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CA1154933A - Method of producing sulphur trioxide - Google Patents

Method of producing sulphur trioxide


Publication number
CA1154933A CA000387298A CA387298A CA1154933A CA 1154933 A CA1154933 A CA 1154933A CA 000387298 A CA000387298 A CA 000387298A CA 387298 A CA387298 A CA 387298A CA 1154933 A CA1154933 A CA 1154933A
Prior art keywords
reaction mixture
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Alexei A. Ivanov
Georgy K. Boreskov
Jury S. Matros
Viktor J. Volkov
Viktor S. Lakhmostov
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Original Assignee
Boreskov Institute of Catalysis Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Boreskov Institute of Catalysis Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences filed Critical Boreskov Institute of Catalysis Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Priority to CA000387298A priority Critical patent/CA1154933A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1154933A publication Critical patent/CA1154933A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Organic Low-Molecular-Weight Compounds And Preparation Thereof (AREA)
  • Catalysts (AREA)


A method of preparing sulphur trioxide residing in oxidation of sulphur dioxide, contained in a reaction mixture, in a stationary catalyst bed when the direction of the move-ment of the reaction mixture flow along the catalyst bed is reversed periodically (every 10-200 minutes) or when the tem-perature of this reaction mixture is changed in front of the catalyst bed from 20-200°C to 350-600°C during 10-200 minutes.
The proposed invention can be used in sulphur is acid production.


'rhe presen-t invention relates to processing sulphurouæ
gases and more particularly to a method of produci~g sulphur trioxide. '~he proposod inven-tio~ may f'ind applicatio~ in the manu~acture o~ sulphuric acid.
gnown in the ar-t are me-thods of producing sulphur triox-ide by oxidation of sulphur dioxide with subs~que~t produc-tion of sulph~ric acid. ~hese methods ar~ performed in co~-tact apparatus with several (most ~requently with 4 or 5) adiaba-tic beds of a catalyst and with ~uilt-in or separate hsat-excka~gers bstween the beds. ~hs ini-tial gas enters the co~tact apparatus at a te~peratura o~ 20-100C and is heated in the heat-~xcha~gers b~ the reacted gas up to the tempera-ture of the beginning of the reaction o~ the ~irst catalyst bed equal to 390-440. The most intensiva oxidation t~kes place on the ~irst bed where the d~gree of conversion reaches 0.7-0.8 and the gas leavi~g the catalyst has a tsmperature of about 600C. ~he tempsrature conditions i~ the apparatus o~
all catalyst beds is kept constantO The known methods axe used for oxidizi~g gasss with a sulphur dio~ide content of 7.5-12 vol.%, theæe gases being obtained either by burning elemental sulphur or by roasting sulphur-corL-tai~in~ or~s. (I'Spra~roch~lk sernokislotchika" publi~hed in 1971, "Khimiya", Mo~cow~ p.481).
Implementation of such know~ methods re~uires complex conta¢t apparatus. ~he known methods also make possible th~
production of sulphur trioxide ~rom waste ga~es, ~or insta~ce, in no~-ferrous metallurgy, with th~ sulphur dioxide co~-tent in -them o~ 3~5-700 vol~%9 the sur~ac~ area of hea-~-exchanger~
- 2 -`' ~


