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HRP970139A2 - New ternary radiopharmaceutical complexes - Google Patents

New ternary radiopharmaceutical complexes


Publication number
HRP970139A2 HRP970139A HRP970139A2 HR P970139 A2 HRP970139 A2 HR P970139A2 HR P970139 A HRP970139 A HR P970139A HR P970139 A2 HRP970139 A2 HR P970139A2
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Croatian (hr)
Shuang Liu
Original Assignee
Shuang Liu
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Application filed by Shuang Liu filed Critical Shuang Liu
Publication of HRP970139A2 publication Critical patent/HRP970139A2/en



  • Medicines Containing Antibodies Or Antigens For Use As Internal Diagnostic Agents (AREA)
  • Organic Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds And Preparation Thereof (AREA)


Ova molba povezana je sa još neriješenom patentnom prijavom U.S.S.N. 08/415,908, koja je nastavak U.S.S.N. 08/218,861 koji je nastavak U.S.S.N. 08/040,336 podnesene 30. ožujka 1993., čiji su sadržaji ovdje obuhvaćeni referencom. This application is related to the still pending patent application of U.S.S.N. 08/415,908, which is a continuation of U.S.S.N. 08/218,861 which is a continuation of U.S.S.N. 08/040,336 filed Mar. 30, 1993, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.

Područje tehnike The field of technology

Ovaj izum odnosi se na nove radiofarmake koji su korisni kao kontrasti, sredstva za prikazivanje za dijagnosticiranje kardiovaskularnih poremećaja, zaraznih bolesti i raka te na kitove (pribor) korisne u njihovoj pripravi. Radiofarmaci se sastoje od tehnecijem-99 m vezanim za heterocikal koji sadrži nitrogen označene hidrazino ili diazino modificirane biološki aktivne molekule koje se selektivno lokaliziraju na mjestima bolesti i stoga omogućuju dobivanje slike na tim mjestima pomoću gama scintigrafije. This invention relates to novel radiopharmaceuticals useful as contrast agents, imaging agents for diagnosing cardiovascular disorders, infectious diseases and cancer, and kits (accessories) useful in their preparation. Radiopharmaceuticals consist of technetium-99m bound to a heterocycle containing nitrogen labeled hydrazino or diazino modified biologically active molecules that are selectively localized at the sites of the disease and therefore enable imaging at these sites by means of gamma scintigraphy.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Danas postoji potreba za novim postupcima (metodama) ne-invazivne dijagnostike različitih bolesti poput tromboemboličke bolesti, ateroskleroze, infekcije i raka. Radiofarmaci koje se sastoje od radionuklida koji emitiraju gama zrake i označavaju biološki aktivne molekule, mogu zadovoljiti tu potrebu. Biološki aktivne molekule služe za smještanje radionukleida na mjestima bolesti te tako omogućuju vizualiziranje (prikazivanje) tih mjesta gama scintigrafijom. Molekule mogu biti proteini, antitijela, čestice antitijela, peptidi ili polipeptidi ili peptidomimetici. Molekule ulaze u interakciju sa receptorom ili mjestom za vezivanje koje je eksprimirano na mjestima bolesti ili sa receptorom ili mjestom za vezivanje na engodenoj krvnoj komponenti, poput krvnih pločica (trombocita) ili leukocita, koje se skupljaju na tim mjestima. Ova interakcija dovodi do selektivne lokalizacije određenog postotka injiciranog radiofarmaka dok se ostatak čisti, odlazi, bilo relnalnim bio hepatobilijarnim sustavom. Lokalizirani radiofarmak zatim se izvanjski prikazuje korištenjem gama scintigrafije. Relativni omjeri sekvestracije, pročišćavanja ("clearance") i raspadanja radionuklida određuju kvalitetu vizualizacije (prikazivanja), koja se često izražava u obliku omjera cilja i pozadine. Često se samo određeni dijelovi biološki aktivnih molekula vežu za receptore; ti dijelovi nazivaju se nizovi ili jedinice za prepoznavanje. Today, there is a need for new procedures (methods) of non-invasive diagnostics of various diseases such as thromboembolic disease, atherosclerosis, infection and cancer. Radiopharmaceuticals, which consist of radionuclides that emit gamma rays and label biologically active molecules, can meet this need. Biologically active molecules are used to place radionuclides at disease sites and thus enable visualization (showing) of these sites by gamma scintigraphy. Molecules can be proteins, antibodies, antibody particles, peptides or polypeptides or peptidomimetics. The molecules interact with a receptor or binding site expressed at sites of disease or with a receptor or binding site on an endogenous blood component, such as platelets or leukocytes, that accumulate at those sites. This interaction leads to the selective localization of a certain percentage of the injected radiopharmaceutical while the rest is cleared, leaving, either by the renal or hepatobiliary system. The localized radiopharmaceutical is then visualized externally using gamma scintigraphy. The relative rates of sequestration, clearance, and radionuclide decay determine the quality of the visualization, which is often expressed as a target-to-background ratio. Often, only certain parts of biologically active molecules bind to receptors; these parts are called sequences or recognition units.

Radi se na dobivanju brojnih radiofarmaka koje se sastoje od radionuklidima označenih proteina, antitijela i čestica antitijela, međutim do danas je Ministarstvo za hranu i lijekove SAD-a (Food and Drug Administration) odobrilo samo jedan od njih. Ovaj mali broj odobrenih radiofarmaka posljedica je kombinacije čimbenika zbog kojih je dobivanje ovakvih radiofarmka vrlo teško, uključujući probleme sa proizvodnjom i kontrolom kvalitete, neoptimalne omjere sekevestracije i pročišćavanja ("clearance-a") te pojavu antigenih ili afergijskih reakcija na radiofarmake. Ovi problemi uglavnom su vezani za makromolekularnu narav proteina, anitijela i čestica antitijela. Njihova visoka molarna težina otežava jednostavnu i neposrednu kemijsku proizvodnju te stoga moraju biti sintetizirani rekombinanatnim ili klonirajućim tehnikama za koje je karakteristično da daju niski prinos i zahtijevaju opsežne postupke izolacije i pročišćavanja. Njihova molarna težina može usporiti njihove omjere lokalizacije i spriječiti njihovo pročišćavanje mehanizmom aktivne eliminacije putem bubrega ili jetre, što dovodi do njihovog produženog zadržavanja u krvotoku zbog čega je tijekom prikazivanja (dobivanja slike) visoka razina pozadine. Također, imunološki sustav tijela obično djelotvornije prepoznaje veće količine egzogene vrste. Numerous radiopharmaceuticals consisting of radionuclide-labeled proteins, antibodies, and antibody particles are being developed, but only one of them has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to date. This small number of approved radiopharmaceuticals is the result of a combination of factors that make obtaining such radiopharmaceuticals very difficult, including problems with production and quality control, suboptimal sequestration and clearance ratios, and the occurrence of antigenic or aphergic reactions to radiopharmaceuticals. These problems are mainly related to the macromolecular nature of proteins, antibodies and antibody particles. Their high molar weight makes simple and direct chemical production difficult, and therefore they must be synthesized by recombinant or cloning techniques, which are characteristically low-yielding and require extensive isolation and purification procedures. Their molar weight can slow down their localization ratios and prevent their clearance by active elimination mechanisms via the kidney or liver, leading to their prolonged retention in the bloodstream resulting in a high background level during imaging (imaging). Also, the body's immune system usually recognizes larger amounts of the exogenous species more effectively.

Korištenje peptida, polipeptida ili peptidomimetika manje molarne težine za biološki aktivne-molekule, sprečava veliki dio ovih problema. Ove molekule mogu se neposredno sintetizirati pomoću klasične kemije otopina ili automatiziranim sintetizerom peptida. Mogu se dobivati u većim količinama te zahtjevaju manje složene postupke pročišćavanja. Obično se brže odstranjuju iz krvotoka aktivnim putem eliminacije što dovodi do niže razine pozadine na slikama. Također nisu imunogeni. Nedavno je američko Ministarstvo za hranu i lijekove (Food and Drugs Administration) odobrilo prvi radionuklidom označen polipeptidni radiofarmak. The use of peptides, polypeptides or peptidomimetics of lower molar weight for biologically active molecules prevents a large part of these problems. These molecules can be directly synthesized using classical solution chemistry or an automated peptide synthesizer. They can be obtained in larger quantities and require less complex purification procedures. They are usually cleared from the bloodstream more quickly by active elimination, leading to lower background levels in images. They are also not immunogenic. Recently, the US Department of Food and Drugs (Food and Drugs Administration) approved the first radionuclide-labeled polypeptide radiopharmaceutical.

Postoje dvije glavne metode označavanja biološki aktivnih molekula radionuklidima kako bi ih se moglo koristititi kao radiofarmake, a nazivaju se direktno i indirektno označavanje. Direktno označavanje obuhvaća vezanja radionuklida za atome biološki aktivne molekule; dok indirektna metoda obuhvaća vezivanje radionuklida putem helatora. Helator može ili biti vezan za biološki aktivnu molekulu prije reakcije sa radionuklidom ili se radionuklidom označena helatorska sredina može vezati za biološki aktivnu molekulu. U nekoliko novijih članaka opisuju se ovi postupci označavanja te su ovdje obuhvaćeni referencom: S. Jurisson et. al., Chem. Rev., 1993, 93, 1137; A. Verbruggen, Eur. J. Nuc. Med., 1990, 17, 346; i M. Derwanjee, Semin. Nuc. Med., 1990, 20, 5. There are two main methods of labeling biologically active molecules with radionuclides so that they can be used as radiopharmaceuticals, and they are called direct and indirect labeling. Direct labeling includes binding of radionuclides to atoms of biologically active molecules; while the indirect method involves the binding of radionuclides by means of chelators. The chelator can either be bound to the biologically active molecule prior to reaction with the radionuclide, or the radionuclide-labeled chelator medium can be bound to the biologically active molecule. Several recent articles describe these labeling procedures and are incorporated herein by reference: S. Jurisson et. al., Chem. Rev., 1993, 93, 1137; A. Verbruggen, Eur. J. Nuc. Med., 1990, 17, 346; and M. Derwanjee, Semin. Nuc. Med., 1990, 20, 5.

Primjena hidrazina i hidrazida kao helatora radi modificiranja proteina za označavanje radionuklidima nedavno su opisali Schwartz et al., U.S. Patent 5,206,370. Za označavanje tehnecijem-99 m, hidrazinom modificirani protein je uveden u reakciju sa reduciranom vrstom tehnecija, dobivenom reakcijom pertehnetata sa reducirajućim agensom u prisutnosti dioksigenog liganda koji djeluje kao helator. The use of hydrazines and hydrazides as chelators to modify proteins for radionuclide labeling was recently described by Schwartz et al., U.S. Patent 5,206,370. For labeling with technetium-99m, the hydrazine-modified protein was introduced into the reaction with the reduced species of technetium, obtained by the reaction of pertechnetate with a reducing agent in the presence of a dioxygen ligand acting as a chelator.

Tehnecij se veže za protein putem, kako se vjeruje, hidrazido ili diazenido veza sa koordinacijskom sferom upotpunjenom ancilarnim dioksigenim ligandima. Primjeri ancilamih dioksigenih liganda-uključuju glukoheptonat, glukonat, 2-hidroksiizobutirat i laktat Nedavno je izvješteno da su određeni dioksigeni ligandi posebno prikladni za označavanje hidrazinom modificiranih proteina sa tehnecijem-99m. Bridger et al., U.S. Patent 5,350,837, iznose nizove funkcionaliziranih aminokarboksilata za čiju se primjenu navodi da poboljšava proces označavanja hidrazinom modificiranih makromolekula poput monoklonskih antitijela. Poboljšavanja se očituju kao kraća vremena trajanja reakcije i aktivnosti veće specifičnosti. Primjeri ovih poboljšanih dioksigenih liganda uključuju hidroksialkil supstituirane derivate glicina poput tricina. Technetium binds to the protein via what is believed to be a hydrazido or diazenido bond with a coordination sphere complete with ancillary dioxygen ligands. Examples of ancylamic dioxygen ligands include glucoheptonate, gluconate, 2-hydroxyisobutyrate, and lactate. Recently, certain dioxygen ligands have been reported to be particularly suitable for labeling hydrazine-modified proteins with technetium-99m. Bridger et al., U.S. Patent 5,350,837 discloses a series of functionalized aminocarboxylates whose application is said to improve the labeling process of hydrazine-modified macromolecules such as monoclonal antibodies. Improvements manifest as shorter reaction times and higher specificity of activity. Examples of these improved dioxygen ligands include hydroxyalkyl substituted derivatives of glycine such as tricine.

U još neriješenoj patentnoj prijavi U.S. Serijski Br. 08/218,861 (ekvivalent WO 94/22494), podnesenoj 28. ožujka 1994., opisana je sinteza novih receptorskih antagonista radiooznačenih krvnih pločica IIb/IIIa kao kontrasta, (agensa za prikazivanje) za tromboemboličke poremećaje. Ovi reagensi sadrže helatorom modificirane cikličke spojeve označene radionuklidom. Poželjni helator za modificiranje cikličkih spojeva je hidrazino ili diazenido sredina. In a pending U.S. patent application Serial No. 08/218,861 (equivalent to WO 94/22494), filed Mar. 28, 1994, describes the synthesis of novel radiolabeled platelet IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists as contrast agents (imaging agents) for thromboembolic disorders. These reagents contain radionuclide-labeled chelator-modified cyclic compounds. A preferred chelator for modifying cyclic compounds is a hydrazino or diazenido group.

Poželjni reagensi koriste se za sintezu binarnih kompleksa koji se sastoje od hidrazido ili diazenido sredine i jednog iz niza ancilamih liganda. Preferred reagents are used for the synthesis of binary complexes consisting of a hydrazido or diazenido moiety and one of a number of ancylam ligands.

Izlaganje biti izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Ovaj izum donosi nove radiofarmake koje su korisni kao kontrasti (agensi za prikazivanje) za dijagnosticiranje kardiovaskularnih poremećaja, poput tromboemboličke bolesti ili ateroskleroze, infektivne bolesti i raka. Radiofarmaci se sastoje od tehnecijem-99 m vezanim za heterocikal koji sadrži nitrogen označene hidrazino ili diazino modificirane biološki aktivne molekule koje se selektivno nakupljaju na mjestima bolesti te stoga omogućuju stvaranje slike (prikazivanje) tih mjesta pomoću gama scintigrafije. Ovaj izum također donosi postupke primjene spomenutih radiofarmaka kao kontrasta (agensa za prikazivanje) za dijagnosticiranje tromboemboličke bolesti ili ateroskleroze, infektivne bolesti ili raka. On nadalje donosi kitove (pribor) za pripravu dotičnih radiofarmaka. The present invention provides novel radiopharmaceuticals that are useful as contrast agents (imaging agents) for diagnosing cardiovascular disorders, such as thromboembolic disease or atherosclerosis, infectious disease and cancer. Radiopharmaceuticals consist of technetium-99m bound to a nitrogen-labeled heterocyclic hydrazino or diazino-modified biologically active molecule that selectively accumulates at the sites of disease and therefore enables imaging (displaying) of these sites using gamma scintigraphy. This invention also provides methods of using said radiopharmaceuticals as contrast agents (imaging agents) for diagnosing thromboembolic disease or atherosclerosis, infectious disease or cancer. He also brings kits (accessories) for the preparation of the respective radiopharmaceuticals.

Kratak opis slika Short description of the pictures

Slika 1. Podaci iz modela psećeg arteriovenskog "shunta" (spoja) za radiofarmak iz Primjera 1 (150 μCi/kg, i.v.), uspoređeni sa 111In-trombocitima, 125I-fibrinogenom i 99mTc-albuminom. Figure 1. Data from a canine arteriovenous "shunt" (junction) model for the radiopharmaceutical from Example 1 (150 μCi/kg, i.v.), compared with 111In-platelets, 125I-fibrinogen and 99mTc-albumin.

Detaljan opis izuma Detailed description of the invention

Ovaj izum odnosi se na nove radiofarmake za dijagnosticiranje kardiovaskularnih poremećaja, poput tromboemboličke bolesti ili ateroskleroze, infektivne bolesti ili raka formule [(Q)d,Ln-Ch-]x - Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z, postupke primjene dotičnih radiofarmaka u dijagnosticiranju bolesti i kitove (pribor) korisne za pripravu dotičnih radiofarmaka. This invention relates to new radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosing cardiovascular disorders, such as thromboembolic disease or atherosclerosis, infectious disease or cancer of the formula [(Q)d,Ln-Ch-]x - Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z, procedures for applying the respective radiopharmaceuticals in diagnosing diseases and kits (accessories) useful for the preparation of the respective radiopharmaceuticals.

[1] Jedan oblik ovog izuma je radiofarmak koja sadrži prvi ancilarni ligahd, drugi ancilarni ligand koji je u stanju stabilizirati radiofarmak, tranzicijski metalni radionuklid, tranzicijski metalni helator, biološki aktivnu grupu vezanu za spomenuti helator koja može imati vezivnu grupu između spomenutog helatora i spomenute biološki aktivne skupine. [1] One form of this invention is a radiopharmaceutical containing a first ancillary ligand, a second ancillary ligand capable of stabilizing a radiopharmaceutical, a transition metal radionuclide, a transition metal chelator, a biologically active group attached to said chelator, which may have a binding group between said chelator and said biologically active groups.

[2] Poželjni radiofarmaci ovog izuma su oni kojiimaju vezivnu grupu između spomenutog helatora i spomenute biološki aktivne skupine. [2] Preferred radiopharmaceuticals of this invention are those that have a binding group between the mentioned chelator and the mentioned biologically active group.

[3] Još poželjniji radiofarmaci ovog izuma su oni koje imaju formulu: [3] Even more preferred radiopharmaceuticals of this invention are those that have the formula:

[(Q)d.Ln-Ch.]x-Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z [(Q)d.Ln-Ch.]x-Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z

i njihove farmaceutski prihvatljive soli naznačene time da, and their pharmaceutically acceptable salts characterized in that,

Q je biološki aktivna grupa; Q is a biologically active group;

d' je 1 do 20; d' is 1 to 20;

Ln je vezivna grupa formule: Ln is the linking group of the formula:

M1-[Y1-(CR55R56)f(Z1)F'Y2]f'-M2 M1-[Y1-(CR55R56)f(Z1)F'Y2]f'-M2

naznačena time, da indicated by that

M1 je - [(CH2)gZ1]g - (CR55R56)g''-; M1 is - [(CH2)gZ1]g - (CR55R56)g''-;

M2 je - (CR55R56)g„- [Z1(CH2)g,]g'-; M2 is - (CR55R56)g„- [Z1(CH2)g,]g'-;

g je neovisno 0-10; g is independently 0-10;

g' je neovisno 0-1; g' is independently 0-1;

g'' je neovisno 0-10; g'' is independently 0-10;

f je neovisno 0-10; f is independently 0-10;

f' je neovisno 0-10; f' is independently 0-10;

f'' je neovisno 0-1; f'' is independently 0-1;

Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from:

veze, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; bonds, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), ( NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S;

Z1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz C6-C14 zasićenog, djelomično zasićenog ili aromatskog karbocikličkog prstenastog sustava, zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; i heterocikličkog prstenastog sustava, po mogućnosti zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; Z 1 is independently selected at each occurrence from a C 6 -C 14 saturated, partially saturated or aromatic carbocyclic ring system, substituted with 0-4 R 57 ; and heterocyclic ring system, preferably substituted with 0-4 R57;

R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: R55 and R56 are independently selected at each occurrence from:

vodika, C1-C10 alkila zamijenjenog s 0-5 R57, alkarila naznačenog time, da je aril zamijenjen s 0-5 R57; hydrogen, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-5 R57, alkaryl wherein the aryl is substituted with 0-5 R57;

R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C (=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58, C=N, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58, NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, ili, isto tako, kada je povezan s dodatnom molekulom Q, R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: O, NR58, C=O, C (=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC (=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; i R57 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C (=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58 , C=N, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58, NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, or, likewise, when linked to an additional molecule Q, R57 is independently selected at to each occurrence from the group: O, NR58, C=O, C (=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC (=O ), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; and

R58 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C6 alkil, benzil, i fenil; R 58 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, benzyl, and phenyl;

x, y i z su neovisno 1 ili 2; x, y and z are independently 1 or 2;

Mt je tranzicijski metalni radionuklid izabran iz grupe: 99mTc, 186Re i 188Re; Mt is a transition metal radionuclide selected from the group: 99mTc, 186Re and 188Re;

Ch. je radionuklidni metalni helator usklađen s tranzicijskim metalnim radionuklidom Mt, i neovisno je izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: R40N = N+ = , R40R41N-N = , i R40N = N(H)-; naznačen time, da Ch. is a radionuclide metal chelator aligned with the transition metal radionuclide Mt, and is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: R40N = N+ = , R40R41N-N = , and R40N = N(H)-; indicated by that

R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, cikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterocikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aralkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52 i alkaril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, aryl substituted with 0-3 R52, cycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , aralkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , and alkaryl substituted with 0-3 R 52 ;

R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52-C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R 41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, aryl substituted with 0-3 R 52 -C 1 -C 10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R 52 ;

R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s LN, =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53, R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with LN, =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53,

-C(=O)N(R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, -NR53C(=O)R53, -N(R53)3+, -C(=O)N(R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, - NR53C(=O)R53, -N(R53)3+,

-NR54C(=O)OR53a, NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -SR53, -S(=O)R53a, -NR54C(=O)OR53a, NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -SR53, -S(=O)R53a,

-SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -C(=NH)NHR53, =N O R53, NO2, -C(=O)NHOR53, -C(=O)NHNR53R53a, -SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -C(=NH)NHR53, =N O R53, NO2, -C(=O)NHOR53, -C(=O) NHNR53R53a,

-OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morfolino)etoksi; -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morpholino)ethoxy;

R53, R53a, i R54 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C6 alkil, i veza s Ln R53, R53a, and R54 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C1-C6 alkyl, and a bond with Ln

AL1 je prvi ancilarni ligand izabran iz grupe: dioksigen ligand i funkcionalizirani aminokarboksilat; AL1 is the first ancillary ligand selected from the group: dioxygen ligand and functionalized aminocarboxylate;

Al2 je ancilami ligand sposoban da stabilizira radiofarmaceutik izabrano iz grupe: Al2 is an alkylami ligand capable of stabilizing a radiopharmaceutical selected from the group:

[image] [image]

naznačene time, da indicated by that

n je 0 ili 1; n is 0 or 1;

X1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64 i N; X1 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64 and N;

X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O i S; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O and S;

X3 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: C, CR64, i N; X3 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: C, CR64, and N;

pod uvjetom da je ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu liganda AL2 od 1 do 4; provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the AL2 ligand is from 1 to 4;

Y je izabran iz grupe: BR64- CR64, (P=O), (P=S); i a, b, c, d, e i f označavaju mjesto mogućih dvostrukih veza, pod uvjetom da je e ili f dvostuka veza; Y is selected from the group: BR64- CR64, (P=O), (P=S); and a, b, c, d, e and f indicate the location of possible double bonds, provided that e or f is a double bond;

R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group:

H, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkinil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, R65; ili, isto tako, dva R64 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; H, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkynyl substituted with 0-3 R65, aryl substituted with 0-3 R65, carbocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R65, R65; or, likewise, two R 64 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring substituted by 0-3 R 65 ;

R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66)2,-N(R66)3+, -CH2OR66, -OC(=O)R66, -OC(=O)0R66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O)R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a, -NR66C(=O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N(R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, - SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, - N(R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; i R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66 )2,-N(R66)3+, -CH2OR66, -OC(=O)R66, -OC(=O)0R66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O )R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a, -NR66C(=O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N(R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, - SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, - N( R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; and

R66, R66a i R67 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C6 alkil. R66, R66a and R67 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C1-C6 alkyl.

