided in the vacuum chamber 1 through the 201229260 telescopic tubes 34 and 35 which respectively close the upper through hole 7 and the lower through hole 1 1 in an airtight state; the upper side drive mechanism is The upper base fixing base portion 5 and the "upper side fixing base portion 5" are provided in the outer surface of the vacuum chamber 1 and are fixed to the upper portion of the vacuum chamber 1 Surface facing X-square. The upper side moving base portion 6 and the "one end moving in the Y direction" are rotatably supported by the upper side moving base portion 6 in the 0 direction of the rotation direction of the mask surface, and the other end is supported. And the upper side connecting body 8 connected to the upper portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1 is formed by the upper through hole 7 provided in the upper portion of the vacuum chamber 1, and the lower side driving mechanism is provided by The lower side fixed base portion 9 of the vacuum chamber 1 is fixed to the lower side of the vacuum chamber 1 and "relative to the lower side fixed base portion 9 so as to be movable in parallel on the mask surface The lower side moving base portion 1A of the X direction and the Y direction" and "the one end of the lower side moving base portion 1" is rotatably supported in the 0 direction of the rotation direction of the mask surface, The other end is connected to the lower side connecting body 12 of the lower portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1 through a lower through hole 11 provided in the lower portion of the vacuum chamber 1. In addition, the film forming apparatus of the present invention is a film forming apparatus that performs film formation by adhering a film forming material to a substrate 2 that is held in an upright state in the vacuum chamber 1 via a mask 3, and is characterized in that: a calibration drive mechanism that adjusts movement of the calibration frame 4 that "installs the mask 3 in an upright state" with respect to the substrate 2, and performs calibration between the mask 3 and the substrate 2 to cause the aforementioned The mask 3 is formed at an appropriate position on the substrate 2, and the calibration drive mechanism is constituted by an upper side drive mechanism or a lower -8-201229260 side drive mechanism. The upper side drive mechanism or the lower side drive mechanism is provided with X. The direction driving device or the γ-direction driving device or both of the above-described "upper side moving base portion 6 or the lower side moving base portion 1 by using the X-direction driving device and the γ-direction driving device" The cymbal is moved in the X direction and the Y direction with respect to the upper side fixed base portion 5 or the lower side fixed base portion 9, and is configured to be permeable to the upper side connecting body 8 or the lower portion. The side connecting body 2 adjusts and moves the calibration frame 4 in the X, Y, and 0 directions, and the connecting portion between the upper side connecting body 8 and the lower side connecting body 12 and the calibration frame 4 is transmitted through In the airtight state, the telescopic tubes 34 and 35 that close the upper through hole 7 and the lower through hole 11 ′′ are provided in the vacuum chamber 1; the upper side drive mechanism is “provided outside the vacuum chamber 1 and Moreover, the upper side fixing base portion 5 fixed to the upper side of the vacuum chamber 1 and the "fixing base portion 5 with respect to the upper side, the surface of the mask can be moved in the X direction and the Y direction in parallel" The upper side moving base portion 6 and "the one end is rotatably supported by the upper side moving base portion 6 in the 0 direction of the rotation direction of the mask surface, and the other end is provided in the vacuum chamber. The upper portion of the upper portion of the vacuum chamber 1 is formed by the upper portion of the upper portion of the vacuum frame 1 and the upper portion of the vacuum frame 1 And fixed to the lower portion of the vacuum chamber 1 The lower-side fixed base portion 9 and the lower portion of the lower-side fixed base portion 9 that can move in the parallel X and Y directions on the surface of the mask are moved to the base portion 10 and One end is rotatably supported by the lower side moving base portion from -9 to 201229260 in the Θ direction of the rotation direction of the mask surface, and the other end passes through the lower through hole 11 provided in the lower portion of the vacuum chamber 1. The lower portion of the lower portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1 is connected to each other. Further, the film forming apparatus of the present invention is a film forming apparatus which forms a film by adhering a material to a substrate 2 which is held in an upright state in the vacuum chamber 1 via a mask 3, and is characterized in that it has a calibration driving mechanism. The quasi-drive mechanism adjusts and moves the school 4 that "installs the mask 3 in an upright state" with respect to the substrate 2, and performs calibration between the substrates 2 of the mask 3 to make the mask 3 facing the substrate. In the two-position position, the calibration drive mechanism is composed of an upper-side drive mechanism and a lower drive mechanism, and the upper-side drive mechanism and the lower-motion mechanism are respectively provided with an X-direction drive device or a Y-direction drive. Alternatively, the upper side moving base unit 6 and the side moving base unit 1'' are fixed to the upper side fixed base portion 5 and the lower portion by the X-direction driving device direction driving device ' The base portion 9 is moved in the X direction and the γ direction, and the upper side connecting body 8 or the lower side connecting body 2 is configured to move the frame 4 in the X, Y, and 0 directions, and the upper side is connected. And before The connection between the lower side connecting body 1 2 and the calibration frame 4 is transmitted through the bellows 34 and 35 which respectively close the upper through hole 7 and the front through