200823338 九、發明說明: 【發明所屬之技術領域】 ^本务明係有關一種男性用循環式小便器,更詳言之, 係有關種將整體構成單元化而謀求易於設置,並且謀求 較大的節水效果之男㈣循環式小便器。 【先前技術】200823338 IX. Description of the invention: [Technical field to which the invention belongs] ^This is a kind of circulation urinal for men. More specifically, the related species will be unitized and easy to set up, and seek a larger The water-saving effect of the male (four) circulating urinal. [Prior Art]
x往,針對男性用小便器,已開發檢測人接近水洗便 f使$的^且流出洗淨水(洗淨液),並且在小便器使用 隻再人机出洗淨水的小便器。就此種小便器而言,可自動 地進订小便n的清洗,但是存在有使用於洗淨的水量較多 勺門題因此,已提出一種將污水淨化而作爲洗淨水再利 用的循&式小便器(例如,參照專利文獻1)。 [專利文獻1]日本特開2004-^36號公報 【發明内容】 揭不於該專利文獻丨的發明,由於具備腳輪 可容易地朝期望位置安裝,但是在作爲污水箱: 7相上㈣第2水箱,其具騎水淨㈣ ^構:具備與該第2水箱鄰接之小便器。因此,存在有整 體構成大型化且占地面積大的問題。 另外,在專利文獻i所揭示的發明中 内的污水輸送至第2水箱時,使用具有用以將污 物或紙片等切碎成較細的刀 、 構成高成本的問題。 @存在有整體的 本發明有馨於上述習知問題,而提出一種男性用循環 6 200823338 式小便器,其特徵在於,具備: 水洗便器; 貯存洗淨水的洗淨水貯槽; 力淨水循環機構,用以將該洗淨水貯槽内的洗淨水朝 該水洗便器進行循環; 檢測人體的人體檢測機構;及 用於切換該水洗便器内的流出路之切換閥,以使流入 該水洗便器内的尿水朝排水管流出或使進行洗淨該水洗便 器内的洗淨水朝該洗淨水貯槽流出。 另外,該男性用循環式小便器,其中,該洗淨水貯槽 的底部係以使洗淨水集中用的洗淨水集中部成為最低的方 式而呈傾斜。 另外,該男性用循環式小便器,其中,該洗淨水貯槽 在通常狀態下係密封以防止該洗淨水貯槽内的臭氣流出。 另外,該男性用循環式小便器,其具備控制裝置,用 ⑩α在藉由該人體檢測機構檢測出人體從該水洗便器離開時 驅動該洗淨水循環機構,並且控制該切換閥的切換以使該 水洗便器内的洗淨水流入該洗淨水貯槽内。 抑另外,該男性用循環式小便器,其中,在不使用該小 便益的狀慼或既定時刻時,使該洗淨水貯槽内的洗淨水朝 排水管排出,並貯存新的洗淨水。 依本發明,小便器内的尿水朝排水管排出,以洗淨附 著在該小便器上的尿水成分,且循環利用洗淨水,因此, 洗淨水的使用量變少,而提高節水效果。 7 200823338 【實施方式】 如圖 \ 所- T ’本發明之實施形態之男性用循環式小便 :備適旦二設有水洗便器3的殼體5。該殼體5内下部側 淨二Γ7=進行洗淨該水洗便器3的洗淨水"的洗 °亥洗甲水貯槽7 #底部具備洗淨水集中部 以使洗淨水w隼φ立 ^ .. 的底部,係以使,: 之’該洗淨水貯槽7 傾斜。心使該洗淨水集中部9成爲最低的方式而適當 作爲形成該洗淨水集中冑9的構成較佳係 2 =成圓錐、角錐等錐形,但例如亦可形成如碗狀般= 、、主、味t°!水洗便盗3的底部設置的流出路η ’分支爲與該 槽7連通的連通路13、以及與下水道(省略圖示) 八排水路(排水管)15 ’在該連通路13與排水路15的 /刀支部具有切換閥17。該切換閥17,在將該流出路"盥 連通路13連接時阻絕該流出路u與排水路15的連接,、 相反地,在流出路U與排水路15連接時,形成阻絕該流 出路11與連通路13的連接的作用。該切換閥17,藉由例 如方疋轉式致動器切換擋葉(flapper)的擋葉閥、三通閥、旋 轉閥等’並藉由例如螺線管⑽_id)等適宜的致動器進行 切換動作。 在該洗淨水貯槽7的洗淨水集中部9上連接有與該排 水路15連接的排水管19,在該排水管19上設置有可阻絕 或連通該排水f 19的例如螺線管閥等的開關閥21。該開 8 200823338 關閥21 ’在排出該洗淨水貯槽7内的洗淨水時進行打開動 作。又,連接有用以在藉由該開關目21 ^丁開動作排出 洗淨水後將新的洗淨水供應至該洗淨水貯槽7内的供應管 23,在該供應管23具備開關閥乃。 吕 爲了使貯存在該洗淨水貯槽7内的該洗淨水循環以洗 淨該水洗便器3,在該殼體5内具備洗淨水循環機構27。 更詳細言之,該洗淨水循環機構27具備,從上述洗淨水 貝丁槽7的該洗淨水集中部9附近吸引洗淨水翟的泵1〇, 在孩泵10的噴出側配管3丨具備例如旋流器等淨化機構 33。又,該噴出側配管3丨與在該殼體5内設置的副水箱% 連接。 再者,在藉由該泵1〇朝水洗便器3進行洗淨水循環時, 亦可取代该淨化機構33,而在與該泵丨〇的吸引侧連接的 官上设置過濾器等,亦可在從泵〗〇至水洗便器3的適宜 位置没置過濾裝置。另外,在循環的洗淨水比較乾淨的情 形,亦可省去該淨化機構33。 該副水箱35係用以暫時貯存朝該水洗便器3流出的洗 淨水在"亥田〗水箱3 5連接有用以排出該副水箱3 5内的洗 /尹水的排出官37,在該排出管37具備開關閥39。而且, 在該副水箱35連接有溢流管41。再者,具有用以使該副 水相35内的洗淨水流入該水洗便器3的泵43,並且,具 備連接該水洗便器3的上部侧的配管45。 再者,亦可設成直接連接該噴出側配管3丨與該配管45 的構成,此種情形亦可省去該副水箱35及泵43等。 9 200823338 在該殼體5具備,例如超音波感測器等適宜的由接近 式感測器構成的人體檢測機構47,並且,在適宜位置具有 進行各種致動器的控制之控制裝置49。該控制裝置49, 在該人體檢測機構47檢測出正在使用(利用)水洗便器3的 人時,以將該水洗便器3的流出路π和排水路15連接方 式而控制切換該切換閥17。並且,在藉由該人體檢測機構 47檢測出使用者(利用者)使用完水洗便器3(離開)時,控制 裝置49,驅動泵10以進行該水洗便器3的洗淨,或者驅 動泵43使洗淨水流入水洗便器3内,並且,控制該切換 閥17的切換動作,以將該流出路n和連通路丨3連接。 即,控制裝置49,如後所述,係用以控制循環式小便器i 的各種動作。 在如以上的構成中,當利用者(使用者)爲了使用水洗 便器3而接近殼體5時,藉由人體檢測機構47檢測出利 用者。此時,切換閥17,由於處於連接流出路u與排水 路15的狀態,因此利用者的小便(尿)會透過排水路15而 朝下水這等排出。並且,當藉由人體檢測機構47等檢測 出利用者離開殼體5或者完成使用時,則泵43會以既定 時間驅動並使既定量的洗淨水流入水洗便器3内進行水洗 便裔3的洗淨,並且,以使該流出路11與連通路I]形成 連接狀態而將切換閥17切換。 匕進行該水洗便3洗淨後的洗淨水回收入洗淨 水貝τ槽7内。此時,使用者的尿的大部分朝排水路u側 排出’洗淨水沖走附著在水洗便器3表面上的少量的尿水 200823338 部分,藉此進行水洗便器3的洗淨,因此,回收人洗淨水 貯槽7内的污水(尿)很少。因此,洗淨水貯槽7内的洗淨 水的污染程度,遠低於與全部尿水均流入洗淨水貯槽7内 的h幵y換σ之,洗淨水在長時間内保持比較清潔的狀態。 因此,因該洗淨水貯槽7内的洗淨水污染程度而更換 洗淨水的頻度減少,故提高了節水效果。另外,在進行小 便為%,也有在洗淨水中添加適量的淨化液“例如triex 一 1(商品名)”的情形,但可減少該淨化液的添加量,依情 况亦可省去添加該淨化液。