201121506 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係提供一種體適能檢測設備及測量退化指標之 方法,尤指其技術上提供—種整合功能性前伸測試、握力 測"式、平衡測試、反應測試、肌耐力測試、行動力測試, 並融入遊戲情境吸引使用者持續接受測量之體適能檢測設 備。 【先前技術】 高齡化社會已是全球趨勢,人們的壽命得以延長卻 無法阻止老化的進行;隨著年齡增長,人們感覺器官逐漸 遲鈍、功能逐步降低、肌肉逐漸萎縮無力,身體功能也日 漸退化、慢性疾病也隨之而來。老化可能會從器官的退化 疾病'活動不足以及營養不良等情況開始,並發生代謝 不良導致發生慢性與急性病、1質疏鬆、肌肉無力、進而 發生平衡力降低而跌倒的情形。老化一旦開始,便會以一 種陕速、累進並且永存的形式直到死亡。依據研究顯示, 般大眾從45歲開始退化的情況,會隨著年紀的增加身體 機Sb逐漸衰退。這些退化的項目包含神經系統的退化和骨 骼、關節、肌肉系統的退化。神經系統的退化:老化後神 經傳導速度變慢,感覺常較遲鈍導致反應時間(reaction tlme)延長。骨骼、關節、肌肉系統的退化:如下肢或脊椎 之關節炎引起關節疼痛或變形、攣縮,會影響病人步態的 201121506 生物力學,造成步態的穩定度及對稱性減低,而使病人容 易跌倒。由於高齡者的肌肉總量、肌纖維數目相較年輕人 呈明顯下降,造成肌肉萎縮。 有學者提出五種功能退化的特徵:根據消耗量 (Exhaustion)、體重流失(Weight loss)、低活動量(Low Activity)、行動遲緩(Slowness)與握力(Grip Strength) 五項因素分為三個等級,當符合三個以上的特徵,表示衰 退(Frailty);符合一至二項,表示有衰退前兆 (pre-frailty);沒有任何退化特徵符合,表示未衰退 (non-frailty)。但將老化定義為 Pre_Frailty、FraUty 、Non-Frailty三種等級定義略顯粗略。文獻上對於老化的 分析方式眾多,以下將根據文獻中提到老化指標的統計數 據做介紹: 1.行動遲緩:此量測指標目的在於測試受試者的行動 力。'則"式觉測者α最快的速度來回行走3 #記錄所需要的 時間。受測者於起始處聽到系統提示音響起即可起立進行 量測操作’爻測者必須行經3米的折返點後,折返坐回起 始處完成操作。根據研究統計,6G至69歲間,行動遲緩量 ^ ^ &女性平均為8秒;7G到79歲間’男性與女 :生平均為9秒;8〇到89歲間,男性平均為i"少,女性平 2 U移° —般臨床條件⑽設定測試者身高如果低於159 ]來回仃走所耗費的秒數不得大於7秒,身高如果 201121506 高於159公分則行走耗費的秒數不得大於6秒。 2. 肌肉無力:Μ教育部體適能指導指出肌耐力是指肌 肉維持使用某種肌力時,能持續用力的時間或反覆^, 與肌力不㈤’肌力是指-個肌肉群—次所能運用的最大力 量,而訓練方法也有所不同,肌耐力訓練必須針對持續性 ,以低強度的訓練進行。根據學者(Hruda,η^,& 咖3)研究結果,給予下肢大肌肉群肌力訓練 之運動、且其二十秒站坐測試平均改變量優於未給予任何 訓練之控制組。由此得知 一 ^ 由此侍知’二十秒站坐與下肢肌力的關聯 性甚高’因此本研究針對肌肉無力測試1量測受測者的 下:肌肉能力為主’受測者必須於限定的3◦秒鐘内儘速 在完成起立與坐下的動作 ㈣作30秒結束後,記錄受測期間所 完成的坐站次數。 3. 功能性前伸:此晉,目丨 d 目的在於測試受試者的平衡 力。量測站姿體前·彎的功能性,從研究結果,20到40歲間 ’男性受試者平均為42,69公分,女性受試者為37 36公 分’41到69歲間’男性受試者平均為37·6“、分女性成 試者為32.94公分;70到8?歲間男性受試者平均為^ 公分,女性受試者4 28.67公分。前伸距離隨著年齡的辦 加而減少’年齡越大體前彎功能也越差,一般女性量測: 均值皆小於男性,值纪β、, 傳、,充夏測站姿體前彎的儀器,量測範 介於0到5 0公分。 201121506 4 ·平衡感:此量測指標目沾+ 曰、a, 目的在於測試受試者的平衡力。 1測方式分為動態及靜離 , 〜十衡’動態平衡測試方式為向後 仃走八個步伐,記錄所 _ ^ 的時間。而靜態平衡則以閉眼單 足力與開眼單足立測試, 又成者必須以單足站立直到雙腳 地,並紀錄其平衡時間。 根據研究’平均67至68歲高 齡者,單足站立時間為 子門為1.45秒至1159秒,其平均為6 57 秒。 5 ·反應時間:此量測如挪η 上 篁則私禚目的在於測試受試者的反應力 0根據運動生理學,以?左社c 士 棒反應做為反應力測試,測量方 法為預備時,測試者手持量尺(或反應棒)之上端,使量尺 之下端與受試者之手部齊平’受試者手屈肘且手掌準備用 拇指與食指夾量尺。當測試者將量尺(或反應棒)垂直下落 時又測者即迅速做出反應,夾住量尺(或反應棒),反應 距離即為大梅指上端握住量尺(或反應棒)下落的距離。 6·握力:此量測指標目的在於測試受試者的握力。受試 者細力在握力器上’並紀錄其力^。根據研究,平均年齡 54歲者,平均握力為39· 2公斤。 而現今高齡者對於以上所述退化指才票的量測方式,多以 到醫院並由專業人貝陪同進行測者無法獨自進行測量 ,量測結束後由檢測人員以人工方式結果分析,通常花費 受試者許多時間,在醫療資源與人力上的花費也是相當龐 大的。而傳統的量測方式也較冗長單調,使高齡者不邦持 201121506 續接受測量,谁而故i θ a 中獲得適當的運動效果。 疋以,針對上述習知結構 -種更具理相實用吐之㈣ 丨在之問題點,如何開發 ……性之創新結構’實消費者所殷切企p …關業者須努力研發突破之目標及方向。” 有鑑於此’發明人本於多年從事相關產品之 與設計經驗,針斜夕日叔粒開發 .述 軚,詳加設計與審慎評估後, 終得-確具實用性之本發明。 f估後 【發明内容】 欲解決之技術問題點:現今高齡者對於以上 心標的量測方式,多以到醫院並由專業人員陪同進行一 測者無法獨自進行測量,量測結束後由檢測人員以人工: 式結果分析,通常花費受試者許多時間,在醫療資源盘人 上的花費也是招當龐大的。而傳統的量測方式也較冗長 :調’使高齡者不想持續接受測量,it而無法從量測中獲 得適當的運動效果。 曰解決問題之技術特點:提供一種體適能檢測設備及測 :退化指標之方法,包# : 一檢測平台,該檢測平台具有 基座、-坐椅與一量桿,該基座向上延伸該坐椅,該基 °又有踏墊’―使用者坐於該坐椅時,其雙腳可置於 ::踏墊’該坐椅上設有一坐墊’該坐墊内設有一壓力感測 益°亥踏塾内設有一壓力感測器二;該量桿垂直設於該 土座角洛’並於中段處連接—扶手’該扶手内設有-塵 201121506 力感測器三’該使用者-手可握置於該扶手之該壓力感測 器三處,該量桿於中段處更設有叫區接構造,透過該枢接 構造可將該量桿中段處至該量桿自由端弯折成平行於地面 ’該量桿近自由端處穿設-可上下移動於該量桿之抵板, 並於該樞接構造處設有-距離感測 離;一螢幕平台’該螢幕平台上設有-顯示螢幕;一控制 系統,該控制系統與該壓力感測器一、該壓力感測器二、 該壓力感測器三、該距離感測器與該顯示勞幕連線,並包 括一退化資料收集模組與一選擇按 伴妆鈕組,該退化資料收集 模組可接收該壓力感測器三傳來 刀變化訊號,而取得 反應力測量數據與握力測量數攄,兮^, 数據3亥退化資料收集模組可 接收該距離感測器傳來之訊號, 而取仔s亥使用者身高與功 能性前伸量測數據,該退化資 , 寸收杲模組可接收該壓力感 測态一傳來之壓力變化訊號, 而取件肌耐力測試數據與行 動力量測數據,該退化資料收 集Μ組可接收該壓力感測器 二傳來之壓力變化訊號,而取 ^ _ 衡感測試數據與該使用 者體重,該退化資料收集模 躺去 了將取得的該使用者之身高 、體重、反應力、握力、功能 11刖伸、肌耐力、行動力與 m… 茁.顯不,該選擇按鈕組可選擇 该退化資料收集模組收 -# ,, 體重、反應力、握力、功 月b性則伸、肌耐力、行 。 ^平衡感其中之一的量測數據 201121506 —對照先前技術之功效:本發明之體適能檢測設備及測 量退化指標之方法’整合所有體適能相關項目(功能性前 伸測試、握力測試、平衡測試、反應測試、肌財力測試、 行動力測試)的測量Μ吏高齡者站在平台上就能獨立完成 測量’且本發明融入遊戲情境1高齡者測量時不會覺得 單調乏味"及引高齡者持續接受測量,進而從量測中獲得 適當的運動效果。 有關本發明所採用之技術、手段及其功效,兹舉一較 佳實施例並配合圖式詳細說明於后,相信本發明上述之目 的、構造及特徵,當可由之得一深入而具體的瞭解。 【實施方式】 參閱第一、 測設備,包括: 第二圖所示,本發明係提供一種體適能檢 一檢測平台(1 〇 ),該檢測平台(i 〇 )具有一基座 (1 1 )、一坐椅(1 2)與一量桿(丄3),該基座(1 1 )向上延伸該坐椅(1 2),該基座(1 1 )上設有—踏 墊(1 1 1),一使用者坐於該坐椅時,其雙腳可 置於該踏墊(1 1 1 ),該坐椅(1 2 )上設有一坐墊(1 2 1 ),該坐墊(i 2丄)内設有一壓力感測器一(丄2工 1 ),該踏墊(1 1 1 )内設有一壓力感測器二(工工工工 );該量桿(13)垂直設於該基座(丄丄)一角落,並於 中段處連接一扶手(1 3 1 ),該扶手(1 3 1 )内設有一 201121506 壓力感測器三(1 3 1 1 ),該使用者一手可握置於該扶手 (1 3 1 )之該壓力感測器三(1 3 1 1 )處,該量桿( 1 3 )於中段處更設有一樞接構造(1 3 2 ),透過該樞接 構造(1 3 2 )可將該量桿(1 3 )中段處至該量桿(1 3)自由端彎折成平行於地面,該量桿(13)近自由端 處穿設一可上下移動於該量桿(1 3)之抵板(1 3 3), 並於該樞接構造(1 3 2 )處設有一距離感測器(1 3 4 )可感測與該抵板(1 3 3 )之距離; 一螢幕平台(20),該螢幕平台上設有一顯示螢幕( 2 1); 一控制系統(3 0 ),該控制系統(3 〇 )與該壓力感 測器一(1 2 1 1 )、該壓力感測器二(丄工工)、該壓 力感測器三(1 3 1 1 )、該距離感測器(丄3 4 )與該顯 示螢幕(2 1 )連線,並包括一退化資料收集模組(3工 )與一選擇按鈕組(3 2 ),該退化資料收集模組(3丄) 可接收該壓力感測器三(! 3丄丄)#來之壓力變化訊號 而取得反應力測量數據與握力測量數據,該退化資料收集 模組(3 1 )彳接收該距離感測器(i 3 4 )傳來之訊號 而取得該使用者身高與功隸料㈣輯,該退化資料 收集模組(3 1 )可接收該壓力感測器一(丄2工工)傳 來之麼力變化訊號而取得肌耐力測試數據與行動力量測數 據,該退化資料收集模組(3 i )可接收該塵力感測器二 10 201121506 (1 1 1 1 )傳來之壓力變化訊號而取得平衡感測試數據 與該使用者體重,該退化資料收集模組(3 1 )可將取得 的該使用者之身高、體重、反應力、握力、功能性前伸、 肌耐力、行動力與平衡感量測數據於該顯示螢幕(2 1 ) 顯示’該選擇按鈕組(3 2 )可選擇該退化資料收集模組 (3 1 )收集身高、體重、反應力、握力、功能性前伸、 肌耐力、行動力與平衡感其中之一的量測數據。 其中’該控制系統(3 0 )係使用RFID、ZigBee或 B1 uetooth等無線傳輸技術連線至該壓力感測器一(1 2 1 1 )、該塵力感測器二(1 1 1 1 )、該壓力感測器三(1 3 1 1 )、該距離感測器(1 3 4 )。 請參閱第二及第四圖,一種測量功能性前伸退化指標 之方法’其係使用上述之體適能檢測設備,將該選擇按鈕 組(3 2 )選擇該退化資料收集模組(3 1 )收集功能性 前伸量測數據,·將該量桿(1 3 )中段處至該量桿(1 3 )自由端彎折成平行於地面;一使用者站立於該量桿(1 3 )旁並採站姿體前彎方將該抵板(1 3 3 )往該量桿( 1 3 )自由端推;該距離感測器(1 3 4 )感測與該抵板 (1 3 3 )最遠之距離,並將訊號傳回該退化資料收集模 組(3 1 ),並於該顯示螢幕(2 1 )顯示,取得功能性前 伸量測數據。 請參閱第二及第八圖,一種測量反應力退化指標之方 201121506 法’其係使用上述之體適能檢測設備,將該選擇按鈕組( 3 2 )選擇該退化資料收集模組(3 1 )收集反應力量測 數據;一使用者一手置於該扶手(丄3 1 )之該壓力感測 器一(1 3 1 1 )處;該退化資料收集模組(3 1 )驅動 6亥顯不螢幕(2 1 )顯示落尺模擬畫面,該使用者對落尺 模擬畫面做出握壓該壓力感測器三(丄3 i丄)反應,該 壓力感測器二(1 3 1 1 )壓力變化訊號傳回該退化資料 收集模組(3 1 ),並於該顯示螢幕(2丄)顯示,取得功 能性前伸量測數據。 "月參閱第二及第五圖,一種測量握力退化指標之方法 其係使用上述之體適能檢測設備,將該選擇按紐組(3 2 )選擇該退化資料收集模組(3 i )收集握力量測數據 ,一使用者一手置於該扶手(i 3 i )之該壓力感測器三 (1 3 1 1 )處;該使用者施力於該壓力感測器三(工3 1 1 )’該壓力感測器三(1 3 i i )壓力變化訊號傳回該 退化資料收集模組(3 1 ),並於該顯示螢幕(2丄)顯示 ’取得握力量測數據。 