OA10634A - Method and device for presowing treatment of seed material - Google Patents
Method and device for presowing treatment of seed material Download PDFInfo
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- OA10634A OA10634A OA70130A OA70130A OA10634A OA 10634 A OA10634 A OA 10634A OA 70130 A OA70130 A OA 70130A OA 70130 A OA70130 A OA 70130A OA 10634 A OA10634 A OA 10634A
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- A01C1/00—Apparatus, or methods of use thereof, for testing or treating seed, roots, or the like, prior to sowing or planting
- A01G7/00—Botany in general
- A01G7/04—Electric or magnetic or acoustic treatment of plants for promoting growth
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- Pretreatment Of Seeds And Plants (AREA)
1 010634
Technieal Field
The présent invention relates in general to farming practice and hasparoicuiar reference to a method and device for presowing treatment of seedpièces.
Background Art
It is known commonly that accelerated maturity and increased tropyielcing capacity dépends directly on the quality of seed material.Elecoromagnetic radiation of different spectra and ranges has found widespreaduse for upgrading the seed material.
Thus. known in the art presently is a method for treatment of the seedmateria'. by being irradiated with an optical-range electromagnetic radiation(US, A. 4,041.642).
However, said method suffers front a low throughput capacity, since buta thizt laver of seeds can be treated due to a very high degree of opticalradiaoion absorption by the seed material.
One prior-art device for treating seed material carrying into effect saidmethod is known to comprise a source of an optical-range electromagneticradiarior. (ci. the above reference).
However, said device is disadvantageous in having too a low throughputcapacbry for the same reason.
Another state-of-the-art method for presowing treatment of seedmaternai is known to comprise a niagnetic activation of seeds, based oninteraction of a gradient magnetic field with the moving charged particlesBocated insice various piants (SU. A, 1,253,445).
Atcording to said method. a magnetic field gradient is established bycisplacing a large amount of material under treatment which involvesconsidérable power consumption. 2 010634 A prior-art device for presowing treatment of sced material is known torealize the aforediscussed method, comprising permanent magnets spaced somedistances apart lengthwise a seed transporting conveyer (cf. the samerefsrence).
Seeds are treated in said device with a magnetic field having a frequencyof f= 1/T . (T = 21/V), where 1 is the spacing between a pair of magnets (+, -), V is the speed of material transportation along the conveyer, whichspeed is close but is not equal to the frequency of conforming oscillations, sinceto set a distance between the pôles of the magnets that would correspond to anunstable transportation speed of material along the conveyer belt is a very hardtask. because the belt traversing speed in now-existing conveyers dépends onthe îoad thereon and therefore lies within a definite speed range.
Thus, said device is bulky, and said method requires tnuch area and timeto be carried into effect.
Attempts hâve also been made to use low-frequency electromagneticradiation.
Known in the art is a method for presowing treatment of seed material,consisting in exposing material under treatment to the effect of a low-frequencyelectromagnetic Field (cf. colle;ted papers entitled "Effects of natural and weakartificial magnetic fields on biological objects", 1973, Belgorod, pp.22 (inRussian).
According to said method, use is made of a low-frequency (20 Hz andhigher) for treating millet seeds.
However, said method failed to find widespread application due to anextremely low efficiency and unstable results, inasmuch as an increase in cropyielding capacity is very low o: no increase whatever is obtained.
Thus. the aforediscuss ri method suffers from instability of the resultsobtained, that is. as low as 8-10% gain in crop yield, the probability ofoccurrence of theevent being a out 52° o. A device for presowing treatment of seed material carrying theaforementioned method into effect is known to comprise a source of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations, and a radiator electrically connected to 010634 said source and emitting an electromagnetic radiation directed to the materialur.der treatment (cf. the same collected papers).
The aforementioned device uses a standard low-frequency oscillator ofsinusoïdal oscillations as the source of electromagnetic oscillations. Ilovvevcr,the effect produced by such a low-frequency electromagnetic field on thematerial under treatment is very much inefficient, since a gain in crop yield isexrremelv low, amounting but to 8-10%. As a resuit, the device carrying saidmethod into effect failed to find extensive use.
Disclosure of the Invention
The présent invention has for its principal object to provide a methodfor presowing treatment of seed material. wherein a low-frequencyelectromagnetic field has such parameters that treatment of seed materials withsaid field ensures a material and stable increase in the yielding capacity of farmcrocs by 20-25% and the accompanying upgrading of the products obtained, aswef as a device for presowing treatment of seed material carrying said methodintc effect, wherein a source of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations hassuch a construction arrangement that allows of treatment a large amount ofseeds with a view to increasing the crop yielding capacity by 20-25%, which inturc, allows of extending the field of application of said device.
