SI9111004A - Lifting Door with Lamellate Shield with Bendable Lamellae - Google Patents
Lifting Door with Lamellate Shield with Bendable Lamellae Download PDFInfo
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- SI9111004A SI9111004A SI9111004A SI9111004A SI9111004A SI 9111004 A SI9111004 A SI 9111004A SI 9111004 A SI9111004 A SI 9111004A SI 9111004 A SI9111004 A SI 9111004A SI 9111004 A SI9111004 A SI 9111004A
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- Slovenia
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- door
- armor
- sealing
- lifting
- slats
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- Operating, Guiding And Securing Of Roll- Type Closing Members (AREA)
Dvižna vrata z lamelnim oklepom s kotno postavljivimi lamelami. Doslej znana dvižna vrata kot prekrivala za odprtino vrat, pri katerih sa vratni list dvigne bočno vodeno in pokočno, imajo na osnovi svoje konstrukcije samo nezadovoljive lastnosti glede hitrega teka in povzročajo pri teku prekomerno visok razvoj hrupa. Dvižna vrata po izumu obsegajo dve vodilni progi (2), ki sta po ena razporejeni na obeh nasprotnih si straneh (3,) odprtine (1) vrat, ter lamelni oklep (12) z lamelami (14), ki so na šamirskih vezeh (20) z medsebojnim razmikom tako nameščene, da šamirski tečaji (24, 24’) uprijemajo znotraj prostora (34) med sosednjima lamelama (14). Uporaba dvižnih vrat kot vrata za hitri tek.Lifting door with corner armor adjustable slats. The hitherto known lifting door as door openings with a door leaf raises laterally guided and erect, have at the base its constructions only unsatisfactory properties with respect fast running and causing them to run excessively high noise development. The lifting doors of the invention comprise two guide lines (2), one at a time, arranged on both opposite the sides (3,) of the door opening (1), and the slats armor (12) with slats (14) which are on shamrock ties (20) spaced so that Shamir hinges (24, 24 ') are held up in space (34) between adjacent lamellae (14). Use of lifting gear neck as a high-speed door.
Dvižna vrata z lamelnim oklepom s kotno postavljivimi lamelamiSliding door with slats with angular slats
Izum se nanaša na dvižna vrata z lamelnim oklepom, ki je vozljiv pokončno navzgor iz zaklepalnega položaja v odprt položaj odprtine vrat.The invention relates to a sliding door with sliding armor which is movable upright from the locking position to the open position of the door opening.
Kot primer dvižnih vrat so znana roletna vrata kot pokončno odpirajoče se zapiralo za odprtino vrat, skozi katero se hodi ali vozi, pri čemer ta roletna vrata običajno sestojijo v bistvu iz roletnega oklepa, sestoječega iz medsebojno kotno postavljivih lamel, ki so na obeh stranskih robovih odprtine vrat s pomočjo pokončnih vodilnih tirnic vodene v zaporni položaj, navijalne gredi, na kateri je pritrjen roletni oklep in s pomočjo katere se roletni oklep vozi navzgor v odprt položaj in se tam navija, elektromotornega pogona kot tudi lovilne priprave, ki v primeru, če pogon odpove, zadrži spust roletnega oklepa.As an example of sliding doors, roller shutters are known as an upright opening closure for a door opening through which they walk or drive, these shutters typically consisting essentially of roller shutter consisting of angularly adjustable slats on both side edges. door openings by means of upright guide rails guided into the locking position, a winding shaft on which the shutter armor is attached and by means of which the shutter armor is driven upwards into the open position and is supported there, by the electric motor drive as well as by the catching device, which, if drive fails, holds shutter shutter down.
Roletni oklep kot del roletnega zapirala, ki zapira in ščiti odprtino vrat, sestoji iz medsebojno zgibno povezanih lamel, praviloma profiliranih delov, npr. pramensko prešanih aluminijastih delov. Višina posameznih lamel pri tem znaša praviloma nekako 80 do 120 mm. Ti profilirani deli so često predvideni kot vstavljalni profili, ki se na osnovi svoje oblikovne zasnove medsebojno zgibno povežejo v roletni oklep brez nadaljnjih veznih členov. Pri tipičnem aluminijastem pramensko prešanem profilu je zgib zasnovan npr. kot ponvica (utor) in mostič (pero), tako da pri drug v drugega vstavljenih profilih tako narejeni zgib lahko prevzame in prenaša sile, ki se pojavljajo pri navijanju roletnega oklepa. Zveza lamel, ki tvori zgib, ima praviloma veliko režo. Razen tega naj bi šlo pri drug v drugega vstavljenih profilih za tako izvedbo, da se v zgibih prepreči nabiranje umazanije in vode, zagotovljena pa naj bi bila tudi zadostna tesnost proti vdoru vetra.Roller shutter, as part of a roller shutter, which closes and protects the door opening, consists of interconnected articulated lamellae, generally profiled parts, e.g. strand pressed aluminum parts. The height of the individual blades is generally about 80 to 120 mm. These profiled parts are often intended as insertion profiles, which, based on their design, are articulated with one another in roller armor without further connecting members. With a typical aluminum strand profile, the hinge is designed e.g. as a pan (groove) and a bridge (feather), so that when the profiles are inserted into each other, the joint so constructed can absorb and transmit the forces that occur when winding the roller shutter. As a rule, the joint of the lamellae forming the joint has a large gap. In addition, profiles should be inserted into each other in such a way as to prevent dirt and water from accumulating in the joints and to ensure sufficient tightness against wind gusts.
Plasti navitja na navijalni gredi se tvorijo z medsebojno povezanimi profili, ki imajo določeno višino profila. Vsak profil naleze na najbolj štrleč rob profila spodaj nahajajoče se plasti. Smer, katero zavzame profil v preseku navitja znotraj svojega položaja v navitju, se ravna po naležni točki profila. S svojo naključno zavzeto lego določa spet ureditev naslednjega, z njim povezanega profila. S tem se pri kompletnem navitju dobi neregularna ureditev plasti posameznih profilov roletnih vrat. Iz tega med drugim sledi, da npr. en sam rob enega samega profila roletnih vrat podpira celotno breme tistega dela oklepa, ki še prosto visi, zaradi česar lahko prihaja do znatnih obremenitev robov.The winding layers on the winding shaft are formed by interconnected profiles having a certain profile height. Each profile fits into the most protruding edge of the profile below. The direction taken by the profile in the cross section of the coil within its position in the coil is guided by the contact point of the profile. With its randomly occupied position, it again determines the arrangement of the next associated profile. The complete winding thus provides an irregular arrangement of the layers of individual shutter door profiles. It follows, inter alia, that e.g. a single edge of a single roller shutter profile supports the entire load of the part of the armor that is still hanging freely, which can lead to considerable edge loads.
Za potrebe varovanja proti bočnemu premiku so ob straneh na profilih roletnih vrat praviloma pritrjeni čelni oz. končni kosi, ki tečejo v ustreznih pokončnih vodilnih tirnicah s praviloma kot črka U oblikovanim presekom. Ti pokončni tirnici sta na svojem zgornjem vteku lijakasto razširjeni, da bi roletni oklep pri odvijanju lahko brezhibno vtekal v pokončno vodilo, ne da bi obstajala nevarnost zatikanja.For the purposes of protection against lateral movement, the front or front doors are generally attached to the sides of the roller shutter profiles. end pieces running in corresponding upright guide rails with the rule as U-shaped cross-section. These upright rails are funnel-shaped on their upper run so that the roller shutter can integrate seamlessly into the upright guide when unscrewing, without the risk of being stuck.
Roletni oklep je s svojim začetnim profilom tako pritrjen na navijalni gredi, da se pritrditev pri zaprtih vratih nahaja na tisti strani gredi, ki je obrnjena proč od oklepa, kar pomeni, da oklep oz. končne pločevine, ki podaljšujejo oklep, ovijajo gred za najmanj 180°. S tem se doseže, da se oklep v bistvu drži s silami trenja, s tem pa lastna polna teža oklepa ne deluje na obešalo. Vrata so zaprta tedaj, ko zaključni profil tesnjeno stoji na spodnjem robu odprtine, t.j. v splošnem na tleh. V preostalem naj se roletni oklep ne bi sesedel. Celoten oklep - vse do zaključnega profila - potemtakem obvisi kot breme na gredi oz. gredni osi. V tem se v preostalem roletna vrata v osnovi razlikujejo od rolete, ki je pretežno predvidena kot dodatno zapiralo za določeno odprtino.With its initial profile, the roller shutter is so fastened to the winding shaft that the fastening at the closed door is located on the side of the shaft facing away from the armor, which means that the armor or. end plates extending the armor by wrapping the shaft by at least 180 °. This achieves that the armor is essentially supported by the forces of friction, and thus the body's own full weight does not act on the hanger. The door is closed when the end profile is sealed at the lower edge of the opening, i.e. generally on the ground. The rest of the shutter should not collapse. The entire armor - right down to the end profile - thus hangs as a load on the shaft or. shaft axles. In this respect, the shutter door is fundamentally different from the shutter, which is mainly intended as an additional closure for a given opening.
V odprtem položaju roletnih vrat se roletni oklep, ki je navit na navijalni gredi, nahaja v območju zgornje vratne prečke odprtine vrat. Pogon često leži zaščiteno za omenjeno prečko, tako da ga vozila pri vožnji skozi odprtino vrat ne poškodujejo. Kot pogon je praviloma predviden elektromotor, pri čemer se razen tega pojavi ročno upravljan pogon za pomožno obratovanje.In the open position of the shutter door, the shutter armor, which is wound on the winding shaft, is located in the area of the upper door crossbar of the door opening. The drive is often secured to the said bar so that it is not damaged by vehicles when driving through the door opening. As a rule, an electric motor is generally provided, with the addition of a manually operated auxiliary drive.