而且,由於回收入該洗淨水貯 槽7的污水部分是少量的,因此亦可減少該洗淨水貯槽7 的容積,而謀求整體構成的小型化。 如前述’對水洗便器3流入洗淨水進行洗淨後,當經 過藉由計時器(省略圖示)預先設定的既定時間時,在該控 制裝置49的控制下,該切換閥17恢復初使狀態,亦即連 接流出路11與排水路丨5的狀態。然而,在例如擔心該連 通路13或排水路15内産生臭氣的情況,在通常狀態下, 較佳係藉由該切換閥丨7將該流出路丨丨與連通路〗3及排 水路15的連接保持在阻絕狀態。 如丽述’利用泵43的驅動將副水箱35内的洗淨水流 入水洗便3進行洗淨,當藉由例如浮標感測器等的適宜 的水位感測器(省略圖示)檢測出該副水箱35内的洗淨水減 少時,在控制裝置49的控制下驅動泵1Q,將洗淨水貯槽 7内的洗淨水朝副水箱3 5内補充。此時,流入該副水箱3 5 的洗淨水’藉由例如適宜的篩檢程式或旋流器等的淨化機 11 200823338 構33除去微小的固體形物等。 如前述,藉由進行循環該洗 適炙a、隹> ^ a T ?曰7内的洗淨水重 複夕-人進订水洗便器3的洗淨,在不使用小❹ 者當達到既定時刻時,開關閥21、39進 、5 洗淨水貯槽7及副水箱35内的洗淨水朝排水路動二:吏In the case of the urinals for men, the urinals have been developed to detect the person who is close to the washing machine, and to use the washing water (washing liquid), and to use the urinal that only washes the water in the urinal. In the case of such a urinal, the cleaning of the urination n can be automatically ordered, but there is a problem that the amount of water used for washing is more than that. Therefore, it has been proposed to purify the sewage and reuse it as a washing water. A urinal (for example, refer to Patent Document 1). [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2004-^36. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The invention disclosed in the patent document , can be easily mounted to a desired position by providing a caster, but as a sewage tank: 7 phase (four) 2 water tank, which has a riding water net (4) ^ structure: has a urinal adjacent to the second water tank. Therefore, there is a problem that the overall structure is large and the floor space is large. Further, in the case where the sewage in the invention disclosed in Patent Document i is transported to the second tank, there is a problem that the scrap is cut into finer knives or the like, which constitutes a high cost. @The present invention has the above-mentioned conventional problems, and proposes a male cycle 6 200823338 urinal, which is characterized in that it has: a water-washing toilet; a washing water storage tank for storing washing water; a mechanism for circulating the washing water in the washing water tank toward the water washing device; detecting a human body detecting mechanism; and switching a switching valve for switching an outflow path in the water washing device to flow into the water washing device The inside of the urine flows out of the drain pipe or causes the washing water in the washing machine to flow out toward the washing water storage tank. In the circulation urinal for men, the bottom of the washing water tank is inclined so that the washing water concentration portion for concentrating the washing water is the lowest. Further, the male circulatory urinal is sealed in a normal state to prevent odorous airflow in the washing water storage tank. Further, the male circulatory urinal is provided with a control device for driving the washing water circulation mechanism when the human body detecting mechanism detects that the human body is separated from the water washing device by 10α, and controls switching of the switching valve to make the switch The washing water in the washing toilet flows into the washing water storage tank. In addition, the male circulatory urinal in which the washing water in the washing water storage tank is