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TR2022013433A1 TR2022/013433 TR2022013433A1 TR 2022013433 A1 TR2022013433 A1 TR 2022013433A1 TR 2022/013433 TR2022/013433 TR 2022/013433 TR 2022013433 A1 TR2022013433 A1 TR 2022013433A1
Prior art keywords
integration apparatus
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Turkish (tr)
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Original Assignee
Unidef Bi̇rleşi̇k Savunma Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇
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Application filed by Unidef Bi̇rleşi̇k Savunma Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇ filed Critical Unidef Bi̇rleşi̇k Savunma Sanayi̇ Ti̇caret Anoni̇m Şi̇rketi̇
Priority to PCT/TR2022/051276 priority Critical patent/WO2024043848A1/en
Publication of TR2022013433A1 publication Critical patent/TR2022013433A1/en



Buluş, özellikle helikopter vb. askeri amaçlı hava araçlarının taşıma alanı açıklığına (1) bağlanarak, silahın (2) hedefe yönlendirilmesi için yatay / dikey düzlemde döndürülebilmesine ve taşıma alanı açıklığından (1) hava aracı içine dışına alınmasına imkan verebilen silah entegrasyon aparatı (3) ile ilgilidir.Invention, especially helicopter etc. It relates to the weapon integration apparatus (3) that can be connected to the carrying area opening (1) of military aircraft, allowing the weapon (2) to be rotated in the horizontal / vertical plane to be directed to the target and to be taken into and out of the aircraft through the carrying area opening (1).


TARIFNAME ASKERI AMAÇLI HAVA ARAÇLARINDA KULLANIMI AMAÇLANAN BIR SILAH ENTEGRASYON APARATI Teknik Alan Bulus, özellikle helikopter vb. askeri amaçli hava araçlarinin tasima bölümü ile iliskilendirilmis silahlari, tasima bölümüne ait kapi, pencere vb. açikliklara baglayan silah entegrasyon aparati ilgilidir. Teknigin Bilinen Durumu Günümüzde askeri operasyonlarin hiZli icra edilmesi, bu operasyonlar sirasinda hava araçlarinin kullanimini da giderek arttirmaktadir. Bu amaçla kullanilan hava araçlarina verilebilecek en önemli örneklerden biri ise helikopterlerdir. Helikopterler; havada, karada ve denizdeki tehditlere karsi, modern savasin akici taktik kosullarina hiZli tepki vermek için saldiri, savunma ve nakliye için kullanilabilmektedir. Askeri helikopterlerin en yaygin kullanimi birliklerin nakliyesidir, ancak nakliye helikopterleri muharebe arama-kurtarma (CSAR), sihhi tahliye (MEDEVAC), hava komuta merkezi gibi diger görevleri gerçeklestirmek için kullanimi da yaygindir. Helikopterler bu tip görevleri sirasinda tehditlere karsi koyabilmek amaciyla makineli tüfekler, el bombasi firlaticilar, otomatik top vb. çok çesitli silah türlerini yapilarinda barindirabilmektedir. Helikopterler tarafindan kullanilan silah sistemlerine verilebilecek örneklerden birisi de helikopterin tasima bölümüne ait kapi, pencere vb. açikliklara baglanabilen silahlardir. Bu silahlarin çogunlukla, helikopter tarafindan tasinan askeri personeller tarafinda kullananimi amaçlanmaktadir. Bu sebeple helikopterin tasima bölümünün yanlarina baglanarak isletilmektedirler. Askeri personel kapi, pencere vb. helikopter açikliklarini kullanarak silahi kullanabilmektedir. Benzeri sekilde uzaktan kontrol ile isletilen silah sistemleri de mevcut teknik dahilinde bilinmektedir. Bu tip sistemlere UH-lD,nin kapisina monte edilebilen M23 ve Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / Cougar helikopterlerinin penceresine monte edilebilen M-l34 silah sistemleri verilebilir. Bu tip silahlar hava aracina farkli yapida entegrasyon aparatlari kullanilarak adapte edilmektedir. Mevcut aparatlar helikopterin kapilari/pencereleri ile iliskilendirilerek, kullanicinin silahi hedefe yönlendirebilmesine yardimci olabilmektedir. Helikopterin kullanimi sirasinda, silahin kullanilmayacagi durumlarda silahin iç kisma toplanmasi avantaj saglamaktadir. Silah sisteminin helikopter gövdesine toplanmasi; hem helikopterin uçus dinamikleri hem de personel güvenligi açisindan avantaj saglayacagindan, silahin kullanilmamasi durumunda tercih edilecektir. Mevcut olarak kullanilan entegrasyon aparatlarinda, silahin aparatla beraber tamaminin helikopter içerisine alinmasi ve kapilarin/pencerelerin kapatilmasi mümkündür. Ancak mevcut sistemlerde silah sisteminin helikopter içerisine alindigi durumlarda, sisteme elektrik beslemesi