200404494 (υ 玖、發明說明 【發明的技術領域】 發明,是關於使用於釣魚的釣竿。 【先前技術】 習知的釣竿,是在一般位置於稱作基竿的竿基側的粗 徑的竿體的尖端側將複數的竿體連結成爲一條的釣竿。在 此基竿的周面設有供裝設捲線器用的捲線器座及供釣者把 持基竿用的挾部。且,在稱作外通過竿中在各竿體的周面 裝設有導引來自捲線器的釣線的釣線導引,在稱作中通過 竿中將釣線導入至竿體內部用的釣線導入口是形成於竿體 的周面。而且,在外通過竿中將來自捲線器的釣線透過釣 線導引朝尖端側導引,在中通過竿中將釣線插通釣線內 部,進行釣魚。 對於習知的這種釣竿是有一些的問題點被指摘。例 如,中通過竿的話捲起釣線的同時,水會侵入竿體內部, 其排水成爲需要。且,以抽出形式連結竿體的釣竿中,是 以抽出形式連結各竿體的情況,將尖端側的竿體出入手頭 側的竿體內時,因無手頭側的竿體內的空氣的通孔,而無 法平順地出入。 因此提案有在竿體的後端或是底栓設有可開閉自如的 排水部的釣竿(例如,專利文獻1參照)等。但是,此技術 只是著眼在排水,對於釣竿的操作性的未考慮。釣竿的竿 基側的端部附近是把持釣者進行釣魚的操作處,裝設不需 -5- (2) (2)200404494 要的構件的話會有損失操作性。 一方面,也提案有爲了在竿體的竿基側周面提高操作 性而裝設橡膠製的挾部片的釣竿(例如,專利文獻2)。但 是,此技術並未考慮排水·排氣等。 [專利文獻1]日本特開平7-2 1 3200號公報(第1圖、 第5圖等) [專利文獻2]日本特開平1 1 -046634號公報(第1圖) 【發明內容】 (本發明所欲解決的課題) 本發明的課題是提供一種竿體的排氣性·排水性佳且 也考慮到操作性的釣竿。 (用以解決課題的手段) 發明1的釣竿,具備:位置於最手頭側的筒狀體,在 周面具有將捲線器可裝卸自如地裝設的捲線器座且在與前 述捲線器座同一的周方向位置的竿基側端部周面形成有在 軸方向隔有間隔地複數的孔的基竿;及安裝於前述基竿的 貫通孔所形成的周面部分上的構件,形成有與前述孔連 通的貫通路的突出構件。 在此釣竿中,透過基竿的孔及與其連通的突出構件的 貫通路而侵入基竿的內部的水是被排出外部。基竿內的空 氣也透過此孔及貫通路出入。特別是,基竿的孔是形成與 捲線器座同一的周方向位置的基竿周面,例如,將紡車式‘ -6 - (3) (3)200404494 捲線器朝向地面方向使用釣竿時,是基竿內的水可良好地 朝外部被排出。且,突出構件是補強因孔的形成而下降的 基竿的強度,且,釣者是把持包含該突出構件的基竿,對 於周方向的止滑也有用。 發明2的釣竿,如發明1的釣竿,其中,前述突出構 件是朝前述基竿的軸方向延伸的構件,其背面是與前述基 竿的周面形狀一致且寬方向中央是最凹入地被曲面化,其 表面是寬方向中央突出最前述基竿的周面地被曲面化,前 述貫通路是從前述表面朝尖端側方向傾斜形成。 突出構件的曲面化的背面是與基竿貼合來提高安定 性。且,藉由突出構件表面的曲面化使釣者可將突出構件 在平順地握持,而對於周方向的止滑有用。且,在尖端側 方向傾斜的貫通路,是將來自基竿內部的排水及排氣吸氣 圓滑化,且因爲無法從外直接看到竿體內部所以新式樣效 果也優秀。 發明3的釣竿,如發明2的釣竿,其中,在前述突出 構件的背面的貫通路的出口周緣中,形成有插入於前述基 竿的貫通孔的卡止突起。 因爲卡止突起插入基竿的貫通孔,所突出構件的定位 容易且安定性也提高。 【實施方式】 [第1實施例] 以下,對於本發明的第1實施例參照圖面說明。 (4) (4)200404494 採用本發明的第1實施例的釣竿,是如第1圖所示, 由將複數的竿管呈抽出形式連結的竿體元件1、及在竿體 元件1的竿基側以抽出形式連結的粗徑的基竿2所構成。 構成基竿2及竿體元件1的各竿體,是將分別將合成樹脂 含浸於纖維強化樹脂的預浸料素材加以煅燒,並分別形成 愈尖端側愈小徑化的錐。 竿體元件1的各竿體的尖端側端部及/或是竿基側端 部是分別成爲連結部分,可將尖端側的竿體從竿基側的竿 體朝尖端側引出而連結固定。且,在收納時尖端側的竿體 是依序收納至竿基側的竿體內部。各竿體的內部是成爲插 通釣線的釣線通路,依據需要,分別在各竿體的內周面使 供支撐釣線用的釣線支撐突起呈螺旋狀連續形成。且,位 置於最尖端側的竿體(尖端竿)的尖端側端部是裝設有頂導 引3。 基竿2,也與構成上述竿體元件的竿體同樣,其尖端 側端部是成爲連結部分,竿體元件1是可從尖端側收納自 如於基竿2的內部。在基竿2的軸方向中央附近的周面配 置可將捲線器6裝卸自如地裝設,在尖端側的周面是形成 將來自捲線器6的釣線1 0 0從基竿2的內部往構成竿體元 件1的干體內導入用的釣線導入口 5。在此釣線導入口 5 的上空也可配置將釣線1 00導引至釣線導入口 5的釣線導 入導引8。且,基竿2的竿基側端部內周面是形成有螺絲 溝(第2圖參照),在此,屁股栓9是可裝卸自如地螺合。 且,如第2圖詳細顯示,在基竿2的竿基側的周面的 -8 - (5) (5)200404494 捲線器座7的配置周方向側朝軸方向隔有間隔地形成有3 個的孔2a,在此周面中裝設有突出構件1 〇。 突出構件10,是由硬質塑膠或是金屬等形成。當爲 了提高新式樣效果,而由硬質塑膠形成時’在其周面施加 金屬電鍍等的表面處理也可以。此突出構件1 〇是由接合 劑或雙面膠帶等的周知的方法固定於基竿2的預定的周 面。 如第3圖所示,突出構件10是在其上面視方向(第3 圖(〇參照),朝軸方向延伸而橫跨尖端側在寬度窄從軸方 向中央附近橫跨竿基側端部成爲寬粗部。例如,此突出構 件10是設定成’軸方向長度是80〜100mm程度,最大幅 15〜20mm程度。如第4圖及第5圖所示,突出構件10 的背面(抵接於基竿2的周面的面)是與基竿2的周面形狀 一致使寬方向中央是被曲面化成最凹入部,其表面寬方向 中央是比最基竿2的周面突出地被曲面化。從此突出構件 10的基竿2的周面的最大的突出高度是設定成3〜5mm 程度較佳。 在突出構件1 〇,3個的貫通路1 0a是配合上述的基竿 2的孔2 a在軸方向隔有間隔地形成。即,貫通路1 0 a的 背面側的出口是與上述的基竿2的孔2a —致。此貫通路 1 〇a是從突出構件1 0的表側口朝向背面口朝尖端側方向 傾斜的傾斜路(第2圖·第3圖(c)參照)。藉由設置這種傾 斜,即使將貫通路1 〇a從與基竿2相互垂直方向看,也可 排除可以從貫通路1 〇a基竿2的內部爲止直接目視的問 -9- (6) (6)200404494 題。 且,由此3個的貫通路1 0 a之中,位置於最尖端側的 貫通路1 〇a的背面側的出口的尖端側周緣、及位置於最竿 基側的貫通路1 〇a的裏面側的出口的竿基側周緣,是分別 形成朝基竿2方向突出的卡止突起10b、10c(裏面視方向 的第3圖(a)參照)。此卡止突起10b、10c是分別嵌入基竿 2的孔2a,成爲軸方向的定位。不過,卡止突起l〇b、 1 〇c是形成不會從基竿2的孔2a往基竿2的內部空間伸 出程度的大小。然而,在此實施例中,對於軸方向中央的 貫通路1 〇a雖未設置卡止突起,但是依據需要可此軸方向 中央的貫通路l〇a將卡止突起與其他的貫通路l〇a同樣形 成。 如此結構的釣竿中,將釣線1 0 0由捲線器6捲起的 話,附著於釣線1 〇 〇的水是有與釣線1 0 0同時侵入竿體元 件1及基竿2的內部的情況。抬起釣竿的尖端側的話,此 侵入的水是透過基竿2的孔2a及與其連通的突出構件1〇 的貫通路1 0a排出基竿2外部。