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HRP960562A2 - Method for replacing slip rings - Google Patents

Method for replacing slip rings Download PDF


Publication number
HRP960562A2 HR19545142.2A HRP960562A HRP960562A2 HR P960562 A2 HRP960562 A2 HR P960562A2 HR P960562 A HRP960562 A HR P960562A HR P960562 A2 HRP960562 A2 HR P960562A2
Prior art keywords
contact rings
clamping joint
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Croatian (hr)
Werner Haditsch
Original Assignee
Abb Management Ag
Asea Brown Boveri
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Application filed by Abb Management Ag, Asea Brown Boveri filed Critical Abb Management Ag
Publication of HRP960562A2 publication Critical patent/HRP960562A2/en



    • H01R43/00Apparatus or processes specially adapted for manufacturing, assembling, maintaining, or repairing of line connectors or current collectors or for joining electric conductors
    • H01R43/14Maintenance of current collectors, e.g. reshaping of brushes, cleaning of commutators


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Manufacturing & Machinery (AREA)
  • Manufacture Of Motors, Generators (AREA)
  • Motor Or Generator Current Collectors (AREA)
  • Shafts, Cranks, Connecting Bars, And Related Bearings (AREA)
  • General Factory Administration (AREA)
  • Winding, Rewinding, Material Storage Devices (AREA)
  • Control Of Heat Treatment Processes (AREA)
  • Manufacturing Of Electrical Connectors (AREA)


Tehničko područje Technical area

Pronalazak se odnosi na postupak obnavljanja kontaktnih prstenova sinhronih električnih strojeva. The invention relates to the process of renewing the contact rings of synchronous electric machines.

Tehnološka pozadina i stanje tehnike Technological background and state of the art

Kontaktni prstenovi sinhronih električnih strojeva, npr. turbogeneratora sastoje se u normalnom slučaju od, u paru raspoređenih čeličnih prstenova. Oni se ili, izolirano navlače na tuljak kontaktnog prstena ili izravno na vratilo rotora (vidjeti Wiedemann/Kellenberger "Konstrukcija električnih strojeva", Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1967, str. 392, 393). The contact rings of synchronous electric machines, eg turbogenerators, normally consist of steel rings arranged in pairs. They are either wound in isolation on the contact ring sleeve or directly on the rotor shaft (see Wiedemann/Kellenberger "Construction of Electrical Machines", Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1967, pp. 392, 393).

Kontaktni prstenovi brzohodnih strojeva nužno su podvrgnuti trošenju. Njihova zamjena je relativno skupa. The contact rings of high-speed machines are necessarily subject to wear. Their replacement is relatively expensive.

Kratak prikaz pronalaska Brief description of the invention

Zadaća je pronalaska predložiti postupak obnavljanja kontaktnih prstenova koji se kao prvo može jednostavno provesti, a kojim se s druge strane produžuje vijek trajanja i poboljšavaju svojstva prenosa električne struje. The task of the invention is to propose a procedure for renewing the contact rings which, first of all, can be easily carried out, and which, on the other hand, extends the service life and improves the properties of electric current transmission.

Ova se zadaća može prema pronalasku riješiti slijedećim tehnološkim operacijama: According to the invention, this task can be solved by the following technological operations:

a) Obrada skidanjem strugotine oba kontaktna prstena na vratilu, skidanja kontaktnih prstenova sa vratila, u svrhu dobivanja tuljka kontaktnog prstena, i to na polumjeru za koji se preporučuje da je 30 do 40 mm manji od nazivnog polumjera kontaktnog prstena; a) Processing by removing the shavings of both contact rings on the shaft, removing the contact rings from the shaft, in order to obtain the contact ring sleeve, with a radius that is recommended to be 30 to 40 mm smaller than the nominal contact ring radius;

b) Zagrijavanje i nakon toga navlačenje novih kontaktnih prstenova izrađenih od visokočvrste Ce-Ni-Be legure, na površine steznog spoja tuljaka kontaktnih prstenova, pripremljene prema operaciji a), na strani stroja koja nije pogonska; b) Heating and then putting on new contact rings made of high-strength Ce-Ni-Be alloy, on the surfaces of the clamping joint of the sleeve of the contact rings, prepared according to operation a), on the side of the machine that is not driven;

c) Pretokarivanje površina kontaktnog prstena, novo navučenih kontaktnih prstenova, na nazivni polumjer. c) Re-rolling of the surfaces of the contact ring, newly drawn contact rings, to the nominal radius.

