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CA1267687A - Apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current - Google Patents

Apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current


Publication number
CA1267687A CA000488291A CA488291A CA1267687A CA 1267687 A CA1267687 A CA 1267687A CA 000488291 A CA000488291 A CA 000488291A CA 488291 A CA488291 A CA 488291A CA 1267687 A CA1267687 A CA 1267687A
Prior art keywords
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Expired - Fee Related
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Mikhail N. Anisimov
Nikolai N. Alexandrov
Pelageya P. Veselova
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Vsesojuzny Nauchno-Issledovatelsky Institut Myasnoi Promyshlennosti
Original Assignee
Vsesojuzny Nauchno-Issledovatelsky Institut Myasnoi Promyshlennosti
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Priority to CA000488291A priority Critical patent/CA1267687A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1267687A publication Critical patent/CA1267687A/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current



  • Electrotherapy Devices (AREA)


Abstract An apparatus comprises a power source and two elect-rodes, one of which is directly connected to the power source and the other is connected thereto through series-connected key and current measuring element. A threshold element and a unit for measuring the quantity of electricity are connected to the output of the current-measuring element.
The output of the threshold element is coupled with a relay element with inputs thereof connected to a starting unit and to the unit for measuring the quantity of electricity.
The output of the relay element is connected to a control input of the key.




q!he pre~e~t inventio~ relate~ to apparatu~ ~or pur-poseful a~tio~ on atlimal~ and more partlcularlY. to a~pa-ratus ~or ~tun~i~g o~ ani~al~ by electric current.
he inve~tio~ be used to adva~ta~se at meat indu~t-ry enterpri~es~
~now~ i~ the art ~re ap~aratus (cr. ~S Pate~t No. 4jO31,591, I~t. Gl~ B 22 B ~ 3 oî July 28, 1977) wher~-iD. the requirod ~ff~ct reliable stu~ni~; of animals with--out a lethel outcome - i8 attai~ed throu~;h a timi~g unit to seb th~ ~ime durin~S whicb~ the animal i9 ~ubject~d to the actio~ of eleotric currec~t. As the re~i~tance of the ani-ti~ue~ i8 vari~ble, setting only t~ time i~terval will ~ail to yield the de~ired result, the :einal ~o~ditiorl oî the animal in this case bei~g~ depend~n~ o~ly o~ the re-si~tanco of it~ ti~8U98 . tJsing ~aid p~ior art apparatu~
with a low resi~tan~e oX tissuea may cause the animalt~
~: death and al~o hemorr~6e and Yracture of the spine result-ing ~rom ~onvulsive muscular contractio~s~ thereb~r a;l~fect-ing th6 quality o~ th~ m~at~ A ~igh tis~ue re~istancs, on th~ other hand, can~ot ensure a sui~ioientl;g deep ~tunnl~g o~ the ani~al.
~; Another pEior art apparatua ior stunni~ Qi~ animals b;~ electri¢ currant (ci~ f3 Patent No. 3,981,045, Int. Cl~, A 22 ~ ~/08, 1976) compri~e~ a ~tarting unit, ~ power BO-rcc, a~d two ele~trodes. One oî bhe electrodes is dlrect-~'
2 ~6 ~'~