hole 气 in an airtight state, and is provided in the vacuum chamber. The upper side drive mechanism is formed by the upper side fixed base end of the "outside the vacuum groove" and fixed to the upper side of the vacuum groove 1, and the film is formed on the front side 12 to perform the calibration frame and The front side of the front side drive and the lower side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side of the front side The upper side moving base portion 6 that moves in the parallel X direction and the Y direction, and the "one end of the moving base portion 6 in the direction of the rotation of the mask surface" are freely rotatable by the upper side moving base portion 6 The other end is connected to the upper side connecting body 8 of the upper portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1 through an upper through hole 7 provided in the upper portion of the vacuum chamber 1, the lower side driving mechanism is composed of "is placed outside the vacuum chamber 1 The lower side fixed base portion 9 that is fixed to the lower side of the vacuum chamber 1 and the "fixed base portion 9 with respect to the lower side, can move in parallel X and Y directions on the surface of the mask" The lower side moving base portion 1 and the "one end of the moving base portion 1 in the direction of rotation of the mask surface are rotatably supported by the lower side moving base portion 1", and the other end is provided through the aforementioned The lower portion of the lower portion of the vacuum chamber 1 is formed through the hole 11 and is connected to the lower side connecting body 12 of the lower portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1. Further, the film forming apparatus according to claim 4 is characterized in that "the lower side moving base portion 10 is moved in a lower direction parallel to the surface of the mask, that is, in the Y direction" The Y-direction driving device of the side drive mechanism is configured such that each of the lower-side moving base portions 10 can be independently moved, and the Y-direction driving device is not provided in the upper-side driving mechanism. Further, the film forming apparatus according to claim 4 or 5, wherein the upper side moving base unit 6 transmits the upper side moving base unit 6 with respect to the upper side fixed base unit 5. The direct drive guide portion that leads to the X direction and the -11 - 201229260 γ direction is coupled to the upper side fixed base portion 5, and the upper side connecting body 8 transmits the base pedestal relative to each of the upper sides. The portion 6 that guides the upper side connecting body to the turning guide portion in the "in the direction" and is connected to the lower side moving base portion 6' of the lower side moving base portion 1" to transmit "relative to the lower portion" The side fixing base portion 9 is connected to the lower side fixed base portion 9 by guiding the lower side moving base portion 10 to the direct drive guide portion in the X direction and the Υ direction, and the lower side connecting body 1 2 The lower side moving base unit 1 is connected to the lower side moving base unit 1 by a rotation guide that "guides the lower side connecting body 12 to the zero direction with respect to each of the lower side moving base portions 1". [Effect of the Invention] The present invention has the above-described structure, and it is possible to ensure the calibration accuracy and the space saving, and it is possible to form a film that is sufficiently compatible and has excellent practicability even in the case of a large-sized substrate of the fourth or higher generation. Device. [Embodiment] The function of the present invention is shown in the drawings, and the embodiment of the present invention which is considered to be suitable is simply described. The alignment between the substrate 2 and the mask 3 conveyed in the upright state in the film forming chamber (chamber) formed by the vacuum chamber 1 is performed in such a manner that the upper side moves the base portion 6 or the lower side The moving base unit 1 is moved relative to the upper and lower fixed base portions 5 and 9 and passes through the upper side connecting body 8 or the lower side connecting body 1 2 provided in each of the moving base portions 6 and 10. -12- 201229260 The mask 3 and the mask 3 mounted "moving integrally with the calibration frame 4" are moved in the X, γ, and ^ directions with respect to the substrate 2. In the present invention, the present invention performs calibration between the mask 3 and the substrate 2 in such a manner that the upper side moving base portion 6 or the lower side moving base can be driven outside the vacuum chamber (chamber). The upper side moving base unit 6 or the lower side moving base unit 1 is driven by the upper side of the "upper side driving mechanism or the lower side driving mechanism disposed on the upper side or the lower side" The fixed base portion 5 or the lower side fixed base portion 6 is moved. Therefore, the calibration drive mechanism is not protruded in the direction of "perpendicular to the transport direction and the horizontal direction" as in the prior art, above and below the vacuum chamber 1. Or the two sides become configurable to be compact, so that the setting space on the layout can be reduced as much as possible. Further, since the fixed base portions 5 and 9 are provided in the chamber of the rigid body, the calibration accuracy can be sufficiently ensured. Further, the central space portion can be increased, and the arrangement of the substrate cooling mechanism, the mask cooling mechanism, or the mask suction mechanism can be made easier. Further, the holding torque of the mask 3 is made small, and the influence on the calibration accuracy can be reduced, and the device can be made larger in accordance with the size of the substrate. Therefore, the drive mechanism can be further miniaturized, and the distance between the drive mechanism and the "connection portion of the alignment frame 4 of each of the connected bodies 8 and 12" can be shortened, whereby a more precise calibration