[4] Također poželjniji su radiofarmaceutici ovog izuma naznačeni time, da [4] Also preferred are the radiopharmaceuticals of this invention indicated by, that

Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIIa antagonisti receptora, IIb/IIIa ligandi receptora, peptidi koji se vežu za fibrin, peptidi koji se vežu za leukocit, kemotaktični peptidi, analozi somatostatina i peptidi koji se vežu za selektin; Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists, IIb/IIIa receptor ligands, fibrin-binding peptides, leukocyte-binding peptides, chemotactic peptides, somatostatin analogs, and selectin-binding peptides;

d1 je 1 do 3; d1 is 1 to 3;

Ln je:- (CR55R56)g'' - [Y1(CR55R56)fY2]f' - (CR55R56)g'' -naznačen time, da Ln is:- (CR55R56)g'' - [Y1(CR55R56)fY2]f' - (CR55R56)g'' - indicated that

g" je 0-5; g" is 0-5;

f je 0-5; f is 0-5;

f' je 1-5; f' is 1-5;

Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C = NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C = NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S;

R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: vodika, C1-C10 alkila i alkarila; R 55 and R 56 are independently selected at each occurrence from: hydrogen, C 1 -C 10 alkyl and alkaryl;

x i y su 1; x and y are 1;

Mt je 99mTc; Mt is 99mTc;

Ch. je izabran iz grupe: R40N = N+= i R40R41N-N = ; naznačen time, da Ch. is selected from the group: R40N = N+= and R40R41N-N = ; indicated by that

R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: aryl substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocyclic compound substituted with

0-3R52; 0-3R52;

R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R52-C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R52; R 41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, aryl substituted with 0-1 R 52 -C 1 -C 3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R 52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R 52 ;

R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Lp, -CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -OCH2CO2H; R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Lp, -CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, - OCH2CO2H;

R53 i R53a su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C3 alkil; R 53 and R 53a are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C 1 -C 3 alkyl;

AL1 je funkcionaliziran aminokarboksilat; AL1 is a functionalized aminocarboxylate;

n je 0; n is 0;

Y je BR64-; Y is BR64-;

R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group:

H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, i R65; H, C1-C3 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R65, aryl substituted with 0-3 R65, and R65;

ili, isto tako, dva R65 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; or, likewise, two R 65 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring replaced by 0-3 R 65 ;

R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, i -OCH2CO2H; i R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, and -OCH2CO2H; and

R66 je vodik. R66 is hydrogen.

[5] Najpoželjniji su radiofarmaceutici ovog izuma naznačeni time, da [5] The most preferred radiopharmaceuticals of this invention are indicated by, that

Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIIa antagonisti receptora i kemotaktički peptidi; Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists and chemotactic peptides;

d' je 1; d' is 1;

Y1 i Y2 su pri svakom pojavljivanju neovisno izabrani iz: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, NHC(-O), (NH)2C(=O); Y1 and Y2 at each occurrence are independently selected from: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, NHC(-O), (NH) 2 C(=O);

R55 i R56 su vodik; R55 and R56 are hydrogen;

z je 1; z is 1;

R40 je heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R52; R40 is a heterocyclic compound substituted with R52;

R41 je vodik; R41 is hydrogen;

R52 je veza s Ln; R52 is a bond with Ln;

AL1 je tricin; AL1 is tricine;

X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64 i O; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64 and O;

X3 jeN; X 3 is N;

pod uvjetom da je ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu liganda AL2 2 do 3; provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the AL2 ligand is 2 to 3;

R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group:

H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R65; i R65; H, C1-C3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R65, aryl substituted with 0-1 R65; and R65;

R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -NO2f -CO2R66, -OR66, i -SO3H. R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -NO2f -CO2R66, -OR66, and -SO3H.

[6] Specifično poželjni radiofarmaceutici su oni koji su naznačeni time, da [6] Specifically preferred radiopharmaceuticals are those indicated by, yes

Q je Q is

[image] [image]

d' je 1; d' is 1;

Ln je vezan za Q u ugljikovom atomu označenom s * i ima formulu: Ln is bound to Q in the carbon atom marked with * and has the formula:

- (C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-; - (C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-;

[image] [image]

vezan je za Ln u ugljikovom atomu označenom s *; Mt je 99mTc; AL1 je tricin; x, y i z su 1; i AL2 je izabran iz grupe: it is attached to Ln in the carbon atom marked with *; Mt is 99mTc; AL1 is tricine; x, y and z are 1; and AL2 is selected from the group:

[image] [image]

[image] [image]

[7] Drugi oblik ovog izuma je postupak radiodijagnosticiranja stanja sisavca koji obuhvaća (i) primjenu djelotvorne količine radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavca, i (ii) prikazivanje stanja sisavca korištenjem radiodijagnosticirajućeg aparata. [7] Another form of this invention is a procedure for radiodiagnosing the condition of a mammal, which includes (i) applying an effective amount of radiopharmaceuticals from Claims 1-6 to said mammal, and (ii) displaying the condition of the mammal using a radiodiagnostic apparatus.

[8] Drugi oblik ovog izuma je postupak prikazivanja mjesta odlaganja trombocita u sisavcu pomoću radiodijagnostike, koji obuhvaća (i) primjenu djelotvorne količine radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavca, i (ii) prikazivanje stanja sisavca korištenjem radiodijagnosticirajućeg aparata. [8] Another form of this invention is a procedure for showing the location of platelet deposition in a mammal using radiodiagnostics, which includes (i) applying an effective amount of radiopharmaceuticals from Claims 1-6 to said mammal, and (ii) showing the condition of the mammal using a radiodiagnostic apparatus.

[9] Drugi oblik ovog izuma je postupak određivanja odlaganja trombocita u sisavcu koji obuhvaća primjenu radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavca i dijagnosticiranje stanja dotičnog sisavca. [9] Another form of this invention is a procedure for determining the deposition of platelets in a mammal, which includes the application of radiopharmaceuticals from Claims 1-6 to said mammal and diagnosing the condition of the mammal in question.

[10] Drugi oblik ovog izuma je postupak dijagnosticiranja poremećaja povezanog s odlaganjem trombocita u sisavcu koji obuhvaća primjenu radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavca, i dijagnosticiranje stanja dotičnog sisavca. [10] Another form of this invention is a method of diagnosing a disorder associated with the deposition of platelets in a mammal comprising administering the radiopharmaceutical from Claims 1-6 to said mammal, and diagnosing the condition of said mammal.

[11] Drugi oblik ovog izuma je pribor za pripremanje radiofarmaceutika koji obuhvaća: [11] Another form of this invention is a kit for preparing radiopharmaceuticals, which includes:

(a) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog reagensa formule: (a) a previously determined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable reagent of the formula:

(Q)d,Ln-Ch; (Q)d,Ln-Ch;

(b) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog prvog ancilamog liganda, AL1, izabranog iz grupe: (b) a predetermined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable first ancylamog ligand, AL1, selected from the group:

dioksigenog liganda i funkcionaliziranog aminokarboksilata; dioxygen ligand and functionalized aminocarboxylate;

(c) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog liganda, AL2, izabranog iz grupe: (c) a predetermined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable ligand, AL2, selected from the group:

[image] [image]

(d) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog reducirajućeg agensa; i (d) a predetermined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable reducing agent; and

(e) po mogućnosti, prethodno određenu količinu jednog ili više sterilnih, farmaceutski prihvatljivih sastojaka izabranih iz grupe: transferni ligandi, puferi, sredstva za liofilizaciju, sredstva za stabilizaciju, sredstva za otapljanje i bakteriostati; (e) preferably, a predetermined amount of one or more sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable ingredients selected from the group: transfer ligands, buffers, lyophilizing agents, stabilizing agents, solubilizing agents and bacteriostats;

naznačeno time, da indicated by that

Q je biološki aktivna molekula; Q is a biologically active molecule;

d' je 1 do 20; d' is 1 to 20;

Ln je vezivna grupa formule: Ln is the linking group of the formula:

M1-[Y1 (CR55R56)f(Z1)f''Y2]f-M2, M1-[Y1 (CR55R56)f(Z1)f''Y2]f-M2,

naznačene time, da indicated by that

M1 je - [(CH2)Z1]g' - (CR55R56)g'' -; M1 is - [(CH2)Z1]g' - (CR55R56)g'' -;

M2 je - (CR55R56)g'' - [Z1(CH2)g]g' -; M2 is - (CR55R56)g'' - [Z1(CH2)g]g' -;

g je neovisno 0-10; g is independently 0-10;

g' je neovisno 0-1; g' is independently 0-1;

g'' je neovisno 0-10; g'' is independently 0-10;

f je neovisno 0-10; f is independently 0-10;

f' je neovisno 0-10; f' is independently 0-10;

f'' je neovisno 0-1; f'' is independently 0-1;

Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: veze, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from: bond, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S;

Z1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz C6-C14 zasićenog, djelomično zasićenog ili aromatskog karbocikličkog prstenastog sustava, zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; i heterocikličkog prstenastog sustava, po izboru zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; Z 1 is independently selected at each occurrence from a C 6 -C 14 saturated, partially saturated or aromatic carbocyclic ring system, substituted with 0-4 R 57 ; and a heterocyclic ring system, optionally substituted with 0-4 R57;

R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: vodika; C1-C10 alkila zamijenjenog s 0-5 R57, alkarila naznačenog time, da je aril zamijenjen s 0-5 R57; R55 and R56 are independently selected at each occurrence from: hydrogen; C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-5 R57, alkaryl wherein the aryl is substituted with 0-5 R57;

R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C (=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58, C=H, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58, NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, ili, isto tako, kada je povezan s dodatnom molekulom Q, R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: O, NR58, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC (=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; i R57 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C (=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58 , C=H, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58, NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, or, likewise, when linked to an additional molecule Q, R57 is independently selected at to each occurrence from the group: O, NR58, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC (=O ), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; and

R58 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C6 alkil, benzil, i fenil; R 58 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, benzyl, and phenyl;

Ch. je radionuklidni metalni helator izabran iz grupe: R40R41N-N=C(C1-C3 alkil)2 i =R40NNH2-, i R40R41N-N=CR80R81, naznačen time, da Ch. is a radionuclide metal chelator selected from the group: R40R41N-N=C(C1-C3 alkyl)2 and =R40NNH2-, and R40R41N-N=CR80R81, indicated that

R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln, C1-C10) alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, cikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterocikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aralkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52 i alkaril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: a bond with Ln, C1-C10) alkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, aryl substituted with 0-3 R52, cycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R52 , heterocycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , aralkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , and alkaryl substituted with 0-3 R 52 ;

R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52 , C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, alkyl substituted with 0-3 R52 , C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R52 ;

R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln =O,'F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53, R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln =O,'F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53,

-C(=O)N(R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, -NR53C(=O)R53, -N(R53)3+, -NR54C(=O)OR53a, -NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -SR53, -S(=O)R53a, -SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2 -NHC( = NH)NHR53, -C( = NH)NHR53, = N O R53, NO2, -C(=O)NHOR53, -C( = O)NHNR53R53a, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morfolino)etoksi; -C(=O)N(R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, - NR53C(=O)R53, -N(R53)3+, -NR54C(=O)OR53a, -NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, - SO2R53a, -SR53, -S(=O)R53a, -SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2 -NHC( = NH)NHR53, -C( = NH)NHR53, = N O R53, NO2, -C (=O)NHOR53, -C( = O)NHNR53R53a, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morpholino)ethoxy;

R53 R53a, i R54 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: odik, C1-C6 alkil, i veza s Ln; R 53 , R 53a , and R 54 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group consisting of: alkyl, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, and a bond with Ln;

R80 i R81 neovisno su izabrani iz grupe: R80 and R81 are independently selected from the group:

H, C1-C10 alkil, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, C2-C10 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, C2-C10 1-alkin zamijenjen s 0-3R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, nezasićen heterociklicki spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, i nezasićen karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, pod uvjetom da kada je jedan od R80 i R81 H ili alkil, tada drugi nije H ili alkil; H, C1-C10 alkyl, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, C2-C10 1-alkene substituted with 0-3 R84, C2-C10 1 -alkyne substituted with 0-3R84, aryl substituted with 0-3 R84, unsaturated heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R84, and unsaturated carbocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R84, provided that when one of R80 and R81 is H or alkyl , then the other is not H or alkyl;

ili, isto tako, R80 i R81 mogu biti uzeti zajedno s prikazanim divalentnim ugljikovim radikalom pri čemu tvore: or, likewise, R80 and R81 may be taken together with the divalent carbon radical shown to form:

[image] [image]

naznačen time, da indicated by that

R82 i R83 mogu biti neovisno izabrani iz grupe: R82 and R83 may be independently selected from the group:

H, R84, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, C2-C10 alkenil zamijenjen s 0-3R84, C2-C10 alkinil zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84 i karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84; H, R84, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R84, C2-C10 alkenyl substituted with 0-3R84, C2-C10 alkynyl substituted with 0-3 R84, aryl substituted with 0-3 R84, heterocyclic compound substituted with 0- 3 R84 and carbocyclic compound replaced by 0-3 R84;

ili, isto tako, R82 i R83 mogu biti uzeti zajedno i tvoriti fuzionirani aromatični ili heterociklički prsten; or, likewise, R82 and R83 may be taken together to form a fused aromatic or heterocyclic ring;

R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -N(R85)3+-CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OC(=O)OR85a, -OR85, -OC(=O)N(R85)2, NR85C(=O)R85, NR86C(=O) OR85a, -NR85C(=O)N(R85)2, -NR86SO2N(R85)2, -NR86SO2 R85a, -SO3H, -SO2R85a, -SR85, -S(=O) R85a, -SO2N(R85)2, -N (R85)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR85, -C(=NH)NHR85, = NOR85, -C(=O)NHOR85, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morfolino)etoksi; i R84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -N(R85)3+-CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OC(=O)OR85a, -OR85, -OC(=O)N(R85)2, NR85C(=O)R85, NR86C( =O) OR85a, -NR85C(=O)N(R85)2, -NR86SO2N(R85)2, -NR86SO2 R85a, -SO3H, -SO2R85a, -SR85, -S(=O) R85a, -SO2N(R85) 2, -N (R85)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR85, -C(=NH)NHR85, = NOR85, -C(=O)NHOR85, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morpholino)ethoxy; and

R85, R85a, i R86 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C6 alkil. R85, R85a, and R86 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C1-C6 alkyl.

X1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64 i N; X1 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64 and N;

X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O i S; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O and S;

X3 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: C, CR64 i N; X3 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: C, CR64 and N;

Y je izabran iz grupe: BR64- CR64, (P=O), (P=S); Y is selected from the group: BR64- CR64, (P=O), (P=S);

pod uvjetom da je ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu heterocikličkog spoja 1 do 4; provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the heterocyclic compound is 1 to 4;

R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkinil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R65 i R65; R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkynyl substituted with 0-3 R65, aryl substituted with 0- 3 R65, carbocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R65 and R65;

ili, isto tako, dva R64 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten, zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; or, likewise, two R64 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring, replaced by 0-3 R65;

R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66)2, -N(R66)3+, -CH2OR66, -OC(=O)R66, -OC(=O)OR66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O)R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a,-NR66C(=O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N(R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, -SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, -N(R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; i R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66 )2, -N(R66)3+, -CH2OR66, -OC(=O)R66, -OC(=O)OR66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O )R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a,-NR66C(=O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N(R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, -SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, -N( R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; and

R66, R66a i R67 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C10alkil. R 66 , R 66a and R 67 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C 1 -C 10 alkyl.

n je 0 ili 1; n is 0 or 1;

i a, b, c, d, e i f označavaju mjesta mogućih dvostrukih veza, pod uvjetom da je jedna od njih e ili f. and a, b, c, d, e and f denote the sites of possible double bonds, provided that one of them is e or f.

[12] Poželjni pribori ovog izuma su oni koji su naznačeni time, da [12] Preferred accessories of the present invention are those indicated by, yes

AL1 je funkcionalizirani aminokarboksilat; AL1 is a functionalized aminocarboxylate;

Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIIa antagonisti receptora, IIb/IIIa ligandi receptora, peptidi koji se vežu za fibrin, peptidi koji se vežu za leukocit, kemotaktični pepitdi, analozi somatostatina i peptidi koji se vežu za selektin; Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists, IIb/IIIa receptor ligands, fibrin-binding peptides, leukocyte-binding peptides, chemotactic peptides, somatostatin analogs, and selectin-binding peptides;

d1 je 1 do 3; d1 is 1 to 3;

Ln je: - (CR55R56)g„ - [Y1(CR55R56)fY2]f,. -(CR55R56)g,.-, Ln is: - (CR55R56)g„ - [Y1(CR55R56)fY2]f,. -(CR55R56)g,.-,

naznačen time, da indicated by that

g" je 0-5; g" is 0-5;

f je 0-5; f is 0-5;

f' je 1-5; f' is 1-5;

Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from:

O, NR56, C=O C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; O, NR56, C=O C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C ( =O), (NH)2C=S;

R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: vodika, C1-C10 alkila i alkarila; R 55 and R 56 are independently selected at each occurrence from: hydrogen, C 1 -C 10 alkyl and alkaryl;

R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: aril zamijenjen s 0-3R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: aryl substituted with 0-3R52, and heterocyclic compound substituted with

0-3 R52; 0-3 R52;

R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R52, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R52; R 41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, aryl substituted with 0-1 R 52 , C 1 -C 3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R 52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R 52 ;

R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln, -CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, i -OCH2CO2H; R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: linkage to Ln, -CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, and -OCH 2 CO 2 H;

R53 i R53a su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C3 alkil; R53 and R53a are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C1-C3 alkyl;

R80 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, C2-C5 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, C2-C5 1-alkin zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, i R80 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO2R85, C2-C5 1-alkene substituted with 0-3 R84, C2-C5 1-alkyne substituted with 0-3 R84, aryl substituted with 0-3 R84, and

nezasićen heterociklicki spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84; unsaturated heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R84;

R81 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H i C1-C5 alkil; R 81 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H and C 1 -C 5 alkyl;

ili, isto tako, R80 i R81 mogu se koristiti skupa s prikazanim divalentnim ugljikovim radikalom s kojim tvore: or, likewise, R80 and R81 can be used together with the shown divalent carbon radical with which they form:

[image] [image]

naznačen time, da indicated by that

R82 i R83 mogu biti neovisno izabrani iz grupe: H i R84; R82 and R83 may be independently selected from the group: H and R84;

ili, isto tako, R82, R83 mogu se uzeti zajedno i tvoriti fuzionirani aromatični ili heterociklicki prsten; or, likewise, R82, R83 may be taken together to form a fused aromatic or heterocyclic ring;

R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OR85, -SO3H, -N(R85)2, i -OCH2CO2H; R84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO2R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OR85, -SO3H, -N(R85)2, and -OCH 2 CO 2 H;

R85 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i (C1-C3) alkil. R 85 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and (C 1 -C 3 ) alkyl.

Y je BR64-; Y is BR64-;

R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group:

H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65 i R65; H, C1-C3 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R65, aryl substituted with 0-3 R65 and R65;

ili, isto tako, dva R64 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; or, likewise, two R 64 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring substituted by 0-3 R 65 ;

R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, i -OCH2CO2H; R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, and -OCH2CO2H;

R66 je vodik; i R66 is hydrogen; and

n je 0. n is 0.

[13] Također su poželjni oni pribori koji su naznačeni time, da [13] Also desirable are those accessories that are indicated by, yes

AL1 je tricin; AL1 is tricine;

Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIa antagonisti receptora, i kemotaktični peptidi; Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIa receptor antagonists, and chemotactic peptides;

d' je 1; d' is 1;

Y1 i Y2 , pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O); Y 1 and Y 2 , at each occurrence, are independently selected from: O, NR 56 , C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR 56 , NHC(=O ), (NH)2C (=O);

R55 i R56 su vodik; R55 and R56 are hydrogen;

R40 je heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R52; R40 is a heterocyclic compound substituted with R52;

R41 je vodik; R41 is hydrogen;

R52 je veza s Ln; R52 is a bond with Ln;

R80 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, C2-C3 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-1 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R84, i nezasićen heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R ; R 80 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO 2 R 85 , C 2 -C 3 1-alkene substituted with 0-1 R 84 , aryl substituted with 0-1 R 84 , and unsaturated heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R ;

R81 jeH; R81 is H;

R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, -OR85, -SO3H, i -N(R85)2; R 84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO 2 R 85 , -OR 85 , -SO 3 H, and -N(R 85 ) 2 ;

R85 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i metil; R85 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and methyl;

X1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64 i N; X1 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64 and N;

X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O i S; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O and S;

X3 je N; X 3 is N;

Y je BR64-; Y is BR64-;

pod uvjetom da je ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu liganda AL1 2 do 3; provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the AL1 ligand is 2 to 3;

R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R65, i R65; R 64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H, C 1 -C 3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R 65 , aryl substituted with 0-1 R 65 , and R 65 ;

R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, i SO3H; R 65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: NO 2 , -CO 2 R 66 , -OR 66 , and SO 3 H;

R66 je vodik; n je 0; R66 is hydrogen; n is 0;

i a, b, c, d, e i f označava mjesto moguće dvostruke veze, pod uvjetom da je jedan od e i f dvostruka veza. and a, b, c, d, e and f indicate the site of a possible double bond, provided that one of e and f is a double bond.

[14] Također su poželjni oni pribori koji su naznačeni time, da AL2 je izabran iz grupe: [14] Also preferred are those accessories which are indicated by the fact that AL2 is selected from the group:

[image] [image]

Q je Q is

[image] [image]

d' je 1; d' is 1;

Ln je vezan za Q pomoću ugljikovog atoma označenog s * i ima formulu: Ln is attached to Q by means of a carbon atom marked with * and has the formula:

-(C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-; -(C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-;

Ch je izabran iz R40NNH2- i R40R41N-N=CR80R81 naznačen time, da Ch is selected from R40NNH2- and R40R41N-N=CR80R81 indicated that

R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R52; R 40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: heterocyclic compound substituted with R 52 ;

R41 je vodik; R41 is hydrogen;

R52 je veza s Ln; R52 is a bond with Ln;

R80 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz skupine: -CO2R85, C2-C3 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-1 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R84 i nezasićen heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R84; R 80 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO 2 R 85 , C 2 -C 3 1-alkene substituted with 0-1 R 84 , aryl substituted with 0-1 R 84 , and unsaturated heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R 84 ;

R81 je H; R81 is H;

R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz skupine: -CO2R85, -OR85 SO3H, i -N(R85)2; R 84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO 2 R 85 , -OR 85 SO 3 H, and -N(R 85 ) 2 ;

R85 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz skupine: vodik i metil. R85 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and methyl.

Kada se neka varijabla pojavi više puta u nekom spoju ili formuli, njena definicija kod svakog pojedinog pojavljivanja neovisna je 0 definiciji iste kod svakog slijedećeg pojavljivanja. Primjerice, ako je određena neka grupa koju treba supstituirati s 0-2 R52, tada dotičnu grupu može zamijeniti neki od najviše dva R52, koji je kod svakog pojavljivanja neovisno odabran iz točno određenog popisa mogućih R52. Tako, prema prethodnom primjeru, za grupu -N(R53)2, oba supstituenta R53 na N neovisno su odabrani iz točno određenog popisa mogućih R53. Kombinacije supstituenata i/ili varijabli dopuštene su samo ukoliko takve kombinacije rezultiraju stabilnim spojevima. When a variable appears more than once in a compound or formula, its definition at each individual occurrence is independent of the definition of the same at each subsequent occurrence. For example, if a group is specified to be substituted by 0-2 R52, then the group in question can be replaced by one of up to two R52s, which at each occurrence are independently selected from a well-defined list of possible R52s. Thus, according to the previous example, for the group -N(R 53 ) 2 , both substituents R 53 on N are independently selected from a well-defined list of possible R 53 . Combinations of substituents and/or variables are allowed only if such combinations result in stable compounds.

