SI20009A - Ski or snowboard edge - Google Patents
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- SI20009A SI20009A SI9800192A SI9800192A SI20009A SI 20009 A SI20009 A SI 20009A SI 9800192 A SI9800192 A SI 9800192A SI 9800192 A SI9800192 A SI 9800192A SI 20009 A SI20009 A SI 20009A
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- Slovenia
- Prior art keywords
- ski
- edge
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- skiing
- curb
- Prior art date
- A63C5/00—Skis or snowboards
- A63C5/04—Structure of the surface thereof
- A63C5/048—Structure of the surface thereof of the edges
- Road Paving Structures (AREA)
Robnik smučke ali snežne deskeSki or snowboard edge
Predmet izumaThe subject of the invention
Predmet izuma je robnik smučke kakršnekoli vrste, tako za alpsko smučanje, tekaške, turne, pa tudi snežne deske.The subject of the invention is a ski curb of any kind, for alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, touring, as well as snowboarding.
Tehnični problemA technical problem
Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati robnike smuči, da bo izboljšano vodenje smuči pa tudi snežne deske v zavojih, pri čemer je možno izvesti robnik po izumu na novi ali obstoječi smučki oziroma snežni deski.A technical problem solved by the invention is how to design the curbs of the skis, so that the skiing and snowboards in turns will be improved, whereby it is possible to perform the curb according to the invention on a new or existing ski or snowboard.
Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art
Vodenje smučke v zavojih do sedaj zagotavljajo robniki in stranski lok smučke. Naklon spodnje in stranske ploskve robnika vplivata na vodenje smučke v zavojih oziroma na njeno zdrsavanje. Kot naklona ploskve robnika na drsni ploskvi leži v območju 0 do 5°. Zaradi vzdrževanja drsne ploskve z brušenjem ta kot ne more biti manjši od 0° ker bi sicer rob ležal izven ravnine drsne ploskve. Podoben je tudi kot nagiba stranske ploskve. Obe ploskve tvorita medsebojni kot približno 90°. Ostrina roba v srednjem delu smučke pripomore precej k natančnosti vodljivosti, vendar ostaja potreba oziroma želja smučarjev, zlasti tekmovalcev po bistveno manjšem zdrsavanju.Until now, the curves and the lateral arch of the ski provide the steering of the ski in turns. The inclination of the lower and lateral surfaces of the curb influence the running of the ski in turns or its slipping. The slope angle of the edge of the curb on the sliding surface lies in the range 0 to 5 °. Due to the maintenance of the sliding surface by grinding, this angle cannot be less than 0 ° because otherwise the edge would lie outside the plane of the sliding surface. It is also similar to the slope of the side face. Both surfaces form an angle of approximately 90 ° with each other. The sharpness of the edge in the middle of the ski contributes significantly to the precision of handling, but the need or desire of skiers, especially racers, to skate significantly remains.
Stranski lok smučke z bistveno manjšim polmerom ali celo sestavljena krivulja, ki je tudi zelo poudarjena glede na klasične smuči, zmanjša napor smučarja pri zavijanju, tudi natančnost vodljivosti je velika.The lateral arch of a ski with a significantly smaller radius or even a compound curve, which is also highly emphasized with respect to classic skis, reduces the effort of the skier when cornering, also the accuracy of handling is great.
26557/VII-98/D19-Vr26557 / VII-98 / D19-Vr
Za ostaja pa zdrs smuči, ki je zlasti opazen v trdem snegu ali celo ledu. Pri rekreativnih smučarjih se pojavljajo zaradi tega padci, pri tekmovalcih pa se hitrost zmanjšuje, pri zdrsu nastopajo dodatne vibracije, ki dodatno obremenjujejo smučarja. Pri turnem smučanju zdrsi bistveno zmanjšujejo varnost smučanja, ki je v tem primeru še kako pomembna. Tekaška smučka bi pri drsalnem koraku ali pa pri smučanju v naravi zunaj prog pridobila na svoji učinkovitosti, če bi zagotavljala manjši zdrs. Enaka potreba se kaže tudi pri snežnih deskah.For skis, though, it is particularly noticeable in hard snow or even ice. As a result, recreational skiers suffer from falls, while the speed of the racers decreases, with additional vibrations occurring on the skis, which additionally burden the skier. In cross-country skiing, slips significantly reduce the safety of skiing, which in this case is even more important. Cross-country skiing would be more efficient when skating or in the off-piste skiing if it provided a smaller slip. The same need is shown for snowboards.
Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem
Opisani tehnični problem je rešen s smučko po izumu s tem, daje vsaj eden njen robnik zasnovan z žlebom na drsni ploskvi. Žleb je izveden tako, da leži tik ob bočni ploskvi robnika in tvori z njo oster rob. Žleb poteka v srednjem pasu smuči z nespremenjenim presekom, nato pa se proti krivini in repu zvezno zmanjšuje in preide v ravno drsno ploskev že pred krivino in repom.The described technical problem is solved by the ski according to the invention, since at least one of its edges is designed with a groove on the sliding surface. The groove is designed to lie just adjacent to the side face of the curb and form a sharp edge. The groove runs in the middle zone of the skis with a constant cross-section, and then decreases continuously towards the bend and tail and passes into a flat sliding surface just before the bend and tail.
Taka oblika robnika nudi pri smučanju naravnost enake smučne lastnosti kot znani robniki, v zavoju, ko nastavimo notranji robnik, pa ostri rob ob žlebu v srednjem pasu smučke zareže v sneg ali led. Oddrsavanje je bistveno manjše. Zmanjševanje žleba proti krivini in repu ter ravna drsna ploskev robnika v območju krivine in repa pa zagotavljajo lahkotno zavijanje kot pri znanih smučkah.This type of curb offers the same skiing characteristics as the known curb when skiing, and in the turn when the inner curb is adjusted, the sharp edge is cut into the snow or ice by the groove in the middle zone of the ski. The slip is significantly smaller. The narrowing of the groove towards the bend and tail and the flat sliding surface of the curb in the area of the bend and the tail, however, provide easier cornering than in the case of known skis.
Zaradi bistveno zmanjšanega oddrsavanja lahko izvedemo na istem terenu bistveno več zavojev, vsaj dvakrat več, kot z znano smučko.Due to significantly reduced skating, significantly more turns can be made on the same terrain, at least twice as much as with a known ski.
Pri smučanju po različnih vrstah snega, npr. pri prehodu z mehkega na trd sneg ali led, je ohranjanje stabilnosti bistveno lažje. Oster rob robnika ves čas reče podlago in ne dovoli zdrsavanja, ki je pri takih prehodih precej nekontrolirano.When skiing on different types of snow, e.g. When moving from soft to hard snow or ice, maintaining stability is much easier. The sharp edge of the curb constantly calls the base and does not allow slipping, which is quite uncontrollable in such transitions.
26557/VII-98/D19-Vr zlasti pri rekreativcih, ki rabijo več časa za adaptacijo na nove pogoje.26557 / VII-98 / D19-Vr especially for recreational athletes who need more time to adapt to new conditions.
Zaradi bistveno manjšega oddrsavanja, ki pomeni izgubo energije, se hitrost smučanja poveča. Tudi energija, ki jo smučar dovaja na smučko in podlago ob obremenjevanju posamezne smučke, glede na tehniko smučanja, se zaradi manjšega zdrsavanja porabi v bistveno večji meri za pospeševanje. Zato se smučar manj utrudi.Because of the significantly lower slip, which means a loss of energy, the speed of skiing increases. Also, the energy that the skier supplies to the ski and the base when loading the individual ski, depending on the skiing technique, is used to a much greater extent for acceleration due to less slippage. This makes the skier less tired.
Na trdem, rebrastem terenu in pri zavijanju sprejme smučar bistveno manj tresljajev, ker z rezanjem ostrega roba robnika v podlago zagotovimo vodenje smučke skoraj ali popolnoma brez oddrsavanja.On hard, ribbed terrain and when cornering, the skier receives significantly less vibration, because by cutting the sharp edge of the curb into the base, the ski is guided almost or completely without slipping.
Iz povedanega je jasno da pri turnem in ekstremnem smučanju po trdih ali poledenelih in izrazito neravnih podlagah, npr. po plazovini, nadalje po snežiščih s kamni in skalami ali celo v gozdu med drevesi in grmi tako izboljšano vodenje smuči bistveno prispeva k kakovosti smučanja in varnosti. V izrednih vesinah pri alpinističnem smučanju pa je jasno, da nove lastnosti takega robnika bistveno izboljšajo varnost smučanja, oziroma zvišuje stopnjo še možnega smučanja.From the above it is clear that when turning and extreme skiing on hard or icy and extremely uneven grounds, for example. along the landslide, further along the slopes with rocks and rocks, or even in the forest between trees and shrubs, improved skiing contributes significantly to skiing quality and safety. However, in the extraordinary weights of alpine skiing, it is clear that the new features of such a curb significantly improve the safety of skiing, or increase the level of possible skiing.
