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JP4233169B2 - Semen detection method - Google Patents

Semen detection method Download PDF


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JP4233169B2 JP09206099A JP9206099A JP4233169B2 JP 4233169 B2 JP4233169 B2 JP 4233169B2 JP 09206099 A JP09206099 A JP 09206099A JP 9206099 A JP9206099 A JP 9206099A JP 4233169 B2 JP4233169 B2 JP 4233169B2
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晃明 岩本
美紀 吉池
至 佐藤
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  • Investigating Or Analysing Biological Materials (AREA)


また、▲2▼精漿成分を同定する場合には、精漿に特異的で、かつ、確実に検出可能な物質を指標とすることが望ましいが、この点において、前述したPSA及びPAP共に、問題がある。すなわち、これらの両指標共、特に、前立腺癌や前立腺肥大症においては、その血液濃度が著しく高くなることが知られており(既に、この性質を利用して、PSAやPAPは、臨床的に腫瘍マーカーとして用いられている)、必ずしも、精漿特異的な成分であるとは言いがたく、被検物におけるPSAやPAPの存在が証明されたからといって、それが直接的に精液の存在を示すものと断定することは難しい。なお、男性健常人の血清中においても、常に、5ng/ml 程度のPSAが認められ、特に、現在用いられているモノクローナル抗体を用いた高感度のスクリーニング法では、このような微量のPSAも検出されてしまい、PSAが検出されることをもって、精液が存在することの指標とすることは困難である。また、PAPは、広く生物界に存在する酵素であるだけではなく、温度やpHの変化に対して非常に不安定であり、容易に失活してしまうため、精液斑痕や膣内溶液中の精液の存在を証明するには不向きな面は、否めなかった。
本発明者は、この課題の解決に向けて、鋭意検討を重ねた。その結果、精漿中に存在するタンパク質の一種である、セミノジェリン IIに対するポリクローナル抗体を、精液検出のための手段とすることにより、精液中における、このセミノジェリンと共に、このセミノジェリンが、主にセリンプロテアーゼにより分解されてできる精子運動抑制因子(SPMI)をも検出することが可能であり、また、驚くべきことに、このセミノジェリンないしSPMIを精液の検出指標とした場合には、従来は、検出が困難であった、犯行時から長時間経過して存在する精液斑痕や、膣内溶液中に存在する精液までもが、容易に、感度よく検出ができることを見出して、本発明を完成した。
すなわち、本発明は、セミノジェリン IIに対するポリクローナル抗体を用いて、被検物におけるセミノジェリン及び/又は精子運動抑制因子を検出することにより、その被検物における精液を検出する、精液の検出方法を提供する発明(以下、本発明検出方法という)である。
以下、本発明の実施の形態について説明する。本発明検出方法は、セミノジェリン IIに対するポリクローナル抗体を用いることを前提とする、精液の検出方法である。
セミノジェリン(Semenogelin) は、もともと、精液を凝固させる蛋白として、1987年に、LiIja らによって、精漿中に発見され(LiIja H.,Oldbring J.,Rannevik G and Laurell C.B.,J.Clin.Invest.80:281-285,1987)、PSAの特異基質としての研究が進む中、1992年、その遺伝子が単離され、セミノジェリンI,IIの遺伝子の全塩基配列が明らかになった(Ulvsback M.,Lazure C.,LiIja H.,Spurr N.K.,Rao V.V.,Loffler C.,Hansmann I. and Lundwall A.,J.Biol,Chem.267:18080-18084,1992)。セミノジェリンをコードする遺伝子は、ヒト20番染色体の長腕上に存在し、セミノジェリンIをコードする遺伝子の塩基数は、4164bpで、同アミノ酸数は、462aaであり、セミノジェリンIIをコードする遺伝子の塩基数は、8224bpで、同アミノ酸数は、582aaである。
