JP3710756B2 - Automatic train operation device and train operation support device - Google Patents
Automatic train operation device and train operation support device Download PDFInfo
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自動列車運転装置1には、図示していない自動列車制御装置(ATC)から制限速度信号が入力され、データベース3から、勾配や曲率などの路線条件のほかに、車両条件、運行ダイヤ、走行抵抗などの既定の記憶情報が入力される。さらに自動列車運転装置1は、地上子検出器10により検出された車両位置や速度検出器9により検出された車両速度に基づき、現在の車両位置を推定し、その時点で与えるべき推力を推力指令Fcmd として駆動制動装置2へ出力する。ここに推力指令Fcmd とは、本明細書では、車両を加速する場合の引張力指令と、車両を減速する場合のブレーキ力指令との双方を含むものとして定義される。引張力の場合には、推力指令Fcmd>0 とし、ブレーキ力の場合には、推力指令Fcmd<0 とする。
推力指令Fcmd から実際の推力を得るまでの作用は、引張力を得る場合とブレーキ力を得る場合とで異なるため、以下にそれぞれ説明する。
引張力を得る場合、推力指令Fcmd (>0)はインバータ4に入力される。インバータ4は、推力指令Fcmd に一致した引張力が得られるように、主電動機5のトルクを制御する。このとき、ブレーキ制御装置6および機械ブレーキ8は動作しない。
ブレーキ力を得る場合、推力指令Fcmd (<0)は、インバータ4ではなくブレーキ制御装置6に入力される。ブレーキ制御装置6は、推力指令すなわちブレーキ力指令をまずインバータ4へ出力する。インバータ4では、主電動機5を介して出力する電気ブレーキ力Felecをブレーキ制御装置6ヘフィードバックする。ブレーキ制御装置6は、推力指令Fcmd すなわちブレーキ力指令を得るためにまず電気ブレーキ力Felecを作用させ、この電気ブレーキ力で賄いきれない不足分を機械ブレーキ8の機械ブレーキ力Fmechで補うように機械ブレーキ8を制御する。したがって、機械ブレーキ力Fmechは、
Fmech=Fcmd −Felec ・・・(1)
自動列車運転装置1は、たとえば図16に示すように、暫定走行計画部12、最適走行計画部13、および推力指令生成部14を備えている。暫定走行計画部12は、最適な走行パターンを生成するための初期値として暫定走行パターン(F0(x),V0(x))を生成する。ここで走行パターンとは、路線上の位置xにおける推力Fn(x)や速度Vn(x)を一連の位置に対応させて表すものである。最適走行計画部13は、暫定走行パターン(F0(x),V0(x))とデータベース3の蓄積情報に基づき、列車の最適な走行パターンF1(x)を計画する。生成された最適走行パターンF1(x)は、推力指令生成部14において、列車の検出位置や検出速度、ATCからの制限速度信号に基づき、その時点で出力すべき推力を推力指令Fcmd としてインバータ4に対して出力する。
請求項5に係る列車運転支援装置では、推力推奨値Frec に一致した推力指令Fcmd が得られるように推力推奨植を指示する。運転士が指示された推力推奨植に従って運転することにより、定位置停止性を確保した上で、エネルギー損失を低減させた省エネルギー走行を実現することができる。その場合、推力指令は常時、運転士が駆動制動装置へ与えるため、不測の事態が生じた場合でも速やかに対処でき、システム信頼性を向上させることができる。駆動制動装置への推力指令は、列車運転支援装置から直接制御されるものではなく、システムを簡易にすることが可能であり、したがってシステム信頼性の向上やコストダウンを図ることができる。また、直接的には運転士が推力指令を与えるものであり、定位置停止精度を厳密にする必要性はなく、装置を簡易に実現することができる。システムの信頼性の向上やコストダウンを図ることができる。また、直接的には、運転士が推力指令を与えるものであって、運転士の技能低下を防止し、自動列車運転装置を備えるシステムで問題視される運転士の操作技術の低下による不測の事態への対処などの課題を回避することができる。
請求項8に係る列車運転支援装置では、推力推奨値Frec に一致した推力指令Fcmd が得られるようにマスコンをサーボ機構で制御する。したがって、運転士が介在しない場合には、自動運転が可能であり、精度よく定時性・定位置停止性を確保した省エネルギー走行を実現することができる。運転士が介在した場合にも、運転士は省エネルギー運転を実現するために取るべきマスコンの角度をマスコンからの反作用力として感じとることができ、結果的に省エネルギー運転の効果を達成することができる。
損失指標CPL(x)=W1×(機器損失指標+ブレーキ損失指標) ・・・(2)
C(x)=CPL(x)+COL(x) ・・・(5)
第1の補正走行パターンF01(x)は、推力パターンだけが補正されたものであるため、走行距離が所定値に一致しない。走行距離補正部20は、走行距離xが所定値に一致するように、データベース3に記憶されている路線条件や車両条件、走行抵抗に基づき、第1の補正走行パターン(F01(x),V0(x))を補正し、第2の補正走行パターン(F02(x)、V02(x))および走行時間Trun を出力する。距離補正は、たとえば、惰行時間を調整するなどの方法で実現可能である。距離補正の方法はそれに限定されるものではない。
