201113736 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 一種能夠结合網路、手機、電腦、及3C商品使用的互動介面,在網 路上進行物件及其零組件的選賭和改裝,再將改裝後的成果進行實際 功能性的模擬測試以及下單的物件採購平台。 【先前技術】 近年來市場的需求已經逐漸變成多樣少量的情形,產業也必須不 斷的變化’才能夠應付外來的環境需求,各家產業公司不停的再改變, 目的是為了能夠增加顧客的滿意度,可以藉由顧客們之間的口碑效 應’進而提高公司的知名度以及形象,在相同產業環境下,各家公司 必須拿出他們的優勢來吸引顧客購買,要在競爭激烈的環境下脫穎而 出’必須得創造出與眾不同的優勢才能得到顧客的青睞。在目前經濟 不景氣的時代裡’顧客要購買價格很高的產品,首先大家通常都會到 網路上尋找同類型產品的資料’接著找齊資料之後開始下去做比較, 最後選擇顧客心目中所認定是最好的產品,接著開始到各家商場進行 比價的動作,各家商場列出他們能夠給予的最佳優惠以及客戶服務, 顧客最後會選擇條件對他們是最有利的情況下去購買。 但’以往從網路上看到的產品目錄,幾乎都是以照片的形式,完 全沒辦法深入觀察產品細微的部份,要是照片沒有詳細拍攝,這對於 想要看此產品的顧客來說,是非常的不方便。所以產品種類的變化被 廠商偽限住’顧客只能選擇廠商所提供的現有產品,相同的,產品本 201113736 身的變化也會被侷限住。 【發明内容】 本案「具有物件選購及模擬組裝與測試之下單平台」之創作目的 在於:設計出-種能夠結合網路、手機、電腦、及3C商品使用的互動 介面’使消費者能夠依照需要而輕易的在虛擬實境中進行物件相關零 組件的選購更換’並且賴迅速且透明化的估㈣次選__需的各零 組件及總職,同時提供馳裝完畢的物件進賴擬職,讓消費者 看出更換零組件前後的效果與差異,進以有效提升消費者的靖買意願 及產業界的羞品行銷效益。 本案創作設計係利用虛擬實境方法,將物件(如:機車、自行車、 汽車以及任何車輛、任何n具)及其侧零件齡匯人,再製作一個互 動介面,使得使用者可以在虛擬實境操作時,能進行物件相關零組件 的自行替換組裝、模擬替換前後物件的使用效益(如:以車輛為例能 模擬進行車躺行進路線、行進航以及替敝紐的效益差異),也 能進行相關零組件的喜好顏色更換,並顯示零組件_f價格及總和 的相關資訊。同時,使用者亦能在虛擬實境中進行^位旋轉、縮放 等功能。讓物件製造產銷t者歸產銷物件相關資訊,藉由本案物件 選購及模擬組裝與測試之下單平台來結合瓣,讓使用者可以在任何 時間、任何地點,經由網路進行滿意的物件選購、下單等採購動作。 【實施方式】 本案係設計出-種能夠結合網路、手機、電腦、及3C商品使用的 互動介面’而可運用本案之物件係廣泛包含了:機車、自行車、汽車 201113736 林輛任何n具。今本案峨車為舰—料細說明本發明 的實& ι_並不因此而紐本案的運用,舉凡以本案_運用於任何 物件的選構、組裝、模擬測試及下單,均應屬本案專利的保護範脅。 為使貝審查貞能更胁了解本㈣之内容及達成之產業效益兹 配合相關圖式說明如下: 請參閱圖式中第1圖所示為本創作系統建立之卫作流程圖,包括 了: CATIA繪製零組件曲面外型、將零組件與物件做拘束配合、將曲面 實體化並匯入立體虛擬實境軟體丽、設計虛擬實境介面、進行物件透 明化設什、物立體旋轉無件移動設定、物件自織轉展示功能、 零組件置換—設計、魏模擬設計以及數#1__ 〇 本案係採用立體虛擬實境軟體_,建立立體空間展示互動平台, 藉此達霸費者方便操作並選擇產品之細微部份,以㈣A立體_ 軟體’緣製機車(本創作運用物件以機車為例說明)基礎以及進階零組 件,提供消費者在麵的立體空間展示互動平台選擇以及組裝及其他 内設的各種功能(模擬測試),並利用·沾設計選單以及試算表讓 消費者在立體空·示互動平台完成組裝好的產品後,可以利用試算 表得出機車零組件的單價以及整台機車的總價,讓消f者從—開始的 下單’到付款的售後服務,都有著詳細的資料。而該下單平台所建立 的互動式介面,包含:顏色更換、零件更換、旋轉展示、價格顯示物 件模擬以及能夠在此介面進行操作縮放、旋轉及移動觀看。 首先,利用CATIA進行物件(以下以機車為例說明)及其各部零組 件的曲面設計’包含·機車的外殼、輪胎、避震器等等。再進行零 201113736 組件的拘束以及干賴_試,最後將曲面的設計實體化,並將繪製 的零件、車體...等等,藉由其支援的轉槽功能,將其㈣成能匯入虛 擬實境軟體⑽studio)之規;^,經結合立體冑腦_(域GQmputer graphics)、立體音效與其它感知介面,創造出一個擬真的虛擬世界, 並藉由二個虛擬實駐要的顧要素,即互動(interaetiQn)、融入 (immersion)和創造力(imaginatic)n),整合了介面按钮以及内部零 組件的連結魏,使消費者可選擇滿意的零組件進行組配安裝。 凊參閱圖式中第2圖所不為Ε0Ν虛擬實境的工作流程圖,包括了: 構思流程、素材荒集、概念規劃、可行性分析、細部撰寫、分境細部' 模型建立、與場景整合、配音、撰寫m統整合。 虛擬實境的設計係藉由開啟麵Studi〇軟體,來到初始介面,先 構思所想要的流㈣序後’再賴或匯人欲呈現之零組件,於模擬樹 下,再利用功能節點使零組件能做各式各樣的動作,諸如:旋轉隱 藏、價格呈現等’接著看是否會出關題或·,詳細撰寫細部各步 驟是否需要改進,在流程控制視窗裡設定其動作順序,配合場景,最 後呈現在模擬視窗卜由於EGN虛擬實境軟體内並沒有很強大的功能 元件讓按_互機合,财便消費者的操作細,所以為了連結不 同的子按紐’利用到了裡面元件所附加的—些功能,像是隱藏顯示、 位置調整等等,順獅將基礎介面完成,並且在後面,能糊的把其 他元件功能像是零組件替換等等加入子按鈕,本案設計之整個檔案的 整合,係利用框架内容來整合,以設計出簡單易懂的介面。 如第3圖所示為ACCESS試算表的工作流程圖,用來設計試算表單 201113736 及顧客資料的整合,包括了:構思流程、素材蒐集、表單規劃'可行 性分析、不同表單設計、表單細部設計、表單建立。 先構思機車與其零組件可讓消費者參考互換的零件組合,再決定 所要更換之零組件素材及顧客應留哪些資料,即可進行資料表之撰寫 及表單設计’基本架構完成之後’並可再進一步的進行試算表單之設 計、細部部分完成後即可將表單進行連接,利用軟體上傳到網路上跟 虛擬實境軟體(EON studio)進行整合。藉由ACCESS所設計出之互動表 單,包含了幾項重點(1)消費者的資料輸入以及輸出,(2)表單與消費 者之間互動的汉6十,(3)輸入表單資料和資料庫之連結。當消費者選取 所要的零組件之後’試算表即可立刻在零組件總價以及機車總價空格 内顯現出所選取零組件以及機車的總價格,為一種更適合消費者使用 的溝通表單。而在應用效益設計上,可具有: 1. 顧客存樓(回流):當消費者選擇他所需要的零組件款式後下 單’就會於雜庫中訂㈣,可以定時提醒廠朗f出機車是否需 要進廠保養’定時追縱可以讓消費者覺得服務綱,讓_去同一家 廢商購物的意願增加。 2. 零件調遣(服務性):當消f者選擇他所需要的零組件款式之 後,廠商《要賴該零崎衫還有庫存,藉由糊倾庫互相連 結,可以在第-_得到零組件贿料,要是零件不足可以經由資 料庫搜尋附聽商是否有所需零_,。 3. 年度預算(財管性):每賣出―輛機車,所_機車資料經由 資料庫回傳回廢商,讓_不用花多餘的時間去計算賣出多少台’可 201113736 輕易的得到年度報表,讓薇商能輕易的編寫下年度的預算。 如第4圖所示為DREAMWEAVER設計靜態網頁的工作流程圖,包括 了 :開啟DREAMWEAVER視窗、設計網頁名稱及路徑、設計HTML靜態網 頁、匯入Ε0Ν檔案、檔案儲存、利用網頁進行模擬預覽、模擬測試、 設計完成、撰寫程式、系統整合。先使用DREAMWEAVER軟體,開啟新 檔案後,接著設計網站資料夾的路徑,當路徑設定完畢時,一個簡單 的網頁就大致完成。 Φ 如第5圖所示為設計動態資料庫網頁的工作流程圖,包括了:設 定資料來源(ODBC)路徑、開啟DREAMWEAVER視窗、設計網頁名稱及遠 端路徑、開啟HTML網頁、設定應用面板路徑、網頁副權自動轉成Asp、 表單匯入、模擬測試、資料庫測試。係以Access軟體提供建立和管理 資料’透過ODBC設定路徑以後,與DREAMWEAVER軟體做整合動作,即 可完成架設網路資料庫的基本工作。 虛擬實境軟體(EON studio)乃是整合了繪圖、聲音 '影像、動畫 鲁 及相關週邊設備所成,透過零組件匯入、構思作動過程及模擬完成。 而其虛擬實境的模擬設計,係將欲設計的模擬一一的在模擬樹下新增 或匯入,配合流程控制的建立而成。