devam ettiginden kaza-kirima sebebiyet verebilecek istem disi atesleme söz konusu olabilmektedir. Silah sisteminin hareketi entegrasyon aparati tarafindan saglandigindan, entegrasyon aparati tarafindan silaha saglanan hareket serbestisi silahin verimli kullanilabilmesine imkan vermektedir. Ancak mevcut entegrasyon aparatlari, yükselis ve süpürüs açilari oldukça dar bir kullanim saglandigindan yetersiz kalabilmektedir. Silah sistemleri helikopterin kapi ya da penceresine monte edilmeyi amaçlamaktadir. Ancak helikopterin tasima alanina ait bu açikliklar ayni zamanda askeri personelin girisi ve çikisi için de kullanilabilmektedir. Mevcut entegrasyon aparatlari bu açikliklari kapattigindan, bu aparatlarin kullanimi sirasinda askeri personelin pencereden giris çikisi ya mümkün degil ya da çok sikintilidir. FR2963670 sayili patent basvurusunun iki arayüzü birbirine baglayan ve kol uçlarinin dönme ekseni etrafinda döndürülen dönme üniteleri ile saglandigi ara kol içeren baglanti düzenegine sahip olan LynX helikopterleri için kullanima uygun olan atesli silah entegrasyon aparatindan bahsetmektedir. Bahsi geçen aparatin helikopter kapisina konumlandirilabilen ve içeri toplanabilen bir EP sayili patent basvurusu ise; Ml34 MINIGUN makineli tüfeklerinin, AS 532 AL/UL Cougar tipi ve benzeri helikopterlere entegrasyonunu, silahin helikopterin penceresinden kullaniminin saglanmasini, silahin çalismasi için gerekli olan mermi kutusu, aküler gibi yardimci teçhizatin platform içerisinde platformun yapisina müdahale yapilmayacak sekilde konumlandirilmasini saglayacak pencere mesnedinden bahsetmektedir. Bulusun Cözümünü Amaçladigi Problemler Bulusun amaci; hava araci içine alinabilen ve araç içine alindiginda bir anahtar mekanizmasi ile atesleme yapmasi engellenebilen, özellikle helikopter vb. askeri amaçli hava araçlarinin tasima bölümü ile iliskilendirilmis silahlari, tasima bölümüne ait kapi, pencere vb. açikliklara baglayan silah entegrasyon aparatinin olusturulmasidir. Bahsi geçen aparat kullanilarak silah sistemine ihtiyaç duyulmadigi durumlarda silah sistemi hava araci gövdesi içine toplanabilecektir. Silah sistemin hava araci gövdesine toplanmasiyla silahin kullanilmadigi durumlarda hem hava aracinin sürüs dinamikleri korunacak hem de içeride tasinan personelin güvenlik riskleri azaltilabilecektir. Bulus ile silah sistemi, silah sistemi içeri toplandiginda silahin ateslemesini engelleyecek bir anahtar mekanizmasi bulundurur. Bulusun tercih edilen uygulamasina göre, aparat üzerinde yer alan anahtar (switch), silah gövde içine toplandiginda silah sisteme elektrik beslemesini keserek ates almasini engellemektedir. Bu sayede; silah sistemi gövde içerisine toplandiginda, silah atesleme fonksiyonunu ifa edemeyeceginden, istem disi atesleme durumunda olusabilecek kaza, kirim vb. istenmeyen durumlarin önüne geçilebilmektedir. Bulus konusu entegrasyon aparatinin kullanimi ile silahin yükselis ve süpürüs açilari arttirilmistir. Bulus konusu aparatin kullanilmasiyla, silaha siteminin hedeIleme kabiliyetleri arttirildigi için avantaj saglanmistir. Bulus konusu entegrasyon aparatinin kullanimi ile askeri personelin pencereyi kullanarak hava aracina girisi ve çikisi mümkün olabilecektir. Sekillerin Açiklamasi Sekil 1. Hava aracinin silah monte halde görünümü Sekil 2. Silah entegrasyon aparatinin ayrintili görünümü Sekillerdeki Referanslarin Açiklamasi 1. Tasima alani açikligi 2. Silah 3. Silah entegrasyon aparati 4. Dikey kol . Mesnet tasiyici kol 6. Baglanti unsuru 7. Kilit kolu Bulusun Açiklanmasi Bulus, özellikle helikopter vb. askeri amaçli hava araçlarinin tasima alani açikligina (l) baglanarak, silahin (2) hedefe yönlendirilmesi için yatay / dikey düZlemde döndürülebilmesine ve tasima alani açikligindan (1) hava araci içine alinmasina imkan verebilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) ile ilgilidir. Bahsi geçen enetgrasyon aparati (3), silah (2) hava araci içine alindiginda silahin (2) ateslemesini engelleyen en aZ bir anahtar mekanizmasi ile donatilmistir. Bulusun tercih edilen uygulamasina göre hava araci bir helikopterdir. Daha özel olarak bulusun tercih edilen yapilanmasi Sikorsky BlackhaWk helikopterlere baglanmayi amaçlamaktadir. Bu uygulama dahilinde silah (2), helikopterin tasima alani açikliklarindan (l) biri olan pencere bölümüne baglanabilmektedir. Bu uygulama