201009212 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明,是有關於補助門的開閉用 別是,關門器所使用的液壓缸裝置。 【先前技術】 已知的關門器,是在推拉門連桿結 • 液壓缸裝置,藉由對於門的開閉作用彈 門自動地關閉、調整其開閉速度、將門 知,利用這種的彈簧緩衝器等的液壓缸 例如日本特開2008-2 124號公報。 日本特開2008-2124號公報的關門 簧的彈簧力朝作動桿的伸長方向作用的 衝器在推拉門的門及門框之間藉由連桿 度,當門是位於關閉位置附近的情況時 Φ ,且,門是位於全開位置附近的情況時 置。 但是,上述日本特開2008-2124號 器是位於最短縮的中間位置的情況時, 的彈簧力的問題。 【發明內容】 本發明的目的是爲了解決上述問題 於關門器的液壓缸裝置。 的液壓缸裝置,特 合彈簧緩衝器等的 簧力、衰減力,將 保持在開位置。習 裝置的關門器,是 器,是將使壓縮捲 方式形成的彈簧緩 結合,依據門的開 ,附與閉方向的力 ,將門保持在開位 公報中,彈簧緩衝 會有發生比較強力 點,提供一種使用 -5- 201009212 爲了解決上述的課題,本發明的液壓缸裝置,是具備 :筒狀的液壓缸構件;及對於前述液壓缸構件朝軸方向可 移動地被支撐,一端是從前述液壓缸構件的端部突出的桿 ;及設在前述液壓缸構件的內部,對於前述桿的從前述液 壓缸構件的突出長度,當預定長度以上時,附與彈簧力, 預定長度未滿時,對於前述桿不附與彈簧力的彈簧機構。 【實施方式】 @ [第1實施例] 以下,將本發明的第1實施例的液壓缸裝置的彈簧緩 衝器,參照圖面說明。又,本實施例,是顯示將本發明的 彈簧緩衝器適用在擺動門(推拉門)的開閉控制的情況。 在第1圖中符號1,是顯示彈簧緩衝器(液壓缸裝置 )的液壓缸的整體。此液壓缸1,是將第1液壓缸3及第 2液壓缸5’沿著軸線方向且隔著隔壁6連設。在第1液 壓缸3中,作動油被充塡,活塞2是可滑動地被嵌裝。在 ◎ 第2液壓缸5中,筒狀的離合器環4是可滑動地被嵌裝。 在圖示的實施例中,上述隔壁6,是由:具有供活塞 桿7貫通用的插通孔的筒狀體、及與活塞桿7液密地嵌合 的隔壁插頭(無符號)所構成。 上述第1及第2液壓缸3、5的開口端,是分別由第 1及第2蓋插頭8、9被閉塞。 被裝設於上述液壓缸1的活塞桿7,是貫通上述第2 蓋插頭9及隔壁6。在面向第1液壓缸3內的活塞桿7的 -6- 201009212 內端中,裝設有活塞2。 且’在活塞桿7的第2液壓缸5內的部分中,由厚層 的筒部所構成的離合器環4被嵌裝。 如第2圖所示,在上述離合器環4中,將其筒部貫通 半徑方向的方式,使複數個(在圖示的實施例中爲4個) 的球收納孔11、11由等角度間隔形成。在各球收納孔1 1 中,離合器球12是分別朝離合器環的半徑方向可移動地 Φ 被收納。 另一方面,在第2液壓缸5的內周面、及第2液壓缸 內中的活塞桿7的外周面的軸線方向中的預定的位置,分 別形成有離合器球12的一部分可以卡入的環狀的內周及 外周離合器溝13(第4圖參照)、14»在圖示的實施例 中,各離合器溝1 3、1 4是形成橫剖面爲梯形。內周離合 器溝13及外周離合器溝14的深度是幾乎相等,離合器球 12的直徑,是等同於:離合器環4的側壁的板厚及內周 ® 離合器溝13的深度的和、及離合器環4的側壁的板厚及 外周離合器溝14的深度的和。 且,在隔壁6及離合器環4之間裝設有壓縮捲簧15 ,藉由此壓縮捲簧15的彈力使離合器環4朝第1圖左方 ,即,從第2液壓缸5脫出的方向被推迫。又,在第1圖 所示的狀態下,因爲離合器球12是橫跨內周離合器溝13 及離合器環的球收納孔11之間’所以離合器環4是被卡 止在第2液壓缸5的內周面’因此壓縮捲簧15的彈力是 被載持在第2液壓缸5。 201009212 另一方,在第1液壓缸3內的活塞2中,設有活塞桿 7的伸長時進行緩衝的形式的流出孔裝置。 這種流出孔裝置因爲是周知所以省略詳細的說明,例 如,可以是由活塞覆蓋貫通軸線方向的連通孔16的第1 圖左側的開口的附流出孔的可撓性的流出孔板。又,此流 出孔裝置,是使用後述的第3實施例的活塞部的構造也可 以。 且,如第1圖所示,在上述離合器球12橫跨內周離 合器溝13及球收納孔11使活塞桿7從離合器環4成爲自 由的情況的活塞2的位置,與活塞2嵌合的第1液壓缸3 的內壁被擴徑,形成有遊隙溝17。 又,在第1圖中符號18是顯示形成於第1液壓缸3 內的空氣室。此空氣室18,雖是藉由自由活塞19與第1 液壓缸3液密地被區劃,供吸收由溫度變化所産生的作動 油的膨脹、收縮,但是此空氣室是習知,因爲不是本案發 明的實質,所以省略進一步詳細的說明。 如上述構成的本發明的一實施例的彈簧緩衝器,是如 第3圖所示,例如將活塞桿7的前端21隔著托架可擺動 地連桿結合在門22或是門框23的一方,將液壓缸1的基 端24隔著托架可擺動地連桿結合在門22或是門框23的 另一方的方式使用。 此時的彈簧緩衝器的各構件的位置關係是例如第4圖 所示。在此,將門打開的話,如第5圖所示將活塞桿7壓 入液壓缸1之後,彈簧緩衝器的活塞桿7是如第6圖所示 -8- 201009212 朝右方向移動。 此時,雖將活塞桿7的壓縮捲簧15朝按壓縮短的方 向按動,但是因爲活塞2的無圖示的前述流出孔板會彈性 變形,將作動油通過連通孔16(第6圖參照)從右方朝 左方移動,所以活塞桿7不被緩衝而輕輕地地朝液壓缸1 內被壓入。 又,活塞桿7是位於第6圖所示的位置中時,內周及 φ 外周離合器溝13、14是在軸線方向整合,直到其爲止使 橫跨外周離合器溝14及球收納孔11之間的離合器球12 橫跨內周離合器溝13及球收納孔11之間的方式’使活塞 桿7從離合器環4被解放而成爲自由。 因此,因爲活塞桿7不需要將壓縮捲簧15按壓縮短 ,所以可更輕輕地被壓入液壓缸1內。 進一步門打開的話,如第7圖所示,門的鉸鏈的轉動 軸25、活塞桿7的前端21及液壓缸的基端24是並列在 一直線上,如第1圖所示,活塞桿7是被壓入最深的液壓 缸1內(所謂死點)。 從第7圖所示的狀態進一步將門打開的話,因爲這次 是從第1圖所示的狀態使活塞桿7及活塞2朝左方移動’ 所以上述流出孔裝置作動使活塞2被制動,此時,活塞2 的周圍中的第1液壓缸3的內周面因爲被擴徑,所以作動 油是在活塞2的外周面及遊隙溝17之間從第1圖左方朝 右方流動,使活塞桿7無負荷地朝左方移動。 最後活塞桿7是伸長直到第6圖所示的位置,此時’ -9- 201009212 門22’是如第8圖所示打開例如7〇度左右,同時使離合 器球12橫跨外周離合器溝14及球收納孔n之間的方式 ’使活塞桿7及離合器環4 一體地連結。 從此時因爲活塞桿7是受到壓縮捲簧15的彈力,同 時流出孔裝置作動’並且活塞2朝第1液壓缸3的小徑部 移動’所以與活塞桿7連結的門22被緩衝且朝開放方向 被推迫。 即’本發明的彈簧緩衝器是成爲新穎的開門器(門自 @ 動開放裝置)。 且,如第9圖所示,活塞桿7是最大限度地伸長,此 時活塞桿7是成爲門22的停止器。 從此狀態將門22關閉的話,如第4圖所示活塞桿7 是將壓縮捲簧15按壓縮短且朝液壓缸1內被壓入,但是 此時流出孔裝置因爲不作動,所以門是輕輕地關閉。 門22進一步關閉的話,彈簧緩衝器,是被壓入直到 第6圖及第1圖所示的狀態爲止,門22是比第7圖所示 © 的狀態(彈簧緩衝器是第1圖所示的狀態)進一步朝閉鎖 方向移動的話,這次彈簧緩衝器的活塞桿7開始伸長,從 第6圖所示的狀態,例如從門22的開角度爲約20度的狀 態,這次是在門22的閉鎖方向使活塞2被制動。 換言之,彈簧緩衝器,是這次是作爲關門器開始作動 ,在第4圖所示的狀態下將門22完全地閉鎖,並且將該 閉鎖彈性地保持。 -10- 201009212 [第2實施例] 在上述實施例中,將壓縮捲簧15裝設在隔壁6及離 合器環4之間,但是這是因爲,若裝設在第2蓋插頭9及 離合器環4之間的話,活塞桿7收縮時可以作爲將其緩衝 的彈簧緩衝器(無圖示)。 但是,此時,依據所設定的活塞2的伸長量,適切地 設定內周及外周離合器溝13、14的活塞2的朝長度方向 ❸ 的形成位置。 [第3實施例] 對於本發明的第3實施例參照第10圖至第15圖說明 〇 本實施例的液壓缸裝置的縱剖面圖如第10圖所示。 如第10圖所示,液壓缸裝置30’是在略有底圓筒狀的液 壓缸構件31的開口端部’被插入有內周部是成爲與活塞 • 桿40滑動的軸承的桿導引32,將液壓缸構件31的開口 端部藉由夾箍被固定。在桿導引32的內側中裝設有油封 33,其將液壓缸構件31內部及外部密封用,由橡膠製且 在內部埋入金屬環。且’在液壓缸構件31的中間部的內 部安裝有中間桿導引34’藉由此中間桿導引34使液壓缸 構件31的內部被區劃成:底部側的液壓缸部35、及開口 部側的桿導引部36。又,此中間桿導引34,是與桿導引 32同樣地與活塞桿40滑動的軸承也可以。此情況’桿導 引32及中間桿導引34的同軸性因爲的有需要提高’所以 -11 - 201009212 中間桿導引34是比桿導引32更大內徑的話,製作性較佳 。進一步,在液壓缸部35中,自由活塞37是可滑動地被 嵌合,藉由自由活塞37,液壓缸部35內是被區劃成··底 部側的氣體室38、及中間桿導引34側的液壓缸室39。201009212 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a hydraulic cylinder device used for opening and closing a subsidized door. [Prior Art] A known door closer is a sliding door connecting rod and a hydraulic cylinder device. The spring door is automatically closed by adjusting the opening and closing of the door, the opening and closing speed is adjusted, and the door is known. A hydraulic cylinder such as the one disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2008-2124. Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2008-2124 discloses that the spring force of the closing spring acts toward the extending direction of the actuating lever by the link degree between the door and the door frame of the sliding door, when the door is located near the closed position. And, when the door is located near the fully open position, it is placed. However, the above-mentioned Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 2008-2124 is a problem of the spring force when it is located at the intermediate position of the shortest contraction. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to solve the above problems in a hydraulic cylinder device for a door closer. The hydraulic cylinder device, with the spring force and damping force of the spring buffer, etc., will remain in the open position. The closing device of the device is a spring that combines the spring formed by the compression coil method. According to the opening of the door and the force in the closing direction, the door is held in the opening bulletin, and the spring buffer will have a relatively strong point. In order to solve the above problems, the hydraulic cylinder device of the present invention includes a cylindrical hydraulic cylinder member, and the hydraulic cylinder member is movably supported in the axial direction, and one end is from the hydraulic pressure. a rod protruding from an end of the cylinder member; and a piston provided in the inside of the hydraulic cylinder member, when a predetermined length or more is attached to the protruding length of the rod from the cylinder, and a predetermined length is not full, The aforementioned rod is not attached to the spring force of the spring force. [Embodiment] @ [First Embodiment] Hereinafter, a spring buffer of a hydraulic cylinder device according to a first embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. Further, this embodiment shows a case where the spring damper of the present invention is applied to the opening and closing control of the swing door (sliding door). Reference numeral 1 in Fig. 1 denotes the entirety of a hydraulic cylinder that displays a spring damper (hydraulic cylinder device). In the hydraulic cylinder 1, the first hydraulic cylinder 3 and the second hydraulic cylinder 5' are connected in the axial direction via the partition wall 6. In the first hydraulic cylinder 3, the hydraulic oil is charged, and the piston 2 is slidably fitted. In the second hydraulic cylinder 5, the cylindrical clutch ring 4 is slidably fitted. In the illustrated embodiment, the partition wall 6 is composed of a tubular body having an insertion hole through which the piston rod 7 is inserted, and a partition plug (unsigned) that is liquid-tightly fitted to the piston rod 7. . The open ends of the first and second hydraulic cylinders 3, 5 are closed by the first and second cover plugs 8, 9 respectively. The piston rod 7 attached to the hydraulic cylinder 1 penetrates the second cover plug 9 and the partition wall 6. A piston 2 is mounted in the inner end of the -6-201009212 facing the piston rod 7 in the first hydraulic cylinder 3. Further, in the portion of the second hydraulic cylinder 5 of the piston rod 7, the clutch ring 4 composed of a thick cylindrical portion is fitted. As shown in Fig. 2, in the clutch ring 4, a plurality of (in the illustrated embodiment, four) ball housing holes 11, 11 are equiangularly spaced so that the tubular portion thereof penetrates the radial direction. form. In each of the ball housing holes 1 1 , the clutch ball 12 is movably accommodated in the radial direction of the clutch ring. On the other hand, in a predetermined position in the axial direction of the inner circumferential surface of the second hydraulic cylinder 5 and the outer circumferential surface