Pri električnem pogonu se gred roletnih vrat poganja s konstantnim številom vrtljajev, t.j. z nespremenljivo kotno hitrostjo. S tem se na gredi pritrjeni roletni oklep dvigne in navije na gred. Za hitrost dviganja je merodajen najprej vsakokratni delujoči polmer navijanja, ki se pri navijanju stalno povečuje, saj se spodnji deli roletnega oklepa nalagajo na že navite zgornje dele. Ker se hitrost dviganja menja direktno sorazmerno s polmerom navitja, se roletna vrata najprej počasi dvigajo, nakar postaja hitrost dviganja v smeri navzgor čedalje večja. Pri natančnejšem opazovanju kinematičnih razmer je treba ob upoštevanju debeline in višine profilov navitje roletnih vrat obravnavati kot mnogokotnik. Pri navijanju se profili najprej položijo na okroglo navijalno gred. Ravni profili zatem tvorijo mnogokotnik. Pri tem so vogali mnogokotnika glede na središče gredi oddaljeni dlje kot središča stranic mnogokotnika. Če se tedaj gred roletnih vrat vrti s konstantno kotno hitrostjo, je roletni oklep vlečen navzgor enkrat z vzvodno roko, ki ustreza dolžini proti vogalu mnogokotnika, in s hitrostjo dviganja, ki ustreza dolžini te vzvodne roke, v naslednjem trenutku pa z vzvodno roko, ki ustreza dolžini stranice mnogokotnika, in s hitrostjo dviganja, ki ustreza tej roki. Hitrost dviganja je proporcionalna vsakokrat delujoči, nestalno in neregularno pojavljajoči se vzvodni roki, tako da je le-ta pri navijanju roletnega oklepa značilna po ustrezno močnih in nenadnih nihanjih. V povezavi s tem se pospeški in pojemki mase tistega dela roletnega oklepa, ki je še odvit, po svoji intenzivnosti spreminjajo. Ti pospeški mase se prenašajo tudi na prenosnik pogonskega stroja, pri katerega zasnovi mora biti upoštevana tudi ustrezna stopnja neenakomernosti, saj bi sicer lahko prišlo do izpadov. Ti pospeški so sicer v principu tem manjši, čim debelejši je navitek roletnih vrat, t.j. čim bolj se mnogokotnik približuje krogu. Ker največji pospeški in pojemki mase nastopajo tedaj, ko je roletni oklep še daleč spodaj, se potemtakem te sile pomnožijo medsebojno še na osnovi ne neznatne lastne teže roletnega oklepa.In electric drive, the roller shutter shaft is driven at a constant speed, i.e. at a constant angular velocity. This raises the roller shutter attached to the shaft and winds it on the shaft. First, the operating radius of winding, which is steadily increasing when winding, is determined for the lifting speed, since the lower parts of the roller shutter are loaded onto the already wound upper parts. As the lifting speed changes directly in proportion to the radius of the winding, the shutter door first slowly rises, and then the upward lifting speed increases. When observing kinematic conditions more closely, the roller shutter windings should be considered a polygon, taking into account the thickness and height of the profiles. When winding, the profiles are first laid on a round winding shaft. The flat profiles then form a polygon. The corners of the polygon are further away from the center of the shaft than the centers of the sides of the polygon. If the roller shutter shaft then rotates at a constant angular velocity, the shutter armor is pulled upwards once with the lever arm corresponding to the length to the corner of the polygon and with the lifting velocity corresponding to the length of that lever arm, and at the next moment with the lever arm, which corresponds to the length of the side of the polygon, and with a lifting speed corresponding to that arm. The lifting speed is proportional to the actionable, unsteady and irregularly occurring lever arms, so that it is characterized by sufficiently strong and sudden oscillations when winding the shutter armor. In this connection, the acceleration and deceleration of the mass of that part of the roller shutter, which is still unwound, vary in their intensity. These mass accelerations are also transmitted to the gearbox of the propulsion machine, the design of which must also take into account the appropriate degree of unevenness, as otherwise there could be downtime. These accelerations are, in principle, the smaller, the thicker the roller shutter roll is, i.e. the polygon approaches the circle as much as possible. Since the greatest acceleration and deceleration of the mass occur when the shutter armor is still far below, then these forces are multiplied by each other on the basis of the not insignificant own weight of the shutter armor.
Pospeški in pojemki mas odvitega roletnega oklepa se odražajo kot nihanja. Ta nihanja delujejo preko navijalne gredi tudi na zgradbo, tako da je treba pri statičnem izračunu zgradbe paziti na to, da število lastnega nihanja ostane izven frekvenc roletnih vrat. Sicer bi bilo treba hitrost dviganja roletnih vrat drastično zmanjšati. Pri konstantni kotni hitrosti gredi roletnih vrat bo s čedalje debelejšim navitkom roletnih vrat frekvenca nihanja naraščala in amplituda nihanja padala. To v obrnjenem smislu pomeni, da se pri upravljanju roletnih vrat generira tem več hrupa, čim niže se roletni oklep spusti.The acceleration and deceleration of the masses of unwound shutter armor are reflected as oscillations. These oscillations also apply to the structure through the winding shaft, so when static calculation of the structure is made, care must be taken to keep the number of its own oscillations outside the shutter door frequencies. Otherwise, the speed of lifting the shutter door should be drastically reduced. At a constant angular velocity of the roller shutter shaft, the frequency of oscillation will increase and the amplitude of oscillation decreases with the thickness of the roller shutter. This in the opposite sense means that the more noise is generated in the shutter door control, the lower the roller shutter is lowered.
Poleg omenjenih spotakljivosti v razmerah vzvodnih rok pri navijanju profilov v obliki mnogokotnika se pri znanih roletnih vratih pojavlja še nadaljnja okoliščina, ki prav tako vodi k skrajno problematičnim kinematičnim razmeram. Ker gnana gred roletnih vrat ne more na roletni oklep izvajati nikakršnih tlačnih sil, mora biti poskrbljeno za to, da je v povsem dvignjenem stanju spuščalna masa prosto visečega dela roletnega oklepa s čelno tirnico večja od trenja mirovanja. Le tako se oklep lahko prične kot posledica svoje lastne teže gibati sam od sebe, če se gred poganja v obratni smeri. Najmanjše trenje za oklep je dano tedaj, če oklep v povsem dvignjenem stanju vteka v vodili pokončno. To vrsto namestitve imenujemo normalna postavitev. Hkrati z odtekanjem roletnega oklepa se zmanjšuje premer navitja. Oklep zatem teče čedalje bolj poševno v vtočni ustji vodil. Ko se roletni oklep povsem odvije, a - kot je običajno pri roletah - še vedno visi na gredi, visi celotno breme roletnega oklepa v danih okoliščinah le na enem samem profilu izmed profilov, ki se še nahajajo na gredi. Pri opazovanju pokončnega preseka čez roletna vrata spoznamo, da vlečna sila skupne lastne teže oklepa ne leži v ravnini vrat, temveč v premočrtni zvezi od spodnjega kosa k delovnemu polmeru navitja. Roletni oklep se bo torej v sredini med vodiloma deformiral, da bi se kar se da približal poteku nateznih napetosti. Konci profilov pa so držani v vodilih in ne morejo slediti liniji nateznih napetosti. Medtem ko natezna napetost, ki je rezultat lastne teže roletnega oklepa, vleče oklep na zgornjem delu iz ravnine vrat v smeri proti gredi, upogibata vodili konce profilov spet proti ravnini vrat. S tem pa posamezni profili niso obremenjeni le na upogib, temveč tudi na zvoj. Pri tem se največji upogibni in zvojni momenti pojavijo na vteku.In addition to the aforementioned stumbling blocks in the conditions of lever arms when winding profiles in the shape of a polygon, a further circumstance occurs in known roller shutters, which also leads to extremely problematic kinematic conditions. As the driven roller shutter shaft cannot exert any compressive force on the roller shutter, it must be ensured that, in a fully raised state, the lower mass of the free-standing roller shutter armor with the front rail is greater than the friction of rest. Only then can the armor begin to move on its own as a result of its own weight if the shaft drives in the opposite direction. Minimum friction for the armor is given if the armor is fully upright in the fully raised state. This type of installation is called a normal layout. At the same time as the roller armor drains, the winding diameter is reduced. The armor then flows more and more obliquely into the insert mouth of the guides. When the roller shutter is completely unscrewed, but - as is usual with roller shutters - it still hangs on the shaft, it hangs the entire load of the roller shutter under given circumstances on only one profile of the profiles still on the shaft. Observing an upright cross section through the roller shutter door, we learn that the pulling force of the total net weight of the armor lies not in the plane of the door, but in a straight line from the lower piece to the working radius of the winding. The shutter armor will therefore deform in the middle between the guides in order to get as close as possible to the tensile stresses. The ends of the profiles, however, are held in rails and cannot follow the line of tensile stresses. While the tensile stress resulting from the sheer weight of the shutter armor pulls the upper armor from the door plane towards the shaft, they bend the guide ends of the profiles again towards the door plane. This not only bends but also bends individual profiles. In this case, the greatest bending and bending moments occur on the run.
Da bi se zmanjšali tesnilni problemi, da katerih prihaja pri načinu vgraditve po normalni postavitvi, so predlagali, da bi upogib omejili z namestitvijo pritisne gredi. Pri tem pa je treba računati z nemirnim in hrupnim tekom roletnih vrat (prim. Horst Gunter Steuff, Das RotttoF [Roletna vrata], Dusseldorf, Wemer Verlag GmbH, 1987, str. 93).In order to reduce the sealing problems that come with the installation method after the normal layout, it has been suggested to limit the bending by installing a pressure shaft. However, it is necessary to account for the turbulent and noisy running of the shutters (cf. Horst Gunter Steuff, Das RotttoF [Roller shutters], Dusseldorf, Wemer Verlag GmbH, 1987, p. 93).
Zgoraj opisano neugodno kinematiko roletnih vrat, ki je v svojih osnovnih potezah znana že več kot 100 let (in se je medtem komajda kaj menjala), je jemati kot glavni razlog za visok razvoj hrupa pri teku, navsezadnje pa tudi za nezadovoljivo sposobnost hitrega teka roletnih vrat. Tekalni hrup, ki izvira v bistvu iz profilnih zgibov, se pojavlja v glavnem pri vožnjih roletnih vrat navzgor in tedaj tudi posebno močno v spodnji tret4 jini odprtine vrat, če imajo roletna vrata normalno postavitev. Hrup nastaja v bližini skoznjega vodenja, kjer se profili upogibajo, so obremenjeni z velikimi poteznimi silami in se pri tem v zgibih sukajo.The unfavorable shutter kinematics described above, which has been known for more than 100 years (and hardly ever changed) in its basic features, is to be considered as the main reason for the high development of running noise and, ultimately, for the poor rolling shutter speed. neck. The running noise, which originates essentially from the profile joints, occurs mainly when rolling shutter doors upwards and then especially strongly in the lower third of the door opening, provided that the shutter doors have a normal layout. Noise is generated in the vicinity of the guidance, where the profiles bend, are loaded with large pulling forces and twist in the joints.
Čeprav se je smatralo, da so z vidika cene doslej znana roletna vrata zaradi svojih silosklepnih in oblikosklepnih vezi lamel glede na tesnost proti tlaku vetra in glede na zanesljivost proti nepoklicanemu odpiranju dolgo časa veljala kot najugodnejša, so se slabe lastnosti hitrega teka običajnih roletnih vrat pri uporabi kot industrijska vrata izkazala precej zgodaj kot pomanjkljive. Hitrosti teka običajnih roletnih vrat znašajo nekako 0,25 do 0,35 m/s.Although it has been considered that the roller shutter doors so far known from the point of view of their silo- and silo-locking lamellae connections were considered to be the most advantageous for a long time in terms of tightness against wind pressure and reliability against unclassified opening, the poor fast-running properties of conventional roller shutter doors used as an industrial door proved rather early to be defective. The running speeds of conventional shutters are approximately 0.25 to 0.35 m / s.
Na področju industrije so se kot dodatno zapiralo za odprtino obnesla tudi hitro tekoča roletna vrata s polnoploskovnim vratnim listom iz gibkega gradiva, katerega se da naviti na navijalno gred ali navijalni boben. Tovrstna roletna vrata razen tega nudijo pri primerni izbiri gibkega gradiva prednost optične prosojnosti. Močno razširjene so npr. folije iz makrolona ali mehkega PVC. Ta prednost v primerjavi z neprozornim gradivom pa se sčasoma zgublja, ker se optična prosojnost z vdorom prahu in podobnega pri navijanju folije in z njim povezanim spraskanjem površine slabša.In the field of industry, the fast rolling shutter door with a full flat door leaf made of flexible material, which can be wound on a winding shaft or winding drum, has also acted as an additional closure for the opening. In addition, such roller shutters offer the advantage of optical transparency when selecting flexible materials appropriately. They are widespread, for example. macrolone or soft PVC foil. This advantage over opaque materials, however, loses over time as the optical translucency with the penetration of dust and the like in the winding of the film and the associated surface scratching deteriorates.