特別是,此孔2a是形成 於與捲線器座7同一的周方向位置的基竿2的周面,例 如,將紡車式捲線器朝向地面方向使用釣竿時,到達基竿 2內的水是良好地到達孔2a。而且,透過傾斜貫通路1 0a 排水至外部。 且,當將構成竿體元件1的竿體依序朝竿基側的竿體 內部收納至基竿2爲止,或者是將各竿體在尖端側抽出 時,透過此孔2a及貫通路l〇a使空氣出入各種竿體內 -10- (7) (7)200404494 部。因此,在竿體內部使空氣滯溜或是使空氣減少,就可 抑制阻礙竿體的出入的活塞現象。 然而,此突出構件0是藉由將孔2 a形成於基竿2並 補強下降的基竿2的強度。進一步,釣者是藉由包含此突 出構件1 〇地把持基竿2的竿基側端部,可達成周方向的 止滑且釣竿的操作性也提高。 [第2實施例] 對於本發明的第2實施例作說明。 採用本發明的第2實施例的釣竿,也與第1實施例同 樣,由基竿2及竿體元件1所構成。在基竿2中形成有捲 線器座,與上述第1實施例同樣,在捲線器座的配置周方 向位置在軸方向隔有間隔地形成有3個的孔2 a。而且, 如第7圖所示,在此基竿2的3個的孔2a上分別裝設有 突出構件20。 也如第8圖所示,突出構件20是上面方向視呈橢圓 型的構件,具有剛好覆蓋孔2 a的程度的大小的硬質塑膠 或者是金屬製的構件。表面側是將橄欖球半切的丘狀隆 起,背面是配合基竿2的周面形狀曲面化。且,在此突出 構件20中連通孔2a的貫通路20a是朝高度方向貫通。貫 通路2 0 a的背面側口的周緣是橫跨全周沿著孔2 a的周突 出形成有卡止突起。此卡止突起也與上述第1實施例同樣 形成不會伸出基竿2的內部空間。 具有這種突出構件2 0的釣竿,也與第1實施例同 -11 - (8) 200404494 樣,可排出竿體內部的水,空氣的出入可能 止滑也可能。 然而,有關突出構件,如第9圖所示 以。有關於此變形例的突出構件3 0,是將] 表面側口朝向背面側口朝尖端側傾斜。 [其他的實施例] (a) 在上述的各實施例中,基竿的孔雖| 是其數並無限定。依據孔的數量設定突出構 是所裝設的突出構件的數量。 (b) 在上述實施例中,所例示的中通$ 此。特別是,將連結基竿及其尖端側的基端 端竿收納於基竿內的收納狀態及引出延伸狀 的可相互連結固定且可調整釣竿整體的長 等,是適用本發明的話,釣竿整體的長度 易。 (發明之效果) 本發明的釣竿是排水·通氣性優秀。且 下降且操作性也提高。 【圖式簡單說明】 [第1圖]採用本發明的第1實施例的釣? [第2圖]第1圖的基竿2的竿基側端 ,孔的補強及 的變形例也可 ί通路30a從 i形成3個, 件的貫通路或 遇竿不限定於 竿形成可將基 態的任一狀態 度型式的釣竿 調整就變得容 ,可防止強度 P的整體圖。 部附近的剖面 -12- (9) (9)200404494 圖。 [第3圖]第2圖的突出構件10的(a)背面方向視圖、 (b)側面方向視圖、(c)表面方向視圖。 [第4圖]顯示第1圖的突出構件1 0的圖。 [第5圖]第4圖的V-V剖面圖。 [第6圖]第1圖的基竿2的參考圖。 [第7圖]顯示供採用本發明的第2實施例用的基竿2 的竿基側端部附近的圖。 [第8圖]第7圖的突出構件2 0的剖面圖。 [第9圖]顯示突出構件的變形例3 0的圖。 [圖號說明] 1竿體元件 2 基竿 2 a孔 3頂導引 5釣線導入口 6捲線器 7捲線器座 8釣線導入導引 9屁股栓 1 0突出構件 1 〇 a貫通路 10b、10c 卡止突起 •13- (10) (10)200404494 20突出構件 2 0 a貫通路 3 0突出構件 3 〇 a貫通路 1 0 0釣線200404494 (υ 玖, description of the invention [Technical Field of the Invention] The invention relates to a fishing rod used for fishing. [Prior art] A conventional fishing rod is a large-diameter rod which is generally located on the base side of a rod called a base rod. The tip side of the body connects a plurality of rods into a single fishing rod. On the peripheral surface of the base rod are provided a reel holder for installing a reel and a crotch for the angler to hold the base rod. A line guide for guiding the fishing line from the reel is installed on the peripheral surface of each rod body in the outside passing rod. The fishing line introduction port for introducing the fishing line into the inside of the rod through the rod is It is formed on the peripheral surface of the rod body. In addition, the fishing line from the reel is guided to the tip side through the fishing line guide through the rod, and the fishing line is inserted into the fishing line through the fishing rod. The conventional fishing rod has been criticized for some problems. For example, if the fishing line is rolled up when the rod is passed through, water will invade the inside of the rod body, and drainage is required. And, the fishing rod connected to the rod body in the form of extraction. In the drawing, the rods are connected In addition, when the rod on the tip side is inserted into the rod on the hand side, there is no through-hole in the air on the rod on the hand side, so it cannot enter and exit smoothly. Therefore, it is proposed to install the rod at the rear