200900337 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 本發明係關於感光性薄片之接合構造及其接合帶構件, 在支撐體上具有至少感光材料層及保護膜疊層後之多數感 光性薄片’在將一方之感光性薄片的端部緊靠於另一方之 感光性薄片的端部的狀態下互相接合。 【先前技術】 例如,在液晶面板用基板、印刷配線用基板、電漿面板 r ^'用基板中,具有感光材料(感光性樹脂)層的感光性薄片體 (感光性薄片)貼附於基板表面而構成。感光性薄片體係將 感光材料層及保護膜依序地疊層在可撓性塑膠支撐體上。 上述之感光性薄片體,通常,係捲繞成滾筒狀的狀態進 行處理,此滾筒狀之感光性薄片體(以下亦稱感光性薄片捲) 被裝塡到貼附裝置。在此貼附裝置中,通常,玻璃基板或 樹脂基板等之基板逐一地以預定間隔相分離而運送,同時 , 從感光性薄片捲回捲的感光性薄片體,對應於貼附在上述 基板的感光材料層之範圍而剝離保護膜之後,被加熱轉印 (乾式疊層)於上述基板上。 然而,感光性薄片捲有捲繞成預定長度之感光性薄片體 的需要。因此,實際上,在將多數感光性薄片體加以接合 以確保所希望的全長之狀態下,進行將上述多數感光性薄 片體連接而捲繞成滾筒狀的作業。此時,感光性薄片體之 諸端部,雖然利用接合帶構件互相接合,但是造成上述感 光性薄片體之厚度的變動,而容易存在局部捲繞壓力大的 200900337 部位。因而,接著劑(糊)會從接合帶構件擠出,而恐有產 生麻煩之虞。 因而,例如,在日本特開平6-286911號公報中揭示的片 狀物之捲繞方法中’如第1 1圖所示,係使用一種接合帶4, 其在帶寬度方向兩端部形成邊際部1,同時在帶的長度方 向上使邊際部2及黏膠3交互地形成。 然而,上述之先前技術,在接合帶4之接著面側設有黏 膠3,因而在此黏膠3之表面與邊際部1,2的表面之間產 生段差。因此’當使用接合帶4作爲接合帶構件而貼附於 感光性薄片體之諸端部時,會引起空氣經由黏膠3與邊際 部1,2的段差而捲入保護膜與感光材料層之間,因而有上 述保護膜往上浮起而發生皺紋的問題。 【發明內容】 本發明係爲了解決此種問題而發展,其目的在提供一種 感光性薄片之接合構造及其接合帶構件,以簡單的構成而 良好地接合諸感光性薄片,同時阻止接著劑之擠出,且可 確實地阻止空氣進入感光材料層與保護膜之間。 本發明係關於一種感光性薄片之接合構造及接合帶構 件,在支撐體上具有至少感光材料層及保護膜疊層後之多 數感光性薄片,在將一方之感光性薄片的端部緊靠於另一 方之感光性薄片的端部的狀態下互相接合。 貼附於保護膜的接合帶構件之接著面,具有:接著於保 護膜的第1層、及接著力設定爲比上述第1層弱,同時厚 200900337 度設定爲與上述第1層爲相同之第2層。在此,所謂弱接 著力係指除了第2層之接著力設定爲比第1層弱之外,亦 包含上述第2層設定爲無接著力之情形。 又,貼附於保護膜的接合帶構件之接著面,具有:接著 於保護膜的第1層、接著力設定爲比上述第1層弱之第2 層、及接著力設定爲比上述第2層更弱的第3層,同時上 述第1層、第2層、及第3層係設定爲相同的厚度。在此, 第3層係包含設定爲無接著力之情形。 本發明,其接合帶構件之接著面,具有:接著於保護膜 的第1層、接著力設定爲比上述第1層弱之第2層。因此, 接著劑不會從接合帶構件擠出,且可使保護膜從感光材料 層容易且確實地剝離。 而且,第1層與第2層係設定爲相同的厚度。因而,段 差不致被設在接合帶構件之接著面上,可有效地阻止產生 空氣之擠出致使上述空氣捲入於感光材料層與保護膜之 間。因而’不致產生因空氣之捲入而使保護膜往上浮起而 發生皴紋,故可確實地供給高品質的感光性薄片。 又’本發明,其接合帶構件之接著面,具有:接著於保 護膜的第1層、接著力設定爲比上述第1層弱之第2層、 及接著力設定爲比上述第2層更弱的第3層。又,第1層、 第2層、及第3層係設定爲相同的厚度。 因此’接著劑不會從接合帶構件擠出,且可阻止空氣捲 入於感光材料層與保護膜之間。因而,使保護膜之剝離良 200900337 好地進行’同時可確實地供給高品質的感光性薄片。 從參照附加圖式的下列較佳實施形態例之說明,可更清 楚地了解上述之目的、特徵及優點。 【實施方式】 第1圖是適用於本發明之第1實施形態相關的感光性薄 片之接合構造之製造裝置20的槪略構成圖。此製造裝置20 係在液晶或有機EL用彩色濾光片等之製作步驟中,進行將 長條狀感光性薄片(長條狀薄片)22之感光性樹脂層28(將 後述)熱轉印到玻璃基板24的作業。 第2圖係使用於製造裝置20的長條狀感光性薄片22的 截面圖。此長條狀感光性薄片22係將可撓性基膜(支撐 體)26、感光性樹脂層(感光材料層)28、保護膜30加以疊層 而構成。 可撓性基膜26係以聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)形成, 感光性樹脂層2 8係以包含鹼可溶性黏結劑、單體分子、光 重疊起始劑及著色劑的著色感光性樹脂組成物而形成,保 護膜30係由聚乙烯或聚丙烯等形成。 如第1圖所示,製造裝置20具備:薄片送出機構32,係 將感光性薄片22捲繞成滾筒狀的感光性薄片捲22a加以收 容,並從感光性薄片捲22a將感光性薄片22送出;半切機 構36,在已送出的上述感光性薄片22之保護膜30上形成 在寬度方向上可切斷的半切部位34;標籤接著機構40,將 一部分具有非接著部38a的接著標籤38(參照第3圖)接著 200900337 於保護膜30。此外,半切機構36亦可朝箭號A方向僅以 預定間隔配設成相分離的2組,同時形成2處之半切部位 34。 在標籤接著機構40之下游配設有:儲存槽機構42,用於 將感光性薄片22從間歇運送變更爲約略連續運送;保護膜 剝離機構44,從上述感光性薄片22將保護膜30以預定長 度之間隔加以剝離;加熱機構45,將玻璃基板24加熱到預 定溫度的狀態下運送至貼附位置;貼附機構46,將利用上 r " 述保護膜30之剝離而露出的感光性樹脂層28貼附於上述 玻璃基板24。此外,下面係將藉由貼附機構46使感光性薄 片22貼附於玻璃基板24後的疊層體,稱爲貼附基板24a。 在貼附機構46之貼附位置的上游附近配設有檢測機構 47,用於直接檢測作爲感光性薄片22之境界位置的半切部 位34,伺時在上述貼附機構46之下游配設有基板間薄片切 斷機構48,用於將各玻璃基板24間之上述感光性薄片22 ; 加以切斷。在此基板間薄片切斷機構48之上游,設置有在 運轉開始時及運轉結束時使用的薄片切斷機構48a。 在薄片送出機構32之下游附近,配設有接合大致已使用 完的感光性薄片22的後端、及新使用的感光性薄片22之 前端之接合台49。在此接合台49之下游,配設有薄膜端位 置檢測器5 1,用於控制由於感光性薄片捲22a之捲繞偏移 引起的.寬度方向之偏移。 半切機構36係配置在用於計算收容捲繞在薄片送出機 200900337 構32之感光性薄片捲22a的滾筒徑的一滾筒對50之下游。 半切機構36係具備有在正交於感光性薄片22之運送方向 (箭號A方向)的方向上自由進退的滑動台52。在此滑動台 52上固定有旋轉圓刃(切刀)54,同時在對向於上述旋轉圓 刃54的位置,配設有挾持感光性薄片22的承受切割台56。 如第2圖所示,半切部位34有至少將保護膜30切斷的 需要,實際上爲了確實地切斷保護膜30,而設定旋轉圓刃 5 4之切入深度,以從感光性樹脂層2 8 —直切入到可撓性基 r ... 膜26。 半切部位34係設定玻璃基板24之間隔者,例如,係設 定在兩側之前述玻璃基板2 4分別以1 〇 m m逐一地進入之位 置。玻璃基板2 4間以半切部位3 4挾持的部分,在貼附機 構46係作爲將感光性樹脂層28以緣額狀貼附於上述玻璃 基板24之時的遮罩之功能者。 標籤接著機構40’爲了對應於玻璃基板24間使保護膜 [ 30之殘留部分30b殘留’而供給連結剝離側前方之剝離部 分30aa及剝離側後方之剝離部分30ab的接著標籤38。如 第2圖所示’保護膜30挾持殘留部分3 0b,將先剝離的部 分作爲前方之剝離部分30aa,另一方面將後來剝離的部分 作爲後方之剝離部分30ab。 如第3圖所示’接著標籤3 8係構成短冊狀,例如,係與 保護膜30相同的樹脂材料形成。接著標籤38在中央部具 有未塗布接著劑的非接著部(包含微接著)38a,同時在此非 -10- 200900337 接著部3 8 a之兩側,即在上述接著標籤3 8的長度方向兩 部’具有接著於前方之剝離部分30aa的第2接著部38c 及接著於後方之剝離部分30ab的第1接著部38b。接著 籤3 8係在箭號B方向以預定間隔而逐一地互相分離地 置。 如第1圖所示,標籤接著機構40具備有能使最多7片 接著標籤3 8以預定間隔逐一互相分離而貼附之吸附 58a~58g,同時藉由上述吸附墊58a~58g在上述接著標籤 ί 之貼附位置上隨意升降地配置將感光性薄片2 2從下方 持的承受台59。 儲存槽機構42雖然吸收上游側之感光性薄片22的間 運送、與下游側之上述感光性薄片22的連續運送之速 差,又爲了防止張力變動,較佳爲具備隨意搖動之2連 筒6 0所構成的跳動器61。此外,滾筒6 0因應於儲存槽 亦可爲1連或3連以上。 / 保護膜剝離機構44,係配置於儲存槽機構42之下游, 時具備吸入鼓62、及挾持感光性薄片22而與此吸入鼓 相接的剝離滾筒64。經由剝離滾筒64從感光性薄片22 銳角之剝離角剝離的保護膜30,除了殘留部分30b之外 被捲繞至保護膜捲繞軸66。保護膜捲繞軸66爲了將預$ 張力賦予保護膜30,而連結至扭力馬達68。 在保護膜剝離機構44之下游側,配設有可將張力賦予 光性薄片22的張力控制機構76。張力控制機構76具備 端 標 設 之 墊 38 保 歇 度 滾 量 同 62 以 均 之 感 氣 -11 - 200900337 缸78,在此氣缸78的驅動作用下,張力拾取滾筒80進行 搖動變位,藉以可調整與張力拾取滾筒80搖接之感光性薄 片22的張力。此外,張力控制機構76因應於需要而使用 即可,亦可移除。 檢測機構47具備有雷射感測器或光感測器等之光電感 測器82,上述光電感測器82直接檢測半切部位34之楔狀 的溝形狀部、或保護膜30之厚度引起的段差、或此等之組 合引起之變化,並將此檢測信號作爲境界位置信號。光電 、 感測器82係對向於支撐滾筒83而配置。此外,亦可使用 非接觸變位計或CCD攝影機等之影像檢查手段等來取代光 電感測器82。 加熱機構45具備有用於將玻璃基板24朝箭號C方向運 送的運送機構84,此運送機構84具有朝箭號C方向排列 的多數個樹脂製圓板狀運送滾筒8 6。在運送機構84之箭號 C方向上游側,設置有接受玻璃基板24的接受部88。在接 / 受部88的下游側排列有多數個加熱爐90。BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a bonding structure of a photosensitive sheet and a bonding tape member thereof, which has at least a photosensitive material layer and a plurality of photosensitive sheets laminated with a protective film on a support body. The end portions of one of the photosensitive sheets are brought into close contact with each other at the end portions of the other photosensitive sheets. [Prior Art] For example, in a substrate for a liquid crystal panel, a substrate for a printed wiring, and a substrate for a plasma panel, a photosensitive sheet (photosensitive sheet) having a photosensitive material (photosensitive resin) layer is attached to the substrate. The surface is composed. The photosensitive sheet system sequentially laminates the photosensitive material layer and the protective film on the flexible plastic support. The above-mentioned photosensitive sheet is usually processed in a state of being wound into a roll, and the roll-shaped photosensitive sheet (hereinafter also referred to as a photosensitive sheet roll) is attached to the attaching apparatus. In the above-described attachment device, a substrate such as a glass substrate or a resin substrate is transported one by one at a predetermined interval, and a photosensitive sheet wound from a photosensitive sheet is attached to the substrate. After peeling off the protective film in the range of the photosensitive material layer, it is heat-transferred (dry laminated) on the above substrate. However, the photosensitive sheet is required to be wound into a photosensitive sheet of a predetermined length. Therefore, in actuality, a plurality of photosensitive sheets are joined to ensure a desired full length, and the operation of connecting the plurality of photosensitive sheets together and winding them into a roll shape is performed. At this time, the end portions of the photosensitive sheet are joined to each other by the joining belt member, but the thickness of the photosensitive sheet is varied, and the portion of 200900337 where the partial winding pressure is large tends to occur. Therefore, the adhesive (paste) is extruded from the joining tape member, which may cause trouble. For example, in the winding method of the sheet disclosed in Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei 6-286911, as shown in Fig. 1, a joining belt 4 is formed which forms a margin at both end portions in the belt width direction. At the same time, the margin portion 2 and the adhesive 3 are alternately formed in the longitudinal direction of the belt. However, in the above prior art, the adhesive 3 is provided on the side of the bonding tape 4, and thus a step is formed between the surface of the adhesive 3 and the surface of the margin portions 1, 2. Therefore, when the bonding tape 4 is attached as a bonding tape member to the ends of the photosensitive sheet, air is caused to be caught in the protective film and the photosensitive material layer via the step of the adhesive 3 and the margin portions 1, 2. Therefore, there is a problem in that the above protective film floats upward to cause wrinkles. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention has been made to solve such a problem, and an object thereof is to provide a bonding structure of a photosensitive sheet and a bonding tape member thereof, which can bond the photosensitive sheets well with a simple configuration while preventing an adhesive agent Extrusion, and can surely prevent air from entering between the photosensitive material layer and the protective film. The present invention relates to a bonding structure of a photosensitive sheet and a bonding tape member. The support body has at least a photosensitive material layer and a plurality of photosensitive sheets laminated with a protective film, and the end portion of one photosensitive sheet is pressed against The other ends of the photosensitive sheets are joined to each other in the state of the ends. The bonding surface of the bonding tape member attached to the protective film has a first layer and a bonding force which are next to the protective film and are set to be weaker than the first layer, and the thickness of 200900337 is set to be the same as that of the first layer. Layer 2. Here, the weak contact force means that the second layer is set to have a lower adhesion force than the first layer, and the second layer is also set to have no adhesion force. Further, the bonding surface of the bonding tape member attached to the protective film has a first layer next to the protective film, a second layer whose adhesion is set to be weaker than the first layer, and an adhesion force set to be higher than the second layer. The third layer is weaker in the layer, and the first layer, the second layer, and the third layer are set to have the same thickness. Here, the third layer includes a case where it is set to have no adhesion. In the present invention, the bonding surface of the bonding tape member has a first layer which is next to the protective film, and a second layer whose adhesion is set to be weaker than the first layer. Therefore, the adhesive agent is not extruded from the bonding tape member, and the protective film can be easily and surely peeled off from the photosensitive material layer. Further, the first layer and the second layer are set to have the same thickness. Therefore, the step is not provided on the adhesive face member, and the extrusion of the generated air is effectively prevented from causing the air to be caught between the photosensitive material layer and the protective film. Therefore, the protective film is prevented from floating up due to the entrapment of air, and crepe is generated, so that a high-quality photosensitive sheet can be reliably supplied. Further, in the present invention, the bonding surface of the bonding tape member has a first layer next to the protective film, a second layer whose adhesion is set to be weaker than the first layer, and a bonding force set to be higher than the second layer. Weak third layer. Further, the first layer, the second layer, and the third layer are set to have the same thickness. Therefore, the adhesive does not be extruded from the bonding tape member, and air can be prevented from being caught between the photosensitive material layer and the protective film. Therefore, the peeling of the protective film is good, and the high-quality photosensitive sheet can be reliably supplied. The above objects, features and advantages will be more apparent from the following description of the preferred embodiments of the appended claims. [Embodiment] FIG. 1 is a schematic configuration view of a manufacturing apparatus 20 for a bonding structure of a photosensitive sheet according to a first embodiment of the present invention. In the manufacturing process of the liquid crystal or the color filter for organic EL, the manufacturing apparatus 20 thermally transfers the photosensitive resin layer 28 (described later) of the long photosensitive sheet (long sheet) 22 to The operation of the glass substrate 24. Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the long photosensitive sheet 22 used in the manufacturing apparatus 20. The long-length photosensitive sheet 22 is formed by laminating a flexible base film (support) 26, a photosensitive resin layer (photosensitive material layer) 28, and a protective film 30. The flexible base film 26 is formed of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and the photosensitive resin layer 28 is colored by an alkali-soluble binder, a monomer molecule, a photo-superimposing initiator, and a coloring agent. The photosensitive resin composition is formed, and the protective film 30 is formed of polyethylene, polypropylene, or the like. As shown in Fig. 1, the manufacturing apparatus 20 includes a sheet feeding mechanism 32 for accommodating the photosensitive sheet roll 22a wound in a roll shape, and feeding the photosensitive sheet 22 from the photosensitive sheet roll 22a. The half-cut mechanism 36 forms a half-cut portion 34 that can be cut in the width direction on the protective film 30 of the photosensitive sheet 22 that has been fed out; the label attachment mechanism 40 has a portion of the label 38 that has the non-adjacent portion 38a (see Fig. 3) Next to 200900337 on the protective film 30. Further, the half-cutting mechanism 36 may be disposed in the direction of the arrow A only at a predetermined interval to form two groups which are separated from each other, and at the same time, two half-cut portions 34 are formed. A storage tank mechanism 42 is provided downstream of the label attachment mechanism 40 for changing the photosensitive sheet 22 from intermittent conveyance to approximately continuous conveyance; a protective film peeling mechanism 44 for preserving the protective film 30 from the photosensitive sheet 22 The length of the length is peeled off; the heating mechanism 45 transports the glass substrate 24 to a predetermined position while being heated to a predetermined temperature; and the attaching mechanism 46 exposes the photosensitive resin exposed by the peeling of the