200949894 六、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明涉及一種如申請專利範圍第1項前言所述形式 的氣體放電燈以及一種如申請專利範圍第9項前言所述形 式的氣體放電燈之製造方法。 【先前技術】 上述氣體放電燈及其製造方法由先前技術中已爲人所 知。此氣體放電燈通常包括一燈泡,其中以一種保持在冷 0 塡充壓力下的塡充氣體來塡入。情況需要時可將其它的流 體式或固體式添加物質添加至該塡充氣體中。該塡充氣體 的冷塡充壓力大致上和大氣壓一樣大或高出數倍。燈泡內 部中以一預定的距離來配置第一和第二電極系統以產生一 種氣體放電現象。爲了製造此種氣體放電燈,通常首先將 該第一和第二電極系統熔合在-或夾持在該燈泡之各別的 軸管中。爲了將該塡充氣體塡充至該燈泡中,則首先須將 該氣體放電燈之至少一部份區域浸入至一種由流體氮所形 Φ 成的沖洗液中。然後,一預定數量的塡充氣體經由塡充管 (所謂栗-桿)而塡入至該燈泡中,且該塡充氣體最後在該處 冷凝。該塡充氣體之量因此須依據該燈泡之體積來測量, 以便在其解凍之後通常會在該燈泡內部中形成1巴(bar)至 30巴之間的冷塡充壓力。該塡充管在該燈泡已塡充了該塡 充氣體之後熔化而被拉出,這樣可使該燈泡的一部份仍保 留著。 然而,上述習知的氣體放電燈之缺點在於以下的情 況,即,由於該塡充管之仍保留的部份,則該燈泡不再具 -4- 200949894 有旋轉對稱性而是具有一種已劣化的發射特性。此外,在 操作時該塡充管之仍保留的部份會在該燈泡內部中造成一 種不均勻的溫度分佈,這樣會使該塡充氣體之添加物質可 能形成不期望的冷凝現象。 【發明内容】 本發明的目的是提供一種氣體放電燈,其具有已改良 的發射特性且可在燈泡內部中達成一種均勻的溫度分佈。 本發明的另一目的是提供此種氣體放電燈之製造方法。 〇 依據本發明,上述目的藉由具有申請專利範圍第1項 特徵之氣體放電燈以及具有申請專利範圍第9項特徵之氣 體放電燈的製造方法來達成。 本發明之具有非一般性之其它形式的有利的佈置形式 描述在申請專利範圍各附屬項中,其中氣體放電燈之有利 的佈置可視爲製造方法之有利的佈置且反之亦然。 一種氣體放電燈具有一已改良的發射特性且可使燈泡 之內部中形成一種均勻的溫度分佈。此種氣體放電燈在本 Θ 發明中設計成:至少一軸管是塡充用的管。換言之,該塡 充氣體至少一部份是經由至少一已存在的軸管而施加至該 燈泡中。一種適用於此處的方法描述於下。此方法相對於 先前技術而言可省略一種配置在該氣體放電燈之主發射區 中的泵桿,這樣可使該燈泡具有一均勻的壁厚。藉由該燈 泡之均勻的壁厚’則在該氣體放電燈之操作期間亦可使溫 度分佈均勻化,且亦能可靠地防止該塡充氣體之添加物質 可能發生的冷凝。此外’該燈泡具有一已改良的爆裂壓力 穩定性,使該塡充氣體可達成較高的冷塡充壓力。由於該 200949894 燈泡之主發射區中不必設有泵-桿,則該燈泡中不會另外存 在誤差位置,其上會使光發散。於是,可確保該氣體放電 燈之一種相對應的均句之發射特性。 在本發明之一有利的佈置中,該燈泡以無泵·桿的方式 來形成。該燈泡因此可在開始生產時完全無其它的泵-桿而 形成,這樣可使該燈泡具有旋轉對稱性且以特別均勻的壁 厚來形成。以此種方式,則除了均勻的溫度分佈及最佳的 發射特性以外,另外可達成一特別高的爆裂壓力穩定性。 0 此外,亦可省略一些額外的製造步驟,例如,泵-桿的熔合 或熔化,這樣可使成本對應地下降。另一可達成的優點是, 該氣體放電燈亦能無問題地以短弧光燈來形成,其具有很 小的燈泡,此乃因額外的泵-桿之構造空間已不需要。其它 優點例如亦可發生在以反射燈來形成的氣體放電燈中,此 乃因靠近燈軸的光束不會被該燈泡所發散且因此仍可由反 射器所接收。 在本發明之一有利的佈置中,第一及/或第二電極系統 〇 包括一已摻雜及/或未摻雜之鎢-電極。由於鎢之高的蒸發 溫度和化學上的阻礙性,則該氣體放電燈之壽命可進一步 提高》依據氣體放電燈之各別的特性,基本上可使用摻雜 (例如,钍摻雜)的鎢及/或未摻雜的鎢。 在本發明之一有利的佈置中,該塡充氣體包括一種稀 有氣體,特別是氙,及/或氣體添加物,特別是金屬,及/ 或鹵素化合物。於此,特別是提供氙以作爲該塡充氣體, 此乃因此種塡充氣體中連續式輻射功率相對於線性輻射功 率之比値較大,因此在近似於日光之彩色再生性中可產生 200949894 一實際上無結構的連續式輻射。另一方式是,亦可使用其 它的稀有氣體,例如,氖、氬或氪以及適當的稀有氣體混 合物。若期望不同的發射特性,則可另外將一種金屬(例 如,水銀、鈉或稀土金屬)及/或鹵素化合物添加至該塡充 氣體中。該鹵素化合物基本上可包括一種基本鹵素、共價 的鹵化物、或鹽類形式或複合物形式的鹵化物。這樣可在 該氣體放電燈之操作期間在與鎢-電極組合下有利地形成 一種化學輸送過程,其中由一電極蒸發的鎢在該燈泡之較 0 冷的區域中將與主要操作溫度中通常是氣體形式的鹵素化 合物發生反應而成爲一種氣體形式的鎢鹵化物-化合物或 在同時存在著氧的情況下反應成一種鎢氧鹵化物》所形成 的鎢鹵化物-化合物由於燈泡內部中所產生的對流而被輸 送回到電極且由於高的電極溫度而又在電極處被分解成固 態的鎢和氣體形式的鹵素化合物。因此,固態鎢沈積在燈 泡上且能可靠地防止相關的變黑現象,使該氣體放電燈之 壽命大大地提高。 〇 其它優點是在第一和第二電極系統之間的距離最多是 3.0毫米且較佳是最多爲2.5毫米時發生。換言之,該氣體 放電燈以所謂短弧光燈來形成且因此可有利地用作點光 源。 在另一佈置中已顯示有利的是,該燈泡內部中該塡充 氣體之冷塡充壓力是在5巴至45巴之間且較佳是至少20 巴。這樣所顯示的優點是,該氣體放電燈的電流密度和亮 度相對於一種以較低的冷塡充壓力來塡充的氣體放電燈而 言可大大地提高。由於燈泡之較高的爆裂穩定性,該氣體 200949894 放電燈因此能無問題地以高壓放電燈或高壓-氣體放電燈 來形成。此外,相較於先前技術而言’可達成例如超過20 流明(Lumen)/瓦特之高很多的效率。 第一及/或第二軸管至少在第一或第二電極系統之熔 合區域中未包含壓榨區,由於這樣而造成的另外提高的爆 裂壓力持久性可使該氣體放電燈特別穩定地形成且例如能 以較高的塡充氣體壓力來塡入。此外,以此種方式亦可狹 窄地形成軸管,這特別是在以反射燈來形成的氣體放電燈 @ 中是有利的,此乃因這樣可防止不期望的遮蔽效應。此外’ 可省略一額外之製造步驟,這樣可使成本進一步下降。 在本發明之一有利的佈置中,第一及/或第二軸管在第 一或第二電極系統之熔合的區域中至少在熔合之前具有一 已減小的壁厚。以此種方式,則可確保第一或第二電極系 統之一特別快速的熔合作用,這樣可同時有利地使不期望 載入至已冷凍的塡充氣體中的熱量最小化。於是,第一或 第二軸管當然亦可在熔合之後具有一較小的壁厚。 〇 本發明的另一外觀涉及一種氣體放電燈的製造方法, 特別是短弧光燈之製造方法,其中經由一塡充管而以一種 塡充氣體塡入至燈泡中,且第一和第二電極系統相互之間 以一預定的距離而配置在該燈泡的內部中且熔合至該燈泡 之第一或第二軸管之區域中。依據本發明,經由至少一軸 管而以一種塡充氣體塡入至燈泡中。就本發明的製造方法 而言,可使用無栗桿的燈泡,此乃因該塡充氣體是經由一 已存在的軸管而塡入至該燈泡中。本發明的製造方法因此 可製造多種放電燈,其具有一已改良的發射特性且在燈泡 200949894 內部中具有均勻的溫度分佈。其它優點由先前的 得知。 