JP2004026743A - Polylysine preparation and cosmetic composition containing the same - Google Patents
Polylysine preparation and cosmetic composition containing the same Download PDFInfo
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また、近年、生体内における活性酸素の生成とそれによって起こる様々な影響(疾患)が報告されている。一般的に、この活性酸素はActivated oxygensとも呼ばれ、O2−,H2O2,・OH,化学ルミネセンスの4種に大別され、いずれも強力な殺菌作用を有し、生体の自己防衛に関与する重要な物質と捕らえ、例えば、細菌・ウイルス、異物等外敵(抗原となるもの)が生体内に侵入すると、まず血液中の食細胞である好中球・単球・マクロファージが貪食作用を開始し、次に、食細胞の胞体中に貪食された異物類を溶解するために、活性酸素が生産され、そして、この生産された活性酸素は、貪食物の溶解にあたる他、一方では、直接的に細菌や異物等の外敵に対して、殺菌作用を及ぼし、外敵から防御する役割を果たしている。つまり、免疫機能を働かせる手前で抗原物質を排除する働きを持っているのである。
また、この発生原因としては、内分泌因子(脂腺機能の亢進)、細菌性因子(プロピオニバクテリウム アクネスの増殖)、角化因子(毛漏斗部の角化傷害)の三つの因子が深く関わっており、リパーゼ活性抑制は一つの因子(細菌性因子)に大きく関与していると言われている。
ポリリジンはこの他、合成法によるα−ポリリジンも使用できるが、本目的にはε−ポリリジンが好ましい。本発明に使用するε−ポリリジンの毒性は非常に低く、例えばε−ポリリジン塩酸塩のマウス経口投与における急性毒性は、LD50 で5g/kg以上である。又、ε−ポリリジンは、該ポリリジン製剤又は化粧料組成物の剤型・形態により乾燥、濃縮、もしくは希釈等を任意に行い調製すれば良い。
オウギ又はキバナオウギ(黄耆)、オウセイ(ナルコユリ、カギクルマバナルコユリ)、オウヒササノユキ又はササノユキ、オウレン(黄連)、オオガタホウケン、オオカラスウリ(カロコン)、オオグルマ(土木香)、オオツヅラフジ(防己)、オオバコ(車前子、車前草)、オオハシバミ(榛子)、オオハシラサボテン、オオバナオケラ又はオケラ(白朮)、オオバナサルスベリ(バナバ)、オオバヤシャブシ「果実」、オオホシグサ(穀精草)、オオミアカテツ、オオミサンザシ又はサンザシ(山査子)、オオムギ(大麦)、オカ、オカゼリ(蛇床子)、オクラ「果実」、オグルマ(旋覆)、オタネニンジン又はトチバニンジン (人参)、オトギリソウ又はコゴメバオトギリソウ又はセイヨウオトギリソウ(弟切草)、オドリコソウ(続断)、オナモミ(蒼耳子)、オニグルミ、オニドコロ又はトコロ又はナガドコロ(ヒカイ)、オニノヤガラ(天麻)、オニユリ又はササユリ又はハカタユリ(百合)、オノニス、オヒョウ(裂葉楡)、オミナエシ(敗醤)、オユーコ、オランダカラシ(クレソン)、オランダゼリ、オランダミツバ、オリーブ「果実、種子、葉」、オレガノ、オレンジ「果実、果皮」、カイケイジオウ(熟地黄)、カカオ「果実、果皮、種子」、カキ(柿蒂「葉」)、カギカズラ(釣藤鈎)、カキドオシ又はカントリソウ(蓮銭草)、ガクアジサイ、カシア、カジノキ(楮実「果実」)、ガジュツ(莪朮)、カシワ(槲樹、槲葉)、カスカリラ、カスカラサグラダ、カスミソウ、カセンソウ、カニクサ(金沙藤)、カニーワ、カーネーション、カノコソウ(吉草根)、カバノキ又はシダレカンバ(白樺)、ガーベラ、カボチャ、カポックノキ「種子」、カホクサンショウ(蜀椒)、ガマ(蒲黄)、カミツレ又はローマカミツレ、カミヤツデ(通草)、カムカム(カモカモ)、カラー、カラクサケマン、カラスウリ又はシナカラスウリ(王瓜)、カラスビシャク(半夏)、カラスムギ、ガラナ「種子」、カラホオ(厚朴)、カラヤ、ガリュウ、カリン(木瓜)、ガルシニア、カワミドリ、カワラサイコ(委陵菜、翻白草)、カワヂシャ、カワラタケ、カワラナデシコ(石竹)又はエゾカワラナデシコ(瞿麦、瞿麦子)、カワラニンジン(青蒿)、カワラヨモギ(茵チン蒿)、カンスイ(甘遂)、カンゾウ(甘草)、カンタラアサ、カンデリラ、カントウ、カンナ、キイチゴ(エゾイチゴ、オランダイチゴ、エビガライチゴ、ナワシロイチゴ、モミジイチゴ、ヨーロッパキイチゴ)、キウイ「果実、葉」、キカラスウリ(瓜呂根)、キキョウ(桔梗、桔梗根)、キク(菊花、シマカンギク、チョウセンノギク)、キクタニギク、キササゲ(梓実)、ギシギシ(羊蹄根)、キジツ(枳実)、キズタ、キダチアロエ、キダチハッカ、キナ、キナノキ(シンコーナ、アカキナノキ)、キヌア(キノア)、キハダ(黄柏)、ギムネマ・シルベスタ、キメンカク、キャベツ、キャベブ「未熟果」、キュウリ、ギョリュウ(西河柳、てい柳)、キラジャ・サポナリア、キラヤ、キランソウ(金瘡小草)、キンカン「果実」、ギンセカイ、キンブセン、キンマ、キンミズヒキ(仙鶴草)、
マイズルテンナンショウ(天南星)、マイタケ(舞茸)、マオウ(麻黄)、マカ、マカデミアナッツ、マーガレット(モクシュンギク)、マクリ(海人草)、マグワ(桑白皮「樹皮、葉」)、マグノリア・スプレンゲリ、マサランヅーバ、マサランズーバ・ド・セアラー、マシェイラ・デ・ボイ、マシュア(タマノウゼンハレン、キュウコンキンレンカ)、マタタビ(木天蓼)、マツカサ、松「葉、樹皮、根」、マッタ・オーリョ、マツホド(茯苓)、マティコ(コルドンシージョ)、マヨラム(ハナハッカ)、マルバノジャジン(苦参)、マルベリー「果実」、マルメロ、マレイン(ビロウドモウズイカ)、マンゴー、マンゴスチン、マンサーニャ(アンデスカミツレ)、マンシュウグルミ、マンダリン「果実」、マンネンタケ(霊芝)、キジツ(枳実「果実」)、ミシマサイコ(柴胡)、ミズオオバコ又はミズアサガオ(竜舌草)、ミゾカクシ(半辺蓮)、ミソハギ(千屈菜)、ミチヤナギ又はニワヤナギ(篇蓄)、ミツガシワ、ミツバ、ミドリサポテ、ミドリハッカ、ミモザ、ミョウガ、ミラクルフルーツ「果実」、ミルラ、ミロバラン、ムギワラギク、ムクゲ(木槿)、ムクノキ、ムクロジ(延命皮)、ムニャ、ムラサキ(紫根)、ムラサキシキブ又はオオムラサキシキブ(紫珠)、ムラサキトウモロコシ、ムラサキナツフジ(昆明鶏血藤)、メガカンサ・オプンティカ、メハジキ(益母草)、メボウギ、メラロイカ、メリッサ、メリロート、メロン「果実」、モウコヨモギ、モウソウチク、モクキリン、モジェ(コショウボク)、モッコウ(木香)、モミジバダイオウ、モモ(桃「葉、種子、花、果実」)、モヤシ、モレロチェリー「果実」、モロヘイヤ(黄麻)、ヤカワムラサキイモ、ヤクチ(益智)、ヤグルマソウ(ヤグルマギク)、ヤグルマハッカ、ヤーコン、ヤシャブシ(矢車)又はヒメヤシャブシ又はオオバヤシャブシ「果実、果皮、果穂」、ヤチヤナギ、ヤツデ(八角金盤)、ヤドリギ(柳寄生)、ヤナギ(カワヤナギ、タチヤナギ、シダレヤナギ、アカメヤナギ、ネコヤナギ、イヌコリヤナギ、キヌヤナギ、コリヤナギ、ウンリュウヤナギ、ミヤマヤナギ、ヤシ、ヤマヤナギ、オオバヤナギ、タイリクキヌヤナギ、キツネヤナギ、ドロノキ)、ヤナギタデ「葉、茎」、ヤブガラシ、ヤブコウジ(紫金牛)、ヤブタバコ(鶴虱、天名精)、ヤマゴボウ(商陸)、ヤマハンノキ(山榛)、ヤマモモ(楊梅皮)、ヤマヨモギ、 ユーカリ、ユキノシタ(虎耳草)、ユッカ又はフレビフォリア、ユズ「果実」、ユリ、ヨロイグサ、ヨモギ(艾葉)、
紅藻類(ウシケノリ属:ウシケノリ、フノリノウシケ、アマノリ属:アサクサノリ、スサビノリ、ウップルイノリ、オニアマノリ、タサ、フイリタサ、ベニタサ、ロドコルトン属:ミルノベニ、アケボノモズク属:アケボノモズク、コナハダ属:ハイコナハダ、ヨゴレコナハダ、アオコナハダ、ウミゾウメン属:ウミゾウメン、ツクモノリ、カモガシラノリ、ベニモズク属:ベニモズク、ホソベニモズク、カサマツ属:カサマツ、フサノリ属:フサノリ、ニセフサノリ属:ニセフサノリ、ソデガラミ属:ソデガラミ、ガラガラ属:ガラガラ、ヒラガラガラ、ヒロハタマイタダキ属:ヒロハタマイタダキ、タマイタダキ属:タマイタダキ、カギケノリ属:カギノリ、カギケノリ、テングサ属:ヒメテングサ、ハイテングサ、オオブサ、ナンブグサ、コヒラ、ヨヒラ、キヌクサ、ヒビロウド属:ヒビロウド、ヒメヒビロウド、イソムメモドキ属:イソムメモドキ、 ミチガエソウ属:ミチガエソウ、リュウモンソウ属:リュウモンソウ、ヘラリュウモン、ニセカレキグサ属:ニセカレキグサ、オキツバラ属:オオバオキツバラ、アカバ属:アカバ、マルバアカバ、ナミノハナ属:ホソバナミノハナ、ナミノハナ、サンゴモドキ属:ガラガラモドキ、シオグサゴロモ属:シオグサゴロモ、イワノカワ属:エツキイワノカワ、カイノカワ属:カイノカワ、カニノテ属:カニノテ、サンゴモ属:サンゴモ、ムカデノリ属:ムカデノリ、スジムカデ、カタノリ、ヒラムカデ、キョウノヒモ、サクラノリ、ニクムカデ、タンバノリ、ツルツル、フダラク、マルバフダラク、イソノハナ属:ヌラクサ、クロヌラクサ、オオムカデノリ、ヒラキントキ属:ヒラキントキ、マタボウ属:マタボウ、キントキ属:チャボキントキ、キントキ、マツノリ、コメノリ、トサカマツ、ヒトツマツ、フシキントキ、ツノムカデ、ナガキントキ、スジムカデ、カクレイト属:オオバキントキ、イトフノリ属:イトフノリ、ナガオバネ属:ナガオバネ、フノリ属:ハナフノリ、フクロフノリ、マフノリ、カレキグサ属:カレキグサ、トサカモドキ属:ホソバノトサカモドキ、ヒロハノトサカモドキ、
「試験方法及び評価方法」24時間前培養したB16メラノーマ細胞を新鮮な培地に移し、これに試料を0.5重量%添加し、3日間培養する。次に培養処理した細胞をトリプシンで処理し、1N−NaOH、10重量%DMSO溶液で加熱溶解後、420nmにおける吸光度を測定する。尚、試料の代わりに、ブランクとして蒸留水を用い、又、同時に試料を添加した細胞をMTT還元法(Tim Mosmann;Journal of Immunological Methods P55−63(1983)参考)にて活性を測定し、ブランク細胞のMTT還元活性を1単位として、試料負荷細胞のMTT還元活性を算出した。試料のメラニン量を、吸光度/MTT還元活性(1単位)として算出し、ブランク細胞のメラニン生成量に対する抑制率(%)を数1により求め、結果は図1に示した。尚、比較用試料として、アルブチン(シグマ製)を同様の条件で調製し、試験に用いた。
〈数2〉 活性酸素消去率(%)={1−(試料O.D.値−試料ブランクO.D.値)/(対照O.D.値−対照フ゛ランクO.D.値)}×100
「試験方法及び評価方法」0.1%リノレン酸を溶解する0.8%ラウリル硫酸ナトリウム溶液4.9mLを9mLのスクリュー瓶に取り、これに試料溶液0.2mLを加え、紫外線を1時間照射(東芝製FL−20SE ランプおよびFL−20SBLランプをそれぞれ3灯並列して距離15cmにて照射)した後、この液1.0mLを4.5%ジブチルヒドロキシトルエン0.02mLの入った遠沈管に取り、0.67%チオバルビツール酸・15%酢酸水溶液1mLを加え、95℃で1時間加熱する。冷後、15%メタノール含有 n−ブタノール溶液4mLを加え、良く振った後、遠心分離(2000rpm 10分間)し、このn−ブタノール層の532nmにおける吸光度を測定し、過酸化脂質量とした。尚、同様に紫外線を照射しないものの吸光度を測定し、紫外線を照射したものとの差を過酸化脂質生成量とした。抑制率は、試料の代わりに溶媒のみを添加した場合の過酸化脂質生成量を100とし、試料添加時の過酸化脂質生成量との割合より計算した。尚、結果を図3に示した。尚、比較用試料として、dl−α−トコフェロール水溶液(キシダ化学製)を同様の条件で調製し、試験に用いた。
ε−ポリリジンを乾燥固形分濃度が0.5%となるように精製水にて調製し、背部を剃毛したハートレー系モルモット(雌性、1群3匹、体重320g前後)の皮膚に1日1回、週5回、0. 5mL/匹を塗布した。塗布は2週に渡って行い、剃毛は各週の最終塗布日に行った。各塗布日及び最終塗布日の翌日にドレイズの判定基準に基づき紅斑及び浮腫を指標として評価を行った。その結果は、全ての動物において、2週間に渡って何等、紅斑及び浮腫を認めず、皮膚累積刺激性に関しては問題がないものと判断した。
有 効:シミ・ソバカスや肌の色が白く改善された。
無 効:使用前と変化なし。
有 効:肌のツヤ・張りが増した。
無 効:使用前と変化なし。
有 効:湿疹、ニキビ、肌荒れが改善された。
無 効:使用前と変化なし。
有 効:肌の乾燥が改善された。
無 効:使用前と変化なし。
The present invention provides a melanin production inhibitor, an active oxygen scavenger, a lipid peroxide production inhibitor, a lipase activity inhibitor, an antiallergic agent, a histamine release inhibitor, and a humectant (these may be collectively referred to as a polylysine preparation). And a cosmetic composition containing the preparation.