of the piston rod 7 in the second hydraulic cylinder, a part of the clutch ball 12 can be engaged. Annular inner and outer clutch grooves 13 (see FIG. 4), 14» In the illustrated embodiment, each of the clutch grooves 13 and 14 has a trapezoidal cross section. The depths of the inner circumference clutch groove 13 and the outer circumference clutch groove 14 are almost equal, and the diameter of the clutch ball 12 is equivalent to the sum of the thickness of the side wall of the clutch ring 4 and the depth of the inner circumference® clutch groove 13, and the clutch ring 4 The sum of the thickness of the side wall and the depth of the outer clutch groove 14. Further, a compression coil spring 15 is disposed between the partition wall 6 and the clutch ring 4, whereby the clutch ring 4 is disengaged from the second hydraulic cylinder 5 by the elastic force of the compression coil spring 15 by the elastic force of the compression coil spring 15. The direction is pushed. Further, in the state shown in Fig. 1, since the clutch ball 12 is spanned between the inner circumference clutch groove 13 and the ball accommodation hole 11 of the clutch ring, the clutch ring 4 is locked to the second hydraulic cylinder 5 The inner peripheral surface 'therefore the elastic force of the compression coil spring 15 is carried on the second hydraulic cylinder 5 . 201009212 On the other hand, the piston 2 in the first hydraulic cylinder 3 is provided with an outflow hole device in the form of a buffer when the piston rod 7 is extended. Since such an outflow hole device is well known, detailed description thereof will be omitted. For example, it may be a flexible outflow orifice plate that covers the opening and exit hole of the opening on the left side of the first drawing of the communication hole 16 in the axial direction through the piston. Further, the orifice device may have a structure in which the piston portion of the third embodiment to be described later is used. As shown in Fig. 1, the piston 2 is fitted to the piston 2 at a position where the clutch ball 12 straddles the inner clutch groove 13 and the ball receiving hole 11 to free the piston rod 7 from the clutch ring 4. The inner wall of the first hydraulic cylinder 3 is expanded in diameter to form a clearance groove 17. Further, reference numeral 18 in the first drawing denotes an air chamber formed in the first hydraulic cylinder 3. The air chamber 18 is liquid-tightly partitioned by the free piston 19 and the first hydraulic cylinder 3 to absorb the expansion and contraction of the operating oil caused by the temperature change, but the air chamber is conventionally known, because it is not the case. The essence of the invention is therefore omitted from the detailed description. The spring damper according to the embodiment of the present invention configured as described above is, as shown in Fig. 3, for example, the front end 21 of the piston rod 7 is slidably coupled to the door 22 or the door frame 23 via a bracket. The base end 24 of the hydraulic cylinder 1 is used in such a manner that the bracket swingably connects to the other of the door 22 or the door frame 23 via the bracket. The positional relationship of the members of the spring damper at this time is, for example, as shown in Fig. 4. Here, when the door is opened, after the piston rod 7 is pressed into the hydraulic cylinder 1 as shown in Fig. 5, the piston rod 7 of the spring damper is moved to the right as shown in Fig. 6 - 201009212. At this time, the compression coil spring 15 of the piston rod 7 is pushed in the direction in which the pressing is shortened. However, since the outflow orifice plate (not shown) of the piston 2 is elastically deformed, the hydraulic oil passes through the communication hole 16 (refer to Fig. 6). Moving from the right to the left, the piston rod 7 is gently pressed into the cylinder 1 without being buffered. Further, when the piston rod 7 is in the position shown in Fig. 6, the inner circumference and the φ outer circumference clutch grooves 13, 14 are integrated in the axial direction until they straddle between the outer circumference clutch groove 14 and the ball accommodation hole 11. The clutch ball 12 traverses between the inner circumferential clutch groove 13 and the ball receiving hole 11 to free the piston rod 7 from the clutch ring 4. Therefore, since the piston rod 7 does not need to press the compression coil spring 15 to be shortened, it can be pressed into the hydraulic cylinder 1 more gently. When the door is opened further, as shown in Fig. 7, the hinge shaft 25 of the door, the front end 21 of the piston rod 7, and the base end 24 of the hydraulic cylinder are juxtaposed in a straight line. As shown in Fig. 1, the piston rod 7 is It is pressed into the deepest hydraulic cylinder 1 (so-called dead point). When the door is further opened from the state shown in Fig. 7, since the piston rod 7 and the piston 2 are moved to the left side from the state shown in Fig. 1, the above-described outflow hole device is actuated to cause the piston 2 to be braked. Since the inner circumferential surface of the first hydraulic cylinder 3 in the periphery of the piston 2 is expanded in diameter, the hydraulic oil flows from the left side of the first drawing to the right side between the outer circumferential surface of the piston 2 and the clearance groove 17 so that the hydraulic oil flows from the left side to the right side of the first drawing. The piston rod 7 moves to the left without load. Finally, the piston rod 7 is extended until the position shown in Fig. 6, at which time the '-9-201009212 door 22' is opened as shown in Fig. 8, for example, about 7 degrees, while the clutch ball 12 is traversed the outer clutch groove 14 The way between the ball receiving holes n is to integrally connect the piston rod 7 and the clutch ring 4. At this time, since the piston rod 7 is subjected to the elastic force of the compression coil spring 15, and the outflow hole device is actuated and the piston 2 is moved toward the small diameter portion of the first hydraulic cylinder 3, the door 22 coupled to the piston rod 7 is buffered and opened. The direction is pushed. That is, the spring damper of the present invention is a novel door opener (door opener). Further, as shown in Fig. 9, the piston rod 7 is maximally extended, and at this time, the piston rod 7 is a stopper that becomes the door 22. When the door 22 is closed from this state, as shown in Fig. 4, the piston rod 7 is pressed to shorten the compression coil spring 15 and is pressed into the hydraulic cylinder 1, but at this time, the outflow hole device is not actuated, so the door is gently shut down. When the door 22 is further closed, the spring damper is pushed into the state shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 1, and the door 22 is in a state of © shown in Fig. 7 (the spring damper is shown in Fig. 1). When the state is further moved in the blocking direction, the piston rod 7 of the spring damper starts to elongate. From the state shown in Fig. 6, for example, the opening angle of the door 22 is about 20 degrees, this time at the door 22. The blocking direction causes the piston 2 to be braked. In other words, the spring damper is actuated as a door closer this time, and the door 22 is completely closed in the state shown in Fig. 4, and the lock is elastically held. -10-201009212 [Second Embodiment] In the above embodiment, the compression coil spring 15 is disposed between the partition wall 6 and the clutch ring 4, but this is because the second cover plug 9 and the clutch ring are attached. Between 4, when the piston rod 7 is contracted, it can act as a spring buffer (not shown) for buffering it. However, at this time, the formation position of the piston 2 of the inner circumference and the outer circumference clutch grooves 13, 14 in the longitudinal direction 适 is appropriately set in accordance with the set extension amount of the piston 2. [Third embodiment] A third embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to Figs. 10 to 15 〇 A longitudinal sectional view of the hydraulic cylinder device of the present embodiment is shown in Fig. 10. As shown in Fig. 10, the cylinder device 30' is a rod guide that is inserted into the inner peripheral portion of the open end portion of the cylinder member 31 having a slightly bottomed cylindrical shape and is a bearing that slides with the piston rod 40. 