The foregoing object is accomplished due to the faet that in a methodfor presowing treatment of seed material, consisting in exposing the materialunder treatment to the effect of a low-frequency electromagnetic field,according to the invention, use is made of a low-frequency electromagnetic fieldhavimg a frequency corresponding to the résonance frequency of intraglobulartransformations (rearrangements) in the material under treatment due to theeffect of conforming oscillations.
It is désirable that use be made of a low-frequency electromagnetic fieldh a vie. g an energy level below the energy of rupture of hydrogen bonds in thematerial under treatment.
Thcugh we do not prétend to put forward any theoretical prerequisite inthis respect, we however believe that presowing treatment of material isinfluenced by the following two hitherto-known factors, namely, high sorption 010634 activity of proteins-enzymes (cf. D.F.Koshland, J. Theor. Biol., v.2, 1962,p.75), resulting in formation of a nonspecific enzyme-substrate complex thaïinactivâtes the enzyme, and the presence of oscillatory processes resulting inintramolecular (intraglobular) Chemical transformations (rearrangements) thatdesrruct said nonspecific enzyme-substrate complex and reactivate the enzymeto form a spécifie enzyme-substrate complex (cf. Ye.P.C'hetverikov, "Biofizika",v. 13, 1968, Moscow, p.864 (in Russian).
However, formation of a nonspecific enzyme complex, though basicallyconducive to stabilization of the System, at the same time brings certainenzymes "out of play", as it were, thus affecting adversely the efficiency of theprocess of catalysis. Under natural conditions the System develops conformingoscillations of the relaxation nature. Formation and relaxation of a stabilizingnonspecific enzyme complex feature rather low-frequency oscillations, while thethus-formed complex has weak bonds. This enables the enzyme to periodically"get rie of the nonspecific substrate and to form a spécifie enzyme-substratecomplex, that is. to participate in the metabolic processes of the System.
The aforediscussed processes are quite practicable provided that thediscrète levels of free energy of the complex are adequately close to one another(which is cuite probable for a nonspecifically bound enzyme complex, since inthis case a complété energy of oscillation of a molécule of the sorbent eitherexceeds or equals the activation barrier) and are separated from one another bya relctively low energy or entropy barrier with which a comparatively smallnumber of weak bonds are to be changed consecutively for transition from oneState iinto another. To meet such a condition is quite enough, since fluctuationof oscillation energy can hâve time to occur at a low collisional frequency in an"energized" molécule.
The aforedescribed process of relaxation of the complex can bepremoted by an externally applied effect, consisting in an additionally appliedenergy ir. the form of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations in a résonancemode..
The aforesaid résonance frequency can be calculated using the knownroraufa for calculating the tunnel transfer frequency (cf. L.A.Blumenfeld,"Probltsrr.i of biological physics", 1974, Nauka PH, Moscow, p.229 (inRussian): 0ÎÜ634 e © ω = ©o · exp · (-2L ύ2ιπ (U-Eo)) Ii is the frequency of intraglobular transfer; ©0 is the collisional frequency of électrons; m is the électron mass; Eo is the level-to-level transition energy; L is thebarrier height; Ù is the barrier width; is the Planck's constant.
The thus-calculated frequency can virtually be used for the treatmentproposed herein.
It is at said frequency, as has been stated before, that there is ruptured atleast one of the weak bonds of the enzyme complex contained in the materialunder treatment, and eiectronïc densîty in the enzyme molécule is redistributed,which leads to a noticeable increase of enzymatic activîty, with the résultantaccelerated growth and development of the seeds sown after having beensübjccted the hcrein-proposed treatment. The energy of the radiation used isnot îo exceed the energy of rupture of hydrogen bonds equalling 4-4.5kcal/mole.
Generally, the required effect can be attained virtually for the seeds andiubers of ail kinds of plants when using electromagnetic oscillations having afrequency cf front 8 to 19 Hz. Such a treatment should be carried out not laterîhan “en davs before sowing.
Frequencies below 8 Hz and above 19 Hz lie beyond the limits of therésonance frequencies of intraglobular transformations in the plants that hâvebeen tused in. experiments. It is quite possible that some organic substances existthat fa.ll out the aforestated range and hâve the résonance frequencies ofÊntragiiobular transformations that are below 8 Hz and above 19 Hz. but suchsubstances hâve not yet been found.
The foregoing object is accomplished also due to the fact that in a devicefor prssowing treatment of seed material carrying into effcct the methoddisclos.ed hereinabove and comprising a source of low-frequcncyélectromagnetic oscillations, and a radiator clectrically conncctcd to said sourceand ennitting an electromagnetic radiation directcd to the material under 010634 (l treatment. according to the invention, the source of electromagnetic oscillationsis adjustable for radiation frequency within a range of from 8 to 19 Hz, as wellas for shape of the radiated signal so as to suit the intraglobulartransformations occurring in a given seed material.
It is désirable that the source of electromagnetic oscillations beadjustable also for radiation power.
