JP3816762B2 - Neural network, neural network system, and neural network processing program - Google Patents
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Rumelhartら(文献[1]参照)([ ]内は後述の参考文献の番号を表す。)によって提案された誤差逆伝搬型ニューラルネットは任意の非線形写像を獲得できる強力な学習能力を備えており、さまざまなパターン識別問題に応用されている。しかしながら、対象とする問題によってはまだ多くの課題が残されている。例えば、学習対象の写像が複雑になるにつれて、膨大な教師信号数や学習時間、大きなネットワーク構造が必要になり、ローカルミニマムなどの課題も懸念される。
混合ガウス分布モデルとは、複数のコンポーネントと呼ばれる確率分布の線形和によって母集団の分布を近似する方法で、各コンポーネントにはガウス分布を用いる(文献[12]参照)。この混合ガウス分布モデルに基づいたニューラルネットの開発はTraven(文献[5]参照),Perlovsky and Mc-Manus(文献[6]参照),Tsuji et al. (文献[7][8]参照),Jordan and Jacobs(文献[9]参照),Lee and Shimoji(文献[10]参照),Streit and Luginbuhl(文献[11]参照)によって行われている。特に本発明者(辻)らは混合ガウス分布モデルと対数線形モデルに基づいたLog-Linerized Gaus-sian Mixture Network(LLGMN)を提案し(文献[8]参照)、混合ガウス分布モデルに基づいて学習的に事後確率を推定する方法を示した。またこのLLGMNを用いて、複数の電極対によって計測した節電位(EMG)信号から、前腕と手の6動作を識別することに成功している(文献[13]参照)。
図18に、LLGMNの構成図を示す(文献[8]参照)。まず最初に、入力ベクトルx=[x1,x2,・・・,xd]T ∈Rdに非線形演算による前処理を施し、X ∈RHに変換する。
(1)Ij=Xj (2)
(1)Oj=(1)Ij (3)
第2層は混合ガウス分布の総コンポーネント数と同数のユニットから構成され、第1層の出力を重み係数wh (c、m)を介して受け取り、事後確率を出力する。第2層のユニット{c,m}への入力を(2)Ic,m出力を(2)Oc,mとすると、
となる。ただし、(c=1,・・・,C;m=1,・・・,Mc)で、Cは対象とするクラス数,Mcはクラスcを構成する混合ガウス分布のコンポーネント数を表す。また、wh (c、Mc)=0
となる。以上のように、このネットワークは第1層と第2層の間の重み係数wh (c、m)を学習的に調節するだけで、各事象の事後確率を計算することができる。
時系列信号の識別には隠れマルコフモデル(Hidden Markov Model:HMM)(文献[14]参照)が一般的によく用いられており、特に音声認識の分野で成功を収めている(文献[17]参照)。HMMでは、状態数N,出力記号の数Mに対応して。状態遷移確率行列A ∈RN×N出力確率行列B ∈RM×N,初期状態確率行列π ∈RN×Nの3つの確率行列が必要となる。HMMをパターン識別に応用するには、それぞれの事象cに対する確率行列Ac,Bc,πcを、事象cに属する特定の出力記号列O1O2・・・Otの出力確率の尤度が最大になるようなパラメータを推定する。ここで、観測された出力記号列O1O2・・・Otにおいて、時刻tに事象cの状態Siにいる確率αt(i)は、
αt(i)=P(O1O2・・・Ot,Si|c) (31)
さらにBaum and Sell(文献[19]参照)はBaum-Welthアルゴリズムに若干の制約条件を加えた連続密度HMM(Continuous Density HMM:以下CDHMM)を提案した:このCDHMMは連続信号を推定するために確率密度関数に混合ガウス分布モデルを利用しており、隠れマルコフモデルの能力を大きく向上させた。Juangら(文献[20]参照)は、このCDHMMの推定アルゴリズムを拡張して、音声認識に応用している。このようにして、HMMは高い試用能力を有しており、現実的に非常に効異的な手法である。
しかしながら、HMMの構造は未知なので経験や定義を頼りにパラメータを決定しなければならない。またHMMの学習には大量の学習データが必要であり、学習データが少ないときには必要なパラメータをうまく推定できない場合もある。そこで近年、HMMとニューラルネットの融合に関する研究が盛んにおこなわれている(文献[21][22]参照)。Bridle(文献[21]参照)らはHMMをニューラルネット構造で表現する方法を示した。しかしながらこの方法はHMMの構造をネットワークで展開したにすぎず、本質的な能力は同じである。またBourlard and Wellekens(文献[22]参照)は、適切なリカレント結合を有するネットワークならば、HMMとして機能できることを明らかにした。
また、通時的誤差逆伝播学習(back propagation through time)において、学習の終了時刻を予測することは難しく、問題の難しさに依存して学習に必要な時間が大きく変化してしまう。特に生体信号のパターン認識問題のように実行前には必ず学習を行なわなければならないような場合には、学習の終了を待つユーザの負担が大きい。これはニューラルネットのエネルギー関数の収束時間が事前に分からないためである。
処理部は、重みwc k’,k,m,hを含む学習結果を記憶部に記憶する機能と
ただし、γc k’,kは事象cにおいて状態k’から状態kに遷移する確率、bc k(x(t))はx(t)に対応した事象cの状態kからの事後確率を表している。また、事前確率πc kはP(c,k)|t=0に等しい。ここで、事後確率bc k(x(t))をコンポーネント数Mc,kから成る混合ガウス分布によって与えられるとすると(文献[8][23]参照)、(37)式のγc k’,kbc k(x(t))は、
となる。ただし、γc,k,m,μ(c,k,m)∈Rd,Σ(c,k,m) ∈ Rd×dはそれぞれ混合度、平均ベクトル、共分散行列である。平均ベクトルμ(c,k,m)=(μ(c,k,m) 1,…,μ(c,k,m) d)Tと共分散行列の逆行列
Σ(c,k,m)−1=[s(c,k,m) ij]
ここで、(42)式はR-LLGMNの非線形の前処理を表しており((1)式参照)、ξc k’,k,mは係数ベクトルβc k’,k,mと変換された入力X∈RHの積として表現することができる。以上より、βc k’,k,mを重み係数とみなすことで、ニューラルネットの構造として表現することが可能となった。
しかしながら、事後確率P(c,k|x(t))の総和である次式は1であるため、事後確率のパラメータとしてξc k’, k,mは冗長である。
そこで、新しく変数Yc k ’,,k,m係数ベクトルWc k ’,k,mを導入すると、
となる。ただし、定義よりWc Kc,kc,Mck=0である。本発明ではこのベクトルWc k ’ ,k,mを無制約の重み係数とみなすことにする。このとき、(37)式は、
を得る。ここで本発明では、Wc k’,k,m (1)=Wc k’,k,mと考える。なぜならWc k’,k,m (1)とWc k’,k,mの両方とも統計的拘束から解放された無制約の変数で、多数の未知統計パラメータを含んでいるからである。以上より、混合度 γc,k,m、平均ベクトル μ(c,k,m)、共分散行列 Σ(c,k,m)、遷移行列γc k’,kのような多くのパラメータをより少ない数のパラメータに置き換えることが可能になった。つまり、R-LLGMNは係数ベクトルWc k’,k,mをニューラルネットの重み係数として扱い、誤差逆伝播方式の学習則によりこの重み係数を学習的に獲得することができるのである。
dJ/dt=―ηJβ (101)
図2に、本発明で提案するニューラルネットの構成図を示す。このネットワークは、第3層と第4層の間にフィードバックを有する5層構造のリカレント型ニューラルネットである。まず、入力ベクトルx(t) ∈ Rd(t=1,…,T)はLLGMNと同様の方法で変換し、X(t) ∈ RHを第1層の入力とする。第1層の入出力関係は、
(1)Ih(t)=Xh(t) (8)
(1)Oh(t)=(1)Ih(t) (9)
第2層のユニット{c,k,k’,m}(c=1,…,C;k,k’=1,…,Kc;m=1,…,Mc,k)は、第1層のユニットからの出力を重み係数wc k’,k,m,hを介して受け取る。第2層のユニットへの入力を(2) Ic k’,k,m(t)、出力を(2) Oc k’,k,m(t)とすると、
となる。ただし、初期状態は、例えば、(4)Oc k,(0)=1.0とする。
さらに第4層の入力 (4)Ic k(t)、と出力(4)Oc k(t)との関係は、
いま、時刻Tにおいて、n番目の入力ベクトルx(t)(n)に対応する教師ベクトルT(n)=(T1 (n),…,Tc (n),…,TC (n))、 (n=1,…,N)が与えられた場合について考える。Tc (n)は観測された事象がcであるときは1、それ以外は0をとり、複数のクラスが同時に1になることはない。R-LLGMNは、C個のクラスそれぞれに用意されたL個の時系列信号(N=L×C)を学習データとして学習を行う。学習用データに対するネットワークの評価関数Jは、