protective film 30 The layer 28 is attached to the above glass substrate 24. In the following, the laminate in which the photosensitive sheet 22 is attached to the glass substrate 24 by the attaching mechanism 46 is referred to as a patch substrate 24a. A detection mechanism 47 is disposed in the vicinity of the upstream of the attachment position of the attachment mechanism 46 for directly detecting the half-cut portion 34 as the boundary position of the photosensitive sheet 22, and the substrate is disposed downstream of the attachment mechanism 46. The intermediate sheet cutting mechanism 48 is for cutting the photosensitive sheet 22 between the glass substrates 24. A sheet cutting mechanism 48a used at the start of the operation and at the end of the operation is provided upstream of the inter-substrate sheet cutting mechanism 48. In the vicinity of the downstream of the sheet feeding mechanism 32, a joining table 49 that joins the rear end of the photosensitive sheet 22 that has been used up and the leading end of the newly used photosensitive sheet 22 is disposed. Downstream of this joining table 49, a film end position detector 51 is disposed for controlling the shift in the width direction due to the winding deviation of the photosensitive web roll 22a. The half-cut mechanism 36 is disposed downstream of a pair of rollers 50 for calculating the diameter of the drum that accommodates the photosensitive web roll 22a wound around the sheet feeder 200900337. The half-cut mechanism 36 is provided with a slide table 52 that can advance and retreat in a direction orthogonal to the conveyance direction (arrow A direction) of the photosensitive sheet 22. A rotary blade (cutter) 54 is fixed to the slide table 52, and a cutting table 56 for holding the photosensitive sheet 22 is disposed at a position facing the rotary blade 54. As shown in Fig. 2, the half-cut portion 34 needs to cut at least the protective film 30. Actually, in order to surely cut the protective film 30, the cutting depth of the rotary circular blade 5 is set to be from the photosensitive resin layer 2. 8 — Straight cut into the flexible base r film 26. The half-cut portion 34 is a space at which the glass substrate 24 is spaced apart, for example, the glass substrates 24 disposed on both sides are respectively entered at a position of 1 〇 m m. The portion of the glass substrate 24 that is held by the half-cut portion 34 is used as a mask for attaching the photosensitive resin layer 28 to the glass substrate 24 in a marginal shape. The label attachment mechanism 40' supplies the subsequent label 38 that connects the peeling portion 30aa in front of the peeling side and the peeling portion 30ab in the back side of the peeling side in order to allow the remaining portion 30b of the protective film 30 to remain between the glass substrates 24. As shown in Fig. 2, the protective film 30 holds the remaining portion 30b, and the portion to be peeled off is referred to as the front peeling portion 30aa, and the portion to be peeled off later is referred to as the rear peeling portion 30ab. As shown in Fig. 3, the label 38 is formed in a short book shape, and is formed of, for example, the same resin material as the protective film 30. Next, the label 38 has a non-adhesive portion (including micro-adhesion) 38a which is not coated with an adhesive agent at the center portion, and at the same time, on both sides of the non--10-200900337 subsequent portion 38 a, that is, two in the length direction of the above-mentioned subsequent label 38 The portion ' has a second rear portion 38c that follows the peeling portion 30aa in front and a first rear portion 38b that follows the peeling portion 30ab in the rear. Then, the sign 38 is separated from each other one by one at a predetermined interval in the direction of the arrow B. As shown in Fig. 1, the label attachment mechanism 40 is provided with adsorptions 58a to 58g which can be attached to each other at a predetermined interval by a maximum of seven sheets of subsequent labels 38, and at the same time by the adsorption pads 58a to 58g. The receiving table 59 holding the photosensitive sheet 2 2 from below is disposed at a position where the attachment position is arbitrarily raised and lowered. The storage tank mechanism 42 absorbs the speed difference between the conveyance of the photosensitive sheet 22 on the upstream side and the continuous conveyance of the photosensitive sheet 22 on the downstream side, and in order to prevent the tension from varying, it is preferable to have the tube 6 which is arbitrarily shaken. 0 is a jumper 61. Further, the roller 60 may be one or more connected in response to the storage tank. The protective film peeling mechanism 44 is disposed downstream of the storage tank mechanism 42 and includes a suction drum 62 and a peeling roller 64 that holds the photosensitive sheet 22 and is in contact with the suction drum. The protective film 30 peeled off from the peeling angle of the acute angle of the photosensitive sheet 22 via the peeling roller 64 is wound around the protective film winding shaft 66 except for the residual portion 30b. The protective film winding shaft 66 is coupled to the torque motor 68 in order to apply a pre-tension to the protective film 30. On the downstream side of the protective film peeling mechanism 44, a tension control mechanism 76 that can apply tension to the optical sheet 22 is disposed. The tension control mechanism 76 is provided with a pad 38 of the end mark, and the holding amount of the rest is the same as that of the piston -11 - 200900337 cylinder 78. Under the driving action of the cylinder 78, the tension picking roller 80 performs the shaking displacement, thereby The tension of the photosensitive sheet 22 that is swayed with the tension pickup roller 80 is adjusted. Further, the tension control mechanism 76 may be used as needed or may be removed. The detecting means 47 is provided with a photodetector 82 such as a laser sensor or a photo sensor, and the photodetector 82 directly detects the wedge-shaped groove portion of the half-cut portion 34 or the thickness of the protective film 30. The difference caused by the step, or a combination of these, and the detection signal is used as a boundary position signal. The photoelectric and sensor 82 are disposed opposite to the support roller 83. Further, instead of the photodetector 82, an image inspection means such as a non-contact displacement meter or a CCD camera may be used. The heating mechanism 45 is provided with a transport mechanism 84 for transporting the glass substrate 24 in the direction of the arrow C. The transport mechanism 84 has a plurality of resin-shaped disc-shaped transport rollers 86 arranged in the direction of the arrow C. A receiving portion 88 that receives the glass substrate 24 is provided on the upstream side of the arrow C direction of the transport mechanism 84. A plurality of heating furnaces 90 are arranged on the downstream side of the receiving/receiving portion 88.