end or the bottom bolt. There is a fishing rod that can be opened and closed freely (for example, refer to Patent Document 1), etc. However, this technology only focuses on drainage, and does not consider the operability of the fishing rod. The fishing rod is held near the end of the fishing rod by the end of the fishing rod. For fishing operations, if -5- (2) (2) 200404494 is not required, the operability will be lost. On the one hand, it is also proposed to improve the operability on the peripheral surface of the base of the rod. A fishing rod equipped with a rubber stern section (for example, Patent Document 2). However, this technology does not consider drainage and exhaust. [Patent Document 1] Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 7-2 1 3200 (Fig. 1) (5, etc.) [Patent Document 2] Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 1 1-046634 (Figure 1) [Summary] (Problems to be Solved by the Present Invention) The object of the present invention is to provide a rod exhaust Fishing rod with good performance and drainage, and also considering operability. Means for Solving the Problem) The fishing rod according to the invention 1 includes a cylindrical body located on the most hand side, a reel holder on which the reel is detachably mounted on the peripheral surface, and the same circumferential direction as the reel holder. A base rod at the position of the base side end portion of the position is formed with a base rod with a plurality of holes spaced apart in the axial direction; and a member attached to a peripheral surface portion formed by the through hole of the base rod is formed to communicate with the hole. In this fishing rod, in this fishing rod, the water that penetrates the inside of the base rod through the hole of the base rod and the through path of the protruding member communicating with it is discharged to the outside. The air in the base rod also passes through this hole and through. In particular, the hole of the base rod is the peripheral surface of the base rod which forms the same position in the circumferential direction as the reel base. For example, use a spinning rod with the spinning wheel type '-6-(3) (3) 200404494 toward the ground. At this time, the water in the base rod can be discharged to the outside well. Furthermore, the protruding member reinforces the strength of the base rod that is lowered by the formation of the hole, and the angler holds the base rod including the protruding member, which is also useful for anti-slip in the circumferential direction. A fishing rod according to a second aspect of the present invention is the fishing rod according to the first aspect, wherein the protruding member is a member extending in an axial direction of the base rod, and a back surface thereof is the same as the shape of the peripheral surface of the base rod and the center of the width direction is the most concave. The curved surface is curved in such a manner that the peripheral surface of the base rod protrudes from the center in the wide direction, and the through-path is formed obliquely from the surface toward