Pri snežni deski robnik po izumu nudi iste izboljšane lastnosti.In the case of a snowboard, the curb according to the invention offers the same improved features.
Podrobneje bo bistvo izuma pojasnjeno v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na kateri kaže sl. 1 smučko v stranskem pogledu, sl. 2 preči prerez po črti II-II s sl. 1 smučke z robnikom po izumu, sl. 3 preči prerez po črti III-III s sl. 1 smučke z robnikom po izumu, sl. 4 preči prerez po črti IV-IV s sl. 1 smučke z robnikom po izumu.The essence of the invention will be explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawing, in which FIG. 1 is a side view ski, FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view taken along line II-II of FIG. 1 is a curb-skis according to the invention; 3 is a cross-sectional view taken along line III-III of FIG. 1 is a curb-skis according to the invention; 4 is a cross-section along line IV-IV of FIG. 1 curb skis according to the invention.
26557/VII-98/D19-Vr26557 / VII-98 / D19-Vr
Robnik 1 je izveden na bočnih robovih 2 drsne ploskve 3 smučke 4, ki sestoji iz sprednje krivine 5, srednjega dela 6 in repa 7, pri čemer poteka robnik 1 praviloma po vsej dolžini robov 2.Edge 1 is made on the lateral edges 2 of the sliding surface 3 of the ski 4, which consists of a front bend 5, a middle part 6 and a tail 7, with the edge 1 generally extending along the length of the edges 2.
Robnik 1 je nameščen v smučki 4 na znan način s svojim tanjšim notranjim pasom 8 tako, da ga drsna plast 9 smučke prekriva in s tem veže v smučko. Vidni del robnika 1 je na strani drsne ploskve 3 izveden z žlebom 10, ki ima v prednostni izvedbi v prečnem preseku obliko polkroga, katerega poševni odsek 11, ki prilega bočni ploskvi 12 robnika 1, je raven in se stika z njo v ostrem robuEdge 1 is positioned in the ski 4 in a known manner with its thinner inner belt 8 such that the sliding layer 9 of the ski overlaps it and thus binds it to the ski. The visible part of the edge 1 is made on the side of the sliding surface 3 by a groove 10, which in the preferred embodiment has a cross-sectional shape, whose oblique section 11, which fits into the side surface 12 of the edge 1, is straight and in contact with it in a sharp edge.
Kot a med poševnim odsekom 11 žleba 10 in bočno ploskvijo 12 robnika 1 se zvezno spreminja in sicer znaša v območju srednjega dela 6 smučke približno 45°, nato pa se proti krivini 5 in repu 7 zvezno povečuje do 90°, ko preide v ravno ploskev robnika, ki leži v ravnini drsne ploskve 3 smučke 4.The angle a between the sloping section 11 of the groove 10 and the lateral surface 12 of the edge 1 changes continuously to be approximately 45 ° in the region of the middle portion 6 of the ski, then increases continuously up to 90 ° towards the curve 5 and the tail 7 when it goes into a flat surface of the curb lying in the plane of the sliding surface 3 of the ski 4.
Glede na različne namene smučke so dolžine odsekov žleba 10 v srednjem delu 6, kjer je enakomeren in najgloblji, ter odsekov v smeri krivine 5 in repa 7, kjer se zvezno zmanjšuje, različne. Dolžina odsekov na krivini in repu brez žleba vpliva na lahkost zavijanja, dolžina srednjega odseka žleba z največjim presekom pa na stopnjo vprijemanja v snegu in ledu.Depending on the different purposes of the ski, the lengths of the groove sections 10 in the middle portion 6, where it is uniform and deepest, and the sections in the direction of the bend 5 and the tail 7, where it is continuously decreasing, are different. The length of the sections on the bend and tail without the groove affects the ease of turning, and the length of the middle groove section with the largest cross section affects the degree of absorption in the snow and ice.
Lokast prečni presek žleba omogoča vrtinčenje odrezanega snega v žlebu. Zato je tudi velikost preseka žleba lahko predmet posebnih preizkusov za prireditev optimalnih lastnosti glede na namen smučke in vrsto snega.The localized cross-section of the gutter allows for the swirling of the cut snow in the gutter. Therefore, the size of the cross-section of the gutter may also be subject to special tests to determine the optimum characteristics according to the purpose of the ski and the type of snow.
