200940925 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於冷凍循環所使用之儲液器(liquid tank)。 【先前技術】 以往’車輛之空氣調節器等的冷凍循環,係利用配管連 結:可壓縮氣相冷媒之壓縮機;及,凝縮利用壓縮機被高溫 '高壓所壓縮之氣體冷媒的冷凝器;及,實施被凝縮的冷媒之 φ 氣液分離和除去冷媒中之水分或灰塵之儲液器;及,使自此 儲液器的冷媒膨脹之膨脹閥;及’使自膨脹閥的冷媒和空氣 熱交換之蒸發器;如此所構成。冷媒則係使用非氣系鹵化烴。 在此一冷凍循環中,為了檢測出冷媒的漏出部位,係在冷 媒中混入例如由二苯并吡喃(xanthene)化合物或茈 (perylene)化合物所構成之冷媒漏出檢測用螢光劑。冷媒漏 出檢測用#光材料’係在纖維材料中浸潰螢光材料而裝填於 ©冷束循環中。被浸潰在纖維材料的螢光染料和混入於冷媒中 .的壓縮機用潤滑油混合時則分解,而會變成微小的粒^與冷200940925 VI. Description of the Invention: [Technical Field of the Invention] The present invention relates to a liquid tank used in a refrigeration cycle. [Prior Art] In the past, a refrigeration cycle of an air conditioner or the like of a vehicle is connected by a pipe: a compressor that compresses a gas phase refrigerant; and a condenser that condenses a gas refrigerant that is compressed by a high temperature 'high pressure; a reservoir for performing φ gas-liquid separation of the condensed refrigerant and removing moisture or dust in the refrigerant; and an expansion valve for expanding the refrigerant from the reservoir; and 'heating the refrigerant and air of the self-expansion valve Exchange evaporator; constructed as such. The refrigerant uses a non-gaseous halogenated hydrocarbon. In this refrigeration cycle, in order to detect a leaked portion of the refrigerant, a refrigerant leakage detecting agent composed of, for example, a xanthene compound or a perylene compound is mixed in the refrigerant. The #light material for the refrigerant leakage detection is impregnated with the fluorescent material in the fiber material and loaded in the © cold beam cycle. The fluorescent dye impregnated in the fiber material and the refrigerant mixed in the refrigerant are decomposed when mixed with the lubricating oil, and become tiny particles and cold.
,媒-起在冷_環内循環。又,萬—,如在冷_環中發I 冷媒漏出時,則自外侧對被認為發生漏出之部位昭 外線,而受騎之賴巾的㈣純科縣,由此而可容 易地發現冷媒之漏出部位。 曾被建議有-種在㈣配置冷媒漏出檢測用螢光材 儲液乾燥器(receiver drier)(參照專利文獻⑴此一儲 097150208 3 200940925 液乾燥器,係在兩端被閉鎖之筒狀桶的上端部填充乾燥劑, 同時’在靠近該筒狀桶内的上端之部份則安裝具有冷媒通過 孔之乾燥劑架座(h〇1 der)。冷媒漏出檢測用螢光劑被收容配 置於凹下在乾燥肺座下方所形成之㈣勒。在乾燥劑架 座上則收容配置乾燥劑流出防止用濾器而閉鎖凹陷部的開 如此冷媒漏出檢測用螢光材料會被乾燥劑按壓而固定, 冷媒在流入桶内時亦可防止螢光材料移動,而可謀求桶内的 冷媒在穩定之狀態。 © (專利文獻1)日本專利特開2006_52938號公報 【發明内容】 (發明所欲解決之問題) 當對儲液器組裝螢光劑時,如上所述即使利用設在儲液器 内的乾燥劑架座而收容螢光劑時,亦必須利用乾燥劑架座之 零組件且亦必須有對筒狀桶之組裝的作業步驟。因此,如將 勞光劑配置於頭座時,則必須可儘量削減桶的内藏零組件,0 如此為其課題。 本發明之目的為提供’種將螢光劑配置於頭座(header) 且藉由儘量削減器内内藏的零組件,而使器内部的構造簡單 化並以比較廉價之構造穩定地保持螢光劑之裝入有螢光劑 的儲液器。 (解決問題之手段) 為了解決上述課題’本發明之儲液器,其係被使用於冷凍 097150208 4 200940925 循環而具有貯存冷媒與可除 儲液器,其特徵mi心冷媒中的水份之功能之 被固定在,=有:有底的圓筒狀之本體;及, 流入孔_冷=1=形成有前述冷媒可流 述冷媒漏出檢_之螢補;而前 前述頭座被轉其和前述冷媒可朗。 ’、又對 ❹ :此:儲液器,營光劑相對於被形成冷媒流入用之流入 ”媒4用之流出孔的圓盤_座,其為藉由保持手段 和該冷媒可接觸地被保持,因此,自流人孔流人器内與自器 内通uu的冷媒,在該頭座流動時則和榮光劑接 觸’而與混人在冷媒中之壓縮機用潤滑油混合時則會分解, 變成微小粒子並和冷媒一起在冷束循環内循環。由於榮光 麵由保持手段被保持於頭座,因此,在儲液㈣組合之最 後階段,即頭座對本體的組裝步驟中,螢光劑則被組入至儲 〇 液器内 、方哭如- (發明效果) 本發明之儲液器係如上述所構成,由於螢光劑藉由保持手 段而被保持於頭座,因此,其和保持在器内部之情形相比較 時’螢光劑的保持構造較簡單且可穩定地保持螢光劑,又, 由於其可使儲液器的内部構造簡單化,零組件件數變少且可 減低構造工時數,因此,可使儲液器的製造成本降低。又, 在螢光劑之組裝時如利用具有既存的濾器之儲液器的構造 097150208 5 200940925 之情形,可更使頭座之構造簡單化,輕量化及製造成本之降 低。 【實施方式】 以下’依照附圖說明本發明之儲液器的實施形態。圖1 及圖2表示本發明之儲液器的底座之構造例的圖,圖1係儲 液器之縱剖面圖,圖2表示其構成之零組件圖。 符號100表示全體之儲液器,其具備有:有底之圓筒狀的 儲液器之本體110 ;及,可密封位於本體110的下端部之開 口部112的圓盤狀之頭座(header)120。位於本體110的開 口部Π2之相反側(圖之上端部)的底部114則被形成為厚 度部,而可用來提高其剛性。 如圖2所示,被封入於本體n〇 (圖2 (a)所示)之袋體 (bag)130(圖2(b)所示),係例如以塑膠製之不織布折疊, 再以熱密封或縫合其周邊132a、132b、132c所形成。在袋 體130内被封入乾燥劑134。由於袋體13〇係由具有液體可 通過之粗度的間隙之塑膠製的不織布所製作,因此,貯留在 本體110内的冷媒則和袋體130内的乾燥劑134相接觸,而 含在冷媒中的水份則被乾燥劑134所吸附。 在和頭座120 (圖2 (d)所示)之本體11()内相對向的端 面其被形成有薄的壁部126。在壁部126的内部,被插入有 為了捕捉冷射的異物之濾、11 140 (圖2⑷所示),而藉 由歛縫(caulking)加工部K1被固定於頭座12()上。滤器14〇 097150208 200940925 係使網狀金屬圓板加工為中高狀,具有可捕捉.除去自本體 110内朝向流出孔124之冷媒中的異物之功能。 在組裝儲液器1〇〇時,係使袋體130封入本體11〇内,而 在本體110的開口部112插入頭座120,並藉電弧熔接加工 W1而實施接合。在頭座120被利用歛縫加工部K1而事先安 裝濾器140。儲液器1〇〇被使冷媒的流入孔122及流出孔124 朝向下方之姿勢而被裝備在空氣調節系統内。 〇 圖3表示本發明之儲液器的第1實施形態之主要部份的 圖’(a)係其上面圖’(b)係(a)中之A-A剖面之縱剖面 圖。本體110、頭座120、濾器140、乾燥劑134等係和圖1 及圖2所示的構造相同’因此,省略其再度之說明。 在第1實施形態中’於頭座120之上部周圍,在從流入孔 122及流出孔124最遠離之位置形成可收容螢光劑1之凹部 10當作保持螢光劑1的保持手段。亦即,在頭座12〇的周 ® 面,如圖3 (a)中對流入孔122和流出孔124以90度交叉 之位置為中心而形成有凹部1〇 (前端因為鑽孔的關係而成 -為圓錐狀)。螢光劑1 (浸潰有螢光劑之纖維材料),其一部 伤在被嵌入凹部10之狀態下被安裝,在該狀態其被保持於 凹部10内。由於凹部10被形成為和本體11〇的筒狀内面相 對向,因此,本體110的筒狀内面位於最接近螢光劑i之外 側。因此,螢光劑1至少在當初的大小時其不會自頭座12〇 之凹部10因不慎而從頭座120脫落。自流入孔122所流入 097150208 7 200940925 之冷媒因接觸到㈣m而分解,其成為微㈣粒子從流出 孔124和冷媒一起流出至儲液器100的外部而在冷凍循環内 循環。又’濾器140其外周緣部份141 #由欽縫π而被固 定於頭座120上。 圖4之縱剖面圖表示本發明之儲液器的第2實施形態之主 要部份12實施形態中,係在觀120之内侧端部;;頂部 151中,形成有凹部20當作保持螢光劑丨之保持手段。凹 部20之形成位置只要不會和流出孔124相重疊的位置,則 並不受限於在頭座120之頂部151的中心。螢光劑丨係以使 其一部份嵌入凹部20之狀態而被安裝在頭座12〇上。在頭 座120之組裝狀態中,由於於最接近螢光劑丨之外侧在覆蓋 凹部20之狀態是於頭座120安裝濾器14〇,因此,螢光劑i 不會自頭座120不慎地從頭座120脫落。螢光劑丨向冷媒之 混入·循環係和第1實施形態相同,因此省略其再度說明。 如上述,利用凹部20所保持在頭座120之螢光劑丨,係 位於自本體110的開口部H2被熔接之周緣部份152最遠的 位置。本體110雖然其下端部之周緣部份152藉電弧熔接 W1而被固著在頭座丨20上,但藉由螢光劑丨之此種配置, 則在熔接作業時傳達至頭座120後,其可更使傳導至螢光劑 1的熱量減少,而可被期待螢光劑1之防止熱變質之效果。 圖5以縱剖面圖表示本發明之儲液器的第3實施形態之主 要部份。第3實施形態中,係在頭座120之濾器140的外侧 097150208 8 200940925 安裝形成有底筒狀之杯狀構件3G當作保持手段,而在杯狀 構件30的内部收容螢光劑i並被保持於頭座12〇。