adjustment movement can be achieved. Further, the driving means for "moving the respective moving base portions 6, 10, 10" to be moved up and down may be separately provided in the upper and lower portions of the vacuum chamber 1, for example, it may be formed to cause "maintaining specificity" A pair of (two) lower side moving base portions 1 that are disposed at intervals" are moved to the ball screw device (one axis) in the X direction with respect to the lower side fixing base-13 - 201229260 seat portion 9 and moved to Y The ball screw device in the direction (the two moving shaft portions are provided in a total of two axes) is provided on the lower side, and the ball screw that "promotes the upper side moving base portion 6 to move in the X direction with respect to the upper side fixed base portion 5" The mechanism (one axis) is provided on the upper side (the upper side moving base unit 6 and the lower side moving base unit 10 are connected by the upper side connecting body 8 and the lower side connecting body 1 2, and therefore move in conjunction with each other. ). According to this, it is possible to freely adjust the movement of the calibration frame 4 in the X, Y, and 0 directions by adjusting the setting "the amount of movement of each of the moving base portions by the respective driving means", thereby reducing the upper side. The driving device and the calibration driving mechanism are more stably disposed in the vacuum chamber. Even since only the joint between the respective connecting bodies 8, 12 and the calibration frame 4 is provided in the vacuum chamber 1 (vacuum side), the frictional contact portions of the calibration drive mechanism are all provided outside the vacuum chamber 1 ( At the atmosphere side, the inside of the vacuum chamber 1 can be maintained in a cleaner environment, and the formed film becomes a higher quality film. Therefore, the present invention is capable of maintaining the calibration accuracy and saving space, and even a large-sized substrate of the fourth generation or more can be sufficiently matched, and has excellent practicability. [Embodiment] A specific embodiment of the present invention will be described based on the drawings. In the present embodiment, the present invention is applied to a film forming apparatus (vacuum steaming) having a transport mechanism for transporting a substrate and a mask (vertical transfer-14-201229260) in a horizontally erect vertical state. In the present embodiment, a film forming apparatus that performs film formation by attaching a film forming material to a substrate 2 that is held in an upright state in the vacuum chamber 1 is provided in the present embodiment. And providing a calibration frame 4 for mounting the mask 3 in an upright state, adjusting the movement with respect to the substrate 2, and performing alignment between the mask 3 and the substrate 2 such that the mask 3 faces the substrate 2 is a calibration drive mechanism that forms an appropriate position, and the calibration drive mechanism is composed of an upper side drive mechanism and a lower side drive mechanism, and between the upper side link body 8 and the lower side link body 12 and the calibration frame 4 The connecting portion is provided in the vacuum chamber 1 through the telescopic tubes 34 and 35 that respectively close the upper through hole 7 and the lower through hole 11 in an airtight state; the upper side driving mechanism is Assume The upper side of the vacuum chamber 1 is fixed to the upper side of the vacuum chamber 1 and the upper fixed base portion 5 and the upper base fixed base portion 5 are provided so as to be parallel to the surface of the mask. The upper side moving base portion 6 that moves in the direction and the Y direction, and "the one end is rotatably supported by the upper side moving base portion 6 in the zero direction of the rotation direction of the mask surface, and the other end is supported. The upper side connecting body 8 connected to the upper portion of the calibration frame 4 in the vacuum chamber 1 is formed by the upper through hole 7 provided in the upper portion of the vacuum chamber 1, and the lower side driving mechanism is provided by The lower side fixing base portion 9 of the outer side of the vacuum chamber 1 and fixed to the lower side of the vacuum chamber 1 and the "fixing base portion 9 with respect to the lower side" are movable in parallel on the surface of the mask The lower side moving base portion 1 in the X direction and the Y direction" and the "one end in the 0 direction of the rotation direction of the mask surface" are rotated from the -15-201229260 by the lower side moving base portion 1 0 support 'other pass is set in the above true A lower portion of the lower portion of the through-hole groove I1 'and the lower portion of the calibration block within said vacuum chamber 1 connected under the portion 4' of the side connected constituted. Explain the various parts in detail. The vacuum chamber 1 (film forming chamber) is connected in a straight line shape by a gate valve in order to maintain an airtight state with the carry-in side and the carry-out side, and is a member of the pressure reducing mechanism. Further, the evaporation source of the film forming material is disposed so as to face the substrate 2, and the substrate 2 and the mask 3 are superposed (overlapped) in alignment with the appropriate position, and a calibration driving mechanism is provided. In the present embodiment, as shown in Fig. 1, the glass substrate 2 is mounted on the substrate holder 41, and the mask 3 is attached to the frame-shaped mask frame (Fig.). The mask frame is attached to the frame-shaped mask. Bracket 42 (on the base for the 5th generation, 5th. In the case of 5th generation). Alternatively, depending on the substrate size (for example, in the case of the sixth generation), the combination of the mask 3 attached to the mask frame (the group without the mask bracket) is shown in FIGS. 1 to 4 in the mask bracket 42. The upper portion is provided with an upper guide body 43 having a substantially U-shaped viewing angle. The guide roller 40' provided on the inner