Glede na omejene prostorske možnosti nad območjem zgornje vratne prečke in pri premeru jedra gredi, ki je pri folijskih roletnih vratih običajno velik, morajo biti folije pri tej vrsti roletnih vrat kar se da tanke, ker sicer premer navitja v celoti postane prevelik. Razen tega se s tem, ko se predvidijo tanjše folije, na osnovi lažjega navijanja hkrati omogoči tudi hitrejši tek vratnega lista. Mala debelina folij, temu ustrezno pa tudi nizka lastna teža vratnega lista pa vodi k zmanjšani trdnosti na veter. Kot pomagalo so v ta namen predlagali, da se predvidi dodatna utež v obliki na spodnjem robu vratnega lista razporejenega zaključnega profila ali da se predvidijo vzmetno obremenjene napenjalne gurte, ki so speljane preko preusmemih koles, uležajenih na tleh.Given the limited space available above the area of the upper doorway and the diameter of the shaft core, which is usually large for foil shutters, the foils of this type of roller shutters should be as thin as possible, otherwise the winding diameter becomes entirely too large. In addition, thinner foils are provided to allow the neck to run faster due to easier winding. The low thickness of the foils, and consequently the low net weight of the neck leaf, leads to reduced wind strength. To this end, it has been suggested that an additional weight should be provided in the form at the lower edge of the door leaf of the arranged end profile, or that spring-loaded tension joints are provided, which are routed via upright wheels mounted on the floor.
Največja pomanjkljivost pri folijskih roletnih vratih izvira potemtakem iz obnašanja vratnega lista pri tlaku vetra, ki je bliže obnašanju jadra kot obnašanju plošče. Ker je vratni list podprt samo na navijalni gredi, se vratni list pri obremenitvi z vetrom znatno napihne in usloči, zaradi česar se tudi dvigne. Tovrstna roletna vrata so iz tega razloga tudi z vidika pomanjkljive zanesljivosti glede nepoklicanega odpiranja uporabna le kot dodatno zapiralo za odprtino vrat.The biggest drawback with foil roller shutters therefore stems from the behavior of the door leaf at a wind pressure that is closer to the sail behavior than the plate behavior. As the door leaf is supported only on the winding shaft, the door leaf inflates and collapses significantly when loaded with wind, causing it to rise. For this reason, such roller shutter doors are only useful as an additional closure for the door opening from the point of view of the lack of reliability in the non-calling opening.
Nadalje so znana sekcijska vrata, ki se uporabljajo prav tako pri velikih vratnih odprtinah. Običajna sekcijska vrata običajno sestojijo iz oklepa s sorazmerno visokimi sekcijami, ki se jih da s pomočjo na vrvnem potegu osnovanega gonila preklopiti iz pokončnega, zapornega položaja v zgornji, vodoravni položaj pod stropom.Further known are the so-called. sectional doors, also used for large door openings. Typically, sectional doors typically consist of armor with relatively high sections that can be moved from the upright, locking position to the upper, horizontal position below the ceiling by means of a rope pull of the base gearbox.
S sorazmerno veliko višino posameznih sekcij, kakršna je uporabljena pri sekcijskih vratih, se na osnovi zmanjšanega števila veznih elementov v sekcijah, kot šarnirjev ali podobnega in prav tako zmanjšanja števila čelnih strani, ki jih je treba zatesniti, doseže mehansko v celoti bolj kompaktna gradnja, z ustrezno boljšo trdnostjo proti vplivu vetra kot tudi zanesljivostjo proti nepoklicanemu odpiranju. Velika višina posameznih sekcij razen tega omogoča prozorne odseke v obliki steklenih oken ali oken iz umetne snovi.With a relatively large height of individual sections such as that used for sectional doors, a mechanically completely more compact construction is achieved on the basis of a reduced number of connecting elements in sections, such as hinges or the like, and also a reduction in the number of front faces to be sealed, with correspondingly better wind resistance as well as reliability against non-called opening. The large height of the individual sections also allows transparent sections in the form of glass or plastic windows.
Kompaktna gradnja pri sekcijskih vratih nadalje omogoča predvideti lahka vrata iz aluminijastih sekcij, ki so za potrebe toplotne in zvočne izolacije zapolnjene npr. z gradivom iz umetne snovi, da se da samo ročno, brez dodatnega elektromotornega pogona, odpirati in zapirati npr. garažna vrata tudi večjih širin vrat.The compact construction of sectional doors further allows for lightweight aluminum section doors that are filled, for example, with thermal and acoustic insulation. with plastic material that can only be opened and closed manually, without additional electromotor drive, e.g. garage doors also with larger door widths.
Praviloma ležijo posamezne sekcije v zapornem položaju poravnano druga na drugi, tako da je za tesnjenje na voljo vsakokrat celotna čelna ploskev določene sekcije. Sekcijska vrata potemtakem izgledajo kot snažno zaprta vrata s skoznjo (neprekinjeno) zunanjo površino brez vmesnih špranj. Nadalje izboljšana tesnost se doseže npr. z gumijevimi vložki, ki se v zapornem položaju stisnejo z druga nad drugo ležečimi sekcijami. Alternativno imajo sekcije na eni čelni strani po celotni širini vrat potekajoče izbočenje, ki pri zavihtitvi sekcij v isto ravnino uprijema v ustrezno poglobitev sosednje sekcije po analogiji z vezjo utora in peresa, s čimer se nadalje izboljša mehanska trdnost vratnega lista proti tlaku vetra tudi pri velikih širinah vrat.As a rule, the individual sections are in a closed position aligned with one another, so that the entire front face of a particular section is available for sealing each time. The sectional door therefore looks like a tightly closed door with a (continuous) exterior surface without any intermediate slots. Further improved tightness is achieved e.g. with rubber inserts that are compressed in the locking position with each other over the other sections. Alternatively, sections on one face along the entire width of the door have a projecting protrusion which, when twisting the sections in the same plane, resists the corresponding deepening of the adjacent section by analogy with the groove and pen connection, which further improves the mechanical strength of the leaf against wind pressure even at large door widths.
Na notranji strani vrat so sekcije povezane s pomočjo večjega števila posameznih šarnirjev, ki so razporejeni po celotni širini vrat na določenih odmikih v tolikšnem številu, da je dosežena zadosti velika trdnost in podprtje. Šamiiji, ki so nameščeni na bočnem robu sekcij, so praviloma hkrati izvedeni kot držalo za kolo, ki lahko teče v vodilni tirnici s kot črka U oblikovanim presekom na stranskem območju sekcijskih vrat. Ker so posamezni šarnirji na sekcijah tako nameščeni, da se sekcije lahko preklopijo proti notranji strani, nastopajo tu v tolikšni meri problemi, ker na notranji strani vrat razporejeni in štrleči deli šamiijev optično motijo in predstavljajo poškodbeno nevarnost. Nadaljnja nevarnost za poškodbe pri sekcijskih vratih nastopi pri kotnem zasuku sekcij s pomočjo tu nastopajočih odprtih špranj oz. pri povratnem sklapljanju sekcij in zapiranju špranj.On the inside of the door, sections are connected by means of a number of individual hinges, which are arranged over the entire width of the door at certain distances in such a number that sufficient strength and support are achieved. The shamis, which are mounted on the lateral edge of the sections, are, as a rule, simultaneously designed as a wheel holder that can run in a guide rail with a U-shaped section in the lateral area of the sectional door. Because the individual hinges on the sections are positioned so that the sections can be switched to the inside, there are so many problems here, because the inside and outside of the doors, the projecting and projecting parts of the shamii, optically interfere and present a risk of injury. A further risk of damage to the sectional door is the angular rotation of the sections with the help of open slits or openings. when folding sections and closing slots.
Nadaljnja pomanjkljivost pri sekcijskih vratih s sorazmerno visokimi sekcijami se pojavi v zvezi z ločno oblikovanim vodilnim delom nad območjem zgornje vratne prečke, kjer se posamezne sekcije preklopijo iz vertikalnega v vodoravni položaj. To preklapljanje seveda vodi k nenadnim zvmilnim pospeškom in ti ustrezno pri hitrem upravljanju k znatnim pojavom sil na posameznih sekcijah. Zaradi različnih radialnih odmikov vodilnih koles proti dejanskemu položaju mase sekcije v območju zgornje krivinske proge nastopijo sile pospeševanja in pojemanja, pri čemer v splošnem neenakomeren potek sil zaradi ravne izvedbe lamel končne višine, ki se v krivuljni progi razporedijo po načinu mnogokotnika, vodi k temu, da lahko sekcijska vrata praviloma obratujejo samo z malimi hitrostmi teka, ne da bi obstajala nevarnost močnejšega razvoja hrupa.A further disadvantage of sectional doors with relatively high sections arises in connection with a separately formed guide section above the area of the upper doorway where individual sections are switched from vertical to horizontal. This switching, of course, leads to sudden acceleration accelerations and, accordingly, in rapid management to significant force appearances in individual sections. Due to the different radial misalignments of the guide wheels against the actual position of the section mass in the area of the upper curvature, the acceleration and deceleration forces occur, with a generally uneven flow of forces due to the flat design of finite height blades arranged in a curved line in the curved path, that, as a rule, sectional doors can only be operated at low running speeds without the risk of increased noise development.
Preko velikega števila posameznih šamirjev se prevedene prečne sile prenašajo tudi na telo sekcij in potemtakem slednje obremenjujejo. Sile, ki se pri preklapljanju sekcij uvajajo v robne šamiije in ustrezno v vodilni tirnici, so v bistvu odvisne od hitrosti odpiranja in zapiranja sekcijskih vrat. Ker konstrukcija v principu ni zasnovana za visoke hitrosti, so uporabi sekcijskih vrat kot industrijska vrata s sposobnostjo hitrega teka postavljene meje.Through a large number of individual shamirs, the transverse transverse forces are also transmitted to the body of the sections and are thus exerted on the body. The forces that are introduced into the edge shamis when switching sections, and accordingly in the guide rail, depend essentially on the speed of opening and closing of the sectional door. Since the construction is not designed in principle for high speeds, the use of sectional doors as industrial doors with the ability to run quickly is the limit.
Kot pogonski sistem je pri sekcijskih vratih praviloma predvidena na vrvnem potegu osnovana naprava s poteznimi vrvmi in nosilnimi vrvmi kot tudi z na pogonski gredi razporejenima vrvnima bobnoma. Pri vožnji vrat navzgor se nosilni vrvi navijeta na vrvnih bobnih, medtem ko se hkrati potezni vrvi odvijata z vrvnega bobna. Pri vožnji vrat navzdol se potezni vrvi navijata in s tem vlečeta vrata dol, medtem ko se hkrati nosilni vrvi, ne da bi bili ohlapni, odvijata z vrvnih bobnov. Nosilni vrvi sta potemtakem stalno obremenjeni na nateg in ne moreta odtekati z vrvnih bobnov. Pogon pogonske gredi poteka preko elektromotorja, kije razporejen npr. neposredno pod stropom.As a propulsion system, a sectional door is usually provided with a rope-based device with pull ropes and load-bearing ropes, as well as rope drums arranged on the drive shaft. When driving the door up, the support ropes are wound on the rope drums, while at the same time the pull ropes are unwound from the rope drum. When the door is driven down, the pull ropes are wound, thus pulling the door down, while at the same time the carrier ropes are loosened from the rope drums without being loose. The load-bearing ropes are therefore continuously loaded and cannot drain from the rope drums. The drive of the drive shaft is via an electric motor, which is arranged e.g. directly below the ceiling.
