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CA2154239A1 - Earth drains - Google Patents

Earth drains


Publication number
CA2154239A1 CA 2154239 CA2154239A CA2154239A1 CA 2154239 A1 CA2154239 A1 CA 2154239A1 CA 2154239 CA2154239 CA 2154239 CA 2154239 A CA2154239 A CA 2154239A CA 2154239 A1 CA2154239 A1 CA 2154239A1
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Application number
CA 2154239
Other languages
French (fr)
Joseph Clement Brodeur
Vicko M. Von Stedingk
Mark E. Siemonsen
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Priority to CA 2154239 priority Critical patent/CA2154239A1/en
Priority to AU61852/96A priority patent/AU6185296A/en
Priority to PCT/CA1996/000447 priority patent/WO1997004178A1/en
Priority to TW085108665A priority patent/TW356491B/en
Publication of CA2154239A1 publication Critical patent/CA2154239A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • E02B11/00Drainage of soil, e.g. for agricultural purposes
    • E02B11/005Drainage conduits


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Agronomy & Crop Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Investigation Of Foundation Soil And Reinforcement Of Foundation Soil By Compacting Or Drainage (AREA)
  • Separation Using Semi-Permeable Membranes (AREA)


The invention is an earth drain, comprised of a core consisting of an elongated, flexible web having an array of discrete, longitudinally and transversely spaced projections on at least one surface thereof, and a filter of sheet-like water permeable material encasing the core and adapted to be maintained in spaced relationship to the web by the free ends of the projections. The projections are arranged with regular spacing in parallel rows disposed transversely of the web, and projections in alternating transverse rows are disposed between the projections in an adjacent row. A transverse line touching the outermost periphery of at least some of the projections in each row intersects part of some of the projections of an adjacent row causing an overlap between at least some of the projections in adjacent rows in the longitudinal direction of the web.


~1~4~9 Ih~0~ EARTH DRAIN
The present inventlon relates to earth drains, and, more partlcularly, to the type of earth draln havlng a core comprlslng a relatlvely flat, flexlble, elongated web encased ln a water permeable fllter materlal whlch ls malntalned ln spaced relatlonshlp to at least one slde of the web by a plurallty of pro~ectlons or studs extendlng from the surface of the core. A
draln of thls type ls dlsclosed ln the Wager Canadlan Patent No.
b' ~ 015,173 lssued August 9, 1977.
Dralns of the type dlsclosed ln the aforementloned Canadlan Patent No. 1,015,173 functlon very effectlvely provlded that they are not sub~ected to extreme mlcrofoldlng, whlch mlght occur as a result of the subterranean shlftlng of the soll, for example, durlng a soll consolldatlon process. Such extreme mlcrofoldlng mlght result ln the draln belng very sharply folded back upon ltself whlch, ln the case of the conventlonal draln, mlght result ln the fllter materlal belng urged lnto contact wlth the draln core web, resultlng ln a partlal or complete blockage of the draln at the polnts of contact. In such clrcumstances, the draln ceases to functlon effectlvely to permlt a free flow of water along the entlre longltudlnal extent of the draln. Whlle thls problem ls not normally assoclated wlth studded dralns, lt mlght occur where the longltudlnal row to row spaclng of studs ls sufflclent to allow the fllter materlal to contact the web when the draln ls sharply folded over upon ltself; where studs or pro~ectlons are on only one slde of the web; the stud helght ls lnsufflclent to keep the fllter materlal spaced from the core web at all tlmes; or the stud helght on the lnslde of the bend ls not sufflclent to prevent sharp bends.