discharged toward the drain pipe and the new washing water is stored without using the urination or the predetermined time. . According to the present invention, the urine in the urinal is discharged toward the drain pipe to wash the urinary water component adhering to the urinal, and the washing water is recycled, so that the amount of the washing water is reduced, and the water saving effect is improved. . [Embodiment] As shown in the figure, the male circulatory urination according to the embodiment of the present invention is provided with a casing 5 of the water-washing toilet 3. The inside of the lower portion of the casing 5 is net Γ 7 = washing water for washing the water rinsing device 3 is washed. The bottom of the washing water tank 7 is provided with a washing water concentration portion to make the washing water w 隼 立The bottom of the ^.. is made so that: the 'wash water storage tank 7 is inclined. The center of the washing water concentration portion 9 is preferably the lowest, and the configuration for forming the washing water concentration unit 9 is preferably a taper such as a cone or a pyramid, but may be formed, for example, like a bowl. The main flow, the taste t°! The outflow path η' provided at the bottom of the washed toilet 3 is branched into a communication passage 13 that communicates with the groove 7, and a sewer (not shown) eight drainage road (drain) 15' The communication passage 13 and the / knife branch portion of the drain passage 15 have a switching valve 17. The switching valve 17 blocks the connection of the outflow path u and the drain passage 15 when the outflow path "盥 communication path 13 is connected, and conversely forms the outflow path when the outflow path U is connected to the drain path 15 11 The function of the connection with the communication path 13. The switching valve 17 is operated by, for example, a flapper actuator to switch a flapper valve, a three-way valve, a rotary valve, etc., and is operated by a suitable actuator such as a solenoid (10)_id. Switch actions. A drain pipe 19 connected to the drain passage 15 is connected to the washing water concentration portion 9 of the washing water storage tank 7, and the drain pipe 19 is provided with, for example, a solenoid valve that can block or communicate the drain f19. And so on and off valve 21. The opening 8 200823338 shuts off the valve 21' to perform an opening operation when the washing water in the washing water storage tank 7 is discharged. Further, the connection is used to supply the fresh washing water to the supply pipe 23 in the washing water storage tank 7 after the washing water is discharged by the switch, and the supply pipe 23 is provided with the on-off valve. . In order to wash the washing water 3 stored in the washing water storage tank 7 to wash the water washing machine 3, a washing water circulation mechanism 27 is provided in the casing 5. More specifically, the washing water circulation mechanism 27 includes a pump 1 that sucks the washing water from the vicinity of the washing water concentration unit 9 of the washing water bead tank 7, and a pipe 3 on the discharge side of the child pump 10. A purifying mechanism 33 such as a cyclone is provided. Further, the discharge side pipe 3A is