32. The open end of the cylinder member 31 is fixed by a clamp. An oil seal 33 is provided inside the rod guide 32 for sealing the inside and the outside of the cylinder member 31, and is made of rubber and is internally embedded with a metal ring. And "the intermediate rod guide 34' is attached to the inside of the intermediate portion of the cylinder member 31, whereby the inside of the cylinder member 31 is partitioned by the intermediate rod guide 34: the cylinder portion 35 on the bottom side, and the opening portion Side rod guide 36. Further, the intermediate rod guide 34 may be a bearing that slides with the piston rod 40 in the same manner as the rod guide 32. In this case, the coaxiality of the rod guide 32 and the intermediate rod guide 34 is required to be improved. Therefore, when the intermediate rod guide 34 has a larger inner diameter than the rod guide 32, the manufacturability is preferable. Further, in the cylinder portion 35, the free piston 37 is slidably fitted, and by the free piston 37, the inside of the cylinder portion 35 is divided into a gas chamber 38 on the bottom side and an intermediate rod guide 34. Hydraulic cylinder chamber 39 on the side.
在液壓缸構件31中,將桿導引32及油封33可滑動 且液密地貫通的方式被插入活塞桿40。活塞桿40的基端 側,是貫通中間桿導引34延伸直到液壓缸室39的內部爲 止,在其前端部構成衰減力發生機構的活塞41是被連結 _ 。活塞41,是可滑動地嵌合在液壓缸部35,藉由其外周 的作爲活塞密封構件的〇形環41A (第13圖參照),將 液壓缸室39內區劃成中間桿導引34側的桿側室39A及 自由活塞37側的底側室39B的2室。且,在液壓缸室39 及桿導引部36內被封入作動液,在氣體室38內被封入大 氣壓程度的低壓氣體。此大氣壓程度的氣體,是當活塞桿 40爲最大長時被導入氣體室。因此,使用時,依據溫度 條件等,也有比大氣壓高的情況。 Q 且,依據液壓缸裝置的要求特性,氣體壓雖多少較高 也可以,但是氣體壓較高的話,在後述的自由區間因爲會 發生一些的彈簧力,所以最好是比液壓缸裝置和門等的安 裝側的磨擦小的力的氣體壓較佳。進一步,將氣體室38 大氣開放也可以。此情況,在大氣開放的孔中,設置過濾 器較佳。 液壓缸裝置30的中間桿導引34及活塞41附近的擴 大圖如第13圖顯示,活塞41的中間桿導引34側的端面 -12- 201009212 的擴大圖如第14圖所示。如第13圖及第14圖所示,在 活塞桿40的基端部中,形成有縮徑被圓形剖面的導引部 42及進一步被縮徑的安裝部43。且,活塞桿40的安裝部 43是貫通活塞41的中央的安裝部43及略同形狀的安裝 開口 44,將其前端部夾箍使活塞桿40與活塞41結合。 安裝部43及安裝開口 44,是側面部被倒角加工的形狀, 由此,活塞桿40及活塞41,也在旋轉方向被固定。 φ 在活塞41中,使桿側室39A及底側室39B連通的連 通路45是沿著軸方向被貫通。連通路45,在本實施例中 ,如第14圖所示,是沿著活塞41的圓周方向被等間隔配 置於3處。在活塞41的中間桿導引34側的端部中,安裝 有第15圖所示的圓板狀的擋板46。擋板46,是在其圓形 的中央開口 47被插入活塞桿40的導引部42,對於活塞 41可旋轉地被支撐。在形成於活塞桿40的導引部42的 基部的階段部及擋板46之間裝設有碟形彈簧48,擋板46 Φ ,是藉由碟形彈簧48的彈簧力被按壓在活塞41,抵抗其 彈簧力成爲朝軸方向可移動。 在擋板46中,在相面對於活塞的連通路45的部位, 徑不同的複數流出孔通路49被貫通,使擋板46旋轉,藉 由在複數流出孔通路49內選擇性地將1個與連通路45連 通,就可以調整連通路45的流路面積。此時,流出孔通 路49,是與3個連通路45的任一連通也可以,殘留的連 通路45,是成爲藉由擋板46被閉鎖。在本實施例中,設 有3個不同的徑的流出孔通路49,可以依據擋板46的旋 -13- 201009212 轉位置將連通路45的流路面積3階段調整。 又,將流出孔通路49的數增加的話,可獲得所增加 的部分的流路剖面積。且,需要極小的流路面積的情況時 ,將流出孔通路去除,將從擋板46及活塞41的接觸面等 的漏出視爲流出孔通路也可以。且,此情況,積極地在擋 板46及活塞41的接觸面設置溝形成流路也可以。即,流 出孔通路49不限定於小孔形狀,在擋板46的外周設置溝 也可以。 @ 在活塞41的中間桿導引34側的端面的外周部中,沿 著圓周方向形成有複數圓形的掣子凹部50,在擋板46的 端面的外周部中,在相面對於掣子凹部50的部位使略半 球面狀的掣子凸部51突出。且,藉由掣子凹部50及掣子 凸部51構成旋轉位置算出手段,藉由這些的卡合,就可 以算出將活塞41的連通路45及擋板46的被選擇的流出 孔通路49連通的擋板46的旋轉位置並且保持其位置。且 ,藉由碟形彈簧48彎曲使擋板46朝軸方向移動,掣子凹 0 部50及掣子凸部51的卡合被解除,可以將擋板46旋轉 。在本實施例中,在擋板46中,沿著圓周方向由等間隔 設有3個掣子凸部51,對於這些3個掣子凸部51,爲了 各別算出3個流出孔通路49而需要3個掣子凹部50,因 此,在活塞41中,3個的掣子凹部50被配置於3處,設 有合計9個的掣子凹部50。且,在擋板40的外周部中, 在沿著直徑方向的2處設有矩形的切口 52。又,掣子凸 部51,是在擋板46埋入鋼球也可以’且’將擋板46鍛 -14 - 201009212 造成型,又藉由沖床成型和切削由擋板本身構成也可以。 且,其形狀是擋板46可以平順地旋轉的形狀的話,圓錐 等也可以。 參照第13圖的話,中間桿導引34,是在外周部形成 有環狀溝53,在環狀溝53的底部的一部分設有止轉凹部 54。且,將液壓缸構件31從外周側夾箍在內周部使捲曲 部55突出,藉由將捲曲部55插入環狀溝53,將中間桿 φ 導引34固定在軸方向。進一步,將捲曲部55的一部分從 外側夾箍在內側使止轉凸部56突出,藉由將此止轉凸部 56插入止轉凹部54,將中間桿導引34固定在旋轉方向。 在中間桿導引34中,與安裝在活塞41的擋板46的2個 切口 52相面對的方式使2個卡合凸部57突出。又,在第 13圖中,因其切斷位置的關係,只有2個卡合凸部57的 ——方被圖示。且,如第12圖所示,使活塞桿40伸長,將 中間桿導引34的卡合凸部57及擋板46的切口 52卡合的 • 話,中間桿導引34,是作爲將擋板46對於液壓缸構件31 固定於旋轉方向的卡合構件的功能,藉由使液壓缸構件 31及活塞桿40相對旋轉,就可以使擋板46對於活塞41 旋轉。又,中間桿導引34,是在活塞桿40之間具有間隙 ,在桿導引部36的內部及液壓缸室39之間形成有作動液 的流路。 且’安裝在活塞41的擋板46,是藉由上述的流出孔 通路49調整活塞41的連通路45的流路面積以外,也作 爲止回閥的閥體的功能。即,對於從連通路45的底側室 -15- 201009212 3 9B側朝桿側室39A側的作動液的流動,擋板46是藉由 抵抗碟形彈簧48的彈簧力朝軸方向移動從活塞41的端面 分離,使擋板46及活塞41之間成爲流路就不會附與由流 出孔通路49所産生的流通阻力,容許此方向的流動。 參照第10圖的話,在液壓缸構件31的液壓缸部35 的內周面中,形成有沿著軸方向橫跨預定的範圍L延伸的 支管凹部5 8。在本實施例中,支管凹部5 8,是沿著液壓 缸部35的周方向由等間隔設在3處。且,活塞41是位於 0 此支管凹部58的範圍L之間時,在支管凹部58及活塞 4 1的外周面之間生成間隙,藉由此間隙在桿側室3 9 A及 底側室3 9B之間使作動液幾乎不會受到阻力地流通。又, 支管凹部58的中間桿導引34側端部,是藉由在活塞41 之間使間隙的剖面積漸漸地變小的方式設定,就可以減小 支管凹部58被閉塞時的油擊。In the cylinder member 31, the rod guide 32 and the oil seal 33 are inserted into the piston rod 40 so as to be slidable and fluid-tight. The base end side of the piston rod 40 extends through the intermediate rod guide 34 until the inside of the cylinder chamber 39, and the piston 41 constituting the damping force generating mechanism at the tip end portion thereof is coupled. The piston 41 is slidably fitted to the cylinder portion 35, and the inner circumference of the cylinder chamber 39 is divided into the intermediate rod guide 34 side by a beak ring 41A (refer to Fig. 13) as a piston sealing member on the outer circumference thereof. Two chambers of the rod side chamber 39A and the bottom side chamber 39B on the free piston 37 side. Further, the hydraulic fluid chamber 39 and the rod guide portion 36 are sealed with an actuating liquid, and the gas chamber 38 is sealed with a low-pressure gas of an atmospheric pressure. This atmospheric pressure gas is introduced into the gas chamber when the piston rod 40 is at the maximum length. Therefore, when it is used, it may be higher than atmospheric pressure depending on temperature conditions and the like. Q, depending on the required characteristics of the hydraulic cylinder device, the gas pressure may be somewhat higher. However, if the gas pressure is high, some spring force will occur in the free section to be described later, so it is preferable to use the hydraulic cylinder device and the door. It is preferable that the gas pressure of the small friction force on the mounting side of the mounting side is good. Further, it is also possible to open the atmosphere of the gas chamber 38. In this case, it is preferable to provide a filter in the hole in which the atmosphere is open. The enlarged view of the intermediate rod guide 34 and the vicinity of the piston 41 of the cylinder device 30 is as shown in Fig. 13, and the enlarged view of the end face -12-201009212 of the intermediate rod guide 34 side of the piston 41 is as shown in Fig. 14. As shown in Figs. 13 and 14, a guide portion 42 having a reduced circular cross section and a mounting portion 43 further reduced in diameter are formed in the proximal end portion of the piston rod 40. Further, the attachment portion 43 of the piston rod 40 is a mounting portion 43 that penetrates the center of the piston 41 and a mounting opening 44 of a similar shape, and the front end portion is clamped to couple the piston rod 40 to the piston 41. The mounting portion 43 and the mounting opening 44 have a shape in which the side surface portion is chamfered, whereby the piston rod 40 and the piston 41 are also fixed in the rotational direction. φ In the piston 41, the connecting passage 45 that connects the rod side chamber 39A and the bottom side chamber 39B is penetrated in the axial direction. In the present embodiment, as shown in Fig. 14, the communication path 45 is disposed at three equal intervals along the circumferential direction of the piston 41. A disc-shaped baffle 46 shown in Fig. 15 is attached to the end portion of the piston 41 on the side of the intermediate rod guide 34. The baffle 46 is inserted into the guide portion 42 of the piston rod 40 at its circular central opening 47, and is rotatably supported for the piston 41. A disc spring 48 is mounted between the step portion formed at the base of the guide portion 42 of the piston rod 40 and the baffle 46. The baffle 46 Φ is pressed against the piston 41 by the spring force of the disc spring 48. Resisting its spring force to move in the direction of the axis. In the baffle 46, a plurality of outflow hole passages 49 having different diameters are penetrated at a portion of the opposing surface of the communication passage 45 of the piston, and the baffle 46 is rotated, and one of the plurality of outflow hole passages 49 is selectively provided. The communication path area of the communication path 45 can be adjusted by communicating with the communication path 45. At