請參閱第第一圖、第二圖及第六圖,一種測量肌耐力 退化指標之方法’其係使用上述之體適能檢測設備,將該 選擇按紐組(3 2 )選擇該退化資料收集模組(3工)收 集肌耐力量測數據;一使用者坐於該坐墊(i 2丄),然後 進行起立與坐下的動作30秒鐘,該壓力感測器一( 12 201121506 1 )於30秒内持續傳回壓力變化訊號至該退化資料收集模 組(3 1 ),該退化資料收集模組(3丄)分析壓力變化訊 號而計算該使用者坐站次數,並於該顯示螢幕(2 1 )顯 示。 請參閱第-圖、第二圖及第七圖,一種測量平衡感退 化指標之方法,其係使用上述之體適能檢測設備,將該選 擇按鈕組(3 2 )選擇該退化資料收集模組(3丄)收集 平衡感量測數據;一使用者單足站立於該踏墊(i工丄) 上直到雙腳觸地,該壓力感測器二(1 1 1 i )傳回壓力 變化訊號至該退化資料收集模組(3丄),該退化資料收集 模組(3 1 )分析壓力變化訊號而計算該使用者平衡時間 ,並於該顯示螢幕(2 1 )顯示。 請參閱第一圖、第二圖及第三圖,一種測量行動力退 化指標之方法,其係使用上述之體適能檢測設備,將該選 擇按紐組(3 2 )選擇該退化資料收集模組(3丄)收集 行動力量測數據;將該螢幕平台(2 0 )置於距離該檢測 平台(1 0)三公尺處;一使用者坐於該坐墊(1 2 1 ), 該退化資料收集模組(3 1 )於該顯示螢幕(2 1 )顯示 開始時,該使用者起立並行走至該檢測平台(2 〇 ),於兮 檢測平台(2 0 )折返坐回該坐墊(丄2丄),該壓力感測 器—(1 2 1 1 )傳回壓力變化訊號至該退化資料收集模 組(3 1 ),該退化資料收集模組(3 1 )分析壓力變化訊 13 201121506 號而計算該使用者往返時間,並於該顯示螢幕(2 1 )顯 示0 〔實施例〕 本發明之體適能檢剩設備為一整合檢測設備之平台, 期望傳統六項檢測以不同的遊戲取代,並將運動健身功能 帶入,藉此提供高齡者運動機會。 所以本發明之體適能檢測設備在實際實施上,以虛擬 人物金寶(Kingbo)為主角,以「Kingb〇帶著大家一起運 動」的概念出發,在測量完退化指標後,讓金寶提供受試 者個人化的運動組合,讓檢測與復健過程更具趣味性,但 也不失檢測的準確性,藉此讓檢測到運動的概念完整呈現 。遊戲主要以遊樂場的概念進行,由主角金f進行遊戲, 使用者可以自行選擇遊戲進行。而設計的六項遊戲是金寶 偷菜、金寶偷恐龍蛋、纟寶擠湯圓、金寶坐氣球、金寶滑 水道、金寶跳傘’分別對應到三米來回的行動力測試、功 此f生月j伸測试 '握力測試、i十秒站坐的肌耐力測試、平 衡感測試 '落尺反應的反應力測試。 °月參閱第一及第二圖’本發明將檢測器材整合成上述 所述之體適能檢測設備,實體結構主要分為兩個主體,檢 測平台(10)及螢幕平台(20),其遊戲及設備對照如 表一所示。 表一:遊戲與檢測與目斜昭 S·應檢測㉔及運動丨檢遅 201121506 金寶偷菜 — 三米來回 ~~~ 行動力 坐墊(1 21 ) 金寶偷恐龍蛋 功能性前伸 '~~~ 平衡力 ## ( 1 ) ' 金寶擠湯圓 握力 ' 肌力 扶手(1 3 1 ) ~~~ 金寶坐氣球 二十秒站坐 肌耐力 1墊(1 2 1) ~~~ i寶滑水道 平衡 ~~~ 平衡力 、墊(1 1 1 ) 金寶跳傘 洛尺反應 反應力__ 扶手(131) _ -— 六項檢測遊戲操作說明及設計方式如下 1 .三米來回-金寶偷菜 請參閱第-圖至第三圖,將三米來回檢測設計為金寶 偷菜遊戲,此遊戲首先設計用來檢測行動力數據,為價測 高齡者遊戲中的行動力數據,團隊將可繞式感壓器置入坐 墊(1 2 1 )内部’透過感測器壓力不同,侦測高齡者是 否接觸坐塾"川’藉此計算接觸坐塾"21)的時201121506 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention provides a physical fitness detecting device and a method for measuring a degradation index, in particular, a technically provided integrated functional forward test and a grip strength test , balance test, response test, muscle endurance test, mobility test, and into the game situation to attract users to continue to accept the measurement of physical fitness testing equipment. [Prior Art] The aging society is a global trend. People's life expectancy can be extended but it can't prevent aging. With age, people feel that the organs are gradually slow, the function is gradually reduced, the muscles are gradually weakening, and the body functions are deteriorating. Chronic diseases have also followed. Aging may start from a degenerative disease of the organ, such as insufficient activity and malnutrition, and may result in chronic and acute illness, looseness of the mass, muscle weakness, and a fall in balance and fall. Once aging begins, it will be in a form of speed, progress and permanence until death. According to research, the general public began to degenerate from the age of 45, and the body machine Sb gradually declined with the increase of age. These degraded items include degeneration of the nervous system and degradation of the bones, joints, and muscle system. Degeneration of the nervous system: After aging, the nerve conduction velocity becomes slower, and the feeling is often slower and the reaction time (reaction tlme) is prolonged. Degeneration of bones, joints, and muscle system: joint pain or deformation, contracture caused by arthritis of the lower extremities or spine, 201121506 biomechanics that affects the gait of the patient, resulting in gait stability and symmetry reduction, making the patient easy to fall . Because the total muscle mass and the number of muscle fibers in the elderly are significantly lower than those in the young, muscle atrophy is caused. Some scholars have proposed five characteristics of functional degradation: three factors based on consumption, exhaust loss, low activity, slowness and Grip Strength. Grade, when more than three characteristics are met, indicating a decline (Frailty); consistent with one to two, indicating a pre-frailty; no degradation characteristics are met, indicating non-frailty. However, the definitions of aging are defined as Pre_Frailty, FraUty, and Non-Frailty. There are many ways to analyze aging in the literature. The following is based on the statistical data of the aging indicators mentioned in the literature: 1. Slow action: This measure is intended to test the subject's mobility. The 'those' temperament α is the fastest speed to walk back and forth 3 # to record the time required. The testee can stand up and perform the measurement operation when he hears the system prompting at the beginning. The tester must go through the 3 m turn-back point and return to the start to complete the operation. According to the research statistics, between 6G and 69 years old, the amount of delay in action ^ ^ & female average is 8 seconds; 7G to 79 years old 'male and female: life is 9 seconds; 8〇 to 89 years old, male average is i" ; less, female level 2 U shift ° general clinical conditions (10) set the tester's height if it is lower than 159] the number of seconds spent back and forth should not exceed 7 seconds, if the height of 201121506 is higher than 159 cm, the number of seconds spent walking More than 6 seconds. 2. Muscle weakness: Μ Μ Μ Μ 指出 指出 指出 指出 Μ 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌 肌The maximum strength that can be used in the second, and the training methods are different. The endurance training must be continuous and low-intensity training. According to the results of the scholars (Hruda, η^, & coffee 3), the exercise of the muscle training of the large muscles of the lower extremities was given, and the average change of the twenty-second standing test was better than that of the control group without any training. From this, we know that ^^ knows that 'the relationship between the twenty-second standing and the muscle strength of the lower limbs is very high'. Therefore, this study is aimed at the muscle weakness test 1 measurement of the subject: muscle ability is the main subject The number of sitting stations completed during the test period must be recorded as soon as 30 seconds after the completion of the standing and sitting movements (4) within a limited 3 seconds. 