201013534 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於一種在電腦開機時執行快速開機及一般開機之方 法’特別是關於一種在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方法。 【先前技術】 電腦的操作已是現代人工作的一部份,所以對於電腦的功能及 操作速度亦不斷地要求及精進。而在電腦開機階段所花費的時間 ❿有逐漸增加的情況,甚至電腦開機時間由數分鐘至十多分鐘,漫 長的開機時間造成使用者使用電腦的不便,因此如何縮短電腦開 機時間已是程式開發者所研究的課題。 目前一般BI0S(Basic Input Output System,基本輸入輸出系 統)之快速開機的方式有下列數種: 1.將CPU内部快取記憶體(internal Cache)之預設值設定為致 能(Enable),此項功能係用於致能或失能(Disable) CPU Level 1 ©快取記憶體,就整體速度而言,致能CPU Level 1快取記憶體將 比失能CPU Level 1快取記憶體時提升許多。 • 2·將外部快取記憶體(External Cache)之預設值設定為致能, 此項功能係用於致能或失能CPU Level 2快取記憶體,就整體速 度而言,致能CPU Level 2快取記憶體將比失能CPU Level 2快 取記憶體時提升許多。其中,pentiumPro CPU已内建CPU Level2 快取記憶體。 3.將快速開機自我測試(Quick Power On Self Test)之預設值 TF974511 3 201013534 没定為致能’在電腦開機時,BIOS會執行一連串之開機自我測試。 當致能此項功能時,會精簡及跳過相同項目之測試,以縮短開機 時間。例如,跳過記憶體之測試。 【發明内容】 本發明之目的在於提供一種在BI0S階段執行快速開機及一般開 機之方法’其在不影響開機過程中對硬體裝置初始化的情況下, 加速完成在BIOS階段之開機流程並順利進入作業系統,而本發明 Ο 之快速開機是可以大幅減少BIOS的開機時間,並不會犧牲重要的 功能性且具有最佳化的開機時間效能,以確保每個61〇5版本都符 合嚴格的開機時間要求。 本發明之第一種態樣係提供一種在BI0S階段執行快速開機之方 法’其應用於一電腦中,該電腦包含一嵌入式控制器韌體及一 BIOS ’該方法包括下列步驟: 在該嵌入式控制器韌體偵測到按下一電源鍵時,由該嵌入式控 ©制器韌體執行該電腦之電源開啟 ;以及 由該BIOS執行快速開機所預設之驅動程式之初始化,而未初始 化之該等驅動程式在啟動一作業系統之階段予以初始化。 本發明之第二種態樣係提供一種在B丨os階段執行快速開機及一 般開機之方法,其應用於一電腦中,該電腦包含一嵌入式控制器 韌體及一 BIOS,該方法包括下列步驟: 在該嵌入式控制器韌體偵測到按下一電源鍵或一快速開機鍵 時’由該嵌入式控制器韌體執行該電腦之電源開啟; TF974511 4 201013534 由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該BIOS判斷是否有按下該快速開 鍵; # 若未按下該快速開機鍵,則由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該將 一開機旗標由快速開機變更為一般開機; 若有按下該快速開機鍵,則由該BIOS判斷該開機旗標是否設定 為快速開機; 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由該m〇s執行 ® 陕速開機所預設之驅動程式之初始化,而未初始化之該等驅動程 式在啟動一作業系統之階段予以初始化;以及 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為一般開機,則由該執行 所有驅動程式之初始化。 本發明之第二種態樣係提供一種在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一 般開機之方法,其應用於一電腦中,該電腦包含一嵌入式控制器 韌體及一 BIOS,該方法包括下列步驟: © 在該嵌入式控制器韌體偵測到按下一電源鍵時,由該嵌入式控 制器韌體執行該電腦之電源開啟; 由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該別呢判斷一前一次開機狀態旗標是 否設定為失敗; 右s亥嵌入式控制器韌體或該酊的判斷該前一次開機狀態旗標設 定為失敗,則由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該BI〇s將一開機旗標由快 速開機變更為一般開機; 若該欲入式控制/體或該臓麟該前—次職狀態旗標設 TF974511 201013534 定為成功,則由該臓判斷該開機旗標是否設定為快速開機; 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由該職執行 快速開機所預設之鶴程式之初始化,而未初始化之該等驅^ 式在啟動一作業系統之階段予以初始化;以及 、若該臓觸該職旗標設定為-般_,嶋該執行 所有驅動程式之初始化。 本發明之第四種態樣係提供一種在職階段執行快速開機及一 ©般開機之方法’其顧於—電射,該電腦包含—嵌人式控制器 韌體及一 BIOS,該方法包括下列步驟·· ° 在該嵌入式控制||_偵_按下—電源鍵或—快速開機鍵 時,由該嵌入式控制器勃體執行該電腦之電源開啟; 由該嵌入式控制器勒體或該臓判斷是否有按下該快速開機 鍵; 若未按下該快速開機鍵,則由該喪入式控制器輪體或該露將 髎一開機旗標由快速開機變更為一般開機; 若有按下該快速開機鍵,則由該欲入式控制器物體或該腦判 斷一前一次開機狀態旗標是否設定為失敗; 若驗入式控制雜體或該腦判斷該前—次開機狀態旗標設 定為失敗,則由該嵌人式控繼減或該BIQS_開機旗標由快 速開機變更為一般開機; —若該嵌入式控制器物體或該腦判斷該前—次開機狀態旗標設 定為成功,則由該BIOS判斷該開機旗標是否設定為快速開機; TF974511 201013534 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由該M〇s執行 快速開機所職之购程式之初始化,^未初始化之該等驅動程 式在啟動一作業系統之階段予以初始化;以及 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為一般開機,則由該BI〇s執行 所有驅動程式之初始化。 本發明之帛五觀樣储供-種在BIGS驗執行快速開機及一 般開機之方法,其應用於-電腦中,該電腦包含—嵌人式控制器 ©韌體、一 BIOS及一監視器,該方法包括下列步驟: 在該喪入式控制器動體侧到按下一電源鍵時,由該嵌入式控 制器韌體執行該電腦之電源開啟; 由該嵌入式控制器勃體或該BI〇s判斷一監視器旗標是否設定為 觸發狀態; ~ 若該敌入式鋪||_或該隨綱該監視轉標設定為觸發 狀態’則由該巍入式控制器減或該㈣將一開機旗標由快速開 ©機變更為一般開機; - 若該嵌入式控制器勤體或該BIOS判斷該監視器旗標設定為未觸 " 發狀態,則由該娜判斷該開機旗標是否設定為快速開機; 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由該職啟動 該監視器並设定該監視器旗標設定為觸發狀態; 在該監視器所預設的時間計時中,由該臓執行快速開機所預 設之驅動程式之初始化,而未初她之該等购程式在啟動一作 業系統之階段予以初始化; TF974511 7 201013534 在該監視器计時結束前,判斷該BIOS是否完成快速開機之初始 化; 若該BIOS未完成快速開機之初始化,則由該監視器送一觸發信 號以重置該電腦,之後進行由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該BI〇s判斷 該監視器旗標是否設定為觸發狀態之步驟; 若該BIOS完成快速開機之初始化,則由該BI〇s關閉該監視器 並設定該監視器旗標為未觸發狀態;以及 © 若該BI0S判斷該開機旗標設定為一般開機,則由該BIOS執行 所有驅動程式之初始化。 本發明之第六種態樣係提供一種在BI〇s階段執行快速開機及一 般開機之方法,其應用於一電腦+ ,該電腦包含一嵌入式控制器 韌體、一 BIOS及一監視器,該方法包括下列步驟: 在該嵌入式控制器韌體偵測到按下一電源鍵時,由該嵌入式控 制器韌體執行執行該電腦之電源開啟; ® 由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該BIOS判斷一前一次開機狀態旗標是 否設定為失敗或一監視器旗標是否設定為觸發狀態; 右该嵌入式控制器韌體或該酊呢判斷該前一次開機狀態旗標設 疋為失敗或該監視器旗標設定為觸發狀態,則由該嵌入式控制器 勃體或該B10S將-開機旗標由快速開機變更為一般開機; 右該嵌入式控制器韌體或該耵呢判斷該前一次開機狀態旗標設 疋為成功且該監視器旗標設定為未觸發狀態,則由該酊〇3判斷該 開機旗標是否設定為快速開機; TF974511 201013534201013534 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field] The present invention relates to a method of performing a quick boot and a general boot when a computer is turned on, particularly regarding a method of performing a quick boot and a general boot in the BIOS phase. [Prior Art] The operation of the computer has been part of the work of modern people, so the function and operation speed of the computer are constantly required and refined. The time spent in the booting phase of the computer has gradually