Detailed Description
The ventilatory assist level control apparatus 900 and method 1000 will be described with simultaneous reference to fig. 9 and 10.
Referring to fig. 9 and 10, a patient 901 is connected to a mechanical ventilator 902 to receive ventilatory assist. For example, a patient 901 is intubated through a suitable tube 903 and connected to a mechanical ventilator 902. Alternatively, the cannula may be replaced with a respiratory mask (not shown) through which ventilation assistance from a mechanical ventilator 902 is provided to the patient 901. Specifically, as described in U.S. patent 5,820,560 (the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference), the mechanical ventilator 902 includes a system (not shown) for supplying breathable gas to a patient 901 through a tube 903 and an intubation tube or respiratory mask.
The mechanical ventilator 902 is controlled by a controller 904. The controller 904 may be integrated into the mechanical ventilator 902 or provided as a separate unit. Also, ventilatory assist level control 900 may be integrated into controller 904 or provided as a separate unit.
In the ventilatory assist level control apparatus 900 and method 1000, the controller 904 may be based on a so-called NAVA (neuromodulation ventilatory assist) mechanical ventilatory assist mode, as described in us patent 5,820,560. The NAVA not only synchronizes operation of the mechanical ventilator 902 with the patient's inspiratory effort (effort), but also controls the mechanical ventilator 902 to deliver a positive ventilatory assist pressure that is proportional to the electrical activity of the patient's respiratory muscles, such as the patient's diaphragm electrical activity (EAdi). In particular, the magnitude of the pressure assist provided to the patient 901 by the mechanical ventilator 902 is regulated by a gain factor that converts the electrical activity of the patient's respiratory muscles (e.g., EAdi) to an assist pressure level; this gain factor is the so-called NAVA level. Of course, it is within the scope of the present disclosure to use electrical activity of the respiratory muscles other than the patient's diaphragm. Likewise, it is within the scope of the present disclosure to use physiological signals similar to electrical activity EAdi.
To make parameter measurements during non-assisted breathing, the controller 904 commands the mechanical ventilator 902 to not provide ventilatory assist during that breath (non-assisted breathing). The controller 904 then signals the corresponding sensor/detector that the current breath is a non-assisted breath. Data from a large number of non-assisted breaths can be stored to better represent such data.
In the same manner, the controller 904 signals the sensor/detector when the current breath is a assisted breath (i.e., a breath during which the mechanical ventilator 902 provides ventilatory assist to the patient).
Measuring EAdi (EAdi) during non-assisted breathingNon-auxiliary) In operation 1005, the EAdi detector 905 measures EAdiNon-auxiliary. In the same manner, the EAdi detector 905 measures EAdi (EAdi) during assisted breathing in operation 1006 (operation of measuring EAdi during assisted breathing)Assistance of). Also, it should be noted that use is made of a diaphragm other than the patientOther electrical activities of the respiratory muscles are within the scope of the present disclosure.
As described in U.S. patent 5,820,560, the EAdi detector 905 may comprise an array of electrodes mounted on an oesophageal catheter which passes through the centre of a patient's diaphragm depolarization region. The center position of the diaphragm depolarization region of the patient is determined by the reversal of the polarity of the electromyogram component of the electromyogram signal detected by the detection electrode. First and second electromyographic signals detected by electrodes of the array on opposite sides of a patient's diaphragm depolarization area are subtracted from each other, the subtraction cancelling noise components of the first and second electromyographic signals but summing together respective electromyographic components of these first and second signals to produce an electromyographic signal (EAdi) having an improved signal-to-noise ratio, having reduced filtering effects caused by electrode position, and representing a need for excitation from the patient's brain.
Fig. 1 is a graph showing a plot 101 of an example of EAdi measured during inspiration of a patient with mechanical ventilation assistance (also referred to as "assisted breathing"), and a plot 102 of a subsequent example of EAdi measured during inspiration of a patient without mechanical ventilation assistance (also referred to as "non-assisted breathing");
to simplify the model, assisted and non-assisted breathing with similar EAdi waveforms is shown in fig. 1. Specifically, both assisted and non-assisted breathing use the same neural recruitment, and will provide similar inspiratory muscle force generation, except for a reduction in the speed and length-tension of some muscle functions caused by an increase in flow (flow) and volume during assisted breathing.
In an operation 1007 of measuring the inspiratory volume of a patient during non-assisted breathing, a spirograph 907 (detector) measures the inspiratory volume V during non-assisted breathingNon-auxiliary. In the same manner, in an operation 1008 of measuring the inspiratory volume of the patient during assisted breathing, the spirograph 907 measures the inspiratory volume V during the assisted breathingAssistance of. It is within the scope of the present disclosure to implement at least one volume/flow detector other than a spirograph.
