OA10238A - Emergency shelter - Google Patents
Emergency shelter Download PDFInfo
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- OA10238A OA10238A OA69724A OA69724A OA10238A OA 10238 A OA10238 A OA 10238A OA 69724 A OA69724 A OA 69724A OA 69724 A OA69724 A OA 69724A OA 10238 A OA10238 A OA 10238A
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- wall panels
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- tension
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- E04B1/00—Constructions in general; Structures which are not restricted either to walls, e.g. partitions, or floors or ceilings or roofs
- E04B1/343—Structures characterised by movable, separable, or collapsible parts, e.g. for transport
- E04B1/344—Structures characterised by movable, separable, or collapsible parts, e.g. for transport with hinged parts
- E04B1/3445—Structures characterised by movable, separable, or collapsible parts, e.g. for transport with hinged parts foldable in a flat stack of parallel panels
- Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
- Architecture (AREA)
- Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
- Electromagnetism (AREA)
- Civil Engineering (AREA)
- Structural Engineering (AREA)
- Tents Or Canopies (AREA)
- Buildings Adapted To Withstand Abnormal External Influences (AREA)
The invention relates to a shelter (1) comprising a number of rigid panels (2, 3 and 4) hinged together in a swivelling manner, the arrangement being made in such way that a central polygonal roof panel (2) is surrounded by a number of wall panels (3) equal to the number of sides of the polygon, each wall panel (3) having a side hinged in a swivelling manner to a side of the roof panel, a tension element (20) being arranged to extend along the edges of the wall panels remote from the roof panel so that when pulling the tension element (20), the adjacent edges of the wall panels are joined to form a three-dimensional structure.
01 0238
The présent invention relates to modular housing, and isparticularly concerned vith the provision of a lightveight, readilytransportable and easily erectable shelter. The shelters areintended for use in providing long term or teeporary shelter fordisplaced persons, refugees, etc., and to improve housing inundeveloped areas.
The currently conventional method o£ providing temporaryshelter for refugees is to provide tented accommodation. This typeof accommodation has several disadvantages, in that conditions areoften insanitary, ar.d the protection given from the éléments isseverely liraited, particularly in colder dînâtes. Furtherdisadvantages of tent accommodation are the muitiplicity of separateparts reguired to forra the tent structure, giving rise to the loss or r raisplaceraent of parts and thus rendering the structure inopérable insome cases, and the degree of skill needed to erect the tent.
The présent invention seeks to previde a readilytransportable, lightveight and veatherproof shelter, vhich is easilyerected using a minimum of unskilled labour, and vhich vhen erectedca.n provide effective and sanitary shelter in a vide variety ofclimatic conditions. À further advantage of the shelters of the présent inventionis that they are abls to be placed one atop another or otherviselinked and configured, thus effectively increasing the housingdensity achievable.
According to the présent invention, a shelter comprises anarray of substantially'rigid panels hi.ngedly joi.ned tegether, thearrangement of panels in the array Seing such that a centralpolygonal roof panel is surrounded by a number of vall panels equalin number to the sides of the polygen, each vall panel having an edgehi.ngedly attached to an edge of the roof panel, and a tension eiementbeing arranged to extend along the edges cf the vall panels renotefrom the roof panel in such a vay that by applying tension to the 010238 tension eleaent, adjacent edges of respective vall panels can bebrought together to forma three-dimensional structure.
In a preferred embodiment of the invention, a sheltercomprises polygonal roof and base panels of similar shape, and a 5 number of vall panels each having a pair of parallel sides, a first one of the parallel sides of each vall panel being joined to arespective edge of the base or roof panel, and each vall panel beingjoined to another vall panel by a joint extending along the second ofits parallel sides, at least one tension element being arranged to L0 encircle the array of panels by passing along or adjacent the joints formed by the second parallel sides of each vall panel, thearrangement being such that vhen tension is applied to the tensionéléments, the joints betveen respective pairs of vall panels aredrawn radially invardly of the structure and the base and roof panels 15 are upged apart. A shelter according to the présent invention vill nov bedescribed in detail vith reference to the accompanying dravings, invhich:
Figure 1 is a perspective viev of a shelter in the exected position; Figure 2 is a side elevat ion of a stage in the érection process ; Figure 3 is a perspective viev of the érection process shovn in Figure 2; and
Figures 4a and 4b are schematic plan vievs shovingalternative arrangements for the tension éléments.