一方、1981年、Gagnonが、精漿中に、精子運動抑制因子(SPMI)の存在を見出し、1988年、岩本と共同で、SPMIの精漿中からの精製分離に成功した(Iwamoto T. and Gagnon C.J.Androl. 9:377-383,1988)。SPMIには、52kDa の前駆体が存在することが知られていたが、その後の研究から、1996年に、Robertによって、前記のSPMIの前駆体が、セミノジェリンであることが明らかにされた(Martin R. and Gagnon C.,Biol.Reprod.55:813-821,1996 )。上述のように、セミノジェリンは、精嚢から特異的に分泌される蛋白で、精液が射出される際に、前立腺液等と混合され、主に、PSAの作用により、速やかに分解を受けるため、精液中には、様々な分解過程におけるセミノジェリンが存在する。そして、その最終産物が、SPMIであり、抗セミノジェリン抗体と反応し得る、最小単位の蛋白である。
また、セミノジェリンに対するポリクローナル抗体は、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体である。セミノジェリン II 、セミノジェリンIに比べると分子量が大きく、これを免疫原とすることで、より多彩な抗原決定基を有するポリクローナル抗体を得ることが可能である。
さらに、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体を製造するための免疫原は、ヒトセミノジェリンの全部又は一部(本発明においては、セミノジェリンの全部は勿論のこと、その一部も、免疫原としての「セミノジェリン」の範疇に含まれる)を用いることができる。
セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体は、通常公知の方法に従い、製造することができる。
セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体を製造するために、上述のようにして得られる免疫原で免疫される動物は、特に限定されるものではなく、マウス、ラット、ウサギ、ヤギ等を広く用いることが可能である。
このようにして、セミノジェリン IIに対するポリクローナル抗体を得る前提となる免疫血清を得ることができる。
また、このようにして得られる、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体は、更に塩析,ゲル濾過法,アフィニティクロマトグラフィー等の通常の手段により精製することができる。
このようにして得られるセミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体は、セミノジェリン及び精子運動抑制因子(SPMI)等の、その酵素分解物に対する反応性が認められる抗体である。
また、上記のセミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体を、必要に応じて標識物質で標識して、後述する本発明検出方法において用いることができる。かかる標識物質は、その標識物質単独で又はその標識物質と他の物質とを反応させることにより、検出可能なシグナルをもたらす標識物質であり、具体的には、例えば西洋ワサビペルオキシダーゼ,アルカリホスファターゼ,β−D−ガラクトシダーゼ,グルコースオキシダーゼ,グルコース−6−ホスフェートデヒドロゲナーゼ,アルコール脱水素酵素,リンゴ酸脱水素酵素,ペニシリナーゼ,カタラーゼ,アポグルコースオキシダーゼ,ウレアーゼ,ルシフェラーゼ若しくはアセチルコリンエステラーゼ等の酵素、フルオレスセインイソチオシアネート,フィコビリタンパク,希土類金属キレート,ダンシルクロライド若しくはテトラメチルローダミンイソチオシアネート等の蛍光物質、125I,14C,3H等の放射性同位体、ビオチン,アビジン若しくはジゴケシゲニン等の化学物質、又は化学発光物質等を挙げることができる。
これらの標識物質による、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体の標識方法は、選択すべき標識物質の種類に応じて、既に公知となっている標識方法を適宜用いることができる。
また、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体(標識されたものを含む)を、必要に応じて、不溶性担体に固定化して用いることができる。かかる不溶性担体としては、抗体の不溶性担体として既に用いられている各種の不溶性担体を用いることができる。具体的には、例えば、マイクロプレートに代表されるプレート、試験管、チューブ、ビーズ、ボール、フィルター、メンブレン、あるいはセルロース系担体、アガロース系担体、ポリアクリルアミド系担体、デキストラン系担体、ポリスチレン系担体、ポリビニルアルコール系担体、ポリアミノ酸系担体、あるいは多孔性シリカ系担体等のアフィニティークロマトグラフィーにおいて用いられる不溶性担体等が挙げられる。
これらの不溶性担体における、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体の固定化方法は、各種の不溶性担体において既に確立している抗体の固定化方法を、選択すべき不溶性担体の種類に応じて、適宜選択することができる。