3. Functional advancement: This, the purpose of d is to test the balance of the subject. Measuring the function of the front and the bend of the standing position, from the results of the study, the average male subject was 42,69 cm between the ages of 20 and 40, and the female subject was 37 36 cm '41 to 69 years old'. The average score of the test was 37.6", and the female test was 32.94 cm; the average male subject was 70 cm between 70 and 8 years old, and the female subject was 4.28 cm. The forward reach was increased with age. And the reduction of 'the older the body bending function is also worse, the average female measurement: the mean value is smaller than the male, the value of the period β,, pass,, charge the summer station posture forward bending instrument, the measurement range is between 0 and 5 0cm. 201121506 4 · Balance: This measurement indicator is + 曰, a, the purpose is to test the balance of the subject. 1 measurement method is divided into dynamic and static, ~ ten balance 'dynamic balance test method is backward Take eight steps and record the time of _ ^. The static balance is tested with closed eyes and single eyes. The other must stand on one foot until the feet and record the balance time. The average age of 67 to 68 years old, standing time for a single foot is 1.45 seconds to 1159 seconds. The average is 6 57 seconds. 5 ·Reaction time: If the measurement is as follows, the purpose of the test is to test the subject's reaction. 0 According to the exercise physiology, the left-handed c-response reaction is used as the reaction test. When the measurement method is preparation, the tester holds the upper end of the measuring ruler (or the reaction rod) so that the lower end of the measuring ruler is flush with the hand of the subject. The subject's hand is elbowed and the palm is prepared to be clipped with the thumb and the index finger. When the tester drops the scale (or the reaction rod) vertically, the tester responds quickly, clamping the scale (or the reaction rod), and the reaction distance is the upper end of the big plum finger holding the scale (or reaction) Rod) The distance of the drop. 6. Grip: The purpose of this measurement is to test the grip strength of the subject. The subject's fine force on the gripper 'records its strength ^. According to the study, the average age of 54 years old, the average grip strength It is 39·2 kg. Nowadays, the measurement method for the above-mentioned degraded referral ticket is mostly measured by the hospital and accompanied by a professional person. The measurement cannot be performed by the examiner alone. Method result analysis, usually cost Many times, the cost of medical resources and manpower is also quite large. The traditional measurement method is also more tedious and monotonous, so that the elderly can not continue to accept the measurement in 201121506, whoever gets the appropriate exercise in i θ a 。 , , 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对 针对Objectives and directions." In view of this, the inventor has been engaged in the design and related experience of related products for many years, and the development of the needles and the uncles of the granules. After detailed design and careful evaluation, the invention has finally become practical. . After the estimation of the [invention] The technical problem to be solved: Nowadays, the measurement method of the above-mentioned heart mark by the elderly is mostly to the hospital and accompanied by a professional. The tester cannot perform the measurement alone, and the tester is finished after the measurement. In the case of manual: analysis of results, it usually takes a lot of time for the subject, and the cost of medical resources is also huge. The traditional measurement method is also tedious: the adjustment makes the elderly do not want to continue to accept the measurement, and it cannot obtain the appropriate exercise effect from the measurement.技术Technical features of solving problems: providing a physical fitness testing device and measuring: degradation index method, package #: a detection platform having a base, a seat and a measuring rod, the base extending upward The seat has a stepping mat. When the user sits in the seat, the feet can be placed on: the mat. The seat has a seat cushion. The cushion has a pressure sensing effect. There is a pressure sensor 2 in the sea step; the measuring rod is vertically disposed at the corner of the earth's seat and connected at the middle section - the armrest is provided in the armrest - dust 201121506 force sensor three 'the user - The hand can be held at the pressure sensor of the armrest. The measuring rod is further provided with a zone connection structure at the middle section, and the middle section of the measuring rod can be bent to the free end of the measuring rod through the pivoting structure. Parallel to the ground 'the rod is placed near the free end - can be moved up and down to the counter of the rod, and is provided at the pivoting structure - distance sensing; a screen platform 'the screen platform a display screen; a control system, the control system and the pressure sensor, the