increased. Even the computer boot time is from a few minutes to more than ten minutes. The long boot time causes the user to use the computer, so how to shorten the computer boot time is the program development. The subject studied. At present, the general BI0S (Basic Input Output System) has the following types of quick boot: 1. Set the default value of the internal cache of the CPU to Enable. Function is used to enable or disable (CPU) Level 1 © Cache memory, in terms of overall speed, enable CPU Level 1 cache memory will be faster than CPU Level 1 cache memory a lot of. • 2. Set the default value of the External Cache to Enable. This function is used to enable or disable the CPU Level 2 cache memory. In terms of overall speed, enable the CPU. Level 2 cache memory will be much better than when you disable CPU Level 2 cache memory. Among them, the pentiumPro CPU has built-in CPU Level2 cache memory. 3. The default value of Quick Power On Self Test TF974511 3 201013534 is not determined to be enabled. When the computer is turned on, the BIOS will perform a series of boot self-tests. When this feature is enabled, the test of the same item will be streamlined and skipped to shorten the boot time. For example, skip the test of memory. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The object of the present invention is to provide a method for performing a quick boot and a general boot in the BI0S stage, which accelerates the boot process in the BIOS phase and smoothly enters the device without affecting the initialization of the hardware device during the boot process. Operating system, and the fast booting of the present invention can greatly reduce the boot time of the BIOS without sacrificing important functionality and optimized boot time performance to ensure that each 61〇5 version meets strict booting time. time requirement. The first aspect of the present invention provides a method of performing a fast boot in the BI0S stage, which is applied to a computer including an embedded controller firmware and a BIOS. The method includes the following steps: When the controller firmware detects that a power button is pressed, the power of the computer is turned on by the embedded controller firmware; and the initialization of the driver preset by the BIOS to perform the fast boot is not performed. The drivers that are initialized are initialized at the stage of starting an operating system. A second aspect of the present invention provides a method for performing a fast boot and a general boot in a B丨os phase, which is applied to a computer, the computer comprising an embedded controller firmware and a BIOS, the method comprising the following Step: When the embedded controller firmware detects that a power button or a quick power button is pressed, the power of the computer is turned on by the embedded controller firmware; TF974511 4 201013534 is toughened by the embedded controller The body or the BIOS determines whether the quick-on button is pressed; #If the quick-on button is not pressed, the embedded controller firmware or the boot flag is changed from a quick boot to a general boot; Pressing the quick power-on button, the BIOS determines whether the boot flag is set to be fast boot; if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to be fast boot, the m〇s execution is performed by the The initialization of the driver, and the uninitialized drivers are initialized at the stage of starting an operating system; and if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to be generally turned on, then the execution station There is a driver initialization. The second aspect of the present invention provides a method for performing a quick boot and a general boot in a BIOS stage, which is applied to a computer, the computer comprising an embedded controller firmware and a BIOS, the method comprising the following steps: © When the embedded controller firmware detects that a power button is pressed, the embedded controller firmware performs power on of the computer; the embedded controller firmware or the other determines the previous time Whether the power-on status flag is set to fail; the right s-em embedded controller firmware or the 酊's judgment that the previous power-on status flag is set to fail, then the embedded controller firmware or the BI 〇s will be one The boot flag is changed from fast boot to normal boot; if the desired control/body or the unicorn status flag of the front-secondary