200800358 (1) 九、發明說明 【發明所屬之技術領域】 " 本發明關於用來對泥漿狀或污泥狀的被脫水處理物進 . 行脫水處理,以成爲含水率低的餅狀之污泥脫水用濾布帶 及使用該濾布帶之濾布帶式脫水裝置。 【先前技術】 Φ 作爲泥漿狀或污泥狀的產業廢水、地下水、或屎尿等 脫水成含水率低的餅狀進行處理之裝置,以往以來,使用 1鑛布帶的帶式沖壓型脫水裝置爲眾所皆知。這種帶式沖壓 型脫水裝置,其基本原理爲藉由加壓帶或滾子,在濾布帶 上按處被脫水處理物,來將水分過濾。 例如,揭示有下述裝置,即,具備有:將被脫水處理 物夾入之狀態下捲繞於複數個壓擠滾子及高壓滾子之2條 無端濾布帶、及將這些濾布帶按壓於高壓滾子的1條加壓 Φ 帶之帶式沖壓型污泥脫水機(專利文獻1 ):具有將夾入 被脫水處理物的2條無端濾布帶、與夾入這些濾布帶的2 條加壓帶捲繞於複數個脫水滾子之構造的帶式沖壓型脫水 分離機(專利文獻2 ):或具有將夾入被脫水處理物的1 條無端濾布帶與1條無端加壓帶捲繞於脫水滾子及加壓滾 子之構造的脫水裝置(專利文獻3 )等。 這些脫水裝置均爲在2條濾布帶之間或濾布帶與加壓 帶之間夾入被脫水處理物並移送,進行脫水之方式,具備 2組滾子單元。相對於此,本發明者們提案有,使用單一 200800358 (2) 的濾布帶,將此濾布帶掛設於具備負壓脫水部(1)、加 壓脫水轉移部(2)、處理物回收部(3)、洗淨部(4) β 及壓擠部(5 )之脫水裝置,在上述各構件間依此順序進 , 行,藉由濾布帶一邊移送被脫水處理物,一邊進行脫水之 濾布帶式脫水裝置(專利文獻4 )。 [專利文獻1]日本特開昭5 8- 1 8 1 49 8號公報 [專利文獻2]日本特開昭62-244599號公報 φ [專利文獻3]日本特開平6-79113號公報 [專利文獻4]日本特開200 1 -1 704 1 9號公報 【發明內容】 [發明所欲解決之課題] 但,在這些濾布帶式脫水裝置,均使用呈無端狀捲繞 之濾布帶作爲濾布帶。但,因使用於這種脫水裝置之濾布 帶,會有因髒污造成更換次數多,並且濾布帶長且大、寬 參 度廣,複雜地捲繞於脫水裝置內,所以,在掛設於脫水裝 置之際,在爲無端狀帶之情況,掛設作業困難且成爲掛設 時間長之作業。 爲了針對這樣的濾布帶式脫水裝置,改善無端帶的@ 點,容易進行掛設作業,在本發明使用非環狀、開放# (open-end )帶,將此帶在脫水裝置上呈無端狀接合 (seaming ),作爲具有接縫之濾布帶來使用。 [用以解決課題之手段] -6- 200800358 (3) 即,本發明之污泥脫水用的具有接縫之濾布帶,是使 在兩端部具備接合環的開放式帶的接合環彼此相互嚙合, — 藉此形成共通孔,在將芯線通過該共通孔進行接合來形成 . 的污泥脫水用的具有接縫之濾布帶。 本發明之濾布帶式脫水裝置’是將上述具有接縫的濾 布帶捲繞於脫水裝置內,具備將被供給至濾布帶上的被脫 水處理物藉由利用加壓帶或滾子的按壓及/或來自於濾布 φ 帶下部的吸引進行過濾脫水之脫水部,將泥漿狀或污泥狀 的被脫水處理部進行脫水處理成含水率低的餅狀之濾布帶 、 式脫水裝置。 在本發明,在使用脫水用之具有接縫的濾布帶時,爲 了提昇脫水效率、帶的行走性,構成帶的各層之材料、形 狀的選擇、組合極爲重要。又,會有爲了容易進行接合之 帶的構造改良、或爲了提昇接縫部的強度或保持表面平滑 度而需要進行接合部的表面處理之情況。在本發明,包含 V爲了解 決這些問題,因應需要可加以實施的各種實施形 態。 [發明效果] 本發明之濾布帶式脫水裝置,藉由使用具有接縫的濾 布帶作爲濾布帶,能夠將開放式帶拉入至脫水裝置內並使 其行走’在裝置內進行接合,所以,雖在以往使用無端狀 帶的情況,帶的掛設困難且花費時間,但根據本發明的 話,可簡單且迅速地進行帶的掛設。 -7- 200800358 (4) 【實施方式】 ^ 本發明的濾布帶式脫水裝置爲將泥漿狀或污泥狀的被 . 脫水處理物過濾,並脫水處理成含水率低的餅狀之裝置。 作爲被脫水處理物,可舉出例如’食品工業之剩餘污泥、 化學工業、金屬工業之漿體的製品回收、廢棄物、下水 (髒水)的活性剩餘污泥、生活廢水污泥等。 φ 濾布帶式脫水裝置的基本原理是在於將被供給至濾布 帶上的被脫水處理物藉由利用加壓帶或滾子的按壓及/或 來_於濾布帶下部的吸引進行過濾脫水之脫水部,將泥漿 狀或污泥狀的被脫水處理部進行脫水處理,可使用下述的 各種方式,即,將被脫水處理物夾入至2條濾布帶之間或 濾布帶與加壓帶之間進行加壓脫水的方法,或使用單一的 濾布帶,藉由利用滾子的按壓或來自於濾布帶下部的吸引 進行脫水之方法。 • 本發明的濾布帶式脫水裝置具備:捲繞於脫水裝置內 的濾布帶;及脫水部。脫水部是將被供給至瀘布帶上的被 脫水處理物藉由利用加壓帶或滾子的按壓及/或來自於濾 布帶下部的吸引進行過濾脫水的構件,其他,可因應需 要,設置處理物回收部、洗淨部及壓擠部等。 作爲本發明的濾布帶式脫水裝置之一例,如圖1所 示,該濾布帶式脫水裝置是由負壓脫水部、加壓脫水轉移 部、處理物回收部、洗淨部及壓擠部的各部所構成,有端 狀帶的兩端被接合所形成的單一具有接縫之濾布帶以上述 -8- 200800358 (5) 順序連續行進於上述各部。 在圖1,1片的濾布帶1通過負壓脫水部3、加壓脫 β 水轉移部4、處理物回收部5、洗淨部6及壓擠部7被捲 • 繞著。負壓脫水部3是對被供給於濾布帶1的上面側之被 脫水處理物S,作用來自於濾布帶1的下面側之吸引負 壓,將被脫水處理物S進行初期脫水之構件;加壓脫水轉 移部4是將已進行了初期脫水的被脫水處理物S與濾布帶 φ 1 一同在上下一對沖壓滾子4Α、4Β間加壓脫水,且將進 行了脫水之處理物C轉移至上方的沖壓頂滾子4Α,由濾 布滯1剝離之構件;處理物回收部5是將轉移至上方的沖 壓頂滾子4Α之處理物C刮落並加以回收之構件;又,洗 淨部6爲將剝離了處理物C之濾布帶1予以洗淨之構件; 壓擠部7爲節流取得喜淨水之構件。 使用如以上所構成之濾布帶式脫水裝置,首先由配置 於負壓脫水部3前的供給箱2,將被脫水處理物S供給至 • 朝箭號方向移送的濾布帶1之上面側。在負壓脫水部,由 濾布帶的下面側,對被脫水處理物作用吸引負壓,將被脫 水處理物的水分吸引至濾布帶的下面側,來將被脫水處理 物S進行初期脫水。其次,加壓脫水轉移部4的沖壓頂滾 子4Α、沖壓底滾子4Β,對進行了初期脫水的被脫水處理 物與濾布帶一同進行加壓並脫水,將已被脫水的處理物轉 移至上方的沖壓頂滾子4Α後,由濾布帶加以剝離。接 著,在處理物回收部5,藉由刮刀5 Α將轉移至一方的沖 壓滾子4A的處理物刮落並回收,該被脫水處理物作爲含 -9- 200800358 (6) 水率低的餅狀處理物C分離,被回收至回收箱5B。另 外,剝離了處理物之濾布帶是在洗淨部6,藉由洗淨槽 - 6A、沖淋管6B、6C進行洗淨,接著以壓擠部7的一對壓 - 擠滾子7A、7B將水分擠出,返回至供給箱2,再供給新 的被脫水處理物S。 在本發明,針對這種濾布帶式脫水裝置,作爲濾布 帶,爲了容易進行掛設作業,而使用開放式帶,將此帶在 • 脫水裝置上,作爲接合成無端狀的具有接縫之濾布帶來使 用。 用於具有接縫之濾布帶的有端帶是如圖2所示,在各 自的端部設有複數個環L。濾布帶式如圖3所示,由織布 之基布B與2層的對接層W所構成。對接層W是藉由將 層積於基布B上的棉網纖維以針刺予以纏結一體化來構成 的。基布B是如圖4所示,藉由織製MD (經紗)方向的 線材21〜29、CD (緯紗)方向的線材11〜19來構成的。 # MD方向的線才在端部折返,構成環L。在使用時,將有 端狀濃布帶掛設於脫水裝置,使兩端部對接,在一方的端 布之環間嵌合另一方的端部之環,使兩端部的環彼此相互 嚙合。此嚙合作業是如圖3 ( A )所示,將兩端部接合成 山狀後,使環彼此相互嚙合。