connected to the sub tank % provided in the casing 5. Further, when the washing water is circulated toward the flushing toilet 3 by the pump 1 , the purifying mechanism 33 may be replaced with a filter or the like attached to the suction side of the pump cymbal. There is no filter device from the pump to the appropriate position of the toilet bowl 3. Further, in the case where the circulating washing water is relatively clean, the purifying mechanism 33 can be omitted. The sub tank 35 is for temporarily storing the washing water flowing out of the water washing device 3, and is connected to the discharge door 37 for discharging the washing/inspiration water in the sub tank 35. The discharge pipe 37 is provided with an on-off valve 39. Further, an overflow pipe 41 is connected to the sub tank 35. Further, a pump 43 for allowing the washing water in the sub-aqueous phase 35 to flow into the water-washing toilet 3 is provided, and a pipe 45 for connecting the upper side of the water-washing toilet 3 is provided. Further, it is also possible to directly connect the discharge side pipe 3丨 to the pipe 45. In this case, the sub tank 35, the pump 43, and the like may be omitted. 9 200823338 The casing 5 is provided with a human body detecting mechanism 47 which is preferably constituted by a proximity sensor such as an ultrasonic sensor, and has a control device 49 for controlling various actuators at appropriate positions. When the human body detecting means 47 detects the person who is using (utilizing) the water washing machine 3, the control device 49 controls the switching of the switching valve 17 by connecting the outflow path π of the water washing device 3 and the drain path 15. When the human body detecting means 47 detects that the user (user) has used the water washing device 3 (away), the control device 49 drives the pump 10 to perform washing of the water washing machine 3 or drives the pump 43 to The washing water flows into the water washing machine 3, and the switching operation of the switching valve 17 is controlled to connect the outflow path n and the communication path 3. That is, the control device 49 is used to control various operations of the circulating urinal i as will be described later. In the above configuration, when the user (user) approaches the casing 5 in order to use the water rinsing device 3, the human detecting means 47 detects the user. At this time, since the switching valve 17 is in a state in which the outflow path u and the drain path 15 are connected, the user's urine (urine) is discharged through the drain path 15 toward the lower water. When the human detecting means 47 or the like detects that the user has left the casing 5 or completed use, the pump 43 is driven for a predetermined period of time and a predetermined amount of washing water is flowed into the water washing machine 3 to be washed. The switching valve 17 is switched so that the outflow path 11 and the communication path I] are connected to each other.