SI25158A - Wooden wall of solid semi-finished wood products and solid wooden lath - Google Patents
Wooden wall of solid semi-finished wood products and solid wooden lath Download PDFInfo
- Publication number
- SI25158A SI25158A SI201600035A SI201600035A SI25158A SI 25158 A SI25158 A SI 25158A SI 201600035 A SI201600035 A SI 201600035A SI 201600035 A SI201600035 A SI 201600035A SI 25158 A SI25158 A SI 25158A
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- SI
- Slovenia
- Prior art keywords
- laths
- grooves
- wall
- wooden
- joints
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- Building Environments (AREA)
Lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov s svojim osnovnim konstrukcijskim elementom - masivno leseno letvijo, predstavlja inovativni pristop k izdelavi lesene stene, ker temelji na izkoriščanju lesnih materialov; polizdelkov, ter na kakovosti delovnega in tudi bivalnega prostora. Glede na način gradnje z izvedbo lesene stene iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov, to je plasti lesenih letev z utori, ki jih uporabimo v celoti vključno z dolžinskimi ostanki, ter pridobivanja osnovnega materiala, je idejasmiselna tudi s stroškovnega vidika, ki je v današnjem času eden od glavnih dejavnikov pri odločitvah za novogradnje. Možna je variacija sestave sten objekta glede vgradnje dodatne izolacije, števila vrst letev, dodajanja končne notranje ali zunanje obloge, da ima objekt videz notranje stene iz ometa in zunanjega izgleda - fasade, idr. Z izbiro detajlov posledično lahko vplivamo na stroške gradnje in namembnost objekta. To pomeni, da se lahko po tem načinu gradnje zgradijo stanovanjski objekti - hiše inpočitniški objekti ali pa objekti, ki niso namenjeni bivanju (lope, garaže, vrtne ute, delavnice, pisarne ...). Ker se elementi sestavljajo podobno kot otroške kocke, je odprta možnost, da se objekti gradijo po sistemu NAREDI SI SAM (angleška kratica DIY) s čimer dodatno vplivamo na strošek gradnje.Wooden wall made of solid wood semi-finished products with its basic structural element - massive wooden battens, represents an innovative approach to the making of wooden walls, since it is based on the exploitation of wood materials; semi-finished products, and on the quality of the workplace as well as the living space. Depending on the method of construction with the implementation of a wooden wall made of solid wood semi-products, that is, layers of wooden slats with grooves that are fully used, including length residues, and the acquisition of basic material, the idea is also of a cost perspective, which in today's time is one of the main factors in the decisions for new construction. It is possible to vary the structure of the walls of the building with respect to the installation of additional insulation, the number of types of rails, the addition of the finishing inner or outer cover, that the building has the appearance of the inner wall of the plaster and the outer appearance - facades, By selecting the details, we can therefore influence the construction costs and the destination of the building. This means that, according to this method of construction, residential buildings can be built - houses and houses or objects that are not intended for habitation (sheds, garages, garden utensils, workshops, offices ...). Since the elements are made up like children's cubes, the possibility exists for objects to be built according to the system DIY (English abbreviation DIY), which additionally influences the cost of construction.
Predmet izuma je lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov ter osnovni konstrukcijski element, to je masivna lesena letev z utori. Gre za dolžinsko, vogalno in višinsko spojene plasti lesenih letev, ki se sestavljajo na objektu samem. Stene so sestavljene iz osnovnega konstrukcijskega elementa, lesenih polizdelkov-letev z utori, ki jih lahko uporabimo v celoti vključno z dolžinskimi ostanki.The object of the invention is a wooden wall made of solid wooden semi-finished products and the basic structural element, that is, a solid wooden lath with grooves. These are length, corner and height jointed layers of wooden laths that assemble on the building itself. The walls consist of a basic structural element, semi-finished wooden laths with grooves that can be used in full, including length scraps.