V 在加熱機構45的上游,設置有收容多數個玻璃基板24 的基板堆疊器100。基板堆疊器100在投入及取出口以外的 3方之側面,附設有除塵風扇單元(或風道單元)1 02。風扇 單元102執行將除電之清潔空氣吹出至基板堆疊器1〇〇 內。收容在基板堆疊器1 00的各玻璃基板24,係被吸附到 設置在機器人104之手部104a的吸附墊106而被取出,並 被運入接受部8 8。 -12- 200900337 貼附機構46配設於上下’同時具備有:具加熱到預定溫 度的疊層用第1加熱橡膠滾筒ll〇a及第2加熱橡膠滾筒 110b之疊層滾筒對110。支撐滾筒U2a,n2b搖接在第1 及第2加熱橡膠滾筒1 l〇a, 1 i〇b上,同時上述支撐滾筒1 12b 經由滾筒挾持部1 1 4而按壓到第2加熱橡膠滾筒1 1 Ob。 在第1加熱橡膠滾筒‘ 1 10a之附近,配設有用於防止感光 性薄片22接觸於上述第1加熱橡膠滾筒110a之接觸防止 滾筒1 1 6。此接觸防止滾筒11 6可經由未圖示致動器而移 ( 動。 在貼附機構46與基板間薄片切斷機構48之間配設有薄 膜運送滾筒118a及基板運送滾筒U8b。在基板間薄片切斷 機構4 8之下游側沿著排列有多數個滾筒1 20a之運送系統 120配置冷卻機構122,同時在此冷卻機構122之下游側配 置支撐體剝離機構124。 冷卻機構1 22經由基板間薄片切斷機構48將貼附基板 / 24a間之感光性薄片22加以切斷之後,將冷風供給此貼附 基板24a以實施冷卻處理。具體上’冷風溫度係設定爲1〇 °C,風速設定爲1.0~2.0m/min。此外’亦可不使用冷卻機 構122,而以後述之感光性疊層體堆疊器丨36自然冷卻。 支撐體剝離機構124設置有多數個吸附墊126’在從貼附 基板24a將基膜26剝離之時’將上述貼附基板24a以水皮 姿勢加以吸著保持。在此支撐體剝離機構1 2 4之附近設置 有用於把持從玻璃基板2 4剝離的基膜2 6而排出到預定的 -13- 200900337 排出槽(未圖示)等之機器手(未圖示)。 在支撐體剝離機構124之下游,設置有收容 體基板130的感光性疊層體堆疊器136。以支撐 124從貼附基板24a將基膜26及殘留部分30b 層體基板1 30 ’被吸附到設置在機器人丨32之与 吸附墊1 3 4而被取出,並被收容到感光性疊 136 ° 在感光性疊層體堆疊器136,在投入及取出V A substrate stacker 100 accommodating a plurality of glass substrates 24 is provided upstream of the heating mechanism 45. The substrate stacker 100 is provided with a dust removing fan unit (or duct unit) 102 on the side of the three sides other than the input and the outlet. The fan unit 102 performs blowing of the cleaned-off clean air into the substrate stacker 1A. Each of the glass substrates 24 housed in the substrate stacker 100 is sucked into the adsorption pad 106 provided in the hand 104a of the robot 104, and taken out, and carried to the receiving portion 88. -12- 200900337 The attaching mechanism 46 is disposed at the upper and lower sides, and is provided with a stacking roller pair 110 having a first heating rubber roller 11a and a second heating rubber roller 110b which are heated to a predetermined temperature. The support rollers U2a, n2b are rocked on the first and second heating rubber rollers 1 l〇a, 1 i〇b, and the support roller 1 12b is pressed to the second heating rubber roller 1 via the roller holding portion 1 14 Ob. In the vicinity of the first heating rubber roller '1 10a, a contact preventing roller 1 16 for preventing the photosensitive sheet 22 from coming into contact with the first heating rubber roller 110a is disposed. The contact preventing roller 11 6 is movable by an actuator (not shown). A film transport roller 118a and a substrate transport roller U8b are disposed between the attaching mechanism 46 and the inter-substrate sheet cutting mechanism 48. On the downstream side of the sheet cutting mechanism 48, a cooling mechanism 122 is disposed along the transport system 120 in which a plurality of rollers 120a are arranged, and a support peeling mechanism 124 is disposed on the downstream side of the cooling mechanism 122. The cooling mechanism 1 22 is interposed between the substrates. The sheet cutting mechanism 48 cuts the photosensitive sheet 22 between the substrates to be attached 24a, and then supplies cold air to the attached substrate 24a to perform cooling treatment. Specifically, the 'cold air temperature system is set to 1 〇 ° C, and the wind speed is set. It is 1.0 to 2.0 m/min. Further, the cooling mechanism 122 may not be used, and the photosensitive laminate stacker 36 described later is naturally cooled. The support peeling mechanism 124 is provided with a plurality of adsorption pads 126' attached thereto. When the base film 26 is peeled off from the base film 26, the attached substrate 24a is sucked and held in a water-skin posture. In the vicinity of the support peeling mechanism 1 24, a base film 2 for holding the glass substrate 24 is removed. 6 and discharged to a predetermined robot hand (not shown) such as a discharge tank (not shown) such as a discharge tank (not shown). A photosensitive laminate stacker in which the receiver substrate 130 is provided downstream of the support peeling mechanism 124 136. The base film 26 and the residual portion 30b layer substrate 1 30' are adsorbed from the attached substrate 24a by the support 124 to the adsorption pad 1 34 provided in the robot cassette 32, and are taken out to the photosensitive stack. 136 ° in the photosensitive laminate stacker 136, in and out
C 方之側面,附設有除麈用風扇單元(或風道單元 單元102執行將除電之清潔空氣吹出至感光性 器136內。 在製造裝置20中,雖然薄片送出機構32、半 標籤接著機構40、儲存槽機構42、保護膜剝離 力控制機構76及檢測機構47係配置於貼附機 方,但是亦可與此相反,將從上述薄片送出機| i 檢測機構47配置於上述貼附機構46之下方, 片22之上下變成相反,感光性樹脂層28貼附 24之下側,又亦可使上述製造裝置20全體構成 製造裝置20係經由疊層步驟控制部1 40以 制,在此製造裝置20之每個功能部,例如,設 部142、基板加熱控制部144及基底剝離控制剖 此等藉由步驟內網際網路而連繫。 疊層步驟控制部1 40係連繫到工廠網際網路 多數個疊層 體剝離機構 剝離後的疊 F部132a的 層體堆疊器 口以外的 3 )1 0 2。風扇 疊層體堆疊 切機構36、 機構44、張 丨構46之上 _ 32至上述 使感光性薄 於玻璃基板 :於直線上。 進行整體控 置疊層控制 ί 1 4 6等,使 ,來自於未 -14- 200900337 圖示之工廠CPU的指出資訊(條件設定或生產資訊)之生產 管理或運轉管理等,而進行用於生產的資訊處理。 疊層控制部1 42係作爲步驟全體之主腦而執行各功能部 之控制者’係構成··根據利用檢測機構47檢測的感光性薄 片22之半切部位34的位置資訊而控制例如加熱機構45的 控制機構。 基底剝離控制部1 46係將自貼附機構46供給的貼附基板 24a剝離基膜26,更執行在下游步驟將疊層體基板130排 出之動作的控制,同時控制上述貼附基板24a及上述疊層 體基板130之資訊的處理。 在製造裝置20內,經由隔開壁150而區分爲第1無塵室 152a及第2無塵室15 2b。在第1無塵室152a中收容從薄片 送出機構32至檢測機構47,同時在第2無塵室152b中則 收容檢測機構47以後者。第1無塵室152a及第2無塵室 1 5 2b係經由貫通部1 5 4而連通。 安裝在薄片送出機構32的感光性薄片捲22a,在將多數 個感光性薄片22之諸端部加以接合的狀態,連續地捲繞爲 滾筒狀。因此,感光性薄片22之諸端部,如第4圖所示, 係經由第1實施形態相關的接合構造1 60而一體地接合。 接合構造1 60具備:橫跨一方之長條狀感光性薄片22的 端部及另一方之長條狀感光性薄片22的端部之緊靠部位 T,而貼附於保護膜30的接合帶構件162、及橫跨上述緊 靠部位T而貼附於可撓性基膜2 6的背面接合帶構件1 6 4。 -15- 200900337 接合帶構件162具有貼附於保護膜30之接著面i62a,此 接著面162a具有接著於上述保護膜30之接著層(第1 層)166、及比上述接著層166更弱接著力,具體上設定爲 無接著力(亦包含微接著力)之非接著層(第2層)168。 接合帶構件162係將聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇醋(pet)作爲支 撐體,接著層1 66係將丙烯酸系之水溶性(水、溫水、鹼水 等)的接著劑設定爲預定之厚度。在非接著層168上被施以 用於降低接著力(黏著力)的處理,所謂的去黏膠處理。具 f - 八 體上,非接著層1 6 8係在接著劑之上藉由進行去黏膠墨水, 例如清漆之印刷處理(被覆)而構成。印刷方法方面,係採 用柔版(flexo)印刷、平版印刷、凸版印刷或篩網印刷等。 此外,亦可進行薄膜狀之PET薄膜或PP薄膜的貼附,以取 代此去黏膠墨水的印刷。 接著層166及非接著層168係設定爲相同厚度。非接著 層1 68沿著緊靠部位T而斷續地設置,同時各非接著層1 68 ^ 之間構成接著層166。 如第4圖所示,背面接合帶構件1 6 4在貼附於可撓性基 膜26的接著面164a上設置有接著層166。接合帶構件162 及背面接合帶構件164係對感光性薄片22之厚度方向,互 相僅以距離Η而偏離配置。 以下將針對此種構成的製造裝置20的動作加以說明。 首先,如第1圖所示,感光性薄片22從安裝於薄片送出 機構32的感光性薄片捲22a拉出,此感光性薄片22被送 -16- 200900337 到半切機構36。 在半切機構36,滑動台52朝感光性薄片22之寬度方向 (正交於運送方向的方向)移動。因此,旋轉圓刃54在感光 性薄片2 2之半切部位3 4切入所希望的深度之狀態下,一 面移動一面旋轉。藉此’在感光性薄片22上形成從保護膜 30切入所希望深度之半切部位3 4(參照第2圖)。 半切處理過的感光性薄片22,如第1圖所示,對應於保 護膜30之殘留部分30b之尺寸而沿箭頭A方向搬送後,暫 時停止而旋轉圓刃5 4之運行作用下形成下一個半切部位 34。因此,在感光性薄片22中,設有挾有殘留部分30b之 前方之剝離部分30aa與後方之剝離部分30ab(參照第2圖)。 又,感光性薄片22被運送到標籤接著機構40,保護膜 30之預定的貼附部位配置在承受台59上。在標籤接著機構 40,預定片數的接著標籤38藉由吸附墊58a~58g而吸附保 持,各接著標籤38橫跨保護膜30之殘留部分30b,而一體 ( 地接著於前方之剝離部分30aa及後方之剝離部分30ab(參 照第3圖)。 例如,接著5張接著標籤3 8的感光性薄片22,如第1 圖所示,經由儲存槽機構4 2而防止送出側之張力變動之 後,被連續地運送到保護膜剝離機構44。 在保護膜剝離機構44中,感光性薄片22被挾持在吸入 鼓62及剝離滾筒64,使上述感光性薄片22之基膜26被吸 附保持於上述吸入鼓62。在此狀態下,吸入鼓62旋轉同時 -17- 200900337 經由扭力馬達68將預定之扭力賦予保護膜30。 因而,保護膜3 0係使殘留部分3 Ob殘留而從感光性薄片 22剝離,經由剝離滾筒64而捲繞於保護膜捲繞軸66。此 外,宜將除電空氣吹附到剝離部位。 