pressure sensor 2. The pressure sensor 3. The distance sensor is connected to the display screen, and includes a degraded data collection module and a selective button set, the degraded data collection module can receive the pressure sense The detector transmits the knife change signal, and obtains the reaction force measurement data and the grip force measurement number 摅, 兮^, the data 3 hai degradation data collection module can receive the signal from the distance sensor, and take the shai The user's height and functional forehead measurement data, the degraded and intensive receiving module can receive the pressure change signal transmitted from the pressure sensing state, and the piece of muscle endurance test data and the action force measurement data, The degraded data collection group can receive the pressure change signal transmitted from the pressure sensor 2, and take the _ balance test data and the user's weight, and the degraded data collection mold lays down the height of the user to be obtained. , weight, reaction, grip strength, function 11 extension, muscle endurance, mobility and m... 茁. Show, the selection button group can choose the degraded data collection module to receive -#, weight, reaction, grip strength, Gongyue b Muscular endurance, OK. ^Measurement data of one of the senses of balance 201121506 - Controlling the efficacy of the prior art: the physical fitness testing device of the present invention and the method of measuring the degradation index 'integrating all fitness related items (functional forward test, grip strength test, Measurements of balance test, response test, muscle financial test, and dynamic test) The elderly can stand on the platform to complete the measurement independently' and the invention is integrated into the game situation. 1 The elderly are not boring when measuring. Older people continue to receive measurements, and then get the appropriate exercise results from the measurement. The above-mentioned objects, structures and features of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the preferred embodiments of the present invention. . [Embodiment] Referring to the first, testing device, including: The second figure shows that the present invention provides a physical fitness detecting and detecting platform (1 〇), the detecting platform (i 〇) has a pedestal (1 1 a seat (1 2) and a measuring rod (丄3), the base (1 1 ) extends upwardly to the seat (1 2), and the base (1 1 ) is provided with a mat (1) 1 1) When a user sits in the seat, the feet can be placed on the mat (1 1 1 ), and the seat (1 2 ) is provided with a seat cushion (1 2 1 ), the seat cushion (i) 2丄) is provided with a pressure sensor (丄2工1), and a pressure sensor 2 (laboratory worker) is arranged in the step (1 1 1); the measuring rod (13) is vertically disposed at a corner of the base (丄丄) and a handrail (1 3 1 ) connected to the middle section, wherein the handrail (1 3 1 ) is provided with a 201121506 pressure sensor three (1 3 1 1 ), the user has one hand The pressure sensor 3 (1 3 1 1 ) can be held at the armrest (1 3 1 ), and the measuring rod (13) is further provided with a pivoting structure (1 3 2 ) at the middle portion, The pivoting structure (1 3 2 ) can be to the middle of the measuring rod (1 3 ) to the measuring rod (1 3 The free end is bent parallel to the ground, and the resisting plate (13) is disposed at a near free end of the measuring rod (13) so as to be movable up and down to the measuring rod (13), and in the pivoting structure ( 1 3 2) is provided with a distance sensor (1 3 4) for sensing the distance from the board (1 3 3 ); a screen platform (20) having a display screen (2 1) a control system (30), the control system (3 〇) and the pressure sensor one (1 2 1 1 ), the pressure sensor 2 (丄工工), the pressure sensor three (1 3 1 1 ), the distance sensor (丄3 4 ) is connected to the display screen (2 1 ), and includes a degraded data collection module (3 work) and a selection button group (3 2 ), the degradation The data collection module (3丄) can receive the pressure measurement signal from the pressure sensor three (! 3丄丄)# to obtain the reaction force measurement data and the grip strength measurement data, and the degradation data collection module (3 1 ) Receiving the signal from the distance sensor (i 3 4) to obtain the user's height and power material (4), the degraded data collection module (3 1 ) can receive the pressure sensor 1 ( 2 Workers) The muscle endurance test data and the action force measurement data are obtained by the force change signal, and the degraded data collection module (3 i ) can receive the dust force sensor 2 10 201121506 (1 1 1 1 ) The pressure change signal is transmitted to obtain the balance test data and the user's weight. The degraded data collection module (3 1 ) can obtain the user's height, weight, reaction, grip strength, functional advancement, The muscle endurance, mobility and balance measurement data are displayed on the display screen (2 1 ). The selection button group (3 2 ) can select the degraded data collection module (3 1 ) to collect height, weight, reaction, and grip strength. Measurement data for one of functional extension, muscular endurance, mobility and balance. Wherein the control system (30) is connected to the pressure sensor 1 (1 21 1) using a wireless transmission technology such as RFID, ZigBee or B uetooth, and the dust sensor 2 (1 1 1 1 ) The pressure sensor is three (1 3 1 1 ), the distance sensor (1 3 4 ). Please refer to the second and fourth figures, a method for measuring a functional extensional degradation index, which uses the above-described