定時性判断部21では、走行時間Trun が所定値に対し、許容誤差以内であるか否かを判断する。走行時間Trun が許容誤差外である場合には、第2の補正走行パターン(F02(x)、V02(x))を新たな暫定走行パターン(F0’(x)、V0’(x))として、再計算を行う。走行時間Trun が許容誤差内に入った場合、それを最適走行パターン(F1(x),V1(x))として出力する。
予測される力行負荷に応じて、損失指標CPL(x)、特にブレーキ損失指標が調整される。たとえば、図3(b)は、力行負荷が十分であるとした場合のブレーキ損失指標であり、インバータ4の電気的容量の制約により、高速高ブレーキ力であるほど損失指標が増大している。図8は、力行負荷が十分でない場合(125kW/主電動機)のブレーキ損失指標を示すものである。この場合、力行負荷が十分でないため、推力指令Fcmd と同等な電気ブレーキ力を出力できない領域がある。すなわち、より低速から損失指標が増大する。したがって、負荷状態によるエネルギー損失を的確に予測することが可能であり、より効果的な省エネルギー走行を実現することができる。
ここには、第1の実施の形態における自動列車運転装置1に代わり、列車運転支援装置22が備えられている。列車運転支援装置22は、第1の実施の形態における自動列車運転装置1と同様な処理を実施し、推力推奨値Frec を生成出力する。すなわち、列車運転支援装置22は、自動列車運転装置1における推力指令Fcmd の代わりに、推力推奨値Frec を出力するようにしたものに相当する。この推力推奨値Frec は、マスコン23に付設された推力指示装置24に入力される。マスコン23は、マスコン角度あるいは位置に応じた推力指令Fcmd を駆動制動装置2へと出力する。
列車運転支援装置22から出力された推力推奨値Frec は角度指令演算部25へ入力される。角度指令演算部25は、入力された推力推奨値Frec に対応したマスコン角度を算出し、角度指令θcmd として出力する。インピーダンス制御器26は、角度指令θcmd と、エンコーダ29により検出された実際のマスコン角度θとを入力し、後者(角度θ)を前者(角度指令θcmd )に一致させるためのトルク指令Tcmd をサーボアンプ27ヘ出力する。サーボアンプ27は、サーボモータ28の出力トルクがトルク指令Tcmd と一致するように、サーボモータ28を駆動する。
インピーダンス制御器26は、運転士がマスコン23に加えるトルクTope に対し、所望のインピーダンス(慣性モーメントJ、ダンピングD、スティフネスK)となるようにサーボモータ28を制御するものであり、制御系のブロック図は、たとえば図12に示すようになる。J0はサーボモータ28のロータおよびマスコン23を合わせた等価慣性モーメント、g1およびg2はノイズ除去のためのフィルタのカットオフ周波数に相当するものである。
角度指令θcmd を零(ゼロ)とした場合に、外部からマスコン23にかかるトルク、すなわち、運転士がマスコン23に加えるトルクTope からマスコン角度θまでの伝達関数θ(s)は、ノイズカットフィルタを無視すると次式で表現することができ、所望のインピーダンス(J,D,K)が得られることが分かる。
推力指示装置24は、列車運転支援装置22で演算された推力推奨値Frec に一致した推力指令Fcmd が得られるようにマスコン23の角度θをサーボモータ28で制御する。これにより、運転士がマスコン23を操作する場合、インピーダンス制御器26によるインピーダンス制御により、運転士は所望のインピーダンス(J,D,K)となったように感じることになる。すなわち、運転士がマスコン23に触らない状態では、推力推奨値Frec に一致した推力指令Fcmd が得られる。一方、運転士がマスコン23を操作する場合、サーボモータ28から推力推奨値Frec 方向に力を受けるものの、任意の角度すなわち推力指令Fcmd に設定することができる。つまり、運転士が列車運転支援装置22に任せた運転も可能であり、必要に応じて運転士がマスコン23を操作して推力指令を任意に制御することもできる。省エネルギー運転を実現するために取るべきマスコン23の角度θをマスコン23からの反作用力として検知することができ、省エネルギーである定位置停止パターンを意識しながら運転することが可能になる。したがって、運転士の操作による省エネルギー走行や定位置停止走行を実現することができるとともに、不測の事態が生じた場合には速やかに対処することができる。
駆動制動装置2への推力指令Fcmd は、列車運転支援装置22から直接制御されるものではなく、既存のマスコン23の角度θにより与えられるものであり、システムを簡易にすることが可能である。また、列車運転支援装置の場合、最終的には運転士が介在するものであり、列車運転支援装置22の定位置停止精度を厳密にする必要性はなく、装置を簡易に実現することができる。これにより、システムの信頼性向上やコストダウンを図ることができる。