dahilinde helikoptere baglanan silah (l), Ml34 Minigun tipi makineli tüfek olabilmektedir. Ml34 Minigun,nin elektrik motoru ile isletildigi düsünüldügünde ateslemeyi engelleyen anahtar mekanizmasi, elektrik motoruna elektrik beslemesini kesip-açabilen switch yapisinda olabilmektedir. Silah (2) sisteminin, helikopter içerisine alindigi durumda, aparat (3) üzerinde yer alan switch sisteme elektrik beslemesini kesmektedir. Bu sayede kaza-kirima sebebiyet verebilecek istem disi atesleme durumunda, silah helikopter içine alindiginda emniyet olusturulmaktadir. Bulus konusu entegrasyon aparati (3), Sikorsky BlackhaWk helikopterlerine Ml34 Minigun tipi silahin (2) entegrasyonu için helikopter üzerinde herhangi bir degisiklige gerek kalmadan monte edilebilmektedir. Bahsi geçen silah (2) bir askeri personel tarafinda direkt ya da dolayli olarak kullanilabilmektedir. Direkt kullanim askeri personelin silahin basinda silahi ateslemesi kosulunu tanimlarken, dolayli kullanim ise silahin bir uzaktan kumanda modülü ile otonom ve/veya insan tarafindan kullanilmasini kapsayabilmektedir. Silah (2) kullanimi esnasinda helikopter tasima alani açikliklari (1) olan pencerelerden disariya dogru çikartilir ve yüksek serbestlik derecesiyle kullanilabilir. Kullanimi sonrasinda tekrar gövde içerisine pencereler kapali kalacak sekilde alinabilmektedir. Sekil 1 ve Sekil 2, silahin (2) helikopterin penceresinden (l) disari çikartilarak kullanilmasini sagladigi, bulusun tercih edilen uygulamasini göstermektedir. Bu uygulama dahilinde silah (2); dikey kol (4), mesnet tasiyici kol (5) ve baglanti unsuru (6) ile helikopter penceresine baglanmaktadir. Mesnet tasiyici kol (5), silahi (2) tasiyan ana tasiyici unsuru tanimlamaktadir. Mesnet tasiyici kol (5), baglanti unsuru (6) vasitasiyla tasima alani açikligina (l) baglanmistir. Mesnet tasiyici kol (5), baglanti unsuru (6) ekseninde dairesel olarak hareket edebilecek sekilde tasarlanmistir. Bu sayede silahin (2) hava araci içine ve disina Silahin (2) hava araci disinda kullanimi durumunda; silahi (2) tasiyan mesnet tasiyici kolunun (5), hava araci disindaki pozisyonu kilit kolu (7), kullanilarak sabitlenmektedir. Kilit kolu (7), mesnet tasiyici kolu (5) vasitasiyla hava aracina ait olan pencere vb. tasima alani açikligina (l) kilitleyerek hareket etmesini engellemektedir. Silahin içeriye alinmasi durumunda, kilit kolu (7) açilir ve silahin (2) içeri alinmasi için mesnet tasiyici kolun (5) hareketine iZin vermektedir. Dikey kol (4), tasiyici kolun (5) ucunda silahin (2) baglanmasi için olusturulmus bölümü tanimlamaktadir. TR TR TR TR TR TRDESCRIPTION A WEAPON INTEGRATION DEVICE INTENDED FOR USE ON MILITARY AIRCRAFT Technical Field The invention relates to a weapon integration apparatus that connects weapons associated with the carrying section of military aircraft such as helicopters, etc., to openings such as doors, windows, etc. belonging to the carrying section. Known State of the Art Today, the rapid execution of military operations has increasingly increased the use of aircraft during these operations. One of the most important examples of aircraft used for this purpose is helicopters. Helicopters can be used for attack, defense, and transportation in order to respond quickly to the fluid tactical conditions of modern warfare against threats in the air, on land, and at sea. The most common use of military helicopters is for transporting troops, but transport helicopters are also widely used for other missions such as combat search and rescue (CSAR), medical evacuation (MEDEVAC), and air command centers. In order to counter threats during these types of missions, helicopters can accommodate a wide variety of weapons such as machine guns, grenade launchers, automatic cannons, etc. One example of weapon systems used by helicopters is weapons that can be attached to openings such as doors, windows, etc. of the helicopter's transport compartment. These weapons are mostly intended to be used by military personnel carried by the helicopter. For this reason, they are operated by attaching them to the sides of the helicopter's transport compartment. Military personnel can use the weapon by using helicopter openings such as doors, windows, etc. Similarly, remotely operated weapon systems are also known within the current technology. These types of systems can include the