As is expressed in the title of the present descriptive report, the following invention
consists on a drying system for dryer washing machines, being of the kind of those dryer
washing machines that act as a dryer once the washing cycle and the centrifugal cycle
have finished, so that the load of the same one must be decreased to the 50% of its load
capacity for obtaining a suitable behaviour of the same one.
In this way, the clothes can be directly keep in the linen cupboard if they do not
need to be ironed, while programming adequately the apparatus, the clothes can be dryed
with the exact degree of humidity for that if the same ones need to be ironed.
Through the presented system, for carrying out the drying process , the conderser
such as that is conventionally used is substituted, so that the water supply is realized to a
pipe that connects with the lateral lower part of the tank through the detergent dispenser,
so that the economic cost of the system is reduced.
Definitively, it is a question of getting, with an only appliance, the possibility of
washing the necessary clothes and having them dry, without the necessity of using
internal clothes lines, because of cold days, fog, rain, etc.
The presented drying system is applicable for its incorporation to the dryer
washing machines by piping, so that once the washing process and the centrifugal
process have finished, the drying process starts covering with an only appliance the
necessity of the washing and the drying of the clothes, so that it means an economic
saving since there are not two independent appliances, one for the washing and other for
the drying.
Conventionally, both the washing machines and the dryers of clothes are usually
manufactured as independent appliances, so that the washing machine does the washing
and centrifugates the clothes and once all the cycle has finished, the clothes must be
hanged out, generally in the exterior, for their drying if we have not a dryer, while if we
have an independent dryer, the clothes are introduced into the same one for their drying
so that the clothes can be on point of iron or totally dry and therefore, they can be
directly kept in the linen cupboard.
Without the use of dryer machines, above all if it is winter, the clothes do not dry
adequately in the open air, which means a problem, so that the clothes have to be hanged
out in internal clothes lines or be placed near the radiators or over them if we want to dry
the clothes in time.
To solve this problem that is aggravated if there are several children at home,
which dirty lots of clothes that must be washed in time, we must buy dryers which are
independent of the washing machine.
In this way, several drawbacks emerge and thus the first of them consists on the
high economic cost that there is if we have to buy two independent appliances, and
besides there is the added difficulty of their difficult lodging because of the usual lack of
space in the great majority of the houses.
In order to overcome these drawbacks, several solutions have been though up
such as the fact of trying to manufacture the dryer according to some dimensions that are
smaller than the standard ones of the more usual washing machines, or else to pile up
both appliances, so that the dryer remains on the washing machine .
Having into account all these drawbacks, the more adequate solution, logically,
consists on to incorporate in an only appliance the functions of washing and drying, for
which the dryer washing machines do first the washing-centrifugal cycle qnd once that
cycle has finished, they start the drying cycle that must be realized for being effective with
the half of the maximum load that is prescribed for the washing.
Thus, the drying washing machines incorporate the conventional elements for
doing the washing process and likewise, they must incorporate the drying system, which is
based on the incorporation of a ventilator, a conderser where the heat interchange takes
place, and a tunnel with the heaters for the heating of the air, from which the hot air
without humidity is introduced to the interior of the tank.
In this way, the appliance incorporates a ventilator that absorbs the hot air that is
saturated of humidity of the interior of the tank, through a condenser which receives a
supply of cold water, taking place the air cooling and the extraction of its humidity
because of the interchange with the saturated hot air, so that the cooled air without
humidity passes to the tunnel of the heaters.
For favouring the operation of heat interchange, the interchanger can be made of
metal instead of plastic.
The cooled air without humidity is impeled by the ventilator to the conduction
tunnel to the tank, in which there are some resistances that cause its heating, being
introduced to the tank through the upper part that is related to the door, existing the
drawback of the losses of load because of the tunnel structure, given that all the
components must be adapted for being able to be lodged in the appliance chassis.
A drying system for dryer washing machines by piping is described in the present
report, so that the appliance first realizes the washing cycle and once the centrifugal cycle
has finished, it passes to the drying cycle so that in the cited cycle the appliance that acts
as a dryer, works with a load of the 50% than the prescribed maximun load for the
washing machine to be able to realize a complete drying that allows the collection of the
clothes into the wardrobe or else that the clothes remaint on the point for being ironed if
they must be ironed.