Izraz "stabilan spoj" ili "stabilna struktura" ovdje podrazumijeva spoj koji je dovoljno otporan da izdrži izoliranje iz reakcijske smjese do iskoristivog stupnja čistoće i formulacije u efikasno dijagnostičko sredstvo. The term "stable compound" or "stable structure" herein refers to a compound that is sufficiently resistant to withstand isolation from a reaction mixture to a usable degree of purity and formulation into an effective diagnostic agent.

Izraz "sposoban stabilizirati", koji je ovdje korišten za opisivanje drugog pomoćnog liganda AL2, znači da je ligand sposoban koordinirati do prijelaza metalnog radionuklida u prisustvu prvog pomoćnog liganda i tranzicijskog metalnog helatora, u ovdje navedenim uvjetima, što rezultira radiofarmacima Formule 1 s minimalnim brojem izomemih oblika, čiji relativni omjer se značajno ne mijenja s vremenom, a ostaje u osnovi nepromijenjen i kod otapanja. The term "capable of stabilizing", as used herein to describe the second auxiliary ligand AL2, means that the ligand is capable of coordinating to a transition metal radionuclide in the presence of the first auxiliary ligand and a transition metal chelator, under the conditions set forth herein, resulting in Formula 1 radiopharmaceuticals with minimal no. of isomeric forms, the relative ratio of which does not change significantly with time, and remains basically unchanged even during dissolution.

Izraz "supstituiran",koji je ovdje korišten, znači da je jedan ili više vodika na određenom atomu ili grupi zamijenjen sa izborom iz naznačene skupine, uz uvjet da se ne prekoračuje normalna valencija tog određenog atoma ili skupine i da supstitucija rezultira stabilnim spojem. Kada je supstituent keto skupina ( npr. =O), tada su dva vodika na atomu zamijenjena. The term "substituted", as used herein, means that one or more hydrogens on a particular atom or group have been replaced with one selected from the indicated group, provided that the normal valency of that particular atom or group is not exceeded and that the substitution results in a stable compound. When the substituent is a keto group (eg =O), then two hydrogens on the atom are replaced.

Izraz "veza", koji je ovdje korišten, označava jednostruku ili dvostruku vezu. The term "bond", as used herein, means a single or double bond.

Izraz "sol", koji je ovdje korišten, uzet je prema definiciji u CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 65th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Ra, 1984, kao svaka tvar koja predaje ione,osim vodikova ili hidroksilna iona. The term "salt" as used herein is taken as defined in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 65th Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Ra, 1984, as any substance that donates ions, except hydrogen or hydroxyl ions.

Ovdje korišten pojam "alkil" obuhvaća razgranate i ravnolančane zasićene alifatske ugljikovodike s određenim brojem ugljikovih atoma; "cikloalkilni", ili "karbociklički" uključuje zasićene i djelomice nezasićene skupine prstenova, uključujući mono-, bi-, ili policikličke sustave, kao što su ciklopropil, ciklobutil, ciklopentil, cikloheksil, cikoheptil, ciklooktil i adamantil; "bicikloalkil" uključuje zasićene bicikličke skupine kao [3.3.0]biciklooktan, [4.3.0]biciklononan, [4.4.0]biciklodekan (dekalin),[2.2.2]biciklooktan, i tako dalje. As used herein, the term "alkyl" includes branched and straight chain saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons having a certain number of carbon atoms; "cycloalkyl", or "carbocyclic" includes saturated and partially unsaturated ring groups, including mono-, bi-, or polycyclic systems, such as cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, cycloheptyl, cyclooctyl and adamantyl; "bicycloalkyl" includes saturated bicyclic groups such as [3.3.0]bicyclooctane, [4.3.0]bicyclononane, [4.4.0]bicyclodecane (decalin), [2.2.2]bicyclooctane, and so on.

Ovdje korišten pojam "alken" ili "alkenil" uključuje razgranate i ravnolančane skupine s formulom CnH2n -1 s određenim brojem ugljikovih atoma. As used herein, the term "alkene" or "alkenyl" includes branched and straight chain groups of the formula CnH2n -1 having a specified number of carbon atoms.

Ovdje korišten pojam "alkin" ili "alkinil" uključuje razgranate i ravnolančane skupine s formulom CnH2n -3 s određenim brojem ugljikovih atoma. As used herein, the term "alkyne" or "alkynyl" includes branched and straight chain groups of the formula CnH2n -3 having a certain number of carbon atoms.

Ovdje korišten pojam "aril" ili "aromatska rezidua" označava fenil ili naftil koji, u slučaju supstitucije, može biti supstituiran na bilo kojoj poziciji. As used herein, the term "aryl" or "aromatic residue" means phenyl or naphthyl which, in case of substitution, may be substituted at any position.

Ovdje korišten pojam "heterocikal" ili "heterociklički prstenasti sustav" označava stabilan petero do sedmeročlani monociklički ili biciklički prsten, ili sedmero do deseteročlani biciklički heterociklički prsten koji može biti zasićen, djelomično nezasićen ili aromatski, te se sastoji od atoma ugljika i 1 do 4 heteroatoma neovisno odabranih iz skupine koja se sastoji od N, O i S, gdje heteroatomi dušika i sumpora mogu biti oksidirani, a dušik može biti i kvaterniziran, uključujući i bilo koju bicikličku grupu u kojoj je neki od prije navedenih heterocikličkih prstenova spojen na benzenov prsten. The term "heterocyclic" or "heterocyclic ring system" as used herein means a stable five- to seven-membered monocyclic or bicyclic ring, or a seven- to ten-membered bicyclic heterocyclic ring that may be saturated, partially unsaturated or aromatic, and consists of carbon atoms and 1 to 4 heteroatoms independently selected from the group consisting of N, O and S, where the nitrogen and sulfur heteroatoms may be oxidized, and the nitrogen may be quaternized, including any bicyclic group in which one of the aforementioned heterocyclic rings is attached to a benzene ring.

Heterociklički prsten može se vezati uz njegovu pripojenu skupinu na bilo kojem heteroatomu ili ugljikovom atomu što rezultira stabilnom strukturom. Ovdje opisani heterociklički prstenovi mogu biti zamijenjeni na ugljikovom ili dušikovom atomu ako je dobiveni spoj stabilan. Primjeri takvih heterocikala uključuju, no nisu na njih ograničeni, benzopiranil, tiadiazin, tetrazolil, benzofuranil, benzotiofenil, indolen, kvinolin, izokvinolinil ili benzimidazolil, piperidinil, 4-piperidon, 2-pirolidon, tetrahidrofuran, tetrahidrokvinolin, oktahidroizokvinolin, azocin, triazin (uključujući 1,2,3-, 1,2,4-, i 1,3,5-triazin), 6H-1,2,5-tiadiazin, 2H, 6H-1,5,2-ditiazin, tiofen, tetrahidrotiofen, tiantren, furan, piran, izobenzofurah, kromen, ksanten, fenoksantin, 2H-pirol, pirol, imidazol, pirazol, tiazol, izotiazol, oksazol (uključujući 1,2,4- i 1,3,4-oksazol), izoksazol, triazol, piridin, pirazin, pirimidin, piridazin, indolizin, izoindol, 3H-indol, indol, 1H-indazol, purin, 4H-kvinolizin, izokvinolin, kvinolin, ftalazin, naftiridin, kvinoksalin, kvinazolin, cinolin, pteridin, 4aH-karbazoi, karbazol, b-karbolin, fenantridin, akridin, perimidin, fenantrolin, fenazin, fenarsazin, fenotiazin, furazan, fenoksazin, izokroman, kroman, pirolidin, pirolin, imidazolidin, imidazolin, pirazolidin, pirazolin, piperazin, indolin, izoindolin, kvinuklidin, ili morfolin. Isto tako uključeni su i fuzirani prstenasti i spiralni spojevi koji sadrže, primjerice, gore navedene heterocikle. A heterocyclic ring can be attached to its attached group on any heteroatom or carbon atom resulting in a stable structure. The heterocyclic rings described herein may be substituted at the carbon or nitrogen atom if the resulting compound is stable. Examples of such heterocycles include, but are not limited to, benzopyranyl, thiadiazine, tetrazolyl, benzofuranyl, benzothiophenyl, indolene, quinoline, isoquinolinyl or benzimidazolyl, piperidinyl, 4-piperidone, 2-pyrrolidone, tetrahydrofuran, tetrahydroquinoline, octahydroisoquinoline, azocine, triazine (including 1,2,3-, 1,2,4-, and 1,3,5-triazine), 6H-1,2,5-thiadiazine, 2H, 6H-1,5,2-dithiazine, thiophene, tetrahydrothiophene, thiantrene, furan, pyran, isobenzofurah, chromene, xanthene, phenoxanthine, 2H-pyrrole, pyrrole, imidazole, pyrazole, thiazole, isothiazole, oxazole (including 1,2,4- and 1,3,4-oxazole), isoxazole, triazole , pyridine, pyrazine, pyrimidine, pyridazine, indolizine, isoindole, 3H-indole, indole, 1H-indazole, purine, 4H-quinolysine, isoquinoline, quinoline, phthalazine, naphthyridine, quinoxaline, quinazoline, cinnoline, pteridine, 4aH-carbazole, carbazole , b-carboline, phenanthridine, acridine, perimidine, phenanthroline, phenazine, phenarsazine, phenothiazine, furazan, phenoxazine, isochroman, chroman, pyrrolidine, pyrroline, imidazolidin, imi dazoline, pyrazolidine, pyrazoline, piperazine, indoline, isoindoline, quinuclidine, or morpholine. Also included are fused ring and helical compounds containing, for example, the above-mentioned heterocycles.

Ovdje korišten pojam "alkaril" označava arilnu skupinu koja nosi alkilnu skupinu od 1-10 ugljikovih atoma; pojam "aralkil" označava alkilnu skupinu od 1-10 ugljikovih atoma koja nosi arilnu skupinu; pojam "arilalkaril" označava arilnu skupinu koja nosi alkilnu skupinu od 1-10 ugljikovih atoma koja nosi arilnu skupinu; a pojam "heterocikloalkil" označava alkilnu skupinu od 1-10 ugljikovih atoma koja nosi heterocikal. As used herein, the term "alkaryl" means an aryl group bearing an alkyl group of 1-10 carbon atoms; the term "aralkyl" means an alkyl group of 1-10 carbon atoms bearing an aryl group; the term "arylalkyl" means an aryl group bearing an alkyl group of 1-10 carbon atoms bearing an aryl group; and the term "heterocycloalkyl" means an alkyl group of 1-10 carbon atoms bearing a heterocycle.

"Reducirajuće sredstvo" je spoj koji reagira s radionuklidom, koje se obično dobiva kao relativno nereaktivan spoj u visoko oksidiranom stanju, da bi smanjio njegovo stanje oksidiranosti predajući elektrone radionuklidu, čime ga čini reaktivnijim. Reducirajuća sredstva korisna u pripremi radiofarmaka i u dijagnostičkim kitovima (pribor) korisna za pripremu spomenutih radiofarmaka uključuju, no nisu na njih i ograničena, kositreni klorid, kositreni fluorid, formamidin sulfinska kiselina, askorbinska kiselina, cistein, fosfini, te bakrene ili željezne soli. Druga reducirajuća sredstva opisana su u Brodack et. al., PCT Application 94/22496, koje je ovdje uključeno kao referenca. A "reducing agent" is a compound that reacts with a radionuclide, which is usually obtained as a relatively unreactive compound in a highly oxidized state, to reduce its oxidation state by donating electrons to the radionuclide, thereby making it more reactive. Reducing agents useful in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and in diagnostic kits (accessories) useful in the preparation of said radiopharmaceuticals include, but are not limited to, stannous chloride, stannous fluoride, formamidine sulfinic acid, ascorbic acid, cysteine, phosphines, and copper or iron salts. Other reducing agents are described in Brodack et. al., PCT Application 94/22496, which is incorporated herein by reference.

"Prenosni ligand" je ligand koji formira međukompleks s radionuklidom koji je dovoljno stabilan da spriječi neželjene sporedne reakcije, no ujedno i dovoljno labilan da se postane radiofarmak. Stvaranje međukompleksa kinetički je pogodno, dok je stvaranje radiofarmaka termodinamički pogodno. Prenosni ligandi, korisni u pripremi radiofarmaka i kod dijegnostičkih kitova korisni u pripremi spomenutih radiofarmaka uključuju, no nisu na njih i ograničeni, glukonat, glukoheptonat, manitol, glukarat, N,N,N',N'-etilendiamintetraacetnu kiselinu, pirofosfat i metilendifosfonat. Uglavnom, prenosni ligandi sastoje se od kisikovih ili dušikovih atoma donora. "Transfer ligand" is a ligand that forms an intermediate complex with a radionuclide that is stable enough to prevent unwanted side reactions, but at the same time labile enough to become a radiopharmaceutical. The formation of intermediate complexes is kinetically favorable, while the formation of radiopharmaceuticals is thermodynamically favorable. Transportable ligands useful in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and diagnostic kits useful in the preparation of said radiopharmaceuticals include, but are not limited to, gluconate, glucoheptonate, mannitol, glucorate, N,N,N',N'-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, pyrophosphate, and methylenediphosphonate. Generally, transfer ligands consist of oxygen or nitrogen donor atoms.

Pojam "atom donor" odnosi se na atom koji je direktno vezan za metal kemijskom vezom. The term "donor atom" refers to an atom that is directly bonded to a metal by a chemical bond.

"Pomoćni" (ancilami) ili "ko-ligandi" su ligandi koji su ugrađeni u radiofarmak tijekom njegove sinteze. Oni služe upotpunjavanju koordinacijske sfere radionuklida zajedno s helatorom ili radionuklidnom vezivnom jedinicom reagensa. Za radiofarmake koji se sastoje od binarnih ligandnih sustava, radionuklidna koordinacijska sfera sastavljena je od jednog ili više helatora ili vezivnih jedinica od jednog ili više reagensa, te od jednog ili više pomoćnih ili ko-liganda, pod uvjetom da su dvije vrste liganda, helatora ili vezivnih jedinica. Primjerice, radiofarmak koji se sastoji od jednog helatora ili vezivne jedinice od jednog reagensa i dva jednaka pomoćna ili ko-liganda i radiofarmak koji se sastoji od dva helatora ili vezivnih jedinica od jednog ili dva reagensa i jednog pomoćnog ili ko-liganda smatra se da se sastoje od binarnih ligandnih sustava. Za radiofarmake koji se sastoje od trostrukih ligandnih sustava radionuklidna koordsinacijska sfera sastoji se od jednog ili više helatora ili vezivnih jedinica od jednog ili više reagensa i od jednog ili više od dva različita tipa pomoćnih ili ko-liganda, pod uvjetom da postoji ukupno tri tipa liganda, helatora ili vezivnih jedinica. Primjerice, radiofarmak koji se sastoji od jednog helatora ili vezivne jedinice od jednog reagensa i dva različita pomoćna ili ko-liganda smatra se da se sastoji od trostrukog ligandnog sustava. "Auxiliaries" or "co-ligands" are ligands that are incorporated into the radiopharmaceutical during its synthesis. They serve to complete the coordination sphere of the radionuclide together with the chelator or the radionuclide binding unit of the reagent. For radiopharmaceuticals consisting of binary ligand systems, the radionuclide coordination sphere is composed of one or more chelators or binding units of one or more reagents, and of one or more auxiliary or co-ligands, provided that the two types of ligands, chelators or binding units. For example, a radiopharmaceutical consisting of one chelator or binding unit of one reagent and two equal auxiliary or co-ligands and a radiopharmaceutical consisting of two chelator or binding units of one or two reagents and one auxiliary or co-ligand are considered to be consist of binary ligand systems. For radiopharmaceuticals consisting of triple ligand systems, the radionuclide coordination sphere consists of one or more chelators or binding units of one or more reagents and one or more of two different types of auxiliary or co-ligands, provided that there are a total of three types of ligands , chelators or binding units. For example, a radiopharmaceutical consisting of one chelator or binding unit of one reagent and two different auxiliary or co-ligands is considered to consist of a triple ligand system.

Pomoćni (ancilarni) ili ko-ligandi korisni u pripremi radiofarmaka i u dijagnostičkim kitovima korisni za pripremu spomenutih radiofarmaka sastoje se od jednog ili više kisikovih, dušikovih, ugljikovih, sumpornih, fosfornih, arsenovih, kositrenih, i telurskih atoma donora. Ligand može biti tranzicijski ligand u sintezi radiofarmaka, a također koristiti i kao pomoćni (ancilarni) ili ko-ligand kod drugog radiofarmaka. Hoće li ligand biti nazvan tranzicijskim ili pomoćnim ili ko-ligandom ovisi o tome ostaje li ligand u koordinacijskoj sferi radionuklida u radiofarmaku što je određeno koordinacijskim kemizmojn radionuklida i helatora ili vezivne jedinice jednog ili više reagensa. Auxiliary (ancillary) or co-ligands useful in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and in diagnostic kits useful for the preparation of said radiopharmaceuticals consist of one or more oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, arsenic, tin, and tellurium donor atoms. The ligand can be a transition ligand in the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals, and can also be used as an auxiliary (ancillary) or co-ligand in another radiopharmaceutical. Whether the ligand will be called transition or auxiliary or co-ligand depends on whether the ligand remains in the coordination sphere of the radionuclide in the radiopharmaceutical, which is determined by the coordination chemistry of the radionuclide and the chelator or binding unit of one or more reagents.

"Helator" ili "vezivna jedinica" je sredina ili grupa na reagensu koja se veže za metalni radionuklid formiranjem kemijskih veza s jednim ili više atoma donora. A "chelator" or "binding unit" is a moiety or group on a reagent that binds to a metal radionuclide by forming chemical bonds with one or more donor atoms.

Pojam "mjesto vezanja" označava mjesto in vivo ili in vitro na kojem se veže biološki akti vnćr molekula. The term "binding site" means the site in vivo or in vitro where the biological agents of the molecule bind.

"Dijagnostički kit" sastoji se od skupine komponenti, nazvanih formulacija, u jednoj ili više posuda koje upotrebljava konačni korisnik u kliničkom ili farmakološkom okruženju kako bi sintetizirao radiofarmak. Kit sadrži sve komponente neophodne za sintezu i korištenje radiofarmaka osim onih koje su lako dostupne svakom korisniku, primjerice voda ili otopina soli za injekcije, otopinu radionuklida, opremu za zagrijavanje kita u vrijeme sinteze radiofarmaka prema potrebi, opremu neophodnu za davanje radiofarmaka pacijentu kao što su injekcije i zaštitna oprema, te oprema za prikazivanje (dobivanje slike). A "diagnostic kit" consists of a group of components, called formulations, in one or more containers that are used by the end user in a clinical or pharmacological setting to synthesize a radiopharmaceutical. The kit contains all components necessary for the synthesis and use of radiopharmaceuticals except those that are easily accessible to every user, for example water or salt solution for injections, radionuclide solution, equipment for heating the kit during radiopharmaceutical synthesis as needed, equipment necessary for administering radiopharmaceuticals to the patient such as injections and protective equipment, and display equipment (image acquisition).

"Pufer" je spoj koji se koristi za kontrolu pH kita tijekom njegove proizvodnje i tijekom sinteze radiofarmaka. "Buffer" is a compound used to control the pH of the kit during its manufacture and during the synthesis of the radiopharmaceutical.

"Liofilizacijsko sredstvo" je komponenta s pogodnim fizikalnim svojstvima za liofilizaciju, kao što je temperatura prijelaza stakla, i dodaje se dijagnostičkom kitu (priboru) radi poboljšanja fizikalnih svojstava kombinacije svih komponenti u kitu (priboru) za liofilizaciju. "Lyophilising agent" is a component with suitable physical properties for lyophilization, such as glass transition temperature, and is added to the diagnostic kit (accessory) to improve the physical properties of the combination of all components in the kit (accessory) for lyophilization.

"Stabilizacijsko sredstvo" je komponenta koju dodajemo radiofarmaku ili dijagnostičkom kitu radi stabilizacije radiofarmaka nakon njegove sinteze ili radi produživanja trajnosti samog kita (pribora) do njegove upotrebe. Stabilizacijska sredstva mogu biti antioksidansi, reducirajuća sredstva ili radikalni čistači i osiguravaju bolju stabilnost time što radije reagiraju sa tvarima koje razgrađuju druge komponente ili radiofarmak. "Stabilizing agent" is a component that we add to a radiopharmaceutical or diagnostic kit in order to stabilize the radiopharmaceutical after its synthesis or to extend the durability of the kit itself (accessories) until its use. Stabilizers can be antioxidants, reducing agents or radical scavengers and ensure better stability by reacting with substances that degrade other components or radiopharmaceuticals.

"Solubilizacijako sredstvo" je komponenta koja poboljšava topivost jedne ili više drugih komponenti u mediju potrebnom za sintezu radiofarmaka. "Solubilizing agent" is a component that improves the solubility of one or more other components in the medium required for radiopharmaceutical synthesis.

"Bakteriostatik" je komponenta koja zaustavlja rast bakterija u dijagnostičkom kitu (priboru) tijekom njegove pohrane prije upotrebe ili nakon što je kit upotrebljen za sintezu radiofarmaka. "Bacteriostatic" is a component that stops the growth of bacteria in the diagnostic kit (accessory) during its storage before use or after the kit has been used for the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals.

Radiofarmaci ovog izuma imaju formulu [(Q)d'Ln-Ch']x-Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z, gdje Q označava biološki aktivnu grupu, d1 označava cijele brojeve od 1-20, Ln je spojna grupa po izboru, Ch je radionuklidni metalni helator ili vezivna jedinica vezana zatranzicijski metalni radionuklid, Mt,ima formulu R40N=N+ = , R40R41N-N=, ili R40N=N(H)-, AL1 je prvi pomoćni (ancilarni) ili ko-ligand, AL2 je drugi pomoćni (ancilarni) ili ko-ligand, x, y, z su neovisno 1 ili 2. The radiopharmaceuticals of this invention have the formula [(Q)d'Ln-Ch']x-Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z, where Q denotes a biologically active group, d1 denotes whole numbers from 1-20, Ln is an optional coupling group , Ch is a radionuclide metal chelator or binding unit bound transition metal radionuclide, Mt, has the formula R40N=N+ = , R40R41N-N=, or R40N=N(H)-, AL1 is the first auxiliary (ancillary) or co-ligand, AL2 is the second ancillary or co-ligand, x, y, z are independently 1 or 2.

Biološki aktivna molekula Q može biti protein, antitijelo, čestica antitijela, peptid ili polipeptid, ili peptidomimetik koji sadrži niz ili jedinicu za prepoznavanje receptora ili vezivnog mjesta eksprimiranog na mjestu bolesti, ili za receptor ili vezivno mjesto izraženo na krvnim pločicama ili leukocitima. Točan kemijski sastav Q je odabran na temelju stadija bolesti koji se treba dijagnosticirati, mehanizma lokalizacije koji treba primijeniti, kako bi se osiguralo optimalnu kombinaciju omjera lokalizacija, klirensa i radinuklidnog raspada. Biologically active molecule Q can be a protein, antibody, antibody particle, peptide or polypeptide, or a peptidomimetic containing a sequence or unit to recognize a receptor or binding site expressed at the site of disease, or for a receptor or binding site expressed on blood platelets or leukocytes. The exact chemical composition of Q is chosen based on the stage of the disease to be diagnosed, the localization mechanism to be applied, to ensure an optimal combination of localization ratio, clearance and radionuclide decay.