21342~9 In accordance wlth the present lnvention, thls deflclency ln known dralns can be ellmlnated through an approprlate arrangement of pro~ectlons on the draln core web. Accordlngly, the lnventlon broadly resldes ln an earth draln of the type comprlslng a core conslstlng of an elongated flexlle web havlng an array of dlscrete, longltudlnally and transversely spaced pro~ectlons on at lease one surface thereof, and a fllter of sheet-llke water permeable materlal encaslng the core and adapted to be malntalned ln spaced relatlonshlp to the web by the free ends of such pro~ectlons. The pro~ectlons are arranged ln parallel rows dlsposed transversely of the elongated web wlth pro~ectlons ln alternatlng transverse rows belng dlsposed between the pro~ectlons ln an ad~acent row. The transverse rows of pro~ectlons are so spaced ln the longltudlnal dlrectlon of the web that a transverse llne touchlng the outer perlphery of the base of at least some part of at least one pro~ectlon ln a row, wlll lntersect at least some of the pro~ectlons ln an ad~acent row. In other words, at least some of the pro~ectlons ln one transverse row overlap, ln the longltudlnal dlrectlon of the web, at least some of the pro~ectlons ln an ad~acent row, and thls arrangement wlll prevent the web from belng bent to such an extent that the fllter ls urged agalnst the web.
In drawlngs whlch lllustrate embodlments of the lnventlon:
Flgure 1 - a schematlc plan vlew, partly broken away, of an end segment of a known draln;
Flgure 2 - a cross-sectlon of the draln deplcted ln Flgure 1 :
Flgure 3 - a schematlc slde elevatlon of a dlstorted draln sub~ected to mlcrofoldlng at C;
lgure 4 - a magnlfled vlew of a mlcrofolded sectlon of known draln;
Flgure 5 - a schematlc plan vlew, partlally broken away, of an end segment of draln ln accordance wlth the lnventlon;
Flgure 6 - a plctorlal representatlon of an alternatlve arrangement of pro~ectlons;
Flgure 7 - a magnlfled view of draln ln accordance with the lnventlon sub~ected to mlcrofoldlng;
Referrlng to Flgures l and 2, lt can be seen that the conventlonal draln, 10, conslsts of a flat, flexlble elongated core ln the form of a web, 3, havlng a plurallty of pro~ectlons, 4, extendlng from at least one surface thereof. The pro~ectlons, 4, are arranged ln transverse rows across the wldth of the web, and are regularly spaced wlthln such rows. Ad~acent rows are slmllarly spaced ln the longltudlnal dlrectlon of the web, such that a transverse llne touchlng the outermost polnt on the perlphery of the pro~ectlons ln a row wlll be spaced a dlstance A from a correspondlng llne touchlng the pro~ectlons ln an ad~acent row. The pro~ectlons ln each alternatlng row are spaced, ln the transverse dlrectlon, between the pro~ectlons of an ad~acent row so that pro~ectlons ln alternatlng rows are offset ln the transverse dlrectlon of the web wlth respect to the pro~ectlons ln ad~acent rows as deplcted ln Flgure l.
Whlle pro~ectlons may extend from only one slde surface of the web, typlcally, pro~ectlons wlll extend from both surfaces, as deplcted ln Flgure 2, as thls effectlvely doubles the capaclty of the draln. The pro~ectlons are of a frusto-conlcal conflguratlon ln the lllustrated embodlment, although they could ~1542~g be of cyllndrlcal or other shape. For ease of lllustratlon, alternatlng rows of pro~ectlons deplcted ln Flgure 2 are solld and stlppled.
Where pro~ectlons extend from both slde surfaces of the web, lt ls useful to lnclude apertures, 6, at selected locatlons throughout the web to permlt the passage of water from one surface of the web to the other lf, for any reason, the draln passage on one surface of the web becomes blocked. For example, under locallzed soll pressures, the fllter mlght be pressed agalnst the web,3, effectlvely blocklng the flow of water along the draln at the partlcular locatlon. Where these apertures are provlded, the water on the blocked slde of the draln may pass through the apertures and flow along the unblocked slde of the draln.
Flgure 3 deplcts a draln, 10, whlch has been sub~ected to mlcrofoldlng as a result of the subterranean shlftlng of the soll through whlch the draln passes. At the locatlon marked C, the draln ls reversed sharply upon ltself, resultlng ln a bendlng of the drain such as that deplcted ln Flgure 4.
