Modelul de utilitate se refera la dispozitivele destinate protectiei usilor vagoanelor de cale ferata, containerelor, autofurgoanelor, depozitelor, gurilor cisternelor etc. contra patrunderii persoanelor straine. Dispozitivul de inchidere-sigilare contine un corp (1) in care sunt executate doua canaluri strapunse (2) si (3), in unul dintre care, cel executat cu trepte (2), este fixat rigid unul din capetele unui element (4) flexibil de infasurare, capatul liber al caruia este dotat cu un cap (16), totodata diametrul orificiului de iesire al canalului corespunde diametrului elementului flexibil si este mai mic decat diametrul cavitatii interioare a acestui canal. In celalalt canal (3) strapuns, diametrul orificiului de intrare al caruia corespunde diametrului elementului (4) flexibil si este mai mic decat diametrul cavitatii canalului insusi, este amplasat un mecanism de blocare ce include, cel putin, doua elemente de strangere (5), executate in forma de segmente ale unei bucse cu crestaturi si care sunt puse pe arc din partea orificiului de intrare. Noutatea consta in aceea ca canalul in care este amplasat mecanismul de blocare este executat cu trepte. Pe partea cilindrica interioara a fiecarui element de strangere (5) al mecanismului de blocare sunt executate, cel putin, doua proeminente sferice. Mecanismul de blocare continesuplimentar niste elemente cuneiforme (7), numarul carora este egal cu numarul elementelor de strangere (5), una din suprafetele laterale ale fiecarui element cuneiform (7) este executata cilindrica si cuplata cu suprafata cilindrica a canalului executat in trepte, alta suprafata laterala este executata plata, inclinata si este cuplata cu partea exterioara a elementului de strangere corespunzator, executata de asemenea plata si inclinata. Elementele cuneiforme (7) sunt instalate in canale astfel, ca fiecare capat gros al fiecaruia din ele esteplasat cu opritor fata de proeminenta din partea orificiului de intrare pentru elementul flexibil de infasurare (4), iar in capatul opus al fiecarui element cuneiform este executata o canelura dreptunghiulara, cu care este imbinat elementul transversal de sprijin indoit in interior, care este format la capatul peretelui dopului (9) cu capsula, care este fixat rigid in canal, din partea orificiului lui de iesire, totodata, numarul elementelor de sprijin corespunde numarului de elemente cuneiforme (7), iar la baza dopului (9) cu capsula este executat un orificiu central, diametrul carui corespunde diametrului elementului flexibil (4). Unghiul de inclinare a suprafetei plate a elementului cuneiform (7) si unghiul de inclinare a suprafetei plane imbinate cu ea a elementului de strangere (5) al mecanismului de blocare constituie nu mai putin de 5o. Corpul (1) este executat in forma a doi cilindri paraleli fixati rigid, iar pe corp este fixata rigid o placa pentru a efectua marcarea.The utility model refers to the devices intended for the protection of the doors of rail cars, containers, autofurgers, warehouses, tank mouths, etc. against the penetration of foreign persons. The closing-sealing device contains a body (1) in which two pierced channels (2) and (3) are executed, in one of which, the one executed with steps (2), is rigidly fixed one of the ends of an element (4) flexible wrap, the free end of which is provided with a head (16), at the same time the diameter of the outlet port of the channel corresponds to the diameter of the flexible element and is smaller than the diameter of the inner cavity of this channel. In the other channel (3) pierced, the diameter of the inlet hole which corresponds to the diameter of the flexible element (4) and is smaller than the diameter of the cavity of the channel itself, a locking mechanism is located which includes at least two clamping elements (5) , executed in the form of segments of a bush with notches and which are placed on the arc from the inlet port. The novelty is that the channel in which the locking mechanism is located is executed with steps. On the inner cylindrical part of each clamping element (5) of the locking mechanism, at least two spherical projections are executed. The mechanism of additional locking of some cuneiform elements (7), the number of which is equal to the number of the clamping elements (5), one of the lateral surfaces of each cuneiform element (7) is executed cylindrically and coupled with the cylindrical surface of the channel executed in stages, another the lateral surface is executed flat, inclined and is coupled with the outer part of the corresponding clamping element, also executed flat and inclined. The cuneiform elements (7) are installed in channels such that each thick end of each of them is placed with a stop relative to the projection from the inlet port for the flexible wrapping element (4), and at the opposite end of each cuneiform element a the rectangular groove, with which the transverse support element is bent inwardly, which is formed at the end of the cap wall (9) with the capsule, which is rigidly fixed in the channel, from its outlet orifice, at the same time, the number of the support elements corresponds to the number of cuneiform elements (7), and at the base of the plug (9) with the capsule a central hole is executed, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the flexible element (4). The angle of inclination of the flat surface of the cuneiform element (7) and the angle of inclination of the flat surface combined with it of the clamping element (5) of the locking mechanism constitutes not less than 5o. The body (1) is made in the form of two parallel cylinders fixed rigidly, and on the body a plate is rigidly fixed to carry the marking.