在一有利的佈置中,爲了製成氣體放電燈, 以下各步驟:步驟a)中須在燈泡內部中配置第 統,其中第一電極系統經由燈泡之第一軸管而突 b)中將第一電極系統熔合至第一軸管之區域中, 內部中配置第二電極系統’其中第二電極系統經 第二軸管而突出,d)經由第二軸管將一預定數量 ❹ 體塡入至燈泡中,e)將第一電極系統冷卻至一低 氣體之冷凝溫度之溫度,以及Π將第二電極系統 二軸管之區域中。於此,本製造方法自動進行, 成高的件數以使製造成本下降。須測量該塡充 量,以便在將該燈泡氣密地熔合之後設定一種所 塡充壓力。藉助於上述之製造方法的各步驟,則 前技術而言另外能以小的電極距離來製成氣體放 乃因步驟f)中第一電極系統在第二電極系統之熔 〇 有效地冷卻,且因此能可靠地防止該塡充氣體之 蒸發。 在本發明另一有利的佈置中,第一及/或第二 在步驟b)或步驟f)中藉由雷射熔合方法而熔合。 熔合方法之優點是可使電極系統良好地與軸管接 和細長的軸管因此可達成高的爆裂壓力穩定性。 在以反射燈來形成的小型氣體放電燈中是有利的 能可靠地防止不期望的遮蔽效應,其在壓榨而成 必定會發生。 描述中可 至少進行 一電極系 出,步驟 c)在燈泡 由燈泡之 的塡充氣 於該塡充 熔合至第 這樣可製 氣體的數 期望的冷 相對於先 電燈,此 合期間可 不期望的 電極系統 使用雷射 合,燈泡 這特別是 ,此乃因 的連接中 200949894 其它優點發生於燈泡之最大的內直徑 極系統之最大直徑之比値選取成最多是8. 爲7.5時。由於藉由本發明的製造方法能 電極系統熔合時不期望之大的熱量載入至 此亦載入至已冷凍之塡充氣體中,否則會 體積膨脹而使燈泡受損或被破壞,則能無 弧光燈來形成的氣體放電燈,其具有較該 大的電極系統且電極間的距離小於12毫米 0 本發明以下將依據實施例來詳述。各 用相同的元件設有相同的參考符號。 【實施方式】 第1圖顯示一種氣體放電燈之設有第-1 Ob之燈泡1 2之實施例的透視圖。此二個i 別具有一個壁厚較小的區域14a, 14b,其中 電燈時熔合有第一或第二電極系統16 a, 圖)。準確的製造流程將詳述於下。 〇 第2圖顯示具有第1圖所示之燈泡12 一實施例的側視切面圖。此處,特別是可 軸管l〇a而突出的第一電極系統16a以及稻 而突出的第二電極系統16b,這些電極系統 r相隔開而配置在燈泡14之內部中且分別 鎢·電極18a或18b。此氣體放電燈在本實施 來形成’其以直流電流來操作,其中第一電 成陽極且第二電極系統16b連接成陰極。 氙,其冷塡充壓力介於20巴和30巴之間。 和第一、第二電 0且較佳是最多 可靠地防止:在 電極系統中且因 由於塡充氣體之 問題地製成以短 燈泡之內直徑還 〇 圖式中相同或作 -和第二軸管10a, 軸管10a,10b分 在安裝該氣體放 16b(請參閱第2 的氣體放電燈之 辨認出經由第一 ί由第二軸管10b 以一預定的距離 包括一未摻雜的 例中以短弧光燈 極系統1 6a連接 該塡充氣體包括 爲了製成所示的 -10- 200949894 放電燈’首先經由第一軸管l〇a將第一電極系統l6a導入, 直至電極18a配置在該燈泡12內之所期望的位置爲止。然 後,第一電極系統16a熔合至第一軸管10a中。接著,第二 電極系統16b經由第二軸管10b而將所屬的電極i8b導入至 燈泡12中,但仍未與第二軸管i〇b熔合。然後,經由第二 軸管10b而將作爲塡充氣體用的預定數量的氙導入至燈泡 12中。已熔合的電極16a然後在熔合之區域14a中與流體 氮進行澆注。由於第一電極系統16a之較該軸管10a還優良 〇 的導熱率,則該第一電極系統16a可較快速地冷卻,使該塡 充氣體在第一電極系統16a上冷卻。整體而言,第二軸管 1 〇b在此處作爲塡充管,氣體放電燈或燈泡1 2至少可形成 在主發射區域中或較佳是完全以無泵-桿的方式來形成。於 是,燈泡1 2具有大大地改良的發射特性,此乃因燈泡12 未具有誤差位置或干擾結構。這特別是在以短弧光燈或反 射燈來形成的氣體放電燈中很有利,其具有小的燈泡1 2且 以很小的空間來配置一泵-桿。此外,燈泡1 2由於取消了泵 ❹ -桿而具有一種連續的均勻之壁厚,這樣亦可在該氣體放電 燈之操作期間使溫度分佈均勻化且能可靠地防止該塡充氣 體之可能存在的添加物質之冷凝。此外,由於誤差位置和 干擾結構之誤差,該燈泡12因此具有一已大大地改良的爆 裂壓力穩定性,這樣可使該塡充氣體達成較高的冷塡充壓 力。另一方式是,當然亦可使用第一軸管10a作爲塡充管。 只要該塡充氣體之冷凝過程已結束,則第二電極系統 16b熔合至區域14 b中。藉由使用雷射熔合方法,則可達成 一種特別快速、準確且可自動化的熔合而無需將不必要的 -11 - 200949894 熱載入至已冷凍的塡充氣體中。於是,第二電極系統16b 可良好地與軸管10b接合且可達成一種與此有關的高的爆 裂壓力穩定性。此外,可製成細長的軸管l〇b,其特別是在 以反射燈來形成的小型氣體放電燈中是有利的,此乃因不 期望的遮蔽效應能以此方式而可靠地被防止。換言之,在 區域14a或14b中不必設有一種壓榨區,否則藉由壓榨區會 造成不期望的光學誤差位置。當然亦可選擇雷射焊接方法 來對第一電極系統16a進行熔合。至少在熔合的區域14中 0 該氣體放電燈可針對長度和玻璃厚度而被形成,使熔合期 間不期望的高的溫度上升不會發生且此熔合可快速地進 行。 以上述方式製成的氣體放電燈之燈泡12在組成上由於 無栗-桿的佈置方式而具有旋轉對稱的幾何形式,其具有均 勻的壁厚且光學誤差位置很小,這樣可獲得一種均勻的發 射特性。此外,在該氣體放電燈之操作期間該燈泡1 2之溫 度分佈亦是均勻的,因此能可靠地防止氣體塡入時可能存 G 在的添加物質之不期望的冷凝。 第3圖顯示另一實施例的氣體放電燈之切開的側面 圖,其同樣藉由上述方法來製成。所示的氣體放電燈與先 前不同之處是以交流電流來操作且具有適當地形成的電極 18a,18b。此外,電極18a,18b分別與一種鉬箔19a,19b相 連接,鉬箔藉由上述方法而熔合至二個軸管10a,10b中。 整個電極系統18 a,18b,19a,19b在本實施例中因此藉助於 —習知的箔熔合方法而氣密地與燈軸l〇a,10b相連接。 【圖式簡單說明】 -12- 200949894 第1圖一種氣體放電燈之設有二個軸管之燈泡之實 施例的透視圖。 第2圖具有第1圖所示之燈泡的氣體放電燈之一實施 例的側視切面圖。 第3圖另一實施例的氣體放電燈之切開的側面圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 10a 第 —- 軸 管 10b 第 二 軸 管 12 燈 泡 14a、 14b 區 域 16a 第 —* 電 極 系 統 16b 第 二 電 極 系 統 18a' 18b 鎢 電 極 19a ' 19b 鉬 箔 r 預 定 距 離 -13-The invention relates to a gas discharge lamp of the form described in the preamble of claim 1 and a gas discharge lamp of the form described in the preamble of claim 9 Production method. [Prior Art] The above gas discharge lamp and its manufacturing method are known from the prior art. The gas discharge lamp typically includes a bulb in which the crucible is held in a cold 0 Torr pressure. Other fluidic or solid addition materials may