-Za ciljeve ovog izuma, pojam tromboembolijska bolest uzet je kako bi se uključilo i venske i arterijske poremećaje i plućne embolije, koji su posljedica formiranja krvnih ugrušaka (tromba). -For the purposes of this invention, the term thromboembolic disease is taken to include venous and arterial disorders and pulmonary embolism, which are the result of the formation of blood clots (thrombus).

Za dijagnozu tromboembolijskih poremećaja ili ateroskleroze, Q je odabran iz skupine koja uključuje cikličke IIb/IIIa spojeve antagonista receptora opisane u još neriješenoj U.S. patentnoj prijavi Ser. Br.08/218,861 (ekvivalent WO 94/22494); RGD koji sadrži peptide opisane u U.S. Patentima 4,578,079, 4,792,525, primjene PCT US88/04403, PCT US89/01742, PCT US90/03788, PCT US91/02356 i kod Ojima et. al., 204th Meeting of the Amer. Chem. Soc, 1992, Sažetak 44; peptidi koji su antagonisti fibrinogenskog receptora opisani u Europskim patentnim "prijavama 90202015.5, 90202030.4, 90202032.2, 90202032.0, 90311148.2, 90311151.6, 90311537.6, specifični vezivni peptidi i polipeptidi opisani kao IIb/IIIa receptorski ligandi, ligandi za polimerizaciju fibrinskog mjesta, derivati laminina, ligandi za fibrinogen, ili ligandi trombina u PCT WO 93/23085 (isključujući skupine za vezivanje tehnecija); Oligopeptidi koji odgovaraju lila proteinu opisani u PCT WO 90/00178; peptidi temeljeni na hirudinu opisani u PCT WO90/03391; llb/llla receptorski ligandi opisani u PCT WO 90/15818; tromb, peptidi za vezivanje krvnih pločica ili aterosklerotske ploče opisani u PCT WO 92/13572 (isključujući skupinu za vezivanje tehnecija) ili GB9313965.7; peptidi za vezivanje fibrina opisani u U.S. Patentima 4,427,646 i 5,270,030; Peptidi temeljeni na hirudinu opisani u U.S. Patent 5,279,812; ili proteini za vezivanje fibrina opisani u U.S. Patentu 5,217,705; derivati gvanina koji se vežu na IIb/IIIa receptore opisani u U.S. Patenta 5,086,069; ili derivati tirozina opisani u Europskoj patentnoj prijavi 0478328A1 i kod Hartman et. al., J. Med. Chem., 1992, 35, 4640; ili oksidirani lipoproteini male gustoće (LDL). For the diagnosis of thromboembolic disorders or atherosclerosis, Q is selected from the group consisting of cyclic IIb/IIIa receptor antagonist compounds described in pending U.S. Pat. patent application Ser. No. 08/218,861 (equivalent to WO 94/22494); RGD containing peptides described in U.S. Patents 4,578,079, 4,792,525, applications PCT US88/04403, PCT US89/01742, PCT US90/03788, PCT US91/02356 and by Ojima et. al., 204th Meeting of the Amer. Chem. Soc, 1992, Abstract 44; peptides that are antagonists of the fibrinogen receptor described in European patent applications 90202015.5, 90202030.4, 90202032.2, 90202032.0, 90311148.2, 90311151.6, 90311537.6, specific binding peptides and polypeptides described as IIb/IIIa ligands for laminin polymerization site, ligands for fibrin, fibrinogen, or thrombin ligands in PCT WO 93/23085 (excluding technetium binding groups); Oligopeptides corresponding to the lla protein described in PCT WO 90/00178; hirudin-based peptides described in PCT WO90/03391; llb/llla receptor ligands described in PCT WO 90/15818; thrombus, platelet binding peptides or atherosclerotic plaques described in PCT WO 92/13572 (excluding the technetium binding group) or GB9313965.7; fibrin binding peptides described in U.S. Patents 4,427,646 and 5,270,030; Peptides based on hirudin described in U.S. Patent 5,279,812; or fibrin binding proteins described in U.S. Patent 5,217,705; guanine derivatives k which bind to IIb/IIIa receptors described in U.S. Pat. Patent 5,086,069; or tyrosine derivatives described in European patent application 0478328A1 and in Hartman et. al., J. Med. Chem., 1992, 35, 4640; or oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL).

Za dijagnozu infekcije, upale ili reakcije odbacivanja transplantanta, Q je odabran iz skupine koja uključuje peptide za vezivanje leukocita opisane u PCT WO 93/17719 (isključujući skupinu za vezivanje tehnecija), PCT WO 92/13572 (isključujući skupinu za vezivanje tehnecija) ili U.S. Ser. Br. 08/140000; kemotaktički peptidi opisani u Europskoj patentnoj prijavi 90108734.6 ili kod A. Fischman et. al., Semin. Nuc. Med., 1994, 24, 154; ili Leukostimulirajuća sredstva opisana u U.S. Patentu 5,277,892. For the diagnosis of infection, inflammation or transplant rejection, Q is selected from the group consisting of leukocyte binding peptides described in PCT WO 93/17719 (excluding the technetium binding group), PCT WO 92/13572 (excluding the technetium binding group) or U.S. Sir. No. 08/140000; chemotactic peptides described in European patent application 90108734.6 or in A. Fischman et. al., Semin. Nuc. Med., 1994, 24, 154; or Leukostimulating agents described in U.S. Pat. Patent 5,277,892.

Za dijagnozu raka, Q je odabran iz skupine analoga somatostatina opisanih u ,UK . Patentnoj prijavi 8927255.3 ili PCT WO 94/00489, peptidi za vezivanje selektina u PCT WO 94/05269, područja biološke funkcije opisana u PCT WO 93/12819, faktor 4 krvnih pločica ili faktori rasta (PDGF, EGF, FGF, TNF, MCSF ili 11-8). For the diagnosis of cancer, Q is selected from the group of somatostatin analogues described in the UK. Patent application 8927255.3 or PCT WO 94/00489, selectin binding peptides in PCT WO 94/05269, domains of biological function described in PCT WO 93/12819, platelet factor 4 or growth factors (PDGF, EGF, FGF, TNF, MCSF or 11-8).

Q može predstavljati i proteine, antitijela, čestice antitijela, peptide, polipeptide, ili peptidomimetice koji se vežu na receptore ili vezivna mjesta na drugim tkivima, organima, enzimima ili tekućinama. Primjeri uključuju B-amiloid proteine kojima je dokazano da se nakupljaju kod pacijenata s Alzheimerovom bolešću, peptide derivirane iz atrijskog naturirajučeg faktora koji se vežu na receptore miokarda i bubrega, antimiozinska antitijela koja se vežu na podružja tkiva koja su zahvaćena infarktom ili derivate nitroimidazola koji se skupljaju u hipoksičnim područjima in vivo. Q may also represent proteins, antibodies, antibody particles, peptides, polypeptides, or peptidomimetics that bind to receptors or binding sites on other tissues, organs, enzymes, or fluids. Examples include B-amyloid proteins that have been shown to accumulate in patients with Alzheimer's disease, peptides derived from atrial naturing factor that bind to myocardial and renal receptors, antimyosin antibodies that bind to infarcted tissue areas, or nitroimidazole derivatives that accumulate in hypoxic areas in vivo.

Skupina Ch. nazvana je hidrazido (s formulom R4OR41N-N=), ili diazenido (s formulom R40N=N+= ili R40N = N(H)-) skupina i služi kao točka vezanja radionuklida na ostatak radiofarmaka označenog formulom (Q)d-Ln ili (Q)d'-. Diazenido skupina može ili biti terminalna (samo jedan atom skupine vezan je za radionuklid) ili helirajuća. Da bi dobili helirajuću diazenido skupinu, barem još jedan atom skupine, lociran na R40, mora biti vezan za radionuklid. Atomi vezani za metal nazvani su atomi donori. Group Ch. it is called hydrazido (with the formula R4OR41N-N=), or diazenido (with the formula R40N=N+= or R40N = N(H)-) group and serves as a point of attachment of the radionuclide to the rest of the radiopharmaceutical marked with the formula (Q)d-Ln or ( Q)d'-. The diazenido group can either be terminal (only one atom of the group is attached to the radionuclide) or chelating. In order to obtain a chelating diazenido group, at least one other atom of the group, located at R40, must be attached to the radionuclide. Atoms attached to the metal are called donor atoms.

Tranzicijski metalni radionuklid, Mt, odabran je iz skupine: tehnecij-99m, renij-186 i renij-188. U dijagnostičke svrhe preporuča se izotop Tc-99m. Njegovo vrijeme poluraspada od 6 sati i gama zračenje energije 140 keV gotovo su idealni za gama scintigrafiju uz korištenje opreme i postupaka koji su dobro poznati stručnjacima za ovo područje. Izotopi renija također emitiraju gama zrake energije kompatibilne sa gama scintigrafijom, međutim, oni emitiraju i beta čestice velike energije koje su štetne za živa tkiva. Ove beta zrake mogu biti iskorištene u terapijske svrhe, primjerice u radioterapiji raka. The transition metal radionuclide, Mt, is selected from the group: technetium-99m, rhenium-186 and rhenium-188. For diagnostic purposes, the isotope Tc-99m is recommended. Its half-life of 6 hours and gamma radiation energy of 140 keV are almost ideal for gamma scintigraphy using equipment and procedures well known to those skilled in the art. Rhenium isotopes also emit gamma rays of energy compatible with gamma scintigraphy, however, they also emit high-energy beta particles that are harmful to living tissue. These beta rays can be used for therapeutic purposes, for example in cancer radiotherapy.

Koordinacijska sfera radionuklida uključuje sve ligande ili skupine vezane na radionuklid. Tranzicijski radionuklid, Mt, radi postizanja stabilnosti karakteriziran je koordinacijskim brojem (broj atoma donora) koji se sastoji od cijelog broja većeg ili jednakog 4 i manjeg ili jednakog 8; što znači da je 4 do 8 atoma vezano za metal i tada se kaže da ima kompletnu koordinacijsku sferu. Koordinacijski broj koji je nužan za stabilan radionuklidni kompleks određen je vrstom radionuklida, njegovim oksidacijskim stanjem, te vrstom atoma donora. Ako helator ili vezivna jedinica Ch. ne osigura atome neophodne za stabiliziranje metalnog radionuklida kompletiranjem njegove koordinacijske sfere, koordinacijska sfera upotpunjuje se atomima donorima iz drugih liganda, koji su nazvani pomoćni (ancilami) ili ko-ligandi, a mogu biti ili terminalni ili helirajući. The coordination sphere of a radionuclide includes all ligands or groups attached to the radionuclide. The transition radionuclide, Mt, in order to achieve stability, is characterized by a coordination number (number of donor atoms) consisting of an integer greater than or equal to 4 and less than or equal to 8; which means that 4 to 8 atoms are bonded to the metal and then it is said to have a complete coordination sphere. The coordination number necessary for a stable radionuclide complex is determined by the type of radionuclide, its oxidation state, and the type of donor atom. If the chelator or binding unit Ch. does not provide the atoms necessary to stabilize the metal radionuclide by completing its coordination sphere, the coordination sphere is completed with donor atoms from other ligands, which are called auxiliary (ancils) or co-ligands, and can be either terminal or chelating.

Velik broj liganda može biti korišten kao pomoćni (ancilami) ili ko-ligandi, a njihov odabir je određen raznim čimbenicima kao što su olakšavanje sinteze radiofarmaka, kemijska i fizikalna svojstva pomoćnog liganda, brzina stvaranja, prinos, te broj izomernih oblika dobivenih radiofarmaka, mogućnost davanja dotičnog pomoćnog ili ko-liganda pacijentu bez popratnih fizioloških posljedica po pacijenta, te kompatibilnost liganda s liofiliziranom formulacijom kita. Naboj i lipofilnost pomoćnog liganda utječe na naboj i lipofilnost radiofarmaka. Primjerice, upotreba 4,5-dihidroksi-1,3 benzen elisulfonata rezultira radiofarmacima s dvije dodatne anionske skupine jer sulfonatne skupine u fiziološkim uvjetima postaju anionske. Upotreba N-alkilom supstituiranog 3,4-hidroksipiridinona rezultira radiofarmacima s različitim stupnjevima lipofilnosti, ovisno o veličini alkilnih supstituenata. A large number of ligands can be used as auxiliary (ancylams) or co-ligands, and their selection is determined by various factors such as facilitating the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals, chemical and physical properties of the auxiliary ligand, speed of formation, yield, and the number of isomeric forms of radiopharmaceuticals obtained, possibility administration of the auxiliary or co-ligand in question to the patient without accompanying physiological consequences for the patient, and the compatibility of the ligand with the lyophilized formulation of the kit. The charge and lipophilicity of the auxiliary ligand affects the charge and lipophilicity of the radiopharmaceutical. For example, the use of 4,5-dihydroxy-1,3 benzene elisulfonate results in radiopharmaceuticals with two additional anionic groups because the sulfonate groups become anionic under physiological conditions. The use of N-alkyl substituted 3,4-hydroxypyridinone results in radiopharmaceuticals with different degrees of lipophilicity, depending on the size of the alkyl substituents.

Radiofarmaci ovog izuma sadrže dva tipa pomoćnih ili ko-liganda označenih kao AL1 i AL2. Pomoćni (ancilarni) ligandi AL1 sastoje se od dva ili više čvrsta atoma donora kao što je kisik i amin dušik (sp3 hibridiziran). Atomi donori zauzimaju barem dva mjesta u koordinacijskoj sferi metalnog radionuklida, Mt; pomoćni (ancilarni) ligand AL1 služi kao jedan od tri liganda u tročlanom ligandnom sustavu. Primjeri pomoćnog liganda AL1 uključuju, ali nisu na njih ograničeni, dioksigenske ligande i funkcionalizirane aminojorboksilate. Velik broj takvih liganda dostupan je iz komercijalnih izvora. The radiopharmaceuticals of the present invention contain two types of auxiliary or co-ligands designated as AL1 and AL2. Auxiliary (ancillary) ligands AL1 consist of two or more solid donor atoms such as oxygen and amine nitrogen (sp3 hybridized). Donor atoms occupy at least two positions in the coordination sphere of the metal radionuclide, Mt; auxiliary (ancillary) ligand AL1 serves as one of the three ligands in the ternary ligand system. Examples of auxiliary ligand AL1 include, but are not limited to, dioxygen ligands and functionalized amino carboxylates. A large number of such ligands are available from commercial sources.

Pomoćni (ancilarni) dioksigenski ligandi uključuju ligande koji su u koordinaciji s metalom preko barem dva kisikova atoma donora. Primjeri uključuju, no nisu na njih ograničeni: glukoheptonat, glukonat, 2-hidroksiizobutirat, laktat, tartarat, manitol, glukarat, maltol, kojna kiselina, 2,2-bis(hidroksimetil)propionska kiselina, 4,5-dihidroksi-1,3-benzen disulfonat, i supstituirani ili nesupstituirani 1,2 ili 3,4 hidroksipiridinoni. (Imena liganda u ovim primjerima odnose se na protonizirane ili neprotonizirane oblike liganda.). Auxiliary (ancillary) dioxygen ligands include ligands that are coordinated to the metal via at least two donor oxygen atoms. Examples include, but are not limited to: glucoheptonate, gluconate, 2-hydroxyisobutyrate, lactate, tartrate, mannitol, glucorate, maltol, kojic acid, 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)propionic acid, 4,5-dihydroxy-1,3 -benzene disulfonate, and substituted or unsubstituted 1,2 or 3,4 hydroxypyridinones. (The ligand names in these examples refer to the protonated or unprotonated forms of the ligand.).

Funkcionalizirani aminokarboksilati uključuju ligande koji sadrže kombinaciju amin dušikovih i kisikovih atoma donora. Primjeri uključuju, no nisu i ograničeni na: iminodioctenu kiselinu, 2,3 diaminopropionsku kiselinu, nitriltrioctenu kiselinu, N,N'-etilendiamino dioctena kiselina, N,N,N'-etilendiamino trioctena kiselina, hidroksietiletilendiamino trioctena kiselina, te N,N'-etilendiamino bis-hidroksifeniIglicin. Functionalized aminocarboxylates include ligands that contain a combination of amine nitrogen and oxygen donor atoms. Examples include, but are not limited to: iminodiacetic acid, 2,3-diaminopropionic acid, nitriletriacetic acid, N,N'-ethylenediaminodiacetic acid, N,N,N'-ethylenediaminotriacetic acid, hydroxyethylethylenediaminotriacetic acid, and N,N' -ethylenediamino bis-hydroxyphenylglycine.

(Imena liganda u ovim primjerima odnose se na protonizirane ili neprotpnizirane oblike liganda.). (The ligand names in these examples refer to protonated or unprotonated forms of the ligand.).

Niz funkcionaliziranih aminokarboksilata prikazali su Bridger et. al. u U.S. Patentu 5,350,837, ovdje obuhvaćeno referencom, što rezultira poboljšanom brzinom formiranja tehnecijem označenih i hidrazinom modificiranih proteina. Ustanovili smo da neki od ovih aminokarboksilata povećavaju korisnost radiofarmaka ovog izuma. Najpoželjniji pomoćni (ancilarni) liganidi AL1 su funkcionalizirani aminokarboksilati koji su derivati -glicina; a najpoželjniji od njih je tricin (tri(hidroksimetil)metilglicin). A series of functionalized aminocarboxylates was presented by Bridger et. al. in the US Patent 5,350,837, herein incorporated by reference, resulting in an improved rate of formation of technetium-labeled and hydrazine-modified proteins. We have found that some of these aminocarboxylates enhance the utility of the radiopharmaceuticals of this invention. The most preferred auxiliary (ancillary) ligands of AL1 are functionalized aminocarboxylates which are derivatives of -glycine; and the most preferred of them is tricine (tri(hydroxymethyl)methylglycine).

Druga vrsta pomoćnih (ancilamih) liganda AL2 sastoji se od jednog ili više mekih atoma donora odabranih iz ove skupine: imino dušik (sp2 hibridiziran), sumpor (sp2 hibridiziran) i ugljik (sp hibridiziran); atomi koji imaju π-kiselu oznaku. Ligandi AL2 mogu biti jednostruko dvostruko ili trostruko nazubljeni, pri čemu je nazubljenost definirana kao broj atoma donora u ligandu. Jedan od dva atoma donora u dvostruko i jedan od tri u trostrukonazubljenom ligandu mora biti meki atom donor. Another type of auxiliary (ancylamic) ligand AL2 consists of one or more soft donor atoms selected from this group: imino nitrogen (sp2 hybridized), sulfur (sp2 hybridized) and carbon (sp hybridized); atoms that have a π-acidic label. AL2 ligands can be singly, doubly or triply serrated, where the serration is defined as the number of donor atoms in the ligand. One of the two donor atoms in a doubly and one of the three in a tridentate ligand must be a soft donor atom.

Ligandi AL2 koji se sastoje od imino dušika su nezasićeni ili aromatski 5 ili 6-eročlani heterocikli koji sadrže dušik. Ligandi koji se sastoje od sumpora (sp2 hibridiziran) atomi donori su tiokarbonili koji sadrže polovinu C=S. Ligandi koji se sastoje od ugljika (sp hibridiziran) atomi donori su izonitrili, koji sadrže polovinu CNR, gdje je R organski radikal. Velik broj ovakvih liganda dostupan je iz komercijalnih izvora. Izonitrili mogu biti sintetizirani kako je opisano u Europskom patentu 0107734 i u U.S. Patentu 5,279,811, ovdje obuhvaćenim referencom. Poželjni pomoćni (ancilarni) ligandi AL2 su nezasićeni ili aromatski 5 ili 6-eroćlani heterocikli. Najpogodniji pomoćni (ancilarni) ligandi AL2 su nezasićeni peteročlani heterocikli. Ligands AL2 consisting of imino nitrogens are unsaturated or aromatic 5- or 6-membered nitrogen-containing heterocycles. Ligands consisting of sulfur (sp2 hybridized) donor atoms are thiocarbonyls containing half of C=S. Ligands consisting of carbon (sp hybridized) donor atoms are isonitriles, which contain half of the CNR, where R is an organic radical. A large number of such ligands are available from commercial sources. Isonitrile can be synthesized as described in European Patent 0107734 and in U.S. Pat. Patent 5,279,811, incorporated herein by reference. Preferred auxiliary (ancillary) ligands AL2 are unsaturated or aromatic 5- or 6-membered heterocycles. The most suitable auxiliary (ancillary) ligands of AL2 are unsaturated five-membered heterocycles.

Pomoćni (ancilarni) ligandi AL2 mogu biti supstituirani alkilnom, arilnom, alkoksilnom, heterociklom, aralkilnom, alkarilnom i arilalkarilnom skupinom, te može i ne mora nositi funkcionalne skupine koje sadrže heteroatome kao kisik, dušik, fosfor ili sumpor. Primjeri,ovakvih funkcionalnih skupina uključuju, no nisu na njih i ograničeni: hidroksil, karboksil, karboksamid, nitro, eter, keton, amino, amonij, sulfonat, sulfonamid, fosfonat i fosfonamid. Funkcionalne skupine mogu biti odabrane tako da mijenjaju lipofilnost i topivost u vodi pojedinih liganda što može utjecati na biološka svojstva radiofarmaka, kao što je mijenjanje distribucije u neciljnim tkivima, stanicama i tekućinama, te mehanizam i brzinu eliminacije iz tijela. Auxiliary (ancillary) ligands AL2 can be substituted by alkyl, aryl, alkoxyl, heterocycle, aralkyl, alkaryl and arylalkaryl groups, and may or may not carry functional groups containing heteroatoms such as oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus or sulfur. Examples of such functional groups include, but are not limited to: hydroxyl, carboxyl, carboxamide, nitro, ether, ketone, amino, ammonium, sulfonate, sulfonamide, phosphonate, and phosphonamide. Functional groups can be chosen so that they change the lipophilicity and solubility in water of certain ligands, which can affect the biological properties of radiopharmaceuticals, such as changing the distribution in non-target tissues, cells and fluids, and the mechanism and rate of elimination from the body.

Radiofarmaci iz ovog izuma lako mogu biti pripremljeni dodavanjem soli radionuklida, reagensa Formule 2, pomoćnog liganda AL1, pomoćnog liganda AL2, te reducirajućeg sredstva, u vodenu otopinu na temperaturama od sobne, pa sve do 100° C. The radiopharmaceuticals from this invention can be easily prepared by adding the radionuclide salt, the reagent of Formula 2, the auxiliary ligand AL1, the auxiliary ligand AL2, and a reducing agent, to an aqueous solution at temperatures from room to 100°C.

(Q)d'Ln-Ch (2) (Q)d'Ln-Ch (2)

i iz farmaceutski prihvatljivih soli gdje: Q, d', Ln su definirani ranije, Ch je radionuklidni metalni helator odabran iz skupine: R4OR41N-N=C(C1-C3 alkil)2 i R40NNH2-, i R40R41N-N=C(R80)(R81), i iz farmaceutski prihvatljivih soli. Sinteza reagensa formule 2 opisana je u još neriješenoj patentnoj prijavi U.S.S.N. 08/476,296. and from pharmaceutically acceptable salts wherein: Q, d', Ln are as defined earlier, Ch is a radionuclide metal chelator selected from the group: R4OR41N-N=C(C1-C3 alkyl)2 and R40NNH2-, and R40R41N-N=C(R80 )(R81), and from pharmaceutically acceptable salts. The synthesis of the reagent of formula 2 is described in the pending patent application U.S.S.N. 08/476,296.