と定義し、これを最小化、すなわち対数尤度を最大化するように学習を行う。ただし、(5)Oc(T)(n)は入力ベクトルx(t)(n)に対する時刻Tでの出力を意味している。このとき、重みのwc k’,k,m,hの修正量△wc k’,k,m,hを
と定義する。ただし、η>0は学習率である。また、R-LLGMNに含まれるリカレント結合の影響を考慮するため、通時的誤差逆転播方式(BPTT)を用いる(文献[15]参照)。これは時系列中の誤差を蓄積して、重み修正量を計算するという方式である。ここで(21)式の右の項 をchain ruleを使って展開すると、(22)式を得る。
また、Δc’ k”(t)はJnの(4)Oc’ k”(T−t)による偏微分である。(24)式が成り立つので、上式は(25)〜(26)式となる。
さらに本発明では、ターミナルラーニング(文献[16]参照)(TL)の概念を学習則に取り入れ、TLを用いることにより指定した有限時間内でニューラルネットの学習を平衡点に収束させる。ここで、重みwc k’,k,m,hを時間依存の連続変数として考えると、この時間微分は次式となる。
まず、処理部4は、記憶部1に初期設定を行う(S101)。初期設定では、例えば、状態数Kc、コンポーネント数Mc,k 、クラス数C、入力信号数d、時系列信号長L、収束時間tf、学習データ数Nの設定を行う。つぎに、処理部4は、ターミナルラーニング((27)、(28)式参照)に基づき学習率ηtを計算する(S103)。処理部4は、記憶部1に記憶された学習回数Tを読み出し初期値として設定する(S105)。ここで、学習回数Tは、設定した収束時間tf(「3.学習則」参照)により決まる(S105)。処理部4は、さらに記憶部1に記憶された学習データ数Nを読み出し初期値として設定する(S107)。つぎに、処理部4は、R-LLGMNの前向き演算を実行する(S109)。
以上のようにステップS109の処理が実行された後、処理部4は、学習データ数Nを1減算して更新して記憶する(S111)。処理部4は、学習データ数Nが0以下になるまでステップS109及びS111の処理を繰り返す(S113)。その後、処理部4は、(21)式に基づき重みwc k’,k,m,hを修正する(S115)。処理部4は、学習回数Tを1減算して更新して記憶する(S117)。処理部4は、学習回数Tが0以下になるまでステップS107からS117の処理を繰り返す。その後、処理部4は、重みwc k’,k,m,hを含む学習結果を記憶部1に記憶する(S121)。
R-LLGMN演算部13は、記憶部から学習終了時に出力された重みwc k’,k,m,hを読み込む(S301)。R-LLGMN演算部13は、記憶部又は識別部12から識別用データを入力する(S303)。識別用データは、例えば、脳波信号(EEG)又は筋電位信号(EMG)から特徴を抽出したデータである。R-LLGMN演算部13は、上述のようにR-LLGMNの前向き演算処理を実行する(S305)。R-LLGMN演算部13は、前向き演算処理で算出された(5)Oc(t)の中で最も高い値(又は、予め定められた閾値より高い値)を示すクラス番号cを識別結果として出力する(S307)。
5.1 EEG信号計測装置)
5−2. 時系列EEG信号の特徴抽出
5−3 開閉眼の識別
まず、図9は、披験者Aの開閉眼時の識別結果の一例を示す図である。この図は推定中の信号処理の様子を示しており、上から開眼・閉眼の状態を変化させたタイミング、2つの周波数帯域に対応したEEG信号、LLGMNの出力、LLGMNとニューラルフィルタを組み合わせた方式(LLGMN with NFと呼ぶ)(文献[8]、[24]参照)の出力、R-LLGMNの出力、識別結果を表している。R-LLGMNの設定は、状態数K1=K2=1、コンポーネント数M1,1=M2,1=1、学習データ長T=5,学習データ数L=3である。
また、LLGMN with NFのLLGMN部はコンポーネント数が数M1,1=M2,1=3、学習データ数112(各56)。NF部はユニット数を8、それぞれのNFの学習データ数168とし、考慮する遡り時間ステップは5とした。このNFは中間層にリカレント結合を有しており、非線形信号のフィルタリングを行うことができる。このときのR-LLGMNの識別率は97.6%でかなり高い識別率を実現できている。またR-LLGMNはLLGMN with NFと比べて、出力波形の立ち上がりが多少遅れているものの、信号の安定性はかなり向上している。
図10は、3人の被験者(A,B:男性,C:女性)に対して実験をおこなった結果を示す図である。ここでは比較のために、本発明で提案するR-LLGMN、LLGMN、LLGMN with NF、HMM(注1)の4つの手法を用いた。各手法ともに、0〜lの様乱数を用いて10通りの異なる初期重みを作成して実験を行ったそれぞれの値は各手法の平均値と標準偏差である。HMMの設定は状態数K1=K2=1、学習データ長T=5、学習データ数40とした。
5人のデータに共通して、LLGMNより他の3手法のほうが高い識別率を示している。これは、静的な統計モデルしか内包していないLLGMNが動的なEEG信号に対応しきれていないことを表している。それに対し、他の3手法は動的な統計モデルを内包しているためにEEG信号に適応し、高い識別率を実現している。しかしながら、LLGMN with NFはネットワークの規模が大きいためLLGMNとNFを別々に学習しなければならず、学習が非常に困難である。[b]またHMMは、学習は比較的に簡単だが、大量の学習デー夕が必要である。一方、R-LLGMNは少ない学習デー夕で動的・静的な特性を一度に学習できる。そのためLLGMN with NFとHMMの両方の欠点を補っており、非常に有効な手法であることがわかる。
5−4 3状態の光刺激の識別
以上の結果から、HMMの学習には大量のサンプルデータが必要であることがわかる。また、LLGMN with NFはネットワークの規模が大きいため、LLGMNとNFを別々に学習しなければならず、学習が非常に困難である[16]。一方、R-LLGMNは少ない学習データで動的・静的な特性を一度に学習することができる。そのためLLGMN with NFとHMMの両方の欠点を補うことができ、EGG識別に非常に有効な手法である。
6−1 はじめに
近年、上肢切断者を支援するためのEMG制御型電動義手の開発が活発に行われている(文献1,2参照)。EMG信号を義手のインタフェースとして利用する場合、筋の特性が切断者や計測位置によって異なるため、解析的に動作推定を行うのは難しい。そこで従来から、学習によって動作識別を行う方法が試みられてきた。例えば、FarryらはEMGの周波数情報から、ロボットハンドを遠隔操作する手法を提案した(文献[25]参照)。また、Huang and Chen はEMGの積分筋電等から、誤差逆伝播型ニューラルネット(以下、BPNNと略記)を用いて8動作の識別を行っている(文献[26]参照)。
著者らもこれまでに人間支援を目的としたEMG制御型マニピュレータシステムの構築を行ってきた。このシステムは、混合ガウス分布モデルと対数線形モデルに基づいたLog-Linearized Gaussian Mixture Network(以下、LLGMNと略記)(文献[27]参照)を用いてEMG信号の識別をおこない、その識別結果をロボットマニピュレータの制御手段として用いている(文献[28]参照)。
6−2 EMG制御型人間支援マニピュレータ
6−2.1 システム構成
図16に、EMG制御型人間支援マニピュレータシステムの構成図を示す(文献[28]参照)。本システムは、アーム制御部と義手制御部から構成される。アーム制御部には Move Master RM-501((株)三菱電機製)、義手制御部には超音波モータ駆動型動力義手(文献[29]参照)を用いた。アーム制御部では磁気を利用した3次元位置センサを入力装置として用い、腕全体の大きな動きを実現する。一方、義手制御部では操作者のEMG信号から意図する前腕動作をニューラルネットにより識別し、手先の細かな動きを実現する。この際、人間の前腕部のインピーダンスモデルを義手制御に導入することで、人間のようなしなやかな動作を実現している(文献[30]参照)。
6−2.2 ニューラルネットによる動作識別
6−2.2.1 EMG信号処理部
まず、操作者の腕に装着したL対の電極から測定したEMG信号を各チャンネルごとに全波整流した後、2次のディジタルバタワースフィルタ(カットオフ1[Hz])に通す。そして平滑化した信号をサンプリング周波数100 [Hz]で採取する。そして、この信号の全チャンネルの和が1となるように正規化したものを、入力ベクトルx(t)=[a1(t),a2(t),・・,aL(t)]T∈RL(t=1,・・,T)とする。
6−3 実験
6−4 まとめ
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【図5】 R-LLGMNの前向き演算処理を示すフローチャート。
【図10】 3人の被験者(A、B:男性、C:女性)に対して実験をおこなった結果を示す図。
【図12】 5人の被験者に対する識別結果を示す図。
【図18】 LLGMNの構成図。
1 記憶部
2 入力部
3 出力部
4 処理部
5 I/F
11 特徴抽出部
12 識別部
13 バッファメモリ
14 R-LLGMN演算部[0001]