該流程控制的建立係先把模擬過 程所用節點放置模擬樹後,由其中每—節點做屬性列的設定。再從模 擬樹拖良相關作動順序,然後在流程控制建立圖裡,串接前後的邏輯 動作。 綜合上述,本案「具有物件選購及模擬組裝與測試之下單平台」 採用立體立體虛擬實境方式建立立體空間展示平台,藉以觀察業者產 201113736 銷物件的產品細微部份,以提供消費者對欲購物件的相關求知資訊。 同時在平台上面提供產品零組件給消費者自行組裝,纽裝完成後的各 零組件價格及所有花費總額,也會列在平台上面提供給消費者作為參 考,而消費者在完成選購組裝後,消費者可挑選模擬現實的實境種類, 來進行動態模擬測試,模擬測試完成的數據結果,將是該物件產品在 現實生活中的實際情形。而本創作所採用的虛擬實境與網際網路平 台’除了可以滿足客戶想要的獨一性、種類多樣化的需求,另外與其 他傳統的網路產品平台相較之下,本創作在人力成本以及庫存量都可 以顯著降低,進而達到降低生產成本和增加產業競爭力。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖:本創作平台互動介面建立之工作流程圖。 第2圖:Ε0Ν虛擬實境的工作流程圖。 第3圖· ACCESS试算表的工作流程圖。 第4圖:設計靜態網頁的工作流程圖。 第5圖:設計動態資料庫網頁的工作流程圖。 【主要元件符號說明】201113736 VI. Description of the invention: [Technical field of invention] An interactive interface that can be used in conjunction with Internet, mobile phones, computers, and 3C products to perform gambling and modification of objects and their components on the network. The results of the actual functional simulation test and the order of the object procurement platform. [Prior Art] In recent years, the demand of the market has gradually become a diversified situation, and the industry must constantly change to be able to cope with external environmental demands. Various industrial companies are constantly changing, in order to increase customer satisfaction. Degree, we can enhance the company's popularity and image through the word-of-mouth effect between customers. Under the same industrial environment, companies must take advantage of their advantages to attract customers to buy, and to stand out in a competitive environment. It is necessary to create a unique advantage in order to get the favor of customers. In the current economic downturn, 'customers want to buy high-priced products, first of all, people usually go to the Internet to find the same type of product information'. Then find the information and start to compare, and finally choose the customer’s mind to be the most Good products, then start to go to various malls for price comparisons, each mall lists the best offers and customer service they can give, and customers will finally choose the conditions that are most beneficial to them. But the product catalogs that I have seen on the Internet in the past are almost always in the form of photos. There is absolutely no way to look at the subtle parts of the product. If the photos are not taken in detail, this is for customers who want to see this product. Very inconvenient. Therefore, the change of product type is falsely restricted by the manufacturer. The customer can only choose the existing product provided by the manufacturer. The same, the change of the product 201113736 will be limited. [Summary of the Invention] The purpose of this project is to create a single platform that can be used in conjunction with Internet, mobile phones, computers, and 3C products to enable consumers to According to the need, it is easy to carry out the purchase and replacement of object-related components in the virtual reality, and rely on the quick and transparent evaluation (four) of the second selection of the required components and the total position, while providing the finished objects into the Lay the job, let consumers see the effects and differences before and after the replacement of components, to effectively enhance the consumer's willingness to buy and the industry's shame marketing benefits. The creative design of the case uses a virtual reality method to bring objects (such as locomotives, bicycles, cars, and any vehicles, any n) and their side parts to each other, and then create an interactive interface, so that users can be in virtual reality. During operation, it is possible to carry out self-replacement assembly of object-related components, and to simulate the use of