The polylysine preparation of the present invention and a cosmetic composition containing the preparation can be used, for example, in all kinds of external preparations (including preparations used for animals), and specifically, ampules, capsules, and pills , Tablets, powders, granules, solids, liquids, gels or foams 1) Pharmaceuticals, 2) Quasi-drugs, 3) Topical or systemic skin cosmetics (eg, lotions, emulsions, creams, ointments) , Lotions, oils, packs and other basic cosmetics, facial cleansers and skin cleansers, massage agents, cleansing agents, hair removers, depilatory agents, shaving treatments, after-shave lotions, pre-show lotions, shaving creams, foundations Makeup cosmetics such as lipstick, blusher, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, perfume, nail polish, nail enamel, nail enamel remover, Preparations, plasters, tapes, sheets, patches, aerosols, etc.), 4) medicinal or / and cosmetic preparations applied to the scalp / hair (eg, shampoos, rinses, treatments, Permanent solution, hair dye, hair styling agent, hair tonic, hair growth / hair restoration, cataplasm, plaster, tape, sheet, patch, aerosol, etc.) 5) bath agent to be poured into bath water, 6) In addition, it can be used as an axillary deodorant, deodorant, deodorant, sanitary ware, sanitary cotton, wet tissue, mouth freshener (for example, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.).
[Prior art]
Factors that determine human skin color include the amount of melanin in the epidermis, blood flow in capillaries, food-derived pigments (carotene), and the thickness of the stratum corneum. Of these, the most important factors are: One is melanin pigment. The so-called liver spots (spots), sparrow egg spots (buckwheat), and pigmentation of the skin after sunburn are those in which the production of melanin pigments has been significantly enhanced by the activation of pigment cells present in the skin. And for women, it is one of the major worries of the skin.
The melanin pigment is produced by melanosomes, which are organelles in pigment cells (melanocytes) present in the basal layer of the epidermis, the hair root, and the outer root sheath. In the process of melanin production, tyrosinase is activated by tyrosine in pigment cells (melanocytes) to oxidize tyrosine, convert it to dopa and dopaquinone, and then auto-oxidize, polymerizing via dopachrome and 5,6-dihydroxyindole. And eventually become melanin pigment. The melanin produced is secreted by the dendrites of pigment cells (melanocytes) into basal cells, which divide and rise as spinous cells, reach the stratum corneum, and fall off as the stratum corneum detaches. It is going to go.
Therefore, in order to prevent or improve skin spots (spots), sparrow egg spots (buckwheat) and darkness of the skin, the melanin generation process must be inhibited. Alternatively, it is conceivable to make already generated melanin lighter. Therefore, various whitening components have been conventionally proposed based on these ideas. For example, kojic acid or its derivative, ascorbic acid or its derivative, tocopherol or its derivative, glutathione, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, hydroquinone monobenzyl ether, placenta extract, silk extract and plant extract (arnica, altea, aloe) , Ogon, Japanese radish, chamomile, licorice, gardenia, gennoshoko, shikon, shouma, birch, senkyu, gennoshoko, psycho, sasanqua, toki, tokinsenka, elderflower, safflower, garlic, admiral, reishi, logwood), etc. ing.
In recent years, the generation of active oxygen in a living body and various effects (disease) caused thereby have been reported. Generally, this active oxygen is also called Activated oxygens, 2- , H 2 O 2 , OH, and chemiluminescence, all of which have a strong bactericidal action and are regarded as important substances involved in the self-defense of living organisms. ) Invades the body, phagocytic neutrophils, monocytes, and macrophages in the blood begin phagocytosis, and then dissolve foreign substances phagocytosed in the endoplasmic reticulum of the phagocytes. Therefore, active oxygen is produced, and this produced active oxygen not only dissolves phagocytic foods, but also has a bactericidal action against external enemies such as bacteria and foreign substances, and protects them from external enemies Playing a role. In other words, it has the function of eliminating antigenic substances before the immune function works.
However, when active oxygen for self-defense is also produced and secreted in excess, even normal cells are lysed and stimulated, resulting in various damage reactions. Recently, many diseases and diseases caused by active oxygen have been reported. For example, fats and oils such as cholesterol in blood are oxidized by active oxygen, and vascular disorders due to arteriosclerosis in the brain and heart (stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.) It is said that during blood trauma or brain trauma, blood flow is impaired by thrombus or the like, or ischemic state in blood vessels is caused by rapid transient atrophy, thereby causing oxygen deprivation. Therefore, in this state, it is said that xanthine dehydrogenase in the blood vessel is changed to xanthine oxidase, which generates a large amount of active oxygen in the blood in the blood vessel, causing damage to the blood vessel wall and causing fatal damage .
Looking at the relationship between the skin and active oxygen, for example, skin is an organ that is in direct contact with the outside world. Then, it reacts with the unsaturated fatty acids and the like of the biological membrane phospholipids to generate lipid peroxides. The produced lipid peroxide causes arteriosclerosis, carcinogenesis, aging, membrane destruction, protein denaturation, etc., and also causes skin inflammation, edema, wrinkles, and the like. Further, as a disease caused by excess active oxygen, from a cosmetic point of view, for example, herpetic dermatitis, X-ray dermatitis, burns, trauma, sunshine dermatitis, contact dermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc. Therefore, there is a need for a substance that eliminates excessive active oxygen present in the living body.To prevent or ameliorate various diseases so far, for example, in the living body of animals and plants, superoxide Dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathioperoxidase, and other tocopherols (vitamin E), oryzanol, plant extracts (hamamelis, melissa, enmeisou, birch, sage, rosemary, age, basil, ginkgo, psycho, peonies, hange, Caffeine, daisies, carp, carrots, licorice, ginger), etc., have been used. . Examples of lipid peroxide production inhibitors include β-carotene, plant extracts (sesame culture cells, amacha, hypericum, hamamelis, melissa, emmeiso, birch, sage, rosemary, Nantenmi, Eijitsu, Ginkgo, green tea) and the like. Are known.
In addition, acne vulgaris (acne), which can be particularly frequently generated from adolescence to adolescence, is one of the major problems for skin of both men and women. The process of acne vulgaris (acne) development can be roughly divided into two stages. At first, sebaceous follicles are clogged with keratin plugs (mass of keratin and sebum) and comed Occurs. At this time, the comed is non-inflammatory, but then turns into an inflammatory rash that is difficult to treat, such as papules, pustules, and cysts.
In addition, three factors, endocrine factor (enhanced sebaceous gland function), bacterial factor (propionibacterium acnes growth), and keratinization factor (keratinization injury of hairy funnel) are closely related to the cause of this occurrence. It is said that the inhibition of lipase activity is greatly involved in one factor (bacterial factor).
That is, as the initial stage of acne development, when sebum secretion is activated and increased, Propionibacterium acnes produces enzymes such as hyaluronidase and protease in addition to lipase. Lipase hydrolyzes triglycerides in sebum to produce free fatty acids. The free fatty acids stimulate the hair follicle wall to promote keratinization and promote comed formation. In addition, hyaluronidase and protease stimulate and destroy the follicle wall of comedo, forming inflammatory acne such as papules and pustules. However, by suppressing the activity of lipase, the suppression of the production of free fatty acids, the suppression of keratinization damage and, consequently, the formation of comedo (face) are suppressed, and the secretion of sebum is promptly secreted into the epidermis.
On the other hand, due to the recent deterioration of environmental conditions, changes in lifestyles, and increased stress due to the complication of social life, allergic reactions such as hay fever, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, and urticaria due to drugs. The number of people suffering from diseases, rough skin, dry skin and the like is increasing. In particular, atopic dermatitis has been attracting attention as one of the modern illnesses, not only in children but also in a wide range of ages including adults.
Originally, in order to eliminate foreign substances (bacteria, pollen, mites, etc .: antigens) that enter the body, the body produces immunity to protect the body by producing biological components (antibodies, lymphocytes, etc.) Has functions. However, sometimes the reaction becomes too sensitive and harmful to the body, causing various diseases. The disorder reaction caused by this immune function is called allergy, and is classified into four types.
The central cells constituting the immune system are a group of two types of lymphocytes called B cells and T cells mainly present in bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, blood and the like. B cells are involved in humoral immunity (type I-III allergy), differentiate and proliferate into plasma cells (antibody-producing cells) in response to antigens, and secrete antibodies outside the cells. In addition, T cells are mainly involved in cell-mediated immunity (type IV allergy). When they react with an antigen, they become differentiated, proliferate, and become activated T cells that destroy the antigen.
Type I allergic reactions are the most frequent type, and mainly involve immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. In the onset process, IgE antibodies are produced from B cells against foreign antigens, and the IgE antibodies adhere to mast cells and basophils to establish sensitization. Histamine, serotonin, the second stage of release of chemical mediators such as SRS-A, the released chemical mediator causes smooth muscle contraction, increased vascular permeability, edema, nerve stimulation, etc. It is roughly divided into the third stage of developing allergic symptoms.
A type II allergic reaction is a disorder reaction that occurs when cells in a tissue are destroyed by an IgG or IgM antibody. When an antibody binds to an antigen cell, the complement system (a serum protein system that is activated by the effector action of the antibody to kill the antigen cell or significantly promote the degradation of the antigen by phagocytic cells) is chain-activated. The cells are destroyed because a complex is formed that destroys the cell membrane. When the activated components of the complement system bind to cells, antigen cells are captured by phagocytic cells such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes and macrophages, decomposed, and removed. On the other hand, during the activation of the complement system, a substance called anaphylatoxin, which has an action of remarkably promoting the degradation of antigens by phagocytic cells, is generated. It also has the effect of increasing the permeability of the capillaries, the effect of contracting smooth muscle, and the effect of releasing histamine from mast cells, so that when it is excessively produced, various allergic symptoms will occur.
A type III allergic reaction is mainly caused by an IgG antibody, and its onset is caused by a complex mechanism involving many factors such as the complement system and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The antigen-antibody conjugate formed by the binding of the antibody to the antigen deposits on tissues such as blood vessels, kidneys, joints, and skin to activate the complement system. When the amount of conjugate is high, the complement system is over-activated to produce anaphylatoxins, which may increase vascular permeability or cause inflammation. Also, when phagocytic cells work to remove antigen-antibody conjugates by the action of anaphylatoxin, lysosomal degranulation occurs, and various types of hydrolases such as proteases in lysosomes are released outside the cells, Tissue and cell disorders progress and type III allergy develops.
Type I to Type III allergic reactions are all reactions by humoral immunity, a reaction appears 2-3 minutes after contact with the antigen, and the response is maximized in more than 10 minutes. The allergic reaction manifests after a few hours and reaches 48-72 hours to reach its maximum, hence the name delayed allergy. This allergic reaction is a reaction by cell-mediated immunity, and a part of T cells reacts with an antigen to become activated T cells, and when this reacts again with the antigen, various inflammatory factors called lymphokines (macrophage chemotactic factor, Release lymphocyte chemotactic factors, macrophage activating factors, vascular permeability factors, etc.). These act to eliminate the antigen, but if this reaction progresses excessively, allergy develops as a disorder reaction.
Various test methods have been proposed according to the allergic reaction types classified in this way, and approaches to factors that are effective in preventing or ameliorating allergic diseases have been actively conducted.
[Problems to be solved by the present invention]
However, the above-mentioned whitening component or active oxygen-eliminating substance and lipid peroxide-inhibiting substance are poor in stability and solubility in the formulation system, causing off-flavors and coloring due to sedimentation and decomposition, and also have an effect at a biological level. It was not satisfactory, and there was also a problem in terms of safety such as rash on the skin, which was not satisfactory.