The present invention relates to a neural network, a neural network system, and a neural network processing program, and more particularly to a neural network, a neural network system, and a neural network processing program that can be used in a pattern recognition system for biological signals such as brain waves and myoelectric potentials.
[Prior art]
The backpropagation neural network proposed by Rumelhart et al. (Ref. [1]) (the numbers in [] represent reference numbers described later) have a powerful learning ability that can acquire an arbitrary nonlinear mapping. Applied to various pattern identification problems. However, many problems still remain depending on the target problem. For example, as the mapping of the learning target becomes complicated, a huge number of teacher signals, learning time, and a large network structure are required, and there are concerns about problems such as local minimum.
One of the attempts to solve such a problem is a method of taking in a characteristic known about a learning target as a network structure (refer to documents [2] and [3]). In this method, the neural network can be adjusted to suit the given problem by imposing constraints on the connection weights and the network rules. With regard to the pattern identification problem, many researchers have tried to fuse neural networks and probabilistic models (see reference [4]), and many neural networks using mixed Gaussian distribution models have been proposed (see reference [5]). ]-[11]).
The mixed Gaussian distribution model is a method of approximating the distribution of a population by a linear sum of probability distributions called a plurality of components, and uses a Gaussian distribution for each component (see reference [12]). Development of neural networks based on this mixed Gaussian distribution model is described in Traven (Ref. [5]), Perlovsky and Mc-Manus (Ref. [6]), Tsuji et al. (Ref. [7] [8]), This is done by Jordan and Jacobs (see reference [9]), Lee and Shimoji (see reference [10]), and Streit and Luginbuhl (see reference [11]). In particular, the present inventors (辻) proposed a Log-Linerized Gaus-sian Mixture Network (LLGMN) based on a mixed Gaussian distribution model and a log-linear model (see reference [8]), and learned based on the mixed Gaussian distribution model. A method for estimating the posterior probability was presented. Moreover, using this LLGMN, it has succeeded in identifying six forearm and hand movements from nodal potential (EMG) signals measured by a plurality of electrode pairs (see reference [13]).
FIG. 18 shows a configuration diagram of LLGMN (see reference [8]). First of all, the input vector x = [x1, X2, ..., xd]T ∈RdIs subjected to preprocessing by a non-linear operation, and X ∈ RHConvert to
[Expression 7]
The first layer is composed of H units according to the dimension number H = 1 + d (d + 3) / 2 of the vector X, and an identity function is used as an input / output function. The input / output relationship of the first layer(1)Ij, Output(1)OjThen,
(1)Ij= Xj (2)
(1)Oj=(1)Ij (3)
It becomes.
The second layer is composed of the same number of units as the total number of components of the mixed Gaussian distribution, and the output of the first layer is used as a weighting factor w.h (C, m)And output the posterior probability. Input to the unit {c, m} of the second layer(2)Ic, mOutput(2)Oc, mThen,
[Equation 8]
It becomes. However, (c = 1,..., C; m = 1,..., Mc) Where C is the number of target classes and McRepresents the number of components of the mixed Gaussian distribution constituting class c. Wh (C, Mc)= 0
It is.
The third layer is composed of C units corresponding to the number of events, and outputs the posterior probability of event c. Unit c is the second layer McThe outputs of the units {c, m} are integrated. The relationship between input and output is
[Equation 9]
It becomes. As described above, this network has a weighting factor w between the first layer and the second layer.h (C, m)It is possible to calculate the posterior probabilities of each event simply by adjusting the learning.
However, these neural networks can only learn the static characteristics of the problem of interest, and cannot be applied to dynamic data where the object varies with time.