the tip side. The curved back surface of the protruding member is attached to the base rod to improve stability. In addition, the curved surface of the protruding member allows the angler to smoothly hold the protruding member, which is useful for preventing slippage in the circumferential direction. In addition, the penetrating path inclined in the direction of the tip side smoothens drainage and exhaust air from the inside of the base rod, and because the inside of the rod body cannot be seen directly from the outside, the new style effect is also excellent. A fishing rod according to a third aspect of the present invention is the fishing rod according to the second aspect, wherein a locking protrusion protruding into a through-hole of the base rod is formed on an exit periphery of the through-path of the back surface of the protruding member. Since the locking projection is inserted into the through hole of the base rod, positioning of the protruding member is easy and stability is improved. [Embodiment] [First Embodiment] Hereinafter, a first embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. (4) (4) 200404494 The fishing rod adopting the first embodiment of the present invention is, as shown in FIG. 1, a rod element 1 that is connected to a plurality of rod tubes in a drawing form, and a rod on the rod element 1 The base rod 2 is formed by a thick-diameter base rod which is connected to the base side in a drawn form. Each of the rods constituting the base rod 2 and the rod element 1 is prepared by calcining a prepreg material in which a synthetic resin is impregnated with a fiber-reinforced resin, and forming cones each having a smaller diameter at the tip side. The tip-side end and / or base-side end of each rod body of the rod element 1 are respectively connected portions, and the tip-side rod body can be drawn out from the rod body on the rod base side toward the tip side to be fixed. In addition, the rod body on the tip side is sequentially stored in the rod body on the base side during storage. The inside of each rod body is a fishing line passage through which the fishing line is inserted, and a fishing line support protrusion for supporting the fishing line is continuously formed in a spiral shape on the inner peripheral surface of each rod body as necessary. In addition, a tip guide 3 is attached to the tip-side end of the rod body (tip rod) positioned at the most tip side. The base rod 2 is also the same as the rod body constituting the above-mentioned rod element. The tip side end portion is a connecting portion, and the rod element 1 can be accommodated inside the base rod 2 freely from the tip side. The peripheral surface near the center in the axial direction of the base rod 2 can be detachably installed, and the peripheral surface on the tip side is formed to draw the fishing line 1 from the cord roller 6 from the inside of the base rod 2 toward The fishing line introduction port 5 for introducing the trunk body into the stem element 1 is configured. A line guide 8 for guiding the line 100 to the line guide 5 may be provided above the line guide 