因此,在將另一方的環嵌裝 於一方的環間之情況時,另一方的環是由其下側朝上側 (或相反地,由上側朝下側)嵌入至一方的環間。再者, 在嚙合作業,亦有使用專用的治具。 當兩端部的環群L、L嚙合時,如圖3 ( B )所示,藉 -10- 200800358 (7) 由連續的環之孔部’形成隧道,將芯線T插通於該隧 然後’藉由對接成山狀之端部作成平面狀,形成無端 , 布帶F。 , 在設置於有端帶的一方的端布之環L間,嵌合另 的朗部之環,將兩端部的環彼此相互嚼合,藉此,形 有接縫之濾布帶,但環L在織製MD方向的線材 29、CD方向的線材11〜19時,藉由在MD方向的線 ^ 端部的折返來形成。即如圖4所示,在藉由C D線材 與MD線材21〜所織製的基布,MD線材的折返部成 L。圖5顯示此基布的端布之CD方向剖面圖的1例 圖5中,MD方向線材21A〜29A與21B〜29B分別 部相連,折返形成環L。 在如此所織製的基布,因CD方向線材與MD方 材的織製所產生之力的向量是在鄰接的MD線成爲相 向,因此,鄰接形成的環L群是在上下方向產生位 φ 移。因此,不易通過芯線T使兩端部的環彼此相互嚙 情況並不少。爲了解決此問題,如圖6所示,使用具 整線之帶爲佳,該帶是在CD線材中的端部端緣,設 由與C D線材不同的織製模式所織入的調整線3 0,藉 兩端部近緣的MD方向線材不會朝外側方向及/或CD 偏移地彈推,以保持環的形狀。 又,如圖7所示,在由基布B與在其一面或兩面 針刺所形成的對接層W1、W 2所構成之濾布,亦可使 有下述構造之瀘布,即,基部的兩端之環L1、L2藉 道。 狀濾 一方 成具 21〜 材之 1 1〜 爲環 。在 以端 向線 反方 置偏 合之 有調 置藉 由將 方向 進行 用具 由芯 -11 - 200800358 (8) 線T連結後,對接層的翼片部分(W1 a )配置 的接縫。藉此,可保護因沖壓所導致之接縫損 * 防止被供給至濾布帶上的被脫水處理物S洩漏 . 在藉由兩端部的環彼此相互嚙合,形成具 後,改良接縫部分的表面狀態,使帶的行走變 的上,能夠對帶的接縫部分進行樹脂加工。又 在以翼片部分覆蓋接縫之情況,藉由對翼片部 φ 進行樹脂加工,則具有防止,帶行走時對接纖 分脫落。 在本發明之泥漿狀或污泥狀被脫水處理f 理,因未被要求濾布帶的表面均等性或平滑性 片部分之樹脂加工的表面處理爲有效手段。作 加工之樹脂,理想爲胺基甲酸酯、丙烯酸、環 聚醯胺、合成橡膠等。 濾布帶通常爲厚度2〜10mm、寬度5 00〜 Φ 右之具有接縫之濾布帶,如前所述,使用通常 表面網層之層積構造者,基布與表面層是藉| 等,以纖維相互地糾纏之方式接合。 基布及表面層是可根據被脫水處理物的種 等選擇各種的材料,但藉由例如以合成纖維製 製的基布之經紗與緯紗的交叉點之數作爲600 X5 cm,且表面網層的平均細孔徑爲100〜15 〇 // 過濾布的重力過濾性,且尺寸穩定性變好,可 昇0 成覆蓋基部 傷,又亦可 〇 有接縫之帶 得圓滑之目 ,如上述, 分及其周邊 維由翼片部 勿的脫水處 ,所以,翼 爲用於樹脂 氧、聚酯、 4 0 0 0 mm 左 在基布層積 由針刺加工 類、含水率 單絲纖維織 〜1 5 0 0 / 5 c m m,可提升 使行走性提 -12- 200800358 (9) 又,亦可藉由層積纖度不同的2層或2層以上,有效 地進行脫水。如圖8所示,作成由具有構成上面的外面層 • 1 A、構成其下面的內面層1 B及這些層之間的中間層1 C , 的3層構造之毛氈材料所構成的3層結構,外面層1A是 以過濾被脫水處理物S之極細纖維層所構成,中間層1 C 是以促進水分透過之中細纖維層所構成,內面層1 B是以 促進去水之基布層所構成,藉此可有效地進行過濾至去水 φ 製程。又,可將被脫水處理物S的細微粒子凝聚於外面層 1 A上。這些層是藉由針刺加工等,接合成纖維相互糾 纏“。 又,亦可使用下述基布作爲濾布帶來使用,藉此減少 污泥進入至濾布內且提昇剝離性,該基布是上層緯紗使用 合成纖維板狀捲縮紗、下層緯紗使用合成樹脂單絲纖維、 經紗使用合成樹脂單絲纖維所織製的。 • [產業上之利用可能性] 本發明是針對將泥漿狀或污泥狀的被脫水處理物脫水 處理成含水率低之餅狀的濾布帶式脫水裝犀,使用由開放 式帶所形成的具有接縫之濾布帶作爲濾布帶的脫水裝置。 在以往的濾布帶式脫水裝置,所使用的濾布帶因髒污導致 更換次數多,並且濾布帶長且大並且寬廣,複雜地捲繞於 脫水裝置內,所以在爲無端狀帶之情況,掛設作業困難且 花費時間。 本發明,由於將濾布帶作爲由開放式帶所形成的具有 -13- 200800358 (10) 接縫之濾布帶,故掛設作業可將開放式帶拉入至脫水裝置 內並使其行進,在裝置內進行接合,所以能夠簡單地進行 〃 掛設作業’可節約用來進行帶的裝置、更換等之運轉停止 - 時間’且可迅速地進行作業。藉由此方法,可有效果地進 行在廣範圍領域之泥漿狀或污泥狀的被脫水處理物之脫水 處理。 Φ 【圖式簡單說明】 圖1是顯示本發明的濾布帶式脫水裝置之構造的1 例6。 圖2是開放式濾布帶的示意圖。 圖3 ( A ) 、( B )是顯示開放式濾布帶的端布之接合 的方法之圖。 圖4是顯示藉由基布織製的環之形成的圖。 圖5是基布織CD方向斷面圖。 φ 圖6是顯示在CD線材中的端部端緣設置調整線的狀 態之CD方向斷面圖。 圖7是顯示接縫部受到翼片部所覆蓋的狀態之圖。 圖8是顯示本發明的濾布帶之層積構造的圖。 【主要元件對照表】 1 :濾布帶 1 A :濾布的外面層 1 B :濾布的內面層 -14- 200800358 (11) 1C :濾布的中間層 2 :供給箱 3 :負壓脫水部 4 :加壓脫水轉移部 4A :沖壓頂滾子 4B :沖壓底滾子200800358 (1) IX. Description of the invention [Technical field to which the invention belongs] " The present invention relates to a dewatering treatment for a slurry-like or sludge-like dehydrated material to form a cake-like stain having a low water content. A filter cloth belt for mud dewatering and a filter cloth belt type dewatering device using the filter cloth belt. [Prior Art] Φ As a device for treating industrial wastewater such as mud or sludge, dewatering into a cake having a low water content, etc., a belt-type press-type dewatering device using a mine belt has been used. as we all know. The belt stamping type dewatering apparatus has a basic principle of filtering the moisture by pressing the belt or the roller on the filter cloth belt. For example, there is disclosed a device comprising: two endless filter tapes wound around a plurality of squeeze rollers and high pressure