在保護膜剝離機構44的作用下,保護膜30將殘留部分 30b殘留而從基膜26剝離之後,感光性薄片22藉由張力控 制機構76進行張力調整,更在檢測機構47藉由光電感測 器82進行半切部位34之檢測。 f " 感光性薄片22根據半切部位34之檢測資訊,在運轉開 始時,在薄膜運送滾筒118a之旋轉作用下,其後在挾持貼 附基板24a的基板運送滾筒118b之旋轉作用下,定量地運 送到貼附機構46。此時,接觸防止滾筒1 1 6待機於上方, 同時第2加熱橡膠滾筒110b配置於下方。 另一方面,在加熱機構45中,對應於貼附機構46之疊 層溫度而設定各加熱爐90內之加熱溫度。因而,機器人104 / 握持被收容在基板堆疊器1 00的玻璃基板24,將此玻璃基 板24運入接受部88。玻璃基板24在構成運送機構84的運 送滾筒8 6之旋轉作用下,從接受部8 8依序地間歇運送到 各加熱爐90內。 在配置於箭號C方向後段的加熱爐90內’玻璃基板24 正確地停止在預定之停止位置,同時此玻璃基板24對應於 感光性薄片22之感光性樹脂層28的貼附部分而暫時配置 在第1及第2加熱橡膠滾筒1 10a, 1 10b之間。 -18 - 200900337 在此狀態,經由滾筒挾持部114使支撐滾筒112b及第2 加熱橡膠滾筒110b上昇,藉此使玻璃基板24在預定之按 壓力下被挾持在第1及第2加熱橡膠滾1 l〇a,1 10b之間。 又,在第1加熱橡膠滾1 1 0a的旋轉作用下,感光性樹脂層 28利用加熱溶融而轉印(疊層)到此玻璃基板24。 在此,在疊層的條件方面,速度爲l.〇m/min~10.0m/min, 第1及第2加熱橡膠滾筒ll〇a, ll〇b之溫度爲80°C~150°C, 上述第1及第2加熱橡膠滾筒ll〇a,ll〇b之橡膠硬度爲40 度〜90度,該第1及第2加熱橡膠滾筒1 l〇a,1 10b之按壓(線 壓)爲 50N/cm~400N/cm。 經由第1及第2加熱橡膠滾筒ll〇a, ll〇b在玻璃基板24 上完成感光性薄片22之1片份的疊層之時,停止上述第1 加熱橡膠滾筒110a之旋轉。另一方面,將感光性薄片22 疊層在玻璃基板24上之後的貼附基板24a,係利用基板運 送滾筒118b而挾持。其後,第2加熱橡膠滾筒110b朝向 從第1加熱橡膠滾筒110a互相離開之方向退避而解除挾 持。 藉此,結束1片份之疊層處理到開始次一個疊層處理之 期間中,經由加熱機構45而被加熱到預定溫度的玻璃基板 24被運送到第1及第2加熱橡膠滾筒ll〇a, 110b之間而配 置’同時進行搖接於上述第1加熱橡膠滾筒ll〇a的感光性 薄片22之微動送料。 如第1圖所示,感光性薄片22貼附在玻璃基板24上之 -19- 200900337 後的貼附基板24a,係朝箭號C方向定量運送。其後,各 玻璃基板2 4間的感光性薄片2 2,經由基板間薄片切斷機構 48切斷的貼附基板24a通過冷卻機構122而冷卻之後,被 移送到支撐體剝離機構124。 貼附基板24a之玻璃基板24側在吸附墊126之吸引作用 下被保持在支撐體剝離機構124,另一方面,基膜26從貼 附基板24a被剝離。藉此,而獲得疊層體基板130,上述疊 層體基板130被吸附到設置於機器人132之手部132a的吸 r 附墊1 3 4上而取出,且被收容到感光性疊層體堆疊器1 3 6。 接著,以下將針對本發明第1實施形態之接合構造1 60 之動作而說明。 在感光性薄片捲22a,如第4圖所示,在多數個感光性薄 片22之諸端部利用接合構造160接合後的狀態,連續地捲 繞成滾筒狀。因而,由感光性薄片22之厚度方向的尺寸誤 差等引起而在感光性薄片捲22 a內產生壓力之集中,而在 f 接合帶構件162上容易局部地賦予大的鎖住力。 此時,在接合帶構件162之接著面162a設置有非接著層 1 68,其係在接著劑上施以減少接著力的處理,即所謂去黏 膠處理。其後,非接著層1 68沿著感光性薄片22之緊靠部 位T而斷續地配置(參照第4及5圖)。The side of the C side is provided with a fan unit for removing (or the air duct unit 102 performs cleaning of the cleaned air to the photosensitive device 136. In the manufacturing apparatus 20, the sheet feeding mechanism 32, the half label following mechanism 40, The storage tank mechanism 42, the protective film peeling force control mechanism 76, and the detecting mechanism 47 are disposed on the attaching machine, but the sheet feeding device | i detecting mechanism 47 may be disposed in the attaching mechanism 46 as opposed to this. In the lower part, the upper and lower sides of the sheet 22 are reversed, and the photosensitive resin layer 28 is attached to the lower side of the sheet 24, and the entire manufacturing apparatus 20 of the above-described manufacturing apparatus 20 can be manufactured via the laminating step control unit 140, and the apparatus is manufactured here. Each of the functional units 20, for example, the setting unit 142, the substrate heating control unit 144, and the base stripping control section are connected by the intranet in the step. The stacking step control unit 1 is connected to the factory network. 3) 1 0 2 other than the layer stacker port of the stacked F portion 132a after the plurality of laminated body peeling mechanisms are peeled off. The fan laminate is stacked on the cutting mechanism 36, the mechanism 44, and the sheet 46. _32 to the above, the photosensitivity is thinner than the glass substrate: on a straight line. Perform overall control stack control ί 1 4 6 etc., for production management or operation management of the indication information (condition setting or production information) of the factory CPU shown in Fig.-14-200900337 Information processing. The stacking control unit 1 is a controller that executes the respective functional units as the main brain of the entire step. The configuration of the control unit is controlled by, for example, the position information of the half-cut portion 34 of the photosensitive sheet 22 detected by the detecting unit 47. Control agency. The substrate peeling control unit 1 46 peels off the base film 26 from the attached substrate 24a supplied from the attaching mechanism 46, and further controls the operation of discharging the laminated substrate 130 in the downstream step, and controls the attached substrate 24a and the above. Processing of information of the laminate substrate 130. In the manufacturing apparatus 20, the first clean room 152a and the second clean room 15 2b are divided by the partition wall 150. In the first clean room 152a, the sheet feeding mechanism 32 and the detecting unit 47 are housed, and in the second clean room 152b, the detecting unit 47 is housed. The first clean room 152a and the second clean room 1 5 2b communicate via the through portion 154. The photosensitive web roll 22a attached to the sheet feeding mechanism 32 is continuously wound into a roll shape in a state where the ends of the plurality of photosensitive sheets 22 are joined. Therefore, the end portions of the photosensitive sheet 22 are integrally joined to each other via the joint structure 146 according to the first embodiment as shown in Fig. 4 . The joint structure 1 60 includes a joint portion of the end portion of the long strip-shaped photosensitive sheet 22 and the end portion of the other long strip-shaped photosensitive sheet 22, and is attached to the protective film 30. The member 162 and the back surface bonding tape member 164 attached to the flexible base film 26 across the abutting portion T. -15- 200900337 The bonding tape member 162 has a bonding surface i62a attached to the protective film 30, and the bonding surface 162a has a bonding layer (first layer) 166 which is followed by the protective film 30, and is weaker than the bonding layer 166. The force is specifically set to a non-adhesion layer (layer 2) 168 having no adhesion (including micro-adhesion). The bonding tape member 162 is made of polyethylene terephthalate (pet) as a support, and then the layer 166 is used to set an acrylic water-soluble (water, warm water, alkaline water, etc.) adhesive to a predetermined one. thickness. A treatment for reducing the adhesion (adhesion), a so-called de-adhesive treatment, is applied to the non-adhesion layer 168. With f - octahedron, the non-adhesive layer 168 is formed on top of the adhesive by performing a printing process (coating) of a viscous ink such as varnish. In terms of printing methods, flexo printing, lithography, letterpress printing or screen printing are used. In addition, a film-like PET film or a PP film may be attached to replace the printing of the de-adhesive ink. The layer 166 and the non-adhesion layer 168 are then set to the same thickness. The non-adhesive layer 1 68 is intermittently disposed along the abutting portion T while the non-adhesive layer 1 68 ^ constitutes the bonding layer 166. As shown in Fig. 4, the back surface bonding tape member 164 is provided with an adhesive layer 166 on the adhesion surface 164a attached to the flexible base film 26. The bonding tape member 162 and the back surface bonding tape member 164 are arranged to be offset from each other by the distance Η in the thickness direction