201227023 六、發明說明: c 明戶斤々貝3 技術領域 本發明涉及一種配置在由光學式觸控面板、光學式形 狀感測1§專長方形的面板構成的檢測區域的緣部上並在該 檢測區域内形成光的網袼的光波導路裝置。 L 冬好】 背景技術 以往,作為一種檢測觸控面板中的觸碰位置的檢測機 構’使用有光學性檢測機構,該光學性檢測機構使用光波 導路光學性地檢測手指等的位置(專利文獻1、2)。 該光學性檢測機構係從設在長方形的面板(或者螢幕 等)的隔著角部的左右側部上的光出射側的光波導路(光波 導路裝置)的出射部’朝向隔著前述面板的檢測區域而與該 出射部分別相對的另一側邹出射(投射)很多束光(大致平行 的光)’在該檢測區域内形成光的網格,並且利用受光元件 等檢測入射到設在面板的另一側部上的光入射側的光波導 路的入射部的光。然後’在該狀態下,當用手指等物體遮 斷一部分前述檢測區域内的出射光時,該被遮斷的部分由 與光入射儀光波導路相連的受光元料感知到,從而識 別别述手指等觸碰的部分的位置(x、y方向位置)。 第3圖是示意性地顯示用於前述觸控面板等的習知的 光出射側光波導路裝置的芯圖案的圖。此外,圖中的圖式 標記P是表示長方形的面板,將其長邊側稱為父側㈣向), 201227023 將短邊側稱為Y側(y方向)。此外,將光出射側的光波導路裝 置設為m ’ 虛線表示其光波導路的s,並且將光入射側的 光波導路裝置設為D2 ’用雙點劃線表示其光波導路的芯。 如該圖所示,習知的光出射側光波導路裝置D1係在比 由光源10發出的光所入射的始端部20a稍靠後側處,分支為 朝向面板P的長邊X側的多個出射用芯2〇b、2〇b 、以及朝 向其短邊Y側的多個出射用芯20c、20c ,使得從光源10 入射到芯的光被一次性地分配到多個出射用芯20b、2加中 並從各個出射用芯20b、20c的終端部出射(參照專利文獻3) 先前技術文獻 專利文獻 專利文獻1:日本特開2010 —20103號公報 專利文獻2:日本特開2〇1〇 —32378號公報 專利文獻3:日本特表2〇〇1_514779號公報 I:發明内容:J 發明概要 發明要解決的問題 然而,根據本發明者們的研究,得知具有如上所述的 芯的分支構造的習知的光波導路裝置在很多情況下很難向 相鄰的兩個邊均等地分配光0本發明者們查明其原因係從 光源10入射到光波導路裝置D1M的光在—邊側(在第3圖 的習知例中,為向著短邊γ側的出射用芯2〇c)照原樣直線行 進,但是在另一邊側(在第3圖的習知例中,為向著長邊乂側 的出射用芯部20b)從芯的始端部2〇a(與光源間的光耦合部) 201227023 彎曲而前進,因此在該彎曲部位上的先損失變大,難以使 分配到面板P的長邊χ側和短邊γ側上的先量變得均等。 此外,又查明了,該習知的光波導路裝置D1的長邊χ 側的各個出射用芯部20b和短邊Υ側的各個出射用芯邹20c /刀別相對於光源1〇獨立設置因此難以進行調芯,當前述 各個芯部20b、20c的始端部2〇a的光軸與光源1 〇的光輛錯開 時’則述各個芯部2〇b、2〇c之間的光量差進一步擴大,進 而分配到面板P的長邊X側和短邊Y側的光量的差變得更 本發明是蓉於以上情況做成的,因此其目的在於提供 -種能夠將從錢發出的光均科分_長方形的面板的 長邊側和短制、並且於錢與狀^操作不要求 具有很高的精度的光波導路裝置。 用於解決問題的方案 个货听的尤砹導路裝置係在沿長 方形的面板的邊緣的框部上具有光源和 導路具有從光關料料向彼歧交的兩個方向=的皮 刀支狀芯’前述共料配置於前述框 ,第1芯部和第2芯部構成,該第〗芯部從二= ==直線狀延伸,該第2芯部從前心二 支點呈弧狀料預定的長度且比該呈弧狀彎 ^ 靠前端側的部分沿面板的短邊呈直線狀的:度 的芯部寬度大於前述第1芯部㈣部寬产。 一 即,本發明相為了㈣前述課;,對㈣於前述面 201227023 板的框形狀的光波導路裝置進行反複地研究,結果發現以 呈寬幅狀的芯端部(入射側的共用部)接收從光源發出的 光,使該共用部2分支為面板長邊方向和短邊方向,藉由使 具有彎曲部位的短邊側的芯的寬度大於長邊側的芯的寬 度,而能夠使前述長邊側和短邊側的芯的光量變得均等。 此外’本發明者們發現當將長邊側的芯的始端側與短 邊側的思的始端側匯總為一個始端側而作為共用部並使該 共用部與光源相對應時,能夠幾乎不受調芯的精度的影響 地使長邊側的芯和短邊側的芯的光量的平衡不產生偏差, 以至完成了本發明。 發明的效果 本發明的光波導路裝置,其分支狀芯的共用部配置在 面板框部的角部上’該分支狀芯分支成第1芯部和第2芯 部,該第1芯部從該共用部沿前述面板的長邊呈直線狀延 伸,該第2芯部從前述共用部的分支點呈弧狀彎曲預定的長 度且比該呈弧狀彎曲預定的長度靠前端側的部分沿面板的 短邊呈直線狀延伸,並且該第2芯部的芯寬度(W2)大於前述 第1芯部的芯寬度(W1)(W1<W2)。 這樣’可預見到短邊側的彎曲部位上的光損失而使前 述光波導路裝置的短邊側的芯寬度大於長邊側的芯寬产。 因此,減小了長邊側和短邊側中的光量的差,使分配到各 個邊上的光量變得均等。 此外’本發明的光波導路裝置將長邊側的忠的始端部 和短邊側的芯的始端部匯總為一個始端部而作為共用部並 6 201227023 =_用°卩與光源相對應’因此不崎習知的光波導路裝 ",要求心與光源的局精度地調怎。例如,即使不對芯 f行嚴格地調芯’也只會導致減少傳送到芯的光量 〜。而不會產生長邊側和短邊側的㈣光量的偏差。 此外^前述光波導路裝置中,使前述第2芯部的怎寬 X )對則述第1 β部的芯寬度(W1)的比(W2/w 1)為1 5〜5 的光波導路裝置能夠在光量«少的狀態下分料t 面板的長邊側和短邊側的光。 別述 此外’在町述料,即,叫料 及第2芯部上設有將各個芯部進—步細分 的第々部 得通過前述出射路的光朝向分別與 使 芯部相對的邊出射的方式構成的光波導路農置 达’對於第丨芯部及第2芯部大致均等地分配的光上所 細分而從前述各個出射路出射。因此由違〜歩 路,無論在面板的長邊側還是短邊側上 之出射 方向上光強度一致的均勻的光從前述〇 相對的邊出射。而且,在將該光波導路裝 學檢,構等的出射側的情況下,在檢測區域=的先 角,能夠連行高精度地檢測。 尺有死 此外,在以下述方式,即,以將前述先源配 框部的短邊側的角部上並使從該光源向著前述框則述 側發出的先從前述共用部的端部入射的方式構成·長邊 路裝1中,從前述光源發出的光入射到配置於框部先成導 的共用部,之後不彎曲地(筆直地)到達前逃面板長邊 201227023 (第1芯部)的終端。因此,該光波導路裝置能夠最有效地利 用從光源發出的光。 圖式簡單說明 第1圖中(a)是示意性地顯示本發明的實施形態中的光 波導路裝置的芯圖案的圖’(b)是(a)的C部的放大圖。 第2圖中(a)~(d)是示意性地說明用於本發明的實施形 態中的光波導路裝置的光波導路的製造方法的剖面圖。 第3圖是示意性地顯示習知的光波導路裝置的芯圖案 的圖。 【實施形態3 具體實施形態 接下來’基於圖式對本發明的實施形態進行詳細說明。 首先,對使用本實施形態的光出射側的光波導路裝置 D1的觸控面板感測器的概要進行說明。第丨圖的(幻中顯示的 觸控面板感測器(裝置)配置在例如平板顯示器的畫面的周 圍(框部位)上,其面板P的中央部的檢測區域s與前述晝面的 尺寸相合而形成為橫寬(長邊X :短邊γ=16 : 9)的長方形。 在前述檢測區域S的周圍的框部上,配置有光出射側的 光波導路Κ置D1和光入射側的光波導路裝置d2,該光波導 裝置D1和光波導路裝置D2構成前述觸控面板感測器,與 習知的光學式觸控面板感測器—樣,該觸控面板感測器使 用從光出射側光波導路裝置D1投射出的多束光(空心箭頭) 在則述檢測區域S内形成光的網格,並且利用受光元件 (CCD陣列等)檢測這些光中橫穿前述檢測區域㈣到達光入 8 201227023 射側光波導路裝置D2的光。此外,在使用時將罩等覆蓋在 該框部之上,因此無法用肉眼看到前述光波導路裝置D1、 D2。此外,光入射側光波導路裝置D2與習知裝置的結構相 同,因此省略其詳細說明。 接著,針對用於前述那樣的觸控面板感測器的出射側 的本實施形態的光出射側光波導路裝置(以下,簡稱“光波 導路裝置”)進行說明。如第1圖的(a)所示,本實施形態中的 光波導路裝置D1由光源10和光波導路構成,該光波導路具 有朝彼此正交地向兩個方向分支的分支狀的芯1。如第1圖 的(b)所示,前述光波導路的分支狀芯1由位於一端側(圖示 右側)的寬幅狀的共用部la、從該共用部la沿前述面板P的 長邊X呈直線狀延伸的第1芯部lb、以及從前述共用部la的 分支點J分支而沿面板P的短邊Y延伸的第2芯部lc構成。而 且,本發明的光波導路裝置的特徵在於,在前述共用部la 的分支點J上,第2芯部lc的芯寬度(W2)大於前述第1芯部lb 的芯寬度(W1)(W1<W2),該芯寬度較寬的第2芯部lc沿前 述短邊Y呈直線狀延伸。 若對前述光波導路裝置D1進行進一步詳細說明,用於 該光波導路裝置D1的光波導路係例如在聚合物類光波導路 的情況下,在使用樹脂材料形成的下包層及上包層(都未圖 示)之間,配置有利用光刻法等圖案化為前述形狀的前述芯 1 ° 前述芯1的共用部la形成與芯寬度W0相當的寬幅狀, 該芯寬度W0是前述第1芯部lb(寬度:W1)和第2芯部lc(寬 9 201227023 度:W2)之和,其一端侧(圖示右側)的端面成為供從前述光 源10發出的光(空心箭頭)入射的光耦合面。此外,為了容易 地實現與前述光源10的光耦合,通常共用部la的芯寬度冒〇 宜大於光源10的發光部寬度Η。例如,在光源1〇的發光部寬 度Η為ΙΟμηι左右的情況下,將前述共用部“的芯寬度w〇設 計為300〜500μη^此外,前述共用部la的光軸(點劃線)方向 的長度L(從該共用部la的一端側的端面(光連接面)至前述 分支點J的長度)宜為1500〜3000μηι。 從前述芯1的共用部la分支出的第1芯部lb以延長前述 共用部la的一部分的方式形成為直線狀,使得在分支後也 月b夠筆直地導入從前述光源1 〇發出的光。如上所述,該芯 寬度W1小於後述的第2芯部lc的芯寬度冒2,該芯寬度界1 以100〜250μιη為佳,而以ι〇〇~200μηι為更佳。 從前述共用部la分支出的第2芯部lc在前述分支點j處 與第1芯部lb分開,形成從該分支點j呈弧狀彎曲預定的長 度且比該呈弧狀彎曲預定的長度靠前端側的部分在面板P 的短邊Y側呈直線狀延伸的形狀(參照第1圖的(a))。前述第2 芯部lc的彎曲部位是使沿面板p的長邊X方向的共用部1&的 光轴向短邊γ方向彎折(彎曲)9〇。的部位,為了防止光損失 的增大而宜將該彎曲部位的曲率半徑設定為1〜5mm,而以 2〜3mm更佳。此外’前述分支點J及其後的芯寬度W2如前 所述大於第1芯部比的芯寬度Wi,而以15〇〜5〇〇μιη為佳, 200〜340μπι為更佳。 而且’在前述分支點J中的第丨芯部卟的芯寬度W1與第 201227023 2芯部lc的芯寬度评2的比(W2/W1)宜為丨5〜5 ,而以八* 更佳(參照第1圖的⑻)。此外,雖然會被後述的光源 光部尺寸所左右,但前述芯i的適當的厚度(高: 20〜ΙΟΟμΓη。 )』如為 此外’由於本實施形態的光波導路裝置⑴為 感測器用’因此在這些第i芯部lb及第2芯部_另二反 (與則述共用部la相反一側的端部側)上,如第in(a)所!1則 以從前述各個芯料肢依次分支的方式形成有多個I射 路^及1y。而且,前述各個出射路lx、ly由以下方 使^述分支後的細如近紅外線_著前述檢測區則八 別朝向與第1芯部1b和第2芯部_對的邊出射。 " 此外,對於前述第!圖的⑷中的各個出射路卜 了避免使圖式變得繁雜,只將多個出射路u、ly中的 2用實線表示出來,剩下的出射路ΐχ、_虛線表示而省 =己_於表示出射的光的空心、箭頭也—樣)。此外,前述 出射路lx、⑽條數可根據觸控面板的尺寸、感測器的解 析度等適當地設計,例如可以採用從前述第!芯部lb分支出 =長邊X側的出射路〗瑪條數為22_條左右、從前述第2 〜41c刀支出的短邊γ側的出射路卜的紐為條左 右的出射路。 在用於月j述光波導路裝置⑴的光源⑺中,會使用發光 二《(LED)或者半_#料,其中,尤其宜個光傳輸 1±優良的VCSEL(垂直腔表面發光雷射)。從前述光源⑽ 射的光的波長宜為仏外線(波長:獅韻〇nm)。 11 201227023 此外,如第1圖的(a)所示,前述光源10配置在面板P的 短邊Y側框部的角部上,以使其發光部(寬度H)向著面板p 的長邊X方向的方式對前述光源進行定位。利用該配置,使 從光源10發出的光如第1圖的(b)所示地入射到前述光波導 路的这1的共用部la的端面(光耦合面)上,不發生彎曲地到 達至前述面板P的長邊X側的終端。因此,該光波導路裝置 D1能夠高效地利用從光源1〇發出的光。 如上所述,在前述結構的光波導路裝置〇丨中,光波導 路的芯1形成為分支成在面板P的長邊X侧呈直線狀延伸的 第1芯部lb和從前述分支點j分支並彎曲而在面板p的短邊γ 側延伸的第2芯部lc的圖案,考慮到該第2芯部1(;的彎曲而 使前述第2芯部lc的芯寬度W2大於前述第1芯部lb的芯寬 度W1(W1<W2) ’並且’該寬度之比(W2/W1)為1_5〜5。因 此,該光波導路裝置D1在光量差小且取得了平衡的狀態下 將入射到共用部la的光分配在面板p的長邊χ側和短邊丫側 上0 此外,前述長邊X側的第丨芯部lb和短邊γ側的第2芯部 lc從與光源10相對應的共用部1&分支,因此即使該共用部 la和光源10的調芯錯位些許,也可以緩和由該錯位引起的 長邊X側和短邊Y側的光量差,能夠保持這些分配在長邊χ 側的光和分配在前述短邊丫_光的光量平衡。因而,該光 波導路裝置D1與習知的結構的紐導路裝置相比,光源ι〇 與芯1之間的調芯的容許範圍變大。 此外,在第2芯部的芯寬度W2對前述第π部的芯寬度 12 201227023 w的比⑽/wl)小於μ的情況下,從共用部iaK直線狀 刀支出的長邊X側的第1芯部lb的光量具有變得過強的傾 向。相反地’在前述怒寬度之比(W2/W1)大於5的情況下, ,現從共用部laf曲而分支出的短邊¥側的第2芯心的光 量變得過強、破壞光量平衡的傾向。 此外,在前述實施形態中,雖然是以使用樹脂材料⑺ 形成光波導路的分支狀芯i的聚合物類光波導路 但是構成該芯部1的材料只要是例如破璃 專折射率〶於配設在周圍的包層的折射率的材料即可201227023 VI. Description of the invention: c. The present invention relates to an edge disposed on a detection region composed of an optical touch panel, an optical shape sensing panel, and a panel An optical waveguide device that detects a network of light in a region. In the past, as a detecting means for detecting a touch position in a touch panel, an optical detecting mechanism that optically detects the position of a finger or the like using an optical waveguide is used (Patent Document) 1, 2). The optical detecting means is directed from the emitting portion of the optical waveguide (optical waveguide device) on the light-emitting side provided on the right and left side portions of the rectangular panel (or the screen or the like) across the panel The detection area is opposite to the other side of the emission portion, and a plurality of beams (substantially parallel light) are emitted (projected) in the detection region to form a grid of light, and the incident light is detected by the light-receiving element or the like. Light on the incident portion of the optical waveguide on the light incident side on the other side of the panel. Then, in this state, when an outgoing light in a part of the detection area is blocked by an object such as a finger, the blocked portion is perceived by the light-receiving element connected to the light incident optical waveguide, thereby identifying the other The position of the part touched by the finger (x, y direction position). Fig. 3 is a view schematically showing a core pattern of a conventional light-emitting side optical waveguide device used for the touch panel or the like. In addition, the pattern mark P in the figure is a panel which shows a rectangle, and the long side is called the parent side (four) direction, and 201227023 is called the Y side (y direction). Further, the optical waveguide device on the light exit side is denoted by m '. The broken line indicates s of the optical waveguide, and the optical waveguide device on the light incident side is D2'. The core of the optical waveguide is indicated by a two-dot chain line. . As shown in the figure, the conventional light-emitting side optical waveguide device D1 is branched slightly toward the long side X side of the panel P at a position slightly behind the start end portion 20a from which the light emitted from the light source 10 is incident. The emission cores 2〇b, 2〇b and the plurality of emission cores 20c and 20c facing the short side Y side thereof, so that light incident from the light source 10 to the core is once distributed to the plurality of emission cores 20b (2) The second end of the present invention is disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. Hei. Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. A conventional optical waveguide device having a branched structure is difficult to equally distribute light to two adjacent sides in many cases. The inventors have found out that the reason is that light incident from the light source 10 to the optical waveguide device D1M is - the side (in the conventional example of Fig. 3, the γ toward the short side The exit core 2〇c) on the side travels straight as it is, but on the other side (in the conventional example of Fig. 3, the exit core 20b toward the long side) is from the start end 2 of the core. a (light coupling portion with the light source) 201227023 is bent and advanced, so that the first loss at the curved portion becomes large, and it is difficult to equalize the amount of the first side of the panel P and the short side γ side. Further, it has been found that each of the outgoing core portions 20b on the long side of the optical waveguide device D1 and the respective outgoing cores 20c/knife on the short side of the optical waveguide device D1 are independently provided with respect to the light source 1? Therefore, it is difficult to perform the aligning, and when the optical axes of the starting end portions 2a of the respective core portions 20b, 20c are shifted from the light of the light source 1 ', the difference in light amount between the respective core portions 2 〇 b, 2 〇 c is described. Further, the difference between the amount of light distributed to the long side X side and the short side Y side of the panel P is further increased. The present invention is made in the above case, and therefore it is intended to provide light that can be emitted from money. The optical waveguide device of the rectangular panel is not required to have a long side and a short length, and does not require an optical waveguide device with high precision. The solution for solving the problem is that the 砹 砹 guide device has a light source and a guide on the frame portion along the edge of the rectangular panel, and has two directions from the light-off material to the other The spur core 'the sinter material is disposed in the frame, and the first core portion and the second core portion are configured. The first core portion extends linearly from two ===, and the second core portion is curved from the fulcrum of the front center. The predetermined length and the portion on the front end side of the arc-shaped curved portion are linear along the short side of the panel: the core width of the degree is larger than the width of the first core portion (four). In the fourth aspect of the present invention, the optical waveguide device of the frame shape of the above-mentioned surface 201227023 is repeatedly studied. As a result, it is found that the core end portion (the common portion on the incident side) has a wide width. The light emitted from the light source is received, and the common portion 2 is branched into the longitudinal direction and the short side direction of the panel, and the width of the core having the short side of the curved portion is made larger than the width of the core on the long side, thereby enabling the aforementioned The light amount of the core on the long side and the short side becomes equal. In addition, the present inventors have found that when the starting end side of the long-side core and the starting side of the short-side side are combined into one starting end side and the common part is associated with the light source, it can be hardly affected. The balance of the light amount of the core on the long side and the core on the short side does not vary depending on the accuracy of the alignment, and the present invention has been completed. Advantageous Effects of Invention According to the optical waveguide device of the present invention, the common portion of the branched core is disposed at a corner portion of the panel frame portion. The branched core is branched into a first core portion and a second core portion, and the first core portion is The common portion extends linearly along the long side of the panel, and the second core portion is curved in a curved shape from a branch point of the common portion by a predetermined length and is closer to the front end side than the portion bent in a curved shape by a predetermined length. The short side extends linearly, and the core width (W2) of the second core portion is larger than the core width (W1) of the first core portion (W1 < W2). Thus, the light loss at the curved portion on the short side is expected to cause the core width on the short side of the optical waveguide device to be larger than the core width on the long side. Therefore, the difference in the amount of light in the long side and the short side is reduced, and the amount of light distributed to each side becomes equal. In addition, the optical waveguide device of the present invention combines the loyal start end portion on the long side and the start end portion of the short side core as one start end portion as a common portion and 6 201227023 = _ corresponds to the light source by ° ' It is a well-known optical waveguide installation that requires the accuracy of the heart and the light source. For example, even if the core is not strictly aligned, it will only result in a reduction in the amount of light delivered to the core. There is no deviation of the amount of light on the long side and the short side. Further, in the optical waveguide device, an optical waveguide having a ratio (W2/w 1) of a core width (W1) of the first β portion to the width of the second core portion is set to be 1 5 to 5 The device can divide the light on the long side and the short side of the t panel in a state where the amount of light is small. In addition, in the description of the material, the second core portion is provided with the light passing through the exit path, and the light passing through the exit path is respectively emitted from the side opposite to the core. The optical waveguide formed by the method is subdivided into light that is substantially equally distributed to the second core portion and the second core portion, and is emitted from the respective exit paths. Therefore, uniform light having the same light intensity in the outgoing direction on the long side or the short side of the panel is emitted from the opposite side of the 〇 by the violation. Further, in the case where the optical waveguide is mounted on the exit side of the structure or the like, it is possible to detect the high precision in the vicinity of the detection area =. Further, the ruler is dead, and the first short-side corner portion of the source frame portion is made to be incident from the light source toward the side of the frame, and is incident from the end portion of the common portion. In the long-side device 1 , the light emitted from the light source is incident on a common portion that is placed in the frame portion, and then reaches the long side of the front panel without bending (straight) 201227023 (first core portion) ) terminal. Therefore, the optical waveguide device can most effectively utilize the light emitted from the light source. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1(a) is a plan view schematically showing a core pattern of an optical waveguide device according to an embodiment of the present invention, and Fig. 4(b) is an enlarged view of a portion C of (a). (a) to (d) of Fig. 2 are cross-sectional views schematically illustrating a method of manufacturing an optical waveguide used in the optical waveguide device in the embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a view schematically showing a core pattern of a conventional optical waveguide device. [Embodiment 3] BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail based on the drawings. First, an outline of a touch panel sensor using the optical waveguide device D1 on the light exit side of the present embodiment will be described. The touch panel sensor (device) displayed in the phantom is disposed on the periphery (frame portion) of the screen of the flat panel display, for example, and the detection area s of the central portion of the panel P is matched with the size of the aforementioned surface In the rectangular portion (long side X: short side γ=16:9), the optical waveguide portion D1 on the light exit side and the light on the light incident side are disposed on the frame portion around the detection region S. The waveguide device d2, the optical waveguide device D1 and the optical waveguide device D2 constitute the touch panel sensor, which is similar to the conventional optical touch panel sensor, and the touch panel sensor is used to emit light from the light. A plurality of beams (open arrows) projected by the side optical waveguide device D1 form a mesh of light in the detection region S, and are detected by the light receiving element (CCD array or the like) across the detection region (four) to reach the light. Into the light of the incident side optical waveguide device D2, the light is incident on the frame portion, and the optical waveguide device D1 and D2 are not visible to the naked eye. The junction of the waveguide device D2 and the conventional device In the same manner, the light-emitting side optical waveguide device (hereinafter simply referred to as "optical waveguide device") of the present embodiment for the emission side of the above-described touch panel sensor will be described. As shown in (a) of Fig. 1, the optical waveguide device D1 of the present embodiment is composed of a light source 10 and an optical waveguide having a branched core which is branched in two directions orthogonally to each other. 1. As shown in Fig. 1(b), the branched core 1 of the optical waveguide has a wide-shaped common portion 1a located on one end side (the right side in the drawing), and the panel P is formed from the common portion 1a along the panel P. The first core portion 1b extending linearly in the long side X and the second core portion 1c extending from the branch point J of the common portion 1a and extending along the short side Y of the panel P. Further, the optical waveguide of the present invention The device is characterized in that the core width (W2) of the second core portion lc is larger than the core width (W1) of the first core portion 1b (W1 < W2) at the branch point J of the common portion 1a, and the core width is The wide second core portion lc extends linearly along the short side Y. For the optical waveguide device D1 For further details, the optical waveguide used in the optical waveguide device D1 is, for example, a polymer-based optical waveguide, and an under cladding layer and an over cladding layer (both not shown) formed using a resin material. The core 1 is patterned by photolithography or the like to form the core 1°. The common portion 1a of the core 1 has a width corresponding to the core width W0, and the core width W0 is the first core portion lb (width). :W1) and the sum of the second core portion lc (width 9 201227023 degrees: W2), the end surface on one end side (right side in the drawing) is an optical coupling surface on which light (open arrow) emitted from the light source 10 is incident. In order to easily achieve optical coupling with the light source 10 described above, the core width of the common portion 1a is preferably larger than the width of the light-emitting portion of the light source 10. For example, when the width Η of the light-emitting portion of the light source 1A is about ΙΟμηι, the core width w〇 of the common portion is designed to be 300 to 500 μm, and the optical axis (dotted line) direction of the common portion 1a is The length L (the length from the end surface (optical connection surface) of the one end side of the common portion 1a to the branch point J) is preferably 1500 to 3000 μm. The first core portion 1b branched from the common portion 1a of the core 1 is extended. The part of the common portion 1a is formed in a linear shape so that the light emitted from the light source 1 is straightly introduced after the branching. As described above, the core width W1 is smaller than that of the second core portion 1c described later. The core width is 2, and the core width boundary 1 is preferably 100 to 250 μm, and more preferably ι〇〇 to 200 μηι. The second core portion lc branched from the common portion 1a is at the branch point j and the first The core portion 1b is formed to have a shape that is curved in a curved shape from the branch point j by a predetermined length and which extends linearly on the short side Y side of the panel P than the portion on the front end side that is curved in a predetermined arc shape (refer to (a)) of Fig. 1. The curved portion of the second core portion lc is such that the surface is curved. The portion of the longitudinal direction X of the plate p in the X direction is bent (bent) in the γ direction of the short side in the γ direction, and the radius of curvature of the curved portion is preferably set to 1 in order to prevent an increase in light loss. 〜5mm, and more preferably 2 to 3mm. Further, the aforementioned branch point J and the core width W2 thereof are larger than the core width Wi of the first core portion as described above, and preferably 15 〇 5 5 〇〇 μηη. 200~340μπι is more preferable. Moreover, the ratio (W2/W1) of the core width W1 of the second core portion 在 in the branch point J to the core width of the second core portion lc of the 201227023 2 is preferably 丨5~ 5, and more preferably 八* (refer to (8) of Fig. 1). Further, although it is about the size of the light source portion to be described later, the appropriate thickness (20: ΙΟΟμΓη) of the core i is In addition, since the optical waveguide device (1) of the present embodiment is for the sensor, the ith core portion 1b and the second core portion are opposite to each other (the end portion opposite to the common portion 1a). In the first in (a)!, a plurality of I-paths and 1y are formed so as to be branched from the respective core members. Further, each of the above-described exit paths lx Ly is as follows: the near-infrared rays are branched as follows - the detection region is emitted toward the side of the first core portion 1b and the second core portion _. (4) Each of the exit paths avoids making the pattern complicated, and only 2 of the plurality of exit paths u, ly are indicated by solid lines, and the remaining exit paths, _ dotted lines indicate that the province = _ The number of the exiting paths lx and (10) can be appropriately designed according to the size of the touch panel, the resolution of the sensor, etc., for example, from the foregoing! The core lb branches out = the number of exits on the long side X side is about 22_, and the exit of the short side γ side from the second to 41c cutters is the left exit line. In the light source (7) used for the optical waveguide device (1), a light-emitting diode ("LED" or a half-material) is used, wherein, in particular, a light transmission 1 ± excellent VCSEL (vertical cavity surface luminescence laser) is preferred. . The wavelength of the light emitted from the aforementioned light source (10) is preferably an outer line (wavelength: lion rhyme 〇 nm). 