rollers in a state in which the dehydrated material is sandwiched, and the filter cloth tapes are provided A belt-type press type sludge dewatering machine that presses a pressurizing Φ belt of a high-pressure roller (Patent Document 1): has two endless filter cloth sheets that are sandwiched between the dehydrated materials, and is sandwiched between the filter cloth belts. Two belt-type press type dewatering separators in which a plurality of pressure belts are wound around a plurality of dewatering rollers (Patent Document 2): or one endless filter cloth belt to be sandwiched between the dehydrated materials and one endless belt A dewatering apparatus (Patent Document 3) in which the pressure belt is wound around a structure of a dewatering roller and a pressure roller. Each of the dewatering devices has a two-group roller unit in which a dehydrated material is sandwiched between two filter cloth belts or between a filter cloth belt and a pressure belt to be dewatered. On the other hand, the present inventors have proposed to use a filter cloth tape of a single 200800358 (2), and to attach the filter cloth tape to a negative pressure dewatering unit (1), a pressure dehydration transfer unit (2), and a treatment material. The dehydration unit (3), the cleaning unit (4) β, and the dewatering unit of the pressing unit (5) are sequentially carried out between the respective members, and the dehydrated material is transferred while being passed through the filter belt. Dewatering filter cloth belt type dewatering apparatus (Patent Document 4). [Patent Document 1] Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. No. Hei. 4] Japanese Patent Laid-Open Publication No. JP-A No. 2001-A No. 704 No. 1-9 [Description of the Invention] However, in these filter belt type dewatering apparatuses, a filter cloth belt which is wound endlessly is used as a filter. Cloth belt. However, due to the filter cloth belt used in such a dewatering device, the number of replacements is large due to dirt, and the filter cloth belt is long, wide and wide, and is complicatedly wound in the dewatering device. When it is installed in the dewatering apparatus, in the case of an endless belt, the hanging operation is difficult and the operation is long. In order to improve the @point of the endless belt for such a filter belt type dewatering apparatus, it is easy to perform the hanging operation, and in the present invention, an acyclic, open-end belt is used, and the belt is unprovoked on the dewatering apparatus. Seaming is used as a filter cloth with seams. [Means for Solving the Problems] -6- 200800358 (3) In other words, the filter cloth belt having a seam for dewatering sludge of the present invention is an engagement ring of an open type belt having joint rings at both end portions. Intermeshing, a jointed filter cloth strip for sludge dewatering formed by forming a common hole and joining the core wire through the common hole. In the filter belt type dewatering apparatus of the present invention, the filter cloth belt having the seam is wound in a dewatering apparatus, and the dewatered material to be supplied to the filter cloth belt is provided by using a pressure belt or a roller. Pressing and/or dewatering from the lower portion of the filter cloth φ with suction