FIG. 2 is a diagram showing the assistance of a patientInspiratory volume V generated by both patient and mechanical ventilator measured during assisted breathingAssistance ofAnd a curve 202 of the inspiratory volume generated by the patient only, measured during non-assisted breathing of the patient. The difference in inspiratory volume between assisted and non-assisted breathing represents the contribution V of the mechanical ventilator 902 to the inspiratory volume during assisted breathingVentilation(curve 203).
Since fig. 1 shows two breaths with similar nerve recruitment, one is assisted (curve 101) and the other is not (curve 102), which functionally means that the inspiratory volume produced by both the patient and the mechanical ventilator and measured during the assistance (fig. 2, curve 201) will be larger than the inspiratory volume produced by the patient only and measured during the non-assisted breathing (fig. 2, curve 202). Thus, the inspiratory volume difference between the assisted breathing and the non-assisted breathing calculated by the subtractor 909 in operation 1009 represents the contribution V of the mechanical ventilator 902 to the patient's inspiratory volumeVentilation(FIG. 2, curve 203):
Vventilation=VAssistance of-VNon-auxiliary(1)
Wherein VVentilationIs the inspiratory volume, V, of the patient contributed by the mechanical ventilator 902Assistance ofIs the inspiratory volume produced by both the patient and the ventilator during assisted breathing of the patient, and VNon-auxiliaryIs the inspiratory volume of the patient that is generated by the patient only during non-assisted breathing.
In the same manner, in an operation 1010 of measuring inspiratory flow of a patient during non-assisted breathing, the spirograph 907 measures inspiratory flow F during non-assisted breathingNon-auxiliary. In the same manner, in an operation 1011 of measuring inspiratory flow of a patient during assisted breathing, the spirograph 907 measures inspiratory flow F during assisted breathingAssistance of。
The difference in inspiratory flow between assisted and non-assisted breaths is calculated in operation 1012 by subtractor 912. At the assistant (F)Assistance of) And non-auxiliary (F)Non-auxiliary) The difference in inspiratory flow during breathing provides the inspiratory flow F produced by the mechanical ventilator aloneVentilation:
FVentilation=FAssistance of-FNon-auxiliary (2)
The controller 904 may use the inspiratory flow value FVentilation、FAssistance ofAnd FNon-auxiliaryTo control the inspiratory flow provided by the mechanical ventilator 902 to the patient 901 in relation to the ventilatory assist mode used.
It should be noted that all calculations are based on similar EAdi amplitude levels during assisted and non-assisted breathing. If the EAdi level is not appropriate, the disparity in EAdi level between assisted and non-assisted breathing needs to be compensated. For example, data stored for a large number of non-assisted breaths may be used to determine and use an average of EAdi levels.
Obtaining a respiratory system pressure versus volume curve, respiratory system mechanical characteristics, patient relative pressure contribution for inspiration
Measuring a mechanical ventilatory assist pressure P delivered to a patient 901 by a mechanical ventilator 902VentilationIn operation 1013, the pressure sensor 913 measures the mechanical ventilatory assist pressure PVentilation. The pressure sensor 913 is typically integrated into the mechanical ventilator 902, but other types of arrangements are possible. Examples of pressure sensors are diaphragm pressure sensors, differential pressure sensors, and the like. By way of non-limiting example, a diaphragm pressure sensor may include a metal diaphragm with a piezometer incorporated thereon. The diaphragm is subjected to the pressure of the gas to be measured and the piezometer senses the deformation of the diaphragm metal caused by the gas pressure to provide a measurement of that pressure. Of course, other types of pressure sensors may be employed.
In operation 1014, the calculator 914 calculates a mechanical ventilation assistance pressure PVentilationAnd a suction volume VAssistance ofBy establishing a mechanical ventilatory assist pressure P, for exampleVentilationRelative volume of inspiration VAssistance ofCurve (c) of (d). Fig. 3 shows on the x-axis the mechanical ventilatory assist pressure P delivered by the ventilator for two assisted breaths (inspiration)VentilationAnd on the y-axis the inspiratory volume V produced by both the patient and the ventilatorAssistance ofUsing proportional pressure assistance with different gain levels; curve 301 is associated with a higher gain level (NAVA level of 3.0) and curve 302 is associated with a lower gain level (1/3)rd) The gain level (NAVA level of 0.9) is correlated.