status flag is set to TF974511 201013534, it is determined by the 是否 whether the boot flag is set to Quick boot; if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to be fast boot, then the initialization of the crane program preset by the job is performed, and the uninitialized drive mode is activated in an operating system. The stage is initialized; and if the job flag is set to -, the initialization of all drivers should be performed. The fourth aspect of the present invention provides a method for performing a quick boot and a general boot during the in-service phase, which includes an electric sensor, the computer includes an embedded controller firmware and a BIOS, and the method includes the following Step ·· ° When the embedded control||_ _ _ press - power button or - quick power button, the embedded controller performs power on the computer; the embedded controller is or The 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 臓 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 按下 ; 按下 按下 按下 按下 ; 按下 按下 按下 按下 ; ; ; ; Pressing the quick power-on button, whether the object of the desired controller or the brain determines whether the previous power-on state flag is set to fail; if the check-in control body or the brain determines the flag of the previous-time power-on state If the flag is set to fail, the embedded control is subsequently reduced or the BIQS_boot flag is changed from fast boot to normal boot; if the embedded controller object or the brain determines the previous-time boot status flag setting For success, by the BIOS Whether the boot flag is set to fast boot; TF974511 201013534 If the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to fast boot, then the M〇s perform the initialization of the fast booting program, ^the uninitialized drivers The program is initialized at the stage of starting an operating system; and if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to boot normally, then all drivers are initialized by the BI〇s. The invention provides a quick start-up and general boot method in the BIGS test, and is applied to a computer, the computer includes an embedded controller © firmware, a BIOS and a monitor. The method comprises the following steps: when the power button of the dominating controller is pressed to press a power button, the power of the computer is turned on by the embedded controller firmware; by the embedded controller or the BI 〇s to determine whether a monitor flag is set to the trigger state; ~ If the enemy shop ||_ or the accompanying monitor flag is set to the trigger state, then the input controller is subtracted or (4) A boot flag is changed from a quick open source to a general boot; - if the embedded controller is in a hard body or the BIOS determines that the monitor flag is set to an untouched state, the boot flag is determined by the Whether it is set to fast boot; if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to fast boot, the monitor is activated by the job and the monitor flag is set to the trigger state; the time preset by the monitor In the middle, it is pre-executed by the 快速Initializing the driver, and the purchaser of the program is initialized at the stage of starting an operating system; TF974511 7 201013534 Before the timer expires, it is determined whether the BIOS completes the initialization of the fast boot; If the BIOS does not complete the initialization of the fast boot, the monitor sends a trigger signal to reset the computer, and then the embedded controller firmware or the BI〇s determines whether the monitor flag is set to the trigger state. Step; if the BIOS completes the initialization of the fast boot, the BI〇s turns off the monitor and sets the monitor flag to an untriggered state; and © if the BI0S determines that the boot flag is set to be generally turned on, The BIOS performs initialization of all drivers. The sixth aspect of the present invention provides a method for performing a quick boot and a general boot in the BI〇s phase, which is applied to a computer +, the computer comprising an embedded controller firmware, a BIOS and a monitor. The method includes the following steps: when the embedded controller firmware detects that a power button is pressed, the embedded controller firmware performs power-on of the computer; ® by the embedded controller firmware or The BIOS determines whether a previous boot status flag is set to fail or whether a monitor flag is set to a trigger state; right the embedded controller firmware or the UI determines that the previous boot status flag is set to fail Or the monitor flag is set to the trigger state, then the embedded controller or the B10S will change the boot flag from the fast boot to the general boot; right the embedded controller firmware or the cymbal determines the If the previous power-on status flag is set to success and the monitor flag is set to the untriggered state, it is determined by the 酊〇3 whether the power-on flag is set to be fast-on; TF974511 201013534