Referring nov to the dravings, there is seen a shelter 1coraprising a roof panel 2 of generally hexagonal shape, six uppervall panels 3, each of vhich is trapézoïdal in shape, and six lovervall panels 4 similar in shape to the upper vall panels 3. Ahexagonal base complétés the structure.
Each of the trapézoïdal lover vall panels 4 is joined to arespective side of the base by a hir.ged joint extending along theshorter of its parallel sides. Likevise, each of the upper vall 35 3 010238 panels 3 is joined to a respective edge of the roof panel 2 by ahinged joint extending along the shorter of its parallel sides 6.
Each upper vall panel 3 is joined to a lover vall panel 4 bymeans of a pivotîng joint arranged along the lengths of the longerparallel sides 7 and 8 of the vall panels 3 and 4 respectively. Thecorner angles A of the trapézoïdal vall panels 3 and 4 are arrangedto be slightly less than 50 degrees, so that vhen the roof panel 2lies in contact vith the base panel, gaps exist betveen adjacentsdges 9 and 10 of neiçhbouring upper and lover vall panels. In thisconfiguration, the internai volume of the structure is minimised anda number of these structures can be packed fiat and trar.sported in aminimum volume. A tension element 20 is arranged to er.circle the shelter,the tension élément 20 being guided vithin or adjacent the hingedjointe betveen the upper and lover vall panels 3 and 4. Thus, in thecollapsed condition of the structure, the tension éléments 20 villextend across the gaps betveen neighbouring pairs of upper and lovervall panels.
Sy applying tension to the tension element, the hingedjoints betveen upper and lover vall panels 3 and 4 are urged radiallyinvardly of the structure, the resuit being to space the roof panel 2from the base panel, and to close the gaps so that edges 9 and 10 ofadjacent vall panels meet. In this condition the tension element issecured in order to retain the structure erect. As a safeguardagainst failure of the tension element, latching means may bearranged along adjacent edges 9 and 10 of the respective vall panels,so that by engagîng the latching means, the tension element may berelaxed vithout the structure collapsing.
As is shovn in Figure 2, tension may be applied to thetension element 20 by securing an end of the tension element 20, forexample to a post 21 sunk into the grcund, vhile pulling on the otherend, the tension element exter.ding from the post 21 to encircle themeduiar housing element 1, and then extending to a tension applyingmeans T. The tension applying means may be manual, as illustrated,or may be a vinch, a vehicle, or a draft animal. 010238
It vill readily by understocd that, using the arrangementschematically shovn in Figure 4a, the shelter 1 may easily be erectedby a single person applying tension to the tension element 20. Ifthe tension required is too great to be generated by a single personpulling the tension element, the arrangement shovn in Figure 4b canbe used in order to increase the available effort. Likevise, byvrapping the tension element 20 several times arcund the shelter, amechanical advantage may be obtained to enable a single person easilyto erect the shelter.
The tension element 20 is preferably led into a tubularguide extending along the pivot axis betveen the upper and lover vallpanels 3 and 4 by means of a fairlead 22, vhich may be provided vitha cleat for temporarily securing the tension element during theérection procedure.
The base and roof panels, and vall panels of the dvellingunit are preferably formed from lightveight materials such assynthetic plastics matériel. 3y using an impervicus outer skin ofsubstantially rigid plastics material over a lightveight foamedplastics core, panels of light veiçht and high rigidity can beproduced. Alternatively, the panels may be of a homcgeneous rigidinsulating material. In preferred embodiments of the invention, theedges 9 and 10 of the vall panels are equipped vith sealing meanssuch as lipped joints or rubber sealing gaskets, so that vhen theshelter is erected a draughtproof seal is effected betveen theseedges. The hinges joining the roof, base and vall panels togetherare preferably veatherproof, and may be reinforced by strips ofadditionally flexible veatherproofing material. It is envisaged thatupper vall panels 3 and the roof may be formed as a single unitincorporating flexible hinge lines, and the base and lover vallpanels 4 be likevise formed as a single unit, by injection nouldingfer example. An advantaçeous feature of such a structure is that thefree edges of the vall panels may be formed vith interdigitatir.g legspenetrated by aligned bores to receive a tubular hinge pin joiningeach of the upper vall panels te a respective lover vall panel.Tension éléments may be threaded through such tubular hinge pins. 010238
It is hovever envisaged that the housing units may be produced not only from rigid homogeneous insulating plastics matériels, but also front conventional naterial such as vood or light métal or textile materials, preferably in the form o£ sandwich panels having insulating cores of rigid plastics foam.