Kad je Ch hidrazonska grupa, prvo mora biti konvertiran u hidrazin formule R40R41NNH2, koji može i ne mora biti protoniziran, prije spajanja s metalnim radionuklidom, Mt. Helator ili vezivna jedinica, Ch, kad je vezan uz metalni radionuklid, Mt, označen je s Ch. Konverzija hidrazonske skupine u hidrazin može se odigrati ili prije reakcije s radionuklidom pri čemu su radionuklid i pomoćni (ancilarni) ili ko-ligand ili ligandi kombinirani su, ali ne sa reagensom, nego sa hidroliziranim oblikom reagensa koji nosi helator ili vezivnu jedinicu, Ch, ili se odigrava u prisustvu radionuklida pri čemu se sam reagens miješa s radionuklidom i pomoćnim ili ko-ligandom ili ligandima. U ovom drugom slučaju, pH reakcijske smjese mora biti neutralan ili kiseo. When Ch is a hydrazone group, it must first be converted to a hydrazine of the formula R40R41NNH2, which may or may not be protonated, before combining with the metal radionuclide, Mt. The chelator or binding unit, Ch, when bound to the metal radionuclide, Mt, is labeled Ch. The conversion of the hydrazone group to hydrazine can take place either before the reaction with the radionuclide, whereby the radionuclide and the auxiliary (ancillary) or co-ligand or ligands are combined, but not with the reagent, but with a hydrolyzed form of the reagent carrying a chelator or binding unit, Ch, or is performed in the presence of a radionuclide whereby the reagent itself is mixed with the radionuclide and an auxiliary or co-ligand or ligands. In this second case, the pH of the reaction mixture must be neutral or acidic.

Alternativno, radiofarmaci ovog izuma mogu biti tako pripremljeni da se prvo pripremi sol radionuklida, pomoćni (ancilarni) ligand AL1, te reducirajuće sredstvo u vodenoj otopini na temperaturi od sobne pa sve do 100°C, pri čemu nastaje prelazni radionuklidni kompleks s pomoćnim ligandom AL1, a zatim se dodaje reagens Formule 2 i pomoćni (ancilarni) ligand AL2, te reakcija teče dalje na temperaturama od sobne do 100°C. Alternatively, the radiopharmaceuticals of this invention can be prepared by first preparing the radionuclide salt, auxiliary (ancillary) ligand AL1, and reducing agent in an aqueous solution at a temperature from room to 100°C, whereby a transient radionuclide complex with the auxiliary ligand AL1 is formed , and then the reagent of Formula 2 and auxiliary (ancillary) ligand AL2 are added, and the reaction continues at temperatures from room to 100°C.

U slijedećemn slučaju, radiofarmaci iz ovog izuma mogu biti pripremljeni tako da se prvo pomiješaju sol radionuklida, pomoćni (ancilarni) ligand AL1, reagens formule 2 i reducirajuće sredstvo u vodenoj otopini na temperaturama od sobne do 100°C pri čemu nastaje prijelazni radionuklidni kompleks, a zatim se dodaje pomoćni (ancilarni) ligand AL2i reakcija teče dalje na temperaturama od sobne do 100°C. In the following case, the radiopharmaceuticals from this invention can be prepared by first mixing the radionuclide salt, the auxiliary (ancillary) ligand AL1, the reagent of formula 2 and the reducing agent in an aqueous solution at temperatures from room to 100°C, whereby a transient radionuclide complex is formed, and then auxiliary (ancillary) ligand AL2 is added and the reaction continues at temperatures from room to 100°C.

Vrijeme potpune priprave razlikuje se ovisno o vrsti radionuklida, vrstama i količinama reaktanata, te postupku korištenom u pripravi. Priprava može biti potpuna, što rezultira prinosom radiofarmaka > 80%, u 1 minuti ili može biti potrebno više vremena. The complete preparation time varies depending on the type of radionuclide, the types and amounts of reactants, and the procedure used in the preparation. The preparation can be complete, resulting in a radiopharmaceutical yield > 80%, in 1 minute or it can take more time.

Ako su potrebni ili poželjni radiofarmaci veće čistoće, produkti mogu biti pročišćeni bilo kojom od brojnih tehnika dobro poznatim stručnjacima za ovo područje, kao što su tekuća kromatografija, ekstrakcija krute faze, ekstrakcija otapala, dializa ili ultrafiltracija. If higher purity radiopharmaceuticals are required or desired, the products may be purified by any of a number of techniques well known to those skilled in the art, such as liquid chromatography, solid phase extraction, solvent extraction, dialysis, or ultrafiltration.

Poželjno je da su radionuklidi tehnecija i renija u kemijskom obliku pertehnetata ili perhenata i farmaceutski prihvatljivog kationa. Oblik partehnetatne soli je po mogućnosti natrijev partehnetat poput onog koji se dobiva iz komercijalnih Tc-99 generatora. Količina pertehnetata koja se koristi za pripravu radiofarmaka ovog-izuma može biti u rasponu od 0,1 mCi do 1 Ci, ili, što je još poželjnije, od 1 do 200 mCi. Technetium and rhenium radionuclides are preferably in the chemical form of pertechnetate or perhenate and a pharmaceutically acceptable cation. The parthenate salt form is preferably sodium parthenate such as that obtained from commercial Tc-99 generators. The amount of pertechnetate used to prepare the radiopharmaceutical of the present invention may range from 0.1 mCi to 1 Ci, or, more preferably, from 1 to 200 mCi.

Količina reagensa Formule 2 koji se koristi za pripravu radiofarmaka ovog izuma može imati raspon od 0,1 μg do 10 mg ili, što je još poželjnije, od 0,5 μg do 100 μg. Količina koja će se koristiti bit će određena količinom drugih reaktanata i identitetom radiofarmaka Formule 1 koje će se pripraviti. The amount of the reagent of Formula 2 used to prepare the radiopharmaceutical of the present invention may range from 0.1 μg to 10 mg or, more preferably, from 0.5 μg to 100 μg. The amount to be used will be determined by the amount of other reactants and the identity of the Formula 1 radiopharmaceutical to be prepared.

Količine pomoćnih (ancilarnih) liganda AL1 koji se koriste mogu biti u rasponu od 0,1 mg do 1 g ili, što je još poželjnije, od 1 mg do 100 mg. Točna količina za određeni radiofarmak je funkcija identiteta radiofarmaka Formule 1 koji se trebaju pripraviti, postupka koji se koristi i količine i identiteta drugih reaktanata. Prevelika količina AL1 dovest će do formiranja popratnih proizvoda (nusprodukata) koji se sastoje od, tehnecijem označenog AL1bez biološki aktivne molekule ili popratnih produkata koji se-sastoje od tehnecijem označenih biološki aktivnih molekula sa ancilarnim ligandom AL1, ali bez pomoćnog (ancilarnog) liganda AL2 . Premala količina AL1 dovest će do drugih popratnih produkata poput tehnecijem označenih biološki aktivnih molekula sa ancilarnim ligandom AL2, ali bez ancilarnog liganda AL1 ili reducirani hidrolizirani tehnecij, ili tehnecijev koloid. The amounts of auxiliary AL1 ligands used may range from 0.1 mg to 1 g or, more preferably, from 1 mg to 100 mg. The exact amount for a particular radiopharmaceutical is a function of the identity of the Formula 1 radiopharmaceutical to be prepared, the procedure used, and the amount and identity of other reactants. An excessive amount of AL1 will lead to the formation of side products (byproducts) consisting of technetium-labeled AL1 without a biologically active molecule or side products consisting of technetium-labeled biologically active molecules with an ancillary ligand AL1, but without an auxiliary (ancillary) ligand AL2. Too little AL1 will lead to other side products such as technetium-labeled biologically active molecules with ancillary ligand AL2, but without ancillary ligand AL1 or reduced hydrolyzed technetium, or technetium colloid.

Količine pomoćnih (ancilamih) liganda AL2 koji se koriste mogu biti u rasoonu od 0,001 mg do 1 g ili, što je još poželjnije, od 0,01 mg do 10 mg. Točna količina određenog radiofarmaka je funkcija identiteta radiofarmaka Formule 1 koji se trebaju pripraviti, postupka koji se koristi i količine i identiteta drugih reaktanata. Prevelika količina AL2dovest će do formiranja popratnih proizvoda (nusprodukata) koji se sastoje od tehnecijem označenog AL2 bez biološki aktivne molekule ili popratnih produkata koji se sastoje od tehnecijem označenih biološki aktivnih molekula sa ancilamim ligandom AL2, ali befancilamog liganda AL1. Ako sredina (Q) d'-Ln-Ch. donosi jedan ili više supstituenata koji se sastoje od mekog donorskog atoma, kako je on već gore definiran, potreban je najmanje deseterostruki molarni višak ancilarnog liganda AL2 u odnosu na reagens Formule 2 kako bi se spriječilo da supstituent ometa koordinaciju ancilarnog liganda AL2 sa metalnim radionuklidom, Mt. The amounts of auxiliary ligands AL2 used can be in the range of 0.001 mg to 1 g or, more preferably, 0.01 mg to 10 mg. The exact amount of a particular radiopharmaceutical is a function of the identity of the Formula 1 radiopharmaceutical to be prepared, the procedure used, and the amount and identity of other reactants. An excessive amount of AL2 will lead to the formation of side products (by-products) consisting of technetium-labeled AL2 without a biologically active molecule or side products consisting of technetium-labeled biologically active molecules with an ancylam ligand AL2, but a bephancylam ligand AL1. If the middle (Q) d'-Ln-Ch. brings one or more substituents consisting of a soft donor atom, as defined above, at least a tenfold molar excess of the ancillary ligand AL2 relative to the reagent of Formula 2 is required to prevent the substituent from interfering with the coordination of the ancillary ligand AL2 with the metal radionuclide, Mt.

Odgovarajući reducirajući agensi za sintezu radiofarmaka ovog izuma obuhvaćaju kositrene soli, ditionitne ili bisulfitne soli, borhidridne soli i formamidinsulfitnu kiselinu, pri čemu su soli u bilo kojem farmaceutski prihvatljivom obliku. Poželjni reducirajući agens je kositrena sol. Količina reducirajućeg agensa koji se koristi može imati raspon od 0,001 mg do 10 mg ili, što je još poželjnije, od 0,005 mg do 1 mg. Suitable reducing agents for the synthesis of radiopharmaceuticals of the present invention include stannous salts, dithionite or bisulfite salts, borohydride salts and formamidinesulfitic acid, the salts being in any pharmaceutically acceptable form. The preferred reducing agent is a stannous salt. The amount of reducing agent used may range from 0.001 mg to 10 mg or, more preferably, from 0.005 mg to 1 mg.

Specifična struktura radiofarmaka ovog izuma ovisit će o identitetu biološki aktivne molekule Q, broju d', identitetu vezivnog spoja ("linkera") Ln, identitetu sredine helatora Ch, identitetu pomoćnog liganda AL1, identitetu pomoćnog liganda AL2 i identitetu radionuklida Mt. Identiteti Q, Ln i Ch te broj d' određeni su izborom reagensa formule 2 ili 3. Za određeni reagens Formule 2 ili 3, količina reagensa, količina i identitet pomoćnih (ancilarnih) liganda AL1 i AL2identitet radionuklida Mt i uvjeti sinteze koji se koriste odredit će strukturu radiofarmaka Formule 1. The specific structure of the radiopharmaceutical of this invention will depend on the identity of the biologically active molecule Q, the number d', the identity of the linker Ln, the identity of the chelating medium Ch, the identity of the auxiliary ligand AL1, the identity of the auxiliary ligand AL2 and the identity of the radionuclide Mt. The identities of Q, Ln and Ch and the number of d' are determined by the choice of reagents of formula 2 or 3. For a specific reagent of Formula 2 or 3, the amount of reagent, the amount and identity of auxiliary (ancillary) ligands AL1 and AL2, the identity of the radionuclide Mt and the synthesis conditions used are determined will the structure of Formula 1 radiopharmaceuticals.

Radiofarmaci koji su sintetizirani korištenjem koncentracija reagensa Formule 2 ili 3 koje su <100 μg/ml sastojat će se od jedne hidrazido ili diazenido skupine Ch; vrijednost x iznosit će 1. Oni koji su sintetizirani korištenjem koncentracija >1 mg/ml sastojat će se od dvije hidrazido grupe; vrijednost x iznosit će 2. Dvije Ch. skupine mogu biti iste ili različite. Za većinu primjena, samo ograničena količina biološki aktivne molekule može se injicirati, a da pri tome ne dovede do neželjenih popratnih učinaka, poput kemijske toksičnosti, uplitanja u biološke procese ili promjene biodistribucije radiofarmaka. Stoga radiofarmaci kod kojih je X jednak 2, koji traže više koncentracije reagensa Formule 2 koji se dijelom sastoje od biološki aktivne molekule, morat će biti razrijeđeni ili pročišćeni nakon sinteze kako bi se izbjeglo popratne učinke (nuspojave). Radiopharmaceuticals synthesized using concentrations of reagents of Formula 2 or 3 that are <100 μg/ml will consist of a single hydrazido or diazenido group Ch; the value of x will be 1. Those synthesized using concentrations >1 mg/ml will consist of two hydrazido groups; the value of x will be 2. Two Ch. groups can be the same or different. For most applications, only a limited amount of a biologically active molecule can be injected without causing unwanted side effects, such as chemical toxicity, interference with biological processes, or changes in the biodistribution of radiopharmaceuticals. Therefore, radiopharmaceuticals where X equals 2, which require higher concentrations of Formula 2 reagents that partly consist of the biologically active molecule, will have to be diluted or purified after synthesis to avoid side effects.

Identiteti i količine korištenih pomoćnih (ancilarnih) liganda AL1 i AL1 odredit će vrijednosti varijabli y i z. Vrijednosti y i z mogu neovisno biti cijeli brojevi od 1 do 2. U kombinaciji, vrijednosti y i z dovest će do koordinacijske sfere tehnecija koja se sastoji najmanje od pet i ne više nego sedam donorskih atoma. Za jednostruko nazubljene (monodentatne) pomoćne ligande AL2, z može biti cijeli broj od 1 do 2; za dvostruko ili trostruko nazubljene pomoćne (ancilame) ligande AL2, z je 1. The identities and amounts of the auxiliary ligands AL1 and AL1 used will determine the values of the variables y and z. The y and z values can independently be integers from 1 to 2. Combined, the y and z values will result in a technetium coordination sphere consisting of at least five and no more than seven donor atoms. For monodentate auxiliary ligands AL2, z can be an integer from 1 to 2; for doubly or triply dentate auxiliary (ancylam) ligands AL2, z is 1.

Poželjna kombinacija za jednostruko nazubljene (monodentatne) ligande je y jednak 1 ili 2 i z jednak 1. Poželjna kombinacija za dvostruko (bidentatne) ili trostruko (tridentatne) nazubljene ligande je y jednak 1 i z jednak 1. The preferred combination for monodentate ligands is y equal to 1 or 2 and z equal to 1. The preferred combination for doubly (bidentate) or triply (tridentate) dentate ligands is y equal to 1 and z equal to 1.

Jedan drugi aspekt ovog izuma su dijagnostički kitovi (pribor) za pripravu radiofarmaka koji se koriste kao kontrasti (sredstva za prikazivanje) za dijagnosticiranje kardiovaskularnih poremećaja, infektivnih bolesti, upalnih bolesti i raka. Dijagnostički kitovi (pribor) ovog izuma sastoje se od jedne ili više bočica (epruveta) koje sadrže sterilnu, ne-pirogenu formulaciju koja se sastoji od unaprijed određene količine reagensa formule (Q)d'-Ln-Ch ili (Q)d.-Ln-Hz, jedan ili dva pomoćna ili ko-liganda i prema izboru druge komponenete poput reducirajućih agensa, transfernih liganda, pufera, liofilizacijskih kiselina, stabilizacijskih sredstava, solubilizacijskih sredstava i bakteriostatika. Uključivanje jedne ili više izbornih komponenti u formulaciju često će poboljšati lakoću sinteze radiofarmaka čineći ga praktičnijim za konačnog korisnika, lakoću proizvodnje kita (pribora), razdoblje uskladištenosti (trajnosti) kita (pribora) ili stabilnost i vrijeme uskladištenosti radiofarmaka. Poboljšanje koje je postignuto inkluzijom izborne komponente u formulaciju mora se odvagnuti u odnosu na povećanu složenost formulacije i povećani trošak proizvodnje kita (pribora). Jedna ili više bočica koje sadrže čitavu ili dio formulacije mogu biti neovisno u obliku sterilne otopine ili liofilizirane krutine. Another aspect of this invention are diagnostic kits (accessories) for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals used as contrasts (imaging agents) for diagnosing cardiovascular disorders, infectious diseases, inflammatory diseases and cancer. The diagnostic kits (accessories) of this invention consist of one or more vials (tubes) containing a sterile, non-pyrogenic formulation consisting of a predetermined amount of reagents of the formula (Q)d'-Ln-Ch or (Q)d.- Ln-Hz, one or two auxiliary or co-ligands and optional other components such as reducing agents, transfer ligands, buffers, lyophilizing acids, stabilizing agents, solubilizing agents and bacteriostatics. The inclusion of one or more optional components in the formulation will often improve the ease of synthesis of the radiopharmaceutical making it more practical for the end user, the ease of manufacturing the kit (kit), the shelf life of the kit, or the stability and storage time of the radiopharmaceutical. The improvement achieved by the inclusion of an optional component in the formulation must be weighed against the increased complexity of the formulation and the increased cost of manufacturing the kit (accessory). One or more vials containing all or part of the formulation may independently be in the form of a sterile solution or lyophilized solid.

Puferi koji su korisni u pripravi radiofarmaka i u dijagnostičkim kitovima koji su korisni u pripravi spomenutih radiofarmaka uključuju, ali se na njih ne ograničavaju, fosfat, citrat, sulfosalicilat i acetat. Potpuniji popis može se naći u Pharmacopeia-i SAD-a. Buffers useful in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and in diagnostic kits useful in the preparation of said radiopharmaceuticals include, but are not limited to, phosphate, citrate, sulfosalicylate, and acetate. A more complete list can be found in the US Pharmacopeia.

Sredstva za liofilizaciju korisna u pripravi dijagnostičkih kitova (pribora) korisnih za pripravljanje radiofarmaka uključuju, ali se na njih ne ograničavaju, manitol, laktozu, sorbitol, dekstran, Fikol i polivinilpirolidin (PVP). Stabilizacijska sredstva korisna za pripravu radiofarmaka i za dijagnostičke kitove (pribor) korisne za pripravu spomenutih radiofarmaka uključuju, ali se na njih ne ograničavaju, askorbinsku kiselinu, cistein, monotioglicerol, natrijev bisulfit, natrijev metabisulfit, gentičnu kiselinu i inositol. Freeze-drying agents useful in the preparation of diagnostic kits (kits) useful in the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals include, but are not limited to, mannitol, lactose, sorbitol, dextran, Ficol, and polyvinylpyrrolidine (PVP). Stabilizing agents useful for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and for diagnostic kits (accessories) useful for the preparation of said radiopharmaceuticals include, but are not limited to, ascorbic acid, cysteine, monothioglycerol, sodium bisulfite, sodium metabisulfite, gentic acid, and inositol.

Solubilizacijska sredstva korisna za pripravu radiofarmaka i za dijagnostičke kitove (pribore) korisne za pripravu spomenutih radiofarmaka uključuju, ali se na njih ne ograničavaju, etanol, glicerin, polietilen glikol, propilen glikol, polioksietilen sorbitan monooleat, sorbitan monooleat, polisorbat, oli(oksietilen)poli(oksipropilen)poli(oksietilen) blok kopolimere (Pluronici) i lecitin. Poželjna solubilizacijska sredstva su polietilen glikol i Pluronici. Solubilizing agents useful for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and for diagnostic kits (accessories) useful for the preparation of said radiopharmaceuticals include, but are not limited to, ethanol, glycerin, polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate, sorbitan monooleate, polysorbate, ole(oxyethylene) poly(oxypropylene)poly(oxyethylene) block copolymers (Pluronics) and lecithin. Preferred solubilizing agents are polyethylene glycol and Pluronics.

Bakteriostatici korisni za pripravu radiofarmaka i za dijagnostičke kitove korisne za pripravu spomenutih radiofarmaka uključuju, ali se na njih ne ograničavaju, benzilni alkohol, benzalkonijev klorid, klorbutanol i metil, propil ili butil paraben. Bacteriostatics useful for the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and for diagnostic kits useful for the preparation of said radiopharmaceuticals include, but are not limited to, benzyl alcohol, benzalkonium chloride, chlorobutanol, and methyl, propyl, or butyl paraben.

Jedna komponenta u dijagnostičkom kitu može također imati više funkcija. Reducirajući agens može isto tako djelovati kao stabilizacijsko sredstvo, dok pufer može isto tako djelovati kao transferni ligand, sredstvo za liofilizaciju može poslužiti i kao transferni, ancilarni ili ko-ligand i tako dalje. One component in a diagnostic kit can also have multiple functions. A reducing agent can also act as a stabilizing agent, while a buffer can also act as a transfer ligand, a lyophilizing agent can also serve as a transfer, ancillary or co-ligand and so on.

Unaprijed određene količine svakog sastojka formulacije određene-su raznim razlozima koji su u nekim slučajevima specifični za određeni sastojak dok u drugim slučajevima ovise o količini drugog sastojka ili prisutnosti i količini izbornog sastojka. U načelu, koristi se minimalna količina svake komponente koja daje željeni učinak formulacije. Željeni učinak formulacije je da konačni korisnik može sintetizirati radifarmak i imati visok stupanj sigurnosti da se radiofarmak može sigurno injicirati pacijentu te da će osigurati dijagnostičku informaciju o mjestu pacjentove bolesti. The predetermined amounts of each formulation ingredient are determined for a variety of reasons which in some cases are specific to a particular ingredient while in other cases depend on the amount of another ingredient or the presence and amount of an optional ingredient. In principle, the minimum amount of each component that gives the desired effect of the formulation is used. The desired effect of the formulation is that the end user can synthesize the radiopharmaceutical and have a high degree of certainty that the radiopharmaceutical can be safely injected into the patient and that it will provide diagnostic information about the location of the patient's disease.

Dijagnostički kitovi ovog izuma također će sadržavati pisane upute za sintetiziranje radiofarmaka namjenjene konačnom korisniku. Ove upute mogu biti pričvršćene za jednu ili više bočica (epruveta) ili za spremnik u kojem su bočica ili bočice zapakirane za otpremu ili mogu biti u obliku zasebnog papira koji se umeće u paketić. The diagnostic kits of the present invention will also contain written instructions for synthesizing radiopharmaceuticals intended for the end user. These instructions may be attached to one or more vials (tubes) or to the container in which the vial or vials are packaged for shipment, or may be in the form of a separate paper inserted into the package.