Za masno izravnavo vratnega lista so, kot je znano, predvideni torzijski vzmeti, ki sta razporejeni soosno s skoznjo pogonsko gredjo. V zapornem položaju vrat sta torzijski vzmeti povsem napeti in se pri vožnji vratnega lista navzgor ustrezno razbremenita. Torzijske vzmeti so podvržene povišani obrabi in so zaradi tega v pogledu življenjske dobe omejene. Zlasti pri pogostem in nenadnem obračanju smeri poteka gibanja sekcijskih vrat torzijske vzmeti zaradi sunkovitih gibov utrpijo znatne dinamične napetostne konice. Z izpadom torzijskih vzmeti so s tem pri sekcijskih vratih potrebna vrdrževalna in menjalna dela seveda zamudna in obsežna.As is known, torsion springs are arranged for mass alignment of the door leaf, which are arranged coaxially with the drive shaft. In the closing position of the door, the torsion springs are fully tensioned and relieved when driving the door leaf upwards. Torsion springs are subject to increased wear and are therefore limited in their lifetime. Particularly with the frequent and sudden reversing of the direction of movement of the sectional doors, the torsion springs suffer considerable dynamic voltage spikes due to shock movements. With the failure of the torsion springs, the sectional doors thus require heavy maintenance and replacement work, of course, time consuming and extensive.
Na osnovi ureditve pogonske gredi s torzijskima vzmetema nad lokom in elektromotorjem v bližini pogonske gredi je treba pri običajnih sekcijskih vratih upoštevati znatno prostorsko potrebo nad zgornjo vratno prečko, ki brez posebnih konstrukcijskih ukrepov, kot npr. predvidenja dvojnega vodoravnega vodenja pod stropom ali premestitve pogonske gredi skupaj s torzijskima vzmetema na povsem zunanji konec tekalnih tirnic, ne prekorači vrednosti tipično 400 mm. Pri sekcijskih vratih se razen tega pojavi prekomerno velika potreba po prostoru v globino, ki v bistvu ustreza svetli višini odprtine vrat. Ker se praviloma razpoložljivi prosti prostor v globino, t.j. mera med zadnjim robom zgornje vratne prečke in naslednjo oviro v globino prostora, kot npr. oporno gredo, steno, prezračevalno cevjo, ventilatorjem ali podobnim, tesno dimenzionira, se utegne zgoditi, da vgradnja znanih sekcijskih vrat v mnogih primerih ni izvedljiva.Based on the arrangement of the drive shaft with torsion springs above the arc and the electric motor near the drive shaft, a significant space requirement over the upper door crossbar, which without special structural measures, such as e.g. the provision of double horizontal guidance under the ceiling or the displacement of the drive shaft together with the torsion springs at the completely outer end of the running rails does not exceed the value of typically 400 mm. In addition to sectional doors, there is an excessively high need for space in depth, which essentially corresponds to the bright height of the door opening. As free space is generally available, i.e. the dimension between the trailing edge of the upper doorway and the next obstacle to the depth of space, such as a support shaft, wall, ventilation pipe, fan or the like, having a tight dimension, it may not be possible to install a well-known sectional door in many cases.
Izum je osnovan na nalogi, ustvariti dvižna vrata, ki bodo omogočala hiter tek pri majhnem razvoju hrupa pri odpiranju in zapiranju vrat, pri tem pa bodo v zaprtem stanju nudila zadosti veliko tesnost proti delovanju vetra in vremena kot tudi zanesljivost proti nepoklicanemu odpiranju.The invention is based on the task of creating a lifting door that will allow a rapid run in the small noise development of the door opening and closing, while providing in the closed state a sufficiently high degree of tightness against the action of wind and weather as well as reliability against non-calling opening.
Ta naloga se reši z dvižnimi vrati z značilnostmi zahtevka 1.This task is solved by a lift door with the characteristics of claim 1.
Pri dvižnih vratih po predloženem izumu ima lamelni oklep šamirske vezi dolžine, ki ustreza višini odprtine vrat. Šamirske vezi so podprte in vodene v vodilnih progah. Te šarnirske vezi tvorijo noseče ogrodje lamelnega oklepa, saj šamirske vezi prevzamejo vse sile, ki nastopajo pri gibanju dvižnih vrat, pri čemer se sile porazdelijo v bistvu po celotni dolžini vsake šamirske vezi. S tem se omogoči bistveno hitrejši tek dvi žnih vrat, ne da bi bil potek gibanja neenakomeren in nemiren. Posamezne lamele so tako medsebojno razmaknjene in nameščene na šamirskih členih šamirskih vezi, da sta vsakokrat sosednji lameli s pomočjo šamirske vezi medsebojno kotno zasučni, pri čemer je v razmiku sosednjih lamel predviden medprostor, v katerega uprijemajo šarnirski tečaji šamirskih vezi. S tem, ko je nihajna os vsakega šamiija predvidena znotraj prostora med lamelama, so po eni strani kotne odprtine med sosednjima lamelama in tudi zvmilni pospeški pri vožnji v zgornji vodilni progi minimirani, z ustrezno manjšimi silami pospeševanja pri kotni zavihtitvi in s potemtakem možnimi večjimi tekalnimi hitrostmi dvižnih vrat, po drugi strani pa so odpravljeni štrleči deli šarnirja, z ustreznim optičnim učinkom in zmanjšanjem nevarnosti in poškodb. Sosednji lameli sta približno po celotni širini vrat vsakokrat opremljeni s tesnilnima letvama, ki nudita tesnost proti vetru in preprečujeta vdor deževnice in prahu, razen tega pa skrbita za mehansko stabilnost lamel druge proti drugi, tako da lamelni oklep v zapornem položaju sam kot tak vzdrži večje obremenitve s strani vetra, ne da bi se izbočil ali deformiral.In the case of a lifting door according to the present invention, the lamellar armor of the shamiric connection has a length corresponding to the height of the door opening. Shamir's ties are supported and guided in the leading lines. These hinge joints form the pregnant frame of the lamellar armor, as the shamiric ties take on all the forces involved in the movement of the lifting doors, with forces distributed essentially over the entire length of each shamiric bond. This allows the lift gate to be significantly faster without moving unevenly and unevenly. The individual lamellae are so spaced apart from each other and mounted on the shamir links of the shamiric ties that in each case the adjacent lamellae are rotated angularly with each other, with the space provided by the hinge joints of the shamiric bonds being provided at the spacing of the adjacent lamellae. By providing the oscillating axis of each shamii within the space between the blades, on the one hand, the angular openings between the adjacent blades and also the driving acceleration when driving in the upper guide line are minimized, with correspondingly smaller accelerating forces during angular rotation and thus greater running speeds. speed of the lifting door, on the other hand, eliminating the projecting hinge parts, with appropriate optical effect and reducing the risk of damage and damage. The adjacent slats are each fitted with sealing strips approximately the entire width of the door, which provide wind tightness and prevent rainwater and dust intrusion, in addition to ensuring the mechanical stability of the slats against each other, so that the slam armor in the locking position alone retains greater force. load by the wind without bulging or deforming.
Kot posebno prednostno je po zahtevku 2 predvideno, da tesnilni letvi uprijemata v lameli v smeri pravokotno na vratni list z majhno bočno špranjo, tako da se lamelni oklep v zapornem položaju pri tlačni obremenitvi z upogibom tesnilnih letev med različno upognjenimi lamelami takoj napne in poskuša delovati proti tlačni sili, s čimer se spet izboljša mehanska stabilnost. Ta bočna špranja je v vsakem primeru tako izbrana, daje zagotovljena nemotena montaža lamelnega oklepa.As particularly preferred according to claim 2, it is provided that the sealing rails resist in the lamellae in a direction perpendicular to the door leaf with a small lateral lobe, so that the lamellae in the locking position under compressive loading by bending the sealing strips between differently bent lamellae immediately strains and attempts to act against compressive force, again improving mechanical stability. This lateral lug is, in any case, selected in such a way as to ensure the smooth mounting of the louver armor.
V nadaljnji zasnovi izuma je po zahtevku 3 predvideno, da imajo tesnilne letve odebelitve, ki uprijemajo v ustrezno zasnovane izreze lamel. S tem se doseže nadaljnje zvišanje mehanske stabilnosti celotnega lamelnega oklepa z ustrezno porazdeljenim učinkom glede obremenitve s strani vetra in zanesljivosti proti nepoklicanemu odpiranju.In a further embodiment of the invention, according to claim 3, it is envisaged that the sealing strips have bushings that adhere to properly designed cutouts of the blades. This results in a further increase in the mechanical stability of the entire lamella armor with a correspondingly distributed effect on wind load and reliability against unlocked opening.
Če so tesnilne letve po zahtevku 4 razporejene soosno s šarnirskimi tečaji, se tesnilne letve pri kotnem zasuku lamelnega oklepa obremenijo zgolj na upogib.If the sealing rails according to claim 4 are arranged coaxially with the hinge hinges, the sealing rails are only flexed by the angular rotation of the lamella armor.
Če so tesnilne letve po zahtevku 5 take, da imata druga proti drugi obrnjeni oporni ploskvi odebelitev minimalen, vendar nemoteno montažo dopuščajoč odmik od ustreznih držalnih ploskev lamel, se omogoča, da v zapornem položaju zaključnega elementa pri tlačni obremenitvi lamele prečno na ravnino vrat - po začetnih vračalnih silah zgolj z upogibno obremenitvijo tesnilnih letev k sosednjima lamelama - kmalu nastopi natezna obremenitev tesnilnih letev, ki preprečuje ali omejuje nadaljnje upogibanje proti sosednjima lamelama. V celoti se lamelni oklep potemtakem v bistvu obnaša kot homogena ravna plošča z ustrezno porazdelitvijo sil v ravnini plošče, kljub temu pa še omogoča lahkotno preusmeijanje.If the sealing strips according to claim 5 are such that the thickening faces against each other have a minimal but smooth installation allowing for a deviation from the corresponding lamella support surfaces, it is possible, in the closing position of the closing element, to cross the door plane - by initial return forces only by bending the loading of sealing rails to adjacent blades - a tensile loading of sealing strips will soon occur, which prevents or limits further bending against adjacent blades. In its entirety, the lamella armor thus essentially acts as a homogeneous flat plate with a proper force distribution in the plane of the plate, yet still permits easy reorientation.
Še mirnejši tek lamelnega oklepa, ki je skoraj povsem brez tornih sil in je zaradi tega hitrejši, po zahtevku 6 s tem doseže, da so soosno s šarnirskimi tečaji uležajena kolesa, ki tečejo v vodilnih progah.Even quieter running of the lamellae armor, which is almost completely free of friction forces and is therefore faster, according to claim 6, thereby ensuring that the wheels running on the guide lines are co-axially aligned with the hinge hinges.
