従来、ダイエット に関しては様々な手法が知られており、例えば、食餌療法、運動療法、薬物療法等が良く知られている。特に、ダイエットのための食餌療法の中で、食事の量を制限する節食療法がよく試みられている。また、種々のダイエット食品も開発され、例えば、代替甘味料、ダイエット飲料、ダイエット油脂等が市販されている。なお、最近では、糖代謝を促進する栄養素、脂肪分解に必要な栄養素等に関する栄養医学的な研究も進んでいる。
さらに、最近ではインターネットの普及に伴い、インターネット、電子メールを通じてユーザーの食事情報データを入手し、アドバイザーの作成したコメントデータをインターネットでユーザーに提供するダイエット のためのアドバイスシステムも開発されている(特開2003−122853号公報;特許文献1)。
また、ダイエット管理を簡単に行うとともに、ダイエット管理に係る情報の基本となる食品データベースを常に最新のものに更新できるようにすることができるダイエット 支援システム及びダイエット 支援方法も開発されている(特開2001−331585号公報;特許文献2)。
[1] (1)糖代謝の促進による中性脂肪増加の抑制及び脂肪分解の促進を考慮した栄養素補給プログラム、(2)筋肉量を増加させるための筋力トレーニングプログラム、並びに(3)有酸素運動による脂肪燃焼の促進を行うための有酸素トレーニングプログラムを組み合わせることを特徴とするダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[2] 上記(1)の栄養素補給プログラムにおいて、糖代謝を促進する栄養素として、ビタミンB群(B1、B2、B6、B12、ビオチン、パントテン酸、ナイアシン等)、カルシウム、マグネシウム、クロム、亜鉛及びマンガンからなる群から1種以上の栄養素を選択することを特徴とする前記請求項1に記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[3] 上記(1)の栄養素補給プログラムにおいて、脂肪燃焼を促進する栄養素として、ビタミンB2、パントテン酸及びナイアシンからなる群から1種以上の栄養素を選択することを特徴とする上記[1]又は[2]に記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[4] 上記(1)の栄養素補給プログラムにおいて、さらに、血糖値の急激な上昇を抑制する栄養素として、バナバ葉抽出物(コロソリン酸)、植物性繊維及び動物性繊維(キチン・キトサンなど)からなる群から選択される1種以上の栄養素を選択することを特徴とする上記[1]〜[3]のいずれかに記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[5] 上記(1)の栄養素補給プログラムにおいて、さらに、糖質の中性脂肪への変換を抑制する栄養素として、ブルンドルベリー抽出物(ヒドロキシクエン酸)を選択することを特徴とする上記[1]〜[4]のいずれかに記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[6] 上記(1)の栄養素補給プログラムにおいて、さらに、筋肉の増加を促進する栄養素としてたんぱく質を選択することを特徴とする上記[1]〜[5]のいずれかに記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[7] 上記(2)の筋肉量増加トレーニングプログラムとして、電気的に筋肉組織を刺激する方法を採用することを特徴とする上記[1]〜[6]のいずれかに記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[8] 上記(3)の有酸素トレーニングプログラムにおいて、腕振り、歩行、ジョギング、サイクリング及び水泳からなる群から選択される1種以上の有酸素運動を選択することを特徴とする上記[1]〜[7]のいずれかに記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;
[9] 上記(3)の有酸素トレーニングプログラムにおいて、有酸素運動として腕振りを選択することを特徴とする上記[8]のいずれかに記載のダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成方法;及び
[10] (1)個人情報データを入力する個人情報データ入力手段、(2)糖代謝の促進による中性脂肪増加の抑制及び脂肪分解の促進を考慮した栄養素補給プログラムに関する情報、筋肉量を増加させるためのトレーニングプログラムに関する情報、並びに有酸素運動による脂肪燃焼の促進を行うためのトレーニングプログラムに関する情報を蓄積するダイエットプログラム情報蓄積手段、(3)上記個人情報データ入力手段から入力された個人情報に基づいて、栄養素補給プログラム、筋肉量を増加させるためのトレーニングプログラム、並びに有酸素運動によるトレーニングプログラムを作成するダイエットプログラム作成手段、(4)上記ダイエットプログラム作成手段によって作成されたダイエットプログラムを表示する手段;及び(5)上記ダイエットプログラム作成手段によって選択されたダイエットプログラムを出力する手段とを具備したダイエットプログラムのメニュー作成システム。