It is expédient that provision be made in the proposed device for ameans for control over operation of the adjustable source of low-frcquencyelectromagnetic oscillations, the output of said means being electricallyconnected to said adjustable source,
The source of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations may alsocomprise a means for shaping the radiated signal as to frequency and form,said means being electrically connected to the output of the control means andto the radiator.
The source of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations mayaddi'ionaîly comprise a means for adjusting the radiation time and power,electrically connected to the output of the control means and to the radiator.
It is also expédient that the device be provided with a computer havingits output connected to the input of the control means.
The means for shaping the radiated signal as to frequency and form maycomprise a standard-frequency oscillator having a First output and a secondoutput. a synthesizer of the radiated signal phase count having a First inputand a second input and an output, said First input of said synthesizer beingconnected to the first input of said standard-signal oscillator, while said secondinput thereof is connected to the output of the control means, and a radiatedsignai shape synthesizer having a ftrst input. a second input. a third input, andan output. said first input of said shape synthesizer being connected to thesecond output of said standard-signal oscillator, while said second inputthereof is connected to the output of the synthesizer of the radiated signalphase count, and the third input of said shape synthesizer is connected to theoutput cf the control means. and the output thereof is connected to theradiator.
It is désirable that the means for adjusting the radiation time and powercomprises a timer having its input connected to the output of the control 010634 means, and an adjustable power amplifier having a firsi input and a secondinput. and an output, said first input being connected to the timer outptu, saidsecond input, to the output of the radiated signal shape synthesizer of themeans for shaping the radiated signal, while the output of said power amplifieris connected to the radiator.
Such a construction arrangement of the proposed device carrying intoeffect the proposed method, according to the invention, provides for a materialand stable increase in the yielding capacity of farm crops and the accompanyinguporading of the products obtained, since it makes it possible to increase thecrop yielding capacity using neither Chemical fertilizers nor herbicides, both ofwhtch. especially of the latter, are a harmful impurity of foodstuffs whichaffects their quality.
Brief Description of the Drawing
In what follows the présent invention is explained in the disclosure of anexeraplary embodiment thereof given by way of illustration to be taken inconr onction with the accompanying drawing presenting a block diagram of theproposed device carrying into effect the method, according to the invention.
Best Method of Carrying Out the Invention
The method for presowing treatment of seed material, according to theinvention, consists in that the material under treatment are exposed to the effectof a Low-frequency electromagnetic field.
Use is made of a low-frequency electromagnetic field having a frequencycorrssponding to the résonance frequency of intraglobular transformations(rearrangements) in the material under treatment due to the effect ofconfcrming oscillations, and an energy level below the energy of rupture ofhydrogen bonds in the material under treatment.
Use is made of a low-frequency electromagnetic field having a frequencyof frcrni S te 15 Hz.
The seed material is treated not later than ten days before sowing. 010634
Given below is a detailed description of the proposed device forpresowing treatment of seed material, carrying into effect the method,according to the invention.
The device of the présent invention comprises a source 1 of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations and a radiator 2 eleetrically connected tothe source 1 and emitting the electromagnetic radiation directed to the materialundsr treatment (omitted in the drawing).
The source 1 of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations is adjustablefor frequency within the range of from 8 to 19 Hz, for shape of the radiatedsignal in order to suit the intraglobular transformations occurring in a givenseed material, and for radiation power.
The device, according to the invention, comprises also a means 3 forcontrol over operation of the adjustable source 1, the output of said meansbeing eleetrically connected, through a bus 4, to the adjustable source 1, and acomputer ’naving its output connected, through a bus 6, to the input of themeans 3.
The source 1 of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations comprises ameans 7 for shaping the radiated signal as to frequency and form, and ameans 8 for adjusting the radiation time and power.
The means 7 for shaping the radiated signal as to frequency and formcomprises a quartz-crystal standard-frequency oscillator 9 having a firstoutput 10 and a second output 11, a synthesizer 12 of the radiated signal phasecoun: having a first input 13, a second input 14, and an output, the firstinput 13 of the synthesizer 12 being connected to the first input 10 of thestandard-frequency oscillator 9, while the second input 14 of the latter isconnected to the output of the control means 3 through the bus 4, and aradiated signal shape synthesizer 15 having a first input 16, a second input 17, athird input 18, and an output, the first input 16 of the shape synthesizer 15being connected to the second output 11 of the standard-frequency oscillator 9,the second input 17 of the synthesizer 15 is connected to the output of thesynthesizer 12 through a bus 19, and the third input of the shape synthesizer 15es connected to the output of the control means 3 through the bus 4.
The means 8 for adjusting the radiation time and power comprises aLimer 20 having its input connected to the output of the control means 3 010634 through the bus 4, and an adjustable power amplifier 21 having a first input 22,a second input 23, and an output, the first input 22 being connected to anoutput 24 of the timer 20, and the second input 23 is connected to the output ofthe radiated signal shape synthesizer 15, while the output of the poweramplifier 21 is connected to the radiator 2.