this time, the outflow hole passage 49 may be connected to any of the three communication passages 45, and the remaining communication passage 45 may be closed by the flap 46. In the present embodiment, three outflow hole passages 49 having different diameters are provided, and the flow path area of the communication passage 45 can be adjusted in three stages in accordance with the rotation position of the baffle 46 from the rotation -13 - 201009212. Further, when the number of the outflow hole passages 49 is increased, the flow path sectional area of the increased portion can be obtained. Further, when an extremely small flow path area is required, the outflow hole passage is removed, and leakage from the contact surface of the baffle 46 and the piston 41 may be regarded as an outflow hole passage. Further, in this case, a groove forming flow path may be provided in the contact surface between the stopper 46 and the piston 41. That is, the outflow hole passage 49 is not limited to the shape of the small hole, and a groove may be provided on the outer circumference of the baffle 46. @ In the outer peripheral portion of the end surface of the piston 41 on the intermediate rod guide 34 side, a plurality of circular dimple recesses 50 are formed along the circumferential direction, and in the outer peripheral portion of the end surface of the baffle 46, the opposite faces are opposed to the dice The portion of the concave portion 50 protrudes from the slightly hemispherical convex portion 51. Further, the detent recess 50 and the dice convex portion 51 constitute a rotational position calculating means, and by these engagements, the communication path 45 of the piston 41 and the selected outflow hole passage 49 of the baffle 46 can be calculated. The baffle 46 is rotated and maintains its position. Further, the shutter spring 48 is bent to move the shutter 46 in the axial direction, and the engagement of the latch concave portion 50 and the latch projection 51 is released, and the shutter 46 can be rotated. In the present embodiment, in the baffle 46, three dice convex portions 51 are provided at equal intervals in the circumferential direction, and for these three dice convex portions 51, three outflow hole passages 49 are calculated for each. Since three dice recesses 50 are required, in the piston 41, three dice recesses 50 are arranged in three places, and a total of nine dice recesses 50 are provided. Further, in the outer peripheral portion of the baffle 40, a rectangular slit 52 is provided at two locations along the diameter direction. Further, the scorpion convex portion 51 may be formed by embedding a steel ball in the baffle 46, and the baffle 46 may be formed by forging -14 - 201009212, and may be formed by the baffle itself by punch forming and cutting. Further, if the shape is such that the baffle 46 can smoothly rotate, a cone or the like may be used. Referring to Fig. 13, the intermediate rod guide 34 has an annular groove 53 formed in the outer peripheral portion, and a rotation preventing concave portion 54 is formed in a part of the bottom portion of the annular groove 53. Further, the cylinder member 31 is clamped from the outer peripheral side to the inner peripheral portion to project the curl portion 55, and the curl portion 55 is inserted into the annular groove 53, whereby the intermediate rod φ guide 34 is fixed in the axial direction. Further, a part of the curling portion 55 is sandwiched from the outside to protrude the rotation preventing convex portion 56, and by inserting the rotation preventing convex portion 56 into the rotation preventing concave portion 54, the intermediate rod guide 34 is fixed in the rotational direction. In the intermediate lever guide 34, the two engaging projections 57 are protruded so as to face the two slits 52 of the shutter 46 attached to the piston 41. Further, in Fig. 13, only the two engaging convex portions 57 are shown due to the relationship of the cutting positions. Further, as shown in Fig. 12, the piston rod 40 is extended to engage the engagement projection 57 of the intermediate lever guide 34 and the slit 52 of the shutter 46, and the intermediate lever guide 34 serves as a stopper. The plate 46 functions as an engaging member to which the cylinder member 31 is fixed in the rotational direction, and the baffle 46 can be rotated about the piston 41 by relatively rotating the cylinder member 31 and the piston rod 40. Further, the intermediate rod guide 34 has a gap between the piston rods 40, and a flow path for the hydraulic fluid is formed between the inside of the rod guide portion 36 and the cylinder chamber 39. Further, the baffle 46 attached to the piston 41 functions to adjust the flow path area of the communication passage 45 of the piston 41 by the above-described outflow hole passage 49, and also functions as a valve body of the check valve. That is, the baffle 46 is moved from the piston 41 in the axial direction by the spring force against the disc spring 48 with respect to the flow of the hydraulic fluid from the side of the bottom side chamber -15 - 201009212 3 9B of the communication passage 45 toward the rod side chamber 39A side. When the end faces are separated, the flow path between the baffle 46 and the piston 41 does not adhere to the flow resistance generated by the outflow hole passage 49, and the flow in this direction is allowed. Referring to Fig. 10, in the inner circumferential surface of the cylinder portion 35 of the cylinder member 31, a branch pipe recess 58 extending in a predetermined range L in the axial direction is formed. In the present embodiment, the branch pipe recesses 5 8 are provided at three intervals at equal intervals along the circumferential direction of the cylinder portion 35. Further, when the piston 41 is located between the range L of the branch pipe recesses 58, a gap is formed between the branch pipe recess 58 and the outer peripheral surface of the piston 4 1 , whereby the gap is in the rod side chamber 3 9 A and the bottom side chamber 3 9B. The operating fluid is circulated almost without resistance. Further, the end portion of the branch pipe recessed portion 58 on the intermediate rod guide 34 side is set such that the cross-sectional area of the gap is gradually reduced between the pistons 41, so that the oil stroke when the branch pipe recessed portion 58 is closed can be reduced.
在桿導引部36中,設有對於活塞桿40附與彈簧力的 彈簧機構B。對於彈簧機構B的結構參照第10圖說明。 U 在液壓缸構件31內使圓筒狀的導引套筒59被插入、嵌合 ,其兩端部是與油封33及中間桿導引34抵接並被固定於 軸方向。在導引套筒59的中間部中,形成有內周溝也就 是內周離合器溝60。在本實施例中,導引套筒59,是考 慮內周離合器溝60的加工性,在內周離合器溝60的中間 桿導引34側的端部被分割成導引套筒59A、59B2,但是 將這些一體形成也可以。在活塞桿40中,在相面對於導 引套筒59的部位的中間部形成有外周離合器溝61。內周 -16- 201009212 離合器溝60及外周離合器溝61的側部是形成錐面狀。又 ,導引套筒59,在強度上,是金屬製較佳,但是爲了輕 量化,使用被強化的樹脂較佳。且,不設置導引套筒59 ,只有液壓缸構件31的內周離合器溝60該當部擴徑將液 壓缸構件3 1及導引套筒59共用化也可以。 在導引套筒59及活塞桿40之間,由鋼球所構成的球 64 (球體)的保持構件也就是圓筒狀的離合器環62,是 φ 對於這些可滑動地被嵌合。離合器環62,是與第2圖所 示的離合器環4同樣的構造,在其側壁中,在徑方向貫通 的複數球孔63是由等間隔呈放射狀被配置。在各別的球 孔63中,直徑是與球孔63幾乎相等,比離合器環62的 板厚更大的球64是可滑動地被插入。且,導引套筒59的 內周離合器溝60及活塞桿40的外周離合器溝61的深度 幾乎相等,球64的直徑,是與離合器環62的側壁的板厚 、及在外周離合器溝60及內周離合器溝61的深度的和等 • 同。由此’球64被插入的離合器環62是在被插入導引套 筒59及活塞桿40之間的狀態下,必定成爲球64被插入 外周溝60及內周溝61的至少一方的狀態。在中間桿導引 34及離合器環62之間,裝設有彈簧手段也就是壓縮捲簧 65,將離合器環62時常朝向油封33側推迫。又,球64 不一定需要爲球體,將例如剖面圓形的環狀環在周方向分 斷3處也可以。 液壓缸部35的支管凹部58及彈簧機構B的導引套筒 59的內周離合器溝60及活塞桿40的外周離合器溝61的 -17- 201009212 配置,是可以依據液壓缸裝置30的適用條件適宜設定。 在本實施例中,如第10圖所示,活塞桿40的外周離合器 溝61是對於導引套筒59的內周離合器溝60位於中間桿 導引34側時,活塞41是位於支管凹部58的範圍L的範 圍內。另一方面,如第11圖所示,活塞桿40伸長,其外 周離合器溝61是對於導引套筒59的內周離合器溝60位 於油封33側時,活塞41是從支管凹部58的範圍L朝中 間桿導引34側脫落的方式被設定。 @ 在液壓缸構件31的底部中,將液壓缸裝置30連桿結 合用的安裝部66是朝液壓缸構件31的軸周圍可旋轉地被 安裝,在活塞桿40的突出側的前端部中,固定有安裝部 67。又,此安裝部66、67的形狀,是成爲配合門等的被 安裝構件的形狀。 接著說明如以上構成的本實施例的作用。液壓缸裝置 30,是與如第3圖、第5圖、第7圖及第8圖所示的實施 例同樣,可以將安裝部66及安裝部67與推拉門的門22 Q 及門框23連桿結合作爲關門器使用。 且,如第7圖所示,門22是位於中間位置(死點) 時,如第10圖所示,活塞桿40的外周離合器溝61是對 於導引套筒的內周離合器溝60位於中間桿導引34側。此 時,在被插入離合器環62的球孔63的球64被插入導引 套筒59的內周離合器溝60的狀態下,因爲藉由活塞桿 4 0的外周面使朝徑方向內側的移動被限制,所以離合器 環62,是抵抗壓縮捲簧65的彈簧力被固定於軸方向。由 -18- 201009212 此,壓縮捲簧65的彈簧力不作用在活塞桿40。將此區間 稱爲自由區間。 且,在此自由區間,活塞41,是對於活塞桿40的伸 縮在液壓缸部35的支管凹部58的範圍L的範圍內移動。 此時,作動液,是在活塞41及支管凹部5 8之間的間隙因 爲幾乎無阻力地流通,所以對於活塞桿40的伸縮衰減力 幾乎不發生。又,對於由活塞桿40的伸縮所産生的桿導 φ 引部36的內部及液壓缸部39內的容積變化,氣體室38 內的氣體雖壓縮、膨脹,但是氣體室38內因爲是大氣壓 程度的低壓,所以此壓力幾乎不影響活塞桿40的伸縮。 