For lllustratlve purposes, and slmpllclty, Flgure 4 deplcts a draln of the type deplcted ln Flgures 1 and 2, but havlng pro~ectlons, 4, on only one surface of the core web, 3, and pro~ectlons ln ad~acent transverse rows are shown as solld and stlppled. As wlll appear from thls flgure, when sub~ected to a sharp bend durlng severe mlcrofoldlng, the longltudlnal spaclng of the transverse rows of pro~ectlons ls such that the encaslng sheet-llke fllter, 2, 18 brought lnto contact wlth the ad~acent surface of the web, 3, whlch effectlvely blocks the flow of water through the draln. Whlle Flgure 4 lllustrates an embodlment ln ~1~4239 whlch the pro~ectlons appear on only one surface, the same blocklng actlon could occur ln a draln havlng pro~ectlons on both slde surfaces of the web. If the pro~ectlons are spaced sufflclently far apart, lt wlll be posslble for the fllter to be forced lnto contact wlth both slde surfaces of the web, and thereby effectlvely block the flow of water through the draln.
Flgure 5 lllustrates an arrangement of pro~ectlons ln accordance wlth the sub~ect lnventlon, and the same reference numerals have been used for correspondlng draln elements. The prlnclpal dlfference between the arrangement of pro~ectlons ln accordance wlth the inventlon and the arrangement of pro~ectionæ
ln the known dralns, lles ln the longltudlnal spaclng of ad~acent transverse rows of pro~ectlons. In accordance wlth the lnventlon, the transverse rows of pro~ectlons are spaced such that a transverse llne touchlng the perlphery of some of the pro~ectlons ln one transverse row wlll lntersect at least some of the pro~ectlons of an ad~acent transverse row, or vlce versa.
In other words, rather than a longltudlnal gap, A, between the pro~ectlons of ad~acent rows, there wlll be an overlap, B, as lllustrated ln Flgure 5. Accordlngly, when such a draln ls sub~ected to mlcrofoldlng as deplcted ln Flgure 3, lt wlll not be posslble for the fllter materlal to be urged agalnst the ad~acent surface of the web, 3, because the overlap between ad~acent transverse rows of pro~ectlons wlll prevent the klnd of bendlng deplcted ln Flgure 4, and wlll result ln a bend such as that deplcted ln Flgure 7. Even lf the fllter materlal ls forced lnwardly toward the ad~acent web surface, the overlap between the ad~acent rows of pro~ectlons would prevent the fllter materlal from belng forced sufflclently far that lt could actually touch 21~4239 the web surface. Accordlngly, by provldlng overlap between ad~acent transverse rows of pro~ectlons, blockage due to extreme microfoldlng ls effectlvely ellmlnated.
Whlle the pro~ectlons deplcted ln Flgure 5 are of regular clrcular cross-sectlon, lt ls not necessary that all of the pro~ectlons be ldentlcal, nor ls lt necessary that the overlapplng relatlonshlp exlst between every pro~ectlon ln every row. Reference may be had to Flgure 6 whlch lllustrates pro~ectlons,4, of a slmllar conflguratlon to those deplcted ln Flgure 3, together wlth pro~ectlons, 4', whlch are of oval conflguratlon ln alternatlng rows, whlch pro~ectlons, 4', are themselves lnterspersed wlth regular clrcular pro~ectlons, 4.
As can be seen from Flgure 6, overlap exlsts between the pro~ectlons, 4', of one transverse row of pro~ectlons and the pro~ectlons, 4, ln an ad~acent transverse row of pro~ectlons, and thls wlll produce a result slmllar to that deplcted ln Flgure 7 when the draln ls sub~ected to mlcrofoldlng. The advantageous results of the lnventlon can therefore be achleved regardless of the cross-sectlonal shape of the pro~ectlons, provlded that the overlapplng relatlonshlp between transverse rows exlsts. The overlap may exlst ln any plane, elther through the free ends of the pro~ectlons or, where the pro~ectlons are not cyllndrlcal, ln a plane lntermedlate of the web and the free ends. However, overlap at the free ends ls preferred.
Whlle the free surface area of a draln ln accordance wlth the present lnventlon mlght be somewhat less than that of a conventlonal draln, the lnventlve dralns exhlblt sufflclent free surface area to adequately recelve water dlscharged from the soll. The free surface area ls the area of the fabrlc whlch ls 2 1 ~