upper surface side of the vacuum chamber 1 is connected to the inside of the upper guide body 43. Further, the insertion hole 37 is provided. The bottom surface of the portion guide body 43 can be fixed to the mask 3 by aligning a positioning pin 36 to be described later. The lower guide body having a round bar shape at the lower portion of the mask bracket 42 is attached to the front side. Each of the chambers 12 has a suitable shape, and is attached to the omitted plate in order to be placed. The "section" 44 is placed on the upper side to form a -16-45 ° 201229260. By the lower guide body 45, the cover 3 is "moved on the inner lower side of the vacuum chamber 1". The roller is guided and transported while being carried. More specifically, the conveying roller 46 is erected on the bottom surface of the vacuum chamber 1. An insertion hole 39 is formed in the bottom surface of the lower guide body 45, and the positioning pin 38, which will be described later, is fitted to fix the mask 3 at the time of calibration. Further, the substrate holder 4 1 is also provided with an upper guide body 48 for guiding the roller 47 to abut and having a U-shaped cross-sectional view; and a roller 49 (V roller) being conveyed on one side. The lower guide body 50 that is conveyed is guided and guided. On the bottom surface of the upper guide body 48 and the bottom surface of the lower guide body 50, an insertion hole into which the substrate bracket lock pin is fitted is provided. Further, a concave portion for arranging the plate body 51 is formed on the opposite side (back surface) of the plate holder 41 to clamp the fixed surface of the fixed substrate 2, and the plate body 51 is provided with a cooling plate for cooling the substrate holder 41. And a magnetic plate for closely bonding the mask 3 (formed of a magnetic material such as an invar) to the substrate 2. Further, a calibration mark is provided on each of the front side corner portion of the substrate 2 and the back side corner portion (a pair of corner portions at the diagonal position) of the mask 3. The calibration mark is formed by the calibration camera identification holes 52 and 53 provided in the substrate holder 41 and the plate body 51, and is recognized by the calibration camera 54 which is constituted by a CCD camera, a lens, and an illumination device. The calibration is based on the image from the calibration camera 54' performing control of the calibration drive mechanism. A detailed description of the calibration drive mechanism is given. The upper side moving base unit 6 is a direct drive that transmits the upper base moving base unit 6 to the X direction and the Y direction with respect to the upper -17-201229260 side fixed base portion 5 (direct) The upper side fixing base portion 5 is connected to the upper portion, and the upper side connecting body 8 transmits the upper side connecting body to the zero direction with respect to the upper side moving base portion 6 The rotation guide portion is coupled to each of the upper side movement base portions 6, and the lower side movement base portion 10 transmits the lower side movement base portion with respect to the lower side fixed base portion 9. a direct drive guide portion that is guided to the X direction and the Y direction" is coupled to the lower side fixed base portion 5, and the lower side link body 12 is permeable to the lower base side movement base portion 1 0, the lower side connecting body 12 is guided to the turning guide portion in the 0 direction", and is coupled to each of the lower side moving base portions 1A. In the present embodiment, the upper-side fixing base portion 5 is placed in a fixed state on the outer side of the upper wall surface of the vacuum chamber 1 (chamber). As shown in FIGS. 6 and 7, the mounting surface parallel to the mask surface of the upper-side fixed base portion 5 is inserted and extended in the X direction via a guide block 16 having a C-shaped cross-sectional view. Guided by two LMC Linear Motions composed of the rails 15 in the left-right direction, a plate-shaped upper X-direction moving base 14 is provided, and is mounted in parallel with the mask surface of the upper base X-moving base 14 The two LM guides which are formed by inserting the guide block 19 into the rail 18 extending in the Y direction (vertical direction) are provided with a plate-shaped upper side Y-direction moving base 17 and further configured. The base portion 6 is moved on the upper side. The surface of the upper side X-direction moving base 14 facing the mounting surface of the upper-side fixed base portion 5 -18-201229260 is set to be "parallel to the surface of the mask" on which the guide block is attached and fixed. Install a flat surface. Further, the surface of the upper side Y-direction moving base 17 facing the mounting surface of the upper side X-direction moving base 14 is set to be "parallel to the surface of the mask", and the guide block 19 is attached and fixed to the surface. Install a flat surface. Similarly to the lower side, the lower-side fixing base portion 9 is placed in a fixed state on the outer side of the lower wall surface of the vacuum chamber 1. The mounting surface of the mask surface parallel to the lower side fixing base portion 9 is provided with two LM guides that "construct the guide block 22 to be embedded in the rail 2 extending in the Y direction". The plate-shaped lower side Y-direction moving base 20 moves the mounting surface of the mask surface of the susceptor 20 parallel to the lower-side Y direction, and inserts the guide block 25 into the rail 24 extending in the X direction. The two LM guides that are configured are provided with a plate-shaped lower side X-direction moving base 23 and further constitute a lower-side moving base unit 10. The surface of the lower side Y-direction moving base 20 facing the mounting surface of the lower-side fixing base portion 9 is set to be "parallel to the surface of the mask", and the mounting of the guiding block 22 is fixed and fixed on the surface. surface. Further, the lower side X-direction moving base 23 faces the surface of the mounting surface of the susceptor 