be added to the helium gas inflated as needed. The cold charging pressure of the crucible body is substantially as large or several times as high as atmospheric pressure. The first and second electrode systems are disposed at a predetermined distance in the interior of the bulb to produce a gas discharge phenomenon. In order to manufacture such a gas discharge lamp, the first and second electrode systems are typically first fused to - or clamped in respective shaft tubes of the bulb. In order to charge the sputum inflator, at least a portion of the gas discharge lamp must first be immersed in a rinsing fluid formed by the fluid nitrogen. Then, a predetermined number of helium inflators are drawn into the bulb via a sputum tube (so-called chestnut-rod), and the helium gas-filled body is finally condensed there. The amount of the anthrax is therefore measured in accordance with the volume of the bulb so that after it is thawed, a cold charging pressure of between 1 bar and 30 bar is usually formed in the interior of the bulb. The squeezing tube is melted and pulled out after the bulb has been filled with the cockroach, so that a portion of the bulb remains. However, the above-mentioned conventional gas discharge lamp has a disadvantage in that, due to the remaining portion of the charging tube, the bulb no longer has rotational symmetry -4-200949894 but has a deteriorated Emission characteristics. In addition, the remaining portion of the sputum tube during operation can cause an uneven temperature distribution in the interior of the bulb, which can cause undesirable condensation of the swellable material of the sputum. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a gas discharge lamp having improved emission characteristics and achieving a uniform temperature distribution in the interior of the bulb. Another object of the present invention is to provide a method of manufacturing such a gas discharge lamp. According to the present invention, the above object is achieved by a gas discharge lamp having the features of claim 1 and a method of manufacturing a gas discharge lamp having the features of claim 9 of the patent application. Advantageous arrangements of the invention with other forms of non-generality are described in the respective scope of the patent application, wherein an advantageous arrangement of the gas discharge lamp can be regarded as an advantageous arrangement of the manufacturing method and vice versa. A gas discharge lamp has an improved emission characteristic and provides a uniform temperature distribution in the interior of the bulb. Such a gas discharge lamp is designed in the invention to be: at least one of the shaft tubes is a tube for charging. In other words, at least a portion of the inflatable body is applied to the bulb via at least one existing shaft tube. A method suitable for use herein is described below. This method can omit a pump rod disposed in the main emitter region of the gas discharge lamp relative to the prior art so that the bulb has a uniform wall thickness. By the uniform wall thickness of the bulb, the temperature distribution can be made uniform during the operation of the gas discharge lamp, and condensation which may occur in the additive