Osnovni sestav te lesene stene sta dva sloja dolžinsko in višinsko povezanih letev, ki so lahko predhodno skoblane. Letve so višinsko povezane z veznim elementom, ki je lahko opcijsko vijak, lepilo in/ali moznik. Letve imajo na koncih utore za dolžinske spoje, pri čemer so na vsaki strani letve nasprotni utori za dolžinske spoje, opcijsko lahko imajo tudi utore za vogalno spajanje. Utori se lahko pripravijo ali med izdelavo letev ali pa kar na gradbišču s pomočjo orodja na stroju- t.i. frezer. V površine konstrukcijskih letev so po celotni dolžini enostransko vrezani dolžinski utori, ki v steni predstavljajo izolacijski zračni sloj in preprečujejo zvijanje letev. Te letve so osnovni konstrukcijski element. Zaradi možnosti dolžinskega spajanja letev, se le te prilagajajo potrebam dolžine stene, ker jih preko utorov podaljšujemo in s tem prilagajamo dolžini stene,zato pa lahko pri izdelavi stene in objekta uporabljamo tudi bistveno krajše letve kot so standardno rezane, s čimer koristno uporabimo dolžinske ostanke iz proizvodnje (npr. namesto klasičnih 4 tm dolgih so lahko posamezne letve dolge 4tm, druge pa npr. 1,2 tm, 3,5tm).The basic composition of this wooden wall is two layers of length and height-linked laths that can be pre-planed. The slats are connected in height by a fastening element, which may optionally be a screw, glue and / or dowel. The laths have grooves at the ends for length joints, with opposite grooves for length joints on each side of the laths, optionally having corner grooves as well. The grooves can be prepared either during the construction of the laths or directly at the construction site with the help of machine tools. frezer. The lengths of the structural slats are individually cut into the surfaces of the structural slats, which represent an insulating air layer in the wall and prevent the slats from twisting. These moldings are the basic structural element. Due to the possibility of connecting the laths lengthwise, they are adjusted to the needs of the length of the wall, because they are lengthened through the grooves and thus adjusted to the length of the wall. from production (for example, instead of the classic 4 tm long, individual laths may be 4 tm long and others, eg 1.2 tm, 3.5 tm).
Med prvim in drugim slojem letev je v osnovni izvedbi stene polovični višinski zamik, ki se tvori na drugem - notranjem sloju letev z deskami, ki imajo enako širino kot osnovne letve in zgolj polovično višino letev, kar še dodatno prepreči možnost nastanka toplotnih mostov, ker so spoji posameznih letev, kjer bi lahko nastal toplotni most, med obema vrstama letev višinsko zamaknjeni. Na mestih vgradnje stavbnega pohištva letve enostavno odrežemo pod 90 stopinjskim kotom na potrebno končno dolžino.In the basic version of the wall, there is a half-height offset between the first and second laths, which is formed on the second - inner laths with boards having the same width as the basic laths and only half the height of the laths, which additionally prevents the possibility of thermal bridges. the joints of the individual laths where a thermal bridge could form are displaced in height between the two laths. At places of installation of joinery, slats are easily cut at a 90 degree angle to the required final length.
V primeru gradnje stanovanjskega objekta, ko je potrebno zagotoviti ustrezno nizko toplotno prehodnost stene, da je skladna z zahtevami PURES, so na notranji strani sten vertikalno privijačene letve, na katere je pritrjena končna notranja stenska obloga, ki je lahko po želji OSB plošča z ometom, mavčno kartonska plošča, opaž, ladijski pod, še en sloj masivnih lesenih letev idr. Pri tej sestavi stene se lahko uporabi med letvami in notranjo končno plastjo različno široka plast izolacije, ne rabijo pa se parne ovire in parne zapore-folije ker ni toplotnih mostov, ali pa ostane v kanalu samo neprehoden zrak. Folije se ne rabijo, ker ni stika z mrzlim in toplim zrakom, saj so toplotni mostovi preprečeni, zato ne prihaja do nastanka kondenza. Če namesto umetnih izolativnih materialov uporabimo volno, bombaž, celulozne ali tekstilne kosmiče in namesto lepila ter vijakov uporabimo lesene moznike, dobimo ekološko neoporečno steno,katere proizvodnja je v okolju • · pustila nizek ogljični odtis. Debelejši kot je sloj izolacije, bolj je objekt energijsko varčen. Zelo lahko je tako steno in njeno toplotno prehodnost uskladiti z zahtevami PURES, kot bo opisano v nadaljevanju.In the case of the construction of a residential building, when it is necessary to provide a sufficiently low thermal transmittance of the wall to comply with the PURES requirements, vertically screwed laths are attached to the walls of the walls, to which a final inner wall cladding may be provided which may optionally be OSB plasterboard , gypsum board, paneling, decking, another layer of solid wooden slats, etc. In this wall composition, a differently wide layer of insulation can be used between the slats and the inner end layer, but no vapor barriers and vapor barrier foils are required because there are no thermal bridges or only air is left in the duct. The foils are not used because there is no contact with cold and warm air, as thermal bridges are prevented and therefore no condensation occurs. If wool, cotton, cellulose or textile flakes are used instead of artificial insulating materials, and wooden dowels are used instead of adhesives and screws, an ecologically sound wall is produced whose production has left a low carbon footprint in the environment. The thicker the insulation layer, the more energy-efficient the object is. It is very easy to match both the wall and its thermal transmittance with the PURES requirements as described below.
V primeru gradnje ne stanovanjskega objekta je možno opustiti končno notranjo stensko oblogo, vertikalne letve ter izolacijo.In the case of construction of a non-residential building, the final interior wall covering, vertical slats and insulation can be omitted.