physical fitness testing device to select the degraded data collection module (3 2 ). Collecting functional forward measurement data, bending the free end of the measuring rod (13) to the free end of the measuring rod (13) parallel to the ground; a user standing on the measuring rod (13) The yoke (1 3 3 ) is pushed toward the free end of the measuring rod (1 3 ) by the front bend of the standing body; the distance sensor (1 3 4 ) senses and the resisting plate (1 3 3 The farthest distance, and the signal is transmitted back to the degraded data collection module (3 1 ), and displayed on the display screen (2 1 ) to obtain functional forward measurement data. Please refer to the second and eighth figures, a method for measuring the degradation index of the reaction, 201121506 method, which uses the above-mentioned physical fitness testing device, and selects the degraded data collection module (3 2 ) Collecting reaction force measurement data; a user places one hand on the pressure sensor 1 (1 31 1) of the handrail (丄3 1 ); the degraded data collection module (3 1 ) drives 6 The screen (2 1 ) displays a drop-off simulation screen, and the user makes a pressure on the drop-scale simulation screen by the pressure sensor three (丄3 i丄) reaction, the pressure sensor two (1 3 1 1) pressure The change signal is transmitted back to the degraded data collection module (3 1 ) and displayed on the display screen (2丄) to obtain functional forward measurement data. "Monthly, refer to the second and fifth figures, a method for measuring the grip strength degradation index, which uses the above-mentioned physical fitness detecting device, and selects the degraded data collecting module (3 i ) by the selection button group (3 2 ) The grip strength measurement data is collected, and a user places one hand on the pressure sensor three (1 3 1 1 ) of the armrest (i 3 i ); the user applies force to the pressure sensor three (work 3 1 1) 'The pressure sensor three (1 3 ii) pressure change signal is transmitted back to the degraded data collection module (3 1 ), and the display screen (2丄) displays 'acquisition grip strength measurement data. Please refer to the first, second and sixth figures, a method for measuring the index of deterioration of muscular endurance, which uses the above-mentioned physical fitness testing device to select the degraded data collection by the selection button group (3 2 ) The module (3 workers) collects muscle strength measurement data; a user sits on the seat cushion (i 2丄), and then performs a standing and sitting motion for 30 seconds, the pressure sensor 1 (12 201121506 1 ) The pressure change signal is continuously transmitted back to the degraded data collection module (3 1 ) within 30 seconds, and the degraded data collection module (3丄) analyzes the pressure change signal to calculate the number of times the user sits, and displays the screen on the display screen ( 2 1) Display. Please refer to the first, second and seventh figures, a method for measuring the balance loss degradation index, which uses the above-mentioned physical fitness testing device to select the degraded data collection module by the selection button group (32) (3丄) collecting balance sense measurement data; a user standing on the mat (i-work) on one foot until the feet touch the ground, the pressure sensor 2 (1 1 1 i ) returns the pressure change signal To the degraded data collection module (3丄), the degraded data collection module (31) analyzes the pressure change signal to calculate the user balance time and displays it on the display screen (2 1 ). Please refer to the first figure, the second figure and the third figure, a method for measuring the action force degradation index, which uses the above-mentioned physical fitness testing device to select the degraded data collection mode by the selection button group (3 2 ) The group (3丄) collects the action force measurement data; the screen platform (20) is placed three meters away from the detection platform (10); a user sits on the seat cushion (1 2 1 ), the degraded data collection When the display (3 1 ) of the display screen (2 1 ) is started, the user stands up and walks to the detection platform (2 〇), and returns to the seat cushion on the 兮 detection platform (20) (丄2丄) The pressure sensor - (1 2 1 1 ) returns a pressure change signal to the degraded data collection module (3 1 ), and the degraded data collection module (3 1 ) analyzes the pressure change signal 13 201121506 The user has a round trip time and displays 0 on the display screen (2 1 ). [Embodiment] The physical fitness check device of the present invention is a platform for integrating detection devices, and it is expected that the traditional six tests are replaced by different games, and Bringing exercise and fitness functions to provide advanced transportation Opportunities. Therefore, in the actual implementation of the physical fitness testing device of the present invention, the virtual character Jinbo (Kingbo) is the main character, and the concept of "Kingb〇 takes everyone to exercise together" is started. After measuring the degradation index, Jinbao provides the test. The personalized combination of movements makes the detection and rehabilitation process more interesting, but it also does not lose the accuracy of the detection, so that the concept of detecting motion is fully presented. The game is mainly played in the concept of a playground. The game is played by the protagonist, and the user can choose the game. The six games designed are Jinbao stealing food, Jinbao stealing dinosaur eggs, Suibao squeezed dumplings, Jinbao