in con-tact apparatus being considerably increased.
For oxidation of gases with tha sulphur dioxide con-te~t less than 3.5 vol~% constant heat supply is required, ~or whlch purpose mazut or natural gas is used as a -f'uel.
Gases with the sulphur dioxide content less than 2.0-2.5 vol~% are mostly not processed, since the process become~ u~-economical and the gases are discharged in-to the atmosphere thus co~tami~ating a~d poisoning the en~ironment.
Gases containing more -than 12 vol.% o~ sulphur dioxide are not proc~ssed on conventional catalysts because of high and prolonged o~erheating o~ the catalyst in the reaction zo~e (above 650C).
It is practically impossiblo to process by the known method~q, without rscourse to sp~cial m~asures, waste gases with a variable content of sulphur dioxide in non-~errous ma-tallurgy when -the content varies during short period~ of time.
It follo~s from the above that the known methods are tochnolo ~ically complicated a~d do ~ot allow the processing o~ gase~
with low~ variable, and h~igh conten~ of sulphur dioxid~ wi~hin a wide ra~g~ of concentrations bo~h constant a~d variable wi~h time.
It is an obj~ct of the in~en-tion to provid~ a m~thod of producing sulphur trioxide which will have high tec~nical and economic characteristics a~d make it possibla to process gases of having a composition either consta~t or varying wi~h time with a sulphur dioxide con~e~t of 0~6 to 15.0 vol.%.
~ his objec-t is accomplis~ed in a method of producing sul-phur trioxide by 02idatio~ of sulphur dioxido in a sta-tionary ~ 3 _ ~ 5~93;3~
ca-talyst bed; in said mo-thod, accordi~$ to the inventio~, the process is per~ormed with a periodic (every 10-200 mi~utes) reversal o~ t~e directio~ o~ the flow of the reaction mi~ture, containin~ sulphur dioxide and movi~ alon$ the catalyst bed, wi-th or a change o~ the reac-tion mixture temperature just be-f'ore e~tering the catalyst ~ed from 20-200C to 350~600C dur~
ing 10-200 minutes.
Implementatio~ o~ the process under the above-cited con-dltions allow~ f`or usi~g simple and cheap contact apparatus o~
enhanced reliability and decreasing ~heir metal capacity 10-20 times as compared with the known ones. In addition~ i-t becomes possible to process gases with a sulphur dioxide content in a wide ra~ge of co~centrations both consta~t and varying with time~ ~hus, for ins-tance, gases containing 0.6-2.5 vol.% o~
sulphur dioxide, usually dischar~ed i~-to the atmosphere, can be processe~ without additional hea-t suppl~. I-t is e~pedient to carry out such method of o~idatio~ at aDy low initial tempera-tures whe~ the sulphur dioxide contant in the .reaction mi~ture vaxies with ti~e ~rom 0.6 to 5% or ~rom 2 to 9 vol~%.
~ ere a~d herea~ter in the least the term "i~itial reac-tion mixture" is used to denote the gas at the input o~ -th~
contact apparatus and at the input to the reactio~ zo~e, incl-uding tho unreact~d sulphur dioxide; the term "reaction mixtu-re'l is used to denote gases containing both sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide~ residing in the regions of -the begi~ni~g and end of the chemical reac-tion; the term "uL~eact0d reaction mixture'7 is used to denote gases at the outlet from the reac-tion zone and contact apparatus and containing~ predominantly, sulphur trio:~:ide .