Prav tako so možne druge izpeljanke osnovne stene. En primer je ta, da uporabimo pri izdelavi npr. vrtne ute, lope, garaže ipd. objektov samo en sloj višinsko in dolžinsko povezanih letev in dobimo objekt s steno širine npr. 8 cm (odvisno od dimenzije osnovne letve in tega ali je obdelanaskoblana na mizarsko kvaliteto).Other derivatives of the base wall are also possible. One example is to use when making e.g. garden scales, sheds, garages, etc. objects with only one layer of height and length laths and we get an object with a wall width of e.g. 8 cm (depending on the size of the base lath and whether it is machined to joiner quality).
Naslednja izpeljanka stene je ta, da naredimo prostor za zračni most ali sloj izolacije med obema plastema lesenih letev, ki jih medsebojno razmaknemo za širino zračnega mostu oz. izolacije. V tem primeru je lahko notranji sloj letev tudi končna notranja obloga ali pa se opcijsko dodatno naredi še posebej notranja obloga. Na letve privijačene na notranjo plast letev vertikalno, se v tem primeru pričvrsti notranja obloga.Another embodiment of the wall is to make room for an air bridge or a layer of insulation between the two layers of wooden laths, which are spaced apart by the width of the air bridge or. insulation. In this case, the inner lath layer may also be the final inner lining or optionally additionally a particularly lining may be made. In this case, the inner lining is attached to the slats fastened vertically to the inner lath layer.
Možna je tudi izpeljanka stene, kjer namesto stranskih utorov, letve na vogalih porežemo pod 90 stopinjskim kotom, preprečitev možnosti nastanka toplotnih mostov pa v tem primeru dosežemo z zunanjo zaščito vogalov z leseno kotno desko ali pa z izvedbo fasade preko OSB plošč in zunanjega zaključnega fasadnega sloja .It is also possible to construct a wall where, instead of side slots, the slats on the corners are cut at a 90 degree angle, and in this case, the prevention of the possibility of thermal bridges is achieved by external protection of the corners with a wooden corner board or by the facade through OSB panels and the external finishing facade. layer.
Na tleh je potrebno pred gradnjo stene-objekta pripraviti AB temeljno ploščo. Na ploščo se na mestih pod bodočo steno položi hidroizolativna plast tipa Fragmat Izotekt. Kidroizolativna plast preprečuje prehod vlage iz AB temeljne plošče v les, da bi se preprečile deformacije stene, katere sestavni material sicer vsrkava vase vlago. Stena je na AB ploščo pričvrščena, kar se lahko izvede z npr. kovinskimi kotniki z vijaki ali pa so spodnji sloji letev na vogalih prevrtani, skozi odprtine pa poteka iz AB plošče v steno navojna palica. Vrh palice in vrh sloja letve, do koder seže palica, se lahko zaključi z v les pogreznjenimi maticami privijačenimi na navojno palico, pod maticami pa so podložene podložke.On the floor, an AB foundation board must be prepared before the wall-building is constructed. A sheet of Fragmat Isotect type waterproofing layer is laid on the slab in places below the future wall. The waterproofing layer prevents moisture from moving from the AB baseplate to the wood to prevent deformation of the wall, whose constituent material otherwise absorbs moisture. The wall is attached to the AB board, which can be done by e.g. metal angles with screws or the lower layers of the laths at the corners are drilled, through which the threaded bar runs from the AB plate into the wall. The tip of the rod and the top of the lath layer to which the rod extends can be terminated with wood-dipped nuts screwed onto the threaded rod, with washers under the nuts.