The control means 3 comprises a unit 25 for storage the information onthe operating mode of the source 1, the input of the unit 25 serving at the sametime as the input of the means 3, is connected, through the bus 6, to thecorcputer 5, while an output 26 of the unit 25 is connected to an input 27 aconîrol unit 28 proper, an output 29 of which is connected to an input 30 of theunit 25. The output of the control unit 28 serving as the output of the means 3,is connected, as has been described above, to the inputs 14 and 18 of therespective synthesizers 12 and 15 and to the input of the timer 20 through thebus 4.
The herein-proposed device for carrying into effect the method,according to the invention, comprises also a pulsed power supply unit 31having its outputs electrically connected to the aforementioned functional unitsof the device, and one of its inputs connected to the output of the timer 20.
The herein-described embodiment of the device can use the functionalunits that are widely known to those skilled in the art and comply fully with theobjects of the invention.
Thus, e.g., the source 1 of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillationsand the control means 3 may be based on integrated circuits having world-wideapplication.
Used as the computer 5 may be a world-renowned IBM computer.
The radiator 2 may appear as a solenoid.
Used as the pulsed power supply unit 31 may be an extensively knownpulsed unit having an input and an output voltage specified in the drawing.
The operating concept of the proposed device carrying into effect themethod, according to the invention, is as follows.
With a view to establishing a stable low-frequency electromagnetic fieldwith a relative frequency setting error on the order of 10-6, the oscillator 1 is to•be frequency-stabilized. To this end, it is the best practice to use the quartz- 10 crystal standard-frequency oscillator 9 featuring high-stability frequcnciesgenerated,
The device of the présent invention opérâtes in tlie following modes:
Mode A - presetting signal frequency and shape without its radiation;
Mode B - signal radiation; and
Mode C - direct setting and radiating a signal.
When the device opérâtes in mode A, a voltage of 12 V is applied to thepower unit 31 from a d.c. voltage source (omitted in the drawing). Informationon the frequency, shape, and power of the signal, as well as on the duration ofthe nrst and second signais is fed from the computer 5 through the bus 6 to theinformation storage unit 25 where it is stored until fresh information on moderesetting appears. The information storage unit 25 is powered from its ownsource, i.e., a storage battery (omitted in the drawing).
Thus, the device of the invention is ready for operation, i.e., emittingeleczromagnetic radiation for establishing a required field.
In further operation use of the computer 5 is no longer necessary, sincethe need for it arises only when resetting signal parameters, or with the deviceoperating in mode B.
When using the device for the purpose specified by the présentinvention, a starting signal enables the control unit 28, the information on thesignad parameters is read out and transmitted to the radiated signal shapesyntfcesizer 15, the synthesizer 12 of the radiated signal phase count, and thetimer 20.
It is in the radiated signal shape synthesizer 15 that the preset signalshape is realized stepwise with the aid of puises generated by the quartz-crystalstandard-frequency oscillator 9; for instance, when a sinusoïdal signal shape ispresett. the synthesizer 15 realizes said shape stepwise.
In what follows the présent invention will now be disclosed in a detaileddescription of a number of spécifie exemplary embodiments thereof by virtue ofthe pnoposed device which, however, are to be interpreted as illustrative andTtot irt a limiting sense.
Before proceeding to the various variants of presowing treatment of seedmaternai. le: us briefly consider general concepts of practical application of thepropased method for presowing treatment using the device, according to the 010634 invention. Experiments were conducted with the use of the aforedescribedsource 1 of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations which is capable of astepless frequency control in the range of from 8 to 19 Hz and generating anoutput power on the order of 3 W. Radiation was directed to the materialunder treatment which had been stored in piles, bags, and métal containershaving a capacity of up to 1000 t, with the aid of the radiator 2 which was infact a solenoid having a diameter of 35 cm and a résistance of 6 Ohm.
Example 1
Spring wheat seeds were subjected to presowing treatment at farm T.with a preset frequency of 15 Hz.
The seeds were treated with electromagnetic radiation at a frequency of15 Hz for 5 min. On the third day after treatment the specimens of the treatedseeds were sown for determining the germinating capacity and growing powerof the seeds in compliance with the existing world standards, and for makinganalysis for activity of alpha-amylase enzymes in corn seeds.
The analyses performed detected as follows: the germinating capacity,the length of the coleoptile and the root, the number of roots in the treatedseeds proved to be reliably larger than in the control. Thus, the germinatingcapacity was 96.7% against 89.3% in the control and the number of roots was4.7+/-0.53 against 3.26+/-0.40 in the control, i.e., larger by 44%. Activity ofalpha-amylase enzymes in the treated seeds was 29.59+/-0.60 relative unitsagainst 24.08+/-0.62 relative units in the control, that is, exceeded the controlby 23%.