本発明検出方法は、上述したように、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体と、被検物におけるセミノジェリン及び/又は精子運動抑制因子との抗原抗体反応を検出することにより、その被検物における精液を検出する、精液の検出方法である。
前述したように、本発明検出方法は、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体を用いることで、セミノジェリンのみならず、その酵素分解物である精子運動抑制因子をも指標にして、精液を検出し得ることと共に、外気に触れた後、長時間が経過して、もはや斑痕化した精液をも、容易に検出し得るので、犯罪捜査、特に性犯罪捜査において、極めて有用な精液の検出方法である。
なお、本発明においては、本発明検出方法を簡便に実施するための、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体を含む、精液検出用キットも提供される(以下、本発明検出用キットという)。
本発明検出用キットにおいては、セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体(検出するための適切な標識がなされたものを含む)を、必須要素として、その他、被検物の精液の検出のために供するための要素、例えば、抗原抽出用の緩衝液(防腐剤を含むことが好ましい)、試料定着要素(例えば、ニトロセルロースやPVDF等の試料定着用膜)、発色要素(例えば、発色酵素を結合した二次抗体と、これを発色させるための発色剤)等を、必要に応じて含有させることができる。
1.セミノジェリン(I及び II )のcDNAを含むcDNAライブラリーの構築
2.バキュロウイルスを用いた組換えヒトセミノジェリン(I及び II )蛋白発現系の確立
蛋白発現条件を検討した結果、Sf9細胞に、mulutiplicity of infection 5で組換えウイルスを、インフェクションした後、48時間後に細胞を回収し、そこから蛋白を精製することとした。回収した細胞は、プロテアーゼ阻害剤の存在下で、超音波処理で抽出して、遠心し、上清中のセミノジェリン蛋白が、N末端に6個のヒスチジンを含むことを利用して、Ni−NTAアガロース(Qiagen社製)を用いて、アフィニティークロマトグラフィーで精製した。
5.組換えヒトセミノジェリン II に対する抗体の作製
精製したヒトセミノジェリンII(0.5mg)をアジュバンドと混合し、2週間おき、計4回、日本白色種ウサギに皮下投与し、免疫を行った。ウサギの血清を一部採り、ELISA法で、力価を測定したところ、5×104 倍と、十分な力価が認められたため、全採血を行い、その血清をプロテインAセファロース(Pharmacia Biotech 社製)を用いて、ウサギIgGとして精製した。
6.組換えヒトセミノジェリン(I及び II )に対する抗体の反応性
7.組換えヒトセミノジェリン II に対する抗体を用いた、精液の検出
▲1▼健常人男性ボランティアーが射出した精液を、衣服に4段階の大きさで染み込ませ(径1cm,0.75cm,0.5 cm,0.25cm)、4℃、22℃、37℃で、恒温槽内に放置し、経時的に付着部分を切取り、PBS(25mM,pH7.4)250μl に浸漬して、10分間激しく攪拌して抽出した。この抽出液を、4℃下、4000回転/分で5分間の遠心を行い、これにより得られた上清をサンプルとした。
次に、この洗浄済フィルターを、一次抗体として、上記の組換えヒトセミノジェリンIIに対する抗体を、上記PBSで1000倍希釈した溶液に、3時間浸漬し、次いで、二次抗体〔ヤギ免疫パーオキシデース標識抗ウサギIgG血清(Zymed 社製)1:2000〕を、1時間、室温で反応させ、前記T−PBSで、3回、各々10分間洗浄してから、ジアミノベンチジン溶液で発色させた。

Figure 0004233169
このようにして得られたサンプルを、各々10μl ずつ、PVDF上に塗布して乾燥させた。
The present invention is an invention in the technical field relating to detection methods useful mainly in forensic applications. More specifically, the present invention detects semen that can mainly improve the accuracy of sex crime investigation by identifying the semen remaining in the incident site etc. up to the presence of scars. The invention relates to a method.