11 201227023 Further, as shown in (a) of Fig. 1, the light source 10 is disposed on a corner portion of the short side Y side frame portion of the panel P such that the light emitting portion (width H) faces the long side X of the panel p. The direction of the direction is to locate the aforementioned light source. With this arrangement, the light emitted from the light source 10 is incident on the end surface (optical coupling surface) of the common portion 1a of the optical waveguide as shown in FIG. 1(b), and is not bent. The terminal on the long side X side of the aforementioned panel P. Therefore, the optical waveguide device D1 can efficiently utilize the light emitted from the light source 1 . As described above, in the optical waveguide device of the above configuration, the core 1 of the optical waveguide is formed to be branched so as to extend linearly from the first core portion 1b on the long side X side of the panel P and from the aforementioned branch point j The pattern of the second core portion lc that is branched and bent to extend on the short side γ side of the panel p is such that the core width W2 of the second core portion lc is larger than the first one in consideration of the bending of the second core portion 1 The core width W1 (W1 < W2) ' of the core portion 1b and the ratio (W2/W1) of the width are 1_5 to 5. Therefore, the optical waveguide device D1 is incident when the light amount difference is small and balanced. The light distribution to the common portion 1a is 0 on the long side and the short side of the panel p. Further, the second core portion 1b on the long side X side and the second core portion 1c on the short side γ side are from the light source 10 Since the common portion 1 & branch is associated with each other, even if the alignment of the common portion 1a and the light source 10 is slightly shifted, the light amount difference between the long side X side and the short side Y side caused by the misalignment can be alleviated, and these distributions can be maintained. The light on the side of the long side and the amount of light distributed in the short side 丫_light are balanced. Therefore, the optical waveguide device D1 and the conventional structure are The allowable range of the alignment between the light source ι and the core 1 is larger than that of the road device. Further, the ratio of the core width W2 of the second core portion to the core width 12 201227023 w of the aforementioned π portion is (10)/wl) When it is smaller than μ, the amount of light of the first core portion 1b on the long side X side that is paid out from the linear portion of the common portion iaK tends to be too strong. On the other hand, when the ratio (W2/W1) of the anger width is greater than 5, the amount of light of the second core on the side of the short side that is branched from the common portion laf is too strong, and the amount of light is broken. Propensity. Further, in the above-described embodiment, the polymer optical waveguide of the branched core i of the optical waveguide is formed using the resin material (7), but the material constituting the core portion 1 may be, for example, a specific refractive index of the glass. The material of the refractive index of the surrounding cladding layer can be
是名,與周圍的包層的折射率的差宜為001以上二 也考慮到岐雜的圖隸科,最㈣紫 S 等感光性樹脂。作為使用的紫外線固化樹脂可 ^旨 酸類、環氧類、錢烧類、降冰㈣類 舉出丙稀 另外,前馳關_包物㈣=胺類等。 專感先性樹脂中折射率比芯Μ折射率 化料脂 之外,包層還可以使用玻璃、石夕、金屬、即可。除此 性的兼用作基板的材料。另外,包層也可以口月旨等具有平垣 的下包層,不形成覆蓋前述芯i的上^也可、形成下側 而且,能夠利用轉印法、使用電。 法、利用曝光及顯影的光刻法等製造前述1、光漂白 接下來,以利用光刻法使用紫外線固化 分支狀幻為例說明用於前述光波導路、月4造前述 的製造方法。 、1的光波導路 中的光波導 第2圖是示意性地說明本發明的實施形態 13 201227023 路裝置用光波導路的製造方法的剖面圖。此外,圖中的圖 式標記1表示芯(分支狀芯),圖式標記2表示下包層,圖式梯 記3表示上包層,圖式標記丨丨表示基板,圖式標記12表系成 形模具。此外,第2圖的(a)〜(d)表示製造光波導路的工序順 序’以下的說明也按照該工序順序進行。 首先,準備平板狀的基板11。作為基板丨丨的材料 <以 舉出例如玻璃、石英、矽、樹脂、金屬等。此外,將基板 11的厚度設定在例如20μιη(薄膜狀)〜5mm(板狀)的範園内。 接下來,如第2圖的(a)所示,在前述基板u的預定區威 中形成下包層2。作為該下包層2的形成材料,可以舉出熱 固化性樹脂或者感光性樹脂。在使用前述熱固化性樹脂的 情況下’在塗布了在溶劑中溶解有該熱固化性樹脂的清漆 後,通過加熱,從而形成下包層2。另—方面,在使用前述 感光性樹脂的情況下,在塗布了在溶射溶解有該感光性 樹脂的清漆後’通過彻紫外線等的照射線曝光該感光性 樹脂,從而形成下包層2。此外,也有為了使光反應姑束而 在進行前述曝光後進行加熱處理的情況。 接下來,如第2圖的(b)所示,在前述下包層2的表面(上 表面)上形成預定(分支)圖案的。作為該芯⑽形成材 料在和用則述光刻法形成芯i的情況下,除環氧樹脂、聚 醯亞胺樹脂、丙烯酸類樹脂、甲基丙烯樹脂之外,可以適 ^使用氧雜環丁烧、有機稍脂等感光性樹脂(光聚合性樹 月曰)在k些樹脂中’從成本、膜厚控制性、損失等觀點出 發’以環氧樹脂為最佳。 14 201227023 此外,在該芯1的形成材料中,使用折射率大於前述下 包層2及後述的上包層3的形成材料的折射率的材料。例如 能夠通過選擇幻及各個包層_成材料的義、調整料 比率來調整該折射率。 當詳細說明前述怒部1的形成時,芯部丨的形成方法如 下:利用旋轉塗佈、浸泡塗佈法、模具塗布、輥塗布等塗 布了由前述感光性樹脂構成的清漆後,隔著具有與芯圖案 相對應的開口的光罩照射紫外線等,通過以預定圖案曝2 前述清漆層(感光性樹脂層)’從而形成前述芯部i。 如上所述’此時使用的光罩的開口圖案為一端側形成 為與寬幅狀的共用部la相對應的形狀,另一端側形成為與 刀支狀芯相對應的形狀(參照第1圖的(a)),該分支狀芯由向 著面板P的長邊X側呈直線狀延伸的第1芯部lb和從前述共 用部la分支而在面板p的短邊γ側延伸的第2芯部ic構成。此 外’在前述共用部la的分支點J處以使第2芯部lc的芯寬度 (W2)大於前述第丨芯部比的芯寬度(wi)的方式形成有前述 光罩的開口圖案(參照第1圖的(b))。 此外,在前述光罩中,在相當於分支後的第1芯部lb的 部位處’如上所述地形成有與長邊X側的出射路1X相對應的 許多個(大約220〜800條左右)細分支圖案。同樣地,在相當 於分支後的第2芯部lc的部位處,形成有與短邊Y側的出射 路ly相對應的許多個(大約150〜600條左右)細分支圖案。此 外’前述各個出射路1χ、ly的前端側端部也可以是朝向外 側彎曲(俯視)的透鏡形狀。 15 201227023 然後,在前述曝光完成後,根據感光性樹脂的類型, 進行為了使光反應完結的加熱處理後,使用顯影液,利用 浸潰法、喷塗法、攪動法等進行顯影,溶解並除去前述感 光性樹脂層中的未曝光部分。由此,製造如第2圖的(b)所示 的芯1。 接下來,如第2圖的(c)所示,準備用於形成上包層3的 成形模具12,利用模具成形,形成用於覆蓋前述芯部1的上 包層3。作為該上包層3的形成材料,與前述下包層2同樣地 可以舉出熱固化性樹脂或者感光性樹脂。而且,在使用感 光性樹脂的情況下,需要使紫外線等透射前述成形模具12 而自外部利用紫外線等對充填於該成形模具12内部的感光 性樹脂進行曝光,因此在前述成形模具12中使用可以透射 紫外線的材料(例如石英制)。 此外,在前述成形模具12的下表面上形成有凹部(成形 空腔),該凹部具有與上包層3的形狀相對應的模具表面, 在該實施形態中,使用覆蓋前述各個出射路lx、ly的前端 側端部的部位(第2圖的(c)的右端部分)形成為1/4圓的圓 弧狀透鏡曲面的成型模具。 使用了前述成形模具12的上包層3由以下方式形成,首 先,以定位標記等為基準,以將在該成形模具12的成形空 腔内配置前述芯部1的方式,使該成形模具12的下表面緊貼 基板11的表面。然後,在由成形空腔圍成的成形空間中, 從形成於該成形模具12的注入孔(未圖示)注入前述感光性 樹脂等,用感光性樹脂填滿前述成形空間。接下來,利用透 16 201227023 過前述成形模具12(石英制)的紫外線進行曝光,之後,根據 需要進行加熱處理。由此,完成了前述感光性樹脂的固化。 之後,如第2圖的(d)所示,使成形品從前述成形模具12 脫模,從而能夠獲得具有一端部分形成為透鏡狀的上包層3 的光波導路。 使用了該光波導路的光波導路裴置D1的製造方法如下 所述.首先,利用使用了刀形狀的沖切裝置等,將形成有 前述分支狀芯1的光波導路與基板U_起切割為沿面板卩的 框形狀的L字形(或者,在與入射側光波導路裝置D2同時製 造的情況下為長方形的框狀),或者將形成有前述分支狀芯 1的光波導路從基板⑽離而切割為沿面板p的框形狀的l 字形(或者,在與人射側光波導路裝置m同日㈣造的情況下 為長方形的框狀)。如第i圖的(a)所示,將其配設於面板p 的框部後,在該面板!>的框部的短射側的角部上以與光波 導路的芯1的制部la的端面(_合面)正對著的方式配置 VCSEL等紐1(),對這些㈣部la的光軸(單點劃線)和光源 10的光軸進行調“定位,從Μ縣實_態的光波導 路裝置D1。 採用前述結構的光波導路裝置叫,在分支後的第i芯部 lb及第2芯部le上設置有進-步細分各個芯部…^的出射 .路bc、ly,向兩個方向大致均等地分配的光朝向分別與這 些芯部ib、ie㈣的邊出射。㈣是,將該光波導路裝置 D1用於前述_控面㈣光學性檢顺構的情況下,在面 板P的長邊X側及短ϋΥ_任―側上,都能夠出射在邊的 17 201227023 長度方向上光強度一致的均勻的光(平行光)。因而,使用本 實施形態的光波導路裝置Dl的光學性檢測機構能夠在該檢 測區域的全寬度範圍内’進行沒有死角的高精度的檢測。 接下來,同時對實施例及比較例進行說明。但是,本 發明並不限定為以下的實施例。 實施例 在本實施例中,製造對具有前述分支狀芯的光波導路 的“第2芯部的芯寬度(W2)與第1芯部的芯寬度(wi)的比 (W2/W1)”進行各種變更的光波導路,使用該光波導路和 光源構成光波導路裝置’並且使用製造了的實施例1〜3及比 較例1、2的光波導路裝置’用受光元件測定從長邊X側和短 邊丫側出射的光的量(光強度),比較長邊X和短邊γ之間的 光量差(平衡)。 首先,準備光波導路的形成材料。 包層的形成材料 成分A :具有脂環骨架的環氧類紫外線固化性樹脂 (ADEKA公司製EP4080E)100重量份 成分B :光產酸劑(San-Apro公司製CPI-200X)2重量份 將這些成分混合,製備了下包層用的形成材料及上包 層用的形成材料。 