In addition, examples of the external preparation having a therapeutic effect on acne include a keratolytic agent (resorcin, salicylic acid, lactic acid, etc.), an antiseborrheic agent (pyridoxin or a derivative thereof, sulfur, vitamin B6, etc.), an antibacterial agent, an anti-inflammatory agent, and the like. However, at present, there is no known substance having a lipase activity inhibitory action.
Furthermore, many of the conventionally used antiallergic drugs are drugs relating to diseases caused by an immediate allergic reaction whose action point is relatively clear. For example, for type I allergy, antispasmodics that relax smooth muscle, sympathomimetics that suppress the increase in capillary permeability, and antihistamines are listed. It is a drug that acts at a stage and is effective as a symptomatic treatment, but most of it is a synthetic drug and has a problem in side effects. Furthermore, research on the development of drugs effective for type II-III allergies has been actively conducted, but at present, no specific antiallergic agent has been found yet.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In view of these circumstances, the present inventors have useful melanin production inhibitory action, active oxygen elimination (SOD) action, lipid peroxide production inhibitory action, lipase activity inhibitory action, antiallergic action, histamine release inhibitory action, and moisturizing action. Diligently researched to develop materials. As a result, ε-polylysine significantly suppresses the production of melanin pigment, has a whitening effect, and also significantly eliminates and suppresses active oxygen, suppresses the production of lipid peroxide or suppresses lipase activity, Have a histamine release inhibitory action. And it improves stains, freckles, whitens the skin color, improves eczema, acne, rough skin, and provides a highly safe melanin production inhibitor that can also give gloss, firmness and moisture to the skin, They have been found to be active oxygen scavengers, lipid peroxide production inhibitors, lipase activity inhibitors, antiallergic agents, histamine release inhibitors, and moisturizers. Furthermore, cosmetic compositions containing one or more of these are Was found to be a cosmetic having the effect of
That is, the present invention provides a melanin production inhibitor, an active oxygen scavenger, a lipid peroxide production inhibitor, a lipase activity inhibitor, an antiallergic agent, a histamine release inhibitor or a humectant containing ε-polylysine, and one of these. Cosmetic compositions containing more than one formulation.
The ε-polylysine used in the present invention may be obtained by any method.Specifically, Streptomyces alplus subspecies lysinopolymeras described in Japanese Patent No. 5% by weight, yeast extract 0.5% by weight, ammonium sulfate 1% by weight, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate 0.08% by weight, potassium dihydrogen phosphate 0.136% by weight, magnesium sulfate heptahydrate 0.05% by weight %, Zinc sulfate heptahydrate 0.00% by weight 4%, iron sulfate heptahydrate 0.03% by weight, cultured in a medium adjusted to pH 6.8, and separated and collected from the obtained culture. Ε-polylysine obtained by the above method.
In the present invention, free ε-polylysine may be used, and inorganic acid salts of ε-polylysine formed with inorganic acids such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid and ε-polylysine, acetic acid, propionic acid, and fumaric acid. Organic acid salts of ε-polylysine formed from organic acids such as acids, malic acid, citric acid, maleic acid, adipic acid, gluconic acid, and lactic acid and ε-polylysine, caproic acid, lauric acid, stearic acid, and the like Saturated fatty acid salts of ε-polylysine formed from medium- and long-chain saturated fatty acids and ε-polylysine, medium- and long-chain unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, linoleic acid, and arachidonic acid, and ε-polylysine And an unsaturated fatty acid salt of ε-polylysine formed by the above method, or a mixture thereof.
As polylysine, α-polylysine prepared by a synthetic method can be used, but ε-polylysine is preferable for the purpose. The toxicity of ε-polylysine used in the present invention is very low. For example, the acute toxicity of oral administration of ε-polylysine hydrochloride in mice is LD 50 Is 5 g / kg or more. Further, ε-polylysine may be prepared by arbitrarily drying, concentrating, or diluting the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition according to the dosage form and form of the cosmetic composition.
When a polylysine preparation of the present invention and a cosmetic composition containing the polylysine preparation are used in combination with an electrolyte having a pH buffering ability and an amino acid, an excellent synergistic effect is observed. Examples of the electrolyte having a pH buffering property include phosphoric acid-metal phosphate, acetic acid-metal acetate, lactic acid-metal lactic acid, succinic acid-metal succinate, tartaric acid-metal tartaric acid, and citric acid-metal citrate. And malic acid-malic acid metal salt. The kind of the metal salt is not particularly limited, but a sodium salt or a potassium salt is preferable in terms of solubility. The content of these pH buffering electrolytes is 0.001 to 20% by weight, preferably 0.01 to 10% by weight, based on the total amount of the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition. If the content is less than 0.001% by weight, sufficient pH buffering capacity may not be exhibited, and if it is more than 20% by weight, it is economically disadvantageous.
The pH of the polylysine preparation or cosmetic composition of the present invention slightly varies depending on the type, quality and expected degree of action, but is adjusted to a range of 3.0 to 9.0, more preferably 4.5 to 6.5. Is preferred. If the pH is less than 3.0 or 9.0 or more, the skin may be irritated during use, which is not preferable. Such pH adjustment can be obtained by appropriately selecting the composition of the electrolyte.
Examples of the amino acids used in combination include neutral amino acids (glycine, alanine, valine, leucine, etc.), acidic amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid, etc.), basic amino acids (lysine, arginine, etc.), and the like. -Most preferred is the use of glycine or alanine, which exhibits a remarkable synergistic effect when used in combination with polylysine. The content of these amino acids is 0.001 to 25% by weight, preferably 0.01 to 20% by weight, based on the total amount of the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition. When the content is less than 0.001% by weight, a remarkable synergistic effect with ε-polylysine may not be recognized, and when the content is more than 25% by weight, it is economically disadvantageous.
The content of ε-polylysine in the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition of the present invention is not particularly limited, but the type, quality, and expected melanin production inhibitory action of the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition , Active oxygen scavenging action, lipid peroxide production inhibitory action, lipase activity inhibitory action, antiallergic action, histamine release inhibitory action and moisturizing action, etc., and usually vary by 0.001% by weight or more (hereinafter simply referred to as%). ) Is preferably 0.01 to 5%. If the content is less than 0.001%, the effect cannot be expected sufficiently.
In addition, the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition of the present invention, in addition to the above-mentioned electrolyte having pH buffering ability and amino acids, if necessary, as long as the effects of the present invention are not impaired, The additives can be arbitrarily selected and used in combination, and the content in the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition is controlled by a melanin production inhibitor, an active oxygen scavenger, a lipid peroxide production inhibitor, and a lipase activity inhibitor. Usually, 0.0001 to 50% is preferable, though it depends on which of the polylysine preparation and the cosmetic composition is to be manufactured, such as an agent, an antiallergic agent, a histamine release inhibitor and a humectant.
(1) Various fats and oils
Avocado oil, almond oil, fennel oil, sesame oil, olive oil, orange oil, orange luffer oil, sesame oil, cocoa butter, chamomile oil, carrot oil, cucumber oil, tallow fatty acid, kukui nut oil, safflower oil, shea butter, liquid shea Fat, soybean oil, camellia oil, corn oil, rapeseed oil, persic oil, castor oil, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, turtle oil, mink oil, egg yolk oil, palm oil, palm kernel oil, mocro, coconut oil, tallow, lard Or hydrogenated products of these fats and oils (such as hardened oils).
(2) waxes
Beeswax, carnauba wax, whale wax, lanolin, liquid lanolin, reduced lanolin, hard lanolin, candelilla wax, montan wax, shellac wax, rice wax, squalene, squalane, pristane and the like.
(3) Mineral oil
Liquid paraffin, vaseline, paraffin, ozokeride, ceresin, microcrystalline wax and the like.
(4) Fatty acids
Natural fatty acids such as lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, behenic acid, oleic acid, 12-hydroxystearic acid, undecylenic acid, tall oil, lanolin fatty acid, isononanoic acid, caproic acid, 2-ethylbutanoic acid, and isopentanoic acid And synthetic fatty acids such as 2-methylpentanoic acid, 2-ethylhexanoic acid and isopentanoic acid.
(5) alcohols
Natural alcohols such as ethanol, isopyropanol, lauryl alcohol, cetanol, stearyl alcohol, oleyl alcohol, lanolin alcohol, cholesterol, and phytosterol; and synthetic alcohols such as 2-hexyldecanol, isostearyl alcohol, and 2-octyldodecanol.
(6) Polyhydric alcohols
Ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, ethylene glycol monoethyl ether, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, diethylene glycol monomethyl ether, diethylene glycol monoethyl ether, polyethylene glycol, propylene oxide, propylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol , Glycerin, pentaerythritol, sorbitol, mannitol and the like.
(7) Esters
Isopropyl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate, hexyl laurate, myristyl myristate, oleyl oleate, decyl oleate, octyl dodecyl myristate, hexyldecyl dimethyloctanoate, cetyl lactate, myristyl lactate, diethyl phthalate, phthalate, phthalate Dibutyl acid, lanolin acetate, ethylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol monostearate, propylene glycol dioleate and the like.
(8) Metal soaps
Aluminum stearate, magnesium stearate, zinc stearate, calcium stearate, zinc palmitate, magnesium myristate, zinc laurate, zinc undecylenate and the like.
(9) Gum, sugar or water-soluble polymer compound
Gum arabic, benzoin gum, dammar gum, guaiac oil, Irish moss, karaya gum, tragacanth gum, carob gum, quinseed, agar, casein, lactose, fructose, fructose, sucrose or esters thereof, trehalose or derivatives thereof, dextrin, gelatin, pectin, starch, Carrageenan, carboxymethyl chitin or chitosan, hydroxyalkyl (C2-C4) chitin or chitosan, alkylene (C2-C4) oxide, such as ethylene oxide, low molecular weight chitin or chitosan, chitosan salt, sulfated chitin or chitosan, phosphorus Oxidized chitin or chitosan, alginic acid or a salt thereof, hyaluronic acid or a salt thereof, chondroitin sulfate or a salt thereof, heparin, ethyl cellulose, methyl cellulose, carboxymethyl cellulose, potassium Boxyethyl cellulose, sodium carboxyethyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, nitrocellulose, crystalline cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl methyl ether, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl methacrylate, polyacrylate, polyalkylene oxide such as polyethylene oxide and polypropylene oxide Or a crosslinked polymer thereof, a carboxyvinyl polymer, polyethyleneimine and the like.
(10) Surfactant
Anionic surfactants (alkyl carboxylate, alkyl sulfonate, alkyl sulfate, alkyl phosphate), cationic surfactants (alkyl amine salt, alkyl quaternary ammonium salt), amphoteric surfactant: carboxylic acid Type amphoteric surfactant (amino type, betaine type), sulfate ester type amphoteric surfactant, sulfonic acid type amphoteric surfactant, phosphate ester type amphoteric surfactant, nonionic surfactant (ether type nonionic surfactant) Agent, ether ester type nonionic surfactant, ester type nonionic surfactant, block polymer type nonionic surfactant, nitrogen-containing nonionic surfactant), other surfactants (natural surfactant, protein) Derivatives of hydrolysates, polymeric surfactants, surfactants containing titanium and silicon, fluorocarbon surfactants Etc..
(11) Various vitamins
Vitamin A group: retinol, retinal (vitamin A1), dehydroretinal (vitamin A2), carotene, lycopene (provitamin A), vitamin B group: thiamine hydrochloride, thiamine sulfate (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), folic acids, nicotinic acids, pantothenic acids, biotins, choline, inositols, vitamin C group: vitamin C acid or derivatives thereof, vitamin D group: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2 ), Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), dihydrotaxerol, vitamin E group: vitamin E or its derivatives, ubiquinones, vitamin K group: phytonadione (vitamin K1), menaquinone (vitamin K2), menadione (vitamin 3), menadiol (vitamin K4), other essential fatty acids (vitamin F), carnitine, ferulic acid, .gamma.-oryzanol, orotic acid, vitamin P such (rutin, eriocitrin, hesperidin), vitamin U and the like.
(12) Various amino acids
Valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, lysine, glycine, alanine, asparagine, glutamine, serine, cysteine, cystine, tyrosine, proline, hydroxyproline, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, hydroxylysine, arginine, ornithine, histidine And their amino acids such as sulfates, phosphates, nitrates, citrates, and pyrrolidone carboxylic acids.
(13) Various additives derived from plant or animal raw materials
These are processed in a conventional manner according to the type and form of the product to be added (eg, pulverization, milling, washing, hydrolysis, fermentation, purification, squeezing, extraction, fractionation, filtration, drying, pulverization). , Granulation, dissolution, sterilization, pH adjustment, deodorization, decolorization, etc., are arbitrarily selected and combined), and arbitrarily selected from various materials.
The solvent to be used for the extraction may be selected in consideration of the purpose and type of the product to be provided, or the processing to be performed later. However, usually, water and a water-soluble organic solvent (eg, ethanol, propylene glycol) are used. , 1,3-butylene glycol, etc.), or a mixture of two or more thereof. However, when the content of the organic solvent is not preferable depending on the application, only water may be used, or ethanol which is easily removed after extraction may be used, and may be used alone or in an arbitrary mixed solution with water. Exploited extract may be used.