~ 3~
r~he method is preferably accomplished in the following way. ~n initial reaction ~ixture with tha sulphur dioxide co~tent of 1.0 or 10 vol.% is fed at 20C onto the catalyst heated up to 500C~ ~he temperature o~ the mixture rises be-oause of direc-t con-tact with the catalys-t and at 390C the reaction of oxidation begins. The part of the catalyst locat-ed at the input o~ the initial reaction mixture is cooled down to the temperature o~ the mix-ture~ thus playi~g ~he role o~ a regenerative h~a-t-exchanger. A~ a result o~ such mechanism of heat transfer alo~g the ca-talyst bed, a moving heat ~ront (reaction zona) arises whose tempera-ture proYile is determined by the ini-tial concentration of sulphur dioxide and other para-meters.
In order to keep the moving heat front o~ the reaction within the catalyst bed~ it is necessary to reverse periodical-ly the direction o~ the moveme~t o~ the initial reac-tion mixtu-re during, say 60 minutes. The cooling o~ that part of the ca-talyst bogins which is adjacent to the irlput o~ the initial raaction mixture and the hea-t fron-t reverses its directiorl.
Appropriate choice o~ a ~umber o~ technological parame-ters (linear velocity, switching-o~er time, e-tc~) elimi~ates prol-o~gad overheating of -the catalyst when gases wi-th a hi~h con-tent o~ sulphur dio~ide (up to 15 vol.%) are processed and en-sures an intonsive course o~ -the chemical reaction when pro-cessing gases with the sulphur dio~ide conterlt as low as 0~6 to 2.5 rol.~0.
The proposed method rules out -the use oY heat-exchangars or additional heat sources for heating the irli-tial reaction mixture sirlce the catalyst bed itscl~ acts as regs~erative $3~
heat-exchangers~ heating the ini.tial reaction mix~ure and coolinæ the r~acted mixture~ '~he temperature re~ime close -to a theor~tical one is established.-thus ensuring a high degree of sulphur dioxide con~ersion into trioxide in o~e catalyst bed.
r~he second varian-t of realizin~ the method is proposed which can be performed in a catalyst bed when the tam~erature of the initial reaction mixture periodically changes ~rom 20-200C to 390-600C. If the initial reac-tion mixture e~teri~g the ca-talyst bed has a high -temperature (for ins-tance~ 420C), the temperature pro~ile is ~ormed at the i~iti~l part of the catal~st ~ed where the chemical tra~sformation -takes place.
A decrease of the tempera~ture o~ the initial mixture to mini-mum values ~or instance~ 20C) coo~s down the catalyst adjac-ent to the i~puto A hea-t front is formsd in the bed which mo~-e~ to the output a~d chemical trans~ormation takes place in this frontg At -time instant when the heat ~ro~t is closs to the eutput of the reaction ~ixture from the catalyst bed, thc temperature o* the i~itial reactio~ mixture is raised agai~
up to maximum and the region of high ~emperatuxes is *ormed on the initial part of -the ca-talyst bed where chemical -trans-formation tak0s placeO r~hen the initial temperature is lowered again and in the ca-talyst bed a heat fron-t re-appears i~stcad of that which has ju~t left the bed~ Such a method of' oxidiz-i~g sulphur dioxide in the catalyst bed ~avours tho f ormation o~ the tcmperature profile clo~o, on the average, to theoreti-cal thus ~suring the degree of con~ersion of sulphur dioxide into trioxide up to 0098 in one catalys-t bed~