Postupak prema pronalasku pruža mogućnost ekonomičnog obnavljanja kontaktnih prstenova i time produženje vijeka trajanja (novih) kontaktnih prstenova, jer oni osim većeg strujnog opterećenja imaju i bolja radna svojstva. Ovdje pronalazak pruža daljnje prednosti: The method according to the invention provides the possibility of economical renewal of contact rings and thereby extending the service life of (new) contact rings, because they have better working properties in addition to higher current load. Here the invention provides further advantages:

- Smanjuju se gubici u prenosu struje i povećava se izdržljivost četkica. - Losses in current transmission are reduced and durability of the brushes is increased.

- Povećava se opteretivost četkica. Kod toga se može smanjiti potreban broj četkica po polaritetu. Time se postiže daljnje smanjenje utroška četkica. Osim toga, time se povećava površina kontaktnih prstenova, nepokrivena od ugljenih četkica. Kontaktni prstenovi će se zbog toga bolje hladiti a njihova temperatura sniziti, što opet povoljno djeluje na radna svojstva kontaktnih prstenova. - The load capacity of the brushes increases. In this case, the required number of brushes per polarity can be reduced. This further reduces the consumption of brushes. In addition, this increases the surface of the contact rings, not covered by the carbon brushes. As a result, the contact rings will cool better and their temperature will decrease, which again has a favorable effect on the working properties of the contact rings.

- Kod rada kontaktnih prstenova u zatvorenom kružnom toku hlađenja, zbog smanjenog trošenja ugljenih četkica postiže se manja zaprljanost filtera, a time i njegova veća izdržljivost. - When the contact rings work in a closed cooling circuit, due to the reduced wear of the carbon brushes, the filter becomes less dirty, and thus its durability is greater.

- Osim toga, zbog smanjenih ukupnih gubitaka, postižu se i niže temperature dimnih plinova, a time i smanjeni učinci povratnog hlađenja. - In addition, due to reduced total losses, lower flue gas temperatures are achieved, and thus reduced effects of reverse cooling.

- Kod opremanja postojećih postrojenja možda će se pronalaskom moći zajamčiti povećana potrebna pobudna struja. - When equipping existing plants, the invention may be able to guarantee an increased required excitation current.

Izvedbeni primjeri pronalaska, kao i s time postizive prednosti, u daljnjem će se tekstu pobliže objasniti na osnovi crteža. Exemplary examples of the invention, as well as the advantages achieved with it, will be explained in more detail in the following text on the basis of the drawings.

Kratak opis crteža Brief description of the drawing

Na crtežima su shematski prikazani izvedbeni primjeri pronalaska, i to kako slijedi: The drawings schematically show embodiments of the invention, as follows:

Sl. 1 uzdužni presjek završetka vratila turbogeneratora, strane koja nije pogonska, s dva čelična kontaktna prstena; Sl. 1 longitudinal section of the end of the turbogenerator shaft, non-drive side, with two steel contact rings;

Sl. 2 uzdužni presjek završetka vratila turbogeneratora prema sl. 1, strane koja nije pogonska, nakon pretokarivanja čeličnih kontaktnih prstenova i navlačenja novih kontaktnih prstenova; Sl. 2 longitudinal section of the end of the turbogenerator shaft according to Fig. 1, non-drive side, after re-rolling of the steel contact rings and putting on new contact rings;

Sl. 3 promjena izvedbenog oblika prema sl. 2, s kontaktnim prstenovima koji se sastoje od dva pojedinačna prstena; Sl. 3 variation of the embodiment according to Fig. 2, with contact rings consisting of two individual rings;

Sl. 4 daljnja promjena izvedbenog oblika prema sl. 2, sa stupnjevanim površinama steznog spoja, u mjerilu povećanomu odnosu na sl. 2; Sl. 4 a further change of the design according to Fig. 2, with graduated surfaces of the clamping joint, on a larger scale compared to Fig. 2;

Sl. 5 poseban, preporučeni, izvedbeni oblik pronalaska, s kontaktnim prstenovima koji se sastoje od dva pojedinačna prstena s različitim površinama steznog spoja, i koji su pričvršćeni na komplementarne, u tu svrhu stupnjevanepovršine steznog spoja, na čeličnim prstenovima. Sl. 5 a special, recommended, embodiment of the invention, with contact rings consisting of two individual rings with different clamping joint surfaces, and which are attached to complementary, for this purpose ungraded clamping joint surfaces, on steel rings.