Posebno tesen zaključek odprtine vrat nastane, če je po zahtevku 7 na zunanji strani vsake lamele predviden tesnilni nos, na osnovi katerega je odmik sosednjih lamel v zapornem položaju zmanjšan, ne da bi se lamele kot take dotikale. Ker s tem tesnilne letve na zunaj niso več zaznavne, se hkrati dobi ustrezen zunanji izgled lamelnega oklepa v obliki enakomerno gladke ploskve.A particularly tight end of the door opening occurs when, according to claim 7, a sealing nose is provided on the outside of each louver, on the basis of which the offset of adjacent louvers is reduced in the locking position without the louvres per se contacting. Because the sealing strips are no longer detectable on the outside, the corresponding outer appearance of the lamella armor in the form of a uniformly smooth surface is obtained at the same time.
Kot nadaljnja zasnova dvižnih vrat so po zahtevku 8 na obeh nasprotiležečih straneh odprtine vrat razporejene tesnilne ustnice, pri čemer te ustnice v zapornem položaju štrlijo do položaja tesnilnih letev v ravnini vratnega lista in s tem poleg vdiranja prahu ali umazanije preprečujejo nehoteno poseganje s prsti in s tem nevarnost za poškodbe.As a further design of the lifting door, sealing lips are arranged on both opposing sides of the door openings, with these lips projecting in the locking position to the position of the sealing strips in the plane of the door leaf, thereby preventing inadvertent interference with the fingers and s in addition to the ingress of dust or dirt. thereby the risk of injury.
Zaradi nadaljnjih podrobnosti se opozaija na dve istočasno vloženi vzporedni nemški patentni prijavi istega prijavitelja z naslovom Hubtor mit einem Lamellenpanzer in Fuhrungsbahnen [Dvižna vrata z lamelnim oklepom v vodilnih progah] (zastopnikov znak 11EF01422) oz. Abschlufielement fur eine Offnung [Zaključni element za odprtino] (zastopnikov znak 11EF01432), katerih celotna vsebina pride v poštev.For further details, reference is made to two concurrent German patent applications filed by the same applicant, entitled Hubtor mit einem Lamellenpanzer and Fuhrungsbahnen [Sliding Door with Sliding Armor in Leading Lines] (agent sign 11EF01422) or. Abschlufielement fur eine Offnung [Representative opening element] (agent sign 11EF01432), the entire contents of which are applicable.
Nadaljnje podrobnosti in smotrnosti izuma izhajajo iz sledečega opisa izvedbenega primera na osnovi slik. Pri tem kaže sl. 1 delni pogled od strani na izvedbeni primer dvižnih vrat po izumu, sl. 2 delni pogled s hrbtne strani na lamelni oklep ustrezno dvižnim vratom po izumu, sl. 3 shematično predstavitev prereza po črti III-ΠΙ s sl. 2, sl. 3A povečano predstavitev podrobnosti X s sl. 3;Further details and features of the invention follow from the following description of an embodiment based on the figures. In this respect, FIG. 1 is a side elevational view of an embodiment of a sliding door according to the invention; FIG. 2 is a partial side view of the lamella armor according to the lifting door of the invention; FIG. 3 is a schematic view of the cross-section along line III-ΠΙ of FIG. 2, FIG. 3A is an enlarged representation of detail X in FIG. 3;
sl. 4 tloris lamelnega oklepa po predloženem izumu, sl. 5 prerezan pogled od strani na izvedbeni primer dvižnih vrat po izumu, sl. 6 shematičen pogled od strani za predstavitev izravnave mas pri izvedbenem primeru dvižnih vrat po izumu in sl. 7 karakteristiko izravnave mas po sl. 6 po izumu.FIG. 4 is a plan view of the lamellar armor of the present invention; 5 is a cross-sectional side view of an embodiment of a sliding door according to the invention; FIG. 6 is a schematic side elevation view of the mass balancing in the embodiment of the sliding door according to the invention and FIG. 7 is a mass compensation characteristic of FIG. 6 according to the invention.
Kot ponazarjata sl. 1 in 4, predstavljena izvedbena oblika dvižnih vrat po izumu obsega vodilni progi 2 in 2’, ki sta razporejeni vsakokrat po ena na obeh nasprotnih si straneh 3 in 3’ odprtine 1 vrat. S črtico (’) opremljene sklicevalne oznake v nadaljnjem označujejo vsakokrat ustrezne dele dvižnih vrat, ki so razporejeni na strani 3’, tako da ni potrebe, da bi na to v prihodnje posebej opozaijal. Vsaka vodilna proga 2, 2’ ima pokončno po višini odprtine vrat potekajoč pokončni odsek 4, ki sega do nekako višine zgornje vratne prečke 6, in se izteka na vteku 8 dvižnih vrat v Spiralno navznoter potekajoč Spiralni odsek 10 v zgornjem robnem območju odprtine vrat. Lamelni oklep 12 za prekritje odprtine vrat s svetlo višino h vrat v zapornem položaju je vozljiv navzgor v Spiralni odsek 10 vsake vodilne proge v odprti položaj dvižnih vrat, tako da je lamelni oklep špiralasto razporejen, ne da bi se druga poleg druge ležeče lamele 14 medsebojno dotikale. Kot pogon za lamelni oklep 12 je predvidena brezkončna veriga 16 in elektromotor 18.As illustrated in FIG. 1 and 4, the present embodiment of the lifting door according to the invention comprises the guide lines 2 and 2 ', which are arranged one at a time on each opposite side 3 and 3' of the opening 1 of the door. The dash (') reference marks below indicate the respective portions of the lifting doors arranged on page 3' each time, so that there is no need to give any further warning in the future. Each guide line 2, 2 'has an upright opening section 4 upright in height, extending up to a certain height of the upper doorway 6, and extends at the upstream 8 of the lift door into a spiral inwardly extending spiral section 10 in the upper edge area of the door opening. The lamellar armor 12 for covering the door opening with a clear height h of the door in the locking position is movable upwards into the spiral section 10 of each guide line in the open position of the lifting door, so that the lamellar armor is spirally spaced without being adjacent to each other 14 touched. An endless chain 16 and an electric motor 18 are provided as the drive for the lamella armor 12.
V sl. 2, 3 in 4 so predstavljene podrobnosti lamelnega oklepa po izumu. Na obeh robnih straneh lamelnega oklepa 12 je vsakokrat predvidena šamirska vez 20, 20’, ki ima dolžino, ki v bistvu ustreza višini odprtine 1 vrat Vsaka šamirska vez 20, 20’ sestoji iz togih šarnirskih členov 22, ki so medsebojno zgibno povezani in so preko šarnirskih tečajev 24, 24’ medsebojno kotno zasučni. V ta namen je vsak šamirski člen na znan način na svojem koncu oblikovan v z valjanjem narejeno uho, v katerega je vtakljiv šamirski tečaj 24. Vsakokrat dva sosednja šamirska člena sta zgibno medsebojno tako povezana, da sta njuni ušesi soosno medsebojno razporejeni, tako da je vanju vložen skupen šamirski tečaj 24.In FIG. 2, 3 and 4 show the details of the lamellar armor according to the invention. On each side of the lamella armor 12, a shammer link 20, 20 'is provided in each case, having a length substantially corresponding to the height of the opening of 1 door. Each shamir link 20, 20' consists of rigid hinge members 22, which are interconnected and articulated. through the hinge hinges 24, 24 'rotate each other angularly. To this end, each shamiric member is shaped in a known manner at its end by a roll-formed ear into which the shamiric course 24 is inserted. Each time, two adjacent shamiric members are articulated so that their ears are mutually spaced so that they are interconnected. Joint Shammer Course filed 24.
V predstavljenem primem so nadalje soosno s šamirskimi tečaji 24, 24’ uležajena kolesa 26,26’, ki služijo za kotalno vodenje šarnirskih vezi 20 in 20’ v vodilnih progah 2 in 2’. V predstavljenem primem ima vsaka vodilna proga dvojico okroglih palic 28 in 30, ki sta medsebojno razporejeni s konstantnim razmikom, ki je izbran prilegajoče se premem koles 26. Šamirske vezi 20, 20’ in okrogle palice 28, 30 so npr. iz trdega, kovinskega gradiva, medtem ko so kolesa 26 tudi lahko iz umetne snovi. Za varovanje lamelnega oklepa proti izpadu iz vodilne proge ima vsako kolo 26, 26’ držalni oklep 27, 27’, katerega zunanji premer je večji od svetlega razmika med okroglima palicama 28,30.In the foregoing example, they are further co-axial with the sham hinges 24, 24 'bearing wheels 26,26', which are used for rolling the hinge links 20 and 20 'in the guide lines 2 and 2'. In the foregoing example, each guide line has two circular rods 28 and 30, which are spaced apart at a constant distance, which is selected from the fitting wheel 26. Shamir ties 20, 20 'and round rods 28, 30 are e.g. made of solid metal material, while the wheels 26 can also be made of plastic. Each wheel 26, 26 'has a holding arm 27, 27' whose outer diameter is greater than the bright spacing between the round rods 28.30, to protect the lamella armor against leading line failure.
Lamele 14 so npr. s pomočjo vijačnih vezi 32, 32’ tako nameščene in pritrjene na šarnirskih vezeh 20, 20’, da je z nastalim razmikom med vsakokratnima sosednjima lamelama 14 vzpostavljen prostor 34, v katerega uprijemajo šamirski tečaji 24, 24’ oz. ušesa šarnirskih členov 22, 22’, ki oklepajo šamirske tečaje, kot je najbolje predstavljeno na sl. 3. Po izumu se s tem doseže, da geometrijska zgibna os 36 naleže popolnoma znotraj območja, ki je omejeno z obema zunanjima glavnima površinama 38 in 40 lamelnega oklepa 12. S tem položajem zgibne osi 36 se doseže, da je širina kotne odprtine med sosednjima lamelama 14 pri kotni zavihtivi lamelnega oklepa zmanjšana na minimalno mero, tako da so temu ustrezno zvmilni pospeški pri vpeljavi v zgornjo, zapognjeno vodilno progo zmanjšani. S tem se možne tekalne hitrosti prikazanih dvižnih vrat nadalje povečajo, ne da bi morali pri tem računati s prekomernim razvojem hrupa.The slats 14 are e.g. by means of screw ties 32, 32 'so arranged and secured to the hinge joints 20, 20' that the space 34 is supported by the resulting gap between the adjacent lamellae 14, in which the hinge hinges 24, 24 'or. the hinge members 22, 22 'that encircle the shamir hinges, as best illustrated in FIG. 3. According to the invention, it is achieved that the geometric articulation axis 36 fits completely within the area bounded by both outer main surfaces 38 and 40 of the lamellae 12. With this position of the articulating axis 36, it is achieved that the width of the angular aperture is adjacent the blades 14 are reduced to a minimum by the angular rotation of the blades, so that the corresponding accelerating accelerations when introduced into the upper, folded guide line are reduced. This further increases the running speeds of the lift doors shown without having to take into account the excessive noise development.