推力指示装置24は、推奨ノッチ表示制御部30とランプ群31とから構成される。図示の実施の形態においては、ランプ群31は、力行加速ノッチP1〜P6に対応する6個のランプ、ブレーキ減速ノッチB1〜B6に対応する6個のランプ、ニュートラルノッチNに対応するランプ、および非常ブレーキノッチEBに対応するランプの都合14個のランプからなっている。推奨ノッチ表示制御部30は、推奨ノッチ指令Nrec を列車運転支援装置22から受け、対応するランプが点灯するように制御する。
運転士は、定時性・定位置停止性を確保した省エネルギー走行を実現するために設定すべきノッチをランプの点灯により確認する。たとえば、推奨ノッチ指令Nrec の内容が力行加速ノッチP6であれば、それに対応するランプが点灯し、ブレーキ減速ノッチB3であれば、それに対応するランプが点灯する。運転士はランプの点灯状況を見て、それに対応させてマスコン23をノッチ操作することにより、エネルギー損失を抑制した省エネルギー走行を実現する。
本実施の形態における推力指示装置24は、推奨ノッチ表示制御部32と、音声出力部33とから構成される。推奨ノッチ表示制御部32は、推奨ノッチ指令Nrec を列車運転支援装置22から受け、対応するアナウンスが出力されるように音声出力部33を制御する。たとえば、推奨ノッチがB3である場合は、「ブレーキ3ノッチ」などとアナウンスする。
1 自動列車運転装置(ATO)
2 駆動制動装置
3 データベース
4 VVVFインバータ
5 主電動機
6 ブレーキ制御装置
7 車輪
8 機械ブレーキ
9 速度検出器
10 地上子検出器
11 レール
12 暫定走行計画部
13 最適走行計画部
14 推力指令生成部
15 走行パターン補正指標演算部
16 損失指標演算部
17 過負荷指標演算部
18 加算部
19 走行パターン補正部
20 走行距離補正部
21 定時性判断部
22 列車運転支援装置
23 マスターコントローラ(マスコン)
24 推力指示部
25 角度指令演算部
26 インピーダンス制御部
27 サーボアンプ
28 サーボモータ
29 エンコーダ
30 推奨ノッチ表示制御部
31 ランプ
32 推奨ノッチ表示制御部
33 音声出力部
34 データベース
35 走行パターン抽出部
36 データベース[0001]
The present invention relates to an automatic train operation device that automatically operates a train so that an electric vehicle stops at a fixed position at a fixed time without an operator, and a train operation support device that instructs a driver on a recommended thrust or a mascon notch. .
[Prior art]
An automatic train operation device (hereinafter referred to as “ATO”) is intended to automatically perform inter-station operation of a train and stop it at a predetermined stop position at the next station on time. An example of the system configuration of an electric vehicle equipped with this type of ATO is shown in FIG.
The automatic
Since the operation until the actual thrust is obtained from the thrust command Fcmd differs depending on whether the tensile force is obtained or the brake force is obtained, each will be described below.
When obtaining the tensile force, the thrust command Fcmd (> 0) is input to the
When obtaining the braking force, the thrust command Fcmd (<0) is input not to the
Fmech = Fcmd−Felec (1)
It becomes.
For example, as shown in FIG. 16, the automatic
When planning the optimal travel pattern of a train, there are generally countless travel patterns that can be realized. In particular, unlike a busy schedule in the morning and evening, the train operation interval is long during daytime, early morning, or midnight when the number of trains is small, and there is room in the plan.
Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 8-216885 and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 5-193502 describe an optimum travel plan with energy saving as an evaluation item. However, the energy savings shown in these known examples are not based on the viewpoint of energy loss caused in driving / braking control of trains such as driving devices and braking devices.
On the other hand, in "Fundamental examination of effect of effective use of regenerative energy by changing brake pattern" (7th Symposium of Railway Technology Union), "Examination of practical use of pure electric brake" (National Conference of Electrical Engineers of Japan 5-244) In addition, traveling patterns focusing on energy loss in train braking control, particularly mechanical braking that occurs during braking, have been studied. However, the energy loss that occurs in the drive braking control of the train also occurs during the drive control, and also occurs other than due to the mechanical brake during the brake control. However, overall energy loss minimization has not been achieved.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
The present invention is intended to comprehensively evaluate energy loss that occurs during train braking control of a train, to reduce energy loss during inter-station travel as much as possible, and to realize energy-saving travel. Therefore, the energy loss focused on in the present invention will be briefly described below.
Although the loss that occurs in train travel varies depending on the travel pattern, it can be classified mainly into the following two in terms of generating equipment. One of them is energy loss in electric devices such as the
This brake loss occurs when the brake force command exceeds the allowable amount of the electric device, that is, the drive device, and when there is no load corresponding to the regenerative power on the power source side. With regard to the latter, when the drive device obtains a brake force command, it controls the
When conducting energy-saving operation, plan an appropriate driving pattern Along with It is important to actually perform traveling along the traveling pattern. Devices that automatically generate a thrust command without an operator such as an automatic train operation device (ATO) and an automatic train stop device (TASC) are known as means for realizing an operation that matches a traveling pattern. . According to these devices, it is possible to realize traveling that follows the optimum traveling pattern by giving an accurate thrust without delay. However, since the system is directly involved in the vehicle drive braking system and the ground equipment for position detection is indispensable, the system becomes complicated and the cost increases.
On the other hand, by instructing the driver with the optimally planned thrust, it is possible to expect to achieve train travel close to the planned travel pattern through the skill of the driver. That is the driving assistance device. Although the energy saving effect in the case of such a driving support device is inferior to that in the case of ATO or TASC due to the driver's reaction delay or the like, it only gives instructions to the driver and does not directly relate to the drive braking device of the vehicle. Therefore, there is an advantage that the system can be simplified. In addition, since it is ultimately operated by the driver, it is possible to remove or simplify ground equipment for position detection. As a result, cost reduction can be expected and the cost performance is excellent. Furthermore, in recent years, there is a concern that the driver's driving technology will be reduced due to the ATO, and in the case of the driving support device, thrust adjustment is always performed based on the judgment of the driver. Does not occur.
The present invention provides an automatic train operation device and a train operation support device for realizing energy-saving operation that can reduce energy loss that occurs during traveling on the assumption that the train stops at a fixed position on time in traveling between stations. It is intended to provide.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to achieve the above object, the invention according to
In the automatic train driving device according to
The invention according to
In the automatic train driving device according to
The invention according to
In the automatic train driving device according to
According to a fourth aspect of the present invention, in the automatic train driving device according to the third aspect, the travel pattern correction means performs the correction of the travel pattern even while the train is traveling.
In the automatic train operation device according to
The invention according to
In the train operation support device according to the fifth aspect, the thrust recommended planting is instructed so that the thrust command Fcmd corresponding to the recommended thrust value Frec is obtained. By driving in accordance with the thrust recommended plant instructed by the driver, it is possible to achieve energy-saving running with reduced energy loss while ensuring fixed-position stoppage. In this case, since the driver always gives the thrust command to the drive braking device, even if an unexpected situation occurs, it can be dealt with promptly and the system reliability can be improved. The thrust command to the drive braking device is not directly controlled from the train operation support device, and the system can be simplified. Therefore, the system reliability can be improved and the cost can be reduced. In addition, the driver gives a thrust command directly, and there is no need to make the fixed position stop accuracy strict, and the apparatus can be realized easily. System reliability can be improved and costs can be reduced. Also, directly, the driver gives a thrust command, prevents the driver from degrading the skill, and unforeseen due to a decrease in the operation technique of the driver, which is problematic in the system equipped with the automatic train driving device. Issues such as dealing with the situation can be avoided.
