この実施例に係る分注装置は、夫々別のチップラック(図示せず)に保持された吸引量が異なるピペットチップP1 ,P2 (図9および図10参照)のいずれか一方を選択してピペットPの先端部に嵌合係止した後、一の容器(図示せず)から所定量の液体を吸引し、これを他の容器(図示せず)へと分注するように駆動制御される。
即ち、この分注装置は、図1乃至図8に示すように、吸引量が異なる2個の並設されたシリンダS1 ,S2 と、これら各シリンダS1 ,S2 内を摺動するシリンダロッドR1 ,R2 と、これら各シリンダロッドR1 ,R2 を進退作動させる独立した上下2個のモータM1 ,M2 と、これら各モータM1 ,M2 を分注指令信号に基づき作動制御する制御装置CPUと、上記各シリンダS1 ,S2 の出口端部とピペットPとを連通接続するエアー吸排流路1と、上記エアー吸排流路1の中途部から分岐された圧力検出流路2に配設された圧力センサー3と、上記各シリンダS1 ,S2 とシリンダロッドR1 ,R2 およびモータM1 ,M2 と圧力センサー3が収納された筐体4と、から構成されている。
シリンダS1 ,S2 は、例えば、内径9φで長さが15.72mmで形成され1000μlの容量を有する粗分注シリンダS1 と、内径6φで長さが10.61mmで形成され300μlの容量を有する精密分注シリンダS2 と、が並設されて構成されている。
シリンダロッドR1 ,R2 は、上記粗分注シリンダS1 と精密分注シリンダS2 とに摺動自在、かつ、液密状に嵌装されており、該シリンダロッドR1 はモータM1 により上下作動し、また、シリンダロッドR2 は、モータM2 により上下作動するように構成されている。
即ち、上記各シリンダロッドR1 ,R2 には雄螺子5,6が刻設されており、これら各雄螺子5,6には、内周面に雌螺子7a,8aが刻設された回転子7,8が螺合されている。尚、この回転子7,8は、上下動しないように、ベース部材9に回転自在に軸支されている。
そして、この回転子7,8には、駆動ベルト10,11が懸架されており、該駆動ベルト10,11の他端は、上記各モータM1 ,M2 の回転軸12,13に固着されたプーリ14,15に懸架されている。
それ故、上記モータM1 ,M2 を制御装置CPUの指令に基づいて正逆いずれかの方向に駆動させたときには、上記駆動ベルト10,11を介して回転子7,8が正逆回転し、これにより該回転子7,8と噛合する各シリンダロッドR1 ,R2 が正逆回転して上下いずれかの方向に摺動し、液体の吸引或は吐出作業を行なう。
このとき、上記各シリンダロッドR1 ,R2 の上下限位置は、リミットスイッチ16,17で検出され、各シリンダロッドR1 ,R2 の上昇停止位置や下降停止位置が自動的に制御される。
即ち、上記各シリンダロッドR1 ,R2 の上端部には水平方向に延びるアーム(図示せず)が突設されており、該アームが上記リミットスイッチ16,17をオン・オフ制御する。
尚、モータM1 ,M2 は、例えば、回転数等の制御が容易なパルスモータが用いられる。
エアー吸排流路1は、ピペットPの上端部と各シリンダS1 ,S2 の出口端部とを連通接続しており、上記ピペットチップP1 またはP2 は、上記ピペットPの先端部に着脱自在、かつ、液密状に装着される。
尚、上記ピペットPの上端部は、筐体4の下部に形成されたピペット保持部5に配設されてなるスプリング6に弾持されており、分注装置が一の容器から他の容器内に吸引した液体を分注するときに下降し、ピペットチップP1 またはP2 の下端部が他の容器の内底部に衝合したときに、この衝撃を吸収できるように構成されている。
このように衝撃を吸収させるのは、分注量が、例えば、10μl程度の微量である場合に、ピペットチップP1 またはP2 の先端部と他の容器の内底部との距離を一定に保持することが絶対条件となることから、一度ピペットチップP1 またはP2 の先端部を他の容器の内底部と接触させて押し上げ、この押し上げ状態をチップセンサー(図示せず)で検知することで、該分注装置が取り付けられた昇降装置(図示せず)の昇降作動を制御し、ピペットチップP1 またはP2 の先端部を他の容器の内底部から常に一定距離だけ離した位置で停止させることができるように構成するのが、分注精度を出すために必要なためである。