5. In addition, a screw groove is formed on the inner peripheral surface of the base-side end of the base rod 2 (refer to FIG. 2). Here, the buttock bolt 9 is detachably screwed. Further, as shown in FIG. 2 in detail, -8-(5) (5) 200404494 of the reel seat 7 on the peripheral surface of the base side of the base rod 2 is arranged at intervals on the circumferential direction side of the reel holder 7 at intervals in the axial direction. Each hole 2a is provided with a protruding member 10 in this peripheral surface. The protruding member 10 is formed of hard plastic or metal. In order to improve the effect of the new design, if it is formed of hard plastic, a surface treatment such as metal plating may be applied to the peripheral surface. This protruding member 10 is fixed to a predetermined peripheral surface of the base rod 2 by a known method such as an adhesive or a double-sided tape. As shown in Fig. 3, the protruding member 10 is viewed from above (Fig. 3 (reference), extends in the axial direction and crosses the tip side, narrows in width and extends across the end of the rod base side near the center of the axial direction. Wide and thick part. For example, the length of the protruding member 10 is set to about 80 to 100 mm in the axial direction, and the maximum width is about 15 to 20 mm. As shown in FIGS. 4 and 5, the back of the protruding member 10 (abuts on The surface of the peripheral surface of the base rod 2) is in accordance with the shape of the peripheral surface of the base rod 2 so that the center in the width direction is curved to become the most concave portion, and the center in the surface width direction is curved to protrude more than the peripheral surface of the base rod 2. From here, the maximum protruding height of the peripheral surface of the base rod 2 of the protruding member 10 is preferably set to about 3 to 5 mm. In the protruding member 10, the three through paths 10a are holes 2 that fit the base rod 2. a is formed at intervals in the axial direction. That is, the exit on the back side of the through-passage 10a is the same as the hole 2a of the above-mentioned base rod 2. This through-passage 10a is a front-side opening from the protruding member 10 Inclined path that slopes toward the back side toward the tip side (refer to Figure 2 and Figure 3 (c)). With such an inclination, even if the through-passage 10a is viewed from a direction perpendicular to the base rod 2, it is possible to eliminate the problem that can be visually viewed from the inside of the through-passage 10a to the base rod-9-9 (6) (6 ) 200404494 question. Among these 3 through-paths 10 a, the peripheral edge of the tip side of the exit on the back side of the through-path 10 a located at the most distal side and the through-path located at the most proximal side. The peripheral edge of the rod base side of the outlet on the back side of 10a is formed with locking projections 10b and 10c protruding in the direction of the base rod 2, respectively (refer to FIG. 3 (a) of the back view). The locking projections 10b and 10c They are inserted into the holes 2a