HUT43335A - Chlorinated, poliolephin-based, soluable in water dispersive adhesive compositions and process for production thereof
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Chlorinated, poliolephin-based, soluable in water dispersive adhesive compositions and process for production thereof
Publication number
HUT43335AHU172586AHU172586AHUT43335AHU T43335 AHUT43335 AHU T43335AHU 172586 AHU172586 AHU 172586AHU 172586 AHU172586 AHU 172586AHU T43335 AHUT43335 AHU T43335A
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Processes Of Treating Macromolecular Substances
A polyolefin based water dilutable adhesive contains a chlorinated polyolefin of 56 vol.% min. chlorine, a polyglycol-ether type nonionic surfactant, a plasticiser and a stabiliser. These are dissolved in an organic solvent immiscible with water. An aq. soln. of the emulsifier and a hydrophylic macromolecular sec. emulsifier is slowly added to the organic solvent soln., under intensive stressing. Fillers dispersed in water are also added to this case.
HU172586A1986-04-251986-04-25Chlorinated polyolefin-based, water-dilutable, dispersion adhesive compositions and process for preparing same
Chlorinated and Sulfonated Degradation Products of Lignin in the Effluents from the Chlorine Bleaching of Sulfite Pulp(Chlorierte und sulfonierte Ligninabbauprodukte in Abwaessern der Chlorbleiche von Sulfitzellstoff)