of the photosensitive sheet 22. The operation of the manufacturing apparatus 20 of such a configuration will be described below. First, as shown in Fig. 1, the photosensitive sheet 22 is pulled out from the photosensitive web roll 22a attached to the sheet feeding mechanism 32, and the photosensitive sheet 22 is sent from -16 to 200900337 to the half-cut mechanism 36. In the half-cut mechanism 36, the slide table 52 is moved in the width direction (direction orthogonal to the conveyance direction) of the photosensitive sheet 22. Therefore, the rotary circular blade 54 rotates while moving in a state where the half cut portion 34 of the photosensitive sheet 2 2 is cut into a desired depth. Thereby, the half-cut portion 3 4 which is cut into the desired depth from the protective film 30 is formed on the photosensitive sheet 22 (see Fig. 2). As shown in Fig. 1, the half-cut photosensitive sheet 22 is conveyed in the direction of the arrow A in accordance with the size of the remaining portion 30b of the protective film 30, and is temporarily stopped to rotate the round blade 54 to form the next one. Half cut portion 34. Therefore, in the photosensitive sheet 22, the peeling portion 30aa in front of the remaining portion 30b and the peeling portion 30ab in the rear side are provided (see Fig. 2). Further, the photosensitive sheet 22 is conveyed to the label attachment mechanism 40, and a predetermined attachment portion of the protective film 30 is placed on the receiving table 59. In the label attachment mechanism 40, a predetermined number of subsequent labels 38 are adsorbed and held by the adsorption pads 58a to 58g, and each of the subsequent labels 38 straddles the remaining portion 30b of the protective film 30, and is integrated integrally with the front peeling portion 30aa and The peeling portion 30ab (see Fig. 3) on the rear side. For example, the photosensitive sheet 22 of the label 38 is next, as shown in Fig. 1, and the tension on the delivery side is prevented from being changed by the storage tank mechanism 42. The protective film peeling mechanism 44 is continuously conveyed. In the protective film peeling mechanism 44, the photosensitive sheet 22 is held by the suction drum 62 and the peeling roller 64, and the base film 26 of the photosensitive sheet 22 is adsorbed and held by the suction drum. 62. In this state, the suction drum 62 rotates while -17-200900337 applies a predetermined torque to the protective film 30 via the torque motor 68. Therefore, the protective film 30 causes the residual portion 3 Ob to remain and is peeled off from the photosensitive sheet 22, The protective film winding shaft 66 is wound around the protective film winding shaft 66. Further, it is preferable to blow the static electricity air to the peeling portion. Under the action of the protective film peeling mechanism 44, the protective film 30 remains from the residual portion 30b. After the film 26 is peeled off, the photosensitive sheet 22 is tension-adjusted by the tension control mechanism 76, and the detection mechanism 47 performs the detection of the half-cut portion 34 by the photodetector 82. f " The photosensitive sheet 22 is based on the half-cut portion 34. The detection information is quantitatively transported to the attaching mechanism 46 by the rotation of the film transport roller 118a and then by the rotation of the substrate transport roller 118b holding the attached substrate 24a at the start of the operation. The drum 1 16 stands by and the second heating rubber roller 110b is disposed below. On the other hand, in the heating mechanism 45, the heating temperature in each heating furnace 90 is set in accordance with the lamination temperature of the attaching mechanism 46. Therefore, the robot 104 holds the glass substrate 24 housed in the substrate stacker 100, and carries the glass substrate 24 into the receiving portion 88. The glass substrate 24 is rotated by the transport roller 86 constituting the transport mechanism 84. The receiving portion 8 8 is intermittently transported to each of the heating furnaces 90. The glass substrate 24 is correctly stopped at the predetermined stop position in the heating furnace 90 disposed in the rear direction of the arrow C direction. At the same time, the glass substrate 24 is temporarily disposed between the first and second heating rubber rollers 1 10a, 1 10b in accordance with the attachment portion of the photosensitive resin layer 28 of the photosensitive sheet 22. -18 - 200900337 In this state, via The roller holding portion 114 raises the support roller 112b and the second heating rubber roller 110b, whereby the glass substrate 24 is held between the first and second heating rubber rollers 1a, a, 10b under a predetermined pressing force. Further, under the action of the rotation of the first heating rubber roller 110a, the photosensitive resin layer 28 is transferred (laminated) to the glass substrate 24 by heating and melting. Here, in terms of the conditions of the lamination, the speed is from 1. 〇m/min to 10.0 m/min, and the temperatures of the first and second heating rubber rolls ll 〇 a, ll 〇 b are from 80 ° C to 150 ° C, The rubber hardness of the first and second heating rubber rolls 11a, 11b is 40 to 90 degrees, and the pressing (line pressure) of the first and second heating rubber rolls 1 l〇a, 1 10b is 50N. /cm~400N/cm. When the first and second heating rubber rolls 11a, 11b are laminated on one piece of the photosensitive sheet 22 on the glass substrate 24, the rotation of the first heating rubber roll 110a is stopped. On the other hand, the attached substrate 24a after the photosensitive sheet 22 is laminated on the glass substrate 24 is held by the substrate transport roller 118b. Thereafter, the second heating rubber roller 110b is retracted in a direction away from the first heating rubber roller 110a to release the grip. Thereby, the lamination process of one sheet is completed, and the glass substrate 24 heated to a predetermined temperature via the heating mechanism 45 is transported to the first and second heating rubber cylinders 11a during the period in which the next lamination process is started. Between 110b, the micro-motion feed of the photosensitive sheet 22 that is rocked to the first heating rubber roller 11a is simultaneously disposed. As shown in Fig. 1, the attached substrate 24a after the photosensitive sheet 22 is attached to the glass substrate 24 from -19 to 200900337 is quantitatively conveyed in the direction of the arrow C. Thereafter, the photosensitive sheet 2 2 between the respective glass substrates 24 is cooled by the cooling mechanism 122 by the attached substrate 24a cut by the inter-substrate sheet cutting mechanism 48, and then transferred to the support peeling mechanism 124. The side of the glass substrate 24 to which the substrate 24a is attached is held by the support peeling mechanism 124 by the suction of the adsorption pad 126, and the base film 26 is peeled off from the attached substrate 24a. Thereby, the laminate substrate 130 is obtained, and the laminate substrate 130 is sucked onto the suction pad 1341 provided in the hand 132a of the robot 132, and taken out, and is accommodated in the photosensitive laminate stack. 