In operation 1015, the calculator 915 calculates the mechanical ventilatory assist pressure PVentilationWith suction volume VVentilationIn relation to each other, e.g. by establishing a pressure PVentilationRelative volume of inspiration VVentilationCurve (c) of (d). In the graph of fig. 4, the mechanical ventilatory assist pressure P delivered by the mechanical ventilator is represented on the x-axis for the same two breaths (inhalations) as shown in fig. 3VentilationAnd on the y-axis the inspiratory volume V generated by the ventilatorVentilation(i.e. the inspiratory volume V generated by both the ventilator and the patientAssistance ofSubtracting the inspiratory volume V generated by the patient aloneNon-auxiliary) The same proportional pressure assist of different gain levels (NAVA levels) as shown in fig. 3 is used.
In fig. 3, the two curves 301 and 302 are different, since the patient's contribution to the inspiratory pressure and volume is unknown. In fig. 4, curves 401 and 402 overlap because the patient's pressure contribution is removed and the mechanical ventilator pressure contribution P is removedVentilationIs the only pressure to overcome the patient respiratory system load to create the inspiratory volume.
Fig. 5 shows the results of the experiment in rabbits. Curve 502 illustrates the resulting ventilator pressure/volume relationship (P) obtained using a method similar to that shown in FIGS. 1-4VentilationRelative VVentilation). In particular, curve 502 represents the pressure required by the patient's respiratory system to achieve a given patient's lung volume. For reference, curve 501 defines the pressure/volume curve obtained during post-paralysis volume-controlled ventilation in the same experiment with the same inspiratory flow as during spontaneous breathing.
As shown in FIG. 5, subtracting the inspiratory volume produced by the patient's inspiratory muscle defines a pressure/volume curve 502 (P)VentilationRelative VVentilation) Its shape is similar to the pressure/volume curve 501 of controlled mode ventilation during paralysis and therefore represents the relaxed pressure/volume curve of the respiratory system.
Due to the auxiliary level control of ventilationApparatus and method based on inspiratory volume V from assisted breathingAssistance ofSubtracted by the inspiratory volume V of non-assisted breathingNon-auxiliaryThe resulting volume value will therefore be reduced, e.g. V unless the ventilation assistance overcomes 100% of the patient's respiratory system loadVentilationThe end-inspiration volume cannot be reached. The following description explains how to extend the pressure/volume curve and predict the value of the entire inspiration during partial ventilatory assist.
The increase in EAdi is proportional to the increase in inspiratory muscle contraction, lung inflation pressure and lung volume, however, the length-tension relationship of the diaphragm has some effect on volume (chest wall architecture). For its configuration, the patient increases EAdi proportionally by the EAdi controlled proportional ventilation assist system (or other pressure delivered system proportional to inspiratory effort) to increase the patient and ventilator pressures/forces to inflate the lungs. Thus, the EAdi: 1) increasing the respiratory system expansion pressure/force of the patient and ventilator to produce a volume and 2) proportionally changing the respiratory system expansion pressure/force of the patient and ventilator.
Furthermore, for any given level of EAdi (or other measure of neurological effort), the ventilatory assist from a mechanical ventilator may be varied by adjusting a gain that determines the amount of ventilator-generated pressure that a certain level of EAdi should produce, for example, as described in U.S. patent 5,820,560. This gain adjustment is performed by changing the so-called NAVA level using NAVA (neuromodulation ventilatory assist), as described, for example, in Sinderby c., Navalesi p., Beck j., Skrobik y.comosis n., Friberg s., Gottfried s.b., Lindstrom l, "Neural Control of Mechanical ventilation in Respiratory Failure," Nature Medicine, vol.5(12): pp 3-1436,1999, 12, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. Conversely, the efficiency with which a patient generates a pulmonary distention pressure for a given EAdi cannot be adjusted, but may vary depending on the physiological or pathophysiological factors of the patient.
Due to the architecture of the human physiology and the proportional assisted ventilation system, the increased respiratory drive (e.g., EAdi) has a similar effect on the chest wall and lung inflation pressures/forces of the patient and ventilator, with different relative contributions depending on the patient's neuromechanical efficiency (NME) and gain settings for proportional assistance (e.g., NAVA levels). NME is defined as the efficiency of the patient's respiratory system to generate inspiratory pressure in response to the electrical activity (EAdi) of the patient's diaphragm.
From the above reasoning, it follows that the increased (figure 3) positive pressure P generated by a proportional assisted ventilator throughout inspirationVentilationMust be mirrored (proportional) by the increased negative lung inflation pressure generated by the patient's respiratory muscles. Once the volume contribution of the patient is subtracted (FIG. 4), it can be determined by the patient and the ventilator (V)Assistance ofFig. 6, curve 601) and ventilator alone (V)Ventilation) (i.e., subtracting the volume generated by the patient) (fig. 6, curve 602) yields a matching inspiratory volume, the ventilator's supplemental pressure P is comparedVentilationThe value is obtained.