substance of the crucible is also reliably prevented. In addition, the bulb has an improved burst pressure stability that allows the crucible to achieve a higher cold charging pressure. Since there is no need to have a pump-rod in the main firing zone of the 200949894 bulb, there will be no additional error locations in the bulb, which will cause the light to diverge. Thus, the emission characteristics of a corresponding uniform sentence of the gas discharge lamp can be ensured. In an advantageous arrangement of the invention, the bulb is formed in the form of a pumpless rod. The bulb can thus be formed without any other pump-rods at the start of production, which allows the bulb to have rotational symmetry and be formed with a particularly uniform wall thickness. In this way, in addition to a uniform temperature distribution and optimum emission characteristics, a particularly high burst pressure stability can be achieved. In addition, some additional manufacturing steps, such as fusing or melting of the pump-rod, may be omitted, which may result in a correspondingly lower cost. Another achievable advantage is that the gas discharge lamp can also be formed with a short arc lamp without problems, which has a very small bulb, since the additional pump-rod construction space is no longer needed. Other advantages, for example, can also occur in a gas discharge lamp formed by a reflector lamp, since the beam near the lamp axis is not diverged by the bulb and can therefore still be received by the reflector. In an advantageous arrangement of the invention, the first and/or second electrode system 包括 comprises a doped and/or undoped tungsten electrode. Due to the high evaporation temperature and chemical hindrance of tungsten, the life of the gas discharge lamp can be further improved. According to the respective characteristics of the gas discharge lamp, substantially doped (for example, antimony doped) tungsten can be used. And/or undoped tungsten. In an advantageous arrangement of the invention, the gassing body comprises a noble gas, in particular helium, and/or a gas additive, in particular a metal, and/or a halogen compound. In this case, in particular, the crucible is provided as the inflator, so that the ratio of the continuous radiation power to the linear radiation power in the inflated body is larger, so that the color reproducibility similar to sunlight can be generated in 200949894. A virtually unstructured continuous radiation. Alternatively, other noble gases such as helium, argon or helium and a suitable mixture of rare gases may be used. If a different emission characteristic is desired, a metal (e.g., mercury, sodium or rare earth metal) and/or a halogen compound may be additionally added to the helium gas. The halogen compound may substantially comprise a substantially halogen, a covalent halide, or a halide in the form of a salt or a complex. This advantageously forms a chemical transport process in combination with the tungsten-electrode during operation of the gas discharge lamp, wherein tungsten vaporized by an electrode will generally be in the lower temperature region of the bulb than the primary operating temperature a tungsten halide-compound formed by reacting a halogen