and dewatering, and dewatering the dehydrated portion in the form of mud or sludge into a cake-like filter cloth having a low water content, and dewatering Device. In the present invention, in the case of using a filter cloth having a joint for dewatering, in order to improve the dewatering efficiency and the running property of the belt, it is extremely important to select and combine the materials and shapes of the layers constituting the belt. Further, there is a case where the structure of the belt for easy joining is improved, or the surface treatment of the joint portion is required in order to improve the strength of the joint portion or to maintain the smoothness of the surface. In the present invention, V is included to address these issues and various implementations that can be implemented as needed. [Effect of the Invention] The filter tape type dewatering device of the present invention can use the filter cloth tape having a seam as a filter cloth tape, and can pull the open tape into the dewatering device and walk it to 'join the device. Therefore, in the case where the endless belt is used in the past, it is difficult and time consuming to suspend the belt, but according to the present invention, the belt can be simply and quickly attached. -7- 200800358 (4) [Embodiment] The filter belt type dewatering apparatus of the present invention is a device in which a slurry-like or sludge-like dewatered material is filtered and dehydrated into a cake having a low water content. Examples of the dehydrated material include, for example, 'the surplus sludge of the food industry, the chemical industry, the product of the metal industry, the waste, the activated residual sludge of the sewage (dirty water), and the domestic wastewater sludge. The basic principle of the φ filter cloth belt type dewatering device is to filter the dehydrated material to be supplied to the filter cloth belt by pressing with a pressure belt or a roller and/or suction at the lower portion of the filter cloth belt. The dehydrated dehydration unit is subjected to dehydration treatment of the slurry-like or sludge-like dehydrated portion, and various methods may be employed in which the dehydrated material is sandwiched between the two filter cloth belts or the filter cloth belt. A method of performing pressure dehydration with a pressure belt, or a method of dehydrating by using a single filter cloth belt by pressing with a roller or suction from a lower portion of the filter cloth belt. The filter tape type dewatering apparatus of the present invention comprises: a filter cloth tape wound around the dewatering device; and a dewatering portion. The dewatering unit is a member that filters and dehydrates the dehydrated material to be supplied onto the crepe belt by pressing with a pressure belt or a roller and/or suction from a lower portion of the filter cloth belt. A processed material collecting unit, a washing unit, a pressing unit, and the like are provided. As an example of the filter belt type dewatering apparatus of the present invention, as shown in Fig. 1, the filter belt type dewatering apparatus is a vacuum dewatering unit, a pressurized dewatering and transferring unit, a processed material collecting unit, a washing unit, and a pressing unit. Each of the