20 facing the lower side Y direction, and is set to be "parallel to the surface of the mask", and the guide block 25 is attached and fixed to the surface. Install a flat surface. On the other hand, in the present embodiment, the balance factor is considered, and "the upper and lower drive mechanisms have the upper and lower arrangement relationship between the X-direction moving base and the Y-direction moving base", but they can be made uniform. Further, the upper side moving base portion 6 and the lower side moving base portion 1 0 -19 to 201229260 are respectively provided as a pair of right and left (two each). Rolling: L 27 10 The rack of the rack can be rotated and the surface of the mat surface parallel to the upper side of the moving base portion 6 is separated by "relative to the inner wheel." The outer sub-bearings are provided with a reversible sub-bearing 13 and are respectively provided with a vertical surface of a base portion 27 of the upper side connecting body 8 which is formed by a plate material having a cross-sectional viewing angle, and the base portion is moved on each upper side. The base portion 6 is set in a erected state. Similarly, on the lower side, the mounting surface of the mask surface that moves the base portion parallel to each lower side is provided with a cross roller bearing 26 that is "rotating the outer wheel with respect to the inner wheel". The base portion 29 of the lower side connecting body 1 2 "formed by a plate material having an L-shaped cross-sectional view" is perpendicular to the base portion 29, and the base portion 29 is placed in a state in which each of the lower side moving base portions 6 is provided. The right and left end portions (positions of the crossed roller bearings 13) of the horizontal plane orthogonal to the "vertical surface provided on the upper side of the upper side moving base portion 6 upper side connecting body 8 base portion 27" are respectively provided with the connecting cylinder 2 8' The connecting cylinder 28 is connected to the quasi-frame 4 of "mounting the mask 3 in an upright state". The front end portion of each of the connection cylinders 28 is introduced into the vacuum chamber 1 through the upper perforation 7 of the vacuum chamber 1, and a guide roller for guiding the conveyance guide (fixed position at the position of the mask) is provided at the front end portion. 44. The horizontal plate body 3 连结 connected to the quasi frame 4 is connected to the erected state. As shown in Fig. 5, the guide roller 44 is composed of: a roller body 70 that abuts against the inner bottom of the upper guide body 43, and a roller body 71 that abuts against the inner side surface, and is rotatably held The roller holding body 72 of the roller bodies 70 and 71 and the pair of sliding bushings 73 that support the -20-201229260 sub-holding body 72 so as to be in free contact/separation with respect to the surface of the horizontal plate body 30 are formed. . Further, the roller holding body 72 is pushed by a spring pushing mechanism such as a spring toward the "separation from the horizontal plate body 30". Further, the horizontal plate body 30 is provided with a positioning pin 36 which has an "embedded portion having an insertion hole 37 into which the mask 3 can be fitted at the tip end". The positioning pin 36 is provided between the sliding bushes 73 of the guide roller 44, and the front end portion thereof is provided so as to be insertable from the "center portion of the roller holding body 72 provided in the guide roller 44". The through hole protrudes. Further, the fitting portion at the front end of the positioning pin 36 is generally configured not to protrude from the roller bodies 70, 71, and in the case where the roller holding body 72 is lifted upward against the spring force of the spring pushing mechanism, the roller is driven upward. The bodies 70, 71 are protruded (exposed) to constitute an insertion hole 37 into which the upper guide body 43 can be fitted. Therefore, the mask 3 (the mask bracket 42) is lifted upward by the positioning pin 38 which will be described later, and once the upper guide body 43 passes the roller body 70 to push the roller holding body 72 upward, the positioning is performed. The fitting portion at the front end of the pin 36 is exposed to form an insertion hole 37 that is fitted into the upper guide body 43. Further, a metal bellows 34 (bellows) is provided to cover the joint cylinder 28. One end of the bellows 34 is disposed on the peripheral portion of the upper through hole 7, and the other end is disposed on the upper surface side of the horizontal plate body 30, whereby the upper through hole 7 is closed in an airtight state. The lower side 'the left and right end portions (corresponding to the position of the crossed roller bearing 26) orthogonal to the horizontal plane orthogonal to the "vertical surface of the base portion 29 of the lower side connecting body 12 provided on the lower side moving base portion 10" The connection cylinder 3 1 ' is erected to be connected to the calibration frame 4 of "mounting the -21 - 201229260 mask 3 in an upright state". The front end portion of each of the connecting cylinders 31 is introduced into the vacuum chamber 1 through the lower through hole 11 of the vacuum chamber 1, and the horizontal plate body 3 connected to the calibration frame 4 is connected to the erected state at the front end portion. The front end portion of the connecting cylinder 31 is provided so as to penetrate the horizontal plate body 33 (in a state in which airtightness can be maintained without gaps) and protrude upward, and "there is no gap between the connecting cylinders 31" In the airtight state, the cylindrical body 60 projecting from the front end of the connecting cylinder 31, the positioning pin 38 is provided inside the cylindrical body 60 by an appropriate telescopic driving mechanism such as an eccentric cam mechanism 6 1, and freely extend/retract from the front end. Further, the protruding amount of the positioning pin 38 is set such that, after being fitted into the insertion hole 39, at least the lower guide body 50 of the mask bracket 