1 3 6. Next, the operation of the joint structure 1 60 according to the first embodiment of the present invention will be described below. As shown in Fig. 4, the photosensitive sheet roll 22a is continuously wound into a roll shape in a state where the ends of the plurality of photosensitive sheets 22 are joined by the joint structure 160. Therefore, a concentration of pressure is generated in the photosensitive web roll 22a due to a dimensional error or the like in the thickness direction of the photosensitive sheet 22, and a large locking force is easily applied locally to the f-joining belt member 162. At this time, a non-adhesive layer 168 is provided on the adjoining surface 162a of the bonding tape member 162, which is subjected to a treatment for reducing the adhesion force on the adhesive, that is, a so-called de-adhesive treatment. Thereafter, the non-adhesion layer 168 is intermittently arranged along the abutting portion T of the photosensitive web 22 (see Figs. 4 and 5).
因此,即使在接合帶構件1 62上賦予比較大的鎖住力時, 亦能抑制接著劑從接著層1 66突出到緊靠部位T之間隙。 因而,不致有從接著層166突出的接著劑進入緊靠部位T -20- 200900337 之間隙而從保護膜30附著於感光性樹脂層28,致使保護膜 30與感光性樹脂層28接著之事。 藉此,在保護膜剝離機構44中,使保護膜3 0剩餘殘留 部分30b而從感光性薄片22剝離之時,不致上述保護膜30 與感光性樹脂層28在互相接合的上述感光性薄片22之端 部之間接著,而有引起該保護膜30之剝離不良。 在此,保護膜3 0及感光性樹脂層2 8若藉由接著劑而接 著之時’在剝離上述保護膜30時,會在接著標籤38上產 f 5'生相當大的反力,而恐有上述接著標籤3 8剝離或破斷之 虞。 因而,在第1實施形態中,因爲有效阻止接著劑之突出, 接著劑不會在互相接合的感光性薄片22, 22之間突出。藉 此’而有可容易且確實地將保護膜3 0從感光性樹脂層2 8 剝離的優點。 而且’接著層166及非接著層168係設定爲同等厚度。 因此’不須在接合帶構件丨6 2之接著面丨6 2 a設置段差,藉 V . 接著面i 62a將空氣壓出即可有效地阻止空氣捲入感光性樹 脂層28與保護膜30之間。因而,阻止由於空氣之捲入引 起的保護膜30之上浮而變皺’故在上述感光性樹脂層28 不致有產生擦傷之事。因此,有可確實地供給高品質的感 光性薄片2 2之效果。 又’在非接著層1 68間的接著層1 66,宜爲沿著感光性薄 片22之流動方向(箭號a方向)而設定在對應於各接著標籤 -21 - 200900337 3 8之貼附位置的位置。此乃係接著標籤3 8之強度爲高的部 位且保護膜30之剝離良好地執行之故。 再者’如第4圖所示,接合帶構件1 62及背面接合帶構 件1 6 4 ’係對感光性薄片2 2之厚度方向互相僅以距離Η而 偏離地配置。因此,在使多個感光性薄片22經由接合構造 160而接合的狀態下,連續地捲繞成滾筒狀之時,可有效地 防止階狀轉印。 第6圖係構成本發明之第2實施形態相關的接合構造之 f 接合帶構件1 7 0的一部分省略之說明圖。 在接合帶構件170之接著面170a,具有接著於保護膜30 的接著層(第1層)172、接著力設定爲比上述接著層172弱 之弱接著層(第2層)1 74、及接著力設定爲比上述弱接著層 174更弱(包含無接著及微弱接著)的非接著層(第3層) 176。弱接著層174及非接著層176係沿著感光性薄片22 間之緊靠部位T而交互地設置,同時接著層172、上述弱 ( 接著層174及上述非接著層176係設定爲相同的厚度。 v 非接著層1 76係與上述之第1實施形態同樣地,藉由實 施去黏膠處理而形成,另一方面,弱接著層174係藉由變 更上述去黏膠用墨水印刷版之網點形狀或網點尺寸而設定 所希望的接著力或接著形狀而形成。弱接著層1 74係沿著 感光性薄片22之流動方向而設定在與各接著標籤38爲同 一位置。 在如此構成的接合帶構件1 70上,沿著感光性薄片22間 -22- 200900337 之緊靠部位τ ’弱接著層1 74及非接著 置,因此可有效地阻止接著劑突出於上 隙中的事。 而且,在接著面17〇a’接著層172、 接著層176係設定爲相同的厚度,故在J 致形成段差。藉此’可確實地阻止由於 保護膜30之剝離不良’或空氣之捲入, 實施形態同樣的效果。 κ·' 第7圖係構成本發明之第3實施形態 接合帶構件1 80的一部分省略之說明圖 在接合帶構件180之接著面180a上, 接著層(或弱接著層)1 84係朝箭號A方[έ 層182及非接著層184係朝箭號Β方向 設定爲相同的厚度。 第8圖係構成本發明之第4實施形態 ‘接合帶構件1 90的一部分省略之說明圖 在接合帶構件190之接著面190a上, 延伸的接著層192及非接著層(或弱接著 B方向交互地形成。接著層192及非接 相同的厚度。 第9圖係構成本發明之第5實施形態 接合帶構件200的一部分省略之說明圖 在接合帶構件200之接著面200a上充 層1 7 6係交互地配 述緊靠部位T之間 弱接著層1 7 4及非 it接著面170a內不 接著劑之突出引起 可獲得與上述第1 相關的接合構造之 〇 接著層1 8 2、及非 I交互地設置。接著 形成長條,且互相 相關的接合構造之 〇 個別朝箭號A方向 層)194係沿著箭號 著層194係設定爲 相關的接合構造之 〇 >成接著層202、及 -23- 200900337 點狀的多個非接著層(或弱接著層)204。接著層202及非接 著層204係設定爲相同的厚度。 如此構成之第3~5實施形態相關的接合帶構件180,190 及200,可獲得與上述之第1及第2實施形態同樣的效果。 第1 0圖係構成本發明之第6實施形態相關的接合構造 2 1 0之說明圖。 接合構造2 1 0具備用於接合感光性薄片22之諸端部的多 個接合帶構件212。此接合帶構件212係與上述之接合帶構 Γ 件1 62, 1 7 0,1 80, 1 90或200同樣地構成,藉此可獲得與上 述之第1 ~ 5實施形態同樣的效果。 【圖式簡單說明】 第1圖是適用於本發明之第1實施形態相關的感光性薄 片之接合構造之製造裝置的槪略構成圖。 第2圖係使用於上述製造裝置的長條狀感光性薄片的截 面圖。 r 第3圖是接著標籤接著於上述長條狀感光性薄片的狀態 之說明圖。 第4圖係上述接合構造之槪略構成圖。 第5圖係構成上述接合構造之接合帶構件的一部分省略 之說明圖。 第6圖係構成本發明之第2實施形態相關的感光性薄片 之接合構造的接合帶構件的一部分省略之說明圖。 第7圖係構成本發明之第3實施形態相關的感光性薄片 -24- 200900337 之接合構造的接合帶構件的一部分省略之說明圖。 第8圖係構成本發明之第4實施形態相關的感光性薄片 之接合構造的接合帶構件的一部分省略之說明圖。 第9圖係構成本發明之第5實施形態相關的感光性薄片 之接合構造的接合帶構件的一部分省略之說明圖。 第1 0圖是本發明之第6實施形態相關的感光性薄片之接 合構造的槪略構成圖。 第11圖係使用於先前技術中揭示的片狀物之捲繞方法 1 的接合帶之說明圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 20 感光性薄片 22a 感光性薄片捲 24 玻璃基板 26 基膜 28 感光性樹脂層 30 保護膜 32 薄片送出機構 40 標籤接著機構 46 貼附機構 160, 210 接合構造 162,170,180,1 90, 200, 2 1 2 接合帶構件 162a, 170a, 180a, 190a, 200a 接著面 164 背面接合帶構件 -25 200900337 1 66, 1 72, 1 82, 1 92, 202 1 68, 1 76, 1 84, 1 94, 204 174 接著層 非接著層 弱接著層。Therefore, even when a relatively large locking force is applied to the joint belt member 162, the gap between the adhesive layer protruding from the adhesive layer 1 66 and the abutting portion T can be suppressed. Therefore, the adhesive agent protruding from the adhesive layer 166 does not enter the gap between the abutting portions T-20-200900337 and adheres to the photosensitive resin layer 28 from the protective film 30, causing the protective film 30 and the photosensitive resin layer 28 to follow. In the protective film peeling mechanism 44, when the remaining portion 30b of the protective film 30 is peeled off from the photosensitive sheet 22, the photosensitive sheet 22 in which the protective film 30 and the photosensitive resin layer 28 are not bonded to each other is not bonded to each other. The end portions are connected to each other to cause peeling failure of the protective film 30. Here, when the protective film 30 and the photosensitive resin layer 28 are subsequently adhered by the adhesive agent, when the protective film 30 is peeled off, a considerable reaction force is generated on the subsequent label 38, and a considerable reaction force is generated. It is feared that the label 38 will be peeled off or broken. Therefore, in the first embodiment, since the protrusion of the adhesive is effectively prevented, the subsequent agent does not protrude between the photosensitive sheets 22 and 22 which are joined to each other. By this, there is an advantage that the protective film 30 can be easily and surely peeled off from the photosensitive resin layer 28. Further, the adhesive layer 166 and the non-adhesion layer 168 are set to have the same thickness. Therefore, 'there is no need to set a step difference on the end surface 丨6 2 a of the joint tape member 丨6 2 by V. Then the surface i 62a presses the air to effectively prevent the air from being caught in the photosensitive resin layer 28 and the protective film 30. between. Therefore, the protective film 30 caused by the entrapment of air is prevented from floating and wrinkled, so that the above-mentioned photosensitive resin layer 28 is not scratched. Therefore, there is an effect that the high-quality photosensitive sheet 2 2 can be reliably supplied. Further, the adhesive layer 166 between the non-adhesive layers 168 is preferably disposed along the flow direction of the photosensitive sheet 22 (the direction of the arrow a) in the attachment position corresponding to each of the subsequent labels - 21 - 200900337 3 8 s position. This is followed by the fact that the strength of the