Principle scheme~ o~ realizing the proposed method, pre-sented on Figs 1, 2 and 3, are ~iven hereinbelow by way of il-lus-tratio~.
~ `ig. 1 shows -the scheme of oxidatio~ of the initial reaction mixture in one catalyst bed. '~he initial reaction mixture with a sulphur dioxide co~-te~t 3.5 vol.~0 is fed at 20C on the ca-talyst A pre-heated up to 500C; tha direction of the delivery is shown by solid arrows. In -this case ga-tes 2 are opened a~d valves 3 are closed Direct con~act with the catalyst ri~es -the tempsratura of -the initial reaction mixturo up to 390C~ which corresponds to -the temperature of the beg-i~ni~g o~ the reactio~. ~s a result, a heat front al ari~eæ
along the catalyst bed; in 60 mi~utss said fron-t occupios -the position a2. Ahead of the hsat ~rontS which moves in the direc-tion o-~ filtra-tion, a zone of tha catalyst appeares cooled to a temperature of the initial reaction mixture (20C) I~ 60 mi-nutes valves 2 and ~ are switch~d over simultaneously a~d the initial reaction mi~ture reverses the directio~ o~ i-ts move-me~t (dashed arrows). ~he reaction front a2 moves in an oppo-site direction a~d in 60 minutos occupies the posi-tion al.
Af-ter this a complete cycle equal to 120 minutes repeats which provides a continuous out~ou-t of the reacted reactio~ mixture ~rom the catalys-t bed.
It is seen from Fig. 1 that, upon moving the heat front "a" between positions al and a2, there are catal~st zones ahe-ad and behind the ~ront which do no-t particlpate i~ the chemi-cal roaction but play the role o~ regenerative h0at-exchangers heating the initial reaction mixture with a temperature 20C
to the temperature correspo~ding to the beginning of the reaction a~d cooli~g the r~ac-ted reaction mixture at the expense of' trans~er o~ -the reaction heat to -the catalyst cooled to 20C.
~ ig. 2 illustrates the oxidation scheme which is r~alized when the temperature o~ the reac-tion mi~ture chan~es Yrom 20-200C to 390-600C for 10-200 ~inutes. r~'he initial reaction mixture is fed into the catalyst bed i~ one direction. In the catalyst divid~d into two equal parts ~1 and A2 the heat front o~ the reaction periodically moves ~rom position al ~-o a2 and - g e sc eme a2 al a2 al a2 al etc. ~he move-ment of the heat ~ront is per~ormed by alternating switch over of -the valves 1-60 The xeacted reaction mixture is removed ~rom the catalyst bed in the direction point~d by the arrows.
For instance, the initial reaction mixture with a sulphur diox-ide content 9 vol.,0 and a temperature of 70C is delivered to ths catalyst Al pre-h~ated to sooa in the direction indicated by solid arrows. Ths heat ~ront -thus arising begins to move ~rom the position al to a2. ~he gates 1, 3 a~d 5 are ope~ed whereas 2, 4 and 6 are closed. In 100 minutes (duxation o~`
semi-cycle) th~ reaction mixtuxc with a temperature 500C pass-es into a no~-heated part A2 ~ the bad. At this instant th~
1~ 3 gates become closed, -the ga-ts 2 becomes opan~d and -the initial reaction mixture with a temperature of 70C is fed in-to the part ~2 ~ tha cataly~-t bedO When the gates 1~ 3 are completely closed and gate 2 is completely opaned~ the gates 4?
5 and 6 begin to operate simultaneously. The gate 5 bocomes closed and ga-tes 4, 6 become opened; the reacted reaction mix~
ture from -the paxt ~2 of the bed is fed in-to part Al and remov-ed from the catalyst (dashed arrows). When the hcat front passes 4~
~rom -the posi-tion al -to the position a2 a~d vice versa both in upper and low 30ne5 of the parts Al and A2, -the tempera-tu-xe in the zoncs rises -~rom 70C to m~ximum 600C and lowers from 600C -to 70C. ~he mechanism o~ the mo~emen-t o~ the heat front alo~g the catalyst bed with an alternating formation o~
hot and cold zones of the catalys-t, which play -the role of heat-exchangers, is similax to that show~ in ~'i~. 1. llhe suc-cessive switching over of the gates 1-6 ensures a continuous movement of the hea-t front accordin~ to the scheme al-a2~al-a2 and so on in o~e direction and, consequently~ a continuous removal of the reacted reaction mixture from the catalyst bed.
~ ~ig. ~ illustra-tes one more scheme of oxidation ~hich is also realized upon changing -the temperature of the mixturs from 20-200C to 390-6Q0C duri~g 10-200 minu~es~ The initial reaction mixture is fed into a catalyst bed, divided into ~wo unequal parts Al and h2, periodically in two direc-tio~s. ~he part A2 of the bed ser~es as a "primer" o~ the main bed Al;
t~e temperature of the mixture en-tering the part A2 is perio-dically changed. For instance~ an initial reactio~ mixture with a sulphur dioxide conte.nt 0.6 vol.% at a temperature 200C is ~ed on the catalyst Al and ~2 pre-heated up -to 500C
in the direction shown by the arrows ~ig. ~a)~ In each part ~1 and A2 two heat fro~ts arise (al and bl) which begi~ to move in opposite directions. The ga-te 1 is closed and the ga~e
3 is opened; the gate 2 is opened incompletely thus controll-ing a slow mov~ment of the heat ~ront bl with resp~ct to the movement ~ a1~ In 60 mi~utes the heat fronts occupy positions a2 and b2 (~ig.. 3b) after which the gates 2 and 3 become clos-ed and the gate 1 becomes opened and the initial reaction _ g _ -:

mix-ture is delivered i~ -the direction shown by axrows. Sulphur dio~ide contained in the initial reaction mixture oxidizes in the reaction zone b2. Since no sulphur dioxîde enters zone a2, the reaction in ~aid zone does not take place and -the heat fro~t a2 removes fxom t~e bed. I~ 10 minutes the heat ~ro~-t b2 o~c~upies the position shown in Fi~. 3a and splits into two heat ~ro~ts al and~ 1- Xn this position the gates 1, 2 and are switched over and the cycle, whose duxation is 70 mi~utes~
repeats. In front o-~ the part Al o~ the ca-talyst bed, where the mixture e~ters -the catalyst~ the temperature o~ the ca-ta-lyst is p~riodically (each 70 minutes) cha~ged ~rom 200C to 390-600C~ Successi~e switching over o~ the gates 1, 2 and 3 provides a pulse arising and dampi~g o~ the heat front al which ensures a continuous removal o~ the reacted reaction mixtuxe from the catalyst bed. The part ~2 of the catalyst periodical-ly ac-ts as a t'primer't.
xam~e 1 An initial reactio~ mixture ~ormed duri~ combustio~ of sulphur and consistin~ o~ 10~5 VO1D% 0~ sulphur dioxide, 10~5 vol.% o~ oxy~en, and 79 vol.% o~ nitro~en is fed into a contact apparatus with one adiaba~ic catalyst bed (~i~. 1).
~he composition of the cat~lyst is as ~ollows (wt~o):
v~o5 6-9 Support SiO2 -the balance~
The tempera-tur0 o~ -the i~itial reactio~ mixture is 20C; the conditional contac~ -time about 6 s~c. l'rior -to introduction o~ the initial reaction mixtl~e~ -the bed is heat~d to 500C.

In this example the direc-tion of movsment of the reactio~
mixtur~ ~low (Figo 1~ is reversed by interchanging the input and ou~put of the mixture in 4Q minutes.. I~ next ~0 minuto~
the direction of movement o~ the initial reaction mixture is re~ersed again, and ~o on. Duration o~ one cycle is 80 mi~u-tes.
An average degree o~ sulphur dioxide conversion into trioxide is 98.3% per cycle which is equivalent to operation in statio-nar~ regime of a contact apparatus wi-th ~ive adiaba-tic cata lyst beds with intermediate heat-exchangersO
xample 2 A~ initial reaction mixture formed during calcination o~
p~rite and consisting of 7.5 volO% o~ ~ulphur dioxids, 10.5 vol.% of ox~gen, a~d 82 ~Ola% of nitrogan is delivered i~to a co~tact apparatus with o~e adiabatic catalyst bsd (~ig. 1)~
~he composition o~ the catalyst is similar to tha-t described in Example 1. ~he temperature of the initial reaction mi~ture is 150G; the conditional con~act time is 5 sec. Prior to in-troduction of tlle initial reaction mi~ture~ -the bed is heated up -to 550C. ~he direction o~ movement of the reaction mixture iæ reversed each 55 minutes; a cycle duratio~ is 110 minute~.
The degree of sulphur dioxide conversion in-to trioxide i~ 98.5%
per cycle~
Example An initial reaction mixture ~ormed during combustion o~
sulphur and consisting o~ 12 vol~0 of sulphux dioxide3 11 vol.%
of oxygen, and 78 volc% o-~ nitrogen is delivered into a co~t-act apparatus ~ith one adiabatic ca-talyst bod (~ig. 1)~ ~he composi-tion o~ the catalyst is similar to that described in ~xample 1. '~he temperatuxe o~ the initial reaction mix-ture is 20C; the conditional contac-t ti.me about 6 sec~ Prior to intr oduction of -the initial reac-tion mixture, thQ catalyst bed is hea-ted ~p to 500Co Each 30 minutes the directio~ o~ the move-ment o~ the reaction mix-ture i~ reversed; cycle duration is 60 minuteq. An average degree o~ sulphur dioxide con~ersion into -trioxide is 98~1~o per cycle.

~4 The procedure is similar to that described in E~ample lo Conditional con~act time is 7 seci cycle duration 200 minutes.
A~ average conversion dagree is 98~0% per cycle.

