Valayamkunnath et al., 2022 - Google Patents
Modeling the hydrologic influence of subsurface tile drainage using the National Water ModelValayamkunnath et al., 2022
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- 3500102802938376245
- Author
- Valayamkunnath P
- Gochis D
- Chen F
- Barlage M
- Franz K
- Publication year
- Publication venue
- Water Resources Research
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Subsurface tile drainage (TD) is a dominant agriculture water management practice in the United States (US) to enhance crop production in poorly drained soils. Assessments of field‐ level or watershed‐level (< 50 km2) hydrologic impacts of TD are becoming common; …
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- G06F17/00—Digital computing or data processing equipment or methods, specially adapted for specific functions
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