Example 2
For treating a lot of fall wheat seeds at farm M. there was preset afrequency of 17 Hz and that preset for a lot of pea seeds was 18 Hz.
The aforementioned lots of seeds were treated by the proposed method,that is, winter wheat seeds were treated at a frequency of 17 Hz for 5 min andpea seeds were treated at a frequency of 18 Hz for the same time. The treatedseeds were sown in rolls of filter paper on the second day after treatment. Onthe fourth day after treatment the length of rootlet and shoot was measured, 01ÜC34 and the germinative energy and germinating capacity of the seeds weredetenmined.
It has been found that the winter wheat seeds treated with the proposeddevise carrying into effect the method, aceording to the invention, exceed, ascompared with the control, an average length of seedling rootlet by 1.7 cm(40%), the shoot length by 1.3 cm (more than twice); the germinative energy ofthe treated seeds is 86% against 82% in the control, and the germinatingcapacity, 97% against 95% in the control.
The rootlet length in the treated pea seeds exceeds the control by 1.6 cm(40%) and the shoot length, 0.4 cm (45%), the germinative energy andgerminating capacity of the treated seeds being 96% against 94% in the control.
It has been pointed out that an increase in the length of shoot and of theseedling rootlet in the treated seeds manifests itself in the initial germinationperic-d. In seven days after treatment, in case of heterotrophic feeding, thestimulatins effect of the treatment ceases, and the length of shoot and ofseedling rootlet in the treated seeds and in the control becomes the same.
Example 3
The proposed device for carrying into effect the method, aceording tothe invention, was tested for efficiency in presowing treatment of cotton seedsin laboratory and végétation experiments carried out at institute A. A frequency of 19 Hz was preset for treatment. A lot of cotton seeds was•treated with an electromagnetic field generated by the proposed device for 5min without destructing the package. The control lot of cotton seeds wassituated at îeast 500 m apart from the lot under treatment.
During laboratory experiments, on the fourth day after treatment thecotton seeds were held for 18 h in tap water at room température (the same asühe reference and control lots), whereupon the seeds were let to germinate indishes (100 pièces per variant) at fourfold réplication. On the third day afterplacing the seeds in the dishes the number of germinated seeds was counted.
With heterotrophic feeding of the seedlings after treatment of seeds, amore aictive development of the seedlings was observed. The germinative energywas 96·% against 86% in the control. In eight-day old cotton seedlings the length 0 î 0 G 3 4 13 of roots increased by 15 mm on the average against the control, the weight ofroots, by 14%, and the weight of shoots, by 13%. A still wider différence was found when determining the fieldgerminative ability which was equal to 160% on the fourth day of experiment(100% being adopted as the control) in the seeds treated with the proposeddevice, and amounted to 180% on the sixth day. The period from sowing toemergence of seedlings was three days in the treated seeds and eight days in thecontrol, and the period from sowing to the appearance of true leaflets was 15and 23 days, respectively. At the beginning of budding the number of buds inthe plants was 3.1 and 1.6 in the treated and control ones, respectively.
Example 4
There were conducted at farm K. commercial tests for growing thefollowing farm crops: pea. maize for grain, barley, sunflower, and carrot. Theoptimum treatment frequencies were selected for crop under test, namely,barley. 15 Hz, pea, maize, and sunflower, 8 Hz, and carrot, 19 Hz. Thetreatment procedure lasted 10 min. No phenological observations were carriedout. The results of two-stage harvesting demonstrated the following gain incrop yield compared with the control sowing: for pea, 600 kg/ha (19.3%), formaize. 800 kg/ha (21.4%), for barley, 750 kg/ha (19.1%), in sunflower, 520 kg/ha(23.0%), and for carrot, 250 kg/ha (18.0%).
Example 5
There were conducted at farm M. commercial tests for presowingtreatment of winter wheat seeds with the proposed device carrying into effectthe method. according to the invention.
The treatment was performed at a frequency of 17 Hz for 10 min. Thecontrol material was situated at a distance over 1.5 km from the seeds undertreatment.
Both the control and treated seeds were sown the next day aftertreatment en the area of 10 ha and 500 ha, respectively.
An analysis of the root Systems of the seedlings in the control and testplants showed a greater weight of those in the test plants. Harvesting of thecontrol crops demonstrated the crop yield of 4910 kg/ha, that of the test crops. 010634 14 5490 kg/ha, that is, the gain in crop yield as a resuit of presowing treatment ofseeds was 580 kg/ha.
Example 6
There were conducted at farm M. commercial tests for presowingtreatment of cotton seeds with the proposed device carrying into effect themetnod, according to the invention. The experimental lot of seeds wasconveyed to a field-camp at a distance of 4 km, where the seeds were treatedwith the proposed device at a frequency of 19 Hz for 10 min. The seeds ofcontrol and test lots were sown in the same day and on the same fieldoccupying up to 50 ha of the control area.