Pri preverjanju energetske učinkovitosti novo sestavljene stene, je bila dana stena s to specifično sestavo v računalniški program, ki izračunava toplotno prehodnost stene. Cilj je bil preveriti ali je stena s svojo sestavo skladna s pravilnikom PURES, kar je pogoj za uporabo inovacije na področju gradnje stanovanjskih objektov. Rezultat meritev je pokazal, da stena s sestavo - gledano z zunanje strani 7.5+7.5 cm lesa + 7.5 cm izolacije biološkega izvoraf celulozni kosmiči ali tekstilni kosmiči ali volna ali bombaž ali slama ipd.- vsi ti imajo podobno topi. prehodnost)+ 5 cm lesa kot notranja obloga stavbe daje zadostno energetsko učinkovitost, kar pomeni faktor pod 0,28. Tako učinkovitost dosežemo brez uporabe parnih ovir in paro propustnih folij. Primerjava izračunov toplotne • · • · · · prehodnosti sten med klasično zidano hišo in leseno steno pokaže,da dosežemo primerljivo toplotno prevodnost lesene stene pri cca 10% manjši debelini stene, kar pomeni, da se za gradnjo primerljivo izoliranega objekta porabi manjša bruto površina. Osnovna ugotovitev iz naslova primerjave toplotne prehodnosti sten je, da je možno z opisanimi variacijami sestave lesene stene graditi objekte, kjer ni pomembna energetska učinkovitost (lope, garaže, ute ipd) ali pa se z uporabo izolacije gradijo energetsko učinkovite hiše, nizkoenergetske ali celo pasivne hiše, vikendi, počitniške kamp hiške ipd.When checking the energy performance of a newly assembled wall, a wall with this specific composition was put into a computer program that calculates the thermal transmittance of the wall. The aim was to verify that the wall in its composition complies with the PURES policy, which is a prerequisite for the use of innovation in the field of residential construction. The result of the measurements showed that the wall with the composition - viewed from the outside 7.5 + 7.5 cm of wood + 7.5 cm of insulation of biological origin - cellulose flakes or textile flakes or wool or cotton or straw, etc. - all of these have similar melts. transience) + 5 cm of wood as the interior lining of the building gives sufficient energy efficiency, which means a factor below 0.28. This is achieved without the use of vapor barriers and vapor permeable foils. Comparison of the calculations of the thermal transmittance of walls between a classic masonry house and a wooden wall shows that a comparable thermal conductivity of a wooden wall is achieved at approximately 10% less wall thickness, which means that a smaller gross floor space is used to construct a comparatively insulated building. The basic finding from the comparison of thermal transmittance of walls is that with the described variations of the composition of the wooden wall it is possible to build buildings where energy efficiency is not important (sheds, garages, weights, etc.), or energy efficient houses, low energy or even passive ones can be built using insulation. houses, weekends, campsites, etc.
Podrobneje bo izum prikazan na primeru gradnje (vrtna uta z opisom tehničnih lastnosti objekta) ter z opisom izvedbenih primerov prikazanih na priloženih risbah, na katerih prikazuje:In more detail, the invention will be shown in the example of construction (arbor with a description of the technical characteristics of the object) and with a description of the implementation examples shown in the accompanying drawings, showing:
Sl. 1 izvedba vzorčne stavbe, objekta 7,5x5,0 m, višine 3,5m, z lesenimi stenami iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov v aksonometrični projekciji.FIG. 1 design of a model building, 7.5x5.0 m high, 3.5m high, with solid wooden semi-finished wooden walls in axonometric projection.
51.2 Lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.l, iz dveh slojev dolžinsko in višinsko povezanih letev z polovičnim višinskim zamikom na notranji plasti letev, v ortogonalni projekciji.51.2. Solid wood semi-finished wooden wall according to the invention, claim no. 1, of two layers of lengthwise and height-linked laths with half height displacement on the inner layer of laths, in orthogonal projection.
51.3 Lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.l, iz dveh slojev dolžinsko in višinsko povezanih letev z polovičnim višinskim zamikom na notranji plasti letev, v aksonometrični projekciji.51.3. Solid wood semi-finished wooden wall according to the invention, claim No. 1, of two layers of lengthwise and height-linked laths with half height displacement on the inner layer of laths, in axonometric projection.
51.4 Lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.2, iz dveh slojev dolžinsko in višinsko povezanih letev z polovičnim višinskim zamikom na notranji plasti letev, z dodatno pritrjenimi vertikalnimi letvami na notranji strani stene, na katere je pritrjena končna notranja stenska obloga, da se lahko uporabi med letvami in notranjo končno plastjo plast izolacije ali pa ostane v kanalu samo neprehoden zrak. Na sliki v aksonometrični projekciji je prikazana izvedba z izolacijo.51.4. Solid wood semi-finished wooden wall according to the invention, claim 2, of two layers of lengthwise and height-linked laths with half height displacement on the inner layer of laths, with additionally fixed vertical slats on the inside of the wall to which the end inner wall is attached lining, so that a layer of insulation can be used between the slats and the inner end layer, or only air is left in the duct. The figure in axonometric view shows an embodiment with insulation.
51.5 Lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.2, iz dveh slojev dolžinsko in višinsko povezanih letev z polovičnim višinskim zamikom na notranji plasti letev, z dodatno pritrjenimi vertikalnimi letvami na notranji strani stene, na katere je pritrjena končna notranja stenska obloga, da se lahko uporabi med letvami in notranjo končno plastjo plast izolacije, ali pa ostane v kanalu samo neprehoden zrak. Na sliki v aksonometrični projekciji je prikazana izvedba z neprehodnim zrakom.51.5 Solid wood semi-finished wooden wall according to the invention, claim 2, of two layers of lengthwise and height-linked laths with half-height offset on the inner layer of laths, with additionally fixed vertical laths on the inside of the wall to which the end inner wall is attached liner so that a layer of insulation can be used between the slats and the inner end layer, or only air is left in the duct. The figure in axonometric view shows an embodiment with impassable air.
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51.6 Lesena stena iz enega sloja vzdolžno in višinsko povezanih letev z utori po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.3, v aksonometrični projekciji.51.6 One-layer wooden wall with longitudinally and height-linked slats according to the invention, claim 3, in axonometric projection.