若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由該_啟動 該監視器並設定該監視器旗標設定為觸發狀態; X 在該監視器所預設的時間計時中,由該娜執行快速開機所預 設之驅動程式之減化,而未初始化之鱗鄉程式在啟動一作 業系統之階段予以初始化; 在該監視糾時財前,觸該刪是否完成麵開機之初始 化; ❹ 若該BI0S未完成快速開機之初始化’則由該監視器送一觸發信 號以重置該電腦’之後進行由該喪入式控制器勃體或該m〇s判斷 該前一次開機狀態旗標是否設定為失敗或該監視器旗標是否設定 為觸發狀態之步驟; 若該BIOS完成快速開機之初始化,則由該BI〇s關閉該監視器 並設定該監視器旗標為未觸發狀態;以及 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為一般開機,則由該BI〇s執行 Ο 所有驅動程式之初始化。 本發明之第七種態樣係提供一種在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一 般開機之方法’其應用於一電腦中’該電腦包含一嵌入式控制器 韌體、一 BIOS及一監視器,該方法包括下列步驟: 在該嵌入式控制器韌體偵測到按下一電源鍵或一快速開機鍵 時’由該嵌入式控制器韌體執行該電腦之電源開啟; 由該般入式控制器韌體或該BIOS判斷是否有按下該快速開機 鍵; TF974511 9 201013534 體或該BIOS將 若未按下該快速開機鍵,則由該嵌入式控制器韌 一開機旗標由快速開機變更為一般開機; 若有按下雜賴舰,齡触_判 斷一監視器旗標是否設定為觸發狀態; 若該後入式控制器勃體或該讎判斷該監視器旗標設定為觸發 狀態’則由额人式控制_體或該___旗標由快賴 機變更為一般開機; ❹若職人式控制錄體或該_判_監視轉標設定為未觸 發狀態,則由該BIOS判斷該開機旗標是否設定為快速開機; 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由該啟動 該監視器並設定該監視器旗標設定為觸發狀態; 在該監視器所預設的時間計時中,由該_執行快速開機所預 設之驅動程式之初始化’而未初始化之該等驅動程式在啟動一作 業系統之階段予以初始化; ® 在該監憾鱗結絲,鑛該Bios是否完賴速開機之初始 化; 若该BIOS未完成快速開機之初始化,則由該監視器送一觸發信 號以重置該電腦,之後進行由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該BI〇s判斷 是否有按下該快速開機鍵之步驟; 若該BIOS完成快速開機之初始化,則由該BI〇s關閉該監視器 並設定該監視器旗標為未觸發狀態;以及 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為一般開機,則由該BI〇s執行 TF974511 10 201013534 所有驅動程式之初始化。 本發明之帛八種態樣係提供一種在臓階段執行快速開機及一 般開機之方法,其應用於—電腦中,該電腦包含—嵌入式控制器 韌體、-BIOS及-監視器,該方法包括下列步驟: 在該喪入式控制器勒體偵測到按下一電源鍵或—快速開機鍵 時’由該嵌人式控制H浦執行該電腦之電源開啟; 由該嵌入式控制或該簡觸是否有按下該快速開機 ❹鍵; 若未按下該快速開機鍵,則由該嵌入式控制器滅或該娜將 -開機旗標由快速開機變更為—般開機; 若有按下該快速開機鍵,則由該嵌入式控制器_或該BIOS判 斷一前-次開機狀態旗標是否設定為失敗或一監視器旗標是否設 定為觸發狀態; 右該嵌人式控制或該則3觸該前―姻機狀態旗標設 定為纽或該監視H旗標蚊為猶㈣,獅該欽式控制器 1或該臓將該開機旗標由快速職變更為—般開機; —若該嵌入式控制器初體或該_判斷該前-次開機狀態旗標設 疋為成功且該I視器旗標設定為未觸發狀態,則由該蓮判斷該 開機旗標疋否設定為快迷開機; 若該腦判斷該開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由該應啟動 該監視器並蚊該監彳岐旗標設定為觸發狀態; 在該瓜視器所預设的時間計時中,由該臓執行快速開機所預 TF974511 201013534 設之驅動程式之初始化,而未初始化之該等驅動程式在啟動一作 業系統之階段予以初始化; 在該監視器計時結束前,判斷該BIOS是否完成快速開機之初始 化; 若該BIOS未完成快速開機之初始化,則由該監視器送一觸發信 號以重置該電腦,之後進行由該嵌入式控制器韌體或該Bi〇s判斷 是否有按下該快速開機鍵之步驟; Ο 若該BI0S完成快速開機之初始化,則由該BIOS關閉該監視器 並設定該監視器旗標為未觸發狀態;以及 若該BIOS判斷該開機旗標設定為一般開機,則由該BI〇s執行 所有驅動程式之初始化。 本發明之第九種態樣係提供一種内儲一程式之電腦可讀取之記 錄媒體,當一電腦由該記錄媒體載入該程式並執行後,可完成如 上述第一至八種態樣之方法。 © 本發明之第十種態樣係提供一種内儲一程式之電腦程式產品, •當一電腦由電腦程式產品載入該電腦程式並執行後,可完成如上 - 述第一至八種態樣之方法。 【實施方式】 以下參照附圖來說明本發明之一較佳實施例。 圖1為本發明在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方法之流 程圖。圖1之流程步驟係配合電腦之韌體及硬體架構而予以實施, 以下所述之電腦之韌體及硬體架構係為該項技術領域之具有通常 TF974511 12 201013534 知識者所熟知,在此省略說明此等架構。 在圖1中所謂的BIOS係適用於傳統的bi〇s、uefi/efi BI0S(Unified Extensible Firmware Interface / Extensible Firmware Interface Basic I叩ut 〇utput System,通用可延伸 韌體介面/可延伸韌體介面基本輸入輸出系統)等。 在圖1中,本發明之在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方 法係應用於一電腦中,而該電腦包含一嵌入式控制器韌體 ❹(Embedded Controller Firmware)、一 BIOS 及一監視器 (Watchdog) ° 首先,在嵌入式控制器韌體偵測到使用者按下電腦之一電源鍵 或一快速開機鍵時,由嵌入式控制器韌體執行電腦之電源開啟 (Power On)(步驟 S101)。 接著,由嵌入式控制器韌體或BIOS判斷是否使用者有按下快速 開機鍵而使BIOS之開機為快速開機程序(步驟sl〇3)。其中,在喪 ❹入式控制器韌體執行有關電源管理之硬體的初始化後跳至BI0S之 * 一起始位置以啟動BIOS’此時BIOS才可判斷是否使用者有按下快 ' 速開機鍵以及執行下述各旗標設定之步驟,而BIOS之開機自我測 試之程序係熟於該項技術人士所習知者,在此不另贅述 若使用者有按下快速開機鍵,則由嵌入式控制器韌體或BIOS判 斷一如一次開機狀態旗標是否設定為失敗或一監視器旗標是否設 定為觸發狀態(步驟S107)。將前一次開機狀態旗標設定為失敗的 情況例如在啟動作業系統失敗或BIOS之一般開機或快速開機之程 TF974511 13 201013534 序失敗等。若使用者未按下快逮開機鍵,則由嵌入式控制器減 或_將-開機旗標由絲開機變更為一般開機(步驟测),之 後進行步驟S107。同樣地,在嵌入式控制器動體執行有關電源管 理之硬體的初始化後跳至BIOS之起始位f以啟動BI〇s,此時BI〇s 才可觸w次賴狀態旗標是錢定為失敗或監視器旗標是否 設定為觸發狀態以及執行下述各旗標設定之步驟。 右肷入式控制器勒體或BIOS判斷前一次開機狀態旗標設定為成 〇功且監視器旗標設定為未觸發狀態,則由BIOS判斷開機旗標是否 A疋為快速卩箱(麵sill);絲人式控彻祕或BIQS判斷前 一次開機狀態旗標設定為失敗或監視器旗標設定為觸發狀態則 嵌入式控制器韌體或由BIOS將開機旗標由快速開機變更為一般開 機(步驟S113),之後進行步驟sill。 若BIOS判斷開機旗標設定為快速開機,則由Bi〇s啟動監視器 並設定監視器旗標為觸發狀態(步驟S115)。 ® 接著’在監視器所預設的時間計時中,由BIOS執行快速開機所 預設之驅動程式之初始化,而未初始化之其餘的驅動程式在啟動 一作業系統之階段予以初始化(步驟S117)。其中,在啟動作業系 統之階段所初始化之驅動程式係有關於一滑鼠、一鍵盤及一螢幕 等驅動程式。 然後’在監視器計時結束前,判斷BIOS是否完成快速開機之驅 動程式的初始化(步驟S119) ’若BIOS未完成快速開機之驅動程式 的初始化,則由監視器送一觸發信號以重置電腦(步驟S12i),之 TF974511 14 201013534 後進行步驟S103。其中,由監視器重置電腦的方法係採用本發明 之技術領域所熟知技術來完成。若BI0S完成快速開機之驅動程式 的初始化,則由BIOS關閉監視器並設定監視器旗標為未觸發狀態 (步驟 S123)。 接著,若BIOS判斷開機旗標設定為一般開機,則由BI〇s執行 所有驅動程式之初始化(步驟S125)。在職執行所有购程式之 初始化後,若監視器旗標被設定為觸發狀態,則BI〇s將監視器旗 〇 標變更為未觸發狀態。 