Door and vindow openings 30 and 31 respectively may beformed in the lover and upper wall panels 4 and 3. It is envisagedthat the shelters vill be formed front vall panels 3 and 4 which areidentical, the openings 30 and 31 preferably being also identical andbeing characterized as door or windov units by the Eixing thecein ofeither a door frame vith a hinging door or by a windov frame vith atransparent vîndow.
In a simplified embodiment of the invention, notillustratsd, a shelter may comprise a roof panel 2 and a numbsr ofvall panels 2 joined at their lover edges by a tension elementextending in guides running through the lover edges of the vallpanels 3. Such a shelter is essentially the upper half of thestructure shovn in Figure 1, and vould provide rudimentary sheltervith no intégral flcor to isolate the occupants front the ground. Insuch a shelter, and also in the floored shelters described above, thetension element or éléments may be attached to the vall panels byguides spaced frets the edges of the wall panels, so that for examplethe tension éléments are guided parallel to but spaced from the loweredges of the vall panels in the floorless structure. Similarly, inthe floored structure, tvo tension éléments may be provided so as toextend parallel to and on either side of the horizontal jointsbetveen upper and lover wall panels. In their simples* form, theguides may be rings placed adjacent the panel edges and spaced fromthe hinged joints.
Although the shelters show-n in the accompanying drawings aregenerally hexagonal in configuration, it should be understood thatthe roof panel 2 and base panel may be of any polygonal shape. Whilethe hexagonal shape is preferred, it is also possible to constructshelters according to the invention having base and roof panels ofany number of sides equal to cr greater than three. ε 010238
In a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, shovnin Figure 5, a bracing element is incorporated in the structure tonia intain thc structure erect in the event of a failure o£ the tensionelement. The preferred form of bracing element is a strut 40, oneend 41 of vhich is hingedly attached to the upper vall element 3 by abracket 42. The lover wall element 4 is provided vith a socket 43,into vhich the other end 44 of the strut can be received. When theshelter is in its collapsed state, the strut 40 is pivoted relativeto the upper vall element 3 so as to lie adjacent thereto, extendingfrom the bracket 42 radîally invardly of the housing unit. As theshelter is erected by pulling the tension element 20, vhich extendsthrough tubes 45 in the upper and lover vall éléments 3 and 4, thestrut 40 is pivoted avay from the upper vall element 3 until its end44 can enter the Socket 43. By slightly relaxing the tension elementat th'is time, the strut 40 can be engaged firmly in the socket 43 tosupport the structure of the housiny unit by preventing the upper andlover vall éléments 3 and 4 from pivoting tovards each other abouthinge 50. The strut 40 may be in the form of a hinged panel whosefree edge is received in a channel formed on the lover vall element4, or a sériés of separate bar struts may bu provided. The strutsmay pivot tovards their bracing positions under gravîty, or may berssiliently or othervise biased. Selectively opérable résilientbiasing means may act to urge the struts out of their bracingpositions for dismantling the structure.
In Figure 5, the hinges 50 betveen the upper and lover valléléments 3 and 4 and the base and roof 2 are shown as flexible stripsattached. to the adjacent edges cf the hinged panels. Vhile this villprcvide a veatherproof hinge, a conventional hinge may be used inconjunction vith a veatherproofing seal extending cver the hingedjoint.
The preformed upper and lover vall éléments 3 and 4 may be provided internally of the structure vith attachment points for internai fittinçs such as suspension points for hammocks, lamps or vater containers, storage fittings such as shelves or nets, or 7 010238 seating. The external surfaces may be canfigured to trap and channelrainvater to a discharge point for collection and storage, and roay beprovided with intégral solar panels for heating or pover génération.