圧力センサー3は、エアー吸排流路1の中途部から分岐された圧力検出流路2に配設されており、ピペットチップP1 またはP2 の先端部が一の容器内に収容された液の液面に接触したときの圧力変動を検知して、該分注装置が取り付けられた昇降装置(図示せず)の昇降作動を制御するように構成されていると共に、該分注装置で吸引した液量を、上記エアー吸排流路1内の空気圧の変動を検知することで、上記モータM1 ,M2 の作動量を制御するように構成されている。
制御装置CPUは、例えば、公知のマイクロプロセッサ(MPU)で構成されており、各検体に対する分注態様がデータとして入力されており、このデータに基づき上記シリンダロッドR1 またはR2 のいずれかを駆動制御するように構成されている。
先ず、制御装置CPUからの指令によって粗分注作業を行なう場合は、分注装置全体が、X−YーZ軸に沿って駆動制御されるロボットを介して粗分注用ピペットチップP1 が保持されたチップラック(図示せず)まで移送され、該チップラックから新しい粗分注用ピペットチップP1 がピペットPの先端部に密に嵌装される。
この後、上記粗分注用ピペットチップP1 が装着された分注装置が、吸引すべき液体が収容された一の容器の真上まで移送され、次に、下降して粗分注用ピペットチップP1 の先端部が液面に接触する。この状態は、上記圧力センサー3によって検知される。
この後、上記制御装置CPUは上記粗分注用のモータM1 を作動させ、粗分注用のシリンダロッドR1 を一定距離上昇させる。
これにより、一の容器内に収容された液体は、上記粗分注用ピペットチップP1 内に所定量吸引される。この吸引量は、上記圧力センサー3によりリアルタイムに確認される。
このようにして粗吸引作業が終了した分注装置は、前記ロボットを介して上昇した後、他の容器の真上まで移送され、この後、下降して粗分注用ピペットチップP1 が他の容器内にセットされる。
この後、上記制御装置CPUは、上記粗分注用のモータM1 を逆作動させ、粗分注用のシリンダロッドR1 を下降させて、粗分注用ピペットチップP1 内に吸引保持された液体を他の容器内へと分注する。
この分注作業が終了した後、上記分注装置は、上記ロボットを介して上昇してチップ廃棄位置(図示せず)まで移送され、該チップ廃棄位置で粗分注用ピペットチップP1 がピペットPの先端部から外されて廃棄される。
一方、制御装置CPUからの指令によって精密分注作業を行なう場合は、分注装置全体が、X−YーZ軸に沿って駆動制御されるロボットを介して精密分注用ピペットチップP2 が保持されたチップラック(図示せず)まで移送され、該チップラックから新しい精密分注用ピペットチップP2 がピペットPの先端部に密に嵌装される。
この後、上記精密分注用ピペットチップP2 が装着された分注装置が、吸引すべき液体が収容された一の容器の真上まで移送され、次に、下降して精密分注用ピペットチップP2 の先端部が液面に接触する。この状態は、上記圧力センサー3によって検知される。
この後、上記制御装置CPUは上記精密分注用のモータM2 を作動させ、精密分注用のシリンダロッドR2 を一定距離上昇させる。
これにより、一の容器内に収容された液体は、上記精密分注用ピペットチップP2 内に所定量吸引される。この吸引量は、上記圧力センサー3によりリアルタイムに確認される。
このようにして精密吸引作業が終了した分注装置は、前記ロボットを介して上昇した後、他の容器の真上まで移送され、この後、下降して精密分注用ピペットチップP2 の先端部が他の容器の内底部に接触し、この後、一定距離だけ上昇してセットされる。この下降から一定距離分の上昇制御は、前記チップセンサーを介して行なわれる。
この後、上記制御装置CPUは、上記精密分注用のモータM2 を逆作動させ、精密分注用のシリンダロッドR2 を下降させて、精密分注用ピペットチップP2 内に吸引保持された液体を他の容器内へと分注する。
この分注作業が終了した後、上記分注装置は、上記ロボットを介して上昇してチップ廃棄位置(図示せず)まで移送され、該チップ廃棄位置で精密分注用ピペットチップP2 がピペットPの先端部から外されて廃棄される。
CPU 制御装置
M1 ,M2 モータ
P ピペット
P1 ,P2 ピペットチップ
R1 ,R2 シリンダロッド
1 エアー吸排流路
2 圧力検出流路
3 圧力センサー[0001]
[Industrial applications]
The present invention relates to a dispensing device that can selectively perform coarse dispensing and precise dispensing with one dispensing device.