洗 The washing water after washing the water is washed back into the washing water tank 7 tank. At this time, most of the user's urine is discharged toward the drainage path u side, and the washing water washes away a small amount of urine water 200823338 attached to the surface of the water washing machine 3, thereby washing the water washing machine 3, and therefore, recycling There is little sewage (urine) in the human washed water storage tank 7. Therefore, the degree of contamination of the washing water in the washing water storage tank 7 is much lower than that of the whole urinary water flowing into the washing water storage tank 7, and the washing water is kept relatively clean for a long time. status. Therefore, the frequency of replacement of the washing water by the degree of contamination of the washing water in the washing water tank 7 is reduced, so that the water saving effect is improved. In addition, when the urination is %, an appropriate amount of the purifying liquid "for example, triex-1 (trade name)" may be added to the washing water, but the amount of the purifying liquid added may be reduced, and the purifying may be omitted depending on the case. liquid. Further, since the amount of the sewage which is recovered in the washing water tank 7 is small, the volume of the washing water tank 7 can be reduced, and the overall configuration can be reduced. As described above, when the water washing device 3 is washed with the washing water, when the predetermined time set by a timer (not shown) is set, the switching valve 17 is restored under the control of the control device 49. The state, that is, the state in which the outflow path 11 and the drain path 5 are connected. However, for example, in the case where an odor is generated in the communication path 13 or the drainage path 15, in the normal state, the outflow path and the communication path 3 and the drainage path 15 are preferably used by the switching valve 丨7. The connection remains blocked. As described in Lisho, the washing water in the sub tank 35 is flushed into the washing machine 3 by the drive of the pump 43, and is detected by a suitable water level sensor (not shown) such as a buoy sensor. When the washing water in the sub tank 35 is reduced, the pump 1Q is driven under the control of the controller 49, and the washing water in the washing water tank 7 is replenished into the sub tank 35. At this time, the washing water flowing into the sub tank 35 is removed by a purifying machine 11 200823338 such as a suitable screening program or a cyclone to remove minute solids or the like. As described above, by washing the washing water in the washing bath, the washing liquid in the washing chamber 重复 a, 隹 > ^ a T 曰 7 is repeated, and the person who does not use the small squatter reaches the predetermined time. When the switching valves 21, 39, 5, the washing water storage tank 7 and the auxiliary water tank 35 are washed, the water is moved toward the drainage path:
Si:刻可藉由在該控制裝置49的記憶體預先設定的 =例如,22:〇〇)與在控制裝置-設置的時鐘的時刻進 灯比較而檢測出來。另外’在不使用小便器“夺,就曾該 既定時刻前’藉由光感測器(省略圖示)檢测出小便哭「的 設f場所的照明例如熄燈,或藉由檢測出已不使用的適當 數置條件(例如設置建築物的門被鎖而在建築物内沒有人的 條件4 )等,亦可進行檢測。 —如别述’當洗淨水貯槽7内的洗淨水排出時,在該洗 淨讀槽7的底部形成洗淨水集中部9,且底部係以使該 洗淨水木中9成為最低的方式而呈傾斜,因此,可使具 有/ητ遠在洗 >尹水貯槽7底部的傾向的沈澱物朝洗淨水集中 Ρ飢下排出因此,不會在洗淨水貯槽7的底部滯留沈 澱物,而能防止沈澱物滯留引起的臭氣産生。 如前述,在從洗淨水貯槽7及副水箱35排出洗淨水後, 遠開關閥21、39成爲關閉狀態,並且,開關閥乃成爲打 開狀態且朝該洗淨水貯槽7供應新的洗淨水並驅動泵W 朝副水箱35補充新的洗淨水,藉此,對於洗淨水貯槽7 及副水箱35可成爲貯存新洗淨水的初始狀態。 再者,在朝該洗淨水貯槽7及副水箱35貯存新的洗淨 12 200823338 水時’亦可藉由新的洗淨水洗淨—次洗淨水貯# 7及 箱35後,再次貯存新的洗淨水。 