芯部的形成材料 成分C:包含芴骨架的環氧類紫外線固化性樹脂 (大阪Gas Chemicals公司製才义v—^EG)40重量 份 18 201227023 成分D:包含芴骨架的環氧類紫外線固化性樹脂 (Nagase ChemteX公司製EX-1040)30重量份 成分E : 1,3,3-三{4-[2-(3-氧雜環丁基)]丁氧基苯基} 丁烷30重量份 成分B :光產酸劑(San-Apro公司製CPI-200X)1重量份 使這些成分溶解於41重量份的乳酸乙酸中,製備了芯 部的形成材料。 實施例1 光波導路的製造 下包層的形成 首先’在成為基板的聚對苯二曱酸乙二(醇)g旨薄膜(厚 度188μηι)的表面上’利用旋塗法塗布前述包層的形成材料 。接著’利用1000mj/cm2的紫外線照射進行曝光後,進行 80°C><5分鐘的加熱處理,從而形成下包層(厚度2〇μιη)。 芯的形成 接下來,在前述下包層的表面上,利用塗膜器塗布前 述芯的形成材料後’進行l〇〇°Cx5分鐘的加熱處理,使溶劑 揮發而形成用於形成芯的感光性樹脂層。接下來,隔著形 成有與前述分支狀芯的圖案相同形狀的開口圖案的光罩, 利用2500mJ/Cm2的紫外線照射進行曝光,之後進行 100°Cxl0分鐘的加熱處理,完成樹脂的固化。然後,通過 使用顯影液(γ—丁内酯)進行浸潰顯影,從而溶解並去除未 曝光部分,之後通過進行12〇。〇\5分鐘的加熱乾燥處理,從 而形成圖案化的厚度(高度)為50μηι的分支狀芯。 19 201227023 此外,在該實施例1中,使用具有下述圖案的光罩,即, 該光罩的對應於芯分支點處的第1芯部的開口寬度(W1)為 120μηι,對應於第2芯部的開口寬度(貨幻為以叫爪,對應於 第1芯部和第2芯部合併的共用部的開口寬度(wo)為 360μιη(參照第1圖的(b))。因此,芯的各個部分也沿該尺寸 形成,第1芯部的芯寬度W1為120μιη,第2芯部的芯寬度W2 為240μηι。此外,第2芯部的芯寬度W2與第丨芯部的芯寬度 W1的比(W2/W1)和設計一樣為“2”(在後述的實施例2、3 和比較例1、2中,對光罩的開口圖案中的對應於前述第 部、第2芯部的開口寬度進行變更)。 此外,在前述光罩中,在相當於分支後的第丨芯部的部 位上,形成有220條與長邊X側的出射路相對應的開口圖 案,並且在相當於分支後的第2芯部的部位上,形成有165 條與短邊Y側的出射路相對應的開口圖案,使得在形成前述 分支狀芯的同時,也形成這些出射路(在後述的實施例2、3 和比較例1、2中’光罩的開口圖案中的前述出射路的部位 也是一樣的)。 上包層的形成 接下來’在覆蓋了前述芯的狀態下放置用於形成上包 層的石英製成形模具,從模具的注人口向成形空間(空腔) 内注入前述包層的形成材料。然後,在該狀態下,透過前 述成形模具而利用2〇〇〇mJ/cm2的紫外線照射進行曝光,之 後進行80°Cx5分鐘的加熱處理,完成樹脂的固化。之後, 使成形品從成形模具脫模,形成了在前述芯的各個出射路 20 201227023 的前端部上具有1/4圓弧形狀的凸狀透鏡(參照第2圖的(d)) 的上包層(距芯頂面的厚度為1mm)。 接下來,剝離前述基板,以沿著成形的上包層的方式 將光波導路整體大致切割成L字形,獲得用於製造實施例1 的光波導路裝置的光波導路。 供試驗用光波導路裝置的製造 光源的安裝 在與獲得的光波導路的共用部的端部相對的預定位置 (參照第1圖的(b))上,配設出射強度(發光強度或者輸出功率 )為3mW的VCSEL光源(Optowell公司製),對光源進行調芯 和對位,使前述光源的發光部(寬度10μηι>的中心位於前 述芯的光軸(單點劃線)的延長線上,並固定該光源,獲得實 施例1的光波導路裝置。 測定用受光元件單元的安裝 接下來,準備用於測定光強度的受光元件單元 (Optowell公司製CMOS線性感測器陣列),對前述受光元件 單元進行定位,使得從前述芯的各個出射路的前端出射的 光(信號)入射到該感測器陣列的各個受光元件的受光部 (即,一個受光元件對應一條出射路,使得能夠測定每一條 出射路的光強度),在該狀態下用黏接劑等將前述受光元件 單元固定於前述光波導路裝置地進行準備,以能夠測定光 強度。 實施例2 實施例2中使用在前述光波導路的製造方法的“芯的形 21 201227023 成”中、芯部分支點處的對應於第1芯部的開口寬度和對應 於第2芯部的開口寬度的比不同於前述實施例1的光罩,除 此之外,與前述實施例1相同,製造出第1芯部的芯寬度W1 為80μηι,第2芯部的芯寬度W2為280μηι的用於製造實施例2 的光波導路裝置的光波導路(芯部寬度之比W2/W1=3.5)。然 後,如上所述地在該光波導路上安裝光源和測定用受光元 件單元而作為實施例2的光波導路裝置,以能夠測定每1條 出射路的光強度的方式進行準備。 實施例3 實施例3中使用在前述光波導路的製造方法的“芯的形 成”中、芯部分支點處的對應於第1芯部的開口寬度和對應 於第2芯部的開口寬度的比不同於前述實施例1的光罩,除 此之外,與前述實施例1相同,製造出第1芯部的芯寬度W1 為140μπι,第2芯部的芯寬度W2為220μιη的用於製造實施例 3的光波導路裝置的光波導路(芯寬度之比W2/W1 =大約 1.57)。然後,如上所述地在該光波導路上安裝光源和測定 用受光元件單元而作為實施例3的光波導路裝置,以能夠測 定每1條出射路的光強度的方式進行準備。 作為比較例,製造了第2芯部的芯寬度W2與前述第1芯 部的芯寬度W1的比(W2/W1)不處於本發明的最佳範圍 (1.5〜5)内的光波導路,使用該光波導路製造了光波導路裝 置。 比較例1 比較例1中使用在前述光波導路的製造方法的“芯的形 22 201227023 成”中、芯部分支點處的對應於第1芯部的開口寬度和對應 於第2芯部的開口寬度的比不同於前述實施例1的光罩,除 此之外,與前述實施例丨相同,製造了第1芯部的芯寬度W1 為24〇μιη,第2芯部的芯寬度W2為120μηι的用於製造比較例 1的光波導路裝置的光波導路(芯寬度之比W2/W1=0.5)。然 後’如上所述地在該光波導路上安裝光源和測定用受光元 件單元而作為比較例1的光波導路裝置,以能夠測定每一條 出射路的光強度的方式進行準備》 比較例2 比較例2中使用在前述光波導路的製造方法的“芯的形 成”中、芯部分支點處的對應於第1芯部的開口寬度和對應 於第2芯部的開口寬度的比不同於前述實施例1的光罩,除 此之外,與前述實施例1相同,製造了第1芯部的芯寬度W1 為ΗΟμιη,第2芯部的芯寬度W2為180μηι的用於製造比較例 2的光波導路裝置的光波導路(芯寬度之比W2/W1 = 1)。然 後’如上所述地在該光波導路上安裝光源和測定用受光元 件單元而作為比較例2的光波導路裝置,以能夠測定每一條 出射路的光強度的方式進行準備。 光強度的測定及評價 使用前述實施例1〜3及比較例1、2的光波導路裝置’使 各光波導路裝置的光源發光而向芯入射850nm的紅外線,測 定每個出射路的光強度(從出射路出射而到達各個受光元 件的光的強度),計算出長邊X側(220條)的平均值Ix和短邊Y 側(165條)的平均值iy。然後,計算這些平均值的差的絕對 23 201227023 值,根據該絕對值的大小,評價分配在長邊和短邊上的光 量的差(長邊側和短邊側的光量差)。 此外’在芯部的光軸和光源的光軸對齊的(被調芯的) 狀態和沒有對齊的狀態的兩個情況下進行測定。即,在第i 圖的(b)中’將光源1〇的中心在芯部的光軸上的點〇上、光 源10的中心與光軸對齊的狀態表示為“±0μιη,,,將使該光源 的中心故意向(y方向)Α側偏移ΙΟΟμηι的狀態表示為 “+1 ΟΟμπι”,將使前述光源的中心故意向β側偏移1 〇0μιη的狀 態表不為“―ΙΟΟμηι”。 此外’在光波導路的芯寬度、芯高度的測定中使用鐳 射顯微鏡(KEYENCE公司製),在芯中心及光源的偏移量的 測定中使用光學顯微鏡(奥林巴斯公司製MX51)。 在“表1”中顯示以上的測定結果。 表1 \ 第1芯部 的芯寬度 Wl(^) 第2芯部 的芯宽度 Ψ2(μιη) 芯寬度 之比 (W2AV1) 在光軸對齊的 狀態下的長邊 側和短邊側的 光量差 ±0μιη 在光軸沒有對齊的 狀態下的長邊側和 短邊側的光量差 +100μιη | -ΙΟΟμιη 實施例1 120 240 2 0.2 o.i | 0.3 實施例2 80 280 3.5 0.3 0.6丨 0.4 實施例3 140 220 1.57 0.5 0.3 ! 0.8 比較例1 240 120 0.5 2.0 2.0 1 1 2.4 比較例2 180 180 1 0.9 1.0 1 1.2 (向 A側 1 ΟΟμηι)(向 B側 1 ΟΟμηι) 如前述表1所示,可知:實施例1〜3的光波導路裝置在 芯和光源的光軸對齊的狀態(士Ομιη)下,長邊側和短邊側的 光量差為0.2〜0.5,很小,從光源發出的光能夠大致均等地 分配在彼此正交的兩個方向上。此外,不論是在光源的中 24 201227023 心相對於芯的光軸向一側偏移的狀態下(+100μιη),還是在 光源的中心相對於芯的光軸向另一側偏移的狀態下 (-ΙΟΟμηι),該長邊側和短邊側的光量差的最大值為0.8,很 小。由此,可知本發明的光波導路裝置的芯與光源的調芯 的容許範圍較大。 另一方面,在比較例1、2的光波導路裝置中,即使在 芯和光源的光轴對齊的狀態下(±0μιη),長邊側和短邊側的 光量差也為0.9〜2.0,很大,在光源的中心相對於芯的光軸 偏移的狀態下(+1 ΟΟμιη、一 1 ΟΟμηι),進一步擴大該長邊側 和短邊側的光量差。因而,比較例1、2的光波導路裝置的 前述特性較差。 產業上的可利用性 本發明的光波導路裝置適用於光學式觸控面板、光學 式形狀感測器等用於檢測由長方形的面板構成的檢測區域 内的手指、物體等的光學性檢測機構。 C圖式簡單說明3 第1圖中(a)是示意性地顯示本發明的實施形態中的光 波導路裝置的芯圖案的圖,(b)是(a)的C部的放大圖。 第2圖中(a)〜(d)是示意性地說明用於本發明的實施形 態中的光波導路裝置的光波導路的製造方法的剖面圖。 第3圖是示意性地顯示習知的光波導路裝置的芯圖案 的圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 25 201227023 1…分支狀芯 20a…始端部 la…共用部 20b,20c…出射用芯、芯部 lb…第1芯部 D1,D2…光波導路裝置 1(^“第2思部 J…分支點 lx、ly…出射路 P···面板 2…下包層 S···檢測區域 3…上包層 X…長邊 10…光源 Y…短邊 11…基板 Wl,W2…芯寬度 12…模具 26It is a name, and the difference in refractive index from the surrounding cladding layer is preferably 001 or more. It is also considered to be a photosensitive resin such as a noisy group, the most (four) violet S. As the ultraviolet curable resin to be used, it is possible to use an acid, an epoxy, a charcoal, or an ice-free (four) exemplified acryl. In addition, the former ke _ package (four) = amines. In addition to the refractive index of the core resin, the refractive index of the precursor resin may be glass, stone, or metal. In addition to this, it is also used as a material for the substrate. Further, the cladding layer may have a flat underlayer such as a crater, and the lower layer may be formed without covering the core i, and the transfer method may be used. The method, the photolithography method using exposure and development, and the like are as follows. 1. Photobleaching Next, a description will be given of a manufacturing method for the optical waveguide described above using the ultraviolet ray branching illusion by photolithography. Optical waveguide in optical waveguide of Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view schematically illustrating a method of manufacturing an optical waveguide for a circuit device according to an embodiment 13 of the present invention. In addition, the drawing reference numeral 1 in the figure indicates a core (branch core), the pattern mark 2 indicates a lower cladding layer, the drawing ladder 3 indicates an upper cladding layer, and the pattern mark 丨丨 indicates a substrate, and the pattern mark 12 indicates a substrate. Forming the mold. Further, (a) to (d) of Fig. 2 show the steps of the steps of manufacturing the optical waveguide. The following description is also carried out in the order of the steps. First, a flat substrate 11 is prepared. The material of the substrate & is exemplified by glass, quartz, rhodium, resin, metal, or the like. Further, the thickness of the substrate 11 is set to, for example, a range of 20 μm (film shape) to 5 mm (plate shape). Next, as shown in (a) of Fig. 2, the under cladding layer 2 is formed in a predetermined region of the substrate u. The material for forming the under cladding layer 2 may be a thermosetting resin or a photosensitive resin. In the case of using the above-mentioned thermosetting resin, after the varnish in which the thermosetting resin is dissolved in a solvent is applied, the under cladding layer 2 is formed by heating. On the other hand, in the case of using the above-mentioned photosensitive resin, the photosensitive resin is exposed by irradiation with ultraviolet rays or the like after application of a varnish in which the photosensitive resin is dissolved and dissolved, thereby forming the under cladding layer 2. Further, there is a case where heat treatment is performed after performing the above-described exposure in order to cause the light to react. Next, as shown in (b) of Fig. 2, a predetermined (branched) pattern is formed on the surface (upper surface) of the under cladding layer 2. When the core i is formed as a material for forming the core (10), in addition to an epoxy resin, a polyimide resin, an acrylic resin, or a methacryl resin, an oxygen heterocycle can be suitably used. Photosensitive