In addition, when an additive derived from a plant or animal-based material is applied to a systemic or topical external preparation or cosmetics, the skin and hair are protected, the moisturizer is improved, the feel / feel is improved, flexibility is imparted, and stimulation is provided. Mitigation, alleviation of stress by aroma, cell activation (prevention of cell aging), suppression of inflammation, improvement of skin and hair quality, prevention and improvement of rough skin, hair growth, hair growth, hair loss prevention, gloss imparting, cleaning effect, In addition to cosmetic effects such as alleviation of fatigue, promotion of blood flow, and warm bath effect, effects such as fragrance, deodorization, thickening, preservation, and buffering can be expected.
As a specific plant (crude) used as a raw material, for example, almond (amber peach), eye (aiba), blue moss (Seifu wisteria), blue oyster (Aoki), blue ash or Kenasia ogiri (Otogi), blue porphyra (Kimomi) , Acacia, red ginger (red maize), red cabbage "fruit", red clover, red grape, red acacia (logwood), red acacia (red bud), red akane (akane grass root), red pheasant or geese (land yellow), agi (awei), aki larch , Akinile (Lauyu bark), Aguay Guacu, Aguahe (Wolf palm palm), Akebi (Kidori), Asa (Jinji Asako), Malaba Asagao or Asagao (Toshibeko), Hydrangea (hydrangea), Ashitaba (Tomorrow's leaf), Azuki (Red azuki bean), acerola, asenyaku (Asenyaku), achira (shokuyoukanna), anise, abiu Abiulana, Brassica, Abemaki "fruit", Avocado, Ama, Amacha (sweet tea), Amachaworu, Amadokoro (Jade bamboo), Amana (Koujitsu), Amaranthasu (Hyuyu, Hagaitoto, Himogeito, Seninkok, Sugimorigeito, Hosoaougei, Hosoaougei, Amaranthus hippochondriax, Amigasa lily or Bimo (Shellfish), Aristolomelia (Yurizuisen), Arcana (Alcanna), Algarrobo (Cabbage), Altea, Arnica, Alpinia or Katsumadai (Sozuku), Aloe (logue), Aloe vera, Angelica , Apricot or Hong apricot (almond jelly), ansokko (benzoic acid), yellow sapote, Ikakozorina (biliary head), epimedium or potato perilla (inyokaku), rush (primrose grass), i Dori (tiger cane root), strawberry (first place), strawberry, fig (fructose "fruit, leaf"), strawberry (first), strawberry (winter Aoiko), ichiyakuso (one medicinal herb), gingko (ginko "seed, leaf" )), Itohimehagi (Enshi), Locust bean, Inazumazu (Telexi), Inubiyu (Honaguinubiyu), Rice "seed, seed coat", Inondo "seed", Ibuki-kusou-so-ku, nettle, ylang-ylang, iwahiba, iwahiba or iwamatsu Kashiwa), oolong tea, fennel (fenka), wheat (chibusanoki), ukiyagara (sanryou), guassugra "fruit", hime kyokyo, turmeric (Utsukin), duckweed (buoying), usubasaishin or keirinsaishin or shushu Psychine (spicy), Usbania oyster, Usbeni tachioi, Utsubogusa (summer hay), Udo or Shishiudo (Qanggai, Independent, Tang Dengyo), Unyadegato (Unkaria, Cat's claw), Uba tea, Ume (Ume "seed, pulp"), Vladinki, Uwaurushi (Kusakokomomo), Unshumikan (Chen skin), Estragon, Ezokogi (Ezo five) Ka), Echinashi (Hymenoptera sylvestris), Echinida, Enokitake (Enoki mushroom), Ebisugusa or Cassia tora (Kyoko), Elcampre, Elderberry "fruit", Elemi, Elingii or Prelotus erinji, Endu (Gosei, Sophora) Rice),
Ougi or Kibanaohagi (Astragalus), Ousei (Naruko lily, Kagi Kurumabanarukoyuri), Ohisasanoyuki or Sasanoyuki, Ouren (Yellow), Ogata Hawken, Ookarasuri (Karokon), Ooguruma (Public incense), Ootsuo Oba (Kochi Oba) Hare, hornbill (Haruko), toucan cactus, Obanana okera or Okera (white jujube), Obanassarsbergi (banaba), Obanayasabushi "fruit", Oohashigusa (cereal grass), Oumia catechu, Oumia hawthorn or hawthorn Mountain bark), barley (barley), oka, okazeri (snake bed), okra "fruit", ogurma (turnover), panax ginseng or horseshoe ginseng (carrots), hypericum or lycopodium hypericum or hypericum perforatum (branch) Continuity), Onamimomi (blue ears), Onigurumi, Onidokoro or Tokoro or Nagadokoro (Hikai), Oninoyagara (Tianma), Onyuri or Sasayuri or Hakatayuri (Yuri), Ononis, Halibut (Hihayu), Ominaeshi , Oyuco, Dutch mustard (watercress), Dutch jelly, Dutch honeybee, olive "fruit, seed, leaf", oregano, orange "fruit, pericarp", caycaio (ripened yellow), cacao "fruit, pericarp, seed", oyster (Persimmon "leaf"), Kagikazura (choose hook), kakidooshi or kantosou (rensensou), gaku hydrangea, cassia, casinaki (kozumi real "fruit"), gajutsu (ragatsujutsu), Kashiwa (gakuju, gakuyo) ), Cascallilla, cascala sagrada, gypsophila, narcissus, kanikusa (kinsato), kaniwa, carnation, kanoko ( Grass roots), birch or weeping birch (birch), gerbera, pumpkin, capoknoki "seed", kahokusansho (shopper), gama (bamboo), chamomile or roman chamomile, chamiyade (weed), camu camo (colored duck), color, karakakeman , Crow crow or cinna crow cucumber (gold melon), crow squirrel (midsummer), mussels, guarana "seed", karahoo (thick), karaya, garyu, karin (mouse), garcinia, kawamidori, kawarasaiko Grass), Kawazusha, Kawaratake, Kawaranadeshiko (stone bamboo) or Ezokawaranadeshiko (Qumu, Quinko), Kawaran carrot (Aogo), Kawamuragi (Inchinko), Kansui (Kansai), Kanzo (licorice), Kantarasa, Candelilla, Canto, Canna, Rubus (Ezo strawberry, Holland) Goat, shrimp strawberry, pear strawberry, maple strawberry, European strawberry, kiwi "fruit, leaf", kikarasuuri (urorone), kikyo (bellflower, bellflower root), chrysanthemum (chrysanthemum flower, simakangiku, kosensengiku), chrysanthemum, catalpa Fruits), Rooks (Yotei), Pheasant (Kikomi), Kizuta, Kidachi Aloe, Kidneymint, Kina, Kinanoki (Sincona, Akakinoki), Quinoa (Quinoa), Kihada (Huangkashii), Gymnema Sylvesta, Kimmenkaku, Cabbage, Cabbage "Immature" Fruits, cucumber, gyoryu (Nishikawayanagi, Ichiyanagi), Kiraja saponaria, Kiraya, Kiranso (gold pea grass), Kumquat "fruit", Ginsekai, Kimbusen, Kinma, Kinmizukiki (Sengaku grass),
Guapeva Vermelha, Guava "fruits", guayule, Quercus infectria (gallicia), cucumber nuts, wolfberry (Gugi, gugiko, gugi leaf, skeletal bark), cedar vine (Tenmen winter), kudzu (kuzuki), camphor tree, goose Berry "fruit", ginseng, yellowtail, gardenia, gardenia, kunugi, bokusou, kumazasa, black pine (horse whip), clara (fruitful), cranberry "fruit", chestnut " Seeds, fruits, astringent skin ", Curculigo lachifolia" fruits ", grapefruits" fruits and leaves ", buckthorn, black crocodile (needs rescue), kurobana hinoki okoshi or hinoki okoshi (extended life grass), clove (cinch, cinch), gumbai juniper (sekimei, Sekimeishi), Kaigai (Ikutake, Ikutakeho), Kato (Rooster flower, Cockscomb) ), Geccavidin, bay (laurel), kenashi sartorii rose (Tokubukuryo, mountain return), gentian, gennoshoko (Old grass), kenponashi (Kigushi), Koukisekokukoku, Kishumitsukan (Koji, Tachibana, Ovenimikan, Hukuremican, Sugamikanji, Sugamikanji) Santara (Tachibana skin)), Koshinbara (Monthly flower), Kosui mint, Kozo "fruit", Koucha (tea), Kouhone (river bone), Kouhon (straw and karawara), Koulyan, Koryokyo (Korajang), Cilantro (fruit), cricket (kohuangren), koganebana (yellow gon), lingonberry (koshibachi), coconut palm "fruit", goshyu (goshuyu), goshoichigo (bonsai), pepper (pepper), cosmos, kopaiba balsam, coffee "Seed, leaf", kobushi or magnolia, Bow (burdock, burdock), coconut pea, sesame (sesame), sesame seeds (spotted ginseng), garnish (Gomiko), Sanekazura or Binankazura or Matsubusa, wheat (wheat), rice or rice bran "red bran, white bran", rice oil, Cola acuminata "seed", cola vera "seed", colony llah, fenugreek "fruit", colombo, kondulango, konbu, konjac, konfuri (finnari grass), sisal (sisalasa), saxima button towel or cinnamon tomato (Weirdosen), Sakura (Ooshimazakura, Yamazakura, Oyamazakura, Edhigashi, Mamezakura, Miyamazakura, Someiyoshino, Takanezakura, Kasumizakura, Kohigan, Satozakura, Kanzakura "Leaf, flower, fruit, bark (cherry bark)"), cherry, pomegranate , Sasa, Sazanka, Sajimodaka (Sawashatsu), sweet potato, sugar cane, sugar beet, sapling jujube (acid jujube), saffron (safflower, west safflower), sapodilla, sapotea marillo, pomelo "fruit", savonso, salmon berry "fruit", sarasinachoma (masuma), Salvia (Sage), Sawagikyo (Sankyona), Sawagumi (Sanguo), Sankaku cactus, Sangre degrad (Croton), Sansouyousou, Sanshin ginseng (San carrot), Sanshuyu (sanshuyu), Sanshoyu (sansho) , Sandscon (Yamane root),
Shea (carite), cyanoki "fruit", shiitake mushroom (shiitake), shion (shion), dikitaris, shikunishi (shikunshi), shiso or aodiso or chirimenjiso or katamendiso (shiso leaf, shiso), rosewood, linden, shinanohonoki, sina Forsythia (forsythia), Shimeji (Hinshhimeji, Shakashimeji, Hatakeshimeji, Oshiroishimeji, Bunashimeji, Honjimeshi, Shimotamogitake), Shimokren (Spirit), Shimotsukesou, Potato, Peony (Shasanyu), Jasmin (Pinus japonica), Jasmin (Bakumon winter), Gypsophila paniculata, Skull chamitsu (sand sand, sand compaction), Juzudama, palm "fruit", ginger (ginger), jadean hydrangea (Tsuneyama), shoveb (iris, iris root), shizuku "fruit" ”, Shirakashi“ seed ”, Shirogoshi butterfly“ seed ” , White clover (clover), white adzuki bean (chicken bone), white iris (small iris), white banana (flower), white pine (flower), white nananten (minamitenmi), cinchona sax silbra, ginkouge (mizuka, mikaka, shencho), cinnamon, cinnamom Cassia (cinnamon bark), watermelon (watermelon), honeysuckle (gold and silver flowers, Shinobi winter), sorrel (acidic model), swimberry "fruit", star apple, stevia, strawberry "fruit", tin psycho (sucho), horsetail Purslane (Horse Tongue, Hen Tonen), Plum "Fruit", Scots Pine "Koke", Larch, L., Kuzuta, S. aurumumum, S. hawthorn, S. dandelion, C. var. Natsuki no Yussou, Sambucus nigra (D Der), Atlantic Shrike (Juniper, Juniper), Achillea millefolium (Mirfoil), Alaska roses, Alaska horticultans, Alaska mistletoe, Alaskan lacquer or Alaska mackerel, Alaska radish, Sekisho (Iris iris), Sekoku (Ishiboku) ), Mallow, hirohasenega, senega, seri, celery, senkyu (kawa kyu), senshinren (shinshinren), sendan, sennin cactus, senna "fruit, leaf", senninso (great tate), senburi (drug), souka (Grass), Elephant Butterfly, Soshinwabai, Buckwheat “seed”, Soybean Potato, Rhubarb (Ohio), Radish, Soybean, Daidai (Orange Peel, Kikomi), Takasaburo (Dried Lotus Grass), Takatodai (Daigo), Takawarabi ), Dark sweet cherry "fruit" , Hollyhock, hollyhock (thyme, Hyoka), hollyhock (hikari), hollyhock, tamarind "seed", onion, tamshiba (spicy), taro tree "fruit, leaf, root bark", dahlia (tenjikubotan), talwi, tanshiwachiwa, Tanjin (dansan), dandelion (Kabukohide) or white dandelion or moko dandelion, dammar,