The procedure is similar to that described in Example 1.
The co~ditional contact time is 5 sec; cycle duration 10 minu-t~so ~n average co~versio~ degree is 98.5% per cycle.
~xample 6 ~ he~fp~ocedure is similar to that described in Exampl0 1 I'he co~position o~ the initial reaction miæture is 0.6 vol.%
of sulphur dioxide~ 5 vol.% o~ oxygen, and 94.4 vol.% o~ ~irgo-ge~, said mi~ture being ~ed into a contact apparatus with one catalyst bed. Cycle duration is 60 minutes; an average co~ver~
sion degree is 99.3% per cycle.
xam;Ple ?
~ he i~itial reaction mi~ture and the catalyst are similar to those described in Example 1. '~he ca-talyst bed is di~ided into two equal parts; the mode of the catal~st action is pre-sented in description of ~i~. 2~ In this example ~h~ tempoxatu-re of the reaction mixture is changed in front of the catal~st , :

' bed and its parts hl and A2 (Fig. 2). The to-tal amoun-t o~ -the catalys-t in both parts corresponds to a conditional contact -time 8 secO The par-t ~1 ~ -the bed is pre-heated up to 500C.
'~he temperature o~ the initial reaction mix-ture at the input Q~ part Al is 20C. The reactiorl mix-tur2, after passing -thro-ugh parts Al a~d A2~ leaves the latter a~d the apparat~s at a temperature which changes smoothly from 20 to 350C during 55 minutes (semi-cycle); t~en -the gates are switched over i~
the succession ~iven in description of Fi~/ 2J I~ 3S minute~
af~er the beg~in~ing o~ the cycle the tempexature o~ the reac~
tion mixture at the input -to the upper part ~2 ~ the bad at--tains 250C, in the next 10 minu-tes it attains 280C, and in another 10 minutes - ~20C; -towards the end o~ semi-cycle ~55 minutes) the temperature attains 350C. After ~witchin~
over the gates in 55 minutes the initial reactio~ mix~ure is ~ed to the part A2 ~ t~e bed i~ the direction shown b~ dashed arrows. In next 55 minutes the heat ~ron-t ~rom the positio~ a2 passes completely into the position al and the cycle with dura-tio~ 110 minutes is repeated. An average con~ersion degree i~
98~% p~r cyclfl which is e~uivalent to the operatio~ o~ a con-tact apparatus with five successively located catalyst beds and intermediate hea-t-exchangersO

~ he i~itial data are similar to -those given in ~`xamples 7 and 1~ ~he di~:Eerence consists in that switching over o~ the ga-tes in 55 minu-tes and re-distribution o~ -the entering i~i-ti-al reaction mixture between the catalyst parts Al and A2 (see Fig. 2) are per~ormed when heat ~ronts al a~d a2 are successi-v81y placed in the middle of the parts A1 and ~2. ~he succes-sion o~ switching ov~r the ga-tes is the same as in descrip--tion o~ . 2. A semi-cycle (55 minutes) begins whe~ tha heat ~ront al occupies the position in -the middle of ~1 and the i~itial r~action mixture at a temperature o~ 20C is ~d in the direction shown by solid arrows (Fig. 2). ~he heat front passes through the upper part A2 oX the bed with the same temperaturas as those described in Example 7 and L~ 55 minu-tes it occupies the position a~ in the middle of A2. '~he gates are switched over a~d the initial raaction mixture at 20C is delivered into the upper part A2 of the bed in the direction shown by dashed arrows (Fi~. 2). In ne~t 55 minu~e~
i.eO in 110 minutes of the complste cycle9 th~ heat ~ront a2 occupies the po~ition a~ the middle o~ Al) and the cycle is repeated. During each semi-cycle the reacted reaction mix--ture is removed successively from the parts Al and A~ o~ the bed and ~rom the apparatus~ the temperature o~ said mixture bei~g smoothly ohanged from 20 to 350a.
~ he Example is similar to Example 7. The initial reactio~
mixture consisti~g of 0.6 volO~O o~ sulphur dioxide, 15 vol~%
o~ oxygen a~d 84 vol~70 o~ nitrogen is successivel~ delivered to the parts ~1 and A2 of the bed (Fig. 2) at a temperature of 200C. Cycle duration is 75 mi~utes. From cycle to cycle ~he temperature changes smoothly ~rom 200C to 600C and lower~
down -to 200c at -the i~puts of -the mixture into the parts ~1 and A2. An average conversion degree is 99.4% per cycle~