[Prior art and its problems]
As is well known, work of dispensing a blood (serum) sample from one container to another container is required as a pretreatment for a clinical test. There are separate dispensing by device and by device.
Sorting coarse dispensing has a large primary sorting dispensing volume and dispensing accuracy is not a major problem.However, in the case of precision dispensing by item and device, the dispensing volume is small and dispensing accuracy is high. Is required.
By the way, when such dispensing work is considered on one line, first, coarse dispensing is performed on a sorting coarse dispensing line, and then the coarse dispensed sample is dispensed on a precision dispensing line by item / device. Is a general flow of the pre-dispensing process.
However, in the case of the general flow described above, the sorting coarse dispensing line and the precise dispensing line for each item and device are arranged adjacent to each other, and a coarse dispensing device and a precision dispensing device are provided for each of these lines. In addition to the problem that the installation space must be widened due to the necessity of installation, the lines are complicated, and the equipment and running costs are increased due to the increase in the equipment to be installed. Anyway, it had a problem that it was difficult to adopt in small hospitals and laboratory facilities.
As described above, the reason why the dispensing operation must be divided into the coarse dispensing and the precision dispensing is that it is theoretically impossible to perform the precise dispensing with the coarse dispensing device including the large-diameter cylinder, Also, when coarse dispensing is performed with a precision dispenser composed of a small-diameter cylinder, the processing time is too long.
In order to increase the dispensing accuracy, the diameter of the cylinder must be reduced, and in this case, the dispensing processing speed is inevitably reduced. To increase the dispensing speed, it is conceivable to increase the moving speed of the cylinder rod, but there is a limit to the moving speed of the cylinder rod. On the other hand, in order to increase the dispensing speed, it is necessary to increase the diameter of the cylinder. However, when the diameter of the cylinder is increased, the dispensing accuracy deteriorates.
For this reason, at present, conventional dispensing lines use both a coarse dispensing line and a precision dispensing line.
The present invention has been devised in view of such a situation, and an object of the present invention is to configure a single dispensing apparatus so that coarse dispensing and precision dispensing can be selectively performed. This eliminates the need to perform dispensing operations on multiple dispensing lines and multiple dispensing devices. As a result, it is possible to significantly reduce the installation space for this type of dispensing line, as well as equipment costs and running costs. It is intended to provide a dispensing device that can significantly reduce the cost and is suitable not only for large-scale hospitals and inspection centers, but also for small and medium-sized hospitals and inspection facilities.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to achieve the above object, according to the present invention, a desired pipette tip is selected from a plurality of types of pipette tips arranged at a predetermined position, and the selected pipette tip is fitted and locked at the tip of the pipette. A dispensing device, which is driven and controlled so as to suck a predetermined amount of liquid from the container and dispenses the liquid into another container, includes two or more cylinders arranged in parallel and cylinders sliding in each of these cylinders. A rod, a motor that moves each of these cylinder rods forward and backward, a control device that controls the operation of this motor based on a dispensing command signal, an air suction and discharge flow path that connects and connects the outlet end of each of the cylinders to the pipette, And a pressure sensor disposed at an intermediate portion of the air suction / discharge flow path.
In the present invention, the cylinder is constituted by two or more cylinders having different capacities, and a cylinder rod fitted in a large-diameter cylinder performs suction / discharge work during coarse dispensing, and fine during dispensing. A cylinder rod fitted to a cylinder having a diameter may be configured to perform a suction / discharge operation.