在圖示 之1樣中,螢光劑!為被夾持保持於杯狀構件別及配置於 杯狀構件30的内侧滤器140之間。如螢光劑i被積極地安 裝在杯狀構件30或滤器14〇亦可。杯狀構件3〇係由可容許 冷媒通過之網狀板材料所成形,其由平坦的底部31和連接 在底部31之筒部32所構成。 ❹ 在筒部32的底部31之相反端側被形成有開口部,其周緣 部份33被形成和濾器140的外周緣部份141大略相同的大 小。因此,在濾器140如使螢光劑丨當間隔疊合杯狀構件 3〇,而藉歛縫K2使濾器140之外周緣部份141和杯狀構件 3〇的周緣部份33共同繫緊在頭座120之内侧端部,則可使 濾器140和杯狀構件30 —起安裝於頭座12〇上。 圖6以縱剖面圖表示本發明之儲液器的第4實施形態之主 ❹要部份。第4實施形態中,係採用比螢光劑丨之保持構造更 '積極的絲構造。亦即’當作保持手段峨形絲有底筒狀 - 的杯狀構件40係和第3實施形態之杯狀構件3〇相同,其具 有使網狀板材料成形為有底筒狀的形狀,而由平坦的底部 41和連接在底部41且在開口部中具有周緣部份“之筒部 42所構成。又,濾器140係藉歛縫1(3對頭座12〇的内侧端 部一起繫緊外周緣部份U1和杯狀構件4〇的周緣部份43, 此點也和第3實施形態相同。但是,杯狀構件4〇比杯狀構 097150208 9 200940925 件30體積為大,且在底部41收容保持螢光劑丨之凹部45 比筒部42的高度更淺(大約一半程度之深度)且以朝向外 側開放之態樣而被形成。當在凹部45收容螢光劑丨後,藉 由在多個部位使凹部45的開口緣部份43予以歛縫K4,螢 光劑1則變成藉由杯狀構件40而被保持於頭座12〇,因此 可防止自頭座120脫離。 圖7以縱剖面圖表示本發明之儲液器的第5實施形態之主 要部份。帛5實施形態中’螢光劑!對頭座12〇之保持,係 藉由安裝在本體UG的保持手段之有底的筒狀構件50所實 施。在第5實施形態中’螢光劑1係以筒狀構件50和安裝 在頭座120之濾、11 140共同實施。亦即,濾器140其本身的 形狀.構造及對頭座120之安農構造係和第i實施形能及第 2實施形態相同者。筒狀構件5Q係由冷媒可通過之網狀板 材料所構成,其被形成為有底的大略筒狀,而具有底部Μ 及連接在此底部51之筒部52。在底部51之筒狀構件的 内側形成有可收容螢光劑丨之凹部55。筒部&的外 成和本體110的内徑大致相同,而可使筒狀構件50插入至 本體110内。 支 筒狀構件50係使在凹部55收容t錢丨之底部 上方嶺倒之狀態被插入於本體nG内。被插入筒狀構 的位置,其被藉由筒狀構件5G的角隅部份Μ抵觸至 使本體U0的環狀一部份在内侧突出加工所成之凹卜側 097150208 200940925 被規範。當在本體110被插入安裝有濾器140之頭座120 時’筒狀構件50以凹口恥和與頭座12〇相抵接之狀態對本 體110在其長邊方向被定位。螢光劑丨雖然被收容於凹部 Μ而保持在頭座120’但在頭座12〇對本體11〇安裝之時點 則被收各在凹部55狀態的螢光劑1藉由濾器140而被按 壓,而螢光劑1以被夾在筒狀構件5〇和濾器14〇之狀態被 保持於頭座丨2〇上,藉此其可防止螢光劑〗自凹部55脫落。 ❹ 圖8以縱剖面圖表示本發明之儲液器的第6實施形態之主 要部份。第6實施形態中,螢光劑丨之保持係和第5實施形 2相同,藉由有底的筒狀構件6〇實施當作在本體11〇上所 裝之保持手段。在第6實施形態中,螢光劑1也以筒狀構 件60和安裝在頭座12〇之濾器14〇所共同實施。亦即,濾 器140其詳細和第5實施形態相同。筒狀構件係由冷媒 可通過之網狀板材料所構成,其被形成為有底的大略筒狀, ❹而具有底部61及連接在此底部61之筒部62。筒部62的外 &被構成和本體11G的内徑大致相同,而可使筒狀構件6〇 插入至本體110内。 筒狀構件⑼係使底部61呈上方_之狀態被插入於本體 110内。被插入简狀構件60的位置係藉由筒狀構件6〇的角 隅部份64碰觸至自外侧使本體11〇的環狀一部份在内側突 出加工所成之凹口 N6予以規。其次,當使榮光劑i插入 本體110内’其後,在本體11G插入安裝有濾器⑽之頭座 097150208 11 200940925 120時’筒狀構件如Bl丨、 則以凹口 N6和與頭座120相抵接之狀 態而對本體110為" 在/、長邊方向被定位。螢光劑丨雖缺被收 =籌件60而被保持在頭謂,但在頭座12〇、對本體 -二二—被收容在筒狀構件⑽之螢光劑1藉㈣ 态140而被按遷,揉止免,4 , 螢先劑1則以被夾在筒狀構件6〇和濾器 140之間之狀態被保持於頭座12〇。 圖9表不本發明之储液器的第7實施形態之主要部份,圖 9 U)係其上面圖,圖9⑴係(a)之縱剖面圖。在第7 實施形態中’螢光劑1對頭座120的保持,係藉由保持手段 之板狀保持構件7(3所實施。在此—實施形態中,具體而言, 螢光劑1之保持係以據器17G和板狀保持構件7Q所共同實 施。亦即’ S第7實施形態巾’於板狀保持構件7〇在連接 流出孔124的頭座12〇之頂部151開口的開口部128所面對 的部份,雖然形成有冷媒可通過之多數個通過孔72 (其僅 在1個孔代表性附加符號),但由於在面對開口部128部份 以外的部份則並不須要,因此其並未形成通過孔。後述之螢 光劑1係被載置於濾器170上。 板狀保持構件7 0係具備有.形成通過孔72之平坦基部 71,及,連接在基部71而可收容螢光劑之凹部75。滤器170 係由比頭座120的頂部151之外形稍小的平坦之網狀板材料 所形成之平板形滤器,其周邊係圓形的周緣部份171。又, 板狀保持構件70之外形和濾器170的外形大略一致,而基 097150208 12 200940925 部71則具有和濾器170的周緣部份171匹配之周緣部份 73。由於板狀保持構件70並非以網狀材料所形成,而為了 使收容於凹部75内的螢光劑1可接觸到冷媒,因此,在凹 部75的底部被形成有小窗76。 板狀保持構件70和渡器170,係在凹部75收容螢光劑1 之狀態下’以周緣部份73和周緣部份171匹配之狀態被重 疊置放在頭座120的頂面上,在該狀態下藉由歛縫而一 〇 起使周緣部份73和周緣部份171繫緊固定於頭座12〇上。 螢光劑1係以板狀保持構件7〇藉由濾、器170對頭座120附 著之態樣而被保持。其可防止被夾在板狀保持構件7〇和濾 器170之間之螢光劑1自凹部75所脫落。 圖10表示本發明之儲液器的第8實施形態之主要部份, 圖10 (a)係其上面圖,圖(b)係(a)之縱剖面圖。在 第8實施形態中’螢光劑1對頭座120的保持,係藉由保持 ❹手段之板狀保持構件80所實施《在此實施形態中,具體而 •言’螢光劑1之保持係以平板狀的濾、器18G和板狀保持構件 80所共同實施。亦即,在第8實施形態中,遽器⑽其外 形、周緣部份181、通過孔182 (未圖示)料具有和第7 實施形態相同的構造。 板狀保持構件80具備有:中央部80和自該處延伸至四方 之腕°M2的十字狀之形狀。包含至各腕部82的前端部份 83為止的板狀保持構件8〇其大小和滤器18〇的大小相一 097150208 13 200940925 致,且當板狀保持構件8G和濾器8G相重#之狀態各腕部 82的前端部份83係和周緣部份m相-致。在此重叠狀態 下被施加歛縫K8而板狀保持構件8〇和滤器18〇 一體被固定 在頭座120螢光劑1被保持於利用重疊之板狀保持構件別 的中央部81透過濾、器i8Q呈被附著在頭座12()之狀態。在 中央《Μ1,為了促進螢光劑!和冷媒之接觸,如形成和第^ 實施形態之小窗76同樣的小窗86亦可。 圖11表示本發明之儲液器的第9實施形態之主要部份, 圖11 (a)係其上面圖,圖n (b)係(a)之縱剖面圖。在 第9實施形態中螢光劑1之保持係對頭座12〇直接實施。亦 即,在頭座120的内侧端部之頂部151,避開流入孔122, 亦即,例如在中央部份等不相干涉之位置形成可對應於螢光 劑1大小且可收容螢光劑1之大約全部的凹部9〇。被收容 於凹部90之螢光劑1藉由使形成在凹部90周圍的隆起部份 變形而以歛縫K9所固定。 因此,濾器190被配置於和螢光劑1的保持無關之頭座 120上。在第9實施形態中,濾器190係具有圓錐形狀。又, 在頭座120中,雖然流入孔122係在縱軸方向直線貫通至内 侧端部151所形成,但流出孔124在頭座120係被形成至途 中為止的深度’其後’則在橫方向彎曲而形成連接至流入孔 122之連通路125。滤器190被安裝成,其開口侧朝向流入 孔12 2侧,而使開口端緣部19 0 a嵌合卡止在連通路12 5的 097150208 14 200940925 通路壁而被安裝成橫向之姿勢。 圖12表示本發明之儲液器的第10實施形態之主要部份, 圖12(a)係其上面圖,圖12(b)係(a)之縱剖面圖。在 第10實施形態中,由於螢光劑1之保持係藉由和第9實施 形態相同的構造(凹部90及欽縫K9)而對頭座12〇直接所 實施’因此省略再度之說明。第10實施形態中,流出孔124 於頭座120被在縱軸方向直線地形成至内侧端部ι27。和第 〇 9實施形態相同,濾器190係具有圓錐形狀。濾器19〇為使 開口端緣部190a朝向本體110的器侧而被嵌合·卡止於流 出孔124之通路壁並被安裝成縱橫之姿勢。 圖13表示本發明之儲液器的第11實施形態之主要部份, 圖13(a)係其上面圖’圖13(b)係(a)之縱剖面圖。第 11實施形態係螢光劑1被保持在流入孔122的内端部95。 在此例中’螢光劑1被壓入於流入孔丨22的内端部95以防 ❹止脫落而未特別使用保持用之支持具。流入至流入孔122 • 的冷媒和被保持於其内端部95之螢光劑1相接觸時,螢光 劑1則在冷媒中變成微小的粒子而流動,而和冷媒一起在冷 媒循環内循環。 圖14表示本發明之儲液器的第12實施形態之主要部份, 圖14 係其上面圖,圖14 (b)係(a)之縱剖面圖。在 第12實施形態中’螢光劑1雖然也被保持於流入孔122之 内端部95 ’但在此例中,其係在流入孔ι22的内端部95裝 097150208 200940925 填螢光劑1,而藉卡止在内端部95之扣環96以防止其脫 落。至於其他構成,由於其和圖13所示之第丨丨實施形態相 同’因此省略其再度之說明。 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1表示本發明之儲液器的底座之構造例的縱剖面圖。 圖2(a)至(d)表示圖1所示之儲液器的構成之零組件圖。 圖3(a)及(b)表示本發明之儲液器的第1實施形態之主要 部份的圖。 ◎ 圖4表示本發明之儲液器的第2實施形態之主要部份的縱 剖面圖。 圖5表示本發明之儲液器的第3實施形態之主要部份的縱 剖面圖。 圖6表示本發明之儲液器的第4實施形態之主要部份的縱 剖面圖。 圖7表示本發明之儲液器的第5實施形態之主要部份的縱 ❹ 剖面圖。 圖8表示本發明之儲液器的第6實施形態之主要部份的縱 剖面圖。 圖9(a)及(b)表示本發明之儲液器的第7實施形態之主要 部份的圖。 圖10(a)及(b)表示本發明之儲液器的第8實施形態之主 要部份的圖。 097150208 16 200940925 圖11(a)及(b)表示本發明之儲液器的第9實施形態之主 要部份的圖。 圖12(a)及(b)表示本發明之儲液器的第實施形態之主 要部份的圖。 圖13(a)及(b)表示本發明之儲液器的第η實施形態之主 要部份的圖。 ❹ ❹ 圖14(a)及(b)表示本發明之儲液器的第12實施形態之主 要部份的圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 螢光劑 10、20 30、40 31 ' 41 ' 51 ' 61 ' 114 32、 42、52、62 33、 43 45 、 55 、 75 、 90 50、60 54、64 70、80 71 72 73 097150208 凹部(保持手段) 杯狀構件(保持手段) 底部 筒部 開口緣部份 凹部 筒狀構件(保持手段) 角隅部份 板狀保持構件(保持手段) 基部 通過孔 周緣部份 17 200940925 76、86 小窗 81 中央部 82 腕部 83 前端部份 95 内端部 96 扣環 100 儲液器 110 本體 112 、 128 開口部 120 頭座 122 流入孔 124 流出孔 125 連通路 126 薄壁部 127 内側端部 130 袋體 132a、132b、132c 周邊 134 乾燥劑 140 、 170 、 180 、 190 濾器 141 外周緣部份 151 頂部 152 ' 171 > 181 周緣部份 097150208 18 200940925 182 通過孔 190a 開口端緣部 Π、K2、K3、K4 歛縫 Κ5 、 Κ6 、 Κ7 歛縫 Ν5、Ν6 凹口 W1 電弧熔接 ❹ ❹ 097150208 19, the media - starting in the cold _ ring cycle. In addition, if the refrigerant leaks out in the cold _ ring, the part that is considered to have leaked from the outside is the outer line, and the (4) Pure Branch, which is riding the towel, can easily find the refrigerant. The leaking part. It has been proposed to have a receiver drier for the detection of refrigerant leakage in (4) (refer to Patent Document (1) This is a reservoir 097150208 3 200940925 liquid dryer, which is a cylindrical barrel that is blocked at both ends. The upper end portion is filled with a desiccant, and at the upper end of the cylindrical barrel, a desiccant holder having a refrigerant passage hole is installed. The refrigerant leakage detecting fluorescent agent is accommodated and disposed in the concave portion. (4) Le formed under the dry lung seat. The desiccant flow-out prevention filter is placed in the desiccant holder to block the recessed portion. The refrigerant leakage detecting fluorescent material is pressed and fixed by the desiccant, and the refrigerant is fixed. When the ink is poured into the tub, the fluorescent material can be prevented from moving, and the refrigerant in the tub can be stabilized. (Patent Document 1) Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2006-52938 (Summary of the Invention) When the phosphor is assembled to the accumulator, as described above, even when the phosphor is contained in the desiccant holder provided in the accumulator, it is necessary to utilize the components of the desiccant holder and must also have The working procedure of assembling the cylindrical barrel. Therefore, if the working agent is disposed in the headstock, it is necessary to minimize the built-in components of the barrel, and 0 is a problem for this purpose. The object of the present invention is to provide a kind of The photo-agent is disposed on the header and the structure inside the device is simplified by minimizing the components contained in the device, and the phosphor is filled with the phosphor in a relatively inexpensive configuration. (Solution to solve the problem) In order to solve the above problem, the accumulator of the present invention is used in the refrigeration 097150208 4 200940925 cycle and has a storage refrigerant and a decontaminable reservoir, which are characterized by a MI in a refrigerant. The function of the water is fixed, = there is: a bottomed cylindrical body; and, the inflow hole _ cold = 1 = the formation of the refrigerant can be described as the refrigerant leakage detection _ the flashing; It is transferred to the above-mentioned refrigerant. 'And it is ❹: This: the accumulator, the camper is used to form the disc into the outflow hole for the medium 4, which is formed by the inflow of the refrigerant. The means of holding and the refrigerant are held in contact with each other, and therefore, the self-flowing person The refrigerant in the hole flow device and the refrigerant passing through the device is in contact with the glare agent when flowing in the head block, and is decomposed when mixed with the lubricating oil for the compressor mixed in the refrigerant to become fine particles and The refrigerant circulates in the cold beam cycle together. Since the glory surface is held in the head holder by the holding means, the phosphor is incorporated into the final stage of the liquid storage (four) assembly, that is, the assembly process of the headstock to the body. The liquid storage device of the present invention is constructed as described above, and since the fluorescent agent is held by the head holder by the holding means, the inside of the liquid storage device is held inside the container. When the situation is compared, the holding structure of the phosphor is relatively simple and the phosphor can be stably held, and since the internal structure of the accumulator can be simplified, the number of components is reduced and the number of construction man-hours can be reduced. Therefore, the manufacturing cost of the accumulator can be lowered. Further, in the case of assembling the phosphor, such as the structure 097150208 5 200940925 having the accumulator having the existing filter, the structure of the header can be simplified, the weight and the manufacturing cost can be reduced. [Embodiment] Hereinafter, an embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 are views showing a configuration example of a base of the accumulator of the present invention, Fig. 1 is a longitudinal sectional view of the accumulator, and Fig. 2 is a view showing a configuration of the components. Reference numeral 100 denotes a whole liquid reservoir including a body 110 having a bottomed cylindrical reservoir and a disk-shaped head seat (header) that can seal the opening portion 112 of the lower end portion of the body 110. ) 120. The bottom portion 114 on the opposite side (the upper end portion of the figure) of the opening portion Π2 of the body 110 is formed as a thick portion, and can be used to increase its rigidity. As shown in FIG. 2, a bag 130 (shown in FIG. 2(b)) enclosed in a body n〇 (shown in FIG. 2(a)) is folded, for example, by a plastic non-woven fabric, and then heated. It is formed by sealing or sewing its peripheral edges 132a, 132b, 132c. A desiccant 134 is enclosed in the bag body 130. Since the bag body 13 is made of a plastic non-woven fabric having a gap through which the liquid can pass, the refrigerant stored in the body 110 is in contact with the desiccant 134 in the bag body 130, and is contained in the refrigerant. The water in the water is adsorbed by the desiccant 134. A thin wall portion 126 is formed on the opposite end surface of the body 11 () shown in the head holder 120 (shown in Fig. 2(d)). Inside the wall portion 126, a filter 11140 (shown in Fig. 2 (4)) for trapping cold matter is inserted, and the caulking processing portion K1 is fixed to the headstock 12 (). The filter 14 〇 097150208 200940925 is formed by processing the mesh-shaped metal disk into a medium-high shape, and has a function of capturing and removing foreign matter in the refrigerant from the inside of the body 110 toward the outflow hole 124. When the accumulator 1 is assembled, the bag body 130 is sealed in the body 11b, and the headstock 120 is inserted into the opening portion 112 of the body 110, and joined by the arc welding process W1. The filter 140 is attached in advance to the headstock 120 by the caulking portion K1. The accumulator 1 is equipped in the air conditioning system in such a manner that the inflow hole 122 and the outflow hole 124 of the refrigerant face downward. Fig. 3 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view showing the main portion of the first embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention, wherein Fig. 3(a) is a cross-sectional view taken along the line A-A in the upper portion (b) of Fig. (a). The main body 110, the headstock 120, the filter 140, the desiccant 134, and the like are the same as those shown in Figs. 1 and 2, and therefore, the description thereof will be omitted. In the first embodiment, the concave portion 10 capable of accommodating the fluorescent agent 1 is formed at a position farthest from the inflow hole 122 and the outflow hole 124 around the upper portion of the headstock 120 as a holding means for holding the fluorescent agent 1. That is, in the circumferential surface of the headstock 12, as shown in Fig. 3 (a), the inflow hole 122 and the outflow hole 124 are formed with a concave portion 1 centered at a position intersecting at 90 degrees (the front end is due to the relationship of the holes). Cheng - is conical). The fluorescent agent 1 (the fibrous material impregnated with the fluorescent agent) is attached to the concave portion 10 in a state where it is fitted, and in this state, it is held in the concave portion 10. Since the concave portion 10 is formed to face the cylindrical inner surface of the body 11A, the cylindrical inner surface of the body 110 is located on the outer side closest to the fluorescent agent i. Therefore, the fluorescent agent 1 does not fall off from the headstock 120 due to carelessness from the recess 10 of the headstock 12 at least at the original size. The refrigerant flowing into the 097150208 7 200940925 from the inflow hole 122 is decomposed by contact with (4) m, and the micro (tetra) particles flow out from the outflow hole 124 and the refrigerant to the outside of the accumulator 100 to circulate in the refrigeration cycle. Further, the outer peripheral edge portion 141 of the filter 140 is fixed to the headstock 120 by the slit π. 4 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view showing the main portion 12 of the second embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention, which is formed at the inner end portion of the view 120; and the top portion 151 is formed with the concave portion 20 as the fluorescent portion. The means of maintenance. The position at which the concave portion 20 is formed is not limited to the center of the top portion 151 of the headstock 120 as long as it does not overlap the outflow hole 124. The fluorescent agent is attached to the headstock 12 in a state