~ he ~xample is similar to ~xample 7. The reaction mixture with a sulphur dioxide co~-te~-t var~ing i~ time ~rom 0.6 to ~L3LS~
7 vol.% and o~ygen co~tent 9-10 vol.~0 is successiv01y deliv-ered to ~he parts ~ and A2 ~ the ca-talyst bed (~ig. 2) at 100C~ Cycle duration is 80 minutes. ~n average conversion degree is 981~7% per cycle~

~ n initial reaction mixtur~ f'ormed duri~g combu~tion of ~ulPhux and co~sisting of 12 volO~O o~ sulphur dioxide, 9 volO%
of o~ygen, and 79 vol~0 o~ nitrogen is ~ed into a conbact ap-paratus with a "primer" as is shown in Fig. 3. The catalyst is pre-hea-ted to 500C ~ conditional contact time 9 sec 4 ~he temperature o~ the initial reaction mL~ture i5 ~0C. ~he ini-tial rea~-tion mixture is delivered both to the part Al ~nd Q2 (Fig. 3a~ ~or 170 mi~utes a~ter which the heat ~ronts al and bl occupy the positio~s a2 a~d b2. During nsxt 30 minute~ the initial reaction mixture is ~ed into the bed Al through a 1'primer" A2 as is shown in Fig. 3b. During this period o~
time the heat fron-t b2 occupies th0 posi-tion al and b1 where-as the heat front a2 is removed ~rom the part Al. 'F~en the heat front b2 is split, in the upper part of the bed Al and i~ the lower part o~ the bed ~2 the temperature at the mome~t of switchi~ over os the gate is 20C9 i~ next 15 mi~utes -180C 9 in 5 minutes - 350C, and i~ 30 minutes - ~00C. At this moment the gates are swi-tched over again in the same succession which is given in description o~ ~ig. 3. The ini-tial reaction mixture is ~ed a-t 20C into a layer between the parts Al and A2 ~ the ca-talyst bed~ ~he system occupies the position shown in Fi~. 3a ~hich corresponds to the cycle dura--tion 200 minutes~ A~ average conversion degree is 9BD1% per ~' '; ' ,.

~ ~ , ~lS~33 cycle which is eguival~nt to the opera-tion of a co~tact appa-ratus with five adiabatic catalyst beds and with intermediate heat exchang~rs.
xample l_ ~ he E~ample is similar to Example 11. ~he initial reac-tion mixture is delivered on the catalyst at 200C. Cycle duration is 150 mi~utes. A~ average conversion degree is 98~2~o~

~ he Example is similar to Example 11. ~he initial reac-tion mixture containing 1.5 vol.yO o~ ~ulphur dioxide, 15 vol.%
o~ oxygen, and 8~.5 vol.% o~ ~itrogen are processessed at a cycle dura~ion o~ 130 minutes~ ~n average co~versio~ degree is 99.3% per cycle.

An initial reaction mixture ~ormed upon combustion of sulphur and c~ntaining 15 vol.% of sulphur dioxide9 11 vol.~0 o~ oxygan, and 74~0 o~ nitrogen is ~ed into a co~tact apparatus with one catalyst bed. Any scheme shown in ~igs 1, 2 and 3 can be real~zed. ~he temperature o~ the initial reaction miæture at ~irst stage is 50C; conditional contact time - 5 sec~
Prior to introduction o~ the initial reaction miæture, the catalyst ~ed is pre-heated to 500C~ ~n average d~gree oX
sulphur dioxide c o~version into trioxide at this stage is 94%, cycle duration 110 minutes. Such ,a conversion degree is rela-tively low and additional oxidation o~' the ~on-oxidizod sulph-ur dioxide is required~ For this purpose, the reaction mixture obtained is delivered to the ~ir5t absorption sta~e after which the reactio~ ~ixture co~taining 0~75 vol.% o~ sulphur dioxide, 3.6 ~ol.% o~ oxygen, and ni-trogen - the balance is ~ed into the seco~d catalyst bed at 60C and conditio~al con-tact time 5 sec. Said second catalyst bed is the seco~d stage of contactingO ~'here the reactien mixture is oxidized up to a high co~version degree (99.8%) 9 the duration of the cycle being 80 minu-tes. '~he scheme of the contact apparatus may ba similar to that chosen ~or the ~irst stage or be any one of those shown in Figs 1, 2 or 3. '~he catalyst ~or the ~irst and seco~d stage is similar to that used in E~ample 1.