of the base rod 2 for positioning in the axial direction. However, the locking protrusions 10b and 10c are formed so as not to protrude from the holes 2a of the base rod 2 to the inner space of the base rod 2. However, in this embodiment, although the locking protrusion is not provided for the through-path 10a at the center in the axial direction, the locking protrusion can be used to connect the locking protrusion with other through-passes at the central through-path 10a in the axial direction as needed. l〇a is formed similarly. In the fishing rod having such a structure, when the fishing line 100 is wound up by the winder 6, it is attached to the fishing rod. The water of 100% may intrude into the interior of the rod element 1 and the base rod 2 at the same time as the fishing line 100. When the tip side of the fishing rod is lifted, the intruded water passes through the hole 2a of the base rod 2 and the same. The through-passage 10a of the communicating protruding member 10 is discharged outside the base rod 2. In particular, this hole 2a is formed on the peripheral surface of the base rod 2 at the same position in the circumferential direction as the winder base 7. When the fishing rod is used toward the ground, the water reaching the inside of the base rod 2 reaches the hole 2a well. Moreover, the water is drained to the outside through the inclined penetrating path 10a. Furthermore, when the rods constituting the rod element 1 are sequentially directed toward the rod The inside of the rod on the base side is stored up to the base rod 2, or when the rods are withdrawn on the tip side, the air passes through the hole 2a and the through-hole 10a to enter and exit the various rod bodies -10- (7) (7) 200404494. Therefore, by stagnating or reducing the air inside the rod body, it is possible to suppress the piston phenomenon that prevents the rod body from coming in and out. However, this protruding member 0 is formed by forming the hole 2a in the base rod 2 and reinforcing the strength of the base rod 2. Furthermore, the angler holds the end of the base side of the base rod 2 by including the protruding member 10, thereby preventing slipping in the circumferential direction and improving the operability of the fishing rod. [Second Embodiment] A second embodiment of the present invention will be described. The fishing rod adopting the second embodiment of the present invention is composed of a base rod 2 and a rod element 1 similarly to the first embodiment. A reel base is formed in the base rod 2. As in the first embodiment described above, three holes 2a are formed at intervals in the axial direction at the circumferential position of the reel base. As shown in Fig. 7, the three holes 2a of the base rod 2 are provided with protruding members 20, respectively. As shown in FIG. 8, the protruding member 20 is an elliptical member when viewed in the upper direction, and has a rigid plastic or metal member having a size just covering the hole 2 a. The front side is a dome-shaped hump that cuts the football in half, and the back side is curved to fit the peripheral surface