[Prior art]
Sex crimes such as rape are mostly parental offenses, and victims need to be prosecuted as a requirement to start criminal proceedings. However, it goes without saying that once a complaint has been filed, it is necessary to accurately establish a sexual offense.
It is clear that the detection of suspect's semen at the scene of the incident, the victim's body, clothes, etc. is very powerful material evidence for the establishment of sex crimes such as rape. is there.
At present, as means for confirming the presence of this semen, for example, (1) confirmation of the presence of sperm, (2) in order to prove the presence of seminal plasma components other than sperm, prostate specific antigen (PSA), An immunological method for detecting prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) has been used.
However, even in these methods, there is an undeniable aspect from the viewpoint of accurately demonstrating sex crimes.
(1) When trying to confirm the presence of sperm, for example, if the suspect has oligospermia with extremely low sperm concentration or azoospermia without sperm at all, it is detected as sperm Is impossible to do. In addition, when the suspect is after vagina connection (so-called pipe cut), sperm is not contained in the semen. And when the semen adhering to the evidence is already a dry spot, it is often impossible to detect sperm from the spot.
In addition, (2) when identifying seminal plasma components, it is desirable to use a substance that is specific to seminal plasma and that can be reliably detected as an index. However, in this respect, both PSA and PAP described above, There's a problem. That is, it is known that both of these indices, particularly in prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, have a significantly increased blood concentration (already using this property, PSA and PAP are clinically (It is used as a tumor marker), but it is not necessarily a seminal plasma-specific component, and just because the presence of PSA or PAP in a test substance has been proven, it is directly the presence of semen It is difficult to conclude that In addition, PSA of about 5 ng / ml is always observed even in the serum of healthy males, and in particular, such a trace amount of PSA can be detected by a highly sensitive screening method using a monoclonal antibody currently used. Therefore, it is difficult to use PSA as an indicator of the presence of semen. In addition, PAP is not only an enzyme widely present in the living world, but also very unstable to changes in temperature and pH and easily deactivates. There was no denying the unsuitable aspect of proving the existence of semen.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
Therefore, the problem to be solved by the present invention is to identify the presence of semen remaining in the incident site, etc., and the presence of semen in the vaginal solution, mainly to improve the accuracy of sex crime investigations. An object of the present invention is to provide a method for detecting semen that is possible.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present inventor has intensively studied to solve this problem. As a result, by using a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II , which is a kind of protein present in seminal plasma, as a means for detecting semen, this seminogelin, together with this seminogelin, is mainly produced by serine proteases in semen. It is possible to detect a sperm motility inhibitory factor (SPMI) produced by degradation, and surprisingly, when this seminogelin or SPMI is used as a detection index of semen, it has been difficult to detect conventionally. The present invention was completed by finding that semen spots that existed for a long time after the offense and semen present in the vaginal solution can be detected easily and with high sensitivity.
That is, the present invention provides a semen detection method for detecting seminogelin and / or sperm movement inhibitory factor in a test object using a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II , thereby detecting semen in the test object. The invention (hereinafter referred to as the detection method of the present invention).
Embodiments of the present invention will be described below. The detection method of the present invention is a method for detecting semen on the premise that a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II is used.