在BIOS執行一般開機或快速開機之驅動程式的初始化後,電腦 執行作㈣狀啟動(步則127)。其巾’純储束健系統時, 若前一次開機狀態旗標被設定為失敗,則作業系統將前一次開機 狀態旗標變更為成功。 上述實施例說明本發明所實施的一種態樣,但並非用以侷限本 發明之範疇,上述實施例可做不同的變化以作為本發明之不同的 ❹實施態樣,如下文所述。 本發明之第一變化態樣係實施圖丨中步驟sl〇1、sll7及S127, 而可達成在BIOS p皆段執行快速開機之方法。而各步驟實施之描述 如上文所述,在此不加贅述。 本發明之第二變化態樣係實施圖丨中步驟sl〇1、sl〇3、sl〇9、 S11卜S117、S125及S127,而可達成在臓階段執行快速開機 及-般開機之方法。而各步驟實施之描述如上文所述,在此不加 贅述。 TF974511 15 201013534 本發明之第三變化態樣係實施圖1中步驟沿〇1、幻〇7中之由 BIOS判斷前一次開機狀態旗標是否設定為失敗之步驟、sin、 S113、S117、S125及S127,而可達成在BI0S階段執行快速開機 及一般開機之方法。而各步驟實施之描述如上文所述,在此不加 贅述。 本發明之第四變化態樣係實施圖丨中步驟sl〇1、sl〇7中之由 BIOS判斷監視器旗標是否設定為觸發狀態之步驟、幻11、幻13、If the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to be fast boot, the monitor is activated by the _ and the monitor flag is set to a trigger state; X is executed by the nar in the preset time period of the monitor The default startup driver is reduced by the quick boot, and the uninitialized scale program is initialized at the stage of starting an operating system; before the monitoring corrects the time, the activation is initiated by the deletion; ❹ If the BI0S If the initialization of the quick start is not completed, then the trigger signal is sent by the monitor to reset the computer. Then, the host controller or the m〇s determines whether the previous power-on flag is set to be failed. Or the step of setting the monitor flag to a trigger state; if the BIOS completes the initialization of the fast boot, the BI〇s turns off the monitor and sets the monitor flag to an untriggered state; and if the BIOS determines When the boot flag is set to be normally booted, the initialization of all drivers is performed by the BI〇s. The seventh aspect of the present invention provides a method for performing a quick boot and a general boot in the BIOS stage, which is applied to a computer, wherein the computer includes an embedded controller firmware, a BIOS, and a monitor. The method includes the following steps: when the embedded controller firmware detects that a power button or a quick power button is pressed, the power of the computer is turned on by the embedded controller firmware; The body or the BIOS determines whether the fast power-on button is pressed; TF974511 9 201013534 body or the BIOS will not press the quick power-on button, then the embedded controller tough start flag is changed from fast boot to general boot If there is a press of the chasing ship, the age touch _ determines whether a monitor flag is set to the trigger state; if the back-in controller or the 雠 determines that the monitor flag is set to the trigger state, then The human control _ body or the ___ flag is changed from the fast smashing machine to the general power on; if the servant type control recording body or the _ _ _ _ monitoring metric is set to the untriggered state, the BIOS determines the boot flag Whether the target is set Quickly booting; if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to fast boot, then the monitor is activated and the monitor flag is set to a trigger state; in the preset time period of the monitor, by the _ Performing the initialization of the driver that is preset for the quick boot, and the uninitialized drivers are initialized at the stage of starting an operating system; ® in the calibration scale, whether the Bios is up to the initialization of the fast boot; If the BIOS does not complete the initialization of the fast boot, the monitor sends a trigger signal to reset the computer, and then the embedded controller firmware or the BI〇s determines whether the fast boot button is pressed. Step; if the BIOS completes the initialization of the fast boot, the BI〇s turns off the monitor and sets the monitor flag to an untriggered state; and if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to be generally turned on, then BI〇s execution TF974511 10 201013534 Initialization of all drivers. The eight aspects of the present invention provide a method for performing a quick boot and a general boot during the 臓 phase, which is applied to a computer, the computer includes an embedded controller firmware, a BIOS and a monitor. The method includes the following steps: when the killing controller detects that a power button or a quick power button is pressed, the power of the computer is turned on by the embedded control; the embedded control or the Whether the shortcut button is pressed or not; if the quick power button is not pressed, the embedded controller is turned off or the button is turned on from the fast