The seedlings of the treated seeds emerged on the third day after sowing,whereas those of the control, on the eighth-ninth day.
There was performed évaluation of the plants on the control andexperimental fields, the results being as follows: the control plants developed bythe t:me 7-8 sympodial shoots on the average, whereas the test plants developed12-12 shoots. Harvesting of the experimental field began two weeks earlier thanthat of the control field and gave a crop yield of 3800 kg/ha of cotton wool,whereas that of the control was 3300 kg/ha. The cotton fiber obtained from theexperimental plants was longer, fmer, and stronger for rupture than that of thecontrol plants, and displayed a pure white color.
Example 7
About 160 ton of bagged barley was subjected to presowing treatment.300 bags were stacked and the contents were treated with a radiation at a presetfrequency of 10 Hz for 9 min. The next day the control material was sown onan area of 30 ha. while the treated material was sown in drills on an area of740 ha with the seed embedding depth of 6-8 cm.
It h as been found after a two-stage harvesting that the crop yieldingcapacity in the control and in the experiment is respectively 1960 kg/ha and2150 Lg/ha.
Thus. the gain in the yield capacity was 190 kg/ha. 15 010634
Example 8
There was carried out at farm K. scientific-commercial testing of theprcposed device carrying into effect the method, according to the invention. A lot of spring wheat seeds packed in 15 bags was subjected to treatmentat a frequency of 15 Hz for 10 min. The control material (20 bags) wastransferred to a 5-km distant field to be sown there. Once the test seeds hadbeen treated, they were also transferred to the field for sowing. The sowing wascarried out on the same day, the treated seeds being sown on plots 3.8 ha inarea, and the control ones, on plots 4.9 ha in area.
Observations were made during the végétation period with respect to thefollowing parameters: density of crop, morphological analysis of plants, andcrop yield structure. No wide différence between the plant development phaseswas detected. However, the plants grown from the treated seeds were 102.5 cmtall, the weight of grains obtained from one plant was 1.16 g, and the weight of1000 grains was 41.4 g, whereas the corresponding figures for the plants grownon the control plots were as follows: 97.8 cm, 1.09 g, and 39.5 g. The cropyielding capacity on the plots sown with the treated seeds and on the controlplots was 2510 kg/ha and 2080 kg/ha respectively, that is, the gain in the yieldcapacity was 430 kg/ha.
Example 9
There was carried out at farm K. commercial testing of the proposeddevice carrying into effect the method, according to the invention, forprescwins treatment of soya and buckwheat seeds.
Soya seeds were placed on two drop-side trucks, whence the device waspowered from the truck storage battery. The radiator 2 was arranged on theground close to the trucks loaded with the seed material. The treatment wascarried out at a frequency of 8 Hz for 15 min. Used as the control were soyaseeds sown simultaneously on an area of 100 ha. The treated seed material wassown on an area of 600 ha in the same field and on the same day.
The germinative energy of the treated soya seeds was 90% and thegerminating capacity, 95% against 889 o and 95%, respectively, in the control.
The sheaf material was selected and the plants were measured to give thefollowing results: the plants grown from the treated seeds were 34.85 cm tall, 0 1 06 3 4 16 the control ones being 31.10 cm tall; the stalk diamcter in the middle plantportion of the test plants was 3-5 mm, that if the control plants, 3-4 mm.
Buckwheat seeds poured in a heap were treated for sowing on an area of500 ha. The radiator 2 was spaced 2 or 3 m apart from the heap of the materialunder treatment. An optimum frequency was 19 Hz, the duration of treatment,10 min. The control seeds were transferred to a 5-km distant field. Both thecontrol and test materials were sown on the 4th-5th day on a preparcd field,where the preceding crop was annual grass for hay followed by fall-ploughing.
The results of the field studies were as follows: height of plants grownfrom the treated seeds, 68.98 cm, that of the control plants, 57.78 cm; numberof fiower clusters per test plant, 7.67, that per control plant, 6.16.
Laboratory analysis of the seeds demonstrated that the germinatingcapacity of the treated seeds was 97%, that of the control, 94%; growing power,93% and 86%, respectively; percent of 3-cm long shoots in the test plants,79.7': o, that in the control, 22.5%; percent of 2-cm long shoots in the test plants, 18.2,; o, that in the control, 46.2%: percent of 1-cm long shoots in the test plants,2.0%;. that in the control, 29.2'%; and percent of shoots less than 1 cm long inthe test plants, 0.1%, that in the control, 2.1° o.
It is beyond any doubt that the plants grown from treated seeds willprovtde the maximum producing capacity. However, the final commercialresult will dépend on timely and quality harvesting.