A. About antibodies to semenogelin:
Semenogelin was originally found in sperm by LiIja et al. In 1987 as a protein that coagulates semen (LiIja H., Oldbring J., Rannevik G and Laurell CB, J. Clin. Invest. 80: 281-285, 1987), while research on PSA as a specific substrate progressed, in 1992, the gene was isolated, and the entire base sequence of the genes for seminogelin I and II was revealed (Ulvsback M., Lazure C., LiIja H., Spurr NK, Rao VV, Loffler C., Hansmann I. and Lundwall A., J. Biol, Chem. 267: 18080-18084, 1992). The gene encoding semiminogerin exists on the long arm of human chromosome 20, the number of bases of the gene encoding seminogelin I is 4164 bp, the number of the same amino acid is 462 aa, and the base of the gene encoding seminogelin II The number is 8224 bp, and the number of amino acids is 582 aa.
On the other hand, in 1981, Gagnon found the presence of sperm movement inhibitory factor (SPMI) in seminal plasma, and in 1988, in collaboration with Iwamoto, succeeded in purifying and separating SPMI from seminal plasma (Iwamoto T. and Gagnon CJAndrol. 9: 377-383, 1988). SPMI was known to have a 52 kDa precursor, but subsequent studies revealed in 1996 by Robert that the precursor to SPMI was seminogelin (Martin R. and Gagnon C., Biol. Reprod. 55: 813-821, 1996). As mentioned above, seminogelin is a protein that is secreted specifically from the seminal vesicles, and when semen is ejected, it is mixed with prostate fluid, etc., and is rapidly degraded mainly by the action of PSA. Seminogelin in various degradation processes exists in semen. The final product is SPMI, which is the smallest unit protein that can react with anti-seminogelin antibodies.
In the present invention, seminogelin used as an immunogen may be a naturally occurring protein or a recombinant protein produced using genetic engineering means. Therefore, it is preferable to select the latter recombinant protein.
The production of recombinant seminogelin can be performed using a conventional method based on the base sequence of the gene encoding the known seminogelin described above.
That is, for example, a cDNA library using human seminal vesicle mRNA as a template is prepared, and using this cDNA library as a template, an oligonucleotide primer based on the base sequence of the above-mentioned gene encoding seminogelin is used. The gene encoding seminogelin can be specifically amplified by a gene amplification method such as PCR.
Subsequently, the gene encoding this seminogelin is incorporated into an appropriate gene expression vector, a host corresponding to this gene expression vector is transformed, and seminogelin is expressed in this transformant to obtain the desired recombinant seminogelin. be able to.
The antibody used in the detection method of the present invention can be produced using seminogelin as described above as an immunogen. In the detection method of the present invention, an antibody against semiminogelin is not only seminogelin but also a decomposed sperm motility inhibitor (hereinafter also referred to as SPMI). It is a polyclonal antibody that is recognized to react evenly .
Further, the polyclonal antibody against seminogelin is a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II . Seminogelin II has a larger molecular weight than seminogelin I, and by using this as an immunogen, it is possible to obtain a polyclonal antibody having a wider variety of antigenic determinants.
Furthermore, an immunogen for producing a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II is all or a part of human seminogelin (in the present invention, not only all of seminogelin but also part thereof is “seminogelin as an immunogen”). In the category of “)”.
Polyclonal antibodies against semiminogelin II can be produced according to generally known methods .
In order to produce a polyclonal antibody against Seminogerin II, the animal immunized with the immunogen obtained as described above is not particularly limited, and mice, rats, rabbits, goats, etc. can be widely used. is there.
Immunization can be performed by a general method, for example, by administering the immunizing antigen to an animal to be immunized intravenously, intradermally, subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, or the like.
More specifically, the immunizing antigen can be immunized by administering it to the animal to be immunized several times by the above method every two weeks or so in combination with a normal adjuvant if desired. .
In this way, an immune serum that is a prerequisite for obtaining a polyclonal antibody to seminogelin II can be obtained.
Further, the polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II obtained in this way can be further purified by usual means such as salting out, gel filtration, affinity chromatography and the like.
The thus obtained polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II is an antibody having reactivity with its enzymatic degradation products such as seminogelin and sperm movement inhibitory factor (SPMI).