objects before and after the simulation (for example, taking the vehicle as an example to simulate the difference between the traveling route, the flight and the benefit of the replacement), The favorite components are replaced by the color of the related components, and the information about the price and sum of the components _f is displayed. At the same time, users can also perform functions such as position rotation and zooming in virtual reality. Let the production and sales of the object be the information related to the production and sales of the object, and use the single platform to combine the flaps in the case of object purchase and simulation assembly and testing, so that the user can select the desired object through the network at any time and any place. Purchasing actions such as purchases and orders. [Embodiment] This case is designed to be an interactive interface that can be used in conjunction with Internet, mobile phones, computers, and 3C products. The items that can be used in this case are widely included: locomotives, bicycles, and automobiles. In this case, the car is a ship--the details of the invention and the actual use of the case, and the use of the case, the selection, assembly, simulation test and order placement of any object should be The protection of the patent in this case is the threat. In order to make the review, we can further understand the content of this (4) and the industrial benefits achieved. The relevant schemas are as follows: Please refer to the diagram in Figure 1 for the creation of the creation system, including: CATIA draws the surface appearance of the components, constrains the components and objects, constrains the surface and merges them into the virtual reality of the virtual reality, designs the virtual reality interface, transparently objects, and moves the object without rotation. Setting, object self-weaving and display function, component replacement - design, Wei simulation design and number #1__ 〇 This case uses three-dimensional virtual reality software _, to establish a three-dimensional space display interactive platform, thereby achieving easy operation and selection The subtle part of the product is based on (4) A stereo _ soft body rim locomotive (this creator uses the locomotive as an example) basic and advanced components to provide consumers with a three-dimensional space display interactive platform selection and assembly and other Various functions (simulation test), and use the design menu and spreadsheet to make the consumer complete the assembly on the stereoscopic interactive platform. After the product, you can use a spreadsheet draw locomotive components of the unit price and the total price of the entire locomotive, so eliminate those from the f - start of the next single 'to the payment service, we have detailed information. The interactive interface created by the ordering platform includes: color replacement, part replacement, rotation display, price display object simulation, and the ability to zoom, rotate, and move through the interface. First, the CATIA is used to carry out the object (hereinafter, the locomotive is taken as an example) and the curved surface design of each of its components is included, including the outer casing of the locomotive, the tire, the shock absorber, and the like. Then carry out the constraint of the 201113736 component and the _ test, and finally materialize the design of the surface, and draw the parts, the car body, etc., through the support of the groove function, the (four) into the energy sink Into the virtual reality software (10) studio); ^, combined with stereo _ _ _ (domain GQmputer graphics), stereo sound and other sensing interface, create a virtual world, and by two virtual real The elements, ie, interaetiQn, immersion, and imaginatic n), integrate interface buttons and internal component connections, allowing consumers to select the components they want to install.