The graph of fig. 6 represents the ventilator's auxiliary pressure P on the x-axisVentilationThe volume (V) produced by both the patient and the ventilator is expressed relatively on the y-axisAssistance ofCurve 601) and volume (V) generated by a separate ventilatorVentilationCurve 602). Curve 603 shows the curve adjusted to match VVentilationCurve 602 of the ventilator's auxiliary pressure PVentilation. The predicted PVentilationExtension (extrapolation) of the values to a higher volume VVentilationThe volume up to the end of inspiration, subsequently called PPrediction. Predicted pressure PPredictionIt can be simply calculated as follows.
In operation 1016, the calculator 916 determines that the same inspiratory volume V is presentVentilationAnd VAssistance ofLower ventilator auxiliary pressure PVentilationThe ratio between the values. P from curve 601 of FIG. 6 may be usedVentilation(in volume V)Assistance ofLower) value and P from fig. 4Ventilation(in volume V)VentilationLower) value. Specifically, the calculator 916 calculates the following ratio:
Pventilation(VVentilation)/PVentilation(VAssistance of) In which V isVentilation=VAssistance of (3)
From the example of FIG. 6, VVentilationIs P at 84mlVentilation(7.4cm H2O) (Curve 603) divided by VVentilationIs P at 84mlVentilation(3.2cmH2O) (curve 601) equals a ratio of 2.3. For a plurality of inspiratory volumes VVentilationAnd VAssistance ofThe ratio of equation (3) is calculated.
In operation 1017, the multiplier 917 adds PVentilationThe value is multiplied by the corresponding ratio of equation (3) to calculate the predicted pressure PPredictionAnd a suction volume VAssistance ofIn relation to each other, e.g. by establishing a predicted pressure PPredictionRelative volume of inspiration VAssistance ofCurve (c) of (d). When compared to the inspiratory volume VAssistance ofWhen plotted (FIG. 6, curve 603), the predicted pressure PPredictionA pressure/volume curve of the patient's respiratory system is provided for the entire inhalation.
P at calculated VT (VT-tidal volume)PredictionIn operation 1018, the calculator 918 uses the curve 603 of FIG. 6 to determine the pressure assist, P, required to generate the tidal volume VTPrediction@ VT. Tidal volume is the lung volume, representing the normal air volume between normal inhalation and exhalation without additional effort; the tidal volume may be measured using, for example, a spirograph 907. The curve fitting method may be used for extrapolation to obtain pressure values at higher inspiratory volumes than the patient's spontaneously generated volume.
Controller 904 may use the pressure required by the patient to generate tidal volume, i.e., P, in any proportional or non-proportional ventilatory assist modePrediction@ VT to determine the rate or percentage of pressure assist delivered relative to the desired pressure.
As shown in FIG. 6, PVentilationAnd PPredictionCan be in any inspiratory volume VAssistance ofObtained as follows. Thus, in calculating the pressure P generated by the patientPatient-predictionIn operation 1019, the subtractor 919 subtracts from V at the same volumeAssistance ofP ofPredictionMinus PVentilationTo provide a pressure P generated by the patientPatient-prediction:
PPatient-prediction=PPrediction-PVentilation (4)
Then, the patient contribution to the inspiratory pressure is calculated as% PPatient's healthIn operation 1020 at% VT, calculator 920 solves the following equation:
Ppatient's health%VT=(PPatient-prediction/PVentilation)X 100 (5)
P can be used at any inspiratory lung volumePatient-predictionAnd PVentilationCalculate equation 5, including VT (P) at the end of inspirationPatient's health%VT)。
Controller 904 may use the inspiratory flow value PPatient-predictionAnd PPatient% VTTo control the inspiratory pressure applied to the patient 901 by the mechanical ventilator 902 in relation to the configuration of the ventilatory assist mode being used.
P of FIG. 6VentilationRelative VVentilationCurve 602 and PPredictionRelative VAssistance ofCurve 603 of (a) shows the pressure required to expand the entire respiratory system to a lower volume or the entire assisted inspiration, respectively. The end-inspiratory portion of the curve (flow near zero) describes the dynamic compliance of the overall respiratory system (expressed as, e.g., ml/cmH2O) or elastic (described, for example, as cmH)2O/ml). Actual PPredictionRelative VVentilationWill allow the calculation of the respiratory mechanics within the breath. Methods for calculating compliance or elasticity from inspiratory pressure/volume curves are numerous and well described in the literature. Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) may be included or subtracted depending on the intended application.
