Eblen J P 他5名. 「Birefringent Compensators for Normally White TN−LCDs」. SID Symposium Digest. SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY. 1994. p.245−248
カラー液晶プロジェクタには三板式,単板式などの方式の違いはあるが、原理的には基本色光ごとに液晶素子に表示された画像を合成してスクリーン上に投影する。液晶プロジェクタの液晶素子には種々の動作モードのものを用いることが可能であるが、多用されているTN(Twisted Nematic)液晶について説明する。TN液晶は、2枚の基板間で液晶層を構成している液晶分子が、その長軸が基板と平行となるように保たれ、かつ厚み方向では長軸が少しずつ傾けられ全体で90°ねじられる配向状態となっており、一対の偏光板(一方が偏光子、他方が検光子となる)で挟むようにして用いられる。そして、液晶素子をノーマリーホワイト,ノーマリーブラックのいずれで使用するかに応じて、一対の偏光板はクロスニコル配置あるいはパラレルニコル配置のいずれかが選択される。
液晶素子のもつ上記欠点を改善するために、液晶素子に表示された画像を直接観察する直視型の液晶表示装置では位相差補償素子を併用することが知られている。この目的で使用される位相差補償素子としては、富士写真フイルム(株)製の「Fuji WV Film ワイドビューA」(商品名/以下、WVフイルム)がすでに実用化され、また上記非特許文献1には、薄膜を積層した構造性複屈折体を位相差補償素子として用いることにより、視野角を大きくしてもTN液晶の表示画像のコントラストを低下させないことが紹介されている。さらに特許文献3には、基板に対して斜め方向から薄膜を蒸着した位相差補償素子を用い、その光学異方性により液晶ディスプレイの視野角を広げることが記載されている。
周知のように、棒状の液晶分子の集合体からなる液晶層5はポジティブレターダーとして作用する。このため、入射光S1は正常光成分Soと異常光成分Seとなって液晶層5を通過する間に、異常光成分Seが正常光成分Soに対して位相遅れを生じる。この位相差P1は、液晶層5を構成している液晶分子固有の光学異方性に依存した複屈折Δn1と液晶層5の厚みd1との積「d1Δn1」で規定される特徴値に依存して決まり、この特徴値は結晶光学的にはレターデーション(Retardation )として定義されている。そして、液晶層5のレターデーションをR1とすると、位相差P1は「P1=αR1(=αd1Δn1)」となる。この係数αの値は、光の入射角θや、液晶分子の配向姿勢、印加電圧などによって変化する外的なファクターを括り出したもので「0」以上「1」未満の値となる。
ここで、一般的な液晶層5のレターデーションR1(=d1Δn1)と位相差補償膜8のレターデーションR2(=d2Δn2)との波長依存性をグラフ化すると、模式的に図3のように表される。図示のように、液晶層5のレターデーションR1は、複屈折Δn1の波長依存性により可視光領域では短波長側で大きくなり、長波長となるにしたがってゆるやかに減少する特性を示す。一方、位相差補償膜8のレターデーションR2は薄膜L1,L2の各々の屈折率及び個々の膜厚と、全体の厚みd2で決まる。そして、薄膜形成材料として最も広く用いられているTiO2 膜とSiO2 膜により薄膜L1,L2を構成した場合には、同図に破線で示すように、液晶層5のレターデーションR1と同様に短波長側で大きく長波長側で小さくなるものの、短波長側でその傾きが急になることが多い。位相差補償膜8の全体厚みd2は波長とは無関係の物理量であるから、この波長依存性は複屈折Δn2自体の波長依存性によるものである。
しかし、このような調整を行ったとしても、レターデーションR2の特性曲線では短波長側で急激に大きくなることから、緑色光についてはほぼ満足のゆく位相差補償ができるにしても、青色光に対しては過補償、あるいは赤色光に対しては補償不足になることが避けられない。なお、位相差補償膜8の膜構成、特に薄膜L1,L2のそれぞれの屈折率を選択することによりその複屈折Δnの波長依存性を変えることができ、例えば図3に示すレターデーションRA を得ることも原理的には可能である。そして、液晶層5のレターデーションR1に対しては、明らかにレターデーションRA をもつ位相差補償膜8を用いる方が有利となる。そして、このレターデーションRA をもつ位相差補償膜であれば、基本色光の種類によらず共通に使用しても良好な位相差補償作用が得られる。
このような波長依存性をもつレターデーションRA を得るには、位相差補償膜の複屈折Δn2の波長依存性を液晶層5の複屈折Δn1の波長依存性に近づけることが必要で、そのためには位相差補償膜を構成する薄膜L1,L2の屈折率n1,n2の波長依存性を、液晶層5の複屈折Δn1の波長依存性に近づけなければならない。一般に、薄膜L1,L2を構成する薄膜材料の屈折率が高くなるほど短波長域での屈折率が高くなる波長依存性があるから、上記目的のためには薄膜L1,L2の屈折率をいずれも小さくする必要がある。
薄膜L1,L2の屈折率を小さくすると各々の屈折率の相対差も小さくなり、詳しくは後述するように、これに伴って複屈折Δn2も小さくなるから、必要なレターデーションRA を得るためには位相差補償膜全体の膜厚d2を厚くしなければならない。前述のように、薄膜L1,L2の個々の膜厚を波長の5分の1を越える膜厚にしてしまうと構造性複屈折体としての機能が失われてしまうので、複屈折Δn2が小さくなると必然的にこれらの積層数を増やして全体の膜厚d2を厚くする必要が生じてくる。例えば、液晶層5の複屈折Δn1とほぼ同様の波長依存性をもつように位相差補償膜の複屈折Δn2を決めようとすると、薄膜L1,L2の積層数を数百層程度あるいはそれ以上にまで増やさなければならない事態となり、製造効率が著しく低下する。
そこで、本発明の好ましい実施形態においては、波長依存性の点では有利ではあるがその製造上の困難性が大きいレターデーションRA を与える単一の位相差補償膜に代え、波長依存性の点では必ずしも最適ではないにしても、基本色光の少なくとも二種類については、その波長域に応じてレターデーションを調整した別の位相差補償膜がそれぞれ位相差補償セグメントとして用いられ、可視光全域にわたってほぼ満足し得る位相差補償作用を得ながらも、その製造効率が低下することのないように工夫されている。
このため、それぞれの位相差補償膜8B,8G,8Rと、青色フィルタ層30B,緑色フィルタ層30G,赤色フィルタ層30Rとの相対位置を高精度に合わせておく必要があるが、上記のように共通のガラス基板21にこれらが設けられるので、製造上有利となる。なお、それぞれの位相差補償膜8B,8G,8Rの膜厚が異なるため、各々の相互間に段差が生じる。そこで、SiO2 の蒸着などによるオーバーコート層36でこれらの位相差補償膜8B,8G,8Rを全体的に覆った後にその表面を平滑に研磨すれば、さらにその上に偏光板15を接合し、あるいは同様の作用を行う偏光膜を蒸着形成することも可能となる。
なお、耐久性の面ではマイクロカラーフィルタ30の青色フィルタ層30B,緑色フィルタ層30G,赤色フィルタ層30Rを蒸着やスパッタリングで形成することも少なくない。これらのフィルタ層は、いずれも高屈折率,低屈折率の誘電体薄膜を交互に積層した多層膜で構成されるが、各々の薄膜としてTiO2 膜とSiO2 膜とを用いることも可能である。したがって、この場合にはマイクロカラーフィルタ30を形成するための装置をそのまま用いて位相差補償膜8B,8G,8Rを製造することも可能となる。なお、薄膜材料に相違がある場合でも、蒸着装置やスパッタリング装置にこれらの材料をセッティングしておき、マイクロカラーフィルタ,位相差補償膜のそれぞれの製造工程で使い分けることもできるので装置自体の共用は可能である。
このTN液晶の実効レターデーションReがもつ波長依存性に適合させるために、図9に示すように、高屈折率層にTiO2 膜、低屈折率層にSiO2 膜を用い、これらを交互に積層した位相差補償膜(1) を作製した。TiO2 膜及びSiO2 膜は、その個々の物理的膜厚がそれぞれ30nm,20nm(物理的膜厚比が3:2)で、各々40層ずつ合計80層積層され、合計の物理的膜厚は2μmである。そして、同図に示すとおりTiO2 膜及びSiO2 膜の屈折率にも波長依存性がある。この位相差補償膜(1) の複屈折Δnを測定したところ、同図に示すようにやはり波長依存性が認められた。
なお、物理的膜厚が30nm,20nmのTiO2 膜,SiO2 膜の光学膜厚は、屈折率が大きい400nmにおいてもそれぞれ76.6nm,29.6nmでいずれもλ/5以下であり、青色光の基準波長450nmや他の基本色光の基準波長においてもこの条件は満たされる。この条件が満たされることによって、λ/4の光学膜厚を基準にした従来の干渉薄膜とは異なり、これらの積層膜に本発明システムに必須である光学異方性をもたせることができる。また、個々の薄膜層の光学膜厚をλ/100よりも薄くすると、各々の薄膜層の物理的膜厚は極端に薄いものになる。したがって、所望の総膜厚dを得るには各々の薄膜層の積層数が大幅に増え、製造効率が著しく劣化するので実用的ではない。
ここで、上記構造をもつ位相差補償膜(1) の複屈折Δnが、構造性複屈折の理論から予想される理論値とよく一致することを示す。一般に、屈折率n1 ,n2 、物理的膜厚がa,bである薄膜を波長よりも十分に短いピッチa+bで交互に積層した位相差補償膜に対し、各層の積層面に電磁波が垂直に入射した場合には、電場が各層の平面に平行に振動する波(TE波)だけになるため、複屈折性を示さない。ところが、電磁波が各層の積層面に傾斜して入射した場合には、電場が各層に平行に振動する波(TE波成分)と、電場が各層に垂直に振動する波(TM波成分)とで有効屈折率NTE,NTMが異なり、それぞれ次式で表されることが知られている。
NTE=√{(an1 2+bn2 2)/(a+b)}
NTM=√〔(a+b)/{(a/n1 2)+(b/n2 2)}〕
これらの有効屈折率NTE,NTMの相違が複屈折性を生じさせる要因であり、その複屈折Δnは「Δn=NTM−NTE」で与えられる。これらの式から求めた複屈折Δnの理論値を図9に示す実測値と比較すると、両者がよく一致していることが了解できる。なお、図9のΔnの欄に示す「k=0.6」は、上式における「a/(a+b)=k」の値を表している。そして、この位相差補償膜(1) のレターデーションdΔnは、波長ごとの複屈折Δnと、位相差補償膜の膜厚d(=2μm)との積であるから、同図に示すように波長ごとに異なってくる。なお、この図9からは、TiO2 膜及びSiO2 膜の屈折率の波長依存性を比較したとき、複屈折Δnの波長依存性に対する影響力は、SiO2 膜よりもTiO2 膜の方が大きいということも読み取ることができる。
図10は、図8に示すTN液晶のレターデーションdΔn(□)及び実効レターデーションRe(○)と、位相差補償膜(1) のレターデーションdΔn(▲)とを波長ごとにプロットしたもので、実効レターデーション(○)と位相差補償膜(1) のレターデーション(▲)とが重なり合うほど良好な位相差補償効果が得られることを表している。同図によれば、位相差補償膜(1) は波長500nm〜700nmの領域ではほぼ満足し得る効果が得られるものの、500nmよりも短波長側では過補償の傾向を示すことがわかる。したがって、青色光,緑色光,赤色光の各基本色光に対し、一定の厚みd=2μmにした同一の位相差補償膜(1) を適用したのでは、可視光領域中の最も短波長側の青色光については十分な位相差補償効果が得られているとは言い難い。