Načini izvođenja pronalaska Methods of carrying out the invention

Na završetku vratila strane koja nije pogonska (NS), nekog turbogeneratora, dva čelična kontaktna prstena 1, 2 su preko izolacijskih folija 3, 4 izolirajuće pričvršćena, odnosno navučena steznim spojem na vratilo 5. Električni spoj prema dovodnim svornjacima pobuđivača, smještenim u provrtu vratila, izostavljen je sa crteža iz razloga pojednostavljenja; oni uostalom odgovaraju stanju tehnike, kao što to npr. proizlazi knjige autora Wiedemann/Kellenberger spomenute u uvodu. Budući da su takvi kontaktni prstenovi izloženi trošenju, oni trebaju biti postavljeni na određenim razmacima. Do sada su se u tu svrhu kontaktni prstenovi 1, 2 zagrijavali na više stotina stupnjeva Celzijusa i nakon toga skinuli ("svukli") u smjeru završetka vratila, strane koja nije pogonska. Prije navlačenja novih kontaktnih prstenova, kod skidanja su zamijenjene oštećene izolacijske folije 3, 4. At the end of the shaft of the non-drive side (NS), of a turbogenerator, two steel contact rings 1, 2 are insulatingly attached via insulating foils 3, 4, i.e. pulled onto the shaft with a clamp connection 5. Electrical connection to the supply bolts of the exciter, located in the shaft bore , is omitted from the drawing for reasons of simplification; after all, they correspond to the state of the art, as it appears, for example, from the book by the authors Wiedemann/Kellenberger mentioned in the introduction. Since such contact rings are exposed to wear, they should be placed at certain intervals. Until now, for this purpose, the contact rings 1, 2 were heated to several hundreds of degrees Celsius and then removed ("stripped off") in the direction of the end of the shaft, the non-drive side. Before putting on the new contact rings, the damaged insulating foils 3, 4 were replaced during removal.

Prema pronalasku se nasuport tome postupa na jedan drugi način: According to the invention, this is supported in another way:

Postojeći kontaktni prstenovi 1, 2 ne uklanjaju se, nego se pretokaruju na polumjer r, koji je za debljinu d (obično 30 mm) novonavučenog kontaktnog prstena 6 odnosno 7, manji od nazivnog vanjskog polumjera rN kontaktnog prstena. Dosadašnji kontaktni prstenovi tvore sada kvazi tuljke kontaktnih prstenova 8, 9, za novo navučene kontaktne prstenove 6, 7. The existing contact rings 1, 2 are not removed, but are re-rolled to a radius r, which is smaller than the nominal outer radius rN of the contact ring for the thickness d (usually 30 mm) of the newly applied contact ring 6 or 7. The previous contact rings now form quasi-sleeves of contact rings 8, 9, for the newly threaded contact rings 6, 7.

Novo navučeni kontaktni prstenovi prema pronalasku su izrađeni od otvrdnjavajuće legure bakra s legirnim dodacima Ni ili Be. Osobito korisnom pri tome se je pokazala legura koja se u trgovačkoj mreži pojavljuje pod nazivom HOVADUR CuNiBe, proizvođača Schmelzmetall AG, CH-6482 Gurtnellen/Uri (list podataka za HOVADUR CuNiBe, koji nije datiran). Ova legura bakra sadrži legirne dodatke od oko 1,8% Ni i oko 0,4% Be. Ona već u otvrdnutom "normalnom stanju" posjeduje veliku tvrdoću i toplinsku otpornost, uz dobru električnu i toplinsku vodljivost. Osim toga, ova se legura isporučuje u poboljšanom i u tzv. "specijalnom stanju". U ovim stanjima isporuke ova legura doseže vrijednosti čvrstoće koje odgovaraju vrijednostima za čelik. Njena električna i toplinska vodljivost odgovara međutim onoj za bakar. The newly drawn contact rings according to the invention are made of a hardening copper alloy with Ni or Be alloy additions. The alloy that appears in the trade network under the name HOVADUR CuNiBe, manufactured by Schmelzmetall AG, CH-6482 Gurtnellen/Uri (data sheet for HOVADUR CuNiBe, which is not dated), has proven to be particularly useful. This copper alloy contains alloying additions of about 1.8% Ni and about 0.4% Be. Already in its hardened "normal state", it has great hardness and thermal resistance, along with good electrical and thermal conductivity. In addition, this alloy is supplied in improved and so-called "special state". In these delivery states, this alloy reaches strength values corresponding to those of steel. However, its electrical and thermal conductivity corresponds to that of copper.