in which a part thereof is fitted into the recess 20. In the assembled state of the headstock 120, since the filter 14 is mounted on the headstock 120 in a state in which the outer side of the fluorescent agent 最 is covered in the recess 20, the phosphor i does not inadvertently pass from the headstock 120. It falls off from the headstock 120. Since the mixing and the circulation of the fluorescent agent to the refrigerant are the same as in the first embodiment, the description thereof will be omitted. As described above, the phosphor 保持 held by the recess 20 by the recess 20 is located farthest from the peripheral portion 152 where the opening H2 of the body 110 is welded. The main body 110 is fixed to the head rest 20 by the arc welding W1, but the arrangement of the phosphor 丨 is transmitted to the headstock 120 during the welding operation. This can further reduce the amount of heat transferred to the fluorescent agent 1, and the effect of preventing the thermal deterioration of the fluorescent agent 1 can be expected. Fig. 5 is a longitudinal sectional view showing the main part of a third embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. In the third embodiment, the cup-shaped member 3G having the bottomed cylindrical shape is attached to the outer side of the filter 140 of the headstock 120 as a holding means, and the fluorescent agent i is accommodated inside the cup-shaped member 30 and is Keep it at the top of the head. In the case of the illustration, the phosphor! It is sandwiched between the cup member and the inner filter 140 disposed on the cup member 30. For example, the phosphor i can be actively mounted on the cup member 30 or the filter 14 〇. The cup member 3 is formed of a mesh material that allows the passage of the refrigerant, and is composed of a flat bottom portion 31 and a cylindrical portion 32 connected to the bottom portion 31. ❹ An opening portion is formed on the opposite end side of the bottom portion 31 of the tubular portion 32, and the peripheral portion 33 thereof is formed to have substantially the same size as the outer peripheral edge portion 141 of the filter 140. Therefore, in the filter 140, for example, the phosphor is slidably overlapped with the cup member 3, and the peripheral portion 141 of the filter 140 and the peripheral portion 33 of the cup member 3 are collectively fastened by the crimping slit K2. The inner end of the headstock 120 allows the filter 140 and the cup member 30 to be mounted on the headstock 12A. Fig. 6 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a main part of a fourth embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. In the fourth embodiment, a more positive filament structure is used than the holding structure of the phosphor. That is, the cup member 40 which is a retaining means of a bottomed tubular shape is the same as the cup member 3 of the third embodiment, and has a shape in which the mesh sheet material is formed into a bottomed cylindrical shape. The flat bottom portion 41 is formed by a flat portion 41 connected to the bottom portion 41 and having a peripheral portion in the opening portion. Further, the filter 140 is fastened together by the caulking slit 1 (the inner end portions of the three pairs of the headstock 12 一起 are fastened together) The outer peripheral portion U1 and the peripheral portion 43 of the cup member 4 are also the same as in the third embodiment. However, the cup member 4 is larger than the cup-shaped structure 097150208 9 200940925, and is at the bottom. The concave portion 45 that accommodates and holds the fluorescent agent is formed shallower than the height of the tubular portion 42 (about half of the depth) and is formed to be open toward the outside. When the fluorescent material is stored in the concave portion 45, The opening edge portion 43 of the concave portion 45 is crimped K4 at a plurality of portions, and the fluorescent agent 1 is held by the cup member 40 by the cup member 40, so that the detachment from the headstock 120 can be prevented. The main part of the fifth embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention is shown in a longitudinal sectional view. In the fifth embodiment, the 'fluorescent agent 1 is held in a tubular shape by the bottomed cylindrical member 50 attached to the holding means of the main body UG. The member 50 is integrally formed with the filter 11140 attached to the headstock 120. That is, the shape and structure of the filter 140 and the configuration of the Anonong system and the i-th embodiment of the headstock 120 are the same as those of the second embodiment. The cylindrical member 5Q is composed of a mesh material through which the refrigerant can pass, and is formed into a bottomed substantially cylindrical shape having a bottom Μ and a cylindrical portion 52 connected to the bottom portion 51. The cylindrical