51.7 lesena stena po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.4., iz dveh slojev vzdolžno in višinsko povezanih letev, ki sta medsebojno razmaknjena za širino plasti izolacije ali opcijsko zračnega mostu, Na sliki v aksonometrični projekciji je prikazana izvedba z izolacijo.51.7 The wooden wall according to the invention, claim no. 4, of two layers of longitudinally and height-linked laths spaced apart by the width of the insulation layer or optionally an air bridge. An embodiment with insulation is shown in the axonometric projection.
51.8 Osnovni konstrukcijski element- masivna lesena letev, po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.5, ki ima na koncih utore za dolžinske spoje v aksonometrični projekciji.51.8 Basic structural element - solid wooden strip according to the invention, claim 5, which has grooves for length joints in axonometric projection at the ends.
51.9 Osnovni konstrukcijski element- masivna lesena letev, po izumu, patentni zahtevek št.6, ki ima na koncih utore za dolžinske spoje, pri čemer so na vsaki strani letve so nasprotni utori za dolžinsko spajanje in dodatno utore za vogalne spoje.51.9 Basic structural element - solid wooden lath according to the invention, claim 6, which has grooves for length joints at each end, with opposite grooves for longitudinal joining and additional grooves for corner joints on each side.
51.10 Osnovni konstrukcijski element- masivna lesena letev, po izumu, prikaz višinskega povezovanja letev, kjer je vezni element opcijsko vijak, moznik in/ali lepilo. Na sliki v montažni projekciji je prikazana opcija z vijaki.51.10 Basic structural element - solid wooden lath according to the invention, showing the height connection of the laths, where the connecting element is optionally a screw, dowel and / or adhesive. The figure in the assembly projection shows the screw option.
Pomen številčnih oznak na slikah je:The meaning of the numeric tags in the pictures is:
masivna lesena letev z utori, 2 vezni element, ki je lahko opcijsko vijak, lepilo ali moznik, 3 utori za dolžinske spoje, 4 utori za vogalne spoje, 5 utori ki preprečujejo zvijanje letev, 6 polovični višinski zamik med dvema plastema letev, 7 vertikalno privijačene letve, 8 končna notranja stenska obloga, 9 plast izolacije, 10 neprehoden zrak.solid wooden slats with slots, 2 fasteners which can optionally be screw, glue or dowel, 3 slots for length joints, 4 slots for corner joints, 5 slots to prevent twisting of slats, 6 half height offset between two layers of slats, 7 vertically screwed laths, 8 finished interior wall cladding, 9 insulation layer, 10 impassable air.
Za primer izvedbe bo prikazana izvedba vzorčne stavbe, objekta 7,5x5,0 m, višine 3,5m.For example, the construction of a model building, 7.5x5.0 m in height, 3.5m high, will be shown.
Končna izvedba- izdelek je izvesti popolnoma lesen montažen objekt na AB temeljni plošči. Vzorčna stavba je v osnovi pravokotnega gabarita cca 7,50 x 5,00 m, višine cca 3,50 m. Streha je enokapnica v minimalnem naklonu 6° (ali več). Objekt je v prvi vrsti namenjen za delavnice, zaprte ali polodprte • · garaže in ostale pomožne objekte, je osnova za nadaljnji razvoj počitniških in tudi stanovanjskih objektov.The final version of the product is to install a completely wooden prefabricated object on the AB baseplate. The model building is basically a rectangular gauge of approximately 7.50 x 5.00 m, with a height of approximately 3.50 m. The roof is a single roof with a minimum slope of 6 ° (or more). The facility is primarily intended for workshops, closed or semi-open garages and • other ancillary facilities, which is the basis for further development of holiday and also residential buildings.
AB plošča bo izvedena na tamponski podlagi v debelini 20,0 cm in po celotni površini hidro izolirana. Na ploščo se nato na hidroizolacijo izvedejo lesene stene iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov, kot osnovna konstrukcija objekta.The AB board will be made on a tampon base in the thickness of 20.0 cm and hydro insulated over the entire surface. The walls are then waterproofed with solid wooden semi-finished wooden walls as the basic structure of the building.