~ n initial reaction mixture formed upon burning ~ulphur in oxygen saturat0d air and consisting o~ 15 vo~0 of sulphur dioxide, 12 volO~O of oxygen~ and 7~ vol.% o~ nitrogen is fed to the first st~ge of con-tac-ting. '~he rest conditions are si-milar to those described in Example 14. ~fter first stage -the conversio~ degree is 94~2% and -the duration of the cycle 160 minutes. '~he reaction mix-ture a~ter the ~irst absorption sta goes to the second s~age of contacting with a sulph~r dioxide conte~t 0.886 vol~%, 4.07 vol.% of ox~gen, and ni-trogen ~ the balance. Cycl~ duration is 80 minutes; the total co~versio~
degr~e 99~87%.

The Example is similar to ~xample 1~ '~he di~ferencc con-sists in -that a sulphur dioxide content in the r~action mixtu-re changes with time at random from 0.6% to 5%, whereas an oxygen co~te~t remains almost constant and e~uals 9~0. Cycle duration is 80 minu-tes, an average conversion degree 98.6%4 "~.

' ~i4~ 3 '~he Example is similar to :Exa~ple 7. ~he di~'ference con-sists in that a sulphur diox.ide content in the i~itial reac-tion mixture changes with -time from 2 to 9 vol~O whereas an oxygen conten-t remains almost ~onstant and equals 12 vol~%~
Cycle duration is 90 minutes; an average conversion degre~

The Example is similar -to Example 14. The difPerence res-ides in that sulphud dioxide conten-t is 11~5%, oxygen conte~t is 9~5~0~ and nitro~en is -the balance~ ~he co~version degree of sulphur dioxide at firs-t stage of contacting is 94.6%; after second stage the conversion degree is 99.9%.

Claims (3)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:-
1. A method of preparing sulphur trioxide residing in oxidation of sulphur dioxide contained in the reaction mixture in a stationary catalyst bed when the direction of the movement of the reaction mixture flow along the catalyst bed is periodic-ally (each 10-200 minutes) reversed or when the temperature of said reaction mixture is changed in front of the catalyst bed from 20-200°C to 350-600°C during 10-200 minutes.
2. A method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process is performed with the sulphur dioxide content in the reaction mixture varying with time from 0.6 to 5 vol.%.
3. A method as claimed in Claim 1, wherein the process is performed with the content of sulphur dioxide in the reaction mixture varying with time from 2 to 9 vol.%.
CA000387298A 1981-10-05 1981-10-05 Method of producing sulphur trioxide Expired CA1154933A (en)

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CA000387298A CA1154933A (en) 1981-10-05 1981-10-05 Method of producing sulphur trioxide

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CA000387298A CA1154933A (en) 1981-10-05 1981-10-05 Method of producing sulphur trioxide

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CA1154933A true CA1154933A (en) 1983-10-11



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000387298A Expired CA1154933A (en) 1981-10-05 1981-10-05 Method of producing sulphur trioxide

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US5441890A (en) * 1992-08-20 1995-08-15 Michael Menzinger Dynamical destabilization of systems characterized by kinetically coupled components using a differential flow
WO1998026214A1 (en) 1996-12-10 1998-06-18 La Corporation De L'ecole Polytechnique Process and apparatus for gas phase exothermic reactions

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US5441890A (en) * 1992-08-20 1995-08-15 Michael Menzinger Dynamical destabilization of systems characterized by kinetically coupled components using a differential flow
WO1998026214A1 (en) 1996-12-10 1998-06-18 La Corporation De L'ecole Polytechnique Process and apparatus for gas phase exothermic reactions
US5941697A (en) * 1996-12-10 1999-08-24 La Corporation De L'ecole Polytechnique Gaz Metropolitain Process and apparatus for gas phase exothermic reactions

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