portions of the portion is formed such that a single seamed filter cloth belt formed by joining the ends of the endless belt continuously travels in the above-mentioned respective portions in the order of -8-200800358 (5). In Fig. 1, a filter cloth tape 1 is wound around a negative pressure dewatering unit 3, a pressurized de-β water transfer unit 4, a processed material recovery unit 5, a cleaning unit 6, and a pressing unit 7. The negative pressure dewatering unit 3 is a member that is supplied to the upper surface side of the filter cloth belt 1 and that is subjected to suction negative pressure from the lower surface side of the filter cloth belt 1 to perform initial dewatering of the dehydrated material S. The pressurized dehydration/transfer unit 4 is a process in which the dehydrated material S having undergone initial dehydration is pressed and dehydrated together with the filter cloth belt φ 1 in the upper and lower pair of press rolls 4Α and 4, and the dehydrated material is dehydrated. C is transferred to the upper punching top roller 4Α, the member which is peeled off by the filter cloth 1; the processed material recovery part 5 is a member which scrapes off and collects the processed material C which is transferred to the upper punching top roller 4Α; The cleaning unit 6 is a member that cleans the filter cloth tape 1 from which the treatment C has been peeled off, and the pressing portion 7 is a member that throttles to obtain purified water. By using the filter belt type dewatering apparatus configured as described above, first, the dewatered material S is supplied to the upper side of the filter cloth belt 1 which is conveyed in the direction of the arrow by the supply tank 2 disposed in front of the negative pressure dewatering unit 3. . In the negative pressure dewatering section, the negative pressure is applied to the dehydrated material by the lower side of the filter cloth, and the moisture of the dehydrated material is sucked to the lower surface side of the filter cloth to perform initial dehydration of the dehydrated material S. . Next, the press-rolling top roller 4Α and the press-bottomed roller 4Β of the pressurization dehydration and transfer unit 4 pressurize and dehydrate the dehydrated material which has undergone initial dehydration together with the filter cloth belt, and transfer the dehydrated processed material. After the upper punching top roller is 4 turns, it is peeled off by the filter cloth tape. Then, in the processed material collecting unit 5, the processed material transferred to one of the press rolls 4A is scraped off and collected by the doctor blade 5, and the dehydrated material is used as a cake having a low water content of -9-200800358 (6) The processed material C is separated and recovered to the recovery tank 5B. Further, the filter cloth strip from which the treated material has been peeled off is washed in the cleaning unit 6, by the cleaning tank-6A, the shower tubes 6B, 6C, and then a pair of press-squeezing rollers 7A of the pressing portion 7. 