ln contact with the soll through whlch water can flow freely.
The support polnts, where the fabrlc rests agalnst the free end of a pro~ectlon, cannot recelve water. Accordlngly, the free surface area ls calculated by subtractlng the contact area of the fabrlc support polnts (the free ends of the pro~ectlons) from the total area of the fllter fabrlc ln contact wlth the 8011.

Claims (7)

1. An earth drain of the type comprising a core consisting of an elongated flexible web having an array of discrete, longitudinally and transversely spaced projections on at least one surface thereof, and a filter of sheet-like water permeable material encasing said core and adapted to be maintained in spaced relationship to at least one surface of the web by the free ends of said projections, characterized in that said projections are arranged in longitudinally spaced parallel rows disposed transversely of said web, with projections in alternating transverse rows being disposed between the projections in adjacent rows, and a transverse line touching the outer periphery of at lease some of the projections in each row intersecting at least some of the projections of an adjacent row.
2. An earth drain as defined in claim 1, wherein said web has parallel side edges, said transverse rows of projections are disposed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of said web, and projections in alternating rows are disposed midway between the projections of an adjacent row.
3. An earth drain as defined in claim 1 or 2, in which said projections are of circular cross-section and have flat free end surfaces which are parallel to the plane of the web.
4. An earth drain as defined in claim 3, wherein said projections are frusto-conical in configuration, diminishing in cross-section from the web to the free end thereof.
5. An earth drain as defined in claim 3, wherein said projections are of cylindrical configuration.
6. An earth drain as defined in claim 1, 2, 4, or 5, wherein said transverse line touches the periphery of the projection at the free end thereof.
7. An earth drain as defined in claim 4, wherein said transverse line touches the periphery intermediate of the surface of the web and the free end of the projection.
CA 2154239 1995-07-19 1995-07-19 Earth drains Abandoned CA2154239A1 (en)

Priority Applications (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA 2154239 CA2154239A1 (en) 1995-07-19 1995-07-19 Earth drains
AU61852/96A AU6185296A (en) 1995-07-19 1996-07-04 Earth drains
PCT/CA1996/000447 WO1997004178A1 (en) 1995-07-19 1996-07-04 Earth drains
TW085108665A TW356491B (en) 1995-07-19 1996-07-17 Earth drainage

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CA 2154239 CA2154239A1 (en) 1995-07-19 1995-07-19 Earth drains

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CA2154239A1 true CA2154239A1 (en) 1997-01-20



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CA 2154239 Abandoned CA2154239A1 (en) 1995-07-19 1995-07-19 Earth drains

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AU (1) AU6185296A (en)
CA (1) CA2154239A1 (en)
TW (1) TW356491B (en)
WO (1) WO1997004178A1 (en)

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US20190143384A1 (en) * 2017-11-14 2019-05-16 Watershed Geosynthetic LLC Low-profile fluid conduit/collector and system
US11053651B2 (en) 2017-11-14 2021-07-06 Watershed Geosynthetics Llc Low-profile fluid conduit/collector and system

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Cited By (5)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US20190143384A1 (en) * 2017-11-14 2019-05-16 Watershed Geosynthetic LLC Low-profile fluid conduit/collector and system
US10697145B2 (en) * 2017-11-14 2020-06-30 Watershed Geosynthetics Llc Low-profile fluid conduit/collector and system
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US11053651B2 (en) 2017-11-14 2021-07-06 Watershed Geosynthetics Llc Low-profile fluid conduit/collector and system
WO2021158920A1 (en) * 2017-11-14 2021-08-12 Watershed Geosynthetics Llc Low-profile fluid conduit/collector and system

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AU6185296A (en) 1997-02-18
WO1997004178A1 (en) 1997-02-06
TW356491B (en) 1999-04-21

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