この栄養素補給プログラムにおいては、糖代謝を促進する栄養素として、例えば、ビタミンB群(B1、B2、B6、B12等)、カルシウム、マグネシウム、クロム、亜鉛及びマンガンからなる群から1種以上の栄養素を選択することができる(文献:標準分子医科学(医学書院)、Nutritional influences on illness: A sourcebook of clinical research by Melvyn R. Werbach、M.D.(Keats Publishing,Inc.1990)、The neutraceutical revolution by Richard N.Firshein,D.O.(Riverhead Books 1998)、The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care by Michael Janson(Arcadia Press 1996)、ビタミン 五十嵐脩(丸善ライブラリー、1991)、図解豊かさの栄養学 丸元淑生(新潮文庫)、ジョナサンライト博士の新・栄養療法 ジョナサン・ライト(廣済堂出版)、ビタミン・ミネラル革命 山田豊文(総合法令)等参照)。また、脂肪燃焼を促進する栄養素として、ビタミンB2、パントテン酸及びナイアシンからなる群から1種以上の栄養素を選択することができる(文献:標準分子医科学(医学書院)、ビタミン(丸善ライブラリー)、新生化学ガイドブック(南江堂)等参照)。
摂取する栄養素の種類、摂取量、摂取する頻度などは、身長、体重、体脂肪、年齢、性別等の個人情報に基づいて、適宜決定される(文献:五訂食品成分表 香川芳子(女子栄養大学出版)、The neutraceutical revolution by Richard N.Firshein, The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care by Michael Janson, ビタミン(丸善ライブラリー)、ビタミン・ミネラル革命(総合法令)、医者がすすめるビタミン外来 佐藤務(ビジネス社)、ビタミンがスンナリわかる本 丸元淑生(廣済堂出版)、ビタミンバイブル アール・ミンデル(小学館)等参照)。本発明の好ましい態様においては、肥満度に応じて、摂取する栄養素の種類、摂取量などを適宜決定することができ、これについては後述する。
本発明においては、筋肉量を増加させるためのトレーニングプログラムも採り入れる。本明細書中、「筋肉量を増加させるトレーニング」とは、筋肉量を増加させることにより基礎代謝量を増加させ、この結果、生活上必要な最低エネルギー量を増加させるためのトレーニングをいう。このようなトレーニングは、通常、筋力トレーニングと言われるもので、例えば、腕立てふせ、腹筋、スクワット、ダンベルやバーベル等の各種器具を用いたマシントレーニング、EMS(electorical muscle stimulation)を応用した方法等が挙げられる(文献:臨床リハvol12 No.7:577−592、2003)、Med Sci Sports Exerc 31(1):38−45、1999“Prescription of resistance training for health and disease” Feigenbaum MS, 体脂肪がとれる(健友館)、史上最強のダイエットプログラム(日経ヘルス)、EMSによる筋肉増強マニュアル京都大学医療短期大学部 森永敏弘教授(日本柔道整復医学会抄録:電気刺激療法)等参照)。本発明においては、身長、体重、体脂肪、年齢、性別等の個人情報に基づいて、適宜、筋肉トレーニングの種類、トレーニング時間などを決定する。
本発明においては、上記の如き筋力トレーニングの手法から1種以上を採用することができるが、ダイエットプログラム遂行の継続性を考慮した場合には、EMSを用いた方法がもっとも効果的である。EMSを用いたトレーニング方法とは、EMSによって電気的に筋肉組織を刺激することにより、受動的な筋肉トレーニングを行うことをいう(文献:臨床リハvol12 No.7:577−592、2003、体脂肪がとれる(健友館)、史上最強のダイエットプログラム(日経ヘルス)EMSによる筋肉増強マニュアル(京都大学医療短期大学部 森永敏弘教授)等参照)。EMSを行うための機器は既に市販されており、例えば、筋肉の刺激には中周波の干渉波をもちいた日本メディックス社製のスリムトロン(商品名)、シーメンス社(ドイツ)製のステレオダイネーター(商品名)等を用いることができる。日本メディックス社製のスリムトロンを用いた場合は、例えば、3〜30Hzの中頻度周波数による筋肉運動の刺激時間を10〜30分、好ましくは20分程度行う。筋肉運動の刺激後は、筋肉のリラックスを促すために高頻度周波数により10分間程度のクールダウン運動を行うとよい。これにより筋肉運動による筋肉量の増加とともに、筋肉運動による筋肉のダメージや老廃物(乳酸など)の蓄積を最小限にとどめ、筋肉疲労や筋肉痛を緩和し、より安全に筋肉量の増加が得られる。本発明の好ましい態様においては、EMSトレーニングの内容も肥満度に応じて決定することができ、この点については後述する。