7B, the water is extruded, returned to the supply tank 2, and a new dehydrated material S is supplied. In the present invention, the filter belt type dewatering apparatus is used as a filter cloth belt, and an open belt is used for the ease of the hanging operation, and the belt is attached to the dewatering apparatus as a joint having an endless shape. The filter cloth is used. The end belt for the filter cloth belt having the seam is as shown in Fig. 2, and a plurality of loops L are provided at the respective ends. As shown in Fig. 3, the filter tape type is composed of a base fabric B of a woven fabric and a two-layer butt layer W. The butt layer W is formed by entanglement of the cotton web fibers laminated on the base fabric B by needle punching. The base fabric B is formed by weaving the wires 21 to 29 in the MD (warp) direction and the wires 11 to 19 in the CD (weft) direction as shown in Fig. 4 . The line in the #MD direction is folded back at the end to form the ring L. In use, an end-shaped thick cloth tape is hung on the dewatering device, the two end portions are butted, and the other end ring is fitted between the rings of one end cloth so that the rings at the both end portions mesh with each other. . This engaging operation is as shown in Fig. 3 (A), and the ends are joined to each other to form a mountain shape, and the rings are engaged with each other. Therefore, when the other ring is fitted between one of the rings, the other ring is fitted between the one side of the ring from the lower side (or, on the contrary, from the upper side to the lower side). Furthermore, in the meshing operation, a dedicated jig is also used. When the ring groups L and L at both ends are engaged, as shown in FIG. 3(B), a tunnel is formed by the hole portion of the continuous ring by using -10-200800358 (7), and the core wire T is inserted into the tunnel. 'By forming a flat shape by butting into the mountain-shaped end, the tape is formed. Between the loops L of the end fabrics provided on one end of the end belt, the loops of the other rams are fitted, and the loops at the ends are chewed to each other, whereby the filter cloth strips having the seams are formed, but The loop L is formed by weaving the wire 29 in the MD direction and the wires 11 to 19 in the CD direction by folding back at the end of the line in the MD direction. That is, as shown in Fig. 4, the folded portion of the MD wire is L by the base fabric woven by the C D wire and the MD wire 21 to. Fig. 5 shows an example of a CD-direction sectional view of the end cloth of the base fabric. In Fig. 5, the MD-direction wires 21A to 29A and 21B to 29B are respectively connected to each other, and are folded back to form a loop L. In the base fabric woven as described above, the vector of the force generated by the weaving of the CD direction wire and the MD square material is opposite to each other in the adjacent MD line. Therefore, the ring group L formed adjacently generates the bit φ in the up and down direction. shift. Therefore, it is not easy to cause the loops at both ends to be engaged with each other by the core wire T. In order to solve this problem, as shown in Fig. 6, it is preferable to use a belt having a full line which is an end edge of the CD wire, and an adjustment wire 3 woven by a woven pattern different from the CD wire. 0, the MD direction wire near the edge of the both ends will not be pushed outward in the outward direction and/or CD to maintain the shape of the ring. Further, as shown in Fig. 7, the