boot to the normal boot; if pressed The fast power-on button determines whether the pre-boot state flag is set to be a failure or whether a monitor flag is set to a trigger state by the embedded controller _ or the BIOS; the right embedded control or the 3 Touch the former - the marriage machine status flag is set to New or the monitoring H flag mosquito is still (four), the lion-type controller 1 or the 臓 will change the boot flag from the fast position to the general start; The embedded controller is the initial body or the _ judging the former - If the secondary power-on flag is set to be successful and the I-view flag is set to an untriggered state, the lotus determines whether the boot flag is set to be a fast start; if the brain determines that the boot flag is set to fast When the power is turned on, the monitor should be activated and the mosquito flag is set to the trigger state; in the preset time period of the camera, the driver is configured to perform the fast booting of the pre-TF974511 201013534 driver. Initializing, and the uninitialized drivers are initialized at the stage of starting an operating system; before the timer ends, determining whether the BIOS has completed the initialization of the fast boot; if the BIOS does not complete the initialization of the fast boot, then A trigger signal is sent by the monitor to reset the computer, and then the step of determining whether the fast power-on button is pressed by the embedded controller firmware or the Bi〇s is performed; Ο if the BI0S completes the initialization of the fast boot , the BIOS turns off the monitor and sets the monitor flag to an untriggered state; and if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to be generally booted, then the BI s of all of the initial driver. The ninth aspect of the present invention provides a computer readable recording medium storing a program. When a computer is loaded into the program by the recording medium and executed, the first to eighth aspects can be completed. The method. The tenth aspect of the present invention provides a computer program product for storing a program. When a computer is loaded into the computer program by a computer program product and executed, the first to eighth aspects can be completed as described above. The method. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, a preferred embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the accompanying drawings. 1 is a flow chart of a method for performing a fast boot and a general boot in the BIOS phase of the present invention. The process steps of Figure 1 are implemented in conjunction with the firmware and hardware architecture of the computer. The firmware and hardware architecture of the computer described below is well known to those skilled in the art with the knowledge of TF974511 12 201013534. The description of these architectures is omitted. The so-called BIOS in Figure 1 is suitable for the traditional bi〇s, uefi/efi BI0S (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface / Extensible Firmware Interface Basic I叩ut 〇utput System, Universal Extensible Firmware Interface / Extensible Firmware Interface Basic Input and output system) and so on. In FIG. 1, the method for performing fast booting and general booting in the BIOS phase of the present invention is applied to a computer, and the computer includes an embedded controller firmware (BIOS) and a BIOS. (Watchdog) ° First, when the embedded controller firmware detects that the user presses one of the computer's power button or a quick power button, the embedded controller firmware performs the power on of the computer (Power On) (step S101). Then, it is judged by the embedded controller firmware or the BIOS whether the user has pressed the quick power-on button to turn on the BIOS as a quick boot process (step sl1). Among them, after the hardware of the funnel-in controller performs the initialization of the power management hardware, it jumps to the starting position of the BI0S* to start the BIOS. At this time, the BIOS can determine whether the user has pressed the fast power button. And the steps of performing the following flag setting, and the BIOS boot self-testing program is familiar to those skilled in the art, and it is not described here that if the user presses the quick power button, it is embedded. The controller firmware or the BIOS determines whether the power-on status flag is set to fail or whether a monitor flag is