Claims (12)
- - 8 - 010238 CXzAIKS; ‘ 1- A sheiter (1) conprising a central polygonalroof par.el (.2) surrounded hy sa array of wall panels (3) equal in number to the number of sides of the roofpanel, characterised in that ali the wall panels eachhâve two parallei sides (6,7) of unequal length and theshorter (6) of the parallei sides set at an obtuseangle to each of the adjcining sides (S, 10), in thateach such wall panel is hingedly attachée at theshorter cf the respective parallei sides ( 6 ) te oneside of the polygonal roof panel ( 2 ), and in that atension element (20) attachée to the wall panels (3) atlocations reroota from the roaf panai is under tensionand raaintaining adjacent sides (9,10) of respectiveadjacent pairs of wall panels in contact to form athree-dimensionai structura which is coilapsihie to acoplanar array of said panels on release of saidtension.
- 2. A sheiter according to clair 1, wherein theroof panel (2)is hexagonal.
- 3. A sheiter accarding to clair. 1 cr clair, 2,wherein the tension element (20) is received in a guideelement associâted with each wall panel ( 3 ), thetension element beir.g movable through the guideéléments.
- 4. A sheiter according to any preceding claim,wherein the tension element (20) is releaseabiy fixableto one of the wall panels (3).
- 5. A sheiter according to any preceding daim,wherein a tension element (20) is guidée within atubular element (22) sttached to the wall panels (3) atthe longer (7, S) cf the respective parallei sides.
- 6. A sheiter according to any preceding clair.,wherein an end of the tension element (20) is fixed toa first anchor point (21), and the tension element 010238 - 9 - extends therefrom te form a loop surrounding theshelter, the other end of the tension element beingfixable to a second anchor point ( 21 ).
- 7- A shelter according to any preceding claim, 5 wharein the tension element (20) comprises first andsecond tension element parts, each of which bas a firstend f ixed to a first anchor point ( 21 ), a central partextending round a respective hais of the circuinferenceof the shelter, and a second end fixable to a second 10 anchor point (21). S» A shelter according te any of claim S or claim.7, wherein the anchor points (22) for the tensionelement are mountBd to the shelter structure.
- 9. A shelter according to any preceding claim, 1S including a polygonal roof panel (2) and a polygonal base panel (S) c£ similar shape to the roof panel,respective said arrays of trapézoïdal wall panels (3)each having one said wall panel hingedly attached atthe shorter (6)of its parallel sides to each side of 20 the roof panel or base panel respectively, each upperwall panel (3)being joined to a lower wall panel (4) bya hinged joint extending along the longer (7,5) of theparallel sides of.the upper and lower wall panels, andat least one tension element (20 being arranged 25 mounted to the wall panels so as to encircle the arraysof panels by passing along or adjacent the jointsbstween the upper and lower wall panels (3,4), thearrangement being such that whsn the roof panel ( 2 ) andits associated array of wall panels (3) and the base 30 panel (5) and its associated array of wall panels (4)are respectively disposed in substantially ccplanarmannsr one above the other and joined by said jointsand tension ±s applied to the tension éléments (20),the j oints between respective pairs of upper ( 3 ) and 35 lower (4) wall panels are drawn radially inwardly of the structure and the base (5) and roof (2) panels are - 10 - 010238 urged apart.
- 10- A shelter according to claim 9, whereinhollow hinge brackets are ccmprised hy the hingec. jointbetween the longer parallel sides of the upper (3) and 5 lower (4) wall panels and act as tension élémenthousings.
- 11- A shelter according to any preceding clair,wherein releasable latching iceans ( 40 ) are provided toretain the upper (3] and lower (4) wall panels in 'their 10 erected relationship.
- 12. A shelter according to any of any precedingclair, whsrein the adjacent sides (9,10) of thetrapézoïdal wall panels (3,4) are provided with sealingœeans to form a seal when. the array panels are drawn 1S inwardly,
- 13. A shelter according to any preceding clair,wharsin a number of the wall panels (3,4) are foraedwith cutouts (30,31) to serve as Windows and doors.
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
GB939308355A GB9308355D0 (en) | 1993-04-22 | 1993-04-22 | Emergency shelter |
Publications (1)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
OA10238A true OA10238A (en) | 1997-10-07 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
OA69724A OA10238A (en) | 1993-04-22 | 1995-10-20 | Emergency shelter |
Country Status (2)
Country | Link |
OA (1) | OA10238A (en) |
RO (1) | RO117718B1 (en) |
- 1994-04-19 RO RO95-01816A patent/RO117718B1/en unknown
- 1995-10-20 OA OA69724A patent/OA10238A/en unknown
Also Published As
Publication number | Publication date |
RO117718B1 (en) | 2002-06-28 |
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