Lamele z višino npr. do 150 mm so povsem neodvisno druga od druge in posamezno nameščene na šamirskih vezeh 20, 20’, tako da npr. zaradi tega, če ni ene cele lamele, ni nikakršnega vpliva na mehansko stabilnost in funkcioniranje dvižnih vrat po izumu. Šamirske vezi 20 in 20’ torej tvorijo v nekem smislu nosilno ogrodje oz. skelet lamelnega oklepa, ki sprejme vse pri gibanju dvižnih vrat nastale sile. Zaradi mehansko skoznje sovisnosti šamirske vezi 20,20’ prevzamejo nastopajoče natezne sile šamirske vezi 20, 20’ in se sile ne prenašajo na lamele 14. S prenosom in porazdelitvijo pojavljajočih se sil na zgibno, kontinuimo, pa vendarle natezno trdno vez se tudi pri skrajno hitrih tekih dvižnih vrat doseže enakomernejši in mirnejši potek gibanja.Blades with height e.g. up to 150 mm are completely independent of each other and individually mounted on sham connections 20, 20 'such that e.g. therefore, in the absence of a single lamella, there is no effect on the mechanical stability and function of the sliding doors according to the invention. The Shamir ties 20 and 20 'thus form, in a sense, a load-bearing frame. skeleton of lamellar armor, which accepts everything in the movement of the lifting door of the force generated. Due to the mechanical interdependence of the shammer bond 20,20 ', the acting tensile forces of the shamir bond 20, 20' take over and the forces are not transmitted to the blades 14. By transferring and distributing the emerging forces to the articulated, continuous, yet tensile-solid bond even at the extreme a fast, sliding lift door achieves a smoother, smoother movement.
Ker so posamezne lamele 14 najprej z določenim razmikom druga od druge nameščene na šamirskih vezeh 20, 20’, da se tako ustvari prostor za šamirske tečaje, so sosednje lamele 14 tudi v zapornem položaju vrat brez medsebojnega dotikanja, tako da znani zapiralni hrup, ki je značilen za običajna sekcijska vrata, pri zapiranju vrat pri dvižnih vratih po izumu prav tako povsem odpade.Since the individual lamellae 14 are first mounted at a certain distance from each other on the shamir links 20, 20 'to create space for the shamir hinges, the adjacent lamellae 14 are also in the locking position of the door without touching each other, so that the closing noise that is known is characteristic of conventional sectional doors, and when closed, the doors of the lifting doors according to the invention are also completely eliminated.
Za ojačanje mehanske stabilnosti lamelnega oklepa in za povečanje tesnosti, ne da bi ogrozili lastnosti predloženih dvižnih vrat glede majhnega razvoja hrupa, so predvidene tesnilne letve 42 v obliki gumijastih letev, ki so razporejene nekako po celotni širini vrat med šamirskimi vezmi 20 in 20’, in povezujejo medsebojno drugo nasproti drugi ležeči strani sosednjih lamel 14. Vsaka tesnilna letev 42 je smotrno razporejena soosno s sosednjo zgibno osjo 36, tako da se tesnilne letve 42 pri kotni zavihtitvi lamelnega oklepa 12 v zgornjem vodilnem območju obremenjujejo zgolj na upogib. Tesnilne letve 42 uprijemajo le z majhno bočno špranjo v smeri pravokotno na ravnino vratnega lista v lamele 14, tako da se lamelni oklep 12 pri tlačni obremenitvi na določenem mestu pretvori v napetost, ustrezne vračalne sile pa takoj delujejo proti tlačni obremenitvi. Vsaka tesnilna letev 42 ima na nasprotnih straneh žmule ali odebelitve 44, ki uprijemajo v ustrezno oblikovane izreze 46 lamel 14.To enhance the mechanical stability of the lamellar armor and to increase the tightness without compromising the properties of the submitted lift doors with regard to low noise development, sealing strips 42 in the form of rubber strips are provided which are arranged in the entire width of the door between the sham connections 20 and 20 ', and interconnect with each other opposite to the other lying side of adjacent lamella 14. Each sealing strip 42 is suitably arranged coaxially with the adjacent articulated axis 36, so that the sealing rails 42 are only bent at angular rotation of the lamella armor 12 in the upper guide region. The sealing rails 42 are only supported by a small lateral projection perpendicular to the plane of the door leaf in the blades 14, so that the pressure arm at the specified point 12 transforms into tension and the corresponding return forces act immediately against the pressure load. Each sealing strip 42 has on the opposite sides of the bushings or bushings 44, which adhere to the appropriately shaped recesses 46 of the blades 14.
Kot je najbolje zaznavno na osnovi povečanega izreza po sl. 3A, ima vsaka odebelitev 44 oporno ploskev 43, ki je razporejena proti ustrezni držalni ploskvi 45 lamele 14. Odmik oporne ploskve 43 od vsakokratne pripadajoče držalne ploskve 45 lamele 14 je - ob upoštvanju zahtev po neprisilni in glede motenj zanesljivi montaži z vtaknitvijo tesnilne letve 42 z odebelitvijo 44 v izrez 46 od strani - izbran kar se da majhen, tako da v zapornem položaju lamelnega oklepa v danem slučaju nastopajoče tlačne obremenitve na lamelni oklep vodijo k temu, da se tesnilna letev 42 zvrača vstran in se po vstavljajočem dotiku oporne ploskve 43 z držalno ploskvijo 45 tesnilna letev 42 k obema sosednjima lamelama obremenjuje na nateg. Pri še manjši skrenitvi opazovane lamele iz ravnine vratnega lista, t.j., dokler se oporna ploskev 43 ne dotika nasprotiležeče držalne ploskve 45, se tesnilna letev 42 obremenjuje k obema sosednjima lamelama samo na upogib, ki vodijo k temu ustreznim vračalnim silam. Ker je razmik med oporno ploskvijo 43 in pripadajočo držalno ploskvijo 45 izbran minimalen, da se po možnosti že pri majhnih skrenitvah prejme obremenitev tesnilne letve na nateg, se potemtakem nastopajoče tlačne obremenitve na lamelni oklep od sprva neposredno prizadete tesnilne letve 42 prenaša in porazdeli tudi na sosednje tesnilne letve. Pri tlačni obremenitvi se lamelni oklep po izumu potemtakem v bistvu obnaša kot homogena ravna plošča z ustrezno porazdelitvijo sil v ravnini plošče, kljub temu pa dopušča preusmerjanje, v katero je vključenih malo sil. Tesnilne letve 42 potemtakem privedejo do opaznega zvišanja mehanske stabilnosti lamelnega oklepa, tako da dvižna vrata v zapornem položaju brez nadaljnjega vzdržijo tudi visoke obremenitve zaradi vetra ali siceršnjega tlaka.As is best detected by the enlarged cutout of FIG. 3A, each bush 44 has a support surface 43 disposed against the corresponding retaining surface 45 of the blade 14. The offset of the support surface 43 from the respective retaining surface 45 of the blade 14 is - subject to the requirements for easy and fault-free mounting by inserting the sealing strip 42 by thickening 44 into the recess 46 from the side - selected as small as possible so that, in the locking position of the lamella armor, the pressure loads on the lamella armor, where appropriate, cause the sealing strip 42 to rotate sideways and, after inserting a touch of the support surface 43 with a holding surface 45, the sealing strip 42 is applied to both adjacent blades by tension. In the even smaller deflection of the observed lamellae from the plane of the leaf blade, i.e., until the support surface 43 touches the opposing support surface 45, the sealing strip 42 loads on both adjacent lamellae only to bend, leading to corresponding return forces. Since the distance between the support surface 43 and the associated retaining surface 45 is chosen minimal to preferably receive even the tensile stress of the sealing strip at small turns, the resulting pressure load on the lamellae from the initially directly sealed strip 42 is then transmitted and distributed. adjacent sealing rails. In compressive loading, the lamellar armor of the invention thus essentially behaves as a homogeneous flat plate with a proper distribution of forces in the plane of the plate, yet permitting a deflection involving little force. The sealing rails 42 thus result in a noticeable increase in the mechanical stability of the lamellae, so that the lifting door in the locking position can withstand further high loads due to wind or other pressure.
Razume se, da dvižna vrata po izumu nudijo tudi zadostno zanesljivost proti nepoklicanemu odpiranju, tako da je dvižna vrata po izumu jemati tudi kot trajno zapiralo odprtine vrat.It is understood that the lifting doors according to the invention also offer sufficient reliability against non-calling opening, so that the lifting doors according to the invention are also considered to be a permanent closure of the door openings.
Za varovanje proti izvlečenju lamelnega oklepa 12 pri eventualnem pojavu še večjih tlačnih sil so na obeh nasprotiležečih straneh lamelnega oklepa razporejeni držalni venci 27, 27’, ki so v predstavljenem izvedbenem primeru izvedeni kot zunanji kolut z večjim premerom od premera koles 26,26’. Držalni venci 27,27’ so tako razporejeni z (v načrtu pobliže nepredstavljenim) majhnim odmikom od sosednjih opornih ploskev vodilnih palic 28, 30, da le-ti opravljajo svojo oporno vlogo šele pri zelo močnem upogibu lamel 14 pod bremenom na zunanji strani vodilnih palic 28, 30, tako da se da lamelni oklep pri sorazmerno majhnih tlačnih obremenitvah lahko upravljati in voziti. Z omenjeno dobro porazdelitvijo sil po tesnilni letvi 42 v ravnini vratnega lista se tudi pri točkovni obremenitvi izognemo temu, da bi držalni venci 27, 27’ obremenjene lamele 14 zaradi njenega močnega upogiba predčasno funkcionirali podpiralno in da bi bilo zaradi tega gibanje lamelnega oklepa ovirano.In order to protect against withdrawal of the lamellar armor 12 in the event of the occurrence of even greater compressive forces, on the opposite sides of the lamellar armor are arranged retaining rings 27, 27 ', which in the present embodiment are made as an outer disc larger than the diameter of the wheels 26,26'. The mounting brackets 27,27 'are so arranged with (in a closer plan not shown) a small distance from the adjacent support surfaces of the guide bars 28, 30 that they only play their supporting role in the very strong bending of the blades 14 under the load on the outside of the guide bars 28, 30, so that the lamellar armor can be operated and driven at relatively low compressive loads. With the aforementioned good distribution of forces along the sealing strip 42 in the plane of the leaf, even at point load, the retaining belts 27, 27 'of the loaded lamella 14 are prevented from functioning prematurely due to its strong bending, and the movement of the lamella armor is thereby impeded.
Pri izvedbenem primeru po sl. 3 ima vsaka lamela 14 tesnilni nos 48, ki štrli na zunanji strani 38 v ravnini vratnega lista, in s pomočjo tega je razmik do sosednje lamele zmanjšan. Na osnovi tesnilnega nosa 48 v zapornem položaju tesnilna letev 42 od zunanj ni več zaznavna. Tesnilna letev 42 je tedaj vidna le še z notranje strani (glej pogled od zadaj po sl. 2). Hkrati se na osnovi v sl. 3 prikazane zasnove tesnilnega nosa 48 pride do lepšega izgleda lamelnega oklepa 12 v obliki enakomerneje gladke ploskve.In the embodiment of FIG. 3, each blade 14 has a sealing nose 48 projecting on the outside 38 in the plane of the neck leaf, thereby reducing the distance to the adjacent blade. Based on the sealing nose 48, the sealing strip 42 is no longer detectable from the outside in the locking position. The sealing strip 42 is then visible only from the inside (see rear view according to Fig. 2). At the same time, based on FIG. 3 shows the design of the sealing nose 48 for a more attractive appearance of the lamellar armor 12 in the form of a more evenly smooth surface.