sitting balloons, Jinbao waterslides, and Jinbao skydiving' respectively corresponding to the action test of three meters back and forth. Test the 'grip test, i ten-second standing muscle endurance test, balance sense test' response test for the drop rule response. Referring to the first and second figures of the month, the present invention integrates the testing equipment into the physical fitness detecting device described above, and the physical structure is mainly divided into two main bodies, a detecting platform (10) and a screen platform (20), and the game thereof. And equipment comparison is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Game and detection and slanting Zhao S· should be tested 24 and sports 遅 遅 201121506 Jinbao stealing vegetables - three meters back and forth ~~~ Power cushion (1 21) Jinbao steals dinosaur eggs functional forward '~~~ Balance force## ( 1 ) 'Jinbao squeezed the round grip strength' muscle strength handrail (1 3 1 ) ~~~ Jinbao sitting on the balloon for 20 seconds standing on the endurance of the muscles 1 pad (1 2 1) ~~~ i treasure water slide balance ~ ~~ Balance force, pad (1 1 1) Jinbao skydiving vernier reaction reaction __ Handrail (131) _ - - Six test game operation instructions and design methods are as follows 1. Three meters back and forth - Jinbao steal food please refer to the - From the figure to the third figure, the three-meter back-and-forth test is designed as the Jinbao stealing game. This game is first designed to detect the force data. For the action force data in the game of the elderly, the team will set the windable pressure sensor. The inside of the seat cushion (1 2 1 ) is different from the sensor pressure, and it is detected whether the elderly person is in contact with the seat 塾 川 川 川 川 川 川 川 川 川 川 川 川 川
間差。因此,當高齡者從遛I 攸選早選擇金寶偷菜後,畫面會先 出現金寶以步行的方式進入 進入屋内偷莱,偷菜成功後再返回 。在晝面說明完後再開始逸彳 』雜進仃遊戲,而遊戲開始後,高齡 者按照畫面上指示以步行的 7仃的方式前進於前方三米標示處, 到達二米標示處後進行拿菜 手未的動作,再按照指示路線往回 走,直到返回座位並再次坐 丄垫(121),以完成遊戲 程。控制系統(3 〇 ) °可繞式感壓器中的内部晶片 運用無線傳輸技術將高齡者^ 爷一未仃走的時間傳送至一個人 理數據資料庫。完成遊戲後 控制系統(3 0 )會判定 遊戲疋否全部完成,如未 成里面會回到選單,高齡者可 選擇其他遊戲’若是六項檢 爷丨做凡後,控制系統(3 〇 15 201121506 )會藉由計算機制在顯示螢幕(2 1 )產生個人化運動處 方倘若檢;則出行動力功能差,高齡者便可以藉由利用金 寶偷菜進行持續的復健運動。 2 ·功能性前伸—金寶偷恐龍蛋 請參閱第一、二及四圖,將功能性前伸檢測設計為金 寶偷恐龍蛋遊戲,此遊戲首先設計用來檢測平衡力數據, 為谓測高齡者遊戲中的平衡力數據,目隊將超音波感測器 置於量桿(1 3 )’透過超音波計算高齡者推行抵板(工3 ,3 )的距離,ϋ此得到功能性前伸數據。因此,當高齡者 從選單選擇金寶偷恐龍蛋後,晝面中金寶會以預備跳躍姿 勢’在畫面說明後開始進行遊戲,而遊戲開始後,高齡者 按照晝面上指示以前伸姿勢向前推動抵板(丄3 3 ),若抵 板(1 3 3 )到達標準,則金寶可取得恐龍蛋,反之,在 時間内若無法推至標準距離’金寶則無法取得恐龍蛋,晝 ,‘、肩不遊戲失敗。結束遊戲後,控制系統(3 〇 )會判定 遊哉結果’並回到主畫面,選擇其他遊戲進行。若六項遊 戲礎行結束後,控制系統(3 〇 )會藉由計算機制在顯示 勞幕(2 1 )產生個人化運動處方。倘若檢測出平衡力較 差’高齡者便可以藉由利用金寶偷恐龍蛋進行持續的復健 運動。 圖,將握力檢測設計為金寶擠湯 握力-金寶擠湯圓 睛參閱第一、二j 201121506 圓遊戲’此遊戲首先設計用來檢龍力數據,為彳貞測高齡 者遊戲中的握力數據,輯將可繞式感壓n置人右方扶手 (1 3 1)内,透過可繞式感壓器取得高齡者施力扶手( 1 3 1 )上的數值’藉此得到握力測試數據。因此,當高 齡者從選單選擇金寶擠湯㈣’晝面中金寶位在麵糰前方 準備,遊戲開始後,高齡者按照畫面上指示握住右方扶手 (1 3 1 )進行施力動作,若力量達標準,則金寶會擠出 湯圓,施力越大則畫面擠出的湯圓越大,反之,在力量無 法達到標準值’則畫面中的湯圓則根據數值縮小。遊戲結 束後,控制系統(3 〇 )會判定遊戲結果,並回到主書面 ,可選擇其他遊戲進行。若六項遊戲進行結束後,控制系 統(30)會藉由計算機制在晝面產生個人化運動處方。 倘若檢測出握力較差,高齡者便可以藉由利用金寶擠湯圓 進行持續的復健運動。 4 · 30秒站坐-金寶坐氣球 *月參閱第一、二及六圖,將3〇秒站坐檢測設計為金寶 坐氣球遊戲,此遊戲設計用來檢測肌耐力數據,為偵测高 齡者遊戲中的站坐三十秒數據,團隊將可繞式感壓器置入 坐墊(1 2 1 )内部,透過可繞式感壓器的壓力變化取得 向齡者站坐次數,藉此取得站坐三十秒數據。因此當高齡 者從選單卡選擇金寶坐氣球後,畫面中金寶站在舞台上準 備坐氣球,遊戲開始後,高齡者按照畫面上指示進行起立 201121506 上下的站坐動作’若站坐動作完成一次’則晝面中金寶則 坐破一顆氣球’站坐次數越多,則坐破氣球數也越多,因 此,向齡者肌耐力數據越好。遊戲結束後,控制系統(3 0)會判疋遊戲結果,並回到主畫面,可選擇其他遊戲進 行。若六項遊戲進行結束後,控制系統(3 〇 )根據遊戲 結果進行結果判定並產生個人化運動處方。倘若檢測出肌 耐力較差’高齡者便可以藉由利用金寶坐氣球進行持續的 復健運動。 5 .平衡力-金寶滑水道 明參閱第一、二及七圓,將平衡力檢測設計為金寶滑 水道遊戲,此遊戲設計用來檢測平衡力數據,為债測高齡 者在遊戲中的單足立數據,團隊將可繞式感屋器置入❹ (:1 1 )内部,透過可繞式感壓器的壓力變化得知高齡 者疋否又腳觸地,藉此計算高齡者單腳站立的時間以得知 平衡力數據。因此當高齡者從選單中選擇金寶滑水道後, 畫面中金寳站在水上摩托車準借 早半備出發,遊戲開始後,高齡 者按照畫面上指示進行單〇 叙 丁早疋立動作,單腳站立時間越久, 則水上摩托車加速時間越夂, 一 趔久直到兩齡者雙腳觸地,水上 摩托車將飛出滑水道,且開妒.普 且開始β仃,滑行距離取決於加速 時間長短。因此,高齡者單足站 夺間越久,則水上摩托 車飛行距離越遠’代表高齡者 衡力越好。遊戲結束後, -制系統(3 G ) #判定遊戲結果 ^ 並回到主畫面,可選 201121506 擇’、他遊戲進行。若六項遊戲進行結束後,控制系統(3 〇)根據遊戲結果進行結果判定並產生個人化運動處方。 倘右檢測出平衡力較差’高齡者便可以藉由利用金寶滑水 道進行持續的復健運動。 6 .反應力-金寶跳傘 呀參閱第一、二及八圖,將反應力檢測設計為金寳跳 遊戲此遊戲设計用來檢測反應力數據,為偵測高齡者 遊戲中的落尺1測數據,團隊將可繞式感Mil置入右方 扶手(1 3 1)内部,透過可繞式感壓器的壓力變化得知 高齡者是否施力於扶手(1 3 i ),藉此計算高齡者抓握時 U作為落尺1測數據。因此當高齡者從選單中選擇金 寶跳傘後’畫面中金寶位於飛機上準備,遊戲開始後,高 齡者按照晝面指示進行遊戲,在提示音出現後,金寶從飛 機上跳下’高齡者必須在金f通過警戒線時,抓握扶手( 1 3 1 ),讓金寶打開降落傘,若開傘時間點正確,則金寶 順利降落’代表高齡者反應力測試達到標準。反之,若時 間點錯誤,則金寶掉入海中’畫面顯示遊戲失敗。遊戲結 束後,控制“(3〇)會判^遊戲結果,並回到主畫面 ’可選擇其他遊戲進行。若六項遊戲進行結束後,控制系 統(3 0 )根據遊戲結果進行結果判定並產生個人化運動 處方。倘若檢測出反應力鲂#,古# & 愿刀季乂差冋齡者便可以藉由利用金 寶跳傘進行持續的復健運動。 19 201121506 在六項遊戲進行結束後,控制系統(3 〇 )根據遊戲 結果進行結果判定並產生個人化運動處方,並以金寳帶領 高齡者進行持續的復健遊戲,六項遊戲將針對不同的退化 情形進行調整’搭配出適合不同高齡者的運動次數及運動 頻率,藉此讓高齡者可以對本身退化情形做適合的運動, 控制系統(3 0 )纟會根據結果提供高齡者平時可以進行 的運動,讓高齡者平時就有正確運動的觀念。 本發明從㈣結束到正確運動整個流程都針對高齡者 需求設計’期望達到協助高齡者成功預防老化之目的,也 節省了高齡者到醫院檢測的過程中所浪f的時間成本與醫 療成本’並且以居家附近的健身中心為中心完成整個流程 ’並且配合醫%,長期監控高齡者個人生理數據,並且在 需要時立即匯出供專業醫療人員使用。 …前文係針對本發明之較佳實施例為本發明之技術特徵 :仃具體之說明;.准’熟悉此項技術之人士當可在不脫離 發明之精神與原則下對本發明進行變更與修改,而該等 ^更與修改’皆應涵蓋於如下巾請專利範圍所界定之範嘴 【圖式簡單說明】 圖本發明其一實施例之立體外觀圖。 第二圖:本發明其-實施例之功能方塊圖。 第-圖.本發明其一實施例之行動力測量狀態示意圖 201121506 第四圖:本發明其一實施例之功能性前伸測量狀態示意圖 〇 第五圖:本發明其一實施例之握力測量狀態示意圖。 第六圖:本發明其一實施例之肌财力測量狀態示意圖。 第七圖:本發明其一實施例之平衡力測量狀態示意圖。 