The invention according to
In the train operation support device according to
The invention according to
In the train driving support device according to the seventh aspect, the driver can know the thrust to be set as a voice announcement. The driver can realize energy-saving traveling while ensuring fixed time and fixed position stopping by performing the driving operation according to the announcement. In this case, since the instruction is not based on visual instructions, the driver's attention is not distracted, and the driver can concentrate on driving. Therefore, it is possible to reduce the possibility of an accident due to carelessness in the front and improve the reliability of the system.
The invention according to
In the train operation support device according to the eighth aspect, the master controller is controlled by the servo mechanism so that the thrust command Fcmd corresponding to the recommended thrust value Frec is obtained. Therefore, automatic operation is possible when no driver is present, and energy-saving travel can be realized with high accuracy of fixed time and fixed position stoppage. Even when the driver intervenes, the driver can sense the angle of the mascon to be taken in order to realize the energy saving operation as a reaction force from the mascon, and as a result, the effect of the energy saving operation can be achieved.
Hereinafter, implementation of the present invention will be described. Form Will be described in detail with reference to the drawings.
<First Embodiment>
FIG. 1 shows the first implementation. Form It is a block diagram which shows schematic structure of the automatic train driving device by. Since this embodiment relates to the optimum travel planning unit of the automatic train operation apparatus, the other parts are not shown.
The optimum
2 and 3 show examples of various loss indexes. FIG. 2 shows a loss index during power running, and FIG. 3 shows a loss index during brake deceleration. More specifically, FIG. 2 (a) shows an equipment loss index, FIG. 2 (b) shows a total loss index, FIG. 3 (a) shows an equipment loss index, FIG. 3 (b) shows a brake loss index, FIG. 3C shows the total loss index. Here, the equipment loss index means the loss index of electrical equipment, In particular This is the sum of the converter (inverter) loss index and the motor (main motor) loss index.
These indexes are given as a function of the speed v and the thrust F, and are calculated by multiplying the loss [W] at a certain operating point (v, F) by the reciprocal of the speed [m / s]. By multiplying by the reciprocal of the speed, it can be normalized and evaluated as a loss generated when the speed v1 [m / s] at a certain operating point undergoes a minute change Δv [m / s].
The total loss index CPL (x) is calculated by multiplying the sum of the equipment loss index and the brake loss index by the weighting factor W1. The weighting factor W1 is set from the viewpoint of how much loss reduction effect is obtained, or is set so as to balance with other indexes. That is,
Loss index CPL (x) = W1 × (equipment loss index + brake loss index) (2)
It is.
The overload
Device loss is calculated as the sum of converter loss and motor loss. 4A and 4B show an example of the converter loss [W] and the motor loss [W] at each operating point. According to the provisional travel pattern (F0 (x), V0 (x)), the corresponding converter loss [W] and motor loss [W] are integrated to convert the converter loss [J taking into account the time due to travel between stations [J ] And motor loss [J] can be calculated. If these are overloads exceeding the rated value [W], an overload index corresponding to the overload is calculated. For example, the weighting factor is W2, and the converter loss index COLC (x) is
Calculated by
Similarly, the motor loss index COLM (x) can be obtained using the motor loss index shown in FIG. 5B (however, the weighting factor is W3 and can be set independently). Overload indicator COL (x) adds these indicators,
COL (x) = COLC (x) + COLM (x) (4)
C (x) = CPL (x) + COL (x) (5)
The travel
Since the first corrected travel pattern F01 (x) is obtained by correcting only the thrust pattern, the travel distance does not match the predetermined value. The travel
With the above configuration, the provisional travel pattern (F0 (x), V0 (x)) is corrected by the loss index CPL (x) and the overload index COL (x) for the thrust at the position x where the effect is remarkably obtained. To go. For example, FIG. 6 shows a result of running pattern generation according to the embodiment of the present invention. In this case, the overload indicator has no effect on the assumption that the overload state is not reached. A provisional pattern is indicated as “original pattern (A)”. What is indicated as “index application (B)” is the first corrected travel pattern (F01 (x), V01 (x)). The larger the loss index, the higher thrust correction is applied and the braking force is weakened. On the other hand, although the value is small on the power running acceleration side, the tensile force corresponding to the loss index is corrected. Although “notch quantization (C)” does not appear in the embodiment of the present invention, it corresponds to the case where there are only six notches and continuous thrust cannot be output. The thrust corresponding to the notch that minimizes the thrust error is selected for the pattern thrust F01 (x). The “distance adjustment (D)” is a second corrected travel pattern (F02 (x), V02 (x)) in which the travel distance is corrected to the predetermined value 1300 m with respect to the “notch quantization (C)” pattern. It is. The loss of the travel pattern before the correction is 2070 [kJ], whereas the loss of the second corrected travel pattern is 1650 [kJ], and the energy loss is considerably reduced. The running time of the former is 84.5 [sec], while the latter is slightly increased to 84.9 [sec]. By repeatedly performing the calculation until the travel time reaches a predetermined value, the optimal travel pattern F1 (x) that minimizes the energy loss involved in the drive braking control is generated while ensuring the fixed time and fixed position stoppage. can do. In this way, it is possible to achieve an optimum energy saving effect while ensuring timeliness and fixed position stopping properties.