42 is lifted upward from the conveying roller 46, and is covered by the mask. The upper guide body 43 of the frame 42 pushes up the roller holder 72 through the roller body 70, and the insertion portion of the tip end of the positioning pin 36 can be exposed. On the other hand, the outer circumferential surface of the positioning pin 38 and the inner circumferential surface of the front end of the tubular body 60 are configured to be expandable and contractible while maintaining airtightness. Therefore, the mask 3 can be positioned and fixed to the upper side connecting body 8 and the lower side connecting body 1 2 by the following means, and the mask 3 can be fixed integrally with the calibration frame 4: the positioning pin 38 can be removed from the tube The front end of the body 60 is protruded and embedded in the insertion hole 39 of the mask 3, and the mask 3 is lifted up (the mask bracket 42). The roller holder 72 is lifted up by the upper guide body 43 to make the exposed positioning pin The insertion portion of the front end of 36 is embedded in the insertion hole 37. Further, a metal bellows 35 is provided to cover the connecting cylinder 31. -22- 201229260 One end of the bellows 3 5 is disposed on the peripheral portion of the lower through hole 11 and the other end is disposed on the lower surface side of the horizontal plate member 3 3, whereby the lower through hole 1 1 can be closed in a gas state. Further, the upper and lower ends of the calibration frame 4 are connected to the horizontal plate body 33, respectively. Therefore, the calibration frame 4 moves integrally with the respective connected bodies 8 and 12, that is, the calibration frame 4 is moved by the left and right moving base portions 6, "0", and moves in the respective directions of X, Y, and 0. The connecting bodies 8, 12 are moved in the directions of X, Y and 0. A cooling mechanism for mask cooling is provided in the calibration frame 4. The drive mechanism for "moving the respective moving base portions 6, 10, 0" will be described in detail. In the present embodiment, the X-direction driving device or the X-direction driving device or both of the above-described upper-side driving mechanism and the lower-side driving device are provided by the X-direction driving device and the driving device. The driving device moves the upper side moving base portion 6 and the lower moving base portion 1 〇' in the X direction and the Υ direction with respect to the upper side fixing base portion 5 and the lower side solid base portion 9 The front frame 4 and the lower side connecting body 1 are permeable to the X-axis and the 0-direction. Specifically, the X-direction driving device and the γ-direction driving device are well-known ball screw devices. The ball screw assembly is composed of a motor 5 5 that is freely rotating forward and backward, and a ball screw 56 (fixed portion) that is rotated by a motor; and a lock on the ball screw, and by the rotation of the ball screw 56 Along the shaft seal 30 of the ball screw 56, the nut 57 (moving portion) that moves toward the side by the engagement side is fixed. In the present embodiment, as shown in Fig. 6, the motor 55 and the ball lever 56 are fixed to the left and right ends of the mounting surface of the lower side fixed base portion 9, and the ball screw 56 is fixed to extend in the above Y. The rails in the direction are parallel to the rails 21, and the lower base side of the "lower side moving base portion 10 provided at the left and right end portions of the lower side fixing seat portion 9" moves the base 20 toward the lower side fixing base. A nut 57 that forms a twist lock with the ball screw 56 is attached to the surface of the seat portion 9, and is configured to be driven in the Y direction. Further, the susceptor 20 is moved in the Y-direction of the portion "moving the base portion 1" provided on the lower end portion of the right end portion, and the motor 55 and the ball screw 56 are fixed: the ball screw 56 is extended in the X direction. The rails 24 are formed in parallel with the rails 24; and a nut 57 that forms a twist lock with the rolling screw 56 is attached to the surface of the lower side X-direction moving base facing the lower side Y-direction moving base 20. Drive in the X direction. Further, at one end (right end portion) of the (mounting surface) of the base portion 5 is fixed to the upper side, the motor 55 and the ball screw 50 are fixed such that the ball lever 56 is between the rails 15 extending in the X direction. The rails 15 are formed in parallel; the upper side of the upper side movement base portion 6 of the upper side fixed base portion 5 is moved in the X direction, and the surface of the base portion 14 facing the upper fixed base portion 5 is provided with The ball screw 56 forms a lock nut 57, and is configured to be driven in the X direction. Therefore, since the upper side connecting body 8 and the lower side connecting body 1 2 ' move integrally with the quasi-frame 4, by adjusting the respective moving bases, the bead portions of the four rolling screw portions 2 1 are squatted. Screw-side side-spinning bead -24-201229260 Screw unit (hereinafter, the lower-side X-direction drive unit is called A, the lower left-side Y-direction drive unit is called B, and the lower right-side Y-direction drive unit is called C, the upper side X-direction driving device is referred to as the amount of movement generated by D), and the upper-side connecting body 8 and the lower-side connecting body i 2 and the calibration frame 4 can be freely moved in the Χ, γ, and 0 directions. . For example, as shown in Fig. 7, the lower side X-direction moving base 23 is sent to the left direction, the upper side X-direction moving base 14 is sent to the right by D, and the lower left side by B. The Y-direction moving base 20 is sent to the upper direction, and the lower-side Y-direction moving base 20 of the right side is sent to the lower direction by C. This also allows the calibration frame 4 (mask 3) to be rotated by the crossed-roller bearing. By independently controlling the feed direction and the feed amount acting by A to D, the