如以上的說明可更理解,纟洗便ϋ 3 #洗淨,係循产 使用洗淨水貯# 7所回收的洗淨水,並且,水洗便器3 ^ 利用:的尿水的大部分朝排水管15排出,而將附著在水 洗便益3上的小部分尿水洗淨,因此,洗淨水貯槽7所回 收的洗乎水的5染程度極為減緩,從洗淨水貯肖7排 洗淨水的排出次數因利用人數的比例而變少,: 大的節水效果。 又于叙 然而’爲了更有效地防止該洗淨水貯槽7、副水箱 内的洗淨水的臭氣朝外部浅漏,洗淨水貯槽7及副水箱35 較佳係設成在通常狀態下不朝外部排出臭氣的密封構成。 此種情形’例如可設成如下構成。再者’副水II 35的構 成,可設成配合洗淨水貯him此1於^^The Si: can be detected by comparing the preset value of the memory of the control device 49, for example, 22: 〇〇) with the time at which the control device-set clock is turned on. In addition, 'when you don’t use the urinals, you’ve used the light sensor (not shown) to detect the squatting of the squatting room, such as turning off the lights, or by detecting The appropriate number of conditions used (for example, the condition that the door of the building is locked and there is no person in the building 4) can also be detected. - As described above, when the washing water in the washing water tank 7 is discharged At this time, the washing water concentration portion 9 is formed at the bottom of the washing reading tank 7, and the bottom portion is inclined so that the washing water wood 9 is the lowest. Therefore, it is possible to have /ητ far in the washing > The precipitate which tends to the bottom of the Yinshui storage tank 7 is discharged toward the concentration of the washing water, so that the sediment does not remain in the bottom of the washing water storage tank 7, and the generation of odor due to the retention of the sediment can be prevented. After the washing water is discharged from the washing water storage tank 7 and the sub tank 35, the remote opening and closing valves 21 and 39 are closed, and the switching valve is opened and the new washing water is supplied to the washing water storage tank 7 and The drive pump W replenishes the sub tank 35 with new washing water, thereby washing The water storage tank 7 and the sub tank 35 can be in an initial state for storing fresh washing water. Further, when the new washing 12 200823338 water is stored in the washing water storage tank 7 and the sub tank 35, it can also be washed by a new one. Washing the clean water - after washing the water storage # 7 and the tank 35, store the new washing water again. As explained above, you can understand the washing notes 3 #洗洗, use the washing water storage # 7的洗洗洗水, and, the washing machine 3 ^ The majority of the urine water is discharged toward the drain pipe 15, and a small portion of the urine water attached to the washing detergent 3 is washed, so the washing water The degree of dyeing of the washing water recovered by the storage tank 7 is extremely slow, and the number of discharges of the washing water from the washing water storage tank 7 is reduced by the proportion of the number of use persons: a large water saving effect. It is more effective to prevent the odor of the washing water in the washing water storage tank 7 and the sub tank from leaking toward the outside, and the washing water tank 7 and the sub tank 35 are preferably arranged so as not to discharge the odor to the outside in a normal state. The sealing structure can be set as follows, for example, the configuration of the sub water II 35 can be Him to fit flush water reservoir 1 in this ^^