M23, which can be mounted on the door of the UH-lD, and the M-l34, which can be mounted on the windows of Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk / Cougar helicopters. These types of weapons are adapted to the aircraft using different integration devices. Existing devices can be associated with the doors/windows of the helicopter and help the user direct the weapon to the target. During helicopter use, it is advantageous to store the weapon inside when the weapon is not used. Since storing the weapon system inside the helicopter body will provide advantages in terms of both the flight dynamics of the helicopter and personnel safety, it will be preferred when the weapon is not used. In the currently used integration devices, it is possible to take the weapon and the device completely inside the helicopter and close the doors/windows. However, in current systems, when the weapon system is placed inside the helicopter, since the electrical supply to the system continues, unintentional firing that may cause accidents may occur. Since the movement of the weapon system is provided by the integration apparatus, the freedom of movement provided to the weapon by the integration apparatus allows the weapon to be used efficiently. However, current integration apparatus may be inadequate since the elevation and sweep angles are used in a very narrow manner. Weapon systems are intended to be mounted on the helicopter door or window. However, these openings belonging to the helicopter's carrying area can also be used for the entry and exit of military personnel. Since current integration apparatus closes these openings, it is either not possible or very difficult for military personnel to enter or exit through the window during the use of these apparatus. The patent application numbered FR2963670 mentions a firearm integration apparatus suitable for use in LynX helicopters, which has a connection mechanism that connects two interfaces and includes an intermediate arm provided with rotation units that rotate the arm ends around the rotation axis. The patent application numbered EP of the aforementioned apparatus, which can be positioned on the helicopter door and retracted inside, mentions a window bracket that will enable the integration of Ml34 MINIGUN machine guns into AS 532 AL/UL Cougar type and similar helicopters, the use of the weapon from the helicopter's window, and the positioning of auxiliary equipment such as ammunition boxes and batteries required for the operation of the weapon within the platform in a way that will not interfere with the structure of the platform. Problems That the Invention Aims to Solve The purpose of the invention; It is the creation of a weapon integration apparatus that connects weapons associated with the carrying section of military purpose aircraft such as helicopters etc., which can be taken inside the aircraft and prevented from firing with a key mechanism when taken inside the vehicle, to the doors, windows etc. openings of the carrying section. By using the aforementioned apparatus, the weapon system can be collected inside the aircraft body when the weapon system is not needed. By collecting the weapon system into the aircraft body, both the driving dynamics of the aircraft will be protected when the weapon is not in use and the security risks of the personnel carried inside can be reduced. With the invention, the weapon system includes a key mechanism that will prevent the weapon from firing when the weapon system is collected inside. According to the preferred embodiment of the invention, the key on the apparatus prevents the weapon from firing by cutting off the electrical supply to the system when the weapon is collected inside the body. In this way; when the weapon system is assembled inside the fuselage, the weapon cannot perform its firing function, so undesirable situations such as accidents, breakage, etc. that may occur in case of unintentional firing can be prevented. By using the integration apparatus which is the subject of the invention, the elevation and sweep angles of the weapon have been increased. By using the apparatus which is the subject of the invention, an advantage has been provided since the targeting capabilities of the weapon system have been increased. By using the integration apparatus which is the subject