Lesene stene so sestavljene iz dveh slojev vzdolžno lepljenih letev, ki so skoblane in imajo na koncih utore za dolžinske spoje. Specifično pri tej konstrukciji je, da so uporabljeni ostanki letev, ki imajo predpisano širino in višino, ne glede na njihovo dolžino. Dolžina se zaradi možnosti dolžinskega spajanja letev prilagaja potrebam dolžine sten in sami dolžini letev. V površine konstrukcijskih letev so po celotni dolžini enostransko vrezani majhni utori, ki v steni predstavljajo izolacijski zračni sloj in preprečujejo zvijanje letev. Letve se kot take - skoblane in utori za dolžinsko in vogalno spajanjepripravijo že v proizvodnji. Letve so med seboj lepljene z lesnim lepilom in dodatno vijačene, da se prepreči možnost zvijanja in odstopanja letev ter nastanek toplotnih mostov. Kot opcija lepilu in vijakom se lahko v primeru povsem ekološke gradnje ti dve komponenti (oz. vsaj vijaki) nadomestita z mozniki, ki povežejo dve letvi. V primeru lepljenja se uporablja počasi sušeče lepilo na vodni osnovi, stene pa se eventuelno lahko vsak dan konec dela mestoma obtežijo, da se letve višinsko bolje sprimejo oz. zlepijo. Med prvim in drugim slojem letev je polovični višinski zamik, ki se tvori na drugem - notranjem sloju letev s pomočjo desk, kar še dodatno prepreči možnost nastanka toplotnih mostov. Na mestih vgradnje stavbnega pohištva pa letve enostavno odrežemo pod 90 stopinjskim kotom na končno želeno dolžino.The wooden walls consist of two layers of longitudinally glued laths, which are planed and have grooves at the ends for length joints. What is specific about this construction is that the scraps of slats are used which have the prescribed width and height, regardless of their length. Due to the possibility of length joining of the strips, the length is adjusted to the needs of the wall length and the length of the strips themselves. Small grooves are unilaterally cut into the surfaces of the structural moldings along the entire length, representing an insulating air layer in the wall and preventing the moldings from twisting. As such, the moldings and planers for the longitudinal and corner joints are already prepared in production. The laths are glued to each other with wood glue and additionally screwed to prevent the possibility of twisting and deviating laths and the formation of thermal bridges. As an option for adhesives and screws, in the case of completely ecological construction, these two components (or at least screws) can be replaced by dowels that connect the two slats. In the case of gluing, slow-drying water-based adhesive is used, and the walls may eventually be difficult to accommodate at the end of the work each day to allow the laths to better adhere or heighten. they go blind. Between the first and second layers of laths there is a half height offset formed on the second - inner layer of laths by boards, which further prevents the possibility of thermal bridges. At the places of installation of joinery, however, the slats are easily cut at a 90 degree angle to the final desired length.
Na notranji strani lesene stene iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov je vertikalno privijačena letev , na katero je pritrjena končna notranja stenska obloga, ki je lahko po želji OSB plošča z ometom, mavčno kartonska plošča, opaž, ladijski pod idr. Med notranjimi letvami in stensko oblogo je instalacijski kanal, ki je lahko zračni most ali pa se popolni s celuloznimi vlakni (ali drugim izolacijskim materialom) za boljšo toplotno izolacijo objekta.On the inside of the wooden wall made of solid wooden semi-finished products there is a vertically screwed lath, to which a final inner wall panel is attached, which can be OSB plasterboard, plasterboard, paneling, nautical floor, etc. if desired. Between the interior moldings and the wall covering is an installation duct, which can be an air bridge or filled with cellulose fibers (or other insulating material) for better thermal insulation of the building.
Lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov se gradi na tleh, kjer je potrebno pripraviti AB temeljno ploščo. Na ploščo se pod bodočo steno položi hidroizolativna plast tipa Fragmat Izotekt. Spodnja sloja letev sta položena na hidroizolativno plast, ki preprečuje prehod vlage iz AB temeljne plošče v les, da bi se preprečile deformacije stene iz lesa, ki kot material sicer vsrkava vase vlago. Lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov je na AB ploščo pričvrščena s kovinskimi kotniki z vijaki.A solid solid wood semi-finished wall is built on the floor where the AB foundation board is required. A waterproofing layer of Fragmat Isotect type is laid on the slab under the future wall. The lower layers of the moldings are laid on a waterproofing layer, which prevents moisture from passing from the AB baseplate to the wood, to prevent deformation of the wall of wood, which otherwise absorbs moisture as a material. The solid solid wood semi-finished wall is fixed to the AB board by metal corners with screws.
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Enokapno ostrešje vzorčnega objekta je izvedeno s klasičnimi lesenimi konstrukcijskimi elementi (lege in špirovci). Kritina je lahko pločevina - eloksiran ALU, kritina iz umetne mase ali druga kritina, pri kateri pa je potrebno upoštevati minimalne naklone in jih temu primerno prilagoditi.The one-drop roof of the model object is made with classic wooden structural elements (positions and rafters). The roofing can be sheet metal - anodized ALU, plastic roofing or other roofing, in which the minimum slopes must be observed and adjusted accordingly.
Stavbno pohištvo na objektu je predvidoma lesene izvedbe s toplotno prehodnostjo UWmax= 1,1 W/m2K.The joinery of the building is expected to be of wooden construction with thermal transmittance U Wmax = 1.1 W / m 2 K.