resin (photopolymerizable sapphire) such as butyl sulphate or organic succinic resin is preferred from the viewpoints of cost, film thickness controllability, loss, etc. in some resins. Further, in the material for forming the core 1, a material having a refractive index larger than that of the under cladding layer 2 and the material for forming the over cladding layer 3 to be described later is used. For example, the refractive index can be adjusted by selecting the meaning of each of the cladding layers and adjusting the material ratio. When the formation of the anger portion 1 is described in detail, the method of forming the core portion is as follows: after the varnish composed of the photosensitive resin is applied by spin coating, immersion coating, die coating, roll coating, or the like, The mask of the opening corresponding to the core pattern is irradiated with ultraviolet rays or the like, and the core portion i is formed by exposing the varnish layer (photosensitive resin layer) ' in a predetermined pattern. As described above, the opening pattern of the photomask used at this time has a shape in which one end side is formed to correspond to the wide-shaped common portion 1a, and the other end side is formed in a shape corresponding to the blade-shaped core (refer to FIG. 1). (a)), the branched core has a first core portion 1b extending linearly toward the long side X side of the panel P, and a second core extending from the common portion 1a and extending on the short side γ side of the panel p Part ic composition. Further, the opening pattern of the photomask is formed so that the core width (W2) of the second core portion lc is larger than the core width (wi) of the second core portion ratio at the branch point J of the common portion 1a (see 1 (b)). Further, in the reticle, a plurality of portions corresponding to the exit path 1X on the long side X side are formed as described above at the portion corresponding to the branched first core portion 1b (about 220 to 800 or so). ) Thin branch pattern. In the same manner, a plurality of (about 150 to 600 or so) thin branch patterns corresponding to the exit path ly on the short side Y side are formed at the portion corresponding to the branched second core portion 1c. Further, the distal end side end portions of the respective exit paths 1 and ly may be in a lens shape that is curved toward the outside (top view). 15 201227023 After the completion of the above-mentioned exposure, the heat treatment for completing the photoreaction is carried out according to the type of the photosensitive resin, and then development is carried out by a dipping method, a spray method, an agitation method or the like using a developing solution, and dissolved and removed. An unexposed portion in the aforementioned photosensitive resin layer. Thereby, the core 1 shown in Fig. 2(b) was produced. Next, as shown in (c) of Fig. 2, a molding die 12 for forming the over cladding layer 3 is prepared, and an over cladding layer 3 for covering the core portion 1 is formed by molding. As a material for forming the over cladding layer 3, a thermosetting resin or a photosensitive resin can be given similarly to the under cladding layer 2. In addition, when a photosensitive resin is used, it is necessary to expose the photosensitive resin filled in the molding die 12 by ultraviolet rays or the like from the outside through the molding die 12, and therefore it is possible to use the molding die 12 in the molding die 12 described above. A material that transmits ultraviolet light (for example, made of quartz). Further, a concave portion (forming cavity) having a mold surface corresponding to the shape of the over cladding layer 3 is formed on the lower surface of the forming mold 12, and in this embodiment, each of the above-described exit paths lx, A portion of the distal end side end portion of ly (the right end portion of (c) of FIG. 2) is formed as a molding die of a 1/4-circular arc-shaped lens curved surface. The over cladding layer 3 using the above-described molding die 12 is formed by first forming the molding die 12 such that the core portion 1 is placed in the molding cavity of the molding die 12 with reference to a positioning mark or the like. The lower surface abuts against the surface of the substrate 11. Then, the photosensitive resin or the like is injected from an injection hole (not shown) formed in the molding die 12 in a molding space surrounded by the molding cavity, and the molding space is filled with a photosensitive resin. Next, exposure is carried out by ultraviolet rays of the above-described molding die 12 (made of quartz), and then heat treatment is performed as needed. Thereby, the curing of the above-mentioned photosensitive resin is completed. Then, as shown in FIG. 2(d), the molded article is released from the molding die 12, whereby an optical waveguide having the upper cladding layer 3 whose one end portion is formed into a lens shape can be obtained. The manufacturing method of the optical waveguide device D1 using the optical waveguide is as follows. First, the optical waveguide on which the branched core 1 is formed and the substrate U_ are formed by a punching device or the like using a blade shape. The shape is an L-shape cut along the frame shape of the panel ( (or a rectangular frame shape in the case of being manufactured simultaneously with the incident side optical waveguide device D2), or the optical waveguide forming the branched core 1 is formed from the substrate (10) The dicing is cut into a shape of a frame along the frame shape of the panel p (or a rectangular frame shape in the case of the same day as the human-emitting side optical waveguide device m). As shown in (a) of Fig. i, after being disposed in the frame portion of the panel p, the corner portion of the frame portion of the panel!> is formed with the core 1 of the optical waveguide. The end face (_joining face) of the part la is disposed such that the VCSEL or the like 1 () is aligned, and the optical axis (the one-dot chain line) of the (four) part la and the optical axis of the light source 10 are adjusted and positioned. The optical waveguide device D1 of the real state. The optical waveguide device having the above configuration is provided with an output of each of the core portions lb and the second core portion le after the branching. The paths bc and ly are substantially uniformly distributed in the two directions toward the sides of the cores ib and ie (4). (4) The optical waveguide device D1 is used for the aforementioned optical control structure. In the case of the long side X side and the short side of the panel P, it is possible to emit uniform light (parallel light) having the same light intensity in the longitudinal direction of the side 17 201227023. Therefore, the present embodiment is used. The optical detecting mechanism of the optical waveguide device D1 can perform high-precision detection without dead angle within the entire width of the detection region. The present invention and the comparative examples will be described. However, the present invention is not limited to the following embodiments. In the present embodiment, the "second core portion" for the optical waveguide having the branched core is manufactured. An optical waveguide in which the ratio (W2/W1) of the core width (W2) to the core width (wi) of the first core portion is changed, and the optical waveguide device and the light source are used to constitute the optical waveguide device' and are manufactured and manufactured. In the optical waveguide devices of the first to third embodiments and the first and second embodiments, the amount of light (light intensity) emitted from the long side X side and the short side side is measured by the light receiving element, and the long side X and the short side γ are compared. First, a material for forming an optical waveguide is prepared. A material for forming a cladding layer A: an epoxy-based ultraviolet curable resin having an alicyclic skeleton (EP4080E, manufactured by Adeka Co., Ltd.), 100 parts by weight of component B : 2 parts by weight of a photoacid generator (CPI-200X, manufactured by San-Apro Co., Ltd.), these components were mixed, and a forming material for a lower cladding layer and a forming material for an over cladding layer were prepared. Epoxy-based UV curable resin </ br> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> </ RTI> 3-tris{4-[2-(3-oxetanyl)]butoxyphenyl}butane 30 parts by weight of component B: photoacid generator (CPI-200X, manufactured by San-Apro Co., Ltd.) 1 part by weight These components were dissolved in 41 parts by weight of lactic acid acetic acid to prepare a core-forming material. Example 1 Formation of Optical Waveguide Formation of Under-Cladding First, 'Poly-terephthalate Ethylene (Alcohol) The surface of the film (thickness 188 μm) was coated with a material for forming the cladding layer by spin coating. Subsequently, the film was exposed to ultraviolet light of 1000 mj/cm 2 and then subjected to heat treatment at 80 ° C >< 5 minutes to form an under cladding layer (thickness 2 μm μη). Formation of the core Next, on the surface of the under cladding layer, the material for forming the core is coated by a film applicator, and then subjected to heat treatment for 5 minutes for 5 minutes to volatilize the solvent to form a photosensitive property for forming a core. Resin layer. Next, the photomask formed with the opening pattern having the same shape as the pattern of the branched core was exposed to ultraviolet light of 2,500 mJ/cm 2 and then subjected to heat treatment at 100 ° C for 10 minutes to complete the curing of the resin. Then, immersion development was carried out by using a developing solution (?-butyrolactone) to dissolve and remove the unexposed portion, followed by 12 Torr. 〇\5 minutes of heat drying treatment, thereby forming a patterned core having a thickness (height) of 50 μm. 19 201227023 Further, in the first embodiment, a photomask having a pattern in which the opening width (W1) of the photomask corresponding to the first core portion at the core branch point is 120 μm, corresponding to the second The opening width of the core portion is called a claw, and the opening width (wo) corresponding to the common portion where the first core portion and the second core portion are combined is 360 μm (see (b) of Fig. 1). Each of the portions is also formed along the size, the core width W1 of the first core portion is 120 μm, and the core width W2 of the second core portion is 240 μm. Further, the core width W2 of the second core portion and the core width W1 of the second core portion The ratio (W2/W1) is "2" as in the design (in the examples 2, 3 and the comparative examples 1 and 2 described later, the opening pattern corresponding to the mask and the second core portion) In the reticle, an opening pattern corresponding to the exit path on the long side X side is formed in a portion corresponding to the second core portion after the branching, and is equivalent to At the portion of the second core portion after the branching, 165 opening patterns corresponding to the exit paths on the short side Y side are formed, so that These exiting cores are formed, and these exit paths are also formed (the same applies to the portions of the exit patterns in the opening pattern of the mask in Examples 2 and 3 and Comparative Examples 1 and 2 to be described later). Formation Next, a quartz-forming mold for forming an over cladding layer is placed in a state in which the aforementioned core is covered, and a material for forming the aforementioned cladding layer is injected from a population of the mold into the forming space (cavity). In this state, exposure is performed by ultraviolet irradiation of 2 〇〇〇mJ/cm 2 through the molding die, followed by heat treatment at 80 ° C for 5 minutes to complete curing of the resin. Thereafter, the molded article is released from the molding die to form a molded article. In the front end portion of each of the exit passages 20 201227023 of the core, there is a 1/4 arc-shaped convex lens (see (d) of Fig. 2) (the thickness of the top surface of the core is 1 mm). Next, the substrate was peeled off to roughly cut the entire optical waveguide into an L shape along the formed over cladding layer, thereby obtaining an optical waveguide for manufacturing the optical waveguide device of Example 1. The installation light source of the road device is mounted at a predetermined position (see (b) of Fig. 1) facing the end portion of the shared portion of the obtained optical waveguide, and the emission intensity (light emission intensity or output power) is set to 3 mW. a VCSEL light source (manufactured by Optowell Co., Ltd.) that aligns and aligns a light source such that a center of a light-emitting portion (width 10 μm) of the light source is located on an extension line of an optical axis (single-dotted line) of the core, and fixes the light source. The optical waveguide device of the first embodiment is obtained. Next, a light-receiving element unit for measuring the light intensity (a CMOS line sensor array manufactured by Optowell Co., Ltd.) is prepared, and the light-receiving element unit is positioned. Light (signal) emitted from the front end of each of the exit paths of the core is incident on a light receiving portion of each of the light receiving elements of the sensor array (that is, one light receiving element corresponds to one outgoing path, so that light of each outgoing path can be measured In this state, the light-receiving element unit is fixed to the optical waveguide device by an adhesive or the like, and is prepared to be capable of measuring light intensity. degree. [Embodiment 2] In Embodiment 2, in the "core shape 21 201227023" of the manufacturing method of the optical waveguide, the opening width corresponding to the first core portion and the opening corresponding to the second core portion at the fulcrum of the core portion are used. In the same manner as in the first embodiment, the core width W1 of the first core portion was 80 μm, and the core width W2 of the second core portion was 280 μηι, except that the ratio of the width was different from that of the first embodiment. The optical waveguide of the optical waveguide device of Example 2 was fabricated (the ratio of the core widths W2/W1 = 3.5). Then, the light source and the light-receiving element unit for measurement are mounted on the optical waveguide as described above, and the optical waveguide device of the second embodiment is prepared so that the light intensity of each of the exit paths can be measured. [Embodiment 3] In the "formation of the core" of the method for manufacturing an optical waveguide, the ratio of the opening width corresponding to the first core portion and the opening width corresponding to the second core portion at the fulcrum of the core portion is used in the third embodiment. In the same manner as in the first embodiment, the core width W1 of the first core portion was 140 μm, and the core width W2 of the second core portion was 220 μm, which was produced and manufactured in the same manner as in the above-described first embodiment. The optical waveguide of the optical waveguide device of Example 3 (core width ratio W2/W1 = about 1.57). Then, the light source and the