凊 Refer to the workflow diagram of Ν0Ν virtual reality in Figure 2 of the figure, including: conception process, material waste collection, concept planning, feasibility analysis, detail writing, boundary detailing, model building, and scene integration. , dubbing, writing m integration. The virtual reality design comes to the initial interface by opening the Studi software, first conceiving the desired stream (4) after the sequence, 'returning or retrieving the components to be presented, under the simulation tree, then using the function nodes to make Components can do a variety of actions, such as: rotation hidden, price rendering, etc. 'Next to see if there will be a problem or ·, detailed writing details of the steps need to be improved, set the sequence of action in the process control window, with The scene is finally presented in the simulation window. Because there is no very powerful functional component in the EGN virtual reality software, the operation of the consumer is fine, so the user is used to connect the different sub-buttons. Additional functions, such as hidden display, position adjustment, etc., the lion will complete the basic interface, and later, can add other component functions like component replacement, etc., to the sub-button, the whole design of the case The integration of files is integrated using framework content to create an easy-to-understand interface. As shown in Figure 3, the workflow diagram of the ACCESS spreadsheet is used to design the integration of the trial form 201113736 and customer data, including: conception process, material collection, form planning 'feasibility analysis, different form design, form detail design Form creation. First conceiving the locomotive and its components allows the consumer to refer to the interchangeable parts combination, and then decide which component materials to be replaced and what materials the customer should leave, and then the data sheet can be written and the form design 'after the basic structure is completed' After further designing the trial form and completing the details, the form can be connected, and the software can be uploaded to the network for integration with the virtual reality software (EON studio). The interactive form designed by ACCESS contains several key points (1) consumer data input and output, (2) interaction between forms and consumers, and (3) input form data and database. Link. When the consumer selects the desired component, the trial balance can immediately display the selected component and the total price of the locomotive in the total price of the component and the total price of the locomotive, which is a communication form more suitable for consumers. In the application benefit design, it can have: 1. Customer deposit (return): When the consumer chooses the component style he needs, the order will be ordered in the magazine (4), and the factory can be reminded to locomotives. Whether it is necessary to enter the factory maintenance 'timed tracking can make consumers feel the service program, let _ go to the same waste business shopping will increase. 2. Part Dispatch (Serviceability): After the manufacturer chooses the part style he needs, the manufacturer “has to rely on the zero-shoulder shirt and stock, and through the paste library, you can get the components in the first-_. Bribes, if the parts are insufficient, can search the database through the database to see if there is a need for the listener. 