Make the mechanical respirator at different inspiration volumes VVentilationLower generation of suction flow FVentilationAnd the predicted pressure PPredictionInspiratory airflow resistance (e.g., described as cmH) may be calculated2O/ml/s). Methods of calculating the resistance from the continuously recorded suction pressure, flow and volume are also numerous and described in the literature.
Likewise, the value of this dynamic compliance or elastance of the overall respiratory system and inspiratory flow resistance may be used by controller 904 to control the ventilatory assist provided to patient 901 by mechanical ventilator 902 in relation to the configuration of the ventilatory assist mode used.
Obtaining EAdi associated with desired EAdi without auxiliary moisture volume
As described above, in operation 1006, EAdi is measured during the first breath with ventilatory assistAssistance ofAnd in operation 1005, measuring EAdi during a second breath without ventilatory assistNon-auxiliary. The EAdi trajectories for the two breaths were similar as shown in FIG. 1. Inspiratory volume V of the patient + ventilator contribution during the first assisted breathAssistance ofAnd during a second non-assisted breath only the inspiratory volume V of the patient (operation 1008)Non-auxiliaryIs also available (operation 1007).
In operation 1021, the electrical activity EAdi of the diaphragm required by the patient to produce the tidal volume VT is determined by the calculator 921Prediction@ VT. FIG. 7 is a graph showing inspiratory volume V of respiration for a patient without ventilatory assistNon-auxiliary(y-axis) electrical activity EAdi relative to the diaphragm for unassisted breathingNon-auxiliaryGraph of the curves (x-axis). In particular, curve 701 represents the electrical activity of the diaphragm EAdi during non-assisted breathing for a given patientNon-auxiliaryResulting in an inspiratory volume V of the patientNon-auxiliary. Curve 701 allows for any inspiratory lung volume V without ventilatory assistNon-auxiliaryLower estimate EAdiNon-auxiliary. However, during assisted and non-assisted inspiration, EAdi is expected to be similar, and as the NAVA level increases, the inspiratory volume difference between assisted and non-assisted breathing at a given EAdi is expected to decrease. In the case of large volume differences between assisted and non-assisted breathing, the curve fitting method (dashed line 702 in FIG. 7) makes it possible to extrapolate EAdi to obtain the non-assisted inspiratory volume VNon-auxiliaryEAdi required to reach VTPrediction@ VT, i.e., the inspiratory volume or greater observed in curve 603 of FIG. 6, which will provide the estimated EAdi required to reach the auxiliary inspiratory volume (equal to VT) without ventilatory assist.
In operation 1022, the calculator 922 uses EAdi required for the patient to generate the tidal volume VTPrediction@ VT and EAdiNon-auxiliaryTo calculate the electrical activity EAdi produced by the patient's respiratory musclesNon-auxiliaryRelative to each otherPredicting EAdi required to produce tidal volume in a patient's respiratory musclePredictionThe percentage EAdi% VT of @ VT, as using equation (6):
EAdi%VT=(EAdinon-auxiliary/EAdiPrediction@VT)X 100 (6)
In fact, the EAdi required by the patient to generate the tidal volume VTPrediction@ VT may be used in any proportional or non-proportional assist mode to determine the EAdi of electrical activity produced relative to the EAdi required for producing the tidal Volume (VT)PredictionA ratio or percentage of @ VT. For example, using FIG. 7, EAdiNon-auxiliaryAbout 8 μ V, EAdiPrediction@ VT is about 12 μ V (EAdi% VT ═ 67%), indicating that the patient produces the electrical activity EAdi required to inhale about 3/4 without assistance.
Determining the neuromechanical effort required to reach inspiratory volume
In operation 1023, the neuromechanical efficiency of the patient's respiratory system (NMERS) is determined by the calculator 923.
At a matching inspiratory lung volume, by obtaining a predicted pressure P as shownPredictionThe value of (e.g., curve 603 of FIG. 6) and the electrical activity EAdiNon-auxiliaryMay be calculated as cmH (e.g., from curve 701 of FIG. 7)2P in O/. mu.V meterPrediction/EAdiNon-auxiliaryThe ratio of (a) to (b). Using VVentilationThe ratio is also calculated using the ratio at a given VVentilationP ofVentilationAnd the same VNon-auxiliaryEAdi at valueNon-auxiliary. This ratio describes the amount of pressure required per unit of EAdi to overcome the total respiratory system load, i.e. the neuromechanical efficiency (NMERS) of the patient's respiratory system.