Further, in the present invention, the cylinder is constituted by two or more cylinders having the same capacity, and at the time of coarse dispensing, the cylinder rods fitted into both cylinders simultaneously perform the suction and discharge work, thereby At the time of dispensing, a cylinder rod fitted to one of the cylinders may be configured to perform a suction / discharge operation.
Further, in the present invention, the cylinder is constituted by two or more cylinders having the same or different capacities, and the cylinder rod fitted to each cylinder is constituted to operate by one motor, and A three-way valve for selecting the flow of the liquid to each cylinder may be provided in the air suction / discharge channel where the outlet end of each cylinder joins.
That is, the dispensing apparatus according to the present invention has a pipette tip having a large capacity for coarse dispensing when a coarse dispensing operation is performed according to a command from the control device when the bore of the cylinder is different. And a large-diameter cylinder for coarse dispensing is operated to perform coarse dispensing.
When performing precise dispensing, a pipette tip having a small volume for precision dispensing is attached to the tip of the pipette, and a small-diameter cylinder for precision dispensing is operated to perform precise dispensing. Detection of the liquid level and confirmation of the suction state at these times are performed via the pressure sensor.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail based on an embodiment shown in the accompanying drawings.
The dispensing apparatus according to this embodiment selects one of the pipette tips P 1 and P 2 (see FIGS. 9 and 10) having different suction amounts held in different tip racks (not shown). After fitting and locking to the tip of the pipette P, a predetermined amount of liquid is sucked from one container (not shown), and drive control is performed so as to dispense this into another container (not shown). Is done.
That is, the dispensing apparatus, as shown in FIGS. 1-8, the cylinder S 1, S 2 that the suction amount is two juxtaposed different slides each of these cylinders S 1, S in 2 Cylinder rods R 1 , R 2 , two independent upper and lower motors M 1 , M 2 for moving the cylinder rods R 1 , R 2 forward and backward, and these motors M 1 , M 2 as dispensing command signals A control device CPU for controlling the operation based on the above, an air suction / discharge flow path 1 for communicating and connecting the outlet ends of the cylinders S 1 , S 2 with the pipette P, and a pressure branched from an intermediate portion of the air suction / discharge flow path 1 A pressure sensor 3 disposed in the detection flow path 2, a housing 4 in which the cylinders S 1 and S 2 , the cylinder rods R 1 and R 2, the motors M 1 and M 2, and the pressure sensor 3 are stored. It is composed of
The cylinders S 1 and S 2 are, for example, a coarse dispensing cylinder S 1 having an inner diameter of 9φ and a length of 15.72 mm and having a volume of 1000 μl, and a cylinder having an inner diameter of 6φ and a length of 10.61 mm and a volume of 300 μl. a precision dispensing cylinder S 2 having, but is constituted by juxtaposed.
The cylinder rods R 1 and R 2 are slidably and liquid-tightly fitted to the coarse dispensing cylinder S 1 and the precision dispensing cylinder S 2 , and the cylinder rod R 1 is connected to the motor M 1 , And the cylinder rod R 2 is configured to move up and down by a motor M 2 .
That is, the male screws 5 and 6 are engraved on the cylinder rods R 1 and R 2 , and the female screws 7 a and 8 a are engraved on the inner peripheral surfaces of the male screws 5 and 6. The child 7, 8 is screwed. The rotors 7 and 8 are rotatably supported by a base member 9 so as not to move up and down.
Drive belts 10 and 11 are suspended from the rotors 7 and 8, and the other ends of the drive belts 10 and 11 are fixed to the rotation shafts 12 and 13 of the motors M 1 and M 2. Are suspended on the pulleys 14 and 15.
Therefore, when the motors M 1 and M 2 are driven in either the forward or reverse direction based on a command from the control device CPU, the rotors 7 and 8 rotate forward and reverse via the drive belts 10 and 11. Thus, the cylinder rods R 1 , R 2 meshing with the rotors 7, 8 rotate forward or backward and slide in either upward or downward direction to perform a liquid suction or discharge operation.