在此自由區間中,活塞桿40,是阻力幾乎不會產生 ,因爲可以自由地伸縮,所以門22是位於第7圖所示的 中間位置時,從液壓缸裝置30幾乎不會受到阻力可以自 由地開閉雙方向移動。 接著,如第5圖所示,將門22移動至關閉位置附近 • 爲止的話,如第11圖所示,活塞桿40伸長,其外周離合 器溝61是對於導引套筒59的內周離合器溝60朝油封33 側移動。此時,活塞桿40的外周離合器溝61,當通過導 引套筒59的內周離合器溝60時,球64被插入活塞桿40 的外周溝64,離合器環62,是對於導引套筒59的軸方向 的固定被解除’並且對於活塞桿40被固定於軸方向。由 此,藉由壓縮捲簧65的彈簧力,與離合器環62 —起使活 塞桿40朝伸長方向被推迫,門22,是直到第3圖所示的 關閉位置爲止自動地移動。將此區間稱爲推迫區間。 -19- 201009212 在此推迫區間中,如第11圖所示’因爲活塞41是從 支管凹部58的範圍L脫落’所以對於活塞桿40的伸長’ 桿側室39A側的作動液是通過擋板46的流出孔通路49 及活塞41的連通路45朝底側室39B側流動’藉由流出孔 通路49的流路面積使衰減力發生。由此,可以將門22的 移動速度減速,門22關閉時的衝擊及噪音可以減輕。 且,藉由將擋板46旋轉將與活塞45的連通路45連 通的流出孔通路49選擇性地切換,就可調整衰減力,依 據門22的重量、尺寸、所期的關閉速度等,或是對於由 經年變化和室溫的變化等所産生的特性的變化,可以獲得 適切的衰減力。將衰減力切換時,如第12圖所示,將活 塞桿40移動至成爲最大突出狀態的位置,即將門22移動 至全開位置,將中間桿導引34的卡合凸部57及擋板46 的切口 52卡合。在此狀態下,藉由將液壓缸構件31旋轉 ,就可以將擋板46旋轉。由此,在將液壓缸裝置30裝設 在推拉門的狀態下可以調整衰減力。此時,擋板46的旋 轉位置,是可以藉由與掣子凹部50及掣子凸部51的卡合 、脫離所産生的掣子作用容易地算出。又,擋板46的旋 轉位置,是可以藉由位於液壓缸構件31及活塞桿40的印 記目視,且,即使沒有印記,藉由掣子凹部50及掣子凸 部51的掣子作用的感觸也可以認識。 在本實施例中,如第14圖所示在活塞41端面設置3 組3個一組的掣子凹部50,同一組內的3個的掣子凹部 50之間的間隔(30度)、及相鄰接的組的掣子凹部50之 -20- 201009212 間的間隔(60度)因爲相異,所以流出孔通路49是在「 大」、「中」、「小」三階段切換之後,接著回到「大」 時’可由此角度的不同作爲感觸認識。又,在各組中不需 要將掣子凹部50等間隔地配置,不同的間隔配置也可以 〇 將門22從關閉的狀態打開的情況時,對於由活塞桿 40的短縮所產生的活塞41的移動,擋板46是作爲止回 φ 閥作用,碟形彈簧48彎曲使擋板46從活塞41分離使連 通路45打開,使底側室39B側的作動液朝桿側室39A側 幾乎無流通阻力地流動。由此因爲衰減力幾乎不發生,所 以可以只有抵抗壓縮捲簧65的彈簧力將門22圓滑地打開 〇 且,門22打開至預定的位置爲止的話,如第1 0圖所 示,活塞桿40短縮,其外周離合器溝61是與離合器環 62 —起通過導引套筒59的內周離合器溝60時,球64是 • 被插入導引套筒59的內周離合器溝60,離合器環62,是 使對於活塞桿40的軸方向的固定被解除,並且對於導引 套筒59被固定於軸方向。由此,活塞桿40,是從壓縮捲 簧65的彈簧力被開放成爲可以自由地移動,從推迫區間 切換至自由區間。 且,如第8圖所示,將門22移動至全開位置附近爲 止的話,再度成爲第11圖所示的推迫區間,藉由活塞桿 40伸長,與將上述的門22移動至關閉位置附近爲止的情 況同樣,離合器環62是被固定於活塞桿40側,藉由壓縮 -21 - 201009212 捲簧65的彈簧力使活塞桿40伸長,對於活塞桿40的伸 長使由流出孔通路49所産生的衰減力作用。由此’門22 ,是自動地移動至並被保持於全開位置。此時,可以將門 22的移動速度減速,可以減輕門22成爲全開時的衝擊及 噪音。 接著,對於上述第3實施例的第1至第3變形例,參 照第16圖至第20圖說明。又,以下的說明,與第10圖 至第15圖所示的第3實施例同樣的部分使用同一的符號 ,只有對於不同的部分詳細說明。 對於第1變形例,參照第16圖至第18圖說明。將本 變形例的活塞41附近的擴大縱剖面圖如第16圖顯示,活 塞41的中間桿導引34側的端面如第1 7圖顯示,且,擋 板46的活塞41側的端面如第1 8圖所示。在本變形例中 ,如第1 6圖至第1 8圖所示,與上述第3實施例相比的話 ,擋板46,是被省略碟形彈簧48並被固定於軸方向,取 代將擋板46作爲止回閥的功能而設置獨立的止回閥68。 且,掣子凹部50及掣子凸部51是被省略,取而代之,止 回閥68是兼具掣子機構。 說明止回閥68的構造。在活塞41中,設有將桿側室 39A及底側室39B連通的止回閥通路69。止回閥通路69 的擋板46側的開口部,是形成有被擴徑的錐面狀的薄片 部70。另一方面,在擋板46中,在相面對於薄片部70 的部位形成有閥孔71,在閥孔71的底部,形成朝桿側室 39A開口的通路72。且,在閥孔71內將檢查球73插入 201009212 並載置於薄片部70,在閥孔71的底部及檢査球73之間 裝設有壓縮捲簧也就是閥彈簧74。 由此,止回閥6 8,是對於從底側室3 9B側朝桿側室 39A側的作動液的流動,藉由閥彈簧74彎曲使檢查球73 是從薄片部70離開,容許此方向的流動。另一方面,對 於相反方向的流動,是藉由將檢查球73按壓在薄片部70 而被遮斷。 接著說明止回閥68的掣子功能。止回閥通路69,是 如第1 7圖所示,在連通路45的內周側沿著圓周方向複數 設置,檢查球73是藉由一邊抵抗閥彈簧74的彈簧力一邊 後退使薄片部70的錐面上昇,就可以使擋板46旋轉。且 ,檢查球73是藉由閥彈簧74的彈簧力被按壓在錐面狀的 薄片部70並被中心定位,就可算出擋板46的旋轉位置, 並且可以將其位置保持。且,對於3個連通路45,爲了 各別算出3個流出孔通路49的各位置,對應這些的配置 Φ ,在圓周方向被配置於3處,每處3個。藉由如此構成, 本變形例的液壓缸裝置,可以達成與上述第3實施例同樣 的作用效果。 接著,對於上述第3實施例的第2變形例,參照第 19圖說明。第19圖,是顯示本變形例的整體的縱剖面圖 。如第19圖所示,在本變形例中,在上述第3實施例中 ,被2分割的套筒59是被一體化,並且進一步與中間桿 導引34 —體化。油封33是被裝設在中間桿導引34,且 ,在中間桿導引34及液壓缸構件31之間設有〇形環75 -23- 201009212 ’由中間桿導引34使作動液是被密封,作動液未被封入 桿導引部36的內部。由此,與上述第3實施例達成同樣 的作用效果’並且作動液的量可以減少可以達成輕量化。 接著’對於上述第3實施例的第3變形例,參照第 20圖說明。第20圖,是顯示本變形例的液壓缸部39的 附近的擴大縱剖面圖。如第20圖所示,在本變形例中, 與上述第3實施例相比較,活塞41及擋板46的安裝方向 及配置被反轉,擋板46是配置於底側室39B側,進一步 ’擋板46,是被固定於軸方向,取代將擋板46作爲止回 閥的閥體的功能,而設置獨立的止回閥76。且,對應擋 板46被配置於底側室39B側,中間桿導引34的卡合凸部 57被省略’取而代之,在底側室39被安裝有可與擋板46 的切口 52卡合的卡合構件77。 止回閥76,是在活塞41設置將桿側室39A及底側室 3 9B連通的止回閥通路78,在活塞41的桿側室39A側的 端部’安裝將止回閥通路78開閉的碟片閥79,只有容許 從止回閥通路78的底側室39B側朝桿側室39A側的作動 液的流動。又,在擋板46中,設有使止回閥通路78與底 側室39B時常連通的複數通路80。 卡合構件77,是具有外周溝81的環狀構件,被嵌合 在液壓缸部39內,藉由將液壓缸構件31的側壁從外側朝 內側夾箍,被固定於軸方向及軸周圍的旋轉方向。且,在 卡合構件77中,相面對於被安裝於活塞41的擋板46的 切口 52使卡合凸部82突出,使活塞桿40短縮,藉由將 -24- 201009212 活塞41朝液壓缸構件31的底部側移動,就可以將卡合凸 部82卡合在擋板46的切口 52。 由此,與上述第3實施例可以達成同樣的作用效果。 且,將衰減力調整時,使活塞桿40短縮,在將卡合構件 77的卡合凸部82嵌合在擋板46的切口 52的狀態下,使 液壓缸構件31旋轉。由此,擋板46的外周部可以一邊些 微彎曲將掣子凹部50及掣子凸部51卡脫一邊將擋板46 φ 旋轉,就可以切換至所期的衰減力。 又,在上述各實施例中,衰減力雖藉由將油液的流動 的流路面積縮徑而獲得,但是如所謂的摩擦緩衝器,藉由 活塞及液壓缸之間的摩擦獲得衰減力也可以,只要是可以 發生衰減力的構造即可。但是,藉由使用流體特別是油液 ,就可以獲得最穩定的衰減力。 且,關門器是使用於前述各實施例的液壓缸裝置的情 況時,在周圍設有化妝殼較佳。特別是使用油液的情況, # 因爲灰塵等會附著在活塞桿,所以設置殼較佳。 又,在前述第3實施例中,活塞桿40爲最大長或是 最小長時,使擋板46旋轉,但是藉由將擋板的厚度加厚 ,加長卡合凸部57、82的軸方向長度,即使比最大長或 是最小長稍前方也可調整衰減力。由此,本液壓缸裝置的 安裝時,被安裝者,雖多少徧離安裝位置地被安裝,也可 調整衰減力。且,藉由使卡合凸部57、82多少可朝軸方 向移動,也可以獲得同樣的效果。 依據本發明的液壓缸裝置及關門器,可以獲得爲了補 -25- 201009212 助門的開閉所期望的特性。 且,如上述構成的本發明的彈簧緩衝器,是將門開始 關閉到達預定的角度的話,離合器球是橫跨外周離合器溝 及球收納孔使離合器環及活塞桿一體地連結,之後,活塞 的流出孔裝置作動使門一邊被緩衝一邊被關閉。因此,在 門完全地被閉鎖以前,門是被緩衝使閉鎖速度因爲變小, 所以當然可有效防止指塞入,將門打開時在一定以上的開 角度中可作爲習知未存在的門的開門器(自動開放裝置) 作動。此意思,是也可以附與將門的開角度保持的停止器 的功能。且,離合器球是在內周離合器溝及離合器環的球 收納孔之間橫跨活塞桿從離合器環自由時,活塞桿的壓縮 捲簧的彈力因爲不作用,所以可以達成門的開閉操作力極 小等的各種的效果。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖,是本發明的第1實施例的液壓缸裝置的彈簧 ® 緩衝器的縱剖面圖,顯示活塞桿是最收縮的狀態。 第2圖,是顯示將離合器環及離合器球展開的外觀立 體圖。 第3圖,是顯示將本發明的彈簧緩衝器裝設於門的狀 態的線圖,顯示門是關閉的狀態。 第4圖,是第3圖所示的彈簧緩衝器的縱剖面圖。 第5圖,是與第3圖同樣的線圖,顯示門是稍爲打開 的狀態。 -26- 201009212 第6圖,是與第1圖同樣的彈簧緩衝器的縱剖面圖, 顯示活塞桿是稍爲被壓入的狀態。 第7圖,是與第3圖同樣的線圖,顯示活塞桿的前端 是位於死點上的狀態。 第8圖,是與第3圖同樣的線圖,顯示門是朝開放方 向被推迫,並且被制動的狀態。 第9圖,是與第1圖同樣的彈簧緩衝器的縱剖面圖, φ 顯示活塞桿是在最大限度伸長的狀態。 第10圖,是本發明的第3實施例的液壓缸裝置的縱 剖面圖。 第11圖,是對於第1〇圖所示的液壓缸裝置,顯示活 塞桿是伸長的狀態的縱剖面圖。 第12圖,是對於第10圖所示的液壓缸裝置,顯示活 塞桿是直到行程端爲止伸長的狀態的縱剖面圖。 第13圖,是擴大第10圖所示的液壓缸裝置的活塞部 # 顯示的縱剖面圖。 第14圖,是第10圖所示的液壓缸裝置的活塞的端面 圖。 第15圖,是第10圖所示的液壓缸裝置的擋板的端面 圖。 第16圖,是擴大本發明的第3實施例的第1變形例 的液壓缸裝置的活塞部顯示的縱剖面圖。 第17圖,是第16圖所示的液壓缸裝置的活塞的端面 圖。 -27- 201009212 第18圖’是第16圖所示.的液壓缸裝置的擋板的端面 圖。 第19圖’是本發明的第3實施例的第2變形例的液 壓缸裝置的縱剖面圖。 第20圖,是擴大本發明的第3實施例的第3變形例 的液壓缸裝置的液壓缸部顯示的縱剖面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 1 :液壓缸 2 :活塞 3 :第1液壓缸 4 :離合器環 5 :第2液壓缸 6 :隔壁 7 :活塞桿 8 :第1蓋插頭 9 :第2蓋插頭 1 1 :球收納孔 12 :離合器球 1 3 :內周離合器溝 14 :外周離合器溝 15 :壓縮捲簧 1 6 :連通孔 1 7 :遊隙溝 -28 - 201009212 18: 19 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : • 30 : 3 1: 32 : 33 : 34 : 35 : 36 : 37 : φ 38 : 39 : 39Α 39Β 40 : 41 : 41 A 42 : 43 : 空氣室 自由活塞 -LJt| 刖珊 門 門框 基端 轉動軸 液壓缸裝置 液壓缸構件 桿導引 油封 中間桿導引 液壓缸部 桿導引部 自由活塞 氣體室 液壓缸室 :桿側室 :底側室 活塞桿 活塞 :0形環 導引部 安裝部 -29- 201009212 44 :安裝開口 45 :連通路 46 :擋板 4 7 :中央開口 48 :碟形彈簧 49 :流出孔通路 5〇 :掣子凹部 51 :掣子凸部 52 :切口 53 :環狀溝 54 :止轉凹部 55 :捲曲部 56 :止轉凸部 57 :卡合凸部 58 :支管凹部 59 :導引套筒 59A,59B :導引套筒 60 :內周離合器溝 6 1 :外周離合器溝 62 :離合器環 6 3 :球孔 64 :球 65 :壓縮捲簧 66 :安裝部 -30- 201009212 67 :安裝部 68 :止回閥 69 :止回閥通路 70 :薄片部 71 :閥孔 72 :通路 73 :檢查球 φ 74 :閥彈簧 7 5 : Ο形環 76 :止回閥 77 :卡合構件 78 :止回閥通路 79 :碟片閥 80 :通路 8 1 :外周溝 # 82 :卡合凸部In the rod guide portion 36, a spring mechanism B to which a spring force is applied to the piston rod 40 is provided. The structure of the spring mechanism B will be described with reference to FIG. U The cylindrical guide sleeve 59 is inserted and fitted into the cylinder member 31, and both end portions thereof are in contact with the oil seal 33 and the intermediate rod guide 34, and are fixed in the axial direction. In the intermediate portion of the guide sleeve 59, an inner circumferential groove is formed as the inner circumferential clutch groove 60. In the present embodiment, the guide sleeve 59 takes into consideration the workability of the inner circumferential clutch groove 60, and the end portion of the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 on the side of the intermediate clutch guide 34 is divided into guide sleeves 59A, 59B2, However, it is also possible to form these integrally. In the piston rod 40, a peripheral clutch groove 61 is formed at an intermediate portion of the portion facing the guide sleeve 59. Inner circumference -16 - 201009212 The side portions of the clutch groove 60 and the outer clutch groove 61 are formed in a tapered shape. Further, the guide sleeve 59 is preferably made of metal in strength, but it is preferable to use a reinforced resin for weight reduction. Further, the guide sleeve 59 is not provided, and only the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the cylinder member 31 may be enlarged in diameter to share the hydraulic cylinder member 31 and the guide sleeve 59. Between the guide sleeve 59 and the piston rod 40, a retaining member of a ball 64 (ball) composed of a steel ball is a cylindrical clutch ring 62, and φ is slidably fitted to these. The clutch ring 62 has the same structure as the clutch ring 4 shown in Fig. 2, and the plurality of ball holes 63 penetrating in the radial direction are radially arranged at equal intervals. In the respective ball holes 63, the diameter is almost equal to the ball hole 63, and the ball 64 having a larger plate thickness than the clutch ring 62 is slidably inserted. Further, the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59 and the outer circumferential clutch groove 61 of the piston rod 40 have substantially the