Novi kontaktni prstenovi 6, 7 zagrijavaju se na oko 200°C i navlače na tuljke kontaktnih prstenova 8 odnosno 9 (vidjeti sl. 2). Kod hlađenja, dobije se zbog velikog modula elastičnosti i velike granice istezanja bakrene legure, optimalni dosjed steznog spoja koji podnosi sva radna opterećenja. Nakon svega novo navučeni kontaktni prstenovi 6, 7 pretokaruju se na nazivni polumjer rN. The new contact rings 6, 7 are heated to about 200°C and pulled onto the sleeves of the contact rings 8 and 9, respectively (see fig. 2). During cooling, due to the large modulus of elasticity and the high elongation limit of the copper alloy, an optimal fit of the clamping joint is obtained that can withstand all working loads. After everything, the newly tightened contact rings 6, 7 are rerolled to the nominal radius rN.

Da bi se olakšalo navlačenje unutarnjeg kontaktnog prstena 7 preko tuljka kontaktnog prstena 8, vanjskog kontaktnog prstena 6, preporučuje se vanjski kontaktni prsten 1 pretokariti na polumjer manji za mjeru δ i prema tome, debljinu novo navučenog kontaktnog prstena 6, povećati za ovu razliku δ (vidjeti Sl. 2). Pri tome je dovoljna razlika δ od 1 do 2 mm. In order to facilitate the threading of the inner contact ring 7 over the sleeve of the contact ring 8, the outer contact ring 6, it is recommended to re-roll the outer contact ring 1 to a radius smaller by the measurement δ and, accordingly, to increase the thickness of the newly threaded contact ring 6 by this difference δ ( see Fig. 2). A difference δ of 1 to 2 mm is sufficient.

Kontaktni prstenovi srednjih i velikih turbogeneratora imaju aksijalnu širinu reda veličine 200 do 400 mm. Uski prstenovi od spomenute legure bakra - normalno se izrađuju od sirovka postupcima kovanja i mogu se ekonomičnije izraditi nego široki prstenovi; njima se kod montaže može lakše manipulirati. Iz toga razloga je svrsdishodno da se (novi) kontaktni prsten sastoji od većeg broja istorodnih pojedinačnih prstenova 6a, 6b odnosno 7a, 7b, kako je to prikazano na Sl. 3 za kontaktni prsten koji se sastoji od dva pojedinačna prstena. The contact rings of medium and large turbogenerators have an axial width of the order of 200 to 400 mm. Narrow rings of the aforementioned copper alloy - normally made from raw material by forging processes and can be produced more economically than wide rings; they can be manipulated more easily during assembly. For this reason, it is expedient that the (new) contact ring consists of a larger number of identical individual rings 6a, 6b, or 7a, 7b, as shown in Fig. 3 for a contact ring consisting of two individual rings.

I ovdje je svrsishodno da je polumjer r vanjskog tuljka kontaktnog prstena 8 za mjeru δ manji od polumjera unutarnjeg tuljka 9 konatktnog prstena, te prema tome debljinu oba diona prstena 6a, 6b treba povećati za mjeru 5. Here too, it is expedient that the radius r of the outer sleeve of the contact ring 8 is smaller by the measure δ than the radius of the inner sleeve 9 of the contact ring, and therefore the thickness of both parts of the ring 6a, 6b should be increased by the measure 5.

Kod izvedbenog oblika prikazanog na Sl. 4, površine steznog spoja na oba tuljka kontaktnog prstena 8, 9, a prema tome i pripadajuće površine steznog spoja na unutarnjem opsegu kontaktnih prstenova 6, odnosno 7, izvedene su stupnjevito. Dotični polumjeri označeni su r1, r2, r3, r4 pri čemu vrijedi da je r1 > r2 > r3 > r4, kako bi se unutarnji kontaktni prsten 7 mogao navući preko vanjskog kontaktnog prstena 8. Ovo stupnjevanje predstavlja dodatno osiguranje kontaktnih prstenova 6, 7 u aksijalnom smjeru, a time se olakšava i montaža, jer se stupnjevanjem dobije aksijalni graničnik kod navlačenja. In the embodiment shown in Fig. 4, the surfaces of the clamping joint on both sleeves of the contact rings 8, 9, and accordingly the corresponding surfaces of the clamping joint on the inner circumference of the contact rings 6, respectively 7, are made stepwise. The radii in question are marked r1, r2, r3, r4, where it is valid that r1 > r2 > r3 > r4, so that the inner contact ring 7 could be pulled over the outer contact ring 8. This graduation represents an additional securing of the contact rings 6, 7 in in the axial direction, and thus the installation is also facilitated, because the graduation provides an axial stop when pulling.