Thus, the drying system has the housing of the ventilator that absorbs the hot air
that is saturated of humidity from the tank and impeles it to the air of the heaters, so that
the cited ventilator housing is connected with the support of the detergent dispenser, so
that the support of the detergent dispenser remains connected with the lateral lower part
of the tank through a pipe where the products stored in the dispenser are introduced, as
well as the cool water for acting as a interchanger of heat with the hot air that is
saturated of humidity and that is taken out of the tank by the pipe of connection with the
dispenser support.
In this way, the supply of cool water takes place through the dispenser support for
which, it has the corresponding conduction and likewise the supply of the products that
are stored in the dispenser take place through the conduction that acts as a heat
The air without humidity is impeled through the heaters tunnel where it is heated
by the resistances that are lodged in the same one and it is introduced in the tank by the
upper part that is relative to the load door.
Likewise, the dispenser body has a filter that remains in relationship to the pipe of
connection with the ventilator housing for avoiding the pass of the fluffs that can
accompany to the air saturated of humidity that is absorbed from the tank, making easy
the cleaning of the same one.
In order to complemet the description which is done hereinafter and for the
purpose of providing a better understanding of its characteristics, the present descriptive
report is accompanied by a drawing, in whose figures the most significant details of the
invention are represented in an illustrative and not limitative way.
Figure 1.- It shows a view in perspective of the dryer washing machine tank, with
the components that form the drying system, where we can observe the connection
between the dispenser support and the tank that acts as an interchanger, as well as the
lodging for the ventilator and the tunnel that carries the hot air without humidity to the
interior of the tank.
Figure 2.- It shows a view in perspective of the dispenser support, with this one
slightly extracted, where we can observe the connection with the ventilator housing, as
well as the filter for the retention of the possible fluffs that can be dragged by the hot air
that is saturated of humidity and that is taken out of the tank.
In view of the above cited figures and in accordance with the adopted numbering,
we can observe as the drying system (1) incorporates the housing (2) for the ventilator,
that is connected through the pipe (3) with the support (4) of the detergent dispenser (8),
which at the same time remains connected with the tank through the pipe (5), by the
lateral lower part of the same one, while the ventilator housing (2) is connected with the
tunnel (7) that carries the hot air without humidity to the interior of the tank.
The pipe (5) that connectes the detergent dispenser with the tank by its lateral
lower part, will be the one that will carry the products stored in the dispenser (8),
(detergent, whitening agent, fabric softener, etc. ), to the interior of the tank by the
opening (6), for which the corresponding water conductions will converge in the dispenser
for the dragging of the products stored in it, as well as the pipe for the supply of cold water
for acting as a heat interchanger.
Thus, during the washing cycle, in the following operations, the normal process of
washing and the centrifugal cycle take place, so that the products stored in the dispenser
(8) are introduced by the lower lateral opening (6) of the tank, instead of by the upper part
as it happens traditionally.
In the other hand, during the drying process the appliance will be left with the 50%
of the prescribed maximum load, so that a suitable drying can be realized for the clothes
remain on point for being ironed or being directly kept in the wardrobe, according to the
characteristics of the clothes.
In this way, in the drying cycle, the ventilator that is placed in the housing (2)
causes the sucking in of the hot air, that is saturated of humidity and that is in the interior
of the tank, by the pipe (5) while at the same time the supply of cold water takes place
through the same one, being supplied the cited water by the support (4) and the dispenser
(8) so that the cooled air and without humidity is carried to the tunnel (7) and it is heated
when it passes close to the resistances that are placed in the tunnel, for being carried in
the tank by its front upper part.
The dispenser (8) can be endowed of a filter (9) in relationship to the pipe (3) of
connection with the ventilator housing (2) for storing the possible fluffs that can be
dragged by the air that is sucked in by the tank ventilator, allowing the cleaning of the
same one only extracting the dispenser, or else the filter can remain in relationship to the
pipe (3), in a detachable way for that we can act on it when we want to extract it for
cleaning it.
In this way, the condenser that conventionally is used such as is eliminated,
introducing the air to the heat interchanger and sucking in the hot air that is saturated of
humidity from the interior of the tank through the detergent dispenser, which represents an
economic saving.