same depth, and the diameter of the ball 64 is the thickness of the side wall of the clutch ring 62 and the outer clutch groove 60 and The sum of the depths of the inner clutch grooves 61 is the same as that of the same. In the state in which the clutch ring 62 into which the ball 64 is inserted is inserted between the guide sleeve 59 and the piston rod 40, the ball 64 is always inserted into at least one of the outer circumferential groove 60 and the inner circumferential groove 61. Between the intermediate rod guide 34 and the clutch ring 62, a spring means, that is, a compression coil spring 65, is mounted to urge the clutch ring 62 toward the oil seal 33 side. Further, the ball 64 does not necessarily need to be a sphere, and for example, an annular ring having a circular cross section may be divided into three in the circumferential direction. The branch recess 58 of the cylinder portion 35 and the inner clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59 of the spring mechanism B and the outer clutch groove 61 of the piston rod 40 are arranged in the -17-201009212, which can be adapted to the applicable conditions of the cylinder device 30. Suitable for setting. In the present embodiment, as shown in Fig. 10, when the outer circumferential clutch groove 61 of the piston rod 40 is on the side of the intermediate rod guide 34 with respect to the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59, the piston 41 is located in the branch recess 58. The range of L is within range. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 11, the piston rod 40 is extended, and the outer circumferential clutch groove 61 is located on the oil seal 33 side with respect to the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59, and the piston 41 is in the range L from the branch pipe recess 58. The manner in which the side of the intermediate lever guide 34 is detached is set. @ In the bottom portion of the hydraulic cylinder member 31, the mounting portion 66 for connecting the cylinder device 30 to the link is rotatably mounted around the shaft of the cylinder member 31, in the front end portion of the projecting side of the piston rod 40, A mounting portion 67 is fixed. Further, the shape of the attachment portions 66 and 67 is a shape of a member to be attached such as a door. Next, the action of the present embodiment constructed as above will be described. The hydraulic cylinder device 30 can be connected to the door 22 Q and the door frame 23 of the sliding door in the same manner as the embodiment shown in Figs. 3, 5, 7, and 8. The rod is used in combination as a door closer. Further, as shown in Fig. 7, when the door 22 is at the intermediate position (dead point), as shown in Fig. 10, the outer clutch groove 61 of the piston rod 40 is located in the middle of the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve. The rod guide 34 side. At this time, in a state where the ball 64 inserted into the ball hole 63 of the clutch ring 62 is inserted into the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59, the inner circumferential direction of the piston rod 40 is moved in the radial direction. Since it is restricted, the clutch ring 62 is fixed to the axial direction against the spring force of the compression coil spring 65. From -18 to 201009212, the spring force of the compression coil spring 65 does not act on the piston rod 40. This interval is called a free interval. Further, in this free section, the piston 41 moves in a range of the range L of the branch pipe recess 58 of the cylinder portion 35 with respect to the expansion of the piston rod 40. At this time, in the actuating liquid, since the gap between the piston 41 and the branch recess 58 is distributed with almost no resistance, the expansion and contraction damping force of the piston rod 40 hardly occurs. Further, in the inside of the rod guide φ lead portion 36 and the volume change in the cylinder portion 39 caused by the expansion and contraction of the piston rod 40, the gas in the gas chamber 38 is compressed and expanded, but the gas chamber 38 is at atmospheric pressure. The low pressure, so this pressure hardly affects the expansion and contraction of the piston rod 40. In this free section, the piston rod 40 has almost no resistance, and since it can be freely expanded and contracted, the door 22 is located at the intermediate position shown in Fig. 7, and the hydraulic cylinder device 30 is almost free from the resistance. The ground opens and closes in both directions. Next, as shown in Fig. 5, when the door 22 is moved to the vicinity of the closed position, as shown in Fig. 11, the piston rod 40 is extended, and the outer clutch groove 61 is the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59. Move toward the oil seal 33 side. At this time, when the outer peripheral clutch groove 61 of the piston rod 40 passes through the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59, the ball 64 is inserted into the outer circumferential groove 64 of the piston rod 40, and the clutch ring 62 is for the guide sleeve 59. The fixing of the axial direction is released 'and the piston rod 40 is fixed in the axial direction. As a result, by compressing the spring force of the coil spring 65, the piston rod 40 is urged in the extending direction together with the clutch ring 62, and the door 22 is automatically moved up to the closed position shown in Fig. 3. This interval is called a push interval. -19- 201009212 In this pressing section, as shown in Fig. 11, 'because the piston 41 is detached from the range L of the branch pipe recess 58', the actuator liquid on the side of the rod side chamber 39A is passed through the baffle The outflow hole passage 49 of the 46 and the communication passage 45 of the piston 41 flow toward the bottom side chamber 39B side. The damping passage force is generated by the flow passage area of the outflow hole passage 49. Thereby, the moving speed of the door 22 can be decelerated, and the impact and noise when the door 22 is closed can be alleviated. Moreover, by selectively switching the outflow hole passage 49 that communicates with the communication passage 45 of the piston 45 by rotating the flapper 46, the damping force can be adjusted depending on the weight, the size of the door 22, the desired closing speed, etc., or It is possible to obtain a suitable damping force for a change in characteristics caused by changes in menstruation and changes in room temperature or the like. When the damping force is switched, as shown in Fig. 12, the piston rod 40 is moved to the position where it is in the maximum protruding state, that is, the door 22 is moved to the fully open position, and the engaging projection 57 and the shutter 46 of the intermediate rod guide 34 are guided. The slit 52 is snapped. In this state, the shutter 46 can be rotated by rotating the hydraulic cylinder member 31. Thereby, the damping force can be adjusted in a state where the hydraulic cylinder device 30 is attached to the sliding door. At this time, the rotational position of the baffle 46 can be easily calculated by the action of the forceps generated by the engagement and disengagement with the forceps concave portion 50 and the forceps convex portion 51. Further, the rotational position of the baffle 46 can be visually recognized by the stamps located on the hydraulic cylinder member 31 and the piston rod 40, and even if there is no imprint, the touch by the forceps of the dice concave portion 50 and the forceps convex portion 51 Can also know. In the present embodiment, as shown in Fig. 14, three sets of three sets of the dice recesses 50 are provided on the end faces of the pistons 41, and the intervals (30 degrees) between the three dice recesses 50 in the same group, and Since the interval (60 degrees) between the -20-201009212 of the dice concave portion 50 of the adjacent group is different, the outflow hole passage 49 is switched after the three stages of "large", "medium", and "small", and then When you return to "big", you can recognize the difference in this angle. Further, it is not necessary to arrange the dice concave portions 50 at equal intervals in each group, and the