compound in a gaseous form to form a tungsten halide-compound in the form of a gas or reacting into a tungsten oxyhalide in the presence of oxygen simultaneously due to the inside of the bulb The convection is transported back to the electrode and is decomposed into solid tungsten and gaseous halogen compounds at the electrode due to the high electrode temperature. Therefore, solid tungsten is deposited on the bulb and can reliably prevent the associated blackening phenomenon, so that the life of the gas discharge lamp is greatly improved. 〇 Other advantages occur when the distance between the first and second electrode systems is at most 3.0 mm and preferably at most 2.5 mm. In other words, the gas discharge lamp is formed with a so-called short arc lamp and thus can be advantageously used as a point light source. It has been shown in another arrangement that the cold charging pressure of the helium gas in the interior of the bulb is between 5 and 45 bar and preferably at least 20 bar. This has the advantage that the current density and brightness of the gas discharge lamp can be greatly improved with respect to a gas discharge lamp which is charged with a lower cold charging pressure. Due to the high burst stability of the bulb, the gas 200949894 discharge lamp can thus be formed without problems with a high-pressure discharge lamp or a high-pressure gas discharge lamp. Moreover, an efficiency of, for example, more than 20 lumens per watt can be achieved as compared to the prior art. The first and/or second shaft tube does not comprise a press zone at least in the fusion zone of the first or second electrode system, and the additional increased burst pressure persistence due to this allows the gas discharge lamp to be formed particularly stably and For example, it can be intruded with a higher 塡 inflation pressure. Furthermore, in this way, the shaft tube can also be formed narrowly, which is advantageous in particular in gas discharge lamps formed by reflector lamps, since this prevents undesired shadowing effects. In addition, an additional manufacturing step can be omitted, which can further reduce the cost. In an advantageous arrangement of the invention, the first and/or second shaft tube has a reduced wall thickness in the region of fusion of the first or second electrode system at least prior to fusion. In this way, a particularly rapid fusion of one of the first or second electrode systems is ensured, which at the same time advantageously minimizes the heat that is not expected to be loaded into the frozen helium gas-filled body. Thus, the first or second shaft tube can of course also have a smaller wall thickness after fusion. A further aspect of the present invention relates to a method of manufacturing a gas discharge lamp, and more particularly to a method of manufacturing a short arc lamp, wherein a helium gas-filled body is inserted into a bulb via a helium tube, and the first and second electrodes are The systems are disposed in the interior of the bulb at a predetermined distance from one another and fused into the region of the first or second shaft tube of the bulb. According to the invention, the inflator is inserted into the bulb via at least one of the shaft tubes. For the