For example, at a lung volume of 200ml, PPrediction=12.3cmH2O (FIG. 6, curve 603) and EAdiNon-auxiliary7.8 μ V (fig. 7, curve 701), the neuromechanical efficiency NMERS of the respiratory system of a patient without ventilatory assist is givenNon-auxiliaryH is 1.6cm H2O/. mu.V. This means a moisture volume (V) of 350mlAssistance of) Requires 20cmH2Pressure P of OPrediction@ VT (FIG. 6, curve 603), which in turn requires 12.5 μ V of EAdiPrediction@ VT (drawing)7, curve 702). This is represented by the following equation:
Pprediction@VT/NMERSNon-auxiliary=EAdiPrediction@VT (7)
NMERSNon-auxiliary=PPrediction@VT/EAdiPrediction@VT (8)
When P is presentPrediction@VT=20cmH2O and NMERSNon-auxiliary=16cmΗ2At O/. mu.V, equation (7) gives EAdiPrediction@ VT ═ 12.5 μ V. This is similar to EAdi of curve 702 in FIG. 7PredictionThe extrapolated value of @ VT.
FIG. 8 Curve 801 shows P at matching inspiratory volumePrediction(y-axis) relative EAdiNon-auxiliary(x-axis). Open square 803 represents PPrediction@ VT (y-axis) relative EAdiPrediction@ VT (x-axis). The dashed line 802 represents a curve fitting model (in this case a quadratic polynomial) which makes it possible to obtain a mathematical function which corrects the final non-linearity.
Method for determining (gain) level of assistance
Gain factors for proportional assistance are required (i.e. e.g. in cmH)2NAVA level expressed in O/μ V) delivery ventilation assistance, and the effect of the gain factor may be using neuromechanical efficiency NMERSNon-auxiliaryAnd (4) calculating. For example, matching NMERS is appliedNon-auxiliaryThe NAVA level of (a) will double the inspiratory pressure generation at a given EAdi. For example, 2cmH2NAVA level and 2cmH of O/. mu.V2NMERS of O/. mu.VNon-auxiliaryApplication to patients will result in a neuromechanical efficiency NMERS with ventilatory assistAssistance ofTotal increase of 4cmH2O/. mu.V. In operation 1024, the calculator 924 calculates the neuromechanical efficiency NMERSAssistance of:
NMERSAssistance ofNAVA level + NMERSNon-auxiliary(9)
After several breaths this should reduce the EAdi (and hence the inspiratory pressure generated by the patient) required to generate the required volume to about half (if the inspiratory volume remains unchanged).
In operation 1025, the calculator 925 calculates the ratio NMERSNon-auxiliary/NMERSAssistance ofAnd NMERSAssistance of/NMERSNon-auxiliary。
Ratio NMERSNon-auxiliary/NMERSAssistance of(%) means breathing from no assistance (NAVA level 0 cmH)2O/μ V) and the percentage of EAdi decreases with increasing NAVA levels.
In contrast, ratio NMERSAssistance of/NMERSNon-auxiliaryIndicating when ventilatory assist is removed (i.e., returning the NAVA level to 0cmH2O/. mu.v) expected fold increase in EAdi. Specifically, at a given NAVA level, the electrical activity EAdi at the end of inspiration of the non-assisted respiration is multiplied by the ratio NMERSAssistance of/NMERSNon-auxiliaryObtaining EAdiPrediction@VT。
Therefore, how changes in NAVA levels change EAdi can be predicted from absolute (μ V) and relative (%) values.
FIG. 7 shows EAdiPrediction@ VT is about 12.5 μ V, while EAdi observed during non-assisted breathing at NAVA levels of 0.9 is about 8 μ V. Discovery of NMERSNon-auxiliaryIs 1.6cmH2O/. mu.V (see above examples) and assuming NMERSAssistance ofIs 2.5cmH2O/μV(NMERSNon-auxiliary/NMERSAssistance of1.6/2.5-0.64). EAdi of 12.5 μ VPredictionNMERS of @ VT multiplied by 0.64Non-auxiliary/NMERSAssistance ofThe ratio gives an EAdi of 8.0. mu.V.
According to FIG. 7, EAdi at 7.7. mu.V yields a volume of about 230 ml.
It will be appreciated that the controller 904 may use the above relationships and calculated values to control the mechanical ventilator 902 and, thus, the variable of patient ventilatory assist.
Initial setting of NAVA gain level
In the case where the patient is not assisted, i.e. the patient is not supported by ventilation, an initial arbitrary NAVA level is used which provides, for example, 10-20cmH delivered by a ventilator2The pressure of O. Simple calculations indicate that EAdi at 20 μ V should reach 20cmH at a NAVA level of 12The peak pressure of O. If assistance is sufficient, this should be due to unloading; then a) increase the inspiratory volume and/or b) decrease the EAdi.