[0051] Cherry "fruit", chigaya "fruit, root, bud", chix carrot (bamboo ginseng), chicory, champia edera (Kidachikomikansou), Korean daisou (Ohaku), Korean lance (Wuyi), Korean sagebrush ( Ai-leaf), Choreimaitake (Irei), Chorogi, Tsukimiso, Tsukuritake (mushroom), Camellia, Camellia, Tsumekusa (lacquer lacquer grass), Tsuyukusa (duckweed grass), Tsuruazuki (red azuki bean), Tsurudukami (Hanshu crow), Tsuruna ( Ban-an), Carrot (four-leaf ginseng), Tsubaki, Deiko, Teuchigurumi, Duberry "Fruit", Tulip, Chocolate stay, Tengusa, Tencha (Tencha), Tendaiyaku (Wakayaku), Touga (Winter melancholy), Toukagi Kazura, Capsicum (Bansho), Touki (Toki), Tokinsenka (Marigold) , Tonavena (river cut), corn or corn hair (Namba bark), horned rice mochi (female child), lindeau or Korean gentian (dragon bile), croaker (pirate), dokudami (jujutsu), konkon (sore), konishi Or beetle or poison ivy, eucommia (Tonaka "bark, leaves, roots"), ash (qin bark), tomato, tragacanth, triacanthos "seed", eustoma, tormentilla, dronoki, trollo aoi, neisseria berry "fruit", yam or yam (Yamayaku), Nagikadada (Butcher Bloom), Naginata Kouju, Nazuna, Rape, Natsume or Hatehaki (Sword Bean), Natsumikan, Jujube (Dajutsu), Naniwaibara (Kanakurako), Navena (Continuous), Nameko, Narko Yuri ( Yellow spirit), peanut (peanut), Nanten (Minami Tenmi) , Namban karamushi (ramie), scented violet, nigaki (bitter tree), sagebrush (bitter berry), nutmeg, kei or nikkei or ceylon nikkei or yab nikkei (cinnamon bark) or keiseki (keishi), leek (niriko), elderberry ( Osteogenic tree "fruits, flowers, stems, leaves"), garlic (garlic), nulde (fivefolds), leek, nemoki or nebu or nebi or nemlinoki or jigokubana (healing), thistle (Ohjimi), neubara (real fruit), nozenkazura (Liao Xiaohua), Nototo, Yarrow, Nodake (Maehu), Nobara, Nomomo,
Pineapple "fruit", Hibiscus (Bussouge, Hurinbussouge, Roselle), Hiyindow, Hauchiwa, Pau Dosse, Hakamauraboshi (Bone Crushing), Hakusen (Rinosaur), Hakulberry "Fruit", Hakobe (Fruit), Hashibami (Haruko) ), Hasiridokoro (roth root), basil, lotus (lotus, lotus, lotus root), parsley (holland jelly), hadakamugi, batata, hachik or madake (bamboo-boiled), patchouli, mint (light load, light load leaf), adlay ( (Yokuinin), Hanasuge (Chimo), Banana, Hanamint, Hanabishi (Siturishi, Shisitsuri), Vanillabins, Papaya, Hawkweed (Rice Aspergillus), Pahalobobo, Hub "Whole grass, stem, leaf", Paprika, Hamago or Mitsuba Hamago ( Vine thorns, hamasuge (katsuki), hamabishi (shikoriko), hamanas (maikai) ), Hamabofu (beach storm), Hamamelis, palm, rose (rose), balata, balata rubber tree, agarita (aratake, shirooharataketake, usukimori nokasa), haran, pariurus (bamboo japonicus), parietaria, balsamina (harp), nigariri Yubari, Yubaishi, Yuba), Barbasco, Harindou, Handaikai (Matsudakai), Breadfruit, Hiougi (shadow), Lycopodium carrot (partisan), Pecan nut, Giganbana (Shigarashi, Jinshasha), Higuruma Dahlia, Hishi (Hishimi), Pistachio, Beet, Aedes (Stone reed), Aedes japonicus, Daisies (Daisy), Aedes daisies (Cow knees), Hinoki, Hiba, Castor, Sunflower, Bell pepper, Himeuzu (Hollywood), Himamegama (Kaba), Himematsutake (Kawariharatake) Hiromatsu mushroom), Pimenta "fruit", juniper, beakyu, hiyuyu "fruit", below-flower, hirohakinagusa (shiraoka), loquat "fruit, leaf, stem", betel nut (large clothing skin, betel palm), puer tea (pu ? Tea), spruce buds (southern rattan), butterflies, coltsfoots (winter flowers, winter leaves), fujibakama (orchid grass), wisteria beans (flat beans), fujimodoki (choujizakura, takahana), grapes "fruit, peel, seeds, leaves", Beech, Fuyumushinatsukutake (caterpillar), Brazilian liquorice, Brazilian carrot, black currant "fruit", blackberry, blagnen, plum "fruit", furcellaria, blueberry, prune, floral blanka, blonde psyllium, bundou (green bean), Hazelnut, loofah, safflower (safflower), Henneken, belladonna, Berry "fruit", Persea, Perbianberg, Pereschia grandifolia, pine beetle or duckweed (Keiten), Boysenberry "fruit", broom beetle or elmwort or nendowe or hawakigi kokia (skin), daffodil (horizon, acute child) , Porphyra sapota, potteria sapota, potteria lukuma, spinach, boufu (windbreak), spinach, physalis (Torone), honoki (wakopoku, park), bokeh (gourd), hosoba aragiku, bitter gourd Oguruma, Hosovanaokera (Sojutsu), Hosobanokirinsou (Kageten Sanshichi), Hosobabarengiku, Bodaiju (Bodai tree), Button (peony "flower, leaf, stem, bark"), Buttonpi (peony bark), Hop, Jojoba, Borage (Ruritisha), Bordeaux, Whittle berry "fruit", Hongoniku (meat Jiyo, Tricks), Honsekkoku (iron skin Sekkoku, Suzumeyama Dendrobium),
Mizurutennansha (Tennan star), Maitake (Maitake), Ephedra (mao), Maca, Macadamia nut, Margaret (Mokshungiku), Macri (Martian grass), Magwa (Mulberry white bark "bark, leaves"), Magnolia Splengeri, Masaranpouba, Masaranzuba de Ceara, Masheira de Boi, Masahua (Tamanousenhallen, Kyuukonkinrenka), Matatabi (Kiten Tate), Matsukasa, Pine "leaves, bark, roots", Matta Olho, Matsuhodo (Bukuryo), matico (cordoncillo), mayolam (Hanaminka), malvanojadine (bitter), mulberry "fruit", quince, malein (beloyd mozica), mango, mangosteen, mansagna (andescamitul), mansugurumi, mandarin Fruits ”, Mannentake (reishi), Jitsu (Kikomi "fruit"), Mishima saiko (Saiko), Mizuobako or Mizuasagao (Ryu tongoshi), Mizokukushi (Hasanbe lotus), Misohagi (Chikakuna), Honeywillow or Japanese willow (Henshu), Honeybee, Mitsuba, Midori sapote , Green peppermint, mimosa, mioga, miracle fruit "fruit", myrrh, mirobaran, wheatwaragiku, mukuge (tree geun), mukunoki, mukuroji (extended skin), munya, murasaki (purple root), murasakishikibu or omurasakishikibu (purple pearl), murasaki corn , Murasaki Natsufuji (Kunming chicken blood wisteria), Megakanza opuntica, Mehajiki (Masugi grass), Mebogi, Melaleuca, Melissa, Melilot, Melon "Fruit", Mokogomigi, Mosobuchiku, Mokkurin, Moje (Kokoboku), Mokko (Mokuko) , Maple rhinoceros, Mo (peach “leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits”), sprouts, morello cherries “fruits”, Moroheiya (burlap), yakawamurasakiimo, yakuchi (masuti), cornflower mackerel (cornflower), cornflower mint, yacon, yashabushi ( Yashabushi or Himeyashabushi or Obayayashabushi "fruit, peel, ears", yachiyanagi, yatsude (octagonal metal plate), mistletoe (parasitic willow), willow (kawayanagi, tachinyanagi, weeping willow, red eye willow, pussy willow, inuyanagiunyagi, yinukyanagi, eel , Yamayama willow, palm, yamayanagi, obanyanagi, shirokukinuyanagi, foxwood willow, dronoki), yanagitade "leaves, stem", yabugarashi, yabukouji (purple gold beef), yabu cigarette (tsuru-lisu, tenmeisei), yamagobo (land) (Yamaharu), Bayberry (Yang) Plum bark), sagebrush, eucalyptus, saxifrage (tiger eargrass), yucca or flevifolia, yuzu "fruit", lily, yorugusa, mugwort (Aiba),
Rigan (Raimaru), lime "fruit", rye, lacanca "fruit", raspberry "leaf, fruit", ratania (clameria), rakkyo or shallot (scallop white), lavender, longan (long-eye flesh), agave (Aonouragetsuran, fukurin) Agave), Ryokucha (green tea), Apple "fruits, seeds, leaves, roots", gentian, rubus or suavisimus (sweeten), litchi (lichi, lichi nucleus), lettuce (chisha), red currant "fruit", red pitaya , Lemon "fruit", Lemongrass, Forsythia or Chinese Forsythia (Forsythia), Astragalus, Roubai (wasume), Palm coconut, Lokon (reed), Loganberry "Fruit", Rosemary (Mannenrou), Rosehip (Nobara) ), Wasabi, Cottonweed (Mengmenhua), Waremo C (Chinire), and the like.
In addition, other seawaters, for example, seawater salt, dried seawater, inorganic salts obtained from the Dead Sea or the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean (sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, etc.), sea mud or mud (fungo), for example , Italian fango, German fango, Eifelfango, Freiburgfango, etc. sea mud or mud (containing components: silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxide, manganese oxide, sodium oxide, potassium oxide, magnesium oxide, calcium oxide , Strontium oxide, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chromium, iron, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, manganese, arsenic, water), Shotoku stone and so on.
Examples of seaweeds include seaweeds [green algae: Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Chlorella ellipsoidia, Aonori (Usbaaonori, Sujiaonori, Hiraaonori, Bowaonori, Hosoedaaonori), and seaweed [Aonaga] brown algae [Aonasa] (Macomb, Resiliconbu, Hosomebu, Mitsuikonbu), Wakame, Hirome, Aookame, Giant Kelp (Macrostistis pilifera, Macrocystis integrifolia, Neocitys Luetokeana), Hijiki, Hibamata, Umiuchiwa, Usubaumiuchiwa, Kiribano Sea Prickly Pear, Akabumi Prickly Pear, Konau Prickly Pear, Okinawa Prickly Pear, Usuki Prickly Pear, Ecchi Prickly Pear], Seaweed [Red Algae: Hijirimen, Maxa (Tengusa), Hiracusa, Onixa, Obaku ) Kainori, Yaleus Banori, Kagius Banori, Sujius Banori, Hyus Banori, Akamomininori] and the like.
In addition, other algae, for example, green algae (Chlamydomonas: Chlamydomonas, Akayukimo, Dunaliella: Dunaliella, Chlorococcus: Chlorococcus, Kwanomimo: Genus Kwanomimo, Volvox: Ohigemawari, Volvox, Palmera, Yotsumemo, Aomidro: Hizaori, Spirogyra, Papilio spp., Hibimidro spp .: Hibimidro spp. Echinacea spp .: Echinacea spp., Iwata spp .: Husaiwata, Sricogulata, Helaiwata, Crocita, Janemo, Mir spp .: Mill, Cromil, Sakibuchimil, Nagamil, Hira Le, Casanori: Casanoli, Jusmo: Futozuzumo, Tamazuzumo, Mizojusmo, Mikazukimo, Korekaete, Tsuzumimo, Kikkogusa: Kikkougusa, Hitoexa Genus: Hitougusa, Hirohanohitengusa, Utsutoegumo, Genus Sumiremo: Sumiremo, Hoshimidoro, Fushinashimidoro etc.).
Blue-green algae (Genus L .: L., L., L .: Kawatake, Ishikurage, Hassai, Juremo, L. (spirulina): Spirulina, Trichodesmium (Aiakashio), etc.).
Brown algae (Piraella spp .: Piraella spp., Spirogyra spp .: Namiami spp., Isogrape spp .: Isogrape, Isogawara spp .: Isogawara spp. , Genus Sanadagusa: Sanadagusa, Fukurinamiji, common genus: common rush, terrestrial genus: Ezoyahazu, Yahuzugusa, Uraboshiyahazu, genus Genus: jigamigususa, Umiuchiwa genus: Genus genus, genus genus, genus Genus : Nabarimo, Chasoumen: Motsuchachasomen, Matsumo: Matsumo, Nagamatsumo: Nagamatsumo, Okinawamozuku: Okinawamozuku, fake Tomozuku genus: Nisefumozuku, Futomozuku genus: Futomozuku, Ishimozuku genus: Ishimozuku, Kuromo genus: Chromo, Nisemozuku genus: Nisemozuku, Mozuku genus: Mozuku, Ishige genus: Ishige, Irolo, Ichimegasa genus: Calligraphy Umibos, Urushigusa genus: Urushigusa, Keulushigusa, Tobacco moss, Kombmodoki: Kombudoki, Hambamodoki genus: Havamodoki, Habanori genus: Habanori, Hiranohabanori genus: Habanori, Commonbukuro genus: Commonbukuro, Ezobukurono, Ezobukurono, Ezobukuronozo, genus Genus: genus: genus: kagomenori: kagomenori, muralidori: murachidori, shakusugusa: sharksugusa, iwahige: iwahige, yokojimanori: yokojimanori, Genus: Cyperus, Fennel: Fennel, Turmo: Turmo, Anana: Aname, Sujime: Sujime, Miss kelp: Miss kelp, Atsuba Miss kelp, kelp: Gatsugara kelp, Kakisima kelp, Oni kelp, Gohei sorghum, Gohei kelp, Gohei sorghum Genus Oleoptera, Trolocomb: Trolocomb, Antokume: Antokume, Swordfish: Swordfish, Tsurarame, Kurome, Asterina: Asterine, Nesulecomb: Nesirecomb, Kuroshiome: Kuroshiome, Nekoashikame: Acerium, Araumenu Genus: Ainu-Wakame, Chigaiso, Oniwakamezo-Ezoishige: Ezoishige, Yabanemoku: Yabanmoku, Rapamoku: Rapamoku, Jiromoku: Uganomok, Jo Lomoku, Hiemoku, Hondawara: Tamanamoku, Isomoku, Nagashimamoku, Akamoku, Shidamoku, Hondawara, Nejimoku, Narasamo, Mametara, Tatsukuri, Yasumatamoku, Umitoranoo, Oobamoku, Hashimomoku, Haikumokugi, Hawk Mokumoku , Genus genus: genus auricularia, genus bulumium: genus bulumium, genus kayamoris: kayamoris, etc.).