この問題は、図11に示すように、位相差補償膜(1) を青色光用に適用する場合には、青色光のほぼ中間の基準波長450nmにおけるレターデーション▲が実効レターデーション○と一致するようにその全体厚みdを調整すれば、位相差補償膜(1) の複屈折Δnを変えなくても改善することができる。さらに、赤色光についてもそのほぼ中間の基準波長650nmでレターデーション▲と実効レターデーション○とが一致するように赤色光用の位相差補償膜(1) の全体厚みdを増やすことで改善が可能となる。
図12はこうして設計された位相差補償膜の物性値を示すもので、薄膜の積層構造自体は全く共通であるが、その全体の厚みdが基本色光ごとに調整されている。すなわち、青色光用のものはd=1.8μm、緑色光用のものはd=2μm、赤色光用のものはd=2.1μmにしてある。これにより図11に示すように位相差補償膜(1) のレターデーションdΔnを基本色光の種類ごとに変えることができるようになる。
このように、各々の基本色光ごとに位相差補償膜によるレターデーションを調整するにあたり、その複屈折Δnが各層の屈折率n1 ,n2 と各々の物理的膜厚の比で決まることを利用し、基本色光ごとに用いられる位相差補償膜(1) のTiO2 膜とSiO2 膜の物理的膜厚を同じにして複屈折Δnも一律のものにしておき、基本色光の種類に応じてそれぞれの位相差補償膜の合計層数を変えて膜厚dを調整することが望ましい。そして上記実施例では、位相差補償膜(1) のレターデーションを基本色光ごとに調整するにあたり、緑色光用のものは合計積層数を80層とし、青色光用のものは合計積層数を72層、赤色光用のものは82層にすることで対応している。
青色フィルタ層30B,緑色フィルタ層30G,赤色フィルタ層30R及び 遮光層30Xは、染色法や顔料分散法などで作成することもできるが、耐久性を考慮した場合、蒸着法やスパッタリング法で作成するのが有利である。また、各フィルタ層及び遮光層のパターンニングのためには、例えば特開平9−15420号公報などで知られるような周知のリフトオフ法やフォトリソグラフィを用いることができる。位相差補償膜8B,8G,8Rについても、同様のリフトオフ法やフォトリソグラフィが適用可能であるが、これらの位相差補償膜8B,8G,8Rは、積層される薄膜L1,L2の個々の膜厚が共通で、積層数が異なるだけであるという構成上の特徴から、図13に示す手法を採ることができる。
図10はガラス基板21上に位相差補償膜8B,8G,8Rをパターンニングしながら形成する手順を示すもので、図7とは表裏を逆にして示し、マイクロカラーフィルタ30についてはその図示を省略してある。図10(A)に示すように、まずガラス基板21の全面に薄膜L1(物理的膜厚30nmのTiO2 膜)と薄膜L2(物理的膜厚20nmのSiO2 膜)とを蒸着により交互に36層ずつ積層した合計膜厚1.8μmの第1層40を形成する。
上記位相差補償膜(1) は、図5に示す液晶プロジェクタで使用される液晶素子13としてTN液晶が用いられる場合のものであるが、液晶素子としてECB液晶が用いられる場合の実施例について説明する。ECB液晶は図14に示す物性をもち、セル厚を4.5μmとすれば、複屈折Δnの波長依存性によりレターデーションdΔnにも波長依存性が現れる。前述のように、ECB液晶では液晶素子の波長ごとのレターデーションdΔnがそのまま位相差を発現させる要因になるから、これを踏まえて位相差補償膜のレターデーションを調節すればよい。
図15に、このECB液晶用の位相差補償膜(2) の設計例を示す。高屈折率層としてTiO2 膜、低屈折率層としてSiO2 膜を用い、まず波長550nmでのレターデーションがECB液晶のレターデーション「0.558nm」とほぼ一致するように多層膜設計を行った。そこで、TiO2 膜,SiO2 膜の物理的膜厚をそれぞれ30nm,20nmとして各々の膜厚比を先の位相差補償膜(1) と同様に3:2とし、これらを交互に58層ずつ合計116層積層して総厚みd=2.9μmの位相差補償膜(2) を得た。したがって、この位相差補償膜(2) の波長ごとの複屈折Δnも先の実施例と同様になるから、そのレターデーションdΔnは膜厚d(=2.9μm)を乗じて図示のとおりとなる。
この位相差補償膜(2) のレターデーション▲と、ECB液晶のレターデーション□とを波長ごとにプロットすると、図16のとおりである。このグラフからわかるように、やはり短波長になるほど位相差補償膜(2) では過補償となり、長波長側では補償不足傾向となることがわかる。そこで、図17に示すように、青色光用の位相差補償膜については、基準波長450nmで各々のレターデーションを一致させ、赤色光用の位相差補償膜については基準波長650nmで両者を一致させるために、図18に示すように青色光用,赤色光用のものについて合計膜厚dの調節を行った。
合計膜厚dを調節するにあたっては、先の実施例と同様に、青色光用のものについては合計厚みdが2.5μmとなるように薄膜の合計の積層数を100層とし、赤色光用のものについては合計厚みdが3.0μmとなるように合計積層数を120層にした。これにより、可視光領域においては図17に示すように基本色光ごとに改善されたレターデーション特性を得ることができた。なお、図19は赤色光用に緑色光用の位相差補償膜をそのまま用いた場合の特性を示したもので、実用的にはこれで対応することも可能である。また、波長600nmで位相差補償膜(2) のレターデーションはECB液晶のレターデーションとが一致するように、この緑色光・赤色光共用の位相差補償膜の合計膜厚をわずかに増やすようにしてもよい。
以上の実施例1,2は、薄膜L1,L2にTiO2 膜,SiO2 膜を用いているが、そのほかにも、例えばZrO2 、MgO、CeO2 、SnO2 、Ta2 O5 、Y2 O3 、LiNbO3 、MgF2 、CaF2 、Al2 O3 など、種々の蒸着材料を適宜選択して薄膜L1,L2を形成することができる。もちろん、その場合には、これらの薄膜の有効屈折率NTE,NTM及びその波長依存性を考慮した膜厚設計が必要となる。
以上に説明した位相差補償膜は、結晶光学的には一軸性の負のc−plateとして機能する構造性複屈折体であるが、同様の機能を発揮する無機材料からなる構造性複屈折体として、原理的には例えば図20に示すものも本発明の位相差補償素子として用いることができる。この構造性複屈折体50は、透明な支持体となるガラス基板51の表面に、屈折率nA の透明な板状突起52を格子状に配列したものである。
この構造性複屈折体50の物理的構造を構成している板状突起52の厚みd,高さh及び配列間隔は光の波長に対して充分に小さく、例えば板状突起67の厚みdに屈折率nA を乗じた光学膜厚がλ/100〜λ/5、好ましくはλ/50〜λ/5、実際的にはλ/30〜λ/10程度であればよく、光学異方性を示さない光学軸50aは図示の方向となる。
この構造性複屈折体50の複屈折Δnは、板状突起52の厚みSと、その相互間の間隔で決まり、レターデーションは板状突起52の高さhとの積hΔnとなる。そして、板状突起52の屈折率nA のもつ波長依存性により、複屈折Δnも波長依存性を示すから、先の実施例と同様に基本色光の種類、特に短波長側で位相差補償量もかなり違った値になる。これに対処するには、基本色光の種類に応じて板状突起52の高さhを変え、それぞれレターデーションを異ならせた複数種類の位相差補償セグメントとし、これらを液晶素子の画素配列パターンに対応して配列すればよい。液晶素子との組み合わせを考慮すれば、図6に示す位相差補償膜8に代えて、ガラス基板21の下面にこれらの板状突起52からなる複数種類の位相差補償セグメントを配列すればよい。
これらの構造性複屈折体50,55のもつ物理的な繰り返し構造パターンは、フォトリソグラフィーにより作成することができる。なお、負の一軸性複屈折体としての作用を得るためには、それぞれの板状突起52,54の幅dに対する高さhで表されるアスペクト比を充分に大きくしておく必要がある。このアスペクト比が充分に大きくない場合には、屈折率楕円体の三次元座標軸に関する屈折率nx ,ny ,nz が全て異なる2軸性複屈折体となる。さらにアスペクト比が小さくなると、極限的には正のa−plateになる。
以上、図示した実施形態に基づいて本発明について述べてきたが、本発明を適用し得る液晶素子としては、上述したTN液晶モードやECB液晶モードのものだけでなく、VA(Vertically Aligned)、OCB(Optically Compensated Birefringence )、FLC(Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal)などの各種の動作モードのものであってもよい。また、少なくとも二種類の位相差補償セグメントを二次元配列した位相差補償素子を、液晶素子のガラス基板21の内面側に設けたり、あるいは他方のガラス基板20の少なくともいずれかの面に設けることも可能である。さらに、液晶素子とは別体のガラス基板に各位相差補償セグメントを形成した位相差補償素子を作成しておき、各位相差補償セグメントが液晶素子の画素配列と整合するようにこの位相差補償素子を液晶素子に接合して用いるようにしてもよい。
本発明は、上記位相差補償素子を構成するにあたり、個々の光学膜厚を波長の100分の1以上5分の1以下にした薄膜を積層した位相差補償膜を用いることによって有利に実現することができる。このような位相差補償膜は、高屈折率の薄膜と低屈折率の薄膜とを交互に積層するだけでも実現が可能である。特に、これらの薄膜の物理的膜厚をそれぞれ一律にして複屈折Δnは一定にしながらも、これらの薄膜の積層数を基本色光の種類に応じて変えることによって色光ごとのレターデーションを調節することが可能となり、製造面での利点が大きい。また、これらの高・低二種類の薄膜として、種々の蒸着膜として多様され、品質も安定したTiO2 膜とSiO2 膜とを用いることができるので、安定した位相差補償作用が得られる。さらに、カラー液晶素子のカラー変調手段として用いられるマイクロカラーフィルタを多層干渉薄膜で構成する場合には、位相差補償膜の構成要素であるTiO2 膜とSiO2 膜とを用いることができるから、共通の蒸着設備を利用してマイクロカラーフィルタと位相差補償膜とを製造することが可能となり、効率的な製造を行うことができる。そして本発明は、上記のカラー液晶素子を組み込んだ単板式カラー液晶プロジェクタの形態で実施することも可能である。
【図9】TN液晶用の位相差補償膜(1) の波長依存性を示す図表である。
【図10】TN液晶と位相差補償膜(1) のレターデーション特性を示すグラフである。
【図15】ECB液晶用の位相差補償膜(2) の波長依存性を示す図表である。
【図16】ECB液晶と位相差補償膜(2) のレターデーション特性を示すグラフである。
【図19】位相差補償膜(2) を波長500nmで分割して利用する場合のレターデーション特性を示すグラフである。
2 液晶素子
5 液晶層
6 位相差補償素子
8 位相差補償膜
10 光源
12 偏光板
13 液晶素子
14 位相差補償素子
15 偏光板
16 投影レンズ
17 スクリーン
20,21 ガラス基板
30 マイクロカラーフィルタ
35 液晶層
50,55,60,65,70,75 構造性複屈折体[0001]
The present invention relates to a color liquid crystal element suitable for a single-plate liquid crystal projector capable of displaying a full-color image and a single-plate color liquid crystal projector using the same.