Tlak se izvede uporabnosti objekta primerno. V vsakem primeru je smiselno izvesti toplotno izolacijo z AB estrihom in finalnim tlakom, ki ustreza namenu uporabe prostora.The pressure is made suitable for the usefulness of the building. In any case, it is reasonable to carry out thermal insulation with AB screed and a final pressure appropriate for the purpose of the use of the room.
Zunanja plast lesa je skoblana in predvidoma zaščitena z impregnacijo za osnovno, preventivno zaščito lesa (zaščita proti insektom in glivami). Na osnovno impregnacijo je nanešena plast za nego lesa na osnovi lanenega ali drugega olja za nego lesa. Na ta način pripravljena lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov omogoča enostavno vzdrževanje z dodatnimi obnovitvenimi sloji brez velikih priprav in stroškov. Po želji se lahko lesen zunanji videz objekta, po predhodni obdelavi, »nadgradi« s slojem ometa - izgled klasične fasade.The outer layer of wood is planed and presumably protected by impregnation for basic, preventative protection of wood (protection against insects and fungi). The basic impregnation is applied to a wood care layer based on linseed or other wood care oil. This way, the solid wood semi-finished wooden wall allows for easy maintenance with additional restoration layers without great preparation and expense. If desired, the wooden exterior appearance of the building, after pre-treatment, can be "upgraded" with a layer of plaster - the appearance of a classic facade.
Zaradi konstrukcije lesene stene iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov ni potrebe po vgrajevanju dodatnih parnih ovir ali parnih zapor. Lesene stene vpijajo elektromagnetno sevanje, kateremu smo danes močno izpostavljeni iz neštetih virov. Les regulira vlažnost, da zrak v prostoru ni preveč vlažen ali suh. Prav tako ni težav s posedanjem objekta kot je to pri klasičnih brunaricah.Due to the construction of a wooden wall made of solid wooden semi-finished products, there is no need to install additional steam barriers or steam barriers. Wooden walls absorb electromagnetic radiation, to which we are today heavily exposed from countless sources. Wood regulates humidity so that the air in the room is not too moist or dry. There is also no problem with holding an object as it is with classic log cabins.
1. Problem, ki ga rešuje ta izum je ta, da to leseno steno iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov, ki ima osnovni konstrukcijski element (to so letve z utori) višinsko povezane z mozniki ali vijaki in/ali lepljene med seboj, ter dolžinsko (opcijsko tudi vogalno) spojene preko utorov, sestavljamo na gradbišču samem iz letev z utori, ki so lahko osnovnih tovarniško odrezanih dolžin ali pa zavoljo pripravljenih utorov lahko uporabimo tudi vse dolžinske ostanke letev. Zamik višine letev in njihovo povezovanje na nov način rešuje preprečitev toplotnih mostov.1. The problem to be solved by the present invention is that this wooden wall of solid wood semi-finished products having a basic structural element (i.e. slats with grooves) is connected in height to the dowels or screws and / or glued to each other, and lengthwise (optional also angularly) connected through the grooves, we assemble on the construction site from laths with grooves, which can be basic factory cut lengths, or for the sake of the prepared grooves we can also use all the lengths of the laths. Delaying the height of the strips and connecting them in a new way solves the prevention of thermal bridges.
2. Problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, da je ta lesena stena iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov, ki je povezana po celotni višini in širini, z drugimi stenami objekta križno povezana, kar do sedaj ni bilo izvedeno. Pri tej tehnologiji dobimo za razliko od tovarniško pripravljenih gotovih leseno lepljenih sten, objekt, ki ima stene medsebojno vogalno povezane in ne pritrjene s »purpeno« ali zvijačene skupaj s kovinskimi kotniki, ko je primer pri montažnih hišah, tudi če so njihove stene lesene.2. The problem solved by the invention is that this wooden wall made of solid wood semi-finished products, which is connected in its entirety in width and width, is cross-linked to the other walls of the building, which has not been done so far. Unlike prefabricated prefabricated walls, this technology is obtained by having a wall that has the corners interconnected and not fastened with "purpeno" or screwed together with metal corners when the case of prefabricated houses, even if their walls are wooden.
3. Problem, ki ga rešimo je ta, da je osnovni konstrukcijski element te lesene stene iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov zadosti lahek za prenašanje tudi za posameznika in dovolj enostaven za zlaganje (podobno sistemu otroških kock), da se lahko gradnje objekta iz masivnih lesenih sten loti tudi investitor sam; kot ena oseba oz. brez pomočnikov po sistemu naredi si sam (angl. DIY).3. The problem we solve is that the basic structural element of this wooden wall made of solid wooden semi-finished products is easy enough to carry even for the individual and easy enough to fold (similar to a baby cube system) to allow the construction of a building made of solid wooden walls the investor also undertakes; as one person or DIY without helpers on the system.