Jedan drugi aspekt ovog izuma bavi se postupkom prikazivanja mjesta trombotičke bolesti kod pacijenta i uključuje: (1) sintetiziranje radiofarmaka pomoću reagensa ovog izuma koji se može locirati na mjestima trombotičke bolesti zahvaljujući interakciji između biološki aktivne skupine, Q, radiofarmaka i receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje eksprimiranog na mjestu bolesti ili receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje na endogenoj krvnoj komponenti koja se akumulira na tom mjestu; (2) davanju spomenutog radiofarmaka pacijentu putem injekcije ili infuzije; (3) Prikazivanje pacijenta ili pomoću planarne ili SPECT gama scintigrafije. Another aspect of the present invention relates to a method of imaging the site of thrombotic disease in a patient and includes: (1) synthesizing a radiopharmaceutical using a reagent of the present invention that can be located at sites of thrombotic disease by virtue of the interaction between the biologically active group, Q, of the radiopharmaceutical and the receptor or binding site expressed at the site of disease or a receptor or binding site on an endogenous blood component that accumulates at that site; (2) administration of said radiopharmaceutical to the patient via injection or infusion; (3) Imaging the patient using either planar or SPECT gamma scintigraphy.

Jedan drugi aspekt ovog Izuma bavi se postupkom prikazivanja mjesta infekcije ili infektivne bolesti kod pacijenta i uključuje: (1) sintetiziranje radiofarmaka pomoću reagensa ovog izuma koji se može locirati na mjestima infekcije ili infektivne bolesti zahvaljujući interakciji između biološki aktivne skupine, Q, radiofarmaka i receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje eksprimiranog na mjestu bolesti ili receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje na endogenoj krvnoj komponenti koja se akumulira na tom mjestu; (2) davanju spomenutog radiofarmaka pacijentu putem injekcije ili infuzije; (3) Prikazivanje pacijenta ili pomoću planarne ili SPECT gama scintigrafije. Another aspect of this invention deals with a method of showing the site of infection or infectious disease in a patient and includes: (1) synthesizing a radiopharmaceutical using a reagent of the present invention that can be located at sites of infection or infectious disease due to the interaction between the biologically active group, Q, the radiopharmaceutical and the receptor or binding sites expressed at the site of disease or receptors or binding sites on an endogenous blood component that accumulates at that site; (2) administration of said radiopharmaceutical to the patient via injection or infusion; (3) Imaging the patient using either planar or SPECT gamma scintigraphy.

Jedan drugi aspekt ovog izuma bavi se postupkom prikazivanja mjesta upale kod pacijenta i uključuje: (1) sintetiziranje radiofarmaka pomoću reagensa ovog izuma koji se može locirati na mjestima upale zahvaljujući interakciji između biološki aktivne skupine, Q, radiofarmaka i receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje eksprimiranog na mjestu upale ili receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje na endogenoj krvnoj komponenti koja se akumulira na tom mjestu; (2) davanju spomenutog radiofarmaka pacijentu putem injekcije ili infuzije; (3) Prikazivanje pacijenta ili pomoću planarne ili SPECT gama scintigrafije. Another aspect of the present invention relates to a method of imaging sites of inflammation in a patient and includes: (1) synthesizing a radiopharmaceutical using a reagent of the present invention that can be located at sites of inflammation by virtue of the interaction between the biologically active group, Q, of the radiopharmaceutical and a receptor or binding site expressed on to a site of inflammation or a receptor or binding site on an endogenous blood component that accumulates at that site; (2) administration of said radiopharmaceutical to the patient via injection or infusion; (3) Imaging the patient using either planar or SPECT gamma scintigraphy.

Jedan drugi aspekt ovog izuma bavi se postupkom prikazivanja mjesta raka kod pacijenta i uključuje: (1) sintetiziranje radiofarmaka pomoću reagensa ovog izuma koji se može locirati na mjestima raka zahvaljujući interakciji između biološki aktivne skupine, Q, radiofarmaka i receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje eksprimiranog na mjestu raka ili receptora ili mjesta za vezivanje na endogenoj krvnoj komponenti koja se akumulira na tom mjestu; (2) davanju spomenutog radiofarmaka pacijentu putem injekcije ili infuzije; (3) Prikazivanje pacijenta ili pomoću planarne ili SPECT gama scintigrafije. Another aspect of the present invention relates to a method of imaging cancer sites in a patient and includes: (1) synthesizing a radiopharmaceutical using a reagent of the present invention that can be located at cancer sites by virtue of the interaction between the biologically active group, Q, of the radiopharmaceutical and a receptor or binding site expressed on at a cancer site or a receptor or binding site on an endogenous blood component that accumulates at that site; (2) administration of said radiopharmaceutical to the patient via injection or infusion; (3) Imaging the patient using either planar or SPECT gamma scintigraphy.

Radiofarmaci se daju putem intravenske injekcije, obično u otopini soli, u dozi od 1 do 100 mCi na 70 kg tjelesne težine ili, što je poželjno, u dozi od 5 do 50 mCi. Prikazivanje se izvodi primjenom poznatih postupaka. Radiopharmaceuticals are given by intravenous injection, usually in saline, at a dose of 1 to 100 mCi per 70 kg of body weight or, preferably, at a dose of 5 to 50 mCi. Display is performed using known procedures.

Primjeri Examples

Materijali koji se koriste za sintetiziranje radiofarmaka ovog izuma opisani u sljedećim primjerima dobiveni su na sljedeći način. Reagens Formule 2, Ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) sintetiziranje kako je opisano u još neriješenoj patentnoj prijavi U.S. Ser. Br. 08/218,861 (ekvivalent WO 94/22494). Pomoćni (ancilarni) ligandi tricin, tris(1-pirazoil)borhidrid, imidazol, 2-metil-5-nitroimidazol, ornidazol, metronidazol, 1,2,4-triazol, 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol, acetil histamin, urokanična kiselina, 2-metilimidazolin, 4-metil-5-tiazoletanol, tris(3,5-diemtil-1-pirazolil)borohidrid, adenozin, 8-hidroksikvinolin-5-sulfonska kiselina i kositreni klorid dobiveni su iz komercijalnih izvora i korišteni u obliku u kojem su primljeni. Deionizirana voda dobivena je iz Milli-Q Vodenog sustava te je kvalitete >18 MΩ. Tehnecij-99m-pertehnetat (99mTc04) dobiven je iz Dupont Pharma 99Mo/99mTc generatora. The materials used to synthesize the radiopharmaceuticals of the present invention described in the following examples were obtained as follows. The reagent of Formula 2, Cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) was synthesized as described in a pending U.S. patent application. Sir. No. 08/218,861 (equivalent to WO 94/22494). Auxiliary (ancillary) ligands tricine, tris(1-pyrazolyl)borohydride, imidazole, 2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole, ornidazole, metronidazole, 1,2,4-triazole, 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole, acetyl Histamine, urocanic acid, 2-methylimidazoline, 4-methyl-5-thiazoleethanol, tris(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)borohydride, adenosine, 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid, and stannous chloride were obtained from commercial sources and used in the form in which they were received. Deionized water was obtained from the Milli-Q Water System and has a quality of >18 MΩ. Technetium-99m-pertechnetate (99mTc04) was obtained from a Dupont Pharma 99Mo/99mTc generator.

Primjer 1 Example 1

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin) (tris(1-pirasolil)borohidrid)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine) (tris(1-pyrazolyl)borohydride)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) eluensa, zatim 0,1 ml Ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg- Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (100 μg/ml) u otopini soli, 0,3 ml tricina (100 mg/ml, pH 7) i 10 μl SnCl2(10 mg/ml) u 1N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa zagrijava se na 50 °C tijekom 15 minuta. Gornjoj reakcijskoj otopini dodaje se 0,25-ml tris(1-pirazolil)borhidrida (20 mg/ml) u otopini soli. Smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 50 °C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml tube, add 0.4 ml of 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) eluent, then 0.1 ml of Cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gly-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) (100 μg/ml) in saline, 0.3 ml tricin (100 mg/ml, pH 7) and 10 μl SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) in 1N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 50 °C for 15 minutes. 0.25 ml of tris(1-pyrazolyl)borohydride (20 mg/ml) in salt solution was added to the above reaction solution. The mixture is heated to 50 °C for 30 minutes, and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 2 Example 2

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin) (imidazol)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine) (imidazole)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,3 ml 99mTc04 otopine (100 mCi/ml) u otopini soli, 0,4 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, pH-5,0) u H2O, 0,1 ml otopine ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (100 μg/ml) u H2O i 10 μl otopine SnCl2-2 H20 (10 mg/ml) u 1,0 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa ostavlja se 15 minuta da stoji na sobnoj temperaturi. Nakon dodavanja 0,4 ml otopine imidazola (10 mg/ml) u H2O, reakcijska smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 70°C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml tube, add 0.3 ml of 99mTc04 solution (100 mCi/ml) in salt solution, 0.4 ml of tricine solution (100 mg/ml, pH-5.0) in H2O, 0.1 ml of cyclo (D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) (100 μg/ml) in H2O and 10 μl of a solution of SnCl2-2 H2O (10 mg/ml) in 1.0 N HCl . The reaction mixture is left to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. After adding 0.4 ml of a solution of imidazole (10 mg/ml) in H2O, the reaction mixture is heated to 70°C for 30 minutes, and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 3 Example 3

Sinteza 99rnTc (tricin)(1,2,4-triazol)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99rnTc (tricine)(1,2,4-triazole)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,3 ml 99mTc04 otopine (100 mCi/ml) u otopini soli, 0,4 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, ph-5,0) u H2O, 0,2 ml otopine ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) u H2O, 0,2 ml otopine 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazola (30 mg/ml) u H2O i 5 μl otopine SnCl2-2 H2 (10 mgTml).u 1,0 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se 25 minuta zagrijava na 75 °C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml tube, add 0.3 ml of 99mTc04 solution (100 mCi/ml) in salt solution, 0.4 ml of tricine solution (100 mg/ml, ph-5.0) in H2O, 0.2 ml of cyclo (D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) in H2O, 0.2 ml solution of 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole (30 mg /ml) in H2O and 5 μl of SnCl2-2 H2 solution (10 mgTml).in 1.0 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 75 °C for 25 minutes, and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 4 Example 4

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,3 ml otopine 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) u otopini soli, 0,4 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, pH-5,0) u H2O, 0,2 ml otopine ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) u H2O, 0,2 ml otopine 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazola (30 mg/ml) u H2O i 5 μl otopine SnCl2-2 H2O (10 mg/ml) u 1,0 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se 25 minuta zagrijava na 75°C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.3 ml of a solution of 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) in salt solution, 0.4 ml of a solution of tricin (100 mg/ml, pH-5.0) in H2O, 0.2 ml of a solution of cyclo (D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) in H2O, 0.2 ml solution of 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazole (30 mg /ml) in H2O and 5 μl of a solution of SnCl2-2 H2O (10 mg/ml) in 1.0 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 75°C for 25 minutes, and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 5 Example 5

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(acetil hisatamin)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(acetylhistamine)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml 99mTcO4 (100 mCi/ml) eluensa, zatim 0,2 ml otopine ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg- Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) u otopini soli, 0,3 ml tricina (100 mg/ml, pH 7) i 10 μl SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) u 1 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se 15 minuta zagrijava na 55 °C. Gornjoj reakcijskoj otopini dodaje se 0,5 ml acetil histamina(20 mg/ml) u H2O. Smjesa se 60 minuta zagrijava na 55°C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.4 ml of 99mTcO4 (100 mCi/ml) eluent, then 0.2 ml of cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) solution ( 50 μg/ml) in saline, 0.3 ml tricine (100 mg/ml, pH 7) and 10 μl SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) in 1 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 55 °C for 15 minutes. 0.5 ml of acetyl histamine (20 mg/ml) in H2O is added to the above reaction solution. The mixture is heated to 55°C for 60 minutes, and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 6 Example 6

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(metronidazol)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(metronidazole)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml otopine 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) u otopini soli, 0,3 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, ph-5,0) u H20, 0,2 ml otopine ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) u H2O i 10 μl otopine SnCl2 2 H2O (10 mg/ml) u 1,0 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa zagrijava se 30 minuta na 50 °C. Nakon dodavanja 0,5 ml otopine metronidazola (20 mg/mj) u H2O, reakcijska smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 70 °C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.4 ml of a solution of 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) in salt solution, 0.3 ml of a solution of tricin (100 mg/ml, ph-5.0) in H20, 0.2 ml of a solution of cyclo (D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) in H2O and 10 μl of a solution of SnCl2 2 H2O (10 mg/ml) in 1.0 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 50 °C for 30 minutes. After addition of 0.5 ml metronidazole solution (20 mg/mj) in H2O, the reaction mixture is heated to 70 °C for 30 minutes and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 7 Example 7

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(2-metilimidazolin)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(2-methylimidazoline)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml 99mTcO4 (100 mCi/ml)eluensa, zatim 0,2 ml otopine ciklo(D-Val- NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) u otopini soli, 0,3 ml tricina (100 mg/ml, pH 7) i 10 μl otopine SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) u 1 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se 15 minuta zagrijava na 50 °C. Gornjoj reakcijskoj otopini dodaje se 0,5 ml 2-metilimidazolina (20 mg/ml) u otopini soli. Smjesa se 60 minuta zagrijava na 55 °C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml tube, add 0.4 ml of 99mTcO4 (100 mCi/ml) eluent, then 0.2 ml of cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca)) solution ( 50 μg/ml) in saline, 0.3 ml of tricine (100 mg/ml, pH 7) and 10 μl of SnCl2 solution (10 mg/ml) in 1 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 50 °C for 15 minutes. 0.5 ml of 2-methylimidazoline (20 mg/ml) in salt solution is added to the above reaction solution. The mixture is heated to 55 °C for 60 minutes, and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 8 Example 8

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(3-piridinsulfonska kiselina) (ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(3-pyridinesulfonic acid) (cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml otopine tricina (100 m/ml, pH 5,0) u H2O, 0,4 ml otopine Ciklo(D-Val- NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) u H20, 0,2 ml otopine 3-piridinsulfonske kiseline u H20, 0,3 ml Otopine 99mTcO4 u otopini soli i 25 μl otopine SnCl2-2 H2O (10 mg/ml) u 0,1 N HCI. Smjesa se 20 minuta zagrijava na 80 °C, a onda se analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.4 ml of tricine solution (100 m/ml, pH 5.0) in H2O, 0.4 ml of Cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl- 5-Aca)) (50 μg/ml) in H20, 0.2 ml of a solution of 3-pyridinesulfonic acid in H20, 0.3 ml of a solution of 99mTcO4 in saline and 25 μl of a solution of SnCl2-2 H2O (10 mg/ml) in 0.1 N HCl. The mixture is heated to 80 °C for 20 minutes, and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 9 Example 9

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(4-metil-5-tiazoletanol)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(4-methyl-5-thiazolethanol)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu -od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml 99mTc04 eluensa (100 mCi/ml), zatim 0,2 ml ciklo(D-Val- NMeArg-Gli-Asp- Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) u otopini soli, 0,3 ml tricina (100 mg/ml, pH 7) i 10 μl SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) u 1 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 50 °C. Gornjoj reakcijskoj otopini dodaje se 0,5 ml 4-metiltiazoletanola (10 mg/ml) u otopini soli. Smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 75 °C, a zatim analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. 0.4 ml of 99mTc04 eluent (100 mCi/ml) is added to a 10 ml test tube, then 0.2 ml of cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))( 50 μg/ml) in saline, 0.3 ml tricine (100 mg/ml, pH 7) and 10 μl SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) in 1 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 50 °C for 30 minutes. 0.5 ml of 4-methylthiazoleethanol (10 mg/ml) in salt solution is added to the above reaction solution. The mixture is heated to 75 °C for 30 minutes and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 10 Example 10

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(tris(3,5-dimetilpirazolil)borohidrid)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(tris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borohydride)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,2 ml 99mTc04 eluensa (100 mCi/ml), zatim 0,2 ml ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg- Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) u otopini soli, 0,4 ml tricina (100 mg/ml, pH 7), 0,2 ml tris(3,5-dimetilpiraxolil)borhidrida (20 ' mg/ml) u otopini soli i 10 p, 1 SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) u 1N HCI. Smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 75 °C, a zatim analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. Add 0.2 ml of 99mTc04 eluent (100 mCi/ml), then 0.2 ml of cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))(50) to a 10 ml tube. μg/ml) in salt solution, 0.4 ml of tricine (100 mg/ml, pH 7), 0.2 ml of tris(3,5-dimethylpyraxolyl)borohydride (20 mg/ml) in salt solution and 10 p, 1 SnCl2 (10 mg/ml) in 1N HCl. The mixture is heated to 75 °C for 30 minutes and then analyzed by HPLC Method 1.

Primjer 11 Example 11

Sinteza 99rT>Tc (tricin)(4-piridinetansulfonska kiselina)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli- Asp-Mamb(hidrazino- nikotinil-5- Aca)) Synthesis of 99rT>Tc (tricine)(4-pyridineethanesulfonic acid)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, pH 5,0) u H2O, 0,4 ml ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg- Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) u H20, 0,4 ml otopine 4-piridinetansulfonske kiseline (35 mg/ml) u H2O, 0,2 ml otopine 99mTc (250 mCi/ml) u otopini soli i 25 μl otopine SnCl2-2H2O (10 mg'ml) u 0,1 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se 20 minuta zagrijava na 80 °C, a zatim analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.4 ml of a solution of tricine (100 mg/ml, pH 5.0) in H2O, 0.4 ml of cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gly-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5 -Aca))(50 μg/ml) in H2O, 0.4 ml of a solution of 4-pyridineethanesulfonic acid (35 mg/ml) in H2O, 0.2 ml of a solution of 99mTc (250 mCi/ml) in saline and 25 μl of a solution SnCl 2 -2H 2 O (10 mg'ml) in 0.1 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 80 °C for 20 minutes and then analyzed by HPLC using Method 1.

Primjer 12 Example 12

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(oronidazol)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(oronidazole)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml otopine 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) u otopini soli, 0,2 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, pH5,0) u H2O, 0, 2 ml otopine (D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) u H2O i i 10 μl SnCl2-2H2O (10 mg/ml) u 1,0 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se ostavlja da stoji na sobnoj temperaturi 20 minuta. Nakon dodavanja 0,5 ml otopine omidazola (20 mg/ml) u H2O, reakcijska smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 70 °C, a zatim analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.4 ml of a solution of 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) in saline, 0.2 ml of a solution of tricin (100 mg/ml, pH5.0) in H2O, 0.2 ml of a solution of (D- Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) in H2O and 10 μl SnCl2-2H2O (10 mg/ml) in 1.0 N HCl. The reaction mixture is allowed to stand at room temperature for 20 minutes. After adding 0.5 ml of a solution of amidazole (20 mg/ml) in H2O, the reaction mixture is heated to 70 °C for 30 minutes and then analyzed by HPLC using Method 1.

Primjer 13 Example 13

Sinteza 99nYc (tricin)(4-(3H)pirimidon)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99nYc (tricine)(4-(3H)pyrimidone)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, pH 5,0) u H2O, 0,4 ml ciklo(D-Val- NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) u H2O, 0,2 ml otopine 4-(3H)pirimidona (10 mg/ml) u H2O, 0,3 ml otopine 99mTc (100 mCi/ml) u otopini soli i 25 μl otopine SnCl2-2H2O (10 mg/ml) u 0,1 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se 20 minuta zagrijava na 80 °C, a zatim analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.4 ml of a solution of tricine (100 mg/ml, pH 5.0) in H2O, 0.4 ml of cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5 -Aca))(50 μg/ml) in H2O, 0.2 ml of a solution of 4-(3H)pyrimidone (10 mg/ml) in H2O, 0.3 ml of a solution of 99mTc (100 mCi/ml) in saline and 25 μl of a solution of SnCl2-2H2O (10 mg/ml) in 0.1 N HCl. The reaction mixture is heated to 80 °C for 20 minutes and then analyzed by HPLC using Method 1.

Primjer 14 Example 14

Sinteza 99mTc (tricin)(2-metil-5-nitroimidazol)-ciklo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca)) Synthesis of 99mTc (tricine)(2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole)-cyclo(D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))

U epruvetu od 10 ml dodaje se 0,4 ml otopine 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) u otopini soli, 0,2 ml otopine tricina (100 mg/ml, pH5,0) u H2O, 0, 2 ml otopine (D-Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hidrazino-nikotinil-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) u H20 i i 10 μl otopine SnCF2-2H2O (10 mg/ml) u 1,0 N HCI. Reakcijska smjesa se ostavlja da stoji na sobnoj temperaturi 15 minuta. Nakon dodavanja 0,2 ml otopine 2-metil-5-nitroimidazola (10 m/ml) u H2O, reakcijska smjesa se 30 minuta zagrijava na 70 °C, a zatim analizira HPLC Postupkom 1. In a 10 ml test tube, add 0.4 ml of a solution of 99mTc04 (100 mCi/ml) in saline, 0.2 ml of a solution of tricin (100 mg/ml, pH5.0) in H2O, 0.2 ml of a solution of (D- Val-NMeArg-Gli-Asp-Mamb(hydrazino-nicotinyl-5-Aca))(50 μg/ml) in H 2 O and 10 μl of a solution of SnCF 2 -2H 2 O (10 mg/ml) in 1.0 N HCl. The reaction mixture is allowed to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes. After adding 0.2 ml of a solution of 2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole (10 m/ml) in H2O, the reaction mixture was heated to 70 °C for 30 min and then analyzed by HPLC using Method 1.

[image] [image]

Vrijednost koje su navedene u Tablici 1 dobivene su korištenjem HPLC postupaka 1 ili 2. Jedno vrijeme retencije pokazano je za većinu ovih primjera. Dva izomera koja ovi radiofarmaci sadrže obično se ne rastapaju u potpunosti ovim HPLC postupcima. Karakteristično je da se na glavnom vrhuncu primjećuje rame, plato ("shoulder"). The values listed in Table 1 were obtained using HPLC procedures 1 or 2. One retention time is shown for most of these examples. The two isomers that these radiopharmaceuticals contain are usually not completely resolved by these HPLC procedures. It is characteristic that at the main peak there is a shoulder.

Analitički postupci (metode) Analytical procedures (methods)

HPLC Postupak (metoda) 1 HPLC Procedure (method) 1

Kolona: Vydac C18 (4,6 mm x 25 cm) Column: Vydac C18 (4.6 mm x 25 cm)

Protok: 1 ml/min Flow rate: 1 ml/min

Otapalo A = 0,01 M pH 6 fosfatni pufer Solvent A = 0.01 M pH 6 phosphate buffer

Otapalo B = acetonitril Solvent B = acetonitrile

Gradijent: t = 0 100% A Gradient: t = 0 100% A

t= 15 min 70% A 30% B t= 15 min 70% A 30% B

t= 25 min 25% A 75% B t= 25 min 25% A 75% B

Otkrivanje ispitivanjem sa natrijevim jodidom Detection by sodium iodide test

HPLC.Postupak 2 HPLC. Procedure 2

Kolona: Zorbax Rx C18 (4,6 mm x 25 cm) Column: Zorbax Rx C18 (4.6 mm x 25 cm)

Protok: 1 ml/min Flow rate: 1 ml/min

Otapalo A = 90:10 0,025 M pH 8 fosfatni puferacetonitril Solvent A = 90:10 0.025 M pH 8 phosphate buffered acetonitrile

Otapalo B = 50:50 0,025 M ph 8 fosfatni pufer: acetonitril Solvent B = 50:50 0.025 M ph 8 phosphate buffer: acetonitrile

Gradijent: Gradient:

t= 0 min 100% A t= 0 min 100% A

t = 25 min 100% B t = 25 min 100% B

Otkrivanje ispitivanjem sa natrijevim jodidom Detection by sodium iodide test

Primjena Application

Radiofarmaci koji se ovdje opisuju korisni su kao kontrastna sredstva (sredstva za prikazivanje) za dijagnozu kardiovaskularnih poremećaja, poput tromboemboličke bolesti ili ateroskleroze, infektivne bolesti ili raka. Radiofarmaci se sastoje od tehnecijem-99m označenih hidracino ili dazenido modificiranih biološki' aktivnih molekula koje se selektivno lokaliziraju na mjesima bolesti te na taj način omogućuju dobivanje slike tih područja pomoću gama scintigrafije. The radiopharmaceuticals described herein are useful as contrast agents (imaging agents) for the diagnosis of cardiovascular disorders, such as thromboembolic disease or atherosclerosis, infectious disease or cancer. Radiopharmaceuticals consist of technetium-99m-labeled hydracino or dazenido modified biologically active molecules that are selectively localized at the sites of the disease and in this way enable obtaining images of these areas using gamma scintigraphy.