[Prior art]
[Patent Document 1]
JP 2002-14345 A
[Patent Document 2]
JP 2002-31782 A
[Patent Document 3]
US Pat. No. 5,638,197
[Non-Patent Document 1]
Ebren JP and 5 others. “Birefringent Compensators for Normal White TN-LCDs”. SID Symposium Digest. SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY. 1994. p. 245-248
Color liquid crystal projectors differ in the three-plate type and single-plate type, but in principle, the images displayed on the liquid crystal elements for each basic color light are combined and projected onto the screen. Although liquid crystal elements of various operation modes can be used as the liquid crystal elements of the liquid crystal projector, a commonly used TN (Twisted Nematic) liquid crystal will be described. In TN liquid crystal, liquid crystal molecules constituting a liquid crystal layer between two substrates are maintained so that the major axis thereof is parallel to the substrate, and the major axis is gradually tilted in the thickness direction, so that the total angle is 90 °. It is twisted and used so that it is sandwiched between a pair of polarizing plates (one is a polarizer and the other is an analyzer). Then, depending on whether the liquid crystal element is used in normally white or normally black, either the crossed Nicols arrangement or the parallel Nicols arrangement is selected for the pair of polarizing plates.
Not only TN liquid crystals, but generally liquid crystal elements have the drawback of a narrow viewing angle. Taking a normally white TN liquid crystal as an example, in the state where no voltage is applied to the liquid crystal layer, the liquid crystal layer rotates the plane of polarization by 90 ° according to the twisted arrangement of liquid crystal molecules. Showing gender. Then, the linearly polarized light that has passed through the liquid crystal layer is emitted through the other polarizing plate arranged in a crossed Nicols state, and becomes a white state. When a voltage is applied to the liquid crystal layer, the twist of the liquid crystal molecules disappears, and the incident linearly polarized light is emitted as it is in the plane of polarization, so that the other polarizing plate is blocked from passing and becomes black.
However, the liquid crystal also acts as a birefringent medium. In the case of the above-described TN liquid crystal, in the process of applying a voltage to the liquid crystal layer and losing its twisted alignment, optical rotation and birefringence are mixed, and the birefringence dominates as the voltage application level increases. It ’s going to be. When the twist of the liquid crystal molecules disappears and the black state is obtained, the liquid crystal layer hardly exhibits birefringence with respect to the normal incident light, so that the linearly polarized light is transmitted as it is, but with respect to the oblique incident light. In other words, it exhibits birefringence, and light incident as linearly polarized light is modulated into elliptically polarized light.
The elliptically polarized light generated in this way is partially transmitted through the polarizing plate on the output side, resulting in a decrease in the density of the black state. The propensity of the liquid crystal layer as a birefringent medium gradually appears in the process of transition from the white state to the black state. Therefore, when the display screen is observed from an oblique direction even in a halftone display state, the modulation degree The angle dependence is inevitable. Such angle dependency of the degree of modulation is a phenomenon that is observed not only in TN liquid crystals but also in all liquid crystal elements.
In order to improve the above drawbacks of the liquid crystal element, it is known to use a phase difference compensation element together in a direct-view type liquid crystal display device that directly observes an image displayed on the liquid crystal element. As a phase difference compensation element used for this purpose, “Fuji WV Film Wide View A” (trade name / hereinafter referred to as WV film) manufactured by Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. has already been put into practical use. Describes that, by using a structural birefringent body in which thin films are laminated as a phase difference compensation element, the contrast of a display image of a TN liquid crystal is not lowered even when the viewing angle is increased. Further, Patent Document 3 describes that a phase difference compensation element in which a thin film is deposited from an oblique direction with respect to a substrate is used, and the viewing angle of the liquid crystal display is widened by the optical anisotropy.
These phase difference compensation elements are applied to direct-view type liquid crystal elements, but direct-view type liquid crystal elements are usually observed with an image almost facing the display screen from a position more than a clear viewing distance. It is often the usage form of. If the contrast is observed at the periphery of the display screen and the image is observed with a slight shift of the eye position, the image of that part can be observed almost normally. In addition, in the case of applications where a large number of people observe at the same time, the distance between the display screen and the observer becomes large, so the range of normal observation is limited, but the contrast of the display image is partially different. Hateful.
In contrast, in a liquid crystal projector, image light modulated by a liquid crystal element is projected onto a screen by a projection lens, and the image light diffuses on the screen and becomes an observation target. Therefore, when the black level is to be displayed, if the contrast of the projected image itself decreases due to the fact that light that is incident on the liquid crystal layer and passes through the liquid crystal molecules obliquely is included, Even when observed from various positions, the reduction in contrast is not improved at all. In order to increase the contrast of the projected image as much as possible, it is only necessary to obtain a projected image without using a light beam emitted from the liquid crystal element at a large angle.To that end, it is necessary to lengthen the back focus of the projection lens, Liquid crystal projectors that require miniaturization are disadvantageous in achieving compactness. In order to solve these difficulties in principle, it is also effective to use the viewing angle expansion technology used in direct-view liquid crystal panels for the liquid crystal elements used in liquid crystal projectors. Can be improved.
Against this background, regarding a three-plate color liquid crystal projector that uses independent liquid crystal elements for each basic color light of blue light, green light, and red light, a phase difference compensation element is provided for each liquid crystal element in the same manner as a direct-view type liquid crystal element. Patent Documents 1 and 2 describe use in combination. In the liquid crystal projector described in Patent Document 1, a phase difference compensation element for TN liquid crystal that is made of an organic material such as the WV film described above is used. Patent Document 2 describes using a uniaxial birefringent crystal such as single crystal sapphire or quartz as a phase difference compensation element. All of these phase difference compensation elements act as a birefringent material that exhibits optical anisotropy depending on the incident angle of light, and that the contrast of an image is lowered by a light beam emitted from the liquid crystal element at a large emission angle. It is preventing.
On the other hand, color liquid crystal projectors include a single plate type in addition to the above three plate type. The liquid crystal elements used in a single-plate color liquid crystal projector are each assigned to a basic color light of blue light, green light, or red light. It is driven by image data for each color light, and is illuminated with each basic color light. In order to illuminate the basic color light for each pixel, a micro color filter is incorporated in the liquid crystal element, or three types of basic color light are incident on the liquid crystal element by changing the illumination angle, and the action of the micro lens incorporated in the liquid crystal element. There is a method of guiding each basic color light onto the corresponding pixel, but in any case, a single liquid crystal element is illuminated with one basic color light per pixel, and a full color image is synthesized on the screen. ing.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, the optical compensation element described in Patent Document 1 is made of an organic material such as a WV film, and has a drawback that fading easily occurs when exposed to strong light including ultraviolet rays for a long time. In particular, in a liquid crystal projector, the brightness of the light source is higher and the degree of overheating is larger than that of a direct-viewing type liquid crystal monitor for projecting an image on a screen, so that it is practically used for about 2000 to 3000 hours. There is a phenomenon that gradually turns brown. Therefore, there is a problem in durability in applications that are used for a long time such as home projection television, and it is difficult to put it to practical use. In Patent Document 2, a crystalline birefringent material such as single crystal sapphire or quartz is used as the retardation layer, which is excellent from the viewpoint of durability, but is itself expensive, and the crystal cutting direction and light Strictness is required for the adjustment of the built-in angle with respect to the shaft, and the manufacturing cost becomes high and it is difficult to adopt it practically.
Furthermore, since the optical anisotropy of the liquid crystal element is wavelength-dependent, if an optical compensation element or retardation layer that is optically equivalent to each color channel of a three-plate color liquid crystal projector is used, a specific color channel Even if good phase difference compensation can be achieved, it is often impossible to expect good phase difference compensation for other color channels. In the case of a three-plate color liquid crystal projector, an optical compensation element that considers the wavelength range of the basic color light may be used for each color channel, so it is relatively easy to deal with. However, in a single-plate color liquid crystal projector, for each pixel of the liquid crystal element Optical compensation elements having different characteristics must be arranged. For this reason, the optical compensation elements and retardation layers described in Patent Documents 1 and 2 are not only difficult to adopt in terms of durability and cost, but also provide different retardation compensation actions for each pixel of the liquid crystal element. This is extremely difficult to manufacture.