light-receiving element unit for measurement are mounted on the optical waveguide as described above, and the optical waveguide device of the third embodiment is prepared so that the light intensity of each of the exit paths can be measured. As a comparative example, an optical waveguide in which the ratio (W2/W1) of the core width W2 of the second core portion to the core width W1 of the first core portion is not within the optimum range (1.5 to 5) of the present invention is produced. An optical waveguide device was manufactured using this optical waveguide. Comparative Example 1 In Comparative Example 1, the "core shape 22 201227023" in the method of manufacturing the optical waveguide is used, and the opening width corresponding to the first core portion and the opening corresponding to the second core portion at the fulcrum of the core portion are used. The core width W1 of the first core portion was 24 μm, and the core width W2 of the second core portion was 120 μm, except that the ratio of the width was different from that of the above-described embodiment. The optical waveguide for manufacturing the optical waveguide device of Comparative Example 1 (core width ratio W2/W1 = 0.5). Then, the light source and the light-receiving element unit for measurement were mounted on the optical waveguide as described above, and the optical waveguide device of Comparative Example 1 was prepared so that the light intensity of each of the exit paths can be measured. Comparative Example 2 Comparative Example In the "formation of the core" of the manufacturing method of the optical waveguide described above, the ratio of the opening width corresponding to the first core portion and the opening width corresponding to the second core portion at the fulcrum of the core portion is different from that of the foregoing embodiment. In the same manner as in the above-described first embodiment, an optical waveguide for manufacturing the comparative example 2 in which the core width W1 of the first core portion was ΗΟμιη and the core width W2 of the second core portion was 180 μm was produced. The optical waveguide of the circuit device (core width ratio W2/W1 = 1). Then, the light source and the light-receiving element unit for measurement were mounted on the optical waveguide as described above, and the optical waveguide device of Comparative Example 2 was prepared so that the light intensity of each of the exit paths can be measured. Measurement and Evaluation of Light Intensity Using the optical waveguide devices of Examples 1 to 3 and Comparative Examples 1 and 2, the light sources of the respective optical waveguide devices were caused to emit light, and infrared rays of 850 nm were incident on the core, and the light intensity of each of the exit paths was measured. (The intensity of light that is emitted from the exit path and reaches each of the light receiving elements), and the average value ix of the long side X side (220 pieces) and the average value iy of the short side Y side (165 pieces) are calculated. Then, the absolute value of 23 201227023 of the difference between these average values is calculated, and the difference in the amount of light (the difference in light amount between the long side and the short side) assigned to the long side and the short side is evaluated based on the magnitude of the absolute value. Further, the measurement was performed in two cases in which the optical axis of the core and the optical axis of the light source were aligned (aligned) and the unaligned state. That is, in the (b) of the i-th figure, the state in which the center of the light source 1A is on the optical axis of the core, and the center of the light source 10 is aligned with the optical axis is expressed as "±0μιη," The state in which the center of the light source is intentionally shifted to the (y-direction) side is “μηι is expressed as "+1 ΟΟμπι", and the state in which the center of the light source is intentionally shifted to the β side by 1 〇0 μιη is not "-ΙΟΟμηι". In addition, a laser microscope (manufactured by KEYENCE Co., Ltd.) was used for the measurement of the core width and the core height of the optical waveguide, and an optical microscope (MX51 manufactured by Olympus Co., Ltd.) was used for the measurement of the offset between the core center and the light source. The above measurement results are shown in "Table 1." Table 1 \ Core width W1 of the first core portion (^) Core width 第 2 (μιη) of the second core portion Ratio of the core width (W2AV1) In the state where the optical axes are aligned The light amount difference between the long side and the short side of the long side and the short side is ±100 μm in the state where the optical axis is not aligned +100 μmη | -ΙΟΟμιη Example 1 120 240 2 0.2 oi | 0.3 Example 2 80 280 3.5 0.3 0.6丨0.4 Example 3 140 220 1.57 0 .5 0.3 ! 0.8 Comparative Example 1 240 120 0.5 2.0 2.0 1 1 2.4 Comparative Example 2 180 180 1 0.9 1.0 1 1.2 (To A side 1 ΟΟμηι) (to B side 1 ΟΟμηι) As shown in Table 1 above, it is known that: In the optical waveguide device of the examples 1 to 3, the light amount difference between the long side and the short side is 0.2 to 0.5 in a state in which the optical axis of the core and the light source are aligned (士Ομιη), and the light emitted from the light source can be approximated. Equally distributed in two directions orthogonal to each other. In addition, whether in the state where the center of the light source 24 201227023 is shifted with respect to the optical axis side of the core (+100 μm), or at the center of the light source In the state where the other side of the optical axis of the core is shifted (-ΙΟΟμηι), the maximum value of the light amount difference between the long side and the short side is 0.8, which is small. Thus, it is understood that the optical waveguide device of the present invention On the other hand, in the optical waveguide device of Comparative Examples 1 and 2, even when the optical axes of the core and the light source are aligned (±0 μm), the long side and The light amount difference on the short side is also 0.9 to 2.0, which is large, at the center of the light source relative to the optical axis of the core. In the shifted state (+1 ΟΟμιη, 1 ΟΟμηι), the light amount difference between the long side and the short side is further enlarged. Therefore, the optical waveguide devices of Comparative Examples 1 and 2 have poor characteristics described above. The optical waveguide device of the present invention is applied to an optical detecting mechanism such as an optical touch panel or an optical shape sensor for detecting a finger, an object, or the like in a detection area composed of a rectangular panel. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1(a) is a view schematically showing a core pattern of an optical waveguide device according to an embodiment of the present invention, and Fig. 2(b) is an enlarged view of a portion C of (a). (a) to (d) of Fig. 2 are cross-sectional views schematically illustrating a method of manufacturing an optical waveguide used in the optical waveguide device in the embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 3 is a view schematically showing a core pattern of a conventional optical waveguide device. [Description of main component symbols] 25 201227023 1...branch core 20a...starting end la...common part 20b,20c...exit core, core lb...first core D1, D2...optical waveguide device 1 (^" 2思部J... branch point lx, ly... exit path P··· panel 2... lower cladding layer S··· detection area 3... upper cladding layer X... long side 10... light source Y... short side 11... substrate W1, W2...core width 12...mold 26