In the case of a travel pattern that only minimizes the total energy loss, there is a possibility that the energy loss that occurs in an electric device such as the inverter 4 (converter) and the main motor 5 (motor) included in the
By implementing the optimal travel plan even while the train is running, the optimal energy-saving travel pattern is generated while ensuring the fixed time and fixed position stoppage to the next station with each instantaneous position and speed as initial conditions. can do. That is, even when the vehicle deviates from the initial traveling pattern due to speed limitation such as ATC, an optimum energy saving traveling pattern from that state can be obtained. Forcing the initial driving pattern to follow may lead to an increase in loss, which is not desirable from the viewpoint of energy loss. Therefore, even in an unforeseen situation that deviates from the original travel pattern, it is possible to realize optimum energy-saving travel from that point.
In this embodiment, the position and speed are set as the initial conditions, and the optimal energy-saving travel pattern can be generated after securing the fixed time and fixed position stoppage to the next station. Not only the train operation device (ATO) but also the train automatic stop control device (TASC) that performs the fixed position stop control only in the brake section is possible.
In this embodiment, assuming that the travel distance matches the predetermined value, the algorithm is configured to correct the travel pattern until the travel time reaches a predetermined value. Can be configured as an algorithm that corrects the travel pattern until the travel distance reaches a predetermined value.
<Second Embodiment>
FIG. 7 is a block diagram showing a schematic configuration example of the automatic train driving apparatus according to the second embodiment. The same parts as those in FIG. A different part from the above will be described.
The loss
As described above, the following operations and effects can be achieved.
The loss index CPL (x), particularly the brake loss index, is adjusted according to the predicted power running load. For example, FIG. 3B shows a brake loss index when the power running load is sufficient, and the loss index increases as the speed and brake force are higher due to the restriction of the electric capacity of the
<Third Embodiment>
FIG. 9 is a block diagram illustrating a schematic configuration example of an automatic train driving device according to the third embodiment. The same parts as those in FIG. 16 are denoted by the same reference numerals, and the description thereof is omitted. Will be described.
In place of the provisional
With the above configuration, the following operations and effects can be achieved.
The generation of the optimal travel pattern takes time for calculation because the optimal plan is performed by repeating the convergence calculation. Therefore, when the travel plan to the next station is executed while the vehicle is stopped at the departure station, there may be a case where sufficient optimality cannot be obtained due to the limitation of the calculation time. By performing these plans in advance, it is possible to avoid the limitation of the calculation time and obtain an optimum traveling pattern. In this way, the energy saving effect can be further improved. Further, it is possible to check and check the traveling pattern by calculating the traveling pattern in advance. As a result, it is possible to eliminate abnormal patterns and improve the reliability of the system.
<4th implementation Form >
FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing a schematic configuration of an electric vehicle system provided with a train operation support apparatus according to the fourth embodiment. The same parts as those in FIG. Here, different parts will be described.
Here, in place of the automatic
A configuration example of the
The recommended thrust value Frec output from the train
When the angle command θcmd is set to zero, the torque applied to the
[Expression 1]
With the above configuration, the following operations and effects can be achieved.
The thrust command Fcmd to the
Further, in the case of a train operation support device, the driver is finally interposed, and the operation skill of the driver is always required. According to the present embodiment, it is possible to avoid problems such as coping with unforeseen circumstances due to a decline in the operation technique of the driver, which is regarded as a problem in a system including an automatic train driving device.
<Fifth embodiment>
FIG. Of the fifth implementation Form Train operation by Support device It is a block diagram which shows the example of schematic structure. This implementation Form Since the configuration of the
With the above configuration, the following operations and effects can be achieved.