member at the bottom portion 51 A concave portion 55 accommodating the fluorescent agent 形成 is formed on the inner side. The outer portion of the tubular portion & is substantially the same as the inner diameter of the body 110, and the tubular member 50 can be inserted into the body 110. The cylindrical member 50 is made The ridged state above the bottom of the recessed portion 55 is inserted into the body nG. The position of the cylindrical structure is inserted, and the corner portion of the cylindrical member 5G is in contact with the ring of the body U0. Part of the shape is formed on the inside of the concave side of the concave side 097150208 200940925 is regulated When the body 110 is inserted into the head holder 120 to which the filter 140 is inserted, the cylindrical member 50 is positioned in the longitudinal direction of the body 110 in a state in which it is abutted against the headstock 12A. The fluorescent agent is although The fluorescent agent 1 received in the state of the concave portion 55 is pressed by the filter 140 at the time when the head holder 12 is attached to the main body 11 while being housed in the recessed portion, and the fluorescent agent is pressed by the filter 140. 1 is held on the head holder 2 in a state of being sandwiched between the cylindrical member 5A and the filter 14, so that the fluorescent agent can be prevented from falling off from the concave portion 55. Fig. 8 shows the present invention in a longitudinal sectional view. The main part of the sixth embodiment of the accumulator. In the sixth embodiment, the holding agent of the fluorescent agent is the same as that of the fifth embodiment, and the holding means for mounting on the main body 11 is carried out by the bottomed tubular member 6A. In the sixth embodiment, the phosphor 1 is also integrally implemented by the cylindrical member 60 and the filter 14 attached to the head holder 12. That is, the filter 140 is the same in detail as the fifth embodiment. The tubular member is composed of a mesh material through which the refrigerant can pass, and is formed into a substantially cylindrical shape having a bottom portion, and has a bottom portion 61 and a cylindrical portion 62 connected to the bottom portion 61. The outer portion & of the tubular portion 62 is configured to be substantially the same as the inner diameter of the body 11G, and the cylindrical member 6A can be inserted into the body 110. The tubular member (9) is inserted into the body 110 in a state in which the bottom portion 61 is in the upper state. The position to be inserted into the simple member 60 is regulated by the corner portion 64 of the cylindrical member 6 being in contact with the notch N6 formed by the annular portion of the body 11 from the outside. Next, when the glare agent i is inserted into the body 110, then, when the body 11G is inserted into the headstock 097150208 11 200940925 120 to which the filter (10) is mounted, the cylindrical member, such as B1, is recessed by the notch N6 and the headstock 120. In the state of the connection, the body 110 is positioned in the "/" direction. Although the fluorescent agent is not contained in the receiving unit 60, it is held in the head, but in the headstock 12〇, the body-two-two is contained in the fluorescent member 1 (four) state 140 of the tubular member (10). According to the movement, the first agent 1 is held in the head holder 12 in a state of being sandwiched between the cylindrical member 6A and the filter 140. Fig. 9 shows the main part of the seventh embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention, and Fig. 9(i) is a top view thereof, and Fig. 9(1) is a longitudinal sectional view of (a). In the seventh embodiment, the holding of the head unit 120 by the phosphor 1 is carried out by the plate-shaped holding member 7 (3) of the holding means. Here, in the embodiment, specifically, the holding of the phosphor 1 is carried out. The instrument 17G and the plate-like holding member 7Q are implemented together. That is, the opening of the plate-shaped holding member 7 is opened at the top 151 of the headstock 12 that connects the outflow hole 124. The portion to be faced is formed by a plurality of passage holes 72 through which the refrigerant can pass (which is representatively attached to only one hole), but it is not necessary because the portion facing the opening portion 128 is not required. Therefore, the passage hole is not formed. The phosphor 1 to be described later is placed on the filter 170. The plate-shaped holding member 70 is provided with a flat base 71 that forms the passage hole 72, and is connected to the base 71. The concave portion 75 of the fluorescent agent can be accommodated. The filter 170 is a flat-shaped filter formed of a flat mesh material slightly smaller than the top 151 of the headstock 120, and has a circular