2. Hidden Markov Model
Hidden Markov Model (HMM) (see reference [14]) is commonly used for time series signal identification, and is particularly successful in the field of speech recognition (reference [17]). reference). In the HMM, corresponding to the number N of states and the number M of output symbols. State transition probability matrix A ∈ RN x NOutput probability matrix B ∈ RM × N, Initial state probability matrix π ∈ RN x NThese three probability matrices are required. In order to apply the HMM to pattern identification, the probability matrix Ac, Bc, πc for each event c is converted into a specific output symbol sequence O belonging to the event c.1O2... OtEstimate a parameter that maximizes the likelihood of the output probability. Here, the observed output symbol string O1O2... OtThe probability α of being in state Si of event c at time tt(I)
αt(I) = P (O1O2... Ot, Si| C) (31)
It is. This αt(I) can be calculated recursively as follows, and the probability P (O | c) of the observed symbol string output can be obtained.
[Expression 10]
Where πi is the initial probability of state i, bj(Ot) Is O from state itThe probability that aijRepresents the transition probability from state i to state j. Then, both the transition probability and the output probability can be estimated from the teacher signal by the Baum-Welth algorithm (see reference [14]) (see reference [18]).
In addition, Baum and Sell (see Ref. [19]) proposed a continuous density HMM (CDHMM) with some constraints on the Baum-Welth algorithm. A mixed Gaussian distribution model is used for the density function, greatly improving the ability of the hidden Markov model. Juang et al. (See reference [20]) extended this CDHMM estimation algorithm and applied it to speech recognition. In this way, the HMM has a high trial capability and is a very effective method in practice.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, since the structure of the HMM is unknown, the parameters must be determined based on experience and definition. Further, learning of HMM requires a large amount of learning data, and when there is little learning data, the necessary parameters may not be estimated well. In recent years, therefore, research on fusion of HMMs and neural networks has been actively carried out (see documents [21] and [22]). Bridle (see reference [21]) et al. Showed a method of expressing an HMM with a neural network structure. However, this method only expands the structure of the HMM in the network, and the essential capabilities are the same. Bourlard and Wellekens (see reference [22]) revealed that any network with appropriate recurrent coupling can function as an HMM.
It is known that a recurrent type (mutual coupling type) neural network can express a dynamic model by coupling units to each other and feeding back signals internally. However, there is no known method for incorporating a recurrent structure into a neural network capable of pattern recognition using a mixed Gaussian distribution, and it was not clear whether it would be a structure that could be learned as a whole even if it was incorporated.
Also, in back propagation through time, it is difficult to predict the learning end time, and the time required for learning varies greatly depending on the difficulty of the problem. In particular, when learning must be performed before execution, such as a biometric signal pattern recognition problem, the burden on the user waiting for the end of learning is large. This is because the convergence time of the energy function of the neural network is not known in advance.
In view of the above, an object of the present invention is to provide a neural network capable of learning time series characteristics with a simple structure. It is another object of the present invention to provide a neural network system having five layers based on a logarithmic linearized mixed normal distribution model, having a recurrent structure, and capable of dealing with dynamic data. Another object of the present invention is to provide a neural network that can reduce the burden on the user waiting for learning convergence by clearly indicating the end time before learning.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present invention proposes a new recurrent type neural network R-LLGMN that can adapt to dynamic data that changes with time for the purpose of improving the performance of LLGMN. This neural network contains a hidden Markov model, which is one of dynamic probability models, and aims to be able to learn time series characteristics that were not possible with LLGMN. Another object of the present invention is to express statistical parameters such as transition probabilities and output probability density functions as network weights, and to adjust the weights according to a learning rule of an error back propagation method. In order to verify the effectiveness and validity of the proposed method, we performed identification experiments on EEG signals that fluctuate with time and achieved sufficient identification accuracy. Furthermore, since the terminal learning method is introduced, the present invention has an object to display the end time at the time of biometric signal pattern recognition in advance and reduce the mental burden on the user.
According to the first solution of the present invention,
A hierarchical neural network, at least preprocessing means for nonlinearly converting the input;
Layers constituting a mixed Gaussian distribution model;
A layer having a recurrent structure with feedback between the layers;
A neural network is provided.
According to the second solution of the present invention,
A pre-processing means for inputting an input vector that has been input, combining each element of the input vector, and performing non-linear transformation and outputting;
A first layer that receives a value nonlinearly transformed by the preprocessing means, divides the input into a plurality of outputs, and
A second layer that outputs an output of each unit of the first layer, integrated with a value obtained by multiplying a weighting coefficient obtained by learning, and converts and outputs a predetermined function;
An integrated output of the components of the distribution model corresponding to the state k of each unit in the second layer is input, and the same event is multiplied by the output one hour before the corresponding state in the fourth layer. A third layer to output;
A fourth layer that receives an output for the state of each unit in the third layer and divides the input by the combined output of the state and the event / class;
A fifth layer for inputting an integrated output for the state of each unit of the fourth layer, and outputting the input as an analysis result of the event / class;
A neural network system is provided.
According to the third solution of the present invention,
The processing unit determines the number of states k (k = 1, 2,..., Kc), Component number m (m = 1, 2,..., Mc, k), Number of events / classes c (c = 1, 2,..., C), number of input signals d, time series signal length L, convergence time tfA function for setting the number of learning data N;
The processing unit determines the learning rate η based on terminal learning.tWith the ability to calculate
A forward calculation function in which the processing unit performs forward calculation by the neural network as described above based on the number of learning times T and the number of learning data N;
The processing unit uses the weight wc k ′, k, m, hA function for storing learning results including
A neural network system is provided.
According to the fourth solution of the present invention,
A pre-processing function that inputs an input vector that has been input, combines each element of the input vector, and outputs a non-linear transform;
The first layer inputs a value nonlinearly converted by the preprocessing means, and branches the input into a plurality of outputs, and
A function in which a value obtained by multiplying the output of each unit of the first layer by a weighting coefficient acquired by learning is input by the second layer, and converted and output by a predetermined function When,
The third layer inputs the integrated output of the components of the distribution model corresponding to the state k of each unit of the second layer, and one time before the corresponding state of the fourth layer in the same event A function of multiplying the output of
The fourth layer inputs an output about the state of each unit of the third layer, and divides the input by an integrated output of the state and the event / class,
A function in which the output of the state of each unit in the fourth layer is integrated by the fifth layer, and the input is output as an analysis result of the event / class;
A neural network processing program for causing a computer to realize the above is provided.
1. Log linearization of HMM with mixed Gaussian distribution
The network according to the embodiment of the present invention includes a hidden Markov model (see reference [14]), which is one of dynamic probability models, as a network structure, and a temporal error back-propagation algorithm (reference [15]). The weight can be adjusted in a learning manner.
Therefore, in the following, it will be clarified that the network (R-LLGMN) based on the recurrent mixed Gaussian distribution model and logarithmic linear model having the above configuration includes the HMM as a structure.
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing an HMM having a mixed Gaussian continuous probability density distribution.
There are C events of interest, and each event (cε {1, ..., C}) is KcIt consists of individual states. At this time, given time series x (t) = [x (1), x (2),..., X (t)]TThe posterior probability P (c | x (t)) of the event c with respect to is as follows.