The driver confirms the notches to be set by turning on the lamp to realize energy-saving travel that ensures timeliness and fixed position stopping. For example, if the content of the recommended notch command Nrec is the power running acceleration notch P6, the corresponding lamp is lit, and if it is the brake deceleration notch B3, the corresponding lamp is lit. The driver observes the lighting state of the lamp, and performs the notch operation on the
<Sixth Embodiment>
FIG. 14 is a block diagram illustrating a schematic configuration example of a train operation support apparatus according to the sixth embodiment. Since this embodiment is different from the fifth embodiment in the configuration of the
With the above configuration, the following operations and effects can be achieved.
The driver can know the notch to be set in order to realize energy-saving travel that ensures timeliness and fixed position stoppage. Thereby, there can exist the same effect | action and effect as 5th Embodiment. When the recommended notch is displayed by the lamp as in the fifth embodiment, the driver's attention is concentrated on the display, and as a result, it may not necessarily lead to the occurrence of an accident due to carelessness of the front. On the other hand, according to voice instruction transmission, such a problem can be avoided and the reliability of the system can be improved.
【The invention's effect】
The present invention can realize energy-saving operation with reduced energy loss during traveling while ensuring the condition of stopping at a fixed position at a fixed time in traveling between stations of a train.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an automatic train driving apparatus according to a first embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a map showing an example of a device loss index and a total loss index during power running.
FIG. 3 is a map showing an example of a device loss index, a brake loss index, and a total loss index during braking.
FIG. 4 is a map showing an example of a converter loss index and a motor loss index during power running.
FIG. 5 is a map showing an example of converter loss and motor loss during power running.
FIG. 6 is a map showing an example of a running pattern according to the first embodiment.
FIG. 7 is a block diagram of an automatic train driving device according to a second embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 8 is a map showing an example of brake loss when a power running load amount is limited.
FIG. 9 is a block diagram of an automatic train driving device according to a third embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a train operation support apparatus according to a fourth embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 11 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration example of a thrust instruction apparatus according to a fourth embodiment.
12 is a block diagram of a control system of the thrust instruction apparatus of FIG.
FIG. 13 is a block diagram showing a configuration example of a thrust instruction apparatus of a train operation support apparatus according to a fifth embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 14 is a block diagram showing a configuration example of a thrust instruction apparatus of a train operation support apparatus according to a sixth embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 15 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration example of a general electric vehicle system including an automatic train driving device.
16 is a block diagram of an automatic train operation device in the system of FIG.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 Automatic train operation equipment (ATO)
2 Drive braking device
3 Database
4 VVVF inverter
5 Main motor
6 Brake control device
7 wheels
8 Mechanical brake
9 Speed detector
10 Ground detector
11 rails
12 Provisional Travel Planning Department
13 Optimal travel planning department
14 Thrust command generator
15 Traveling pattern correction index calculation unit
16 Loss index calculator
17 Overload index calculator
18 Adder
19 Traveling pattern correction unit
20 Travel distance correction unit
21 Periodicity judgment section
22 Train operation support device
23 Master controller (mascon)
24 Thrust indicator
25 Angle command calculator
26 Impedance controller
27 Servo amplifier
28 Servo motor
29 Encoder
30 Recommended Notch Display Control Unit
31 lamp
32 Recommended Notch Display Control Unit
33 Audio output unit
34 Database
35 Traveling pattern extraction unit
36 database
Claims (8)
ことを特徴とする自動列車運転装置。 Means for generating a travel pattern for the train to stop at a predetermined time at a predetermined time, and giving a thrust command for realizing the travel pattern to a drive braking device having an electric device including an inverter and a main motor ;
A loss index calculating means for calculating a loss index that includes at least an energy loss index that represents energy loss caused by mechanical braking during braking operation, the loss index representing energy loss that occurs in the drive braking device during traveling of the train;
Traveling pattern correction means for correcting the traveling pattern so as to reduce energy loss based on the loss index ;
In an automatic train driving device equipped with
The loss index calculating means is configured to calculate the brake loss index based on a predicted amount or a measured amount of a power running load amount in the same power section .
An automatic train driving device characterized by that.
ことを特徴とする自動列車運転装置。In the automatic train driving device according to claim 1,
The travel pattern correcting means includes means for calculating the travel pattern in advance and storing the travel pattern in a storage device, and means for sequentially reading out the travel pattern corresponding to the time of train travel from the storage device .
An automatic train driving device characterized by that.