set to the trigger state (step S107). If the previous power-on status flag is set to fail, for example, if the operating system fails to start or the BIOS is normally turned on or fast-started, TF974511 13 201013534 fails. If the user does not press the fast-start power button, the embedded controller minus or the --boot flag is changed from the power-on to the normal power-on (step measurement), and then proceeds to step S107. Similarly, after the embedded controller performs the initialization of the hardware related to power management, it jumps to the start bit f of the BIOS to start BI〇s. At this time, BI〇s can touch the status flag. Determines whether the failure or monitor flag is set to the trigger state and the steps for performing the following flag settings. The right-in-one controller or the BIOS determines that the previous power-on status flag is set to 〇 〇 and the monitor flag is set to the untriggered state, then the BIOS determines whether the boot flag is A 卩 卩 面 面); silk human control secret or BIQS judges that the previous power-on status flag is set to failure or the monitor flag is set to the trigger state, the embedded controller firmware or the BIOS will change the boot flag from fast boot to general boot (Step S113), and then step sill is performed. If the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to fast boot, the monitor is started by Bi〇s and the monitor flag is set to the trigger state (step S115). ® Then 'In the time period preset by the monitor, the BIOS initializes the initialization of the driver preset by the quick boot, and the remaining uninitialized drivers are initialized at the stage of starting an operating system (step S117). Among them, the driver initialized at the stage of starting the operating system has drivers for a mouse, a keyboard and a screen. Then, 'Before the end of the timer, judge whether the BIOS completes the initialization of the fast boot driver (step S119). 'If the BIOS does not complete the initialization of the fast boot driver, the monitor sends a trigger signal to reset the computer ( Step S12i), TF974511 14 201013534 is followed by step S103. Among other things, the method of resetting the computer by the monitor is accomplished using techniques well known in the art of the present invention. If the BI0S completes the initialization of the fast boot driver, the BIOS turns off the monitor and sets the monitor flag to the untriggered state (step S123). Next, if the BIOS determines that the boot flag is set to be normally turned on, initialization of all drivers is performed by BI〇s (step S125). After the in-service execution of all purchased programs, if the monitor flag is set to the trigger state, BI〇s changes the monitor flag to the untriggered state. After the BIOS performs the initialization of the general boot or fast boot driver, the computer performs the (four) start (step 127). When the towel is in the pure storage system, if the previous power-on status flag is set to fail, the operating system changes the previous power-on status flag to success. The above-described embodiments illustrate one aspect of the invention, but are not intended to limit the scope of the invention, and the above-described embodiments may be variously modified to serve as different embodiments of the invention, as described below. The first variant of the present invention implements the steps sl1, sll7, and S127 in the figure, and achieves a method of performing a fast boot in the BIOS p segment. The description of each step implementation is as described above and will not be described here. The second variant of the present invention implements the steps sl1, sl3, sl9, S11, S117, S125 and S127 in the figure, and the method of performing fast booting and general booting in the 臓 phase can be achieved. The description of each step implementation is as described above and will not be described here. TF974511 15 201013534 The third variant of the present invention implements the steps in FIG. 1 along the steps of 〇1, 〇7, and the BIOS determines whether the previous boot status flag is set to fail, sin, S113, S117, S125 and S127, and the method of performing fast booting and general booting in the BI0S phase can be achieved. The description of each step implementation is as described above and will not be described here. The fourth aspect of the present invention is a step of implementing steps s1〇1, sl7 in the figure to determine whether the monitor flag is set to the trigger state by the BIOS, Magic 11, Magic 13,