Further, the polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II can be labeled with a labeling substance as necessary and used in the detection method of the present invention described later. Such a labeling substance is a labeling substance that provides a detectable signal by reacting the labeling substance alone or with another substance. Specifically, for example, horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, β -Enzymes such as D-galactosidase, glucose oxidase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, alcohol dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, penicillinase, catalase, apoglucose oxidase, urease, luciferase or acetylcholinesterase, fluorescein isothiocyanate, phycobiliprotein, rare earth metal chelate, dansyl chloride or fluorescent substances such as tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate, 125 I, 14 C, 3 radioisotopes such as H, biotin Chemicals such avidin or Jigokeshigenin, or chemiluminescent substances, and the like.
As a method for labeling a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II with these labeling substances, a known labeling method can be appropriately used according to the type of labeling substance to be selected.
In addition, polyclonal antibodies against seminogelin II (including those labeled) can be used by immobilizing them on an insoluble carrier, if necessary. As such an insoluble carrier, various insoluble carriers already used as an insoluble carrier for antibodies can be used. Specifically, for example, a plate represented by a microplate, a test tube, a tube, a bead, a ball, a filter, a membrane, or a cellulose carrier, an agarose carrier, a polyacrylamide carrier, a dextran carrier, a polystyrene carrier, Examples include insoluble carriers used in affinity chromatography such as polyvinyl alcohol carriers, polyamino acid carriers, and porous silica carriers.
The immobilization method of polyclonal antibodies against seminogelin II in these insoluble carriers can be appropriately selected from the immobilization methods of antibodies already established in various insoluble carriers according to the type of insoluble carrier to be selected. it can.
B. Regarding embodiments of the detection method of the present invention:
As described above, the detection method of the present invention detects semen in a test substance by detecting an antigen-antibody reaction between a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II and seminogelin and / or a sperm motility inhibitor in the test substance. This is a method for detecting semen.
Examples of the detection method of the present invention using such an antigen-antibody reaction include an enzyme immunoassay method, a radioimmunoassay method, analysis by flow cytometry, a Western blot method, etc. It is preferable that a material suitable for personal identification can be screened and secured from many crime evidence materials. From this point of view, one of the most preferred embodiments of the detection method of the present invention is “dot ELISA method” which is a kind of enzyme immunoassay method.
In the dot Eliser method, a specific part of a semen to be detected, for example, a victim's clothes, is extracted with an appropriate buffer or ion-exchanged water, and this extract is subjected to an appropriate separation process. A detection sample (for example, a centrifugal supernatant of the extract) is fixed on a thin film such as PVDF or a nitrocellulose membrane, and an enzyme immunoassay using an antibody against seminogelin as a primary antibody is performed on the sample. This is a detection method for detecting semen from a subject.
As described above, the detection method of the present invention can detect semen by using a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II , using not only seminogelin but also an enzyme degradation product of sperm motility inhibitor as an index, Since it is easy to detect semen that has become scary after a long period of time after exposure to the outside air, it is a very useful method for detecting semen in criminal investigations, especially sex crime investigations.
In the present invention, a semen detection kit containing a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II is also provided (hereinafter referred to as the detection kit of the present invention) for simply carrying out the detection method of the present invention.
In the detection kit of the present invention, a polyclonal antibody against seminogelin II (including those labeled with an appropriate label for detection) is an essential element, as well as other elements for detecting semen of the test substance. For example, a buffer for antigen extraction (preferably containing a preservative), a sample fixing element (for example, a film for fixing a sample such as nitrocellulose or PVDF), a coloring element (for example, a secondary antibody bound with a chromogenic enzyme) And a color former for causing the color to develop) may be contained as necessary.
Examples of the present invention will be described below, but the technical scope of the present invention is not limited thereby.