- Na trgu obstajajo leseni objekti, ki imajo stene narejene na zelo različne načine. Eni so sestavljeni iz klasičnih brun debeline 2 do 10 cm, drugi imajo lepljene lesene brune do skupne širine 14 cm. Spet naslednji imajo konstrukcijske stene, ki so zunaj in znotraj objekta zaprte z OSB, lesenimi ploščami ali drugimi materiali. Obstajajo objekti ki imajo montažne stene izdelane že v tovarni (npr. sistem Glin Nazarje) ali pa so objekti sestavljeni iz okroglih hlodov.- There are wooden structures on the market that have walls made in very different ways. Some consist of classic logs 2 to 10 cm thick, while others have glued wooden logs up to a total width of 14 cm. Again, the following have structural walls that are enclosed by OSB, wooden panels or other materials outside and inside the building. There are facilities that have prefabricated walls already built in the factory (eg the Nazarje Glin system) or the facilities consist of round logs.
- Patentirani sestav stene iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov, se zaradi primerjalno male debeline stene, polovičnih višinskih zamikov, izolativnosti lesa in vgrajene biološke izolacije, lahko primerja z nizko energetskim ali pasivnim klasično zgrajenim objektom. Prav tako je tak leseni objekt ekološko neoporečen ko koncu uporabe oz. življenjske dobe. Glede na klasično gradnjo so lesene stene s primerljivo izolativnostjo 10% tanjše.- The patented solid wood semi-finished wall composition can be compared to a low-energy or passive classically constructed facility due to its relatively small wall thickness, half height deflections, wood insulation and built-in biological insulation. Likewise, such a wooden object is ecologically impeccable when used or end of use. lifetime. According to the classic construction, the wooden walls are 10% thinner with comparable insulation.
- Po kazalcu ugodja bivanja (samodejno uravnavanje vlage, dihanje materiala, preprečitev vdora sevanja, neizhapevanje strupov iz materiala), se tak objekt primerja z objekti iz lesenih hlodov, le da stikov hlodov ni treba za doseganje zadovoljive izolativnosti objekta zaščititi z volno, gumo in/ali »purpeno«- stiki so pri objektih iz hlodov vedno problem in ne ustrezajo PURES brez notranje izolacije, zato jih je potrebno enostransko zapreti z izolacijo, čemur pa se hočejo lastniki hiš iz hlodov v glavnem izogniti, ker potem hlodi niso vidni, zato so ti objekti energetsko gledano lahko sporni.- According to the indicator of living comfort (automatic humidity control, breathing of material, prevention of radiation intrusion, non-escape of poisons from the material), such object is compared with wooden log buildings, except that the log contacts do not need to be protected with wool, rubber and / or "purpeno" - contacts are always a problem with log buildings and do not fit PURES without internal insulation, so they must be unilaterally closed with insulation, which is why the owners of log houses are generally avoided because logs are not visible then these objects may be controversial in energy terms.
- Po kazalcu hitre in suhe gradnje, dobre izolativnosti se tak objekt lahko primerja z montažno gradnjo, le da so tu stene iz masivnih lesenih polizdelkov križno povezane med sabo, kar daje kompaktnost objekta in večjo potresno stabilnost, zaradi neuporabe parnih, vetrnih zapor- According to the indicator of fast and dry construction, good insulation, such an object can be compared to prefabricated construction, except that the walls of solid wooden semi-finished products are cross-linked, which gives the building compactness and greater earthquake stability due to the use of steam, wind barriers
ter naravnih izolativnih materialov je ugodje bivanja v takem objektu na višjem nivoju (ni t.i. občutka bivanja v anoraku), razgradnja objekta pa je ekološko neoporečna.and natural insulating materials, the comfort of living in such an object is at a higher level (there is no so-called feeling of being in anorak), and the decomposition of the object is ecologically sound.
Podobna je primerjava z objektom iz brun z notranjo ali zunanjo izolacijo odpadejo folije in izolacije, prepreči se posedanja objekta, v notranjosti ne prihaja do pokanja končne obloge (mavčne plošče ipd), stene »dihajo« in uravnavajo vlago, objekt pa ne izhlapeva strupov.A similar comparison is made with a building made of logs with internal or external insulation, which eliminates foils and insulation, prevents the object from settling, no final coating (gypsum boards, etc.) breaks in, walls "breathe" and regulate moisture, and the object does not evaporate poisons.
Claims (6)
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Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
SI201600035A SI25158A (en) | 2016-03-02 | 2016-03-02 | Wooden wall of solid semi-finished wood products and solid wooden lath |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
SI201600035A SI25158A (en) | 2016-03-02 | 2016-03-02 | Wooden wall of solid semi-finished wood products and solid wooden lath |
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SI201600035A SI25158A (en) | 2016-03-02 | 2016-03-02 | Wooden wall of solid semi-finished wood products and solid wooden lath |
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- 2016-03-02 SI SI201600035A patent/SI25158A/en active IP Right Grant
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