Red algae (Coleoptera genus: genus oxenori, fenori no moss, Amanori genus: Asakusanori, Susabinori, Uppulinori, Oniamanori, Tasa, Filitasa, Benitasa, Rhodocorton genus: Milnoveni, Akebonomozuku, Agenidae, Genus: Sea elephant, Tsukumonori, Kamogashiranori, Benimozuku: Benimozuku, Hosobenimozuku, Kasamatsu: Casamatsu, Fusanori: Fusanori, Nisefusanori: Nisefusanori, Sodegarami: Sodegaramiragara, Gallaghera Genus: Tamaitadaki, swordfish: swordfish, swordfish, slimebrush: slimebrush, swordfish, oobusa, nambugu , Kohira, Yohira, Kinukusa, Hibiroudo: Hibiroudo, Himehibiroudo, Isomemudoki: Isomemudoki, Michigaesou: Michigaesu, Ryumonsou: Ryumonsou, Hera Ryumon, Nisekarekisuba, Nisekareqaba, Nisekarekubasa Genus Naminohana: Hosobanaminohana, Naminohana, Coralthrum Genus: Garagaramodoki, Shiogosagoromo Genus: Shiogosagoromo, Iwanokawa Genus: Etsukiiwanokawa, Kainokawa Genus: Kainokawa, Kaninote Genus: Kaninote, Kanonomi, Genus, Sagomo, Dessertica Cyanophora, Sakuranori, Nikumukade, Tambanori, Smooth, Fudarak, Malbahudarak, Isonohana: Nuracusa, Ronulaxa, Giant Coleoptera, Hirakintoki: Hirakintoki, Pleurotus genus: Matabou, Kintoki: Chabokintoki, Kintoki, Matsunori, Komenori, Tosakamatsu, Aimatsumatsu, Fushikintoki, Tsunomukade, Nagakinotoki, Suzumekito, Kakutoitto, Kakutoto Genus Nagaobane: Nagaobane, Funori: Hanafunori, Fukuronori, Makuhnori, Kalexigusa: Kalexigusa, Tosakamomodo: Hosobanotosakamomo, Hirohanotosakamoki,
Red moss, Black stalk, Black stalk, Red stalk, Red stalk, Red stalk, Red squirrel, Black stalk, Black stalk, Kinuhada genus: Kinuhada, Red sculpture, Red squirrel, Red squirrel Species of the genus Honoka: genus Honoka, lyca genus: lycaenoid, Usuginu, Nikuhono: genus skull, genus Venisnago: venicenago, genus Susquekeveni: genus Suscapebeni, genus Okamuragusa: Yamadagusa, genus of mirin: genus Mirin, Hosobaminin, genus genus Genus: Isomokka, Yukari: Yukari, Hosoyukari, Ibaranori: Ibaranori, Saidaibara, Tachiibara, Kagiibaranori, Kijinoo: Genus Kijinoo, Isodan Genus: Candida spp. Yumigata Ogonori, Kubireogonori, Mosa Ogonori, Kinukabanori, Tengusamodoki genus: Hachijotengusamodoki, Fushikrenori genus: Fushikenori, Namiiwatake genus: Namiiwatake, Scallop genus: Scutellaria, Oregon genus, Genus genus Genus: Lotus japonicus, Cypress genus: Ikanoashi, Hosoibonori, Nobonori, Kurohaginnanso Genus: Akabaginnansou, Hashibukuro: Hashibukuro, Madaragusa: Togemadara, Echinoki-dara, Taoyagossou: Taoyagosou, Hanasakura, Shirotsunagi: Fukuronagi, Sujikonori, Hananoeda: Hanadanadagi, Hiranodaragida , Species of Species: Species of Species: Species of Species:, Species of Benifukuroni: Species of Benifukukuronori, Fushitsugi: Fushitsunagi, Himefushitsunagi, Hirohafushinagi, Snapdragon: Hirawasanagisou, Usuwanatsunagisou, genus: Eggis, slimefish, genus, genus, cricket Genus Saegida: Genus Saeda, Chrysanthemum: Genus Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemumaceae: Habutaenori, Chrysanthemum spp., Suzuronori, Genus Usbeni: Usbeni, Ha Genus Suzginu: Hasujinginu, Nagakonohanori Genus: Nagakonohanori, Sugingu Genus: Suginguinu, Atubasujinginu, Hyusbanori Genus: Kagiusbanori, Yaleusbanori, Sujiusbanori, Hiusbanori, Usubanoriniaki, Genus Genus, Genus Genus, Genus Genus Enashidajia, Shimadagia: Isohagi, Shimadagia, Daziomodoki: Dajimomodoki, Itogusa: Moletogusa, Futonigusa, Makuri: Makuri, Sanaginori: Hanayanagi, Yuna, Sanaginori, Motsureyuna, Beniyanagikori, Mosozona, Mosozona, Mozonazona, Mozonaso Hanesozo, Sozonohana, Hanugusa: Hanugusa, Kanehagusa, Kozanemo: Kozanemo, Isomurasaki, Hosokozanemo, Himegoke: Himegoke, Lohime moss, Anthracidae: Asteraceae, Rhododendron, Anopheles japonicus, Isomegusa: Isomegusa, Acerina Ideyugogome spp .: Ideyugogome spp., Ochimozoku spp .: Ochimomozu spp., Itoxa spp., Tinolimo spp .: Chinorimo, Tisginori spp .: Chisinori, etc.).
Axle algae (Erythra spp., Echinacea spp., Hoshiturimo genus: Hoshiturimo, Lichnotamus genus, Phalaenopsis genus: Himejirabamo, Chaboflavidium, Tripella genus, etc.), yellow algae (Hikarimo genus: Hikarimo etc.) and the like.
In addition, as the material derived from animal-based raw materials, a cockscomb extract, a cow or human placenta extract, a pig or cow stomach, duodenum, or intestinal extract or its decomposition product, a pig or cow spleen extract or its extract Hydrolyzate, extract of swine or bovine brain tissue, water-soluble collagen, collagen derivative such as acylated collagen, collagen hydrolyzate, elastin, elastin hydrolyzate, water-soluble elastin derivative, keratin and its decomposed product or their Derivatives, silk proteins and their degradation products or derivatives thereof, pig or bovine blood cell protein degradation products (globin peptides), pig or bovine hemoglobin degradation products (hemin, hematin, heme, protohem, heme iron, etc.), milk, casein and Decomposition products or their derivatives, skim milk powder and its decomposition products or their derivatives, lactoferrin or its decomposition products, chicken egg ingredients Fish hydrolyzate, nucleic acid-related substance (ribonucleic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid), or the like.
(14) Microbial culture metabolites
Yeast metabolite, yeast extract, natto metabolite, natto extract, fermented rice extract, fermented rice bran (red bran, white bran) extract, euglena extract, lactic acid fermented product of raw milk or skim milk powder, trehalose or derivatives thereof .
(15) α-hydroxy acids glycolic acid, citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid and the like.
(16) Inorganic pigment
Silicic anhydride, magnesium silicate, talc, kaolin, bentonite, mica, titanium mica, bismuth oxychloride, zirconium oxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, titanium oxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide , Gunjou, chromium oxide, chromium hydroxide, carbon black, calamine, etc.
(17) UV absorber / blocker
Benzophenone derivatives (2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone, 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonic acid, sodium 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone-5-sulfonate, dihydroxydimethoxybenzophenone, dihydroxydimethoxybenzophenone-sulfone Sodium acid, 2,4-dihydroxybenzophenone, tetrahydroxybenzophenone, etc., p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives (paraaminobenzoic acid, ethyl paraaminobenzoate, glyceryl paraaminobenzoate, amyl paradimethylaminobenzoate, octyl paradimethylaminobenzoate) Methoxycinnamic acid derivatives (ethyl paramethoxycinnamate, isopropyl paramethoxycinnamate, octyl paramethoxycinnamate, paramethoxycinnamate) 2-ethoxyethyl, sodium paramethoxycinnamate, potassium paramethoxycinnamate, glyceryl mono-2-ethylhexanoate diparamethoxycinnamate, etc., salicylic acid derivatives (octyl salicylate, salicylphenyl, homomenthyl salicylate, dipropylene glycol salicylate, ethylene glycol salicylate, Myristyl salicylate, methyl salicylate, etc.), anthranilic acid derivatives (methyl anthranilate, etc.), urocanic acid derivatives (urocanic acid, ethyl urocanate, etc.), coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives , Dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives Vitamin B6 derivatives, umbelliferone, esculin, benzyl cinnamate, sinoxate, oxybenzone, dioxybenzone, octabenzone, slisobenzone, benzoresorcinol, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin, baicalein, berberine, neoheliopan, escalol, zinc oxide, talc , Kaolin and the like.
(18) Whitening agent
p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives, salicylic acid derivatives, anthranilic acid derivatives, coumarin derivatives, amino acid compounds, benzotriazole derivatives, tetrazole derivatives, imidazoline derivatives, pyrimidine derivatives, dioxane derivatives, camphor derivatives, furan derivatives, pyrone derivatives, nucleic acid derivatives, Allantoin derivatives, nicotinic acid derivatives, vitamin C or derivatives thereof (vitamin C phosphate magnesium salt, vitamin C glucoside, etc.), vitamin E or derivatives thereof, kojic acid or derivatives thereof, oxybenzone, benzophenone, arbutin, guaiazulene, shikonin, baicalin , Baicalein, berberine, placenta extract, ellagic acid, lucinol, etc.
(19) Tyrosinase activity inhibitor
Vitamin C or its derivative (vitamin C phosphate magnesium salt, vitamin C glucoside, etc.), hydroquinone or its derivative (hydroquinone benzyl ether, etc.), kojic acid or its derivative, vitamin E or its derivative, N-acetyltyrosine or its derivative , Glutathione, hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, placenta extract, ellagic acid, arbutin, rucinol, silk extract, plant extract (chamomile, mulberry, touki, warmoko, clara, mugwort, honeysuckle, yellowfin, dokudami, matsuhodo, admiral, Odorikosou, Hop, Hawthorn, Eucalyptus, Yarrow, Althea, Calyx, Mankeishi, Hamamelis, Yamaguwa, Life Extension, Bellflower, Toshishi, Seizokuko, Ginkgo, Mao, Sengkyu, Dokkatsu, Psycho, Bohu, Hamabofu Scutellaria, peony bark, peony, cranesbill, kudzu root, licorice, Fushi aloe, Cimicifuga, safflower, green tea, black tea, Ali elixir), and the like.
(20) Melanin pigment reduction / decomposition substance
Phenylmercury hexachlorophene, mercuric oxide, mercurous chloride, aqueous hydrogen peroxide, zinc peroxide, hydroquinone or its derivatives (hydroquinone benzyl ether) and the like.
(21) Turnover promoting action / cell activator
Hydroquinone, lactic acid bacteria extract, placenta extract, ganoderma extract, vitamin A, vitamin E, allantoin, spleen extract, thymus extract, yeast extract, fermented milk extract, plant extract (aloe, ogon, horsetail, gentian, burdock, sicon, carrot, Hamamelis, hops, okinin, edulis, assemblage, touki, balsam, amacha, hypericum, cucumber, scorpion, rosemary, parsley) and the like.
(22) Astringent
Succinic acid, allantoin, zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, zinc oxide, calamine, zinc p-phenolsulfonate, aluminum potassium sulfate, resorcinol, ferric chloride, tannic acid (including catechin compounds) and the like.
(23) Active oxygen scavenger
SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and the like.
(24) Antioxidant
Vitamin C or a salt thereof, stearic acid ester, vitamin E or a derivative thereof, nordihydroguaseletenic acid, butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), butylhydroxyanisole (BHA), hydroxytyrosol, parahydroxyanisole, propyl gallate, sesamol , Sesamolin, gossypol, propolis etc.
(25) Lipid peroxide production inhibitor
β-carotene, plant extracts (cultured sesame cells, amacha, Hypericum perforatum, hamamelis, clove, melissa, emishiou, birch, salvia, rosemary, Nantenmi, Eijitsu, Ginkgo, green tea) and the like.