filter cloth composed of the base fabric B and the butting layers W1 and W2 formed by needle punching on one or both sides thereof may have a woven fabric having the following structure, that is, the base portion. Rings L1 and L2 at both ends are used. The filter is formed into a 21~ material 1 1~ ring. In the direction of the end-line reverse bias, the direction is made by the core -11 - 200800358 (8) line T, the seam of the wing portion (W1 a ) of the butt layer is configured. Thereby, it is possible to protect the seam damage caused by the stamping* from leaking the dehydrated material S supplied to the filter cloth belt. After the loops are formed by the loops at both end portions, the joint portion is formed, and the joint portion is improved. The surface state of the belt is changed, and the seam portion of the belt can be resin-processed. Further, in the case where the seam is covered by the fin portion, the resin processing of the fin portion φ prevents the mating fiber from falling off while the belt is traveling. In the slurry or sludge form of the present invention, the surface treatment of the surface of the filter cloth is not required, and the surface treatment of the resin portion of the smooth portion is not an effective means. The resin to be processed is preferably a urethane, acrylic acid, melamine or synthetic rubber. The filter cloth belt is usually a filter cloth belt having a thickness of 2 to 10 mm and a width of 50,000 to Φ right. As described above, a laminated structure of a general surface layer is used, and the base fabric and the surface layer are borrowed | , the fibers are joined to each other in an entangled manner. The base fabric and the surface layer are selected from various materials depending on the type of the dehydrated material, etc., but the number of intersections of the warp yarn and the weft yarn of the base fabric made of, for example, synthetic fibers is 600 X 5 cm, and the surface layer is The average pore diameter is 100~15 〇// The gravity filter of the filter cloth is improved, and the dimensional stability is improved, and it can be raised to cover the base injury, or the seam with the seam can be smooth, as described above. The sub-division and the surrounding dimension are not dehydrated by the fin portion, so the wing is used for resin oxygen, polyester, 4000 mm left in the base fabric layer by needle punching, moisture content monofilament fiber weaving ~ 1 5 0 0 / 5 cmm, can improve the walking performance -12- 200800358 (9) Further, dehydration can be effectively performed by two or more layers having different laminated denier. As shown in Fig. 8, a three-layered felt material consisting of a three-layer structure having an outer layer 1 1 A constituting the upper surface, an inner surface layer 1 B constituting the lower surface thereof, and an intermediate layer 1 C between the layers is formed. The outer layer 1A is composed of a fine fiber layer for filtering the dehydrated material S, the intermediate layer 1 C is composed of a fine fiber layer for promoting moisture permeation, and the inner layer 1 B is a base cloth for promoting dewatering. The layer is constructed, whereby the filtration to the dewatering φ process can be efficiently performed. Further, fine particles of the dehydrated