第八圖:本發明其一實施例之反應力測量狀態示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 (1 〇 )檢測平台 (11)基座 (1 1 1 )踏墊 (1 1 1 1 )壓力感測器二 (1 2 )坐椅 (1 2 1 )坐墊 (1 2 1 1 )壓力感測器一 (1 3 )量桿 (1 3 1 )扶手 (1 3 1 1 )壓力感測器三 (1 3 2 )柩接構造 (1 3 3 )抵板 (1 3 4 )距離感測器 (2 0 )螢幕平台 (2 1 )顯示螢幕 21 201121506 (3 0 )控制系統 (3 1 )退化資料收集模組 (3 2 )選擇按鈕組 22The difference between. Therefore, when the elderly choose to pick up Jinbao from the 遛I selection, the screen will appear Jinbao on foot to enter the house to steal the thief, and then return after stealing the food successfully. After the game is finished, the game will start again. After the game starts, the seniors will follow the instructions on the screen to walk in the front three meters mark, and then arrive at the two-meter mark. If the dish is not moving, follow the directions and go back until you return to the seat and sit on the pad again (121) to complete the game. The control system (3 〇 ) ° internal chip in the wraparound pressure sensor uses wireless transmission technology to transfer the time of the elderly to a human data database. After the game is completed, the control system (3 0) will determine whether the game is completely completed. If it is not completed, it will return to the menu. The elderly can choose other games. If the six checkers do everything, the control system (3 〇 15 201121506 ) A personalized exercise prescription will be generated by the computer system on the display screen (2 1 ). If the action is poor, the elderly can use the Jinbao to steal the vegetables for continuous rehabilitation. 2 · Functional advancement - Jinbao steals dinosaur eggs. Please refer to the first, second and fourth figures. Design the functional forward detection as the Jinbao stealing dinosaur egg game. This game is first designed to detect the balance force data. In the balance data of the game, the team puts the ultrasonic sensor on the measuring rod (1 3 )' to calculate the distance of the elderly (the 3, 3) through the ultrasonic wave, so that the functional forward is obtained. data. Therefore, when the seniors choose Jinbao to sneak dinosaur eggs from the menu, Jinbao will start the game in the preparatory jump position after the screen description. After the game starts, the seniors push forward according to the instructions on the face. On the plate (丄3 3), if the plate (1 3 3 ) reaches the standard, Jinbao can obtain the dinosaur egg. Otherwise, if it cannot be pushed to the standard distance in the time, 'Jinbao can't get the dinosaur egg, 昼,' shoulder No game failed. After the game is finished, the control system (3 〇 ) will determine the result of the recreation and return to the main screen to select another game. If the six games are completed, the control system (3 〇) will generate a personalized exercise prescription by displaying the screen (2 1 ) by computer. If the balance is detected to be poor, the elderly can use the Jinbao to steal dinosaur eggs for continuous rehabilitation. Figure, the grip force detection design is Jinbao squeeze soup grip - Jinbao squeeze soup round eyes refer to the first, second j 201121506 round game 'This game is first designed to check the dragon force data, for the measurement of the grip data in the elderly game, The wraparound pressure n is placed in the right handrail (1 3 1), and the value on the handrail (1 3 1 ) of the elderly person is obtained through the windable pressure sensor, thereby obtaining the grip strength test data. Therefore, when the seniors choose Jinbao Squeeze from the menu (4), the golden treasure is prepared in front of the dough. After the game starts, the elderly person will hold the right handrail (1 3 1) according to the instructions on the screen to perform the force action. When the standard is reached, Jinbao will squeeze out the dumplings. The larger the force is, the larger the rice balls will be squeezed out. On the contrary, if the strength cannot reach the standard value, the rice balls in the picture will be reduced according to the value. After the game is over, the control system (3 〇 ) will determine the outcome of the game and return to the main writing to select other games. If the six games are finished, the control system (30) will generate a personalized exercise prescription by computer. If the grip strength is poor, the elderly can use the Jinbao squeezed dumplings for continuous rehabilitation. 4 · 30 seconds standing - Jinbao sitting on the balloon * month refer to the first, second and sixth pictures, the 3 sec seat sitting detection design is the Jinbao sitting balloon game, this game is designed to detect the muscular endurance data, for detecting the elderly In the game, the station sits for 30 seconds, and the team puts the wraparound pressure sensor inside the seat cushion (1 2 1 ), and obtains the number of sitting seats for the elderly through the pressure change of the windable pressure sensor. Take thirty seconds of data. Therefore, when the senior citizen chooses Jinbao from the menu card to sit on the balloon, Jinbao stands on the stage and prepares to take the balloon. After the game starts, the seniors follow the instructions on the screen to stand up and stand up in 201121506. In the face, Jinbao is sitting on a balloon. The more you sit, the more you can sit on the balloon. Therefore, the muscle endurance data of the elderly is better. After the game is over, the control system (30) will judge the game results and return to the main screen to select other games. If the six games are finished, the control system (3 〇 ) determines the results based on the results of the game and generates a personalized exercise prescription. If the muscle endurance is detected to be poor, the elderly can use the Campbell balloon to carry out a continuous rehabilitation exercise. 