If the patient is ventilated using an assist mode other than NAVA, the patient may be transitioned to NAVA ventilatory assist mode using existing and built-in tools. If EAdi is significantly higher than the noise level, the ventilator assist pressure/inspiratory EAdi (cmH) associated with the applied ventilatory assist mode may be estimated2O/μ V) and this value is used as the initial NAVA level.
Embodiments for simplifying applications
The methods and systems provided above may be modified to accommodate any other mechanical ventilation mode, even if such a mode is not capable of delivering proportional pressure ventilation assistance.
The controller 904 may control the mechanical ventilator 902 using a comparison of inspiratory volumes between assisted breathing and non-assisted breathing using inspiratory volume and EAdi only at one point, e.g. at peak EAdi or peak volume or at matching EAdi or volume or any combination of these. For example, respiration with ventilatory assist gives 400ml of V for EAdi of 10 μ VAssistance ofAnd unaided respiration gives 200ml of V for EAdi of 10 μ VNon-auxiliary. For assisted inspiration, measured ventilator pressure PVentilationIs equal to 10cmH2And O. The inspiratory volume of non-assisted breathing (400-200 ml) was subtracted from the inspiratory volume of assisted breathing to bring the ventilator to 10cmH2Volumes of 200ml were delivered under pressure of O at matching EAdi. In this embodiment, the patient's respiratory system (P)RS) The volume to pressure ratio of (A) is 20ml/cmH2O and requires 10 μ V.
Simply assuming that breaths following each other have similar respiratory drive (similar EAdi levels), the inspiratory volume of non-assisted breaths may be subtracted from the inspiratory volume of assisted breaths only and the result divided by the above-mentioned ventilatory assist pressure PEEP.
In this regard, it should be noted that the ventilatory assist level control method 1000 is performed if the peak EAdi difference between non-assisted breathing and assisted breathing as shown in fig. 1 is small, e.g., less than or equal to 20%. However, if the peak EAdi difference between non-assisted and assisted breathing is above 20%, the data is ignored and the calculation is aborted.
Embodiments for controlling a mechanical ventilator
In this embodiment, the target P isPatient's health%TTargetInput to the controller 904 (fig. 9 and 10). Controller 904 then calculates the patient's contribution to inspiratory pressure P from calculator 920Patient's health% VT and the input target PPatient's health%VTTargetA comparison is made. If the contribution P of the patientPatient's health% VT equal to or greater than target PPatient's health%VTTargetThe auxiliary, or NAVA, level is increased. If the contribution P of the patientPatient's health% VT is below target PPatient's health%VTTargetThe auxiliary, or NAVA, level decreases. The NAVA level may be increased and decreased by predetermined increments and decrements.
At the time of the target PPatient's health%VTTargetAfter input to the controller 904, the predicted inspiratory pressure P from the calculator 918 is first usedPrediction@ VT and the patient's pressure contribution P from the subtractor 919Patient-predictionCalculate a new NAVA level from the total pressure required to reach the tidal volume VT, resulting in the patient's contribution to inspiratory pressure P at the tidal volume VT from calculator 920Patient's health% VT. These measurements are combined with EAdi from calculator 921Prediction@ VT is related to EAdi% VT from calculator 922. Using these values to calculate the non-aided neuromechanical efficiency NMERSNon-auxiliaryAnd with an auxiliary neuromechanical efficiency NMERSAssistance of。
The following are numerical embodiments of calculations that may be performed by the controller 904. For example, if PPatient's health% VT is 50% and PPrediction@ VT is 30cmH2O, then PPatient-predictionIs 15cmH2And O. In this example, if EAdiPrediction@ VT is 10 μ V, and NMERS can be estimatedAssistance ofIs 30cmH2O/10. mu.V, which is NMERSNon-auxiliarySince P is input to the controller 904 at a 50% valuePatient's health%VTTarget. NAVA level equal to NMERSAssistance ofMinus NMERSNon-auxiliaryI.e. NAVA level equal to (30 cmH)2O/10μV-15cmH2O/10μV)/10=1.5cmH2O/. mu.V, where division by 10 means division by EAdiPrediction@ VT. The controller 904 then monitors and analyzes the signal P from the calculator 921Patient's health% VT, EAdi% VT from calculator 922 and ratio NMERS from calculator 925Assistance of/NMERSNon-auxiliaryTo verify the NAVA level of the value, for example by determining whether the signals have an expected value or range of values, otherwise the ventilator will trigger an alarm. Especially if PPatient's health% VT vs. target PPatient's health%VTTargetOtherwise, the NAVA level is modified as described above until the target P is reachedPatient's health%VTTarget。
If, subsequently, the patient is able to breathe himself, PPatient's health%VTTargetSet to 75% and PPrediction@ VT is still 30cmH2O,PPatient-predictionThen it is 22.5cmH2And O. In this embodiment, EAdiPrediction@ VT is still 10 μ V. NMERSAssistance ofThen it is 30cmH2O/10 μ V, NMERS for neuromechanical efficiencyNon-auxiliary1.33 times of. NMERSAssistance ofThen it is 30cmH2O/10 μ V and NAVA level equal to NMERSAssistance ofMinus NMERSNon-auxiliaryI.e., (30 cmH)2O/10μV)-(22.5cmH2O/10μV))/10=0.75cmH2O/. mu.V, divided by 10 means divided by EAdiPrediction@VT。
Controller 904 continues to monitor and analyze signal P from calculator 921Patient's health% VT, EAdi% VT from calculator 922 and ratio NMERS from calculator 925Assistance of/NMERSNon-auxiliaryFor example by determining whether these signals have expected values or value ranges, otherwise the ventilator will trigger an alarm. Also, if PPatient's health% VT vs. target PPatient's health%VTTargetOtherwise, the NAVA level is modified as described above until the target P is reachedPatient's health%VTTarget. In addition, the values of these signals will show whether the patient is able to tolerate and adapt to the lower value of the NAVA level (0.75) and the distance the patient is from being able to breathe spontaneously.