calibration of the substrate 2 by the mask 3 can be precisely performed in accordance with the calibration mark. Further, in the present embodiment, since it is necessary to support the quality of the calibration frame 4 and the mask 3 by the lower side driving mechanism, it is provided that "the pressure corresponding to the load is supplied to offset the mass, thereby reducing the driving of the Y-axis. Balanced pneumatic cylinder 62 of the load. The joint portion with the lower side drive mechanism is formed by the LM guide 63, and does not restrict the calibration operation. Further, in the present embodiment, the lock mechanism of the substrate 2 and the reciprocation of the mask 3 The moving mechanism is constructed in the following manner. As shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, the locking mechanism of the substrate 2 is composed of the following: an eccentric cam 3 2 that causes the substrate 2 (substrate holder 4 1) to rise, and a substrate that is raised by the eccentric cam 3 2 a substrate carrier lock pin of the bottom surface of the lower surface of the bracket 4 1 to the bottom of the bracket - 25 - 201229260 50 (to reciprocate relative to the eccentric cam 32); and when the substrate holder 41 has When it is raised, the tapered roller body of the guide roller 47 of the V-shaped groove provided in the "bottom surface of the upper guide body 48" is inserted. Further, the reciprocating mechanism with respect to the mask 3, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, is constituted by a support body 66 for supporting the eccentric cam 32, and a support body for supporting the guide roller 47. And supporting the support bodies 66 and 69 so as to be slidable toward the surface of the mask 3 and perpendicular to the horizontal direction with respect to the vacuum chamber 1, and to urge the support body 66; , 69 sliding movement sliding mechanism 75. The slide moving mechanism 75 is configured by: a servo motor; and a ball screw set driven by the servo motor; and a surface of the LM guide 76 facing the mask 3 by the ball screw set, and a moving base 78 that moves perpendicularly to the horizontal direction; and a connecting portion 74 that connects the moving base 78 to the support bodies 66 and 69. In the drawing, reference numeral 64 is a rotating shaft that causes the eccentric cam 32 to rotate, 65 is a driving motor that drives the rotating shaft 64, and 68 is used to prevent excessive when the substrate 2 is pressed against the mask 3 by the reciprocating mechanism. A tightly fitting spring, 77 is a telescopic tube. The calibration action performed in accordance with the present embodiment of the above configuration will be described. The mask 3 and the substrate 2 are transported to the film forming chamber by the transport mechanism (transport roller and guide roller), respectively. In the present embodiment, the above-described transport roller and guide roller are arranged in two rows in the transport direction and in the direction perpendicular to the horizontal direction for mask transport and substrate transport. Of course, it is also possible to set -26-201229260 to more than 3 columns. The mask 3 and the substrate 2 that have been transported to the film forming chamber are moved to the "positioning pins 36, 3 by a pre-alignment mechanism that "mechanically temporarily positions the mask 3 and the substrate 2 by an arm or the like". 8 and the substrate bracket lock pins can be embedded in the position of the insertion hole respectively. The positioning pins 36, 38 are inserted into the insertion holes 37, 39 of the pre-aligned mask 3, and the mask 3 (mask bracket 42) is fixed to each of the connecting bodies 8, 12 °. While the substrate carrier lock pin is rising, the substrate carrier 41 is raised by the rotation of the eccentric cam 32 of the portion of the transfer roller, and the substrate 2 is moved to the calibration position (the calibration marks of the mask 3 and the substrate 2 are formed). (the position where the degree overlaps) (Fig. 3), and the substrate holder lock pin is fitted into the insertion hole at the calibration position, and the substrate 2 is fixed to the vacuum chamber 1. After moving the substrate 2 to the measurement position, the position information of the calibration mark obtained by the CCD camera is used as a reference, and the position correction amount of the mask bracket 42 is calculated in the drive control device, and the calibration frame is calculated based on the position correction amount. 4 and the amount of movement of the mask 3 (the amount of feed driven by each of the X-direction driving device and the γ-direction driving device), and the driving amount is driven as a reference to drive the respective driving devices to perform calibration (masking) 3 calibration of the substrate 2). After the calibration is completed, the substrate 2 is moved closer to the mask 3 by the reciprocating mechanism (Fig. 4), and the substrate 2 and the mask 3 are closely attached to each other. The plate 51 having the "cooling plate and the magnetic plate" is placed on the substrate holder. The recess of the frame 41, -27-201229260, in this state, the position information of the calibration mark is obtained by the CCD camera, and the drive control device determines whether the calibration has entered the reference size, if the offset of the calibration mark is within the reference size, The film formation is started as it is, and if it is not within the reference size, the position correction amount and the movement amount are calculated and the calibration is repeatedly performed until the reference size is reached. Although in the present embodiment, the calibration is performed by moving the mask 3 side, the substrate 2 side may be moved to perform calibration. Further, in the present embodiment, the upper side drive mechanism and the lower side drive mechanism are provided on the upper and lower sides of the vacuum chamber 1, respectively, but only the "drive unit for the X direction and the drive unit for the Y direction" may be provided. The structure of the upper side drive mechanism or the lower side