β S115、S117、S119、sm、S123、S125 及 S127,而可達成在 BI0S 階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方法。而各步驟實施之描述如上 文所述,在此不加贅述。 本發明之第五變化態樣係實施圖1中步驟Si〇i、si〇5、S109、 sm、S113、S115、S117、S119、sm、S123、S125 及 S127,而 可達成在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方法。而各步驟實 施之描述如上文所述,在此不加贅述。 ® 本發明之第六變化態樣係實施圖1中步驟S101、S103、S107中 之由BIOS判斷刖一次開機狀態旗標是否設定為失敗之步驟、 S109、Sill、S113、S117、S125 及 S127,而可達成在 BIOS 階段 執行快速開機及一般開機之方法。而各步驟實施之描述如上文所 述,在此不加贅述。 本發明之第七變化態樣係實施圖1中步驟S101、S103、S107中 之由BIOS判斷監視器旗標是否設定為觸發狀態之步驟、幻〇9、β S115, S117, S119, sm, S123, S125 and S127, and the method of performing fast booting and general booting in the BI0S phase can be achieved. The description of the implementation of each step is as described above and will not be described here. The fifth variation of the present invention implements steps Si〇i, si〇5, S109, sm, S113, S115, S117, S119, sm, S123, S125, and S127 in FIG. 1 to achieve fast execution in the BIOS phase. The method of booting and general booting. The description of each step of implementation is as described above and will not be repeated here. The sixth variation of the present invention is a step of determining, by the BIOS, in step S101, S103, and S107 of FIG. 1 whether the power-on status flag is set to fail, S109, Sill, S113, S117, S125, and S127, A method of performing a quick boot and a general boot in the BIOS phase can be achieved. The description of the implementation of each step is as described above and will not be described here. The seventh variation of the present invention is a step of determining whether the monitor flag is set to the trigger state by the BIOS in steps S101, S103, and S107 in FIG.
Sill、S113、S115、S117、S119、S121、S123、S125 及 S127,而 TF974511 16 201013534 可達成在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方法。而各步驟實 施之描述如上文所述,在此不加贊述。 本發明之上述在BIOS階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方法可以 一程式型態來撰寫完成,並可將該程式儲存於一電腦可讀取之記 錄媒體,當電腦從該電腦可讀取之記錄媒體載入該程式並執行 後,便可完成如上述說明及圖式中所示之方法步驟。 同樣地,本發明之上述在BI0S階段執行快速開機及一般開機之 ❿方法可以一電腦程式產品來完成,當電腦例如從網路下载該電腦 程式產品並執行後,便可完成如上述說明及圖式中所示之方法步 驟。 本發明的優點在於提供一種在BI0S階段執行快速開機及一般開 機之方法,其在不影響開機過程中對硬體裝置初始化的情況下, 加速完成在BIOS階段之開機流程並順利進入作業系統,而本發明 之快速開機是可以大幅減少BI0S的開機時間,並不會犧牲重要的 ©功此性且具有最佳化的開機時間效能,以確保每個BI〇s版本都符 合嚴袼的開機時間要求。 雖然本發明已參照較佳具體例及舉例性附圖敘述如上,惟其應 不被視為係限制性者。熟悉本技藝者對其形態及具體例之内容做 各種修改、省略及變化,均不離開本發明之範圍。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1為本發明在則s階段執行快速開機及一般開機之方法之流 程圖。 TF974511 17Sill, S113, S115, S117, S119, S121, S123, S125 and S127, and TF974511 16 201013534 can achieve a quick boot and general boot method in the BIOS phase. The description of each step of implementation is as described above and is not mentioned here. The above method for performing the fast booting and the general booting in the BIOS stage of the present invention can be completed in a program type, and the program can be stored in a computer readable recording medium, and the computer can read the record from the computer. After the media is loaded into the program and executed, the method steps shown in the above description and the drawings can be completed. Similarly, the method for performing the fast booting and the general booting in the BI0S stage of the present invention can be completed by a computer program product. After the computer downloads the computer program product from the network, for example, the following instructions and diagrams can be completed. The method steps shown in the formula. The invention has the advantages of providing a method for performing fast booting and general booting in the BI0S phase, which accelerates the booting process in the BIOS phase and smoothly enters the operating system without affecting the initialization of the hardware device during the booting process. The fast booting of the present invention can greatly reduce the boot time of the BI0S without sacrificing important power and optimized boot time performance, so as to ensure that each BI〇s version meets strict boot time requirements. . The present invention has been described above with reference to the preferred embodiments and the accompanying drawings, and should not be considered as limiting. Various modifications, omissions and changes may be made without departing from the scope of the invention. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a flow chart showing a method of performing a quick boot and a general boot in the s phase of the present invention. TF974511 17