5. Balance - Jinbao Waterslide See the first, second and seventh rounds, and design the balance force test as the Jinbao waterslide game. This game is designed to detect the balance force data and measure the balance of the elderly in the game. Data, the team puts the rewritable house into the ❹ (:1 1 ) inside, through the pressure change of the rewritable pressure sensor, knows whether the elderly person touches the ground and touches the ground, thereby calculating the standing of the elderly person on one foot. Time to learn the balance data. Therefore, when the seniors choose the Jinbao waterslide from the menu, Jinbao stands on the water motorcycle and takes the opportunity to start early. After the game starts, the seniors follow the instructions on the screen to perform the single-handed action. The longer the standing time, the more the speed of the water scooter accelerates. After a long time until the two-year-old person touches the ground, the water-skiing motorcycle will fly out of the water-skiing channel and open the raft. The starting distance is β 仃, and the sliding distance depends on the acceleration time. length. Therefore, the older the long-shoulder station is, the longer the distance of the jet ski is. The representative of the elderly is better. After the game is over, - system (3 G) #determine the game result ^ and return to the main screen, optional 201121506 select ', his game is carried out. If the six games are finished, the control system (3 〇) judges the results based on the results of the game and generates a personalized exercise prescription. If the right side detects a poor balance, the elderly can use the Jinbao waterslide for continuous rehabilitation. 6. Responsiveness - Jinbao Skydiving refers to the first, second and eighth pictures, and the reaction detection is designed as the Jinbao Jump game. This game is designed to detect the reaction data, in order to detect the measurement data of the seniors. The team puts the sleek feeling of Mil into the inside of the right handrail (1 3 1), and learns whether the elderly person applies force to the handrail (1 3 i ) through the pressure change of the windable pressure sensor, thereby calculating the elderly person. U is measured as the ruler 1 when gripping. Therefore, when the seniors choose Jinbao Skydiving from the menu, 'Jinbao is prepared on the plane. After the game starts, the seniors play the game according to the instructions. After the prompt tone appears, Jinbao jumps off the plane. The elderly must be in the game. When the gold f passes the warning line, grasp the handrail (1 3 1 ) and let Jinbao open the parachute. If the time of opening the umbrella is correct, Jinbao will drop smoothly. The representative's reaction test is up to standard. On the other hand, if the time is wrong, then Jinbao falls into the sea. After the game is over, control "(3〇) will judge the game result and return to the main screen' to select other games. If the six games are finished, the control system (30) will judge the result based on the game result and generate Personalized exercise prescription. If the reaction 鲂# is detected, the ancient #& will be able to continue the rehabilitation exercise by using the Campbell parachute. 19 201121506 After the end of the six games, control The system (3 〇) judges the results based on the results of the game and produces a personalized exercise prescription, and leads the elderly to carry out the continuous rehabilitation game with Jinbao. The six games will be adjusted for different degraded situations. The number of movements and the frequency of exercise, so that the elderly can do the appropriate movements for their own degeneration. The control system (30) will provide the exercise that the elderly can usually perform according to the results, so that the elderly can usually have the concept of correct exercise. The invention from the end of (4) to the correct movement of the entire process is designed for the needs of the elderly, 'expected to help the elderly to succeed The purpose of anti-aging also saves the time cost and medical cost of the elderly to the hospital's testing process and completes the whole process centered on the fitness center near the home', and cooperates with the doctor to monitor the personal physiology of the elderly. Data, and immediately remitted for use by professional medical personnel when needed. ... The foregoing is a technical feature of the present invention for a preferred embodiment of the present invention: 仃 specific description; The present invention may be modified and modified without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, and such modifications and modifications should be covered by the following description of the scope of the patent application. [Illustration of the drawings] FIG. The present invention is a functional block diagram of the present invention. The first embodiment of the present invention is a functional power measurement state diagram of a first embodiment of the present invention. Schematic diagram of the state of the forward measurement 〇 FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram showing the state of the measurement of the grip strength of an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 6 is a diagram showing the muscle of an embodiment of the present invention. Schematic diagram of the force measurement state. Fig. 7 is a schematic diagram showing the state of the balance force measurement according to an embodiment of the present invention. Figure 8 is a schematic diagram showing the state of the reaction force measurement of an embodiment of the present invention. [Description of main component symbols] (1 〇) detection Platform (11) base (1 1 1) mat (1 1 1 1) pressure sensor two (1 2) seat (1 2 1) cushion (1 2 1 1) pressure sensor one (1 3 ) Measuring rod (1 3 1 ) armrest (1 3 1 1 ) pressure sensor three (1 3 2 ) splicing structure (1 3 3 ) to board (1 3 4 ) distance sensor (2 0 ) screen platform (2 1 ) Display screen 21 201121506 (3 0 ) Control system (3 1 ) Degraded data collection module (3 2 ) Select button group 22