Pseći model tromboze duboke vene: Ovaj model obuhvaća trijadu događaja (hiperkoagulabilno stanje, razdoblje staze, okruženje niske savitljivosti ("low shear") ključnih za formiranje venskog, fibrinom bogatog ugruška (tromba) koji aktivno raste. Postupak je sljedeći: Odrasli psi mješanci oba spola (9 -13 kg) anestezirani su pentobarbital natrijem (35 mg/kg, i.v.) i ventilirani sobnim zrakom putem endotrahealnog tubusa (12 pritisaka/min, 25 ml/kg). Radi određivanja visine arterijskog tlaka u desnu femoralnu arteriju uvedena je polietilenska cjevčica (kateter) (PE-240) ispunjena otopinom soli i vode te je povezana sa Statham tlačnim transduktorom (P23ID; Oxnard, CA). Prednji arterijski krvni tlak određen je utišavanjem signala pulsirajućeg tlaka. Frekvencija srca praćena je pomoću kardiotahometra (BiotacrT/Grass Quincy, MA) kojeg pokreće elektrodni (olovo) II elektrokardiogram koji se dobiva pomoću elektroda udova. U desnu femoralnu venu je uvedena sonda (PE-240) za davanje lijekova.Iz obje jugularne vene je izoliran dio od 5 cm, oslobođen od fascije i opšiven svilenim šavima. Mikrotermisterski ispitivač ("probe") stavljen je na krvnu žilu služeći kao inidrektna mjera venskog protoka. Balonski kateter za embolektomiju korišten je za izazivanje 15 minutnog razdoblja staze, a zatim je tijekom tog vremena izazvano hiperkoagulabilno stanje korištenjem 5 U trombina (American Diagnosticia, Greenvvich CT) koji je unesen u okludirani segment. Petnaest minuta kasnije, protok je ponovno uspostavljen ispuštanjem zraka iz balona. Radiofarmak je uveden tijekom prvih 5 minuta ponovnog uspostavljanja protoka, a stopa inkorporiranja (apsorpcije) praćena je gama scintigrafijom. Canine Deep Vein Thrombosis Model: This model encompasses the triad of events (hypercoagulable state, stasis period, low shear environment) key to the formation of an actively growing venous, fibrin-rich clot (thrombus). The procedure is as follows: Adult mixed-breed dogs both of both sexes (9-13 kg) were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (35 mg/kg, i.v.) and ventilated with room air via an endotracheal tube (12 pressures/min, 25 ml/kg). In order to determine arterial pressure, a polyethylene catheter was introduced into the right femoral artery tubing (catheter) (PE-240) filled with saline solution and connected to a Statham pressure transducer (P23ID; Oxnard, CA). Anterior arterial blood pressure was determined by silencing the pulsatile pressure signal. Heart rate was monitored using a cardiotachometer (BiotacrT/Grass Quincy, MA) triggered by an electrode (lead) II electrocardiogram obtained using limb electrodes. A probe (PE-240) was inserted into the right femoral vein for drug administration. From ob of the jugular vein is an isolated 5 cm section, freed from the fascia and covered with silk sutures. A microthermistor probe ("probe") is placed on the blood vessel serving as an indirect measure of venous flow. An embolectomy balloon catheter was used to induce a 15-minute stasis period, during which time a hypercoagulable state was induced using 5 U of thrombin (American Diagnosticia, Greenwich CT) injected into the occluded segment. Fifteen minutes later, flow was re-established by deflating the balloon. The radiopharmaceutical was introduced during the first 5 minutes of re-establishment of flow, and the rate of incorporation (absorption) was monitored by gamma scintigraphy.

Pseći model arteriovenskog spoja ("shunta"): Odrasli psi mješanci oba spola (9 -13 kg) anestezirani su pentobarbital natrijem (35 mg/kg, i.v.) i ventilirani sobnim zrakom putem endotrahealnog tubusa (12 pritisaka/min, 25 ml/kg). Radi određivanja visine arterijskog tlaka u desnu femoralnu arteriju uvedena je polietilenska cjevčica (kateter) (PE-240) ispunjena otopinom soli i vode te je povezana sa Statham tlačnim transduktorom (P23ID; Oxnard, CA). Srednji arterijski krvni tlak određenje utišavanjem signala pulsirajućeg tlaka. Frekvencija srca praćena je pomoću kardiotahometra (Biotach, Grass Quincy, MA) kojeg pokreće elektrodni (olovo) II elektrokardiogram koji se dobiva pomoću elektroda udova. U jugularnu venu uvedena je sonda (PE-"24g) za davanje lijekova. U obje femoralne arterije i femoralne vene uvedene su polietilenske cjevčice obrađene silikonom (Sigmacote, Sigma Chemical Co. St. Louis, MO) i ispunjene otopinom soli i vode povezane sa 5 cm dugim dijelom silikonom obrađene cjevčice (PE-240) kako bi se stvorili vantjelesni arterio-venski (A-V) "shuntovi" (spojevi). Prolaznost "shunta" praćena je pomoću doplerskog protočnog sustava (model VF-1, Crystal Biotech Inc., Hopkinton, MA) te je ispitivanje protoka (2-2,3 mm, Titronics Med. Inst., Oowa City, IA) provođeno proksimalno od mjesta "shunta", spoja. Svi parametri stalno-su praćeni poligrafskim zapisivačem (model 7D Grass) sa brzinom prolaza papira od 1GTmm/min ili 25 mm/sec. Dog arteriovenous shunt model: Adult mixed-breed dogs of both sexes (9-13 kg) were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium (35 mg/kg, i.v.) and ventilated with room air via an endotracheal tube (12 pressures/min, 25 ml/kg ). To determine arterial pressure, a polyethylene tube (catheter) (PE-240) filled with saline and water was inserted into the right femoral artery and connected to a Statham pressure transducer (P23ID; Oxnard, CA). Mean arterial blood pressure determination by silencing the pulsatile pressure signal. Heart rate was monitored using a cardiotachometer (Biotach, Grass Quincy, MA) driven by an electrode (lead) II electrocardiogram obtained using limb electrodes. A probe (PE-"24g) was inserted into the jugular vein for drug administration. Polyethylene tubes treated with silicone (Sigmacote, Sigma Chemical Co. St. Louis, MO) and filled with a saline solution connected to the femoral vein were inserted into both femoral arteries and femoral veins. 5 cm long section of silicone-coated tubing (PE-240) to create extracorporeal arterio-venous (A-V) "shunts" (junctions). The patency of the "shunt" was monitored using a Doppler flow system (model VF-1, Crystal Biotech Inc. , Hopkinton, MA) and flow testing (2-2.3 mm, Titronics Med. Inst., Oowa City, IA) was performed proximal to the "shunt" site, junction. All parameters were continuously monitored with a polygraph recorder (model 7D Grass ) with a paper speed of 1GTmm/min or 25 mm/sec.

Nakon završetka 15-minutnog post-kirurškog razdoblja stabilizacije, unošenjem trombogene površine (4-0 svilenog, pletenog vlakna , dugog 5 cm, Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ) formiranje okluzivan ugrušak (tromb) u "shuntu" (spoju), dok je jedan "shunt" služio kao kontrola za drugi. After completion of the 15-minute post-surgical stabilization period, the introduction of a thrombogenic surface (4-0 silk, braided fiber, 5 cm long, Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ) to form an occlusive clot (thrombus) in the "shunt" (junction), while one "shunt" served as a control for the other.

Korištena su dva uzastopna razdoblja od po 1 sat "shunta" sa agensom za testiranje u obliku infuzije u trajanju od 5 minuta s kojom se počelo 5 minuta prije unošenja trombogene površine. Na kraju svakog jednosatnog razdoblja "shunta" svila je pažljivo odstranjena i izvagana te je postotak inkorporiranja (ugrađivanja) određen "well counting-om". Težina tromba izračunata je odbijanjem težine svile prije unošenja od ukupne težine svile izvađene iz "shunta". Arterijska krv je povučena prije prvog "shunta" i svakih 30 minuta nakon toga radi određivanja pročišćavanja, klirensa ("clearance") krvi, ukupne agregacije trombocita inducirane krvnim kolagenom, trombinom inducirane degranulacije trombocita (Trombocitno ATP oslobađanje), protrombinsko vrijeme i broj trombocita. Isto tako se u razmacima od po 30 minuta izvodilo standardizirano mjerenje vremena krvarenja. Two consecutive 1-hour "shunt" periods were used with the test agent in the form of a 5-minute infusion starting 5 minutes before the introduction of the thrombogenic surface. At the end of each one-hour "shunt" period, the silk was carefully removed and weighed, and the percentage of incorporation was determined by "well counting". The weight of the thrombus was calculated by subtracting the weight of the silk before insertion from the total weight of the silk removed from the "shunt". Arterial blood was drawn before the first "shunt" and every 30 minutes thereafter to determine blood clearance, blood collagen-induced total platelet aggregation, thrombin-induced platelet degranulation (Platelet ATP release), prothrombin time, and platelet count. Likewise, standardized bleeding time measurements were performed at 30-minute intervals.

Kompleksi u kojima su biološki aktivne molekule, Q, kemotaktični peptidi, mogu biti procijenjene s obzirom na kliničku korisnost koju imaju kao radiofarmaci za dijagnosticiranje infekcija provođenjem istraživanja o prikazivanju ("imaging") na pokusnom modelu fokalne infekcije kod zamorca. Complexes in which the biologically active molecules, Q, are chemotactic peptides, can be evaluated for their clinical utility as radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosing infections by performing imaging studies in an experimental guinea pig model of focal infection.

Model fokalne infekcije kod zamorca: Hartlev zamorci; neodređenog spola; težine između 200 - 250 grama su preko noći, prije postupka, bili bez hrane i vode. Svaki zamorac je anestetiziran sa smjesom ketamina 25-55 mg/kg/IM i ksilazina 2-5 mg/kg/IM. Za uvođenje 5 cm dugog komadića pupčane vrpce koji je u ronjenju 6% otopinu natrijevog kazeinata (to je kemoatraktant) u desnu slabinu i smještanje na lijevoj strani peritonealne šupljine koristi se troharna igla #10. Ovo ulaganje kemoatraktanta služi kao žarište za regrutiranje bijelih krvnih stanica. Mjesto uboda zatvara se Nexabainom, ljepilom za kožu (ako je potrebno). Životinje su ostavljene da se oporavljaju 18 sati. Focal infection model in guinea pig: Hartlev guinea pigs; unspecified gender; weighing between 200 - 250 grams, they were without food and water overnight, before the procedure. Each guinea pig was anesthetized with a mixture of ketamine 25-55 mg/kg/IM and xylazine 2-5 mg/kg/IM. A #10 trochar needle is used to introduce a 5 cm long piece of umbilical cord that is immersed in a 6% solution of sodium caseinate (it is a chemoattractant) into the right loin and place it on the left side of the peritoneal cavity. This chemoattractant investment serves as a focal point for the recruitment of white blood cells. The puncture site is closed with Nexabain, skin glue (if needed). The animals were allowed to recover for 18 hours.

Osamnaest sati kasnije zamorci su anestezirani ketaminom 25-55 mg/kg/IM i ksilazinom 2-5 mg/kg/IM kako bi se postiglo Fazu III/Stupanj III anestezije i osiguralo odgovarajuće injiciranje agensa za testiranje u lateralnu venu saphenu. Jednom kad su zamorci primili testirajući agens stavljaju se iza olovne pregrade i promatraju 1-4 sata. U odgovarajuće vrijeme nakon dobivanja injekcije životinje se ubijaju pentobarbital natrijem 65 mg/kg, i.v. i izvodi se biodistribucija. Tijekom odvijanja ovog istraživanja, uzorci krvi dobivani su putem kardijalne punkture. Eighteen hours later, guinea pigs were anesthetized with ketamine 25-55 mg/kg/IM and xylazine 2-5 mg/kg/IM to achieve Phase III/Degree III anesthesia and ensure adequate injection of the test agent into the lateral saphenous vein. Once the guinea pigs have received the test agent, they are placed behind a lead barrier and observed for 1-4 hours. At the appropriate time after receiving the injection, the animals are killed with pentobarbital sodium 65 mg/kg, i.v. and biodistribution is performed. During the course of this research, blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture.

Rezultati the results

Rezultati dobiveni ocjenom radiofarmaka iz Primjera 1 na modelu psećeg arteriovenskog "shunta" (spoja) prikazani su na Slici 1. Uključeni su rezultati pozitivne kontrole, In-111-označeni autologni trombociti te negativnih kontrola, Tc-99m-albumin i I-125-fibrinogen. Sve vrijednosti odnose se na prvo jednosatno razdoblje "shunta". Dobiveni podaci pokazuju da je radiofarmak iz Primjera 1 unesen, apsorbiran u trombe i pod miješanim arterijskim i pod miješanim venskim uvjetima i to ekvivalentno pozitivnoj kontroli i u znatno većoj mjeri nego negativne kontrole. Odnosi tromba i krvi (odnosi cilja prema pozadini), 114 (miješani arterijski) i 3,1 (venski) ukazuju na to da se trombi mogu jednostavno razlikovati od okolnog tkiva i tekućine standardnim tehnikama prikazivanja poznatim stručnjacima za ovo područje. Važna prednost radiofarmaka iz Primjera 1 u odnosu na pozitivnu kontrolu, In-111-trombociti, jest da tegobni postupak vantjelesnog označavanja koje se koristi za označavanje autolognih trombocita sa In-111 nije nužno. Na taj način se skraćuje vrijeme potrebno za dobivanje dijagnostičke informacije te se izbjegava potencijalna opasnost od izlaganja nuklearnog medicinskog tehničara patogenima krvnog porijekla, poput HIV-a. The results obtained by evaluating the radiopharmaceuticals from Example 1 on the canine arteriovenous "shunt" (junction) model are shown in Figure 1. The results of the positive control, In-111-labeled autologous platelets, and the negative controls, Tc-99m-albumin and I-125- fibrinogen. All values refer to the first one-hour "shunt" period. The obtained data show that the radiopharmaceutical from Example 1 was introduced, absorbed into the thrombi under both mixed arterial and mixed venous conditions, equivalent to the positive control and to a significantly greater extent than the negative control. Thrombus to blood ratios (target to background ratios) of 114 (mixed arterial) and 3.1 (venous) indicate that thrombi can be readily distinguished from surrounding tissue and fluid by standard imaging techniques known to those skilled in the art. An important advantage of the radiopharmaceutical from Example 1 compared to the positive control, In-111 platelets, is that the cumbersome in vitro labeling procedure used to label autologous platelets with In-111 is not necessary. In this way, the time needed to obtain diagnostic information is shortened and the potential danger of exposing the nuclear medical technician to pathogens of blood origin, such as HIV, is avoided.

Claims (14)