3. Annual budget (financial management): Every time you sell a locomotive, the locomotive data is returned to the quotient through the database, so that _ don't spend extra time to calculate how many units to sell. '201113736 Easy to get the year The report allows Wei to easily write the budget for the next year. As shown in Figure 4, DREAMWEAVER design static web page workflow, including: open DREAMWEAVER window, design web page name and path, design HTML static web page, import Ε0 file, file storage, use web page for simulation preview, simulation test , design completion, writing programs, system integration. First use the DREAMWEAVER software, open a new file, and then design the path of the website folder. When the path is set, a simple web page is almost completed. Φ As shown in Figure 5, the workflow diagram of designing the dynamic database webpage includes: setting the data source (ODBC) path, opening the DREAMWEAVER window, designing the web page name and remote path, opening the HTML web page, setting the application panel path, Web page sub-rights are automatically converted into Asp, form import, simulation test, database test. The establishment and management of the data is provided by the Access software. After the path is set through ODBC, the DREAMWEAVER software can be integrated to complete the basic work of setting up the network database. EON studio is a combination of drawing, sound 'imagery, animation and related peripherals, through component import, conception process and simulation. The simulation design of the virtual reality is to add or import the simulation to be designed in the simulation tree, and cooperate with the process control. The establishment of the flow control is to first set the nodes used in the simulation process to the simulation tree, and then set the attribute column for each node. Then drag the relevant actuation sequence from the simulation tree, and then cascade the logical actions before and after in the process control creation diagram. Based on the above, the case "single platform with object purchase and simulation assembly and testing" uses a three-dimensional virtual reality method to establish a three-dimensional space display platform, in order to observe the subtle parts of the products produced by the industry to produce 201113736 to provide consumers with Relevant information about the purchases. At the same time, the product components are provided on the platform for the consumers to assemble themselves. The price of each component and all the total cost after the completion of the new installation will also be listed on the platform for consumers to refer to, and after the consumer completes the purchase and assembly. Consumers can select the real-world types of simulated reality to perform dynamic simulation tests. The data results of the simulation test completion will be the actual situation of the object product in real life. The virtual reality and internet platform used in this creation can meet the unique and diverse needs of customers. In addition, compared with other traditional network product platforms, this creation is in manpower. Both cost and inventory can be significantly reduced, which in turn reduces production costs and increases industrial competitiveness. [Simple description of the diagram] Figure 1: The workflow of the creation of the interactive interface of the creation platform. Figure 2: Work flow chart of Ν0Ν virtual reality. Figure 3 · Work flow chart of the ACCESS trial balance. Figure 4: Work flow chart for designing a static web page. Figure 5: Work flow chart for designing a dynamic database web page. [Main component symbol description]