本発明においては、脂肪の燃焼分解には不可欠の要素である有酸素運動も取り入れる。有酸素運動としては、腕振り、歩行、ジョギング、サイクリング、水泳、等が挙げられる(文献:臨床リハvol12 No.7:577−592、2003)、Med Sci Sports Exerc 31(1):38−45、1999“Prescription of resistance training for health and disease” Feigenbaum MS等参照)。本明細書中、「有酸素トレーニング」とは、酸素を体内に取り込む、ゆっくりした持続的な運動の総称で、脂肪組織から脂肪酸を遊離させ、筋肉において脂肪酸を燃焼させることのできる、酸素の存在下での代謝を促進する運動のことをいう。上記「筋力トレーニング」とは、酸素を必要としない、瞬間的に大きな力を出す筋肉運動の総称で、筋肉量を増加させることのできる運動をいう。両者は、使用する筋肉組織、生理作用が異なるとされ、トレーニング様式、トレーニング目的の違いにより区別されている。本発明においては、ダイエットプログラム遂行の継続性を考慮した場合には、有酸素運動による有酸素トレーニングとして、誰にでも実行可能な簡便かつ軽度なものを選択することが好ましい。例えば、場所の制約がなく器具を必要としない「腕振り」(1分間に100〜150回)を選択することが好ましい。腕振りの方法は立位、座位どちらでもよく、体温の上昇(0.5〜2℃)、心拍数(最大心拍数(220−年齢)の50〜75%)などによって有効な有酸素運動かどうかを判断する。この場合、有酸素運動の効果を得ることのできる最低必要な腕振りの時間は基本的に体温が上昇するために必要な時間でよく、例えば、3〜10分、より好ましくは4〜6分、より具体的には1回5分程度を目安とし、1日3〜5回を目安として行うことが好ましい。翌日に疲労感が残るようであれば、適宜時間を短縮および回数を減ずるようにメニューを調整する。
The present invention relates to a method and system for creating a menu for a safe diet program based on medical grounds, and specifically, a specific nutrient supplement program, a muscle mass increase training program, and aerobic training for the purpose of burning fat. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a diet program menu creation method that combines programs and a system thereof.
[Prior art]
Conventionally, various methods are known for dieting, for example, diet therapy, exercise therapy, drug therapy, and the like are well known. In particular, dietary therapy that limits the amount of meal is often tried in dietary diet. Various diet foods have also been developed. For example, alternative sweeteners, diet drinks, diet fats and the like are commercially available. Recently, nutritional research on nutrients that promote sugar metabolism, nutrients necessary for lipolysis, and the like is also progressing.
As exercise therapy, strength training (eg push-ups, abdominal muscles, etc.) to increase basal metabolism by increasing muscle mass is a classic diet method, and recently, fat burning is promoted by aerobic exercise. That is also emphasized.