Kot zaščita prstov in s tem za preprečevanje poškodb na osnovi nehotenega dotikanja gibljivih delov so po sl. 4 vsakokrat na notranji in zunanji strani odprtine vrat predvidene tesnilne ustnice 50, 50’, ki v zapornem položaju štrlijo do položaja tesnilnih letev 42 v ravnini vratnega lista. Tesnilni ustnici, ki se nahajata na zunanji strani odprtine 1 vrat, tvorita hkrati tesnilo proti udarnemu dežju, prahu ali podobnemu. Tesnilne ustnice so lahko npr. spet iz gume.In order to protect the fingers and thus to prevent injury by accidentally touching the moving parts, according to FIG. 4, at each inner and outer side of the door opening, sealing lips 50, 50 'projecting in the locking position projecting to the position of the sealing strips 42 in the plane of the door leaf. The sealing lips located on the outside of the 1 door opening form a gasket against shock, dust, or the like. Sealing lips may be e.g. again made of rubber.
Tesnilna ustnica 52, kije po obliki preseka analogna pravkar opisani, je razporejena v območju zgornje vratne prečke 6 (sl. 5) in poteka vodoravno v bistvu po celotni širini odprtine vrat. S tesnilno ustnico 52 se prepreči, da bi deževnica ali umazanija vdirala v zgornje območje dvižnih vrat.The lip lip 52, which is analogous to the cross-section just described, is arranged in the region of the upper doorway 6 (Fig. 5) and extends horizontally essentially along the entire width of the door opening. The lip lip 52 prevents rainwater or dirt from entering the upper area of the lift door.
Za zatesnitev dvižnih vrat v območju tal je po sl. 3 predviden zaključek 54 npr. iz gume, kije pritrjen na skrajno spodnjo lamelo.In order to seal the lift door in the floor area according to FIG. 3 intended conclusion 54 e.g. made of rubber, which is attached to the lower extremity of the lamella.
Kot je že bilo pojasnjeno v zvezi s sl. 1, imajo dvižna vrata po izumu obe vodilni progi 2 in 2’, ki sta kot Spiralno navznoter potekajoč Spiralni odsek 10 razporejeni v zgornjem območju vrat in pod stropom, ki je nakazan s sklicevalno oznako 55. V odprtem položaju dvižnih vrat je lamelni oklep 12 v Spiralnem odseku tako vozljiv, da lamele v špiralasti progi kot tudi medsebojno ležijo brez dotika. V nasprotju z znanimi roletnimi vrati, pri katerih se roletni oklep navija na navijalno gred, je po izumu lamelni oklep stalno tako voden, da se lamele medsebojno nikjer ne dotikajo. S tem se povsem odpravijo pri roletnih vratih nastopajoče tlačne sile na lamele, tako da je omogočen ustrezno mirnejši tek, ki dopušča visoke hitrosti. V nasprotju z običajnimi sekcijskimi vrati zgornja vodilna proga ni izvedena kot ravna proga neposredno pod stropom, kar je zlasti pri večjih višinah vrat vodilo k znatni potrebi po prostoru v globino vrat. Temu nasprotno ima Spiralni odsek 10 ustrezno na sl. 1 prikazanemu izvedbenemu primeru tri ločne odseke 56,58 in 60. Kot je predstavljeno, nalega del ločnega odseka 60 neposredno na ločni odsek 56, tako da notranji polmer loka 56 približno ustreza zunanjemu polmeru loka 60. Zunanji polmer loka 58 ustreza zunanjemu polmeru loka 56.As already explained with reference to FIG. 1, the lifting doors according to the invention have both guide lines 2 and 2 'which are arranged in a spiral inwardly extending spiral section 10 in the upper door area and below the ceiling indicated by reference 55. In the open position of the lifting door there is a lamella armor 12 in the spiral section so flexible that the lamellae in the helical line as well as each other lie in contact with each other. In contrast to the known roller shutter doors in which the roller shutter is retracted on the winding shaft, according to the invention, the roller shutter is continuously guided so that the slats do not touch each other. This completely eliminates the pressure forces on the slats in the shutter door, so that a relatively quieter, high-speed running is possible. Unlike conventional sectional doors, the upper guideway is not designed as a straight line directly below the ceiling, which, especially at higher door heights, has led to a considerable need for space to the depth of the door. In contrast, Spiral section 10 has the corresponding meaning in FIG. 1 shows three separate sections 56.58 and 60 as shown. Fitting a portion of a separate section 60 directly onto a separate section 56 such that the inner radius of the arch 56 approximately corresponds to the outer radius of the arch 60. The outer radius of the arch 58 corresponds to the outer radius of the arc 56 .
Po sl. 1 je najmanjše možni nastopajoči krivinski polmer vodilne proge 2 enak polmeru najbolj notranje ležečega ločnega odseka 60. Ta polmer je pri tem tako izbran, da je v odvisnosti v bistvu od odmika d sosednjega šamirskega tečaja (glej sl. 3) možen regularen vtek lamelnega oklepa 12 v Spiralni odsek 10, ne da bi se morali bati pred npr. samozatikanju kotno zasukanih lamel v najožjem odseku loka. Tovrstno samozatikanje bi se pojavilo najkasneje tedaj, če postane pri vtiku lamelnega oklepa 12 paralelno k vodilni progi usmerjeni delež sil za premagovanje kotalnega trenja na poljubnem mestu vodilne proge manjši od deleža kotalnega trenja, ki deluje na tem mestu, in ki je spet proporcionalen normalni sili, ki se pojavlja na tem mestu. V praksi pa se najmanjši možni polmer loka omeji že s tem, da se pri kotni zavihtitvi lamel tesnilne letve zapognejo, s čimer pride do vračalnih sil, ki jih mora premagovati pogon dvižnih vrat, in ki so tem večje, čim ožje je izbran lok vodil.According to FIG. 1 is the smallest possible curvature radius of the guide line 2 equal to the radius of the most internally separated individual section 60. This radius is thus selected so that, depending on the distance d of the adjacent shamrock hinge (see Fig. 3), a regular flow of the lamella armor is possible. 12 v Spiral section 10 without having to fear e.g. self-locking of angularly rotated blades in the narrowest section of the arch. Such self-locking would occur no later than if, at the insertion of the lamellar armor 12, the force directed to overcome the rolling friction at any point on the leading line, which is in parallel with the leading line, which is again proportional to the normal force, becomes parallel to the guide line. appearing on this site. In practice, however, the minimum radius of the arc can be limited by the fact that the angular rotation of the slats of the sealing strip bends, which results in the return forces that the lift gate actuator must overcome and the larger the narrower the arc of the guides is chosen. .
S špiralasto ureditvijo vodilne proge 2 se optimalno izkoristi razpoložljiva višina g nad območjem zgornje vratne prečke. Ločni odseki 56,58,60 so lahko za vse višine vrat, ki se pojavljajo v praksi, izdelani standardizirano, tako da neodvisno od vsakokratne višine vrat dvižna vrata po izumu nudijo prednost enotne mere za višino nad zgornjo vratno prečko. Prilagoditev skupne dolžine vodilne proge ustrezno individualni višini uporabnikovih vrat se zagotovi z ločeno vstavljivimi, vodoravno potekajočimi podaljškovnimi odseki 62 dolžine a. V predstavljenem slučaju se dolžina skupne vodilne proge 2 poveča z vstavitvijo podaljškovnih odsekov 62 v celoti za 3 x a. Ker ti podaljškovni deli v bistvu predstavljajo samcate dele dvižnih vrat, ki jih je treba individualno izdelati ustrezno višini vrat in jih dati na razpolago, se da dvižna vrata po izumu poceni ustrezno izdelati v velikem številu proizvodov, tako da vrata pridejo v poštev tudi za vsakdanje potrebe izven industrijskega območja.The spiral arrangement of the guide line 2 makes optimal use of the available height g above the area of the upper doorway. Separate sections 56,58,60 may, for all door heights appearing in practice, be manufactured in a standardized manner so that, regardless of the respective door height, the lifting doors according to the invention offer the advantage of a uniform height above the upper door rail. Adjustment of the total length of the guideway to suit the individual height of the user's door shall be ensured by separately inserted, horizontally extending extension sections 62 of length a. In the present case, the length of the common guide line 2 is increased by inserting extension sections 62 entirely by 3 x a. Since these extension parts are essentially single sections of a lift door that must be individually made to suit the height of the door and made available, the lifting door of the invention can be cheaply manufactured in a large number of products, so that the door is also suitable for everyday use. needs outside the industrial area.
Za nadaljnjo ponazoritev se v sledečem podajajo konkretne številčne vrednosti. Pri običajnih svetlih višinah vrat velikosti h = 3 m, 4,5 m, 6 m znašajo vrednosti podaljškovnih odsekov 62 vsakokrat a = 0 m, 0,5 m, 1 m, tako da se pri fiksni vrednosti konstrukcijske višine nad zgornjo vratno prečko g = 0,5 m pri povečanju svetle višine vrat od 3 m na 6 m potreba po prostoru v globino poveča samo za 1 m. Premer koles 26 in s tem svetli razmik vodilnih prog pri tem znaša okoli 4 cm. Pri tej ureditvi je možno, da se npr. vrata višine h = 3 m povsem odpro pri vsega 2 s.For further illustration, specific numerical values are given below. For normal bright door heights of size h = 3 m, 4,5 m, 6 m, the values of extension sections 62 are each a = 0 m, 0,5 m, 1 m, so that at a fixed value of the construction height above the upper door bar g = 0.5 m when increasing the bright door height from 3 m to 6 m, the space requirement increases only by 1 m in depth. The diameter of the wheels 26 and thus the clear spacing of the guide lines is about 4 cm. In this arrangement, for example, h = 3 m height fully open for 2 s.
Po sl. 1 je v prostem prostoru, ki preostane v notranjosti Spiralnega odseka 10, razporejen elektromotor 18, ki je povezan s pogonskim kolesom 64. S črtkanopikčasto črto je na sl. 1 shematično nakazana brezkončna veriga 16, ki je gnana s pomočjo pogonskega kolesa 64 in motorja 18 in ki je vodena preko preusmemih koles 66,68,70 (sl. 5) in 72. Na nasprotiležeči strani 3’ vrat so predvidena (nepredstavljena) preusmema kolesa ustrezno preusmemim kolesom 68,70,72, od katerih je eno preusmemo kolo npr. preko sklopke in torzijske gredi vrtilnotogo povezano s kot ozobljeno kolo izvedenim preusmemim kolesom 72, ki poganja nadaljnjo (neprikazano) brezkončno verigo. Na tem mestu se kot nadaljnjo prednost dvižnih vrat po izumu omenja, da v odvisnosti od želene širine vrat torzijska gred predstavlja samcat konstrukcijski element, katerega je treba v odvisnosti od naročila narediti na ustrezno dolžino.According to FIG. 1, an electric motor 18 is arranged in the free space remaining in the interior of Spiral section 10, which is connected to the drive wheel 64. The dashed line is shown in FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an endless chain 16 driven by a drive wheel 64 and an engine 18 and driven through the reversing wheels 66,68,70 (Fig. 5) and 72. On the opposite side of the 3 'door there are provided (non-represented) reversals the wheels are properly reversed wheels 68,70,72, one of which is a reversed bicycle e.g. through the clutch and the torsion shaft, the rotary shaft is connected to a toothed wheel by a directional wheel 72 that drives a further (not shown) endless chain. Here, as a further advantage of a lifting door according to the invention, it is mentioned that, depending on the desired width of the door, the torsion shaft is a single structural element which, depending on the order, must be made to an appropriate length.