shape of the base rod 2. The through-hole 20a of the communication hole 2a in the protruding member 20 penetrates in the height direction. The peripheral edge of the back side opening of the through-passage 20a is formed so as to protrude along the circumference of the hole 2a across the entire circumference, and a locking protrusion is formed. This locking protrusion is formed in the same manner as in the first embodiment, so as not to protrude from the inner space of the base rod 2. The fishing rod having such a protruding member 20 is also the same as in the first embodiment. (8) 200404494, the water in the rod body can be discharged, and the air inflow and outflow may be stopped or slipped. However, the protruding members are shown in Fig. 9. The protrusion member 30 according to this modification is such that the front side port is inclined toward the rear side port toward the tip side. [Other Embodiments] (a) In each of the above embodiments, the number of holes in the base rod is not limited. Setting the protruding structure according to the number of holes is the number of protruding members installed. (b) In the above embodiments, the illustrated Zhongtong $ this. In particular, the storage state in which the connecting base rod and its tip-side base end rod are stored in the base rod, and the extended extension can be connected and fixed to each other, and the overall length of the fishing rod can be adjusted. The present invention is applicable to the entire fishing rod. The length is easy. (Effects of the Invention) The fishing rod of the present invention is excellent in drainage and air permeability. In addition, the operability is improved. [Brief Description of the Drawings] [Figure 1] Fishing with the first embodiment of the present invention? [Fig. 2] In the base end of the pole 2 of Fig. 1, the holes can be reinforced and modified by forming three passages 30a from i. The through path of the piece or the encounter with the pole is not limited to the formation of the pole. The adjustment of the fishing rod in any state of the ground state can be made to prevent the overall picture of the intensity P. Section near the part -12- (9) (9) 200404494 Figure. [FIG. 3] (a) a back view, (b) a side view, and (c) a front view of the protruding member 10 of FIG. 2. [Fig. 4] A view showing the protruding member 10 of Fig. 1. [Figure 5] Section V-V in Figure 4. [Fig. 6] Reference drawing of the base rod 2 of Fig. 1. [FIG. 7] A view showing the vicinity of the end of the base side of the base rod 2 for use in the second embodiment of the present invention. [Fig. 8] A sectional view of the protruding member 20 of Fig. 7. [FIG. 9] A diagram showing a modification 30 of the protruding member. [Illustration of the drawing number] 1 rod element 2 base rod 2 a hole 3 top guide 5 fishing line introduction opening 6 reel 7 reel holder 8 fishing line introduction guide 9 butt plug 1 0 protruding member 1 〇a through-road 10b 、 10c Locking protrusions 13- (10) (10) 200404494 20 Protruding member 2 0 a penetrating path 3 0 Protruding member 3 〇a penetrating path 1 0 0 fishing line