Recently, with the spread of the Internet, an advice system for diets has been developed that obtains user meal information data via the Internet and e-mail, and provides comment data created by advisors to the Internet. No. 2003-122853; Patent Document 1).
In addition, a diet support system and a diet support method have been developed that can easily perform diet management and can constantly update the food database that is the basis of information related to diet management. 2001-331585; Patent Document 2).
[Patent Document 1]
JP 2003-122853 A
[Patent Document 2]
JP 2001-331585 A
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
At present, various diet programs such as those described above are known, but these are only improvements to specific diet programs such as exercise therapy, diet therapy, etc., and some of these are based on medical evidence. Many things are missing. There are also many that are designed only to lose weight without considering the overall health of the body. These programs are not only difficult to obtain effects by themselves, but also have side effects. There are many programs that are difficult to continue in daily life because of extreme dietary restrictions and exercise therapy. For example, a decrease in caloric intake due to dietary therapy without exercise therapy, or inadequate intake of nutrients essential for cell construction and function maintenance, resulted in not only a decrease in fat but also a decrease in muscle mass. Leads to a decrease in fat burning. This is also a major cause of weight gain after the end of the program (rebound due to increased fat). In addition, various disorders (facilitation, muscle weakness, insomnia, malaise, anorexia, rough skin, hair loss, etc.) may occur due to a decrease in cell function due to lack of nutrients. In addition, when performing strength training or aerobic training, exercise therapy without supplementation of nutrients necessary for energy production by sugar metabolism and lipid metabolism in muscle tissue has the effect of increasing muscle mass and reducing fat as expected. In addition to being unable to obtain it, there are many cases where the patient feels unwell due to muscle damage or muscle fatigue. In this way, it is a comprehensive diet program that efficiently integrates various programs based on medical grounds to date, improving the energy metabolism in the cells and improving health, while reliably increasing muscle mass, A diet program that takes into account various aspects of health has been developed that reduces the amount of fat, and is safe and difficult to rebound.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The present invention has been made in view of the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, and provides a diet program menu creation method and system as described below.
[1] (1) Nutrient supplementation program considering suppression of increase in neutral fat by promoting glucose metabolism and promotion of lipolysis, (2) Strength training program for increasing muscle mass, and (3) Aerobic exercise A method for creating a diet program menu, characterized by combining an aerobic training program to promote fat burning with
[2] In the nutrient supplement program of (1) above, vitamin B group (B1, B2, B6, B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, niacin, etc.), calcium, magnesium, chromium, zinc, and the like The diet program menu creation method according to claim 1, wherein one or more nutrients are selected from the group consisting of manganese.
[3] In the nutrient supply program of (1) above, one or more nutrients selected from the group consisting of vitamin B2, pantothenic acid, and niacin are selected as nutrients that promote fat burning [1] or [2] diet program menu creation method;
[4] In the nutrient supply program of (1) above, as a nutrient that suppresses a rapid increase in blood glucose level, banaba leaf extract (corosolic acid), plant fiber and animal fiber (chitin, chitosan, etc.) The diet program menu creation method according to any one of the above [1] to [3], wherein one or more nutrients selected from the group consisting of:
[5] In the nutrient supply program of (1) above, the Brundleberry extract (hydroxycitrate) is further selected as a nutrient that suppresses the conversion of carbohydrates into neutral fat. 1] to [4] The diet program menu creation method according to any one of
[6] The diet program menu according to any one of [1] to [5], wherein in the nutrient supply program of (1), a protein is further selected as a nutrient that promotes muscle growth. How to make;
[7] The diet program menu according to any one of [1] to [6], wherein a method of electrically stimulating muscle tissue is employed as the muscle mass increase training program of (2). How to make;
[8] The aerobic training program according to (3), wherein at least one aerobic exercise selected from the group consisting of arm swinging, walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming is selected. Menu creation method of diet program in any one of-[7];
[9] The diet program menu creation method according to any one of [8] above, wherein in the aerobic training program of (3), arm swing is selected as the aerobic exercise;
[10] (1) Personal information data input means for inputting personal information data, (2) Information on nutrient supply program considering suppression of increase in neutral fat by promoting sugar metabolism and promotion of lipolysis, increasing muscle mass Diet program information accumulating means for accumulating information relating to a training program for causing the patient to perform and information relating to a training program for promoting fat burning by aerobic exercise; (3) personal information input from the personal information data input means; Based on the nutrient supply program, the training program for increasing the muscle mass, and the diet program creating means for creating the training program by aerobic exercise, (4) means for displaying the diet program created by the diet program creating means ; And And (5) a diet program menu creation system comprising: means for outputting a diet program selected by the diet program creation means.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in detail based on embodiments.