In addition, structural birefringent bodies that exhibit optical anisotropy by a fine physical structure are described in Patent Document 3 and Non-Patent Document 1, and these are also used for returning elliptically polarized light generated in a liquid crystal element to linearly polarized light. can do. However, these structural birefringent bodies also have wavelength dependency. For this reason, for example, as shown in Non-Patent Document 1, it is effective when used in a direct-view type with respect to light belonging to a specific narrow wavelength range such as display light of instruments. Even if it is applied as it is to a color liquid crystal projector, the same phase difference compensation action cannot be obtained for all three types of basic color light having different wavelength ranges.
The present invention has been made in consideration of the above background, and provides a color liquid crystal element capable of obtaining a good phase difference compensation action for each of the three basic color lights necessary for full-color image display. An object is to provide a single-plate color liquid crystal projector using the element.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to achieve the above object, according to the present invention, each of the two-dimensionally arranged pixels on the common substrate is assigned to one of the three types of basic color light, and the transmission density of the pixel is controlled for each basic color light. A phase difference compensation element is combined with a color liquid crystal element that forms a full-color image for projection. This retardation compensation element is composed of a structural birefringent material made of an inorganic material, and at least two types of retardations expressed by the product of the birefringence and the thickness in the optical axis direction are different from each other according to the basic color light. These phase difference compensation segments are two-dimensionally arranged, and each of these phase difference compensation segments is associated with each pixel to which the respective basic color light is assigned.
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, at least two kinds of phase difference compensation segments are each composed of a phase difference compensation film in which a high refractive index layer and a low refractive index layer are alternately laminated, and a high refractive index layer and a low refractive index layer. The optical film thickness of each layer is not less than 1/100 and not more than 1/5 of the wavelength. Also, the high-refractive index layer and the low-refractive index layer constituting the retardation compensation film have the same thickness, and the total thickness of the retardation compensation film is varied by changing the number of layers. It is also possible to correspond to the type of basic color light, and furthermore, each of the high-refractive index layer and the low-refractive index layer constituting each of these retardation compensation films, one by one regardless of the kind of retardation compensation film It is also possible to use a high refractive material and a low refractive material.
It is also possible to provide a micro color filter layer in which three types of color filters that transmit only basic color light assigned to the pixels of the liquid crystal element are two-dimensionally arranged on the other surface of the transparent substrate on which the retardation compensation film is formed. It is effective in carrying out the invention. In this case, the three types of color filters can be composed of a high refractive index layer and a low refractive index layer, and the material can be used in common with the phase difference compensation film, thereby improving the manufacturing efficiency. . The present invention also includes a single-plate color liquid crystal projector using such a color liquid crystal element.
The basic operation of the phase difference compensation element used in the present invention is conceptually as follows. In FIG. 1, a liquid crystal element 2 has a structure in which a liquid crystal layer 5 made of liquid crystal molecules is enclosed between a transparent base substrate 3b and an opposing substrate 3a each having an alignment film formed on the inner surface side. Each of the substrates 3a and 3b is provided with a matrix electrode, a common electrode, a transparent conductive film, and the like for driving the liquid crystal layer 5 for each pixel, but the illustration is omitted. A polarizer is disposed in front of the liquid crystal element 2, and the incident light S <b> 1 enters the liquid crystal element 2 as linearly polarized light.
As is well known, the liquid crystal layer 5 made of an aggregate of rod-like liquid crystal molecules acts as a positive letterer. For this reason, while the incident light S1 becomes the normal light component So and the extraordinary light component Se and passes through the liquid crystal layer 5, the extraordinary light component Se causes a phase lag with respect to the normal light component So. This phase difference P1 depends on the characteristic value defined by the product “d1Δn1” of the birefringence Δn1 depending on the optical anisotropy inherent to the liquid crystal molecules constituting the liquid crystal layer 5 and the thickness d1 of the liquid crystal layer 5. This characteristic value is defined as retardation for crystal optics. When the retardation of the liquid crystal layer 5 is R1, the phase difference P1 is “P1 = αR1 (= αd1Δn1)”. The value of the coefficient α is a sum of external factors that change depending on the incident angle θ of light, the orientation of liquid crystal molecules, the applied voltage, and the like, and is a value between “0” and “1”.
Since the outgoing light S2 from the liquid crystal element 2 is a combined light of the normal light component So and the abnormal light component Se with a phase lag with respect to this, the phase difference is obtained even if the incident light S1 is linearly polarized light. An elliptically polarized component corresponding to Ra is included. In order to suppress this elliptically polarized component, the phase lag due to the liquid crystal layer 5 may be compensated. For this purpose, the phase difference compensating element 6 is provided between the exit surface of the liquid crystal element 2 and the analyzer.
The phase difference compensation element 6 uses a structural birefringent material made of an inorganic material having a physical structure finer than the wavelength of light. As an example, as shown in FIG. The phase difference compensation film 8 has a total thickness d2 in which dielectric thin films L1 and L2 having different rates are alternately laminated. The optical film thickness (product of physical film thickness and refractive index) of each layer is sufficiently smaller than the wavelength of light, preferably λ / 100 to λ / 5, more preferably λ / 50 to λ / 5, practical For this, λ / 30 to λ / 10 is appropriate. This method makes it possible to easily create a negative c-plate, to obtain a uniaxial negative birefringent plate having birefringence Δn2, and to arrange the thin film formation surface perpendicular to the projection optical axis. Used.
Dichroic mirrors, polarizing beam splitters, color synthesis prisms, antireflection films, and the like are known as those that obtain unique optical effects by multilayer films in which dielectric thin films having different refractive indexes are laminated. Each of the individual thin film layers constituting the film is designed so that the optical film thickness is an integral multiple of λ / 4, and achieves the intended purpose by utilizing the light interference phenomenon. In this respect, the above-described retardation compensation film 8 has a specific birefringence Δn2 determined by the optical film thickness of each of the thin films L1 and L2 being thinner than λ / 4 and the ratio of the optical film thicknesses of the two kinds of thin films. Therefore, it is based on a completely different principle of action from the light interference phenomenon.
The phase difference compensation film 8 acts as a negative letterer that causes a phase delay in the normal light component So with respect to the abnormal light component Se. The retardation compensation film 8 has a structure different from that of liquid crystal molecules in terms of crystal optics, but the retardation R2 (from the birefringence Δn2 determined by the optical anisotropy and the physical thickness d2 of the retardation compensation film 8 as a whole. = D2Δn2) can be defined, and the phase difference P2 of the normal light component So with respect to the abnormal light component Se is “P2 = βR2 (= βd2Δn2)”. If “P1 = P2”, the outgoing light S3 from the phase difference compensation element 6 becomes a combined light of a normal light component and an extraordinary light component with no phase lag, and the elliptically polarized light component disappears and becomes linearly polarized light. And exit. Therefore, linearly polarized light enters the analyzer disposed at the subsequent stage of the phase difference compensation element 6, and the contrast of the image can be increased.
Like the coefficient α, the coefficient β changes according to the incident angle θ of light. However, when the light rays pass through the liquid crystal element 2 and the phase difference compensating element 6 at the same incident angle as shown in the figure, they cancel each other. Since they can meet each other, the influence of the incident angle θ can be ignored. Therefore, in order to satisfy “P1 = P2”, only the internal factors depending on the liquid crystal element 2 itself such as the orientation of the liquid crystal molecules and the applied voltage among the factors included in the coefficient α are considered. That's fine. For convenience, the positive and negative signs of the birefringence Δn1 and Δn2 are ignored, but the positive and negative signs are clearly indicated as necessary.
In practicing the present invention, it is necessary to further consider the type of liquid crystal mode. For example, assuming that an ECB liquid crystal is used as the liquid crystal element 2, most of the rod-like liquid crystal molecules in the liquid crystal layer are vertically aligned with respect to the substrate in the state where no voltage is applied. Specifically, it is a positive c-plate. Since the polarizer and the analyzer are usually used in a crossed Nicols arrangement so that a black level display is obtained when no voltage is applied, the thickness d1 of the liquid crystal layer 5 is within the range of the incident light S1. The optical anisotropy appears in the entire region.
On the other hand, the phase difference compensation film 8 in which the thin films L1 and L2 composed of the high refractive index layer and the low refractive index layer are alternately stacked acts as a c-plate similar to the ECB liquid crystal although it is negative. The coefficient α in the phase difference P1 (= αd1Δn1) generated in step 1 can be regarded as “1”. Therefore, basically, the parameters may be set based on “d1Δn1 = d2Δn2”, that is, the retardation R1 of the liquid crystal layer 5 and the retardation R2 of the retardation compensation film 8 are matched as much as possible.
On the other hand, in the TN liquid crystal, when a black level display is performed, a voltage is applied to vertically align the rod-shaped liquid crystal molecules filled between the substrates, but the liquid crystal molecules do not take a vertical alignment posture near the substrate. . If the applied voltage is increased, the number of liquid crystal molecules that are vertically aligned increases. However, the ratio of the liquid crystal molecules that are vertically aligned for black level display is about 60% to 95%, or about 65% to 80% with respect to the thickness d1. It is common. For this reason, the phase difference P1 generated in the liquid crystal layer 5 having the thickness d1 is smaller than “d1Δn1”. Therefore, the parameters are set in consideration of this when designing the phase difference compensation film 8, and the above-described coefficient is simplified. It is only necessary to use a phase difference compensation film that satisfies “0.7 × d1Δn1 = d2Δn2” by setting α to 0.7. A similar tendency can be seen in the OCB mode liquid crystal and the SNT mode liquid crystal.
In the above description, when the incident light S1 is light in a limited wavelength range such as blue light, green light, and red light, it is not a big problem, but the incident light S1 extends over the entire visible light range. In the case of light, it becomes a problem that the positive birefringence Δn1 of the liquid crystal layer 5 and the negative birefringence Δn2 of the phase difference compensation film 8 have inherent wavelength dependence, which cannot be ignored.
Here, when the wavelength dependence of the retardation R1 (= d1Δn1) of the general liquid crystal layer 5 and the retardation R2 (= d2Δn2) of the retardation compensation film 8 is graphed, it is schematically represented as shown in FIG. Is done. As shown in the figure, the retardation R1 of the liquid crystal layer 5 has a characteristic that it increases on the short wavelength side in the visible light region due to the wavelength dependence of the birefringence Δn1, and gradually decreases as the wavelength increases. On the other hand, the retardation R2 of the retardation compensation film 8 is determined by the refractive index and individual film thickness of each of the thin films L1 and L2, and the total thickness d2. And TiO which is most widely used as a thin film forming material2Film and SiO2When the thin films L1 and L2 are formed of a film, as shown by the broken line in the figure, it is large on the short wavelength side and small on the long wavelength side as in the retardation R1 of the liquid crystal layer 5, but on the short wavelength side The inclination is often steep. Since the entire thickness d2 of the retardation compensation film 8 is a physical quantity independent of the wavelength, this wavelength dependency is due to the wavelength dependency of the birefringence Δn2 itself.