manufacturing method of the present invention, a bulbless bulb can be used because the cartridge is inserted into the bulb via an existing shaft tube. The manufacturing method of the present invention thus makes it possible to manufacture a variety of discharge lamps having an improved emission characteristic and having a uniform temperature distribution in the interior of the bulb 200949894. Other advantages are known from the prior. In an advantageous arrangement, in order to produce a gas discharge lamp, the following steps: in step a), a system must be arranged in the interior of the bulb, wherein the first electrode system protrudes first through the first shaft tube of the bulb The electrode system is fused into the region of the first shaft tube, the second electrode system is disposed therein, wherein the second electrode system protrudes through the second shaft tube, d) a predetermined number of sputum is inserted into the bulb via the second shaft tube Medium, e) cooling the first electrode system to a temperature of a low gas condensation temperature, and enthalpy in the region of the second electrode system biaxial tube. Here, the manufacturing method is automatically performed, and the number of pieces is increased to reduce the manufacturing cost. The charge must be measured to set a charge pressure after the bulb is hermetically fused. By means of the steps of the above-mentioned manufacturing method, the prior art can additionally form a gas discharge with a small electrode distance, because the first electrode system in step f) is effectively cooled by the melting of the second electrode system, and Therefore, evaporation of the crucible inflatable body can be reliably prevented. In a further advantageous arrangement of the invention, the first and/or second are fused by a laser fusion process in step b) or step f). The fusion method has the advantage of allowing the electrode system to be well connected to the shaft tube and the elongated shaft tube so that high burst pressure stability can be achieved. It is advantageous in a small gas discharge lamp formed by a reflector lamp to reliably prevent an undesired shadowing effect, which is necessarily caused by pressing. In the description, at least one electrode can be discharged, and step c) is performed in which the bulb is inflated from the crucible of the bulb to the desired amount of cold to the first available gas relative to the pre-light, during which the electrode system may be undesirable. In the case of a laser, this is especially the case. In this connection, the other advantage of 200949894 is that the ratio of the maximum diameter of the largest inner diameter pole system of the bulb is selected to be at most 8. Since the undesired heat load of the electrode system can be loaded into the frozen inflated body by the manufacturing method of the present invention, if the volume expands and the bulb is damaged or destroyed, the arc can be eliminated. A gas discharge lamp formed by a lamp having a larger electrode system and having a distance between electrodes of less than 12 mm. The present invention will be described in detail below based on the embodiments. The same elements are provided with the same reference symbols. [Embodiment] Fig. 1 is a perspective view showing an embodiment of a gas discharge lamp in which a bulb of the -1 Ob is provided. The two i have a smaller wall thickness 14a, 14b in which the first or second electrode system 16a is fused to the lamp, Fig. 2 . The exact manufacturing process will be detailed below. 