Oster rob 13, oziroma oster kot v prečnem prerezu robnika 10, ima še to prednost, da zaradi obrabe med običajnim smučanjem ali celo po nazobčanju zaradi poškodbe na trdem predmetu, običajno kamenju, ne zgubi bistveno svoje lastnosti glede vodenja smučke v zavoju in preprečevanja njenega oddsravanja, kakor je toThe sharp edge 13, or sharp angle in the cross section of the curb 10, has the advantage that, because of wear during normal skiing or even after tooting due to damage to a hard object, usually a rock, it does not significantly lose its ability to guide the ski in a turn and prevent it. suckers like that
26557/VII-98/D19-Vr primer pri znanih robovih robnikov. Zato odpade pogosto brušenje robnikov, s čimer se poveča njihova življenjska doba. Hoda poškodba z nazobčanjem, ki je ne moremo odpraviti z brušenjem ne zmanjša toliko lastnosti smučke, kot pri znanem robniku.26557 / VII-98 / D19-Vr case for known edge edges. Therefore, frequent grinding of the curbs is eliminated, thereby increasing their service life. Walking damage with a serrated tooth that cannot be eliminated by grinding does not reduce as much of the ski's properties as with a known curb.
Robnik po izumu izvedemo z brušenjem s profilnim brusom v dimenzijah, ki jih določimo za tip in namen smučke. Brušenje lahko izvedemo tudi že v gotovi smučki. Zato je možno izum aplicirati tudi na starih smučeh v servisu. Brusilno napravo za ta namen je možno izdelati z znanimi sredstvi in a znan način na osnovi danih podatkov o geometriji žleba.The curb according to the invention is made by grinding with a profile grinder in the dimensions determined for the type and purpose of the ski. Grinding can also be done in the finished ski. Therefore, the invention can also be applied to old skis in service. The grinding device for this purpose can be manufactured by known means and in a known manner based on the given geometry of the groove geometry.
Razume se, daje možno na osnovi poznavanja opisa izuma izvesti tudi drugačno obliko žleba,kot je opisana v izvedbenem primeru, ne da bi obšli bistvo izuma, ki je opredeljeno v priloženih patentih zahtevkih.It is understood that, based on the knowledge of the description of the invention, it is also possible to perform a different groove shape than that described in the embodiment without circumventing the essence of the invention as defined in the appended claims.
1. Stare Janez1. Old John
2. Stare Luka2. Old Luka
Claims (4)
Priority Applications (3)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
SI9800192A SI20009A (en) | 1998-07-10 | 1998-07-10 | Ski or snowboard edge |
AU46713/99A AU4671399A (en) | 1998-07-10 | 1999-07-08 | Steel edge of a ski or snowboard |
PCT/SI1999/000019 WO2000002631A1 (en) | 1998-07-10 | 1999-07-08 | Steel edge of a ski or snowboard |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
SI9800192A SI20009A (en) | 1998-07-10 | 1998-07-10 | Ski or snowboard edge |
Publications (1)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
SI20009A true SI20009A (en) | 2000-02-29 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
SI9800192A SI20009A (en) | 1998-07-10 | 1998-07-10 | Ski or snowboard edge |
Country Status (3)
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AU (1) | AU4671399A (en) |
SI (1) | SI20009A (en) |
WO (1) | WO2000002631A1 (en) |
Families Citing this family (2)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
DE20209064U1 (en) | 2002-06-11 | 2002-10-24 | Granitzki, Reinhard, 82491 Grainau | Skis, especially racing skis, for downhill, combination and goal running |
US7445227B2 (en) | 2005-03-16 | 2008-11-04 | Harris Jr Gerald W | Ski with improved edging characteristics |
Family Cites Families (6)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
DE817712C (en) * | 1949-08-05 | 1951-10-18 | Wunder Kg Heinrich | Ski edge |
FR1368152A (en) * | 1963-05-04 | 1964-07-31 | Square for skis | |
FR1491427A (en) * | 1966-06-27 | 1967-08-11 | Non-slip grooving of ski edges | |
DE2403944A1 (en) * | 1974-01-28 | 1975-08-07 | Willi Naujoks | Ski running surface with guide strips on outer edges - with adjoining hollow grooves and blade-shaped or wide underside |
US4175766A (en) * | 1978-06-23 | 1979-11-27 | Barwin Raymond K | Ski edge |
US5462304A (en) * | 1993-10-25 | 1995-10-31 | Nyman; Bengt E. | Snowboard with dual-acting, interchangeable edges |
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- 1999-07-08 WO PCT/SI1999/000019 patent/WO2000002631A1/en active Application Filing
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WO2000002631A1 (en) | 2000-01-20 |
AU4671399A (en) | 2000-02-01 |
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