(26) Anti-inflammatory agent
Icutamol, indomethacin, kaolin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, methyl salicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, diphenhydramine hydrochloride, d-camphor, dl-camphor, hydrocortisone, guaiazulene, camazulene, chlorpheniramine maleate, glycyrrhizic acid or a salt thereof, glycyrrhetinic acid or a salt thereof Salt, licorice extract, sicon extract, age extract, propolis and the like.
(27) Antibacterial, disinfectant, disinfectant
Acrinol, sulfur, calcium gluconate, chlorhexidine gluconate, sulfamine, mercurochrome, lactoferrin or a hydrolyzate thereof, alkyl diaminoethyl glycine chloride solution, triclosan, sodium hypochlorite, chloramine T, salami powder, iodine compound, iodoform, sorbin Acid or salt thereof, salicylic acid, dehydroacetic acid, parahydroxybenzoic acid esters, undecylenic acid, thiamine lauryl sulfate, thiamine lauryl nitrate, phenol, cresol, p-chlorophenol, p-chloro-m-xylenol, p-chloro -M-cresol, thymol, phenethyl alcohol, o-phenylphenol, irgasan CH3565, halocarban, hexachlorophen, chlorohexidine, ethanol, methanol , Isopropyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, chlorobutanol, isopropylmethylphenol, nonionic surfactants (polyoxyethylene lauryl ether, polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether, polyoxyethylene octyl phenyl ether, etc.), Amphoteric surfactants, anionic surfactants (sodium lauryl sulfate, lauroyl sarcosine potassium, etc.), cationic surfactants (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, benzalkonium chloride, benzethonium chloride, methylrosaniline chloride), formaldehyde, hexamine, brilliant green, Malachite Green, Crystal Violet, Jamal, Photosensitizer No. 101, Photosensitizer No. 201, Photosensitizer 01 No., N- long chain acyl basic amino acid derivative and its acid shark salts, zinc oxide, hinokitiol, Sophora root, propolis, and the like.
(28) Moisturizer
Glycerin, propylene glycol, 1,3-butylene glycol, hyaluronic acid or a salt thereof, polyethylene glycol, chondroitin sulfate or a salt thereof, water-soluble chitin or a chitosan derivative, pyrrolidone carboxylic acid or a salt thereof, sodium lactate, minisasanishiki extract, and Bacillus natto Metabolites, natto extract, loofah water, birch (birch) or red pine sap,
(29) Elastase activity inhibitor
Diisopropyl fluorophosphate, plant extracts (Ougon, Hypericum perforatum, Clara, Mulberry leaf, Calyx, Gennoshoko, Comfrey, Salvia, Agaricus japonicus, Bodaiju, Botanpi), seaweed extract and the like.
(30) An agent for hair.
Selenium disulfide, alkylisoquinolinium bromide solution, zinc pyrithione, biphenamine, thianthol, castal tincture, ginger tincture, capsicum tincture, quinine hydrochloride, strong aqueous ammonia, potassium bromate, sodium bromate, thioglycolic acid and the like.
(31) Antiandrogen agent
Estrogen (estrone, estradiol, ethinylestradiol, etc.), isoflavones, oxendrone, etc.
(32) Peripheral vascular blood flow promoter
Vitamin E or its derivatives, assembly extract, garlic extract, ginseng extract, aloe extract, gentian extract, touki extract, cepharanthin, carpronium chloride, minoxidil and the like.
(33) Stimulant
Pepper tincture, nonyl acid vanillamide, cantaris tincture, ginger tincture, peppermint oil, l-menthol, camphor, benzyl nicotinate and the like.
(34) Metabolic activator
Photosensitizer 301, hinokitiol, pantothenic acid or derivatives thereof, allantoin, placental extract, biotin, glyceride pentadecanoate, and the like.
(35) Antiseborrheic
Pyridoxine or a derivative thereof, sulfur, vitamin B6 and the like.
(36) Keratolytic agent
Resorcinol, salicylic acid, lactic acid, etc.
(37) Oxidizing agent
Hydrogen peroxide, sodium persulfate, ammonium persulfate, sodium perborate, urea peroxide, sodium percarbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium bromate, potassium bromate, sodium peroxide pyrophosphate, sodium orthophosphate , Sodium silicate hydrogen peroxide adduct, sodium sulfate sodium chloride hydrogen peroxide adduct, β-tyrosinase enzyme solution, mushroom extract and the like.
(38) Hair remover
Inorganic reducing agents such as strontium sulfate, sodium sulfide, barium sulfide and calcium sulfide; thioglycolic acid or salts thereof (calcium thioglycolate, sodium thioglycolate, lithium thioglycolate, magnesium thioglycolate, strontium thioglycolate) etc.
(39) Hair swelling agent
Ethanolamine, urea, guanidine, etc.
(40) Dye
5-aminoorthocresol, 2-amino-4-nitrophenol, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol, 1-amino-4-methylaminoanthraquinone, 3,3'-iminodiphenol, 2,4-diaminophenoxyethanol hydrochloride 2,4-diaminophenol hydrochloride, toluene-2,5-diamine hydrochloride, nitroparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, paraphenylenediamine hydrochloride, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, metaphenylenediamine hydrochloride, orthoaminophenol, N-phenyl acetate Paraphenylenediamine, 1,4-diaminoanthraquinone, 2,6-diaminopyridine, 1,5-dihydroxynaphthalene, toluene-2,5-diamine, toluene-3,4-diamine, nitroparaphenylenediamine, paraaminophenol P-nitroorthophenylenediamine, p-phenylenediamine, p-methylaminophenol, picramic acid, sodium piclamate, N, N'-bis (4-aminophenyl) -2,5-diamino-1,4-quinonediimine, 5- ( 2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-methylphenol, N-phenylparaphenylenediamine, metaaminophenol, metaphenylenediamine, 5-aminoorthocresol sulfate, 2-amino-5-nitrophenol sulfate, orthoaminophenol sulfate, sulfuric acid Orthochloroparaphenylenediamine, 4,4'-diaminodiphenylamine sulfate, 2,4-diaminophenol sulfate, toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate, nitroparaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraaminophenol sulfate, paranitrophenol sulfate Tophenylenediamine, paranitrometaphenylenediamine sulfate, paraphenylenediamine sulfate, paramethylaminophenol sulfate, metaaminophenol sulfate, metaphenylenediamine sulfate, catechol, diphenylamine, α-naphthol, hydroquinone, pyrogallol, phloroglucin, gallic acid, resorcinol , Tannic acid, sodium 2-hydroxy-5-nitro-2 ', 4'-diaminoazobenzene-5'-sulfonate, hematein and the like.
(41) Fragrance
Natural animal flavors such as musk, civet, castorium, ambergris, anise essential oil, angelica essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, iris essential oil, fennel essential oil, orange essential oil, cananga essential oil, caraway essential oil, cardamom essential oil, guaiac wood essential oil, cumin essential oil, black character Essential oils, cinnamon essential oil, cinnamon essential oil, geranium essential oil, copaiba balsam essential oil, coriandel essential oil, perilla essential oil, cedarwood essential oil, citronella essential oil, jasmine essential oil, ginger grass essential oil, cedar essential oil, spearmint essential oil, western mint essential oil, large perfume essential oil, Tuberose essential oil, T-shaped essential oil, orange flower essential oil, winter green essential oil, true balsam essential oil, baturi essential oil, rose essential oil, palmarosa essential oil, cypress essential oil, hiba essential oil, sandalwood essential oil, petitglen essential oil, bay essential oil, vetiver essential oil, bergamot essential oil, perl Vegetable flavors such as balsam essential oil, boad rose essential oil, camphor essential oil, mandarin essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil, lime essential oil, lavender essential oil, linaloe essential oil, lemongrass essential oil, lemon essential oil, rosemary essential oil, Japanese peppermint essential oil, and other synthetic fragrances .
(42) Dyes / colorants
Red cabbage pigment, red rice pigment, Akane pigment, anato pigment, squid pigment, turmeric pigment, endju pigment, krill pigment, persimmon pigment, caramel, gold, silver, gardenia pigment, corn pigment, onion pigment, tamarind pigment, spirulina pigment, Buckwheat whole plant pigment, cherry pigment, laver pigment, hibiscus pigment, grape juice pigment, marigold pigment, purple potato pigment, purple yam pigment, lac pigment, rutin, etc.
In addition, humectants, hormones, sequestering agents, pH adjusters, chelating agents, preservatives / anti-binders, cooling agents, stabilizers, emulsifiers, animal / vegetable proteins and their degradation products, animal / vegetable Saccharides and their degradation products, animal and plant glycoproteins and their degradation products, blood flow promoters, anti-inflammatory agents / antiallergic agents, cell activators, keratolytic agents, wound treatment agents, foaming agents, thickening agents, oral cavity Examples include additives, deodorants / deodorants, bitters, seasonings, enzymes, and the like. When used in combination therewith, various additive and synergistic effects can be expected.
The dosage form of the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition of the present invention is arbitrary, and can be used in the form of capsules, powders, granules, solids, liquids, gels, air bubbles, emulsions, creams, ointments, sheets and the like.
Specifically, for example, topical medicinal preparations, lotions, emulsions, creams, ointments, lotions, oils, basic cosmetics such as packs, facial cleansers and skin cleansers, depilatory, depilatory, aftershave lotion, pre-shave Makeup cosmetics such as lotions, shaving creams, foundations, lipsticks, blushers, eye shadows, eyeliners, mascaras, perfumes, nail polish, nail enamel, nail enamel remover, shampoo, rinse, hair treatment, pre-treatment Hair treatments, hair styling agents, perm agents, hair tonics, hair dyes, hair cosmetics such as hair growth and hair restoration, bath agents, deodorants, deodorants, cataplasms, plasters, tapes, sheets, patches, Suitable for various products such as aerosols, toothpastes, mouth fresheners / gargles, sanitary cotton, wet tissues, etc. It can, also, can also be used to common foods and drinks.
The method of adding to the polylysine preparation or the cosmetic composition of the present invention may be added in advance or during the production, and may be appropriately selected in consideration of workability.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in more detail with reference to Examples, but the present invention is not limited to these Examples. In this example, as the ε-polylysine, a 0.25% by weight aqueous solution obtained by diluting a 25% by weight aqueous solution of ε-polylysine manufactured by Chisso Corporation with 100 times was used.
(Test 1) Melanin production suppression test
The melanin production inhibitory action was evaluated based on B16 melanoma cells.
"Test method and evaluation method" B16 melanoma cells cultured for 24 hours are transferred to a fresh medium, a sample is added at 0.5% by weight, and cultured for 3 days. Next, the cultured cells are treated with trypsin, and dissolved by heating with 1N-NaOH and a 10% by weight DMSO solution, and then the absorbance at 420 nm is measured. In addition, the distilled water was used as a blank in place of the sample, and the cells to which the sample was added at the same time were measured for activity by the MTT reduction method (Tim Mosmann; Journal of Immunological Methods P55-63 (1983)), and the blank was measured. The MTT reduction activity of the sample-loaded cells was calculated using the MTT reduction activity of the cells as one unit. The amount of melanin in the sample was calculated as the absorbance / MTT reducing activity (1 unit), and the inhibition rate (%) of the amount of melanin produced in the blank cells was determined by Equation 1, and the results are shown in FIG. As a comparative sample, arbutin (manufactured by Sigma) was prepared under the same conditions and used for the test.
<Equation 1> Melanin production inhibition rate (%) = {1− (sample melanin amount / blank melanin amount)} × 100
(Test Results) As shown in FIG. 1, it was confirmed that the ε-polylysine of the present invention significantly suppressed the production of melanin pigment and had a high melanin production inhibitory action. In addition, it has been confirmed that it has an excellent melanin production inhibitory action, though slightly weaker than arbutin, and can be used as a whitening agent.
(Test 2) Active oxygen scavenging (SOD-like activity) test
In recent years, many diseases and diseases induced by active oxygen have been reported, and it has been pointed out that removal and elimination of active oxygen (SOD activity) leads to prevention of tissue damage. In this test, the extract obtained in Production Example 2 was evaluated for its ability to eliminate active oxygen generated by the xanthine-xanthine oxidase system using the nitro blue tetrazolium method (Lipid peroxide experiment method, P144, Medical and Dental Publishing). (Co., Ltd.).
[Test Method and Evaluation Method] 0.75 mM nitroble-tetrazolium was added to 2.5 mL of 0.05 M sodium carbonate buffer (pH 10.2) containing 1.0 mM xanthine and 3.0 mM disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate. 0.1 mL each of 0.15 W / V% bovine serum albumin and 0.01 mL each of the sample solution are added, and left at 25 ° C. for 10 minutes. 0.1 mL of an aqueous solution of xanthine oxidase, which was previously adjusted to have a change in absorbance of about 0.3 / 20 minutes, was added thereto, left at 25 ° C. for 20 minutes, the reaction was stopped with a 6 mM CuCl solution, and the absorbance at 560 nm was measured. It was measured. In addition, the control rate was obtained from Formula 2 by using the sample containing the solvent of the sample solution in place of the sample as a control, and further using the group containing the reaction stop solution before adding xanthine oxidase as a blank for each sample and the control. Is shown in FIG. The active oxygen capacity was calculated with the 50% inhibition rate as one SOD unit. As a comparative sample, a green tea extract (manufactured by Ichimaru Falcos) was prepared under the same conditions and used for the test.