According to the 1st aspect of this invention, the integrated diet program which combined the nutrient supply or training program shown to following (1)-(3) is provided.
(1) Nutrient supplementation program considering suppression of increase in neutral fat by promoting sugar metabolism based on molecular nutrition and promotion of lipolysis by supplementing nutrients necessary for fat breakdown;
(2) A strength training program that increases muscle mass based on exercise physiology; and
(3) An aerobic training program for mobilizing neutral fat into the blood and promoting fat burning by aerobic exercise.
Hereinafter, the contents of the nutrient supply program or the training program of the above (1) to (3) will be described.
(1) Nutrient supplementation program
In order to promote sugar metabolism and fat burning decomposition, efficiency can be improved by supplementing nutritional components necessary for each purpose.
In this nutrient supplement program, for example, vitamin B group (B 1 , B 2 , B 6 , B 12 Etc.), one or more nutrients can be selected from the group consisting of calcium, magnesium, chromium, zinc and manganese (reference: standard molecular medical science (medical school), Nutritional influenza on clinic: A sourcebook of clinical research by Melvyn R. Werbach, MD (Keats Publishing, Inc. 1990), The neutral revolution by By Richard N. Firthin, D. O. (Riverhead Books 1998). ), Vitamins Akira Igarashi (Maruzen Library, 1991), Nutrition of Illustrative Abundance Marumoto Yasuo (Shincho Bunko), Dr. Jonathan Light's New Nutrition Therapy Jonathan Wright (Kosaido Publishing), Vitamin and Mineral Revolution Yamada Toyofumi (General Law) Etc.). As a nutrient that promotes fat burning, vitamin B 2 In addition, one or more nutrients can be selected from the group consisting of pantothenic acid and niacin (see literature: Standard Molecular Medical Science (Medical School), Vitamin (Maruzen Library), Shinsei Chemistry Guide (Nanedo), etc.).
In addition to nutrients that promote glucose metabolism and / or nutrients that promote fat burning, this nutrient supplement program also suppresses nutrients that suppress rapid increases in blood glucose levels and the conversion of carbohydrates to neutral fat. Nutrients that promote and muscle growth can be selected. Here, examples of nutrients that suppress a rapid increase in blood glucose level include banaba leaf extract (corosolic acid), vegetable fibers, animal fibers (chitin / chitosan), and the like. Examples of nutrients that suppress the conversion of carbohydrates into neutral fat include Brundleberry extract (hydroxycitric acid). Examples of nutrients that promote muscle growth include proteins and amino acids (particularly branched chain amino acids). Furthermore, in this nutrient supplement program, nutrients that suppress aging of cells and nutrients necessary for bone formation can be selected as antioxidants as necessary. Examples of nutrients that suppress cell aging as antioxidants include vitamin A, β-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, anthocyanin, catechin, iron, selenium, manganese, and zinc. Examples of nutrients necessary for bone formation include soy protein, vitamin C, vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium.