movement of the piston 41 caused by the contraction of the piston rod 40 when the door 22 is opened from the closed state may be arranged at different intervals. The baffle 46 functions as a check φ valve, and the disc spring 48 is bent to separate the baffle 46 from the piston 41 to open the communication path 45, and the operating fluid on the side of the bottom side chamber 39B flows toward the side of the rod side chamber 39A with almost no flow resistance. . Thereby, since the damping force hardly occurs, the door 22 can be smoothly opened only by the spring force against the compression coil spring 65, and when the door 22 is opened to a predetermined position, as shown in Fig. 10, the piston rod 40 is shortened. When the outer clutch groove 61 passes through the inner clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59 together with the clutch ring 62, the ball 64 is inserted into the inner circumferential clutch groove 60 of the guide sleeve 59, and the clutch ring 62 is The fixing to the axial direction of the piston rod 40 is released, and is fixed to the axial direction with respect to the guide sleeve 59. Thereby, the piston rod 40 is opened from the spring force of the compression coil spring 65 so as to be freely movable, and is switched from the pressing section to the free section. Further, as shown in Fig. 8, when the door 22 is moved to the vicinity of the fully open position, the pressing section shown in Fig. 11 is again formed, and the piston rod 40 is extended and the door 22 is moved to the vicinity of the closed position. In the same manner, the clutch ring 62 is fixed to the side of the piston rod 40, and the piston rod 40 is extended by the spring force of the coil spring 65 of the compression -200109212, and the elongation of the piston rod 40 is caused by the outflow hole passage 49. Attenuating force. Thus, the 'door 22' is automatically moved to and held in the fully open position. At this time, the moving speed of the door 22 can be decelerated, and the impact and noise when the door 22 is fully opened can be alleviated. Next, the first to third modifications of the third embodiment will be described with reference to Figs. 16 to 20 . In the following description, the same portions as those in the third embodiment shown in Figs. 10 to 15 are denoted by the same reference numerals, and only the different portions will be described in detail. The first modification will be described with reference to FIGS. 16 to 18. An enlarged longitudinal sectional view of the vicinity of the piston 41 of the present modification is shown in Fig. 16. The end face of the piston 41 on the side of the intermediate rod guide 34 is shown in Fig. 17, and the end face of the baffle 46 on the side of the piston 41 is as shown in the figure. Figure 18 shows. In the present modification, as shown in Figs. 16 to 18, the baffle 46 is omitted from the disc spring 48 and is fixed in the axial direction as compared with the above-described third embodiment. The plate 46 serves as a check valve to provide a separate check valve 68. Further, the dice concave portion 50 and the dice convex portion 51 are omitted, and instead, the check valve 68 has a tweezers mechanism. The configuration of the check valve 68 will be described. The piston 41 is provided with a check valve passage 69 that communicates the rod side chamber 39A and the bottom side chamber 39B. The opening portion on the side of the shutter 46 of the check valve passage 69 is formed into a tapered sheet portion 70 having a diameter-expanded shape. On the other hand, in the baffle 46, a valve hole 71 is formed in a portion of the opposite side of the sheet portion 70, and a passage 72 opening to the rod side chamber 39A is formed at the bottom of the valve hole 71. Further, the inspection ball 73 is inserted into the 201009212 in the valve hole 71 and placed on the sheet portion 70, and a compression coil spring, that is, a valve spring 74 is disposed between the bottom of the valve hole 71 and the inspection ball 73. Thus, the check valve 6.8 is a flow of the hydraulic fluid from the bottom side chamber 3 9B side toward the rod side chamber 39A side, and the check ball 73 is bent away from the sheet portion 70 to allow the flow in this direction. . On the other hand, the flow in the opposite direction is blocked by pressing the inspection ball 73 against the sheet portion 70. Next, the tweezers function of the check valve 68 will be described. The check valve passage 69 is provided in the circumferential direction on the inner circumferential side of the communication passage 45 as shown in Fig. 17. The inspection ball 73 is retracted against the spring force of the valve spring 74 to cause the sheet portion 70 to retreat. The cone is raised to allow the flap 46 to rotate. Further, the inspection ball 73 is pressed against the tapered sheet portion 70 by the spring force of the valve spring 74 and positioned centrally, whereby the rotational position of the flap 46 can be calculated and the position can be maintained. Further, for each of the three communication passages 45, the respective positions of the three outflow hole passages 49 are calculated, and the arrangement Φ corresponding thereto is arranged in three places in the circumferential direction, three at a time. According to this configuration, the hydraulic cylinder device of the present modification can achieve the same operational effects as those of the third embodiment. Next, a second modification of the third embodiment will be described with reference to Fig. 19. Fig. 19 is a longitudinal sectional view showing the entire modification of the present invention. As shown in Fig. 19, in the present modification, in the third embodiment described above, the two-divided sleeve 59 is integrated and further integrated with the intermediate rod guide 34. The oil seal 33 is mounted on the intermediate rod guide 34, and a ring-shaped ring 75 -23- 201009212 is provided between the intermediate rod guide 34 and the hydraulic cylinder member 31. The seal is not sealed into the inside of the rod guide 36. Thereby, the same operational effect is achieved as in the above-described third embodiment, and the amount of the hydraulic fluid can be reduced to achieve weight reduction. Next, the third modification of the third embodiment will be described with reference to Fig. 20. Fig. 20 is an enlarged longitudinal sectional view showing the vicinity of the cylinder portion 39 of the present modification. As shown in Fig. 20, in the present modification, the mounting direction and arrangement of the piston 41 and the shutter 46 are reversed as compared with the third embodiment, and the shutter 46 is disposed on the side of the bottom side chamber 39B, and further ' The baffle 46 is fixed in the axial direction, and instead of the valve body having the baffle 46 as a check valve, an independent check valve 76 is provided. Further, the corresponding flapper 46 is disposed on the side of the bottom side chamber 39B, and the engaging convex portion 57 of the intermediate lever guide 34 is omitted. Instead, the bottom side chamber 39 is fitted with a snap fit to the slit 52 of the shutter 46. Member 77. In the check valve 76, a check valve passage 78 that connects the rod side chamber 39A and the bottom side chamber 39B is provided in the piston 41, and a disc that opens and closes the check valve passage 78 is attached to the end portion of the piston 41 on the rod side chamber 39A side. The valve 79 only allows the flow of the hydraulic fluid from the side of the bottom side chamber 39B of the check valve passage 78 toward the side of the rod side chamber 39A. Further, the baffle 46 is provided with a plurality of passages 80 for constantly connecting the check valve passage 78 and the bottom side chamber 39B. The engaging member 77 is an annular member having the outer circumferential groove 81, and is fitted into the cylinder portion 39. The side wall of the cylinder member 31 is clamped from the outside toward the inside, and is fixed in the axial direction and around the shaft. turn around. Further, in the engaging member 77, the engaging convex portion 82 is protruded with