<Equation 2> Active oxygen scavenging rate (%) = {1− (Sample OD value−Sample blank OD value) / (Control OD value−Control flank OD value)} × 100
(Test Results) As shown in FIG. 2, it was confirmed that the ε-polylysine of the present invention significantly suppressed the generation of active oxygen and had an active oxygen scavenging effect. Also, it can be confirmed that it has a strong active oxygen scavenging effect as compared with green tea extract, and thus can be used as an active oxygen scavenger.
(Test 3) Lipid peroxide production inhibition test
The lipid peroxide is an unsaturated fatty acid which is a constituent component of the lipid, to which peroxide, mainly hydroperoxide is attached. These lipid peroxides cause damage to cell membranes in the living body, inactivate various enzymes, denature biological proteins, etc., and adversely affect living tissues. As a result, it is thought that it promotes aging and leads to diseases such as cancerous changes. In the skin, the accumulation of lipid peroxides caused by the peroxidation of sebum causes changes in the cell membrane and mitochondrial function of the skin, causing liver spots, melasma, primary irritant dermatitis, atopic dermatitis It is said to be one of the causes of various skin diseases such as skin aging (wrinkles, senile pigmentation, etc.) and rough skin. It is important in dermatology to suppress peroxidation of lipids. . In this test, the TBA method (Analytical, Biochemistry. Vol. 95, P351-358) was used to examine the effect of the iron-ascorbic acid system on the peroxidation of skin lipids and squalene in the extract obtained in Production Example 1. (1979)) and examined.
"Test method and evaluation method" Take 4.9 mL of 0.8% sodium lauryl sulfate solution dissolving 0.1% linolenic acid in a 9 mL screw bottle, add 0.2 mL of the sample solution, and irradiate with ultraviolet light for 1 hour. (Three Toshiba FL-20SE lamps and three FL-20SBL lamps were irradiated in parallel at a distance of 15 cm.) Then, 1.0 mL of this solution was placed in a centrifuge tube containing 0.02 mL of 4.5% dibutylhydroxytoluene. Then, 1 mL of a 0.67% thiobarbituric acid / 15% acetic acid aqueous solution is added, and the mixture is heated at 95 ° C. for 1 hour. After cooling, 4 mL of a 15% methanol-containing n-butanol solution was added, shaken well, centrifuged (2000 rpm for 10 minutes), and the absorbance of the n-butanol layer at 532 nm was measured to determine the amount of lipid peroxide. In addition, similarly, the absorbance of the sample not irradiated with ultraviolet light was measured, and the difference from the sample irradiated with ultraviolet light was defined as the amount of lipid peroxide produced. The inhibition rate was calculated from the ratio to the amount of lipid peroxide produced when the sample was added, with the amount of lipid peroxide produced when only the solvent was added instead of the sample taken as 100. The results are shown in FIG. As a comparative sample, a dl-α-tocopherol aqueous solution (manufactured by Kishida Chemical Co., Ltd.) was prepared under the same conditions and used for the test.
(Test Results) As shown in FIG. 3, it was confirmed that the ε-polylysine of the present invention had almost the same effect of suppressing the production of lipid peroxide as dl-α-tocopherol aqueous solution. Therefore, the ε-polylysine of the present invention can be used as an antioxidant.
(Test 4) Lipase activity suppression test
The lipase activity inhibitory effect was evaluated based on the lipase activity value using the quantitative reaction of human lipase as an index.
"Test method and evaluation method"
a. Skin extract 10 mL of physiological saline was added to 1 g of the skin of the guinea pig back, extraction was performed by ultrasonic waves, and the supernatant obtained by centrifugation (12,000 rpm, 15 minutes) was used as a skin extract.
b. Enzyme lipase The enzyme lipase (derived from pig pancreas / Sigma) was adjusted to 0.2 units.
c. A test was performed according to the test method of Lipase Kit S (Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) using a mixture of a measurement sample of lipase activity 30%, skin extract 20%, and 0.2 units lipase 50% by weight as a specimen. As a control, the solvent of the sample was used, and the measurement was performed for the sample and the control, and the lipase activity inhibition rate (= lipase activity inhibitory action) was determined. The results are shown in FIG.
Lipase activity inhibition rate (%) = {1− (sample BALB unit / control BALB unit)} × 100
(Test Results) As shown in FIG. 4, it can be confirmed that the ε-polylysine of the present invention has an effect of significantly suppressing lipase activity, and can be used as a lipase activity inhibitor.
(Test 5) Histamine release inhibition test
In an immediate allergic reaction, chemical substances such as histamine are released from mast cells or basophils sensitized in the second stage. Therefore, a substance that suppresses histamine release can be expected to have an antiallergic effect. In this test, a test method (J. Soc. Cosmet. Japan, Vol. 25, No. 4, P246 (1992)) for releasing histamine from rat mast cells using histamine releasing reagent compound 48/80 was used.
[Test method and evaluation method] 0.02 mL of a sample and compound 48/80 were added to a final concentration of 1 mL in 1.2 mL of a mast cell suspension collected from the intraperitoneal cavity of a rat (Slc: Wister male rat, about 4 to 9 weeks old). 0.0 μg / mL, and incubated at 37 ° C. for 15 minutes. After stopping the reaction by cooling on ice, the reaction solution was centrifuged, and the histamine released from the supernatant was extracted and purified, color was developed with o-phthaldialdehyde, and the fluorescence absorbance at an excitation wavelength of 360 nm and a fluorescence wavelength of 450 nm was measured. The histamine release inhibition rate was determined from Equation 4 and the results are shown in FIG. As a comparative sample, cromolyn (manufactured by Sigma) was prepared under the same conditions and used for the test.
<Equation 4> Histamine release inhibition rate (%) = {1- (AC) / (BC)} × 100
A: Fluorescence intensity of histamine released when a histamine releasing agent was added in the presence of a sample in mast cells,
B: fluorescence intensity of histamine released when a histamine releasing agent was added to mast cells,
C: Fluorescence intensity of histamine naturally released from mast cells (A, B, C are measured values minus blind values).
(Test Results) As shown in FIG. 5, it was confirmed that the ε-polylysine of the present invention had an effect of significantly suppressing the release of histamine. In addition, it has been confirmed that it has a very strong histamine release inhibitory action as compared with cromolyn, and can be used as an antiallergic agent.
(Test 6) Safety test
(1) Skin primary irritation test
ε-Polylysine was prepared in purified water so as to have a dry solid concentration of 0.5%, and was applied to the skin of Japanese white rabbits (female, 3 per group, body weight of about 2.3 kg) whose back was shaved. Applied. At 24, 48, and 72 hours after application, evaluation was performed using erythema and edema as indices based on the criteria of Draize. As a result, no erythema and edema were observed in all animals, and it was judged that there was no problem with regard to primary skin irritation.
(Test 7) Safety test
(2) Skin irritation test
ε-Polylysine was prepared with purified water so as to have a dry solid concentration of 0.5%, and was applied to the skin of a Hartley-type guinea pig (female, 3 animals per group, about 320 g in weight) shaved on the back for 1 day. 5 times a week, 0. 5 mL / animal was applied. Application was performed over two weeks and shaving was performed on the last application day of each week. Evaluation was performed using erythema and edema as indices based on the criteria of Draize on each application day and the day after the last application day. As a result, no erythema or edema was observed in any of the animals for 2 weeks, and it was judged that there was no problem with respect to the cumulative skin irritation.
(Test 8) Safety test
(3) Acute toxicity test
The ε-polylysine powder obtained by concentration and drying under reduced pressure was orally administered to ddy mice (male and female, 5 animals per group, 5 weeks old) in a dose of 5,000 mg / kg before fasting for 4 hours before the test. The appearance and degree of symptoms were observed over time. As a result, no abnormality was observed in all the mice for 14 days, and no abnormalities were found in the dissection results. Therefore, LD50 is 5,000 mg / kg or more, and is determined to be a safe substance.
(Formulation example) Production of melanin production inhibitor, active oxygen scavenger, lipid peroxide production inhibitor, lipase activity inhibitor, antiallergic agent, histamine release inhibitor, humectant or cosmetic composition
According to the above evaluation results, formulation examples are shown below. Each formulation example may be one manufactured by a usual method for manufacturing each product, and only the compounding amount is shown. Further, the present invention is not limited to these. In the following formulation examples, those having a pH outside the range of 4.5 or more and less than 6.5 are adjusted with a citric acid-sodium citrate buffer to adjust the pH to 4.5 or more and less than 6.5. did.
(Formulation Example 29) Coating protective agent
A gauze or liniment cloth is impregnated with a prescription liquid containing an appropriate amount of ε-polylysine, an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory agent, etc., and attached to the wound. Alternatively, ε-polylysine may be directly applied locally and covered with gauze or the like.
(Test 9) Use effect test
The effect when the cosmetic composition of the present invention was actually used was examined. The use test was for 10 people aged 30 to 60 years old who were worried about spots, freckles, and black and white. It was performed by coating. In addition, what was prepared by the same method except that ε-polylysine was removed from the emulsion was used as a control. The evaluation was performed according to the following criteria. The results are shown in Table 1 and the numbers in the table represent the number of persons. No one complained of abnormal skin during the use period.
"Stain freckles & skin color improvement effect"
Effective: White spots and freckles and skin color improved.
Somewhat effective: Blemish spots and skin color improved to white.
Ineffective: No change from before use.
[Table 1]
(Test results)
As shown in Table 1, it was confirmed that the cosmetic composition containing ε-polylysine of the present invention significantly improved spots and freckles, and also improved white skin color.
(Test 10) Use effect test
The effect when the skin cosmetic composition of the present invention was actually used was examined. Use test: 10 people aged 30 to 50 years old who are suffering from shiny / tensionless skin and / or eczema / acne / rough skin as panelists, twice daily, morning and night, and after washing face, appropriate amount of emulsion of Formulation Example 1 Was applied to the face for 3 months. In addition, what was prepared by the same method except that ε-polylysine was removed from the emulsion was used as a control. The evaluation was performed according to the following criteria. The results are as shown in Tables 2 and 3, and the numbers in the tables represent the number of persons. No one complained of abnormal skin during the use period.
"Skin feel improvement effect"
Effective: Gloss and firmness of skin increased.
Slightly effective: Skin gloss and tension increased slightly.
Ineffective: No change from before use.
[Table 2]
"Eczema and rough skin improvement effect"
Effective: Eczema, acne, and rough skin improved.
Somewhat effective: Eczema, acne, and rough skin slightly improved.
Ineffective: No change from before use.
[Table 3]
(Test Results) As shown in Tables 2 and 3, it was confirmed that the cosmetic composition containing ε-polylysine of the present invention increased the gloss and firmness of the skin and improved eczema, acne and rough skin. Was.
(Test 11) Use effect test
The effect when the cosmetic composition of the present invention was actually used was examined. The use test was conducted by applying a suitable amount of the emulsion of Formulation Example 2 to the face for 3 months, twice daily in the morning and evening, after washing the face twice a day, with a panel of 10 persons aged 30 to 60 who suffer from dry skin. went. In addition, what was prepared by the same method except that ε-polylysine was removed from the emulsion was used as a control. The evaluation was performed according to the following criteria. The results are as shown in Table 4 and the numerical values in the table represent the number of persons. No one complained of abnormal skin during the use period.
`` Dry skin improvement effect ''
Effective: Dryness of the skin was improved.
Somewhat effective: Drying of the skin was slightly improved.
Ineffective: No change from before use.
[Table 4]
(Test Results) As shown in Table 4 above, it was confirmed that the cosmetic composition containing ε-polylysine of the present invention significantly improved skin dryness.
【The invention's effect】
The polylysine preparation and the cosmetic composition of the present invention significantly suppress the production of melanin pigment and have a whitening effect. In addition, active oxygen must be significantly eliminated and suppressed, and the production of lipid peroxide or the lipase activity must be suppressed. In addition, it has a histamine release inhibitory effect, improves stains and freckles, and improves skin color to white. In addition, it can improve eczema, acne, and rough skin, and can also give gloss, firmness, and moisture to the skin, and is safe for humans and animals. The polylysine preparation of the present invention can be used for other general foods and drinks.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a graph showing the inhibitory action of ε-polylysine of the present invention on melanin production.
FIG. 2 is a view showing the active oxygen scavenging effect of ε-polylysine of the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a graph showing the inhibitory action of ε-polylysine of the present invention on lipid peroxide production.
FIG. 4 is a graph showing the lipase activity inhibitory effect of ε-polylysine of the present invention.
FIG. 5 is a graph showing the histamine release inhibitory effect of ε-polylysine of the present invention.
Claims (8)
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
JP2002187139A JP2004026743A (en) | 2002-06-27 | 2002-06-27 | Polylysine preparation and cosmetic composition containing the same |
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JP2002187139A JP2004026743A (en) | 2002-06-27 | 2002-06-27 | Polylysine preparation and cosmetic composition containing the same |
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JP2008279000A Division JP4947034B2 (en) | 2008-10-30 | 2008-10-30 | Polylysine preparation and cosmetic composition containing the same |
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JP2004026743A5 JP2004026743A5 (en) | 2005-10-27 |
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JP2002187139A Pending JP2004026743A (en) | 2002-06-27 | 2002-06-27 | Polylysine preparation and cosmetic composition containing the same |
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