Example 10
There were carried out at farm R. field testing of results of presowingtreatment of the seeds of pea. buckwheat, and millet with the proposed deviceearryûng into effect the method, according to the invention. A small lot of seeds (10 kg) was treated for 5 min using the proposeddevice. pea and millet seeds at an optimum frequency of 8 Hz, buckwheat seeds,at a frequency of 19 Hz. The control material was as distant as at least 600 mfrom the treated one. Both the control and test materials were sownsimulttaneously.
The studies performed hâve found activation of the growth processes inthe initia! period of plant development, i.e., the length of seedling rootlets andshoots in the experiment exceeds that in the control by 39.9%), the weight of 100 010 634 17 seedlings in the experiment exceeds thnt oF the control by 6.6%. The fieldgerminating capacity of the treated sceds exceeds thaï of the control by 9-14%.The obtained. gain in yield capacity is up to 450 kg/ha (20.3%) for pea, 360-470kg/ha (24.4-31.9%) for buckwheat, and 430 kg/ha (up to 10.9%) for millet.
Treatment of pea seeds makes il possible to reduce susceptibility ofplants to affection in the bud-and-flower forming phase down to 26.7%, and inthe picking maturity phase, to 39.3%. In addition, the treatment promotes ahigher protein content (up to 1.62%) of the green mass and up to 1.92% in thesseds. However, treatment of the millet seeds with an elcctromagnctic field aithe aforementioned frequencies produce no perceptible effect on the degree ofsusceptibility of millet seeds to kernel stnut.
Example 11 100 bags of potato were treated at farm O. at a frequency of 16 Ex for15 min, 40 bags bejng the control.
Potatoes of both the treated and control lots were sown on. areas of 10and 5 Ha, respectively. The following crop yicld was obtained: 2810 kg/ha inthe control field and 4490 kg/ha in the experimental field.
Example 12
Yellow carrot seeds were treated at farm K. at a frequency of 19 Hz for 5mr.n and sown thereafter on an area of 500 ha simultaneously with untreatedseeds which were sown on a control field of 10 ha.
The harvested crop was 830 kg/ha in the control and 1286 kg/ha in theexperiment. The carrot tubers harvested from the experimental field differedfrom the control ones not only in larger size but also in a more even and regularshape.
Example 13
Tomato seeds were treated at farm R. at a frequency of 17 Hz for 5 min.As a resuit of use of the proposed method for presowing treatment of seeds the tomàtOyielding capacity in the experiment was ! 103 kg/ha. whereasthat in the contre! was as low as 615 kg/ha.
IX 010634
Stated hereinbefore was but part of the exemplary embodiments of theproposed method which, in our opinion, characterize the essence of saidmethod adequately accurately and in great detail. However, we hâve conductedsortie further tests. Thus, for instance, treatment was carried out not only atoptimum frequencies specified in each of the examples stated, but also at otherfreçuencies within the specified range. Though the crop yields were in this casesornewhat below those obtained with the use of optimum frequencies, theyexcseded reliably the crop yields obtained with the use of untreated seedmaterials.
Admittedly, treatment of seed material with low-frequencyeieccromagnetic fields in the frequency range of from 8 to 19 Hz results inhigher yielding capacity.
It must be kept in mind that treatment is to be performed not earlierthan. ten days before sowing, since otherwise the treatment efficiency isaffected. Thus, according to the data obtained at farm K., a reliable différenceir. the number of flower clusters between the test and control buckwheat plantsgrown from the seeds sown within the first week after treatment is 24°» (gain incrop yield - 26.5û-o), whereas that of the plants grown from the seeds sown in thesecond week (on the 9th-l Oth day) is as low as 5% (gain in crop yield - about10%)..
Ane ultimately, it is expédient to select an optimum frequency value inevery particular case, since it may vary in definite limits depending on the kindand grade of the seed material used. However, in any case the frequency rangeof from 8 to 19 Hz wilî be instrumental in attaining positive results.
Thus, the herein-proposed device carrying into effect the method,according to the invention, is intended for synthesizing different-shape low-frequency signais (shaped predominantly as square /meander/, saw-tooth,sir.usoid). and combination thereof for radiating them in the surroundingmedium when operating into an inductive (solenoid or some other meansemittimg a magnetic field) or capacitive load. The proposed device opérâtes incorlunctiort with a software and an IBM or IBM-compatible computer.
Described hereinbefore hâve been some exemplary embodiments of thepresera invention illustrating the capabilities of the proposed method carriedHnto effect by the device, according to the invention, and in which various 010634 19 altérations and modifications may be inade, witliout departing from the scopeof the appended daims, as will be readily understood by tbose ski lied in the art.