Izvedbeni oblik prema Sl. 4 može se prenijeti i na pojedinačne prstenove 6a, 6b odnosno 7a, 7b, kako je to zorno prikazano na Sl. 5. U ovom slučaju pojedinačni prstenovi 6a, 6b, odnosno 7a, 7b dosjedaju na stupnjevane površine steznog spoja polumjera r1, r2, r3, odnosno r4, pri čemu opet vrijedi r1 > r2 > r3 > r4. The embodiment according to Fig. 4 can also be transferred to individual rings 6a, 6b or 7a, 7b, as clearly shown in Fig. 5. In this case, the individual rings 6a, 6b, or 7a, 7b fit on the graduated surfaces of the clamping joint of radii r1, r2, r3, or r4, where again r1 > r2 > r3 > r4 applies.

Pronalazak, razumije se nije ograničen na obnavljanje kontaktnih prstenova izravno navučenih steznim spojem na vratilo rotora. On se može primijeniti naravno i kod izvedbi kontaktnog prstena kod kojih se čelični kontaktni prsten steznim spojem navlači na tuljak kontaktnog prstena ili na prsten predsteznog spoja, kako je to npr. prikazano u knjizi autora Wiedmann/Kellenberger, na str. 392, Sl. 386 odnosno Sl. 388, spomenutoj u uvodu. The invention, of course, is not limited to restoring contact rings directly clamped onto the rotor shaft. It can of course also be applied to contact ring designs in which the steel contact ring is pulled onto the sleeve of the contact ring or onto the ring of the pre-clamping joint, as shown in the book by Wiedmann/Kellenberger, on p. 392, Fig. 386 or Fig. 388, mentioned in the introduction.

Popis s oznakama i nazivima dijelova List with markings and names of parts

1 vanjski kontaktni prsten od čelika 1 outer contact ring made of steel

2 unutarnji kontaktni prsten od čelika 2 inner contact ring made of steel

3,4 izolacijske folije 3.4 insulating films

5 vratilo 5 shaft

6 vanjski kontaktni prsten od Cu-legure 6 outer contact ring made of Cu-alloy

6a,6b vanjski pojedinačni prstenovi 6a,6b outer individual rings

7 unutarnji kontaktni prsten od Cu-legure 7 inner contact ring made of Cu-alloy

7a,7b unutarnji pojedinačni prstenovi 7a,7b inner individual rings

8 vanjski tuljci kontaktnih prstenova 8 outer sleeves of contact rings

9 unutarnji tuljci kontaktnih prstenova 9 inner sleeves of contact rings

d debljina novog kontaktnog prstena 7 d the thickness of the new contact ring 7

d+δ debljina novog kontaktnog prstena 6 d+δ thickness of the new contact ring 6

NS završetak vratila koji nije na pogonskoj strani NS shaft termination that is not on the drive side

r polumjer tuljka kontaktnog prstena r the radius of the sleeve of the contact ring

rN nazivni polumjer rN nominal radius

r1, .. polumjeri stupnjevanih tuljaka kontaktnih prstenova r1, .. the radii of the graduated sleeves of the contact rings

δ razlika polumjera od 8 i 9 δ difference of radii of 8 and 9

Claims (5)