peripheral portion 171 around the periphery. The outer shape of the plate-like holding member 70 and the outer shape of the filter 170 are substantially identical, and the base 097150208 12 200940925 The portion 71 has a peripheral portion 73 that matches the peripheral portion 171 of the filter 170. Since the plate-like holding member 70 is not formed of a mesh material, the fluorescent agent 1 accommodated in the concave portion 75 can be used. The refrigerant is in contact with the refrigerant, and therefore, a small window 76 is formed at the bottom of the concave portion 75. The plate-shaped holding member 70 and the ferrite 170 are in a state where the concave portion 75 accommodates the fluorescent agent 1 'with the peripheral portion 73 and the peripheral portion The state of the matching of 171 is placed on the top surface of the headstock 120, and in this state, the peripheral portion 73 and the peripheral portion 171 are fastened to the headstock 12 by a caulking. The photo-agent 1 is held by the plate-like holding member 7 附着 by the filter 170 attached to the head holder 120. This prevents the fluorescent agent 1 sandwiched between the plate-like holding member 7A and the filter 170. Fig. 10 shows a main part of an eighth embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention, and Fig. 10(a) is a top view thereof, and Fig. 10(b) is a longitudinal sectional view of (a). In the eighth embodiment, the holding of the fluorescent material 1 to the headstock 120 is performed by the plate-shaped holding member 80 which holds the weir means. In this embodiment, specifically, the holding of the fluorescent agent 1 is performed by a flat filter 18G and a plate-shaped holding member 80. In other words, in the eighth embodiment, the filter (10) The outer shape, the peripheral portion 181, and the through hole 182 (not shown) have the same structure as that of the seventh embodiment. The plate-shaped holding member 80 is provided with a central portion 80 and a wrist portion M2 extending therefrom to the square. The shape of the cross. The shape of the plate-like holding member 8 including the front end portion 83 of each of the wrist portions 82 is the same as the size of the filter 18A, and is 097150208 13 200940925, and when the plate-like holding member 8G and the filter 8G are In the state of the weight #, the front end portion 83 of each of the wrist portions 82 is in phase with the peripheral portion m. In the overlapped state, the caulking K8 is applied, and the plate-shaped holding member 8A and the filter 18 are integrally fixed to the headstock 120. The fluorescent agent 1 is held by the central portion 81 of the plate-shaped holding member which is overlapped and filtered. The device i8Q is attached to the headstock 12 (). In the central "Μ1, in order to promote the fluorescent agent! The small window 86 similar to the small window 76 of the second embodiment may be formed in contact with the refrigerant. Fig. 11 is a view showing a principal part of a ninth embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention, wherein Fig. 11(a) is a top view thereof, and Fig. 11(b) is a longitudinal sectional view of (a). In the ninth embodiment, the holding of the fluorescent agent 1 is directly performed on the headstock 12A. That is, the top portion 151 of the inner end portion of the headstock 120 avoids the inflow hole 122, that is, for example, at a position where the central portion does not interfere with each other, and is formed to correspond to the size of the phosphor 1 and can accommodate the fluorescent agent. Approximately all of the recesses 9 of 1 are. The fluorescent agent 1 accommodated in the concave portion 90 is fixed by the caulking K9 by deforming the raised portion formed around the concave portion 90. Therefore, the filter 190 is disposed on the headstock 120 irrespective of the retention of the fluorescent agent 1. In the ninth embodiment, the filter 190 has a conical shape. Further, in the headstock 120, the inflow hole 122 is formed by linearly penetrating the inner end portion 151 in the longitudinal direction, but the depth of the outflow hole 124 when the headstock 120 is formed in the middle is "after" The direction is curved to form a communication path 125 connected to the inflow hole 122. The filter 190 is mounted such that its opening side faces the inflow hole 12 2 side, and the opening end edge portion 19 0 a is fitted to the 097150208 14 200940925 passage wall of the communication passage 12 5 to be mounted in a lateral position. Fig. 12 is a view showing a principal part of a tenth embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention, wherein Fig. 12(a) is a top view thereof, and Fig. 12(b) is a longitudinal sectional view of (a). In the tenth embodiment, the holding of the phosphor 1 is directly performed on the headstock 12 by the same