The type of nutrients to be ingested, the amount of intake, the frequency of ingestion, etc. are determined as appropriate based on personal information such as height, weight, body fat, age, sex, etc. (Reference: Fifth Food Composition Table Yoshiko Kagawa (Women's Nutrition) University publication), The neutral revolution by Richard N. Firshine, The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care by Michael Janson, Vitamin (Maruzen Library), Vitamin and Mineral Revolution (Satoshi) The book that understands vitamins, see Marumoto Yayoi (Koseido Publishing), Vitamin Bible Earl Mindel (Shogakukan), etc.). In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, depending on the degree of obesity, the type of nutrients to be taken, the amount to be taken, etc. can be determined as appropriate, which will be described later.
(2) Strength training program to increase muscle mass
In the present invention, a training program for increasing muscle mass is also employed. In the present specification, “training for increasing muscle mass” refers to training for increasing basal metabolic rate by increasing muscle mass and, as a result, increasing the minimum amount of energy necessary for life. Such training is usually referred to as strength training. For example, machine training using various devices such as push-ups, abdominal muscles, squats, dumbbells, and barbells, a method using EMS (electrical muscle simulation), and the like. (Reference: Clinical Rehabilitation vol 12 No. 7: 577-592, 2003), Med Sci Sports Exerc 31 (1): 38-45, 1999 “Prescription of resistance training and disease body and disease”. (Kenyukan), the strongest diet program in history (Nikkei Health), muscle strengthening manual by EMS Professor Toshihiro Morinaga, Kyoto University College of Medicine Japan Judo Medicine Abstract: see electrical stimulation therapy), etc.). In the present invention, based on personal information such as height, weight, body fat, age, and sex, the type of muscle training, training time, etc. are determined as appropriate.
In the present invention, one or more of the above-described muscle strength training techniques can be employed. However, when considering the continuity of the diet program execution, the method using EMS is the most effective. The training method using EMS refers to performing passive muscle training by electrically stimulating muscle tissue with EMS (reference: clinical rehabilitation vol. 12 No. 7: 577-592, 2003, body fat. (Takehiro Kanagakan), the strongest diet program in history (Nikkei Health) EMS muscle manual by EMS (see Professor Toshihiro Morinaga, Kyoto University Medical College). Devices for performing EMS are already on the market. For example, Slimtron (trade name) manufactured by Nippon Medix Co., Ltd., which uses medium-frequency interference waves for muscle stimulation, and a stereo dynamator manufactured by Siemens (Germany). (Brand name) etc. can be used. In the case of using Slimtron manufactured by Nippon Medix, for example, the stimulation time of muscle exercise with a medium frequency of 3 to 30 Hz is 10 to 30 minutes, preferably about 20 minutes. After stimulating muscle exercise, a cool-down exercise of about 10 minutes may be performed at a high frequency to promote muscle relaxation. This increases muscle mass through muscle exercise, minimizes muscle damage and accumulation of waste products (such as lactic acid) due to muscle exercise, relieves muscle fatigue and pain, and increases muscle mass more safely. It is done. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the content of EMS training can also be determined according to the degree of obesity, which will be described later.
(3) Aerobic training program to burn fat
In the present invention, aerobic exercise, which is an indispensable element for the combustion decomposition of fat, is also incorporated. Examples of aerobic exercise include swinging arms, walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. (Reference: Clinical Rehabilitation Vol. 12 No. 7: 577-592, 2003), Med Sci Sports Exerc 31 (1): 38-45. 1999, “Prescription of resistance training for health and disease”, see Feigenbaum MS, etc.). In this specification, “aerobic training” is a general term for slow and continuous exercise that takes oxygen into the body, the presence of oxygen that can release fatty acids from adipose tissue and burn fatty acids in muscles. It refers to exercise that promotes metabolism underneath. The above-mentioned “muscular strength training” is a general term for muscular exercise that does not require oxygen and produces a large force instantaneously, and refers to exercise that can increase muscle mass. Both are considered to have different muscular tissues and physiological actions, and are distinguished by differences in training style and training purpose. In the present invention, considering the continuity of performing the diet program, it is preferable to select a simple and mild aerobic exercise that can be performed by anyone as aerobic exercise by aerobic exercise. For example, it is preferable to select “arm swing” (100 to 150 times per minute) that does not require a tool and does not require a place. The arm swinging method can be either standing or sitting. Is it an aerobic exercise that is effective depending on temperature rise (0.5-2 ° C), heart rate (50-75% of maximum heart rate (220-age)), etc. Judge whether. In this case, the minimum necessary arm swing time for obtaining the effect of aerobic exercise may be basically the time required for the body temperature to rise, for example, 3 to 10 minutes, more preferably 4 to 6 minutes. More specifically, it is preferable to perform about 5 minutes at a time, and 3 to 5 times a day as a guide. If you feel tired the next day, adjust the menu to shorten the time and reduce the number of times as appropriate.