1. Postupak obnavljanja kontaktnih prstenova sinhronih strojeva, karakteriziran slijedećim tehnološkim operacijama: a) Obrada skidanjem strugotine kontaktnih prstenova na vratilu, bez skidanja kontaktnih prstenova sa vratila, u svrhu dobivanja tuljaka kontaktnih prstenova (8, 9) i to na polumjeru koji je za 30 do 40 mm manji od nazivnog polumjera kontaktnih prstenova; b) Zagrijavanje, i nakon toga navlačenje novih kontaktnih prstenova (6, 7; 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) izrađenih od visokočvrste Cu-Ni-Be-legure, na površine steznog spoja tuljaka kontaktnih prstenova (8, 9), na strani stroja koja nije pogonska (NS), pripremljene prema operaciji a); c) Pretokarivanje površina kontaktnih prstenova, novo navučenih kontaktnih prstenova, na nazivni polumjer (rN).1. The process of renewing the contact rings of synchronous machines, characterized by the following technological operations: a) Processing by removing the shavings of the contact rings on the shaft, without removing the contact rings from the shaft, in order to obtain the sleeve of the contact rings (8, 9) with a radius that is 30 to 40 mm smaller than the nominal radius of the contact rings; b) Heating, and then putting on new contact rings (6, 7; 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) made of high-strength Cu-Ni-Be-alloy, on the surfaces of the clamping joint of the sleeve of the contact rings (8, 9), on the side non-power machine (NS), prepared according to operation a); c) Re-rolling the surfaces of the contact rings, newly drawn contact rings, to the nominal radius (rN). 2. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, karakteriziran time što se u operaciji a) kontaktni prsten na strani koja nije pogonska, dovodi na manji promjer, preporučuje se za 2 do 3 mm manji, od drugog kontaktnog prstena (2).2. The procedure according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that in operation a) the contact ring on the non-drive side is brought to a smaller diameter, it is recommended to be 2 to 3 mm smaller than the second contact ring (2). 3. Postupak prema zahtjevu 1, karakteriziran time što se u operaciji b) primjenjuje više pojedinačlnih prstenova (6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) po jednom kontaktnom prstenu, koji leže tik jedan uz drugoga.3. The method according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that in operation b) several individual rings (6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) are applied per one contact ring, which lie right next to each other. 4. Postupak prema zahtjevu 2, karakteriziran time što se u operaciji a) obrada skidanjem strugotine tako provodi da na preostalim tuljcima kontaktnih prstenova (8, 9) nastaju stupnjevane površine steznog spoja različitih polumjera (r1 r2, r3 odnosno r4) i što kontaktni prstenovi (6, 7) navučeni sa steznim spojem imaju dopunsku stupnjevanu unutarnju površinu, pri čemu je vanjski promjer veće površine steznog spoja na tuljku (8) kontaktnog prstena, na strani koja nije pogonska, manji od vanjskog promjera najmanje površine steznog spoja na susjednom tuljku (9) kontaktnog prstena.4. The procedure according to claim 2, characterized by the fact that in operation a) the processing by removing the shavings is carried out in such a way that on the remaining sleeves of the contact rings (8, 9) graded surfaces of the clamping joint of different radii (r1 r2, r3 and r4 respectively) are formed and that the contact rings (6, 7) threaded with a clamping joint have a supplementary graded inner surface, whereby the outer diameter of the larger surface of the clamping joint on the sleeve (8) of the contact ring, on the non-drive side, is smaller than the outer diameter of the smallest surface of the clamping joint on the adjacent sleeve ( 9) contact ring. 5. Postupak prema zahtjevu 3, karakteriziran time što se u operaciji a), obrada skidanjem strugotine provodi tako da na preostalim tulljcima (8, 9) kontaktnih prstenova, stupnjevane površine steznog spoja imaju različite polumjere (r1 r2, r3, r4), i što pojedinačni prstenovi (6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) koji se navlače steznim spojem predstavljaju dopunske unutarnje površine, pri čemu je vanjski promjer veće površine steznog spoja na strani tuljka (8) kontaktnog prstena koja nije pogonska, manji od vanjskog promjera manje površine steznog spoja, na susjednom tuljku kontaktnog prstena (9).5. The procedure according to claim 3, characterized by the fact that in operation a), the processing by removing chips is carried out so that on the remaining bushings (8, 9) of the contact rings, the graduated surfaces of the clamping joint have different radii (r1 r2, r3, r4), and that the individual rings (6a, 6b, 7a, 7b) that are tightened with a clamping joint represent supplementary internal surfaces, whereby the outer diameter of the larger surface of the clamping joint on the side of the sleeve (8) of the contact ring, which is not driven, is smaller than the outer diameter of the smaller surface of the clamping connection, on the adjacent sleeve of the contact ring (9).
HR19545142.2A 1995-12-04 1996-11-27 Method for replacing slip rings HRP960562A2 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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DE19545142A DE19545142A1 (en) 1995-12-04 1995-12-04 Procedure for renewing slip rings

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HR19545142.2A HRP960562A2 (en) 1995-12-04 1996-11-27 Method for replacing slip rings

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JPH09180852A (en) 1997-07-11

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