of the invention, it will be possible for military personnel to enter and exit the aircraft using the window. Explanation of the Figures Figure 1. View of the aircraft with the weapon mounted Figure 2. Detailed view of the weapon integration apparatus Explanation of the References in the Figures 1. Carrying area opening 2. Weapon 3. Weapon integration apparatus 4. Vertical arm. Support carrying arm 6. Connection element 7. Locking arm Description of the Invention The invention relates to a weapon integration apparatus (3) that can be connected to the carrying area opening (l) of military aircrafts such as helicopters in particular, and that can allow the weapon (2) to be rotated in the horizontal / vertical plane in order to direct it to the target and to be taken into the aircraft from the carrying area opening (1). The said integration apparatus (3) is equipped with at least one key mechanism that prevents the weapon (2) from firing when it is taken into the aircraft. According to the preferred embodiment of the invention, the aircraft is a helicopter. More specifically, the preferred embodiment of the invention aims to be connected to Sikorsky Blackhawk helicopters. Within this embodiment, the weapon (2) can be connected to the window section, which is one of the carrying area openings (l) of the helicopter. Within this application, the weapon (l) connected to the helicopter can be an Ml34 Minigun type machine gun. Considering that the Ml34 Minigun is operated by an electric motor, the switch mechanism that prevents firing can be in the form of a switch that can cut and turn on the electric supply to the electric motor. When the weapon (2) system is taken into the helicopter, the switch on the apparatus (3) cuts off the electric supply to the system. In this way, in the event of an unintentional firing that may cause an accident or a crash, safety is provided when the weapon is taken into the helicopter. The integration apparatus (3) in question can be mounted on Sikorsky Blackhawk helicopters for the integration of the Ml34 Minigun type weapon (2) without requiring any modifications on the helicopter. The weapon (2) in question can be used directly or indirectly by a military personnel. Direct use defines the condition of military personnel firing the weapon while indirect use may include autonomous and/or human use of the weapon with a remote control module. During use, the weapon (2) is brought out through the windows of the helicopter carrying area openings (1) and can be used with a high degree of freedom. After use, it can be taken back inside the body with the windows closed. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the preferred application of the invention, where the weapon (2) is brought out of the helicopter window (l) and used. In this application, the weapon (2) is connected to the helicopter window with the vertical arm (4), the support arm (5) and the connection element (6). The support arm (5) defines the main support element carrying the weapon (2). The support arm (5) is connected to the carrying area opening (l) by means of the connection element (6). The support arm (5) is designed to be able to move circularly around the axis of the connection element (6). In this way, in case the weapon (2) is used in and out of the aircraft; the position of the support arm (5) carrying the weapon (2) outside the aircraft is fixed by using the locking lever (7). The locking lever (7) prevents movement by locking it to the carrying area opening (l) of the window etc. belonging to the aircraft by means of the support arm (5). In case the weapon is taken inside, the locking lever (7) opens and allows the movement of the support arm (5) to take the weapon (2) inside. The vertical arm (4) defines the section created at the end of the carrier arm (5) for attaching the weapon (2). TR TR TR TR TR TR

Claims (9)