1. Construction of cDNA library containing cenogelin (I and II ) cDNA Human seminal vesicle tissue was homogenized, protein-denatured with guanidine, and then total RNA was extracted using cesium chloride-ultracentrifugation. The extracted total RNA was purified to poly A mRNA using Oligotex (dT) 80 (manufactured by Qiagen), and then subjected to reverse transcription with RAV-2 transcriptase to obtain a cDNA library.
2. Based on the DNA sequence of the recombinant human Semi Roh flagellin (I and II) protein expression system established <br/> known semenogelin (I and II) using baculovirus, and six histidine residues at the N-terminus Primers capable of amplifying DNA encoding seminogelin (I and II) full-length protein including a signal peptide were prepared, and PCR reaction was performed using the cDNA library as a template. The PCR product was electrophoresed with low melting point agarose, and then the target DNA band was excised and purified. This DNA was incorporated into a pAcHLT-A transfer vector (manufactured by PharMingen) according to a conventional method, a recombinant vector containing the full length of seminogelin cDNA and a linear AcNPV baculovirus were transfected into Sf9 cells, and recombination A baculovirus incorporating the seminogelin gene was prepared. Virus was purified by plaque assay, and viruses expressing the full-length seminogelin protein were selected by Western blotting.
3. Purification of recombinant human seminogelin As a result of studying the protein expression conditions, the Sf9 cells were infected with the recombinant virus by the mulutiplicity of infection 5, and after 48 hours, the cells were collected and the protein was recovered therefrom. It was decided to purify. The collected cells are extracted by sonication in the presence of a protease inhibitor, centrifuged, and Ni-NTA utilizing the fact that the seminogelin protein in the supernatant contains 6 histidines at the N-terminus. Purification was performed by affinity chromatography using agarose (Qiagen).
4). Properties of recombinant human seminogelin Recombinant human seminogelin is a soluble protein and could be purified with a purity of 90% or more. Further, in Western blot analysis using an antibody prepared using natural seminogelin as an antigen, it was observed as a single sharp band and reacted specifically and strongly with the antibody. SPMI has been named because it blocks sperm movement, but in the measurement of biological activity using demembrane sperm, recombinant human seminogelin is similar to natural seminogelin. Had strong biological activity, could block sperm movement.
5. Production of antibody against recombinant human seminogelin II Purified human seminogelin II (0.5 mg) was mixed with adjuvant and administered subcutaneously to Japanese white rabbits every 2 weeks for a total of 4 times. Immunized. A portion of rabbit serum was collected, and the titer was measured by ELISA. As a result, a sufficient titer of 5 × 10 4 times was observed. Therefore, whole blood was collected, and the serum was collected from protein A sepharose (Pharmacia Biotech). And purified as rabbit IgG.
6). Recombinant human semi Roh flagellin antibodies reactive <br/> purification of antibodies to (I and II), was assayed by Western blotting, recombinant semenogelin (I and II), native semenogelin (I and II ) And all of SPMI. In addition, SPMI was also found to have neutralizing activity that inhibits the biological activity of blocking sperm movement.
7). Detection of semen using an antibody against recombinant human seminogelin II ( 1) Semen injected by healthy male volunteers is soaked into clothing in 4 different sizes (diameters 1cm, 0.75cm, 0.5cm, 0.25 cm), left in a constant temperature bath at 4 ° C., 22 ° C., 37 ° C., cut out the adhering portion over time, soak in 250 μl of PBS (25 mM, pH 7.4), and stir vigorously for 10 minutes to extract did. This extract was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 minutes at 4 ° C., and the resulting supernatant was used as a sample.
In the above clothes, (1) a part where nothing is done, (2) a part where a drop of saliva of the male volunteer is attached, and (3) a part where a drop of blood of the male volunteer is attached, The same operation as described above was performed, and these were used as control samples.
PVDF was pretreated by a conventional method, and this was fitted into a blotter for DNA quantitative blotting, the sample solution was poured, and all the proteins in the sample were adsorbed on the membrane. Then, the protein was uniformly adsorbed on the membrane surface by sucking slowly. Next, the membrane was immersed in a blocking solution [3% BSA-PBS (25 mM), pH 7.4] and reacted at room temperature for 30 minutes to immobilize the protein in the sample on PVDF.