In the graph shown in FIG. 3, the thickness d2 is adjusted so that the retardation R2 of the retardation compensation film 8 having the specific birefringence Δn2 is as close as possible to the specific retardation R1 of the liquid crystal layer 5 in the visible light region. The retardations R1 and R2 are made to coincide at a wavelength of 550 nm where the visibility is the highest. That is, the thickness d2 can be used as a parameter for shifting the retardation R2 of the retardation compensation film 8 in the vertical direction on the graph of FIG. Therefore, the retardation R2 can be adjusted not only to coincide with the retardation R1 at a wavelength of 550 nm but also to minimize the area sandwiched between the characteristic curves of the retardation R1, for example.
However, even if such an adjustment is made, the characteristic curve of the retardation R2 suddenly increases on the short wavelength side. On the other hand, it is inevitable that there will be overcompensation or insufficient compensation for red light. The wavelength dependence of the birefringence Δn can be changed by selecting the film configuration of the phase difference compensation film 8, particularly the refractive indexes of the thin films L 1 and L 2. For example, the retardation RA shown in FIG. 3 is obtained. This is also possible in principle. For the retardation R1 of the liquid crystal layer 5, it is obviously advantageous to use the retardation compensation film 8 having the retardation RA. If the retardation compensation film has this retardation RA, a good retardation compensation effect can be obtained even if it is used in common regardless of the type of basic color light.
In order to obtain retardation RA having such wavelength dependency, it is necessary to make the wavelength dependency of the birefringence Δn2 of the retardation compensation film close to the wavelength dependency of the birefringence Δn1 of the liquid crystal layer 5, and for that purpose The wavelength dependence of the refractive indexes n1 and n2 of the thin films L1 and L2 constituting the phase difference compensation film must be close to the wavelength dependence of the birefringence Δn1 of the liquid crystal layer 5. In general, as the refractive index of the thin film material constituting the thin films L1 and L2 increases, the refractive index in the short wavelength region increases, so that there is a wavelength dependency. It needs to be small.
When the refractive indexes of the thin films L1 and L2 are reduced, the relative difference between the refractive indexes is also reduced. As will be described in detail later, the birefringence Δn2 is also reduced accordingly, so that the necessary retardation RA can be obtained. The film thickness d2 of the entire retardation compensation film must be increased. As described above, if the film thickness of each of the thin films L1 and L2 exceeds 1/5 of the wavelength, the function as a structural birefringent material is lost, so that the birefringence Δn2 decreases. Inevitably, it becomes necessary to increase the total number of layers d2 by increasing the number of these layers. For example, if the birefringence Δn2 of the retardation compensation film is determined so as to have a wavelength dependency substantially the same as the birefringence Δn1 of the liquid crystal layer 5, the number of thin films L1 and L2 is increased to several hundreds or more. The production efficiency is significantly reduced.
Therefore, in a preferred embodiment of the present invention, in place of a single retardation compensation film that provides a retardation RA that is advantageous in terms of wavelength dependency but has great manufacturing difficulty, in terms of wavelength dependency. Although not necessarily optimal, for at least two types of basic color light, another phase difference compensation film whose retardation is adjusted according to its wavelength range is used as each phase difference compensation segment, which is almost satisfactory over the entire visible light range. It is devised so that the manufacturing efficiency does not decrease while obtaining a possible phase difference compensation action.
The retardation is adjusted by adjusting the total thickness d2 of the retardation compensation film 8 in accordance with the wavelength range of the basic color light with respect to the retardation R1 having the wavelength dependency of the liquid crystal layer 5 and changing the characteristic curve of the retardation R2. It is easy to respond by shifting in the vertical direction according to the wavelength range. The birefringence Δn2 of the phase difference compensation film 8 is determined by the refractive index and individual film thickness of each of the thin films L1 and L2, and this is a factor that determines the wavelength dependence, that is, the slope of the characteristic curve. Further, since the size of the retardation R2 (the amount of shift of the characteristic curve in the vertical direction) depends on the total film thickness, the individual film thicknesses of the thin films L1 and L2 constituting the retardation compensation film are as follows. While maintaining each constant, the total film thickness can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the number of these repeated layers for each wavelength range of the basic color light.
For example, in FIG. 4, the retardation R2G in the wavelength range of 500 nm to 600 nm is the same as the partial characteristic curve of the retardation R2 in FIG. R2R is obtained by increasing or decreasing the number of repeated thin films L1 and L2 with respect to the wavelength range of 500 nm to 600 nm while having the same birefringence Δn2 as the previous retardation R2. In this way, each phase difference compensation film whose total film thickness is adjusted is used as a phase difference compensation segment for each type of basic color light.
In the example of FIG. 4, the visible light region is divided into three, and the retardations R2B, R2G, and R2R are assigned to the three basic color lights, respectively, but the wavelength dependence of the retardation R1 of the liquid crystal layer 5 is long wavelength. In consideration of the gentleness on the side, a phase difference compensation film that gives the same retardation for green light and red light can be used, and the two types of phase difference compensation films can be used for the visible light region. is there. In this case, a retardation compensation film that can provide either retardation R2G or retardation R2R may be used as it is, but the total film thickness of either of them may be adjusted, and the retardation of the liquid crystal layer 5 at a wavelength of 600 nm. It is preferable to match R1.
FIG. 5 schematically shows the configuration of a single-plate color liquid crystal projector to which the present invention is applied. White illumination light from the light source 10 composed of a reflector and a lamp is made substantially parallel light by the condensing optical system 11 and enters the polarizing plate 12. The illumination light that has been linearly polarized by the polarizing plate 12 enters the liquid crystal element 13. In the liquid crystal element 13, basic color light of blue light, green light, or red light is assigned to pixel units arranged in a matrix, and the transmission density is controlled based on image data for each basic color light. As will be described in detail later, since the micro color filters are arranged in the liquid crystal element 13 corresponding to the individual pixel positions, the liquid crystal element 13 emits color and intensity-modulated image light for each pixel.
The image light emitted from the liquid crystal element 13 has a phase difference between normal light and extraordinary light due to the birefringence of the liquid crystal layer as described above, and includes elliptically polarized light. The phase difference is compensated by the element 14, and most of the elliptically polarized light component is removed. Then, the image light is projected onto the screen 17 by the projection lens 16 through the output side polarizing plate 15 which is arranged in a crossed Nicols arrangement with respect to the incident side polarizing plate 12.
An example of a liquid crystal panel used in the liquid crystal projector is shown in FIG. In this liquid crystal panel, an incident side polarizing plate 12, a liquid crystal element 13, a phase difference compensation element 14, and an output side polarizing plate 15 are integrated, and the polarizing plate 12 is provided on the incident surface side of the incident side glass substrate 20. A retardation compensation film 8 and a polarizing plate 15 in which thin films L1 and L2 as shown in FIG. 2 are alternately laminated are provided on the exit surface side of the glass substrate 21 on the exit side. The liquid crystal element 13 corresponds to a portion sandwiched between these glass substrates 20 and 21. Microlenses 23 made by an ion implantation method are arranged in a matrix on the exit surface side of the glass substrate 20, and the aperture ratio due to the electrode structure of the liquid crystal element is converged by converging white illumination light incident substantially in parallel. Is preventing the decline.
On the emission surface side of the glass substrate 20, the electrode structure portion 24 on the active side of the liquid crystal element is formed in a stripe shape extending in a direction perpendicular to the paper surface to form a so-called black stripe. The electrode structure 24 serves as a light-shielding zone, but a transparent electrode partitioned for each pixel is formed between the electrode structure 24 and functions as an active electrode 25 that applies a voltage to the liquid crystal layer on a pixel-by-pixel basis. A transparent overcoat film 26 is formed so as to cover the electrode structure 24 and the active electrode 25, and an alignment film 27 is formed on the smoothed surface.
On the incident surface side of the other glass substrate 21, a micro color filter 30 divided into pixel units, a common electrode 31 made of a transparent conductive film, and an alignment film 32 are provided. A liquid crystal layer 35 filled with liquid crystal molecules is provided between the alignment film 27 and the alignment film 32. The micro color filter 30 includes minute color filter portions that respectively transmit blue light, green light, and red light arranged in a matrix so as to overlap the corresponding active electrode 25, and color-modulates white illumination light. . Further, the intensity of illumination light passing through the liquid crystal layer 35 is modulated by controlling the voltage applied to the corresponding active electrode 25. The micro color filter 30 may be provided above the liquid crystal layer 35, for example, on the upper surface of the glass substrate 20 or the lower surface of the microlens 23.
As shown in FIG. 7, the micro color filter 30 formed on the liquid crystal layer side of the glass substrate 21 has a blue filter layer 30B, a green filter layer 30G, which transmits only blue light, green light, and red light, respectively. It is composed of a red filter layer 30R and a light shielding layer 30X that blocks transmission of visible light. The phase difference compensation film 8 includes three types of phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R having different numbers of thin films L1 and L2, and an overcoat layer 36 that covers them. The phase difference compensation film 8B is determined so that a good phase difference compensation action can be obtained with respect to the blue light B transmitted through the liquid crystal layer 35 and the blue filter layer 30B, and similarly, the phase difference compensation film 8G. , 8R have a film configuration determined so that a good phase difference compensation action can be obtained for the green light G and red light R transmitted through the liquid crystal layer 35, the green filter layer 30G, and the red filter layer 30R. These are phase difference compensation segments that compensate for the phase difference for each type of basic color light.
For this reason, the relative positions of the respective phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R and the blue filter layer 30B, the green filter layer 30G, and the red filter layer 30R need to be adjusted with high accuracy, as described above. Since these are provided in the common glass substrate 21, it becomes advantageous on manufacture. Since the phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R have different film thicknesses, a step is generated between them. Therefore, SiO2If the surface of the retardation compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R is entirely covered with the overcoat layer 36 formed by vapor deposition or the like and then the surface thereof is polished smoothly, the polarizing plate 15 is further bonded thereon, or the like. It is also possible to vapor-deposit a polarizing film that acts.