2 --.
ly connected to one o~ ths output terminal~ o~ the power ~ourc~. The othsr eleotrode i~ aesociated with the other outpu~ termi~al o~ the power ao~rce t~rough ~erles-co~nect-ed k~ ~nd current-~easu~ing ~lemeQt ~it~ t~ out~ut of the latter co~eet~d to t~e input o~ a threshold element setting a ma~imum p~rmis~ible curre~t. Volta~e to t~e elect-rod~s i~ ~ed through a keg co~trollad either by a timi~g deviae or by the t~re~hold element~
Said a~paratu~ however 3 ~ail~ to en~ure a rellable 8tU~ g of the a~imal wit~out a lathal outcomet ~or the value of the curre~t i~ ~ot adjustable ~ the proce~s o~
~tu~ni~g, onl~ the maximum ourrent value being restricted.
~ n object o~ the present inventio~ is to ensur~ a re-liable stunni~g o~ animals with simultaneou~ improvement o~ the quality of tha me~tO
~ e a~se~c~ o~ the inventio~ lie~ in providin~ an ap-paratus ~or stu~ing of a~imal~ by electrio curre~t~ com-prising a starti~g u~it, a power 90uree9 and two electrod~
one o~ w~c~ i~ con~eated to one o~ outa~t termlnals of the ~ower 90urce, and the othor electrode i~ co~nected to the other ou~put terminal o~ the powor 90urca through series-co~nected ke~ a~d current-m~a~uring ele~e~t with an output oY the lattar co~eoted to an i~put of a thrQshold element, ac~ordi~g to the i~ve~tlo~, wherei~ provi~io~ i~ made of a u~it for mea~uring the quantity of electricity and a re-la~ ele~ent with ~n output o~ the l~tter connected to a con-trol in~ut of the key a~d to one of i~put~ o~ the u~it for mea~uring the quantity of eleotricity with th~ other lnput 6~3
3 --thare~ eo~ected to a~ output o~ the current-lneasuri~g ele-ent, i~put~ o~. the rela~r ele~e~t bei~lg re~peotively a~80-¢iat0d with QUt}~Ut~ the tbr~hold elemellt" the u~it ~or measuri~g the qua~tity o~ electricity " a~d t~ start$~
It i8 e~p~die~t tha~ tha u~it :eor mea~uriag th~ quan-tiSy o~ electricity be made u~ of seriLe~-co~a~ted recti-~ier s~ith a~ ut ther~of bei~g the i~put of the unit, i~tagrator, and t~re~hol~ ele~e~t with th~ ou~ut tller~o~
being the outpu~ oi t~e unit.
It i~ pr~erable that the inte~rator oî the u~it îor measuring the quantity o~ electricity aomprises a re~i~tor with one terminal thereo~ ~eing the input o~ the integra~or~
and parallel-~onne¢ted capacitor, operatio~al ampliYier a~d ke;y, the input of the ope~ational ampli~i~r being coupled with the o~ber terminal o~ the resistor, a~d the output the-reof being the output of the integrator.
The pre~e~t inve~tion en~ure~ a reliable ~tunning of tha a~imal essential ~or th~ productio~ procea~, and allo~9 the qualit~ o~ the meat to be ~reserved.and it~ losses cut down.
The i~ve~tio~ ~ill be ~urt~er e~plai~d i~ ta~m~ of a ~p~ci~i~ embodime~t thereoi~ with r~renoe to the accom-panyin~ drawin~ 7 wherei~s ~ ~ig. 1 i~ a block dlagram of an apparatus ~or stu~n-i~g o~ anim~ls b~ electrlc Gurrent, a~cording to the invention~
~ig. 2 repre~ent~ time di~grams to e~plai~ ~he ope-:~6~7 -- 4 --xat~on o~ the appslratus, accordin~ to t~o in-vention., A~ apparatu~ ~or ~tun~in~s o~ ani~als b~ electric cur-re~t cem~ri~es eleotrodes 1 and 2 (~g. 1), o~e o~ whlch, e.g., the elH~trode 1 is oonne¢ted to a~ output terminal 3 o~ a power 50w:~ce 4- ~he electrode 2 i~ connected to ~n out put ~armi~al 5 of the power 9el~Ct3 ~ t~ougb~ series-connec~-ad l~e;~ 6 and ourre~t-~oasuring el~nt 7~ An output o~ the ¢urre~t-mea~uria~ eleme~t 7 i8 ¢oupled with an input oi a thre~hold eLeme~t 8 and with a~ i~put g o~ a unit 10 for mea~uring the quantity of elec tricit;sr.