Industrial Àpplicability 5
The présent invention can find application for treating seed material ingrowing not only grain crops, but also solanaceous, oleaginous, leguminous,meion-field, and root crops. In a variant of the proposed device for researchwcrk provision of an appropriate software makes it possible to produce signais10 of any geometrical shape in the frequency range of front 1 to 50 Hz and an off-duty factor of from 0.001 to 1000, and a nonlinear distortion factor of anelectric signal within 0.01 and 0.001% at the output connector with an activeload of 8 Ohm and a signal discreteness of 10-4. The device can bemartufactured on industrial scale for presowing treatment of seeds according togrcaps of related enzymes, that is, for grain, leguminous, tuber crops, andvesstable seeds. 15
Claims (13)
- 20 010634 CLAIMS1. A method for presowing treatment of seed material, consisting inexposing the material under treatment to the effeet of a low-frequencyelectromagnetic field, CHARACTERIZED in that use is made of a low-frequency electromagnetic field having a frequency corresponding to therésonance frequency of intraglobular transformations (rearrangements) in thematerial under treatment due to the effeet of conforming oscillations.
- 2. A method as set forth in claim 1 CHARACTERIZED in that use ismade of a low-frequency electromagnetic field having an energy level below theenersy of rupture of hydrogen bonds in the material under treatment.
- 3. A method as set forth in claim 1 or claim 2. CHARACTERIZED inthat use is made of a low-frequency electromagnetic field having a frequency offront 8 to 19 Hz.
- 4. A method as set forth in claim 1 or claim 2, CHARACTERIZED inthat treatment of seed material is carried out not later than 10 days beforesowing.
- 5. A method as set forth in claim 3. CHARACTERIZED in thattreatment of seed material is carried out not later than 10 days before sowing.
- 6. A device for presowing treatment of seed material, comprising asource (1) of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations, and a radiator (2)electrically connected to the source (1) and emitting an electromagneticradiation directed to the material under treatment, CHARACTERIZED in thatthe source (1) of electromagnetic oscillations is adjustable for radiationfrequency within a range of from 8 to 19 Hz. as well as for shape of the radiatedsignal so as to suit the intraglobular transformations occurring in the seedmaterial under treatment.
- 7. A device as set forth in claim 6, CHARACTERIZED in that thesource (1) of electromagnetic oscillations is also adjustable for radiation power.
- 8. A device as set forth in claim 6, CHARACTERIZED in thatprovision is therein made for a means (3) for control over operation of theadjustable source (1) of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations, the outputof the means (3) being electrically connected to the adjustable source (I).
- 9. A device as set forth in claim 8, CHARACTERIZED in that thesource (1) of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations comprises also a 21 010634 means (7) for shaping the radiated signal as to frequency and form, said meansbeing electrically connected to the output of the control means (3) and to theradiator (2).
- 10. A device as set forth in claim 8. CHARACTERIZED in that the5 source (1) of low-frequency electromagnetic oscillations comprises also a means (8) for adjusting the radiation time and power, electrically connected tothe output of the control means (3) and to the radiator (2).
- 11. A device as set forth in claim 8, CHARACTERIZED in thatprovision is therein made for a computer (5) having its output connected to the 10 input of the control means (3).
- 12. A device as set forth in claim 9 or claim 11, CHARACTERIZED inthat the means (7) for shaping the radiated signal as to frequency and formcomprises a standard-frequency oscillator (9) having a first output (10) and asecond output (11), a synthesizer (12) of the radiated signal phase count having 15 a first input (13) and a second input (14) and an output, said first input (13) ofsaid synthesizer (12) being connected to the first input (10) of said standard-signal oscillator (9), while said second input (14) thereof is connected to theoutput of the control means (3), and a radiated signal shape synthesizer (15)having a first input (16), a second input (17), a third input (18), and an output, 20 said f.rst input (16) of said shape synthesizer (15) being connected to the secondoutput (11) of said standard-signal oscillator (9), while said second input (17)therecf is connected to the output of the synthesizer (12) of the radiated signalphase count, and the third input (18) of said shape synthesizer (15) is connectedto the output of the control means (3), and the output thereof is connected to 25 the radiator (2).
- 13. A device as set forth in claim 10 or claim 11, CHARACTERIZED inthat the means (8) for adjusting the radiation time and power comprises atimer f20) having its input connected to the output of the control means (3),and an adjustable power amplifier (21) having a first input (22) and a second 30 input (23), and an output, said first input (22) being connected to theoutput (24) of the timer (20), said second input. to the output of the radiatedsignal shape synthesizer (15) of the means (7) for shaping the radiated signal,while the output of said power amplifier (21) is connected to the radiator (2).
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
OA70130A OA10634A (en) | 1997-11-18 | 1997-11-18 | Method and device for presowing treatment of seed material |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
OA70130A OA10634A (en) | 1997-11-18 | 1997-11-18 | Method and device for presowing treatment of seed material |
Publications (1)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
OA10634A true OA10634A (en) | 2001-04-24 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
OA70130A OA10634A (en) | 1997-11-18 | 1997-11-18 | Method and device for presowing treatment of seed material |
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OA (1) | OA10634A (en) |
- 1997-11-18 OA OA70130A patent/OA10634A/en unknown
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