In order to form the three types of retardation compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R in a predetermined matrix pattern on the common glass substrate 21 by vapor deposition or sputtering, a known lift-off method or photolithography method can be used. In this case, the phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R may be formed one by one sequentially in accordance with the patterning process, and therefore, even if the film structures of the phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R are completely different. No problem. However, in order to improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process, three types of phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R are obtained by making the refractive indexes of the thin films L1 and L2 and their respective film thicknesses constant and adjusting the number of repeated laminations. Is advantageous.
That is, if three types of phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R are provided by increasing / decreasing the number of repeated laminations of the two types of thin films L1 and L2, two types of phase difference compensation segments are obtained. A vapor deposition material is sufficient. In addition, the other retardation compensation films 8B and GG are sequentially formed while the retardation compensation film 8R having the largest number of laminations is being formed. It is only necessary to mask the top sequentially, and the manufacturing efficiency is remarkably improved.
As described above, if the phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R corresponding to the type of basic color light are used, an appropriate phase difference compensation action can be obtained for each color light, so that projection by a single-plate color projector is possible. The contrast of the image can be greatly improved. Moreover, these retardation compensation films are a kind of structural birefringent body made of an inorganic material having a sufficiently fine physical structure compared to the wavelength of each basic color light, and are characterized by excellent durability. Therefore, it can also be used without problems for devices that are expected to be used continuously for a long time, such as home projection televisions.
In terms of durability, the blue filter layer 30B, the green filter layer 30G, and the red filter layer 30R of the micro color filter 30 are often formed by vapor deposition or sputtering. Each of these filter layers is composed of a multilayer film in which dielectric thin films having a high refractive index and a low refractive index are alternately laminated.2Film and SiO2It is also possible to use a membrane. Therefore, in this case, it is possible to manufacture the phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R by using the apparatus for forming the micro color filter 30 as it is. Even if there are differences in thin film materials, these materials can be set in a vapor deposition device or a sputtering device and used separately in the manufacturing process of the micro color filter and retardation compensation film. Is possible.
"Example 1"
Hereinafter, specific examples of the above-described retardation compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R will be described. FIG. 8 shows the primitive when the birefringence Δn of the nematic liquid crystal material using TN liquid crystal and the cell thickness d of TN liquid crystal (corresponding to the thickness d1 of the liquid crystal layer 5 in FIG. 1) is 4.5 μm. This shows wavelength dependency with retardation dΔn, and each value varies depending on the wavelength as shown in the figure. As described above, in the TN liquid crystal, not all of the liquid crystal molecules in the cell are in the vertical alignment posture in the black level display. Therefore, the portion of the liquid crystal layer corresponding to about 70% of the cell thickness d should be compensated. It is assumed that it contributes as an effective factor causing the phase lag, and this is expressed as effective retardation Re as shown in FIG.
In this embodiment, a cyanocyclohexane nematic liquid crystal known as “ZLI-1083” (trade name) manufactured by Merck & Co., Inc. is used. The above percentage should be appropriately changed according to the composition and type of liquid crystal molecules constituting the liquid crystal layer, the voltage level applied between the substrates, and the orientation orientation distribution of the liquid crystal molecules, and it is not necessarily uniform 70%. It is not limited to.
In order to adapt to the wavelength dependence of the effective retardation Re of this TN liquid crystal, as shown in FIG.2SiO2 film and low refractive index layer2Using the film, a retardation compensation film (1) in which these films were alternately laminated was produced. TiO2Film and SiO2The films have individual physical film thicknesses of 30 nm and 20 nm (physical film thickness ratio is 3: 2), respectively, and 40 layers each in a total of 80 layers, and the total physical film thickness is 2 μm. And as shown in the figure, TiO2Film and SiO2The refractive index of the film is also wavelength dependent. When the birefringence Δn of the retardation compensation film (1) was measured, wavelength dependence was recognized as shown in FIG.
TiO with a physical film thickness of 30 nm and 20 nm2Film, SiO2The optical film thicknesses of the films are 76.6 nm and 29.6 nm, respectively, at λ / 5 or less even at 400 nm where the refractive index is large, and this condition is also applied to the reference wavelength of blue light and the reference wavelength of other basic color light. Is satisfied. By satisfying this condition, unlike the conventional interference thin film based on the optical film thickness of λ / 4, these laminated films can have the optical anisotropy essential for the system of the present invention. If the optical film thickness of each thin film layer is made thinner than λ / 100, the physical film thickness of each thin film layer becomes extremely thin. Therefore, obtaining the desired total film thickness d is not practical because the number of thin film layers is greatly increased and the production efficiency is remarkably deteriorated.
Here, it is shown that the birefringence Δn of the retardation compensation film (1) having the above structure agrees well with the theoretical value expected from the theory of structural birefringence. In general, the refractive index n1, N2When an electromagnetic wave is vertically incident on the laminated surface of each layer with respect to a retardation compensation film in which thin films having physical thicknesses a and b are alternately laminated at a pitch a + b sufficiently shorter than the wavelength, an electric field is generated. Since there are only waves (TE waves) that vibrate parallel to the plane of each layer, they do not exhibit birefringence. However, when an electromagnetic wave is incident on the laminated surface of each layer at an angle, the electric field oscillates parallel to each layer (TE wave component) and the wave oscillates perpendicularly to each layer (TM wave component). Effective refractive index NTE, NTMAre different, and are each expressed by the following equations.
NTE= √ {(an1 2+ Bn2 2) / (A + b)}
NTM= √ [(a + b) / {(a / n1 2) + (B / n2 2]}]
These effective refractive indexes NTE, NTMIs a factor causing the birefringence, and the birefringence Δn is “Δn = NTM-NTEIs given. When the theoretical value of the birefringence Δn obtained from these equations is compared with the actually measured value shown in FIG. 9, it can be understood that both agree well. Note that “k = 0.6” shown in the column of Δn in FIG. 9 represents the value of “a / (a + b) = k” in the above equation. The retardation dΔn of the retardation compensation film (1) is the product of the birefringence Δn for each wavelength and the thickness d (= 2 μm) of the retardation compensation film, so that the wavelength as shown in FIG. Each will be different. From FIG. 9, TiO2Film and SiO2When the wavelength dependence of the refractive index of the film is compared, the influence of the birefringence Δn on the wavelength dependence is SiO 22TiO than film2It can also be read that the film is larger.
FIG. 10 is a plot of the retardation dΔn (□) and effective retardation Re (◯) of the TN liquid crystal shown in FIG. 8 and the retardation dΔn (▲) of the retardation compensation film (1) for each wavelength. This indicates that the better the retardation compensation effect is obtained, the more the effective retardation (◯) and the retardation (の) of the retardation compensation film (1) overlap. According to the figure, it can be seen that the retardation compensation film (1) exhibits an almost satisfactory effect in the wavelength region of 500 nm to 700 nm, but shows a tendency of overcompensation on the shorter wavelength side than 500 nm. Therefore, if the same retardation compensation film (1) having a constant thickness d = 2 μm is applied to each of the basic color lights of blue light, green light, and red light, the shortest wavelength side in the visible light region is applied. It is difficult to say that a sufficient phase difference compensation effect is obtained for blue light.
As shown in FIG. 11, when the retardation compensation film (1) is applied for blue light, the retardation ▲ at a reference wavelength of 450 nm, which is substantially intermediate to that of blue light, coincides with the effective retardation ○. If the overall thickness d is adjusted as described above, the thickness can be improved without changing the birefringence Δn of the retardation compensation film (1). Further, the red light can be improved by increasing the total thickness d of the phase difference compensation film (1) for red light so that the retardation ▲ and the effective retardation ○ coincide with each other at an almost intermediate reference wavelength of 650 nm. It becomes.
FIG. 12 shows physical property values of the retardation compensation film thus designed. The thin film laminated structure itself is completely the same, but the entire thickness d is adjusted for each basic color light. That is, d = 1.8 μm for blue light, d = 2 μm for green light, and d = 2.1 μm for red light. As a result, as shown in FIG. 11, the retardation dΔn of the phase difference compensation film (1) can be changed for each type of basic color light.
Thus, in adjusting the retardation by the retardation compensation film for each basic color light, the birefringence Δn is the refractive index n of each layer.1, N2And TiO of the retardation compensation film (1) used for each basic color light.2Film and SiO2It is desirable to adjust the film thickness d by making the physical film thicknesses the same and making the birefringence Δn uniform, and changing the total number of phase difference compensation films according to the type of basic color light. . In the above embodiment, when adjusting the retardation of the retardation compensation film (1) for each basic color light, the total number of layers for green light is 80 layers, and that for blue light is 72. The layer, for red light, corresponds to 82 layers.
The phase difference compensation films for blue light, green light, and red light thus designed are used as phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R shown in FIG. For this reason, these phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R are formed on one surface of the glass substrate 21 in accordance with the pixel arrangement of the liquid crystal elements. The pixel arrangement of the liquid crystal elements corresponds to the blue filter layer 30B, the green filter layer 30G, and the red filter layer 30R of the micro color filter 30 formed on the other surface of the same glass substrate 21. Thus, if these retardation compensation films 8B, 8G, 8R and the blue filter layer 30B, the green filter layer 30G, and the red filter layer 30R are formed on the common glass substrate 21, the arrangement pattern of both is accurately determined. It is advantageous in associating.
The blue filter layer 30B, the green filter layer 30G, the red filter layer 30R, and the light shielding layer 30X can be formed by a dyeing method, a pigment dispersion method, or the like, but when durability is taken into consideration, they are formed by a vapor deposition method or a sputtering method. Is advantageous. Further, for patterning each filter layer and light shielding layer, a known lift-off method or photolithography as disclosed in, for example, Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 9-15420 can be used. The same lift-off method and photolithography can be applied to the phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R, but these phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R are the individual films of the thin films L1 and L2 to be laminated. The method shown in FIG. 13 can be taken from the structural feature that the thickness is common and the number of layers is different.
FIG. 10 shows a procedure for forming the phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R on the glass substrate 21 while patterning them. FIG. 10 is shown with the front and back reversed, and the illustration of the micro color filter 30 is shown. It is omitted. As shown in FIG. 10A, first, a thin film L1 (a TiO with a physical thickness of 30 nm) is formed on the entire surface of the glass substrate 21.2Film) and thin film L2 (SiO with a physical film thickness of 20 nm)2The first layer 40 having a total film thickness of 1.8 μm is formed by alternately stacking 36 layers each by vapor deposition.