material S can be aggregated on the outer layer 1 A. These layers are entangled with each other by a needle punching process or the like. Further, the following base fabric can also be used as a filter cloth, thereby reducing the entry of sludge into the filter cloth and improving the peelability. The cloth is woven with synthetic fiber slab-shaped crimped yarn for the upper weft, synthetic resin monofilament fiber for the lower weft, and synthetic resin monofilament fiber for the warp. • [Industrial use possibility] The present invention is directed to the slurry or The sludge-like dehydrated material is dehydrated into a cake-like dewatering rhodium with a low water content, and a jointed filter cloth belt formed of an open belt is used as a dewatering device for the filter belt. In the conventional filter belt type dewatering apparatus, the filter cloth belt used is often replaced by dirt due to dirt, and the filter cloth belt is long, large, and wide, and is complicatedly wound in the dewatering apparatus, so that it is in the case of an endless belt. The hanging operation is difficult and takes time. According to the present invention, since the filter cloth tape is used as a filter cloth belt having a seam of -13-200800358 (10) formed by an open belt, the hanging operation can be carried out by the hanging belt. Into Since the inside of the water device travels and is engaged in the device, it is possible to easily carry out the 挂 hang operation 'can save the operation stop-time for the device for belt replacement, replacement, etc., and can quickly perform the work. According to this method, the dewatering treatment of the slurry-like or sludge-like dehydrated material in a wide range of fields can be effected. Φ [Schematic description of the drawings] Fig. 1 is a view showing the construction of the filter belt type dewatering apparatus of the present invention. Fig. 2 is a schematic view of an open filter cloth belt. Fig. 3 (A) and (B) are diagrams showing a method of joining the end cloths of the open filter cloth belt. Fig. 4 is a view showing the base cloth. Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view of the base fabric in the direction of the CD. Fig. 6 is a cross-sectional view showing the state in which the adjustment line is provided at the end edge of the CD wire, and Fig. 7 is a sectional view. Fig. 8 is a view showing a laminated structure of the filter cloth belt of the present invention. [Main component comparison table] 1 : Filter cloth belt 1 A : Outside of the filter cloth Layer 1 B: inner layer of filter cloth-14- 200800358 (11) 1C: intermediate layer of filter cloth 2 : Supply tank 3 : Negative pressure dewatering section 4 : Pressurization dewatering and transfer section 4A : Stamping top roller 4B : Stamping bottom roller
5 :處理物回收部 5A :舌!|刀 6 :洗淨部 6A :洗淨槽 6 B、6 C :沖淋管 7 :壓擠部 7A、7B :壓擠滾子 S :被脫水處理物 C :處理物 F :毛氈 W :對接層5: Handling Recycling Department 5A: Tongue! Knife 6 : Washing section 6A : Washing tank 6 B, 6 C : Shower pipe 7 : Pressing section 7A, 7B : Pressing roller S : Dehydrated material C : Handling F : Felt W : Docking Floor
Wla:對接層的翼片部分 L .環 T :芯線 1 1〜19 : CD線材 2 1〜2 9 : M D線材 3 〇 :調整線Wla: Wing portion of the butt layer L. Ring T: Core 1 1~19 : CD wire 2 1~2 9 : M D wire 3 〇 : Adjustment line