Next, this protein-immobilized PVDF was washed with T-PBS (containing 0.05% of Tween20, the PBS) three times for 5 minutes each to wash away excess protein.
Next, this washed filter was immersed in a solution obtained by diluting the above-mentioned recombinant human seminogelin II antibody against the above-mentioned recombinant human seminogelin II 1000 times with the above PBS for 3 hours. Oxidase-labeled anti-rabbit IgG serum (Zymed) 1: 2000] was allowed to react for 1 hour at room temperature, washed with the T-PBS three times for 10 minutes each, and then developed with a diaminobenzidine solution. It was.
As a result, as shown in Table 1, semen adhering to clothes left for 6 months at 22 ° C. can be detected under all conditions, and a considerable amount of semen adheres even after 18 months. Then it has been found possible to detect this.
[Table 1]
Figure 0004233169
(2) Vaginal lavage fluid collected from a female 30-year-old couple volunteer (confirmed sexual ejaculation on the previous night) was allowed to stand at 37 ° C. for 24 hours, and then subjected to the same centrifugal treatment as in (1) above. The supernatant was used as a test sample. In addition, a centrifugal supernatant obtained by treating vaginal washings obtained from different female volunteers (confirmed that there was no sexual intercourse on the previous night) in the same manner as described above was used as a control sample.
Each 10 μl of the sample thus obtained was applied onto PVDF and dried.
The dried filter was immersed in PBS (25 mM, pH 7.4) diluted with the above-mentioned antibody against recombinant human seminogelin used as a primary antibody for 3 hours at room temperature, and then the secondary antibody [ Goat immune peroxidase-labeled anti-rabbit IgG serum (Zymed) 1: 2000] for 1 hour at room temperature and 10 minutes with T-PBS (0.05% Tween 20 in PBS). After washing 3 times, color was developed with diaminobenzidine solution.
As a result, the test sample showed a positive reaction with the seminogelin antibody, but the control sample was negative.
As a result, it was found that the detection method of the present invention is extremely useful in detecting semen remaining in the vagina.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, it is possible to mainly improve the accuracy of sex crime investigation by identifying the semen remaining in the incident site, etc., up to the presence of the scars and the presence of semen in the vaginal solution, A method for detecting semen is provided.

Claims (4)

セミノジェリン IIに対するポリクローナル抗体を用いて、被検物におけるセミノジェリン及び/又は精子運動抑制因子を検出することにより、その被検物における精液を検出する、精液の検出方法。 A method for detecting semen, wherein a seminogelin and / or sperm movement inhibitory factor in a test object is detected using a polyclonal antibody against semiminogelin II to detect semen in the test object. 精液が、斑痕として存在する精液である、請求項1記載の精液の検出方法。The method for detecting semen according to claim 1 , wherein the semen is semen existing as spots. 精液が、膣内溶液中に存在する精液である、請求項1記載の精液の検出方法。The method for detecting semen according to claim 1 , wherein the semen is semen present in the intravaginal solution. セミノジェリン II に対するポリクローナル抗体を含有する、請求項1ないし3のいずれかに記載の精液の検出方法を行うための、精液検出用キット。 A semen detection kit for performing the semen detection method according to any one of claims 1 to 3, comprising a polyclonal antibody against semiminogelin II .
JP09206099A 1999-03-31 1999-03-31 Semen detection method Expired - Fee Related JP4233169B2 (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US6913929B1 (en) * 2000-04-18 2005-07-05 Pearl Technology Holdings, Llc Sexual fidelity and sex crime verification
KR101273315B1 (en) 2012-11-26 2013-06-17 송영찬 Reagent detect sperm, method of manufacturing a reagent detect sperm

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