At this time, the upper and lower limit positions of the cylinder rods R 1 , R 2 are detected by limit switches 16, 17, and the ascending and descending stop positions of each of the cylinder rods R 1 , R 2 are automatically controlled. .
That is, an arm (not shown) extending in the horizontal direction protrudes from the upper end of each of the cylinder rods R 1 and R 2 , and the arm controls on / off of the limit switches 16 and 17.
Note that, for the motors M 1 and M 2 , for example, pulse motors that can easily control the number of rotations and the like are used.
The air suction / discharge flow path 1 connects the upper end of the pipette P to the outlet end of each of the cylinders S 1 and S 2. The pipette tip P 1 or P 2 is attached to and detached from the tip of the pipette P. It is freely and liquid-tightly mounted.
The upper end of the pipette P is resiliently held by a spring 6 provided in a pipette holder 5 formed in the lower part of the housing 4 so that the dispensing device can be moved from one container to another. lowered when dispensing the aspirated liquid, when the lower end of the pipette tip P 1 or P 2 is abutting on the inner bottom portion of the other container, and is configured to absorb the shock.
The reason why the to absorb the shock, dispense volume is maintained, for example, when a small amount of about 10 [mu] l, the distance between the inner bottom portion of the tip and other vessels of the pipette tip P 1 or P 2 to the constant since that is an absolute condition, it pushes up once the leading end of the pipette tip P 1 or P 2 is contacted with the inner bottom portion of the other container, by detecting the push-up state in chip sensors (not shown) to control the elevating operation of the elevating device the dispensing device is attached (not shown), stop the tip of the pipette tip P 1 or P 2 at a position always separated by a predetermined distance from the inner bottom portion of the other container This is because it is necessary to increase the dispensing accuracy.
The pressure sensor 3 is disposed in the pressure detection flow path 2 branched from a middle part of the air suction / discharge flow path 1, and the tip of the pipette tip P 1 or P 2 is provided for the liquid contained in one container. The apparatus is configured to detect a pressure fluctuation when the liquid comes into contact with the liquid surface, to control a lifting / lowering operation of a lifting / lowering device (not shown) to which the dispensing device is attached, and to suction by the dispensing device. The amount of liquid is detected by detecting a change in air pressure in the air suction / discharge flow path 1 to control the operation amounts of the motors M 1 and M 2 .
Control unit CPU, for example, is constituted by a known microprocessor (MPU), a dispensing mode for each specimen are inputted as data, one of the cylinder rod R 1 or R 2 on the basis of this data It is configured to drive control.
Next, a case will be described in which coarse dispensing and precise dispensing are performed by the dispensing device configured as described above.
First, the case of performing the coarse dispensing operations by a command from the control unit CPU, the entire dispensing device, coarse dispensing pipette tip P 1 via the robot which is driven and controlled along an X-Y over Z-axis is transferred to the retained tip rack (not shown), a new coarse dispensing pipette tip P 1 from the tip rack is tightly fitted to the tip of the pipette P.
Thereafter, the coarse dispensing pipette tip P 1 is mounted dispensing device, is transferred to just above the one container liquid to be aspirated is accommodated, then the crude dispensing pipette descends tip of the tip P 1 comes into contact with the liquid surface. This state is detected by the pressure sensor 3.
Next, based on this liquid level detection information, the dispensing device further descends by a certain distance, reaches a predetermined depth position and stops.
Thereafter, the control unit CPU actuates the motor M 1 for the coarse dispensing, the cylinder rod R 1 for coarse dispensing for a predetermined distance increases.
Thus, the liquid contained in one vessel, a predetermined amount sucked into the coarse dispensing pipette tip P 1. This suction amount is confirmed in real time by the pressure sensor 3.
In this way, the rough suction work dispensing apparatus completed, after rising through the robot, is transferred to just above the other container, after which it descends coarse dispensing pipette tip P 1 other Set in a container.
Thereafter, the control unit CPU is reversely operates the motor M 1 for the coarse dispensing, the cylinder rod R 1 for coarse dispensing lowers suction held in the coarse dispensing pipette tip P 1 Dispense the liquid into another container.