(Operation of integrated diet program)
Next, the operation of the diet program created by the method of the present invention will be briefly described with reference to the drawings.
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing factors that cause a diet and the causal relationship thereof. As shown in FIG. 1, when carbohydrates lack nutrients that promote glucose metabolism, they are not easily converted to energy, and excess carbohydrates increase in the blood. And surplus carbohydrate is converted into neutral fat and accumulated as adipose tissue. Neutral fat is consumed as energy in muscles, but as muscle mass decreases, the amount of neutral fat burns also decreases. Decreasing muscle mass also reduces basal metabolism and lowers overall calorie consumption. The role of aerobic exercise is to release neutral fat from the adipose tissue into the blood and transport it to the muscle. When aerobic exercise is reduced, the neutral fat is efficiently carried from the adipose tissue to the muscle tissue. It will not be possible to burn. Furthermore, nutrients such as vitamin B2, pantothenic acid and niacin are necessary for the neutral fat transported to the muscle tissue to burn. If such nutrients are insufficient, even if the neutral fat is transported to the muscle, it cannot be burned and decomposed efficiently.
Therefore, in the present invention, a diet program is constructed comprehensively so as to eliminate all the factors that are undesirable in the diet.
FIG. 2 is a diagram for explaining the operation when the diet program created by the present invention is applied. As shown in FIG. 2, surplus carbohydrates are efficiently converted into energy in each tissue in the body by supplementing nutrients necessary for sugar metabolism. This reduces excess carbohydrates and consequently reduces neutral fat synthesis. Further, by increasing the amount of muscle that burns and decomposes triglycerides by a strength training program that increases muscles, more triglycerides can be burned efficiently. Increasing muscle mass will increase energy consumption by increasing basal metabolism at the same time. In addition, by aerobic exercise, neutral fat is efficiently transported from fat tissue to muscle tissue, and neutral fat is efficiently burned in muscle. Vitamin B, which is indispensable for burning the neutral fat transported to the muscle tissue 2 By supplementing with pantothenic acid, niacin, etc., it becomes possible to decompose fat more efficiently. As a result, it is possible to realize a body with less body fat, more muscle mass, better metabolism, and less weight.
(Create diet program menu)
Next, a method for creating a diet program menu of the present invention will be specifically described.
In creating the menu of the diet program in the present invention, the contents of the programs (1) to (3) are individually determined based on the user's personal information. In the creation of the diet program menu of the present invention, the diet program menu is preferably created based on the user's personal information, particularly information relating to the degree of obesity. Such personal information includes, for example, height, weight, age, sex, body fat percentage, constitution, medical history, symptoms, constitution and medical history of direct relatives (especially parents), dietary habits (eg daily average caloric intake) Volume, food preference, etc.), exercise habits, occupation, basal metabolic rate, tympanic temperature (index of brain temperature), blood vessel age (index of arteriosclerosis), and the like. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the contents of each program are determined with particular attention to height, weight, sex, and body fat percentage. According to a particularly preferred aspect of the present invention, a diet program menu can be created more accurately by using obesity degree classification using two indicators of body fat percentage and BMI as shown in Table 1.
[Table 1]
In Table 1, BMI (body mass index) is a numerical value obtained by the following formula.