## EQU11 ##
However, γc k ', kIs the probability of transition from state k 'to state k at event c, bc k(X (t)) represents the posterior probability from the state k of the event c corresponding to x (t). Also, prior probability πc kIs P (c, k) |t = 0be equivalent to. Where posterior probability bc k(X (t)) is the number of components Mc, k(See Refs. [8] and [23]), γ in Eq. (37)c k ', kbc k(X (t)) is
[Expression 12]
It becomes. However, γc, k, m, Μ(C, k, m)∈Rd, Σ(C, k, m) ∈ Rd × dAre the degree of mixing, the mean vector, and the covariance matrix, respectively. Mean vector μ(C, k, m)= (Μ(C, k, m) 1, ..., μ(C, k, m) d)TAnd the inverse of the covariance matrix
Σ(C, k, m) -1= [S(C, k, m) ij]
Is used, the right side of equation (39) is
[Formula 13]
And can be expanded. Where δijIs the Kronecker delta, which is 1 when i = j and 0 when i ≠ j. Here, (40) is logarithmically linearized (see reference [8]).
[Expression 14]
Here, equation (42) represents the non-linear preprocessing of R-LLGMN (see equation (1)), and ξc k’,k, mIs the coefficient vector βc k’,k, mAnd converted input X∈RHIt can be expressed as a product of From the above, βc k’,k, mCan be expressed as a neural network structure.
However, since the following equation that is the sum of the posterior probabilities P (c, k | x (t)) is 1, ξc k’,k, mIs redundant.
[Expression 15]
Therefore, a new variable Yc k ',,k, mCoefficient vector Wc k ',k, mIntroduced
[Expression 16]
It becomes. However, W by definitionc Kc, kc, Mck= 0. In the present invention, this vector Wc k ' , K, mIs regarded as an unconstrained weighting factor. At this time, the equation (37) is
[Expression 17]
It becomes.
On the other hand, when the mixed Gaussian distribution model and the log-linear model are similarly introduced when t = 1 in the equation (38),
[Formula 18]
Get. Here, in the present invention, Wc k’,k, m (1) = Wc k’,k, mI think. Because Wc k’,k, m (1) and Wc k’,k, mBoth are unconstrained variables released from statistical constraints and contain a large number of unknown statistical parameters. From the above, the degree of mixing γc, k, m, Mean vector μ(C, k, m), Covariance matrix Σ(C, k, m), Transition matrix γc k’,kIt is now possible to replace many parameters such as with a smaller number of parameters. That is, R-LLGMN is a coefficient vector Wc k’,k, mCan be learned as a weighting factor of the neural network, and this weighting factor can be learned in a learning manner by the error back propagation learning rule.
In LLGMN, it has been found that if the evaluation function J at the time of learning is set by the following equation (101), the evaluation function can converge to the equilibrium point by changing the weighting factor according to the learning rate η. (Ref. [16]). Similarly, in the R-LLGMN network, the following equation (101) shows that convergence is possible, so that the evaluation function can be converged within a specified finite time. As a result, even if the convergence time is somewhat longer, the burden on the user waiting for the end can be reduced.
dJ / dt = -ηJβ (101)
2. Introduction of recurrent structure
FIG. 2 shows a configuration diagram of the neural network proposed in the present invention. This network is a 5-layer recurrent neural network having feedback between the third and fourth layers. First, input vector x (t) ∈ Rd(T = 1,..., T) is converted in the same manner as LLGMN, and X (t) ∈ RHIs the input of the first layer. The input / output relationship of the first layer is
(1)Ih(T) = Xh(T) (8)
(1)Oh(T) =(1)Ih(T) (9)
It becomes. here,(1)Ih(T) and(1)Oh(T) represents the input / output of the h-th unit.
Second layer units {c, k, k ', m} (c = 1,..., C; k, k' = 1,..., Kc; M = 1, ..., Mc, K) is a weighting factor wc k ′, k, m, hReceive through. Input to the second layer unit(2) Ic k ′, k, m(T), output(2) Oc k ′, k, m(T)
[Equation 19]
It becomes. However, KcIs a parameter corresponding to the number of states of the hidden Markov model, Mc, kRepresents the number of components of the mixed Gaussian distribution model corresponding to class c and state k. (3.2)
The input to the unit {c, k, k ′} of the third layer is an integrated output of the units {c, k, k ′, m} (m = 1,..., Mc, k) of the second layer. It is. Also, the value obtained by multiplying the input by the output of the fourth layer one time ago becomes the output of the third layer. The input / output relationship is
[Expression 20]
It becomes. However, the initial state is, for example,(4)Oc k,(0) = 1.0.
4th layer input(4)Ic k(T), and output(4)Oc kThe relationship with (t) is
[Expression 21]
Given in.
Finally, unit c of the fifth layer is K of the fourth layercUnit {c, k} (k = 1,..., Kc) Output. The input / output relationship is
[Expression 22]
It becomes.
Here, the length T of the time series signal is 1, and the number of states KcConsider the unit in the fifth layer when is 1. If t = 1 at all times, the feedback in equation (13) makes no sense. At this time, the relationship from the second layer to the fifth layer (equation (10)-(17)) is summarized,
[Expression 23]
Can be written. This is the same as the relationship between the second layer and the third layer in LLGMN (see equations (4) and (5)). That is, when the target signal is not a time-series signal or when feedback integration is not important, R-LLGMN results in LLGMN.
3. Learning rules
Now, at time T, the nth input vector x (t)(N)Teacher vector T corresponding to(N)= (T1 (N), ..., Tc (N),..., TC (N)),Consider the case where (n = 1,..., N) is given. Tc (N)Takes 1 when the observed event is c, 0 otherwise, and multiple classes do not become 1 at the same time. The R-LLGMN learns using L time series signals (N = L × C) prepared for each of the C classes as learning data. The network evaluation function J for the learning data is
[Expression 24]
Learning is performed to minimize this, that is, to maximize the log likelihood. However,(5)Oc(T)(N)Is the input vector x (t)(N)Means output at time T. At this time, weight wc k ′, k, m, hCorrection amount △ wc k ′, k, m, hThe
[Expression 25]
It is defined as However, η> 0 is a learning rate. Moreover, in order to consider the influence of the recurrent coupling included in R-LLGMN, a time-dependent error reversal seeding method (BPTT) is used (see reference [15]). This is a method of accumulating errors in a time series and calculating a weight correction amount. Here, when the right term of equation (21) is expanded using chain rule, equation (22) is obtained.
[Equation 26]
It is.
Δc ' k ”(T) is Jnof(4)Oc ' k ”It is a partial differentiation by (T−t). Since the equation (24) is established, the above equation becomes the equations (25) to (26).
[Expression 27]
Furthermore, in the present invention, the concept of terminal learning (see reference [16]) (TL) is taken into the learning rule, and the learning of the neural network is converged to the equilibrium point within the finite time specified by using TL. Where weight wc k ′, k, m, hAs a time-dependent continuous variable, this time derivative is
[Expression 28]
Where ηtIs the learning rate and β (0 <β <1) is a constant. At this time, the time derivative of the evaluation function J is calculated as follows.