〇 Fig. 2 is a side elevational view showing an embodiment of the bulb 12 shown in Fig. 1. Here, in particular, the first electrode system 16a protruding from the shaft tube l〇a and the second electrode system 16b protruding from the rice, the electrode systems r are spaced apart and disposed in the interior of the bulb 14 and respectively Tungsten electrode 18a Or 18b. This gas discharge lamp is formed in the present embodiment to operate as a direct current, wherein the first electrical anode and the second electrode system 16b are connected as a cathode. Oh, its cold charging pressure is between 20 and 30 bar. And the first and second electric 0 and preferably the most reliable prevention: in the electrode system and due to the problem of the anthrax inflatable body, the inner diameter of the short bulb is the same as - or - and the second The shaft tube 10a, the shaft tube 10a, 10b is divided into the gas discharge 16b (refer to the gas discharge lamp of the second embodiment, and the second shaft tube 10b is included by the first shaft to include an undoped portion at a predetermined distance. Connecting the crucible body with a short arc lamp pole system 16a includes including the first electrode system l6a through the first shaft tube 10a in order to form the discharge lamp of the present invention - until the electrode 18a is disposed at The desired position in the bulb 12. The first electrode system 16a is then fused into the first shaft tube 10a. Then, the second electrode system 16b introduces the associated electrode i8b to the bulb 12 via the second shaft tube 10b. Medium, but still not fused with the second shaft tube i〇b. Then, a predetermined number of dams for the fluorene gas body are introduced into the bulb 12 via the second shaft tube 10b. The fused electrode 16a is then fused. Pouring with fluid nitrogen in zone 14a. The first electrode system 16a has a better thermal conductivity than the shaft tube 10a, so that the first electrode system 16a can be cooled relatively quickly, so that the helium gas-filled body is cooled on the first electrode system 16a. Overall, The biaxial tube 1 〇b is here a sputum tube, and the gas discharge lamp or bulb 12 can be formed at least in the main emission region or preferably completely without a pump-rod. Thus, the bulb 12 has A greatly improved emission characteristic, since the bulb 12 does not have an error position or an interference structure. This is particularly advantageous in gas discharge lamps formed by short arc lamps or reflector lamps, which have a small bulb 12 and A small space to configure a pump-rod. In addition, the bulb 12 has a continuous uniform wall thickness due to the elimination of the pump ❹-rod, which also homogenizes the temperature distribution during operation of the gas discharge lamp and It is possible to reliably prevent condensation of the additive substances which may be present in the gassing