BMI = weight (Kg) ÷ height (m) ÷ height (m)
Moreover, the risk degree by the classification of A1 to D4 in Table 1 can be evaluated as shown in Table 2 below.
[Table 2]
(Nutrition supplement program by each category)
In creating the diet program menu according to the present invention, a nutrient supply program for each person is created based on the personal information. Although this invention is not necessarily limited to this, For example, a nutrient supply program is created so that nutrients as shown in the following Tables 3-9 may be taken in the quantity shown in those tables. In addition, it is not necessary to select all the nutrients described in each table, and the nutrients to be taken are appropriately selected based on the personal information. In the present invention, basic meal contents (for example, types and amounts of basic nutrients to be taken in three meals) can be instructed as necessary.
[Table 3]
[Table 4]
[Table 5]
[Table 6]
[Table 7]
[Table 8]
[Table 9]
[Table 10]
[Table 11]
(Exercise program by each classification)
In the present invention, the contents of the strength training program for increasing muscles and the aerobic training program by aerobic exercise can be determined based on the personal information. According to a preferred aspect of the present invention, for example, an exercise training program as shown in Table 10 can be selected based on the above obesity degree classification.
[Table 12]
(Diet program menu creation system)
According to the second aspect of the present invention, (1) personal information data input means for inputting personal information data, (2) nutrition supplementation considering suppression of increase in neutral fat and promotion of lipolysis due to promotion of sugar metabolism Diet program information storage means for storing information on the program, information on the strength training program for increasing muscle mass, and information on the aerobic training program for promoting fat burning by aerobic exercise, (3) the individual Diet program creation means for creating a nutrient supply program, a strength training program for increasing muscle mass, and an aerobic training program by aerobic exercise based on personal information input from the information data input means, (4) Created by diet program creation means Means for displaying a diet program; and (5) Menu System diet program and means for outputting a diet program selected by the diet program creation means.
Here, examples of the personal information data input means (1) for inputting personal information data include known data input means such as a keyboard, a mouse, a touch panel, and a scanner. Examples of input personal information include height, weight, age, sex, body fat percentage, constitution, medical history, symptoms, constitution and medical history of direct relatives (especially parents), dietary habits (eg daily average caloric intake) Amount, food preference, etc.), exercise habits, occupation, basal metabolic rate, eardrum temperature, blood vessel age, and the like. As the diet program information storage means (2), various storage means such as a memory, a hard disk, a flexible disk, a CD-ROM, a DV-ROM, and a DVD-RAM can be selected. Information stored in the diet program information storage means (2) includes information on various nutrients, information on various strength training methods, and information on various aerobic exercises as described above.
Examples of the diet program creation means (3) include software for selecting and creating an optimal program based on input personal information, and a CPU for controlling the software. Such software determines, for example, the user's obesity level based on the input personal information and the above-described obesity level classification information, and the nutrients described in Tables 3 to 7 according to the obesity level. It has a function to determine a supply program and a training program.
Examples of the means (4) for displaying the diet program include known display means such as a CRT display and a liquid crystal display. Examples of the means (5) for outputting the diet program include a printer that prints information on a paper medium and the like, and an audio output means that outputs information by voice. Such a system can be constructed on a PC using necessary hardware and software. According to such a PC, if software for creating a diet program according to the degree of obesity as described above is installed in advance, the personal information can be input automatically and quickly. It is possible to provide a menu of diet programs that are optimal for individuals.
It should be noted that a menu of a diet program can be provided to many user members by constructing such a system using a net server for the Internet.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the diet program menu creation method of the present invention, it is optimized for each individual, can be executed in daily life, is efficient, and considers the overall health of the body. Thus, it is possible to provide a safe diet program menu creation method. Also, the diet program menu creation system according to the present invention can automatically and quickly create a diet program menu that is optimal for the individual.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a diagram showing factors that cause a problem in dieting and causal relationships thereof.
FIG. 2 is a diagram for illustrating the effect of diet when the method of the present invention is used.