Of course, other types of control or ventilatory assist modes using the mechanical ventilator 902 in the controller 904 that employ any values measured and calculated according to the present disclosure are also within the scope of the present invention.
Fig. 11 is a simplified block diagram of an example configuration of hardware components that make up the ventilatory assist level control apparatus and method described above.
A ventilatory assist level control apparatus and method (identified as 1100 in fig. 11) comprises an input 1102, an output 1104, a processor 1106, and a memory 1108.
Input 1102 is configured to receive EAdi, ventilator pressure, inspiratory volume, and inspiratory flow measurements. The output 1104 is configured to provide the above-described calculated data that can be used by the controller 904 to control the mechanical ventilator 902. The input 1102 and output 1104 may be implemented in a common module, such as a serial input/output device.
The processor 1106 is operatively connected to the input 1102, the output 1104, and the memory 1108. Processor 1106 is implemented as one or more processors executing code instructions to support the functions of the various modules of the ventilatory assist level control apparatus and method as shown in figures 9 and 10.
The memory 1108 may include a non-transitory memory for storing code instructions executable by the processor 1106 (specifically, a processor-readable memory including non-transitory instructions) that, when executed, cause the processor to perform: the modules of the ventilatory assist level control apparatus 900 (fig. 9) and the operations of the ventilatory assist level control method 1000 (fig. 10) as described in this disclosure. Memory 1108 may also include random access memory or buffers for storing intermediate processing data from the various functions performed by processor 1106.
Those of ordinary skill in the art will realize that the description of the ventilatory assist level control apparatus and methods is exemplary only and is not intended to be in any way limiting. Other embodiments will readily suggest themselves to such skilled persons having the benefit of this disclosure. Furthermore, the disclosed devices and methods can be customized to provide a valuable solution to the existing needs and problems of controlling mechanical ventilatory assist.
For the sake of clarity, not all of the routine features of the implementations of ventilatory assist level control apparatus and methods are shown and described. It will, of course, be appreciated that in the development of any such actual implementation of the apparatus and method, numerous implementation-specific decisions may be made to achieve the developers' specific goals, such as compliance with application, system, network, and business-related constraints, which will vary from one implementation to another and from one developer to another. Moreover, it will be appreciated that the development effort might be complex and time-consuming, but would nevertheless be a routine undertaking of engineering for those of ordinary skill in the art of controlling mechanical ventilatory assist.
In accordance with the present disclosure, the modules, processing operations, and/or data structures described herein may be implemented using various types of operating systems, computing platforms, network devices, computer programs, and/or general purpose machines. Further, those of ordinary skill in the art will recognize that less general purpose devices, such as hardwired devices, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), or the like, may also be used. Where a method comprising a series of operations is implemented by a processor, computer, or machine, the operations may be stored as a series of readable non-transitory code instructions for the processor, computer, or machine, which may be stored on a tangible and/or non-transitory medium.
The modules of the ventilatory assist level control apparatus and methods as described herein may comprise software, firmware, hardware, or any combination of software, firmware, or hardware suitable for the purposes described herein.
In the ventilatory assist level control methods as described herein, the various operations may be performed in various sequences, and some operations may be optional.
Although the present invention has been described above by way of non-limiting, exemplary embodiments thereof, these embodiments may be modified within the scope of the appended claims without departing from the spirit and nature of the invention.