~ he un~t 10 ~or measuring the qua~tity of ele¢~ricit~r include~ serie~-connected rectifier 11, integrator 12 and threshold eleme~t 13 s~ith a~ outpu~ of t~e latt~r being an output OI the u~it 10, ~on~ected to an inpu~ 14 of ~ relay element 15. ~n input OI t~e recti~ier 11 i~ t~e i~put 9 the u~it 10~ whe~ea~ a~ output o~ the rectiiier 11 i~ a~-sooiated with a~ input oî a~ ope~-atio~al amplifier 17 bhro-ugh a resistor 16. ~ feed-back circuit o~ the operatio~al amplifier 17 CoD~tai~ a GapaCitor 18 a~d a key 19, a cont-rol input of the latter bein~ a~ i~put 20 OI tha u~t 1~9 oo~ected to a~ output OI the rel~ ele~ent 15. An output o~ the o~erat~Lo~al amplifier 17 i8 ¢oupled with ar~ i~put o~ the tbreshold element 13. ~n in~ut 21 of bhe relay ele-ment 15 i~ co~nected to a~ output o:e the thre~hold element 8, and aQ input 22 o~ the rela;y element 15 i8 coupled with a ~tartin~; u~it 23.
Used a~ the power source ~ ma;y be e.~ ad~ust~.ble or non-ad,justable volta6e o~ commercial or high freque~cy. ~he key 6 m~y be built a~ound artifioial or natural switching thyri~tor~ con~ected ln ~arallel oppo~ition (c~. Thyrist-or~. A Refarence Book~ Tran~lation edi~ed by Y.A. Labu~tsov, Energia Publi~hers, ~OBCOW, 1971), and t~e key 19, arou~d a ~ield-e~fect transi~tor. ~he t~re~hold e}ements 8 and 13 may employ ~ra~sistors (c~. Ya.S0 Its~hoki Pul~e and Diæit-al De~lce~c Soviet Radio, ~oscowl 1973), and the rfllay ele-ment 15 may use an operational ampliîier (cf. YaOZ. T~;srpkt~.
~utom~tic Relay System~. ~auka Publis~er~, MOBCOW, 1974~.
Used a~ th~ starting unit 23 iB -a dif~erentiatin~ RC circuit, ~hich feeds a requisite polarit~ signal to the input 2:2 o~
the rela~y slemen~ 15 a~ soon as a pushbut~on iB depressed, Fig. 2 shows time diagram~, in ~hich2 Ul i~ the voltaga of ~he pow~r source 4;
2 is the voltage acroSs t~e electrodes 1 and 2~
~ i8 the out~ut ~ignal of the recti~ier 11 of t~e u~it 10 ~or mea~uri~g the quantity o~ electricitD~
U4 i~ the output sig~al o~ the starting u~it 23;
i9 the output 8ig~al O~ the rela~ element 15;
U6 i~ the output si~na~ of the integrator 123 U7 ~9 the voltage acros~ the input of the threshold element 1~ o~ t~e u~it 10 ~or meaauri~g the qua~tity o~ ele-ctricit~, e~suring the operatio~ of bhe element 133 U8 i8 the voltag~ acro~s the output o~ ths threshold element 13 o~ the unit 10 for measuring the quanti~y of eleotricity3 Ug i~ the voltage aGro~ the input o~ th~ threshold ~7~37 eleme~t 8, ~hereat th3 latter olperate~ ~
Ulo i~ the voltage a~ros~ the output of the thre~hold ele~ent 8.
q!ho appar~liu~ of the i~ve~ltion operate~ a~ îollows.
In the i~ltial 3tate a ~ al U5 (~ig. 2e) i8 pra~e~t acros~ the output o~ tho rela;~ element 15 (~ig. 1) to ope~
bhe ke;y 6 and close the l~e;sr 19. ~ zero ~ a~ U6 (:Fig. 2~) i9 sim~lt~eousl~ pre~ent aaros~ the outpu~ of the operation~
al am~ ier 17~ The electrode3 1 (Fig~ 1) and 2 are applied to the aniolal~ the butto~ of the starti~g unit 2~ i~ press-edl ~nd-a---voltag~ pul~e-U~ (Fig.. 2a) appear~a~--the--output of thereof at a momo~t bl ~Fig. 2). ~e re3ultant voltage at the output o~ the r0laD olement 15 (l~ig. 1) i3 memorized due to the hystere~i~ in th~ ~tatic ~haracteristic o~ said element. ~h~ key 19 ope~, and the key 6 ¢lo~es. B high vol-,~
~age U2 ~Fi~. 2b) is ge~era~ed at the electrodes 1 a~d 2,a~d electrio curre~t ~tarts ~lowl~g throu~sh the ~i~al '~
t1~s~es, the v~lue o~ the ¢urrent bei~g measurabl~ l,vith the aid of th~ Gurrent-measuring eleme~b 7 (~ig. 1) . The curre~t ~ubseque~tly pa9~e9 through t~e rec~i~ier 11 to arrive at t;he inp~t of the integrator 12. ~be output Yoltage IJ~
(Fig, 2~ rill be f ou~d ~rom the e:~pre~l9i.0D. s ~ 6- ~ 5 /i~t)/ dt (1), whero l~t) i~ ~he curreQt ~lowin~; through the aaimal~a ti~-sues R 1~ the r~sistance oî the re~i~tor 16 (~ig. 1) C i9 the capacitanoe o~ tha c~paoitor 18J