respect to the slit 52 of the baffle 46 attached to the piston 41, and the piston rod 40 is shortened by the piston of the -24-201009212 toward the hydraulic cylinder. When the bottom side of the member 31 is moved, the engaging convex portion 82 can be engaged with the slit 52 of the flap 46. Thereby, the same operational effects can be achieved as in the third embodiment described above. When the damping force is adjusted, the piston rod 40 is shortened, and the cylinder member 31 is rotated while the engaging convex portion 82 of the engaging member 77 is fitted to the slit 52 of the shutter 46. Thereby, the outer peripheral portion of the baffle 46 can be rotated to slightly lock the detent recess 50 and the detent convex portion 51, and the baffle 46 φ can be rotated to switch to the desired damping force. Further, in each of the above embodiments, the damping force is obtained by reducing the flow path area of the flow of the oil, but as the so-called friction damper, the damping force can be obtained by the friction between the piston and the hydraulic cylinder. As long as it is a structure in which a damping force can occur. However, by using a fluid, particularly an oil, the most stable damping force can be obtained. Further, when the door closer is used in the case of the hydraulic cylinder device of each of the above embodiments, it is preferable to provide a cosmetic case around. In particular, when oil is used, # because dust or the like adheres to the piston rod, it is preferable to provide a casing. Further, in the third embodiment, when the piston rod 40 is at the maximum length or the minimum length, the shutter 46 is rotated, but by enlarging the thickness of the shutter, the axial direction of the engaging projections 57, 82 is lengthened. The length can be adjusted even if it is longer than the maximum length or the minimum length. Therefore, when the hydraulic cylinder device is mounted, the installer can adjust the damping force even if it is mounted many times from the mounting position. Further, the same effect can be obtained by causing the engagement convex portions 57, 82 to move in the axial direction. According to the hydraulic cylinder device and the door closer of the present invention, it is possible to obtain the desired characteristics for the opening and closing of the assist door for the -25-201009212. Further, in the spring damper of the present invention configured as described above, when the door is closed and reaches a predetermined angle, the clutch ball integrally connects the clutch ring and the piston rod across the outer clutch groove and the ball receiving hole, and then the piston flows out. The hole device is actuated to close the door while being buffered. Therefore, before the door is completely locked, the door is buffered so that the locking speed is reduced, so that the finger can be effectively prevented from being inserted, and when the door is opened, the door can be opened as a conventional door at a certain opening angle or more. (automatic open device) is activated. This means that it is also possible to attach the function of the stopper that holds the opening angle of the door. Further, when the clutch ball is free from the clutch ring between the inner clutch groove and the ball receiving hole of the clutch ring, the elastic force of the compression coil spring of the piston rod does not function, so that the opening and closing operation force of the door can be minimized. Various effects such as. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a longitudinal sectional view of a spring washer of a hydraulic cylinder device according to a first embodiment of the present invention, showing a state in which a piston rod is most contracted. Fig. 2 is a perspective view showing the appearance of the clutch ring and the clutch ball. Fig. 3 is a diagram showing a state in which the spring damper of the present invention is attached to a door, and the door is closed. Fig. 4 is a longitudinal sectional view of the spring damper shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 5 is a line diagram similar to Fig. 3, showing that the door is slightly open. -26- 201009212 Fig. 6 is a longitudinal sectional view of the spring damper similar to Fig. 1, showing a state in which the piston rod is slightly pressed. Fig. 7 is a line diagram similar to Fig. 3, showing the state in which the front end of the piston rod is at a dead point. Fig. 8 is a line diagram similar to Fig. 3, showing the state in which the door is urged in the open direction and is braked. Fig. 9 is a longitudinal sectional view of the spring damper similar to Fig. 1, and φ shows that the piston rod is maximally extended. Figure 10 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a hydraulic cylinder device according to a third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 11 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a state in which the piston rod is extended in the cylinder device shown in Fig. 1; Fig. 12 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a state in which the piston rod is extended until the stroke end in the cylinder device shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 13 is a longitudinal sectional view showing the expansion of the piston portion # of the hydraulic cylinder device shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 14 is an end view of the piston of the hydraulic cylinder device shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 15 is an end view of the shutter of the hydraulic cylinder device shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 16 is a vertical cross-sectional view showing the piston portion of the hydraulic cylinder device according to the first modification of the third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 17 is an end view of the piston of the hydraulic cylinder device shown in Fig. 16. -27- 201009212 Figure 18 is an end view of the baffle of the hydraulic cylinder device shown in Fig. 16. Fig. 19 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a hydraulic cylinder device according to a second modification of the third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 20 is a longitudinal sectional view showing the display of the cylinder portion of the hydraulic cylinder device according to the third modification of the third embodiment of the present invention. [Description of main component symbols] 1 : Hydraulic cylinder 2 : Piston 3 : First hydraulic cylinder 4 : Clutch ring 5 : Second hydraulic cylinder 6 : Partition wall 7 : Piston rod 8 : First cover plug 9 : Second cover plug 1 1 : Ball accommodation hole 12 : Clutch ball 1 3 : Inner circumference clutch groove 14 : Peripheral clutch groove 15 : Compression coil spring 1 6 : Communication hole 1 7 : Clearance groove -28 - 201009212 18: 19 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : • 30 : 3 1: 32 : 33 : 34 : 35 : 36 : 37 : φ 38 : 39 : 39 Α 39 Β 40 : 41 : 41 A 42 : 43 : Air chamber free piston - LJt | 刖珊门门框Base end rotary shaft hydraulic cylinder device hydraulic cylinder member rod guide oil seal intermediate rod guide hydraulic cylinder rod guide portion free piston gas chamber hydraulic cylinder chamber: rod side chamber: bottom side chamber piston rod piston: 0 ring guide portion mounting portion -29- 201009212 44 : Mounting opening 45 : communication path 46 : baffle 4 7 : central opening 48 : disc spring 49 : outflow hole passage 5 : tweezers recess 51 : tweezers convex portion 52 : slit 53 : ring shape Groove 54: rotation preventing concave portion 55: curling portion 56: rotation preventing convex portion 57: engaging convex portion 58: branch pipe concave portion 59: guiding sleeve 59A 59B: guide sleeve 60: inner clutch groove 6 1 : outer clutch groove 62 : clutch ring 6 3 : ball hole 64 : ball 65 : compression coil spring 66 : mounting portion -30 - 201009212 67 : mounting portion 68 : Return valve 69: check valve passage 70: sheet portion 71: valve hole 72: passage 73: inspection ball φ 74: valve spring 7 5 : Ο ring 76: check valve 77: engaging member 78: check valve passage 79: Disc valve 80: passage 8 1 : outer circumferential groove # 82 : engaging projection