[Expression 29]
From equation (29), it can be seen that the evaluation function J becomes a monotonous non-increasing function, and learning converges stably. When calculating this convergence time,
It becomes. However, J0Is the initial value of the evaluation function.fIs the convergence value of J at the equilibrium point. JfWhen = 0, the equal sign of equation (30) is established, and the learning rate ηtIt can be seen that the convergence time can be specified using. On the other hand, JfEven when ≠ 0, the convergence time always arrives at the equilibrium state at a time earlier than the upper limit value given by the equation (30).
From the above, the learning end time tfLearning rate ηtAnd this ηtIf the learning is completed by substituting into the equation (30), the time tfJ = 0. During learning, the user is prompted for the remaining learning time tf-Display values of t and J as needed. Thereby, the mental burden of the user who waits for completion of learning can be eased.
4). Neural network processing
FIG. 3 shows a configuration diagram of hardware for realizing the neural network.
This configuration includes a
FIG. 4 is a flowchart showing the learning process of the neural network.
First, the
FIG. 5 is a flowchart showing forward calculation processing of R-LLGMN.
In the R-LLGMN forward calculation process, first, the
After the processing of step S109 is executed as described above, the
Next, FIG. 6 is a block diagram for executing a biological signal identification process using the neural network according to the present invention.
This configuration includes a
FIG. 7 is a flowchart showing identification processing using a neural network according to the present invention.
The R-
5). EEG signal discrimination experiment
In order to verify the effectiveness of the neural network proposed in the present invention, an identification experiment was conducted using an electroencephalogram (EEG) signal that fluctuates with time.
5.1 EEG signal measuring device)
FIG. 8 is an overall view of the EEG signal measuring apparatus. A simple small electroencephalograph was used to measure the EEG signal. The measured EEG is taken into the computer wirelessly. The measured EEG signal is amplified and A / D converted after passing through a high-pass and low-pass (40 [Hz] analog filter. The electrodes are fixed to the headband, and the difference between the brain waves derived by bipolar derivation is obtained. Most of the measurement noise can be eliminated.
The EEG signal was measured under the following two conditions. The learning data for 120 seconds was measured, and the brain waves for identification were measured for 420 seconds by changing the visual stimulus according to the random time interval created by the M series.
(1) Opening and closing eyes
The subject sits on a chair in a normal computer room and measures the time-series electroencephalogram pattern when the eyes are opened and closed in this state of resting.
(2) Opening and closing eyes and flash stimulation
Subject sits in a dark chair in the computer room. Keep calm. Install a flashlight (light source: xenon, energy: 1.76 [J]) that gives light stimulation (flashing at 4 [Hz]) at a position approximately 50 [cm] away from this subject. Measure time-series brain wave patterns during stimulation.
5-2. Feature extraction of time series EEG signals
Since the electroencephalograph used in the present invention has only one pair of electrodes, spatial information regarding the part where the electroencephalogram is generated cannot be used. Therefore, in order to extract more information from the pair of electrodes, the frequency component of the EEG signal is used.
The EEG signal measured as preprocessing is subjected to fast Fourier transform (FFT) every 128 samples, and the frequency spectrum is calculated. Next, the effective classification band (0 to 35 [Hz] in the spectrum is divided based on δ, θ, α, β, etc. in clinical electroencephalography. Then, the average value of the power spectrum is calculated for each band. In this case, the time series data of the average values was created so that the time series range was normalized for each band from 0 to 1. The frequency bands used in this experiment were 0 to 8, 9 to Two bands of 35 [Hz] were used.
5-3 Open / closed eye identification
First, FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating an example of an identification result when the examinee A opens and closes his eyes. This figure shows the state of signal processing during estimation. The timing of changing the state of eye opening / closing from the top, the EEG signal corresponding to the two frequency bands, the output of LLGMN, and the combination of LLGMN and neural filter (Referred to as “LLGMN with NF”) (refer to documents [8] and [24]), R-LLGMN output, and identification results. The R-LLGMN setting is the number of states K1= K2= 1, number of components M1,1= M2,1= 1, learning data length T = 5, learning data number L = 3.
In addition, the LLGMN part of LLGMN with NF has several M components.1,1= M2,1= 3, number of learning data 112 (each 56). The NF section has 8 units, 168 learning data for each NF, and 5 retrospective time steps to consider. This NF has recurrent coupling in the intermediate layer, and can filter nonlinear signals. The recognition rate of R-LLGMN at this time is 97.6%, and a fairly high recognition rate can be realized. Also, R-LLGMN has a slightly improved signal stability, although the rise of the output waveform is somewhat delayed compared to LLGMN with NF.
FIG. 10 is a diagram showing the results of experiments performed on three subjects (A, B: male, C: female). Here, for comparison, four methods of R-LLGMN, LLGMN, LLGMN with NF, and HMM (Note 1) proposed in the present invention were used. For each method, 10 different initial weights using random numbers from 0 to l were used to conduct experiments, and the respective values were the average value and standard deviation of each method. HMM setting is number of states K1= K2= 1, learning data length T = 5, and learning
In common with the data of five people, the other three methods show higher identification rates than LLGMN. This indicates that the LLGMN that contains only a static statistical model cannot cope with a dynamic EEG signal. On the other hand, the other three methods include a dynamic statistical model and are therefore adapted to EEG signals to achieve a high identification rate. However, since LLGMN with NF has a large network, LLGMN and NF must be learned separately, and learning is very difficult. [B] HMM is relatively easy to learn, but requires a large amount of learning data. On the other hand, R-LLGMN can learn dynamic and static characteristics at once with less learning data. Therefore, it can be seen that it is a very effective technique that compensates for the disadvantages of both LLGMN with NF and HMM.
5-4 Identification of tristate light stimulus
Next, FIG. 11 is a diagram illustrating an example of the identification result when the subject A opens / closes eyes and flashes. It can be seen that the output of R-LLGMN is disturbed compared to the case of only opening and closing eyes (FIG. 9), and it is very difficult to identify the state of the subject. This is because there were few visual stimuli other than the luminance change at the time of the flash stimulus, and no clear change was observed in the EEG signal. The recognition rate at this time was 87.4%.
FIG. 12 is a diagram showing identification results for five subjects. Although the discrimination rate is lower than the EEG pattern discrimination result when the eyes are opened and closed, on average, the discrimination rate of R-LLGMN is the highest, and it can be seen that discrimination is possible.
Next, the results when the experiment was performed by changing the number of learning data are shown. In this experiment, R-LLGMN and HMM were used for comparison. Each setting is time series length T = 5, number of components Mc, k = 1, upper logarithm Kc = 1, and the number of learning data is changed to T = 5, 10,. Note that the number of quantization levels of the HMM is QL = 4.
FIGS. 13 and 14 are diagrams showing changes in the identification rate (HMM and R-LLGMN) with respect to the number of teacher signals at that time. In this case, learning is performed with 10 different initial weights, and a considerably high identification rate is realized even if there are at least 210 untrained time-series data.
From the above results, it can be seen that a large amount of sample data is required for HMM learning. Also, LLGMN with NF has a large network, so LLGMN and NF must be learned separately, which makes learning very difficult [16]. On the other hand, R-LLGMN can learn dynamic and static characteristics at a time with less learning data. Therefore, it is possible to compensate for the disadvantages of both LLGMN with NF and HMM, which is a very effective technique for EGG identification.