label 38 is high and the peeling of the protective film 30 is performed satisfactorily. Further, as shown in Fig. 4, the bonding tape member 162 and the back surface bonding tape member 1 6 4' are disposed such that the thickness directions of the photosensitive sheets 2 2 are shifted from each other by a distance Η. Therefore, when the plurality of photosensitive sheets 22 are joined in a roll shape by being joined by the joint structure 160, the step transfer can be effectively prevented. Fig. 6 is an explanatory view showing a part of the jointing member constituting the joint structure according to the second embodiment of the present invention. The bonding surface 170a of the bonding tape member 170 has a bonding layer (first layer) 172 next to the protective film 30, and a bonding strength is set to be weaker than the bonding layer 172 (second layer) 1 74, and then The force is set to be a non-adhesive layer (Layer 3) 176 that is weaker (including no subsequent and weaker) than the weak adhesive layer 174 described above. The weak adhesive layer 174 and the non-adhesive layer 176 are alternately disposed along the abutting portion T between the photosensitive sheets 22, while the subsequent layer 172 and the weak layer (the subsequent layer 174 and the non-adhesive layer 176 are set to the same thickness). v The non-adhesive layer 1 76 is formed by performing a debonding treatment in the same manner as the first embodiment described above, and the weak adhesive layer 174 is formed by changing the dot of the ink-removing ink printing plate. The shape or the dot size is set to a desired adhesive force or a subsequent shape. The weak adhesive layer 1 74 is set at the same position as each of the subsequent labels 38 along the flow direction of the photosensitive web 22 . On the member 1 70, along the abutting portion τ' of the photosensitive sheet 22 between -22 and 200900337, the layer 1 74 is weakly adhered, and the layer is not attached, so that the adhesion of the adhesive in the upper gap can be effectively prevented. Then, the surface 17〇a' of the subsequent layer 172 and the subsequent layer 176 are set to have the same thickness, so that a step is formed in the J. Thus, 'the peeling failure due to the protective film 30' or the entrapment of air can be reliably prevented. same κ·' Fig. 7 is a view showing a part of the joint belt member 180 which constitutes the third embodiment of the present invention, and the explanation is omitted on the joint surface 180a of the joint belt member 180, and then the layer (or weakly bonded layer) is 84. In the direction of the arrow A, the 层 layer 182 and the non-adhesion layer 184 are set to the same thickness in the direction of the arrow 。. Fig. 8 is a view showing a part of the joint band member 1 90 constituting the fourth embodiment of the present invention. On the back surface 190a of the bonding tape member 190, the extended bonding layer 192 and the non-adhesive layer are formed (or weakly followed by the B direction. The layer 192 is followed by the same thickness. The ninth figure constitutes the fifth aspect of the present invention. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT A portion of the bonding tape member 200 is omitted. The filling layer 177 is alternately disposed between the abutting portions T and the non-it bonding surface 170a. The protrusion of the inner non-adhesive agent causes the subsequent layer 18 2 2 and the non-I of the joint structure related to the first aspect described above to be alternately disposed. Then, the strips are formed, and the mutually related joint structures are individually oriented toward the arrow A. Direction layer) 194 is along the arrow The layer 194 is set to be the associated bonding structure> into a plurality of non-adhesive layers (or weakly subsequent layers) 204 of the subsequent layer 202, and -23-200900337. The subsequent layer 202 and the non-adjacent layer 204 are set. In the same manner, the joint belt members 180, 190 and 200 according to the third to fifth embodiments having the above-described configuration can obtain the same effects as those of the first and second embodiments described above. Description of the joint structure 2 10 in the sixth embodiment. The joint structure 2 10 0 includes a plurality of joint belt members 212 for joining the ends of the photosensitive sheet 22 . The joint belt member 212 is configured in the same manner as the above-described joint belt member 1 62, 170, 180, 1 90 or 200, whereby the same effects as those of the first to fifth embodiments described above can be obtained. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Fig. 1 is a schematic block diagram of a manufacturing apparatus for a joint structure of a photosensitive sheet according to a first embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a long photosensitive sheet used in the above-described manufacturing apparatus. r Fig. 3 is an explanatory view showing a state in which the label is next to the long-length photosensitive sheet. Fig. 4 is a schematic structural view of the above-described joint structure. Fig. 5 is an explanatory view showing a part of the joint belt member constituting the joint structure omitted. Fig. 6 is an explanatory view showing a part of the joint tape member constituting the joint structure of the photosensitive sheet according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 7 is an explanatory view showing a part of the joint tape member constituting the joint structure of the photosensitive sheet-24-200900337 according to the third embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 8 is an explanatory view showing a part of the joint tape member constituting the joint structure of the photosensitive sheet according to the fourth embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 9 is an explanatory view showing a part of the joining belt member constituting the joining structure of the photosensitive sheet according to the fifth embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 10 is a schematic structural view showing a joint structure of photosensitive sheets according to a sixth embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 11 is an explanatory view of a joining belt used in the winding method 1 of the sheet disclosed in the prior art. [Description of main component symbols] 20 photosensitive sheet 22a photosensitive sheet roll 24 glass substrate 26 base film 28 photosensitive resin layer 30 protective film 32 sheet feeding mechanism 40 label attachment mechanism 46 attachment mechanism 160, 210 joint structure 162, 170, 180, 1 90, 200, 2 1 2 Bonding belt members 162a, 170a, 180a, 190a, 200a Next surface 164 Back jointing belt members - 25 200900337 1 66, 1 72, 1 82, 1 92, 202 1 68, 1 76 , 1 84, 1 94, 204 174 Next layer non-adhesive layer weakly following layer.