貝丁槽/的情形進行例示,且在該實施形態的構成要件與息 有相同功能的構成要件附以相同符號並省略重複的說明、。、 圖2係示意概要地表示密封狀態的洗淨水貯槽% ^施形態中’在洗淨水貯# 7的上部具有用以允許 水貯槽7的外部空氣流入,但阻止來自洗淨水貯样7: 的氣體流出的止回閥51。而且,設置可推押的致 内 置姆回閥51的閥體53抵抗彈簣“的彈:力: 作爲该致動57,只要县处―泰高士 疋月b在而要牯推壓該閥體53 回閥51打開者即可,例如亦可設成螺線管等。 、 作爲該致動器57,在本例中以可往復的方式内設有活 13 200823338 塞59的流體壓力缸61作例示。在該活塞59具備,能以 前端部推壓該閥體53的活塞桿…並且,在該流體壓力 紅“的活塞桿側的流體壓力室内,安裝有將該活塞桿〇 朝背離該閥體53的方向施以彈壓的彈簧65,該流體壓力 紅61的活塞㈣㈣壓力室透過料孔67而與該洗淨貯 槽7的内部連通。 藉由上述構成,利的職而使洗淨水貯槽7内 的洗淨水W經由過渡器而被吸引,以使内部成為負壓時, 抵抗止回閥51的彈簧55的彈壓力而使閥體53朝内部方 朝移動,並使止_ 51打開而吸引外部空氣 關闊21進行開動作並排出㈣的洗淨水時,亦從止回闕η 吸引外部线。即’可沒有任何問題地進行洗淨水貯槽7 内的洗淨水W的吸引或排出。 “再者,密封狀態的洗淨水貯槽7内的一些壓力變化, 错由上部的空氣層η及收,因此不會産生大問題。 在使該開關閥25進行開動作並從供應管23朝、先、、爭水 =7㈣充新的洗淨水時,藉由供應洗淨^使洗淨水 内的壓力逐漸上升。洗淨水貯槽7内的壓力作用在 /爪塗力缸二的活塞侧的流體壓室,抵抗彈簧65的彈壓 力而推麗活塞59,因此活塞桿63推壓止回閥Η的閥體^, =止二成爲開狀態,因此’洗淨水貯# 7内的氣 =過止回間5" 月外部流出,因此可沒有任何問題地對 该洗淨水貯槽7補充新的洗淨水。 如上述,在通常狀態下’由於止回閥51處於關閉狀態, 200823338 因此可防止洗淨水貯槽7内的 出ϋ w體在通常狀恶下朝外部流 出再者,在此種密封化的構成中,亦可將洗淨水 的底部平面化。 9 / 然而 不努月以僅限於前述構成,藉㈣行適宜的 變更’亦能以其他的形態來實施。例如,取代該開關間21 亦可設成在該洗淨水貯# 7的底部與該排水管i9 i 接部設置可將該排水管1 9的^ * 、運 …19的開口部開關的開關閥。再去The components of the present embodiment are exemplified, and the components that have the same functions as those of the embodiment are denoted by the same reference numerals and the description thereof will not be repeated. Fig. 2 is a schematic view showing the state of the washing water tank in a sealed state. In the embodiment, the upper portion of the washing water reservoir #7 has an external air for allowing the water storage tank 7 to flow in, but prevents the storage of the water from the washing water. 7: The gas flows out of the check valve 51. Moreover, the valve body 53 of the push-in built-in m-return valve 51 is provided to resist the bomb: "The force: as the actuating 57, as long as the county-Tai Gaoshi 疋月 b is in the process of pushing the valve body 53 The return valve 51 can be opened, for example, a solenoid or the like. As the actuator 57, in this example, the fluid pressure cylinder 61 of the live 13 200823338 plug 59 is provided in a reciprocable manner. The piston 59 is provided with a piston rod that can press the valve body 53 at the front end portion, and the piston rod is biased away from the valve in the fluid pressure chamber on the piston rod side of the fluid pressure red A spring 65 is biased in the direction of the body 53, and the piston (4) (4) of the fluid pressure red 61 passes through the orifice 67 to communicate with the interior of the washing tank 7. According to the above configuration, the washing water W in the washing water storage tank 7 is sucked by the transition device, so that when the inside becomes a negative pressure, the valve is pressed against the spring pressure of the spring 55 of the check valve 51. The body 53 moves toward the inside, and when the stop _ 51 is opened to attract the outside air to open 21 and discharge the water (4), the external line is also sucked from the check 阙η. That is, the suction or discharge of the washing water W in the washing water tank 7 can be performed without any problem. "Furthermore, some pressure changes in the sealed state of the washing water tank 7 are incorrectly caused by the upper air layer η, so that no major problem occurs. The opening and closing of the switching valve 25 is made from the supply pipe 23 , first, and water = 7 (4) When the new washing water is filled, the pressure in