structure (the recess 90 and the slit K9) as in the ninth embodiment. Therefore, the description will be omitted. In the tenth embodiment, the outflow hole 124 is linearly formed in the vertical direction of the headstock 120 to the inner end portion ι27. As in the embodiment of the ninth embodiment, the filter 190 has a conical shape. The filter 19A is fitted and locked to the passage wall of the discharge hole 124 so that the opening end edge portion 190a faces the device side of the body 110, and is mounted in a vertical and horizontal posture. Fig. 13 is a view showing a main portion of an eleventh embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention, and Fig. 13(a) is a longitudinal sectional view of Fig. 13(b) and Fig. 13(a). In the eleventh embodiment, the fluorescent agent 1 is held by the inner end portion 95 of the inflow hole 122. In this example, the phosphor 1 is pressed into the inner end portion 95 of the inflow port 22 to prevent the falling off, and the holder for holding is not particularly used. When the refrigerant that has flowed into the inflow hole 122 and the fluorescent agent 1 held by the inner end portion 95 are in contact with each other, the phosphor 1 flows into minute particles in the refrigerant, and circulates in the refrigerant cycle together with the refrigerant. . Fig. 14 is a view showing a principal part of a twelfth embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention, Fig. 14 is a top view thereof, and Fig. 14 (b) is a longitudinal sectional view of (a). In the twelfth embodiment, the fluorescent agent 1 is also held in the inner end portion 95' of the inflow hole 122. However, in this example, it is attached to the inner end portion 95 of the inflow hole ι22. 097150208 200940925 Filling the fluorescent agent 1 The buckle 96 of the inner end portion 95 is latched to prevent it from coming off. As for the other configurations, since it is the same as the third embodiment shown in Fig. 13, the description thereof will be omitted. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a structural example of a base of an accumulator according to the present invention. 2(a) to (d) are diagrams showing the components of the configuration of the accumulator shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3 (a) and (b) are views showing the main part of the first embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. Fig. 4 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a main part of a second embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention. Fig. 5 is a longitudinal sectional view showing a main part of a third embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention. Fig. 6 is a longitudinal sectional view showing the essential part of a fourth embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention. Fig. 7 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view showing the essential part of a fifth embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention. Fig. 8 is a longitudinal sectional view showing the main part of a sixth embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention. Fig. 9 (a) and (b) are views showing the principal part of a seventh embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. Fig. 10 (a) and (b) are views showing a main part of an eighth embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. 097150208 16 200940925 Figs. 11(a) and 11(b) are views showing a principal part of a ninth embodiment of the accumulator according to the present invention. Fig. 12 (a) and (b) are views showing the principal part of the first embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. Fig. 13 (a) and (b) are views showing a main part of an η embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. Fig. 14 (a) and (b) are views showing a main part of a twelfth embodiment of the accumulator of the present invention. [Explanation of main component symbols] Fluorescent agent 10, 20 30, 40 31 ' 41 ' 51 ' 61 ' 114 32, 42, 52, 62 33, 43 45 , 55 , 75 , 90 50 , 60 54 , 64 70 , 80 71 72 73 097150208 Concave portion (holding means) Cup member (holding means) Bottom tube opening edge portion concave portion cylindrical member (holding means) Corner portion portion of plate-like holding member (holding means) Base passage hole peripheral portion 17 200940925 76,86 Small window 81 Central part 82 Wrist part 83 Front end part 95 Inner end part 96 Buckle 100 Reservoir 110 Main body 112, 128 Opening part 120 Headstock 122 Inflow hole 124 Outflow hole 125 Connecting path 126 Thin wall part 127 Inner end portion 130 Bag body 132a, 132b, 132c Periphery 134 Desiccant 140, 170, 180, 190 Filter 141 Outer peripheral portion 151 Top 152 ' 171 > 181 Peripheral portion 097150208 18 200940925 182 Through hole 190a Open end edge Π, K2, K3, K4 敛 Κ 5, Κ6, Κ7 敛 Ν 5, Ν 6 notch W1 arc welding ❹ 097150208 19