1. Radiofarmaceutik, naznačen time, da sadrži prvi ancilarni ligand, drugi ancilami ligand sposoban da stabilizira radiofarmaceutik, tranzicijski metalni radionuklid, tranzicijski metalni helator, biološki aktivnu grupu spojenu s navedenim helatorom, koji po mogućnosti ima vezivnu grupu između navedenog helatora i navedene biološki aktivne grupe.1. A radiopharmaceutical, characterized in that it contains a first ancillary ligand, a second ancillary ligand capable of stabilizing the radiopharmaceutical, a transition metal radionuclide, a transition metal chelator, a biologically active group connected to said chelator, which preferably has a binding group between said chelator and said biologically active groups. 2. Radiofarmaceutik iz Zahtjeva 1 naznačen time, da ima vezivnu grupu između navedenog helatora i navedene biološki aktivne grupe.2. The radiopharmaceutical from Claim 1 characterized in that it has a binding group between the specified chelator and the specified biologically active group. 3. Radiofarmaceutik iz Zahtjeva 2 formule: [(Q)d'-Ln-Ch]x-Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z i njegove farmaceutski prihvatljive soli naznačen time, da je Q je biološki aktivna grupa; d' je 1 do 20; Ln je vezivna grupa formule: M1-[Y1(CR55R56)f(Z1)f''Y2]f-M2, pri čemu M1 je - [(CH2)gZ1]g,-(CR55R56)g„ -; M2 je - (CR55R56)g''-[Z1(CH2)g]g, -; g je neovisno 0-10; g' je neovisno 0-1; g" je neovisno 0-10; f je neovisno 0-10; f' je neovisno 0-10; f'' je neovisno 0-1; Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: veze, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; Z1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz C6-C14 zasićenog, djelomično zasićenog ili aromatskog karbocikličkog prstenastog sustava, zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; i heterocikličkog prstenastog sustava, po mogućnosti zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: vodika, C1C10 alkila zamijenjenog s 0-5 R57, alkarila naznačenog time, da je aril zamijenjen s 0-5 R57; R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupervodik, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C(=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58, C=N, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58, NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, ili, isto tako, kada je povezan s dodatnom molekulom Q, R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: O, NR58, C=O, C (=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC (=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NW)2C=S; i R58 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C6 alkil, benzil, i fenil; x, y i z su neovisno 1 ili 2; Mt je tranzicijski metalni radionuklid izabran iz grupe: 99mTc, 186Re i 188Re; Ch. je radionuklidni metalni helator usklađen s tranzicijskim metalnim radionuklidom Mt, i neovisno je izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: R40N = N+ = , R40R41N-N = , i R40N = N(H)-; naznačen time, da R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, cikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterocikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aralkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52 i alkaril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53, -C(=O)N(R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, -NR53C(=O)R53, -N(R53)3+, -NR54C(=O)OR53a, -NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -SR53, -S(=O)R53a, -SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -C(=NH)NHR53, =N O R53, NO2, -C(=O)NHOR53, -C(=O)NHNR53R53a, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morfolino)etoksi; R53, R53a, i R54 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C6 alkil, i veza s Ln; AL1 je prvi ancilarni ligand izabran iz grupe: dioksigen ligand i funkcionalizirani aminokarboksilat; AL2 je ancilarni ligand sposoban da stabilizira radiofarmaceutik izabrano iz grupe: [image] naznačene time, da n je 0 ili 1; X1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64 i N; X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O i S; X3 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: C, CR64, i N; pod uvjetom da je ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu liganda AL2 od 1 do 4; Y je izabran iz grupe: BR64-, CR64, (P=O), (P=S); i a, b, c, d, e i f označavaju mjesto mogućih dvostrukih veza, pod uvjetom da je e ili f dvostuka veza; R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H, (C1-C10alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkinil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, R65; ili, isto tako, dva R64 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, -karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66)2, -N(R66)3+, -CH2OR66, -OC(=0)R66, -OC(=O)OR66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O)R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a, -NR66C(=O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N (R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, - SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, - N(R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; i R66, R66a i R67 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C6alkil.3. Radiopharmaceutical from Requirement 2 formula: [(Q)d'-Ln-Ch]x-Mt(AL1)y(AL2)z and its pharmaceutically acceptable salts, characterized in that Q is a biologically active group; d' is 1 to 20; Ln is the linking group of the formula: M1-[Y1(CR55R56)f(Z1)f''Y2]f-M2, whereby M1 is - [(CH2)gZ1]g,-(CR55R56)g„ -; M2 is - (CR55R56)g''-[Z1(CH2)g]g, -; g is independently 0-10; g' is independently 0-1; g" is independently 0-10; f is independently 0-10; f' is independently 0-10; f'' is independently 0-1; Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from: bonds, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; Z 1 is independently selected at each occurrence from a C 6 -C 14 saturated, partially saturated or aromatic carbocyclic ring system, substituted with 0-4 R 57 ; and heterocyclic ring system, preferably substituted with 0-4 R57; R55 and R56 are independently selected at each occurrence from: hydrogen, C1C10 alkyl substituted with 0-5 R57, alkaryl wherein the aryl is substituted with 0-5 R57; R57 is independently selected at each occurrence from hydrogen groups, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C(=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58, C =N, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58, NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, or, likewise, when linked to an additional molecule Q, R57 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: O, NR58, C=O, C (=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC (=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NW)2C=S; and R 58 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, benzyl, and phenyl; x, y and z are independently 1 or 2; Mt is a transition metal radionuclide selected from the group: 99mTc, 186Re and 188Re; Ch. is a radionuclide metal chelator aligned with the transition metal radionuclide Mt, and is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: R40N = N+ = , R40R41N-N = , and R40N = N(H)-; indicated by that R40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, aryl substituted with 0-3 R52, cycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , aralkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , and alkaryl substituted with 0-3 R 52 ; R 41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, aryl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , C 1 -C 10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R 52 ; R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53, -C(=O)N(R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, - NR53C(=O)R53, -N(R53)3+, -NR54C(=O)OR53a, -NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -SR53, -S(=O)R53a, -SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -C(=NH)NHR53, =N O R53, NO2, -C(=O)NHOR53, -C(=O) NHNR53R53a, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morpholino)ethoxy; R53, R53a, and R54 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C1-C6 alkyl, and a bond with Ln; AL1 is the first ancillary ligand selected from the group: dioxygen ligand and functionalized aminocarboxylate; AL2 is an ancillary ligand capable of stabilizing a radiopharmaceutical selected from the group: [image] indicated by that n is 0 or 1; X1 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64 and N; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O and S; X3 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: C, CR64, and N; provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the AL2 ligand is from 1 to 4; Y is selected from the group: BR64-, CR64, (P=O), (P=S); and a, b, c, d, e and f indicate the location of possible double bonds, provided that e or f is a double bond; R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H, (C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkynyl substituted with 0-3 R65, aryl substituted with 0-3 R65, carbocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R 65 , R 65 ; or, likewise, two R 64 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, -carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring substituted by 0-3 R 65 ; R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66)2, -N(R66)3+ , -CH2OR66, -OC(=0)R66, -OC(=O)OR66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O)R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a , -NR66C(=O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N (R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, - SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, - N(R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; and R 66 , R 66a and R 67 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C 1 -C 6 alkyl. 4. Radiofarmaceutik iz Zahtjeva 3 naznačen time, da Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIIa antagonisti receptora, IIb/IIIa ligandi receptora, peptidi koji se vežu za fibrin, peptidi koji se vežu za leukocit, kemotaktični peptidi, analozi somatostatina i peptidi koji se vežu za selektin; d' je 1 do 3; Ln je- (CR55R56)g''-[Y1(CR55R56)f'Y2]f'-(CR55R56)g'' naznačen time, da g" je 0-5; f je 0-5; f' je 1-5; Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C(=O)NH, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: vodika, C1-C10 alkila i alkarila; x i y su 1; Mt je99mTc; Ch je izabran iz grupe: R40N = N+= i R40R41N-N = ; naznačen time, da R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R52, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R52; R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln,-CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -OCH2CO2H; R53 i R53a su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C3 alkil; AL1 je funkcionaliziran aminokarboksilat; n je 0; Y je BR64-; R64je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, i R65; ili, isto tako, dva R65 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, i -OCH2CO2H; i R66 je vodik. 4. The radiopharmaceutical from Claim 3 indicated that Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists, IIb/IIIa receptor ligands, fibrin-binding peptides, leukocyte-binding peptides, chemotactic peptides, somatostatin analogs, and selectin-binding peptides; d' is 1 to 3; Ln is - (CR55R56)g''-[Y1(CR55R56)f'Y2]f'-(CR55R56)g'' indicated by that g" is 0-5; f is 0-5; f' is 1-5; Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C(=O)NH, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH) 2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; R 55 and R 56 are independently selected at each occurrence from: hydrogen, C 1 -C 10 alkyl and alkaryl; x and y are 1; Mt is 99mTc; Ch is selected from the group: R40N = N+= and R40R41N-N = ; indicated by that R 40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: aryl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R 52 ; R 41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, aryl substituted with 0-1 R 52 , C 1 -C 3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R 52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R 52 ; R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln, -CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, - OCH2CO2H; R 53 and R 53a are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C 1 -C 3 alkyl; AL1 is a functionalized aminocarboxylate; n is 0; Y is BR64-; R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H, C1-C3 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R65, aryl substituted with 0-3 R65, and R65; or, likewise, two R 65 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring replaced by 0-3 R 65 ; R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, and -OCH2CO2H; and R66 is hydrogen. 5. Radiofarmaceutik iz Zahtjeva 4 naznačen time, da Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIIa antagonisti receptora i kemotaktički peptidi; d' je 1; Y1 i Y2 su pri svakom pojavljivanju neovisno izabrani iz: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, NHC(=O), (NH)2C(=O); R55 i R56 su vodik; z je 1; R40 je heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R52; R41 je vodik; R52 je veza s Ln AL1 je tricin; X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64 i O; X3 je N; pod uvjetom da je ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu liganda AL2 do 3; R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grune: H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R65; i R65; R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, i -SO3H.5. The radiopharmaceutical from Claim 4, characterized in that Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists and chemotactic peptides; d' is 1; Y1 and Y2 are independently selected at each occurrence from: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, NHC(=O), (NH)2C(=O); R55 and R56 are hydrogen; z is 1; R40 is a heterocyclic compound substituted with R52; R41 is hydrogen; R52 is a connection with Ln AL1 is tricine; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64 and O; X 3 is N; provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the ligand is AL2 to 3; R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the pool: H, C1-C3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R65, aryl substituted with 0-1 R65; and R65; R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, and -SO3H. 6. Radiofarmaceutik iz Zahtjeva 3 naznačen time, da Q je [image] d' je 1; Ln je vezan za Q u ugljikovom atomu označenom s * i ima formulu: -(C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-; [image] vezan je za Ln u ugljikovom atomu označenom s *; Mt je 99mTc; AL1 je tricin; x, y i z su 1; i AL2 je izabran iz grupe: [image] [image] 6. The radiopharmaceutical from Claim 3, characterized in that Q is [image] d' is 1; Ln is bound to Q in the carbon atom marked with * and has the formula: -(C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-; [image] it is attached to Ln in the carbon atom marked with *; Mt is 99mTc; AL1 is tricine; x, y and z are 1; and AL2 is selected from the group: [image] [image] 7. Postupak radiodijagnosticiranja stanja sisavca koji obuhvaća (i) primjenu djelotvorne količine radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavcaT i (ii) prikazivanje stanja sisavca korištenjem radiodijagnosticirajućeg aparata.7. The procedure for radiodiagnosing the condition of a mammal, which includes (i) applying an effective amount of radiopharmaceuticals from Claims 1-6 to said mammalT and (ii) showing the condition of the mammal using a radiodiagnostic device. 8. Postupak prikazivanja mjesta odlaganja trombocita u sisavcu pomoću radiodijagnostike, koji obuhvaća (i) primjenu djelotvorne količine radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavca, i (ii) prikazivanje stanja sisavca korištenjem radiodijagnosticirajućeg aparata.8. Procedure for showing the place of platelet deposition in a mammal using radiodiagnostics, which includes (i) applying an effective amount of radiopharmaceuticals from Claims 1-6 to said mammal, and (ii) showing the state of the mammal using a radiodiagnostic apparatus. 9. Postupak određivanja odlaganja trombocita u sisavcu koji obuhvaća primjenu radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavca i dijagnosticiranje stanja dotičnog sisavca.9. The procedure for determining the deposition of platelets in a mammal, which includes the application of radiopharmaceuticals from Claims 1-6 to the mentioned mammal and diagnosing the condition of the mammal in question. 10. Postupak dijagnosticiranja poremećaja povezanog s odlaganjem trombocita u sisavcu koji obuhvaća primjenu radiofarmaceutika iz Zahtjeva 1-6 na spomenutog sisavca, i dijagnosticiranje stanja dotičnog sisavca.10. A method of diagnosing a disorder associated with platelet deposition in a mammal comprising administering a radiopharmaceutical from Claims 1-6 to said mammal, and diagnosing the condition of said mammal. 11. Pribor za pripremanje radiofarmaceutika obuhvaća: (a) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog reagensa formule: (Q)d'Ln-Ch; (b) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog prvog ancilarnog liganda, AL1, izabranog iz grupe: dioksigenog liganda i funkcionaliziranogaminokarboksilata; (c) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog liganda, AL2, izabranog iz grupe: [image] (d) prethodno određenu količinu sterilnog, farmaceutski prihvatljivog reducirajućeg agensa; i (e) po mogućnosti, prethodno određenu količinu jednog ili više sterilnih, farmaceutski prihvatljivih sastojaka izabranih iz grupe: transferni ligandi, puferi, sredstva za liofilizaciju, sredstva za stabilizaciju, sredstva za otapljanje i bakteriostati; naznačeno time, da Q je biološki aktivna molekula; d' je 1 do 20; Ln je vezivna grupa formule: M1-[Y1 (CR55R56)f(Z1)f''-Y2]f'M2, naznačene time, da M1 je - [(CH2)gZ1]g'-(CR55R56)g''-; M2 je -(CR55R56)g''-[Z1(CH2)g]g'-; g je neovisno 0-10; g' je neovisno 0-1; g'' je neovisno 0-10; f je neovisno 0-10; f' je neovisno 0-10; f'' je neovisno 0-1; Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: veze, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; Z1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz C6-C14 zasićenog, djelomično zasićenog ili aromatskog karbocikličkog prstenastog sustava, zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; i heterocikličkog prstenastog sustava, po izboru zamijenjenog s 0-4 R57; R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: vodika; C1-C10 alkila zamijenjenog s 0-5 R57, alkarila naznačenog time, da je aril zamijenjen s 0-5 R57; R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C (=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58, C=N, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58, NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, ili, isto tako, kada je povezan s dodatnom molekulom Q, R57 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: O, NR58, C=O, C (=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC (=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; i R58 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik, C1-C6alkil, benzil, i fenil; Ch. je radionuklidni metalni helator izabran iz grupe: R40R41N-N=C(C1-C3 alkil)2 i R40NNH2- i R40R41N-N=CR80R81 naznačen time, da R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, cikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, heterocikloalkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, aralkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52 i alkaril zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, C1-C10alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln, =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53, -C(=O)N(R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, -NR53C(=O)R53, -N(R53)3+, -NR54C(=O)OR53a, -NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -SR53, -S(=O)R53a, -SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -C(=NH)NHR53, = N O R53, NO2, -C(=O)NHOR53, -C(=O)NHNR53R53a, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morfolino)etoksi; R53, R53a, i R54 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: odik, C1-C6 alkil, i veza s Ln; R80 i R81 neovisno su izabrani iz grupe: H, C1-C10 alkil, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, C2-C10 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, C2-C10 1-alkin zamijenjen s 0-3R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, nezasićen heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, i nezasićen karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, pod uvjetom da kada je jedan od R80 i R81 H ili alkil, tada drugi nije H ili alkil; ili, isto tako, R80 i R81 mogu biti uzeti zajedno s prikazanim divalentnim ugljikovim radikalom pri čemu tvore: [image] naznačen time, da R82 i R83 mogu biti neovisno izabrani iz grupe: H, R84, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, C2-C10 alkenil zamijenjen s 0-3R84, C2-C10 alkinil zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84 i karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84; ili, isto tako, R82 i R83 mogu biti uzeti zajedno i tvoriti fuzionirani aromatični ili heterociklički prsten; R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -N(R85)3+-CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OC(=O)OR85a, -OR85, -OC(=O)N(R85)2, -NR85C(=O)R85, -NR86C(=O)OR85a, -NR85C(=O)N(R85)2, -NR86SO2N(R85)2, -NR86SO2 R85a, -SO3H, -SO2R85a, -SR85, -S(=O) R85a, -SO2N(R85)2, -N(R85)2, -NHC( = NH)NHR85, -C(=NH)NHR85, = NOR85, -C(=O)NHOR85, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morfolino)etoksi; i R85, R85a, i R86 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C6 alkil. X1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64 i N; X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O i S; X3 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: C, CR64 i N; Y je izabran iz grupe: BR64- CR64, (P=O), (P=S); pod uvjetom daje ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu heterocikličkog spoja 1 do 4; R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H, C1-C10 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenjl zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkinil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65 aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, karbociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R65 i R65; ili, isto tako, dva R64 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten, zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66)2, -N(R66)3+, -CH2OR66, -OC(=O)R66, -OC(=O)OR66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O)R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a, -NR66C(-O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N(R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, -SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, -N(R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; i R66, R66a i R67 su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C6 alkil. n je 0 ili 1; i a, b, c, d, e i f označavaju mjesta mogućih dvostrukih veza, pod uvjetom da je jedna od njih e ili f.11. Accessories for preparing radiopharmaceuticals include: (a) a previously determined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable reagent of the formula: (Q)d'Ln-Ch; (b) a predetermined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable first ancillary ligand, AL1, selected from the group: dioxygen ligand and functionalized gaminocarboxylate; (c) a predetermined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable ligand, AL2, selected from the group: [image] (d) a predetermined amount of a sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable reducing agent; and (e) preferably, a predetermined amount of one or more sterile, pharmaceutically acceptable ingredients selected from the group: transfer ligands, buffers, lyophilizing agents, stabilizing agents, solubilizing agents and bacteriostats; indicated by that Q is a biologically active molecule; d' is 1 to 20; Ln is the linking group of the formula: M1-[Y1 (CR55R56)f(Z1)f''-Y2]f'M2, indicated by that M1 is - [(CH2)gZ1]g'-(CR55R56)g''-; M2 is -(CR55R56)g''-[Z1(CH2)g]g'-; g is independently 0-10; g' is independently 0-1; g'' is independently 0-10; f is independently 0-10; f' is independently 0-10; f'' is independently 0-1; Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from: bonds, O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH-C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), ( NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; Z 1 is independently selected at each occurrence from a C 6 -C 14 saturated, partially saturated or aromatic carbocyclic ring system, substituted with 0-4 R 57 ; and a heterocyclic ring system, optionally substituted with 0-4 R57; R55 and R56 are independently selected at each occurrence from: hydrogen; C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-5 R57, alkaryl wherein the aryl is substituted with 0-5 R57; R57 was independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, OH, NHR58, C (=O)R58, OC (=O)R58, OC(=O)OR58, C (=O)OR58, C (=O)NR58, C=N, SR58, SOR58, SO2R58 , NHC (=O)R58, NHC (=O)NHR58, NHC(=S)NHR58, or, likewise, when linked to an additional molecule Q, R57 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: O, NR58, C=O, C (=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)N, C=NR58, S, SO, SO2, SO3 , NHC (=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; and R 58 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, benzyl, and phenyl; Ch. is a radionuclide metal chelator selected from the group: R40R41N-N=C(C1-C3 alkyl)2 and R40NNH2- and R40R41N-N=CR80R81 indicated that R40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, aryl substituted with 0-3 R52, cycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R52, heterocycloalkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , aralkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , and alkaryl substituted with 0-3 R 52 ; R 41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, alkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , C 1 -C 10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R 52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R 52 ; R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln, =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R53, -C(=O)R53, -C(=O)N( R53)2, -CHO, -CH2OR53, -OC(=O)R53, -OC(=O)OR53a, -OR53, -OC(=O)N(R53)2, -NR53C(=O)R53, - N(R53)3+, -NR54C(=O)OR53a, -NR53C(=O)N(R53)2, -NR54SO2N(R53)2, -NR54SO2 R53a, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -SR53, -S( =O)R53a, -SO2N(R53)2, -N(R53)2, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, -C(=NH)NHR53, = N O R53, NO2, -C(=O)NHOR53, - C(=O)NHNR53R53a, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morpholino)ethoxy; R 53 , R 53a , and R 54 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group consisting of: alkyl, C 1 -C 6 alkyl, and a bond with Ln; R80 and R81 are independently selected from the group: H, C1-C10 alkyl, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, C2-C10 1-alkene substituted with 0-3 R84, C2-C10 1 -alkyne substituted with 0-3R84, aryl substituted with 0-3 R84, unsaturated heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R84, and unsaturated carbocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R84, provided that when one of R80 and R81 is H or alkyl , then the other is not H or alkyl; or, likewise, R80 and R81 may be taken together with the divalent carbon radical shown to form: [image] indicated by that R82 and R83 may be independently selected from the group: H, R84, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R84, C2-C10 alkenyl substituted with 0-3R84, C2-C10 alkynyl substituted with 0-3 R84, aryl substituted with 0-3 R84, heterocyclic compound substituted with 0- 3 R84 and carbocyclic compound replaced by 0-3 R84; or, likewise, R82 and R83 may be taken together to form a fused aromatic or heterocyclic ring; R84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -CO2R85, -C(=O)R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -N(R85)3+-CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OC(=O)OR85a, -OR85, -OC(=O)N(R85)2, -NR85C(=O)R85, - NR86C(=O)OR85a, -NR85C(=O)N(R85)2, -NR86SO2N(R85)2, -NR86SO2 R85a, -SO3H, -SO2R85a, -SR85, -S(=O) R85a, -SO2N( R85)2, -N(R85)2, -NHC( = NH)NHR85, -C(=NH)NHR85, = NOR85, -C(=O)NHOR85, -OCH2CO2H, 2-(1-morpholino)ethoxy; and R85, R85a, and R86 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C1-C6 alkyl. X1 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64 and N; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O and S; X3 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: C, CR64 and N; Y is selected from the group: BR64- CR64, (P=O), (P=S); provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the heterocyclic compound 1 to 4; R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H, C1-C10 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkenyl substituted with 0-3 R65, C2-C10 alkynyl substituted with 0-3 R65 aryl substituted with 0-3 R65, carbocyclic compound substituted with 0-3 R65 and R65; or, likewise, two R64 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring, replaced by 0-3 R65; R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: =O, F, Cl, Br, I, -CF3, -CN, -NO2, -CO2R66, -C(=O)R66, -C(=O)N(R66 )2, -N(R66)3+, -CH2OR66, -OC(=O)R66, -OC(=O)OR66a, -OR66, -OC(=O)N(R66)2, -NR66C(=O )R66, -NR67C(=O)OR66a, -NR66C(-O)N(R66)2, -NR67SO2N(R66)2, -NR67SO2 R66a, -SO3H, -SO2R66a, -SO2N(R66)2, -N( R66)2, -OCH2CO2H; and R66, R66a and R67 are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C1-C6 alkyl. n is 0 or 1; and a, b, c, d, e and f denote the sites of possible double bonds, provided that one of them is e or f. 12. Pribor iz Zahtjeva 11, naznačen time, da AL1 je funkcionalizirani aminokarboksilat; Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIIa antagonisti receptora, IIb/IIIa ligandi receptora, peptidi koji se vežu za fibrin, peptidi koji se vežu za leukocit, kemotaktični pepitdi, analozi somatostatina i peptidi koji se vežu za selektin; d1 je 1 do 3; Ln je: -(CR55R56)g„ -[Y1(CR55R56)fY2]f'-(CR55R56)g'' -naznačen time, da g" je 0-5; f je 0-5; f' je 1-5; Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; R55 i R56 su neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz: vodika, C1-C10 alkila i alkarila; R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: aril zamijenjen s 0-3R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R52; R41 je neovisno izabran iz grupe: vodik, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R52, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R52, i heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R52; R52 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: veza s Ln, -CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, i -OCH2CO2H; R53 i R53a su svaki neovisno izabrani pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C3 alkil; R80 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, C2-C5 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, C2-C5 1-alkin zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R84, i nezasićen heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-3 R84 R81 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H i C1-C5 alkil; ili, isto tako, R80 i R81 mogu se koristiti skupa s prikazanim divalentnim ugljikovim radikalom s kojim tvore: [image] naznačen time, da R82 i R83 mogu biti neovisno izabrani iz grupe: H i R84; ili, isto tako, R82, R83 mogu se uzeti zajedno i tvoriti fuzionirani aromatični ili heterociklički prsten; R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OR85, -SO3H, -N(R85)2, i -OCH2CO2H; R85 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i C1-C3 alkil. Y je BR64-; R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-3 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-3 R65 i R65; ili, isto tako, dva R64 mogu se uzeti zajedno s atomom ili atomima s kojima su povezani i s kojima tvore fuzionirani aromatski, karbociklički ili heterociklički prsten zamijenjen s 0-3 R65; R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, i -OCH2CO2H; R66 je vodik; i n je 0.12. Accessory from Claim 11, indicated that AL1 is a functionalized aminocarboxylate; Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists, IIb/IIIa receptor ligands, fibrin-binding peptides, leukocyte-binding peptides, chemotactic peptides, somatostatin analogs, and selectin-binding peptides; d1 is 1 to 3; Ln is: -(CR55R56)g„ -[Y1(CR55R56)fY2]f'-(CR55R56)g'' - indicated that g" is 0-5; f is 0-5; f' is 1-5; Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, S, SO, SO2, SO3, NHC(=O), (NH) 2C (=O), (NH)2C=S; R 55 and R 56 are independently selected at each occurrence from: hydrogen, C 1 -C 10 alkyl and alkaryl; R40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: aryl substituted with 0-3R52, and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-3R52; R 41 is independently selected from the group: hydrogen, aryl substituted with 0-1 R 52 , C 1 -C 3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R 52 , and heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R 52 ; R52 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: bond with Ln, -CO2R53, -CH2OR53, -SO3H, -SO2R53a, -N(R53)2, -N(R53)3+, -NHC(=NH)NHR53, and -OCH2CO2H; R53 and R53a are each independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C1-C3 alkyl; R80 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO2R85, C2-C5 1-alkene substituted with 0-3 R84, C2-C5 1-alkyne substituted with 0-3 R84, aryl substituted with 0-3 R84, and unsaturated heterocyclic joint replaced with 0-3 R84 R 81 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H and C 1 -C 5 alkyl; or, likewise, R80 and R81 can be used together with the shown divalent carbon radical with which they form: [image] indicated by that R82 and R83 may be independently selected from the group: H and R84; or, likewise, R82, R83 may be taken together to form a fused aromatic or heterocyclic ring; R84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO2R85, -C(=O)N(R85)2, -CH2OR85, -OC(=O)R85, -OR85, -SO3H, -N(R85)2, and -OCH2CO2H; R85 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and C1-C3 alkyl. Y is BR64-; R 64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H, C 1 -C 3 alkyl substituted with 0-3 R 65 , aryl substituted with 0-3 R 65 and R 65 ; or, likewise, two R 64 may be taken together with the atom or atoms to which they are linked and with which they form a fused aromatic, carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring substituted by 0-3 R 65 ; R65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, -SO3H, and -OCH2CO2H; R66 is hydrogen; and n is 0. 13. Pribor iz Zahtjeva 11, naznačen time, da AL1 je tricin; Q je biološki aktivna molekula izabrana iz grupe: IIb/IIIa antagonisti receptora, i kemotaktični peptidi; d' je 1; Y1 i Y2, pri svakom pojavljivanju, su neovisno izabrani iz: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=0); R55 i R56 su vodik; R40 je heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R52; R41 je vodik; R52 je veza s Ln; R80 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, C2-C3 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-1 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R84, i nezasićen heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R84; R81 jeH; R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, -OR85, -SO3H, i -N(R85)2; R85 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i metil; X1 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64 i N; X2 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O i S; X3 je N; Y je BR64-; pod uvjetom da je ukupni broj heteroatoma u svakom prstenu liganda AL1 2 do 3; R64 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: H, C1-C3 alkil zamijenjen s 0-1 R65, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R65, i R65; R65 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: NO2, -CO2R66, -OR66, i SO3H; R66 je vodik; n je O; i a, b, c, d, e i f označava mjesto moguće dvostruke veze, pod uvjetom da je jedan od e i f dvostruka veza.13. Accessories from Claim 11, indicated that AL1 is tricine; Q is a biologically active molecule selected from the group: IIb/IIIa receptor antagonists, and chemotactic peptides; d' is 1; Y1 and Y2, at each occurrence, are independently selected from: O, NR56, C=O, C(=O)O, OC (=O)O, C (=O)NH, C=NR56, NHC(=O), (NH)2C (=0); R55 and R56 are hydrogen; R40 is a heterocyclic compound substituted with R52; R41 is hydrogen; R52 is a bond with Ln; R80 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO2R85, C2-C3 1-alkene substituted with 0-1 R84, aryl substituted with 0-1 R84, and unsaturated heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R84; R81 is H; R 84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO 2 R 85 , -OR 85 , -SO 3 H, and -N(R 85 ) 2 ; R85 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and methyl; X1 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64 and N; X2 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: CR64, CR64R64, N, NR64, O and S; X 3 is N; Y is BR64-; provided that the total number of heteroatoms in each ring of the AL1 ligand is 2 to 3; R64 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: H, C 1 -C 3 alkyl substituted with 0-1 R 65 , aryl substituted with 0-1 R 65 , and R 65 ; R 65 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: NO 2 , -CO 2 R 66 , -OR 66 , and SO 3 H; R66 is hydrogen; n is O; and a, b, c, d, e and f indicate the site of a possible double bond, provided that one of e and f is a double bond. 14. Pribor iz Zahtjeva 11, naznačen time, da AL2 je izabran iz grupe: [image] Q je [image] d'je 1; Ln je vezan za Q pomoću ugljikovog atoma označenog s * i ima formulu: -(C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-; Ch je izabran iz R40NNH2- i R40R41N-N=CR80R81, naznačen time, da R40 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s R52; R41 je vodik; R52 je veza s Ln; R80 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, C2-C3 1-alken zamijenjen s 0-1 R84, aril zamijenjen s 0-1 R84 i nezasićen heterociklički spoj zamijenjen s 0-1 R84; R81 je H; R84 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: -CO2R85, -OR85, SO3H, i-N(R85)2; R85 je neovisno izabran pri svakom pojavljivanju iz grupe: vodik i metil.14. Accessories from Claim 11, indicated that AL2 is selected from the group: [image] Q is [image] d'is 1; Ln is attached to Q by means of a carbon atom marked with * and has the formula: -(C=O)NH(CH2)5C(=O)NH-; Ch is selected from R40NNH2- and R40R41N-N=CR80R81, indicated that R 40 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: heterocyclic compound substituted with R 52 ; R41 is hydrogen; R52 is a bond with Ln; R 80 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO 2 R 85 , C 2 -C 3 1-alkene substituted with 0-1 R 84 , aryl substituted with 0-1 R 84 , and unsaturated heterocyclic compound substituted with 0-1 R 84 ; R81 is H; R 84 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: -CO 2 R 85 , -OR 85 , SO 3 H, and -N(R 85 ) 2 ; R85 is independently selected at each occurrence from the group: hydrogen and methyl.
HRP970139 1996-03-13 1997-03-12 New ternary radiopharmaceutical complexes HRP970139A2 (en)

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