Then, as shown in FIG. 6B, after an ultraviolet curable photoresist layer 41 is applied and formed thereon, ultraviolet light is applied only to the portion corresponding to the arrangement pattern of the phase difference compensation film 8B using the photomask 42. Give exposure at. Since the photoresist layer 41 has an ultraviolet-exposed portion as an insoluble portion and a non-exposed portion as a soluble portion, by performing a development process, as shown in FIG. Only the portion of the phase difference compensation film 8 </ b> B that becomes the array pattern is covered with the photoresist layer 41.
Subsequently, four thin films L1 and L2 are alternately deposited on the whole. As a result, as shown in FIG. 4D, the second layer 44 having a physical thickness of 0.2 μm is further formed on both the upper layer of the photoresist layer 41 and the portion not covered with the photoresist layer 41. Are stacked. Since the portion not covered with the photoresist layer 41 is additionally deposited on the first layer 40 obtained earlier, the physical film thickness of the portion becomes 2.0 μm and the retardation compensation film 8G. The film thickness is the same.
Thereafter, a photoresist layer 41 is applied again on the entire surface, and as shown in FIG. 5E, this time, ultraviolet exposure is applied in accordance with the arrangement pattern of the phase difference compensation film 8G. When the same development processing is performed, as shown in FIG. 5F, only the portion corresponding to the arrangement pattern of the phase difference compensation film 8R is not covered with the photoresist layer 41 but is exposed on the surface. If the third layer 45 is stacked by additionally depositing the thin films L1 and L2 two by two again, the portion corresponding to the arrangement pattern of the retardation compensation film 8R is obtained first as shown in FIG. Further, vapor deposition for a physical film thickness of 0.1 μm is performed on the upper layers of the thin films L1 and L2, and the total number of layers is 84, and the physical film thickness is 2.1 μm.
Thereafter, when the photoresist layer 41 is peeled off and removed, as shown in FIG. 5H, the phase difference compensation film 8B formed only by the first layer 40 and the second layer 40 are formed on the glass substrate 21. A phase difference compensation film 8G in which a phase difference compensation film 8G to which the layer 44 is added and a phase difference compensation film 8R in which the first layer 40, the second layer 44, and the third layer 45 are overlapped are arranged in a predetermined pattern. can get. In this method, when different thin film layers are sequentially formed on a common substrate while being patterned at different positions, the thin film layer that is completed first is the lower layer of the thin film layer that is completed later. This is effective when it is a part of the side, and can also be applied to the case where a thin film layer of another vapor deposition material is added on the upper layer side of the thin film layer to be formed later.
"Example 2"
The phase difference compensation film (1) is for the case where TN liquid crystal is used as the liquid crystal element 13 used in the liquid crystal projector shown in FIG. 5, but an example in which ECB liquid crystal is used as the liquid crystal element will be described. To do. The ECB liquid crystal has the physical properties shown in FIG. 14. If the cell thickness is 4.5 μm, the wavelength dependence of the retardation dΔn also appears due to the wavelength dependence of the birefringence Δn. As described above, in the ECB liquid crystal, the retardation dΔn for each wavelength of the liquid crystal element directly causes the retardation, and therefore the retardation of the retardation compensation film may be adjusted based on this.
FIG. 15 shows a design example of the retardation compensation film (2) for this ECB liquid crystal. TiO as high refractive index layer2Film, SiO as low refractive index layer2First, a multilayer film was designed such that the retardation at a wavelength of 550 nm substantially coincided with the retardation “0.558 nm” of the ECB liquid crystal. Therefore, TiO2Film, SiO2The film thicknesses were 30 nm and 20 nm, respectively, and the film thickness ratio was 3: 2, as in the previous retardation compensation film (1). A retardation compensation film (2) with d = 2.9 μm was obtained. Accordingly, since the birefringence Δn for each wavelength of the retardation compensation film (2) is the same as that of the previous embodiment, the retardation dΔn is multiplied by the film thickness d (= 2.9 μm) as shown in the figure. .
FIG. 16 is a plot of the retardation □ of the retardation compensation film (2) and the retardation □ of the ECB liquid crystal for each wavelength. As can be seen from the graph, the shorter the wavelength, the more the phase difference compensation film (2) is overcompensated, and the longer the wavelength, the less likely it is to compensate. Therefore, as shown in FIG. 17, for the retardation film for blue light, the retardations are matched at a reference wavelength of 450 nm, and for the retardation film for red light, both are matched at a reference wavelength of 650 nm. Therefore, as shown in FIG. 18, the total film thickness d was adjusted for blue light and red light.
In adjusting the total film thickness d, as in the previous embodiment, for the blue light, the total number of thin films is set to 100 so that the total thickness d is 2.5 μm, and for red light. The total number of layers was 120 so that the total thickness d was 3.0 μm. Thereby, in the visible light region, an improved retardation characteristic was obtained for each basic color light as shown in FIG. FIG. 19 shows the characteristics when the phase difference compensation film for green light is used as it is for red light, and this can be practically dealt with. Also, the total thickness of the phase compensation film for both green light and red light should be slightly increased so that the retardation of the retardation compensation film (2) at the wavelength of 600 nm matches the retardation of the ECB liquid crystal. May be.
After the film design is performed in this way, three types of retardation compensation films having different layer thicknesses for each basic color light are deposited on the glass substrate 21 in correspondence with the pixel arrangement of the micro color filter 30 as in the previous embodiment. do it.
In Examples 1 and 2 described above, the thin films L1 and L2 have TiO2Film, SiO2In addition to this, for example, ZrO2, MgO, CeO2, SnO2, Ta2O5, Y2O3LiNbO3, MgF2, CaF2, Al2O3The thin films L1 and L2 can be formed by appropriately selecting various vapor deposition materials. Of course, in that case, the effective refractive index N of these thin filmsTE, NTMIn addition, it is necessary to design the film thickness in consideration of the wavelength dependency.
In practicing the present invention, the film configuration and thin film material of the retardation compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R may be changed completely. However, as in Examples 1 and 2, a high refractive index layer may be used. When a certain thin film L1 and a low refractive index layer L2 are laminated with a constant film thickness and only the number of the laminated layers is changed to obtain a physical structure for each basic color light, each phase difference compensation film is obtained. It is possible to obtain a great advantage in manufacturing that mass production is easy while keeping the quality of the product constant.
Furthermore, the present invention can be used for a reflective color liquid crystal element, and can also be applied to a single-plate color liquid crystal projector using the reflective color liquid crystal element. The reflective color liquid crystal element has a structure in which a mirror is disposed behind the liquid crystal layer, and incident light is emitted after passing through the liquid crystal layer twice. Therefore, the design may be performed considering that the phase difference generated in the liquid crystal element is twice the cell thickness. For example, when a reflective liquid crystal element is used off-axis (separate incident optical axis and reflected optical axis), and phase difference compensation is achieved with either the incident optical axis or the reflected optical axis, the cell thickness The phase difference compensation film may be designed based on twice as much as the above.
In addition, a retardation compensation film is provided close to the surface of the reflective liquid crystal element, and incident light enters the liquid crystal layer through the retardation compensation film, and the reflected light passes through the retardation compensation film again and exits. In this case, since the light beam passes through the liquid crystal layer and the retardation compensation film twice, the design is based on the cell thickness of the liquid crystal element (the thickness d of the liquid crystal layer) as in the above-described embodiment. Can be done.
The retardation compensation film described above is a structural birefringent body that functions as a uniaxial negative c-plate in terms of crystal optics, but a structural birefringent body made of an inorganic material that exhibits the same function. In principle, for example, the one shown in FIG. 20 can also be used as the phase difference compensation element of the present invention. This structural birefringent body 50 has a refractive index n on the surface of a glass substrate 51 serving as a transparent support.AThe transparent plate-like protrusions 52 are arranged in a lattice pattern.
The thickness d, height h, and arrangement interval of the plate-like protrusions 52 constituting the physical structure of the structural birefringent body 50 are sufficiently small with respect to the wavelength of light. Refractive index nAThe optical film thickness obtained by multiplying by λ / 100 to λ / 5, preferably λ / 50 to λ / 5, practically about λ / 30 to λ / 10, and does not exhibit optical anisotropy. The axis 50a is in the direction shown.
The birefringence Δn of the structural birefringent body 50 is determined by the thickness S of the plate-like protrusions 52 and the interval between them, and the retardation is the product hΔn with the height h of the plate-like protrusions 52. And the refractive index n of the plate-like protrusion 52ASince the birefringence Δn also exhibits wavelength dependency due to the wavelength dependency of the same, the kind of basic color light, in particular, the phase difference compensation amount on the short wavelength side is considerably different as in the previous embodiment. In order to cope with this, the height h of the plate-like protrusion 52 is changed in accordance with the type of the basic color light, and a plurality of types of phase difference compensation segments with different retardations are formed. It only has to be arranged correspondingly. In consideration of the combination with the liquid crystal element, instead of the phase difference compensation film 8 shown in FIG. 6, a plurality of types of phase difference compensation segments composed of these plate-like protrusions 52 may be arranged on the lower surface of the glass substrate 21.
Furthermore, as shown in FIG. 21, a structural birefringent body 55 in which transparent plate-like protrusions 54 are inclined and arranged on a glass substrate 51 can also be used. This structural birefringent body 55 also acts as a negative uniaxial birefringent body, and is arranged so that the surface of the glass substrate 51 on which the structure is formed is perpendicular to the illumination optical axis or the projection optical axis, and o-plate. Used as The structural birefringent body 55 can also adjust the retardation according to the type of the basic color light by adjusting the height h of the plate-like protrusion 54, similarly to the structural birefringent body 50. .
The physical repetitive structure pattern of the structural birefringent bodies 50 and 55 can be created by photolithography. In order to obtain an effect as a negative uniaxial birefringent body, it is necessary to sufficiently increase the aspect ratio represented by the height h with respect to the width d of each plate-like protrusion 52, 54. If this aspect ratio is not sufficiently large, the refractive index n with respect to the three-dimensional coordinate axis of the refractive index ellipsoid.x, Ny, NzAre all different biaxial birefringent bodies. Further, when the aspect ratio becomes smaller, it becomes a positive a-plate in the limit.
Since the positive a-plate has an optical axis in the plane of the substrate, the positive a-plate is a retardation plate that causes a phase difference that differs depending on the polarization direction with respect to the polarized light traveling in the direction perpendicular to the substrate. As a special example, a-plate in which the azimuth angle is 45 ° with respect to the linearly polarized light and the retardation dΔn is ¼ of the wavelength indicates a function of converting the linearly polarized light into circularly polarized light. Such a-plate is often used in combination with a reflective liquid crystal element as a quarter-wave plate.