ことを特徴とする自動列車運転装置。 Means for generating a travel pattern for the train to stop at a predetermined time at a predetermined time, and giving a thrust command for realizing the travel pattern to a drive braking device having an electric device including an inverter and a main motor ;
A loss index calculating means for calculating a loss index that includes at least an energy loss index that represents energy loss caused by mechanical braking during braking operation, the loss index representing energy loss that occurs in the drive braking device during traveling of the train;
Traveling pattern correction means for correcting the traveling pattern so as to reduce energy loss based on the loss index ;
In an automatic train driving device equipped with
An overload index calculating means for calculating an overload index representing an overload state of an electric device including the inverter and the main motor ;
The travel pattern correction means corrects the travel pattern based on the overload index so that the electric device is not overloaded.
An automatic train driving device characterized by that.
ことを特徴とする自動列車運転装置。In the automatic train driving device according to claim 3,
The travel pattern correction means performs the correction of the travel pattern even while the train is traveling.
An automatic train driving device characterized by that.
前記損失指標演算手段は、前記ブレーキ損失指標を、同一き電区間内に在る力行負荷量 の予測量あるいは実測量に基づいて演算するものであり、
ことを特徴とする列車運転支援装置。 Means for generating a travel pattern for the train to stop at a predetermined time at a predetermined time, and giving a thrust command for realizing the travel pattern to a drive braking device having an electric device including an inverter and a main motor ;
A loss index calculating means for calculating a loss index that includes at least an energy loss index that represents energy loss caused by mechanical braking during braking operation, the loss index representing energy loss that occurs in the drive braking device during traveling of the train;
Traveling pattern correction means for correcting the traveling pattern so as to reduce energy loss based on the loss index ;
In the train operation support device with
The loss index calculating means calculates the brake loss index based on the predicted amount or the actually measured amount of the power running load amount in the same power section ,
Provided with a recommended thrust instruction means for instructing a driver a recommended value of thrust according to the thrust command ;
A train driving support device characterized by that.
ことを特徴とする列車運転支援装置。In the train operation support device according to claim 5,
The recommended thrust instruction means includes means for visually displaying the recommended thrust in the vicinity of the master controller .
A train driving support device characterized by that.
ことを特徴とする列車運転支援装置。In the train operation support device according to claim 5,
The recommended thrust instruction means includes means for transmitting the recommended thrust by voice .
A train driving support device characterized by that.
ことを特徴とする列車運転支援装置。 Means for generating a travel pattern for the train to stop at a predetermined time at a predetermined time, and giving a thrust command for realizing the travel pattern to a drive braking device having an electric device including an inverter and a main motor ;
A loss index calculating means for calculating a loss index that includes at least an energy loss index that represents energy loss caused by mechanical braking during braking operation, the loss index representing energy loss that occurs in the drive braking device during traveling of the train;
Traveling pattern correction means for correcting the traveling pattern so as to reduce energy loss based on the loss index ;
In the train operation support device with
Recommended thrust instruction means for instructing a driver a recommended value of the thrust related to the thrust command;
A master controller having a servo mechanism;
The recommended thrust instruction means controls the position, speed, acceleration, and force of the master controller .
A train driving support device characterized by that.
Priority Applications (8)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP2002070675A JP3710756B2 (en) | 2002-03-14 | 2002-03-14 | Automatic train operation device and train operation support device |
TW095111247A TWI277549B (en) | 2002-01-31 | 2003-01-28 | Automatic fixed-position stop control device for train |
TW095111232A TWI284605B (en) | 2002-01-31 | 2003-01-28 | Automatic train operating device |
TW092101849A TWI276560B (en) | 2002-01-31 | 2003-01-28 | Automatic train operation device and train operation assisting device |
TW095111237A TWI277548B (en) | 2002-01-31 | 2003-01-28 | Automatic train operation device |
CN2006100597022A CN1817680B (en) | 2002-01-31 | 2003-01-30 | Automatic train operation device and train operation auxiliary device |
CN2008101693543A CN101372235B (en) | 2002-01-31 | 2003-01-30 | Automatic control device for positioning and stopping of train |
CNB031330282A CN1326735C (en) | 2002-01-31 | 2003-01-30 | Automatic train operation device and train operation auxiliary device |
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JP2007135292A (en) * | 2005-11-09 | 2007-05-31 | National Traffic Safety & Environment Laboratory | Brake system of rail vehicle |
JP5180732B2 (en) * | 2008-08-18 | 2013-04-10 | 株式会社日立製作所 | Vehicle having control device |
JP5180731B2 (en) * | 2008-08-18 | 2013-04-10 | 株式会社日立製作所 | Vehicle operation control device |
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