STEMLERSTEMS . Askeri amaçli hava araçlarinin tasima alani açikligina (l) baglanarak, silahin (2) hedefe yönlendirilmesi için yatay / dikey düzlemde döndürülebilmesine ve tasima alani açikligindan (1) hava araci içine-disina alinmasina imkan verebilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; silah (2) hava araci içine alindiginda, silahin (2) ateslemesini engelleyen en az bir anahtar mekanizmasini bulundurmasidir.. It is a weapon integration apparatus (3) that can be connected to the carrying area opening (l) of military aircraft, allowing the weapon (2) to be rotated in the horizontal / vertical plane to be directed to the target and being taken into and out of the aircraft through the carrying area opening (1), and its feature is; When the weapon (2) is taken into the aircraft, it has at least one switch mechanism that prevents the weapon (2) from firing. Istem l,de bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; bashi geçen hava aracinin bir helikopter olmasi ve tasima alani açikliginin (l) helikopterin penceresi olmasidir.It is the weapon integration apparatus (3) mentioned in claim 1 and its feature is; The aircraft in charge is a helicopter and the carrying area opening (l) is the window of the helicopter. Istem lade bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; silahin (2) elektrik motoru ile isletilen Ml34 Minigun olmasidir.The weapon integration apparatus mentioned in the claim is (3) and its feature is; The gun is a Ml34 Minigun operated by (2) electric motors. . Istem 1 veya 3,te bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; silah (2) hava araci içine alindiginda, silahin (2) ateslemesini engellemek amaciyla elektrik beslemesini kesen en az bir switch bulundurmasidir.. It is the weapon integration apparatus (3) mentioned in claim 1 or 3 and its feature is; When the weapon (2) is taken into the aircraft, it must have at least one switch that cuts off the electrical supply in order to prevent the weapon (2) from firing. . Istem l,de bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; hava aracinin tasima alani açikligina (l) baglanmasi amaciyla, dikey kol (4), mesnet tasiyici kol (5) ve baglanti unsurunu (6) bulundurmasidir.. It is the weapon integration apparatus (3) mentioned in claim 1 and its feature is; It contains the vertical arm (4), the support carrying arm (5) and the connection element (6) in order to connect it to the carrying area opening (l) of the aircraft. . Istem 5,te bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; baglanti unsuru (6) vasitasiyla tasima alani açikligina (l) baglanmis olan mesnet tasiyici kolunu (5) bulundurmasidir.. It is the weapon integration apparatus (3) mentioned in Request 5 and its feature is; It has the support bearing arm (5) which is connected to the carrying area opening (l) through the connection element (6). . Istem 6,da bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; silahin (2) hava araci içine ve disina hareketinin saglanmasi için, baglanti unsuru (6) ekseninde dairesel olarak hareket edebilecek sekilde tasarlanmis mesnet tasiyici kolunu (5) bulundurmasidir.. It is the weapon integration apparatus (3) mentioned in claim 6 and its feature is; It has a support carrier arm (5) designed to move circularly on the axis of the connection element (6) in order to enable the movement of the weapon (2) in and out of the aircraft. . Istem 5,te bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; o silahin (2) hava araci disinda kullanimi durumunda; tasiyici kolu (5) kilitleyerek, hava araci disindaki pozisyonunu sabitleyen, o silahin (2) içeriye alinmasi durumunda, tasiyici kolu (5) serbest birakarak hava araci içine alinabilmesine imkan veren kilit kolunu (7) bulundurmasidir.. It is the weapon integration apparatus (3) mentioned in Request 5 and its feature is; In case of use of that weapon (2) outside the aircraft; It has a locking lever (7) that fixes its position outside the aircraft by locking the carrying arm (5), and in case that weapon (2) is taken inside, it allows it to be taken into the aircraft by releasing the carrying arm (5). 9. Istem 5,te bahsedilen silah entegrasyon aparati (3) olup özelligi; mesnet tasiyici kolun (5) ucunda silahin (2) baglanmasi için olusturulmus dikey kolu bulundurmasidir.9. It is the weapon integration apparatus (3) mentioned in claim 5 and its feature is; The support carrier arm (5) has a vertical arm at its end, which is designed to connect the gun (2).

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
PCT/TR2022/051276 WO2024043848A1 (en) 2022-08-26 2022-11-10 A weapon integration apparatus for use in military aircraft

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
TR2022013433A1 true TR2022013433A1 (en) 2024-03-21



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