drive mechanism. Since the present embodiment is configured as described above, the calibration between the substrate 2 and the mask 3 carried in the upright state in the film forming chamber (chamber) formed by the vacuum chamber 1 is as follows. Execution: the upper side moving base unit 6 and the lower side moving base unit 10 are respectively moved relative to the upper and lower fixed base portions 5 and 9, and are transmitted through the respective moving base portions 6 and 10 provided on the upper and lower sides. The upper side connecting body 8 and the lower side connecting body 12 make the calibration frame 4 and the mask 3 "mounted integrally with the calibration frame 4" move toward the X, Y, and (9 directions) with respect to the substrate 2. Therefore, the calibration drive mechanism is not protruded in the direction of the transport direction and the direction perpendicular to the horizontal direction as in the prior art, and can be arranged in a tightly spaced manner above and below the vacuum chamber 1, and the plane configuration can be further reduced as much as possible. In addition, since each of the fixed base portions 5 and 9 is provided in a chamber which is itself a rigid body, the calibration accuracy can be sufficiently ensured. Further, the central space -28 - 201229260 can be enlarged, and the mask can be made Cooling mechanism and substrate adsorption mechanism The setting becomes easier. Even if the holding torque of the mask 3 is made small, the influence of the lowering accuracy on the calibration accuracy can be reduced, and the device can be enlarged in size corresponding to the size of the substrate. Therefore, the driving mechanism can be divided into upper and lower sides. Further miniaturization "further" can shorten the distance between the drive mechanism and the "connection portion of the calibration frame 4 of each of the connected bodies 8 and 12", and can more accurately align the adjustment movement. The driving device for moving the moving base portions 6 and 10 on the upper and lower sides is divided into an upper portion and a lower portion of the vacuum chamber 1, and a lower portion is provided to move a pair of (two) lower sides provided at a predetermined interval. The base portion 10 is a ball screw device (one shaft) that moves in the X direction with respect to the lower side fixed base portion 9, and a ball screw device that moves in the Y direction (each is provided in each of the moving base portions, and two axes are counted) Provided on the upper side: a ball screw mechanism (one axis) that moves the upper side moving base portion 6 to the upper side fixing base portion 5 in the X direction: and by setting the adjustment "moving by each driving device" Pedestal The amount of movement generated allows the calibration frame 4 to be freely moved in the X, Y, and 0 directions, and the drive device on the upper side can be reduced, and the calibration drive mechanism can be more stably placed in the vacuum chamber. Since only the connection portion between each of the connected bodies 8 and 12 and the calibration frame 4 is disposed in the vacuum chamber 1 (vacuum side), the frictional contact portions of the calibration drive mechanism are disposed outside the vacuum chamber 1 (atmosphere) Therefore, the inside of the vacuum chamber 1 can further maintain a clean environment, so that the formed film becomes a higher quality film. Accordingly, the present embodiment can be used to ensure calibration accuracy and achieve -29-201229260 Space saving, even a large substrate of the fourth generation or more can fully correspond, and has a film forming apparatus with excellent practicability. [Simplified illustration of the drawing] Fig. 1 is a schematic perspective view of an important part of the present embodiment . Fig. 2 is a front elevational view showing the outline of an important part of the embodiment. Fig. 3 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing an important part of the embodiment. Fig. 4 is a schematic cross-sectional view showing an important part of the embodiment. Fig. 5 is an enlarged schematic view showing the guide roller of the embodiment. Fig. 6 is a schematic explanatory view showing the upper side drive mechanism and the lower side drive mechanism of the present embodiment. Fig. 7 is a schematic explanatory view showing a calibration operation example of the present embodiment. [Main component symbol description] 1 : Vacuum chamber 2: Substrate 3: Mask 4: Calibration frame 5: Upper side fixed base portion 6: Upper portion Side movement base portion 7: Upper through hole 8: Upper side coupling body 9: Lower side fixing base portion -30-201229260 1 〇: Lower side moving base portion 1 1 : Lower through hole 1 2 : Lower side connecting body 1 3 : Crossed roller bearing 1 4 : Upper side X-direction moving base 1 5 : Track 16 : Guide block 1 7 : Upper side Υ direction moving base 18 : Track 19 : Guide block 2 0 : Lower side Υ Directional movement base 21: Track 22: Guide block 2 3: Lower side X direction Moving base 24: Track 25: Guide block 2 6 : Crossed roller bearing 27: Base 2 8 : Connecting cylinder 2 9 : Base 3 〇: horizontal plate body 3 1 : connecting cylinder 3 2 : eccentric cam 3 3 : horizontal plate body - 31 201229260 3 4 : telescopic tube 3 5 : telescopic tube 3 6 : locating pin 3 7 : insertion hole 3 8 : positioning Pin 3 9 : Inserting hole 40 : Guide roller 41 : Substrate bracket 42 : Mask bracket 43 : Upper guide body 44 : Guide roller 45 : Lower guide body 4 6 : Transport roller 47 : Roller 48: upper guide body 49: transport roller 50: lower guide body 5 1 : plate body 5 2 : calibration mark identification hole 5 3 : calibration mark identification hole 54 : calibration camera 5 5 : motor 5 6: Ball screw 5 7 : Nut - 32 201229260 60 : Cylindrical body 6 1 : Telescopic drive mechanism 62 : Balanced pneumatic cylinder 63 : LM guide 64 : Rotary shaft 66 : Drive motor 67 : LM guide 6 8 : Spring 69 : Support body 70 : Roller body 71 : Roller body 72 : Roller holder 73 : Slide bush 74 : Joint portion 75 : Sliding movement mechanism 76 : LM guide 7 7 : Expansion tube 7 8 : Mobile base -33