FIG. 22 shows an example of a structural birefringent body that acts as a positive a-plate. The structural birefringent body 60 is configured by arranging protrusions 61 made of a transparent dielectric material having a predetermined refractive index on the surface of the glass substrate 51 in a lattice pattern at a constant pitch. The mutual distance between the protrusions 61 and the height h are sufficiently smaller than the wavelength.
As shown in the figure, the optical axis 60a is parallel to the lattice structure, and the surface of the glass substrate 51 on which the structure is formed is used so as to be perpendicular to the illumination optical axis or the projection optical axis. Different refractive indexes are distributed in a one-dimensional direction within a plane orthogonal to the illumination optical axis or the projection optical axis. Retardation is the product of the height h of the ridge 61 and the birefringence Δn determined by the refractive index of the ridge 61 and its fine structure. By adjusting the height h according to the type of basic color light, The retardation can be adjusted. When the height h increases with respect to the wavelength, the optical anisotropy deviates from one axis and becomes two axes. As it becomes larger, it approaches a negative a-plate. In addition, the lattice structure by the protrusions 61 may be in contact with the air layer, but it may be entirely covered so as to fill the gaps between the protrusions 61 with other dielectric layers having different refractive indexes. Good.
The positive structural birefringent body can also be obtained in the form as shown in FIGS. The structural birefringent body 65 shown in FIG. 23 has a large number of protrusions 66 made of a transparent dielectric material having a predetermined refractive index on the surface of the glass substrate 51, and the size and arrangement pitch of the protrusions 66 are arranged. Is sufficiently smaller than the wavelength of light and becomes a positive c-plate in terms of crystal optics. Since the surface of the glass substrate 51 is arranged so as to be orthogonal to the illumination optical axis or the projection optical axis, portions having different refractive indexes are distributed two-dimensionally in a plane orthogonal to the illumination optical axis or the projection optical axis. . The structural birefringent body 65 having such a structure can also be produced by photolithography, and its optical axis 65a is perpendicular to the surface of the glass substrate 51. The height h of the protrusion 66 can be adjusted to adjust the retardation according to the type of basic color light.
The structural birefringent body 70 shown in FIG. 24 acts as a positive o-plate. This structural birefringent body 70 is formed by regularly growing transparent protrusions 71 having a predetermined refractive index on the surface of the glass substrate 51 at a constant inclination angle, and can be produced by photolithography. Again, the size and repeat pitch of these structures must be sufficiently smaller than the wavelength of light, and the structure surface may be in contact with either the air layer or another transparent dielectric layer. The optical axis 70 a is inclined with respect to the surface of the glass substrate 51 as shown in the figure, and is parallel to the inclination direction of the protrusion 71. Similarly, by adjusting the height h of the protrusion 71, the retardation can be adjusted according to the type of basic color light.
In creating a positive o-plate, as shown in FIG. 25, a dielectric layer 74 is formed on the surface of the glass substrate 51 by depositing one kind of dielectric having a predetermined refractive index from an oblique direction. (See U.S. Pat. No. 5,638,197 (Patent Document 1)). According to this method, a sufficiently small physical structure with respect to the wavelength of light can be easily obtained. In addition, the diagonal line shown in the same figure is for showing typically that it formed into a film from the diagonal direction to the glass substrate 51, and does not represent each thin film layer. This structural birefringent body 75 is also used by being arranged so that the surface of the glass substrate 51 is perpendicular to the illumination optical axis or the projection optical axis, and the oblique dielectric layer 74 is an optical element of an o-plate birefringent body. Shows anisotropy. By adjusting the height h of the dielectric layer 74, the retardation can be adjusted according to the type of the basic color light.
The structural birefringent bodies 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, and 75 shown in FIGS. 20 to 25 are physically different from the retardation compensation film in which the high refractive index thin film layers and the low refractive index thin film layers are alternately stacked. Letters corresponding to the type of basic color light by adjusting the thickness in the optical axis direction while keeping the birefringence Δn determined by the fine structure that does not depend on the thickness (height h) in the optical axis direction, while the structural structure is different. There is a commonality of adjusting the foundation. Accordingly, with respect to one of these structural birefringent bodies, two to three types of phase difference compensation segments whose thickness in the optical axis direction is adjusted according to the type of basic color light are arranged in an arrangement pattern corresponding to the pixel arrangement of the liquid crystal element. If they are formed side by side on the glass substrate 21 of FIG. 6, it is possible to obtain the same phase difference compensation action as the previous phase difference compensation films 8B, 8G, and 8R.
As described above, the present invention has been described based on the illustrated embodiment. However, liquid crystal elements to which the present invention can be applied are not limited to the above-described TN liquid crystal mode and ECB liquid crystal mode, but also include VA (Vertically Aligned), OCB. (Optically Compensated Birefringence), FLLC (Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal), and other various operation modes may be used. In addition, a phase difference compensation element in which at least two kinds of phase difference compensation segments are two-dimensionally arranged may be provided on the inner surface side of the glass substrate 21 of the liquid crystal element, or may be provided on at least one surface of the other glass substrate 20. Is possible. Further, a phase difference compensation element in which each phase difference compensation segment is formed on a glass substrate separate from the liquid crystal element is prepared, and the phase difference compensation element is arranged so that each phase difference compensation segment matches the pixel arrangement of the liquid crystal element. It may be used by being bonded to a liquid crystal element.
In creating the retardation compensation film in which the thin films L1 and L2 are alternately laminated, the physical film thickness ratio of each layer is not necessarily limited to 3: 2, but may be 1: 1, for example. In addition to alternately laminating two types of thin films, for example, three or more types of thin films having different refractive indexes may be laminated in an appropriate order and thickness, depending on the ease of the film forming process and the internal stress of each layer. It is possible to design appropriately in consideration of strain absorption, wavelength dependency of refractive index, and the like. Furthermore, it is also possible to combine the above-described various structural birefringent materials with a retardation compensation sheet based on a polymer film that has a retardation compensation action and has no problem in durability. Included in the embodiment.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the present invention, the phase difference compensation segments that correspond to the pixel arrangement of the color liquid crystal element used in the single-plate liquid crystal color projector and have different retardation for each type of basic color light are arranged two-dimensionally. Since the phase difference compensation element is used, phase difference compensation can be performed for each basic color light, the contrast of the image projected on the screen over the entire visible light region can be improved, and the black level is displayed. The color of the time can be eliminated. Moreover, since the retardation compensation element is composed of a birefringent structure made of an inorganic material, the retardation compensation action hardly deteriorates even when heated from the illumination light source, and the durability is greatly reduced. Improvement can be expected.
The present invention is advantageously realized by using a retardation compensation film in which thin films having individual optical film thicknesses of 1/100 or more and 1/5 or less of a wavelength are laminated in constituting the retardation compensation element. be able to. Such a retardation compensation film can be realized only by alternately laminating high refractive index thin films and low refractive index thin films. In particular, the retardation of each color light is adjusted by changing the number of layers of these thin films according to the type of basic color light, while making the physical film thickness of these thin films uniform and making the birefringence Δn constant. This is possible and has great advantages in terms of manufacturing. In addition, as these two types of high and low thin films, TiO is a variety of various deposited films and has stable quality.2Film and SiO2Since a film can be used, a stable phase difference compensating action can be obtained. Furthermore, when the micro color filter used as the color modulation means of the color liquid crystal element is composed of a multilayer interference thin film, TiO which is a component of the phase difference compensation film2Film and SiO2Since the film can be used, it is possible to manufacture the micro color filter and the phase difference compensation film using a common vapor deposition facility, and efficient manufacturing can be performed. The present invention can also be implemented in the form of a single-plate color liquid crystal projector incorporating the color liquid crystal element.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a conceptual diagram illustrating phase difference compensation action.
FIG. 2 is a conceptual diagram illustrating an example of a phase difference compensation element.
FIG. 3 is a graph showing the wavelength dependence of retardation.
FIG. 4 is an explanatory diagram in the case of adjusting retardation for each basic color light.
FIG. 5 is a schematic view of a single-plate color liquid crystal projector.
FIG. 6 is a schematic cross-sectional view of a color liquid crystal element.
FIG. 7 is a partial schematic cross-sectional view of a color liquid crystal element.
FIG. 8 is a chart showing the wavelength dependence of retardation of a TN liquid crystal.
FIG. 9 is a chart showing the wavelength dependence of the retardation compensation film (1) for TN liquid crystal.
FIG. 10 is a graph showing retardation characteristics of a TN liquid crystal and a retardation compensation film (1).
FIG. 11 is a graph showing the retardation characteristics of Example 1 of the present invention.
12 is a chart showing the wavelength dependence of the retardation compensation film of Example 1 of the present invention. FIG.
FIG. 13 is an explanatory diagram showing a production configuration of the retardation compensation film of the present invention.
FIG. 14 is a chart showing the wavelength dependence of retardation of ECB liquid crystal.
FIG. 15 is a chart showing wavelength dependency of a retardation compensation film (2) for ECB liquid crystal.
FIG. 16 is a graph showing retardation characteristics of an ECB liquid crystal and a retardation compensation film (2).
FIG. 17 is a graph showing the retardation characteristics of Example 2 of the present invention.
FIG. 18 is a chart showing the wavelength dependence of the retardation compensation film of Example 2 of the present invention.
FIG. 19 is a graph showing retardation characteristics when the retardation compensation film (2) is used by being divided at a wavelength of 500 nm.
FIG. 20 is a conceptual diagram showing a structural birefringent body applicable as a phase difference compensation element.
FIG. 21 is a conceptual diagram showing another example of a structural birefringent body.
FIG. 22 is a conceptual diagram showing another example of a structural birefringent body.
FIG. 23 is a conceptual diagram showing still another example of a structural birefringent body.
FIG. 24 is a conceptual diagram showing still another example of a structural birefringent body.
FIG. 25 is a conceptual diagram showing still another example of a structural birefringent body.
[Explanation of symbols]
2 Liquid crystal elements
5 Liquid crystal layer
6 Phase compensation element
8 Phase compensation film
10 Light source
12 Polarizing plate
13 Liquid crystal elements
14 Phase compensation element
15 Polarizing plate
16 Projection lens
17 screens
20, 21 Glass substrate
30 Micro color filter
35 Liquid crystal layer
50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 Structural birefringence