After the dispensing task is finished, the dispensing apparatus is raised through the robot is transferred to the tip waste position (not shown), the coarse dispensing pipette tip P 1 at the tip waste position the pipette It is removed from the tip of P and discarded.
On the other hand, when performing precise dispensing operations by a command from the control unit CPU, the entire dispensing apparatus, precision dispensing pipette tip P 2 via a robot which is driven and controlled along an X-Y over Z-axis is transferred to the retained tip rack (not shown), a new precision dispensing pipette tip P 2 from the tip rack is tightly fitted to the tip of the pipette P.
Thereafter, the precise dispensing pipette tip P 2 is mounted dispensing device, is transferred to just above the one container liquid to be aspirated is accommodated, then precision dispensing pipette descends tip of the tip P 2 is brought into contact with the liquid surface. This state is detected by the pressure sensor 3.
Next, based on this liquid level detection information, the dispensing device further descends by a certain distance, reaches a predetermined depth position and stops.
Thereafter, the control unit CPU actuates the motor M 2 for the precise dispensing, the cylinder rod R 2 for precision dispensing for a predetermined distance increases.
Thus one liquid contained in the container is predetermined suction amount in the precision dispensing pipette chip P 2. This suction amount is confirmed in real time by the pressure sensor 3.
Such dispensing device precisely suction operation is completed by the after rising through the robot, is transferred to just above the other container, and thereafter, the tip of a precision dispensing pipette tip P 2 is lowered The part comes into contact with the inner bottom part of another container, and is then set up by a certain distance. The rising control for a certain distance from the descent is performed via the chip sensor.
Thereafter, the control unit CPU is reversely operating the motor M 2 of the precision minute chew, the cylinder rod R 2 for precision dispensing is lowered, it is sucked and held to a precision dispensing pipette chip P 2 Dispense the liquid into another container.
After the dispensing task is finished, the dispensing apparatus is raised through the robot is transferred to the tip waste position (not shown), a precision dispensing pipette tip P 2 pipette in the tip disposal position It is removed from the tip of P and discarded.
Thus, in the dispensing apparatus according to this embodiment, one dispensing apparatus can selectively perform the coarse dispensing and the precise dispensing.
In the above embodiment, the case where the inner diameter of the cylinder is constituted by a large-diameter cylinder for coarse dispensing and a small-diameter cylinder for precise dispensing has been described as an example. However, the present invention is not limited to this. Instead, both cylinders may be formed by small-diameter cylinders for precision dispensing, and in the case of coarse dispensing, both cylinder rods may be operated to cope with each other. A three-way valve is interposed in the air suction / discharge flow path on the outlet end side of the, and both cylinder rods are operated simultaneously by one motor, and the selection between coarse dispensing and precision dispensing is controlled by the three-way valve. You can also.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, the dispensing apparatus according to the present invention is configured so that one dispensing apparatus can selectively perform coarse dispensing and precise dispensing. There is no need to perform dispensing work on a dosing line or multiple dispensing devices, resulting in a significant reduction in installation space for this kind of dispensing line and a significant reduction in equipment and running costs. It is suitable for large-scale hospitals and large-scale inspection centers, as well as small and medium-sized hospitals and inspection facilities, and has many other excellent effects.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a dispensing apparatus according to one embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a longitudinal sectional view of the dispensing device.
FIG. 3 is a side view of the dispensing device.
FIG. 4 is a plan sectional view of the dispensing device.
FIG. 5 is an explanatory view showing a configuration of a main part of the dispensing apparatus.
FIG. 6 is a sectional view taken along line AA of FIG. 2;
FIG. 7 is a sectional view taken along the line BB in FIG. 2;
FIG. 8 is a sectional view taken along the line CC in FIG. 2;
FIG. 9 is a longitudinal sectional view of a pipette tip for precision dispensing used in the dispensing apparatus.
FIG. 10 is a longitudinal sectional view of a pipette tip for coarse dispensing used in the dispensing apparatus.
[Explanation of symbols]
CPU controller M 1 , M 2 Motor P Pipette P 1 , P 2 Pipette tip R 1 , R 2 Cylinder rod 1 Air intake / discharge channel 2 Pressure detection channel 3 Pressure sensor