Finally, we investigated the change in identification rate due to the number of states and the difference in components. The number of learning data is L = 3, the time series length is T = 5, the number of components is changed to Mc, k = 1, 2,..., 10, and the number of states is changed to Kc = 1, 2,. c = 1,2,3).
FIG. 15 is a diagram illustrating a change in the identification rate with respect to the number of states and the number of components at that time (subject E). This is the result of learning with 10 different initial weights and calculating the average and standard deviation of the discrimination rate for 210 untrained time-series data. From the figure, the expressive power of R-LLGMN increases by increasing the number of components and the number of states. It can be seen that the identification accuracy is improved.
6). Application to EMG drive robot system
The purpose of this embodiment is to identify EMG signal patterns using a neural network. The EMG information has an amplitude pattern, a frequency pattern, and time series characteristics. However, most of the conventional identification methods do not use time series characteristics. Further, since an existing neural network is used, a statistical pattern according to the EMG signal is not used. Therefore, in this report, we introduce a new neural network that introduces a recurrent structure in the network and can cope with temporal changes of EMG signals. Experiments prove the high discrimination ability of this neural network.
6-1 Introduction
In recent years, EMG-controlled electric prosthetic hands have been actively developed to support upper limb amputees (see
The authors have so far built an EMG control type manipulator system for human support. This system identifies EMG signals using a Log-Linearized Gaussian Mixture Network (hereinafter abbreviated as LLGMN) (refer to reference [27]) based on a mixed Gaussian distribution model and a log-linear model, and the identification results are transmitted to the robot. It is used as a manipulator control means (see reference [28]).
However, none of the conventional methods considers the history of the input signal and only learns the static characteristics of the problem of interest. For this reason, there is a limit in identifying a dynamic time-series signal whose target varies with time.
Therefore, in this embodiment, an attempt was made to introduce a new neural network having a recurrent structure in the pattern identification unit. Since this neural network includes a hidden Markov model as a network structure, it is possible to identify a dynamic time series signal. The outline of the prosthetic hand robot system used in the present embodiment will be described, and the result of an EMG identification experiment by a cutting person will be shown.
6-2 EMG-controlled human support manipulator
6.2.1 System configuration
FIG. 16 shows a configuration diagram of an EMG-controlled human support manipulator system (see document [28]). This system is composed of an arm control unit and an artificial hand control unit. Move Master RM-501 (manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) was used as the arm control unit, and an ultrasonic motor-driven power prosthesis (see reference [29]) was used as the prosthetic hand control unit. The arm control unit uses a magnetic three-dimensional position sensor as an input device to realize a large movement of the entire arm. On the other hand, the prosthetic hand control unit identifies the intended forearm motion from the operator's EMG signal using a neural network, and realizes fine movement of the hand. At this time, by introducing an impedance model of the human forearm into the artificial hand control, a supple movement like a human being is realized (see reference [30]).
6-2.2 Action identification by neural network
6-2.2.1 EMG signal processor
First, the EMG signal measured from the L pair of electrodes attached to the operator's arm is full-wave rectified for each channel, and then passed through a second-order digital Butterworth filter (cutoff 1 [Hz]). The smoothed signal is sampled at a sampling frequency of 100 [Hz]. Then, the signal normalized so that the sum of all channels of this signal becomes 1 is input vector x (t) = [a1(T), a2(T), ..., aL(T)]T∈RL(T = 1,..., T).
6-3 Experiment
In order to verify the effectiveness of the developed neural network, an operation identification experiment using EMG signals was performed. Here, for comparison, three methods of R-LLGMN, LLGMN (see reference [27]) and BPNN were used. The test subject was a male (42 years old) who had cut his forearm at a site about 15 cm from the right wrist due to an accident about a year ago. R-LLGMN settings are: number of electrodes L = 8, number of target movements C = 8 (palm flexion, dorsiflexion, pronation, pronation, grip, open, wrist co-contraction, hand co-contraction), number of states K1= K2= 1, number of components M1,1= M2,1= 1, learning data length T = 4, and learning data number N = 5. The BPNN was determined by trial and error as the
FIG. 17 shows the identification result. The values in the table are the mean (Mean) and standard deviation (SD) of the discrimination rate for each action. From the table, it can be seen that R-LLGMN has a higher identification rate than LLGMN, and the identification accuracy is improved by using past history information. It can also be seen that both LLGMN and R-LLGMN have a smaller standard deviation than BPNN and can be identified stably.
6-4 Summary
In the present embodiment, the ability of a new neural network having recurrent coupling, R-LLGMN, was compared and an introduction to an EMG controlled human support manipulator system was attempted. As a result, it was shown that the characteristics of the time series signal can be used effectively, and the identification accuracy is improved. In the future, we plan to consider pre-processing methods suitable for R-LLGMN to improve the ambiguity discrimination between continuous motions.
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The neural network or system of the present invention includes a neural network calculation method, a neural network processing program for causing a computer to execute each procedure, a computer-readable recording medium storing the neural network processing program, and neural network processing. The program product can be provided by a program product that can be loaded into the internal memory of the computer, a computer such as a server that includes the program, and the like.
【The invention's effect】
In the present invention, a new recurrent type neural network R-LLGMN that can improve the performance of LLGMN and can adapt to dynamic data changing with time has been proposed. This neural network contains a hidden Markov model, which is one of the dynamic probability models, and can learn time series characteristics that were not possible with LLGMN. In addition, statistical parameters such as transition probabilities and output probability density functions are expressed as network weights, and the weights can be adjusted by a learning rule of the error back propagation method. In order to verify the effectiveness and validity of the proposed method, we performed identification experiments on EEG signals that fluctuate with time and achieved sufficient identification accuracy. Furthermore, since the terminal learning method is introduced, the end time at the time of pattern recognition of the biological signal can be displayed in advance, and the mental burden on the user can be reduced.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing an HMM having a mixed Gaussian continuous probability density distribution.
FIG. 2 is a configuration diagram of a neural network proposed in the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a configuration diagram of hardware for realizing a neural network.
FIG. 4 is a flowchart showing learning processing of a neural network.
FIG. 5 is a flowchart showing forward calculation processing of R-LLGMN.
FIG. 6 is a configuration diagram for executing a biological signal identification process using a neural network according to the present invention.
FIG. 7 is a flowchart showing identification processing using a neural network according to the present invention.
FIG. 8 is an overall view of an EEG signal measuring apparatus.
FIG. 9 is a diagram showing an example of an identification result when the examiner A opens and closes his eyes.
FIG. 10 is a diagram showing results of experiments performed on three subjects (A, B: male, C: female).
FIG. 11 is a diagram showing an example of the identification result when subject A opens / closes eyes and flash stimulation.
FIG. 12 is a diagram showing identification results for five subjects.
FIG. 13 is a diagram showing a change in identification rate (HMM) with respect to the number of teacher signals.
FIG. 14 is a diagram showing a change in identification rate (R-LLGMN) with respect to the number of teacher signals.
FIG. 15 is a diagram showing a change in the identification rate with respect to the number of states and the number of components.
FIG. 16 is a configuration diagram of an EMG control type human support manipulator system.
FIG. 17 is a diagram showing an identification result.