the washing water is gradually increased by supplying the washing liquid. The pressure in the washing water storage tank 7 acts on the piston of the claw-applied cylinder 2 The fluid pressure chamber on the side pushes the piston 59 against the spring pressure of the spring 65. Therefore, the piston rod 63 pushes the valve body of the check valve ^, and the second valve is opened, so that the inside of the washing water reservoir #7 The gas is discharged from the outside of the month, so that the washing water storage tank 7 can be replenished with new washing water without any problem. As described above, in the normal state, since the check valve 51 is in the closed state, 200823338 Therefore, it is possible to prevent the exiting w w body in the washing water storage tank 7 from flowing out to the outside under normal conditions, and in the sealed configuration, the bottom of the washing water can be flattened. The month is limited to the above-mentioned composition, and the appropriate change by (4) can also be in other forms. For example, instead of the switch room 21, an opening switch capable of connecting the drain pipe 19 to the drain pipe i9 i may be provided at the bottom of the drain water reservoir #7. Switch valve. Go again
開關閥39亦可設成同樣的構成。 考’ 另外,亦可將供應管23對應於副水箱35的高 或與配管45的端部附近對應而配置,從副水箱:二 淨水貯槽7側供應新的洗淨水,或從水洗便器3侧朝=洗 水貯槽7側供應新的洗淨水。 奶洗净 另外,亦可設成每當從洗淨水貯槽7排出洗 依需要使用泵朝高位置的排水路15 盼, 如一般的小便器,亦可在該流出 而, 格11的部分等適宜卹八 設置排出防臭閥。即,在設計上可作各種變化。。刀 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1係示意概要地表示本發明之實 便器整體構成的說明圖。 长式小 〜圖2係示意概要地表示本發明之第2實施形態之 水貯槽的構成的說明圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 循環式小便器 水洗便器 15 200823338The on-off valve 39 can also be configured in the same manner. Further, the supply pipe 23 may be disposed corresponding to the height of the sub tank 35 or the vicinity of the end portion of the pipe 45, and supply new washing water from the sub water tank: the second clean water storage tank 7 side, or from the water washing toilet. 3 side of the = wash water storage tank 7 side to supply new washing water. In addition to the milk washing, it is also possible to set the drainage path 15 to the high position every time the washing water is drained from the washing water storage tank 7, such as a general urinal, which may also flow out, the portion of the grid 11, etc. Suitable for the eight-piece discharge deodorant valve. That is, various changes can be made in design. . [Brief Description of the Drawings] Fig. 1 is a schematic view schematically showing the overall configuration of a toilet of the present invention. The outline of the water storage tank according to the second embodiment of the present invention is schematically shown. [Main component symbol description] Cycling urinal Washing toilet 15 200823338
5 殼體 7 洗淨水貯槽 9 洗淨水集中部 10 泵 11 流出路 13 連通路 15 排水路(排水管) 17 切換閥 19 排水管 21 開關閥 23 供應管 27 洗淨水循環機構 33 淨化機構 35 副水箱 43 泵 47 人體檢測機構 49 控制裝置 165 Housing 7 Washing water storage tank 9 Washing water concentration part 10 Pump 11 Outflow path 13 Connecting line 15 Drainage road (drainage pipe) 17 Switching valve 19 Drain pipe 21 Switching valve 23 Supply pipe 27 Washing water circulation mechanism 33 Purification mechanism 35 Sub tank 43 pump 47 human detection mechanism 49 control device 16