body. Furthermore, the bulb 12 thus has a greatly improved burst pressure stability due to errors in error position and interference structure, so that the The crucible body achieves a higher cold charging pressure. Alternatively, the first shaft tube 10a can of course be used as the charging tube. As long as the condensation process of the crucible body has ended, the second electrode system 16b is fused to In the region 14 b. By using the laser fusion method, a particularly fast, accurate and automated fusion can be achieved without the need to heat the unnecessary -11 - 200949894 into the frozen cockroach inflatable body. The second electrode system 16b can be well engaged with the shaft tube 10b and can achieve a high burst pressure stability associated therewith. Furthermore, an elongated shaft tube 10b can be formed, which is formed in particular by a reflector lamp It is advantageous in small gas discharge lamps, since undesired shadowing effects can be reliably prevented in this way. In other words, it is not necessary to provide a press zone in zone 14a or 14b, which would otherwise result in undesirable optical error locations by the press zone. Of course, a laser welding method can also be selected to fuse the first electrode system 16a. At least in the fused region 14 the gas discharge lamp can be formed for length and glass thickness such that an undesirably high temperature rise during fusion does not occur and the fusion can be performed quickly. The bulb 12 of the gas discharge lamp produced in the above manner has a rotationally symmetrical geometric form due to the arrangement of the chestnut-rod without a uniform wall thickness and a small optical error position, so that a uniform Emission characteristics. Moreover, the temperature distribution of the bulb 12 during the operation of the gas discharge lamp is also uniform, so that undesired condensation of the additive substance which may be present when the gas is intruded can be reliably prevented. Fig. 3 is a side view showing the cut of the gas discharge lamp of another embodiment, which is also produced by the above method. The gas discharge lamp shown differs from the prior one in that it operates with an alternating current and has appropriately formed electrodes 18a, 18b. Further, the electrodes 18a, 18b are respectively connected to a molybdenum foil 19a, 19b which is fused to the two shaft tubes 10a, 10b by the above method. In the present embodiment, the entire electrode system 18a, 18b, 19a, 19b is thus hermetically connected to the lamp shafts 10a, 10b by means of a conventional foil fusion method. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS -12- 200949894 Fig. 1 is a perspective view of an embodiment of a gas discharge lamp having two shaft tubes. Fig. 2 is a side elevational view showing an embodiment of a gas discharge lamp having a bulb shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a side elevational view showing the gas discharge lamp of another embodiment. [Main component symbol description] 10a No. - Shaft tube 10b Second shaft tube 12 Lamp 14a, 14b Area 16a No. * Electrode system 16b Second electrode system 18a' 18b Tungsten electrode 19a ' 19b Molybdenum foil r Predetermined distance -13-