:~LZ~7~37 ,~ . .~

ET i~ the t:rarlsfer ~actor OI ths curr0~t-measuring eleme~t 7.
Con~equently, the voltag0 U6 (Flg. 2f ~ i~ proportio~al ~o the qu~nti~ oï the electricit;y ~iowi~g t~rough the ani-mal'~ ti58ue~3. A~ ~oo~ as t~e output 3ignal IJ6 OI the i~-tegrator 12 (~ig, 1) reache~ the threshold wh¢reat the ele-~ent 13 o~erates (voltage U7~ ~ig. ~), ~ si~;nal will appear a.t the output oî t~e integrator to restore the zero ~ignal at the ou~put of the relay element 15 (~ig. 1),, ~hls signal ~lose~ the key 19 to re~tore the Yero 6ignal at the inte-grator 12. Simultaneously, there appear~ a signal ope~
the ke;y 6~ W~th a ~atural switc~ing t~yristor used as the key 6 t~e latter opens duri~g one ~aL~-cycle oï t~e supl~ly voltage ~t3, ~ig~, 2~. With the key 6 openp the action o~
eleotrie current o~ the a~imal termi~ates. The apparatu~
retur~ to the i~itial ~tate " and voltage ~u~ply to the electrode~ 1 a~d 2 i9 disco~ti~ued. I~ the ~ubsequ~t switch-i~g (t4) causeq eleatriG current to îlow tbrough the load cir¢uit, the YalUe o~ ~he ¢urrent e~l:ceeding a t~re~hold Ug for the ele~nt 8 (Fig. 1) to op~rate, a signal U10 (~ig,2~) will be ~produced at the output OI the latter, to generate a zero slg~al at the o~pu~ of the relay eleme~t 15 (Fig.13, ~aid ~ l being memor~zed due to tho h~toresi~ i~ the BtatiC charact~ri~tic o~ the abova eleme~t. Such bei~e; the caae, the ke~y 6 open~ duri~g one hal~-c~cle ~t6~ ~ig. 2~.
The qua~titi;y o~ eiLeotrici$~sr req~red for the give~
specie~ Or animals i~ ad~u~ted by the operator throug~
cha~inK the voltage U7 (~ig. 2e) ~ the operation thre~hold of the elemer~t 13 (~?ig. 1) - as the first animals i~ the batch start ¢oming i~.
I!hus, the apparatus o~ the inventlon restriGts the guantity o~ eleatricit;y ~lowi~g through ths Rnimal'~ ti~ue~, which ~ ~ propvrtional to the in~egral tak0~ over the tims during which electric current flow~ through the same tis-sues, which ma~es it possible to avoid îracture~ of the spi~e resulti~g in hemorrhages a~d, consequentl;y, in a poorer qualit~y of the meat. U3ing the apparal;us o~ the in-vention en~ures a reliable stunning oî the animal essential for the produotion pro~ess, which allow~ the quality of the meat to be proa-rved and ita losaea *ut do~v*.

:' :

Claims (3)

1. An apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current comprising:
- a power source, having a first and a second output terminals;
- a first electrode connected to said first output terminal of said power source;
- a key, having an input, a control input, and an output; said input, connected to said second output terminal of said power source;
- a current-measuring element, an input and an out-put of said current-measuring element, said input connected to said output of said key;
- a second electrode connected to said output of said current-measuring element;
- a unit for measuring the quantity of electricity, having a first and a second input and an output; said first input connected to said output of said current-measuring element;
- a threshold element, an input and an output of said threshold element; said input connected to said output of said current-measuring element;
- a relay element, a first, a second and a third in-put and an output of said relay element, said first input connected to said output of said threshold element, said se-cond input connected to said output of said unit for mea-suring the quantity of electricity, said output connected to said control input of said key and to said second input of said unit for measuring the quantity of electricity;
- a starting unit having an output connected to said third input of said relay element.
2. An apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current as claimed in claim 1, wherein said unit for mea-suring the quantity of electricity comprises:
- a rectifier, having an input and an output, said input being said first input of said unit for measuring the quantity of electricity;
- an integrator, an input and an output of said in-tegrator, said input connected to said output of said re-ctifier;
- a threshold element, having an input and an output, said input connected to said output of said integrator, said output being said output of said unit for measuring the quan-tity of electricity.
3. An apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current as claimed in claim 2, wherein said integrator com-prises:
- a resistor, a first and a second terminals of said resistor, said first terminal connected to said output of said rectifier;
- an operational amplifier, having an input and an output, said input connected to said second terminal of said resistor, said output connected to said input of said threshold element of said unit for measuring the quantity of electricity;
- a capacitor, having poles connected to said input and output of said operational amplifier;
- a key, having a control input and outputs, said outputs connected to said input and output of said opera-tional amplifier, a control input connected to said output of said relay element.
CA000488291A 1985-08-08 1985-08-08 Apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current Expired - Fee Related CA1267687A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000488291A CA1267687A (en) 1985-08-08 1985-08-08 Apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000488291A CA1267687A (en) 1985-08-08 1985-08-08 Apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1267687A true CA1267687A (en) 1990-04-10



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000488291A Expired - Fee Related CA1267687A (en) 1985-08-08 1985-08-08 Apparatus for stunning of animals by electric current

Country Status (1)

Country Link
CA (1) CA1267687A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US5306200A (en) * 1993-01-15 1994-04-26 Georator Corporation Current regulated electronic stunning apparatus
US5401209A (en) * 1993-01-15 1995-03-28 Ripol; George J. Current regulated electronic stunning apparatus

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US5306200A (en) * 1993-01-15 1994-04-26 Georator Corporation Current regulated electronic stunning apparatus
US5401209A (en) * 1993-01-15 1995-03-28 Ripol; George J. Current regulated electronic stunning apparatus

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