FIG. 18 is a configuration diagram of LLGMN.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 Storage unit
2 Input section
3 Output section
4 processing section
5 I / F
11 Feature extraction unit
12 Identification part
13 Buffer memory
14 R-LLGMN operation part
Claims (12)
処理部が、入力ベクトルを入力し、前記入力ベクトルをH次元のベクトルX h (t) (h=1,…,H) に非線形変換して出力する前処理手段と、
(1)Ih(t)=Xh(t) (8)
(1)Oh(t)=(1)Ih(t) (9)
処理部が、重み係数を記憶した第2テーブルを参照し、前記第1層のユニットからの出力を重み係数wc k’,k,m,hを介して入力し((2)Ic k’,k,m(t))、前記第1テーブルを参照し、次式の入出力関係で出力する((2)Oc k’,k,m(t))複数の第2層のユニット{c,k,k’,m}(c=1,…,C;k,k’=1,…,K c ;m=1,…,M c,k )と、
を備えたニューラルネットワーク。 A hierarchical neural network,
A preprocessing means for receiving a non-linear conversion of the input vector into an H-dimensional vector X h (t) (h = 1,..., H);
Multi-processing unit, wherein the type each H-dimensional vector from the pre-processing means, by referring to the first table storing data on expression for the configuration of each layer of the neural network outputs in the input-output relationship of the following formula Unit {h} (h = 1,..., H) of the first layer of
(1) I h (t) = X h (t) (8)
(1) O h (t) = (1) I h (t) (9)
(Here, (1) I h (t) and (1) O h (t) represent the input and output of the h-th unit.)
The processing unit refers to the second table in which the weighting factor is stored, and inputs the output from the unit of the first layer via the weighting factor w c k ′, k, m, h ( (2) I c k ', k, m (t) ), by referring to the first table, and outputs in the input-output relationship of the formula ((2) O c k' , k, m (t)) a plurality of second layer units {C, k, k ′, m} (c = 1,..., C; k, k ′ = 1,..., K c ; m = 1,..., M c, k ) ;
The processing unit inputs the output of the unit {c, k, k ′, m} (m = 1,..., M c, k ) of the second layer, refers to the first table, and inputs 1 to the input. A plurality of third-layer units {c, k, k ′} that output a value obtained by multiplying the output of the fourth-layer unit before the time by an input / output relationship of the following equation ;
Neural network with
前記第5の層のユニットは、前記事象数c毎のC個のユニットを有する請求項1に記載のニューラルネットワーク。The preprocessing means converts an element of the input d-dimensional vector into an H-dimensional (H = 1 + d (d + 3) / 2) value by a non-linear operation,
Units of the first layer has a H number of units for each input vector,
The unit of the second layer, elephants C as a target of analysis (c = 1, 2, ..., C), the state k (k = 1, 2 hidden Markov model constituting each thing elephants, ..., K c ), a component m (m = 1, 2,...) Of the state k ′ (k ′ = 1, 2,..., K c ) one hour before and a mixture of the posterior probabilities of the states. , M c, k ), C × Kc × Kc × M c, k units,
The unit of the third layer has things elephants number c, and C × K c × K c pieces units of the number of states k, 1 times the previous state number k 'each,
The unit of the fourth layer has a C × K c pieces units per thing elephant number c and the number of states k,
The unit of the fifth layer, the neural network of claim 1, before having a C-number of units of each article elephant number c.
入力ベクトルx=[x1,x2,・・・,xd]T ∈Rdに非線形演算による前処理を施し、次のX ∈RHに変換することを特徴とする請求項1又は2に記載のニューラルネットワーク。
Input vector x = [x 1, x 2 , ···, x d] subjected to a pretreatment with a non-linear operation on T ∈R d, claim 1 or 2, characterized in that conversion to the next X ∈R H Neural network described in 1.
(ここで、ηは学習率、βは0<β<1を満たす定数)The evaluation function J, which is a function of the output of the neural network, determines a difference in weight in a direction in which the evaluation function J decreases with respect to a time change during learning in accordance with the following learning rule. 4. The neural network according to any one of 3.
dJ / dt = -ηJ β
(Where η is the learning rate, β is a constant that satisfies 0 <β <1)
5. The neural network according to claim 1, wherein a convergence time is designated by performing learning by entering this into the following equation.
処理部は、重みwc k’,k,m,hを含む学習結果を記憶部に記憶する機能と
を備えたニューラルネットワークシステム。Processing unit, the number of states k (k = 1,2, ..., K c), the component number m (m = 1,2, ..., M c, k), things elephants number c (c = 1,2, ... C), the number of input signals d, the time series signal length L, the convergence time t f , and the number of learning data N,
A function that the processing unit calculates a learning rate η t based on terminal learning;
A forward calculation function for executing a forward calculation by the neural network according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein the processing unit is based on the learning number T and the learning data number N;
A processing unit is a neural network system having a function of storing a learning result including weights w c k ′, k, m, and h in a storage unit.
を備えたニューラルネットワークシステム。A feature extraction unit that receives a biological signal and extracts identification data in accordance with the input biological signal;
Based on the identification data extracted by the feature extraction unit, an R-LLGMN calculation unit that performs forward calculation by the neural network according to any one of claims 1 to 6,
Neural network system and a discrimination unit for selecting the highest or low value or pre-higher-determined threshold or lower it showed values elephant number c in the R-LLGMN arithmetic unit output as an identification result .
前記記憶部から学習終了時に出力された重みwc k’,k,m,hを読み込む機能と、
を備えた請求項8に記載のニューラルネットワークシステム。The R-LLGMN calculation unit is
A function of reading weights w c k ′, k, m, h output from the storage unit at the end of learning;
A function of inputting identification data from the storage unit or the identification unit;
The neural network system according to claim 8, further comprising a function of executing the forward calculation process based on the weight and identification data.
を備えた請求項7乃至9のいずれかに記載のニューラルネットワークシステム。In the forward calculation function,
The processing unit reads the time series signal length L from the storage unit and sets it as an initial value,
A function that the processing unit executes the forward calculation until the time-series signal length L becomes 0 or less;
The neural network system according to claim 7, wherein the processing unit has a function of storing an output of the fifth layer, which is a calculation result, in the storage unit.
識別用データとして、特定の周波数帯域のパワースペクトルの平均値を要素とするベクトルを抽出することを特徴とする請求項7乃至10のいずれかに記載のニューラルネットワークシステム。The feature extraction unit includes:
An electroencephalogram signal (EEG) is input as a biological signal,
The neural network system according to any one of claims 7 to 10, wherein a vector whose element is an average value of a power spectrum in a specific frequency band is extracted as identification data.
識別用データとして、整流及び平滑後の振幅値を要素とするベクトルを抽出することを特徴とする請求項7乃至10のいずれかに記載のニューラルネットワークシステム。The feature extraction unit includes:
The biosignal is an EMG signal (EMG) input,
The neural network system according to any one of claims 7 to 10, wherein a vector having an amplitude value after rectification and smoothing as an element is extracted as identification data.
Priority Applications (1)
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JP2001169464A JP3816762B2 (en) | 2001-06-05 | 2001-06-05 | Neural network, neural network system, and neural network processing program |
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