V območju spodnje lamele je brezkončna veriga 16 pritrjena preko locna 74 na lamelnem oklepu. Po sl. 5 je povezava verige z lamelnim oklepom predvidena najbolj smotrno tako, da uprijemajoča potezna sila pri vožnji lamelnega oklepa navzgor od zapornega v odprti položaj poteka povsem znotraj ravnine vratnega lista in so tako odpravljene vodoravno potekajoče sile, ki bi vodile k zvmilnemu momentu lamelnega oklepa, s čimer bi sile delovale na vodilni progi, ki bi poskušale razriniti vodili, medtem ko bi kolesa bila podvržena na osnovi masivnega bremena povišani obrabi.In the region of the lower louvre, an endless chain 16 is secured via a latch 74 on the louver armor. According to FIG. 5, the link of the chain to the lamellae armor is provided in the most expedient manner such that the resisting pulling force when driving the lamellae armor upwards from the closure to the open position extends completely within the plane of the leaf blade, thus eliminating the horizontally extending forces leading to the torsional torque of the lamellar armor, allowing forces to act on the guide line trying to break the guides while the wheels would be subjected to massive wear and tear on the basis of massive load.
Locen 74 ima nadalje npr. štrleč, tog konec 76, ki v odprtem položaju vrat zadene ob nad zgornjo vratno prečko nameščeni gumijasti odbojnik 78 skorajda brez razvoja hrupa.Locen 74 further has e.g. a protruding, rigid end 76 which, in the open position of the door, hits a rubber bumper 78 mounted above the upper door cross member with almost no noise.
Po sl. 6 je prilagoditev vlečne sile, delujoče na pogonu dvižnih vrat, na vsakokratno težo prostega konca lamelnega oklepa predvidena masna izravnava 80, ki ima izravnalno vzmet 82 in nanjo pritrjen trak 84 iz v bistvu neelastičnega in natezno čvrstega gradiva. Spodnji konec kot vijačna vzmet izvedene izravnalne vzmeti 82 je čvrsto povezan s tlemi. Preko preusmernega kolesa 86 se trak 84 navija z gredjo 88, ki npr. preko na sl. 1 in 5 prikazanega preusmernega kolesa 72 sodeluje s pogonom dvižnih vrat in sicer tako, da se pri vožnji lamelnega oklepa v smeri gor trak 84 odvija z gredi in vzmet 82 se ustrezno razbremeni, pri spuščanju lamelnega oklepa pa se trak 84 navija na gred 88, z ustrezno izvajano vlečno silo na izravnalno vzmet 82, tako da se slednja napne.According to FIG. 6 is an adaptation of the traction force acting on the lift gate actuator to the weight of the free end of the lamellar armor provided with a mass alignment 80 having a leveling spring 82 and a substantially inelastic and tensile material attached to it. The lower end, as a helical spring of the derived leveling spring 82, is firmly connected to the ground. Through the reversing wheel 86, the strip 84 is secured by a shaft 88 which e.g. over in Figs. 1 and 5 of the reversing wheel 72 shown, cooperates with the lift gate actuator, so that when driving the lamella armor upwards, the bar 84 is unscrewed from the shaft and the spring 82 is relieved accordingly, and when the lamella armor is lowered, the bar 84 is secured to the shaft 88, with a properly applied traction force on the leveling spring 82 so that the latter is tensioned.
Gred 88 ima vnaprej določen premer jedra, katerega velikost je izbrana tako, da se v odvisnosti od debeline traku 84, mirovne dolžine Lo izravnalne vzmeti 82, debeline vzmeti izravnalne vzmeti 82 kot tudi skupne mase lamelnega oklepa ustrezno višini vrat doseže želena karakteristika masne izravnave 80 po sl. 7.Shaft 88 has a predetermined core diameter, the size of which is selected so that, depending on the thickness of the strip 84, the resting length L about the balancing spring 82, the thickness of the balancing spring springs 82 as well as the total weight of the lamellar armor, the desired mass compensation characteristic is obtained in accordance with the door height 80 according to FIG. 7.
Na sl. 7 je za primer svetline višine vrat 3 m v desno nanesena vsakokratna svetla višina preostale odprtine vrat v mm, pri čemer vrednost 0 mm pomeni povsem zaprta vrata, vrednost 3000 mm pa pomeni povsem odprta vrata, medtem ko je navzgor nanesena na pogonu delujoča skupna teža GT prostega lamelnega oklepa kot neprekinjena, zvezna linija, prav tako na pogon delujoča vzmetna sila Fp pa kot črtkana linija. Kot je razvidno s sl. 7, je masna izravnava 80 tako nastavljena, da je pri zaprtih vratih izravnalna vzmet v tolikšni meri raztegnjena, daje preko sile teže lamelnega oklepa na razpolago presežna vzmetna sila velikosti okoli 260 N. S tem se doseže, da se pri upravljanju zaprtih vrat lamelni oklep brez dodatnega pogona zapelje navzgor do nekako tiste višine, pri kateri je sila teže prostega lamelnega oklepa v ravnotežju z ustrezno silo vzmeti. Na sl. 7 pomeni to tisto mesto, kjer se obe liniji sekata, torej pri višini nekako 1 m. Pri nadaljnji vožnji navzgor vrat se vsakokratna sila teže nahaja približno v ravnotežju z delujočo vzmetno silo, tako da mora pogon v bistvu delovati samo proti razpoložljivim tornim silam. Nadaljnje podrobnosti so lahko dosegljive neposredno iz sl. 7, ne da bi zato potrebovali nadaljnjo razlago.In FIG. 7, in the case of a door height of 3 m, the right clear height of the remaining door opening in mm is applied to the right, 0 mm being the fully closed door and 3000 mm being the door fully open, while the total weight G is applied to the drive. T of the free louver armor as a continuous, continuous line, as well as the actuated spring force F p as a dashed line. As can be seen from FIG. 7, the mass offset 80 is adjusted in such a way that, with the door closed, the balancing spring is stretched to such an extent that an excess spring force of about 260 N. is available through the weight of the lamellar armor. without additional propulsion, it drives upwards to a height at which the force of gravity of the free louver armor is in equilibrium with the corresponding spring force. In FIG. 7 stands for the point where both lines intersect, ie at a height of about 1 m. On further upward movement of the door, each weight force is approximately in equilibrium with the operating spring force, so that the actuator must essentially only act against the available friction forces. Further details can be obtained directly from FIG. 7 without needing further explanation.
Iz prostorskih razlogov je pri dvižnih vratih po izumu na obeh straneh vrat predvidena po ena masna izravnava z vsakokrat vsaj eno izravnalno vzmetjo.For space reasons, a lifting gate according to the invention provides one mass offset on each side of the door with at least one counterbalancing spring in each case.
Tu predstavljena masna izravnava ima v primerjavi z znanimi rešitvami odločilne prednosti. V primerjavi s torzijskimi vzmetmi, kot so uporabljene pri običajnih sekcijskih vratih, je življenjska doba na osnovi uporabe izravnalne vzmeti v obliki vijačne vzmeti opazno povišana. Obratovalna doba vijačne vzmeti znaša pri tem nekako dvakratnik življenjske dobe torzijske vzmeti. S tem se zmanjša problem zamudne zamenjave pogonskega agregata pri sekcijskih vratih. V preostalem pa bočni izravnalni vzmeti 82 ne terjata nikakršnega prostora nad zgornjo vratno prečko.The mass compensation presented here has decisive advantages over the known solutions. Compared to torsion springs, as used with conventional sectional doors, the service life of the spiral spring in the form of a coil spring is noticeably increased. The working life of a screw spring is twice the life of a torsion spring. This reduces the problem of delayed replacement of the drive unit for sectional doors. In the remainder, the lateral leveling springs 82 do not require any space above the upper door bar.
Nadaljnja prednost masne izravnave po izumu izhaja iz uporabe traku 84, ki ima v predstavljenem slučaju debelino 2 mm. V primerjavi s tem bi bila pri uporabi žične vrvi potrebna zlasti nadaljnja prestava npr. v obliki prostega kolesa, saj bi bila vrv sposobna navijanja samo v nizu na bobnu in sicer z ustrezno velikim premerom jedra. Temu nasprotno se da po izumu trak naviti na štrcelj gredi s sorazmerno majhnim premerom jedra, ne da bi se trak predrgnil, tako da se dodatnemu prestavnemu sredstvu lahko odpovemo. Razen tega se trak navija drug čez drugega, tako da v skladu z željami začenši pri odprtem položaju vrat polmer navitka naglo postaja večji, vendar se pri približno povsem navitem navitju pri zapornem položaju vrat le še malo menja.A further advantage of the mass offset according to the invention comes from the use of a strip 84 having a thickness of 2 mm in the present case. In comparison, the use of wire rope would, in particular, require further gearing, e.g. in the form of a free wheel, since the rope would only be able to wind in a string on the drum, with a correspondingly large core diameter. In contrast, according to the invention, the strap can be wound onto a shaft protrusion with a relatively small core diameter without breaking the strap, so that additional gear can be released. In addition, the strap curves over each other so that, according to the wishes, when the door is open, the radius of the winding suddenly becomes larger, but changes slightly when the door is closed approximately when the door is closed.
Kot je brez nadaljnjega očitno, imajo glavne prednosti, ki so dosegljive s posebno vrsto opisane masne izravnave, poseben pomen v kombinaciji z nadaljnjimi značilnostmi predloženega izuma, imajo pa tudi povsem neodvisen pomen, saj se da te prednosti v preostalem izkoristiti neodvisno od podrobnosti konstrukcijske zasnove vrat.As will be appreciated further, the main advantages attained by the particular type of mass offset described have special significance in combination with the further features of the present invention, but also have a completely independent meaning, since these advantages can be otherwise utilized independently of the details of the structural design neck.
Claims (8)
Applications Claiming Priority (2)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
DE4015214A DE4015214A1 (en) | 1990-05-11 | 1990-05-11 | Lifting gate |
YU100491A YU100491A (en) | 1990-05-11 | 1991-05-13 | LIDER DOOR WITH LAMELLA FRAME WITH ANGLE PLACES |
Publications (1)
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SI9111004A true SI9111004A (en) | 1997-06-30 |
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Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
SI9111004A SI9111004A (en) | 1990-05-11 | 1991-05-13 | Lifting Door with Lamellate Shield with Bendable Lamellae |
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- 1991-05-13 SI SI9111004A patent/SI9111004A/en unknown
- 1993-03-23 HR HR930470A patent/HRP930470A2/en not_active Application Discontinuation
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